jules-from-tumbir · 1 year
I'm now on methylfenidate or medikinet, but my psychiatrist is still not entirely convinced that I have adhd 🙃🙃🙃
So like you give me meds for adhd but still don't diagnose me although I was diagnosed when I was 13?
Ok 👍🏻
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jugenddramaabfck · 1 year
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Wär ja fast ästhetisch.. Wär da nicht der Tote auf der Kippenschachtel🥲
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adhdthoughts · 1 year
Ok nvm, I post it now.
So there are some updates in my life..
I think I shared it some time, that the adhd medication don't really work for me.
Ritalin/Medikinet doesn't really do smth for me.. also Elvanse seemed not to work that well. I feel more motivated to do things on Elvanse, but was never sure if it actually helps me concentrate better or doing the stuff that I needed/wanted to do.
I always took Ritalin/Elvanse with a few weeks or sometimes months in-between. Just because I wanted to have a new impression of what it does to me or if it even does anything. I can't sleep on Elvanse, even when I take it at 07:00 and going to bed at 00:00 or even 01:00.
I'm always struggling with falling asleep (1-2h) and when I am asleep I feel like I'm 40% awake. And sometimes I woke up after a few hours and need to try again.
But I have exams pretty soon (which is a big struggle coz I'm fkn bad as studying and really hat it) so I wen't to my Psych and asked for an attestation that I have more time in my Exam.
(Some background-knowledge: I'm kinda struggling with the time in every test that I write or wrote in school. I don't know why I'm so fkn slow at that, but I always get just ok'ish grades instead of good ones, because I can't finish my tests. I don't really feel like I'm wasting my time a lot or looking around a lot, but somehow I can't manage to finish them in time.. maybe because too much of an perfectionist and want my phrases to sound good and rearranging them in my head back and forth, Idk..)
Anyway, so I got that attestation and she also asked me what about my medicals (I wasn't there for 1 year and I told her that I still have that sleeping issues and then she said, np, you can take Trimipramin before you go to sleep, try it out.
I haven't used Elvanse for about a half year, because I didn't want to be awake half of the night and probably be tired or even more unconcentrated the day after. I only did it on working days so far, because I thought why should I use it on weekends, thats my free time.
So I after I got that sleeping med I tried it out on a Saturday with the mindset that I wanna get shit done that day. And wtf I was doing productive things for 11h straight. Like cleaning my room finally (kinda deep, also the windows and stuff, Pog xd), helped mom with the house, groceries, tried to sort all my lose paper/sheets into folders, etc..
Was a great feeling to get smth done.
But not every elvanse day is a 11h productive type day, but maybe because I'm not committing often enough that day/evening before.
(I still have some side-effects of it like cold feet, less appetite and my intestine is more active.. but that doesn't matter so much for me.)
So yeah.. I'm experimenting more with it, taking it 0-3 times a week.
I have much more joy on working at my job and it's pretty easy for me to work 8-9h even without any break (sure that's illegal and not healthy, but I'm not planning to do that often, that's just what I noticed).
For days when I really don't want to work my 8h that's a good mood boost.
But I think I also noticed that I can study better, but I'm still not quite sure about it, but at least it's helping me with getting the chores done, which is pretty nice, let me feel better and a clean room is better for concentrating when studying.
Will continue that in the next post..
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Im currently on medikinet adult 10mg for the first time and my brain is structuring everything that’s happening so much better 😭😍 I was afraid I might feel drugged but I’m just myself but doing things is not so damn dreading
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dumb-ass-brains · 1 year
Haha I should really stop finding Tumblr posts and following cool people otherwise my dashboard is going to become unusable again.
oh no I followed 50 more people
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audhd-space · 2 years
I was supposed to be on Ritalin LA 20mg but because of chain supply issues, I’ve been continuously put on normal Ritalin 10mg twice per day then increased to 15mg twice per day.
So now my doctor put me on Medikinet 20mg, and I honestly have yet to see the progress.
I am also curious if there are any differences between Ritalin and Medikinet.
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adhsscan · 1 year
Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) ist eine relativ häufige Erkrankung, die sich vor allem auf das Verhalten einer Person auswirkt.
Menschen mit ADHS sind ständig unruhig, impulsiv und/oder unaufmerksam. Sie erhalten psychologische Hilfe, um Ihre Emotionen und Verhaltensweisen (oder die Ihres Kindes) zu verstehen, aber wenn dies nicht ausreicht, können Medikamente wie Methylphenidat verschrieben werden. Zu den bekanntesten Produkten mit diesem Wirkstoff zählen im deutschsprachigen Raum Ritalin, Medikinet und Concerta.
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Neuen Studien zufolge kommt ADHS bei Erwachsenen häufiger vor, als man bisher dachte. Viele Menschen mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) stellen sogar erst im Erwachsenenalter fest, dass sie daran leiden. Es war die ganze Zeit da, aber sie wurden nie darauf getestet. Andere wissen schon seit ihrer Kindheit, dass sie es haben. Aber die Symptome – und der Stress, der damit verbunden ist – können sich mit dem Alter verändern.
Bei Menschen mit ADHS ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit größer, dass sie unter psychischen Problemen wie Angstzuständen, Depressionen und Drogenmissbrauch leiden. Diese Erkrankungen und ihre Behandlung können sich auf ADHS auswirken und umgekehrt. So können zum Beispiel einige stimulierende Medikamente gegen ADHS die Angstsymptome verschlimmern. Wenn jemand unter beiden Erkrankungen leidet, wird der Arzt oder die Ärztin bei der Festlegung des Behandlungsplans darauf achten, welche der beiden Erkrankungen die meisten Probleme verursacht.
Andererseits hat die Forschung herausgefunden, dass die Behandlung von ADHS mit Stimulanzien für Menschen, die auch an einer Drogenabhängigkeit leiden, eine Hilfe sein kann, in Suchtbehandlungsprogrammen zu bleiben. In den meisten Fällen kann der behandelnde Arzt oder die behandelnde Ärztin Behandlungen für mehr als eine Erkrankung sicher kombinieren. Eine Kombination aus Antidepressiva und Stimulanzien kann zum Beispiel helfen, wenn jemand neben ADHS auch an Depressionen leidet.
Einige ADHS-Symptome können auch Anzeichen für andere Erkrankungen sein oder ADHS-Medikamente können Nebenwirkungen haben, die wie andere psychische Probleme aussehen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, mit dem Arzt oder der Ärztin zu sprechen, wenn in dieser Hinsicht Veränderungen auftreten. In der Regel ist ADHS bei Erwachsenen heute so gut behandelbar, dass die Betroffenen ein weitgehend normales Leben ohne größere Einschränkungen führen können.
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sastheforestspirit · 8 months
Of course anxiety meds, ADHD meds and therapy don't work on me as intended. Of course I am the stupidest case scenario. Of course I have to be the trouble maker. Fuck fuck fuck.
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mosswolf · 6 months
im having the kind of adhd time at the moment where there's SO many things i want to do and want to be and want to say and want to make and i am so full of wanting to do them all that im incapable of actually doing anything at all.... not very helpful.
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softbastard · 9 months
this is literally how i feel when im on my ADHD meds
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zarafey · 2 years
And now we are in the "constructing elaborate schemes through which I could avoid a situation I don't want to be in and which would not make other people think I'm lazy" phase of stressing about a test
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georjeez · 2 years
got some ritalin lads
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raubtierfuetterung · 2 months
Travelling (“train-ing” that is). I either listen to music now, or I will start vomiting
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evolutionsbedingt · 2 months
To my continued horror sometimes "if you do not schedule system maintenance your system will schedule it for you" and "this bug in your system will turn off your system notifications and mess with the readout from your maintenance scans" can be true at the same time and lead to an unforeseen blue screen of death even if you thought you did the system maintenance tasks
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spiderlegeyelashes · 5 months
ostatnio jakos moj polski taki jakis chujowszy niz zwykle. pisze i mowie jak dziecko co jest
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