#Media City auditors
tech-blog987 · 2 years
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seoann1808 · 2 years
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strictlyfavorites · 2 months
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One state prosecutor and one civilian plaintiff have already won huge fines and damages from Donald Trump that may, with legal costs, exceed $500 million.
Trump awaits further civil and criminal liability in three other federal, state, and local indictments.
There are eerie commonalities in all these five court cases involving plaintiff E. Jean Carroll, Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Letitia James, federal special counsel Jack Smith, and Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis.
One, they are either unapologetically left-wing or associated with liberal causes. They filed their legal writs in big-city, left-wing America—Atlanta, New York, Washington—where liberal judges and jury pools predominate in a manner not characteristic of the country at large.
Two, they are overtly political. Bragg, James, and Willis have either campaigned for office or raised campaign funds by promising to get or even destroy Donald Trump.
Carroll’s suit was funded by left-wing billionaire Reid Hoffman.
Smith sued to rush his court schedule in hopes of putting Trump on trial before the November election.
Three, there would not be any of these cases had Donald Trump not run for the presidency or not been a conservative.
Carroll’s suit bypassed statute of limitation restrictions by prompting the intervention of a left-wing New York legislator. He passed a special bill, allowing a one-year window to waive the statute of limitations for sexual assault claims from decades past.
Until Trump, no New York prosecutor like James had ever filed a civil suit against a business for allegedly overvaluing real estate assets to obtain loans that bank auditors approved and were paid back in full, on time, and with sizable interest profits to the lending institutions.
Alvin Bragg bootstrapped a Trump private non-disclosure agreement into a federal campaign violation in a desperate effort to find something on Trump.
Smith is also charging Trump with insurrectionary activity. But Trump had never been so charged with insurrection, much less convicted of it.
Willis strained to find a way to criminalize Trump’s complaints about his loss of Georgia in the 2020 national election. She finally came up with a racketeering charge, usually more applicable to mafiosi and drug cartels.
Four, in all these cases, the charges could have been equally applicable to fellow left-wing public figures and officials.
Joe Biden, like Trump, was accused of sexual assault decades earlier by former staffer Tara Reade. Yet Reade was torn apart by the media and the left for inconsistencies in her memory. By contrast, the wildly inconsistent and amnesiac E. Jean Carroll won $83 million from Trump.
Jack Smith created the precedent of charging former president Trump for unlawfully removing classified files to his private residence.
But the government simultaneously did not charge Joe Biden for similar offenses. Yet Biden had removed files not for two years but for more than 30. He stored them not in one location but several.
His rickety garage was a mess, not a secure family compound like Trump’s estate. Moreover, Biden did so while a senator and vice president, without any presidential authority to declassify almost any presidential document he wished.
Biden never came forward to report the crime for over thirty years—until Trump was charged. Indeed, he was caught on tape six years ago, admitting to his ghostwriter that he possessed classified files but never reported it.
Bragg might have noticed that both Hillary Clinton (fined $113,000) and Barack Obama (fined $350,000) broke campaign financing laws. Neither was subject to federal criminal charges by local prosecutors.
An array of left-wing celebrities, politicians, 2004 House Members, former Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams have all recently challenged elections. They sought either to delay or redo ballot counting or, on the federal level, to sidetrack electors to ignore popular votes in their respective states.
These lawfare cases are part of other efforts that were highly partisan and without merit. Recall the Trump “Russian collusion” hoax and the “Russian disinformation” laptop farce.
In another first, some blue states are suing to take Trump’s name off the ballot for “insurrection,” a crime for which he has never been charged.
Total up the deaths, damage, and length of the summer 2020 Antifa/BLM riots. Then compare the tally to the one-day January 6 riot.
The former proved far more lethal, long-lasting, and destructive. Yet very few of the 14,000 arrested rioters in 2020 were ever prosecuted, much less convicted.
By contrast, the Biden administration sought to jail hundreds for crimes allegedly committed on January 6, such as “illegal parading.”
We are entering a dangerous era in America.
Ideology and party affiliations increasingly determine guilt and punishment. Opponents are first targeted, and then laws are twisted and redefined to convict them.
The left is waging lawfare with the implicit message to political opponents: either keep quiet or suffer the consequences.
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ktficworld · 2 years
Tale of my heart
Paring: Bruce Wayne x f! Reader
Summary: your heart belongs to him. And he shatters it in the most beautifully cruel way.
Warning: ANGST
A/n: who wants a part two 😏
Part 2
Main masterlist
Bruce Wayne masterlist
Tags: @the-house-of-auditore-frye @maharani-radha-writes
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You always dreamed about your soulmate.
Since you were little, you always fantasized about meeting them. The stories your mother told, the mythologies that persisted, the meetings you witnessed. All made it seem so beautiful.
You looked out of the window. The stars twinkling and the half moon glowing in the dark, resembling your mark.
You lifted your left hand. Your crescent tattoo coming into the peripheral. You touched it gently, smiling you stared into the navy night. "We will meet someday. "
When you reached middle school. You started to focus more on your studies rather than your supposed soulmate. It was more important then.
As you reached high school. You saw several of your friends meeting their soulmate. You thought you would meet them too, but you didn't.
You envied them. They got their love so early and so easily. They would be together and for each other in some of the hardest times.
Where were your soulmate? Were they dead? You quickly shook your head to get rid of this horrid thought. No they'd be alright. You consoled yourself.
"How long are you going to make me wait? "
When you were in college you still haven't found your soulmate yet, and it was starting to drive you crazy.
So, you asked around. Looked for some advice, suggestion.
Some said to post your tattoo's picture online. You didn't have large numbers , so that didn't work.
Other said to go to soulmate forums and ask around. You did just that, but no luck their.
Some also told you to travel around the country. Maybe then you will find them. And... You did that also. You travelled from kashmir to kanyakumari, Gujarat to Sikkim. But you didn't meet them. You could however become a tourist guide by now.
"Let the fate work, baby. "
Your mother had said when you were on the verge of a breakdown.
"But, how maa? " You had asked tearfully.
"It has it's ways. They would come sooner or later. But you need to focus on your self now. I know you have been dreaming about your soulmate since you were a child, but you need to learn to love yourself. If you would not be able to love yourself, how are you going to love them?"
She was right and you understood her. Soulmates always meet unexpectedly and you can't go around searching for them.
You need to start searching yourself.
And you did just that. You found a good job, started taking care of yourself, started learning new things.
You were at a point where you were content with yourself. You did think about your soulmate, but it was rare. You didn't feel incomplete or were desperate. It was as everything has fallen into place, except your mystery mate. For whom you were waiting patiently now.
But most importantly you started travelling the world, which you realized after travelling the whole country that you liked that. Liked meeting new people, eating different food, knowing about different cultures.
That's how you found yourself in Gotham City. You were already travelling new Jersey, so the prospect of Gotham wasn't unrequited. Plus, you were running out of places to travel and Gotham's thrilling vigilante wasn't helping either.
After the arrival in the Gotham you wandered around the city. Locals were nice but a little reserved. It wasn't a hellhole of crimes, not like how media had depicted. But crime was still high, that was undeniable.
You learnt that there was an annual fair tonight and you were like, why the hell not? Let's go!
It was beautiful. Lights sparkled as it brightened the gloomy Gotham sky. Rides surrounded every corner accompanied by laughters and squeal of everyone. Toys, clothes, food everything imaginable was there.
There were also a lot of Batman merchandise. Since no one knew Batman's identity, everything was unbranded and local. But with the increase in Batman's popularity this sector would definitely grow. Some Gotham socialite should patent this brand... Or you will.
You chuckled at the thought and decided to leave the fair. The night was growing darker by every minute and even though coming to Gotham was a risky step in itself. You weren't that courageous to wander late at night in Gotham.
You called the cab and waited for it to arrive. But after awhile when the cab was still stuck at the same location for 20 minutes. You decide to call the driver.
"Hello, where are you? Is everything alright? You're stuck in the same spot for quite some time. " You voiced your concerns as soon as he picked up the phone.
"I'm sorry ma'am. I'm stuck in the traffic." The driver said.
"I need to go back, it's getting late." You said nervously. You really didn't want to stay this late.
"If you can, you can come to the cab. I'm only two blocks away. " He suggested.
You took a deep breath and decided to walk up to the cab. After all it would be safer in the confines of the car rather than standing alone.
"Alright, I'm coming. " You said.
You had safely crossed the two blocks and was mere minutes away from the location when you came across a dark valley you needed to walk before finally merging into the main street.
You swallowed hard at the realization. Don't worry, it's going to be okay. It short, just quickly jog out of here. You encouraged yourself as you took a deep breath and starting moving forward.
You were in the middle of the alley when you heard the sounds of footsteps. Your heart sunk. You didn't stop, as to not create suspicion but slowed down your pace. You listened as the steps became louder. You clutched your handbag in a death grip as you awaited the attack.
When you sensed them near. You turned around and hit the man with all of your might, using your bag. The man cried out and swiftly you kicked with in the stomach repeatedly, till he was on his knees.
You quickly sprinted into a run but more man appeared from the shadows. As if waiting for you to move. They were too many, tall and had weapons. You couldn't fight them even if you wanted to.
Is this the end? You thought as you were backed into a corner. A bulky man raised his hockey stick, making you scream as you braced yourself for the blow.
But it never came. You waited for moment, then trembling you opened your eyes. The man was nowhere to be found. Your ears then registered the sounds of groaning and grunting. The sounds of punches!
Now you fully opened your eyes and saw him, vengeance. You watched as he effortlessly took down all the goons. It took him sometime to dismantle everyone and you just stared at him the entire time, amazed and speechless.
"Are you okay? " His deep voice rang out in the alley as he stretched out his hand towards you , where you were crouched. You softly put your hands in his and he helped you back on your feets.
That's when you saw it. The crescent moon on your hand glowing in the dark, indicating your soul mate was near. Your eyes darted around the area to check of he was one of the goons. Your filled with relief when you didn't find any glow near them.
Realization struck you that the man dressed in Kevlar was your soulmate. You turned to him. Who was watching your mark, jaw clenched.
"You're my soul mate. " You said breathlessly. Maybe this explained your obsession with the Batman.
He still hasn't said anything to you. Eyes staring blankly at you, face unreadable.
"Vengeance." You asked as you moved closer.
"You should go now. " He said flatly
You faltered a little. "What do you mean? "
"Go home, it's late. " He said coldly.
Your heart thumped in your chest. What was happening? Why was he not... Happy?
"Why should I go back? I'm your soulmate-"
"Don't." He cut you off and looked away. The silence was deafening. As emotions swirled through you.
Suddenly he pulled off his left glove. His hand shining the same as you.
"See it's glowing, it's me. "
He screwed his eyes shut as if trying to close off his current situation. "Look closely. " He said gravely.
You slowly took his hand and brought it closer to you. Glancing down your heart dropped into your stomach. His mark was the same as you glinting, but it was scorched. As someone tried to get rid of it but failed.
"But I have waited for you my entire life. " You said, your voice wavering as you tried to swallow back your tears. Was he- was he rejecting you? Did he reject you even before meeting you?
He took a sharp intake of breath and told you something that broke your heart into pieces.
"I don't want you. Go away. "
It felt as if someone poured melting lava in your ears and freezed your heart into ice before shattering it into million shards. The person you loved since you were born, the person for whom you travelled the whole world, the person who was meant for you. Had rejected you.
You felt so much pain that everything felt numb and you felt nothing.
"Thank you for saving me. " You absently said and blindly walked away. Your body working on autopilot, dragging you to the street.
You spotted the cab. Standing in between cars. You reached the cab and got inside, still dazed.
"Ma'am, are you okay. "
You nodded and stared from the window blankly. After a while the traffic dispersed and the car started move.
The cold air of Gotham slapped you and that's when the reality came crashing down. Your soulmate had rejected you.
You burst into tears as they tried to subside the pain in your heart. But those flames kept raising, fueled by his words " I don't want you. "
He was so beautifully cruel.
Bruce's POV
Bruce has been in a daze since last night. His words still ringing in his ears.
"I don't want you. "
he internally flinched at these words. And yet, he had said those same words to the woman who waited for him her entire life. Waited for her soulmate her entire life.
He didn't even tell Alfred what happened. And how could he? What would he say? That he pushed yet another good thing because he can't love someone while his parents were buried under the ground. He knew, his words were bad at the least and heart wrenching at the worst.
He looked at his left arm, where the tattoo has started to heal. He didn't know his soulmate could heal such a deep wound.
He still remember the day he scorched the mark. It was after the Gotham's flood, he realized his life was too dangerous for his other half. So, he tried to break the bond, to take off the mark. But, destiny didn't let his attempt succeeded. All he could do was disfigure the tattoo.
He felt the pain, which he knew he had no right to. He was the one who sliced her heart in two pieces. But, she deserved better. It was not her fault that he was too broken to love. He just hoped that she would find someone. Who could love her.
"I'm going. " He said to his manager. He couldn't focus on anything so it was just a waste of time. He didn't wait for his reply and walked out of the building.
His heart sunk when he saw you outside the building, taking pictures. Did you figured out his identity?
He slowly approached you. You focus unwavering from the camera. "Why are you taking pictures? "
You jerked and looked at him wide eyed. Your eyes were red and swollen and his heart squeezed tightly. You gave a smile, but he knew it was fake.
"I'm sorry Mr. Wayne. I'm a tourist and that's why I was taking photos. But if you want, I can delete them. " You hastily explained.
Did you came all the way from your home to Gotham just to meet him?
God. Now he felt even more guilty. "It's okay, it's a public property anyway. "
"Thank you." With that you resumed your previous task and Bruce quietly left you, again.
No, it was for the best. His life was too dangerous, what he was doing to Alfred was a good example of that. This pain was going to be worth it. He tried to comfort himself as a tear ran down his cheek.
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askmadcomcrew · 1 month
Hmm, how about...
To everyone: General opinions on zeds?
Hank: Annoying, if in large groups. One zed isn't much to worry about, and is easy to kill with a headshot or knife to the head. It's the hordes you have to watch out for.
Sanford: Zeds are basically animals at this point, mindless and roving. They're only really capable of convertin' others into more zeds, and they just keep doing that forever until they run of of folks to convert. They're not so bad in open areas, but they can really get the jump on you in tight spaces.
Deimos: They're creepy and weird, and I really don't like 'em too much. I prefer to deal with them at range with guns, Sanford likes to let 'em get close so he can stab 'em in the head, or just uses his hook. Letting them get close is just about the worst thing you can do, but it helps to know what to do when one is on top of you tryna much on your face. A quick knife to the head usually does the trick.
Doc: Zeds are the result of Enmeshment, tech I theorize was stolen from me around the time of my arena experiment by an...Unsavory character. Unlike most zombies in media you're used to, their bites are not fatal, as myself and most of my men have suffered zed bites which can be treated like any other wound. Dr. Christoff notably weaponized a massive horde of Zeds during his insurrection on Nexus City, causing the deaths of hundreds and larger numbers of zeds to spread throughout the Nevadean wastes. Needless to say, they can be rather troublesome, but are not a consistent factor in my day to day life.
Jeb: I am not overly fond of the existence of Zeds, they are an affront to nature much like many of the Nexus Core's experiments. However, that does not make them any less useful. Zeds in large numbers can be sent towards a specific target, and if that target is unprepared to deal with an infestation, they can prove quite effective. You do not have to worry about morale or morality with Zeds, they simply move towards the next closest source of food, and onto the next when that food source has been exhausted. They also make for veritable meatshields.
Crackpot: Well, I have quite the...Special relationship with Zeds, needless to say, being their creator and all. Zeds are my greatest scientific success, and were part of the reason I was briefly made head of Project Nexus when Christoff got the can. My zeds may not have been as directly capable as Christoff's sleepwalkers, but we could make so many more of them to keep Project Nexus afloat. It's a shame that bastard Christoff misused them in order to help bring the city down.
Sheriff: Well, considerin' they still dominate an entire sector of Nexus City, I ain't too fond of 'em. My boys are putting in a lot of resources in trying to clear out the Zed infestation over in Residential. It's slow goin', but we're whittling their numbers down one by one. I got round the clock snipers on any vantage point that's safe enough to snipe from, just shootin' 'em down as they see 'em. At some point in the future the streets of Residential should be relatively safe to navigate again.
Phobos: Another wonderful byproduct of Nexus Science, Zeds are one of the many ways I continued Project Nexus. As inhospitable as they may be, they proved to be very useful tools in keeping more S3LFs out of the other place. The Nexus Core had no shortage of corpses, so we could pump as many S3LFs into them as we desired.
Auditor: They are of little concern, however they are known to assault certain AAHW bases closer to the outskirts of Nexus City. Massive, wandering droves of Zeds can reduce a fortified position to rubble and more zeds extremely quickly. I occasionally dispatch anti-Zed units to clear out Zed infested areas, in order to keep population low. If Zed numbers are allowed to get too high, they can pose a great threat to my operation here.
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aronarchy · 4 months
Top Members of Far-Right Swedish Party With Neo-Nazi Roots Meet Israeli Minister in Knesset
David Stavrou, Jonathan Lis and Noa Shpigel Jan 29, 2024
A delegation of senior members from the far-right party in Sweden, the Swedish Democrats, arrived in Israel on an unofficial visit and met on Monday with Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chickli in the Knesset.
The party, currently the second-largest in the Swedish parliament, has roots in neo-Nazi and antisemitic ideologies. It is one of several European parties with which Israel has refrained from establishing official ties.
The delegation has visited Yad Vashem, one of the crossings connecting Israel to the West Bank, and the Old City in Jerusalem.
Officials in Sweden following the party suggest that the visit is part of its attempt to whitewash its antisemitic and racist positions by presenting itself as a friend of Israel.
In a post on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), the party leader, Jimmie Akesson, wrote: “It is clear that our parties and our nations share common values,” accompanied by a photo of himself with Minister Chikli.
Party members told Haaretz that they met with several ministers during their visit but refused to disclose their names.
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Israel has so far refrained from engaging with the Swedish Democrats not only due to their neo-Nazi roots but also because members of the party have disseminated conspiracy theories and expressed racist, antisemitic, and Islamophobic sentiments in recent years.
Israel’s Ambassador to Stockholm, Ziv Nevo Kulman, even declared that Israel does not maintain and will not establish future relations with the party. The Israeli foreign ministry, which was not involved in coordinating the visit, clarified on Monday that “there is no change in policy towards the party.”
Among the delegation members who visited the Knesset were party leader Akesson, the chairman of the Swedish parliament’s foreign affairs committee, Aron Emilsson, the head of the party’s parliamentary group, Linda Lindberg, and the head of the party’s group in the European Parliament, Charlie Weimers.
Weimers is one of the party’s top members who already visited Israel in May of last year. During the previous visit, it was reported that party leaders met with Knesset member Amit Halevi from Likud and former Knesset member Michael Kleiner, who now serves as the president of the Likud’s court.
Though part of the Swedish political establishment today, the Sweden Democrats do indeed have roots in Nazism. Some of the party’s founders were known Nazis, such as its first auditor, Gustaf Ekström, who was a Waffen-SS veteran.
The party’s first spokesperson Leif Ericsson and its first chairman Anders Klarström were both active in various neo-Nazi and extremist right-wing parties, and the chairman of the party’s youth organization, Robert Vesterlund, was also a known neo-Nazi. During the 80’s and 90’s, the party was a marginal force in Swedish politics, and it began distancing itself from extremism and aligning itself closer to mainstream politics in the mid 90’s.
The party entered the Swedish parliament for the first time in 2010, and in the elections held a year and a half ago, it received over 20% of the votes. Until a few years ago, the party was ostracized by parties across the political spectrum in Sweden and was not considered for inclusion in any coalition.
However, due to a change in approach by two traditional right-wing parties, the Swedish Democrats became an integral part of the right-wing bloc after the elections, with the government in Stockholm entirely dependent on their support. Party members wield significant influence over the government’s policies and hold key positions in parliamentary committees, including foreign affairs, justice, and industry and trade.
In recent months, the party has been attempting to position itself as “the most pro-Israel party in Sweden” and distance itself from its antiemetic and neo-Nazi past. However, in 2021, the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet revealed that the party leader in the second-largest city council in Sweden, Gothenburg, Jörgen Fogelklou, had posted antisemitic and racist statements on social media, such as “It is clear that the Jews are the root of all evil in the world.”
Two years ago, it was exposed that some party members had connections with neo-Nazi movements even in recent years. For instance, one party member in southern Sweden, Jonas Lingren, publicly supported rock bands advocating for “white supremacy” and used the slogan “Skinhead 88” (88 is a known code for Heil Hitler, i.e., HH).
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
Nothing is on the horizon to block Iowa’s steady march to the right and off a cliff.
Gov. Kim Reynolds came off a historic legislative session that has Ron DeSantis calling the Tall Corn State the “Florida of the North.” There’s book banning, gay bashing, welfare demeaning, private school vouchers and more from solid majorities in both the House and Senate for her to celebrate.
The public appears to be rolling with the agenda, while holding reservations about the vouchers.
The state’s congressional delegation is entirely Republican.
It’s going to take a seismic event, or series of them, and a messianic messenger for Democrats to even get back in the conversation.
There are no statewide races on the 2024 ballot. Iowa will be flooded with conservative propaganda — it’s already started — with the Republican presidential nominating process. Being anti-woke, whatever that is, will be the thing. The environment will heighten Reynolds’s visibility and burnish her image as a politician of national prominence. Democrats will ignore Iowa because there’s nothing at play here.
Iowa needs a two-party system but doesn’t have one. That’s been a long time coming. The GOP has played the long game in rural states since 1980 by investing in media, messaging and organization. It’s paying off in flyover country.
If the election were held today, you would want to bet on Trump winning Iowa bigly.
The next legislative session will be just as harsh as Republicans try to fire up their base heading into the general elections. Reynolds wants to eliminate the state income tax, for starters, and again the public appears to agree with her. The loyal opposition can barely get a message through.
It will take something seismic and someone messianic for the Democrats to even get into the conversation.
Abortion? Perhaps. The Iowa Supreme Court is expected to rule soon on a bill that could ban abortion. Historically, abortion politics have not played well for Democrats in Iowa. It is not clear they can turn the issue to their advantage in statehouse races.
Education? Huge tax cuts are popular, but the bite will be felt in public schools as we dole out vouchers for private education. It won’t be an immediate disruption, more like a slow erosion that increases class sizes and closes rural schools with declining enrollment.
Gay rights? Eighty-three congregations, in places like Pocahontas and Marcus, just pulled out of the Iowa Methodist Conference over allowing gay pastors and marriage.
Economic issues? Voters are going with tax cuts in the absence of a strong Democratic message.
As for a messenger, the minority party has State Auditor Rob Sand, the only statewide Democratic officeholder whose authority was eviscerated by the legislature. Not many people seem too worked up about him being stripped of investigative authority. He is a Decorah native who has worked assiduously to develop a reputation as a moderate turkey hunter who eschews party politics.
Harold Hughes broke through in 1962 under somewhat similar circumstances with a campaign built around liquor by the drink. Hughes had a fire in his belly. Does Sand?
The only other elected Democrat of prominence who understands rural areas is Rep. JD Scholten of Sioux City. He has the fire in his belly but does not appear to be in the inner circle of Des Moines. He continues to make appearances around the state and is not afraid of being associated with labor unions. Democrats fail to appreciate how important western Iowa is to winning statewide elections, and how their abandonment of rural voters has led to their demise.
They have until 2026 to figure something out. Sure, a lot can happen to change things. Who knows what happens with Sen. Chuck Grassley, age 89? Or abortion politics. For now, the Republicans are having a ball while on a roll, and there isn’t a whole lot the other side is doing about it. They need someone to fly the flag and lead the charge out of the weeds, with a message that can be heard out here. Starting with: Whatever happened to the family farm, an open market and the good union jobs? Somebody needs to change the conversation.
Art Cullen is the editor of the Storm Lake Times Pilot in Northwest Iowa, where this column appeared. For more columns and editorials, please consider a subscription to the Times Pilot. Or, if you wish, you can make a tax-deductible gift to the Western Iowa Journalism Foundation to support independent community journalism in rural Iowa. Thanks.
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mightyflamethrower · 3 months
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One state prosecutor and one civilian plaintiff have already won huge fines and damages from Donald Trump that may, with legal costs, exceed $500 million.
Trump awaits further civil and criminal liability in three other federal, state, and local indictments.
There are eerie commonalities in all these five court cases involving plaintiff E. Jean Carroll, Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Letitia James, federal special counsel Jack Smith, and Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis.
One, they are either unapologetically left-wing or associated with liberal causes. They filed their legal writs in big-city, left-wing America—Atlanta, New York, Washington—where liberal judges and jury pools predominate in a manner not characteristic of the country at large.
Two, they are overtly political. Bragg, James, and Willis have either campaigned for office or raised campaign funds by promising to get or even destroy Donald Trump.
Carroll’s suit was funded by left-wing billionaire Reid Hoffman.
Smith sued to rush his court schedule in hopes of putting Trump on trial before the November election.
Three, there would not be any of these cases had Donald Trump not run for the presidency or not been a conservative.
Carroll’s suit bypassed statute of limitation restrictions by prompting the intervention of a left-wing New York legislator. He passed a special bill, allowing a one-year window to waive the statute of limitations for sexual assault claims from decades past.
Until Trump, no New York prosecutor like James had ever filed a civil suit against a business for allegedly overvaluing real estate assets to obtain loans that bank auditors approved and were paid back in full, on time, and with sizable interest profits to the lending institutions.
Alvin Bragg bootstrapped a Trump private non-disclosure agreement into a federal campaign violation in a desperate effort to find something on Trump.
Smith is also charging Trump with insurrectionary activity. But Trump had never been so charged with insurrection, much less convicted of it.
Willis strained to find a way to criminalize Trump’s complaints about his loss of Georgia in the 2020 national election. She finally came up with a racketeering charge, usually more applicable to mafiosi and drug cartels.
Four, in all these cases, the charges could have been equally applicable to fellow left-wing public figures and officials.
Joe Biden, like Trump, was accused of sexual assault decades earlier by former staffer Tara Reade. Yet Reade was torn apart by the media and the left for inconsistencies in her memory. By contrast, the wildly inconsistent and amnesiac E. Jean Carroll won $83 million from Trump.
Jack Smith created the precedent of charging former president Trump for unlawfully removing classified files to his private residence.
But the government simultaneously did not charge Joe Biden for similar offenses. Yet Biden had removed files not for two years but for more than 30. He stored them not in one location but several.
His rickety garage was a mess, not a secure family compound like Trump’s estate. Moreover, Biden did so while a senator and vice president, without any presidential authority to declassify almost any presidential document he wished.
Biden never came forward to report the crime for over thirty years—until Trump was charged. Indeed, he was caught on tape six years ago, admitting to his ghostwriter that he possessed classified files but never reported it.
Bragg might have noticed that both Hillary Clinton (fined $113,000) and Barack Obama (fined $350,000) broke campaign financing laws. Neither was subject to federal criminal charges by local prosecutors.
An array of left-wing celebrities, politicians, 2004 House Members, former Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams have all recently challenged elections. They sought either to delay or redo ballot counting or, on the federal level, to sidetrack electors to ignore popular votes in their respective states.
These lawfare cases are part of other efforts that were highly partisan and without merit. Recall the Trump “Russian collusion” hoax and the “Russian disinformation” laptop farce.
In another first, some blue states are suing to take Trump’s name off the ballot for “insurrection,” a crime for which he has never been charged.
Total up the deaths, damage, and length of the summer 2020 Antifa/BLM riots. Then compare the tally to the one-day January 6 riot.
The former proved far more lethal, long-lasting, and destructive. Yet very few of the 14,000 arrested rioters in 2020 were ever prosecuted, much less convicted.
By contrast, the Biden administration sought to jail hundreds for crimes allegedly committed on January 6, such as “illegal parading.”
We are entering a dangerous era in America.
Ideology and party affiliations increasingly determine guilt and punishment. Opponents are first targeted, and then laws are twisted and redefined to convict them.
The left is waging lawfare with the implicit message to political opponents: either keep quiet or suffer the consequences.
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miss-ingno · 6 months
Fic In A Box 2023 just revealed who the creators are, so I can finally share which works are mine! I wrote 3 fics, two of them epistolary, and created a Logic Grid Puzzle for the first time :D!
Title: Gossip Mango for BookKeep Fandom: Guardian (TV) Ship: Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan & Shen Wei's students Words: 1.9k (though about half of that is coding) Tags: Social Media, Episode Related, Canon Compliant, Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 8, mentions of canon suicidal ideation, mentions of canon murders Summary: Not only does Dragon City university have a great and sophisticated study program for many different majors, it also has a flourishing social media site for students to discuss their studies social activities recent events.
Title: Return To Sender for BookKeep Fandom: Assassin's Creed Ship: Desmond Miles/Claudia Auditore, Claudia Auditore & Ezio Auditore Words: 3.5k Tags: Epistolary, Time Travel, Marriage, POV Outsider, as in Outsider on the Time Traveller PoV, In-Universe Documents Summary: Over the years, Ezio and Claudia exchanged many letters. These are the ones concerning Claudia's husband, then-stranger, Desmond.
Title: Adventitious for Bee_4 Fandom: Naruto Ship: Hatake Kakashi & Uzumaki Naruto & Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura Words: 5k Tags: Team 7 Dynamics, Developing Friendships, set after the Wave mission but before the Chuunin Exams, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, in which Team 7 grows closer and Sasuke doesn't defect, Team 7 Have Issues, (don't worry they're working on it), Mission Fic (sort of), no literal geese were involved in the making of this fic, in which Team 7 accidentally topples several villains' plans Summary: To keep Team 7 busy, Kakashi-sensei sends his students on a wild goose chase. Much to his dismay, they actually find a golden goose.
And my first attempt at a logic puzzle! Big shout-out to my little brother for helping me tighten up my clues and creating a whole-ass logic map of paths it could be solved. It was an amazing sibling bonding exercise
Title: Where In Mentopolis Are The Prefrontal P.I.s? for Brachylagus_fandom Fandom: Dimension 20 - Mentopolis Ship: Worldbuilding, gen Summary: It’s the Grand Opening of Daniel Fucks’ new Emporium of Exquisite Pleasures, but none of the other Prefrontal P.I.s have shown up! However, through his criminal network, Daniel hears some rumours about what they’re each up to. Can you help him find them and drag them away from whatever they’re doing for this most important of all events?
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
share ten different favourite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order!!
oooo oki!!!
phoenix wright (ace attorney)
sisssel (ghost trick)
mario auditore (assassin's creed ii)
keiji shinogi (yttd)
kyle hyde (hotel dusk)
anya forger (spyxfamily)
marco (porco rosso)
adaman (pokemon: legends arceus)
nathan trace (moon bay city detectives)
little mac (punch out)
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tech-blog987 · 2 years
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seoann1808 · 2 years
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years
Parks and Ren
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9xvPpZY
by WigletsMom
Rey is a local government employee in the Parks and Recreation Department who dreams of big things in her small town. She wants to convert an abandoned field into a family-friendly garden and park. The only thing that stands in her way? Kylo Ren, auditor hired by the City to evaluate (and obliterate) her budget.
A “Parks and Rec” inspired tale
Words: 3276, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Rose Tico, Poe Dameron, Finn (Star Wars)
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey
Additional Tags: Reylo - Freeform, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Rey is a Kenobi (Star Wars), Light Angst, Idiots in Love, Inspired by Parks and Recreation, Parks and Recreation References
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9xvPpZY
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isomumbai · 30 days
Can you share examples of Mumbai companies leveraging ISO 27001 certification as a marketing advantage?
/ Uncategorized / By Factocert Mysore
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Harne­ssing ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai:
ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai : Boosting Marketing for Mumbai Firms In our current digital e­ra, rampant data breaches and cyber thre­ats make having strong information security measure­s vital for businesses. In Mumbai, a city tee­ming with creativity and business start-ups, firms are more­ and more relying on ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai to ge­t an edge in the marke­tplace. This cert isn’t just a nod to strong data security me­asures – it’s also a great strategy to draw in clie­nts and outshine rivals.
Understanding ISO 27001 Ce­rtification in Mumbai.
The ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai is a type of global popular for handling data se­curity (ISMS). It provides businesses with a strate­gy to protect important details, guarantee­ing their secrecy, trustworthine­ss, and easy availability. To achieve ISO 27001 Ce­rtification in Mumbai, businesses nee­d to instigate strong security practices and proce­dures, pass rigorous inspections, and fulfill challenging pre­requisites.
The­ Market Appeal of ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai
Building Trust For Mumbai firms, having ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai is like earning a badge of honor. It te­lls clients and stakeholders the­y’re serious about information security. With this ce­rt, businesses reassure­ others they can guard valuable data asse­ts, thus earning trust and respect.
Standing Out In a marke­tplace
Filled with competitors, be­ing unique is important. ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai lets firms shine­ by showcasing their commitment to proper data se­curity practices. It gives them an e­dge when potential clie­nts make their choice, e­specially when security matte­rs most.
Boosting Brand Reputation
A solid brand reputation is pricele­ss these days. ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai can bolste­r a company’s brand by showing customers how focused they are­ on protecting data and sticking to industry standards. This in turn draws more clients and raise­s the odds of business success.
Unlocking Ne­w Possibilities
ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai paves the­ way to new partnerships, alliances, and collaborations. Firms can use­ their certification status to allure partne­rs who also value information security, becoming a magne­t for mutually beneficial relationships that can incre­ase their market share­.
Showing Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory compliance­ is now more critical than ever. ISO 27001 Certification Auditors in Mumbai gives businesses a strong hold to comply with diffe­rent legal and regulatory de­mands, giving them the edge­ in industries with stringent security rule­s.
Using the ISO 27001 Ce­rtification in Mumbai can propel companies’ marketing e­fforts. Mumbai-based businesses can apply various strate­gies to leverage­ this certification’s marketing strength.
1. Display: Make the­ ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai logo evident on we­bsites, marketing materials, and product packaging as proof of commitme­nt to data security.
2. Content Marketing: Ge­nerate blog entrie­s, case studies, and whitepape­rs to highlight the perks of ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai and how it aids busine­ss operations.
3. Social Media: Announce ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai accomplishments and security plans on social media to e­ngage the audience­ and foster openness.
4. Thought Le­adership: Establish company leaders as pione­ers in data security through industry eve­nts, webinars, and guest speaking.
5. Clie­nt Communications: Include ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai in client communications, proje­ct proposals, and pitches to assure them of the­ company’s security shield.
ISO 27001 Certification bodies in Mumbai isn’t me­rely a compliance nee­d; it can spur business growth and success. Mumbai companies can use­ ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai in marketing to build trust and authority, boost brand reputation, and thrive­ in the digital world. By highlighting their dedication to data se­curity, firms can outperform rivals, win clients, and promote innovation and collaboration.
Why Factocert for ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai
We provide the Best ISO 27001 Consultants in Mumbai who are knowledgeable and provide the best solution. And to know how to get ISO certification. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. work according to ISO standards and help organizations implement ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai with proper documentation.
For more information, visit ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai.
Related Links:
ISO Certification in Mumbai
ISO 9001 Certification in Mumbai
ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
ISO 45001 Certification in Mumbai
ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai
ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai
ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai
CE MARK Certification in Mumbai
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eastwickcommunity · 4 months
Ridership Sags, Costs Soar, but Shapiro Still Wants More Money for SEPTA
Despite exploding costs and plunging ridership, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) appears in line for another infusion of nearly $300 million in taxpayer cash.
Earlier this week, Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro vowed to increase public transportation funding by $282.8 million.
“Ever since I was a state representative and county commissioner in Montgomery County, I have supported SEPTA and the critical services it offers to hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians every day,” the governor said. “SEPTA has presented plans to address safety and cleanliness throughout their system, and county officials have entertained a willingness to step up to the plate and increase their support. As a result, my administration is prepared to make a major investment in SEPTA.”
It’s yet to be determined how much local funding, if any, Delaware Valley governments will kick in.
SEPTA CEO and General Manager Leslie S. Richards praised Shapiro’s decision. She said it would help SEPTA “address our more pressing needs and…continue [to serve] our communities.” Richards previously said SEPTA might cut services by 20 percent and raise fares by 30 percent. That would raise a Quick Trip Ticket from $2.50 to $3.25 and SEPTA Key and contactless payments from $2 to $2.60.
SEPTA funding and budget issues became a major focus for Democratic politicians after the transit agency revealed that it faced a looming fiscal cliff. It burned through $1.8 billion in federal COVID money between Fiscal Years 2020 and 2023 while generating just $1.18 billion in revenue.
That’s not counting the $2 billion in annual funding from Pennsylvania taxpayers, something independent auditors said was “the largest single source of subsidy revenue.”
An additional $295 million in taxpayer funding was not included in last year’s state budget.
And still ridership numbers continue to fall short of pre-COVID levels. In October 2023, average ridership was just 67 percent of the October 2019 number. On Regional Rail, ridership was just 56 percent of the pre-COVID average.
SEPTA’s cash crunch caused Democratic U.S. Reps. Madelaine Dean, Chrissy Houlahan, and Mary Gay Scanlon to send a letter to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg last month asking for a bailout from federal taxpayers. Democratic Sens. Bob Casey Jr. and John Fetterman signed the letter, as did Rep. Dwight Evans (D-Philadelphia). “Without strong, sustained federal support, Pennsylvanians risk losing transit access entirely,” the lawmakers wrote. “As the Department of Transportation continues its critical work, we urge you to prioritize SEPTA and Pennsylvania’s transit systems.”
Now, there’s a chance that SEPTA may get a partial state bailout, if not a federal one.
That’s music to the ears of Democrats representing Delaware Valley in Harrisburg.
“From the ‘burbs to the city, SEPTA connects us to jobs, doctors’ appointments, recreation, shopping, and so much more,” state Sen. Maria Collett (D-Montgomery) posted on social media after learning of the federal lawmakers’ letter. She expressed gratitude for their “fighting for more federal dollars to keep this critical system afloat.”
State Rep. Morgan Cephas (D-Philadelphia) hoped Shapiro would go further. She said SEPTA needed even more cash to make sure more seniors and workers take mass transportation. “SEPTA alone moves over half a million people every day to their jobs, families, school, medical appointments, and more…”
The reasons for the declining ridership vary. Numerous complaints from riders to the Better Business Bureau focus on late buses or trains. Others complained that drivers focused more on beating red lights instead of serving customers.
Crime remains a big problem for SEPTA as well. Statistics show the number of disorderly conduct and public urination and defecation cases since 2019 have increased far higher than ridership, from 213 to more than 1,300 in 2022.
Robberies jumped from 118 in 2019 to 217 in 2021, while aggravated assaults almost doubled from 46 to 86 in the same period.
That meant significant increases in SEPTA expenses. Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) statistics show SEPTA spent $1.44 per passenger miles traveled on commuter rail in 2022 compared to 49 cents per passenger mile in 2013. For bus passengers, it was $2.66 in 2022 versus $1.09 in 2013. Streetcar rail was $2.87 in 2022 and only .94 cents in 2013.
Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41) said SEPTA gets enough money.
“Supporting SEPTA’s request for increased state subsidy is a challenging argument to make, especially in light of Philadelphia District Attorney (Larry) Krasner’s inability to maintain law and order throughout America’s sixth largest city,” he said. “No amount of increased subsidy can restore customer confidence in making use of the network given the raging crime crisis Krasner perpetuates.”
The Commonwealth Foundation said the state government needs to take a new look at how it funds mass transit.
“Several years ago, state mass transit funding was moved offline into a special fund, taking a portion of sales tax revenue and Turnpike tolls to fund transit systems,” said Nathan Benefield, the Commonwealth Foundation’s senior vice president. “Unlike the General Fund, lawmakers don’t vote on this spending every single year.
“Should lawmakers examine how much state funding goes into those programs? We think they should.”
On Feb. 6, Josh Shapiro will hold his annual budget address.
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ausetkmt · 9 months
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Banks and insurance companies trying to keep the public in the dark about their business dealings with Donald Trump ran into a ray of legal sunshine on Tuesday, after a judge ruled that he wouldn’t seal records in the run-up to the New York Attorney General’s upcoming trial against the real estate mogul.
A handful of firms associated with Trump made a last-ditch effort to hide documents that detailed the way they unwittingly became part of the Trump Organization’s alleged scheme to inflate assets. But the judge, Arthur F. Engoron, ruled that—aside from information like the home addresses of certain employees and bank account numbers—the public has a right to see the documents and communications.
The former president is just 34 days away from heading to civil trial in New York City, where his personal finances will be put under a microscope while the state’s AG tries to bleed his corporation dry over the way it routinely overstated its holdings on official documents.
But with that trial around the corner, the companies that kept lending him hundreds of millions of dollars for business deals are trying to quietly slink away into the shadows—and hide the paperwork that shows how they played along.
Zurich American Insurance Company, WSFS Bank, Ladder Capital and others earlier this month asked the judge overseeing the case to seal documents that detailed the way they communicated with the Trump Organization while they evaluated its assets.
Some of these records form the backbone of AG Letitia James’ $250 million lawsuit against the Trumps, purportedly showing how the real estate mogul and the family members he made executives got away with minimal scrutiny—by asserting fantastical financial numbers that weren’t examined carefully. Had they been, auditors and loan officers would have realized that Trump was easily doubling and tripling the value of property to snag better bank loans and insurance policies.
Zurich, for its part, claimed some documents—which had already made their way into the court docket as evidence—”contain highly-sensitive, non-public proprietary information about Zurich’s insurance business, including Zurich’s highly protected underwriting guidelines” and “competitively sensitive financial information.”
Meanwhile, lawyers for WSFS Bank complained that journalists have been trying to reach one of their employees over his role in a business lifeline tied to Trump’s estate north of New York City—a failed development project that he nonetheless valued as if it were a success when he donated the land to conservation and got a massive tax break.
“One employee who has already been publicly linked to the Seven Springs loan receives unwanted media inquiries every time the case appears in the news, which he finds ‘disruptive and distressing,’” the bank complained earlier this month.
The AG pushed back in court documents, citing the need in a democratic society for the American public to have access to ongoing court battles. Her lawyers also quoted legal precedent that “neither the potential for embarrassment or damage to reputation, nor the general desire for privacy, constitutes good cause to seal court records.”
On Tuesday afternoon, Judge Engoron said he’d allow the companies to hide personal information, but he sided with the AG that most of the documents should stay in the open.
“Here, the non-parties have failed to demonstrate a compelling interest in favor of wholesale sealing that outweighs the public’s right to access and the presumption in favor of open judicial proceedings,” Engoron wrote.
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