#Michel de chevin
wildbasil · 5 months
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some old dragon age things
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tavtiers · 3 months
hello !! may i request an analysis for the knight of light ? thank you :]
The Knight of Light [symbols: shield, sun]
The Knight class has its basis in the classic knight from Arthurian legend. An example would be Lancelot.
The Light aspect’s main theme is awareness. You can find its official description here.
A Knight of Light is among those who use knowing and perceiving. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Knight, Page, Thief, and Rogue of Void/Light. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that use the Void/Light dichotomy (knowing and perceiving). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Knight of Light actively utilizes the Light aspect. Active classes tell themselves what to do and do so for their own benefit. They are more likely to stand up for themselves, but more likely to be cruel. Knights and Pages use their aspect and everything it symbolizes as a tool. Simplified, the Knight of Light is motivated by themselves to utilize awareness.
In personality, the Knight of Light puts on a front to hide an insecurity and enjoys knowing things others don't. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Defender Scholar, defined by guarded awareness. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Page of Void, who passively utilizes the unknown.
Their inverse is the Rogue of Void, who passively steals the unknown.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Knight of Light begins life motivated by others to steal the unknown. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead utilizing awareness for themselves. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to utilize the Light aspect actively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Seer of Doom, the Scholar Defender.
The Knight of Light would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Haze [Knight] and Light [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Mirages and Solar Flares. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Hemera (Goddess of Daylight) or Apollo (God of the Sun). Other Light aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Knight of Light completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of moths (symbols of light). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Knights of Light are: Michel de Chevin from Dragon Age, the Seekers of Truth from Dragon Age, and Meriadoc Brandybuck from Lord of the Rings.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions Personality Descriptions Aspect Denizens
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duriens · 1 year
wow I am. reading the masked empire (yeah I know I'm late to the party) and jesus I hate every single character except briala and felassan. every faction sucks except for the city elves (and the mages)
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
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all this wife talk reminds me of that time I found these two hiding behind a bush at skyhold’s gardens Quite the scandal actually
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t-s-u-r-u-ghost · 1 year
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Fairbanks and Fairbanks wife.
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amarmeme · 4 months
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Verita Lavellan and her non-controversial chevalier
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joestardragona · 1 year
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Arcane Screenshots: Various Inquisition Characters, Part 3
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Chevalier, Ser Michel de Chevin
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Chancellor Roddy Lee Jones
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The poor elf you scare at Haven
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Lord Seeker Lucius
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Grand Enchanter Fiona
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Knight Captain Denham
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Crassius Servis
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Warden Commander Clarel de Chanson
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Poor Teagan Guerrin at least looks better here
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Maryden Halewell
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Maryden and Zither!
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Elven agent at Halamshiral
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The Viddasala
Inquisitor Ellena Lavellan
Inquisitior Ellena Lavellan, Part II
Inquisitor Asha Lavellan
My Other Inquisitors
Companions Part I
Companions Part II
Companions Part III
Advisors And Leaders Part I
Advisors And Leaders Part II
Advisors And Leaders Part III
Various Inquisition Characters Part I
Various Inquisition Characters Part II
Various Inquisition Characters Part III
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obludanat · 1 year
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veshialles · 2 years
finding out Michel was coerced/forced into murdering elves in the alienage as part of a gross Chevalier tradition versus finding out that his mother had also been an elf and he grew up in an alienage himself 😬😬😬
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oldbludanat · 2 years
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Wanted to reupload this as well, as a testiment to my artistic improvement. I used to be so proud of the 2019 one, but now I see many mistakes. But that is okay, because I improved.
I drew the 2017 one on my lenovo yoga laptop at university. The laptop struggled with photoshop a lot so I used Medibang Paint PRO, but I had issues with the lines getting laggy and fuzzy. Overall it was very frustrating to make art on that laptop, and had I known then that Ipads were good for art, I would have gotten that instead 😞
The 2019 one was drawn to commemorate DA day. I had this idea that Michel and my inquisitor become friends and that friendship will kind of help her cope after Soals dumps her at the end of Trespasser 💀
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sheenawilde · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
This year I have decided to participate in Kinktober for the first time. Very exciting, since a lot of these things I haven't ever written before.
Fandom: Dragon Age
Ship: Michel de Chevin/Imshael
Kinktober prompt list from @absurdthirst
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tavtiers · 8 months
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A hypothetical god tier for Michel de Chevin from Dragon Age: the Knight of Light.
A Knight of Light is among those who use knowing and perceiving. They are motivated by themselves to utilize awareness. (x) The Knight of Light puts on a front to hide an insecurity and enjoys knowing things others don't. (x) They are the Defender Scholar, defined by guarded awareness. (x) Their opposite is the Page of Void. Their inverse is the Rogue of Void. They share their personality with the Seer of Doom. The Knight of Light would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Haze and Light, reigned over by Hemera (Goddess of Daylight) or Apollo (God of the Performing Arts). They would rise to ascension on the wings of moths. (x)(x)(x)
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yarpharp · 11 days
The one thing I have a lot of personal, PERSONAL beef with about the entire Solas/Elvhen vs. City Elves/Dalish thing is simple: a lot of people in this fandom keep ignoring that this is one huge allegory for generational trauma and colonialism. Including Solas.
Maybe it hits home harder with me, especially because the real world inspirations the writers admit to using are Natives. And boy, I see the bones that make up the Dalish are absolutely Native-coded.
Constantly hunted? Constantly looked down upon for trying to keep to their traditions, even if the memories aren't as complete as they once were? Their very positive views on magic and the spiritual that run counter to common belief? Their religion is outlawed by the DA equivalent of the Christian church? The illegal verses of the Chant speaking about Chartan? The facial tattoos, the traveling camps, their attention to raising wild breeds of painted horses (the famed Dalish All-Bred in DA:I), the harts, following the migrations of the halla?
And then factor in the City Elf vs. Dalish experience. It reflects a lot of the same issues we have now. "City Indians" vs. "Rez Indians." The arguments about blood-quantum parallel a lot with the "elf-blooded" shit in DA. They don't have the ears, but they were raised like an elf! It reminds me of a very small dialogue in The Masked Empire between Fiona and Michel de Chevin, where Fiona immediately clocked him as half-elf because he never treated her poorly or called her slurs and subconsciously ducked his head slightly in doorways like he expected to bump his head in an alienage shack. Michel clings to his Chevalier code desperately, because if anyone found out he was half-elf, he'd be tossed back into the Alienages. It's peak "You're mixed but you can pass as white" coding in my eyes.
So then Solas rolls up, shitting on all the existing elves, calling them "children" and decrying them as idiots clinging to barely-remembered bits of history.... Good God, you ass. Like, I get it. I'm sure if one of my ancestors appeared before me and saw what has become of our people, they'd be horrified. But idk, there is also pride to be had in resisting and enduring and outlasting every government's attempt to erase what they see as a subpar culture.
When he asks "Did I judge the Dalish too harshly?" I always wanna just reach through the screen and go "YEAH ACTUALLY"
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vigilskeep · 5 months
i believe ive been told michel de chevin is in dai somewhere. did they water him down or is he still competing for Guy With The Most Things Wrong With Him In Thedas
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dalishious · 1 year
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Running Commentary: The Masked Empire Ch 11 & 12
TL;DR: Briala, Celene, Michel and Felassan find themselves at the Dalish Clan Virnehn's camp. Michel discovers that the clan has summoned Imshael the Choice Spirit, demanding the spirit give them they key to unlock the eluvians. He, Celene, Briala, and Felassan make a deal with Imshael to get this key for themselves.
The morning after getting rescued by the Dalish, the Keeper of Clan Virnehn, Thelhen, is none to happy about Felassan bringing the group here, and is rather rude to Briala, calling her a "stray". He asks if she's at least a mage, but since she isn't, he questions her worth. (Yet another point against the stupid retcon in DA:I saying that the Dalish don't like mages.)
Briala tries to explain that the Keeper has the opportunity to help the elves of Orlais, but is met with a horrible response.
Briala stood up straighter. “The elves of Orlais have suffered, Keeper. If Grand Duke Gaspard comes to power, they will suffer even more. If you help restore Empress Celene, you will save many of your people in the alienages of Orlais.” Thelhen shut his eyes and looked away from her. “Abelas, da’len,” he said quietly, “but I have no people in the alienages of Orlais.” Briala sat quietly then, and listened to the argument while she looked around the camp. The great wagons, the aravels, were arranged in a circle like the buildings of a small town. She could pick out the purpose of some of them. One held bows and a fletcher’s tools; not far from it, Dalish children practiced shooting arrows at stump-targets painted like men. Near another aravel, crates were filled with vegetables, while smoked meat hung nearby, and behind a third wagon, Dalish warriors swung wooden blades at target dummies. Briala tracked their motions and saw that the drills were the same as she had seen a hundred times at Celene’s family estate or in Val Royeaux. They were not her people. The words should have hurt, but Briala felt empty instead. She looked at elven children laughing and playing, elven hunters joking about their skill, elven cooks singing old songs while their apprentices cleaned up the dishes from breakfast. Through the open door of one of the wagons, she could see an old couple sleeping, snoring softly. There were no princesses, no Fade spirits whisking through the aravels to do the laundry, but it was still more than she could have ever dreamed of. None of them ducked their heads or watched with concern for the humans. None of them feared a human walking into their camp to cause trouble. And they let the alienages burn, because the elves in the alienages were not their people.
Naturally, Briala is heartbroken.
Felassan is able to persuade Thelhen to let Briala roam the camp freely, while Michel remains tied up and Celene under guard until she wakes up. (Mihris, First of the clan, is working on healing her).
While Michel is tied up, a Dalish warrior taunts him with threats, but it doesn't work very well, because Michel is too giddy over being called "shemlen". But then, a magic spell falls over everyone nearby, and Michel himself feels drawn to it, while no one stops him. He's led to a trapped spirit that calls himself Imshael.
Imshael explains how there is a network of magical mirrors known as eluvians that allows you to travel through the "in-between place" to reach destinations that would otherwise take days riding in the waking world. (Basically what Morrigan explains in DA:I.) Imshael says that Keeper Thelhen trapped him in a binding circle, demanding the key to awaken the eluvian network, but Imshael offers to make a deal with Michel instead.
Imshael chuckled. “Honest man. Well, mostly. What if I told you that if you found me a mortal and got him to put his bleeding palm to one of these damned stones, I would make the story of Ser Michel de Chevin true?” Michel blinked. “How?” “More effectively than your patron, Comte Brevin, bribing a forger.” Imshael grinned, and his beady eyes glittered among a field of old laugh-lines. “A few spirits whispering in a few dreams. A few documents falsified by men who will never remember doing so. The next time one of Gaspard’s bards goes digging, she finds that Michel de Chevin is exactly who he says he is, and living men will swear by the sadly absent Maker that they remember growing up with you, the noble and honest and entirely human Ser Michel.” “And in return?” “I’d get to leave this damned circle and live inside the man who bled on the stone.” Imshael took a deep, happy breath. “It’s been some time since I got to see the world. I’d like to look around a bit.”
Michel declines this, but gets the idea that Celene could use the eluvian network to win against Gaspard.
Meanwhile, Celene tries to convince Thelhen to help her. It doesn't go very well, lmao...
“Once Gaspard is put down,” she said, “I can ensure that the Dalish gain a new measure of respect in Orlais, and we look forward to learning from your wisdom. We already have elves attending our universities, and it would be an honor to allow your people to visit.” “You do not have the strength to fight this Gaspard,” the ancient hearthmistress said, her cracked voice laced with skepticism, “yet you think to offer us help?” “Power accumulates,” Celene said with confidence, “like a snowball rolling down a hill. I do not need you to fight Gaspard for me. I only need you to use your skills to help me reach Val Royeaux before Gaspard does. Once I do that, Gaspard will have no chance to oppose me, and I will crush hisrebellion and put him to death.” “Leaving you free to break your promises,” the warleader said, “like the humans before you.” The Keeper waved him to silence. “You would have me risk the lives of my clan to help smuggle you past your rival’s soldiers, and in return, you offer what? A chance to visit your buildings?” Celene wanted a drink, but reminding them that she was at their mercy would weaken her place in the discussion. “I don’t know what you want, Keeper. If you have a proposal, I can certainly—” “You destroyed the greatest empire this land has ever seen!” The warleader stepped forward, fist drawn back. “And when our people banded with Andraste to gain freedom from Tevinter, you betrayed us again!” She sat unflinching before his anger, then turned to the Keeper. “This discussion is unlikely to change the past,” she said. “If you have a request, name it.” “You do not understand,” the Keeper said. He gestured again, and the warleader stepped back. “You ask us to speak logically, when our entire history is filled with your people betraying and degrading ours. You took our land, our culture, even our immortality.” “And you do not seem to understand the opportunity that has landed in your lap.” Celene glared at the warleader, then at the Keeper. “This is the time to demand reparations. Do you wish conditions improved for the elves in our cities? Free emigration to the Dalish clans?” Seeing their blank faces, she took a gamble. “Honorary lordship of Halamshiral and the surrounding lands?” She had gambled wrong. She saw that immediately as their shoulders drew back, the tattoos on their faces twisting as they grimaced in revulsion, but she couldn’t tell why.
Celene, of course, can't understand why these Dalish elves don't want things like lordship. But what's more, is she can't seem to understand why they have zero (0) reason to trust anything she offers anyways. As much as I don't like this clan overall, I do adore Thelhen and the wardleader's part in this conversation.
Michel then returns and explains to Celene what he's discovered.
Briala has a moment of reflection, first thinking of her mother and then her meeting Felassan, both of whom encouraged her to be proud of being an elf. She decides to dedicate herself to helping the elves of Orlais, even if no one else will.
Briala then returns to Celene and Michel, who explain their plan to take the eluvian network control for Celene's use. At first, Briala tries to convince them that they could perhaps work with the Dalish, but Celene is able to talk her into fighting against them, with a promise to make life better for the elves of Orlais, and give Briala a title.
“Help me return to Val Royeaux, and I will strike every law that limits your people’s freedom and make you a lady.” Celene smiled. “The Comtess of the Elves.”
What's so wild to me... is Briala actually believes her. Well, at least for now. Ha.
Briala goes to recruit Felassan to help them, and in their conversation, points out to Felassan that she's realized he isn't actually Dalish. He asks her if she wants his help, or answers to what his true nature is--she accepts his help.
Michel escapes, recovers his gear, and then goes on a rampage, killing elf after elf. After he defeats Mihris, she begs for mercy.
Spinning, he slammed his shield against the healer’s staff, and the shot she’d been aiming flared off into the trees, leaving a trail of falling hail in its wake. Michel’s sword came down and knocked the staff from her hands. “Please,” the girl said, stumbling back. “Please, don’t.” “You would have killed me.” Michel raised his blade. She shut her eyes. “You killed the man I love, back in the camp.” “One of the guards?” Michel wondered if it had been the youngest one, the one whose blade he’d taken after he opened the man’s throat. “He would have killed me as well. And you are an apostate. A mage outside the Circle.” The girl opened her eyes. Rain streaked her face. Michel could not tell if she was crying. “I am defenseless, shemlen. Where is your chevalier honor?” “Here,” Michel said, and brought his sword down.
(Mihris ends up surviving the blow, though.)
Michel regroups with Celene, Briala, and Felassan at the spirit trap circle where Imshael waits. Interestingly, he greets Felassan as if they've met before, which Felassan does in turn. Imshael gives them the key when Michel threatens to destroy the runes that are holding Imshael prisoner, idiotically thinking this will hurt the spirit. Then Michel destroys the runes anyway, which actually frees Imshael, because of course it does, you dumb son of a bitch!
Imshael tells them where the nearest eluvian is, then walks off to kill the rest of the Dalish camp.
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