#Ma Pines
eregyrn-falls-art · 9 months
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And here it is at last! The Gravity Falls Multi-Artist Lyric Comic tribute to the Stan Twins, "Trouble"!
Stay tuned, as @stariousfalls is working on making all of this into a video version. That will be coming along in the next few weeks!
EDIT: here is the video!
And of course, Happy Birthday to Dipper and Mabel! (Even if this project was Grunkles-centric, Stan and Ford's stories wouldn't have come to such a heart-warming resolution if it wasn't for their niblings. Credit where it's due!)
Some credits and acknowledgements below the read-more:
(I'll have remarks and thanks in another post; but for now, thank you SO MUCH TO EVERYONE who worked on this and made it spectacular!)
Polaroid Collage One: elishevart, zephrunsimperium, pinkplatiploo, mother-ofthe-universedraws, fordtato, shadeartstuff, creativepup, skysdrawings
I've been a beggar: lemonfodrizzleart
And I've been a king: kingsofjersey
I've been a loner: muria-art
And I've worn the ring: everlight_283 (instagram)
Losing myself: batman-gif
Just to find me again: tazmiilly & gin-juice-tonic
I'm a million miles smarter: eregyrn-falls-art & stephreynaart
But I ain't learned a thing: annakitsun3
I've been a teacher: gobblewanker
And a student of hurt: skysdrawings
I kept my word: orangephoenix6
For whatever that's worth: mother-ofthe-universedraws
Never been last: jackyjackdraws
But I've never been first: jasmine-sketchbook
Oh I may not be the best: stephreynaart
But I'm far from the worst: spectralreplica
Oh I may not be the best: elishevart
But I'm far from the worst: zkyeline
Oh, I've seen trouble: fexiled / fexalted
More than any man should bear: mischieflily
But I've seen enough joy: ginandshattereddreams
I've had more than my share: gin-juice-tonic
And I'm still not done: morcian-draws
I'm only halfway there: jamesfenimoreharper
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from: fordtato
But there's still another million miles to come: deerpines, orangephoenix6 & fordtato
Polaroid Collage Two: creativepup, cbmagus49, inkdrawndreamer, bluefrostyy, mother-ofthe-universedraws, fordtato, bewildred-grimsley, shadeartstuff, alphazed
Oh I keep on searching for the City of Gold: vililae
So I'm gonna follow this yellow brick road: cbmagus49
Thinking that maybe it might lead me on: cutebatart
I'm a million miles farther: hellmandraws
And a long way from home: eregyrn-falls-art
I know that there's a plan that goes way beyond mine: possumbreath
Got to step back just to see the design: pottersfieldcustodian
The mind fears the heart: rechoclo
But the heart doesn't mind: novantinuum
Oh I may not be perfect: tazmiilly
But I'm loving this life: hubbabubbagumpop
Oh I may not be perfect: athgalla-arts
But I'm loving this life: thisiswhereidraw
Oh I've seen trouble: purblzart
More than any man should bear: shadowofaghost5
But I've seen enough joy: alextwdgf01 & fordtato
I've had more than my share: dragonsheepstudios
And I'm still not done: acetyzias & stephreynaart
I'm only halfway there: cryptidjeepers
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from: chiiroptereh
But there's still another million miles to come: stephreynaart
Polaroids Collage Three: cbmagus49; fordsy; fordtato; puppylove24680; sciencevillain; lemonfodrizzleart; mother-ofthe-universedraws; possumbreath
Polaroids Collage Four: jamesfenimoreharper; gin-juice-tonic; rusted-blue; shadowofaghost5; cutebatart; possumbreath; fordtato; nour386
Polaroids Collage Five: fordtato; pinestwinssimp; tazmiillly; melodramaticwolf; eregyrn-falls-art
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demico-art · 2 months
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A Tale of One Hoax - Page 28 (The End)
This is it, folks! The last page. It's been a loooong ride, and there were times I thought I wouldn't finish it. Thanks to the readers who stuck with me for all these years, and new readers too! I hope you enjoyed the story! A special thanks to my co-author @peonychikh (formerly known as Anfidersio) for the support and fun all these years!
Cover | Page 27
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creativepup · 9 months
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My two pieces for the Stan Twins Trouble Lyric Comic! Super excited to have joined so many talented people on this. Go check out the project, it's really cool!
Alternate version of card night below the cut:
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fordsy · 8 months
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this was the lil polaroid i contributed for the “Trouble” Multi-Artist Lyric Video! really grateful to have been part of something so beautiful. this fandom means a lot to me and i never have time to contribute to it in a meaningful way.
please show your love to the video & the respective artists! 💕✨ & thanks @eregyrn-falls-art for arranging this!
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billford-dump · 1 year
The Pines family, aside from Filbrick, all have some form of Gift, although Mabel and Dipper either got skipped or theirs hasn’t properly manifested yet.
Ma had foresight, a general idea of what's going to happen that grows clearer as the event approaches. She could tell even when Stan and Ford were little that something big was going to happen to them.
Stan has luck. He bends reality and probability in his favor just enough to get by, even if he doesn't know he's doing it. He'd have to be pretty lucky to survive so long after he was kicked out, and with all his body parts intact.
Ford has... something else. He attracts the supernatural, and he's attracted to it in turn. That, and an unusual proficiency with magic. That shield around the Shack was strong enough to keep Bill out for a reason.
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athgalla-arts · 2 years
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"Big Iron" by Marty Robbins playing softly in background :) They got tired.
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
Stanuary '23 - Week 1: Mystery
I didn't have work today because of the New Year, which meant I could work on Stanuary! And I actually finished it! So I'm getting off to a good start here.
Last year, I used my Smallville AU as the basis for one of the Stanuary prompts, and I'm doing it again! Quick note of context: This AU has Stan and Ford jointly took the role of Clark Kent as seen on the TV show Smallville. As for everything else, well, I think that this ficlet will be able to fill you in.
              Stan clenched the football in his hands until it popped into pieces.  Ford, who was doing the dishes, rolled his eyes.
              “Are you going to do your chores or just stand there steaming?” he asked.  He and Stan were in the kitchen, getting started on their weekend chores.  Or, at least, Ford was.  Stan threw the pieces of the football to the ground.  “Come on, what’s going on with you?”
              “Ma still won’t let me try out for the football team,” Stan ground out.  Ford rolled his eyes again.
              “You know why you can’t.”
              “I can keep my powers in check!”
              “You just destroyed our only football,” Ford pointed out.  Stan glared at him.  “You seem particularly irate today.”
              “Duh!  My twin brother rescued a rich guy yesterday and now he’s getting sent all sortsa expensive gifts by that rich guy!”
              “You mean Bill Cipher?” Ford asked.  Stan nodded.  “The gifts don’t even matter!  Ma made me return all of that stuff back so that we wouldn’t attract attention or whatever.”
              “Yeah, she’s off her rocker,” Stan muttered.  “Still, you saved someone!”
              “Because he hit me with his car.”
              “So?  It’s better than anything I’ve ever done!”  Stan punched the wall, his fist going through the plaster like it was tissue paper. 
              “Ma’s gonna be upset about that.”
              “Whatever!  You’re already way better in school than I am, it’s not fair you get to have this big heroic moment!”
              “Look,” Ford sighed, “it’s not actually as great a thing as you think.  Ma’s freaking out about Bill potentially seeing me use my powers to rescue him.”  Stan grunted wordlessly.  “It’s normal for you to feel upset over perceived missed opportunities-”
              “Normal?” Stan snapped, with such venom that Ford actually took a step away.  “Normal?  What about us is normal?  What about us has ever been normal?”
              “You’re far more normal than I am,” Ford said.
              “How normal am I, really?” Stan asked.  He turned on the garbage disposal and shoved his arm into it.  There was a shout.
              “Stanley Kent, what are you doing?!” Ma Kent shrieked, rushing over.  She pulled Stan’s arm out of the sink.  His shirt sleeve was in tatters, but he didn’t have a scratch on him.  The same couldn’t be said of the garbage disposal.  It had ground to a complete halt, destroyed by Stan’s impenetrable skin.  “What…”
              “This is how Ford survived getting hit by Bill Cipher’s car yesterday,” Stan said.  He yanked his arm out of his mother’s grasp.  “Guess we’re men of steel now or something.”
              “You said the car didn’t hit you,” Ma Kent said to Ford.  Ford looked down guiltily.  “Stanford?”
              “I didn’t want you to worry,” Ford mumbled.  Ma Kent sighed.  She shook her head.
              “What am I gonna do with you two?” she said softly.
              “You could start by, I dunno, not lying to us all the time,” Stan said.  Ma Kent glared at him.
              “I know you didn’t just accuse your hardworking single mother of lying,” she said.  Stan crossed his arms.
              “We ask you what you know about our abilities, or whatever you wanna call them.  And every answer you give is a lie!” Stan said.  Ma Kent crossed her arms as well.  “You were the one who taught me how to catch liars, Ma.”
              “Hmph.  That’s true.”
              “Then is what Stan said about you lying to us true?” Ford asked.  Ma Kent reluctantly nodded.  “Then you do know why we have our abilities.”
              “Yes.  I do.”  Ma Kent closed her eyes.  “I’d tell you, but you wouldn’t believe me.  I’ll have to show you.”
              “What could be so unbelievable that we’d think you were still lying to us?” Ford asked.  “We’re already superpowered teenagers!”
              Stan and Ford gaped at the spaceship in the cellar.
              “This is why you didn’t like us going in the cellar alone,” Ford said quietly.  He shook his head.  “Ma, this raises more questions than it answers.  Are- are we aliens?”  Ma Kent leaned against the cellar wall and idly lit a cigarette.
              “Yep.”  She took a drag of her cigarette.  “Landed here in Smallville during that meteor shower people around here still talk about.”
              “So you’re an alien, too?” Stan asked.  Ma Kent shook her head.
              “Nope.  Human.  You boys are adopted.”  Stan and Ford’s jaws dropped again.  “I know they say you should tell kids they’re adopted from the start or whatever, but I figured these were special circumstances.  All those ‘experts’ in ‘child psychiatry’ were going off the assumption the adopted kids were the same species as the adoptive parents.”  Ma Kent smiled at her sons.  “Don’t ever think I loved you any less.”
              “We know,” Stan and Ford said together.
              “Good.”  Ma Kent sighed.  “Filbrick and I, we couldn’t have biological children, so we decided to adopt.  We were on our way back to New Jersey from an antiques conference when the meteor shower happened.  A big rock came right at us while we were on the road.  Filbrick swerved so we wouldn’t get hit, but we wound up steering off the road and into a cornfield.  Car was fine.  I got out to try to push the sucker back onto the road, and well.”  Ma Kent’s eyes went misty.  “I found you two.  In your little spaceship.”  She pushed herself off the wall and walked over to Stan and Ford to stroke their cheeks.  “Just the cutest things I’d ever seen.  I couldn’t leave you two behind to get scooped up by the government or some shady scientist.  So I didn’t.  I brought you boys home with me.”
              “How’d you convince Filbrick to take us in?” Stan asked.  He couldn’t remember Filbrick well; they’d left New Jersey quite some time ago.  But from what he remembered, Filbrick didn’t seem the type to adopt twin aliens.
              “Talked him into it.  Even Filbrick can’t resist my silver tongue.”  Ma Kent scowled.  “At least, that used to be the case.  Eventually, he built up a resistance.”
              “Does that have anything to do with why we left New Jersey?” Ford asked.  Ma Kent tsked at Ford and pinched his cheek, smiling with pride.
              “My little genius.  It has everything to do with that!”  Ma Kent’s smile faded.  “At first, you two just seemed like regular human kids.  But once it was clear you had some alien abilities, Filbrick started to get antsy.  He eventually put his foot down, saying he was gonna turn you over to the government.”  Stan and Ford’s eyes filled with fear.  “So that night while he was sleeping, I grabbed everything I could think of, including the two of you, threw it all into the car, and drove off.”
              “Why did you come back to Smallville?” Stan asked.  “Filbrick knows we came from here!”
              “Oh, please.  He’s not the kind of person to go chasing halfway across the country for a woman he butted heads with and two boys he didn’t even like.  But just in case, I changed our last names and made friends with the locals.  The bonds between people in small towns are strong.”  Ma Kent smirked.  “And the second I would mention us leaving Filbrick for your safety, people practically begged me to let them shoot him.”  She took a step back and glanced at the spaceship.  “I figured this was the best place for you.  There’s the chance you two and a buncha rocks weren’t the only things from your home planet that landed here.”
              “Have you found anything of our home planet other than the spaceship and meteors?” Ford asked eagerly.  Ma Kent shook her head.  “…Oh.”
              “That doesn’t mean it’s not here.  It just means that I’m a single mother to twin superpowered teenage boys who also happens to own the busiest coffee shop in town.”
              “The only coffee shop in town,” Stan muttered.  Ma Kent slapped him across the back of his head.  “It’s true!”
              “Yes, and the reason we don’t have any competition is ‘cause I work so hard at making this the best place to get coffee in the county,” Ma Kent snapped.  Stan rolled his eyes.
              “How- how did you get the spaceship in the cellar on your own?” Ford asked suddenly.
              “It’s not as heavy as it looks and your ma’s stronger than she seems,” Ma Kent said airily.  She glared at Stan, who was rubbing the back of his head ruefully.  “Oh, please!  You two just told me you can’t get hurt!”
              “Oh.  Right.  It doesn’t hurt.”  Stan’s hand dropped to his side.  “Do you think the spaceship’s got a ‘phone home’ thing in it?”  Ma Kent shrugged.
              “Maybe.  But I could never open the damned thing.  Closed up once you boys were outta it and hasn’t opened since.”
              “Perhaps it will respond to our non-human touch,” Ford said.  He placed a hand on the spaceship.  Nothing happened.
              “It was worth a shot,” Stan said.  “Guess we’ll never find out anything about where we came from.”
              “Not with that attitude!” Ford said passionately.  He looked at Ma Kent.  “Ma, can we be excused from our shift at the coffee shop today?  I think Stan and I should go look for clues as to our heritage.”
              “Fine.  I’ll call Sally and see if she wants to do some work today.  She’s always fun to shoot the breeze with.”
              “Excellent!” Ford enthused.  “Stan, stay here.  I’ll be right back with some supplies for our search.”
              “Oh, good,” Stan muttered.  Ford rushed up the stairs, leaving his mother and twin alone in the cellar.  Ma Kent ground the butt of her cigarette under one of her typical bright red high heels.  She raised an eyebrow at Stan.  “…What?”
              “You don’t seem half as intrigued by the mystery as your twin.”
              “Whattaya want me to say, Ma?  That I’m excited to be an alien?”
              “Stanford clearly is.”
              “Yeah, well, Stanford’s always stuck out, so he’s glad there’s a reason for it.”  Stan looked away.  “I’m just- I really can’t do sports if I’m an alien, can I?”
              “Sweetie.”  Ma Kent walked over to Stan.  She stroked his hair.  “You boys are getting stronger every day.  And you just had a new ability show up!  Who’s to say there won’t be others?  It’s safest for you to fly under the radar.”
              “Sports is all I’ve ever wanted to do.”
              “You’ll find something else.”  Ma Kent kissed Stan on the cheek.  “Maybe that new thing will be cracking the mystery of what you are.”
              “Not a chance.  It’s already Ford’s thing.”
              “And what have I told you two about sharing?” Ma Kent asked pointedly.  Stan managed a small smile.  “You’re a teenager.  Everything’s weird and changing at your age.  Give yourself some time to straighten out before deciding you’ll never be able to follow your dreams.”
              “…Fine.  But I’m gonna keep doing sports with the McGucket kids.”
              “Just don’t hurt any of ‘em and it should be fine.  Even if they see something odd, that family knows when something isn’t their business.”  Ford returned to the cellar.  He tossed a backpack at Stan, who caught it.
              “Come on, Stan!  We have a mystery to solve!”
              “We’re not the Hardy boys,” Stan mumbled, putting on his backpack.
              “Correct.  We’re better,” Ford said firmly.  Stan snickered.
              “We’re definitely more attractive.”
              “All right you two, get outta here before I change my mind and make you work your shift after all,” Ma Kent said, making a shooing gesture with her hands.  Stan and Ford exited the cellar.  Stan looked at his Ford.
              “Where are we gonna start our search?”
              “I was thinking we could look in the cornfield that our spaceship landed in.  Back to where it all began.”
              “That seems as good a place as any to start.”  Stan looped his arm around Ford’s shoulders.  “And since it’s on the McGuckets’ property, we can stop by the house for a slice of pie.”
              “Excellent idea.”
              “When it comes to food, I’m full of ‘em, Sixer.”
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jacky-rubou · 2 years
First two chapters of my long awaited fic are up! Warning, it's really angsty! Will post the next chapter late tomorrow I think.
HUGE thanks to @mother-ofthe-universe for helping me with this entire fic. Without their help with where to go with it, I don't think I could've written it at all. So yeah, check them out.
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Stanley- "Aww man another rainy Saturday."
Stanford- "Hey, I know what we can do!"
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Stanford- "I found this neato coloring book that has all these sci-fi pictures we can color!"
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Stanley- "I'm gonna color some weird aliens!"
Stanford- "Let's color this space gun. I think it's cool."
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Stanley- " Look what me and Sixer did ma!"
Ma- "Awww, you boys did an amazing job. Let's hang it up in the window so everyone can see it."
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Little Stans have my ❤️
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mamabelverse · 1 year
She appeared out of blue. She didn't remember, where she came form. She didn't remember who she was, other than her name. All, she knew that she wanted to find her brother and go back home.
But it looks like life has other plans for her...
A man sighed, looking at old documwnt infront of him, when a hand was put on his own in a comforting manner. Adoption papers them both.
They were abandoned.
They knew it. One hopeless and one mutant. Of course their mother left them behind soon after their birth.
But what if the story went different than what they thought it did?
Just one month into summer of 2012, a young girl goes missing...
In early of summer of 1955, a pair of newborn twins gets adopted...
The first main fic of the AU, YAY!!
Through, I'll be honest, this has been out since April, but I just now decided to create the blog for it...
Well... at least, there's up to six chapters now! Heh... (the summaries of first six chapters follow in next post)
(Set in the biological timeline of the AU)
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commehter · 1 year
Two - Gravity Falls Fanfic
Rating: Teen Genre: Slice of Life Pairings: Filbrick Pines/Ma Pines Characters: Filbrick, Ma, Shermie Summary: It's a sweltering summer day in 1952. Spending it in a hospital waiting room with a bored nine-year-old was not ideal, but at least it was something he had been expecting. What came after the waiting was done? That was another matter.
A stubborn tough New Jersey native, Filbrick wasn't too creative. Having twins was not his plan, so he just shrugged and named both Stan. - A Tale of Two Stans
Chapter 1: Not His Plan
Glass Shard Beach, NJ June 01, 1952
Filbrick Pines watches as his son Sherman flips through the same magazine for the fourth time. The nine-year-old's head is resting heavily against his fist and his eyes are half-lidded in boredom, but he isn't making a fuss and Filbrick is contemplating on what might be an appropriate reward for the (considering the circumstances) good behavior. And, perhaps, he is only actually looking for a way to stave off his own boredom; the two of them have been trapped in this muggy hospital waiting room for hours, after all.
Sherman sighs loudly before tossing the magazine onto the low table in front of them. "I almos' wish I was at school, instead," the boy grouses, "At leas' the air conditioner works there." He then proceeds to make a show of pulling his sweat-dampened t-shirt away from his chest.
"Boy," Filbrick says, his tone warning enough that nothing further is needed.
"Sorry, Dad," the child immediately responds, "It's jus' so hot! ...and I'm bored."
Filbrick sighs and rubs at the bridge of his nose. He can't argue on either count. The pawnshop owner himself has not only discarded his suit jacket, but also rolled up his sleeves, loosened his tie, and even gone so far as to undo the first three buttons of his shirt. 'And still sweating like a pig,' he thinks despairingly. And, to top it off, there really is little to nothing to occupy themselves with in the room.
He stares down at Sherman long enough that the child starts to squirm under his gaze. "We'll stop for ice cream on our way home," Filbrick finally decides.
Sherman brightens immediately at the thought. "Really?" he asks, bouncing slightly in his chair.
"Hmm," Filbrick returns, the barest hint of a smile hidden beneath his mustache, "if you keep on your best manners while we wait to meet your brother."
"Yes, sir!" the boy chirps before he blinks and adds, "I thought Mom said I was getting a baby sister?"
The man shrugs. "Your mother says a lot of things."
"Yeah..." Sherman stretches the word out as he eyes his father carefully, "but normally you jus' agree with her."
A surprised snort of laughter escapes him before before he can stop it, followed by a chuckle. "Come here, you scamp." Sherman grins widely before abandoning his own chair for his father's knee. "Firstly," Filbrick begins after the boy is settled, "I 'normally just agree' with your mother because it's too much work to argue with her. And if you tell her I said that, you can kiss your allowance goodbye for a month." Sherman nods quickly, pressing a finger to his grinning lips. "And second... Your mother and I don't know if the baby will be a boy or girl, just that they're coming. We find out today."
"Oh..." the boy thinks for a second and then suggests, "Maybe I'll get both! A baby brother and a baby sister!"
"Twins?" Filbrick manages as he tries to stifle further laughter, "Don't let your mother know you're wishing that on her, knucklehead. She wouldn't appreciate the thought of having to deliver two babies instead of one."
"Oh... Well..."
Both of the Pines males are distracted from their conversation when a new sound is added to the background noise: namely, a very loud, high-pitched crying.
"Mister Filbrick Pines?" a harried nurse inquires as she sticks her head through the doorway.
"That's me," Filbrick responds as he quickly rises from his seat and deposits Sherman in his place, "Did something happen?"
"I'm terribly sorry, Mister Pines," the nurse rushes to explain while entering the room properly, revealing the squalling newborn she's holding, "This isn't normal procedure, but it's Sunday and we're running on a skeleton crew and I really do need to be getting back to help the doctor with the rest of the delivery. Here, this is your son. Careful, now! Support his head. We just weren't expecting two!"
Before he has had time to truly process what is happening, the nurse has successfully transferred the crying babe into Filbrick's arms and is scurrying back the way she came.
'Two?' he thinks faintly, 'We're not prepared for twins! Oh God, what if the nurse is wrong and there's more than just two?'
"Wow, he's really loud! Are all babies like this? Does this mean my baby sister is next?"
The words jolt Filbrick from his worries and back to the present. "Hmph. We'll see." The man finally tears his gaze away from the door the nurse had disappeared through and redirects it to the screaming bundle in his arms.
A grimace of disgust takes over his face. The boy is still covered in the gore of childbirth. 'They didn't even bother to clean him up before dragging him all through the hospital?' He teases a corner of the blanket free and uses it to wipe away some of the blood (and other fluids he doesn't want to think about) from his son's face.
With the loosening of the fabric, it isn't long before the wailing child works one of his arms free. "Hush now. You're safe," Filbrick mutters to the upset child while gently prying away the fingers clutching his shirt. He does his best to ignore the smeared handprint left behind. The shirt was already ruined, anyway. Probably.
Heedless of the piercing wails, Sherman edges closer to look at the baby. "Why's he so angry?"
"He's probably more scared than angry, Sherman. This is all new to him."
"Oh," Sherman gazes up at his father, "You should sing."
Filbrick blinks and then turns to look at the nine-year-old. "Excuse me?"
"You should sing," the boy repeats with a nod, "When I get scared, Mom sings, and then I feel better."
"Boy, I do not sing." Sherman looks like he might try to press the idea so Filbrick adds, "Believe me, if you'd ever heard me attempt to do so, you'd be grateful for that fact."
Sherman frowns for a moment, and then, "If you don't sing... Should I sing?"
Filbrick shrugs, bouncing his newborn son in his arms with the motion. "Not sure it'll help, but you can try."
You can read the rest of the story on AO3.
6 Chapters
10K Words
Completed 07/10/2016
Happy reading!
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eregyrn-falls-art · 9 months
And here it is, the video version of the "Trouble" Multi-Artist Lyric Comic! All the kudos in the world to @stariousfalls for editing this whole thing together!!!
Go here for the post with all of the lyric page art viewable separately. Go to the Trouble Lyric Comic tag on my main blog to see links to people's posts of their art.
Below the read-more, please find the credits, with tags/links to everyone's blogs!
And once again, huge thank you to everyone who participated in this project -- it was so much fun to work on! And special thanks to @mercury-falls for helping me to organize all of this! I'm still so jazzed to see this final product -- the "amv" to this song that I've been wanting to see since 2016, and here it is, and it's wonderful! And it's even MORE wonderful because this represents a LOT of people coming together to express and share their love for this show.
(Go here for some more extended thank-yous!)
Photo Collage One: Elishevart, Pinkplatiploo, Zephrunsimperium, Creativepup, Batman-gif, Fordtato (all newspaper clippings), Shadeartstuff, Skysdrawings
I’ve been a beggar: lemonfodrizzleart
And I’ve been a king: kingsofjersey
I’ve been a loner: muria-art
And I’ve worn the ring: everlight_283 (instagram)
Losing myself: batman-gif
Just to find me again: tazmiilly & gin-juice-tonic
I’m a million miles smarter: eregyrn-falls-art & stephreynaart
But I ain’t learned a thing: annakitsun3
I’ve been a teacher: gobblewanker
And a student of hurt: skysdrawings
I kept my word: orangephoenix6
For whatever that’s worth: mother-ofthe-universedraws
Never been last: jackyjackdraws
But I’ve never been first: jasmine-sketchbook
Oh I may not be the best: stephreynaart
But I’m far from the worst: spectralreplica
Oh I may not be the best: elishevart
But I’m far from the worst: zkyeline
Oh, I’ve seen trouble: fexiled
More than any man should bear: mischieflily
But I’ve seen enough joy: ginandshattereddreams
I’ve had more than my share: gin-juice-tonic
And I’m still not done: morcian-draws
I’m only halfway there: jamesfenimoreharper
I’m a million miles ahead of where I’m from: fordtato
But there’s still another million miles to come: deerpines, orangephoenix6 & fordtato
Photo Collage Two: Creativepup, Cbmagus49, Inkdrawndreamer, Bluefrostyy, Fordtato, Mother-ofthe-Universedraws, Fordtato & Jamesfenimoreharper, Shadeartstuff, AlphaZeD, Bewildred-grimsley
Oh I keep on searching for the City of Gold: vililae
So I’m gonna follow this yellow brick road: cbmagus49
Thinking that maybe it might lead me on: cutebatart
I’m a million miles farther: hellmandraws
And a long way from home: eregyrn-falls-art
I know that there’s a plan that goes way beyond mine: possumbreath
Got to step back just to see the design: pottersfieldcustodian
The mind fears the heart: rechoclo
But the heart doesn’t mind: novantinuum
Oh I may not be perfect: tazmiilly
But I’m loving this life: hubbabubbagumpop
Oh I may not be perfect: athgalla-arts
But I’m loving this life: thisiswhereidraw
Oh I’ve seen trouble: purblzart
More than any man should bear: shadowofaghost5
But I’ve seen enough joy: alextwdgf01 & fordtato
I’ve had more than my share: dragonsheepstudios
And I’m still not done: acetyzias & stephreynaart
I’m only halfway there: cryptidjeepers
I’m a million miles ahead of where I’m from: chiiroptereh
But there’s still another million miles to come: stephreynaart
Photo Collage Three: Cbmagus49, Fordsy, Puppylove, Lemonfodrizzleart, Jamesfenimoreharper, Gin-juice-tonic, Fordtato & Vililae, Rusted-blue, Sciencevillain, Mother-ofthe-Universedraws, Possumbreath, Shadowofaghost5, Pinestwinssimp, Nour386, Cutebatart, Possumbreath, Melodramaticwolf, Tazmiilly, Eregyrn-falls-art
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demico-art · 2 months
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A Tale of One Hoax - Page 27
Cover | Page 26 | Page 28
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Sail Away With Me
Summary: In this dimension, Stanford tries to sail away with Stanley.
This fic is inspired by and based on this comic. Thank you @daidz-art for making this beautiful comic! (Cross-posted on AO3)
It was supposed to be fine. Everything was supposed to work out.
But it didn’t.
West Cost Tech had rejected him.
If it had been because his project truly wasn’t up to snuff, he would have been fine with that. He would have been able to move on.
But his twin did this.
He had taken away the only opportunity either of them had to get away from New Jersey. Of course he’d have been by himself in the school, but he’d have scraped up enough money after college to bring his brother to him. That had been the plan.
It wasn’t the plan anymore.
He yelled without regard to how his twin—the only other one that mattered other than himself—flinched, without really paying attention. He saw his future—their future—shattered before his eyes. It hadn’t involved treasure hunting because that wouldn’t have been viable, but it would have been something. It would have been better.
It wasn’t so much the words that had snapped him out of his angry stupor, but it had been the seething voice that slithered down his spine. It wasn’t a roar, but it didn’t have to be.
Filbrick Pines could make himself heard without even raising his voice.
Stanley stared up at their father with fear written all over his face. “Wait, no, I can explain! It was a mistake!”
“A mistake?” He shoved his son down onto the couch and stared at him for not even a heartbeat before he stormed out of the room.
“Stanley, what happened?” Caryn demanded as she bounced the crying baby.
He didn’t even look at his twin, he was busy looking down the hallway where they could hear Filbrick riffling through things. “I-I broke—Ford’s project. It was an accident though, I swear. It was still moving when I left so I thought it was fine.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You should’ve told me! I could’ve fixed it last night.”
Stanley looked over at him, eyes wide and pitiful in a way that they had never been before. “I—”
Footsteps started down the hall and everyone went quiet as the storm rolled in. There wasn’t time to ask any questions because before they knew it, he had grabbed Stanley and started hauling him down the stairs.
Caryn started after him. “Fil—”
“No, you’re not gonna get him outta trouble this time!”
Stanford knew what would happen—it was inevitable with their father’s temper. He went to their room, determined to give Stanley the silent treatment when he was returned with red marks on his back and legs. Stanley always squirmed.
Upon opening the door, he saw the window was open and clothes were strewn about in a way they hadn’t been when he left earlier that evening. It was clear to him that their father had rifled through their room, but why would he open the—
He heard the front door open downstairs and rushed to the window to look outside just in time to see his twin sitting on the sidewalk with their father standing over him. His eyes weren’t drawn to the two men, but rather to the duffel bag that sat beside Filbrick’s feet.
He threw the duffel bag down before he walked back out.
He had been packing Stanley’s things.
He was kicking Stanley out.
The bag was thrown into his twin’s chest, and he barely managed to catch it for all of his shock. “Stanford, tell him he’s bein’ crazy!”
He gaped down at the scene, unable to quite process what was happening.
He couldn’t kick out Stanley. He was just supposed to give him licks and send him back upstairs. He was supposed to give him a lecture and take away privileges. Stanley wasn’t supposed to be thrown out of their lives.
“Filbrick, what are you doing?”
“Quiet, Caryn!”
That snapped him back to reality. “Pa, this is crazy! You can’t kick Stan out!”
Because for all his faults, Stanley was the one that had been there for him most. When their mother was distracted and father was ignoring them, they had each other to rely on. They were brothers—twins—and that meant something.
“You stay outta this unless you wanna tag along with him!”
There it was. Exactly what Stanford had expected.
He was one mistake away from being kicked out, too. It hurt. It made him angry.
As much as he wanted to go to WCT, as angry as he was with Stanley, he couldn’t… he couldn’t live with the thought of his brother on the streets.
Because that’s where he’d end up and that’s where he would stay. Stanley was more stubborn than anyone else in their family. They wouldn’t see him again until he made millions… if he made millions. How could a kid without a high school diploma make that kind of money?
He couldn’t.
The worst part was… he could see Stanley dead in a ditch without any of them knowing.
And that made up his mind.
“Fine!” He yelled back, turning on his heel and hurriedly packing his own things. He turned to shout out the window, “We can make it on our own!”
After he was sure he’d gotten everything they would need—including the money they had stashed away—he ran downstairs and pushed past their father.
“Can’t we just talk about this?” Caryn pleaded. “Boys, come back inside.”
“No, Ma, he made his choice!” Stanford pointed to their father. “Shermie wouldn’t even come around if it weren’t for us—” He gestured between their ma, himself and his twin. He didn’t break eye-contact with the towering man. “—and when we’re all gone, no one’s even gonna visit your grave.”
“You’re not thinking clearly,” Filbrick stated, voice low and warning.
“Well, neither are you.” He turned and pushed his twin towards the car. “C’mon Stanley. We’re leaving.”
He got into the passenger’s seat and threw his bag between his feet, refusing to look back at their parents. If he looked at their Ma, he would break and go back, but he couldn’t—wouldn’t—leave Stanley.
“Ford, are you s—”
“Just drive!”
With a sigh, the car was started, and they were driving away.
They would need a plan.
Moses, what would they do?
“If the college board isn’t impressed with my experiment tomorrow, then okay. I’ll do the treasure-hunting thing.”
“Take us to the beach,” he said suddenly, staring at the road ahead with his mind filling with broken dreams and childhood fantasies in place of the weight of reality.
“Go home, Stanford.” Stanley had never sounded so tired before, so resigned.
He couldn’t think of that: of his brother’s sudden change in mood or reality. He could only follow through on his promise.
Their promise.
“The beach, Stanley! Drive us to the damn beach!”
There was a long silence before he wordlessly turned the car to take them on the familiar route.
His hands shook in his lap, but he ignored that.
They would set sail tonight and reach the next port by morning. He’d use the money they’d scraped up the past year and a half to get supplies. They’d been fishing enough to know how to survive. They would take work on the docks, rent out their ship for tours. They could do it.
He would make it happen.
The car parked and there was the beach.
Dark water kissed the pale sand under the pale moonlight. In the distance, the silhouette of the Stan O’War stood proud like a beacon calling to him.
He grabbed their bags when Stanley didn’t move and got out of the car, determined. They would come back for the car tomorrow, for now they needed to set sail and let the ocean wash everything away.
He threw the bags up onto the deck and pushed against the boat. After a moment of it not budging more than an inch, he realized his twin was still off to the side looking at him.
“H-help me push the boat,” he panted.
He couldn’t do it alone. Neither of them could ever do anything alone. He should have known better.
They could go, they could run.
They could disappear into the night.
“Ford…” Quiet—Stanley was never quiet—and resigned—Stanley never gave up.
Why was he like this? Didn’t he say this was the silver-lining? They could sail around the world and hunt treasure—he said that was the plan wasn’t it? Stanford had promised him this would be their fall back. They had to sail away.
He turned and started pushing against it with his back, looking at his brother with desperation. “We’ll go sailing together! Just help me!”
Stanley lowered his eyes, dejected. “Stanford, stop… just go home.”
Go home? That place wasn’t home without laughter and Stanley was the only one that made them laugh. He was still upset, but he couldn’t let his brother go without him. He couldn’t lose him forever.
The thought alone made his chest tight and vision blurry. “Stop saying that!”
Stanley glanced at him but couldn’t hold his gaze. He looked so broken and tired. It wasn’t the Stanley he knew.
“I… I don’t wanna go home without you.”
A weak, sad chuckle. “You must be pretty stupid if you wanna run away with me.”
There was so much inside him—anger, sorrow, anxiety, and emotions he wasn’t sure had names—and somehow, despite knowing so many words, he couldn’t find any to express everything he felt he needed to. What came out was immediate and desperate; it made his raw voice crack and hands shake.
“I said we’d go sailing if WCT failed! It failed!” His hand fisted his own shirt. “I promised!”
Stanley grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. “I know… but sometimes promises break.” He looked up with quiet, dejected earnestness. “You can make something of yourself if you go back. You don’t have to be a fuck up like me.”
“Stop that! I’m not leaving you—never!”
“You think I’m gonna die out there on my own… don’t you?”
His breath hitched.
He wanted to deny it. He wanted to shake his brother and tell him that he was amazing even if everyone else thought differently. He wanted to be angry at him for ruining his chances at getting into the college of his dreams, to demand to know what he was thinking, to get that goddamn look off of his face so he could be mad at him properly!
Most of all, he wanted to go back in time to fix everything so Stanley wouldn’t have to look at him like that.
His knees gave out from under him, and he sat heavily in the sand, back pressed against the boat as a sob escaped his lips. His hands moved as they always did when he cried: pushing his glasses up so he could hide his face without smudging them and tangle his fingers in his hair.
“I don’t wanna lose you,” he confessed through the tears.
It felt as if there was an eternity before he noticed a warm body sitting next to his. When he looked over, Stanley was staring at the stars above them, head leaned back against their boat. He’d known Stanley every day of their lives and he had never seen him look so old and tired. Would he always look like this if he was alone?
“I always thought it was you and me against the world,” Stanley said quietly, chest heaving. “Now I know better.”
“We both know that you shouldn’t be here.” He turned to look at him with tears streaming down his cheeks and a sternness that hadn’t been there before. “Go home. I’ll be okay.”
Without thought, he grabbed Stanley and pulled him close, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. “No, not without you. It’s you and me against the world—always.”
Fingers dug into his shoulder, but he was neither pushed away nor pulled closer.
“Go home.”
“Plea—… please, just go home.”
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pansypr3p · 2 years
i need a fic rec all i want is something that is done/near done/has a lot of text and has ford (gravity falls) asking for some fucking HELP. pre-show, bill has already revealed himself to be evil but ford hasn't Quite lost all of his thi king abilities. he calls up Someone, shermie or his mom or dad, maybe Stan, but im really looking for more
Ford: hey shermie i need some help w-
ford: !!!!! what is this???? my family loves me????? preposterous. get out
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birchisnotokay · 2 years
Raspberry Ford and Blueberry Stan based on something my friend made
I find this funny
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[context ;; Ford from some accident made his hair covered in red and Stan just laughing at him, Caryn caught Stan laughing at Ford so she decide to paint Stan's hair to blue so he knows what Ford feels]
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