#Marshmallow coco
wholesomeponies · 4 months
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here’s some Marshmallow Coco and my interpretation of her G4 design! I would love to do this for other older generation ponies :>
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mylittlestims · 4 months
Could you do a G3 Marshmallow Coco stimboard? Thanks!
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Marshmallow Coco Stimboard for anon
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nairdde32 · 1 year
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proxxifoxxi-art · 1 year
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Been on a Nostalgia trip lately, here's a fun little redesign of one of my favorite ponies from my childhood mlp collection <3
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angel-cake-ponies · 1 year
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pony kiss pony lovce they r cute iwhsw wqaaawawawawaa esrdhdfgfrghh. they r in love so shut up!11
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mrs-trophy-wife · 6 months
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eyes4sky · 5 months
Badsansuary drawing challenge day 1 and 2!
Hot drinks and ✨️romance✨️
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universalheart · 1 year
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❄️winter family fun!❄️
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hqmillioncorn · 2 months
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Coco! Coco! Help me Cocoooooooooo
As Pancake settled into her tent she noticed that Cherrypit was sitting down on the ground, chewing on a singed branch. "Cherry? I thought you said you wanted to sleep in Coco's tent" That's what Pancake could remember hearing him say anyway. Cherrypit laughed. "I am!" He helpfully explained. "Wha-?" Before Pancake could ask him what he meant she heard Coco scream. She poked her head out of the tent just in time to see him run out of his own tent, followed by another Cherrypit with a scary face on. "H-Huh...?"
Lalapril 4/13 Blazing with coco cocoda and @windupnamazu 's Pancake (and also coco cocoda)
Cherrypit opened the front door of the mansion and stumbled his way outside. In his hands he was carrying a big bag of marshmallows, something that Babycorn had told him was crucial for tonight.
It was a little dark out but Cherrypit wasn’t scared because he was gonna be in the dark with his friends. 
He took a small step forward and called out for his friend. “Coconuts! Panka!” With the bag of marshmallows covering his view it was hard to see anything that wasn’t a marshmallow. 
Before he knew it, the marshmallows were lifted up into the air and away from him. “I got it! Thanks Cherry!” Pancake smiled at him and led him over to where she and Coco were putting up their tents for the night. 
“Are you excited to go camping, Cherry?” 
Cherrypit looked up and nodded really fast. “Yeah! Yeah! I’m ex-pited!”
It had only been a few days ago when Pancake learned she would be camping outside with Coco tonight. Cherrypit had also been invited along, or more accurately he had invited himself after he heard Pancake ask Butter about going camping again, grabbing onto Pancake’s arm and joining her in asking Butter to let her sleep outside.
There was no way Butter could resist both Pancake and Cherrypit staring at him with such sad little eyes. And Babycorn couldn’t even be counted as a contender. 
With the permission to go camping secured they just needed someone to chaperone them. When the idea of Coco taking Pancake and Cherrypit camping was first being tossed around, he assured both older siblings that he was an expert at this sort of stuff. 
“I’ve read the official Onion Knights guide cover to cover more times than I can count!” Had been Coco’s exact words. It was a pretty hefty book too. At least, that’s what both Butter and Babycorn imagined. 
Both Babycorn and Butter nodded their heads at all the different things Coco listed off that he had done. From learning to tie knots, learning how to make a campfire and sleeping outside in tents. It sounded really exciting and exactly what Pancake had been asking for weeks now.
The only question was how did she find out Coco had even done this stuff in the first place? 
A question for another day probably.
The only real obstacle to overcome now was the tiny little problem that Babycorn and Cherrypit had where they couldn’t really go anywhere without the other. A problem that was quickly solved when Butter suggested that they could go camping nearby.
Which ended up being the front lawn of the mansion.
Neither Pancake or Cherrypit were disappointed with that. The two of them couldn’t have been more excited about it. 
Tonight was finally the night. Pancake couldn’t stop talking about it since morning.
When Pancake walked back to the tents with Cherrypit she noticed that Coco was gone. “Huh? Where did he go?” She looked around everywhere for any sign of his fluffy little head but he was nowhere to be seen. “...Do you think a Spriggan ate him?” 
“Bahbah!” Cherrypit helpfully added.
“You’re right he would probably be too fuzzy to eat.”
As Pancake started to wonder if the bird she had seen circling the house was a seagull or not she noticed something moving underneath the tent. “Woah! What the-!?” She took a step back and made sure to get in front of Cherrypit to keep him safe. That didn’t do much to deter Cherrypit from jumping into action. 
Pancake barely even noticed Cherrypit running under her arm and right towards the tent.
“Cherry wait!” 
Cherrypit happily babbled as he pulled the tent away and revealed what it was exactly that had been under the suspiciously shaped Coco Cocoda lump.
Unsurprisingly it was indeed Coco. “Uwah!!” Coco uwah’ed in shock. He was convinced that he was going to be trapped inside of the tent for the rest of his life. “Oh hi guys!” Coco waved at Pancake and Cherrypit, then he jumped to his feet and placed his hands on his hips. “Glad you could join us tonight Cherry!” 
Pancake couldn’t help but think that Coco sounded pretty confident for some guy who had just a few seconds ago been trapped inside of an unmade tent. 
“I told you! It’s part of the process!” Coco insisted. 
Cherrypit paid Coco no mind as he grabbed a fistful of tent and began chewing on it. 
Taking things out of Cherrypit’s (and babycorn’s) mouth was pretty much second nature now to everyone who spent a lot of time with them. So Coco pulled the tent out of Cherrypit’s mouth as he continued to explain why the tent still wasn’t set up. “I accidentally dropped something I needed for the tent and I’ve been looking for it. No sign of it yet though.” He’d be looking for it ever since Pancake went to go fetch Cherrypit. 
“Ooohh.”  Pancake stared down at the ground to help Coco look for whatever it was he was looking for.
Completely on a whim Pancake decided to take a closer look at Coco. That’s when she noticed a strange object sticking out of his hair. “Hey what’s that in your hair?!” Pancake suddenly shouted.
“Wahuh?” Coco gasped and ruffled around his hair. Until he found the very thing he was looking for. To Pancake it just looked like some sort of weird stick, unsure what it was for. 
Coco beamed, “Yeah that’s it! Thank you!” 
“You’re welcome! Yay!” Pancake was just happy to help.
As Coco began to demonstrate how to set the tent up, Pancake noticed something. Coco was wearing all sorts of funny buttons on his shirt. “Wooaaahh! What’s that?” Pancake pointed right at them, “Are they really fancy buttons? Where’d you find them? Did you buy them somewhere?” It was so odd, some of them had really cool pictures on them and there were so many of them.
“Oh!” Coco was stopped mid explanation but he didn’t mind. “These are my merit badges!” 
“Wow…What’s that?” Pancake asked.
As Coco picked out some grass from Cherrypit’s mouth he continued to explain. “They’re like special pins that you get from doing something really cool!” His eyes sparkled with glee, a sharp contrast to how his eyes usually looked. Which was more like a crying cat. 
“Neat!” Pancake pointed at a badge with a lightning bolt on it. “What’s this one for?” Maybe it was for running really fast. Like-quick as a lightning flash kind of thing?
Coco scoffed, “That one was for surviving a thunderstorm.”
“Huh?” That sounded kind of cool but not really that much of a feat. She had technically done that too but from inside her house. She pointed at another badge with a bee on it. “What about this one?” Maybe that one was for beekeeping? 
“That one’s for stepping on a bee!”
“Is that so…?” That last one didn’t sound cool at all. It sounded like something that people would make fun of him for years after the fact. Definitely not badge worthy. “What’s this one?” Pancake asked. They did say that the third time was the charm.
“I got this one for surviving sinking in quicksand!” Coco looked particularly proud of that one. 
“I see.” While that one did sound a little impressive there was still the fact that Coco had walked into quicksand in the first place. “These sound...Really specific.” 
“Well yeah they’re for really specific things!” 
“Is there a Being an adorable girl named Pancake badge?” 
“They’re not that specific.”
Pancake rolled her eyes, if that was the case why have them be specific if they’re not too specific? She took another look at the badges and pointed at yet another one. This one had a picture of a bear on it. It looked really cute, not as cute as her stuffed animals of course but still cute.
“Well there was this time that a bear rampaged through our tents and...” 
“A bear?! Are we going to get to fight a bear?!” Pancake shouted in disbelief. This was the one badge that actually sounded cool. “Did you get it cause you fought the bear!?”
Cherrypit looked at Pancake in surprise and then at Coco, with his eyes shimmering in anticipation. “Bear? We fight a bear?” He had a big teddy bear at home so if he got to meet the real thing that would be really exciting! 
“No, no!” Coco waved his hands in a panic in front of him. “I got it because I managed to make sure the bear didn’t eat our lunches!”
“Oooh…” Not as cool as she thought. Pancake turned away from Coco with a smirk and whispered to Cherrypit. “Is there one for being a big sucker in love without knowing it?” She giggled to herself, while Cherrypit was really confused about Pancake’s gossip. 
“What was that?” Coco asked, trying to hoist up the tent.
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Eventually the tent had been pitched and the snacks had been gathered around them. Cherrypit had wasted no time and had opened the bag of marshmallows as quickly as he could. He took a handful of them and happily ate them in one big bite. 
“Don’t eat too many Cherry.” Coco gently warned him, “If you eat them all we won’t have any left over for roasting them by the campfire!” 
Cherrypit immediately understood what Coco was talking about. He nodded and spit out the marshmallows he had eaten, they were completely intact. “Here! Marshmallow!” He handed them over to Coco for safekeeping. 
“I…” Coco grabbed one of the handy tins he had grabbed from the kitchen and held it under the marshmallows, “Just drop them in here. Okay?” Cherrypit did exactly what Coco said to do and laughed as the marshmallows fell into the bowl. They reminded him of eyeballs, just like grapes did. 
Pancake sneakily took the bag of marshmallows away from Cherrypit just in case that he forgot he wasn’t supposed to eat them yet. “How are we supposed to roast marshmallows if we don’t have a fire?” There was a pile of logs in front of them but they were very distinctly not on fire. 
Coco was ready for that too. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do next!” Behind Coco's back appeared a pair of sticks and what looked like a rock. “We’re going to learn how to start a campfire-!”
“Yaaaaay!!” Cherrypit cheered. He looooooooooooved fire! It was so fun to start and to play with!
“-Without magic!” Coco happily picked up a pair of sticks and wiggled them around.
Cherrypit instantly set his arms down with a pout. 
Pancake gave Cherrypit a sympathetic pat on the head. “There, there. It's gonna be a lot of fun!” She was trying her best to cheer Cherrypit up but she’d be lying if it wasn’t cute the way he was crossing his arms and trying to look really mad.
Pancake couldn’t help give a little snort of laughter when Cherrypit stuck his tongue at Coco. 
Coco was turned around so he couldn’t see what Cherrypit was doing. 
“Don’t worry I’ve started a fire like this before so this’ll be quick!” Coco smiled and got to work on trying to figure out how to start a fire from the things he had brought with him. Cherrypit still thought starting a fire with magic would be easier and funner than this. 
The aura of pure confidence coming off of Coco was unnerving Pancake a little, but she kept that thought to herself. When minutes upon minutes went by of Coco still trying to light a fire she was starting to feel bad for him. “Are you sure you can do it?” She asked. 
“O-Of course!” Now Coco ‘s eyes were the familiar watery looking that Pancake was used to. He pointed to another badge on his shirt. “See? You can see I got the merit badge for starting a fire so I'm not lying I promise. :(” 
“Heh. Must have started it with your eyes closed…” Pancake mumbled. 
“What was that?”
Another save for Pancake.  
As time marched on without any sign of a fire Pancake was getting kind of bored. As she stopped Cherrypit from eating grass for the umpteenth time she had a thought. “Hey. Can I try lighting the campfire?” Tossing the grass in her hand aside she scooted over closer to Coco.
Coco was very tired at this point so he was more than willing to let someone else try. “Sure…Go ahead!” He handed Pancake the sticks and collapsed onto the ground next to her. Cherrypit was quick to climb on his back and pat him like he was a small horse. 
Coco opened up only one of his eyes, watching Pancake closely. Thinking he was soooo cool for sneaky plan of his.
“Okay!” Pancake concentrated and tried to remember the movements that Coco had been doing earlier. While she may have been bored out of her mind during Coco’s efforts it's not like she wasn’t paying attention. Pancake took the sticks in both hands and copied Coco’s movements closely. For a few seconds it looked like she was going to have to have the same results as Coco did but that’s when they all saw it. 
A spark, and then some smoke. “Ah! I did it! I’m doing it!” Pancake cheered. 
“You’re doing it!” Coco cheered alongside her as he adjusted the sticks on the pile. From a relatively safe distance He knew from the start this awesome and amazing and well thought out plan of his would work.
Sitting next to him, Cherrypit happily clapped along. The fire could be a lot bigger but Pancake had still made it happen all by herself, she was more than happy, she was elated. 
Cherrypit clapped for Pancake and ran around her, cheering for her, “Panka! Panka! Yaaaay! Panka!” He thought Pancake learned to do fire magic too! Just like him! 
Cherrypit was so excited about the fire and how they could roast marshmallows now that he ran over, grabbed the bag of marshmallows and threw the entire thing in the fire. 
“Waaahahahaha!!!” Cherrypit cheered as the marshmallows burst into flames.
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jakethefurry · 6 months
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Hot coco 🍫🍪☕️
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Toriko: I'm just the kind of bishokuya that likes to think things through!
Coco: Since when?
Coco: I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
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maxaroniiiii · 7 months
the only time i remember ever eating lucky charms cereal was when i was super little and at my aunts house a few days before christmas
it was almost midnight and she gave me some instead of letting me open up the advent calendar and i remember being really confused and upset because my mom told me lucky charms werent real to keep me from asking for them
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fawndewstims · 2 years
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Cozy winter stimboard for @plutoisafuckinplanet (please go read their poems and writing, it’s so good!)
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
As mentioned a long while back I just show up on the porch but at least I got a really cool mug and some hot chocolate this time!
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maped-18-gallery · 1 year
Merry Christmas 🎄🎄
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My Stuffies :3
Dina- A dinosaur jellycat stuffie
Hayden- A jellycat dragon stuffie
Alice- A jellycat axolotl stuffie
Kelly- a jellycat koala stuffie
Rylie- A king charles cavalier stuffie named after my old dog Rylie
Byron- A wolf stuffie i got from a crane game
Berry- a teddy bear that i got from a thrift store that had only one arm.
Mittens- A santa teddy bear that one of my friends won for me in a crane game when we were in elementary school
Lulu- palm pals pumpkin
Herb- Duck stuffie i got from one of my cousins for my 1st birthday
Rocket- A monkey stuffie my older cousin made for me. Named becuase of the rocket fabric she used.
Hope- A girrafe stuffie the same older cousin made
Pocket- an elephant stuffie again made by my older cousin
Opal- Minecraft axolotl stuffie
Esther- Purple easter bunny stuffie
Apollo- Fox stuffie I got from an aquarium gift shop (i think)
Alicia- Teddy bear my grandma gave me
Bea- A crochet bee i got at a festival my town does in summer
Flapjack- Cardinal stuffie named after Hunter's palismen from toh
Jon- Crochet duck my aunt made for me
Samoa- Girl scout cookie cheetah stuffie
Bon- Small blue bunny stuffie
Banny- Small bunny stuffie i won at a carnival game
Coco- A jellycat dog stuffie I got for christmas
Marshmallow- a jellycat bunny I got for chrismas
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