i-never-forgot · 21 days
Team Relic/Sunrise:
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Team Resort:
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Am I doing this right?
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asimplearchivist · 6 months
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*posts and runs*
Here is my canon rescue team! Transcripts of the text in case you can’t read my chicken-scratch:
Shy as hell
Doesn’t talk a lot
A total doormat
Very astute, perceptive, and knowledgeable, though
Mommy Issues™️
Dumb as hell
[Half-star] IQ energy
Stresses Tree the hell out by being unobservant and leaping before looking (sometimes literally)
Will throw hands to protect him with her life, though
Eats anything
Gentle giant
Do NOT fuck with her team, though
Will Solar Beam the shit out of you at any given moment
The Mom Friend™️ of the gang; very organized, cautious, and protective
Will forgive anyone but will NEVER forget
Perpetually tired
Is Done™️ with the saving-the-world bullshit
Strongest Poke of the bunch if pressed
Very considerate and concerned about his team’s safety always
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doridoripawaa · 1 year
ok your thoughts?
love live girls main pokemon companion? or the mysme peeps? (whichever is easier to figure out)
Tell ya what. Love Live here and then I'll do MysMe on my MysMe blog!
Year first, youngest to oldest, then within each year it'll be smile->pure->cool!
Rin deserves a cat Pokémon, but will she be allergic? I hope not. Because she would have a Skitty as her partner. An energetic and perhaps a bit erratic cat! It's considered rather feminine in appearance, and I think Rin would have liked having a cute, "girly" Pokémon when she was younger to help her with her dysphoria and to avoid teasing from kids who told her she looked weird in skirts :(
Hanayo is a soft-spoken girl who only seems to perk up around rice and idols. She's extremely shy and insecure, and she would either need a Pokemon who can soothe her or one who can speak up for her. I think a Jigglypuff would be ideal, because it loves to sing but it can also be really tough! Plus it's super cute and fluffy, which fits Hanayo.
Maki has an Audino! Her parents gave her Audino because of their association with hospitals and healthcare in certain regions, but this Audino turned out to be an amazing help for Maki's pursuit of music! Audino have extremely sensitive hearing, so helping Maki with tuning her piano and fixing rough spots was easy.
Honoka has major Growlithe energy, since she's fiery and headstrong and determined. Her Growlithe keeps her from doing anything too dangerous.
Kotori OBVIOUSLY has a bird. Swablu is perfect with its fluffy, cotton wings for our baby bird seamstress! But when it evolves, it's surprisingly powerful, much like how scary Kotori can be when she's serious!
Umi has to have a water type, of course. I propose Oshawott. It's cute and spunky, which probably helps Umi smile and laugh. However it evolves into a samurai, which is fitting for our traditional and honorable beauty!
Nico wants a Pokémon that can shine on stage with her. She builds her team around the concept of cuteness. But we know she bites. Mawile is a fairy type and quite cute... until the jaws come around!
Nozomi definitely has a Gardevoir. The spiritual queen needs a psychic type! Plus, Ralts are good at soothing emotions, which I'm sure she needed as a kid when she was constantly moving around and painfully lonely without any friends. :(
Eli grew up with a Snorunt she received from her grandmother. Now she and her fully-evolved Froslass can dance together elegantly with their thawed hearts!
Hanamaru has a name that literally means "flower circle." I propose an Oddish, which is very much a round grass type! Ultimately, as Hanamaru builds confidence as an idol and trainer, her Oddish evolves into Bellossom who dances alongside her!
Ruby would totally have a fairy type. But hear me out: Sylveon. She started with an Eevee like her big sister Dia, but her love was so strong she ended up with a Sylveon!! Trans icon covered in ribbons.
Yohane's best friend is an Absol. She's got horrible luck, but her Absol can sense disasters in advance to try to keep her safe! Plus, Yohane is edgy and would love a dark type.
Chika is the embodiment of the sun, if you ask me. We also know she loves mikans! Not quite an orange, but I think Cherubi would be a good companion for her! Once she evolves into Cherrim, I have no doubt she will spend most of her time in sunshine form because Chika is so radiant! (But it's okay to be in overcast form when you're struggling, Chika!)
You needs a partner who can brave the seas with her! As basic as this may seem, I think Squirtle would be perfect! We know they work well in squads, so Captain You should get along great with Squirtle as her first mate!
Riko, my sweet girl with severe depression. Miss Sakurauchi should have a grass type, right? I think Chikorita is a great idea! Meganium's aromatic flower can soothe emotions, and its breath can revive dead plants. I think Meganium could help "revive" Riko's spirits, too!
Mari is known for being shiny, but we mustn't forget she's lonely too. I like to picture her with a shiny Zoroark. She found a lost and scared Zorua on her family's huge lawn, and she took the little baby in. Zoroark are fiercely loyal Pokémon, and they will use illusions and intimidation to keep enemies away. I bet... Zoroark has had to comfort Mari a lot during her loneliest times. Also Mari would 100% gush over her giant purple edgelord like it's the cutest creature in existence. Metalhead Mari my beloved.
Kanan obviously has a water type partner. She needs a Pokémon who can keep up with her on both land and sea, and so I think she'd bond with a Buizel from a young age! Once Buizel evolves into Floatzel, it can help rescue divers who run into trouble with its flotation sac!
Dia is elegant and refined. She's determined to make her family proud, and she's highly traditional. However, she's also devoted to her dear sister Ruby. Do you remember the Kimono Girls in Johto who each had an Eeveelution? That's why Dia and Ruby both started with Eevees! Dia's Eevee evolves into Glaceon, which suits our New Year's girl (and is even colored like a diamond). A bit cold, but loving and protective nonetheless.
Shioriko is extremely disciplined, perhaps too much so to the point where she comes across as uptight and controlling. I think she'd do well with a Medicham, which is elegant but also has sharp senses by training its mind & body with meditation & yoga!
Rina needs an Espurr. I cannot emphasize this enough. Do I even need to explain this?
Kasumi is another idol who thrives on her cuteness. I have to go with Fidough. It's a PUPPY made of BREAD. Mia teases her about that relentlessly.
Shizuku has to have a water type, since her idol icon is raindrops! Starting with a Popplio makes sense, since it's got a lot of tricks and skills to show off on a stage, and a fully-evolved Primarina is perfect to join Shizuku in a musical!
Ai is a ball of energy and laughter and fun. I can totally see her and Misato having a Plusle and Minun, respectively, as they start their journeys together! (Misato needed to wait for her health.) Plusle loves to cheer people and Pokemon on, using "Helping Hand" as needed for an extra boost. Is that not Ai?
Ayumu is a flower girl. Her songs and story are rife with floriography. Conceptually, I think Hoppip would be perfect. Much as Ayumu sings about moving forward one step at a time towards her dream, Hoppip can join her for a hop(pip), skip(loom), and jump(luff)!
Setsuna is the embodiment of fiery passion. She pours her heart and mind into everything she does. I know it sounds basic, but I love the idea of her having a Charmander. They kindle each other's flames and keep the other going. Plus, she's deeply into superheroes (the super sentai type), and I feel like Charizard would be perfect to help her reenact some crazy scenes. She has a big presence, and who fits that better than Charizard?
Lanzhu is a queen and she won't let you forget that. However, she is also associated with angel imagery. I think she'd grow up with a Togepi and then a Togetic, but Togetic refuses to evolve into Togekiss until Lanzhu finds peace and kindness in her heart.
Kanata needs a nap. While Drowzee may come to mind, her idol symbol is a sheep. I think she'd be wonderful with an Ampharos. It evolves from little sheep (Mareep and Flaafy), and its light is so bright that it can serve as a lighthouse or otherwise as a beacon for those who are lost. Kanata is always tired because she overworks herself as a devoted big sister; she wants to be the light that leads others to their dreams.
Mia would receive a music-related Pokemon from her parents, given her role as a member of a prestigious musical family. I can see her with a Chatot who's just as sassy as she is. Chatot helps her with composing new songs but also parrots all of the cursing that Mia does when she's struggling. Oops.
Emma has a Skiddo named Neve and I do NOT accept criticism! She doesn't need her Pokemon to be super strong--she just wants to be friends with her Pokemon! She can ride her Skiddo while singing, like a traveling bard.
Karin is beautiful, cool, and competitive. She's kind of a dork with a horrible sense of direction, too. I can see her with a Lopunny, as a strong, elegant counterpart who also has a soft & cute side. Specifically with the ability Klutz.
Natsumi has a Persian she raised from a Meowth. She isn't a very good trainer, but at least Persian is independent enough to best some weaker trainers. Uses Pay Day a lot for quick cash.
Kinako is fox-coded, as her symbol indicates. Most fox Pokémon tend to be sly or cunning, but our country girl Kinako is as sweet as they come. I could see her with an Eevee that comes to the city with an Everstone, but later Kinako takes off the stone as they grow together. Eevee evolves into Espeon because of her friendship.
Mei loves cute things and people, but because other kids fear her "scary" face, she would get an equally "scary" Pokémon because she'd think cute ones don't suit her. I can see her with a Houndour... who happens to love belly rubs and whimpers when you won't play with her.
Shiki insists her Beldum is the cutest Pokémon in existence from the moment she catches them in her "lab" as a child. As a Metagross, they're even cuter. Don't ask about how Shiki uses her steel/psychic partner for science experiments. Don't. :)
Chisato MUST have a round Pokémon! Maybe a Bounsweet who evolves into an AMAZING dancer Tsareena!
Sumire needs a space-themed Pokémon so she can be the best coordinator in the galaxy! Cleffa (eventually Clefable) seems like the natural choice! How could anyone NOT want to watch a pair of cutie pies shine on TV?
Keke loves pandas, but that seems too... cliche. I think she'd have a Snubbull partner! People judge Snubbull at first glance because of appearances, but they're loyal, determined, and loving Pokemon. Keke looks like a happy-go-lucky and carefree girl, but her burning passion and dedication to idols is beyond everyone's expectations. Also she's a star student. How. Girl. Share your secrets.
Kanon grew up with her family's Rowlet! Rowlet is a quiet little guy, storing energy during the day and flying silently with ninja-like attacks. Kanon is someone who chooses to stay quiet after she thinks her dreams are over, but she's also a reserved, anxious person in general. I can see her sitting in the sun "photosynthesizing" with her Rowlet. They grow stronger together, but even Decidueye lurks in the shadows and stays silent. Don't make either of them do public speaking, please.
Ren loves her Stoutland Chibi dearly, but Chibi is not a battling type. She actually has a Sinistea as a partner! She poured some tea and left it for a moment, and in a large, lonely, empty house like hers... a spirit was all too willing to inhabit her cup. But she didn't mind the new resident in her manor, where the emptiness is oppressive. Two lonely souls who became unlikely friends. (And of course hers is antique)
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Heya there!
We're Rescue Team Warriors. A Diamond Rank group of Pokemon capable of diving into the fiercest Mystery Dungeons and rescuing anyone in need!
...At least, we were. We're still a team, but now we're in some new world where, as far as we know, there's no dungeons! And there's humans all over along with Pokemon! It's weird..
Right! Onto the four of us. I'm the leader and the one writing this, Storm the Raichu! With me are: -My partner and co-founder, Chika the Meganium -Our swift-footed scout, Ziggi the Linoone -And our agile fighter, Abi the Absol
I'm sure you're asking why the four of us know how to use social media like Rotomblr here... It's mostly me for a reason. See, I was a human. Keyword was. A few years back I landed in the world we came from, with little to no memory of myself. Chika found me then and we've been inseparable since. Though when I was human, Pokemon weren't real at all.. so it's been a double-whiplash trying to adjust to human technology that also has Pokemon in mind..
But yeah, that's the four of us! If you ever need help, send us some mail and we'll be on the move as fast as we can!
(OOC under the cut)
Heya! This is Michael of the Stormsoul system! Follows will mostly come from @abs0ulut1on and my other Pokemon IRL blog is @the-true-shinetales !
This page is based on my really old Rescue Team OCs based on Red Rescue Team! As such, these guys won't really know anything past gen 3 of Pokemon, so expect a lot of confusion if you mention Dynamax or even Mega Evolutions! I'm not sure what else to put here but- Storm will be the main face here, but all four are available! Don't hesitate to reach out and ask questions!
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scytherion · 7 years
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wipes a tear from my eye...... beauti f ul.. all grown up
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akumaverse · 3 years
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First Appearance: AkumaTh’s Comics #1400
Dimension: Prime AkumaVerse
Allegiance: Warrior
In another world where Pokémon are the norm, a wild Chikorita was born from two Meganiums. Her father was a released Pokémon and told her all the pros and cons of being a Pokémon under a Trainer. But after Team Rocket captured her parents, she was left alone. For months, despite her size and chance of survival, she managed to avoid capture by the humans and defeat from bigger Pokémon. That changed after an encounter with a Digimon.
The artificial creature found Chikorita after an encounter with a pack of Wolf Type Pokémons she managed to defeat. Taking advantage of her tired state, it took the Seed Pokémon to another dimension. Seeing a chance to escape, it performed Poison Powder to blind it and she ran off. She ran as fast and as far as she could, but between the running and the previous fight, she passed out from exhaustion. Luckily she was found by a human.
When she woke up, she was found in the home of Akuma recovering from the collapse. It is here she found that she can still lead the life of a Wild Pokémon with the comforts of a Captured Pokémon. Now a pet to Akuma and Lita, she has adopted their name for her: Chika. And in this new world, with her previous knowledge of tactics and resourcefulness, she is now considered a Warrior in this community. And under the watch of Akuma and training with Lita, Chika has overcome her limits and can do things normal Chikoritas can’t do.
Sprite Credit
Current Version by AkumaTh. Based from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
Fun Facts:
Chikorita is one of my favorite Pokémon. Why exactly is unknown to me. If I would have to guess, most of her incarnations (including Anime and Manga) depict her as a fighter despite being a grass type. 
Despite being my favorite Pokémon, I have not played Gold or Silver (Original or Remake).
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xjvsmyn · 7 years
sever the tongues of the wretchedd, ya feel me acid chika?? chika like some chikarita shit yehh. man u wud make a cuteass chikarita tho. not so much bayleef but chika chika ya ya fosho. meganium kinda sucks sometiems tho idk. not always my thing but it depends on the art style tbh
HELL YEA chikorita is my favorite besides bulbasaurand cubonethey're all SO CUTE AAAAA
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