#Mayor Wilkins: literally
hersterical · 11 months
Conversations at the Evil Single-Fathers of Alternative Teenaged Daughters Support Group
Doofenschmirtz: Hello, is this the SFATDSG?
Silco: The what?
D: The Evil Single-Fathers of Alternative Teenaged Daughters Support Group.
Mayor Wilkins: Wow, that is a mouthful. We really oughta work on a better name for the group. And it sure is! What’s your name?
D: I’m Doctor Hienz Doofenschmirtz
S: Wait, I have a few questions for the good doctor before he joins us. Just to make sure he truly belongs
D: Hey! I’m not good, I’m literally evil. If anything I’m a bad doctor.
W: Now Dr. D, can I call you that? Dr. D, just because you’re evil that doesn’t mean you’re not good. Mr. Silco here is as evil as they come and he’s also just about the best father I’ve ever met. He’s a strong leader and a good man and I would bet money that you are as well.
D (wipes tear from his eye): Wow, I really needed to hear that today.
S: Yes…thank you Mayor Wilkins. But I am not evil, I simply am trying to ensure that the Nation of Zaun receives all that we deserve.
W: Yes, but you’ve also committed a lot of murders and other atrocities. Not that I’m judging, who hasn’t right? But that just proves my point, just because you’re evil that doesn’t mean you’re bad.
D: Hold on, back up a bit. You’re a mayor!? My brother, Roger’s a mayor as well and he makes it look so easy! Meanwhile I’ve been spending years, literally putting all of my blood sweat and tears into taking over the tri-state area with no success. It’s just not fair! How’d you do it?
W: I feel ya Doc, it can be frustrating to work so hard and have nothing to show for it. As far as how I did it? I built my platform on being a man of the people. A family man who looks out for the little guy and listens to what the voters have to say. I also used some dark magic, ritual sacrifices, and some minor bribery.
D: hmmm…I’ll have try that. Not the dark magic stuff because I’ve tried that before and it…uh…it didn’t end well.
[a moment of silence passes]
S: You mentioned a brother? I too had a brother. We weren’t born brothers but forged an unbreakable bond. Or at least, it was supposed to be unbreakable. We were friends and partners in all things. Then one day he decided he no longer cared for our cause and tried to kill me. He said it was for the sake of his daughters. It wasn’t until years later that I finally understood when I had a daughter of my own. I would burn down the whole world, including my own aspirations, if it would mean that Jinx is safe.
W: It sounds like the two of you were “brothers” the same way my Faith and that no-good Buffy were “sister” slayers. But we can wait until you’re more comfortable with us to have that conversation if you’d like. But I feel you. I was so close to Ascending but all it took was the mere mention of Faith for me to lose all sense and logic. If I could go back the only thing I would change is I would do better at making sure Faith didn’t get hurt.
D: You guys are preaching to the choir here. More of my evil schemes have been foiled than I can count because I needed to prioritize Vanessa’s needs over my own. And I wouldn’t change a thing. Except it would be nice if Vanessa showed just a little more interest in evil. She has potential she just doesn’t seem to care. She’s so talented and clever she would really thrive in the field.
W: Not my Faith. She took to evil like a duck to water and she’s got a real talent for it. She considers herself to be a bit of an artist and I’m liable to agree with her. I just wish she didn’t care so much about what that Buffy and those other kids thought of her. All they do is hurt her, try to distance her from me, and get in the way of my plans.
S: And I wish Jinx would distance herself from Vi, her sister. She confuses Jinx and tries to change her into something she isn’t instead of just loving her for who she is. And Vi is also always trying to get in the way of my plans.
W: Isn’t that just so frustrating? How about you Doc? Does your daughter have a complicated relationship with a young do-gooder with a penchant for punching first, asking questions later, and getting in the way of your plans?
D: You mean…like a nemesis? I have one of those! He’s my best friend. Our relationship is pretty simple but I’m not sure what his relationship with Vanessa is like. You know what, I’ll just call her and ask.
[Doof calls Vanessa]
D: Vanessa, you picked up! I’m putting you on speaker because I need you to answer a question for me. What’s your relationship like with Perry the Platypus? Would you describe it as complicated?
Vanessa: I mean, he’s a cool guy and I have fun hanging out with him sometimes. But I also don’t exactly love that he regularly hospitalizes my father and also blows up the apartment that occasionally has some of my stuff in it. Plus, he’s also a platypus which is kind of weird. So yeah, I guess you could say that things are complicated between us.
D: Thank you sweetie, that’s all I wanted to know. I’ll pick you up later, love you bye! She said yes.
W: Life is just so complicated for young women nowadays all around. You all know that I think my Faith is perfect, but sometimes I do wonder if she could benefit from seeing a therapist.
S: I’ve briefly considered the same thing for Jinx. Her hallucinations and violent outbursts have gotten worse ever since her estranged sister who she thought was dead broke out of jail and started running around with that enforcer who’s trying to hunt Jinx down.
D: My ex-wife, Charlene, paid for a therapist for Vanessa while we were going through our divorce and it seemed to really help her. I personally wanted to get her a nemesis of her own for free, but I think the therapist was probably for the best looking back. If you guys want I can give you the phone number. It sounds like you guys could all benefit from it because I don’t think your nemesis’s are doing enough.
W: Well gosh, Dr. D, I sure would appreciate that! I gotta say, I’ve really been enjoying our time together gentlemen. We should hang out outside of this little group of ours. Say, how do you two feel about golf?
S: It is a pointless game meant only for the elite to rub their abundance and disregard for their access to land, and clean water in the faces of my people who are choking on the very air that gives them life as the privileged laugh and grow fat on their wealth and power like pigs. Unknown to them they are only preparing themselves to be slaughtered and feasted upon by the very ones they oppress in order to desperately hold on to their tenuous hold over us.
D:…Wow. You’ve got some intense vibes, man. But yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with you. Golf is so boring. How ‘bout a round of mini-golf?
W: Even better! How ‘bout we bring our daughters along? I bet they’d all be fast friends.
S: Mini-golf is…acceptable
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twelverriver · 1 year
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i love the mayor SO much, he’s so great. literally pulls call temp agency & haircut on the same to do list as “become invicible.” this is a big bad who is organised (check) and also. literally checks off their evil tasks. 
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foassistant · 1 year
Potential Monster F/Os
All adults and of every moral alignment.
Green: Doesn’t do anything that bad in their story Yellow: Takes certain actions with applied TWs Red: Horrible, would just eat a baby or something
Interface (2022)
Mischief Yellow: Morally grey in his actions.
Chef Green
KAMI Red: Consumes and tries to destroy the world.
The Ghost Yellow: Witnesses a death.
SAFE MODE (2023)
Smear Green
Rent-A-Pal (2020)
Andy Yellow: Drives the lonely character to violence and manipulates his sexuality.
ClownDoll (2020)
The murderer Red: The name says it all.
Shark Side of the Moon (2022)
The sharks Red: Try to literally take over the world.
Willy's Wonderland (2021)
The animatronics Red: Try to kill anyone in the restaurant. 
Killer Sofa (2019)
The sofa Red: A stalker that tries to kill the main character.
VelociPastor (2018)
The pastor Yellow: Ends up killing the evil characters.
Venom (2018) and other sources.
Venom Yellow: Tries to eat and control some people.
Terrifier (2016)
Art the Clown Red: Tortures and kills women.
It Follows (2014)
The monster Red: Pretends to be someone else to kill others.
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)
Eris Red: Tries to kill the main characters but in a fantasy way.
Eris’ monsters Red: Try to kill the main characters.
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Louis de pointe du lac Yellow: Has to feed.
Lestat de Lioncourt Red: Murders others.
Armand Yellow: Spoilers.
Santiago Yellow: Spoilers.
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Jack the Skeleton Yellow: Makes some questionable choices.
Sally Green
Oogie Boogie Red: The villain.
Dr. Finkelstein Yellow: A horrible father.
Mayor of Halloween Town Green
Child's Play (1998)
Chucky Red: Tries to murder a child.
Tiffany Valentine Yellow: Murderous and possessive lover.
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
The Clowns Red: Try to encase the main town.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Freddy Krueger Red: Tries to kill the main teen cast in dreams.
Poltergeist (1982)
The Monster Red: Tries to take a child.
Magic (1978)
Puppet Red: Encourages the main character to kill others.
Halloween (1978)
Michael Myers Red: Tries to kill the main characters, including a teen and children.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter Red: Cannibalism, dubious consent.
Rocky Green
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
The devil Red: Makes the main character pregnant without permission, general violence.
Pooka Lives (2020)
Pooka Red: Murderous, including of children.
Sea Fever (2019)
Parasite Red: Tries to kill the crew and destroy the ship.
You Might Be the Killer (2018)
The Mask Red: Makes the main character murderous.
Vampire Clay (2017)
The Clay Red: Consumes others.
Hell House LLC (2015)
Clown Mannequins Red: Murderous. 
The Conjuring Universe
The Crooked Man Red: Murderous including of children.
The Ferryman Red: Murderous. 
The Old Man Red: Murderous.
The Witch Red: Murderous.
The Nun Red: Murderous.
The Bride Red: Murderous.
Bill Wilkins Red: Murderous. 
Mr. Jones (2013)
Mr. Jones Red: Attacks the main characters.
Dark Shadows (2012)
Barnabas Collins Yellow: Morally grey with questionable decisions.
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard Yellow: Questionable choices.
Angelique Bouchard Red: Obsessive lover.
Julia Hoffman Yellow: Questionable choices. 
Laura Collins Green
Grave Encounters (2011)
The Ghosts Red: Torment the rest of the cast.
Corpse Bride (2005)
Emily Yellow: A bit possessive. 
Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktakular (2003)
Skully Pettibone Green
Count Max Green
Countess Ruby Green
Scary Godmother Green
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (2001)
The vampires Red: Murderous and violent.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)
The Grinch Yellow: He tried to steal Christmas.
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
The Headless Horseman Red: Beheads others, including a child.
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
The Witch Red: Torments and tries to kill the main characters.
Spirited Away (2001)
The stink spirit Yellow: Questionable choices and very stinky. 
Kamajī Yellow: A bit of a jerk.
The Radish Spirit Green
No Face Yellow: Tries to eat everyone. 
Christine (1983)
Christine The Car Red: Drives rider to murder and runs over/suffocates others.
IT (2017)
Pennywise Red: Murders and torments kids.
Lake Michigan Monster (2018)
The Monster Yellow: Very questionable actions.
Alien (1979)
Xenomorph Red: Murderous and a killer.
The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
Fleegle the Beagle Red: Kills adults and torments children.
Blingo the Ape Red: Kills adults and torments children.
Drooper the Lion Red: Kills adults and torments children.
Snorky the Elephant Yellow: (spoilers)
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023)
Winnie the Pooh Red: Slasher/murder/cannibal
Piggie Red: Slasher/murder/cannibal
The Devil Red: Kidnaps someone and is main antagonist.
Wendell & Wild
Father Bests Yellow: (Spoilers)
Buffalo Belzer Yellow: Iffy
The Mandela Catalogue.
Red: Manipulated the first humans.
Red: Manipulator/dangerous.
Red: Manipulator/dangerous.
The Preacher
Red: Manipulator/dangerous
The alternates
Red: Take form of others, dangerous, murderous.
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor Yellow: Cannibal, manipulative, murderer, manipulative deal maker, possibly morally grey.
Charlie Green
Vaggie Yellow: Violent tendencies.
Angel Dust Yellow: Drug addict, murderous, violent, bigoted. 
Husk Yellow: Alcoholic.
Niffty Yellow: A bit disgusting, questionable morals.
Sir Pentious Yellow: Goofy villain.
Cherri Bomb Yellow: Murderous and sporadic.
Katie Killjoy Red: Murderous and homophobic. 
Tom Trench Red: Just terrible.
Valentino Red: Murderous, controlling, dealmaker, assaulter.
Velvette Yellow: Sporadic and murderous.
Vox Yellow: Murderous. 
Lucifer Yellow: Questionable leader.
Lilith Yellow: Unknown.
Helluva Boss
Stolas Yellow: Entitled, questionable morals.
Blitzo Yellow: Murderous and violent.
Loona Yellow: Murderous with anger issues.
Moxxie Yellow:  Murderous but questions it.
Millie Yellow: Murderous without thought.
Stella Yellow: Abusive, violent, emotionally manipulative. 
Fizzarolli Yellow: Horrible and a bit murderous.
Asmodeus Yellow: A bully. 
Vortex Yellow: A bit violent. 
The Owl House
Eda Yellow: Can become dangerous as the owl beast. 
Emperor Belos Red: Attacks children.
Celty Sturluson Yellow: Quite violent to the villains. 
Saika Red: Obsessed with humanities and therefore wants to slash and control them.
Shizuo Heiwajima Yellow: Has a very nasty temper, but a good guy underneath this.
Egor Yellow: Human with super human abilities. A deadly assassin, though nice to the main cast.
Chizuru Kirishiki Red: Tries to turn the entire town.
Seishirou Kirishiki Red: Tries to turn the entire town.
Tatsumi Red: Tries to turn the entire town.
Seishin Muroi Yellow: Avoids making choices to save others.
Black Butler (spoilers)
Sebastian Michaelis Yellow: A manipulative, violent demon who makes a deal with a child, but a little grey.
William T. Spears Yellow: Just doing his job.
Grell Sutcliff Yellow: Doing job, but poorly and violently.
Undertaker Yellow: Being obsessed with death and jokes. 
Aleister Chamber Red: Sadistic and manipulative angel.
Claude Faustus Red: Manipulates and uses an abused child.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Dio Brando Red: A murderous, sadistic vampire who only cares about himself.
Anubis Red: Owner possessing sword. 
One-Punch Man
Vaccine Man Red: A villain.
Melzargard Red: Alien invader.
Juu Ou Red: Leader of the villains.
Kanirante Red: Violent villain.
Asura Kabuto Red: Villain mutant.
Kombu Infinity Red: Mysterious villain.
Shinkaiou Red: Villain trying to take over the world.
Boros-Sama Yellow: Villain that goes down with grace.
Geryuganshoop Red: Alien fighter.
Bungo Stray Dogs
Atsushi Nakajima Yellow: Makes some questionable choices without his knowledge.
Doppo Kunikida Yellow: Makes some questionable choices.
Osamu Dazai Yellow: Suicidal ideation, questionable choices, and relationships.
Akiko Yosana Yellow: A bit sadistic, questionable choices.
The Promised Neverland (spoilers)
The Monsters Red: Childeaters
Howl’s Moving Castle
Howl Yellow: A bit of a brat.
Witch of The Waste Yellow: Curses others
Parasyte -the maxim-
Migi Yellow: Morally ambiguous. 
Tokyo Ghoul (spoilers!)
Ken Kaneki Yellow: Starts off good but goes on a downward spiral.
Nico Yellow: Has to eat to survive.
Arata Kirishima Yellow: Passive but still a ghoul.
Uta Yellow: Morally grey.
Shuu Tsukiyama Red: Cannibal of both ghouls and humans.
Yoshimura Yellow: A peaceful ghoul unless provoked.
Renji Yomo Yellow: Violent when neccessary. 
Kazuo Yoshida Yellow: Violent ghoul
Nishiki Nishio Yellow: Violent ghoul.
Yakumo Oomori Yellow: Ghoul that tortures other ghouls.
Noro Yellow: Violent ghoul.
Rize Kamishiro Red: Violent and manipulative ghoul who haunts the main character.
Mayu Red: The title nutcracker says it all.
Eto Yellow: Unknown.
Death Note
Jealous Yellow: Obsessive lover.
Ryuk Yellow: Just an observer of humans.
Rem Yellow: Has an emotional attachment to his human and helps in evil schemes.
Guuk Yellow: Gambler.
Shidoh Yellow: Uncaring death God.
Death Parade
Decim Yellow: Makes some questionable choices. Emotionless.
Ginti Yellow: Cruel soul tester.
Oculus Red: Extremely manipulative soul tester.
Clavis Yellow: Very neutral.
Quin Yellow: Works in a flawed system.
Nona Yellow: Morally grey.
Tina Yellow: Unknown.
Devils’ Line
Yuuki Anzai Yellow: Devil with little control. Some dubious elements.
Juliana Lloyd Yellow: Self-loathing devil.
Johannes Kleeman Yellow: A little creepy. Unafraid to fight and does not mince words about demon sexuality.
Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit
Kujaku Nijou Yellow: Morally grey.
Akane Shikisai Yellow: Morally grey.
Nazo no Otoko Yellow: Unknown.
Shiori Ichinose Yellow: Unknown.
Tsukuyomi: MOON PHASE
Heinrich von Kinkel Red: Tortures and hurts the main characters.
Virgo Red: Keeps one of the characters captive.
Elfriede Yellow: Enemy at first but comes around.
Gravity Falls (spoilers!)
Bill Cipher Red: Manipulative mastermind that hurts and tries to murder children.
8-Ball Red: Tried to hurt children.
Amorphous Shape Red: Tried to hurt children.
Bigfoot Yellow: ???
Pyronica Red: Tried to hurt children.
Kryptos Red: Tried to hurt children.
Zanthar Red: Tried to hurt children.
Keyhole Red: Tried to hurt children.
Teeth Red: Tried to hurt children.
Lava Lamp Guy Red: Tried to hurt children.
Shape Shifter Red: Tries to murder and manipulate everyone.
Wax Figures Red: Tried to kill children.
Arachnimorphs Red: Try to kill tourists.
Clay Monsters Red: Attack children and enslaved creator.
Cyclocks Red: Attack everyone.
Gremloblin Red: Vicious.
Hand Witch Yellow: Originally curses the characters after being stolen from.
Leaderaur Red: Leader of Manotaurs that encourages murder.
Manotaurs Yellow: Toxically masculine.
Love God Yellow: A bit lazy and sleazy.
Summerween Trickster Yellow: Threatens children but just wanted to be understood.
The Horrifying Sweaty One-Armed Monstrosity Red: Tries to eat everyone.
The Undead Yellow: Try to eat brains. Basic zombies, used for comedy.
Tumbleweed Terror Red: Murderous pinball machine.
Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign
Ferid Bathory Red: Sadistic vampire that sees humans as cattle.
Horn Skuld Red: Evil vampire.
René Simm Red: Evil vampire.
Crowley Eusford Yellow: Unknown.
Lacus Welt Red: Sadistic vampire.
Castlevania (anime - spoilers!)
Alucard Yellow: A bit morally grey with some dips.
Blue fangs Red: Murderous hell beasts.
Carmilla Red: Manipulative, seductive vampire.
Chō Red: One of Dracula’s generals. 
Death Red: Literal death.
Dracula Red: Tries to kill all of humanity.
Dragan Red: Murderous vampire
Dragoslav Red: One of Dracula’s generals.
Flyseyes Red: Murderous monster
Godbrand Red: Murderous and loves hunting humans.
Lenore Red: Manipulative and seductive vampire.
Morana Red: Sadistic vampire.
Ratko Red: Murderous vampire.
Rebis Red: Contains souls brought from Hell.
Striga Red: Sadistic vampire.
Zufall Red: One of Dracula’s generals. 
Video Games
Friday Night Funkin’
Monster from Friday Night Funkin' Red: People eater
Daddy Dearest Yellow: Threatening the main character.
Mommy Mearest Yellow: Threatening the main character.
Spirit Red: Attempts to attack and trap the main character.
Manpigs Red: Murderous pigs
The Shadow Red: Murderous shadow
Ghoul Red: Murderous monster
Wraith Red: Murderous.
Otherworld slug Red: Murderous slug.
Servant Grunt Red: Murderous creature.
Suitors Red: Tortured souls made monsters.
Servant Brute Red: Terrifying murderous creature
Tuurngait Infected Red: Humanoid, murderous corpse. 
Andy’s Apple Farm
Andy the Apple Yellow: Unclear.
Felix the Fish Yellow: Unclear.
Marget the Mole Yellow: Unclear
Claus the Clock Yellow: Unclear
Peter the Pumpkin Yellow: Unclear
Big Daddy Red: Murderous machine.
Splicers Red: Corrupted citizens.
The Strange Man Series
The Crooked Man Red: Murderous creature.
The Sandman Red: Murderous creature.
The Boogie Man Red: Murderous creature.
The Hanged Man Red: Murderous creature.
Slenderman Red: Killer entity
Buddy Simulator 1984
The Buddy Red: Goes evil. 
Yai Gameworks Titles (minor spoilers)
The Host Red: Very manipulative, dangerous, and emotionally abusive.
Simon Red: Possessive, a predator, and extremely violent to a fault.
Valerie Yellow: Her position is unclear. Was disfigured after Simon attacked her.
The Man in the Walls Yellow: Menacing, but helpful.
Pale Smile Red: In wanting to make their victims happy end up hurting them.
Edmund Red: A murderous janitor. 
The Saint Red: Addicted to manipulating others to make it a God. 
Arkun Red: Kidnapping villain. 
Demon King Red: A powerful YouTuber that torments his characters for views.
The Gobbler Red: Predator, consumes humans.
Mama Red: Tries to murder a child.
Trick & Treat
Richard Yellow: Just a lonely vampire.
Toriel Green
Sans Yellow: Just a jokester.
Papyrus Yellow: Temporary enemy.
Undyne Yellow: Aggressive enemy.
Alphys Yellow: A nervous wreck.
The Evil Within
Laura Red: Murderous monster.
Neun Red: Murderous mutant.
Sadist Red: Born from the mind of a murderer.
Shade Red: Murderous and on the hunt.
Shigyo Red: Water monster.
The Haunted Red: Humans who have lost who they are.
The Keeper Red: Killer.
Trauma Red: Gorey, murderous monster, designed to kill.
Zehn Red: Murderous enemy.
AlterEgo Red: Murderous, split monster.
Doppleganger Red: Variant of the haunted.
Left 4 Dead
The Boomer Red: Zombie that explodes.
The Hunter Red: Vicious zombie.
The Smoker Red: Blinding zombie.
The Tank Red: Extremely strong zombie.
The Charger Red: Reckless, violent zombie.
The Jocket Red: Zombie that clings onto victim.
The Spitter Red: Zombie that hurts others with acid. 
The Witch Red: Extremely dangerous zombie when detects you.
Chris Walker Red: Murderous to try to “contain” whatever happened here.
The Twins Red: Murderous and sadistic.
Richard Trager Red: Sadistic doctor.
Frank Manera Red: Cannibal
Eddie Gluskin Red: Forces surgery onto victims.
Dennis Red: Violent.
Val Red: Violently religious.
Marta Red: Murderous.
Penumbra Series
Tuurngait Infected Red: Murderous monsters.
Hunter Red: Murderous monster
Gug Red: Murderous creature.
Wylde Flowers
Westley Vuk Green
Aryel Yellow: A bit of a trickster.
Peri Yellow: A bit cold.
Zephyr Grimspark Green
Cosmo D Games
DJ Bogart Yellow: May not be all that he seems.
Building 9 Green
Mildred Yellow: Not all that she seems.
Smile For Me
Jerafina Tabouli Yellow: A bit tipsy
Trencil Varnnia Green
Dr. Habit Yellow: Gets too into making others happy.
Carnival Attendants Yellow: A bit terrifying.
Jimothan Botch Green
Lulia Fame Yellow: Overly pessimistic.
Yuppie Psycho
Sintra Yellow: Robot.
Mr. Devil Yellow: Menacing devil.
Mappy Yellow: Strange human.
Alan Wake
Taken Red: Corrupted humans. Mr. Scratch Red: Evil doppleganger. The Dark Presence Red: Corrupting humans and the world. 
Dream Daddy
Damien Yellow: Not all that he seems.
Joseph Yellow: Not all that he seems.
Welcome to Nightvale
The smiling God Red: Kind of trying to control the world.
Kevin Red: A terrifying radio host.
The Librarians Red: Dangerous entities.
Claire Scott Red: Murderous ghost.
The Great Golden Hand Red: Increases the cycle of life and death when nearby.
Bonesaw Vic’s Cryptozoological Gardens: The Caretaker’s Assistant
Salvatore Yellow: Mafia vampire.
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psy-ay-ay · 2 years
something about Mayor Wilkins. the man established a town over Hellmouth and became its mayor so he can control literally everything through administration. god, the planning, the calm, and the weirdly wholesome father figure relation to Faith; Voldemort could never.
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vampirologist · 2 years
Top 5 non-scooby characters in btvs :)
uh this is super difficult as most main characters on the show are considered part of the scoobies at some point or another 😭 so I guess this is mostly villains and in no order I can’t do definite ranking
• drusilla. just love her whole gothic vibe and her odd speech and mannerisms <3 she’s also gorgeous
• mayor wilkins. great villain tbh especially because he’s very charismatic and gives insight on how sunnydale is able to have these strange occurrences because the guy in charge of the town is literally in on it and specifically founded the town on the hellmouth. also love his relationship with faith as a foil to giles and buffy
• ms calendar! I liked her a lot and feel that if I were a sunnydale student she would be one of my fav teachers. like with the mayor and faith I enjoy how she’s a spunky teacher who’s contrasted with giles, and I thought they were a cute couple while it lasted
• harmony (vampire version): okay this may be a bit tainted by the fact I recently finished angel a few weeks back but I love vampire harmony. like yeah she’s the popular bimbo stereotype but I find her enjoyable to watch I especially enjoyed the pet names she would use for spike and how she’s like “I’m so evil!!! 💕💖 ✨” like yeah babygirl you are sooo evil <3
• angelus. fuck it he’s not part of the scooby gang as there’s the whole angelus versus angel thing so I am putting him here on a technicality. literally heart wrenching villain as he is personally connected to buffy and the scoobies and he actually gets shit done! like spike and dru were interesting and fun to watch but they didn’t really do anything on the level of angelus. he actually kills jenny, deals psychological torture, and summons acathla. he’s also a cunt while serving cunt idc angelus was hot. the leather pants and rings??? I enjoyed it. also I like how angelus as a villain affects the rest of the show like willow’s foray into magic? buffy being able to sacrifice herself instead of dawn? hell even buffy and spike becoming a thing.
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c-nan · 2 years
1, 19, and 22 for buffy :) (or whatever other show you’d like! i just chose buffy bc it appears to be your primary interest at the moment haha)
HI!! Thank you so much 💕💕 (and your observation is correct I’m absolutely obsessed with Buffy rn)
1. Top Five Episodes (hi this was really hard and I’m not sure it’s completely accurate but it’s my favorite and top five as of now)
Real Me (dawn centered episodes my beloved)
Hush (very iconic AND Tara’s first episode)
Potential (another dawn centric one 💕 and literally her character development in this one is so good)
Intervention (Buffybot my beloved <3 )
The Gift (I’m a whore for s5 and everything about this episode is so. Fucking. Good)
19. Favorite Villain
But fr literally she’s so evil but her personality is so *chefs kiss* she has some of my favorite lines on the show and she really gives Buffy a run for her money which I think is so interesting and god I wish we could’ve gotten more of her
Have a gif <3
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22. Most Manipulative Character
Mayor Richard Wilkins my behated <\3
Literally the way he brought in Faith and gave her everything she wanted and was like a literal dad to her so he could fill his agenda. I do actually believe that he loved her like a daughter but his goal was to use her for his own evil bidding
He does not get a gif >:(
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skullhaver · 3 years
It's 2021, and I'm watching Buffy for the first time.
The Virgil on my Buffy journey is my long-distance girlfriend, who has loved the show for years. We just finished season 4, and I wanted to write about my favorite episodes so far. I suspect some of my faves are beloved by most fans, but others are weird, personal picks. Buffy fandom, please don't come for me.
I thought this post would be short but I was wrong.
Hono(u)rable Mentions: "Band Candy" S3E6 and "Halloween" S2E6
Both these episodes have fun premises where the Scoobies run around Sunnydale after it was upended by zany, chaotic dark forces. "Band Candy" is fun for devil-may-care teen Giles. "Halloween" is fun for 18th-century-ditz Buffy. These are both very good, and are the sorts of episode I can imagine happily rewatching in the future. I just have more to pontificate upon for the other episodes on this list.
10. "Ted" S2E11
I can’t say I enjoyed this episode, but it did take me for a wild ride. Probably nobody else has strong feelings about this weird story where Buffy's mom dates a stereotypical cheesy family man, who turns out to be a controlling abuser, who turns out to be a robot. I remember shouting at the screen, "Did Buffy just kill a human man?? Is it okay in the moral logic of this show for Buffy to kill a human if he's a direct physical threat to her??" I knew Buffy would have deeper stories than the monster of the week formula we'd seen so far, but this early in season 2, I had no idea when or how that would happen. This was the episode that finally taught me that Buffy is largely not interested in moral ambiguity, or in exploring what it means to be good or bad. Except for season-defining exceptions like Faith and Angel, evil characters are simplistically, essentially evil. But it was wild to believe for a moment that Buffy murdered her mom's abusive boyfriend and would have to live with the consequences.
9. "Helpless" S3E12
When Buffy tries to be genuinely scary, it succeeds with aplomb. The premise of this episode is dumb and contrived ("Giles has to remove Buffy's powers without her knowledge for a seeeecret test by the Watcher's Council") but the chase and fight in this episode are some of the most tense and spooky scenes of the whole series so far. Buffy's vulnerability makes the stakes feel real in a way few other episodes manage. And Buffy's victory is all the more satisfying because she can't punch her way out of this problem, she has to be smart and creative. The fridge horror, of course, is that Giles would endanger her like this in the first place, but that gets sorted out over the emotional arc of the next few episodes.
8. "I Only Have Eyes For You." S2E19
Another spooky episode, this one a classic ghost story of forbidden love ending in murder - but with the twist that the ghosts possess people's bodies to have them reenact their final moments. I love stories about breaking a doomed-to-repeat cycle. I love weird shit like the snakes manifesting in the cafeteria. And I really loved the choice to have Buffy and Angel come to understand their feelings about their own relationship by embodying these ghosts - especially how they embodied different genders than their own to better fit the "roles" of the haunting story, thus subverting the expected pattern. I found this episode clever, poignant, and effective.
7. "Who Are You?" S4E16
"Faith and Buffy switch bodies" is a wild premise, but the real joy of "Who Are You?" is watching Sarah Michelle Geller being an extremely talented actress for 45 minutes, portraying a totally different character. Watching Faith confronted by kindness and love from Buffy's mom, Riley, and her friends, then getting launched into an existential crisis over it is so great. Also, I just dig a good church fight.
6. "Hush" S4E10
As stated above, love an episode that reminds me that these people are talented actors! Featuring demons that render all of Sunnydale unable to talk, we get to watch great physical comedy right next to tense, silent fight scenes. The visual creepiness of the Gentleman and their straight-jacketed weird little helpers is hard to beat. "Hush" is such a clever episode that it ascends monster of the week status to become almost Twilight Zone-esque. Also, for the first time, Buffy sees Riley doing his Initiative thing, and Riley sees Buffy being the Slayer, but they can't talk about it?? That's good shit.
5. "The Wish" S3E9
Both "Something Blue" and "The Wish" feel like the writers decided to use fanfic premises on their own show... so obviously I like them a lot. But getting to watch a dark timeline AU with interesting world-building and attention to detail, a hilarious and horrifying Cordelia POV, AND a smirking kinky vampire Willow? Hello?? And the fact that the Wishverse comes up again in "Doppelgänger" (another truly fun episode) only improves my opinion. I imagine this is the kind of episode fans simply love coming back to.
4. "Restless" S4E22
This David Lynch-ass dream sequence was a weird choice for a season finale, but an extremely ambitious and cool episode. I should say up front that I love David Lynch-ass dream shit. There were creative and well-executed scene transitions as characters moved seamlessly from one dream room into another. Several memorably neat shots - Willow running between endless curtains as she tries to get onstage, Buffy alone in a vast desert with a weirdly high camera angle. And I got myself all excited thinking that the First Slayer would maybe become a different kind of antagonist - maybe not even fully revealed in this episode, or maybe an Id-like aspect of Buffy herself. But I forgot Whedon gonna Whedon, so the First Slayer had to be someone Buffy could punch in the end. And the First Slayer is sadly yet another primitive-themed, emotionally-stunted character of color for this show. Most of her lines in this episode are literally voiced by a white woman speaking for her, and of all the dumb quips to make, Buffy had a line about her hair being unprofessional? Also, I'm a lesbian, so the fact that the most explicit act of intimacy between Willow and Tara this show has allowed us to see occurs in Xander's horny dream sequence... it’s unforgivable, Joss. This episode was one of my favorites ever, deeply marred by some bad writing choices.
3. "Lovers Walk" S3E8
Spike, perhaps the best non-Willow character in this show, is back in Sunnydale, a hilariously heartbroken mess of a man, hell-bent on getting his former girlfriend Drusilla back. (Drusilla left him for a fungus demon.) So Spike breaks into a magic shop to get ingredients for a love spell, where he runs into Willow, who is getting ingredients for a de-lusting spell, because she is worried she and Xander will be too thirsty to behave appropriately in public with their actual partners, Oz and Cordelia. This is a hilarious moment just to exist. This is all the episode needed to do to satisfy me. But the fact that Spike then kidnaps Willow, and it ends with tragic stakes of everyone's relationships coming apart, not to mention me genuinely thinking Cordelia was dead for a minute there - wow. Chef’s kiss. The episode is balanced shockingly well between Spike being an ominous villain, and being the sort of lovable semi-evil (more gremlin-like) side character he'll become in season 4. What a wild ride.
2. "Graduation Day" S3E21-22
I'm counting this two part season finale as one because it's my list and I'll do what I want. "Graduation Day" feels like a quintessential Buffy episode executed to perfection. It has Buffy reaffirming her position as a moral heroine, sacrificing her own blood to save Angel's life even when she thought she had to kill Faith to save him. It has Buffy and Faith (or Buffy/Faith, as I prefer to think of them) getting to square off in a dramatic, tough fight. It has a lot of Mayor Wilkins, a character I truly adore for some reason. Nothing like a public administrator who plays mini golf in his office, wants you to chew with your mouth closed, and will kill a graduating class of high schoolers to gain immortality. The catharsis of the whole school getting to fight back against evil, instead of just Buffy against the world - a real joy. This episode misses the top spot for two reasons. "A special vampire poison and the only cure is the blood of a Slayer" is too contrived for me to let slide, and also I had to see Cordelia and Wesley kiss.
1. "Becoming" S2E21-22
Buffy’s season finales really do have good stories and satisfying payoff. First off, Buffy starts this episode by punching a cop and fleeing from the law. Later, Spike also punches a cop. A.k.a., Buffy said blue lives don't matter. Second - I haven't gotten a chance to comment on this yet, but all throughout season 2, evil Angel is such a joy to watch. As regular Angel, David Boreanaz makes exactly one face ("I am a kicked, angsty puppy") and bless his heart, it gets so tiresome. As evil Angel, he is so expressive, dynamic and terrifyingly creative in his badness. And I love his weird threesome energy with Spike and Drusilla. But also, it's so hard to watch Buffy suffer as she deals with her evil boyfriend doing evil things. Her ultimate choice in this episode, to kill Angel even as Willow's spell restores his soul, gave me some real big feels! Also, this episode marks the first moment of Willow doing big, plot-shifting magic on her own, solidifying her transformation from computer nerd to witch! 
Also, shout-out to the many good smaller moments in this episode: Spike making awkward small talk with Buffy's mom, Buffy constantly dunking on Principle Snyder, and Giles being tortured by visions of Miss Calendar (RIP Miss Calendar, I was your biggest fan.)
"Becoming" is an excellent season finale and the kind of Buffy episode I imagine I will want to re-watch in the future just for nostalgia's sake.
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majingojira · 5 years
Halloween Versus Battle
For a while now, I’ve sort of wanted Death Battle to include Buffy Summers as a contestant so I could see their numbers, but most opponents for her are either too weak (Grimm) or too powerful (Hellboy, Hellsing) by large margins.   But I think I found one for a good fight:  Selene from the Underworld movies. 
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So, how would they fare in a Death Battle?!
Let’s go over the three major categories: Offense, Defense, Skills.  
Offense:  Selene has been shown to be able to snap necks, break bones, shatter stone, and performed a classic Mortal Kombat spine-ripper fatality in her most powerful form.   Her biggest move is flipping a fan by ramming it with her shoulder. She was running at top speed at the time building momentum, so there is an asterisk to it. After that, she once kicked Marius, a very large werewolf, about 30ft into a glacier which he was shoved into.  A very strong showing.  Buffy, by contrast, has more lifting feats to her name. Generally, her blows don’t just knock people over, they send them flying.  20 to 30ft in one poor schmuck’s case.  And that’s while holding back. She’s lifted reinforced concrete blocks larger than herself, metal portcullises, steel girders (easily), decapitated a foe with a cymbal, sliced off a woman’s arm with a shard of glass, bent and broke steel prison bars, kicking vamps through brick walls, causing a metal loading garage gate to literally explode into pieces with one hit, shoved her foot through a large demon’s skull, among others.  
Buffy’s physical strength has been compared to Spider-Man, and while not that intense, she is no slouch in the strength department at all. 
I don’t have the math skills to compare that all, but my guess, Buffy has a slight advantage, but not enough to confer an overall advantage.  Next up on offense is weaponry.   Selene has a lot to pull from.  Two Berattea handguns, Walther P99s - both pistols using 9x19mm Parabellum or .40 S&W rounds.  Basically between 9 and 10mm bullets.  Buffy was one felled with a heart shot by a Beretta 92FS and though the bullet didn’t fully penetrate the heart, it got close enough and did enough damage to put her down.  Selene also carries throwing stars (some of which carry explosives), grenades, and knives.   However, every single weapon Selene has is hampered by one thing: most of it is either silver, silver-nitrate based, or silver plated.  Even the grenades are more about getting Silver Nitrate spread around than sheer explosive force.  Silver is a much softer metal compared to lead and other bullet-forming materials.  Meaning they have less penetration and losing the blade’s edge faster. These are great against vampires and werewolves, and some can still kill humans, but ... they are weaker.    Worse, she packs Silver Nitrate bullets, which are basically high-speed paintballs. Lower penetration, and designed to poison the target.  Buffy has a plethora of weaponry at her disposal, depending on what she wants to take with her that day.  I’ll limit the list to the most common things she uses:  Wooden Stakes and Knives; Swords and Axes (mid, large, and throwing); Crossbows;  A Rocket Launcher (M136 AT4) (she’s used it TWICE so I’m counting it); The Scythe ...   The Scythe is OP.  With that thing, she’s deflected bullets, lasers (!), and spells.  She’s cut through superhumanly tough targets as well as slicing through the side of a futuristic armored car.  In one instance, a vampire with Slayer memories used it to cut off the head of Mayor Richard Wilkin’s demon form, killing him instantly. In Buffy’s hands, it’s harmed Maloker, the Old One that created vampires.   The wooden stake can punch in and out of concrete without losing its edge.  And her last weapon is ... the environment.  She will use whatever is around her to enact any advantage she can get.  This includes, but is not limited to, kicking a vampire into the broken branch of a tree to stake it.  
Buffy wins weaponry hands down.  She has a shorter range, but the raw power output overwhelms what Selene is capable of. Or, to put it another way, Selene’s most damaging weapons are her knives and shuriken.  Buffy’s are the Scythe and a Rocket Launcher.  Between Offense and Defense, we have Speed, which aids both.  Now, with Selene’s fully upgraded speed being shown as ‘blur movement’, it might seem she has this in the bag, but Buffy is no slouch either.    Aside from blocking a laser blast while midair from less than 20ft away, she’s dodged lightning at a similar range, deflected pistol shots within 5ft of her being fired, dodged automatic fire, caught crossbow shots from the same range, and set off a bear trap and escaped it by sheer reaction speed.   She’s run roughly/around 60mph in a straight run, which is a lot faster than many people give credit for.   And, really, a lot of her epic speed is over short distances under that blur cloak.  The actual distance over time speed value is remarkably slower.  Still, Selene has the speed advantage, but not the reaction speed.   Because Buffy has a Spider-Sense. In addition to being able to detect vampires (something she’s not very good at initially and has to focus to use) she can use her senses to alert her to danger well before it strikes.  Be it incoming attacks, invisible attackers, or fighting while blinded.  Early on this required a bit of concentration, and to this day, she still needs some focus to attain it (if she’s off her game it doesn’t work so well), but it happens on the turn of a dime rather than needing a few breathes to focus.  So, Between that and the laser deflection/lightning dodging, I’d say they’re equal.   Now we come to durability. There are two categories: Recovery and Armor.  Buffy wins Armor, Selene wins Recovery.  Buffy has had buildings fall on her, taken blows from building wrecking foes (literal gods), and fallen from heights similar to what Selene has done and walked away with no effect.  She was also once in the blast radius of a house-leveling explosion and was just blown away by it (She is tiny after all).  She was once thrown into a stone coffin, shattering it and while it hurt like hell, she wasn’t killed by it.  Nor did being stabbed through the kidney from the back and out the front do more than get an “SSSSS--Aaaah” reaction from her for a minute or so and she was up and fighting again.   She also once blocked a vampire’s cleaver attack with her own arm, and it just cut her. No loss of her hand, just a cut It was a relatively fresh vamp, but still a vamp.   Her recovery rate is very slow but constant.  Aside from the stabbed and got up thing (which she has multiple instances of), she has the endurance to fight for days and can recover from deeper stab wounds (like to the gut) within a day.  Slow, but steady.  To add to this, she’s never bled out from these wounds she’s taken. Including several full impalements.  Selene, being a vampire, has a weakness to silver and decapitation/extreme damage. So she can shrug off most blows that don’t damage her in that way, but they do wear her down.  Instead of outright resisting the blows, she regenerates from them.  This can, when she’s recently fed, force bullets out of her body.   But this recovery is based on how much she’s fed and on what she’s fed on lately.  So, it’s a lot faster than Buffy’s healing factor, but it is not unlimited like Buffy’s, who continues to heal until you put her down.   So they both have their ups and downs here.   Skills are where it gets tricky.   Selene is the best of her elite fighting unite or ‘Death Dealers’ and can think tactically when needing to.  However, her tactics are geared towards her primary foes: Lycans, and later, humans and vampires.  She’s 700 years old and training that time.  She’s trained in Hand to Hand combat (styles unknown, primarily Aikido, Jet Kune Do, and Filipino Kali) as well as with her weaponry.  Acrobatics training is also on the table, along with squad tactics.  Buffy ... Buffy cheats.  Seel all slayers are connected, mentally on a subconscious level.  In the novel “Slayer” by Kiersten White, which is canon with the primary Buffy lore, it’s revealed that all slayers share a dream space.  From this, they get prophetic warnings, as well as share the subconscious memories of past slayers.  This means that (once trained and honed) they aren’t so much learning new fighting moves but remembering them. Given what little we can determine from the first Slayer and the Shadowmen, they likely date back to the earliest parts of human civilization.  I’m going to go with Göbekli Tepe as a starting ballpark estimate.  Which means we’re talking about 12 THOUSAND years. Almost 20 times the experience of Selene.  That’s the upper limit of what this could be.  The lower limit would be pre-Babylonian, some 5 thousand years ago. More than 7 times Selene’s experience.  And it’s shown too, as Buffy has defeated vampires nearly as old (Dracula, 600) or far older (The Master -- well over 1000 years at least) than Selene.  So, Buffy has a wider variety of skills (and weapons she is good with) to call upon.   Her actual fighting style is ... improvisational.  That’s the thing with Buffy. Her fighting repertoire is so broad it’s hard to know what she may throw at an opponent, and it keeps them on their toes.  That includes her habit of treating the locations she fights in like she were Jackie Chan.  Only Aikido and Jiujitsu are mentioned as fighting styles she knows, but she also has a habit of critiquing fight choreography in movies (shown on an old Kung Fu flick).  In Season 5 it is mentioned that she and Giles are working on a hybrid fighting style of their own devising.   And even if you argue that Selene is stronger, and faster than Buffy herself, that’s not much of a perk as she has defeated many foes of greater power than her own.  This includes The Master (a Vampire older than Selene),  Slayer Vampires (Slayers turned into Vampires), Demons far larger than herself,  The Hellgod Glory (With some prep work).   She has also done battle directly with Old Ones/True Demons.  Primarily Maloker, the progenitor of Vampires, and Olvikan, the thing the Mayor became in season 3.  And in Season 11 and 12, I mean that directly.  As in “Ride and slice” attack and harm them. Monsters 20 to 50ft tall or more at the very least. Maloker at full size would be a worthy foe of Godzilla. She fought it, survived, and even managed to hurt it.   Selene ... doesn’t have anything like that.  When she faces a foe stronger than her, she doesn’t outsmart, outmaneuver and somehow survive or win. She gets her ass kicked until she gets a power-up and then outpowers her foe. For all her tactical thinking, it assumed inferiority or at least equal of her foes.  Things of greater power are insurmountable.   Not a good comparison for Selene, and there’s something else that puts Buffy over the top. There’s also something about Buffy that Selene just doesn’t really have a counter for. Buffy’s Mouth.  Buffy has a sharp tongue and keeps her foes off-balanced as best she can with a barrage of quick-witted comments. And for all Selene’s tactical intelligence, her major arcs come from her being manipulated and fooled for over 700 years.  Selene is stoic, driven, and ... a ripe target for Buffy’s style of quipping and sardonic comments.   She’d have a field day with her outfit alone.   This would easily put Selene off her game, in a field where she’s already lagging behind.   Buffy also demonstrates some mental toughness.  Though she has been affected by the hypnotic powers of some vampires, it’s really only because she has a reason to give in to the influence (like any real-world hypnosis).   Finally, it should be mentioned that Vampires in Underworld are ... different from most.  They are shown to die from severe physical trauma -- so decapitation and shoving any weapon through the heart would kill Selene regardless of its make.  She also almost bled out once from massive internal injuries.  Selene’s upgrades have removed the weaknesses to Sunlight and Wolfsbane, but this fact remains:  Selene is easier to kill than the vampires Buffy normally fights in a physical sense.  And the difference in weaknesses is not something that would throw Buffy off her game at all.  She’s dealt with three different varieties of vampires: the standard Vampire, “New Rules” Vampires (which are stronger than classic ones as well as having the ability to shapeshift into certain animals and mist), and Turok’Han “Neanderthal Vampires” who have reinforced chests to make them resistant to staking and they largely ignore holy objects.    So having a “New” Variety of vamp to deal with is no big deal for her.  Buffy herself is still human, so wounds that would kill a human quickly would kill her.  She is denser than a normal human, so doing that is not so easy.   Buffy Summers has clear advantages in weaponry, reaction speed, durability, skill, and mental fortitude.  It seems to me that Buffy can easily send Selene to the Underworld. 
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Twisted Tristan
Chapter 2: Our City (Volume 2)
Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, “Angel”, the comics or any of the original characters from the “Buffyverse” all rights belong to Joss Whedon.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
Buffy, Faith and Willow just stood there in the underground sewer tunnels completely stunned by what had just happened as they tried to fathom the notion that Buffy’s baby boy was lost to a portal going somewhere that Willow couldn’t remember the location to.
“What do you mean you don’t know where the portal went too?” Faith asked the redheaded witch. “Can’t you just open it back up?”
“I can’t open up a portal if I don’t know where or even when I’m opening a portal to.” Willow revealed as tears formed in her eyes.
“You literally just went through the damn thing how could you have forgot the location and time already?” Faith quizzed her.
“She cast a spell so when the portal closed there’d be no way of anything coming after us to find him.” Buffy cried as tears fall down her cheeks. “He was never supposed to go through the portal alone.”
“There must be some way of tracking him.” Faith replied. “There must be some way of getting your boy back Buffy.”
“I could try a locating spell but there’s no telling if Tristan is even in this dimension.” Willow explained as tears began falling down her cheeks too, fearing she may have lost her nephew and taken Buffy’s son from her forever.
“So, he’s just gone?” Faith asked in complete disbelief to the situation as she looked over at a clearly broken Buffy.
Tristan and Faith walked into Tristan and Dante’s demonic dive bar side by side and instantly Faith could see all the customers’ eyes on her some demons looking at her with haters, some monsters looking at her with curiosity in their eyes  and some vampires looking at her with simple hunger.
“I must admit I was a pretty big fan of your early work i.e. poisoning the vampire Angelus, torturing Buffy Summers and your work with Mayor Richard Wilkins albeit on the failed ascension.” Tristan said to her as the two of them walked over to the bar counter. “Last I heard anything from you there was a Buffy body swap and the end of Sunnydale which you had some kind of involvement with although rumor has it, you’re back playing on the good team these days.”
“See that right there is why I tend not to like keeping people alive I mean tongues can’t wag if they’ve been removed am I right?” Faith replied hoping Tristan would buy her bluff. “Word is out you the leader of this uprising in New York and I though I’d see if I could join the party.”
“An uprising you say,” Tristan responded with a stern poker face. “And just where did you here something of this topic?”
“You know as well as I do monsters just love to talk.” Faith lied.
“Yeah and so do slayers,” Tristan retorted. “Did she send you here?”
“Let me guess she is the big bad Buffy clearly your gossips are slow because her and me don’t get along something to do with me constantly trying to kill her and that one time I slept with her boyfriend.” Faith admitted to Tristan using the truth to her advantage.
“I was told you helped her defeat the first back when Sunnydale was still a town and not the second Grand Canyon.” Tristan revealed to try and suss Faith out.
“Here if I was fighting on team Sunnydale then there’d still be a Sunnydale.” Faith boasted.
“You make a rather fair point there,” Tristan said before ushering the vampire bartender to pour him and Faith shots leaving it on the bar counter in front of them both. “I’ve heard a lot about you mostly nothing as of late and I’m worried you won’t be able to keep up with let’s say current events.”
“Try me!” Faith replied before downing her shot and slamming the glass back down on the counter.
“Tell me Faith what is it that you want?” Tristan asked before taking his shot.
“A partnership of sorts one that I reckon you’d benefit from when Buffy does eventually come to town.” Faith revealed as Tristan placed his glass on the counter.
“I tend not to play very well with slayers in fact one could say I loathe your kind.” Tristan admitted to her.
“Yeah well if you ever want to take the biggest baddest slayer down then your going to need me on side because trust me when I say Buffy’s a hard kill and even when you do kill her she has this annoying little tendency to come back from the dead.” Faith said trying to make Tristan see he needed her on his team.
“Don’t mean this as a dig because I do admire your previous work but me aligning myself with someone who tried and failed to take Buffy down makes absolutely no sense.” Tristan told her while ushering his vampire bartender to refill their shot glasses. “I reckon I’d be successful taking her down without any assistance.”
“I was that stupid once too,” Faith laughed before downing her second shit. “That kind of stupidity gets your ass in a coma actually it got my ass in multiple comas. You may think you’ve got your shit together, but Buffy really is something else there’s a reason she’s considered the best whether I like to admit it or not.”
“Yeah well she hasn’t met me yet.” Tristan replied smugly before downing his second shot as his lover Dante appeared from the back of the bar immediately noticing Tristan drinking with Faith.
“Tristan it can’t hurt to have another on your side you know I’d never doubt you but Faith clearly has more experience in this particular field and we can’t be missing an opportunity to work alongside a slayer while we set out to wipe this world of all slayers.” Dante butted in making it clear he was keen to have Faith on side.
“My boyfriend speaks sense,” Tristan admitted to Faith. “But the thing is I don’t trust you.”
“You’d be wise not trusting me kid in fact you’d be wise not trusting anyone but like your lover told you I’m your best shot at taking B down when she comes to New York.” Faith put it rather bluntly.
“I say we let her live and if she doesn’t live up to her reputation then we kill her.” Dante suggested to Tristan.
“Fine!” Tristan reluctantly agreed.
After a few more drinks at Tristan and Dante’s demonic dive bar Tristan decided to take Faith out for a walk and by this time day had once again became night as they continued walking through the city before walking down a dark alleyway together neither resistant of the other, each probably certain they could take the other with only one of them going to be right if it came to that.
“So, why have you been living so bloody quietly all this time?” Tristan asked her.
“Honestly recovering from my last showdown with Buffy it may make me sound like a little bitch, but that girl took a lot out of me.” Faith told him as they continued to walk further down the alleyway.
“You see I’ve never had any issue killing anyone it’s so easy to me that I eagerly await with anticipation the day someone actually proves them to be a challenge.” Tristan openly admitted to the slayer. “Dante often thinks I’m a fool for not fearing her but in truth I long for a fight where my victory isn’t totally guaranteed.”
“Well Buffy’s quite the opponent she has taken down everything that’s got in her path and we’re talking The Master, Angelus, The Mayor, some cyborg dude, a freaking god, her own wicked best friend and let us not forget the first freaking evil.” Faith reminded him.
“You really do amuse me Faith.” Tristan said with a sinister laugh as a group of vampires began to appear from out of the shadows circling the two of them. “However, I can’t help but feel this fear of her has made you weak so consider this a challenge being set. Kill everyone of these vampires then join me back at the bar for a drink and I will question you no further and if they kill you then I guess they’re the ones who will be having that drink.”
“All your going to have is a bunch of dusted lackeys.” Faith told him as she looked around at the vampires circling her knowing she could take them.
“Don’t worry all of these vampires are completely expendable to me I never use the best for such trivial experiments.” Tristan admitted.
“Okay now I’m offended.” Faith retorted before changing towards the vampires in front of her.
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Faith stormed back into the demonic dive bar about an hour later after being set a trap by Tristan to find Dante and Tristan behind the bar passionately kissing only to stop upon her arrival.
“Next time you want to give me a test kid make sure it’s worth my while.” Faith said to Tristan as she walked over to the counter.
“Well it was definitely worth my time no mediocre slayer would’ve came out of that alleyway alive.” Tristan replied to her making it clear he was impressed.
“Did you seriously try to get her killed?” Dante asked his lover making clear he wasn’t in on Tristan’s plans. “We’ve made an alliance with her which means you can’t go around trying to kill her not while the alliance stands anyways.”
“She’s still alive isn’t she if I wanted her dead, I would’ve seen to it myself I was simply just testing the woman.” Tristan told Dante sternly neither lover impressed with the other.
“I totally get it I would’ve tested me out too if I were in your shoes.” Faith admitted trying to break the ice between the vampire and his slayer loathing lover.
“You might actually become the first slayer on this earth I don’t actually want to see dead.” Tristan complimented her before his three vampire minions came bursting through the door holding a bloody and barely conscious girl between them immediately making Faith panic for the defenseless girl.
“Now what do we have here boys?” Dante asked his minions while Faith tried to remain cool.
“Another slayer,” One of them replied while another looked at Tristan and asked. “Shall we prepare the darts boss?”
“Yes,” Tristan answered them before looking at Faith sinisterly. “I say we let my new acquaintance pick out the poison for this beauty.”
“Poison?” Faith wondered while fearing the answer.
“You’re going to love this game!” Tristan said sadistically with an excited smile on his face.
Following her ordeal with Tristan and Dante, Faith returned to her motel room only to find Angel sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her as she walked in.
“You took your time checking in I was beginning to get worried.” Angel admitted to Faith as he stood up to face her.
“Yeah well as it turns out this particular operation is very hands on.” Faith replied. “You know I hate to be that girl but I kind of like this Tristan guy I mean I know he’s a raging psychopath with some serious slayer issues but other than that he seems pretty cool to hang with.”
“Does that mean you’ve earned their trust then or am I having to worry about you now.” Angel joked with her.
“Yeah but they’re currently torturing the hell out of a slayer while we’re stood here talking so I guess it’s time to switch up the game plan.” Faith revealed to him.
“How did they get their hands on another slayer so quickly?” He asked her. “You don’t think they could be setting up a trap.”
“Well I wouldn’t be surprised if they were testing me with this slayer but unless we act fast an innocent girl could very well be about to die.” Faith warned the vampire with a soul.
“You’ve come a long way faith.” Angel said with a smile, proud of his friend.
“I told some lie about needing to change after dusting vamps so I don’t really have much time before I need to head back so in the mean time you need to call for some back up because something tells me your right about them being hard work.” Faith told him. “Even if the lovers aren’t, they’ve got a bar full of creatures ready to back them up.”
“Good plan but Faith please promise me you’ll be careful.” Angel replied to her.
“I always am.” She answered knowing her words were untrue.
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Following her de-brief with Angel, Faith returned to the demonic bar fearing what she could be walking into only to be left horrified upon arriving as she found Tristan throwing darts onto his latest dartboard the tied-up girl from earlier.
“Who sent you?” He asked before launching another dart into the girl’s chest causing her to scream.
“Nobody sent me I promise,” The girl cried. “Please just let me go I won’t tell anyone.”
Faith stood there reluctantly watching as Tristan threw another dart at the girl this time the dart launching into her leg as her screams clearly amused the troubled raven-haired man.
“You’ll have to forgive us for not waiting for you,” Dante said to Faith as he walked over to greet her. “Tristan tends to get carried away with himself sometimes and the customers just love it when he lets his hair down.”
“I bet they do.” Faith replied while looking over at Tristan who clocks her and walks over to the undercover slayer.
“Would you like a shot?” Tristan asked while holding out a dart in Faith’s direction.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Faith responded before taking the dart off Tristan and walking towards the injured girl.
She stood in front of the human dartboard for a second in disbelief over the situation she had found herself in before spinning around and changing direction as she threw the dart towards Tristan who quickly caught it in his hand stopping it from hitting his head.
“I guess Buffy really did break you more than you let on.” Tristan said with a disappointed sigh before throwing the dart to the ground. “Oh well I guess I’ll just have to kill you after all.”
Just as Tristan, Dante and their customers began circling her Angel burst through the front door instantly staking two of the three vampire minions before taking down the third leaving nothing but the dust of Tristan’s minions.
“Good,” Tristan replied with excitement while looking over at Angel. “You brought back up.”
Faith and Angel instantly began fighting their way through the crowd of demons, vampires and monsters killing whatever came in their way while Dante grabbed a hold of Tristan and started dragging him towards the exit clearly eager to flee the scene.
“What the bloody hell are you playing at?” Tristan asked while pushing Dante away. “Things are just starting to get interesting around here.”
“Tristan that’s bloody Angelus.” Dante snapped at his lover while Faith and Angel continued to slay, beat and murder their way through Tristan and Dante’s customers.
“That’s exactly why we should stay.” Tristan replied as Illyria burst through the front door grabbing a vampire’s head with both hands before decapitating the female vampire with her bare hands causing the vampire to turn to dust as Dante looked on in horror at the goddess effortless brutality.
“That’s Illyria.” Dante revealed while trembling in fear.
“Okay now we can run.” Tristan gave in as the two of them ran out through the back of bar which Faith noticed and decided to chase after them.
“You don’t have to go with him Tristan.” Faith shouted after following Tristan and his vampire boyfriend out into the alleyway in which Faith and Tristan first met.
“I’m with him because I want to be I’m on the right side here Faith it’s a shame you’re not with us it really is but there’s no redeeming me nor do I understand why anyone would want to when I’m perfect just the way I am.” Tristan replied to her.
“Okay that’s fair enough can’t say I didn’t offer but before I kill you before tell me what the bloody hell are you?” Faith asked him eager to know the answer.
“Your asking the wrong question Faith you shouldn’t be asking me what I am you should be asking me who I am.” He revealed to her leaving her confused over what was the meaning behind those words.
Faith, Angel and Illyria walked back into Faith’s motel room after a successful night of slaying demons, dusting vampires and killing as many enemies as possible and although Faith was glad to save the girl and cut down Dante and Tristan’s army she could help but think about what Tristan had said while frustrated she didn’t manage to get them both.
“That girl was nothing more than your average blood bag,” Illyria scoffed. “It would only take a second to see now power resided within her.”
“Well blue I was kind of busy trying to save her to evaluate her.” Faith replied before throwing herself down on her motel bed.
“If you sense her power what did you sense from Tristan?” Angel asked the blue haired goddess.
“Power a lot of which still dormant but more power than your average human,” Illyria explained to them both. “The raven-haired man is no slayer or blood sucker, but he is something I recognize but just can’t quite work it out, yet his concubine however is just your average blood sucker nothing particularly impressive about him.”
“Except for Dante’s lineage.” Angel said to which Illyria scoffed at. “So, what the bloody hell is Tristan then?”
“That’s not the question we should be asking though,” Faith revealed to them both as she sat up on the edge of her bed. “We don’t need to find out what he is we need to find out who he is.”
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Tristan and Dante walked back into the remains of their demonic dive bar only to see the destruction left by Faith, Angel and Illyria as bodies of monsters and dust from killed vampires lay scattered across the floor leaving them both furious to see the state of their once thriving empire.
“So, a slayer, a vampire and a goddess walk into a bar.” Tristan joked.
“This is not funny Tristan we could’ve wound up dead tonight if we stayed here any longer.” Dante told him in a bid to try and make Tristan see some sense.
“You’re exaggerating there a little babe,” Tristan replied. “So, I underestimated her and didn’t expect her to have back up especially not the kind of back up she came with, but we are far from down and out.”
“Tristan if we go up against them again, we’ll wind up dead.” Dante warned his overconfident lover. “I love you Tristan and it’s that love for you that stops me from wanting to see you dead.”
“And I love you too Dante,” Tristan responded before kissing his boyfriend. “But I’d never love a coward so don’t start acting like one now. I need this fight whether I win or lose I need it.”
“Oh, what the hell,” Dante sighed before kissing Tristan once again. “If we’re going to go out, we may as well go out in style.”
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 3x19 Choices
aka everyone’s just dying to give each other a piece of their mind
Welcome to this dailyish text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and rant about it in 10-3k words. What you can expect: long run-on sentences and disjointed observations, often focused on one tiny detail about the episode. What you shouldn’t be expecting: actual reviews that make sense.
And I’ve been waiting forever for today’s episode to finally discuss some quality Willow and Faith feelings... And it turns out that it was just a 2-minute-scene all along? Still, we’ll be making the best out of those 2 minutes, folks.
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There’s actually a lot going on in Choices, but I want to get the main rant out first, before I get lost in all the small details of it.
So... Willow and Faith.
Fun fact, did you know that that is actually the 5th most popular BtVS F/F pairing tag on Ao3? Right after the popular canon, the popular “it’s basically canon and you can fucking sue me” ship, the pairing of the two main female characters (shout out to the Wuffys, I got you) and the less popular canon ship.
Which... wasn’t really what I was expecting? I mean, I also wasn’t expecting #6 being Faith/Dawn (having a 2 fic-lead on the ultimate OTP because you’re all heathens), so I guess I know nothing.
Some of those switch though if you filter for the F/F category, look, I have charts:
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(Meanwhile Buffy/Kendra has like 12 fics, you really are all heathens.)
Anywho, thanks for coming to my Ted talk about the math of Buffy femslash. Now, back to Willow and Faith specifically.
Once I thought about it, it did make sense that this is actually a popular fandom pairing I guess? On one hand, it’s a common denominator situation, as in note which characters pop up consistently on that chart... On the other hand, in this episode alone Willow taunts Faith to which she responds by punching her and threatening her with a knife... And that’s pretty much how foreplay works as far as Faith’s concerned.
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Faith just likes it rough, okay? Remember the screencap I used for Consequences after Buffy punches her?
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I rest my case.
But I’m already way off topic here. Because what I was actually planning on talking about initially was how Willow felt about Faith, and the source of those feelings.
I already pointed this out, but I feel it’s worth repeating - Willow’s dislike of Faith goes back to two episodes in particular: Bad Girls and Consequences. As far as I was able to discern this time during my rewatch, there were no previous signs of animosity between the two preceding that two-parter.
In Bad Girls, Buffy blows Willow off for their study session to go out with Faith, and starts rambling about how Willow and Xander wouldn’t understand anyway what she and Faith do.
Willow is deeply hurt and jealous... She actually blows Buffy off too in return when she tries talking to her at school in the next episode, and only listens once Buffy shows up crying at her doorstep not knowing what to do about the whole Faith killed a guy situation.
In the same episode, Xander lets it slip that he and Faith had sex... And Willow is once again obviously hurt and jealous. She even has a good cry about it in the bathroom.
And I guess that that seems like a stronger emotional response than how she reacts to Faith stealing away Buffy from her, but it’s still coming from the same place. Note her line in that episode when she acknowledges her biases:
I'm not the most objective, I know. I kind of have an issue with Faith sharing my people.
“Sharing my people” - she’s pointedly talking about both Xander and Buffy here.
And there is a specific kind of betrayal that she feels from Xander, and that’s going to translate to pretty much all of Xander’s relationship... But at this point, it’s not really about her wanting that relationship with Xander. She had the option and she rejected it.
Still, if Xander has that with someone else, that makes their shared experiences feel less special. It makes her feel like less special in his life. (Which unfortunately tracks with a lot of Xander’s behavior about how he’s always chasing the new, shiny and unattainable thing in his life.)
Meanwhile with Buffy, Willow is mostly supportive of her relationships... up until to the point that she feels like they’re taking up the space that she occupies in Buffy’s life. And that very much happens with Faith in those moments, as Buffy suddenly feels like she can’t share with Willow what she and Faith has. (I swear, I’m not even trying, these sentences just turn out this way.)
So... yeah. Willow is super pissed at Faith for having the audacity to try and take away her people from her, and then hurting the both of them.
And I guess we can see some of that same kind of jealousy with Faith (I can and I will read parallels into Willow and Faith’s characters, just you wait) and her whole thing with Buffy and Angel in Choices... Except it’s weirdly misdirected? Like is the Mayor and the show seriously trying to tell us that Faith is jealous about Angel not wanting to make out with her, when that whole thing was all about Buffy in the first place?
Really, Mayor Wilkins? Really?
Well, I guess he is evil.
Back to Willow though, we have this scene where she gets taken hostage, and after she murders her vampire guard with a pencil (amazing), she decides to get comfortable in the Mayor’s office and read through all 5 tomes of the Books of Ascension??? It’s such a delightful nonsense.
Of course, I’m definitely with her on the whole “knowledge is power” notion. Even if they were to prevent the Mayor from having this Box of MacGuffin, there’s no way to tell if that would actually stop the Ascension. But knowing what’s to come and what they could do about it? That’s a definite win.
The issue is that as Faith puts it, being caught red-handed while gaining that knowledge makes Willow some very strong murder material for the bad guys. She could’ve just put the books in a bag, and tried escaping with them, or get the hell out there the moment she discovered those sensitive pages.
But do you know what I think? I think Willow just wanted to have the chance to confront Faith. She was ready to die just to give her a piece of her mind.
Willow: It's way too late. You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life. I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo! Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends in your life like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer and now you're nothing. You're just a big selfish, worthless waste.
That’s commitment.
Notice also how she highlights Faith having Buffy in her life and not appreciating it enough to keep fighting. I do feel like Willow is deeply offended by that. I talk about her jealousy a lot, but her commitment to the people she loves is usually her more dominant character trait. Feeling like Faith stole her friends from her hurt her; but her anger mostly comes from the fact that Faith hurt Buffy and Xander in unimaginable ways.
I guess this episode did give me a lot of Willow feelings.
Someone else who shared Willow’s need to impart some wisdom in the most inconvenient times was the Mayor. And honestly? I didn’t care a whole lot about it. Angel and Buffy has a million other conflicts that come before him being immortal.
Like, I get that it’s supposed to shake them out of their own little bubble a bit, and face the fact that they don’t really see a future together. I believe the phrasing I previously used was that being together prevents them from becoming the people they want to be.
Their initial exchange at the graveyard is kinda hilarious though. “You never take me to any place new” - I’m still laughing, ngl.
At the same time, Xander and Cordelia still appear to be having their bitter verbal conflicts. Which is weird, especially after Earshot, an episode that I praised for including Cordelia in the group once again. (I guess maybe Earshot was written with a different place in the season in mind for it initially? I know that it didn’t air when it was supposed to too, because of the school shooting aspect...)
Here, the two of them are once again out to get each other. Even Buffy ends up in the crossfires, as Cordelia aims one of her pointedly cruel jabs at her. Yikes.
But we also find out here that Cordelia is working in a dress shop now, so there’s that.
And this episode of course is also about everyone’s futures. Willow decides that despite being accepted into literally every school ever, she’s going to attend UC Sunnydale with Buffy. Not just to be with her, but because she enjoys saving the world and all that jazz.
Oh, Willow, if you only knew...
This of course also presents a welcome contrast for Buffy, who feels like she doesn’t have a choice but to stay in Sunnydale. It’s a really nice moment between them, as Buffy realizes herself that she too very much made that choice herself. Because that’s who Buffy is. Someone who could never turn her back on the people who need her.
Buffy:  I kinda love you.
We all do, Buffy. Just ask Oz, and his decisive ingredient smashing move that annihilated the whole argument about whether or not they should rescue Willow. (”That’s your future wife!” - me @ Alexis Denisof in that scene.)
Also, shout out at that whole Mission Impossible heist premise we got going on in this episode. I always appreciate a weird clash of genres.
6 notes · View notes
New, revised, and updated bootleg list!
•1776 Pro shot, good quality, I don’t know what cast or year.
•25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee OBC Broadway Lisa Howard (Rona Lisa Peretti), Jay Reiss (Douglas Panch), Derrick Baskin (Mitch Mahoney), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Olive Ostrovsky), Dan Fogler (William Barfee), Sarah Saltzberg (Logainne SchwartzandGrubenierre), Deborah S Craig (Marcy Park), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Leaf Coneybear), Jose Llana (Chip Tolentino)
•3 musketeers- Beverly 23 August Pro shot Cast: Kevyn Morrow, John Schiappa, Jimmy Smagula, Aaron Tveit, Kate Baldwin, Chad Ackerman, Mark Aldrich
•A Bronx Tale - Broadway November 14, 2016 OBC Nick Cordero (Sonny), Richard H. Blake (Lorenzo), Bobby Conte Thornton (Calogero), Ariana DeBose (Jane), Lucia Giannetta (Rosina), Bradley Gibson (Tyrone), Hudson Loverro (Young Calogero)
•A Chorus Line - OBC Archived Black and White Scott Allen (Roy), Renee Baughman (Kristine), Carole Bishop (Sheila), Pamela Blair (Val), Wayne Cilento (Mike), Chuck Cissel (Butch), Clive Clerk (Larry), Kay Cole (Maggie), Ronald Dennis (Richie), Donna Drake (Tricia), Brandt Edwards (Tom), Patricia Garland (Judy), Carolyn Kirsch (Lois), Ron Kuhlman (Don), Nancy Lane (Bebe0, Baayork Lee (Connie), Prscilla Lopez (Diana), Robert LuPone (Zach), Cameron Mason (Mark), Donna McKenchie (Cassie), Don Percassi (Al), Michael Serrecchia (Frank), Michel Stuart (Greg), Thomas J Walsh (Bobby), Sammy Williams (Paul), Crissy Wilzak (Vicki)
•A Chorus Line - Broadway Preview September 30th 2006 ORC (Ken Alan, Brad Anderson, Michelle Aravena, David Baum, Michael Berresse, E. Clayton Cornelious, Natalie Cortez, Mike Cannon, Charlotte D'Amboise, Mara Davi, Joey Dudding, Lyndy Franklin, Jessica Lee Goldyn, Deidre Goodwin, Tyler Hanes, Nadine Isenegger, Pamela Jordan, James T. Lane, Lorin Latarro, Paul McGill, Heather Parcells, Michael Paternostro, Alisan Porter, Jeffrey Schecter, Yuka Takara, Jason Tam, Grant Turner, Chryssie Whitehead, Tony Yazbeck)
•A Christmas Story- Broadway November 7, 2012 Dan Lauria (Jean Shepherd), John Bolton (The Old Man), Erin Dilly(Mother), Johnny Rabe (Ralphie), Zac Ballard (Randy), Caroline O'Connor (Miss Shields)
•Aida- Broadway 12 December 2001 Cast: Maya Days, Matt Bogart (u/s), Idina Menzel
•Ain’t Misbehaving OBC, other than that, I don’t know what cast or date
•Aladdin (Alan Menken)- Broadway August 22 2014 OBC Cast: Aladdin: Adam Jacobs, Jasmine: Courtney Reed, Genie: James Monroe Iglehart, Jafar: Jonathan Freeman, Sultan: Clifton Davis, Iago: Don Darryl Rivera, Babkak: Brian Gonzales, Omar: Andrew Cao (u/s), Kassim/Spooky Voice/Voice of the Cave: Brandon O’Neill, Razoul: Dennis Stowe, Prince Abdullah: Jaz Sealey, Shop Owner: Bobby Pestka, Henchmen: Donald Jones Jr, Aleks Pevec (u/s), Attendants: Tia Altinay, Khori Michelle Pentinaud, Marisha Wallace
•Aladdin (Cole Porter)- TV Broadcast 1958 Cast: Anna Maria Alberghetti, George Hall, Dennis King, Una Merkel, Sal Mineo, Basil Rathbone, Cyril Ritchard
•A Little Night Music- Broadway 2010 Bernadette Peters (Desiree Armfeldt), Elaine Stritch (Madame Armfeldt)
•Allegiance- Broadway 16 November 2015 OBC Cast: George Takei (Sam/Ojii-San), Lea Salonga (Kei), Telly Leung (Sammy), Katie Rose Clarke (Hannah), Michael K. Lee (Frankie), Christopheren Nomura (Tatsuo), Greg Watanabe (Mike)
•All Shook Up - Broadway OBC Jenn Gambatese (Natalie Haller/Ed), Johnathan Hadary (Jim Haller), Mark Price (Dennis), Sharon Wilkins (Sylvia), Nikki M James (Lorraine), Cheyenne Jackson (Chad), Alix Korey (Mayor Matilda Hyde), Cutis Holbrook (Dean Hyde), John Jellison (Sheriff Earl), Leah Hocking (Miss Sandra), Ensemble: Brad Anderson, Justin Bohon, Justin Brill, Paul Castree, Cara Cooper, Michael Cusumano, Francesca Harper, Trisha Jeffrey, Michelle Kittrell, Anika Larsen, Michael X Martin, Karen Murphy, John Eric Parker, Justin Patterson, Michael James Scott, Jenny-Lynn Suckling, Virginia Ann Woodruff
•LA December 4, 2016 Phillipa Soo (Amelie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Nino), Savvy Crawford (Young Amelie), Tony Sheldon ( Dufayel/Collignon), Alison Cimmet (Amandine/Philomene), Mandel Felciano (Raphael/Bretodeaux), Harriett D Foy (Suzanne), Randy Blair (Hipolito), Alyse Alan Louis(Georgette/Sylvie), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), David Andino (Blind Beggar/Garden Gnome), Paul Whitty(Joseph/Fluffy), Heath Calvert (Lucien/Lug/Mysterious Man)
•Amélie (Broadway) − March 29, 2017 ***NFT AUGUST 1 2017*** : Philippa Soo (Amelie), Adam Chandler-Berat (Nino), Savvy Crawford (Young Amelie), Tony Sheldon (Dufayal/Colignon), Manoel Feliciano (Raphael/Bretodeaux), Alison Cimmet (Amandine/Philomene), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), Harriet D. Foy (Suzanne), Alyse Ann Louis (Georgette), David Andino (Blind Beggar/Garden Gnome), Randy Blair (Hipoloto), Paul Whitty (Joseph)
•An American in Paris- Broadway March 14 2015 Cast: Robert Fairchild, Leanne Cope, Veanne Cox, Jill Paice, Brandon Uranowitz, Max von Essen
•Annie - US Tour January 30, 2010 Costa Mesa, CA Madison Kerth, David Barton, Lynn Andrews, Traci Bair, Zander Meisner, Cheryl Hoffmann, Jeffrey B. Duncan, Mackenzie Aladjem, Jordan Mariah Boezem, Roni Caggiano, Ivy Moody, Emily Rudolph, Laura Spineti, Ricky Pope, Kelly Goyette
•Annie - Broadway Revival October 15, 2012 Lilla Crawford (Annie), Katie Finneran (Miss Hannigan), Anthony Warlow (Mr Warbucks), J. Elaine Marcos (Lily St Regis), Brynn O'Malley (Grace), Clarke Thorell (Rooster), Madi Rae DiPietro (July), Georgi James (Pepper), Junah Jang (Tessie). Description: Clarity is gorgeous and there is literally no washout or bouncing. You can tell it was filmed at an angle and there are a couple small obstructions, but otherwise it’s very good quality. Quite a lot of full stage shots.
•Annie Get Your Gun 2006 Revival, I don’t know what cast.
•Anything Goes (Broadway) − April 3, 2011 Sutton Foster, Joel Grey, John McMartin, Jessica Walter, Colin Donnell, Adam Godley, Laura Osnes, Jessica Stone, Walter Charles, Robert Creighton.
•American Psycho - Broadway May 13, 2016 Benjamin Walker (Patrick Bateman), Helene Yorke (Evelyn Williams), Alice Ripley (Svetlana/Mrs. Bateman/Mrs. Wolfe), Jennifer Damiano (Jean), Drew Moerlein (Paul Owen), Dave Thomas Brown (David Van Patten)
•Anastasia Hartford, CT June 15, 2016 Matinee Christy Altomare (Anastasia), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Maria Feodorovna), Manoel Felciano (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Nicole Scimeca (Young Anya)
•Asassins- Broadway May 29 2004 Cast: Neil Patrick Harris, Becky Ann Baker, James Barbour, Mario Cantone, Michael Cerveris, Mary Catherine Garrison, Alexander Gemignai, Marc Kudisch, Jeffrey Kuhn, and Denis O'Hare
•Asassins Original Off Broadway Cast
•Avenue Q - Broadway July 26, 2003 Preview  Jenifer Barnhart (Mrs. T/Bad Idea Bear), Jordan Gelber (Brian), Stephanie D´Abruzzo (Kate Monster/Lucy the Slut), John Tartaglia (Princeton/Rod), Ann Harada (Christmas Eve), Rick Lyon (Nicky/Trekkie Monster/Bad Idea Bear), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Gary Coleman)
•Barnum Live - TV Movie 1986 Michael Crawford (Phineas Taylor Barnum), Eileen Battye (Charity ‘Chairy’ Barnum), Michael Heath (Ringmaster), Christina Collier (Jenny Lind), Sharon Benson (Joice Heth), Paul Miller (Tom Thumb), Peter Barbour, Sue Barbour, Michael Cantwell, Perry Davey, James Francis Johnston, Graham Fawcett, Richard Gauntlett, Paul Goddard, Alan Heap, Amanda Newman, Joanne Robley-Dixon, Nadine Shenton, Debbie Steel, Christopher Talman, Jane Watts
•Beautiful- Broadway April 9 2014 Cast: Jessie Mueller, Jake Epstein, Anika Larsen, Jarrod Spector, Jeb Brown, Liz Larsen •Beauty and the Beast- Los Angeles 1995 Cast: Erin Dilly (Belle), James Barbour (The Beast), Burke Moses (Gaston), Gary Beach (Lumiere), Michelle Lee (Mrs. Potts), Peter Bartlett (Cogsworth), Tom Bosley (Maurice), Harrison Beal (Lefou)
•Billy Elliot- London 2005 Cast: Liam Mower (Billy), Brad Kavanagh (Michael), Brooke Havana Bailey (Debbie), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Chris Lennon (Tony), Ann Emery (Grandma), Alex Delamere (Mr Braithwaite), Paul Broughton (George)
•Bombshell Concert
•Bonnie & Clyde (Broadway) − November 9, 2011: Laura Osnes, Jeremy Jordan, Claybourne Elder, Melissa Van Der Schyff, Louis Hobson, Joe Hart, Talon Ackerman, Leslie Becker, Mimi Bessette, Alison Cimmet, Daniel Cooney, Jon Fletcher, Kelsey Fowler, Victor Hernandez, Michael Lanning, Garrett Long, Matt Lutz, Marissa McGowan, Tad Wilson.
•Bonnie and Clyde- La Jolla 14 November 2009 Cast: Laura Osnes, Stark Sands, Melissa van der Schyff, Claybourne Elder, Chris Peluso, Wayne Duvall, Mare Winningham, Michael Mulligan, Michael Lanning
•Book of Mormon - National Tour Chicago December 23, 2012 Nic Rouleau (Elder Price), Ben Platt(Elder Cunningham)
•Breakfast at Tiffany’s Broadway- March 9, 2013 Emilia Clarke (Holly Golightly), Cory Michael Smith (Fred), George Wendt(Joe Bell), James Yaegashi, Suzanne Bertish, John Rothman, Tony Torn, Lee Wilkof
•Bridges of Madison County- Broadway March 9 2014 Cast: Kelli O'Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Hunter Foster (Bud), Michael X. Martin (Charlie), Cass Morgan (Marge), Caitlin Kinnunen (Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Whitney Bashor (Marian)
•Bring it on- Broadway, 24 October 2012 Cast: Taylor Louderman, Adrienne Warren, Ariana DeBose, Jason Gotay, Gregory Haney, Neil Haskell, Janet Krupin, Elle McLemore, Nicolas Womak
•Cabaret- Broadway November 20 2014 Cast: Alan Cumming, Emma Stone, Kristie Dale Sanders as (u/s) Fraulein Schneider, Philip Hoffman as (u/s) Herr Shultz, Bill Heck, Aaron Krohn, Gayle Rankin
•Camelot Broadway 1982 Proshot Cast: Richard Harris, Meg Bussert, Richard Muenz, Barry Ingham
•Carousel - Lincoln Center 2013 Kelli O’Hara, Jessie Mueller, Nathan Gunn, Jason Danieley, Stephanie Blythe, Alexander Gemignani
•Carousel 1994 Broadway no idea what cast or date
•Carrie- Off-Broadway March 18 2012 Cast: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Anne Tolpegin (u/s Margaret White), Carmen Cusack (Miss Gardner), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F. Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
•Catch me if you can- Broadway, 27 April 2010 Cast: Aaron Tveit, Norbert Leo Butz, Tom Wopat, Kerry Butler, Joe Cassidy, Rachel deBenedit, Linda Hart, Timothy McCuen Piggee
•Cats- US tour, Boston 23 February 2007 Cast: Dave Schoonover (Tugger), Christopher E. Sidioli (Asparagus, Bustoher, Growltiger), Ian Lakowski (Munkustrap)
•Cats Broadway July 22, 2016 Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Giuseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Arianna Rosario (SIllbub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival)
•Chaplin Broadway August 22 2012 Cast: Rob McClure, Erin Mackey, Jenn Colella, Christiane Noll, Jim Borstelmann, Michael McCormick, Zachary Unger, Wayne Alan Wilcox.
•Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- London 22 January 2015 Cast: Alex Jennings (Willy Wonka), Zachary Loonie (Charlie Bucket), Vincent Finch (Augustus Gloop), Amy Carter (Veruca Salt), Rhianna Dorris (Violet Beauregarde), Daniel Rhodes (Mike Teavee), Billy Boyle (u/s Grandpa Joe)
•Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Broadway April 20, 2017 Preview ***NFT UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1, 2017*** Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Ben Crawford (Mr. Salt), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), Alan H. Green (Mr. Beauregarde), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee)
•Chess - Original Broadway Cast June 25, 1988 Final Show Judy Kuhn, David Carroll, Phillip Casnoff, Marcia Mitzman, Harry Goz
•Cinderella 1965 Movie (Not the one with Julie Andrews)
•Cinderella- Broadway January 1 2015 (Matinee) Cast: Ella: Keke Palmer Topher: Joe Carroll Marie: Judy Kaye Madame: Nene Leakes Gabrielle: Stephanie Gibson Charlotte: Laura Irion Jean-Michel: Todd Buonopane Lord Pinkleton: Phumzile Sojola Sebastian: Peter Bartlett Footman: Andy Mills Driver: Michael Callahan Lady of Ridicule: Jill Abramovitz
•Chitty Chitty Bang Bang- UK tour February 2010 Cast: Darren Bennett (Caractacus Potts), Katie Ray (Truly Scrumptious), John Griffiths (Grandpa Potts), Edward Peel (Baron Bomburst/Lord Scrumptious), Kim Ismay (Baroness Bomburst/Miss Philips), Dean Maynard (Child Catcher)
•Come From Away - Broadway March 10, 2017 ***NFT UNTIL JULY 15, 2017*** Petrina Bromley (Bonnie/Others),Geno Carr (Oz/Others), Jenn Colella(Beverly/Annette/Others), Joel Hatch (Claude/Others), Rodney Hicks (Bob/Others), Kendra Kassebaum(Janice/Others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T/Garth/Others), Lee MacDougall(Nick/Doug/Others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J/Ali/Others), Q. Smith (Hannah/Others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah/Others), Sharon Wheatley(Diane/Others)
•Company- Broadway 15 June 2011 Cast: Neil Patrick Harris, Stephen Colbert, Patti LuPone, Craig Bierko, Jon Cryer, Christina Hendricks, Katie Finneran, Aaron Lazar, Jill Paice, Martha, Plimpton, Anika Noni Rose, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Jim Walton, Chryssie Whitehead
•Crazy for You OBC? no idea what cast or date.
•Cry Baby OBC? no idea what cast or date
•Curious Woof Broadway? no idea what cast or date
•Cursed Child Audio only, original cast
•Dames at Sea - Broadway October 18, 2015 John Bolton (The Captain/Hennesey), Mara Davi (Joan), Danny Gardner (Lucky), Eloise Kropp (Ruby), Lesli Margherita (Mona Kent), Cary Tedder (Dick)
•Dear Evan Hansen (Broadway) − November 2016: Ben Platt (Evan), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana), Mike Faist (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia).
•Disaster! The Musical- Broadway February 20, 2016 Adam Pascal (Chad), Roger Bart (Tony), Faith Prince (Shirley), Seth Rudetsky (Ted Scheider), Kerry Butler (Marianne), Kevin Chamberlin (Maury), Rachel York (Jackie), Jennifer Simard (Sister Mary), Baylee Litrell (Ben/Lisa), Max Crumm (Scott), Lacretta Nicole (Levora)
•Dreamgirls Broadway December 1981 Jennifer Holiday (Effie Melody White), Sheryl Lee Ralph (Deena Jones), Loretta Devine (Lorrell Robinson), Cleaving Derricks (James “Thunder” Early)
•Dreamgirls in Concert 2001 Audra McDonald, Heather Headly, Billy Porter
•Elf- Broadway 16 November 2011 Cast: Sebastian Arcelus, Amy Spanger, Beth Leavel, George Wendt, Mark Jacoby, Michael McCormick, Michael Mandell, Mattew Gumley, Valerie Wright
•Evita Original Cast with Patti LuPone besides that I have no idea what cast or date
•Evita - European Tour 1997 Harold Prince Version Susan Carr George (Evita), James Sbano (Che), Jeff Austin (Juan Peron), Scott Hayward (Magaldi), Zoe Abbott (Mistress)
•Evita- Broadway 15 August 2012 Cast: Jessica Lea Patty (u/s Eva), Ricky Martin, Michael Cerveris, Max von Essen, Rachel Potter
•Falsettoland - OOBC Stephen Bogardus, Chip Zien, Michael Rupert, Faith Prince, Heather McCrae
•Falsettos - Los Angeles 1993 OBC (Except for Jason who is played by Sivan Cotel.)
•Falsettos - Broadway October 28, 2016 Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells (Whizzer), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia), Tracie Thoms (Charlotte)
•Falsettos (Broadway) − December 30, 2017: Christian Borle, Andrew Rannells, Stephanie J. Block, Brandon Uranowitz, Anthony Rosenthal, Tracie Thoms, Betsy Wolfe.
•Fiddler on the Roof - Broadway February 28th 2004 Cast : Alfred Molina (Tevye), Randy Graff (Golde), Nancy Opel, Stephen Lee Anderson, David Ayers, Laura Michelle  Kelly, Sally Murphy
•Fiddler on the Roof- Broadway 29 December 2015 Cast: Danny Burstein, Jessica Hecht, Alexandra Silber, Samantha Massell, Melanie Moore, Jenny Rose Baker, Hayley Feinstein, Alix Korey, Adam Kantor, Ben Rappaport, Nick Rehberger, Adam Dannheisser, Karl Kenzler, Michael C Bernardi, Adam Grupper, Jeffrey Schecter, George Psomas, Lori Wilner, Jessica Vosk, Mitch Greenberg, Aaron Young, Jennifer Zetlan
•Finding Neverland- Broadway July 22 2015 Cast: Kevin Kern as (u/s) J.M. Barrie, Laura Michelle Kelly, Anthony Warlow, Carolee Carmello, Teal Wicks, Christopher Paul Richards as Peter, Eli Toikash as Jack, Casey Butler as George, Alex Dreier as Michael
•First Date- Broadway, July 13 2013 Cast: Zachary Levi, Krysta Rodriguez, Sara Chase, Kristoffer Cusick, Blake Hammond, Kate Loprest, Bryce Ryness
•Follies- Broadway 6 November 2011 Cast: Bernadette Peters, Jan Maxwell, Danny Burstein, Ron Raines, Elaine Paige, Don Correla, Christian Delcroix, Rosalind Elias, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Danielle Jordan (u/s Young Sally), Michael Hayes, Leah Horowitz, Jayne Houdyshell, Florence Lacey, Mary Beth Peil
•Frozen at the Hyperion-California 28 May 2016
•Fun Home- Broadway March 29 2015 Cast: Michael Cerveris, Judy Kuhn, Beth Malone, Sydney Lucas, Emily Skeggs, Roberta Colindrez, Zell Steele Morrow, Joel Perez, Oscar Williams
•Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder- Broadway 3 May 2014 Cast: Jefferson Mays, Bryce Pinkham, Lisa OHare, Lauren Worsham, Jane Carr, Joanna Glushak, Eddie Korbich, Pamela Bob
•Gentlemen Perfer Blondes- New York City Encores 12 May 2012 Cast: Megan Hilty, Rachel York, Phillip Attmore, Steven Boyer, Brennan Brown, Stephen R. Buntrock, Jared Grimes, Simon Jones, Aaron Lazar, Deborah Rush, Sandra Shipley, Megan Sikora, Clarke Thorell
•Gigi- Broadway March 28 2015 Cast: Vanessa Hudgens, Victoria Clark, Corey Cott, Dee Hoty, Howard McGillin, Steffanie Leigh
•Godspell -Broadway Revival November 13th 2011 Cast: Hunter Parrish, Telly Leung, Lindsay Mendez, Wallace Smith, Uzo Aduba, Joaquina Kalukango
•Guys and Dolls 1991 with Nathan Lane and Faith Prince, other than that, I don’t know what cast or date
•Grease Live! 31 January 2016 Cast: Aaron Tveit, Julianne Hough, Vanessa Hudgens, Keke Palmer, Kether Donohue, Jordan Fisher, Carly Rae Jepsen, Didi Conn, Carlos PenaVega, Eve Plumb, Ana Gasteyer, Mario Lopez, Joe, Jonas, Jessie J, Sam Clark, Etc.
•Grey Gardens -Broadway December 6th 2006 Cast : Christine Ebersole, Mary Louise Wilson, John McMartin, Erin Davie, Matt Cavenaugh
•Groundhog Day - Broadway April 1, 2017 ***NFT UNTIL AUGUST 1, 2017*** Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss(Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy/Ensemble), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson/Ensemble), Andrew Call (Gus/Ensemble), Gerard Canonico (Fred/Ensemble), Josh Lamon (Buster/Ensemble), Raymond J. Lee (Ralph/Ensemble), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster/Ensemble)
•Gypsy- Broadway 1991 audio only for Act two Cast: Tyne Daly, Jonathan Hadary, Crista Moore, Robert Lambert, Tracy Venner
•Gypsy- Broadway 4 April 2003 Cast: Bernadette Peters, John Dossett, Tammy Blanchard
•Gypsy- Broadway, 25 March 2008 Cast: Patti Lupone, Laura Benanti, Boyd Gaines, Leigh Ann Larkin
•Gypsy - Bette Midler Movie 1993
•Hair- Broadway 15 March 2009 Cast: Gavin Creel, Will Swenson, Caissie Levy, Sasha Allen, Allison Case, Andrew Kober, Megan Lawrence, Darius Nichols, Bryce Ryness, Kacie Sheik
•Hairspray- Broadway 25 November 2006 Cast: Shannon Durig, Blake Hammond, Diana DeGarmo, Stephen DeRosa, Darlene Love, Tevin Campbell, Jonathan Dokuchitz, Lisa Jolley, Isabel Keating, Tara Macri, Kevin Meaney, Naturi Naughton, Aaron Tveit
•Hairspray- London October 16 2007 Cast: Michael Ball (Edna Turnblad), Mel Smith (Wilbur Turnblad), Leanne Jones (Tracy Turnblad), Ben James-Ellis (Link Larkin), Tracie Bennett (Velma von Tussle), Elinor Collett (Penny Pingleton), Johnnie Fiori(Motormouth Maybelle), Adrian Hansel (Seaweed), Rachael Wooding (Amber von Tussle)
•Hairspray- National Tour December 13, 2005 Keala Settle (Tracy Turnblad), Dale Calandra (u/s Edna Turnblad), Charlotte Crossley (Motormouth Maybelle), Susan Henley (Velma Von Tussle), Aaron Tveit (Link Larkin), Melissa Larsen (u/s Penny Pingleton), Alan Mingo Jr. (Seaweed), Bryan Crawford (u/s Corny Collins), Jane Blass (Prudy Pingleton/The Teacher/The Matron),Jim J. Bullock (Wilbur Turnblad)
•Hamilton- Broadway December 29 2015 Cast: Hamilton: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Eliza Hamilton: Phillipa Soo, Aaron Burr: Leslie Odom, Jr, Angelica Schuyler: Renee Elise Goldsberry, George Washington: Christopher Jackson, Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson: Daveed Diggs, Hercules Mulligan/James Madison: Okieriete Onaodowan, John Laurens/Philip Hamilton: Anthony Ramos, Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds: Jasmine Cephas Jones, King George: Jonathan Groff, Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor: Sydney James Harcourt, Samuel Seabury: Daniel J Watts, Charles Lee: Neil Haskell, George Eacker: Ephraim Sykes. Ensemble: Gerald Avery, Carleigh Bettiol, Neil Haskell, Sasha Hutchings, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Austin Smith, Betsy Struxness, Ephraim Sykes, Kamille Upshaw, Daniel J Watts
•Hamilton (Broadway) − June 19, 2016: Javier Muñoz (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Nicholas Christopher (u/s George Washington), Andrew Chappelle (u/s Laurens/Philip), Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Peggy/Maria), the rest is the Original Broadway Cast.
•Hello Dolly- US tour, Melbourne 17-19 December 1977 pro shot Cast: Carol Channing (Dolly), Jay Garner (Horace), Lee Roy Reams (Cornelius), Jeanne Lehman (Irene), Scott Bridges (Barnaby), Monica Lee Gradischek (Minnie), Monica M. Wemitt (Ernestina), James Darrah (Ambrose), Christine DeVito (Ermengarde), Judi Mann (Mrs. Rose), Herman Petras (Rudolph), Michael Shames (Stanley), Roger Preston Smith (Judge)
•Hello Dolly- UK tour 2008 pro shot Cast: Anita Dobson (Dolly Levy), Carol Ball (Ernestina), Samuel Board (Ambrose Kemper), David McAlister (Horace Vandergelder), Sophir Wilkins (Ermengarde), Darren Day (Cornelius Hackl), Hamilton Sargent (Barnaby Tucker), Amanda Salmon (Minnie Fay), Louise English (Irene Molloy), Christopher Marlowe (Rudolph/Judge)
•Hello Dolly - Broadway March 30, 2017 ***NFT AUGUST 1st 2017***Bette Midler (Dolly Gallagher Levi), David Hyde Pierce (Horace Vandergelder), Kate Baldwin (Irene Malloy), Christian Dante White (u/s Cornelius Hackl), Taylor Trensch (Barnaby Tucker), Beanie Feldstein (Minnie Faye), Will Burton (Ambrose Kemper), Melanie Moore (Ermengarde), Jennifer Simard (Ernestina)
•Holiday Inn- Broadway January 14, 2017 pro shot Bryce Pinkham (Jim), Corbin Bleu (Ted), Lora Lee Gayer (Linda), Megan Lawrence (Louise), Megan Sikora (Lila Dixon), Lee Wilkof, Malik Akil, Will Burton, Darien Crago, Morgan Gao, Matt Meigs, Shina Ann Morris, Drew Redington, Catherine Ricafort, Amanda Rose, Jonalyn Saxer, Samantha Sturm, Amy Van Norstrand, Travis Ward-Osborne, Paige Williams, Victor Wisehart, Kevin Worley, Borris York
•Honeymoon in Vegas - Broadway December 5, 2014 Rob McClure (Jack Singer), Brynn O'Malley (Betsy), Tony Danza (Tommy Korman), David Josefsberg (Buddy Rocky/Roy Bacon), Nancy Opel (Bea Singer), Matthew Saldivar (Johnny Sandwich)
•How to succeed in bussiness without really trying- Broadway 1995 Cast: Matthew Broderick (J. Pierrepont Finch), Megan Mullally (Rosemary Pilkington), Ronn Carroll (JB Biggley), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Bud Frump), Jonathan Freeman (Bert Bratt), Victoria Clark (Smitty), Luba Mason (Hedy La Rue), Lillias White (Miss Jones)
•How to succeed in business without really trying- Broadway, 28 February 2011 Cast: Daniel Radcliffe (J. Pierrepont Finch), John Larroquette (J.B. Biggley), Rose Hemingway (Rosemary Pilkington), Tammy Blanchard (Hedy LaRue), Christopher J. Hanke (Bud Frump), Rob Bartlett (Mr. Timble), Mary Faber (Smitty), Ellen Harvey (Miss Jones), Michael Park (Bert Bratt), Cameron Adams (Kathy), Cleve Asbury (Mr. Ovington), Tanya Birl (Nancy), Kevin Cobert (Mr. Johnson), Paige Faure (Miss Grabowski), David Hull (Mr. Toynbee), Justin Keyes (Mr. Davis), Marty Lawson (Mr. Peterson), Barrett Martin (Mr. Andrews), Nick Mayo (Mr. Gatch), Sarah O'Gleby, Stephanie Rothenberg (Meredith), Megan Sikora (Miss Krumholz), Joey Sorge (Mr. Tackaberry), Ryan Watkinson (Mr. Matthews), Charlie Williams (Mr. Jenkins), Samantha Zack (Lily), Anderson Cooper (Voice of the Narrator)
•If/Then- Broadway March 8 2014 Cast: Idina Menzel, LaChanze, Anthony Rapp, James Snyder, Jerry Dixon, Jenn Colella, Jason Tam, Tamika Lawrence
•Into the Woods- Broadway, May 1989 Cast: Bernadette Peters (The Witch), Joanna Gleason (The Baker’s Wife), Chip Zien (The Baker), Tom Aldredge (Narrator/Mysterious Old Man), Kim Crosby (Cinderella), Danielle Ferland (Little Red Riding Hood), Robert Westenberg (Wolf/Cinderella’s Prince), Ben Wright (Jack), Barbara Bryne (Jack’s Mother), Merle Louise (Grandmother/Cinderella’s Mother/Giant), Chuck Wagner (Rapunzel’s Prince), Pamela Winslow (Rapunzel), Philip Hoffman (Steward), Lauren Mitchell (Lucinda), Kay McClelland (Florinda)
•Into the Woods- Central Park 28 July 2012 Cast: Donna Murphy, Amy Adams, Chip Zien, Denis O'Hare, Gideon Glick, Jessie Mueller, Sarah Stiles, Ellen Harvey, Ivan Hernandez, Josh Lamon, Laura Shoop, Tess Soltau, Kristine Zbornik, Jack Broderick, Eric Williams as (u/s) Rapunzel’s Prince, Glenn Close
•In Transit - Broadway November 13, 2016 Justin Guarini (Trent), Erin Mackey(Ali), Telly Leung (Steven), James Snyder (Nate), David Abeles (Dave), Moya Angela (Momma/Ms. Williams/Booth Lady), Chesney Snow(Boxman), Margo Seibert (Jane), Mariand Torres (Nina)
•It Shoulda Been You- Broadway July 21 2015 Cast: Sierra Boggess (Rebecca Steinberg), Tyne Daly (Judy Steinberg), Harriet Harris (Georgette Howard), Lisa Howard (Jenny Steinberg), Aaron C. Finley (u/s Brian Howard), Montego Glover (Annie Shepherd), Josh Grisetti (Marty Kaufman), Adam Heller (Walt/Uncle Morty), Edward Hibbert (Albert), Michael X. Martin (George Howard), Anne L. Nathan (Aunt Sheila/Mimsy), Nick Spangler (Gred Madison), Chip Zien (Murray Steinberg)
•Jekyll and Hyde- Broadway 1997 Cast: Robert Cuccioli, Christianne Noll, Linda Eder / Emily Skinner (u/s), Barrie Ingham
•Jersey Boys- Broadway 19 November 2005 Cast: Christian Hoff, Daniel Reichard, J. Robert Spencer, John Lloyd Young, Peter Gregus, Mark Lotito, Tituss Burgess, Heather Ferguson, Steve Gouveia, Donnie Kehr, John Leone, Michael Longoria
•Jesus Christ Superstar - Farewell Tour - Milwaukee Theatre - Ted Neeley (Jesus of Nazareth), Corey Glover (Judas Iscariot), Christina Rea-Briskin (Mary Magdalene), Larry Alan Coke (Caiphas), Jeremy Pasha (Annas), Craig Sculli (Pointius Pilate), Aaron Fuska (King Herod), Chris Gleim (Peter), Jason D Bush (Simon), Darrel R Whitney (First Priest), Tony Castellanos (Second Priest), Camilo Castro (Third Priest), Lorelei Prince (Maid by the Fire), Soul Singers/Disciples: Bianca Atalaya, Rasmiyyah Feliciano, Margaret M Spirito, Disciple Girls: Nancy Emerson, Tess Ferrell, Apostles: Nick Algier, Gabe Belyeu, Jason R Cook, Michael Fasano, Thomas C Lash, Matthew G Myers, Fred J Ross, Troy Valjean Rucker, Jonathan Walsh 
•Jesus Christ Superstar- La Jolla, 4 December 2011 Cast: Paul Nolan, Jeremy Kushnier (u/s Judas), Chilina Kennedy, Sandy Winsby (u/s Pilate), Bruce Dow, Marcus Nance, Lee Siegel, Aaron Walpole, Mike Nadajewski
•Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat- London, 17 October 2007 Cast: Lee Mead, Fiona Reyes as (alt) Narrator, Dean Collinson, Stephen Tate, John Alastair, Neal Wright
•Kinky Boots- Broadway, March 3 2013 Cast: Stark Sands, Billy Porter, Annaleigh Ashford, Celina Carvajal, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Marcus Neville.
•Kinky Boots- US tour, Los Angeles 15 November 2014 Cast: Steven Booth, Kyle Taylor Parker, Lindsay Nicole Chambers, Joe Coots, Grace Stockdale, Craig Waletzko, Amelia Cormack, Mike Longo, Ross Lekit es, Bonnie Milligan, David McDonald, Horace V. Rogers, Anne Tolpegin, Anthony Picarello, Andrew Theo Johnson
•Kinky Boots - National Tour April 17, 2016 Evening Adam Kaplan (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola/Simon), Tiffany Engen (Lauren), Aaron Walpole (Don), Charissa Hogeland (Nicola), Jim J Bullock (George), Shawna M Hamic, Josh Tolle (Harry), Zach Adkins, Patty Lohr (Pat), Tom Souhrada (Mr. Price), Horace V Rogers, Annie Edgerton (Milan Stage Manager), Aidan Passaro(Young Charlie), Jomil Elijah Robinson
•Kiss Me Kate- London 2002 pro shot Cast: Brent Barrett, Rachel York, Nancy Anderson, Michael Berresse, Teddy Kemper, Jack Chissick
•La Cage Aux Folles- Broadway April 7 2010 Cast: Kelsey Grammer, Douglas Hodge, Fred Applegate, Veanne Cox, Chris Hoch, Elena Shaddow, A.J. Shively, Nick Adams, Christine Andreas, Robin De Jesus
•Legally Blonde- San Fransisco February 24 2007 Cast: Laura Bell Bundy (Elle), Christian Borle (Emmett), Orfeh (Paulette), Richard H. Blake (Warner), Kate Shindle (Vivienne), Michael Rupert (Professor Callahan), Nikki Snelson, (Brooke/Shandi), Leslie Kritzer (Serena), Annaleigh Ashford (Margot), DeQuina Moore (Pilar), Natalie Joy Johnson (Enid/Veronica)
•Les Miserables- Broadway March 8 2014 Cast: Ramin Karimloo, Will Swenson, Caissie Levy, Nikki M. James, Cliff Saunders, Keala Settle, Samantha Hill, Andy Mientus, Kyle Scatliffe, Angeli Negron
•Little Shop of Horrors- Broadway September 21, 2003 Hunter Foster (Seymour), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Douglas Sills (Orin), Rob Bartlett (Mr. Mushnik), DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Carla J. Hargrove, Trisha Jeffrey
•Little Shop of Horrors- UK tour, Liverpool, May 4 2009 Cast: Clare Buckfield (Audrey), Damian Humbley (Seymour), Alex Ferns (Orin), Sylvester McCoy (Mushnik), Clive Rowe (Voice of Audrey II), Nadia Di Mambro (Crystal), Lara Martin (Chiffon), Donna Hines (Ronette)
•Little Shop of Horrors- New York City Center Encores 2 July 2015 Cast: Ellen Greene, Jake Gyllenhaal, Taran Killam, Eddie Cooper, Joe Grifasi, Tracy Nicole Chapman, Marva Hicks, Ramona Keller
•Little Women - OBC (Sutton Foster, Megan McGinnis)
•Loves Never Dies - London April 29 2010 Cast : Ramin Karimloo (Phantom), Sierra Boggess (Christine), Joseph Millson (Raoul), Richard Linnell (Gustave)
•Mamma Mia- London 14 September 2002 Cast: Laura Michelle Kelly (Sophie), Louise Plowright (Donna), Simon Slater (Sam)
•Mary Poppins- US tour February 15 2013 Cast: Con O'Shea-Creal (Bert), Madeline Trumble (Mary Poppins), Madison Ann Mullahey (Jane Banks), Eli Tokash (Michael Banks), Chris K. Hoch (George Banks), Kerry Conte (Winifred Banks)
•Memphis pro shot, original Cast,
•Miss Saigon (Broadway) - January 7 2001 Kim- Lea Salonga The Engineer- Louyong Wang Chris- Will Chase John- Charles Wallace Ellen- Ruthie Hensall Thuy - Michael K Lee Gigi - Charlene Carabeo
•My Fair Lady- UK tour, Palace Theatre Manchester, 12th October 2005 pro shot Cast: Amy Nuttall (Eliza), Christopher Cazenove (Professor Higgins), Russ Abbot, Honor Blackman, Stephen Moore, Stephen Carlile, Romy Baskerville
•Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812 (Broadway) − October 29, 2016: Josh Groban, Denee Benton, Brittain Ashford, Nicholas Belton, Lucas Steele, Gelsey Bell, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray. Odd angle for such a complex scene and medium video quality but gets the job done. Denée is excellent as Natasha.
•Nine- Broadway 30 March 2003 Cast: Antonio Banderas, Laura Benanti, Jane Krakowski, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chita Rivera
•Newsies Live! Los Angeles, CA September 11, 2016 Jeremy Jordan, Kara Lindsay, Ben Fankhauser, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Steve Blanchard, Ethan Steiner, Aisha De Haas
•Next to Normal (Broadway) − July 18, 2010: Alice Ripley (Diana), Brian D’Arcy James (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jennifer Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Fine / Dr. Madden). Alice, Brian and Jennifer’s last show. VOB.
•Nice Work if You Can Get It Kelli O'Hara other than that, I don’t know what cast or date
•Oklahoma (1999 with Hugh
•Oliver- London September 2010 Cast: Russ Abbot (Fagin), Kerry Ellis (Nancy), Steven Hartley (Sikes), Edward Cooke (Oliver), Ben Wilson (Dodger)
•On A Clear Day You Can See Forever- Broadway 12 November 2011 Cast: Harry Connick Jr., David Turner, Jessie Mueller, Kerry O'Malley, Drew Gehling, Sarah Stiles, Paul O'Brien, Heather Ayers, Lori Wilner
•On the 20th Century- Broadway February 21 2015 Cast: Kristin Chenoweth, Peter Gallagher, Andy Karl, Mark Linn-Baker, Michael McGrath, Mary Louise Wilson
•On The Town- Broadway October 1 2014 Cast: Tony Yazbeck, Jay Armstrong Johnson, Clyde Alves, Megan Fairchild, Alysha Umphress, Elizabeth Stanley, Jackie Hoffman, Michael Rupert, Allison Guinn
•On Your Feet! (Broadway Preview) − October 17, 2015: Ana Villafane, Josh Segarra, Andrea Burns, Alma Cuervo, Eliseo Roman, Genny Lis Padilla, Alexandria Suarez, Eduardo Hernandez.
•Pacific Overtures- Broadway 9 June 1976 (TV Broadcast) Cast: Mako, Soon-Tek Oh, Yuki Shimoda, Sab Shimono, Isao Sato, Alvin Ing, Ernest Harada, James Dybas
•Pal Joey - Broadway Revival 2008 Matthew Risch, Stockard Channing. Martha Plimpton, Jenny Fellner, Robert Clohessy. 
•Paramour - Broadway May 11, 2016 Jeremy Kushnier (AJ Golden), Ruby Lewis (Indigo James), Ryan Vona (Joey Green), Bret Shuford (Robbie), Sarah Meahl (Gina)
•Peter Pan - Proshot Cathy Rigby Tour June 2012
•Peter and the Starcatcher- Broadway 4 November 2012 Cast: Christian Borle, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Matthew Saldivar, Teddy Bergman, Arnie Burton, Matt D'Amico, Kevin Del Aguila, Carson Elrod, Greg Hildreth, Rick Holmes, Isaiah Johnson, Eric Petersen, Betsy Hogg, Orville Mendoza, Jason Ralph, John Sanders
•The Phantom of the Opera- Broadway April 1988 Cast: Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton
•The Phantom of the Opera Norm Lewis and Sierra Bogess other than this, I don’t know what cast or date
•Pippin- Broadway July 13 2013 Cast: Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller, Terrence Mann, Charlotte d'Amoise, Rachel Bay Jones, Andrea Martin
•Promises, Promises- Broadway 1 April 2012 Cast: Sean Hayes (Chuck Baxter), Kristin Chenoweth (Fran Kubelik), Tony Goldwyn (J.D. Sheldrake), Katie Finneran (Marge MacDougall), Dick Latessa (Dr. Dreyfuss), Brooks Ashmannskas (Mr. Dobitch)
•RENT (OBC - Opening Night) - April 29, 1996 - Anthony Rapp (Mark Cohen), Adam Pascal (Roger Davis), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Mimi Marquez), Jesse L. Martin (Tom Collins), Wilson Jermaine Heredia (Angel Dumott Schunard), Idina Menzel (Maureen Johnson), Fredi Walker (Joanne Jefferson), Taye Diggs (Benjamin Coffin III)
Rent (Broadway) − September 7, 2008: Adam Kantor, Will Chase, Michael McElroy, Rodney Hicks, Tracie Thoms, Justin Johnston, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Eden Espinosa. Tracked. Closing performance. Pro-shot.
•Rocky: The Musical (Broadway) − March 29, 2014: Andy Karl (Rocky Balboa), Margo Seibert (Adrian Pennino), Terence Archie (Apollo Creed), Dakin Matthews (Mickey Goldmill), Danny Mastrogiorgio (Paulie Pennino), Jennifer Mudge (Gloria)
•Rocky Horror - Picadilly Theatre 1991 Anthony Head (Frank N Furter), Craig Ferguson (Brad), Zailie Burrow (Janet), Tim Whitnall (Riff Raff), The Narrator (Peter Bayliss), Kate O'sullivan (Magenta), Ivan Kaye (Eddie/Scott), Vicky Likorish (Columbia), Adam Cairie (Rocky) Phantoms: Ian good, Mark S Turnbull, Steve Thiebaut, Julia Hampson and Penny (surname unknown)
•Rocky Horror Broadway September 9, 2001 Terrence Mann (Frank N. Furter), Jarrod Emmick (Brad),  Kristen Lee Kelly (u/s Janet), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Magenta), Dick Cavett (Narrator), Aiko Nakasone (u/s), Mark Price, Sebastian LaCause, James Stovall, Jonathan Sharp, Rosa Curry, Kevin Cahoon, Asa Somers, John Jeffrey Martin, Denise Summerford
•Rocky Horror 2015 Professionally filmed
•Rocky Horror Picture Show 2016 Movie - Laverne Cox, Victoria Justice (Janet), Ryan McCartan (Brad)
•School of Rock- Broadway November 2015 Cast: Alex Brightman (Dewey), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie), Spencer Moses (Ned), Mamie Parris (Patty), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddy), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Evie Dolan (Katie), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika)
•Seussical The Musical - February 9th 2001 Cast: Rosie O'Donnell, Kevin Chamberlin
•She Loves Me- Broadway 30 June 2016 pro shot Cast: Laura Benanti (Amalia), Zachary Levi (Georg), Jane Krakowski (Ilona), Gavin Creel (Kodaly), Byron Jennings (Maraczek), Tom McGowan (Sipos), Peter Bartlett (Head Waiter), Nicholas Barasch (Arpad)
•Show Boat- Wichita August 2001 Pro shot Cast: Frank Anderson, Darcy Fulliam, Kelli O'Hara, Gary Mauer, Terry Burrell.
•Shuffle Along - Broadway April 12, 2016 Audra McDonald (Lottie Gee), Billy Porter (Aubrey Lyles), Brian Stokes Mitchell (F.E. Miller), Joshua Henry (Noble Sissle), Adrienne Warren (Gertrude Saunders/Florence Mills), Brooks Ashmanskas (Al/Izzy/Mr. Broadway/Carlo), Amber Iman (Eva/Mattie Wilkes/Madame-Madame/Downtown Dilettante)
•Side Show- Broadway January 4 2015 Cast: Violet Hilton: Erin Davie Daisy Hilton: Emily Padgett Terry Connor: Ryan Silverman Buddy Foster: Matthew Hydzik Jake: David St Louis Sir: Robert Joy 3-Legged Man, Suitor: Brandon Bieber Geek, Doctor: matthew Patrick Davis Fortune Teller: Charity Angel Dawson
•Sister act- Broadway April 2 2011 Cast: Patina Miller, Victoria Clark, Fred Applegate, Sarah Bolt, John Treacy, Egan, Demond Green, Chester Gregory, Marla Mindelle, Kingsley Leggs
•Something Rotten Broadway March 23, 2015 Preview Brian d'Archy James (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), Kate Reinders (Portia),Brooks Ashmanskas (Brother Jeremiah), Peter Bartlett (Lord Clapham), Gerry Cichi (Shylock), Michael James Scott (Minstrel)
•South Pacific- London 1952 pro shot Cast: Mary Martin and Wilbur Evans
•Spring Awakening- Broadway 18 October 2015 Cast: Austin Mckenzie (Melchior), Daniel N. Durant (Moritz), Alex Boniello (Voice Of Moritz), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla), Katie Boeck (Voice Of Wendla), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse), Treshelle Edmond (Martha), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice Of Martha), Amelia Hensley (Thea), Lauren M. Luiz (Heidi/Voice Of Thea), Ali Stroker (Anna), Miles Barbee (Otto), Sean Grandillo (Voice Of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg), Andy Mientus (Hanschen), Joshua Castille (Ernst), Daniel David Stewart (Voice Of Ernst), Camryn Manheim & Marlee Matlin (Adult Women), Patrick Page & Russell Harvard (Adult Men)
•Starlight Express Las Vegas 1997 I don’t know what cast or date
•Sunday in the Park with George Bernadette Peters with Spanish subtitles
•Sunset Boulevard- Los Angeles 1994 Glenn Close (Norma Desmond), Alan Campbell (Joe Gillis), George Hearn (Max von Mayerling)
•Sunset Boulevard- Broadway July 14, 1995 Betty Buckley (Norma Desmond), Alan Campbell (Joe Gillis), Alice Ripley(Betty Schaefer), Steven Stein-Grainger (u/s Max Von Mayerling)
•Sunset Boulevard- Broadway February 2, 2017 Glenn Close (Norma Desmond), Michael Xavier (Joe Gillis), Siobhan Dillon (Betty Schaeffer), Fred Johanson (Max von Mayerling), Preston Truman Boyd (Artie Green), Paul Schoeffler (Cecil B.DeMille), Andy Taylor (Sheldrake), Jim Walton (Manfred)
•Sweeney Todd- Broadway January 1980 Cast: Len Cariou, Angela Lansbury, Victor Garber, Ken Jennings, Betsy Joslyn, Cris Groenendaal
•Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street – In Concert 2001. Pro-Shot. George Hearn, Patti LuPone, Neil Patrick Harris, Timothy Nolen, Davis Gaines, Lisa Vroman, Victoria Clark , John Aler and Stanford Olsen.
•Sweeney Todd- Broadway 2 April 2006 Cast: Patti LuPone, Michael Cerveris, Mark Jacoby, Donna Lynne Champlin, Manoel Felciano, Benjamin Magnuson, Lauren Molina, Alexander Gemingnani, Diana Dimarzio
•Sweeney Todd- London 2011 Cast: Michael Ball, Imelda Staunton, John Bowe, Peter Polycarpou, Rob Bur
•Sweeney Todd- New York September 26 2014 pro-shot Cast: Bryn Terfel, Emma Thompson, Jeff Blumenkrantz, Christian Borle, Kyle Brenn, Jay Armstrong Johnson, Erin Mackey, Philip Quast
•Sweet Charity - Tour April 29th 2007 Cast : East Lansing, MI Molly Ringwald, Bridget Berger, Francesca Harper, Guy Adkins, Aaron Ramey, Richard Ruiz
•Tarzan- Broadway, 30 March 2006 Cast: Josh Strickland, Jenn Gambatese, Merle Danridge, Shuler Hensley
•The Addams Family- Broadway March 21 2011 Cast: Nathan Lane, Bebe Neuwirth, Terrence Mann, Carolee Carmello, Kevin Chamberlin, Jackie Hoffman, Zachary James, Wesley Taylor, Krysta Rodriguez, Adam Riegler
•The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire - Pro shot - Cast: Dan , Phil , Others
•The Apple Tree (Kristen Chenwoth)
•The Color Purple (Broadway) − November 5, 2016: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Heather Headley (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Joaquina Kalukungo (Nettie), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo).
•The Drowsy Chaperone OBC I don’t know what cast or date but with Sutton Foster
•The Great American Trailer Park the Musical - Off-Broadway Dodger Stages December 4, 2005 Cast : Linda Hart (Betty), Orfeh (Pepper), Shuler Hensley (Norbert), Leslie Kritzer (Pickles), Kaitlin Hopkins (Jeanne), Wayne Wilcox (Duke).
•The King and I- Broadway 28 March 2015 Cast: Kelli O'Hara, Ken Watanabe, Edward Baker-Duly, Jon Viktor Corpuz, Murphy Guyer, Jake Lucas, Ruthie Ann Miles, Paul Nakauchi, Marc Oka, Ashley Park, Conrad Ricamora, Adriana Braganza, Amaya Braganza, LaMae Caparas, Hsin-Ping Chang, Andrew Cheng, Lynn Masako Cheng, Olivia Chun, Ali Ewoldt, Ethan Halford Holder, Cole Horibe, MaryAnn Hu, James Ignacio, Misa Iwama, Christie Kim, Kelvin Moon Loh, Sumie Maeda, Paul HeeSang Miller, Rommel Pierre O'Choa, Kristen Faith Oei, Autumn Ogawa, Diane Phelan, William Poon, Brian Rivera, Bennyroyce Royon, Lainie Sakakura, Ann Sanders, Ian Saraceni, Atsuhisa Shinomiya, Michiko Takemasa, Kei Tsuruharatani, Christopher Vo, Rocco Wu, XiaoChuan Xie.
•The Little Mermaid Hollywood Bowl with Darren Criss, Sara Barilles & Rebel Wilson
•The Music Man - 2003 Matthew Broderick (Professor Harold Hill), Kristin Chenoweth (Marian Paroo), Debra Monk (Mrs. Paroo), Cameron Monaghan (Winthrop Paroo), Clyde Alves (Tommy Djilas), Cameron Adams (Zaneeta Shinn), Megan Moniz (Amaryllis), Linda Kash (Alma), Victor Garber (Mayor Shinn), Molly Shannon (Mrs. Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn), David Aaron Baker (Marcellus Washburn), Patrick McKenna (Charlie Cowell)
•The Producers- Broadway 4 November 2001 Cast: Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Roger Bart, Gary Beach, Brad Oscar, Cady Huffman
•The Sound of Music - Broadway Revival 2/20/98 Rebecca Luker, Michael Siberry, Patti Cohenour, Jan Maxwell, Fred Applegate, Patricia Conolly, Sara Zelle, Dashiell Eaves, Andrea Bowen, Ashley Rose Orr, Gina Ferrall, Ann Brown
•The Sound of Music- UK tour November 2011 Cast: Kirsty Malpass (Alt. Maria), Margaret Preece (Mother Abbess), Michael Praed (Captain von Trapp), Jacinta Mulcahy (Baroness Elsa), Martin Callaghan (Uncle Max), Claire Fishenden (Liesl), Jeremy Taylor (Rolf)
•Sound of Music- TV Broadcast 2013 Aired 5 December 2013 Cast: Carrie Underwood, Stephen Moyer, Audra McDonald, Laura Benanti, Christian Borle, Ariane Rinehart, Michael Campayno
•The Sound of Music- National Tour Cincinnati, Ohio October 4, 2016 Kerstin Anderson (Maria Rainer), Ben Davis (Captain Georg von Trapp), Melody Betts (Mother Abbess), Teri Hansen (Elsa Schrader), Merwin Foard (Max Detweiler), Paige Silvester (Leisl), Roy Gantz (Friedrich), Ashley Brooke (Louisa), Austin Levine (Kurt), Iris Davies (Brigitta), Kyla Davies (Marta), Anika Lore Hatch (Gretl), Darren Matthias (Franz), Donna Garner (Frau Schmidt), Austin Colby (Rolf Gruber), Carey Rebecca Brown (Sister Berthe), Julia Osborne (Sister Margaretta), Anna Mintzer (Sister Sophia), Robert Mammana (Herr Zeller), Christopher Carl (Admiral von Schreiber)
•The Sound of Music London 2006 I don’t know what cast or date
•The SpongeBob Musical (Chicago) − June 7, 2016: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Lilli Cooper (Sandi Cheeks), Gavin Lee (Squidward Tentacles), Nick Blaemire (Plankton), Carlos Lopez (Mr. Krabs), Gaelen Gilliland (Mayor), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Pearl Krabs).
•The Who’s Tommy OBC I don’t know what cast or date
•Titanic - Australia 2006 PROSHOT Hayden Tee, Brendan Higgins, Nick Tate, Tony Farrell, Todd Goddard, Tony Cogin, David Pearson, Matthew Willis, Alexander Lewis, James Shaw, Cameron Mannix, David Goddard, Keegan Joyce, Robert Gard, Joan Carden
•Title of Show- Broadway July 6 2008 Cast: Jeff Bowen, Hunter Bell, Heidi Blickenstaff, Susan Blackwell
•Tuck Everlasting- Broadway April 4, 2016 Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Jesse Tuck), Carolee Carmell (Mae Tuck), Michael Park (Angus Tuck), Terrence Mann (Man in the Yellow Suit), Fred Applegate (Constable Joe), Michael Wartella (Hugo), Valerie Wright (Mother), Pippa Pearthree (Nana), Sarah Charles Lewis (Winnie Foster)
•Urinetown- Broadway 20 October 2001 Cast: John Cullum (Caldwell B. Cladwell), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Hope Cladwell), David Beach (Mr. McQueen), Nancy Opel (Penelope Pennywise), Hunter Foster (Bobby Strong), Rachel Coloff (Soupy Sue/Cladwell’s Secretary)
•Waitress (A.R.T) − September 2, 2015: Jessie Mueller, Keala Settle, Jeanna De Waal, Drew Gehling, Joe Tippett, Dakin Matthews, Eric Anderson, Jeremy Morse, Giana Ribeiro.
•Waitress (Broadway) − June 14, 2016: Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Keala Settle (Becky), Kimiko Glenn (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr Pomatter), Nick Cordero (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie)
•Waitress - April 4, 2017 ***NFT UNTIL AUGUST 1st*** Sara Bareilles, Charity Angel Dawson, Molly Jobe as (u/s) Dawn, Chris Diamantopoulos, Will Swenson, Dakin Matthews, Eric Anderson, Christopher Fitzgerald.
•War Paint - Chicago June 29, 2016 Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harrry Fleming), Joanna Glushak, Chris Hoch, Barbara Marineau
•West Side Story- Broadway February 23 2009 Cast: Matt Cavenaugh, Josefina Scaglione, Karen Olivo, Cody Green, Geroge Akram, Curtis Holbrook, Joey Haro
•What’s Inside (Songs from Waitress):Concert by Sara Bareilles, 2015.
•Wicked- Broadway, 12 October 2003 Cast: Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Kristin Chenoweth (Glinda), Nobert Leo Butz (Fiyero)
•Wicked - July 18th 2004 - Cast:  Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Kristin Chenoweth (Glinda), Norbert Leo Butz (Fiyero), Sean McCourt (Wizard), Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Carole Shelley (Madame Morrible)
•Wicked- London 18 October 2007 Cast: Kerry Ellis, Dianne Pilkington, Oliver Tompsett, Nigel Planer, Susie Blake, Katie Rowley Jones, James Gillan, Andy Mac
•Wicked March ?? 2009 - Cast: Nicole Parker (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Aaron Tveit (Fiyero),Jayne Houdyshell (Madame Morrible), Anthony Galde (Wizard u/s), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Alex Brightman (Boq), Timothy Britten Parker (Dr. Dillamond)
•Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf -Chicago February 12th, 2011 Tracy Letts, Amy Morton, Carrie Coon, Madison Dirks
•You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown - Broadway 1999 Anthony Rapp (Charlie Brown), Ilana Levine (Lucy van Pelt), B. D. Wong(Linus van Pelt), Stanley Wayne Mathis (Schroeder), Kristin Chenoweth (Sally Brown), Roger Bart (Snoopy)
Not on the list but I have them: - War Paint Broadway -!Follies NTL - Matilda final performance - Gypsy - audio with Ethel Merman - The Prom off Broadway - Lion King OBC
48 notes · View notes
lievbios · 5 years
Angel || Spike
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Name: Spike
Relationship: Single [Verse depending]
Sexuality: Pansexual
Faceclaims: James Marsters
Spike (born William Pratt) was a famous and widely-feared vampire turned in 1880. He was well-known among both humans and demons for having faced and killed two Slayers during his unlife, and his history of torturing his victims with railroad spikes (which is rumored the moniker of “Spike” is derived from). His reputation for evil and bloodshed was second only to that of his grandsire Angelus.[1] In his human life, William was an unsuccessful and unappreciated romantic poet known as William the Bloody, for his “bloody awful” poetry, though after he became a vampire, that moniker was re-purposed to imply he was very violent. After being sired by Drusilla, he reinvented himself and terrorized Europe alongside Drusilla, Angel and Darla throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
Spike first traveled to Sunnydale in 1997, accompanied by Drusilla. He quickly established himself as one of Buffy Summers’ most dangerous enemies, but was eventually forced into a series of uneasy alliances with her and her team, the Scooby Gang, after being captured by the Initiative and implanted with a cerebral microchip that rendered him unable to harm humans. Eventually, Spike realized that he had fallen in love with Buffy and officially joined the Scooby Gang, later being motivated by his love for her to successfully fight to regain his soul.
Spike sacrificed his life in battle against the First Evil, both defeating its army of Turok-Han and permanently closing the Hellmouth, as well as destroying the town of Sunnydale. However, bound to an ancient amulet, Spike became an incorporeal entity haunting the halls of the Los Angeles branch of Wolfram & Hart, then under the management of Team Angel. After becoming corporeal again, Spike struggled to find a place in the world, only to join Angel in his battle against the Senior Partners and become a Champion in his own right.
William Pratt[2] was born circa 1850 to 1853 in London, England to Anne Pratt and her unidentified husband. Anne often sang him an old folk song called “Early One Morning” throughout his infancy and childhood.[3] By 1880, William had grown into a sentimental, and ineffectual gentleman who lived alone with his ill mother. He was a poet, and enjoyed a certain level of economic comfort. Struggling to make a place for himself in London’s high society, he attended parties, and was nicknamed “William the Bloody” because his poetry was so “bloody awful.” This moniker, with far deadlier connotations, followed him into his future as a vampire.
While he moved within elite circles, William found little in common with his contemporaries, who often made him the butt of their jokes. Still, he showed a strong capacity for loyalty and was highly devoted to the idea of love, two traits that remained with him long after his siring. After his romantic overtures were rejected by the aristocrat Cecily Addams, a despondent William literally collided with Angelus, Darla and Drusilla, who had been terrorizing London. Drusilla followed him into an alley, where she found him in tears. She desired a playmate — a “knight” —, whom she could make hers forever. After a brief talk with the young poet, Drusilla seduced him and turned him into a vampire.[4]
After Drusilla sired William, she buried him and allowed him to be reborn as a vampire; he crawled from the depths of his own make-shift grave.[5] The pair partied for several days afterward, both draining human victims and drinking alcohol. They eventually decided to go back to William’s mother’s residence, where a live-in servant ignorantly invited them inside.
After staking his mother, William began a new existence with Drusilla. Euphoric with his new-found vampiric abilities, he abandoned the genteel hypocrisy and morals of Victorian life but still remained emotionally sensitive. He was eventually introduced to Drusilla’s sire, Angelus, who initially embraced him by expressing an interested in killing with another man. At first, the innocent William idolized Angelus, but was still quick to disagree when he insulted Drusilla in his presence. He preferred to think of her as childish rather than insane, and treated her with undying loyalty.
William was urged to give up his last drop of aristocracy, and became a rebel, adopting a working class North London accent and embracing impulsiveness and violence. He took on the nom de guerre “Spike”, inspired by a detractor from his human days who had exclaimed he would rather “have a railroad spike driven through his head“ than listen to William’s poetry. It was even indicated that he was involved in criminal activities, as Spike later remarked that he spent “the better part of a century” in delinquency. In the company of Drusilla, Darla and Angelus, Spike tyrannized Europe and Asia for the better part of two decades under the banner of the Whirlwind.
1890: Spike, Drusilla, Angelus, and Darla attended the ballet Giselle, in St Petersburg, Russia.[10]
October 1898: Spike & Dru were in Borsa, Romania with Angelus and Darla. Spike, however was oblivious that Angelus had regained his soul due to being cursed by gypsies. But he joined in the massacre of the gypsy clan Kalderash.[12]
June 18, 1900: in Beijing, China, Spike killed Slayer Xin Rong during the Boxer Rebellion. During the fight, in which she used a sword and Spike was unarmed, the Slayer gave him the scar on his left eyebrow, which he still had over a century later. Once again, Drusilla and Spike’s attraction to each other was heightened by chaos and bloodshed, as they immediately become intimate after Spike has murdered Xin Rong.[4]
1953: Back in Rome with Drusilla, Spike had apparently caused a Black Widower demon to be in debt to him. The demon had avoided repaying his debt however, and Spike catches up to him when he’s just had sex with then 18-year-old half-demon Pearl, and was about to eat her, while her brother Nash had been knocked out. In attempt to collect his debt, Spike became an accidental hero, decapitating the demon and inadvertently rescuing Pearl. She became fascinated by the vampire that she considered her hero.[14]
1969: Spike attended Woodstock, where he drank blood from a flower child, and spent the next several hours watching his hand move; a side effect from the psychoactive drugs in their bloodstream.[9]
July 13, 1977: He fought and killed Nikki Wood, a Slayer in New York City aboard a subway train, and stole her black leather duster, which he continued to wear even decades later.[4] At some point he met British punk rocker Billy Idol, who was inspired by Spike’s look and copied it.
Spike first appeared in Sunnydale accompanied by his longtime lover Drusilla, who had recently been wounded by an angry mob in Prague. He was a devoted caretaker to Drusilla in her weakened condition, and initially hoped the Hellmouth’s powerful energy would help to restore her strength. The presence of a Slayer made the town an even more attractive retreat to Spike. He tracked Buffy Summers down at the Bronze and observed her from afar. His interest in her immediately seemed more perverse than homicidal.
Eventually, Spike discovered that Drusilla could only be healed by the blood of her sire; he was more than happy to kill Angel to restore her, and kidnapped him with the help of Willy the Snitch. He subsequently hired the Order of Taraka to assassinate Buffy, though he ultimately cancelled the bounty when she defeated the three assassins who had been sent.[17] With the help of Kendra Young, a second Slayer activated when Buffy drowned the previous year, Buffy tracked down Spike and Drusilla to the church where the were going to perform the ritual to heal Drusilla. The ensuing fight ended when Spike was crushed under a collapsing pipe organ; he was left paralyzed from the waist down for several months. Though Angel was saved, Spike’s ritual succeeded, and Drusilla was restored to perfect health.[18]
It was later revealed that Spike and Drusilla traveled to Brazil, where she remained horrified by his alliance with the Slayer. Drusilla’s abilities caused her to sense that Spike would come to develop romantic feelings for Buffy; she rejected him and cheated on him with a Chaos Demon,[4] which sent the lovelorn Spike into a long drunken depression.
He returned to Sunnydale, where he kidnapped Willow Rosenberg and Xander Harris and attempted to force Willow to cast a love spell on Drusilla. While in town he visited Buffy’s mother, Joyce Summers, who listened sympathetically to his heartache, and recruited Buffy and Angel to help him gather ingredients for the spell. However, Mayor Wilkins, knowing that Spike’s mere presence in Sunnydale posed a threat to his plans, quickly organized a “welcoming committee” consisting of Spike’s own former minions to deal with him. After fighting them off, Spike cheerfully abandoned the idea of enchanting Drusilla, resolving instead to win her back by torturing her until she loved him again and told the Slayer where to find her two missing friends. He also told Buffy and Angel that no matter what happened, they would never be friends because of their eternal love for one another. Buffy later remarked to Angel “I can fool Giles, and I can fool my friends, but I can’t fool myself — or Spike, for some reason.” This final quote foreshadowed the pivotal role Spike would someday come to play in Buffy’s group.[20]
Spike’s existence took a pivotal turn when he was captured by the the Initiative, a secret demon-fighting government organization, the members of which implanted him with a cerebral microchip that rendered him unable to willingly harm or attempt to harm humans without experiencing crippling pain.[23] This chip became Spike’s surrogate soul, as it forced him to consider moral consequences of harming others, with the literal punishment of physical pain looming over his head if he ever went against it. Unable to hunt for blood, and still pursued by the Initiative, he reluctantly made the decision to turn to the Scooby Gang for help.[24]
Spike became ecstatic when Xander warned him of an upcoming apocalypse because he wanted the world to end. He nonetheless managed to cheer himself up by viciously tearing down Willow and Xander emotionally, remarking that they were both useless to Buffy, who as a Slayer, would be better off if she didn’t have to constantly watch out for both of them. Willow and Xander were forced to think of his words despite their mutual denial.[28]
Spike came to discover that the chip did not prevent him from hurting demons, much to his joy, allowing him to be more independent of the Scoobies and move out to a crypt.[29] He subsequently became a reluctant ally of the Gang and provided them with assistance in exchange for cash or brawls. At this point, Spike was still interested in his own selfish well-being, and reminded the Scoobies of this constantly with one of his many catchphrases: “I’m Evil!” Upon learning that the unstable Slayer Faith was on the loose, he proclaimed that he would find her and tell her the Scoobies’ exact whereabouts, and gleefully watch while she tore them apart.[30]
When Adam discovered that Spike had failed to split up the Scoobies, he made an attempt to kill him, but Spike managed to escape. After Buffy slew Adam, Spike saved Willow, Giles and Xander from an attacking demon in hope that they wouldn’t kill him for his actions; indeed, they agreed to spare him out of fatigue and gratitude. Spike then helped the Scoobies and Riley Finn battle the rampaging demon hordes within the Initiative’s complex, rescuing most of the soldiers. The Initiative was then shut down by the U.S. government, as it had proved an unsuccessful operation.[31]
Following the fall of the Initiative, Spike began offering more and more assistance to Buffy and the Scoobies. He told Riley about his old rivalry with Dracula,[21] and later punched Tara to prove that her father’s claims about her being a demon were untrue, as his chip caused him pain when he struck her, thus confirming that she was purely human.[21]
His story revealed his fixation with Slayers to Buffy, who had him replay his battles with the two Slayers in great detail, fights he related to “dances.” Buffy was disgusted by his desire to “dance” with her, and pushed him to the ground. Spike was visibly hurt when she told him that he was beneath her, as this was first said to him when he was turned down by Cecily Addams as a human. Equipped with a shotgun, he went to her house with the goal of killing her, but upon finding her on her back porch in tears about her mother’s illness, cast aside his feelings of anger and humiliation and comforted her for the first time.[21]
Buffy’s trust in Spike grew immensely from there; a prime example being when she left Dawn with him in his crypt after Glory “brain-sucked” Tara. While there, Dawn tearfully blamed herself for Glory’s attacks on her friends (including Spike’s torture at Glory’s hands) and believed herself a lightning rod for pain. Spike consoled her as best he could, telling her that as a vampire, he knew a thing or two about evil, and she wasn’t it. When Buffy later joined them, believing that she had managed to talk Willow down from taking vengeance on Glory, Spike quickly pointed out that Willow, being a very powerful and angry witch, would not be so easily reasoned with regarding someone she loved being hurt, causing Buffy to immediately rush to her rescue.[37]
Spike remained unaware of the Scoobies’ plan to resurrect Buffy until after the event; he returned to the Summers’ residence in search of Dawn, only to discover Buffy alive-and-well 148 days after her death.[5] He, like a few of the others, considered the possible drawbacks of such an extreme act, but later expressed that, had the spell gone wrong, he wouldn’t have let the others destroy the result if it had retained even the slightest part of the real Buffy. Unable to confide in her friends about being torn from Heaven due to guilt, Buffy began to go to Spike for comfort, who willingly accepted both the best and worst of her emotions.
With the returning of Spike’s soul came a conscience filled with guilt, both for the sins he had committed throughout his life and his more recent attack on Buffy. He couldn’t bring himself to see her for some time, and took shelter in the basement of the newly constructed Sunnydale High School, where he presumably lived on rats. There, he was tormented by both the the First Evil and his soul, and appeared to be losing his mind; he forced Buffy to leave when she discovered him, and sadly showed her that he had tried to cut out his own heart in self-contempt.
Buffy went to him and pleaded that he accompany her to the surface, telling him that he had done more than enough, but Spike remained true to his desire to die for “love, honor and all the right reasons”. He told her that he could feel his soul within him, and Buffy, saddened but accepting of his resolve, locked fingers with him in order to feel it too. She told him that she loved him, moving Spike. He, however, did not believe her and said “No you don’t, but thanks for saying it.” He forced Buffy to leave his side then, and was slowly incinerated by the sunlight. As he burned and crumbled to dust, Spike reveled in the destruction before him, glad to be able to see the fight to its end. He died closing the Hellmouth and saving the world.[53]
Spike appeared in Los Angeles 19 days after his apparent death in Sunnydale. The amulet he’d worn during the battle against the First had mysteriously been mailed to Wolfram & Hart in a parcel. When Angel opened the package, the amulet fell out and Spike materialized from a cloud of dust. Confused and afraid, he immediately attempted to attack Angel, but found that he could no longer touch anything, and had become incorporeal. At first, he complained about being brought back, stating dramatically: “Can’t a man die in peace without some high almighty deciding it’s not his time?”[54] He intended to leave Los Angeles and travel to Europe to reunite with Buffy, who was gathering Slayers there, but discovered that he was mystically bound to the city and was unable to leave its limits. He opted to stay at Wolfram & Hart in order to find a way to regain his body, and to haunt Angel, whom he still hated with fervency.
Just as Spike began to grow accustomed to his ghostly nature, a mysterious package arrived for him in the mail; upon opening it, a flash of light restored his body. Chaos concurrently erupted at Wolfram & Hart. Eve soon arrived with an addition to the Shanshu Prophecy that stated that the existence of two corporeal ensouled vampires would complicate the outcome of the prophecy, and perhaps even destroy the fabric of reality. She told Angel and Spike that an extended translation of the text revealed that, in order to restore balance, the two must compete to drink from the Cup of Perpetual Torment. The winner would be bestowed with great responsibilities and pain before ultimately having his past washed clean, allowing him to live as a human again.
Angel’s old enemy Lindsey McDonald subsequently chose to take advantage of Spike’s desire to do good by pretending to be the late half-demon Doyle and persuading him that he is destined, like Angel before him, to “help the helpless.” Alienated by Angel’s corporate, bureaucratic approach to fighting evil, Spike willingly stepped into his shoes as a hero for the people. While in business, he took on Dana, a psychotic Slayer who had escaped from a mental institution. As a Slayer, Dana was burdened by dreams and memories that were not her own, and mistakenly believed Spike to have killed her family (she was confusing other Slayers’ memories with her own). She captured and drugged Spike, and cut off his hands. The experience caused Spike to more deeply examine the nature of the evil within him; he later told Angel about Dana’s misconception that he had murdered her family, and said: “And I’m supposed to do, what, complain, ’cause hers wasn’t one of the hundreds of families I did kill?” Spike expressed to Angel that there was little hope for Dana, who had become a monster like them, but Angel responded that she was an innocent victim. Spike then pointed out that he and Angel were innocent victims too, “once upon a time.” Spike’s hands were reattached at Wolfram & Hart, after which he was instructed to play video games for physical therapy, including Donkey Kong and Crash Bandicoot.
After the Fall of Los Angeles into a hell dimension, Spike and Illyria were separated from Angel and began watching over a group of human and demon survivors. One such civilian, Jeremy Johns — despite Spike’s resistance — became Spike’s right hand man and friend. In hell Illyria soon began randomly changing back into her Fred form which left her confused and vulnerable, and Spike was forced to urge her to remain as Illyria in order to protect her. During this time he briefly considered the prospect that he had developed feelings for Fred.
While wandering the city, Spike encountered a dragon, and considered killing it until it telepathically told him that he should mount it. The dragon took Spike to the ruins of Wolfram & Hart, where he found a figure suspended inside a field of energy, writing in pain. Meanwhile, in Spike’s absence, the civilians were kidnapped by a group of strange demon warrior women. After leaving the law firm, Spike encountered one of the women, and commandeered her truck in order to rescue the hostages. He tried to run down the leader of the group, who threw Illyria (who had transformed into Fred once more) into the front of the truck; she reverted to Illyria on impact.
Spike eventually adjusted to Los Angeles’ new status as a literal hell on Earth.[57] He and Illyria both served together as demon Lords of Beverly hills, during which time it appeared as though both of them had returned to their evil roots. It was eventually revealed that their position was a facade; Spike and Illyria were secretly rescuing humans and benevolent demons and evacuating them into the care of Connor, Nina Ash, Kate Lockley and Gwen Raiden. Spike was given the opportunity to return to the side of evil again, but as always he remained loyal to the good fight, and helped Angel to bring down the other Lords’ champions when he challenged them for control of LA. Spike rallied with the rest of the gang against the machinations of Charles Gunn, who had unfortunately become a self-hating and deluded soulless vampire, and was unknowingly working under visions from the Senior Partners. He also struggled to control Illyria’s increasingly unstable powers in the hell dimension; she had continued to periodically revert to Fred’s form and gentle personality, leaving Spike with the duty of protecting her.
Spike relocated to Las Vegas with his associates, the telepathic fish Betta George and pyrokinetic Beck, where he attempted to create “Team Spike”. While there, Spike learned about Wolfram & Hart’s presence in the city, but his attempts to stop them were hampered by a confrontation with the now resurrected Jeremy Johns, who had been possessed by the liaison to the Senior Partners in Las Vegas, and a man called John. John had become romantically involved with Spike’s sire and ex-lover Drusilla, and was convinced that Spike had “stolen” his soul. He was thrown from a window, and rescued by Groosalug and his dragon, subsequently contacting Willow for additional assistance (Reasoning that his enemies would be expecting him to contact one of Angel’s team). Much to Spike’s surprise Willow was thrilled to see him and proud of his personal growth.
Wanting to come to terms with himself, Spike left San Francisco and the Slayer residing there behind and underwent an interval of highly uncharacteristic brooding. He drowned his sorrows in alcohol, and sat alone in the dark for prolonged periods of time. He even travelled to the literal “dark side” of the moon on his ship. His bugs began to worry that in such a state, he was unfit to be their master, and repeatedly tried to cheer him up. They decided that he had been spending too much time in the dark, and opted to bring him into the solarium he had built to be Buffy’s “light place”, where they had set up an artificial beach inspired by the pictures from a magazine. They also replaced the solarium skylights with necro-tempered glass that blocked the rays dangerous to vampires, allowing Spike to sit in the sunlight without being harmed.
Spike, welcoming a distraction from his constant thoughts about Buffy, agreed to meet Angel and arrived at Alasdair Coames’ place in London to discuss a strategy to defeat Eyghon the Sleepwalker and recover the body of Rupert Giles that the demon had possessed. Spike was vital to the operation because as a vampire he would be less likely to fall under the control of Eyghon. After some petty bickering with Angel, and a brief attempt to catch-up with Faith, the group which includes several London slayers are attacked by Eyghon and his zombies. Angel and Spike worked together in an attempt to capture and defeat the demon. They came very close to apprehending him, but Eyghon now more powerful in his true form overcame the demon within Spike and managed to possess him. While Eyghon failed to corrupt Angel because of the three spirits inside of him (Giles, Angelus and himself), Giles briefly dominated and managed to kill Eyghon, releasing his control over the zombies. Having regained his composure, Spike, along with Faith, noticed that Angel had become completely erratic with multiple beings with him. With the final piece of Giles’s soul, Spike and Faith were forced to come up with a new plan, considering Angel was the only person who had any clue how to restore Giles’ body.[72]
Spike can be seen as something of a paradox amongst vampires; pre-soul he exhibits many characteristics that separate him from his soulless brethren, and he very often challenges his kinds’ supposed emotional and physical limitations. He embraces certain elements of humanity, most notably love, and is exceptionally loyal. Both love and loyalty would be considered too “human” to other vampires, and would therefore be offensive. His humanity and ability to love are detected and ridiculed by the Judge when they resurrect the demon to battle Buffy. While Spike could be seen as a largely selfish individual, he has a capacity for extreme acts of selflessness and loyalty to people he truly loved and cared for even while soulless. With or without one, he displays a strong sense of honor and devotion: he doted on Drusilla for over a century, kept his promise briefly to Buffy to leave Sunnydale with Drusilla after helping her to defeat Angelus[20] (which he later broke),[21] left anonymous flowers to show his respect for Joyce Summers after her death,[81] endured intense torture at the hands of Glorificus in order to protect Dawn for Buffy’s sake,[82] continued to aid the Scooby Gang even after Buffy’s death to honor her memory, assisted Willow and Tara to raise Dawn due to his promise to Buffy,[83] chose to remain in Los Angeles with Angel’s crew after Fred Burkle’s death because he knew she would have wanted him to,[84] agreed to accompany Buffy to the abortion clinic when she believed herself pregnant,[65] and refused to leave Dawn’s side when she began to fade due to the end of magic despite Buffy venturing to the Deeper Well.[75]
Although Spike’s love for mindless destruction might suggest otherwise, he is highly intelligent and educated. He has displayed excellent skills of insight and analysis, particularly in regards to relationships, and makes regular references to literary works. He’s also demonstrated an impressive knowledge of magic rituals and items. He was easily able to discern romantic undertones in Willow’s “friendship” with Tara before her other companions, and he used his deep understanding of Riley Finn’s anxieties about Buffy to undermine him.[94] Ironically, he was often delusional about his own relationship with Drusilla, and refused to acknowledge her repeated acts of infidelity.
Spike has a punk look which strongly resembles that of English rock musician Billy Idol. His hair is platinum blonde and combed back, although previously it was a natural medium brown (unstyled) as well as dyed black in the 40s. Spike received a scar on his eyebrow from the sword of the Slayer he killed in 1900. Angel once sarcastically asked him “What color is your hair? Radioactive?”, and he has been called “Captain Peroxide” by both Xander and Angel. His nails are often painted black.
Spike usually wears long black leather coats. The first coat belonged to a Nazi officer he killed and briefly wore it. His signature leather duster was the one he took as a trophy from Nikki Wood, the second Slayer he killed. He wore the Slayer’s black duster for over twenty-five years. When the coat was destroyed by a bomb planted by the Immortal in Italy, Spike heartbrokenly declared it to be irreplaceable. However, the Italy branch of Wolfram & Hart quickly supplied him with a whole wardrobe of new, nearly identical ones which he happily began wearing.
Enhanced vampire abilities: Spike had the standard powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire; he was immortal, regenerated damage, possessed superhuman physical attributes, and had heightened senses, able to track people by scent alone. He was also vulnerable to holy items and sunlight, could be killed by decapitation and a stake to the heart, needed to regularly ingest mammal blood to maintain his vitality, and could not enter the residence of a living human without being invited by a resident. Due to his advanced age, however, he was considerably more powerful than an average vampire; he could flip over a car when angered [111], punch through an opponent’s torso [112], drain and hide the bodies of two fully grown men in a few seconds without alerting the girl they were walking with, block an oncoming blade from hitting his back by grabbing his foe and swinging her 90 degrees to the path of the blade before it could finish traveling[113], and survive a bomb explosion[114] Also, he was more resistant to sunlight and holy items than most vampires, once using a large cross as a bludgeoning weapon against Angel and withstanding the pain despite it burning his hands[115].
Advanced combat: Spike was famous for having killed two Slayers. Buffy even once went as far as referring to him as the strongest fighter the Scoobies have during their fight against the First. Spike was a highly skilled and versatile fighter in both armed and unarmed combat. For example, he was able to briefly overcome Illyria during a testing of her abilities when she is at the height of her powers; however he had been training with her for months and had adapted to her abilities so others could have achieved this as well if given the time Spike had. Illyria criticizes his (and others’) ability to adapt, calling it “compromise.”
Much like Angel, Spike was proficient in various forms of martial arts, and his typical fighting style blends Judo, Karate, Kung-Fu, and others. It’s also likely he would have knowledge of Taekwondo and Brazilian jujitsu, being able to discern them both as the fighting styles that Illyria had proficiency in, as well as Street-fighting and Boxing.
Intelligence: Spike often displayed insight and skills in perception and observation, especially with regard to relationships and personalities, so long as the relationship in question doesn’t concern him personally. This ability allows him to wield powerful psychological weapons as easily and effectively as physical ones. For example, when he wants to create disharmony among the Scoobies, Spike divides-and-conquers by exploiting tensions that exist under the surface to turn Buffy and her friends against each other.[116] He explains to Buffy that he was able to defeat two Slayers because he sensed and exploited their secret desires to be free of their burden. Spike’s skills of analysis allowed him to be the first to see through Tara’s abusive and controlling family, forced Buffy and Angel to admit that they were more than “just friends,” and identify when and why some relationships, such as that between Buffy and Riley, are not meant to last, feeding Riley’s insecurities in an effort to sabotage his relationship with Buffy so that Spike can pursue her. His analytical skills also help him in battle from time to time; for example, he identified Illyria’s fighting style as a Tae Kwon Do/Brazilian Ninjitsu hybrid.[117]
Although capable of developing sound battle strategies, Spike (particularly in the days before receiving his chip and being ensouled) often loses patience with anything more complicated than outright attack:
He is also impatient to fight the Slayer upon his initial arrival in Sunnydale; the attack is supposed to coincide with the Night of Saint Vigeous, but he “couldn’t wait” to go after the Slayer and attacks the night before, which results in the deaths of many vampires of the Order of Aurelius. However, Spike did exercise patience when he was confined to a wheelchair after a brutal battle with the Scoobies left him paraplegic for several months. Feigning weakness, he endured tortuous weeks watching Angelus sexually pursue Drusilla as he waited for the right time to strike against his rival.
Much like Angel, Spike, presumably due to his long lifetime, often displays in-depth knowledge of different demon species and other supernatural beings, being aware of Rack and surprised at Willow’s trips to his place[118] and also knowing that Wolfram & Hart represents “the worst evil in the universe.”[1] Spike has also proven to be far more intelligent than others give him credit for; for example, he quickly realizes that Angel and Twilight are one and the same.
Spike’s “vampire constitution” provides him with an extremely high tolerance for alcohol (which he regularly consumes in copious quantities).
Technical skills:Spike has shown to be significantly more competent and comfortable with modern technology than Angel; his knowledge allowed him to turn an old crypt in a Sunnydale cemetery into a comfortable home with electricity and cable television.
Criminal and motorist skills: Due to his experience in criminal activities, he is skilled at picking locks, hotwiring cars, and pick-pocketing. He is also capable of easily operating various vehicles, such as various cars, a Harley Davidson motorcycle,[5][45][119] and a Winnebago.[38]
He has also been shown using video game systems and a computer, treating injuries, and playing poker and pool.
Multilingualism: Spike is also seen speaking Latin, Luganda (a language of Uganda, where he meets the demon shaman), and the language of Fyarl Demons.
Former Powers
When Spike was transformed into a ghost-like intangible state following the destruction of Sunnydale and the Hellmouth and his subsequent materialization at Wolfram & Hart, he was capable of walking through solid objects. He was initially unable to make contact with objects around him until he learned how to focus his abilities through desire, allowing him to make brief contact with people and things if he concentrated enough. However, this ability was relatively useless in a fight, as he was unable to pick up a wooden bar to hit the demon Tezcatcatl,[120] and required a few moments to properly punch a cyborg that was strangling Gunn.[121]
0 notes
buffster · 7 years
Homecoming (BTVS 3.05)
This is part of my ongoing Buffy Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the show. You can find the full list here. Gifs are not mine.
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Homecoming is when we finally meet the infamous Mayor.
Buffy remains isolated from her friends as they excitedly discuss plans for the homecoming dance. Willow and Xander both have someone to go with, but Scott hasn’t asked Buffy yet and she’s not that into it anyway. He breaks up with her before the dance (ouch) for this very distance and mentions the way she used to seem full of life. The trauma of Angelus has really changed her. I can’t really blame Scott for dumping her. He could have picked a better time, but her lack of interest in him was pretty clear. 
Speaking of, after pretending to be tired Buffy ditches Scott to visit Angel. She brings him blood and tries to update him on her life but he seems distant until she mentions having a boyfriend. It was honestly a weird conversation...Angel clearly isn’t ready for small talk yet. 
After missing out on picture day and being dumped before the dance Buffy is feeling pretty low. She decides to compete for Homecoming Queen to prove to Cordelia she’s not a loser (and to recapture her old life). Buffy brings out her old cattiness and is pretty mean to Cordelia and the other girls (the things she writes on the strengths/weaknesses board). Both Willow and Cordelia find it baffling she wants to run because she’s the slayer. To them she’s literally got the universe’s validation...why should she need more? But Buffy doesn’t see it that way. They compete fiercely. Cordelia makes a crack about Hank not being around and Buffy calls her a vapid whore. Yikes. It’s interesting to note that Cordelia buys classmates an elaborate gift basket (whoah money) to win their vote while Buffy later mentions she spent a year’s allowance on her dress. 
I loved Faith’s support of Buffy this episode. She offers to go with Buffy to the dance and then breaks up Scott and his new date. I can understand why she felt betrayed by Buffy’s secret. Buffy just had no idea how important her friendship was to Faith. 
Faith: Scott, there you are, Honey. Good news -- doctor says the itching and the swelling and the burning should clear up, but we gotta keep using the ointment.
This is the first episode in which Xander and Willow start messing around. I know there are many different interpretations of why this went down. Mine is that Willow (of course) idolized Xander for so long that when he finally looked at her she jumped at the chance. I don’t agree that Willow was over Xander when she began dating Oz: he knew she was trying to get back at Xander at one point and she began dating him mostly to force herself to move on. I feel like Xander didn’t think of Willow that way until someone else did, and I also think he was a bit possessive of her and saw her as someone who would always be there as an option for him. He might have had feelings but he thought he had forever to decide if he wanted to act on them. So when she began dating Oz he was like...wait a minute. 
Willow and Xander’s guilt over their betrayal causes them to take Cordelia’s side in the fight. They are also mopey at the dance as Oz plays a song he wrote for Willow. This was a tough situation, but I don’t agree with the way they carried on behind Cordelia and Oz’s backs. It would have been better to just tell them they had feelings and weren’t sure what to do.
Buffy: Do you really love Xander?
Cordelia: Well, he just...grows on you. Like a Chia pet.
One of the interesting things about Buffy is how many ideas the show throws at you. Many of the monster-of-the-week’s could be expanded into Big Bads. Slayerfest ‘98 could have been a big thing: many monsters attacking from all sides, etc. But it’s all summed up in this episode and for that I’m grateful. The villains weren’t that complex (although I believe the vampire was the one who ran off in Bad Eggs). Each year we get a different sort of Big Bad. Season one had the classic ground-dwelling monster, season two was a monster with the face of someone we loved, and season three is a monster that seems civilized and even has his good aspects--he’s dedicated to running the city). The Mayor is a perfectionist (with some OCD I think) who seems clean as a whistle but hides a black heart.
One of the best moments of the episode was Cordelia running off the vampire with just her words. I love badass Cordy moments. I also liked the moment when they announced a tie and you’re prepared for both Cordelia and Buffy to win, but instead the other two contestants do. Buffy is good at surprising you.
Character Notes:
Cordelia Chase: Cordy probably blamed her Homecoming Queen loss on being so involved with Xander and the Scoobies. It probably hurt all the more when he cheated because she gave up her popularity (something very important to her) for him. Her yearbook picture is perfect.
Xander Harris: His yearbook picture is a dorky smile. He mentions that his wealthy relatives shun him...”as they should”.
Willow Rosenberg: After the photographer takes a minute her winning smile becomes concerned.
Daniel Osbourne: His picture is a blank stare.
Mayor Wilkins: He mentions his mother saying cleanliness is next to godliness. His life story is intriguing. 
Buffy Summers: At Hemery she was Prom Princess. Fiesta Queen, and the yearbook was like a story of her.
Rupert Giles: Giles says he wants to be there when they announce who wins Homecoming Queen for Buffy. Aww.
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sunnydaleherald · 7 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, March 16
WILLOW: That all you got, Jeeves? 'Cause I could stand to go another ten rounds. Whereas you can barely stand. GILES: Your powers... may be undeniably greater... But I can still hurt you, if I have to. WILLOW: Boy, you just don't get it, do you? *Nothing* can hurt me now. (re: her wounds) This...? (makes them disappear) Is nothing. It's all... nothing. GILES: I see. If you lose someone you love then the other people in your life, who care about you, become meaningless. I wonder what Tara would say about that? WILLOW: You can ask her yourself.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Tattoo Removal (Giles, Buffy, G) by quaggy_mire
Firstline Lastline: Destiny (Giles/Buffy, T) by angelus2hot
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Willow/Giles snippet (Willow/Giles, T) by bironic
Decisions (Angelus, Spike, Drusilla, M) by lisaroquin-fic
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Cousin Jordy (Oz, Jordy, G) by luscious2
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadows of the Past (17/?) (Spike/Willow, T) by xspike4evax
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Ch. 21 (Dawn, Joyce, Buffy/Spike, M) by cagd
Lucky at Cards Ch. 4 (Xander, T) by dogbertcarroll
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: BTVS EPISODE POSTERS: 7.17 Lies My Parents Told Me by no-literally
Artwork: hats-4-cats by Willow
Artwork: Drusilla Cosplay and Sketches by notophelia
Artwork: BtVS Cartoon by heroofthreefaces
Artwork: Scooby Gang by coldkittyboy
Artwork: Buffy by coolstorycorey
[Reviews & Recaps]
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The Wish (BTVS 3.09) by buffster
518: Intervention by tinyfences
BtVS: Season 4, Episode 22 “Restless” by samitysamm93
The Freshman by sulietsexual
Beauty & The Beasts by sulietsexual
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - ‘Welcome to the Hellmouth' Review by douxreviews
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - ‘The Harvest' Review by douxreviews
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - ‘Chosen' Review by douxreviews
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PUBLICATION: Series One, Episode Three – Witch by
[Fandom Discussions]
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BtVS Quote: The parts you can’t see (eyeballs to entrails) at feliciacraft
Happy Birthday Buffy! at the-royal-anna
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BTVS - 20th Anniversary by shadowkat
When the Apocalypse starts, beep me! by selenak
Buffy's 20th by slaymesoftly
Buffy signal-boosting by calimac
My belated BtVS celebration by snickfic
20 Years of BtVS by shapinglight
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Comparing BtVS and SPN by buffyisms
Spike/Drusilla headcanons? by rorysummersblog
Angel Meta by veronicamars
Top 3 Buffy villains in order and why by rorysummersblog
Top 3 Buffy episodes in order and why by rorysummersblog
Mayor Wilkins and Faith by rorysummersblog and sulietsexual
14. Tara Maclay by leonharte
Top 5 Spike/Buffy moments by maybedeadbutstillpretty
In my rewatch of early “Buffy,” I’m remembering how much of a tool Xander was by jbk405
Jenny/Giles headcanons by dreadfulcalendarwoman
Giles headcanons by dreadfulcalendarwoman
Amy Madison Meta by jbk405
Riley Finn Meta by jbk405
The Buffy Conundrum by aahschuuh
Tropes by geekybriggs
When She Was Bad by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
Least fave on Buffy! by emoreggiemantle
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PUBLICATION: Dark Horse Forums Discuss Angel Season 11 #3
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Dark Horse Comics Full Solicits For June 2017
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oselatra · 7 years
Bryant homeowners sue the city after repeated flooding
Also, blames development in which state treasurer is an investor.
If there is such a thing as a financial horror story, Katherine Roberts of Bryant is living one.
Roberts and her husband, Joshua, say their brick home on Henson Place, just off state Highway 5 in Bryant, has sustained over $110,000 in damage from repeated flooding caused by a city-owned drainage easement — a kind of shallow ditch over the top of a culvert, designed to flow water underground during light rains and over the top of the ground during major rain events — that runs 20 feet from the north wall of the house. An average rain, Roberts said, can put a half-inch of water in her living room. Heavy rains have drowned the house in a 2-foot-deep deluge. She said repeated flooding has ruined furniture and led to toxic mold, mildew, falls — including a slip on wet tile that put her 7-year-old son on crutches from an injured toe — and an electrical fire that Roberts suspects was caused by damp wiring in the walls.
Though Henson Place is not in a designated flood plain, the problem has been exacerbated, Roberts said, by a subdivision going in up the hill from her, which she believes caused new flooding despite a brief respite after the city completed a FEMA-funded drainage project. Roberts said the best outcome would be for the city to buy her out and demolish the house, so she and her family can escape the constant cycle of flooding, damage and cleanup. Unless that happens, she said, moving elsewhere is just not an option for them financially.
In August, the Robertses and their neighbor, Cynthia Wilkins, filed suit against the city of Bryant, and Maples Development Co., which built the new Whistling Pines development nearby. Tax documents obtained from the state Department of Finance and Administration show that State Treasurer Dennis Milligan is a partner in Maples Development.
Roberts bought the house in August 2001 when she was in her mid-20s. A traveling trainer for Alltel, Roberts was gone for weeks at a time, and would often come home to the smell of mildew from, she believes, small floods that happened in her absence. By the time she learned the house was flood prone — thanks to being at the lowest point of a natural bowl in the surrounding land, as well as having two small creek beds that converge 20 feet from her back door and funnel water from several acres into the head of the easement — she had a mortgage and couldn't get out. "I was young," she said. "Every dime that I had was put into buying the home. I didn't really have money to go anywhere else. I had dogs, so I couldn't get an apartment. I was just kind of stuck."
Since then, Roberts said, the house has flooded "hundreds of times," usually only enough to wet the carpets. Other events have been significant enough to leave a water line at the base of her grandfather clock and a scab of rust along the bottom of her steel front door. After repeated claims, the cost of her family's flood insurance skyrocketed. Now, her family lives with bare concrete floors in the bedrooms and tile in the living room. Both her husband and son have asthma, Roberts said, and the mold is making them sick. In the lawsuit, filed by Bryant attorney Ethan Nobles, Wilkins and Roberts request unspecified damages to cover their losses, along with an injunction halting construction on the Whistling Pines subdivision until the drainage issues they claim the development is intensifying can be remedied.
Robert said she has repeatedly pressured the city over the years to fix the flooding problem, and has been patient while they worked on the issue. "I was assured that they would fix it," she said. "They accepted money from FEMA to make the repairs and assured us it was repaired, and yet, here we are, still flooding. They're not maintaining the drains they put in. One of the drains has collapsed. It's not the new one. It's the original one. But the engineer that created all that told me the only way my house won't flood is if those drains are working. The city is refusing to fix the drain. It's underground. It's not a repair that I can make. I'm literally at the mercy of the city."
Though the new culvert put in with the FEMA grant and a sump pump installed by her husband appeared to alleviate some of the problem for a few years, Roberts said that her home flooded again in 2016. It was the worst incident yet, sending water coursing through her living room like a river. "I said, 'Something is wrong. Something's changed. We shouldn't be flooding. What is it that's different?' The city acted like I was dumb. I got in my Jeep and started driving around, and that's when I found this development, basically on the other side of my fence. That's what had changed. There was a development uphill from me. ... They don't have the houses yet, but what they'd done is clear-cut all the land. It was nothing but dirt. There was no grass, no trees. They'd put in a detention pond, and it was at capacity with a pump in it, pumping the water off toward my house. It hit me like a ton of bricks."
Roberts claims city officials have repeatedly told her the new development, which is around 200 yards behind her house, has nothing to do with the most recent flooding she has experienced, statements she believes are motivated by politics: Like Milligan, Bryant Mayor Jill Dabbs is a Republican. Dabbs, Roberts said, has told her to just sell the house and move.
"What idiot is going to buy it when I tell them it has flooded hundreds of times over the years?" Roberts said. "Somebody will buy it and make a rental out of it? OK, then, in good conscience, I'm supposed to do that and sleep at night?"
Bryant City Attorney Chris Madison said city administrators held a meeting with representatives of the relevant departments about the lawsuit last week. The city's defense in the case will be handled by attorneys with the Arkansas Municipal League, which Madison said has more experience with immunity claims.
Madison said that the subdivision where Roberts lives was platted in the mid-1990s and met all city codes at the time. A smaller-diameter drainage pipe was buried through the easement beside Roberts' home when the development was built, but after record flooding in the area, the city sought and received a FEMA grant to put in a 24-inch diameter culvert that runs alongside the original culvert next to Roberts' house (Roberts claims the original culvert has collapsed and is now fully blocked). Two months ago, city workers installed curbside inlets in front of Roberts' home to drain water from the street into the larger culvert.
"From our standpoint, we've made regular progress on trying to address concerns and issues there," Madison said. "It's like anything else: As you learn things, you modify your rules to make it better." Madison said one of the issues is that both Roberts' and Wilkins' homes are at ground level and very close to the drainage easement. "When there's more water than what the pipe can handle, it's designed to convey over the surface in the drainage easement," he said. "If you look at Ms. Roberts' house in particular, the house that's directly north of hers is 4 or 5 feet [higher] than her house is. What's that going to do with the water?"
Asked whether the city should just buy out the affected homes and demolish them, given that the city approved the construction of the original development where the houses stand, Madison said that was "a policy question outside my legal scope." He added, however, that he didn't believe the city had a legal obligation to do so.
"The houses, as far as I know, met the design standards that were in place at the time [they were built]," Madison said. "Should the city now have to come back and buy out houses that met the design standards at the time because we've learned more? You're putting a really big potential cost on cities across the state if that's the case. If I buy a house from the 1970s and don't go in and [update] the electrical in it, and I have a short, does the city need to come buy it from me?"
As for the Whistling Pines development uphill from Roberts' home and Roberts' claims that Maples Development ownership has led to inaction by the city, Madison said that he didn't know Milligan was a partner "until about six months ago." He added that when the development was in the planning stages, the city required Maples Development to allow an outside engineering firm with access to more data about flooding in the area to review its plan, which Madison said is not usually required.
Madison noted that Roberts acknowledges that her house has flooded multiple times since she bought it in 2001. "There was the opportunity for her to go after the seller or the builder of her house for selling her a bad product," Madison said. "Did she sit on her hands? We don't know. Those are things to be explored through the case. ... She bought the house from somebody. Did they disclose to her the issues? Is it my fault, necessarily, that this was a bad deal?"
Roberts said that while she didn't want to sue the city her family calls home, she wants city leaders to do what she believes is right. "You destroyed my property," she said. "Buy it and tear it down. You're using [my house] for storm drainage. You've encroached beyond your easement into my living room."
Bryant homeowners sue the city after repeated flooding
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