#Mitsuru Miyamoto
scenesandscreens · 9 months
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Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Director - Mamoru Oshii, Cinematography - Hisao Shirai
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"There's nothing sadder than a puppet without a ghost, especially the kind with red blood running through them."
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madamlilac · 1 year
After playing Twisted Wonderland, when I watch Bungo Stray Dogs, when these two show up
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I hear these two 😂
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colleyuriko · 1 year
Ths manga is going to be so good, I can feel it.
Manga PV for Watanuki Yoshiko's
Mysterious Encounters in my Neighbourhood (となりの百怪見聞録 / Tonari no Hyakkai Kenbunroku)
Jinpachi: Ryota Takeuchi
Oriza: Mitsuru Miyamoto
The laughing woman: Mika Kanda
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yuurei20 · 9 months
Seiyuu Birthday: Crowley's Miyamoto Mitsuru
Happy Birthday to Crowley’s VA Miyamoto Mitsuru!
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Over the past year Miyamoto has been voicing characters in projects such as Fanfare of Adolescence (with Epel’s Tsuchiya, Riddle’s Hanae, Rook’s Itokawa and Deuce’s Kobayashi), To Your Eternity, Tactics Ogre Reborn, Final Fantasy XVI (with Leona’s Umehara) and more.
More here:
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prince-kallisto · 4 months
I am forcing everyone to listen to this again, because CROWLEY COULD TECHNICALLY SING SO BEAUTIFULLY 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖 This is his voice actor singing, Miyamoto Mitsuru! I keep hearing Crowley’s voice when I listen to this song…it is so beautiful and really lovely to hear it play in the background 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
Where was this skill during the SDC, Crowley? U_U Night Raven College would’ve won easily if you showed up with song (*´∀`)♪
(Lol imaging Crowley singing Meleanor’s lullaby)
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authorofthemoon · 2 months
Alright I wanna catalogue all my thoughts on Persona 3 Reload but it's gonna start with an info dump. I rescued Fuuka and about halfway though the revenge website arc. So first done teammate thoughts.
I think the protagonist is pretty boring I just feels like he's less present than Yu and Ren. All his answers are either boring, polite, or really mean. Not a lot of opportunities to be a silly goose at least so far. I get the feeling he's meant to be a little emo and possibly apathetic to others due to the game's themes.
Junpei is cool, really silly goofy guy. Sucks he falls victim to Persona idiot guy syndrome and is kinda treated poorly by everyone and is kinda perverted. It's not insane but it's their.
Honestly love Takebe so much. She is such a normal person and it's so refreshing. And I mean normal normal like she is trying her fucking best even though she's kinda lame (affectionate) at times. Like the Ace Defective line made me laugh solely because of her pause beforehand like she tried so hard. And her random beef with Kirijo is so good. It's probably explained later but day one she did not get a good vibe from her and is constantly like 'Idk she gives me the ick' is so funny to me.
Speaking of Kirijo. Love her. Queen shit. Mother. Actual group mom. She's trying her best and again she's so funny. Her thinking that someone broke into Junpei's room when he's simply a slob is peak to me. She is THE Empress.
Akihiko. We love a good gym bro himbo. Him and Shinji have messy exes energy. Not much to him yet honestly but I'm excited to know more.
Same with Fuuka she seems really cool. Normal shy girl character but I'm sure we get a lot more depth with her social link.
Speaking of which social link rundown.
Kenji had me questioning my sanity bc why am I so supportive of this guy getting groomed? I can say it's a bad idea to ask out your teacher but I can never be like 'hey, she's a pedo.' I literally have been speed running his link bc I need to know if she's a creep or if he's delusional. I'm at 9 so it seems to be delusional.
I took one look at Odagiri and went 'ah yes, he's a little bit fucked up.' only halfway through so curious where it goes.
Would die for the elderly couple I need to advance their link.
Miyamoto, go to a fucking doctor do you not know how injuries work?
Chihiro I would kill for you. Not that far into her link but her dad can catch these hands.
Maya is cool. Not that engaging of a link tbh.
Hiraga is very cute and sweet so I wanna advance his link I'm only a couple in.
Yuko is cool I'm only at 4 with her. She's funny and quick witted.
I will fucking kill Maiko's parents and adopt her myself. I'm only at 5. The moment I saw she was hanged arcana I was worried for her.
Pharos is cool idk how to advance his link I assume it'd natural.
Haven't done much with Bebe. Will at some point.
I just started the monk. He's interesting.
Suemitsu my sweet summer child go to fucking therapy. About halfway through and the tea is piping hot. Bro is literally like eating himself to death or something. I do think he's very sweet though.
That's about it loving the game despite a few nitpicks bc it's Atlus and my grudge against then is eternal.
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tsubasadaisuke · 4 months
Persona 3 Reload #6 - Social Life
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Small idea.
About same VA and characters.
Keith Silverstein is Mori's VA in English Dub. And Keith is also Zhongli's English VA.
Mori's Japanese VA is Mitsuru Miyamoto, who also voices Dire Crowley in Twisted Wonderland (very useless headmaster, who put responsibility over solving school problems on MC, didn't do anything to get MC back home and threaten to booted them out or take away their allowance for meals, if they refuse to help).
So, imagine:
After BSD Cast punished everyone, who wronged Reader in Teyvat, Reader suddenly disappeared again.
After some searching (maybe, with Nahida's help), BSD Cast got into Twisted Wonderland world.
Good news, you are more or less okay.
Bad news, you are being blackmailed by a raven-man with a familiar voice into doing his job.
Terrible news for Crowley. He can't stand a chance against Mori, who fought Geo Archon and won.
Meanwhile, Reader hope, that they won't meet Johann Liebert next ("Monster" character, was voiced by Keith Silverstein).
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starryrock · 1 year
Idk what sorta typecasting is going on with Mitsuru Miyamoto but there’s definitely something going on here.
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ninelie00 · 9 months
The Big O - Why Memories Are Important
Mecha again.
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Hello one and all, bit of a surprise to see something not on my list of upcomings right? Bit of a shock that I'd have written something from a mecha again? Still; The Big O is something that, when actually viewed for yourself: makes total sense as to why it would be a show I would write about. The Big O is quite well influenced by things I am rather familiar with and two of which I have written before: Ultraman, The Baron Trilogy, Batman The Animated Series, and so on. So to see with crews and writing team that I recognize so many voices and creators, why should I NOT give it a time of day? And I sure happy I did, because I have absolutely fallen in love with this show. Both seasons of The Big O absolutely some of the best mecha content I've seen yet, from the true grasp of drama from the cast to the larger than life spectacles of the Megadeus fights. Every battle and every conversation feels strong, so impactful, and at the same time so incredibly human. There is a true sense of dread yet hope within the seams of The Big O, a world so bleak and noir but with people filled to the brim with the light and colors of character. Dorothy, Roger, Angel, Norman, even the most one-off of characters feel so memorable to the viewer because of the right team being on board to deliver on such memorable sequences and cast to deliver on exceptional performances. The animation is also stellar, the simple yet complexity of designs gives opportunity to strong iconographies and piece of dialogue. From the shots of Big O in the snow to the tu es si gentil scene, there is such wonder that this was not quite a huge success in its native country and instead one successful here in the States. A simple design like Roger's can express so much and coupled to Mitsuru Miyamoto's performance can make the most of a scene. It is quite ironic that the show about the value of memories for the human person can be as quite memorable as those, eh? The show helps provide why we as humans value even the most "insignificant" of moments: from the smallest interaction to the most extravagant of drama in our own lives. And when some characters become memories, it creates interesting perspective for what memories vs human mean. Do we still live as human in a memory of someone? or do we live as this larger than life being? Does the memory of someone live to the real thing?
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mysticfyres · 2 months
Persona 3 But Better Social Links
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After playing through both P3P (femc) and P3R, I have some OPINIONS on socials links, and what I think each game got right and wrong. So here are my thoughts, and tarot card assignments:
The Fool - SEES
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Holding infinite potential, but ignorant of the perils that lay ahead...SEES is truly the perfect choice for the Fool. No notes.
2. The Magician - Junepei Iori
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The Magician card represents outstanding willpower, and a person who has all the potential they need to succeed, even if they don't realize it. And that's Junpei in a nutshell. Plus, Junpei as the magician means we don't have to deal with Kenji and all his weird teacher romance nonsense, which is a win in my book.
3. The High Priestess - Fuuka Yamagishi
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The High Priestess card represents passivity, reflection, and intuition, which is perfect for our quiet navigator. Another perfect choice.
4. The Empress - Mitsuru Kirijo
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The Empress represents a strong feminine power, and is associated with love, security, romance, art, and business. So, Mitsuru in a nutshell. Another great choice.
5. The Emperor - Shuji Ikutsuki
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The Emperor represents a male father figure, as well as authority, power, and leadership. As the overseer of SEES and most present parental figure in the game, Ikutski deserves this role. Plus, developing a relationship with Ikutski outside of his occasional background appearances will make his role in the final act of the story all the more impactful.
Sorry to all Odagiri lovers out there, I think Ikutski just works better.
6. The Hierophant - Bunkichi and Mitsuko
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The Hierophant represents education, marriage, guidance, and tradition. As our functional grandparents, whom have strong ties to Gekkoukan High School (a place of LEARNING), Bunkichi and Mitsuko check all the boxes for the Hierophant. Plus this whole social link is so wholesome, I could never replace them.
7. The Lovers - Yukari Takeba
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The Lovers represents relationships, choices, falling in love, communication, and honesty. As someone who always speaks her mind, follows her heart, and is a popular romance choice for male mc, Yukari is another great default choice. Plus, her color scheme is pink and red, she is all about that lovergirl energy.
8. The Chariot - Kazushi Miyamoto
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The Chariot represents overcoming conflicts, ambition, and drive, all perfectly encapsulated by Miyamoto's aspirations. As much as I love Rio, the other tarot cards give us our fill of stories about leadership and the desire for acceptance, so I think Miyamoto is the more interesting option here.
9. Justice - Ken Amada
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Justice represents balance, fairness, and responsibility. In the most literal sense, Ken's story is about seeking justice for the loss of his mother, and as such he's a wonderful choice for justice. The only flaw with his social link is that it includes the option to flirt with him (ew) but as long as you take that out, it's a great narrative. As much as I love Chihiro, Ken just makes the most sense here.
10. The Hermit - Saori Hasegawa
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The Hermit represents loneliness, meditation, and withdrawal from society. Saori's emotional distance from her other classmates, and struggles with bullying, perfectly represents both a self-induced and socially-induced isolation that is paramount to the hermit card. Plus, Saori's story gives use to the library, which is otherwise fairly underutilized in Persona 3's stories.
Though I do enjoy Maya's story and find her a pretty fascinating Hermit, I think Saori's just works a tad bit better. Plus, we once again avoid a teacher-student relationship by cutting Maya out, which is another win in my book.
11. Fortune - Ryoji Mochizuki
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Fortune represents change, destiny, and luck, which is perfect for one of the final characters we meet in the narrative, and whose destiny is deeply intertwined with our own. In a perfect world, I would like about half of this social link to fill up when we meet with him as Pharos, and the other half to fill during hangouts in his fully realized form.
While I will miss Keisuke, I think Ryoji is just an overall better and more interesting fit for the arcana.
12. Strength - Koromaru
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Strength represents confidence, courage, and vitality, and there's no one more full of life (and cuteness) than Koromaru. Plus, the willpower it takes to go on fighting after losing the closest person in your life, and also summon/fully control a persona, is nothing to scoff at.
It truly pains me to cut out Yuko here, but what can I say, Koromaru is best boy.
13. The Hanged Man - Maiko Oohashi
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The Hanged Man represents lack of control, letting go, or the inability to change. As a child, Maiko holds no control over her parents' looming divorce, and seeks to fight against it by running away. However, it's only a matter of time before she is forced to accept it and adapt, which is the very essence of the hanged man. A perfect choice for the tarot.
14. Death - Strega
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Death represents endings, morality, and letting go of earthly attachments, which is basically the recruitment statement of Strega. Each encounter with the group in story missions could fill their social link, where even if we don't necessarily feel "closer" to them, we feel as though we better understand their principles. Plus if SEES gets an arcana, I think Strega should too.
Though I'd feel bad about cutting Pharos out of his Death arcana, I'd rather he just get fortune along with Ryoji instead (see #11).
15. Temperance - Bebe (Andre Laurent Jean Geraux)
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Temperance represents alchemy, harmony, balance, and moderation, all the sort of things I would hope to learn in a home economics class. Bebe's presence gives purpose to the home economics area of the school, and likewise gives an interesting peak into Japan's perspective on foreigners. A well-rounded character and a fascinating person, Bebe is a great pick for Temperance.
16. The Devil - President Tanaka
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The Devil represents materialism, temptation, fear, and enslavement; basically all the principles seedy businessmen subscribe to. A perfect representation of the dark and superficial sides of capitalism, Tanaka was a perfect choice for the devil.
17. The Tower - Tartarus
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The Tower represents catastrophe, destruction, and change, all things Tartarus's very presence quite literally brings upon the world. Each ascended block in Tartarus could unlock a new level of the social link, as we learn more about the nature of the dungeon and its influence. Plus, Tartarus is quite literally a tower, it just makes sense.
Though this cuts out Mutatsu, I honestly don't find him to be a particularly important character, despite how entertaining he is.
18. The Star - Akihiko Sanada
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The Star represents good health, hope, and inspiration, perfect for the sporty and ever-aspirational boxer. Other star symbolism works great for Akihiko as well: he is famous throughout the school for his talent (star = famous person), and he is the first to rally his strength after loss to unlock his ultimate persona (star = guiding light).
Though Hayase has some great star symbolism as well, we already have a track club member on our tarot roster with Miyamoto. Plus, I really like the idea of every member of SEES getting a social link.
19. The Moon - Shinjiro Aragaki
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The Moon represents deception, fear, and unhappiness. While he isn't necessarily hiding it, Shinjiro's storyline contains a number of surprising reveals, including his connection to Ken and his ultimate fate. There is additional symbolism with Shinjiro and Akihiko representing the moon and star(s), both flourishing in darkness but taking different paths.
Plus the alternate option for the moon is Nozomi, who I actively hate. So Shinjiro absolutely gets this social link.
20. The Sun - Akinari Kamiki
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The sun represents enlightenment, vitality, and happiness, which is a bit ironic for a character whose health is rapidly failing. However Kamiki's wise and gentle nature, and his hope that persists despite his fate, is a great representation of the sun.
21. Judgement - Chihiro Fushimi
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Judgement represents awakening, decision-making, and transition, which is exactly what Chihiro's story is all about. She transitions from a shy introvert who has trouble talking to men to a confident student council treasurer. She likewise enacts "judgement" on the professor who irresponsibly handles the school funds, matching the literal definition of the card.
Judgement was previously leveled as you ascended the final floors of Tartarus, but with the dungeon assigned to the Tower card, that leaves this open for Chihiro. Which honestly, I think works way better.
22. The World - Aigis
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The world represents achievement, fulfillment, and when reversed, delayed success. Though the protagonist is the catalyst for most of the events of Persona 3, Aigis is the one who sees through the defeat of the shadows. Though she fails in her original encounter with death, through her support of the protagonist she is eventually successful (delayed success). Likewise, after the passing of the protagonist, Aigis is the one who takes up the reigns in The Answer, holding multiple personas and leading the charge against Erebus. Though hard fought, she also achieves her goals of respect and personhood in her eventual life as a normal schoolgirl.
The world doesn't really appear in Persona 3, but Aigis deserves it. Plus it puts a nice conclusion to my list, so there.
That's all I've got gamers. Let me know what you think :)
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soulreaper · 4 months
Mitsuru Miyamoto loves to voice a character with parted bangs and it all started with dubbing Simba in the Lion King.
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chibivesicle · 1 year
Daniel Law thoughts and observations.  Why is his last name so bloody difficult to figure out?
This is a quick and frivolous post as opposed to my normally long form ones.  I’ve got it hard for Daniel at the moment; I’m wade through the vast expanse that is the internet looking for merch for him.  Steven merch is like shooting fish in a barrel with how popular he is.  K.K. merch is also easy and super cheap second hand.  But Daniel merch.  Hoooo boy, it takes some time and effort to find.
The first issue around him is his bloody last name.  Which Japanese isn’t equipped to deal with.  This shows in my merch quest as I’ve scrolled through pages and pages of items.  But first:
The Darkhorse translation calls him Daniel Low.
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The Funimation translation settles on Daniel Law.
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When you listen to the sub and the dub, both the Japanese VA and English VA both clearly say “Law”.  I’d like to also note that the Japanese VA for Steven, Mitsuru Miyamoto, has really good pronunciation for all of the English terms/names he says specifically which makes me really think “Law” is the intended spelling.   The credits also reflect this.
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Both versions also settle on the title of Lieutenant.  While the literal translation is Assistant Inspector (keibuho - 警部補).  I’m not sure why they didn’t go with Detective which sounds like the most American term and Inspector being British.  I guess Detective is a role while, Daniel would still have a police rank associated with him. But I know squat about American policing terms and job titles.  Maybe, I should go back and watch some Law and Order and cringe?
Where is this total weirdness around Daniel’s name coming from?  Especially if we get a season three and Marcus also shows up for the Calamity Auction arc.
Now, we all know that having an equal transfer of Law into Japanese can’t happen since there is no way to make say a “La-wa” etc.  The best you can get is to drop down in the r-line to the “ro” combo.  But then you’ve got that pesky “w” you need to do something with.
If you wanted “Low” this would be the easiest way to get it.  Go with “ro” and add the long vowel dash making it “ro-oh”
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But we can see this reading of “ro” with a long “o” can be [sighs] Rho, Lau; Low, Loo, Rau, Raux, Roe or Roh.
Okay, this isn’t what happens in the credits.  The Japanese credits write his name out this way.  “ro” with the “u”.  Now, the first hit is “Law”.  Yay!
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But then we get also; Loew, Low, Lowe or even Rowe!  Argh! 
So, how does this tie into merch?  Well, how his name is spelled on KKSS merch of course and how to search for it!
For Back 2 Back full color acrylics that were Jump (Festa Specials I’d guess), we get him and Marcus being referred to as Lowe.  ‘Cause they are twin brothers and Daniel is the older one! Another issue with Japanese language mechanics versus English but that’s for another time.  I’d read Daniel to be several years older since he’s referred to as “older brother” in B2B but since you have to place your sibling in age relative to you - Marcus has to say older brother in the original Japanese.    
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There is also a small special badge set with Steven and Daniel here, where he is also referred to as “Lowe”.  Did I impulsively buy this?  Yes, yes I did of course!
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Yet when we look at other items music/band themed (acoustic guitar) , the American heroes (fighter pilot? why?), ice skating, saloon barkeep/western. he’s got a last name of “Low”.
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You might begin to think - okay, it is clear that 1.) there is no official spelling of his name down on paper.  2.) merch designers see ロウ and make an educated guess 3.) his name can’t be “Law”.
Buuutttt let’s go to the actual search function of a Japanese site like Goods Republic.  And what do we find in the character list on the left hand side?  Daniel Law.
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Additionally,  you go on Zen Market and access JP Mercari directly, searching with the terms of ダニエル and 血界戦線.  You will get merch that not only pulls up Daniel but all the translated descriptions will always refer to him as Daniel Law.
What have I learned from this?  That until we get season three and Daniel gets a floating info box like below, we will never truly know how his name is spelled.  However, with the sense of humor that Nightow has and his wordplay in English, I really still think the original intent is “Law” because he’s a fucking cop.  Come on, easiest cheese joke ever.
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And if he doesn’t get a floating info box in a season three, it means they aren’t giving him full justice due to his increasing role in the series.
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Meet the Seiyuu: Dire Crowley
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Crowley's voice actor Miyamoto Mitsuru has been voice acting since before many of us were born. He was inspired by a favorite TV show to become a teacher, but failed to acquire a teaching license. A friend’s college play inspired him to pursue acting instead.
In a 2014 interview Miyamoto said, ‘I would love to play a villain or eccentric role that is far removed from myself, like Tim Curry in "The Rocky Horror Show’.”
He is the voice of adult Simba in the Japanese-language-dub of Disney's ‘The Lion King’.
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Miyamoto has an extensive dubbing repertoire for many overseas actors, including Ethan Hawke (Hamlet, The Magnificent Seven), Keanu Reeves (My Private Idaho, The Matrix), Brad Pitt (Interview with a Vampire, 12 Monkeys), Ewan McGregor (Moulin Rouge, Down with Love) and more.
He has performed in live theater shows and TV dramas and had done dubbing work for over 300 movies/TV dramas.
He voiced Soma Ayame in the original release of Fruits Basket, Roger Smith in The Big O and other characters in over 170 other anime series, OVAs and video games.
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prince-kallisto · 8 months
😭So apparently Crowley’s voice actor, Miyamoto Mitsuru, has sung before! I give all my thanks to Hakaze on YouTube for compiling all the TWST voice actor singing💞💞
The first song feels very fitting to Dire Crowley’s character, doesn’t it? -v- An unsettling yet joyful vibe…I love it! It’s funny how the song revolves around money, and he even says that the government can be bought with money ٩( ᐛ )و I believe this is from a Crayon Shin-Chan movie, but I don’t know who this character is or what movie it’s from -v- The visuals are quite stunning too! This song is so catchy!
And the second one…I am crying from how beautiful and smooth it is! \(//∇//)\ I don’t really know what to say except that it’s very beautiful haha. The lyrics to this song are also touching, there’s some lyrics available in the comments of this video
Anyway, it gives me hope that Crowley may hum something special -v- like Meleanor’s lullaby haha I’ll keep my hopes low for him singing, although it would be fun to hear Crowley’s cover of Piece of My World. In the mean time, I will be listening to the Money song on loop 🫡
@snakevsnis @rayroseu @moonlightequin1 I feel like y’all could like this maybe haha -v-
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Round 1!
Vote for who you think is more queer/gay (doesn't matter if you think they're bi, pan, gay, lesbian, etc. Who's the most not straight!)
I will allow propaganda in the form of asks or notes (tags and comments)
Be nice and respectful. Not everyone has the same headcanons.
Remember, this is mostly just for fun! We have a few submitted characters for this exact purpose, so don't take things too seriously. (It doesn't matter what the results are, most persona characters will be queer-coded in my heart)
The list of polls is as follows:
Labrys vs. Daisuke Todoroki
Principal Kobayakawa vs. Yukiko Amagi
Mayumi Yamano vs. Suguru Kamoshida
Bebe vs. Sho Minazuki
Isako Toriumi (Maya) vs. Ann Takamaki
Ichiryusai Madarame vs. Ichiko Ohya
Chihiro Fushimi vs. Ai Ebihara
Philemon vs.Shibusawa
Kou Ichijo vs. Fuuka Yamagishi
Munehisa Iwai vs. Miyabi Hanakouji
President Tanaka vs. Akihiko Sanada
Ryuji Sakamoto vs. Taro Namatame
Kanami Mashita vs. Haru Okumura
Nozomi Suemitsu vs. Angel and Julian
Ryotaro Dojima vs. Rio Iwasaki
Sadayo Kawakami vs. Maya Amano
Nagi vs. Saori Hasegawa
Cashier from Peace Diner vs. Junpei Iori
Chizuru Ishigami vs. Minoru Inoue
Chihaya Mifune vs. Mamoru Hayase
Misuzu Hiiragi vs. Lala Escargot
Setsuko Sonomura vs. Junko Kurosu
Eri Minami vs. Tae Takemi
Zen vs. Kenji Tomochika
Eriko Kirishima vs. Takeharu Kirijo
Mika vs. Metis
Junya Kaneshiro vs. Takuto Maruki
Moel Gas Station Attendant vs. Hanako Ohtani
Maya Okamura vs. Igor
Sayoko Uehara vs. Makoto Yuki
Lesbian Student from P3 vs. Mami Shibata
Shunsuke Fujii vs. Saki Konishi
Tatsuya Suou vs. Akinari Kashihara
Miho Ogishima vs. Kinshiro Morooka
Hisano Kuroda vs. Ayane Matsunaga
Kanji Tatsumi vs. Makoto Nijiima
Marie vs. Tatsuya Sudou
SIU Director vs. Reiji Kido
Baofu vs. Takahisa Kandori
Yuuki Mishima vs. Tamaki Uchida
Zenkichi Hasegawa vs. Yosuke Hanamura
Mitsuo Kubo vs. Aigis
Kei Nanjo vs. Margaret
Masao Inaba vs. Noriko Katayama
Yukino Mayuzumi vs. Saeko Takami
Tadashi Satomi vs. Chidori Yoshino
Yumi Ozawa vs. Gay Demons P2
Kasumi Yoshizawa vs. Yuka Ayase
Hidetoshi Odagiri vs. Mutatsu
Shinjiro Aragaki vs. Kazushi Miyamoto
Localized version of Naoya vs. Ren Amamiya
Coach Hiraguchi vs. Chie Satonaka
Shuji Ikutsuki vs. Shiho Suzui
Futaba Sakura vs. Naoto Shirogane
Jin Shirato vs. Hifumi Togo
Keisuke Hiraga vs. Eikichi Mishina
Maki Sonomura vs. Toranosuke Yoshida
Rise Kujikawa vs. Elizabeth
Goro Akechi vs. Yuko Nishiwaki
Noriko Kashiwagi vs. Ulala Serizawa
Yuko Himeno vs. Anna Yoshizaka
Hikari vs. Joker (IS)
Mitsuru Kirijo vs. Hidehiko Uesugi
Masayoshi Shido vs. Youichi Makimura
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