#Manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
dietsandmore · 4 months
The best and worst fruits for PCOS with insights from Dt Shreya Katyal
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects individuals assigned to females at birth, causing irregular periods, cysts on the ovaries, and various other symptoms. While a healthy diet is crucial for managing PCOS, not all fruits are created equal when it comes to this condition. We turn to the expertise of Dietician Shreya Katyal, a leading Dietitian In Delhi, for insights on fruits to avoid with PCOS.
Dt Shreya Katyal, known for her expertise in nutrition and Online Diet Consultation at Diets & More, the Best Dietitian In Delhi, emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet for individuals with PCOS. Fruits are generally a nutritious part of any diet, but some may have an impact on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, two key factors associated with PCOS.
Bananas: Bananas are a common fruit enjoyed by many, but they are relatively high in carbohydrates and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Individuals with PCOS often have insulin resistance, and consuming high-carb fruits like bananas may contribute to further imbalances.
Grapes: Grapes, especially when consumed in large quantities, can be problematic for those with PCOS. They contain natural sugars that can affect blood sugar levels, potentially leading to insulin spikes. Opting for berries with lower sugar content is a wiser choice.
Mangoes: Mangoes are delicious, but they are also high in natural sugars. People with PCOS should be mindful of their sugar intake, and choosing lower-sugar fruits like berries or kiwi can be a more suitable option.
Pineapple: Pineapple is another fruit that individuals with PCOS may want to consume in moderation. It has a higher glycemic index compared to some other fruits, meaning it can cause a faster spike in blood sugar levels.
Watermelon: While watermelon is a hydrating and refreshing fruit, it is also relatively high in sugar. Moderation is key, and individuals with PCOS may consider other fruits with lower sugar content.
Furthermore, Dt Shreya Katyal emphasizes the significance of incorporating fiber-rich fruits into the diet of individuals with PCOS. Fiber plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels and promoting overall digestive health. While some fruits may need to be limited, others can be embraced for their positive impact on insulin sensitivity.
Berries: Dt Shreya Katyal recommends including berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries in the diet of individuals with PCOS. These fruits are not only rich in antioxidants but also lower in sugar compared to some other options. Their fiber content helps slow down the absorption of sugars, supporting better blood sugar control.
Apples: Apples are a great choice for individuals with PCOS. High in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, apples provide a satisfying sweetness without causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Including apples in various forms, such as slices or whole, can be a wholesome addition to a PCOS-friendly diet.
Avocado: While not a traditional fruit, avocado is a nutrient-dense option that can be beneficial for those with PCOS. Packed with healthy fats and fiber, avocados contribute to satiety and may help in managing weight, a crucial aspect for individuals with PCOS.
Kiwi: Kiwi is a refreshing fruit that is relatively low in sugar and high in vitamin C. It adds a burst of flavor to meals and snacks while providing essential nutrients without causing significant spikes in blood sugar.
Pears: Pears are another fiber-rich fruit that individuals with PCOS can include in their diet. The combination of soluble and insoluble fiber in pears aids in digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
Dt Shreya Katyal emphasizes that the key lies in creating a well-rounded and individualized diet plan that meets the specific needs of each person with PCOS. Additionally, incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, is essential for overall health and hormonal balance.
In conclusion, while some fruits may need to be moderated or avoided by individuals with PCOS, there are plenty of delicious and nutritious options available. Dt Shreya Katyal's expertise provides valuable insights into making informed choices that support better management of PCOS symptoms. Through a combination of mindful eating, regular physical activity, and personalized nutritional guidance, individuals with PCOS can take positive steps toward improving their overall well-being.
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gynaecologistinindore · 5 months
PCOS Fertility Myths Debunked: Unveiling the Truth about Conception and Family Planning
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects individuals of reproductive age, often impacting fertility. Despite its prevalence, several myths surround PCOS and fertility, leading to misconceptions about conception and family planning. In this article, we aim to debunk these myths, shedding light on the truth to empower those navigating the challenges of PCOS and fertility.
Myth 1: PCOS Guarantees Infertility
Truth: While PCOS can make conception more challenging due to irregular ovulation, it doesn't equate to guaranteed infertility. Many individuals with PCOS can conceive with the right treatment and support.
Myth 2: Conception Is Impossible Without Medical Intervention
Truth: While some individuals with PCOS may require medical assistance, others can conceive naturally. Lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, can positively impact fertility in individuals with PCOS.
Myth 3: PCOS Treatment Always Involves Medication
Truth: PCOS treatment is personalized, and not everyone requires medication. Lifestyle modifications, weight management, and fertility-focused interventions may be sufficient for some individuals. 
Myth 4: PCOS Always Leads to Complicated Pregnancies
Truth: With proper management and monitoring, individuals with PCOS can have healthy pregnancies. Regular check-ups with a PCOS specialist in Indore ensure timely interventions to address potential complications.
Myth 5: Only Medication Can Regulate PCOS-Related Infertility
Truth: Medication is one approach, but holistic management involving lifestyle changes is equally vital. A combination of medication, diet, and exercise can regulate ovulation and enhance fertility. Debunking these PCOS fertility myths brings clarity to individuals navigating the challenging intersection of PCOS and family planning. Seeking guidance from a PCOS specialist , who can provide personalized advice and treatment options, is crucial. Remember, PCOS doesn't signify an insurmountable barrier to conception. With the right approach, many individuals with PCOS successfully build the families they dream of. If you're considering PCOS treatment in Indore, consult with specialists who understand the nuanced dynamics of PCOS and can guide you towards a path to parenthood.
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aleaqmcure · 6 months
PCOS Treatment & Therapy | PCOS Seed Cycling | Ahmedabad | Baroda | Gandhinagar | Rajkot
AleaqmCure helps to treat your PCOS symptoms through therapy, lifestyle habits and medical support. Contact a PCOS therapist in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Gandhinagar, Rajkot. Consult PCOS experts online to get various treatments and therapies for PCOS(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).
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shubhragoyal · 7 months
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Treat Infertility with Hope | Effective Conception Treatments
Treat infertility with hope. Explore effective treatments for conception and overcome fertility challenges. Discover your path to parenthood.
Learn more: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/treat-infertility-with-hope---know-the-effective-treatments-for-conception.
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vinita-khemani · 2 years
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Most Common Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS
Read this to know the most common symptoms of PCOS that you should watch out for.
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textk4kira · 2 months
pcos as an intersex condition
I believe the reason why many people are resistant to the idea of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) as an intersex condition is because they would have to accept that many people who are AFAB (especially cis women) are in fact, intersex.
I was assigned female at birth and diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 19. It took me some time to come to understand my intersex condition, which includes elevated testosterone levels and irregular periods. I was prescribed birth control to manage my symptoms and received an ultrasound to check for cysts on my ovaries (it was during this ultrasound appointment that I first experienced an instance of medical malpractice.)
I'm also a nonbinary person who struggles with mental health issues.
Overall, I'm proud of being intersex And trans. I stand in solidarity with my trans and intersex friends and family 💗
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icareheal · 3 months
PCOS: Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a common hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It is characterized by the presence of multiple cysts on the ovaries, as well as a range of symptoms that can have a significant impact on a woman's quality of life. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PCOS, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this condition.
What is PCOS?
PCOS is a condition that affects the female reproductive system. It occurs when the ovaries produce excess androgens, which are male hormones typically found in smaller amounts in women. This hormonal imbalance can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and lead to the growth of small cysts on the ovaries.
Causes of PCOS
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but several factors may contribute to its development. These include:
Genetics: PCOS tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic link.
Insulin Resistance: Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance occurs when the body's cells become less responsive to the effects of insulin, leading to an overproduction of the hormone and an increase in androgen levels.
Hormonal Imbalance: Women with PCOS produce higher levels of androgens and lower levels of estrogen, which can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle.
Symptoms of PCOS
PCOS can manifest differently in each individual, but some common symptoms include:
Irregular or Absent Menstrual Periods: Hormonal imbalances can cause irregular or infrequent menstruation.
Excess Hair Growth: Increased androgen levels can stimulate the growth of excess facial and body hair.
Acne: PCOS-related hormonal imbalances can lead to the development of acne on the face, chest, and upper back.
Weight Gain: Many women with PCOS struggle with weight gain and find it difficult to lose weight.
Fertility Issues: PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women due to the disruption of the ovarian function.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you suspect you may have PCOS, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. A doctor will typically perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and may order further tests, such as blood tests or ultrasound, to confirm a diagnosis.Treatment options for PCOS focus on managing symptoms and reducing the risk of long-term complications. These may include:
Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help regulate hormone levels and improve symptoms.
Medications: Birth control pills, anti-androgen medications, and insulin-sensitizing drugs are commonly prescribed to manage PCOS symptoms.
Fertility Treatments: For women struggling with infertility, fertility treatments such as ovulation induction or in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended.
PCOS is a complex condition that can have wide-ranging effects on a woman's health and well-being. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PCOS, individuals can take control of their health and work with healthcare professionals to manage their condition effectively. If you suspect you may have PCOS, it is essential to seek medical guidance for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan to improve your quality of life. Remember, early intervention and ongoing management are key to living well with PCOS.
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idigitizellp21 · 1 month
What Are Ovarian Cysts Signal? Understanding Their Implications
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Ovarian cysts are a common occurrence among women, often presenting without any noticeable symptoms. While most cysts are benign and resolve on their own, some may signal underlying health issues that require attention. Understanding the signals and implications of ovarian cysts is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate management.
Before diving into their signals and implications, it’s essential to comprehend what ovarian cysts are. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries, the almond-sized organs on either sides of the uterus. These cysts can form during the menstrual cycle and typically dissolve on their own without causing any symptoms. However, in some cases, they may grow larger or cause complications.
If you are facing any of these you may want to get tested for Ovarian Cyst:
1. Pain or Discomfort: One of the primary signals of ovarian cysts is pelvic pain or discomfort. This pain may vary in intensity and can occur on one side or both sides of the pelvis. It may be dull and persistent or sharp and intermittent.
2. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Ovarian cysts can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle, leading to irregular periods. Women may experience heavier or lighter bleeding than usual, or their periods may become irregular or unpredictable.
3. Bloating or Abdominal Swelling: Some women with ovarian cysts may experience bloating or a sensation of fullness in the abdomen. This bloating can be persistent and may worsen with physical activity or at certain times during the menstrual cycle.
4. Difficulty Emptying the Bladder or Bowels: Large ovarian cysts can exert pressure on nearby organs, such as the bladder and bowel, leading to difficulty emptying them. This may result in increased frequency of urination, constipation, or difficulty passing stools.
5. Pain During Intercourse: Ovarian cysts can cause pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, particularly if they are large or if there is inflammation or irritation of the surrounding tissues.
6. Nausea or Vomiting: In some cases, ovarian cysts may cause nausea or vomiting, especially if they become twisted or ruptured, leading to complications such as ovarian torsion or internal bleeding.
Implications of Ovarian Cysts:
1. Ovarian Torsion: When an ovarian cyst causes the ovary to twist, it can cut off its blood supply, resulting in a condition called ovarian torsion. This is a medical emergency that requires prompt surgical intervention to prevent damage to the ovary.
2. Infertility: While most ovarian cysts do not affect fertility, certain types, such as endometriomas or cysts associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), may interfere with ovulation and reduce fertility. In some cases, surgical removal of the cysts may be necessary to improve fertility.
3. Malignancy Risk: Although rare, some ovarian cysts may be cancerous. Certain characteristics, such as rapid growth, solid components, or abnormal features on imaging tests, may raise suspicion for ovarian cancer. Women with these findings may require further evaluation, including biopsy, to rule out malignancy.
Seeking Medical Evaluation:
Given the potential implications of ovarian cysts, women need to seek medical evaluation if they experience persistent or concerning symptoms. A healthcare provider can perform a pelvic examination and order imaging tests, such as ultrasound or MRI, to assess the size, location, and characteristics of the cysts.
Depending on the findings, further evaluation or treatment may be necessary. Small, asymptomatic cysts may require monitoring, while larger or symptomatic cysts may warrant treatment, such as hormonal therapy or surgical removal.
While ovarian cysts are frequently benign and may resolve without intervention, they can occasionally indicate underlying health concerns or result in complications. Recognizing the signs and implications of ovarian cysts is essential for prompt diagnosis and proper care. Seeking medical evaluation and guidance, and consulting with your gynecologist, can help ensure optimal health and well-being for women.
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dixvlogslive · 3 months
PCOS & Exercise: 5 Workouts That Actually Work
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can make managing weight and hormonal balance a challenge. However, exercise can be a powerful tool in managing PCOS symptoms and improving overall health. Here are 5 workouts that are effective and enjoyable for individuals with PCOS:
1 Cardio Interval Training
2 Strength Training
3 Yoga
4 Pilates
5 Swimming
Read more
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kavyashreshta · 4 months
Difference Between PCOD and PCOS
You may be aware of PCOS and PCOD, although these two conditions have different names, individuals sometimes refer to them as such. Despite having similar symptoms, their causes are distinct.
Before moving on to the differences section, let’s clarify what PCOS and PCOD are. What actually takes place in these conditions? and the advantages of Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD/PCOS.
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder): In a normal cycle of menstruation, both ovaries release eggs alternatively. This is known as polycystic ovarian disorder, or PCOD. The ovaries of females with PCOD will either release eggs that are partially or fully immature. Cysts, which are small cavities full of water, form as a result of this.
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome): The endocrine system is involved in PCOS, which results in the production of excess androgens. This further leads to eggs turning into cysts. However, the eggs aren’t released in this case and they are built up in the ovaries.PCOS is much more serious than PCOD because the former is a disorder of the endocrine system.
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Both disorders have almost the same symptoms and causes which are listed below:
Symptoms of PCOS/PCOD
Irregular periods
Enlarged ovaries
Presence of cysts
Weight gain
Male pattern baldness
Causes of PCOS/PCOD
Insulin resistance
Hormonal imbalance
There are no negative consequences from homoeopathic and ayurvedic medicine. On the other hand, Ayurveda is a natural medicine that uses a variety of herbs that are found in the natural world. Thus, I think the greatest and most efficient form of treatment is Ayurveda. It has been believed that using an ayurvedic medication is the best way to manage PCOD-PCOS. It is a natural approach that promises immediate relief and removes the disease completely. Numerous patients have found relief from various ailments with the aid of Ayurveda. You can also speak with our professionals at Dr. Sharada Ayurveda for further information.
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I'm not sure if this falls under what you've learned but I've been wanting/considering getting a hysterectomy for a few years now, especially now that my drs are saying i probably (we don't know for sure cause i don't feel comfortable with doing more invasive procedures to find out for certain) have PCOS and BC doesn't seem to be working to control my periods (i'm currently on the patch form but i'm gonna ask what other options there are at my next appointment, I can't take pills tho so i'm not sure what they will offer) and i was wondering if you know much about that process and what happens after?
I'm only 20 though, so i'm not sure that they will let me for a while still cause legal things around hysterectomies are still bleh but I still wanna know more about it for when I do decide to do it/ask about it
So this wasn't part of my initial training, but I'm not opposed to doing a little research.
The first thing that it's important to know is that a hysterectomy isn't a minor surgery like getting your tubes tied. Recovery can take from 6 to 8 weeks—you're having a whole organ removed, after all. You mention that you're uncomfortable undergoing more invasive procedures to have your PCOS diagnosed, but a hysterectomy, even a laparoscopic one, is still potentially just as invasive as any of those tests, and also permanent.
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(image from Mayo Clinic)
Here's a good image talking about what is removed in different kinds of hysterectomies. I think it will be important for you to understand what each operation entails.
You mention PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). The operative word here is ovary. A hysterectomy is mainly concerned with the uterus, which is connected but not the same.
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(image from Britanica)
Based on the (cursory) research that I've done, it seems that a hysterectomy/oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries) tends to be the option of last resort in the treatment of PCOS. That's not to say that it wouldn't be helpful for you, but you and your doctor should talk about all of the possible options to manage your condition.
Something else important to keep in mind is that by removing your ovaries, you remove your body's natural source of estrogen. This would mean that you would have to take estrogen hormone replacement therapy for the rest of your life if you do not want to immediately undergo menopause. Or maybe you're trans and you don't want estrogen in your body anyway, but you might need to talk to your doctor about how this would affect your other hormone therapy/levels.
In the end, the decision about what's right for you can only be made by you and your doctor. Make sure you understand all of your options, and then proceed as you wish.
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oziva · 8 months
Creating a Comprehensive PCOS Diet Plan for Optimal Health
Introduction to a PCOS diet plan
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women of reproductive age. One of the most effective ways to manage PCOS and its symptoms is through a well-balanced PCOS diet plan. A PCOS diet plan can help regulate hormones, improve insulin sensitivity, and support overall health. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of a PCOS diet plan, highlighting the importance of balanced nutrition and lifestyle modifications.
Understanding PCOS
PCOS is characterized by a range of symptoms, including irregular periods, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), acne, and ovarian cysts. It is also often associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and infertility. While PCOS is a complex condition with no cure, its symptoms can be managed effectively through dietary and lifestyle changes.
Key Components of a PCOS Diet Plan
Balanced Macronutrients:
A PCOS diet plan should include a balanced distribution of macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Aim for a well-rounded intake that includes whole grains, lean protein sources (such as tofu), and monounsaturated fats (found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts).
Complex Carbohydrates:
Choose complex carbohydrates for your PCOS diet plan like whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats) over simple sugars and refined grains. These complex carbs are digested more slowly, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, a common issue in PCOS.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
Incorporate plenty of high-fiber foods into your PCOS diet plan, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Fiber helps regulate blood sugar and improve digestion, which can be especially beneficial for those with PCOS.
Adequate Protein:
Protein is crucial for muscle maintenance and hormone regulation. Include lean protein sources like beans in your meals to help maintain steady blood sugar levels, as part of your PCOS diet plan. 
Healthy Fats:
Opt for healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil in your PCOS diet plan. These fats can help reduce inflammation and support hormone balance in the body.
Watch Your Portions in the PCOS diet plan:
Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating and promote weight management. A registered dietitian can help you determine appropriate portion sizes for your specific needs. A PCOS diet plan needs it! 
Take Low-Glycemic Index (GI) Foods in your PCOS diet plan:
Foods with a low GI are digested more slowly, leading to more stable blood sugar levels. Examples of low-GI foods include whole grains, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, and most fruits. These will form a part of your PCOS diet plan. 
Limit Sugary Foods and Beverages:
Reduce or eliminate sugary snacks, desserts, and sweetened beverages from your PCOS diet plan. High sugar intake can exacerbate insulin resistance and lead to weight gain.
Manage Carbohydrate Intake in your PCOS diet plan:
Some individuals with PCOS may benefit from a moderate reduction in carbohydrate intake. A low-carb or ketogenic diet can be effective for weight loss and blood sugar control but should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Adequate Hydration:
Staying well-hydrated is important for overall health and can help with weight management in your PCOS diet plan. Choose water as your primary beverage and limit sugary drinks and excessive caffeine.
Lifestyle Modifications
In addition to a PCOS diet plan, lifestyle modifications can significantly impact the management of PCOS symptoms:
Regular Exercise:
Engage in regular physical activity to improve insulin sensitivity, manage weight, and reduce stress. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular exercises and strength training along with your PCOS diet plan. 
Stress Reduction:
High-stress levels can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that bring you joy.
Adequate Sleep:
Prioritize quality sleep as it plays a crucial role in hormone regulation and overall well-being, specially with a PCOS diet plan. 
Weight Management:
If overweight or obese, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can have a positive impact on PCOS symptoms. Even a modest weight loss of 5-10% of your body weight can lead to improvements.
Medication and Supplements:
Some individuals with PCOS may require medications like birth control pills, anti-androgens, or insulin-sensitizing medications. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine if these options are appropriate for you. Additionally, certain supplements, such as inositol and chromium, may support insulin sensitivity.
A well-structured PCOS diet plan, combined with lifestyle modifications, can be a powerful tool in managing the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian who can tailor a PCOS diet plan to your specific needs and monitor your progress. By focusing on balanced nutrition, regular exercise, stress reduction, and maintaining a healthy weight, you can take significant steps toward improving your overall health and well-being while managing the challenges posed by PCOS. Remember that managing PCOS is a journey, and with dedication and the right support, you can achieve positive outcomes and lead a healthier life.
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What is PCOS?
PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. And just as it sounds, it’s when cysts form frequently on the ovaries. This is a hormonal disorder with no known cause, but likely has genetic factors.
PCOS can cause missed or irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, infertility, painful cramping, weight gain, and a variety of other symptoms. People with PCOS may be at higher risk for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and endometrial cancer.
What happens?
When the ovary releases an egg, a sac will form on it or within the ovary and this is natural. It goes away on its own and forms again in the next ovulation cycle. But in some women, that sac doesn’t go away. It sits on the ovary, gaining fluid and growing bigger. It starts to become painful, pressing on other organs and creating inflammation. There’s the possibility (especially if there’s more than one cyst) of torsion—where the ovary will turn over and twist the fallopian tube. Torsion is extremely painful and needs emergency care and possibly immediate surgery. There is also a possibility of these cysts bursting, and all that fluid is released, causing the abdomen to swell painfully. Once a cysts bursts, there is no treatment but letting the fluid slowly drain from the body naturally in your urine.
What can be done for it?
There is no cure for PCOS. The current medical treatment methods are birth control and/or laparoscopic surgery. Doctors can try to manage your hormone imbalances and monitor the cysts, but sadly there is not much research on this disease for a better treatment or cure. People with PCOS can try to find natural remedies that will balance their hormones, but most symptoms do not go away completely.
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shubhragoyal · 7 months
Treat infertility with hope - Know the effective treatments for conception.
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A broad smile appears on our faces and our hearts leap with excitement when the duo (a couple) is sure to take their first turn at parenthood. It is indeed a memorable moment, however, all of us under one sun are humans and prone to challenges that might hinder our way to a happy_we_lucky moment! All thanks to modern scientific advances that make more than happy happen by overcoming fertility treatment challenges.
Focusing our magnifying glass on the concept of infertility!
we‘ve all heard, "Keep trying until you succeed." A couple desperate to become a parent wrestle with this pressure every time, but always bump into a hard wall of uncertainty. That's exactly the point at which they discover that the cause of infertility is a challenge for which infertility treatment therapies are strongly recommended, which may involve a lot of testing and medical examinations.
Infertility in simple terms is a condition in which pregnancy is out of the question despite 1 year of serious attempts to conceive, these fertility treatments challenges can occur due to many reasons viz; ovulation disorders, endometriosis, low sperm count or lack of testoterone count.
As we age, the risk of infertility increases, and to overcome fertility treatment challenges, there are many medical treatments for infertility available! Infertility can be a challenge for anyone, regardless of the individual. Let us sneek deep into the solutions.
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Below are some factors that lead to fertility -
The brain must produce reproductive hormones to monitor the function of the ovaries.
An egg must develop in the ovaries.
The ovary must be able to release an egg (ovulation)
A sperm must pass from the vagina through the uterus and into the fallopian tube.
The fallopian tube must receive the ovum
The sperm fertilises the egg and an embryo is formed
The embryo travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus where it implants.
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If any of the above steps are unsuccessful, infertility is inevitable. If you are under 35 years old, the doctor will diagnose you for fertility treatment after one year of trying to conceive (12 months).
In this case, the attempt to conceive refers to unprotected intercourse, and if you are over 35 years old, the diagnosis of infertility will be made after 6 months of conception.
The challenges of infertility treatment are pervasive, and medical science is committed to providing a plethora of infertility treatments for individuals seeking to start or grow a family.
Is infertility in vogue? Aye-Aye!
The infertility treatements challenges aren’t hidden from the U.S., one in five women population have an equal share of the ages of 15 and 49 struggle with infertility treatments challenges and 48 million couples undergo reproductive health treatment.
These signs indicate that infertility therapies are needed - watch out!
The most common sign is that you cannot get pregnant despite trying for 6 months or a year. However, there are other symptoms that should not be neglected -
Pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen
Vaginal bleeding (irregular), missed periods or no periods at all.
Penile dysfunction or problems with ejaculation.
There are many causes for the interfility treatments challenges, but there is no specific reason that can be blamed for infertility. The causes of infertility can occur in either one partner or both, depending on which risk factor is causing the fertility issues.
A personal consultation with your healthcare provider can help determine the cause and find the right treatment for your infertility problems.
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/treat-infertility-with-hope---know-the-effective-treatments-for-conception.
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lindyloosims · 1 year
Just Rambling
So I’ve been wrestling with something for a few days, and I’m still not sure what the right thing to do is. I feel like just deleting my account and leaving, but I also love coming on here and reading everyone’s posts and stories, I’m conflicted, which is why I’ve taken a break. Tumblr (Simblr) is the only social media platform I use regularly, I no longer have Twitter since Musk took over and I haven’t posted on Facebook in months but I keep it because I have a lot of my Canadian cousins on there and I don’t want to lose touch with them. The only other platform I dip in and out of is Instagram as I’ve been on it since 2010 and I kinda love it for its simplicity and (in my personal experience) the no bullshit no drama feel.
I’m in a funk, I started this new year with positive vibes and a spring in my step. I cared for my mother long before she got terminal cancer, she had mental health issues and her anxiety was a huge issue, so there was never any time for me outside of work. She died a month before I turned 40 in 2019 and I thought that after the grieving process I could start my life. Then the pandemic hit and it was 2 years of staying in and not meeting people. I lost my 14 year old labrador to general old age, my own mental health took a hit and all I had was Simblr even though I had barely any followers or notes at that time, it was escapism for me. So after three years of limbo I decided that this would be the year I would have a baby before my uterus and ovaries closed down and ceased production, I always thought that I would get married and be a mum but life dealt me different cards. I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hypothyroidism which alone they aren’t great but together they’re shit! I’ve been tracking my fertility since January and the chances of me conceiving look promising at the moment, but I lack the main ingredient...a boyfriend/husband/male love interest. That’s my own personal problem but the one thing that I wrestle with on a daily basis is this; is it fair to bring a child into this world the way it is now? Is it selfish? Am I too old? These three questions boil down to one thing, should I even try to have a baby, and the truth is that I don’t know. All I know is that from an early age I always wanted a husband and children, I just lived in a small community where the pick of men wasn’t great, and let’s face it who would be able to deal with my life where my mother came first all the time? This is something I need to think long and hard about, but I know I’ll make the right choices for me and for any potential future child that I may or may not have.
So the reason I toy with leaving Simblr is because sometimes, like real life, I feel like a misfit/outsider and that I don’t fit in. I’ve felt this all of my life, I had a lovely bunch of friends and followers in The Sims 3 community, but haven’t really managed to find my place within The Sims 4 community. I’m just rambling, have the winter blues and I will likely get over it, but this is how I feel at this moment so...who knows what’s around the corner.
Anyway, life’s a strange thing!
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adyantayurvedawe · 8 months
PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, has become increasingly common among women of reproductive age in recent years. Women who have this condition may have irregular or altered menstrual cycles. The ovaries may also grow a lot of fluid-filled sacks that are incapable of releasing eggs. An endocrine disorder called PCOS/PCOD is a major contributor to infertility. Subfertility is a term used to describe a condition where a person is trying to get pregnant but is having a difficult time.
Best Ayurveda treatment for PCOD and PCOS
These are some of the typical PCOS/PCOD symptoms.
Period irregularities: Women may experience irregular menstrual cycles.
Missed Periods: Missed periods may occasionally last a long time. This may continue for several months.
Severe bleeding: This is caused by a thicker than usual uterine lining. Females can have prolonged periods of heavy bleeding.
Hair growth: The back, belly, chest, and face may all experience excessive hair growth. This ailment, also known as hirsutism, can be an annoying PCOS symptom.
Acne: Areas like the face, chest, and back are more likely to experience breakouts.
Obesity: Studies have shown that managing one’s weight can significantly lessen the symptoms of PCOS in up to 80% of females who have the condition.
Hair thinning and loss: Women with PCOS/PCOD may experience hair thinning and loss. The body’s overabundance of androgens is the cause of this.
Skin darkening: The nose, groin, under the breasts, and other places may develop dark skin pigmentation or patchy skin growth.
Headaches: A hormonal imbalance known as PCOS or PCOD can occasionally result in headaches.
Pelvic pain and fatigue: Women with PCOS may experience feelings of discomfort, such as pain in the pelvic area, along with fatigue.
High levels of androgen
A woman’s body contains a small amount of male hormones known as androgens. However, in PCOS, the amount of male hormones increases, which can prevent the ovaries from producing eggs during the monthly menstrual cycle. This can cause acne and excessive hair growth in women, which is one of the main symptoms of PCOS.
High levels of insulin
The insulin hormone is in charge of regulating the body’s glucose levels. PCOS is a condition in which many women have insulin resistance, which means that the glucose in the blood is not being used properly by their cells. Women are more likely than men to have a family history of Type 2 Diabetes. To avoid Type 2 Diabetes in the future, lifestyle changes are advised.Obesity and unhealthy lifestyle leads to PCOS
AYURVEDIC APPROACH TO PCOD/PCOS / Best Ayurveda treatment for PCOD and PCOS
 According to the ancient texts of Ayurveda, it is referred to as “Granthi” in some cases, which refers to the development of abnormalities such as cysts, ulcers, lumps, or tumors. According to Ayurveda, PCOS is caused by imbalance of Rasa and Rakta Dhatus, as well as an imbalance in the three Doshas of the body (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). These Rasa-Rakta Dhatus are weakened as a result of Dosha imbalance and Ama (toxins) buildup in the body. This can result in cyst formation and other PCOS symptoms.
Normally, the Vata Dosha dominates the reproductive system, and the female reproductive organs are made of “Artava Dhatu,” which nourishes the ovum. Vata Dosha is in charge of the follicle and ovum movement into the uterine fallopian tubes. The sub-dosha “Apana Vayu” is in charge of the downward flow or menstrual flow. Pitta Dosha is important for hormone production and balance in the body. The Kapha Dosha is in charge of nourishing and promoting follicle, uterine, and ovum tissue growth. As a result, a harmonious balance of the three Doshas is essential for producing healthy hormones and maintaining the health of the female reproductive system.
Best Ayurveda treatment for PCOD and PCOS
Ayurveda, as a holistic system of treatment, provides an all-encompassing treatment approach that addresses the underlying cause of this condition. This treatment can be tailored to an individual’s needs, and it is always best to consult an Ayurvedic expert before beginning any treatment or therapy.  The goal of Ayurveda Treatment for PCOD is to-
Ayurvedic detoxification of the body to remove accumulated toxins
The female reproductive system should be strengthened, revitalized, and nourished.
Maintaining the body’s hormonal balance
Weight loss and insulin resistance correction
The goal of following this Ayurvedic diet is to nourish the Aartava Dhatu in females.
Organic fruits and vegetables, such as raisins, pears, plums, dates, and figs, should be consumed by PCOS women. Fruits and berries in season should be included in the diet.
To boost the Agni (Digestive fire), avoid spicy foods, fermented foods, dairy products, buttermilk, and so on.
Consume Ragi (nachini, Eleusine coracana) grains.
Avoid taking added sugar or sugary foods, as well as artificial sweeteners.
Herbs like Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Shatavari, Varuna, Haritaki, Pippali, Bilva, Agnimantha, Punarvana, Guduchi, Chitraka, Shunthi, Dashmool, Shatapushpa, and others are very effective for balancing the tridoshas and Dhatus.
Panchakarma, ayurvedic therapies, Yoga and breathing exercises (Pranayama)  . Dietary changes include increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while decreasing the consumption of saturated fats, salt, refined sugar, and refined carbs.
Varunadi Kashaya, Chitrakadi Vati, Triphala Guggulu, Punarvadi Kashaya, Shatavari Gulam, and other Ayurvedic formulations are effective.
Panchakarma Treatment is recommended to treat the underlying cause by removing toxins from the reproductive system and empowering the various organs such as the uterus, ovaries and Fallopian tubes.  This Panchakarma Treatment also aids in the maintenance of the body’s hormonal balance.
This is a cleansing technique used primarily to expel vitiated ‘Kapha.’ In PCOS, Vamana (therapeutic emesis or therapeutic vomiting) process helps to balance the vitiated kapha dosha.
This therapy aids in the restoration of the vitiated Pitta Dosha. It involves cleansing the small intestine and improves Dosha elimination via the rectal route. It restores the female body’s hormonal balance.
Basti (Vastu)
This panchakarma therapy, which uses various types of herbal oils, Ghruta, milk, and other decoctions, is extremely effective in balancing the vitiated Vata Dosha. When specific oils are used for Basti, it aids in the regularisation of ovulation. So, Basti can help with infertility treatment, hormone balancing, PCOS treatment, fallopian tube blockage removal, and so on.
Uttarbasti (Vasti)
Uttarbasti (Vasti) is a highly effective treatment for gynecological conditions. In the case of PCOS, Uttarbasti aids in the dissolution of ovarian cysts, the flushing of the Aartava Vaha Srotas, the pacification of the vitiated Apana Vayu, and the increase of follicular maturity.
Fertility Massage
This is a gentle massage of the lower abdomen performed in a specific pattern to improve the natural functioning of the uterus. It also improves blood circulation in the lower pelvic region.
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