#Matt the radar technician x OC
matthewlight · 3 years
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“Matt! You’ve got a friend here to see you!”
Of course, Matthew Light had a plethora of acquaintances and people who considered him their friend; people he sought out to keep up public appearances with on the rare occasion that he wasn’t holed up in his room studying or casting judgments and filling up pages of the Death Note. However, none of them ever came to his home and he preferred it that way-- for people to stay out of his personal space. Needless to say, his alarm bells were already going off at his father’s announcement.
“Said something about a notebook,” Detective Jack Light rumbles as an afterthought.
Notebook? Could it be?
The God of Death who was attached to Matt’s notebook shifts to his side on the bed as he grabs an apple out of the bowl on the nightstand. He crunches into the crisp fruit, allowing the addicting juices to flow over his tongue.
“A notebook, hmm?” Kylo hums thoughtfully around his bite, echoing Matt's own sentiments.
The young god carefully places the Death Note into his elaborate hiding spot. He secures the false bottom of the drawer and reassembles his pen before giving his room one last glance-over to ensure nothing is out of place. Satisfied that there is no evidence out in the open to find, Matt makes his way down the stairs and to the front door of his home. What he finds waiting for him is someone whom even he never would have surmised.
He steps out onto the front porch and closes the door behind him, giving himself and his guest some privacy. A quiet moment passes between the two strangers as they size one another up. Of all the things Matt was expecting, this girl certainly was not it; her double blonde ponytails and baby face gave her a halo of innocence while her tight low-cut black dress accompanied with red lipstick and nail polish screamed of anything but.
Her sapphire eyes widen in astonishment as her mouth gapes open at his mere presence. This wasn’t something new to Matt-- girls from school practically threw themselves at him and to say he was typically unimpressed is a severe understatement. Though the girl in front of him is more physically attractive to him than most of the bimbos he has to deal with on a daily basis he can’t help but feel a surge of annoyance at her gawking. He clears his throat and leans against the doorframe, stuffing his hands deep into his pockets. Matt’s eyebrow shoots up expectantly when her eyes meet his and she finally takes the cue to speak.
“U-uhm, pleased to meet you. I’m Misa Amane. I thought that you might be worried about the message in the media and I couldn’t wait any longer to meet you. I brought this as a show of good faith.”
Misa pulls a familiar black notebook from her purse and presents it to Matt with her head bowed.
A Death Note!
Matt takes a step forward, removing one of his hands from his pocket, and touches the corner of the notebook, the soft black leather familiar under his fingertips. Behind the girl, an apparition comes into view-- a towering figure dressed in all black, the clothing dusty and ratty in some places; black shaggy hair frames a face that has likely seen better days, covered from brow to mouth in various cuts and scars; finally, the part that captures Matt’s attention the most are the expansive black wings tucked together behind the creature, not dissimilar to the pair that Kylo sports.
A Shinigami! She is the fake Kira.
“Come on in,” Matt invites.
He opens the front door and pushes the heavy wood open, waving her inside.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” the girl asks.
“Yes, I’m sure. Mother, Misa came all this way to return my notebook, so we’re going to study together for a while before she has to head back home. Would you please bring us some drinks and brain food?”
“Absolutely!” the middle-aged woman delights, thrilled that her son has a guest for once, “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Misa dear.”
Mrs. Light takes her leave in the direction of the kitchen while Jack sidles up next to his son and eyes the young woman.
“Just up the stairs, Misa,” Matt instructs.
Before he can follow, Jack gently tugs on Matt’s arm, halting him in place.
“Since when do you have guests, let alone a girl over?”
“Don’t act so surprised, Dad. I told you that I was looking for a girlfriend,” Matt says dismissively, wishing that his detective father would just leave well enough alone.
With a grunt, Jack releases him and watches his son disappear up the steps leading to the second floor.
Matt leads the petite blonde into his bedroom, shutting and flipping the lock of the door behind him. Rolling the computer chair out from his desk, he centers it in the room, swiveling the back around and gestures to the cushion.
“Have a seat,” he orders.
“Thank you,” the young women mewls softly.
The soles of her shoes click on the hardwood floor as she walks across the room and sits where she is instructed to. Matt crosses the room and sits on the end of his bed directly in front of her. Silence once again passes between the two of them as he watches her coldly, eyes passing from the top of her head, following the paths of her long black lace gloves and matching thigh-high stockings, ending with her glossy platform boots. He was still having a hard time believing that this timid girl was the fake Kira.
“How did you find me?” he clips.
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solo-trio · 7 years
Solo Triplet HC’s (College AU)
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Your Academic Adviser
You are indecisive about your major and your classes just to see him
You love the way he smiles every time you walk in his office
Your advising appointments always go over the allotted hour
Shares his past experiences with you to help make decisions
Has quite the reputation with both faculty AND students
 “You can do anything.. and I’ll do everything in my power to help you”
Is always honest with you, even if it’s harsh
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Your professor
Teaches your hardest Class
Sometimes you catch him staring intensely at you during his presentations
You can’t help but stare back
You’ll raise your hand and he’ll call on you 
but never twice in a row
Short talks after class
“Your research paper read very well. You’re a very bright student”
You run into him in the hallways and say hi to be met with a nod. 
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Runs the IT Help desk at your school
Always insists to be the one to fix your laptop
You may occasionally download sketchy movies so you can stop in
Never invades your privacy
Helps calm you when you’re frustrated 
“This one’s on the house” 
says it with a smile every time, even though he knows you get IT help for free
offers to help teach you to become more tech savvy
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huxs-waifu · 3 years
Shifted - Chapter Two - Lets Get Out Of Here
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This is cross posted on A03 - link here - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27559456/chapters/67407712
masterlist for shifted - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/670680039555252224/shifted-master-list
pin interest board reader : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/vintagekola/shifted-fanfiction-hero/
Kylo Ren/Reader, Ben Solo/Reader, Armitage Hux/Original Female Character(s), Matt the Radar Technician/Reader
NSFW 18 plus
The reader gets shifted to the Finalizer in place of a princess due to marry Kylo Ren for political standing during the war. She must choose to fight against it; changing other peoples courses or play along this dream-like game trying to find a way home.
Chapter summary : 
now we get some more happening, and the reader tries to find more information in the crazy world. have they found a friend? and did some one say fancy ball gown! here is the dress you're in :D https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/385409680618199120/
*a little warning of implied non - con/rape and sexual exploitation. but its only mention/implied nothing graphic*
Shit, I'm in a fucking sci-fi - a fairytale." You were literally ripping at your hair. "This can't be real? Can it?"
Your thoughts were disturbed by being hit in the side by this "droid" as the men had called it. Then you took a moment to look at the odd sight of a human-shaped shiny silver form bigger than you, holding a lacey form of a red dress. The more fitting term for the item may be red lingerie. You stared at it before reaching for it. The droid wasn't going to move from your personal space otherwise, you gathered. You ran the layers of waterfall silk and dotted mesh over your fingers before hooking it over your arms. The droid stepped back.
"Er, thank you?"
"Will that be all Princess?” You jumped from the sudden speaking coming from within the robot.
"Well, I know how to dress, but I don't understand why I'm here. I'm not a Princess. I’m confused."
"If the Princess doesn't need any more help I can certainly power down?"
You were really at a stand still point of what you can do. First thought was to get out of this room. The dress for this party seemed to be the only way at the moment, so that would be 2 hours of thinking before the door opened again. You realized that there were humans on board, so maybe you could get straight information from someone as to who you were meant to be. Best thing to happen though would be to wake up and find this really was a dream. Causally, you said out loud "whats the time."
"Five moons, Princess." The droid replied,making you jump again, the dress slipping from your arm to the floor.. You were going to have to get used to that.
"Could you at least look away from me while I change? Also, I'm guessing there are other items for me?"
The droid gestured to the set of draws you had clocked earlier. "All items should be in there."
Going through the draws, you did find everything you'd ever wanted. If you weren't so confused, this would be a royal’s dream, jewellery and makeup extensive collection laid out in front of you. Draws inside draws of necklaces, perfumes, powders and lipsticks. Looking over your shoulder, the robot had turned away. “Here goes nothing.” You said to yourself, unbuckling the belts and sliding the skirt off down your waist.
The deep burgundy wine dress you stepped into, gliding it up to your legs, feeling the airiness around your skin, it was luxurious. Distinct layers of brilliant silk and dotted mesh hung in four ribbon panels from your waist, creating daringly high slits. You hooked your arms into what you took for the top, taking off your banudo in the progress. It was low cut, more of the silk and mesh draping over your chest, sides crisscrossed in the netting. Flowing from the shoulderblades of the dress was layers of the lightly dotted tulle, creating a dramatic see-through cape that cascaded down behind onto the floor. It truly was a couture gown of some sort. Which figures, you were obviously meant to be wealthy, but you were also very aware of how cold it was wherever you were on board now.
You decided that you'd look through the draws more and maybe select something else to put on. Another thought that crossed your mind was to look for something you might be able to use as a weapon, but no luck. Having no clue what the time was you did choose what you thought was lipstick and uncovered some heels in another concealed door in the room. They were at least block heels that you could maybe run in if needed. The two hours were up. You guessed this by the door rising, your heart giving a heated pump. You made a jumping dash into the door but you were met by four armoured beings, in white with guns. You put your arms up in fear that they may shoot.
"Please don't hurt me."
"We have been requested to escort you. Follow."
With these armoured men flanking you on the walk there, you wondered if they were actually real, walking in sync with one another as if like clockwork. You walked through long halls to a lift, trying to memorize your way back to the room as best you could. You tried to take note of which floor you were on, but the lift had no notion of being able to tell how far up you were. It brought you to a big expansive door drawing up for you. The large hanger type room was full of people with jovial music playing. But on second glance these were no normal people, some were bug-eyed monsters of varying colour skins. The band was completely alien-type beings. You felt almost sick to your stomach, perfectly knowing what you'd seen in movies and the unusual way some would experiment on you if they captured you. You saw more of these armoured soldiers and nervously eyed one in a shiny silver uniform stood to the side of the makeshift bar. You guessed that was maybe their leader, but you had no idea of the workings of this world.
The tall redhead you had seen just a couple of hours before approached you. At least you thought he was human-shaped and could speak, as you were aware of him earlier at your door. Maybe he would cooperate with you and tell you more. You also remembered that the hooded man had scolded him that he’d had predicament of his own to worry about. Maybe if it came up, you could help him in return for info or getting out of here.
"Dismissed troopers, for now. Princess, Ren has tasked me with keeping an eye on you till he arrives. He has business to attend to."
"So he forces me to come but isn't here himself? Thats real stupid. What do I call you, Sir?" you asked, offering a hand to make it look official.
"You'll come to learn he is a man of many things, in time princess. My name is General Hux."
"General, I'm going to try and bargain with you here as you seem human. I woke up not knowing who I am. MY name is Y/N Y/L/N. As far as I know, I'm not a princess. I swear I'm not mad, I just need to get home."
"Human? Not many people call me that once they get to know me. I seem to understand your problem, I've heard of it once before. If you are lying though Ren would soon find out."
"I just need information," you said, crossing your arms, trying a wobbling lip, eyes showing your despair at the situation. The General however stayed stone-faced. "Please, I'm so upset and confused at it all tonight, I don't want to be this princess or take what's hers."
"Yes," Hux said, looking down his nose at you. "Maybe if you speak to my wife." He paused with a slight smile, considering what he’d said. "I mean my companion. For a while it may calm your feelings before he gets here. If you're worked up it will transfer to Kylo Ren and no one will have a good time."
"What do you mean transfer on to Kylo Ren? It's not like he can pick up on my emotions. He is a fucking beast that's going to be harassing me from what i can gather."
Hux took no notice of what you said. He seemed to lock on to something in the room, and whistled, through the crowd. Approaching was a pretty, small woman with mousey brown curly locks, very deep violet eyes and skin the palest you'd ever on a living human. She was in an outfit vastly different to yours, like a mix of a maid and nightie you'd see in the 70s. High necked, long sleeved and in black silk same as the bedspread you'd woken upon. The thing hardest not to miss about her though was that she was also heavily pregnant, which looked ridiculous on her small frame along with the bed sheet hanging over her belly. "Don't listen to everything she mentions to you. Her brains are a bit muddled since the pregnancy. Must be the hormones. She may be a bit more sympathetic  to your cause though."
"Take no notice of him. I have my wits about me still, Dear General." She had a smile on her face. As she introduced herself, she gave a tug on his sleeve, making his glaze fall and stay on her, a glint of some thing in his eye, while shes extended her other hand. Hux gave her a tug on her shoulder then strode off to a group of what you might assume were Blue aliens and not just really good makeup. They whispered among themselves. "Princess I take it. I'm Violet Hux."
"I'm not. In fact, I have no clue who I'm meant to be. My real name is Y/N." You said, taking the woman’s hand.
"Ah, I can see why my husband has let us be. Please come sit with me over here," she said, gesturing to the chairs in the far corner of the expansive room. Linking arms with the woman, you thought to at least make it look like you were aiding her. You sat in the chairs opposite one another. She leaned in, "I'm not who I'm meant to be likewise."
"How so? I woke up this morning in space! I'm from a place called Earth! Everyone thinks I'm the next empress and that I'm stark raving mad!"
"Shhh. Me too, I also shifted about a year ago. My real name or the name I had was Scarlett. I woke up one day in place of an escort on Canto Bight."
"So you believe me! How do we get back? I need to get back."
"Initially I thought I was lucid dreaming. We are not, though. There's no way back that I know of. I think we got brought here for a reason, and I think you're stuck here too for the moment until you find it."
"I don't know what the hell I'm doing, though. Who am I meant to be? I don't even know the man I'm to marry. There's just this helmeted ponce following me around. Around this strange-" looking down at your very exposed chest and legs, "cold place." You looked over the girl’s outfit thinking you longed to be in a nightie, back in your room, on Earth, at the very least warm.
"You're going to have to get used to him quick. That's the Supreme Leader, he's the one you're going to be married to. You’re meant to be a princess that is a descendent from another family of Jedi, the order found your planet, and he thought you would be a good match. Kylo Ren tried finding another girl, but it all went south."
"So I'm a princess to be married to a fucking robot? What cracked-up fairytale is this? Maybe if I carry on refusing like this girl before, I'll shift back? Like if she was refusing, I was brought here. As a result, the same may happen again? Also, what’s a Jedi?"
"Or the opposite. You may get yourself hurt or even killed if you don't cooperate with these men. I should know."
You stopped, looking at the woman expectantly, down to her belly then glancing towards the tall ginger man whose eyes kept shifting back to them. "Does he hurt you?"
"Hux? No, but others did in the place I woke up; drunk princes, alien generals and affluent men. You name it they all demanded a piece of the "Shining purple star" of Canto Bight. I kept fighting them off until one of them thought it would be great fun to 'punish me'. He put me in a box and sent me to the first order to learn a trick or two. I’m just like a toy for them to use. That's when I stopped resisting, that's what broke me. But that's how I made this dreadful thing turn around. Hux decided he would have me before any of the other officers, retained me as 'pet' to start with. That first night we just held one other. He was touch-starved and I just knew why I'd shifted, to save him. It was not my choice but I just knew right away, he needed me. I couldn't go, he wants to keep me safe from the others on the ship. So out in the open, I'm his property. Behind closed doors it's different. I think the universe knows too. So it must have something planned for you too."
Hux appeared behind her, gently placing a hand on either of her shoulders, crouching down to speak in her ear. "Come my little pet, I think we need to take you back to the quarters, some people are allegedly beginning to talk about how many credits you are worth to me. I need you and the offspring safe."
"Please, excuse me y/n, but we will see each other again soon, I promise. Just try to go with the flow tonight." She placed her hand on yours as he guided her to her feet once more.
Abandoning you again with no clue what was happening, you keenly watched as Hux escorted her away, a hand gripping one of her shoulders, the other covering what looked like a gun on his belt, before drawing his coat around him more. Various party-goers were parting away from them, whispers among a few, jeers and wolf whistles coming from some.
"So princess I see General Hux has failed to keep tabs on you as I politely requested." The modulated voice stated, shadowing your view. It was your masked man, or now you had gained more insight, the man you were to marry.
"He is looking after his wife, she’s more important right now. You can clearly see she is pregnant."
"Hux does not have a wife, he has a whore he impulsively decided to keep for himself. She’s a show Fathier horse at best."
"How can you fucking talk about women like that and then expect me to be civil to you, let alone marry you? Princess or not, you're a dirty pig!" You jumped from your seat, the party music stopping. "I came to the party as requested. I now want to leave!"
"You can't leave, you haven't even eaten!" His strong gloved hand grabbed your shoulder. "I will utilize the force on you again!" As he went to take you, a small boom let off from you and he jerked his hand like he'd been burnt.
You rushed furiously towards the door. "I’ll starve to death before I take anything from you!"
chapter three - here
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amadwomanrambles · 3 years
Man, I miss this shit...
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kakaphd · 4 years
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Idk what im doing with my life. (Ig- kaka.arts)
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mysteryofren · 4 years
What Are Boyfriends For?
part 44 of So Happy Together
possible tw: mentions of cheating, and fighting.
a/n: yall dont even know how hard it was to write this. 
tags: @wumboho @pylopenpolo @duty-isnt-always-honour
 Overwhelmed was the only word you could think of. There were so many people you felt almost claustrophobic. You, and Elaine were trying to reach the admissions desk to get her room number, and key. After 30 minutes of waiting you had finally gotten it. You looked up the address for her building, and the two of you set off for it. The boys had gone to find a place to get food while you two did all the boring work. They took Matt's car, and you guys kept the truck. Once you two had found the building the next impossible task was finding a parking spot. To your disadvantage you had to park on the opposite side of where her dorm was. You two had tried to figure out a way to move as many boxes as possible so it wouldn't be a constant back, and forth. Turns out without a dolly there was no way. So you had come up with a plan. The two of you would take all the light stuff, and leave the heavy stuff for the boys.
“Aha here it is!” She said as she placed her boxes down. She unlocked the door, and the two of you stepped inside. 
 When you walked in you were met with doors. The dorm was one long hall with two bathrooms at the end, and 4 individual rooms. It seemed like nobody had gotten there yet so Elaine must have been the first to arrive. You found her room, and entered. Definitely not as big as the one you two shared at the republic, but it made sense considering its meant for one person, and not two. There was a small loft bed, and a desk sitting in the room they had both been shoved into a corner to collect dust. That was something to focus on later. You had placed your boxes in the opposite corner, and the two of you ventured back for the rest.
“So has Ben asked you to be his girlfriend again yet?” She asked as the two of you walked back to the truck. 
“Not since the trip started. I'm sure he's going to ask again though.” You heard nothing else from her. When you looked over to her she was smiling at you.
“What are you smiling about?” You asked her.
“I think you should say yes next time he asks.” 
“What? Why? I thought you didn't like him.”
“I know he did a lot of shit, but I've heard the way he talks about you. He loves you so much.” 
“How do you know that?” 
“He talks. A lot. Especially with Matt, and Matt kind of tells me. He tells Han, and Leia all about you too.” The thought made your face heat up. Now you wanted to know what kinds of things he had told them.
“let's hurry, and finish getting these boxes in. I wanna eat once they get here.” Elaine said. 
 The two of you immediately started getting to work. Luckily there was more heavy stuff than light stuff so there wasn't a lot to take. By the time you finished getting all the boxes you needed they still weren't back so the two of you had gotten to work on setting the room up. You had helped her move the bed where she wanted, and the two of you moved the desk. The bed had gotten made, her closet got filled, and you two were filling a drawer she had brought when someone knocked.
“That better be them.” She said as she got off the floor. She walked over, and opened the door. 
Matt, and Ben were not on the other side, but a girl was. She was pale. Oddly pale, and she had blonde hair with some green dreads placed randomly in her hair. She was dressed cute. Baggy jeans with rips in them, a white tank with a blue flannel over it. She had a necklace that reached just under her breasts. She smiled, and looked at you, then back to Elaine.
“Hey, I'm Raina, I'm gonna be next door.” She held out her hand, and Elaine shook it with a big smile.
“Elaine, and this is my best friend Y/N.” You smiled, and waved at her from where you were sitting. 
“Cool, uh my girlfriends here to help me move in, but she's probably gonna stay the night. I just wanted to see if that's cool with you.”
“Perfectly fine by me. My boyfriend is probably gonna be here a lot, along with Y/N.” 
“Nice, well it was nice meeting you guys, and I can't wait to get to know you.” she said as she walked into the room next door. 
 Elaine closed the door, and the two of you went back to work, and talked about her new roommate. Finally 20 minutes later there was another knock. Elaine got up, and opened it again to find the boys on the other side. Ben came in, and placed two bags of food on Elaine's desk. 
“Parking here is insane, I thought I was gonna have to murder someone.” He said placing the bags down. You got up, and stood next to him looking for something to eat, since they took years to get something. 
“Well thanks for holding back, killer.” You said as you found a bag of chips. 
“We found a place that makes pretty good sandwiches. I got your favorite.” Matt added as he walked in, and  kissed Elaine. 
“Wait you guys ate already?” You asked. 
“Yeah while we tried parking.” Ben answered as he brought your sandwich out, and handed it to you. 
“Well good, that means you two can go get all the heavy stuff from the truck.” Elaine said, taking her food from Ben as well. 
“You left all the heavy stuff for us?” Matt complained. 
“Yes, of course. We did a majority of the work since the rooms almost set up.” Elaine hopped up on her bed, and you did the same. 
“Besides what are boyfriends for?” You said with a smile as you looked at Ben.
“Love? Companionship? Fun?” Matt listed as he walked out. 
“No they're for heavy lifting.” Elaine Called out as Ben walked out after him. “You know he's gonna ask you about that later, right?” 
“I'm counting on it.” 
 The two of you laughed, and started to eat as the boys began bringing everything in. First one back was Matt. He lumbered in with her minifridge in his hands. Then it was Ben with the side table she had brought. Slowly, but surely they had brought in everything. Even from Matt's car. You two had finished eating way before they had gotten everything in, but you continued to  finish setting the room up with her. The 4 of you took some time to rest before trying to figure out what was next on the list of things to do. You laid out on her floor with Ben next to you. Absentmindedly you were running your fingers through his hair as you stared at the ceiling. Matt, and Elaine had been cuddled up on her bed. You heard a faint snoring, and knew they had to be asleep. 
“So what do you think she's gonna need next?” He asked as he turned his body to you. 
“Probably food. We may have to go grocery shopping when they wake up.” 
“Should we go now, and give the love birds some space?” You sat up, and looked at Elaine peacefully sleeping in Matts arms. 
“Yeah that's probably a good idea.” You said as you grabbed the keys that were on her desk. 
 Ben helped you up, and the two of you quietly snuck out of the room, and closed it behind you. As soon as you closed the door Raina's door opened. She looked at you, and smiled. 
“Are you guys coming back by chance?” She asked. 
“Yeah, do you need something?” You asked as you looked at her girlfriend behind her.
“Yeah.” She said quietly. “My desk is broken, and I need super glue. If you find any I can pay you back.” 
“Alright no problem. I'll see what I can find.” She smiled at you, and said thank you as you walked away. 
 Finding a store wasn't hard. Finding parking? Very hard. It's like everybody had the same exact idea as you. Ben had suggested just finding another store which you were more than alright with. The ride to the next store was quiet. You didn't say anything out of fear he might bring up what you had said back at the dorm. He was in the driver's seat tapping the steering wheel with the beat of the songs. You were way too into your head to even notice his other hand was resting on your thigh. When you did notice you nervously placed your hand on top of his while you looked out the window. Everything was so different from home. All the buildings were packed on top of one another, and there were so many cars out. What got you the most was how high the buildings were. They towered over everything in sight. 
 This was it. Your first taste of New York before your move next year. You felt overwhelmed again. You felt like you could hardly breath with how much was going on around you. Never in your life had you seen a place so busy, and full of life. 
“Oh sick a homeless dude peeing!!” Ben exclaimed. He pointed at the corner of a building, and sure enough. A homeless man was peeing on the building. 
“You seem a bit too excited about that.” You said looking back at him as he crossed something off on a piece of paper. 
“Wait what is that?” You asked him. He laughed and held the paper up. 
“New York Bingo. Me, and Matt play it anytime we come here.” That smile was going to be the death of you. 
“What else is one there?” 
“Generic stuff. Muggings, bodega cats, certain landmarks, and most importantly people acting weird in the streets.” You grabbed the paper, and looked over it. He had crossed off a few already; He just needed two more.
“Do you know how many Matt has left?” You asked. 
“3. We found  the first two when we were together.” He turned back to the road as cars started moving again. You stayed looking at the Bingo paper. All he needed to see was a fight, and a hot dog cart. You decided to keep an eye out for any of those things.
 The hot dog cart was easy to find, but it seemed like the fight was going to be harder to spot. You two finally arrived at the store, and found a spot with ease. The two of you hopped out, and made your way to the entrance chatting away. You insisted he tell you more about the bingo thing, and he told you the story of how it started. When he, Matt, and Kylo were younger their parents owned a condo in the city. They would go almost every weekend so their parents could work. Each time they came they saw certain things, and would keep count of what they saw on every trip. As a fun way to keep track Kylo made them a Bingo sheet for it in one of his classes. Ever since then each time they came Matt would print out the sheets, and they would play. It made you smile thinking about Kylo doing that. For all his shit talk he loved his baby brothers. 
 Ben seemed to have an amazing relationship with both boys, just in different ways. He bonded with Kylo over the typical masculine stuff like cars, sports, and video games. With Matt they bonded over things like school, girls, and over how much they acted like children. Kylo was definitely the responsible, brooding, protective big brother. Matt just enjoyed being the baby of the family. Ben was the middle child that just did whatever he wanted with little to no consequence. You continued listening to him talk about his family as the two of you went up, and down the aisles. 
“Hey, why do you not talk about your family?” He said as he loaded a pack of water bottles into the cart. 
“I’ve talked about my family. I tell you about my grandpa all the time.” 
“You know you two may have had it out for each other, but you are just like her sometimes.” 
“Who? Rey?” You asked with a smile on your face.
“Yes! When I asked her that question her answer was that she always told me about you!”
“She told you about me?” 
“Yes, and she surprisingly had a lot of good things to say most of the time.” 
 Rey? Talked about you? IN A GOOD WAY?!?
“What did she say?” You asked him. 
“No, we are not avoiding the question. Why don't you guys ever talk about them?” 
 You bit your lip, and thought for a moment. It's true. You didn't talk about them much. It's not like they were bad, or annoying. They just didn't feel like family. More like strangers you were related to. You thought about how your friends felt more like your family than your actual one. 
“My friends are my family. Elaine, Hux, Phasma, and Matt. I would even say Kylo. I love my grandpa more than anything in this world. My grandma was everything to me before she died. That's really all there is to it.” 
“What about your parents? I mean you went with them to Bracca that has to mean something.” 
“That was mostly to see Cal. I mean our relationship is mending, but for the majority of my life it was like living with strangers. I felt like I was just an accessory for them to flash at parties infront of their friends, and business partners. For the most part when I wasn't in school, or my parents didn't want me I was at my grandparents.” You explained.
“Ok. What about Rey, and you? She told me you guys did everything together as kids.” You laughed as you grabbed, and placed more items in the cart. 
“If you call her bullying me into submission bonding, then yes we did do a lot of that.” 
“It was really that bad huh?” He asked with a concerned look on his face. 
“Whenever we did anything together it was always what she wanted to do. Once on my birthday she made our parents take us on a boat at origin lake.” 
“That doesn't sound too bad.” 
“I get sick on boats.” 
“Ok, that is bad.” You could tell he was finally getting the hint that you didn't want to talk about it anymore, and he changed the subject as you two continued shopping. 
  He asked you what you wanted to do together once you got back, and you two talked about ideas for dates. He suggested another museum visit, but this time to an art museum. He even teased you, and suggested you guys recreate the photos you, and Cal took in Italy. You blushed, and playfully hit him. He laughed, and even pointed out that the thought had made you blush. You two had made your way to the stationary section, and you made sure to grab super glue for Raina.
“ADAM I SWEAR TO GOD!” You heard a woman yell. 
“No, im fucking done having you accuse me of something I didnt fucking do.” A man yelled back. The two of you ran down the aisle to identify the source of the yelling. 
A short woman was chasing after a man who was easily 3 times her size. She threw a bag of chips at him, and he stopped when it hit him. Ben shoved you behind him once the man turned around, and charged at the woman. 
 Next thing you know people are staring at them as they scream at each other in the middle of the store. Apparently the man, Adam, had been working nonstop to try to support her after she leaves her job to start writing. The woman, Hannah, had decided the best time to accuse him of cheating was in the middle of the store. Now the two of them were standing in front of a lobster tank screaming at each other about how much they hate each other, then they go into how much they love each other, and then right back to hating each other. 
  Finally a manager came, and broke up their argument. They walked out of the store as Hannah continued to yell at him about how much she wished he was dead. You dug your hand into Ben's back pocket, and grabbed the paper. You took a pen from your bag, and crossed out the last square on his bingo chart. You held it up to him with a big smile on your face. He smiled, and threw his fists into the air. 
“BINGO!!” He screamed as he grabbed the paper, and waved it in the air. Everyone who could see him immediately stared at him. He apologized, and cleared his throat. Everyone continued on with their shopping, and you tried not to laugh at him. 
 The rest of the shopping trip went on, and Ben desperately tried not to draw attention to himself. It was hard considering he’s as tall as the shelves. You occasionally made fun of his little outburst, but quickly stopped when you saw he was super embarrassed. Once you were sure you had everything you headed to the bakery section. You wanted to get Elaine a small cake as a way to say goodbye to her. You searched for a red velvet cake, which was her favorite flavor, and to your dismay couldn't find one. You decided to try the store closer to NYU to see if they would have it. 
The two of you were standing in the checkout line waiting for everything to get scanned. Ben was putting everything in bags, and putting them in the cart for you. As you waited you looked outside, and saw it had gotten dark. Really dark. It was clear that it was going to rain soon. You watched as the clouds moved in one direction. They were going so fast it's almost like they were alive. The cashier pulled you out of your trance, and you paid for the groceries, and left. Half way back to the car it started to rain. Just a drizzle,but you knew there would be more to come, and soon. Ben pulled you close, and lifted his jacket to cover you up. 
 It was cold. Really cold. Not only was it raining, but the wind was strong. You finally got to the car, and went to go put bags in the back when Ben shoved you towards the door. He grabbed your keys from your hand, opened the door, and made you get in. You got in, and watched as he stood in the rain, and put all the bags in the bed of the truck. The rain got worse as he stood out there. He finished, and quickly ran the cart back to a cart return before getting back to the truck. You turned the heat on so he wouldn't be cold, but he still shivered in his seat. You sat in the parking lot for a little bit while he warmed up. After a few minutes you decided you should probably get him back to the dorm. Luckily it was late. All the parents had left, and people were almost done moving all their stuff in, so you found a good spot. You parked, and grabbed the umbrella you had kept in the glove compartment. You handed it to Ben, and went to get out before he stopped you. 
“You take it.” He said, trying to hand it back . 
“Ben you are literally soaking wet, and I don't want you to get sick.” 
“Fine, then let me take you inside so I can come back for the groceries.” 
“I'm not gonna let you do that by yourself again.”  He sighed knowing there was no way to get you to comply with him.
“Stay here.” He said before quickly jumping out. He opened the umbrella, and walked to your door. He opened, and you hopped out under it. He grabbed some bags, and handed them to you before grabbing some himself. You two made your way to the dorm. 
“Matt come help me so he can stay here, and warm up.” You said as soon as you walked in. 
“No, Matt, she's staying here so she doesn't get wet, and you're helping me.” 
“Ben you're gonna get sick if you go back out there!” You argued. 
“Well, I would rather be sick, than have you be sick! So, Matt, lets go!” He said as he tried keeping you in the dorm. 
“You know what? Me, and Matt will go get the bags. You two stay here.” Elaine said as she plucked the keys from your hand.  
 Her, and Matt walked off, and left you two in the dorm. Ben took his jacket off, and you took it from him. You walked over to the bathroom, and hung it over the shower curtain to dry. You grabbed a towel for him from the cabinet under the sink, and headed back into the room. When you walked in Ben had already taken all his clothes off, except his boxers. You walked in, and he playfully covered his chest as he gasped. 
“Hey, knock before you enter a ladies room!” He said. You threw the towel at his face, and he Laughed. 
“You seem to forget I've seen guys in their underwear before.” You said as you began to take all the food items out of the bag. 
“Oh yeah, how could I forget that time we all caught you, and Hux in bed?” 
“You remember that?” You scoffed. 
“Yeah it pissed me off. I felt like ripping the little guy out of there, and telling him to never look at you again.” 
“Nothing even happened.” You said laughing at him. “Besides you had Rey.” 
He had finished getting dressed, and you took his clothes to hang with his jacket. He used the towel to dry his hair as best as he could before tossing it in Elaine's hamper. Realization came over you that you didn't stop to find Elaine's cake, and you sighed, and sat down at her desk. 
“Whats up?” Ben asked, sitting next you on the floor.
“I forgot to stop at the other store for Elaine's cake.” 
“We can always go pick it up once the rain dies down a bit. If we can't, it's not the end of the world.” 
“I guess.” You looked out her window, and watched the rain fall. 
“Did you mean what you said when you called me your boyfriend?” He finally asked. You smiled. 
“Yeah. I did.” He held your hand as it sat on your leg, and you both watched as the rain fell.
 Soon Matt, and Elaine were back, and they had gotten a good amount of the bags. They placed them down, and ran back out. They took 2 more trips before it was finally done. You guys unpacked all the bags, and you ran the super glue to Raina. Once all her groceries were done. There was nothing left to do. Anything that needed to be finished in the dorm was done by Elaine, and Matt. The rain had gone back down to just a drizzle. The sun was setting. It was time. You all walked out of the dorm with your things, and loaded them into the car. There was a student bus stop you all stood under as Elaine said goodbye. She hugged Ben, and told him to watch out for you. Her Goodbye with Matt was definitely a bit longer, but when it was done she looked at you. 
“Can you guys go to the car? I want to talk to her alone.” Elaine asked. The Boys happily obliged, and got in their cars. 
The two of you stood under the small awning of the stop, and just looked at each other. The two of you stayed silent. Finally you spoke. 
“You know this whole time it didn't seem real to me that you were leaving.” 
“And now?” She asked. 
“Now I wish I was back to feeling that way.” You responded as tears began to fall down your face. She hugged you, and you hugged back. 
  She held you tight as the rain came down around you two .You both sobbed in each others arms. 
“I'm scared.” She whispered to you.
“I don't want you to forget me. If things don't work out between me, and Matt I know I'll be fine. If you forget me. I don't think I could ever recover from that.” She said as she pulled away. You looked into her emerald eyes. It's like they were glowing with how bright they looked. 
“You always had the prettiest eyes, El. how could anyone want to forget those.” the two of you laughed as you both continued to cry. 
“I don't want you to leave. You're the one thing I want here that I can’t bring.”
“Just think. In a year I'll be just across the bridge.” 
“I don't think I can wait that long. It's a good thing I'm coming home for the holidays.”
“I'll come visit too. My dads got a lot of things to do out here, I'll come with him, and we can be together again.” You assured her. Just then Matt pulled up in his car, letting you know it was time to go. 
“Guess this is it.” She said.
“This is it.” You two hugged again, and she kissed you on the cheeks. 
“Until next time, Kenobi.” She whispered. You pulled away, and wiped the tears off your face. 
“See ya then, Higgins.” You pulled away, and held her hands until you were far enough that you couldn't. 
 You waved goodbye as Ben pulled out of the parking lot, with Matt behind. The rain came down harder now. Almost like it was trying to match your emotions. You cried. Hard. it didn't stop until you had gotten to the first hotel on the way home. The feeling of dread, and sadness that you knew would come with the two of you separating had finally set in. Elaine Higgins gave you a friend when you thought there were none for you in the world. She gave you hope when you had none left in you. Most importantly. She loved you like nobody else did. You couldn't thank her enough for it.
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hocenimlatine · 5 years
Invitation Only
Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a chapter from my completed series Knight of the Night that I started as @sithlordintraining
KNIGHT OF THE NIGHT (Modern AU/Vigilante AU)
Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
                              Matt the Technician x Black Reader
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loud and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still a little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice-cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys’ face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interact with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Every time a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
Knight of the Night (Modern Superhero/Vigilante Au!Matt)
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A/N: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! As a treat for an eventful day, here is a Thanksgiving special of Knight of the Night.  You honestly don’t need to read the whole series to read this story. But, if you do like it, I recommend you checking it out. 
Summary: Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
Vol. #8- Invitation Only (Thanksgiving Special)
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loudly and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can’t tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interacted with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Everytime a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
P.S.: Hope you enjoyed with your food babies. This one is dedicated to @afor-alex who LOVES this and I don’t post any new chapters on here. But, hopefully, you guys have fallen in love with some good wholesome Matt.
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pendragonfics · 7 years
I Heard Kylo Ren...
Paring: Matt the Radar Technician/Reader
Tags: female reader, set after Star Wars: The Force Awakens, canon compliant, fluff and angst, male-female friendship, friends to lovers, kissing. 
Summary: It had been an ordinary day of your job. You had woken early, as you often did, bringing a cup of fresh caf to the rooms where your superior, General Hux slept in, and escorting him to the Bridge of The Finalizer, informed him off all the messages on the Holopad since his last checking-in the night previous. You would greet his associate, and your Commander, Kylo Ren, often trying to not make eye-contact, or interfere with the Knight of Ren. But today, there was no dark-clad man with a lightsabre in sight.
Word Count: 2,974
Current Date: 2017-08-06
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It had been an ordinary day of your job. You had woken early, as you often did, bringing a cup of fresh caf to the rooms where your superior, General Hux slept in, and escorting him to the Bridge of The Finalizer, informed him off all the messages on the Holopad since his last checking-in the night previous. You would greet his associate, and your Commander, Kylo Ren, often trying to not make eye-contact, or interfere with the Knight of Ren. But today, there was no dark-clad man with a lightsabre in sight.
“General –,” you began, but your ginger-haired boss shook his head before you could continue.
“Don’t worry yourself,” he sighed, not looking up from his Holopad, trawling through the messages from Captain Phasma for discussions on the training regime. “Ren is on assignment.”
You nodded, and had not put too much thought to it. Until near the middle of the day, near the main officer’s cafeteria. It was then when you went head over kitten-heels on a wrench, falling onto your nose. Not a soul made a noise upon seeing your fall, and none went to help you. So, brushing off the bruise that was sure to come, and the dignity you had left, went to stand. But then again, there seemed to be something slippery underfoot, and you went down again.
“Can you give me my wrench?” A baritone voice intoned beside you.
Glancing up, you were met with the face of a man. In the appearances of men, you were not one to judge, as everyone looked different in their own ways, but, inside your chest, you felt a flutter. You might be known as the ‘The Bootlicker of Starkiller’ because of your position as secretary for General Hux, but your heart was beating so very fast at the sight of him. Just the sight of him made you forget what he had just said, and left you laying on the floor like a person without a braincell in sight.
“P-pardon?” you whisper, and moving to stand up, add, “sorry. I didn’t hear –,”
He blinked. “My wrench. Can you give it, to me?” His voice was curt, solid, perhaps borderline rude. But it startled you out of the stupor of seeing his face (or possibly, the stupor of falling twice), and scrambling across the hallway, you hand the tool to the technician.
The tool which made you slip.
“Hang on,” you hesitate, sitting up. “That was – I fell over because of that!” you protest.
The technician grumbles. “A Stormtrooper kicked it.”
“That wasn’t very nice of them.” you frown, and standing up, you straighten your First Order uniform, brushing off the gunk that laying on the hallway had adhered to it. You clear your throat, and add, “Did you catch their I.D. tag? I could report them to General Hux if you want me to do something about it.”
He blinked. “Do you tell everything to Hux?” He blurted.
You felt your face flush with colour, burning you inside out. “I – I don’t suppose I’m allowed to disclose that, erm, –,”
He didn’t even blink, and with the wrench in hand, replied in deadpan, “My name’s Matt. I’m a radar technician. And you’re late to your meeting, aren’t you?”
Your eyes widen, and remember that yes, in fact, you are, and the General would not be pleased at your lack of presence to transcribe and provide assistance. You nod, and hastily bid Matt goodbye, running off in the direction you were headed before you tripped, as fast as you can in your little heels.
It couldn’t have been more than a week later when you saw him again. You were at the desk positioned before General Hux’s office, filing the incoming documents on your Holopad in order of importance for your superior, when the blond technician walked in. It wasn’t too unusual for those of lower rank to come to speak with General Hux when he wasn’t on patrol on the Bridge – they often came with complaints or suggestions, or even, on call from the General himself. Even though you had spent the briefest of moments before with the technician, you felt a smile come to your face, and rose to greet him.
“It’s nice to see you again, Matt,” you beam, placing the Holopad upon the desk. He stands still, a confused look crossing over his face, and at this, you pause, and add, “Your name is Matt, isn’t it? I’m usually good at remembering people’s names.”
He clears his throat. “Yep, I’m Matt. Radar, technician.” He must have somehow sensed what your next question would be, and added, “I’m here to speak to Hu – General Hux.”
“He’s running a little slow for meetings,” you tell Matt, recalling the list your ginger-haired supervisor is working from. “He’s got the Minister of the Mirialan home world in overtime now, and when you’re done, there’s a spokesperson from Dantooine.” You don’t know why you’re saying all of this to him, but Matt seems to be the kind of guy who seems trustworthy, even though he has a resting face that appears to be costive. “Do you want to come back, when he’s free, or wait…?”
The blond man huffs, and moves to the chairs you keep in the corner near your desk. It’s an impromptu waiting area, of sorts, with a little table with gossip rags and a fake flower in a vase. “I’ll wait. I’m on a break.”
As Matt takes a seat, however, you reach into the hidden draw beneath your desk. It’s hidden in case you’re under attack from rouge officers, or infiltrated Resistance, as it has a single Blaster and two extra clips of ammunition. It also has your special container of soft caramel sweets, kept for special occasions. Taking the glass receptacle out, you hold a wrapped lolly out to the man lodging in your waiting room.
“Thank you,” you say, walking over to Matt, the sweet still extended in your hand. “For the other day. If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I would have made it in time to the meeting, and I would’ve gotten in trouble with General Hux.”
He looks at the wrapped treat with a puzzling look, and that custom-made frown he always has on. “But you tripped on my wrench.”
“I’m not one to point fingers,” you shrug. “Do you want the caramel or not?”
Matt took the caramel.
You both sit there in silence, sucking away at the lollies. He’s on the edge of the chair, fingers gripping the edges tight enough to whiten his knuckles. You’re perched on the front of your desk, feet dangling off the front. It’s inappropriate workplace behaviour, sitting so informally there, offering boiled sweets to men you barely know from around the First Order. Thank goodness, your superior is Hux and not the mind-reader Kylo Ren, or else he’d already know half of the infringements you’d never usually commit.
“I never understood why people like these sweets,” his monotonous voice intones, those dark eyes glancing to meet yours, a smile curving those plush lips a little. “but they’re not bad.”
You grin, but before you can reply that you’d better like those caramel melts, they cost me four weeks of pay last shore leave on Corellia! the General’s door opens, the Mirialan Minister exiting, the crop of red hair visible from the doorframe. Standing at once, you put on your best friendly smile for the Minister.
“Matt,” the General hummed, narrowing his eyes. “Thank you, ________. I’ll take it from here.”
Every Benduday, you were allowed a half day off for yourself. It was perhaps the only time you took for yourself, and often, you just lay in your quarters, exhausted, listening to music from your home, reading a book on your Holo. But today, you are not in your quarters. Dressed in plainclothes, you walk toward the mess hall. You’ve heard that from time to time the officers and soldiers have performances or music there, and finally giving up on your curiosity, you’ve made the trek. In case there isn’t anything on, you still have your novel awaiting, tucked under your arm, and your food card to munch on something special. After all, it’s your half-day off.
But entering the mess hall, it’s not what you expected.
Just by stepping inside, the officers and Stormtroopers stop their merrymaking, some even giving you glares and icy stares. The person on the makeshift stage scowls, jumping off the table. You feel your face burn in shame, and in the heat of their anger.
“It’s ________ the Bootlicker,” A Trooper with their helmet off huffed. “Come to report us to your boss for having fun? Or to shove that pole up your ass –,”
He’s interrupted by a familiar voice. “Shut up, Jerk Face.”
Matt stands beside you, his arms crossed, that scowl on his face, same as ever. Except, he’s standing a little in front of you, taking all the stares and brunt of the hatred that’s rolling off these people in waves. He’s out of uniform, wearing grey slacks, and a loose orange t-shirt that leaves his arms bare enough to see the muscles that he has. You would never think that the guy whose perpetual glower would stand up for you.
“Oh look, it’s Matt,” someone commented. “Great.”
You huff, stepping around Matt’s human wall to face the attackers of your character face-on. “I didn’t come here to dispel your gathering,” you hum, arms crossed. “I’m off-duty. Like many of you are, right now. You workers of sanitation, of communications, of weapons – you don’t bring your work into this place! I don’t smell the shit you lay in here, so why would I bring mine with me?” you bark. “I may be the personal secretary of our General himself, and do not forget our mission as First Order!”
But that didn’t happen, except, if you were as brave as you were in your head. Instead, you shook your head, and taking Matt by the hand, lead the both of you out of the mess hall.
“My friend saw Kylo Ren in the shower too!” another officer called out after Matt and you, leering, “He’s banging the guy on the regular!”
Matt’s face grew red with anger, but with your firm hold on his wrist, he can’t go back to defend the honour of the First Order’s honorary Sith apprentice. You keep walking with Matt in tow, not noticing where you’re going until you realise how lost you are. Or rather, far away from the regular places you often visit. It’s also then you realise that you’ve got hot tears streaming from your eyes, and releasing his hand, wipe your eyes hastily with each hand.
“Um –,” Matt stands there, looking at you through his glasses.
You shake your head, sobs erupting from deep within your chest. “I’m – fine,” you cry, just as a fresh wave of tears hit. “I’m not usually a mess like this, I – I swear.”
Matt nods, his hand hovering awkwardly over your shoulder, and pats your back. “Big mood.”
You shake your head, a smile cracking despite your sad disposition. “I mean,” you take a deep breath, and wipe at your dripping nose with your hand, “You didn’t have to stand up for me back there, they’re only going to be rude to you now.”
Matt shook his head of light hair. “They’re already insolent people. I don’t care.”
You laugh at his wording, and start walking back the way you came, hopefully to find your quarters before curfew started. “Cool. So, I hear you’re a fan of Kylo Ren? What’s he like?”
Matt frowns, “You don’t know Kylo Ren? But you work with H – the General.”
“Not really,” you mutter. “I mean, often, I see him around in the early mornings, or around on Starkiller Base, or The Finalizer, but lately, I haven’t. General Hux said he’s away on an assignment, I think from Supreme Leader Snoke, but…I’ve never seen a logged assignment in all my time serving the First Order that went for over a month,” you confess. “What – I mean, you’re the Kylo Ren expert. Should I take it up with General?”
Matt kept walking beside you for a moment, pensive. Silent. Then, “I don’t think so. It’s nothing to worry about. I heard Kylo Ren once spent a long amount of time chasing a band of hooligans across the galaxy for almost two months.”
“Wow.” You raise your eyebrows, “that would be tiring.”
Matt nods, wiping the corner of his eye behind his glasses. “Yeah.” There’s another pause, and he adds, “you sound like you’re a fan too.”
You’re not sure how to answer that, what, when he’s Kylo Ren’s number one enthusiast. You shrug, and giving a final wipe to your now drying eyes, hum. “I’m not sure. I just wonder what’s going on under all that black he wears.” You add, grinning, “Can’t be the easiest job, running around with our General.”
Matt exhales, some of the blond hairs floating out of his eyes at the small puff, “I heard that’s true.”
You’ve taken the afternoon off, telling the General that you needed to take some time off for personal reasons. Instead of going to the medical droids for a check-up, like other people would do when telling their superiors that reason, you find Matt by his work station a couple of days later after the episode of you crying. He’s working hard on a calcinator you know little about, and his supervisor seems to be one backchat away from a psychotic episode. Poor gal. You’ll put in a good word with management for her to get some Me Time.
“Hey,” you greet Matt, kneeling beside him. Passing a wrench to him, you add, “I, er, wondered if you had a moment to talk.”
Matt meditates on your words for a moment, and taking the wrench, places it in his toolbelt. “What do you want to talk about?” He takes the spanner, by his feet, and adjusts the bolt in the wall.
You glance around to the passer-byers and the other maintenance staff, and shake your head. “Not here. I – private?”
Matt agrees, and while his boss is looking the other way, the pair of you sneak over to a private janitorial closet, and close the door. Matt goes to speak, but before he can, you place a broom under the handle so you can’t be interrupted. He goes to speak again, but you place another there, just to be safe.
“What did you want to talk about?” He asks.
You feel a blush heating your face, realising that you’ve dragged him into a closet. You clear your throat, and remember what words you had rehearsed beforehand. “I – you’re a really great guy, Matt, and I like you a lot,” you admit, “but…I know you’re actually Kylo Ren.” You reach over in the dim lighting of the closet, and slide the blond wig from his head. Dark brown locks of hair fall out, tufts covering his ears, one section almost over his glasses. “I worked it out, don’t worry. You’re still undercover.”
There’s a lump in his throat he can’t seem to swallow. “How – how did you –,”
You tap the side of your nose. “I’m not General Hux’s secretary for nothing.” You pause, and add, “Could, I, erm, if it wasn’t out of my rank…why are you undercover?”
It’s his turn to flush, the red marks of a blush covering from his neck to ears. The lump in his throat is back, and clearing his throat, Kylo Ren replies, “I always saw a pretty secretary hanging around and…wondered what it would be like to know her.” He mumbles, unable to look at you.
“Commander,” you gape, feeling the warm feeling inside your chest leave you, “who is she?”
He takes those ridiculous glasses off his face, and folding them, tosses them into a mop bucket in the corner. “She works harder than I can ever say I’ve seen any other secretary on here work. And she always wears her uniform with pride. Dutiful. Never fails to smile, and greet everyone. And yet, they still antagonised her when she did her best.”
You fold your arms, feeling almost sick. Here you were, in a janitor’s cupboard with the intention to find out about Matt-who-isn’t-Matt-but-Commander-Ren, and perhaps kiss the guy, but he’s telling you all about the crush of his dreams. Awkward.
“She sounds great,” you smile. “What’s her name?”
Kylo Ren blinks. “_________.”
You feel your cheeks enflame in shame. You might be smart enough to work out he’s no radar technician, but emotions? No dice! “Me?” you squeak.
He nods. “I mean, I’m not Matt, but – I just wanted to know you. Whenever I see you on the Bridge, or in the hallways, or in the ginger asshole’s office, I’m not silent because I’m rude.” He gushes, the monotonous voice softer in timbre, gentle while not on display before others, “I just can’t put three words together.”
“Would it be forward of me…Commander –,”
He shakes his dark hair. “Call me Kylo.”
“Kylo…to kiss you?” you finish your sentence. As soon as the dark-haired Sith apprentice nods, you cradle his face with your hands, your elbow hitting the light switch of the cupboard to off. Between kisses, you whisper, “I heard Kylo Ren has a thing has a thing for kissing girls in closets.”
You feel him grin against your lips, laughing. “I heard he also likes to take things back to his room.”
“Sounds like a reasonable guy,” you reply, leaning in for another kiss. “Don’t tell Hux I’m taking time off work to make out in a supply closet.”
Kylo laughs again. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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matthewlight · 3 years
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an ADCU Death Note crossover au written with @toeternalbliss
Intro Part I | Part II
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inklore · 3 years
— 𝐅𝐀𝐐 ⋆ ˚。
this blog is strictly multifandom, but that does not mean that i don’t play favorites for certain fandoms/characters. so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
requests: are closed, but thots are always welcome!
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in no way shape or form should minors be interacting with anything on or posted to this blog. this is an 18+ space. anon hate and celebrity discourse also has no place here, so please respect that. if you are racist, homophobic, bigoted, zionist, islamphobic, judgmental to what people enjoy writing/reading, can’t depict fiction from real life, you will be blocked.
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𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
rpf, necrophilia, incest, pregnancy, daddy/little play, age play, spitting, kitten, bimbo!reader, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, underage scenarios, alpha/omega, domestic violence, kid fics, male!character x male!oc, i hate the word ‘doll’ as a pet name so i avoid it like the plague.
𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 ����𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
smut (refer to the above list when it comes to this), fluff, age gaps, poly/threesome+, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, yandere, toy play, cheating (to a certain degree), blood play, knife play, some bdsm, breath play, violence, gore, capture x captive, hunter/prey, praise and degradation, power imbalance, step siblings, supernatural, villainary, choking, mommy/daddy kink (to an extent).
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marvel ↷
miguel o’hara, hobie brown, marc spector, thor odinson, loki laufeyson, peter parker (all variants), yelena belova, joaquin torres, doctor strange, wade wilson, carol danvers, eddie brock, scott lang, hope van dyne, kate bishop, hela, pietro maximoff, logan howlett, wanda maximoff, steve rogers, kraven, cable, druig, makkari, thena, blade
dc universe ↷
dinah lance/black canary, diana prince, clark kent, pamela isley/poison ivy, arthur curry/aquaman, harley quinn, adrian chase, pattinson!bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler
top gun: maverick ↷
jake 'hangman' seresin, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace, beau 'cyclone' simpson, reuben 'payback' fitch
star wars ↷
poe dameron, finn, kylo ren/ben solo, bo-katan kryze, din djarin, young!han solo
scream ↷
ethan landry, stu macher, billy loomis, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, amber freeman, tara carpenter
bridgerton ↷
anthony bridgerton, colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, kate sharma, simon basset, phillip crane
house of the dragon ↷
ser harwin strong, daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen
american horror story ↷
cordelia goode, tristan duffy, michael langdon, harry gardner, madison montgomery, kit walker, xavier plympton, ally mayfair-richards
etc shows ↷
villanelle, lip gallagher, tommy miller, carmy berzatto, luca (the bear), kate parks, daisy jones, billy dunne, warren rhodes, geralt of rivia, love quinn, max wolfe, olivia benson, roman godfrey, dream the endless, lucifer (sandman), jonathan pine, mira phillips, the salesman (squid game), hwang jun ho (squid game), kim geon-woo (bloodhounds)
movies ↷
john wick, finnick odair, peeta mellark, johanna mason, han lue, cipher, walter de ville, tangerine, dave lizewski, thomas sharpe, james conrad, neil (tenet), edward cullen, millie / molotovgirl, dante reyes, thrandull, steve kemp, charlie swan, marquis vincent de gramont, keys (free guy), akira (john wick), beverly marsh (it two), ben hanscom (it two), keith (barbarian), frank (don't worry darling)
adam driver ↷
kylo ren/ben solo, adam sackler, flip zimmerman, phillip altman, charlie barber, henry mchenry, commander mills, rick smolan, officer ronnie peterson, matt the radar technician, clyde logan, paterson, jude
oscar isaac ↷
santiago garcia, poe dameron, nathan bateman, jonathan levy, william tell, blue jones, rydel keener
pedro pascal ↷
din djarin, javier peña, frankie morales, javi gutierrez, joel miller, dieter bravo
chris evans ↷
ransom drysdale, lloyd hansen, andy barber, ari levinson, frank adler, steve rogers, jake wyler
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huxs-waifu · 3 years
Shifted - Chapter One- Your Far From Home Princess
This is cross posted on A03 - link here - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27559456/chapters/67407712
masterlist for shifted - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/670680039555252224/shifted-master-list
pin interest board reader : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/vintagekola/shifted-fanfiction-hero/
Kylo Ren/Reader, Ben Solo/Reader, Armitage Hux/Original Female Character(s), Matt the Radar Technician/Reader 
NSFW 18 plus 
The reader gets shifted to the Finalizer in place of a princess due to marry Kylo Ren for political standing during the war. She must choose to fight against it; changing other peoples courses or play along this dream-like game trying to find a way home.
This will get a bit darker compared to my other fictions. I will make sure I put warnings at the start of chapters. tags are likely to change as we go along. The reader is female, with nobody descriptions just clothing. Smut will be soon Timeline wise this is set after TLJ but Rey as gone as well. The resistance and "the spy" are still at large.
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*No warnings in this first chapter*
"I don't care if she doesn't want to she is to marry Kylo ren. She will be the empress of the galaxy if she likes it or not. " Rang through your head like a bell, along with an intense headache. Waking you, you had found it jarring as there shouldn't be people in your house and you had definitely turned the telly off before going to bed. Through burry eyes you look around, the room wasn't yours, it was steel closed in walls. Gripping at the sheets, you look down at the fabric in your hands it's black silk compared to the cotton bedspread you when to sleep on.
"where the fuck am I? I've not been drinking," you exclaim out loud. Looking around the place at first you thought it was a prison but you knew it was fancier than that, as the sheets were silken there was a wardrobe and dresser. Your hands clutch to your chest suddenly aware of if you were wearing any clothes or the PJs you when to bed in. Looking down you were indeed wearing clothes but just a gauze bandeau top wrapped around you and a flowing beige cotton skirt, with multiple leather belts hanging from your hips. Next moving up to your face and hair, face felt as normal as it could. With your hair the same colour but ten times longer in a side ponytail washing over your shoulders.
Trying to stand and feel around the room more you heard some more voices added to the ones that had spoken, being drawn to the door it was coming from trying to tune in more to who was speaking. "Is she cooperating yet?" a mechanical, distorted voice starts up.
"no supreme leader she refuses to come out. The princess won't even let us open the door to bring in her things for tonight." Thumping starts on the door which you jump back from. "This princess is your supreme leader. Do not make me read your thoughts I will see them as clear as day. You will be attending our engagement party if you like it or not."Feeling a pain ringing through your head once more you're forced to your knees, chin seemingly being pulled up by invisible fingers to look at the person behind the door. The door sliding up to show a helmeted figure in black, the helmet looks like it has a muzzle of a dog, rimmed in a sliver visor. His head quirking to the side looking at you, giving off an air of malice around the whole shape of him. Standing behind you could see to more men dressed in black; one an ageing looking man with flared nostrils, the other a tall lean redhead with highly cut cheekbones. "Quite are we now princess?"
You speak out loud for the first time hoping this was some misunderstanding or a joke your friends where playing on you. Maybe they thought it would be funny to kidnap you, sending you to a cosplay convention. "I am NOT a princess, I don't know how I got here I am Y/N Y/L/N." spitting out at the man.
The redhead spoke; "That's a new one coming from her leader, maybe you've scrambled her mind using too much of the force on her. She maybe has it in her but she clearly isn't strong enough for it."
The metal man speaks his head moving back into place. " Your one to speak so quickly aren't you, need I remind you of your own predicament in your quarters Hux?"
"No Sir I am well aware. This is different. We have her credentials on file, this is the only princess you can marry."
"For the last time I am not a princess, I want to go home." breaking out into a sob.
"This is your home now get use to it! You will be escorted to the party in two hours." The invisible hands moving from your chin pushing your head downwards making you bow on the floor to him. "let the droid in with the dress. Princess, I hope you enjoy it. Pryde, Hux come. Make sure the door is shut again now."
Hearing what sounded like wheels entering the room and halting, your body still pinned in the bowing position. The air locking on the door happens again and you're able to move. Slapping your palms on your temples trying to get a grip. "I'm not a princess," you shout into the empty void. Machine sounds drew your attention to the new object in the room a robot holding a red wine dress. "Shit I'm in a fucking si-fi fairytale."
chapter 2 - here
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hela-of-ren · 7 years
My Chosen (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) (Ch. 6)
Kylo Ren x Reader
My Vampire Heart
Jerk Face
Mr. Romance
String Thongs
Bath Bomb
You’re Too Sexy, Beautiful
Boats & Birds
Ben Solo x Reader
Night Shift
Just Keep Swimming
He Gives Me Butterflies
Skin & Stars
Princess in Pink
Matt The Radar Technician x Reader
Bleach Blonde
Use Somebody
Solo!Triplets x Tough!Reader
Solo!Triplets x Sick!Reader
Solo!Triplets Road Trip
Solo!Triplets x Sad!Reader
Solo!Triplets x Exam Stressed!Reader
OC Stories
You Know I’m Such a Fool for You (Kylo x OC)
Baby boy (Matt x OC)
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mysteryofren · 4 years
Out Of State Adventures
chapter 43 of So Happy Together
Tags: @wumboho @pylopenpolo @duty-isnt-always-honour 
A/n: YOOO ELAINES ALMOST GONE IT HURTS also reader and Elaine's goodbye to her house is based of a song called little room by Dodie! Give it a listen for the full sad effect
  Time had gone by. You had seen Ben a few times between then, and now, but not enough to say you're dating just yet. He did keep his promise though. Every time he dropped you off or you left he would ask you to be his girlfriend. You would just laugh, and say bye. Now the summer is almost over. Elaine had her things packed, and ready to go for New York. You looked around the packed room in her home and felt a hint of excitement and sadness in your heart. This was it. The moment you guys had been dreading was coming, and she would have to leave you. Not only that but Hux is leaving too. You had looked in an open box in the corner of her room and saw a bunch of photos, and stuff to decorate her walls. You taped it shut, and wrote on the side what was in it. Her brother had walked by, and smiled at you. 
“Hey. You okay?” He asked walking back over. 
“What am I gonna do without her?” You asked him. 
“Dude, what's she gonna do without you? I know she's gonna be fine without seeing Matt, but you? I never thought she would go anywhere without you.” Sitting down on the bed you sighed. 
“Hey,” He began. “You guys will be fine. You’ll be up there with her in no time.” 
 He walked away again, and left you alone in the room. You looked at a spot where you guys had spilled nail polish on the floor during one of your sleepovers. On the floor was another stain you knew too well. Next to her desk was a dark spot on the floor from all the teas, and coffees shes dropped over the years. She had a bad habit of leaving her drinks at the edge of the desk, and accidentally dropping it. You were gonna miss that. At the dorm when you two put your desks together it was mostly so her mugs would just be pushed onto your desk instead of the floor. 
 You stood, and looked by her door. On the frame was marks that showed how much she had grown over the years. Closer to the top there were always two marks that were fairly close to each other. That’s when her parents started measuring your growth too. You had always wished they were your parents too. They had treated you like you were their kid too, and it always made your heart full when they would bring you to family holidays, and events. Behind her door was a bunch of different doodles, and writing. Elaine had people sign her door whenever they came over. You signed a bunch of times, but you still remember the first one. It was in the bottom left corner. A small heart with your initials in it. Under it you had written ‘your best friend until the end’. You ran your finger across it, and walked out of the room. Her parents had asked your grandfather inf they could borrow his truck for the move, and he happily handed his keys to you. 
The truck wasn’t enough so Matt was going to come by later, and help with the rest. The three of you were going to drive everything up to New York, and help her get settled in. it was going to be a lot of work, but you were ready for it. You know shes going to do the same for you when it comes time to leave.
“You okay? You seem a million miles away.” You heard her mother say. 
“I just cant believe shes already leaving. I feel like we didn’t have enough time.” You told her. 
“Well you both still have time. You guys have the rest of your lives I would say that’s enough time.” she smiled, and hugged you. 
“I feel like there’s never gonna be enough time for me, and her.” 
“Well you girls have been joined at the hip since you met.” she continued talking to you as you helped put more stuff in the bed of the truck. The day went on, and finally everything was done. 
 With the car packed all that was left was a few things for Matt’s car. You all had a 3 day drive ahead of you, which would certainly prove to be a challenge. Elaine, and you had hung out around her town while you waited for Matt to come get the rest of her stuff. The two of you had seen a movie, gotten lunch, and hung out at the park for a little bit. You were sitting on a swing with her watching a dog chase something when she called your name.
“Do you think New York will be fun? I'm scared it's not gonna be fun.” She asked. 
“Listen if it's not, it will be when me, Matt, and Phasma get there.”
“That is something to look forward to. Just wish Hux could be there too. I'm actually gonna miss him, and his dry humor more than anything.” 
“Wow, so you're going to miss Hux more than me?” You feigned offense, and she laughed at you. 
“Oh yeah definitely, what would I do without his remorseless gaze, and over gelled hair.” The two of you laughed. 
“I knew you were using me to get closer to Hux! To think all these years I thought I was really your best friend.” 
“No, it was all an illusion.” You laughed again, and stood up to stretch your legs out. 
“Hey, are you gonna miss me?” She asked, still sitting on the swing. 
“About as much as you’re going to miss Hux.” You joked. 
“I'm serious Y/N. I'm so scared. For the first time ever I'm really gonna be on my own. I'm scared to do it without you. I'm scared of you, and Matt forgetting me.”
“We could never forget you. If anything you'll forget about us. I mean you’ll be at a fancy school with fancy new friends in a fancy new city. You're gonna be great.” 
Just then you got a text. It was Ben. 
‘Hey kid, we're at Elaine's house whenever you guys are ready.’ 
You let her know, and you two left the park. The drive to her house was quiet. Neither of you sat in comfortable silence as she drove to her house. As soon as you got his car packed up you all would be leaving. Then the real anxiety would kick in. None of it ever felt real to you, and it probably wouldn't feel real until you got there. You saw the gate to her neighborhood, and felt nervous for some reason. You guys pulled into the driveway, and you saw Matt, and Bens car sitting with the trunk open. Just then you saw her brother, and Matt walk out with a few boxes. 
 Matt called out to Elaine as the two of you got out of the car. She ran over to him as he put the box down in the trunk. As they kissed you heard her brother groan and walk away. You went inside after him to help finish packing. You walked in, and saw Ben walking with a bag in his hand.
“Hey kid, I think she's only got one bag left, after that we're good to go.” He said stopping next to you, and kissing your cheek. His wording had gone over your head, and you just headed upstairs to grab the bag. 
  Her room was officially empty. All that was in it was her old bed, and a dresser. You picked the bag up from the bed, and headed downstairs. Ben had taken the bag from you, and placed it in the backseat. With that being done it was time to go. You, and Elaine looked at the house from your car. She asked to go in one last time before leaving, and the two of you walked through. You went to every room, and each room you passed through another memory came to your mind. Her parents room where you guys would have late night conversations with her mom. Her oldest brother's room where you guys would watch him play video games. The dining room where her family held so many dinners. Finally you got to her room. There were so many memories that came to mind it was overwhelming. 
 This room had seen a lot. You both had spent holidays here. Talked about boys, told secrets, laughed, cried, and smiled so much in this one little room. It had seen you, and her grow up. Now you guys were too grown to stay here anymore. She hugged you as you two walked out of it. It still didn't feel real yet. The both of you got downstairs to say goodbye to her parents. Her mother smiled as she hugged, and kissed Elaine. Her dad was crying as he held her tight. It would be a long time before they saw each other again. Her parents didn't like traveling so for the most part all their kids did this type of stuff themselves. At least her other brother had decided to go to college locally. 
“So, what's the plan? Are we dropping Ben off,and going from there?” Elaine asked. 
“I'm coming with you guys.” He stated.
“You are?” Elaine had asked. 
“Haven't you had enough out of state adventures?” She asked him with an angry tone.
“You're still holding that against me?” 
“Ben I plan on holding it against you until I die.” He put his hands up in defeat, and walked towards your truck. 
“You're driving with me?” You asked him.
“Yeah kid.” He said as he got in. you looked over to Matt's car where you saw Elaine, and Matt getting in. 
“When are you gonna stop calling me kid?” you asked as you got in, and started the car. 
“Until you let me call you my girlfriend.” 
“You are persistent i’ll give you that.” 
“Hey we got a 3 day drive ahead of us. I bet by the end of this you’ll say yes.” 
“Alright its a bet.” You said with a smile. 
 You had been driving for 6 hours already. Night had come, but you all still got as far as you could. You all wanted to at least get across state lines before stopping for a rest. Driving with Ben hadn’t been as unbearable as you thought. It had been fun to your surprise. He would blast music, and the two of you would sing along. He had a habit of badly dancing during some songs though. You thought the drive would never end until finally you the sign welcoming you to the next state. You sighed with relief, and called Elaine. 
‘Hey there's a small motel up ahead we’re gonna stop there.’ she said as soon as she answered the phone. 
‘Thank god. I'm so tired I felt like I was gonna pass out.’ 
‘Don't pass out just yet we still have like 30 minutes before we get there.’ 
 You groaned loudly as you hung up. You were more tired than you were hungry. You all stopped at a gas station for snacks before leaving, and Ben had been handing you yours as time went by. It was a sweet gesture. Every now, and then he would pull out one of your snacks, and he would hold it up for you to take a bite while you kept your eyes on the road. He did it again once you had hung up knowing you would need something to keep you going until then. After, what felt like hours, you had finally seen the neon sign of the motel up ahead. You pulled into it following Matt to where he was going to park. You had to use the bathroom badly so you ran to it as the others checked it. 
 When you finished, and came out the only thing you saw in the parking lot was Ben leaning against the truck. You jogged over to him, and he smiled holding up a key. 
“Where's Elaine and your brother?” You asked.
“Well.” He began, “they didn't have any rooms with two beds. So we ended up getting two rooms.” 
“Okay. that still doesn't explain where they are.” 
“They decided to just share a room so you, and I will be rooming together.” You felt your face begin to heat up. Not only did you have to be stuck in a car with him for three days, but now you also had to sleep in the same room with him. 
  He grabbed your bag out of the car for you along with his. He handed over the key, and gestured for you to go ahead of him. You looked at the room number, and began to look for the room all while he spoke to you about little random things. You didn't dare to look at him as he spoke, because you knew he would see how red your face had gotten. You found the room, and opened it up. As you walked in you felt your heart stop. There was only one bed. You had hoped that maybe it was a room with two twin beds or something, but unfortunately the world isn't so kind today. The door slammed behind you, and you heard him put the bags down on the floor.
“I'm gonna go shower.” You said as you quickly went to the small bathroom, and closed the door. 
  You didn’t need to shower, but you were going to just to get away for a bit. You stripped off your clothes, and started the water, which to your surprise was pretty hot. You were about to hop in when he knocked on the door. Part of you planned to ignore it until he knocked again. You sighed, and wrapped one of the small towels around your body. You opened the door only a crack, and saw him standing against the wall next to the door. He held a pair of folded pajamas in his hand and he held them out.
“Figured you might need these.” He said shoving his hand, and the clothes through. 
“Oh thank you. It completely slipped my mind to grab some.” you said taking them out of his big hand. 
“I mean by all means if you don't need them feel free.” He joked as he gave you a big goofy smile. You playfully hit him, and shut the door. You placed the clothes down, and towel down on the counter when you heard him knock again. 
“Hey save some hot water for me i'm going in after you.” You heard him call out from the room.
 You smiled to yourself, and got in. the entire time you wondered what you were supposed to do for tonight. You could sleep on the floor. He could sleep on the floor. If neither of you came to an agreement about who would sleep on the floor, then maybe you could just use pillows to make a wall between you two. The shower didn’t last too long. You wanted to save him some hot water so you only stayed in for a few minutes before hoping out. You dried your body off, and grabbed another towel for your hair. After changing ino your pajamas you walked out, and saw him laying on the bed. It had new sheets,and a new blanket. 
“Did you change the bedding?” You asked him.
“Oh yeah. My mom always does it at hotels so I guess its just a habit I picked up from her.”
 Just then he jumped up, and grabbed his clothes. He walked to the bathroom. Once you heard the door close you sat on the bed. It was surprisingly soft. You laid down for what you thought would be a second until you fell asleep.
  You woke up slowly. First you just heard the things around you like the birds outside, the cars passing by, and the breeze going through the trees. You moved your body a little when you felt something on you. You linked once. Then twice. Then you opened just one eye to try, and adjust to the lighting. You were facing the window. The sun was shining through the little hole between the two curtains. It couldn't have been too late. Maybe 9 or 10 in the morning. Slowly you reached up to feel for the towel you had fallen asleep with. It was gone. It must have fallen off in the night. At this point you could comfortably open both eyes. You tried to sit up, but something was weighing you down. 
  Slowly you turned your head, and saw Ben sleeping next to you. His body was facing yours, and he had one arm under you, and one on top of you. He looked peaceful. You watched as his nose flared a bit while he breathed, and his lips twitched slightly. He tightened his grip on you a bit as his sleeping body felt your movements. You turned so you were looking up at the ceiling. As you did so you heard him groan, and mumble something under his breath. You smiled, and closed your eyes again. You began to drift off again when you felt him pull you closer, and lay his head in the crook of your neck. You placed a hand gently on the side of his face as you felt his breath tickle your skin. 
  Sleep took you again. This time you woke up, and he was gone. You sat up, and looked around. It was less bright for sure. This time it had to be maybe 12 or 11. The place where Ben had slept next to you was a bit messed up. You stood, and saw the towel that was on your head had been placed back on the chair by the front door. He must have taken it off for you, and placed it there. You slowly walked to the bathroom, and got ready for the day. As you finished getting dressed you heard the door open. Ben called your name out, and you walked out of the bathroom. He had a small bag in his hand, and he placed it on the side table by the bed.
“Drove like 30 minutes to get us some breakfast. Hope you like egg, and cheese bagel sandwiches.” You smiled, and walked over to grab one of the sandwiches from the bag. 
 You opened it up, and began eating when he sat next to you to do the same. You tried to avoid looking at him as you slowly ate. He cleared his throat, and then spoke. 
“So, uh, you sleep good kid?” He asked before taking another bite. You swallowed, and thought for a second.
“Yeah, I did, thank you.” 
“You fell asleep with the towel on your head, but I took it off for you.” 
“Yeah I noticed. Thanks.” 
“Oh yeah no problem.” He said as he finished his sandwich. 
It felt awkward. Like he knew that you saw him cuddled up against you like a big puppy. It was probably best to get it out of the way before you had to sit in a car for 12 hours together.
“So last night wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.” You finally said. He smiled a bit as he cleaned up the room. 
“Oh yeah? Why did you think it would be bad?” You stood up, and talked as you packed up your things. 
“I don't know. Just thought it would be awkward sleeping in the same bed together or something.”
“Well I can't say I have any complaints either. You're much better to sleep with than Rey.” your face flushed. 
“Really?” Was all you could bring yourself to ask. 
“Yeah. she never let me hold her while we slept. She's also a bed hog. I would always wake up with Half my body hanging off the bed while she was stretched up.” You laughed while helping him get his sheets off the bed. 
“I completely forgot she does that. When we were kids she would always kick me off the bed, and I would have to go sleep with my grandparents or sleep on the floor.” 
“Yeah exactly! When she would stay at my house I would have to go to the guest bedroom.” 
“Did she ever kick you in her sleep?” You asked. 
“No. She would just slowly push me away.” 
“Well at least she grew out of her sleep kicking. I would wake up with bruises on my back from her kicking.” He laughed as you two finished packing up. 
 You guys stayed chatting as you got your things together to go meet Matt, and Elaine. You both waited by the car, and talked as you waited. After a few minutes you saw them both walk out of their room. They talked as they came down before Elaine saw you. She ran up to you, and you two talked for a bit while the boys went to check out. 
“Sorry we dumped you with him. I wanted to room with you, but Matt really wanted to stay with each other.” 
“It's fine. It wasn't all that bad either.” You said with a smile. Her jaw dropped as she saw your face turn red again. 
“Oh my star. Did you two do something?” She asked. 
“Oh, god, no. I passed out after I showered. I did wake up to him holding me though.” She jumped up, and down a bit while clapping her hands together.
“Yes!!! I know for a fact Solo men are great at cuddling,so how did you like it?” 
“It was so great. I will admit though I think I enjoyed my night with Hux a bit more.” 
“That feels like it was ages ago. To think that was the day we got your dress.” 
“I know. I feel like it's all moving by so quick.” She hugged you, and you both turned to see the boys walk out. 
 They let you know that you had been all checked out, and were set to go. Elaine pulled away from you, and gave you a wink as she walked away. You turned to get in when Ben came behind you, and offered to drive. You gladly handed him the keys, and made your way to the passenger seat. This went on for the rest of the trip. You would stop somewhere, and switch seats. He would drive, then you, then him, and back to you again. Night came again, and once more you two were placed together. The both of you would sleep, cuddle, wake up, eat breakfast, and leave. It stayed that way until you had finally arrived at NYU.
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
She’s No Angel (Part 38)
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A/N: It’s LONG af! But necessary!! 
She’s No Angel Masterlist
Kylo awoke from sleep with the sun peeking through the old blinds in the room he was now inhabiting. He had decided to leave the security of his mother’s abode and venture off into the general population. This decision came with mixed feelings amongst the base. Luke thought it would be best if he roomed with someone who held a similar skill set, for extra protection, just in case. This is how Kylo found himself with Rey. By the time he finally opened his lids, there was no sight of the brunette, which means she must have had a meeting. If she went to practice, she would’ve woke him up, as they both would whenever they couldn’t sleep. Insomnia was something that they both suffered from, some nights heavier than most. But having to share the night with someone, somewhat lulled the nightmares. Rey’s happened every once in a while and Kylo’s would come every few weeks now. Some very vivid and painful that he just knew it was a vision. It was always the same recurring dream, each time it extended in length but never showing the full story. He wanted to share, but fear and paranoia ate at home, so instead, he just buried it into the back of his mind and prayed to the makers that it wouldn’t eat at his already black soul.
Getting up, he made his way to the training room that was just down the hall. His daily routine was always like this: train, shower, meditate, breakfast and any other minuscule task his mother or uncle asked him to do. Today wasn’t anything different, well that’s what it seemed like but as he entered the debriefing room, the tensions were high. Emotions were varied at whatever had just been discussed. “Ben,” Luke walked to his nephew. “There is something we need to discuss.” His dark eyebrow rose before following, Luke and Leia, with Rey right in tow. There was something of unspoken trust between them, a sense of security they both provided. It must’ve been during the time they had their force bond, though they still hadn’t discussed everything that had happened between that time. Still, all secrets had been shared and everything was out in the open. The four stood in the office behind the debriefing room. “The First Order is falling, members have been deflecting and fleeing to various parts of the galaxy,” Luke told Kylo. “Have you been receiving any nightmares?” His nephew shook his head explaining how it had been weeks. Rey nodded to Luke. “Snoke is growing weak. He has no time to be preoccupied with your mind. Many higher officers have been trying to escape and he’s turned the attention to catch and punish them. We have been finding them all over and bringing them in for questioning and possible trials for their actions towards the galaxy.” Luke explained.
Kylo looked at his uncle then his mother. “We just want to prepare, not wanting to se-” Leia stopped before, she flashed him a worrisome look. “You may no way participate in any of these,” Luke said sternly. “We think it will be best for you to vacate for the time being with Rey.” Kylo nodded, fully understanding. Rey nodded accepting her position as she followed him out of the room. “So when do I leave?” Kylo looked at the shorter girl, just barely at his shoulder. She let out a shaky breath. “Whenever you want, as long as it’s before they bring in the higher officials,” Rey said. “So I can go now?” He asked. “If that’s what you want.” She looked up with gleaming eyes with his stoic face. Not once had he changed in expression upon a arrival, so she guessed that was better than anything else. “I guess we should let them know.” Both of them took a turn to head to the positions of Leia and Luke. They were both in a pretty intense discussion as two ships were filing out First Order members, all cuffed together. Luke peered back at them and cut the conversation short before going over to them. “I think it would be best to depart now,” Luke said. “Well, that’s what we came to tell you guys.” Rey looked over her master’s shoulder. “Why? What’s going on?” Leia approached just in time to answer the question. “There was a massacre on a planet where some of them were seeking refuge. Snoke sent his elite guards to finish them and whoever helped off.”
Kylo who watched the scene with furrowed brows. All those faces, well most, he had at least seen them in passing. They looked dreadful and plagued. His chest tightened feeling of familiarity. His feet led him to that place, he was too far by the time the three realized that he had slipped right past them. “Watch her, she’s dangerous.” A pilot told shoved a female prisoner to another man. Kylo peered behind the man to see the woman’s face. He felt as if his last breath had left his body. “Angel?” He gasped. Either he was dead or you were coming back to haunt him because he had killed you. (Y/e/c) eyes, puffy, red, but still bright and innocent like the first time he peered into it looked up into it. “Kylo,” The name that was a curse to all of his evil left her lips sweet like the galaxy buns and champagne that they shared in past times. “You look good.” The corner of her lips tugged up slightly as she took in his healthy appearance, it was clear that this was the best decision for him. “You...You look…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it, even with the mixture of dirt, ash, and blood-streaked upon her face and clothing she was still beautiful. The man that stood between them looked at both of them with fear before separating himself. Now, Kylo was able to fully take in her full appearance. From her wild hair, down to her bruised yet delicate hands that were handcuffed resting atop of her protruding belly. His eyes widened as he took a step forward, speechless. It didn’t take long before he felt another force signature that was different from the others that he was used to. It was strong like his but soft, it was beautiful and it was coming from you.
Lurching forward, he tried to remove the cuffs only to realize they were energy cuffs. It was then he could feel it was hurting the baby and his actions were scaring it. “Take these cuffs off of her!” He ordered. “NOW! SOMEONE TAKE THESE CUFFS OFF!” He continued yelling causing a scene. Your hands worked to capture his, trying to calm him down. “Kylo, Kylo, Kylo.” Y/n said looking into his eyes. “It’s ok, we are ok, I’m a prisoner, it’s ok.” But he shook his head. “You’re pregnant, you shouldn’t be manhandled and living in these conditions.” He began to ramble off but you still disagreed understanding that this, pregnant or not, was happening and had to accept it. “Kylo please, just...we are going to be ok, I’ve been doing this for about five months now. The baby is in a safer place now.” You give him a small smile. He couldn’t tear his eyes from yours, how could you stand here so strong and reassure him after everything. If anyone deserved imprisonment it was him for all the hurt and strife he had caused you. “Ben,” Those three letters made Y/N and him look over to see Rey who had to pause her approaching steps and peered between the former toxic couple. Distantly behind her, stood Luke and Leia observing. “I think they need you...Ben.” Y/n said before being ushered by an officer. Kylo watched her before running up to Leia. “You need to let her go.” He said sternly. “Ben, you have no right to say that,” Leia spoke. “You need to let her go now!” This time it was a command. “I think we should leave now,” Rey said. “I’m not leaving!” He turned to Rey before speaking to his mother. Rey felt a hurt. He hadn’t spoken to her like that in such a long time, she had forgotten the feeling. She stared at his large back that blocked her off from the conversation that was between the Skywalkers only. Luke gave her a look excusing her, with a nod, she walked off pushing down her bubbling emotion.
Kylo returned to his room hours later to see Rey had packed everything. With gritted teeth, he began to unpack his items. Rey walked in with tentative confidence. “Ben, we should leave now.” “I’m not going.” He glared back at her, continuing his actions. “And I thought you heard that, but I guess you put your judgment and feelings before practical reasoning.” The words he spat stung but it was true. “It’s not best for you to stay here while she is here,” Rey spoke up. “No, YOU don’t get to tell me what to do when it comes in regards to her!” He pointed at Rey. “I was the one that caused all of this!” He spoke loudly. “And I will be the one to get her out of this.” Rey took a step forward. “Ben, you know you can’t. Luke and Leia said-” “I don’t. give a. FUCK! What they said. That is the mother of my child; it’s my responsibility to take care of them.” Kylo sighed. “The technician, the spy, whatever she was, was pregnant too before she took her life.” Rey was shocked by this information and remembered that scene she intruded vividly. “But, Angel she is love and you can feel it, don’t deny it.” He told Rey, she couldn’t and she was jealous. “After everything, during this, she is warmth, she is comfort, she is protection for my child. I sullied her and abused her love, but still, with the corrupted force I may have passed onto my child she has changed it into something beautiful. Don’t you feel it?” A soft smile appeared on his face, something Rey had never seen. “Their soul is so beautiful and it’s because of her. She saves everything and makes it better and now it’s my turn.” He walked right past her, leaving Rey with stinging eyes.
Kylo began to maneuver his way through the occupied hangar before bumping into someone. He shot them a glare to see a familiar pair of blue eyes scowling at him. Fully taking in the person, he said there name breathlessly: “Phasma,” It seemed to set her off as she attempted to headbutt him. Thankfully her restraints were set to stun and she collided to the floor. He began walking backward until he was shoved forward. Spinning around her met a wild Hux, his hair fell in front of his bloodshot eyes. For the first time, he looked spent, all those sleep-deprived years of trying to keep it together had caught up to him. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT REN!” He spat before officers were dragging him somewhere. All of this caused an uproar from the detained former employees of the First Order. Kylo couldn’t help but look at all there twisted demonic faces yell at him, not even the force was on his side as he tried to escape. With every push through the crowd, he gained a shove. His mind ran wild as he feet led the way. Maybe Rey was right, he shouldn’t be here, he should leave. Turning the corner, he started to catch his breath when he heard a soft voice echoing through the empty hallway. Without thinking, he made his way toward the hidden voice keeping his footsteps light. “Kylo?” the voice belonged to you and it sounded soft yet strong. He peered from the shadows of the hallway and saw you standing behind the cells little frame. “Angel,” “Why are you still here Kylo, they told me you were leaving.” She asked with furrowed brows. But, he quickly shook his head dismissing it. “I’m staying here. I’m staying here for you...and our baby.” Through the force, he reached out to feel the extra life force and it was even more beautiful than before.
“Has she said anything?” The hushed voice asked. “Compliant, but no. Maybe we can use Ben.” Another voice spoke. “No! Bad enough he’s still here and the fact that she’s pregnant makes matters worse.” “I know, we’ve tried some tactics, but doing it to someone pregnant feels wrong.�� Kylo overheard this conversation while he was sneaking throughout the base; he felt the anger begin to boil within him. The thought of someone purposely harming you, especially in this state, made him mad. He stopped in his tracks as he thought of all the bad things he had to down to her. No more, he would make it right. With the key he had taken from a passing officer, Kylo snuck into your cell to see your shivering figure curled up on the hard cot. Pink lips tugged down in a pout as he brushed your wild, matted curls out of your face. With a whimper, you stirred before looking at him with sleepy eyes. “What are you doing here?” You mumbled. “I came to check on you, you shouldn’t be living in these conditions.” He said with sadness and for a moment you saw the brown eyes you fell in love with. With a sigh, Y/N sat up. “Kylo, I’m a prisoner of war-” “You’re pregnant!” He stated the obvious. “With my kid and I’m not going to allow them to hurt either one of you because it’s all my doing.” You sat there silently, surprised that he had admitted to this. “Just tell me at least one thing, that you want, I’ll do it. Just so you can understand how much I want to help, please.” He held your hands in your larger ones as he pleaded. There was so much that you wanted: an actual bed to sleep on, a proper meal, to see Hux and Phasma, to leave. “If you can get me a blanket, that would be nice.” Kylo watched as you sweetly smiled. “It gets quite cold and it’s already hard to sleep.”  He looked at you with furrowed brows. If you told him to get you out of here, he’d kill the guard in a snap! But here you were, asking for a measly blanket. He gulped, knowing what he was about to do next would cause him to suffer dire consequences if someone found out. He nodded standing up. “Ok, but you have to come with me.”
Kylo’s silent footsteps lead the way to the private sector that cut off from the main base. With a wave of his hand the door flew open, taking a stepped inside where the room illuminated to reveal a very quaint refresher. You were a little surprised that he had led you here. His hand tugged yours pulling you in; his brown eyes raked over you before connecting with hers. “Ma-May I?” His fingers lightly drifted against the fabric of the dirtied dress you were wearing. With a nod, he slowly began to peel the fabric off of your body while using the force to configure with the shower. When he was done, Kylo drank in the sight of your gravid state and the heavenly glow you emitted. That was until he saw the bruises that littered your arms, hips, ribs, back, thighs, and legs. Creases formed on his brows as he went to observe one of the darkening bruises. “How did this happen?” He asked. “I slipped.” Her words were quick, but he knew there was more. The bruise was too fresh, it had to have happened on this base. “Who did this to you?” He asked. Y/N looked up at him with a downhearted look as he saw the memory of her in the large communal showers being sprayed with a hose as she did her best to conceal the baby. She tried her best to calm her sobs, but the stream of tears was prominent on her face. The water hit harder against her as the pressure accelerated causing her to slip and stumble to the wall, as she fell to her knees in a breakdown. ‘That’s enough’. Kylo stood straighter at the sound of that voice. He knew that voice. The owner of the voice wrapped Y/N in a towel and helped her to reveal Rey. But Kylo couldn’t believe it, Rey was so hellbent on seeing the good and redeeming people, he would never believe that she could do this. Kylo hadn’t realized that you had left him standing in the middle of the room as you took your shower, savoring every drop of hot water that touched your skin.
When you were finally ready to exit, Kylo welcomed you with a towel. He engulfed you in it before sitting you on the toilet. In silence, Y/N watched him put bacta on her bruises before he slipped his tunic over her. A giggle left her plump lips as she took a look at herself in the mirror. She always wore his tunics that were too large for her. “I think you and I are starting to wear the same size.” You said which caused both of you to chuckle. Then he had helped you into a pair of his nice lined pants. The warmth consumed you causing you to hum as you followed him. Instead of going down the path you came from, he went another direction. He stopped before the door, tensing before entering. “Kylo…” You started. “You should bring me back.” You stood still in your spot as he stood before you, shaking his head. “Your cold, your hurting, I-I can’t let you stay like this.” Tears began to well in his eyes as his forehead fell to yours. He nuzzled his face into your hand that brushed gently against his cheek. “Please,” He begged. “Please let me do this.” Y/N nodded accepting his offer to share his bed. In the dark, your eyes scanned the room. “She sleeps here...too?” A hint of jealousy danced along your tongue as you asked, noting that there was only one bed but remembering hearing about how they lived together. “No...she has her own room,” Kylo told as he moved to give you enough space for your bump. His long fingers danced against your belly feeling the force around him. “I know...I’m not the best, but I feel such a connection,” Kylo said. “The baby is strong but calm and beautiful. All because of you.” Your hands interlocked with his on top of your stomach and said: “Our baby.”
Leia paid a visit to Luke on Ach-to, to discuss what was going on with her son. “I’m afraid he might hear things.” Leia reasoned as to why she wished to meet with her brother off the base. Luke nodded in agreement. “We should’ve just sent them off as I recommended.” He said. Her brown eyes cut to his as she reminded her brother of the past. “I’ve learned from my past mistakes that shipping him off makes matters worse. Telling him the truth would be better than him to fall again.” Hurt coursed through Luke as he remembered that night. He turned, back facing his sister. “You’re right. But what do we do now?” He asked. “Not only is it just the Moff Hux and Admiral Phasma, it’s General L/N!” He stated the obvious. “We know of their history, he even attempted to kill her! Yet she returns and pregnant!” He spun around moving towards his sister. “It is his child. I know you can feel it.” Leia looked down not wanting to admit it, but how she could she not. The same force that flowed through her son, was flowing through her grandchild. It was almost the same feeling that she had felt decades earlier when she carried Ben. “Ben’s been sneaking around and talking to her; she could corrupt him any minute. Her crimes can’t go unpunished, but the child need not suffer.” Luke told his sister. Her eyes cast up upon her brother. “W-What do you suggest?” She asked. A glint hit his eye before disappearing as he moved closer to tell him of his plan that he suggested.
In the weeks leading to your trial, Kylo had been sneaking you with luxuries that shouldn’t have been provided with your status as a prisoner. But soon enough, your sweet smiles turned into paranoid stress. Certain times you would tell him to stop or hesitate in his touch, complaining of those watching. But no one was watching, Kylo had been careful in his tracks. But not careful enough to notice that his attitude had completely shifted since your arrival on the base. Rey had begun to take on more missions instead of facing him. She had to come back though for the trail, they needed one more force user that was strong enough to contain Kylo. Twas the night before the trial and Kylo had snuck into your cell once again, this time he didn’t have time to ask what you wanted or provide you with a snack. “I want to see Hux and Phasma.” Y/N stood there, now pushing seven months with her arms on her hips. His lips parted, then contorted. What she was asking was punishable by exile and he couldn’t be alone, not at this state. Then again, it was you. This is how he found himself outside of the cell that now contained the three deadliest prisoners that had been captured from the Order. Listening, he could hear quiet sobs, hushes, reassurances, and low whispers of things that shouldn’t be discussed out of the three of them. Kylo knocked on the door, letting them know that time was up. He delivered Hux back to his cell and lastly you. His brown eyes looked you over, still appearing as the strong woman he knew but your eyes held little fear. “Kylo, you need to promise me one thing.” She asked. “Whatever happens tomorrow, don’t say or do anything, please.” He felt a shiver run down his spine at her words like she knew something would happen that he didn’t. It made him uneasy.
Kylo wasn’t allowed in the main court, resulting in him standing in a room that gave view to the trial. In there were Rey and a few others. Her hazel eyes flicked to his before returning to the scene beforehand. She didn’t say anything to him and vice versa. The room was silent, however when the court doors opened the people barked profanities and cursed the three who walked with heads held high. Kylo’s eyes stayed glued on you, cuffed hands resting over your large belly, nestled between Hux and Phasma. He watched as a man spit right on your cheek. His hand flexed and Rey caught the man begin to choke. “Stop it,” Her rough hand covered his fist and he loosened. Slowly, she began to intertwine his hand until he pulled away retreating to sit far from the others. The trial lasted for days and each day the three relived the same treatment as before. But, you, Hux, and Phasma handled it really well. Obviously being trained for it, but to see what had been instilled in the Order used before him made him think that the Order was better at the preparation than when the Resistance would repeat their mantra before death. “Were you involved in romantic relationships with any high officials?” A judge asked you. “Yes,” Y/N answered. Kylo felt his heart pick up and so did Rey as she turned to observe him. “Is he here in this room?” You looked down before letting out a shaky no. Kylo looked down disappointed in himself that he wasn’t there for you. “Is he the father of your child?” The judge asked. “Yes, he is.” “May you please state his name and position.” Y/N cleared her voice before speaking loud and clear. “Romulus Hux, Captain of the First Order.” Leia and Luke looked at each other with confusion, before Kylo burst in the room. “She lies, he is not the father, I am!” Gasp and whispers filled the room as Kylo continued. “I was in a relationship with her before defecting, it is my child that she carries. My force lives within her.” Even in death, Kylo couldn't help the jealousy that Lucky caused him. The judged yelled for order as chaos began to break through. “SHE CARRIES THE DARK FORCE WITHIN HER. SHE HAS COLLECTED HIS SIN AND SPAWNED IT!” A bold member of the audience accused Y/N, which had everyone agreeing. “Is this true?” The judge asked you and which you replied in defeat. The other judges on the channel began to whisper before the main judge spoke again. “You all know of your crimes, deeds, and bids to corrupt the universe.” He spoke to them. “You all will be sentenced to death before your peers.” Y/N couldn’t help the vomit that escaped her lips as she turned behind her, just before looking up to see Kylo’s apologetic eyes.
It had been almost two months since you saw Kylo. Y/N refused to see him, but she knew he was always watching; as the end of the third trimester approached her senses had heightened and could feel him everywhere. Even when he used the force to lightly caress her, she hated to admit it but she enjoyed it. It was driving Kylo mad not to see you, to be away from you during this time. You were truly alone. Kylo was meditating outside before he heard the sounds of footsteps approaching before they stopped. “I want to go back.” He heard her voice before the guard agreed to return her. He had to say something to her before it was too late. He felt it. He felt it that night, the distress through the force. It was coming from their child. Not caring who saw, he stumbled through the base to make his way towards you. Entering your cell, he saw you clutching onto your stomach leaning on the wall. His eyes flicked to your soaked sheets of water and blood before rushing over to you. “Angel!” He wrapped you in his arms trying to pull you to the door. “Come on, we have to get you help.” “No, please!” Y/N cried out. “Please don’t, they’re going to take my baby.” He brushed the hair back off her sweat covered forehead. “No, no they won’t. I won’t let them.” He whispered. But she disagreed with his answer. “Yes, they will! They’re going to kill me and take my baby away.” Y/N cried. He gulped shaking his head. “No, my mother would never-” “Yes!” You interrupted. “I-I saw it in Poe’s mind, I’m only being kept alive to birth the baby and then they’re going to take it away, they’re going to keep it away from you too! They’re afraid, they’re afraid of what you’ll do.” Kylo shut his eyes tightly not wanting to believe her. “No,” He shook his head. “Yes, they still don’t trust you, after everything.” Y/N told him.
He continued to shake his head, pulling you to the door. Y/N dropped her weight causing them both to fall. “NO I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU TAKE MY BABY!” She croaked. “I won’t let it be alone, I won’t leave it.” Kylo pulled her up once more. “Let. Me. Help. You.” He said straining to pull her up. “You want to help me?! THEN KILL ME!” She screamed and he froze. “Kill me and the baby, let me live in peace. Everything I have ever loved has been torn out of my hands by this cruel universe and I refuse for you and your family to do it now with this.” She pointed to the baby. Tears were now replaced with a manic look in her eyes. “I watched Lucky die helping us escape Snoke, the Knights tortured and dismembered for protecting us.” The glossy look found it’s way back on you (y/e/c) eyes. “My mother!” Her voice died out at the phrase. “I watched my mother die before me as I hid watching the life and blood leave her body. I’ve seen everyone who had loved and protected me die.” Tears began to stream down her face. “I-I’ve seen Phasma finish off by a firing squad and Hux tortured to death, leaving me here for two months to await my death. Even though, I know in any moment they’ll cut me open and take it out of me leaving me to rot. I’m alone and I refuse to leave this baby alone and unprotected.” She shook her head. “You never loved me and you’re only doing this out of guilt and the fact that I’m carrying your child!” She spat. “If you want to do something useful, if you really want to help me, kill me!”
Kylo’s hands felt heavy, looking down loomed the dark heavy crossguard saber from his past. He felt breathless as she pleaded with him. His thumb fell over the switch igniting it, having the red glow cast over their faces. The hums of the cracked crystal were calming until he heard the sound of the baby cry. He dropped the saber and carefully cradled the baby, a boy. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked down to the wrinkled, small thing with dark hair. “He’s beautiful,” You whispered reaching out for him. Kylo handed him over to you. Y/N clung to her son tightly before she began to weep. Kylo watched the scene before he watched the hand that rested on his back fall limp. “Angel?” He called out and felt through the force, that your life was gone. The baby began to cry again and panic set in. It was only a matter of time before someone would come to check on her. He had failed her in so many ways, this was the least he could do. Clenching his fist, he closed his eyes letting the tears push through as he heard his son’s cries turn to whimper then fade out. “Ben,” His eyes opened to the gasp. “What did you do?” Staring at the scene before him with the ignited saber and the dead bodies of the mother and his child, he looked down to see his hand covered in blood. Her blood. Kylo jolted forward to grab at the saber, only to find himself covered in sweat catching his breath in his bed. He had had this dream many times, ever since those nights where he banished himself to the moon for kidnapping you. But it was more real than before and actually presented the full dream this time. Could this be a vision? Was the universe trying to tell him something? “Ben?” Rey’s sleepy voice called out to him. “It’s just a dream.” She reassured him. “She’s still gone.” Kylo began to relax and lay back down. He believed her, but still, reached out to search for Y/N’s life force. He felt nothing.
P.S.: Omg all dat and it was just a dream, y'all can fight me its fine. But bruh, we almost done. I love you guys for putting up with my shit.
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The Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. tagged by: @rivendell101
I’m giving the title, the ship, and a brief description. Most of these are either me writing down ideas related to it or I have no intentions of posting. I also keep two memos in my phone of ongoing ideas that have no document associated with it. 
What am I doing with my life? || Sweet Pea x Reader || basically me freaking out about my future, but turning it into a reader insert
Riv- pref - languages of love || A lot of people x Reader || This is done. I just never posted. How different characters give/receive love
Sweet blurb - injured incomplete || Sweets x reader || When FP and Fangs drag Sweet Pea home... and he is injured... Yeah... I wrote 1.5 pages and forgot this existed...
Oblivious || Sweet Pea x Reader || Future, reminiscing, finding out they both had feelings for each other
Control || No ship || A Halloween song-fic I never finished
Buffy??? || SP x Reader || The vampire Halloween fic I started with, but I didn’t like enough to write more than two pages
Havana || Sweet Pea x underdeveloped OC || Dirty Dancing inspired fic - hardly anything to share yet. All the document has is an outline of the character’s background
White Night || Sweet Pea x Reader/OC|| Literally only have four sentences for. It’s a reincarnation soulmate AU
Star Wars
Radar || Kylo Ren x Reader || In which the reader meets Matt the Radar Technician and feels start happening. (Although I never wrote that part, this is the start of the romance after he stopped being Matt)  
Kylo blurb - post matt || Kylo x Reader || This is an ongoing daydream in my head. I hardly write anything for it. This was more of an epilogue for Radar
Teen Wolf
Exams || Stiles x Reader || Scott, Stiles, and Reader study for exams, Reader struggling with stress, basically me during finals my last year of school
The 100
100 || Bellamy x OC || Scenes from throughout the seasons with my OC, mainly just me indulging myself in some Bellmay love
El Blossom? || Peter Parker x OC || Miraculous Ladybug inspired fic. I’m still really early in development of the character, but if you watch Miraculous Ladybug it’s going to be a similar “love square.” This is what I’ve been thinking the most of lately. I even did a terribly drawn sketch of the outfit.
Tagging: I have no friends (come talk to me guys!), so I’ll tag some writers I really enjoy!
@sweetpca   @worriestothewind  @fcgartys
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