#Ml aeon
galahadwilder · 1 month
Despite being fully sentient and being capable of actually properly learning the language in seconds, Aeon still speaks French as if she were running it through Google Translate
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
I'm even more excited for that lesbian New York x Shanghai special now cuz I can't wait to hear Fei, Jess and Aeon screeching at the same when they find out Adrienette is canon
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❗️leak info❗️
Marinette at the start of every episode: but there’s something about me that know one knows yet
Meanwhile Luka, Alya, Bunnix, Aeon, Felix and Kagami:
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Markov was planned as a robot with human emotions, however, they didn't gave Aeon the same courtesy. Acting as if her death didn't matter because she was not human.
Kinda gross how a tiny blue thing is more respected than a black woman look alike.
It's fully rank like. Aeon looks and acts and thinks and feels like a human person, but I guess cos she's black that makes her less human than a flying 8 ball 🙄
Like, we the audience are fully meant to be utterly bereaved by Markov being treated, ultimately, like a powerful AI system. Like were meant to feel heartbroken over Markov being confiscated or feeling ignored or something.
But when Aeon, who for all intents and purposes, is closer to human than Markov gets killed on screen by adrichat, *Aeon* is not the one we're meant to grieve for??? We're meant to feel ~sad~ because it hurt poor ickle adrikins feelings to kill a black girl ☹☹
It's like "Oh okay! This character we're expected to treat like a person is *actually* only a person until Adrien needs to kill them. Then it's fine! They're just an expendable robot we can fix or bring back to life with magic it's no big deal! 🤪"
Honestly I can't even. Like, bad enough that mlb has their white character kill a black girl on screen, and it's even worse that were meant to feel bad for the *white guy* but THEN just to rub salt in the wound, we're expected to treat a flying tennis ball with more sympathy and grief than the fucking black girl.
At this point it's not even hypocritical. It's just straight up unadulterated bigotry. Racism. Misogyny. It's disgusting.
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“As much as I do like Aeon, WHY did she have to be a gynoid instead of a full-on POC? Sometimes, I feel like it's not enough to look like it for it to really be considered true representation. I'm sorry if this seems picky or "not being grateful for what we have", but as a POC myself, why should I be grateful when POC is always treated dirty like this???”
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
Kiikaa is partnered with Aeon isn't she.
Kiikaa: I am!
[Which reminds me, I now have a page that shows everyone's holders for my AU here. It's a work in progress, more needs to be added and I might make it more detailed later.]
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zoe-oneesama · 7 months
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Some "Special" Girls! And the late girls.
Ko-fi | Patreon
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ladymiraclewings · 11 months
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The characters from the Miraculous Worlds, Fei, Jess, Aeon and the United Heroez made their official appearance in the main series during the finale.
So good to see them again, and same thing for Bunnyx
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sweetmeatdale · 9 months
Marinette on a video call: we actually got a new student from New York maybe you guys know her.
Aeon: Marinette, New York and Paris are two of the most densely populated places on earth, the odds of us both knowing this one random person would be astronomic-
Jess: Is it Zoe?
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splazartj · 5 months
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I know some think it can be but I do actually find it interesting.
Aeon Hill aka Uncanny Valley, as a thunderbird holder from Native Miraculous Box.
Her power would be give will to the inanimated objects.
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littlesparrow07 · 9 months
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If this episode is a filler I would have liked the idea of Fei, Jess & Aeon keeping in contact with Marinette. In my head canon I did believe Fei & Marinette we’re keeping touch over phones.
Wish they would show this in the show if this is non canon. However we can tell it does take place between S5
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wilygryphon · 10 months
Miraculous Ladybug Rewrite– New York Special: United HeroeZ
This take on the New York Special takes place between the Season 3 finale and the Season 4 opener, much like canon, and because things diverged from canon significantly in Miracle Queen and because this is my show, things are pretty different in this take.
Gabriel does not go to New York to acquire the Eagle Miraculous.  He stays in his own lane and doesn’t threaten nuclear war.  He actually spends the week working on repairing the Peacock Miraculous.
Marinette and Adrien are dating, so no shenanigans by Alya and Nino to get them together, though the friends do muse about how far they have come.  They are also dating Kagami, who is not in their class, so they are somewhat sad that she is unable to join them.
Marinette and Adrien are still processing their mutual identity reveal, such as when Marinette fishes for an excuse to separate from Adrien to transform only for Adrien to remind her that they don’t need to hide their identities from each other anymore.
Techno-Pirate is the main antagonist of the special, acting entirely on his own.  After being defeated on the plane, he breaks out of custody by himself and uses stored weapons to break into the museum and steal the Eagle Miraculous.  He does everything that he did in the canon special, but on his own and without being Akumatized.
Chloé is having trouble enjoying the trip, as she had always wanted to go to New York with her mother, yet now she’s there on her own and she is estranged from Audrey.  Sabrina and her new friend Delmar try to cheer her up, culminating in them trashing a Style Queen store window.
Zoé makes a background cameo hanging out with Jess and Aeon at the rooftop party.  When she spots Chloé, she wants to go meet her, but she gives up when Chloé goes off to sulk.
Aeon does not delete her memory of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities.  The duo wonders, since AI robots are unaffected by their glamours, if Markov knows who they are under their masks.
In the celebration at the end, Marinette and Adrien bring Kagami into a video call so she can join in.  Juleka does the same with Luka as well as Nathaniel with Marc.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Adrienette better be canon before that upcoming Shanghai x New York special cuz if Fei, Jess and Aeon hear these two are STILL not canon after they spent so much time on shipping they're gonna throw hands.
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mlwritersguild · 1 year
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Like we said in our last post, a lot of us at the MWG are proud rare pair shippers, there are some pairs we never thought we’d like... until, of course, we read the fic.
To recap, our January event, as usual, was to recommend and review our favorite fics that we read in 2022! To make things a little bit more interesting and fun, we treated it a bit like an awards ceremony or spotify wrapped. If you know the tumblr accounts of any authors on AO3 that were mentioned but not tagged, please tag them!
Continuing with our rec lists, here's part fourteen, the MWG nominations for unexpected ship fics (aka the ones that make you ‘damn ok I do ship it’)!
One Thing Right by orphan_account
lila rossi/aeon // slowburn // good lila // fluff and angst // tw implied/referenced self-harm
Blood Will Tell by @sunfoxfic
feligami // no powers au // friends with benefits // unplanned teen pregnancy // angst // pregnancy-termination associated tws  
Show Me Where My Armor Ends (Show Me Where My Skin Begins) by @emmalylis
feluka // royalty au // merpeople au // inspired by hamlet // grief/mourning // marriage proposal
He Probably Still Does by avery_the_werm
pv verse // felix/kid mime // temporary unrequited love // cn!felix // denial of feelings
the very first page (not where the story ends) by @queer-cosette​
zobrina // past chlobrina // sabrina-centric // falling in love // moving on // prom 
steppin’ to you toe to toe (dancing on the clouds below) by noirshitsuji
(pre-)ninogami // nino&luka-friendship-centric // housemates au // aged-up characters // humour
To be continued! See you tomorrow for part 14.
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inimoo · 10 months
as the world caves in actually so aeon coded like UGHH just imagine them silently deciding to pretend to finally be a normal couple because they know that this is the end and nothing matters anymore. not umbrella, not the d.s.o, just them being together for one night.
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parismystere · 2 years
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adrien cataclysming gabriel is what they both deserve, but i'm sure the show will spin it into chat noir being reckless and incompetent blah blah blah
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