milkteamiki · 20 days
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hyperfizationss · 11 months
Web Slinger x Black Cat Reader!
So here’s some small ideas:
Reader is veryyy flirty to Web Slinger ;) & a little touchy (hand on his chest, shoulder, hand) literally could just be her flirting with him LOL.
She’s helping Miles escape so that could be a way they could meet. Plus I’d like to add that she’s in his Black Cat suit (similar to the one in ps4)
Definitely add more and make it your own! I just wanted to add one more Web Slinger x reader story!
Web slinger x black cat reader
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Ok so I’m taking my own liberties with the story and she’s isn’t gonna help miles escape cause she’s gonna be from his dimension
And as the black cat reader is gonna be a bandit,like an old western movie bandit but it’s a woman
And if you want I imagine this what you’re wearing + cat ears on the hat and a tail
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saloons aren’t the place I like to look my next steal but when you on so many wanted posters trying anything other than that would be to risky of a game to play,I wonder if my good friend spidey will show up.
I headed into the saloon and pulled my gun out along with a black sack I had satcheled in my hand
“You all know the drill by now,all valuables in the bag and bartender I’ll take a shot of milk,I would recommend doing things quickly people cats don’t like to wait”
They quickly put they’re belongings in my bag,pearl necklaces to gold coins they had it all.I walked over to the bar to sip up the shot of milk.I quickly turned around to see a gun pointed at my head
“I knew you’d show webby just can’t get enough of me can ya?”
“You know for a fact that’s not why I’m here” web slinger said resting the gun on my forehead
“I dare you” I said
“Excuse me?” He said
“Pull the trigger spidey,I dare you”
He stared at me sweating dripping down from his palms
He pulled the gun down from my forehead before dragging me by my wrist out of the saloon
He pulled me into a corner by a hotel and a store (almost like an alleyway but old western style)
“Why are you like this,I thought you said you’d go good” he said looking at me pulling the front down of his mask
“I said no such thing”
He sighed heavily while he rustled through his hair
“Come on you like the chase,without it our whole dynamic would be messed up” i said grabbing his shoulder
“Do you think this is a game,I want you to give it up its getting pathetic”
“Spidey the only pathetic thing here is your crush on me”
“I can’t believe you”he said
“When have you ever” I said sarcastically
He wrest his gun back in his pocket as he let out a huge sigh
“If I give you a kiss will that make you feel better?”i said joking around with him
He turned around at me while I gave him a huge smirk.he rushed his hands flew towards my face immediately pulling me into a kiss.when I felt him pull away from the kiss he rested his he’d into my neck
“I hate you so much” he said kissing up my neck
“We both know that’s a lie”
Also I told some people that I’d tag them in this
@eternalslover @amethystwonders11
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nanami-s-tie · 5 months
I need his big af nose just touching my pussy as he eats me out.i need his big hands to just hold on to my ass and thighs as I ride his face.i need him to grab my tits and suck them to the point my tits confuse him as my baby and tricks my body into producing milk.i need him to arch his back so I can ride that shit BC he just doesn't put it in.i need to hold onto his broad shoulders and pull him closer with his tie.i want to take his tie of and wear it while he absolutely abuses my tits.i need him to bite,lick and suck every single oart of my body.I need his dick no matte how small or big it is.i need it inside my mouth,around my lips,in between my tits as he fingers my mouth and stimulates my pussy with his leg.i need that dick on my stomach as he plays with my tits,sucks on them,licks then until it is all saliva,bites at tjem until it looks like the purples are makeup and not hickeys.I need that dick right on my thigh as he rides my thigh and just whimpers as I kiss his manboobs and lightly choke him with my hands as he is pushed against the wall.i need him to moan right against my ear because he's a slut like that.i need that mouth to say the most down bad things and bite my earlobe.i need him to bite my neck and choke me with his hands,I need that nose to lightly touch my neck as he abused my tits and collarbone.i need that dick in my pussy,so far in that I can see the little bulge on my stomach and remember how he said that his dick would be right there under mt stomach when he was playing with my tits.i need that dick to go so far in that it reorganizes my organs and I want to cum so much that the sheets turn a new shade of white completely.i need him to cum all over my body so the droplets of his cum look like little pearls against my body.i need him to completely fuck me silly.i need him to finger my pussy as I suck his dick in the 69 position,I need him to masturbate Infront of me so I can see what he enjoys and do it myself.i want those thick fingers to stretch me open and cut me in half as he puts his whole hand in me
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kangaracha · 8 months
For the asks!
brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
sukin and australian botanical soaps. I have mad sensitive skin, you'll regularly find me scratching my skin off and like for years i could only use super vegan oatmeal based soaps but these two brands, everything they come out with has been fine (bar the orange flavoured soap from australian botanicals) and now I get to have fragranced soaps without dying. also sukin have this crazy aromatherapy wash that i by all means should not be able to use and somehow that shit is fine, kudos to them
the veggie you dislike the most?
peas, they ruin everything and they're extremely hard to pick out. one smashed pea can ruin three bites of a food, outlaw them. ban them.
last meal on earth?
i want lamb roast from home, and a farmer's union chocolate milk.i will also take filet mignon and chips
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sotiriabellou · 7 months
yesterday i made french toast for breakfast and ate it with the bananas i had left and i made chocolate milk.i went to uni and ran a bunch of errands before coming home and i had leftovers and omelette for lunch and i tidied up the house and did the dishes.i m doing bad academically because i pay no attention in class and dont know how to take notes but doing chores makes me feel like i have stability in my life
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halftheguilt · 7 months
Green Detox Smoothie Recipe
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Kickstart your day with our Green Detox Smoothie! This vibrant blend of wholesome ingredients will help you feel refreshed, energized, and nourished. Whether you're looking to cleanse, boost your energy, or support your weight loss journey, this smoothie is a must-try.
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Cultural Background and Significance
The Green Detox Smoothie draws inspiration from the global trend of health-conscious eating. Its vibrant green color symbolizes freshness and vitality, while the ingredients selected are renowned for their detoxifying and invigorating properties. This smoothie is a modern take on the age-old practice of using natural ingredients to rejuvenate the body.
Health Benefits of Green Detox Smoothie
- Supports detoxification and cleansing of the body. - Provides essential nutrients and antioxidants for overall well-being. - Aids in weight management and digestion. - Boosts energy levels and supports immune health.
Tips for a Perfect Smoothie
- Blending Tips Use a high-quality blender for a smoother consistency. Adjust the honey to your preferred level of sweetness. Add ice if you like your smoothie extra cold. - Fruit Variations Swap the green apple for a pear for a slightly different flavor. Add a handful of fresh mint leaves for a refreshing twist.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Skipping the Greens Don't skip the spinach; it's the key to the detox effect. Avoid using too much honey, as it can add unnecessary calories.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use a different type of milk in this smoothie?Absolutely! You can use any milk you prefer, such as coconut, soy, or cow's milk.Is this smoothie suitable for a morning meal replacement?Yes, it's a great choice for breakfast, providing energy and nutrients to start your day.Can I make this in advance and store it for later?While it's best fresh, you can refrigerate it for a few hours. Be sure to give it a good shake before consuming.Is this smoothie suitable for diabetics?If you have diabetes, consider omitting the honey or using a sugar substitute.Can I use frozen fruits instead of fresh ones?Yes, frozen fruits can be used, but it may alter the texture slightly.Can I add supplements like protein powder to this smoothie?Yes, you can customize it with supplements to meet your specific dietary needs.Is it safe to consume this smoothie daily?It's safe for most people, but variety in your diet is essential for balanced nutrition.Can I use kale instead of spinach?Absolutely, kale is an excellent alternative.How can I make this smoothie more filling?Add a scoop of protein powder or a handful of oats.Can I use lime instead of lemon?Lime can be used as a zesty alternative to lemon.
Elevate your wellness journey with our Green Detox Smoothie. This revitalizing blend of greens and fruits will help you detox, boost your energy, and support your health goals. Try it today and take a step towards a healthier you. Follow @HalfTheGuilt101 for more delicious recipes and share your experience with #HalfTheGuilt. Read the full article
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writingrighthere · 1 year
The Blinding
Summary:The entire world is suddenly blinded.What an inhuman event!
When the blinding first occured,I thought I was the only one affected.I was hunched over my desk working on an assignment,when in an instant,everything fizzled into black.Throwing my limbs out in panic.I cried out to my parents in fear and confusion.Yet their response an echo of my own.They too had lost their sight.Without my vision,I had refused to move.Even attempting to drink water from a tap was blocked with hazards.Within mere hours,we were broadcast what had the situation.The entire world had been victim to their sight filling with darkness.Interestingly enough,we did not think any of the animals,living on earth,had been affected.Just us humans.The only strange thing that occured after this was that the demand for milk skyrocketed.At first,adapting was extremely difficult.Something as mundane as going to the bathroom was a daily difficulty I did not look forward to.We barely left our house and I doubt many did either.Within a few months,support groups were created by individuals who were already blind prior to the incident.They heavily assisted those who struggled with their newfound obstacle.Thankfully,the world never really stopped moving or progressing,only a small pause after the incident.Outside major adjustments,such as deciding a different form of transportation or different requirements and standards in the working world,we managed to cope.
It's been around two years since the blinding and there were times when I forgot such events had occurred.I was taking a short walk to the local supermarket to get my weekly shop.Excited to indulge in some chocolate, and milk.I don't know why,but I've developed some sort of dependency-like state on it.I would find myself drinking milk directly from the carton at random times.I ran out of it a couple of days ago,guess I had to start buying more.No wonder we were having shortage.I craved it,unable to function without it.The urge had been dying down though.I gripped the small door handle to the small shop and pushed it open.A bell was hung on the inside handle.It chimed,alerting the cashier of my presence."Hello,let me know if you need help finding anything!' A cheerful voice said to my right."Thanks Dave,I will," I responded."Hey John,how have you been?" He asked with a somewhat enthusiastic tone.With a partially slow pace,I walked along the store,feeling along the braille to determine if I had found my item."Heh-pretty much the same," I said with a bit of a chuckle.My hand touched something cold,finally found the milk.As I was about to open the glass door,my eyes brushed past light.I swayed back.Then movement.I could see my reflection in the rectangle shape in the corner.I wasn't entirely sure how to react.Nor was I sure as to what happened.I was looking,staring at my face for the first time in two years.Then I noticed writing on the reflection itself.I was so thrilled,I hadn't even realised.In fact most of the interior was covered in this piercing black writing.I peered a little closer at the dark message.'Do not tell them you can see.' What the hell was that meant to mean? Who's them? It was then,when I caught a glimpse of the individual standing behind the store's counter.Who..well,what is that?"John,need some help buddie?" It asked.It had Dave's voice.But that was definitely not Dave.The way it's mouth moved was…wait,was that even a mouth? I've no idea.I was staring at something that was at least 6 feet tall.Grotesque and Eldritch was the only way I could describe it.Dark brown skin,smooth and moist,hung like silk against a ragged frame.Multiple tiny openings amongst it.Eyes.It wasn't wearing any type of clothing.It's arms were somewhat long and thin looking appendages,that ended in human-like hands.Gleaming talons retracting out from the fingertips.Its head shaped like a large basketball,just with veins and ligaments bulging through.The creature's mouth looked to be in a vertical position,an empty slit.And when it spoke,I could see many layers and rows of amphibian-like teeth.They were pearl white,unnatural."Here John,let me come help." It said.Its voice had changed as well.It was gurgled and sounded as if being put through a filter.As it advanced,I could hear it squelch against the floor.That's the first time I had ever heard that.Why was I only hearing it now? Why had I never heard that before? My chest pounded.Instead of gaping at the reflection and trying to ascertain how it walks.I simply stared at a jug of milk.That was when I noticed the substance's colour.It wasn't white or any expectable colour milk should be.It was dark black.A slime,the lids were not sealed.Like they had been tampered with.The cartons were a bit battered too,reused.As the creature drew closer,a foul stench harassed my nostrils.It took everything I had not to vomit.It reached out with a faux limb and touched my shoulder.My entire body tensed."We are having a lot of different specials on milk today!" It said and I could see its mouth open wide above my head, with what I assumed to be a smile.A black liquid swallowed its teeth,then unsheathing them.My heart stuttered as it hit me.The 'milk' and the creature's saliva were identical.
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maximuswolf · 1 year
Bypass doser - my new must-have
Bypass doser - my new must-have After a decade of service, my Gaggia Unica bit the dust. The thing that always annoyed me with that machine is if one component fails the whole thing is out of commission. Over the years it's had multiple minor easily repairable issues, but each time it took the whole system down. That, and the espresso had thin body.Enter the Gaggia Cadorna. I'd barely had it for a few hours when the plastic adjustment key broke while I was turning it. I was livid. However, the machine has a bypass doser and I have a Baratza Virtuoso grinder. It worked quite well! The espresso had more crema, depth and body than the Gaggia Unica ever did- and I was using my budget beans (Mt Comfort - Peru)!The included scoop holds about 10g of medium roast ground at a gritty fine just shy of espresso (setting 10), which I think is about the top end of the amount the built-in grinder would've dosed. So much easier to adjust the grind on the Baratza than the built-in anyway because I could do 2g at a time and check fines without brewing a whole cup.The machine's default output for a cup of espresso is 1.35 oz. I found it a touch sour but partially developed and pleasant. I went up two clicks to 1.69oz and it had more balanced flavor, still had body and stood up well to milk.I still need to dial in the built-in grinder when the new key arrives so my SO can use the push-button-get-coffee mode, but I'm already pleased as punch with this machine. Submitted April 05, 2023 at 07:51PM by femmestem https://ift.tt/tNKG7jA via /r/Coffee
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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tonkidl · 2 years
Almond milk whipped cream recipe
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Instead, store the cakes in the fridge and set them out at room temperature for no more than an hour before serving. I don't recommend leaving cakes with coconut frosting out at room temperature for more than a couple of hours as the frosting could start to melt. Keep frosted cakes in the fridge until ready to serve.You can use leftover coconut water for smoothies, soups, or curries. Don't throw away the coconut water from the cans of coconut milk.I usually keep a couple of cans in the fridge at all times so that they're ready to go when needed. Refrigerate the milk cans for at least 12 hours, preferably for a couple of days in advance if possible.Do not shake the cans of coconut milk! The goal is to separate that thick coconut cream from the watery liquid part in the cans, so avoid shaking the cans at all costs. Contains one 6-ounce can of Reddi-wip Non-Dairy Made with Almond Milk Vegan Whipped Topping Indulge in this deliciously creamy non-dairy whipped-cream.(iv) Remove from heat just when the milk is about to come to a boil. Skinny Skinny Whipped Cream Place the almond milk, vanilla extract, and gum in a bowl and mix well with a whip. We want to be clear, the only raw dairy we recommend and use is from. (iii) Place the saucepan on the stove at high heat and stir continuously. You can use full-fat coconut milk for this recipe or Raw Cream if you have a dairy allergy. (ii) Put either half of the almond milk or 2/3 rd of it in a saucepan. (i) Divide your almond milk into two either into two equal parts or with a 1 to 3 ratio. These are more commonly your coconut milk or aquafaba (chickpea water). Ingredients Deselect All 3/4 cup very cold heavy cream 1/2 cup Marshmallow Fluff 2 tablespoons almond-flavored liqueur (such as amaretto), or 1/4 teaspoon. Follow these simple steps for this method:. If using liquid flavorings add a little less, go for half a teaspoon of almond extract or orange extract. Plant-based whipped cream, for now, is made with a reliable selection of ingredients. You can also alternate the flavor of your dairy-free whipped cream by adding a teaspoon of matcha powder, ground cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice mix, or chai spices. Serve as is with fresh berries, macerated strawberries, peaches, and other fruit.Pipe on top of hot drinks like hot chocolate or latte, or iced frappuccino.Add a couple spoonfuls on top of vegan chocolate mousse.In a small pot, heat the stove to medium-high until water comes to a simmer. Gather all of the ingredients and supplies needed to make this Whipped Cream with Almond. Serve on top of pies and tarts such as passion fruit tart, mango tart, vegan key lime pie, or as an alternative topping for lemon meringue pie. You absolutely can whip almond milk for coffee, and the result is thick, delicious, and just as decadent as any dairy topping. Step By Step Instructions Step 1: Gather Your Supplies.For decorating vegan cheesecakes like blueberry cheesecake, banoffee cheesecake, and black forest cheesecake.For topping vegan pancakes and waffles. Creamy, vegan, non-dairy whipped topping made with almond milk contains no hydrogenated oils Delicious almond and coconut flavor with light and airy.🍽️ Ways To Use Coconut Milk Whipped Cream
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milkteamiki · 18 days
Cw: Blood
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This song controls all my thoughts.
Get it? I'm funny
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nejnalz · 2 years
ESPASOL|Filipino Delicacy|Traditional Filipino Food
ESPASOL|Filipino Delicacy|Traditional Filipino Food
Espasol is an authentic filipino food.It is a type of rice cake that is made of glutinous rice flour cooked in coconut milk.I love eating this at school when I was just a grade school student. And, eating this somehow brings back some good childhood memories. I hope you’ll like this video, please consider sharing and subscribing if you haven’t had yet. Thank you! “Commit to the Lord whatever…
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finkquacker · 4 years
milk.y.... i want to see the galaxy!! but all i can see is void..
here are theem. plus sniff absolutely ready to interrupt
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thegutlessfoodie · 4 years
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That North South East West Meal - Done After what seems like eons @beingbengt & I were going to meet @sarah_mody & her mom Meher! They were coming for lunch!! I was so excited especially since this is the first time they'd ever come to my home (usually I land up at their home because I love to play with their dogs😁) I decided to do my usual - pampering😁I made a complete meal Inspired by North, South East & West India Clockwise : 1. That North India Inspired @thegutlessfoodie Style Kadhai Chicken Recipe in comments because of lack of space in caption 2. That West India Inspired Prawn Curry Recipe in comments because of lack of space in caption 3. Those South India Inspired Baby Potatoes I pressure cooked & peeled baby potatoes in salted water & set aside I tempered coconut oil with mustard seeds, urad dal/skinless blackgram, asafoetida, curry leaves, green chillies, garlic & onions. I then added red chilli powder, @lifewithspices sambar powder, salt, fresh coriander, tomatoes & finished with tamarind pulp 4. That Freshly Steamed Basmati Rice 5. Those Quick Pickled Onions & Beets & Lime 6. Those Whole Wheat Parathas 7. Those East India Inspired Homemade Anguri Ras Malais I mashed malai paneer till smooth & then rolled into tiny balls I heated sugar & 4 times the amount of water & dropped the balls in it & boiled till they doubled in size. I removed the balls from the sugar syrup & dropped into plain water - if they sink, they're done I boiled milk in a heavy bottomed pan till it evaporated a bit. I added sugar & continued to boil till it evaporated to half quantity & was thick. I added in saffron infused milk, green cardamom powder & almond slivers I squeezed the paneer balls & dropped into the thickened milk.i chilled & served I was so happy that both Sarah & Meher loved the food & even took home doggy bags. Best compliment ever!!! Don't you think? (at One North) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGZ_xQvg4Qc/?igshid=23te7cl8out9
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suncaptor · 5 years
Phobus, dionysus, crhonus (idk sksks)
Phobos- Do you think it’s okay to be afraid of things? Of course! Though I personally don’t want fear outside of rational risk analysis and comparing risk/benefits of actions to rule me, personally. And I don’t want fear to suppress who I am, if I can, and I think if you do let fears overcome you it could make you less happy… I have anxiety and OCD, and I have spent a lot of time trying to be comfortable regardless, but I still have panic attacks and freeze and lose it over fear a lot.
Dionysus- Favourite drink? If you mean alcoholic, I really like glenmorangie and fireball whiskey, and various mixed drinks (generally gin/vodka) depending on my mood… but I don’t drink much… so my favourite drink recently are the various drinks my friend Julius and I get at the international market like lychee and rose liquorice milk.I also love pepsi 0 because of caffeine content.And I really love vanilla black tea, traditional black tea, many times of herbal teas, and even this one brand of green tea.chai lattes… the best.
Cronus- Favourite food? stares longingly…
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I love these things SO much when I was out of the states (in Europe+Turkey) I couldn’t get them ANYWHERE for four months the only thing close was a tiny bag of takis for 8 pounds in an international store in London.. I spent so much time trying… the best thing about America (jk)… like really I love these things so much they’re so good I want them NOW.
I also really love salt+vinegar chips, lemons, Irish cheddar cheese/milk, various straight spices, sea salts (oh there was this sea salt with spices I got in Iceland and I ate the bag completely over the next month and I used to eat rock salt in class in 8th grade), lychee, and baklava. 
(I like have big sensory issues and can’t eat normally… people always say I eat super plainly, but I love strong tastes just not textures..)
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imagodwithnodess · 6 years
Baby sitting- Na Jaemin
Genre: fluff
Word count:1,780
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(Your niece's name will be luna because I know everyone does not have a niece and i think it is a cute name)
(y/s/n=your sisters name)
My eyes fluttered open as I felt the weight at the bottom of my bad, I look down to see my gorgeous niece luna crawling towards me. “Hi boo boo,” Isay yawning. I look up to see her mother, my sister, was at the foot of the bed. She smiles at how I play with the baby and how good I am with her. “Can you watch her for a sec, I gotta get ready for class?” she says as she pitty smiles knowing probably don't want to be up at this time. “Sure!”I say making sure Luna doesn't fall off my bed. “ she just got up and she didn't get much sleep so-” “ get her a bottle and put her back to sleep with my magical powers, got it”I said being the silly person I am. She laughs and walks out of the room. I check the clock by my window to see what it says. 8:47 am. I yawn once again and lean over to check my phone. Luna is messing with something on my bed so I know she is fine for now.I see the most beautiful and sweet good morning text of all time from my boyfriend jaemin.I know your thinking shouldn't you be in school well all I have to say to that is……….SUMMER VACATION BABY.!!!
I'm always up early though to help with the baby so I'm used to it.I also no you might be asking “if it's summer vacation then how did she get a good morning text from another teenager?” well jaemin is what you call a…...try hard. No, I'm joking, but he is very good at a lot of things and since he’s an idol he wakes up pretty early. but today is his day off.
I was about to text back when Luna looked at me with a face that said “Ummm are you gonna feed me or nah”I laughed and built up the strength to get up with her and walk to the kitchen.I look in the fridge to see if there is any milk.I find a bottle and put in the microwave for 14 sec, without checking out it back in for another 14 sec.I take it outright as Y/S/N is on her way out. “ thank you y/n, by baby!” she says as she kisses luna and walks out the door. I smile at luna and talk to her like she can speak.I walk back to my room and get my phone before sitting on the couch.I put the bottle in her mouth when I sit down and make sure she's holding it before settling in a comfortable position and getting on my phone. I finally can text back
J= jaemin)
Y: hello love! How are you this fine morning?
J: hey baby, I'm good. The guys and I were going to go to the park today but they got lazy and canceled. How are you?
Y: aww I'm sorry baby, and I'm sitting on the couch with luna, she is super wide awake so it's gonna take meIminute to put her to sleep. So what are you going to do for today now?
J: its okay, and just use your magic baby powers lol. I was actually hoping I could spend some time with you :)
Y: you know I will!! and I would love that!!!
J: yaaay I will be there in like 10, ily
Y: kk ilyt
I look at the clock across the room instead of my phone…..because habit, and see the time 9:02.I look at Luna and she just finished her bottle,I set the bottle down on the tray next to me and start to burp her. Yes, she can burp on her own but I know that if I don't burp her she will be spitting up a lot.I turn on the tv to Disney .jr to give her some stimulation. 10 or 15 min laterIhearIknock at the door.I walk carefully to the door so that i don't wake her up and open it slowly.I see a grinning boy on the other side, which makes me break out into a smile. He kisses me on the cheek and walks in closing the door slowly and quietly As we go and sit on the couch.
“Hi,”I say as we stare at each other “Hello,” he says with that intense stare that I love so much.
He slowly leans in to give me a kiss.I stop and whisper yell  “not over the baby!” he laughs at how motherlyIam with her “I'm sorry Y/N, your just so captivating,” he says with a grin.I try to contain my content as I whisper “ I'm gonna go put her in the pack ‘n play, then we can talk”Isay as I slowly get up making sure not to wake her up.Iput her down with careful hands, then pat her back when she starts to stir. Once she is deep asleepIstand up straight and stretch, my back slightly hurting.I look to the door feeling eyes on me,I smile and chuckle a bit seeing jaemin just shaking his head almost with a “how….just how”I shrug my shoulders like “I guess I'm just that good”.  We tiptoe out the room and crack the door. As we walk to the living room, i turn into the kitchen realizing how hungry I am.
I turn to jaemin  “you want some cereal?” “yes please” he says happily.I chuckle at how giddy my boyfriend is.I pull out two bowls and am about to start pouring the cereal when jaemin stops me. “ wait baby you eat like a bird why don't we just use one bowl” he says smiling down at me. At this point, he is so close that my cheeks are very hot, thanks to my dark skin you can't tell.I lean up and kiss him as I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hand on my waist. We stay that way for about 3 minutes,I think it was that strawberry lip bomb I used that made him stay there for so long.I lean away and look at him, his eyes are still closed though he's smiling the biggest smile, he opens his eyes and says “how did I get so lucky?”I laugh and put my feet flat on the ground again.
I then pour the bowl and we sit at the breakfast bar. We sit there with 2 spoons and end up using 1. Im telling him all these things while waving MY spoon in the air. He's just looking at me nodding and laughing at my jokes, as he eats and feeds me every now and then with HIS spoon. We get to the bottom of the bowl and decide to go sit on the couch.I look at the clock and realize it's almost 11.I talk to him and listen to him talk while I put things out for luna to play with and be entertained by. Like clockwork,I hear a little girl being very fussy at 11:02.I get up and so does jaemin and we go to the room where she is sleeping.I see her small but somehow big head through the net of her bed.I walk over to her “ hi boo boo, did you have a good nap? Did you have a good nap?!” the second time I say it weirder as she starts smiling.I walk over to jaemin and turn her to him “ *gasp* look who it iiiis its uncle jaemiiiin” she starts smiling knowing who he is.
“Hi gorgeous” he says mesmerized at her cuteness. We all go to the living room and placed her on the floor with us, “can you get the bottle from  the fridge and heat it up for 14 seconds then take it out and shake it up another 14 seconds please?” he looked at me with a straight face and I laughed “ just get the bottle out the fridge and I will walk you through the steps.” he nods and gets up to go to the kitchen get up as well realizing I don't want to be yelling across the house. We heat up her bottle and sit down on the floor. “ Y/S/N is gonna be home in 30, then we can go get snacks and have a movie marathon, how does that sound?”I ask smiling at him. He grins and says “a movie marathon with my favorite Hershey's kiss??”I chuckle at the corny nickname he gave me, “i would love that” he says as he kisses me for all 2 seconds before we feel luna climbing on us. We look down and she straight faces us….then starts laughing, we both burst into laughter and kiss her all over her face. Y/S/N gets home and swoops her up, as she greets jaemin with a hug and thanks me with a hug as well.
As we are in the store getting snacks jaemin out of the blue says “ ya know, you are gonna be a great mom one day”I chuckle and respond with “yeah but i'm gonna need a partner otherwise I will lose my shit” he laughs and says  “yeah thats what im for”I look at him and he is looking back at me with those eyesIlove and we lean in for a sweet kiss. We are suddenly interrupted by an aw from a group of friends somewhere in their 30’s we pull apart and jaemin turns beat red and double over in embarrassment.I laugh and lean on his back rubbing it  “you 2 are the cutest!” one of them yells high pitched. jaemin to embarrassed to look up doesn't respondIlook up “thank you”Isay laughing. jaemin stands up straight and starts laughing, we start to walk to the cash register, buy our things then head to the car. On our way home while the music is playing I start to think about the conversation jaemin and I had before we kissed. ‘Parenting with jaemin huh?’I look over to see him sing his heart out acting like the crowd is in front of him. ‘Doesn't sound too bad’
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