#MWAH anon
domirine · 1 year
I'm so mad at you. I don't even like polnareff but your avpol makes me like him a teeny little bit..........................
LMAOOO i am very happy to hear it >:3c
i wanted to draw you a charming polnareff to sway you further but failed spectacularly lmao apparently he just HAS to be a lil pathetic and a lil cringe. i like him that way (maybe he overheard you not liking him at first)
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tobytost · 1 year
Some rebel pilot is just chilling in a silent storage room, checking supplies, then all of a sudden they just hear "Last week Kanan tripped over Chopper and fell on top of Zeb, and the two of them just laid on the ground in defeat for like a minute while Chopper did a victory lap around them" and they turn to give him a wtf look and he's already left to go tell someone else
YOU SEE MY VISION ANON YOU SEE IT if Ezra is not too busy being a force freak, training or doing chores, he's going around scaring and bothering other rebel soldiers because he's bored and he REALLY wants to tell someone the last funny thing that happened
Imagine some rebel pilot going through their day, doing their job around the base and Ezra is just following them along and CHATTERING NON-STOP, like, he's not helping or anything, he's just following them around telling stories, MAYBE he'll hold their toolbox
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patchesbeanie · 10 months
Dream loveposting opportunity! Whats one thing you love about Dream?
his endless love and wonder at the world !!!!! he's so genuine and passionate about the things he's interested in and it's a big reason why i'm so drawn to him
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 9 months
I misss youuuu
*leans suavely on my cane*
*it slips and I face plant*
*from the floor* I miss yous too <33
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undercoverpena · 2 months
In your tags you said you like flowers, but they make you sneeze. So here are some flowers safe for you.
okay, so this is the sweetest and I want to smooch you. thank you so much!!! 😭🥹😍 I have the best people following me I swear.
here, I’ve picked non-sneezy ones back for you 🌸🌼💐🌹🪷
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drabsyo · 2 months
Hey drabs,
Firstly, I'm so sorry for my whack English for it's my second language. And I know this is an ask box, but this is the only way I know to send you message anonymously in case this message sounded cringier than what's in my head. lol.
I wanted to say that I hope everything is going well for you because I know that looking for a job these days feels like looking for diamond in a gold mine, which basically almost impossible and I myself is also looking for a job.
And also, I wanted to share a few things in case you get ghosted by the company after weeks of the interview.
1. Have you ever tried Glints or LinkedIn? I don't know what your line of work but perhaps you want to try to apply through those two apps maybe?
2. If the point above still doesn't work, perhaps you should try internship first. I got my first job right after graduating high school because my mentor saw my works are good enough and he recommend me to his boss. But then again, these kinda things are also based on luck, and not to mention that most companies don't pay their intern, so hopefully we don't have to use this tips.
I also wanted to share somethings that helped me to stay sane and during times like that.
1. Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated. As long as you stay hydrated and not hungry, you'll be more focused on the questions the interviewer asked.
2. Don't stay up late. Same goes like the point above, you'll be more focus and have more energy if you sleep enough. And If you're a night owl like me, well... don't forget to drink coffee after you woke up. lol.
3. After all the interviews done for the day, don't forget to reward yourself. Regardless of what happened or whether or not you're accepted, don't forget to reward yourself. It doesn't have to be something grand, something small can do. For me, I usually eat my comfort food that is those korean instant ramen or have a little gaming session.
I know these stuff are basically generic, but I just wanted you to know that no matter what, you are awesome. Sending you all my support and hugs, good luck Drabs ❤
Hey anon! Oh my goshhh first of all, thank you so much for this. It's been a rough few months, exhausting really. I received your message right after I finished my interview, and I know it sounds lame, but it almost made me cry! To know that you care enough about me to leave me this message is so heart warming. So. Thank you. ❤
Your English is wonderful, please don't ever apologize for that and this message is not cringe at all, FAR from it. I'm saving this ask!
I haven't tried Glints or LinkedIn yet. It's also the first time I've heard of Glints, so I might give it a shot. Thank you for the tip! I'll go check it out. My usual method has been applying for jobs on JobStreet.
Glad to hear your mentor was really impressed by your works!!! ❤ I did have an internship before, but the company where I had my internship in ran out of budget for our department so they weren't hiring. Plus, my supervisor from there also resigned. And I was also the unpaid intern!
I keep forgetting to stay hydrated. Yesterday, the interviewer made us wait for an hour and twenty minutes before the interview started and no one would tell us what was happening. I was so thirsty, it was embarrassing. Not to mention I had a fever, yikes. Hope you're staying hydrated on your job hunt too ❤
Ughhgghh I am a night owl too and I absolutely hate it, anon. I love it, but I also hate it? You know what I mean. I am looking into night shift options though. My friends who work the graveyard shift tell me it's disorienting. Maybe we should consider it, what with us being night owls and all? Hm.
Yes!! A quick gaming session does wonders for my anxiety after an interview. That, or I play some music really loud to tune out my thoughts for the day. Or I just lay in bed. Pet my cat. Read fanfiction. Go on tumblr. And now, I have this ask to go back to too ❤ It's the small wins, for sure. I'm happy to hear you give yourself these small rewards too ❤
Anon, this means a lot to me. Grinned like an idiot reading your tips. And please, take your own advice too. Stay hydrated, do things that make you happy, try to get 8 hours of sleep, and take care of yourself. I sincerely hope you're doing great, staying healthy, and are loved. World's tough. Really tough. You've got me in your corner, anon! Sending you hugs!!!! And all my love ❤❤❤
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takami-takami · 1 year
I need you to know you're my favorite Hawks blog ever. You Get Him™️
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verrverii · 2 years
Random question
Who of the Redactedverse characters do you think would say the phrase "I don't bite...at least not that hard" and in what way?? (Seductive, flirty, threatening,etc etc.)
I really like your blog and I'm also bored :)
Aww!! I'm glad you like my blog anon I wanna give you a big big kiss :D Well well well how about angel seductively saying it hehe
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I'm also very sure sweetheart and darlin would say it threateningly but ends up sounding hot anyway I mean..... does Adam count.... threateningly. definitely threateningly. Vincent FLIRTY FLIRTY FLIRTY ((IT'S IN THIS MAN'S TITLE!!)) Guy....... playfully......
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ruerock · 1 year
do you have an etsy for selling prints or buttons or something? i want to carry your art around on my backpack so bad 😭
PLS that's so sweet omg!! i actually thought of opening an etsy store but i wasnt sure if people would be interested! do you guys have any particular artworks of mine youd want to see? i could put them up on my redbubble or inprnt and for etsy in the future
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mrsaltieri-real · 5 months
Babes I’m absolutely BEGGING (like hands and knees, bowing down begging) for more Todd Gaines
Like nobody write about his scrumptious ass🤧
Like I fr need that back arching (his or ours yk I don’t mind👀), toe curling, thighs trembling
Scrum-dilly-umtious work of art that you write
(Did this make sense? I’m not too sure.)
Girl you’re so real for everything you just said. I would absolutely LOVE to write him again! I’m creatively stunted at the moment so feel free to send in an ask and I just PRAY it sparks inspo because I am not done with that fucker yet.
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1892 · 1 year
i hate that every time people talk about beachdeath they forget about their brief but intense attack on titan phase where they wrote an ableist jean/marco fic where they were in a wheelchair and annie was a homophobic cheerleader. also they harassed a writer and former friend only bc they were more popular and didn't want anything to do with peyton anymore, understandably. it's such niche lore i needed to share
thank u for ur incredible lore knowledge i didn't know about this and reading this at 7am is such a way to wake up thank u for sharing
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theodoradevlin · 10 months
*sighs dramatically* how dare you
however *walks in front of you to open their powerpoint presentation* let me list all the reasons why i'm too adorable to not be smooched ✍️🏻
*sighs in return with a small chuckle, stepping in between you and the power point, taking your face in my hands again*
While I do respect the effort here...I'll save you some time. I don't need a powerpoint to know all those reasons.
*leans in and plants one on your adorable lips before you can protest*
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tobytost · 11 months
omg omg i'm gonna cry!!! Kanan or Hera tying their shoes while sitting next to ezra, and then they "mess up" part-way through so they have to start over if they see him struggling with a step
YES YOU GET THE VISION they do that because they know that Ezra won't ask them directly and they don't want to embarrass him by confrontation
and Ezra is so so proud of himself by the end, smiling brightly because his shoes finally fit comfortably:)
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patchesbeanie · 10 months
quackity probably told him dream threatened his mother or something stupid idk
idk but it still seems so weird especially since dream and tommy have actually been super close so to throw it all out like that? he can't be that stupid
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pissheartmybeloved · 10 months
beer anon - couldn't get the dip to fit under my jeans so now I'm just trying not to squirm when everyone's sitting right next to me :)))
awww anon!! poor thing - so close to being able to leak, to let the pressure off a tiny bit and fill your diaper, but now you don't have the option 😔 I hope you can hold it till you leave.....
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 11 months
Today was my last show and there's so many of you I haven't got to hug yet and stagedoor was so great I um wrote a 7 page letter to the cast and I think I overwhelmed Ryan lol he wouldn't take it so I ended up giving it to mukeni.
I feel you :( cause I’m in Ireland I’ve only been able to go twice and sometimes I get really sad watching everyone I know be able to go together all the time but it helps to focus on my own experiences and fun I had at my own shows, so that’s my advice: don’t focus on what hasn’t happened and think about what has
I’m glad stagedoor was a good time for you! it’s always really special to be able to interact with them like that and tell them how much they’re appreciated
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