#Monday please dont fuck me
wanderingknights · 1 year
need to universe to work with me and let this job go through like please it’s close to my house and the physical therapist is more than willing to giving me the option of part time so I can study for my boards exam and get my license please UNIVERSE PLEASE
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wait does this mean you’ll be able to explore the update when it drops now? because of the new date? or is the case still the same?
no ok this answer is sooooo Funny bc uh
well apparently due to a Christmas Miracle i don't start working this week, today was just orientation. so i Would have been able to actually make it.
but now? WHO KNOWS!!!! WHO FUCKING KNOWS!!! i dont have my schedule yet!!! i'll get it by wednesday!!! so!!! with my continuously Dogshit luck! the case is still very much the same!
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joelletwo · 8 days
now it is incredibly late to be saying this but god the month-long hiring process has sucked kjsdf turns out thats the perfect amount of time for the excitement-anxiety to wear off and then the hopeful responsible problem-solving forward-thinking optimism to wear off and then the "fuck it" dissociation to wear off and whatever other defensive layers i had up between me and "huh maybe itd be easier if i died than to get a new job to do badly at" to wear off lol whoops. please. please. please. its literally gonna be fine once i actually get started and get in the swing of it. i JUST have to survive a few more miserable days <- NOT IN DANGER. just fucking miserable
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b33viemm · 10 months
analysis on hobie's am pm comments (I'm not British)
I keep thinking about this. So when Hobie says "Hate the AM, hate the PM." in his introduction, he means the Prime Minister (PM). AM could be there for numerous reasons. It could be a throwaway line, maybe it's there to make that sentence less overtly political, allowing plausible deniability on if he's talking about hating the Prime Minister (although Pav talking about how the British stole their stuff might make this null because that's pretty hard to deny), or maybe he just hates all times of the day equally.
Shift your focus. In my head, when I first heard the AM PM comments Hobie made during the movie, I thought the serious line was AM, not PM, since I didn't know that stood for Prime Minister. I've only just recently learned this. When I thought about it more after watching the movie, I felt like he was referencing capitalism and toxic work culture. How our lives are so shaped around our work, and, if we get a bit more literal, how people have to get up so early to go to work/school and how unhealthy it actually is. Reminded me of something I heard once, "You don't hate Mondays, you hate capitalism". After learning about the PM comment, I still think it fits really well. I'm not great at deep analysis so sorry if I didn't explain/expand upon this very well but it made a lot of sense to me and it still does. Even if this line was unintentional or not meant to be taken seriously, I feel it adds more depth and makes it more interesting.
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thosetwofirefighters · 7 months
tag game <3
tagged by @the-likesofus ilysm :))
shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10 songs
1. Midas - ari hicks 2. wow - Alaska Thunderfuck 3. Bad Bandit - Xana 4. King Cobra - Sizzy Rocket 5. WITCH - Delilah Bon & ALT BLK ERA 6. Mommy - Sizzy Rocket 7. Distracted - Honey Revenge 8. Side Effects - Carlie Hanson 9. In Loving Memory - Arm's Length 10. Martyr - KiNG MALA
your top 15 favorite tv shows can say a lot about your personality" (list your top 15 shows)
1. 9-1-1 2. The Mentalist 3. Black Mirror 4. Young Royals 5. The Good Place 6. Broad City 7. Malcolm in the Middle 8. Disenchantment 9. Archer 10. Avatar: The Last Airbender 11. 9-1-1: Lone Star 12. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 13. Hilda 14. RuPaul's Drag Race 15. Criminal Minds
jfc that was hard lmao, no pressure tagging @lilbuddie @amandalee24 @loserdiaz @elvensorceress @poughkeepsies @mooshkat
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hearties-circus · 10 months
I kinda feel like I've just hard erased any happiness or elation I had from being done with school all just so I wouldnt get asked a stupid question anymore I hate this I hate this
#gamer txt.#not once have i actually fucking wanted to go to college this was just the only way to make ppl stop asking me about jobs#but im realising now that was a stupid decision and i hate that i made it i hate tgat i had the chance to back out and didnt#the only thing that made school worth it before was my friends that was the only time id get to see them#now im going back to school completely without them like a fucking idiot#i know college is different from highschool i get that and i do want to learn fab weld but fuck me this was dumb#i know damn well im not going to make any new friends during this course im more terrified of people than ive ever been#and i stick out from my class like a sore thumb#whats worse is my nervousness from this has started fucking with my appetite and hunger and that is the worst possible thing it could do#that is like the number one way to break me#im already in such a vulnerable state i do not need constant fucking reminders of trauma i cant fucking escape#and im meant to just be normal and be a person and go to class on monday?#im this close 👌 to just dogging it. im pretty sure ill be getting the train in like i could full well just fuck off and leave#its not like they have my mums number she wouldnt know any different from what i told her#can i not just stay in the purgatory of being a teen old enough to be done with school but young enough to not have a job forever ?#please? im not ready for this im not i couldnt be less ready for this why did i let myself succumb to this pressure? i hate it#g-d i havent cried in. months now. this feels so. this is too much this is way too much fot me i cant do this#i dont know how i thought i could when the hell have i ever been able to do something like this on my own#theres nothing to me on my own i dont have any confidence i dont have any strength i need my friends for that and i dont have them
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rosymorns · 1 year
nothing will remind you how many people should not be parents like the comment section of a video of a four year old being upset over something.
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sucktacular · 11 months
I used this stupid mobile game app called MistPlay a year or so ago cuz I legit have nothing better to do than grind on shitty mobile games to make pocket money (don't use the app it takes so fucking long and you have to play the shittiest games ever that Want Your Money and spam you with ads.)
Anyway I haven't used the app in ages but I started getting ads on Tumblr from MistPlay saying things like "are you sure you want to quit?" and "come back!" and shit and like... It's so fucking predatory that my ad preferences, which I seem to have no control over on Tumblr dot com, recognize that I've used the app and give me specific ad placements to try and lure me back into it.
Like ... What the actual fuck? Anyway I'm deleting the apps and games now cuz I do not take kindly to this kind of information invasion. I know it's common online now a days but also... How fucking insidious. How fucking creepy. How fucking invasive. Get out of my face and die, perhaps.
Anyway as one of my favorite comments of late said: "go to hell little boy"
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2oranges · 1 year
i love my boyfriend 😭
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
given that LAD brought back three characters thought to be dead (two by fans and one in-universe), and the ever important lack of a body, I hold out hope. If so, I really hope his new identity is basically his emo self but now in his 40s.
it'd be SO soon after he was killed it'd just feel like a kick to the dick honestly, but it would be hilarious at the same time ☠
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scalpelsister · 2 years
gen not trying to sound like a bitch or anything here but its really annoying to hear ppl get on my ass for not tagging spoilers when I /do/. like esp on a vaguely worded venty post about missing a character. like im sorry if it inconveniences you to block another tag or block me but don’t get on my ass about it
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tlacehualli · 1 year
love as hunger
[ love as ravenous desire, love as something fragrant and home-built ] when florence welch said "we all have a hunger" and when jenny slate asked "who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me?" and when violet trefusis wrote "I want you hungrily, frenziedly. passionately. I am starving for you..." and when anne carson asked "what are we made of but hunger and rage?"
tagged by: @femtaile tagging: @ovcrwctch @welcometotheoverwatch @tornhellfire @flower-ofthedead @scrapbunny
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fooltofancy · 2 years
i have so much to do today but all i want to do is throw up, lmao.
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effervescent-fool · 2 years
i love how my friends will sit here and complain about me being distant but then when i try to talk about the shit im interested in they fucking ignore me. like. girl i have been TRYING. but talking to you is EXHAUSTING.
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Like ok how you going to guilt ME for not making you go 3 hours out of the way?
#a family member died. they live 3 hrs from me. and 8 hours from my parents#funeral is on Wednesday#first mom was like ok we'll come to Tuesday and all go together Wednesday and drive back the same night#I'm like...seems unlikely that you'll do that#she's like well a hotel will be expensive#(ok girl no offense but this family member lives in bum fuck nowhere. hotels are under $100. do you need money?)#im like you don't...need to stop by here. your adding 3 hours to your trip#shes like but we should all go as a family#(sir permission to speak sir but i dont want to be in a car with ya'll for six hours either...)#im like ok fine but come Tuesday. we all go up Wednesday. you leave Thursday.#she responds no we'll come on Monday leave Friday.#and stay at your place the whole time to save money#uh. no.#thats absolutely not how that works.#this isn't a holiday inn. i miss my parents but i hate that they think they can just stay here whenever#if it was just me fine. but i dont live in this house alone and hate imposing them on my roommate#also they didnt ask. they're just like we're going to be there a week.#hello? no girl. i have work. your not lurking in my house for 3 extra days for no reason#i told her no. come down Tues. we all go together wed. you leave thur. and also please keep in mind you inconvenience my roommate#when you just come over. i know this used to be your house but it's hers now and she doesn't need you guys in her personal space for a week#just for a 1 day funeral#hours later shes like oh we're going to spend the night there then. you have to drive yourself. you cant come with us. you don't want us#in your house fine. we won't come visit again.#GOOD. IF THERES ONE THING I HATE ITS AN UNINVITED GUEST#you don't need to drive 11 hours just to hang out with me for 1.5 days. chill.
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teruthecreator · 3 months
im trying to stay positive but it feels so joever
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