#Manta Point
malbecmusings · 2 years
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dennisasp · 6 months
Bali 1/2 - Nusa Penida og Canggu
New Post has been published on https://dennisasp.dk/bali-1-2-nusa-penida-og-canggu/
Bali 1/2 - Nusa Penida og Canggu
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Del 1 af 2 fra vores rejse til Bali. Første del af rejse gik til den smukke ø Nusa Penida, hvor vi både fik vandret, set aber, smukke klipper og strande, badet i de store bølger, og kørt øen rundt på scooter, inden vi vendte tilbage til hovedøen og besøgte noget familie i Canggu. - Angels Billabong, Asien, Bali, Bjerge, Bølger, Broken Beach, Denpasar, Djævlerokker, Guyangan Waterfall, Indonesien, Kelingking Beach, klipper, Manta Point, Manta Rays, Nusa Penida, Rejse, Sanur, Sunny Cafe, T-rex cliff, Teletubbies, Vandfald, vandring
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ormymarius · 5 months
the Aquaman movies did a good job showing the difference between Manta and Orm. Manta was so obsessed with destroying Arthur, he would do anything for it and would rather die than be saved by him. Orm was obsessed with saving his people and Atlantis. He would do anything for it, even kill Arthur (even though he didn’t want to). Orm realized his mistake and how far he’d gone once his mother was revealed to be alive. After his years of prison, he wanted to redeem himself to his family and Atlantis. Manta never thought he was doing anything wrong.
Orm was given the chance to change his ways and he did. While Manta became so obsessed with killing Arthur and making him suffer, he didn’t want to change.
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floralovebot · 5 months
ANYWAY in my perfect world, garth doesn't pass on the aqualad name to jackson because 1. aqualad isn't a symbol stop making them batfam dc are you listening to me dc do you he- and 2. while garth is fond of the name, he also thinks it's embarrassing because of his trauma SO instead jackson should be the one to Ask for the name.
jackson, who looks up to arthur and garth, and really, really doesn't want to be associated with black manta, makes the decision to ask for the name aqualad, because to him it's a symbol of Good. garth, who hates when people look down on him because of his past as aqualad, should be like "are you fucking serious right now". and while i still think jackson should have a Different hero name, if they're really stuck on aqualad, then garth can agree. this helps jackson feel like he truly belongs, that they trust him, that he's not like his father, etc. and it helps affirm to garth that his existence as aqualad actually meant something and he wasn't just aquaman's lame sidekick.
after that obviously garth should become a mentor figure to jackson. Not a second dad or even an older brother figure, though i am slightly more agreeable to the latter, but a mentor who helps him and is There for him. even if garth didn't care about jackson in the slightest, you can't convince me that he would just ignore this kid.
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wanderingskychild · 10 months
For such a small area, the end of Hidden Forest has to be one of the appealing places in Sky. At least it is to me, here are some shots from my handy dandy camera 📸. I’ve been carrying it around pretty much nonstop.
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I’m in this one too.
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It’s not a surprise thatgamecompany reuses a shot from here for some of their official postings. It’s such an iconic place connecting to realms.
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bar-les-coucougnes · 2 months
i do love the fishing minigame in sdv but jfc linus posted a quest to bring him an octopus and i forgot how fucking frustrating these little bastards are
i had to buy a whole new fishing rod (despite the fiberglass one working PERFECTLY well up until then) then the deluxe bait and trap bobber and then i downed a whole fish stew (or whatever this +3 fishing skill food is) and i still struggled to catch this motherfucker
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irawhiti · 1 year
moana is fine i guess but i do think that apart from the racism with how they portrayed maui, they really fucked up by making it pan polynesian considering how they made moana's grandmother reincarnate as a manta ray, when manta rays are considered extremely ugly and strange under punga, the maōri atua
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I think it’s funny how like. Reading current Aquaman and Wonder Woman stuff, it’s overall pretty solid. Like there’s obviously issues, some characters never recovered from how badly they were shafted by the post-flashpoint continuity, and of course there’s some of the usual DC issues (bad/mediocre writing, racism, copaganda/military propaganda, etc).
But I really like what current Aquaman stuff is doing with Black Manta, Mera has overall been written much better than she was preboot imo, Jackson’s a good addition to the aquafam, and I’ve enjoyed what they’ve done with Arthur’s character. Likewise, I really appreciate the enlarged role Nubia has gotten in Wonder Woman mythos, the increased focus on more minor Amazons, canonization of Hippolyta and Philippus’ relationship, etc. Diana’s also gotten some really strong arcs recently, with her afterlife arc, and the continuing Young Diana story is really a favourite of mine. Despite their issues, I would even go so far as to say the current portrayal of Wonder Woman lore and the aquafam are my favourites out of all continuities.
And then there’s the batfam who, despite having by far the most books, is just continuously falling flat on its face in terms of quality, characterization, and just not sucking in general. The only halfway decent thing they’ve got going is Duke Thomas and they seem insistent on ignoring him most of the time, or tearing apart We Are Robin when they’re not. It’s truly impressive how badly they’re fucking up with the bats despite pushing them so hard.
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aztrosist666 · 11 months
i was recently at the new england aquarium in boston and it made me realize just how spoiled growing up with the georgia aquarium so close by has made me. my family and i walked around the whole place in about 45 mins while the georgia aquarium is so massive it takes at least two hours for a good thorough tour. also the whale shark is my favorite fish and the georgia aquarium has a live one!!!! it’s so fucking cool and massive and i’m so autistic over them seriously!!! oh my god!!!!!!! but the new england ‘big tank’ is about a fifth of the size of georgias so obviously no room for a whale shark. the building was just so small that even on their to-scale wall of different sharks and their silhouettes they didn’t have a whale shark because there just wasn’t enough room on the wall at all. moral of the story god i fucking love whale sharks so much
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momodivecenter · 1 year
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Sampalan Dive Site with Momodivecenter is a premier diving center in the heart of the beautiful island of Bali. Momodivecenter offers an exciting range of diving experiences and courses, from beginner to advanced levels, allowing you to explore the stunning underwater world of Bali.
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hellbatschilt · 1 year
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ormymarius · 1 month
it’s still funny some nerds on my posts were like “if there is a next live action Orm after Patrick’s Orm 🤓” as if Orm isn’t one Arthur’s main villains, he’s gonna stick around forever sorry
if there’s an Aquaman, there’s always gonna be an Ocean Master around somewhere to oppose him or maybe join him, who knows ☝️
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lo-om · 2 years
31 and 46 for manta ?
Sorry this took so long to answer. Work has had me worn out lol.
31. What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
So funnily enough I have given Manta, I guess the star wars equivalent of a superpower. Long story short, Manta was deliver to her parents by a "Manta" that lives on their home planet. It's actually a purrgil that got stuck in the water thousands of years ago but anyways. This is all based on Rogue's babies being delivered via purrgil post. Manta has the ability to teleport. Nothing crazy like an actual purrgil. If she can see where she wants to end up, she can teleport there. Although the farther the distance, the more taxing it is on her. Also she doesn't know about these powers until after order 66 and being with tbb 2.0 for some time. Manta finds out about one day when she somehow inhales some clouzon-36, and just starts teleporting all over the place. Needless to say all parties involved are freaking out.
46. Would they lie to get out of trouble?
When it comes to lying in general, she does it quite frequently. Manta had to lie about a lot of things during the clone wars. Where she's from. Her life before the war. Why she became a medic. She lied straight to Nala Se's face about Omega's whereabouts when order 66 happened. She mostly lies because she has really bad trust issues since the last person she trusted stabbed her in the back severely and ended up with a majority of the people in her hometown angry with her.
As for getting out of trouble, she very rarely does it. She mostly does do it, however, during her first few months with the batch. She did her best to keep herself at arms length when it came to building any kind of relations with them. The only trouble she found herself in with them that required her lying, was when it came to her health. While they are on the run from the Empire, her health, both physically and mentally, starts to plummet. And the batch take notice. Manta does everything she can to seem like she's in perfect health. That there isnt the constant nagging of stress in the back of her head. That her legs aren't killing her. That she isn't tired. She's perfectly fine.
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rad-batson · 1 year
Quick headcanon that at some point, the Justice League makes a time-off calendar for every time a leaguer is busy and needs someone to keep their city safe while they’re gone. Maybe they have a work trip or a family thing or even some vacation they planned.
All a hero has to do is request time off, and another member will sub in while they’re gone. The only problem is that it creates a pattern. It would be suspicious if Green Arrow is only replaced when Oliver Queen is on a business trip, right? So to keep the public on their toes, JL members are encouraged to take a random day off each month or so and switch out with no rhyme or reason. Just any random day, any random hour.
The outcome is complete chaos.
Clark Kent has the pleasure of interviewing Wonder Woman at the scene of a car chase she just stopped in Metropolis.
Some muggers in Star City are scooped up into a giant glowing cage while Green Lantern riddles off bird puns to an exasperated Black Canary.
A team of robbers hit a bank in Central City but get roasted by Plastic Man for their poor their safe-cracking skills as they’re taken into custody.
Black Manta uses his high tech weaponry to wreak havoc in the Atlantic only to be hit with a torpedo as the Bat-Sub dives towards him at full speed.
Cyborg is lecturing a group of teen vandals in Fawcett City when Captain Marvel just waltzes up, says, “I’m tapping back in,” and continues the lecture where he left off.
Complete. And. Utter. Chaos. No one knows who will show up at the scene now, not even the cops, but criminals are scared shitless.
The JL decides to keep the calendar. If only for entertainment.
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tidiestpegasus · 6 months
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saw the new frosty fest outfits and my brain at some point went "something something tuxedo manta" and i just had to do this
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yozzers · 2 years
maybe i shoudlnt have played disco elysium during my midterms-finals months. the church shivers conversation has been on repeat in my head 
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