#MK plays babysitter…a lot.
thestarfilledsea · 1 year
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I had this idea way back and seeing the latest art you did made me remember it xD
i imagine he probably had random emotional moments when sleepy
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he’s working on it
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starsurface · 3 months
Hi sorry for requesting again but I was wondering you had CG Headcannons for Mk 11 Johnny Cage ? He's a comfort character at the moment and I'm happy to see you do content for MK 10,11 and 1 :) sorry again for being awkward in my first ask I've been off tumblr for a while and recently came back ...
MK11 Johnny Cage!!! <3
And your fine, don't worry one bit!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Johnny Cage MK11 Hcs
💫 Depending on where we are on the timeline depends on how ‘good’ on a CG he is (all CGs are good, they're trying their best <3)
💫 Younger Johnny is more of a babysitter or older brother figure, but still a pretty good CG
💫 Older Johnny takes on a more stable CG role (we're gonna focus on him)
💫 You have so much Johnny Cage merch!!!!
💫 Any kind of doll or stuffie made of him, you've already got it!!
💫 You've even got some shirts with his old movie designs
💫 Mostly you have these because he gets a copy of almost anything ever made of him (and he likes to spoil you <3)
💫 Older Johnny has kinda left his old Hollywood life behind, joining the military and doing some movies here or there
💫 He's settled down, more to Earth than his other selves
💫 That will not stop him from buying anything you want, no matter the price
💫 You want a yummy treat? What kind? He's already got his wallet put
💫 He knows you have a thousand and one plushies . . . But a few more can't reeeeeeally hurt anyone
💫 You are his baby and nothing is allowed to harm a hair on your head
💫 You think your clingy? Psh, you haven't seen Cage Clingy
💫 Constantly wants to hold or coddle you, your just so cute!!
💫 But like, he guesses he can let you go run off, but he has to be nearby and you have to be in eye distant!!!
💫 Matching Johnny Cage inspired jammies (he happened to have them already)
💫 He has a habit of babying you even if you regress older
💫 If you like being treated like a princess/prince/royalty? Brilliant!! He's got you covered!!
💫 If you want more independence, he's decent with it, and will treat you more your age
💫 Finds middlespace regresses entertaining (mostly if your an emo regressor)
💫 Loves making bracelets and drama when your bigger
💫 Drama can be almost anything, including this dramatic thing that happened in your favorite TV show
💫 Babble encourager!!!
💫 Full blown conversations with babblers, he thinks they're adorable
💫 If you want to have him dress up and have a tea party, he's so for it
💫 Make him wear a tiara and tutu, he'll do it with pride
💫 Will also let you paint his nails any color you want
💫 While he loves and babies you, he also puts his foot down >:(
💫 If your a rule breaker, prepare for a bunch of timeout time, because there's almost not changing his mind (unless you regress really small)
💫 Won't punish you if it was an accident though, he's not terribly mean
💫 If you ever offer to spar or wrestle him while your tiny, he'll generally laugh
💫 Not at you!! Well, kinda
💫 It's just, your so cute!! Thinking you could beat him up, that's so adorable 🥺
💫 He'll let you fight him though (and probably let you win, but you don't reeeeally gotta know that)
💫 He'll treat you with ice cream when you ‘win’
💫 He's getting old, but he's got the energy he had when he was in his 20s (y'all he's like almost 60 in MK11 can you believe that??)
💫 If you regress as base, your either right by his side holding his hand, or your always in reach just in case
💫 There is a not touching rule on everything if your small on base, there's a lot of dangerous stuff and Johnny's not having you get hurt
💫 He'll do his little “Here's Johnny!!” while playing peek-a-boo
💫 Sometimes he'll egg you on to do naughty things he finds funny (like prank Sonya by putting a bit of salt in her coffee)
💫 Will also take the blow when Sonya starts getting pissy because someone (👀) ruined her coffee
💫 Your naptime? Nuh-uh. Our naptime 😎
💫 Man's old, he'd love to just laze around and cuddle
💫 But he's also got the spirit of a child, and would love to run around with you
💫 If your small while he's working out, he'll laugh as you try to pick up his weight
💫 He'll probably give you one of those workout balls or some super light weights so you can be just like Daddy :D
💫 . . . Dad jokes 😒
💫 And sometimes they're not even good!! Most times they're just to poke or annoy you!! >:(
💫 Most times they're actually really funny though
💫 Favorite CG nicknames are Daddy, Dada, Papa, Bubba, and literally anything you wanna call him
💫 Your go-to babysitters are Sonya and Cassie
💫 (Maybe also Jax and Kenshi)
💫 Cassie and Sonya both love you, you've got the whole Cage family behind your back
💫 Favorite little nicknames to call you are Princess, Baby Girl/Boy, Little One, Sweetiepie, Honey, Little Star
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I hope they're more MK11 Johnny and not MK1 Johnny, and I can always do more or something like that. <3
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punsmaster69 · 5 months
"MK, dude. You're gonna kill him."
frisk picked up their kickball that's narrowly missed me enough times to make me reconsider my seating.
"Sorry, Sans."
"Should we move this somewhere else?"
"Your back yard has more space, right?"
"Yeah. Race you there!"
"On the count of three."
"You can count!"
frisk inhaled...
darting instantly around the back of the house.
"Wai- Frisk, that's not fair!!"
clearly caught of guard, monster kid gave chase.
"You're just gonna watch them leave?"
"i'll get up in a sec."
"Gee, some kind of babysitter you are."
"like i said, i'll get up in a sec."
"besides, this isn't technically babysitting."
"How is it not?"
"not my job."
"Didn't Toriel put you up to this or something?"
"Why are you even here?!"
"Don't you have anyone else to bug?"
"working with asgore. doin' ambassador stuff."
"on a date with undyne."
"bothered him enough yesterday."
"You could go work for once. Pay him back."
an unusual amount of exhaustion slows my every movement today. not the lazy slow i've typically got; slow like sludge.
i blame it on the dog that wouldn't stop rifling through everything in my room. normally i'd kick it out, but then it'd go bug papyrus. knowing ahead of time he'd be busy today, i'd let it annoy me for the night.
"i'm bored, but i'm not 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 bored."
"Lazy ass."
"the rest of me's lazy too, y'know."
grabbed his pot and carried it with me to the back porch with me. i was met with a frankly surprising lack of complaints, his scowl being the extent of it.
he ignored my reply.
"Fine. Not Grillby, not Papyrus, not Alphys..."
"Don't you hang out with Napstablook sometimes?"
"Why not them?"
"they're with mtt. calling mew, i think."
"...How's she doing?"
"𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 wondering how someone's doing?"
"feelin' alright, bud?"
"Shut up. I'm only asking because she's tolerable compared to a lot of you."
"I relate to her constant rage, on some level."
"last i heard, the idol stuff was going well."
"Getting paid to do nothing but look good..."
"I'd say it sounds like easy cash, but I know 𝘆𝗼𝘂 couldn't do it."
"i do plenty of nothing."
"The looking good part."
"you'd be surprised at how low standards are these days."
"Yours specifically?"
"That's no shock. Your jacket's got a stain on it RIGHT there."
"When's the last time you washed that thing?"
"at least sometime last month."
"I'm surprised you don't smell like anything worse than ketchup."
"my lack of body with which to produce odor contributes to that."
"you totally stink though."
"I don't have a body either, idiot!"
"got the odor though."
"I don't sm- HEY!!!"
the kickball slammed against the railing flowey was on, giving him a good shake.
"Frisk, dude. You're gonna kill him."
mocking tonality, soon broken with giggling.
frisk punched them in the shoulder before running back in the yard to receive the kick from monster kid.
"Both of them need to get better."
"at playing?"
"Whatever game that is."
"why don't you go play with 'em?"
the incredulous look he gave me was expected.
"Because I don't have limbs??"
"so you'd play if you could."
"No! It looks boring."
"yet you watch them play."
"Watching is different!"
"watching is looks."
"and you said it looks boring."
"Shut it, herd."
knowing full well that i was letting myself be lulled by the sun and gentle breeze into a nap, right there in tori's porch chair.
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Rating the Celestial Beings from LMK Based on How They’d Babysit Your Kid
Fandom: Lego Monkie Kid
Characters: Monkey King, Nezha, and Chang’e
TW: nothing but fluff! ☁️
Genre: Implied platonic relationships 
Extra: I’ve been most excited for this list since it has some of the most iconic characters in the show. But small problem… I haven’t seen season 4 yet… so that means Nezha and Chang’e might not be totally accurate since I haven’t seen if they get more characterization in season 4. Hopefully that isn’t an issue! Anyways let’s continue with the list down below ⬇️
Monkey King:
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Monkey King would be happy to help you out by babysitting, and also SUPER overconfident. After all, what kid wouldn’t want to hang out with the legendary Sun Wukong? 🤩 
He’d also be a little bit nervous, but either he’d be too prideful to show it or more self assured than nervous. It all depends on the situation.
You’d have to drop your kid off at Flower Fruit Mountain, which would be hard to get to… and even if he met you somewhere and took your kid to Flower Fruit Mountain himself, you’d still have to go pick them up.
If your kid does somehow make it through the trip to Flower Fruit Mountain they’ll have a multitude of places to play. After all, it’s a big island with a lot of cool locations to explore!
Monkey King has only two types of food on the island. Peaches, and peach chips. Hopefully your kid likes those-
Despite being irresponsible at times, your kid will be 100% safe due to Wukongs powers.
Wukong is such an attention seeker, but because of this he’d be great at entertaining your kid! He could show them some basic training moves, let them explore the island, play with them using his powers, and so much more. (Anything to make them think he’s just the coolest dude ever)
I get the impression that he would interact with your kid the same way he interacts with MK. Lazy, teasing, warm and protective. 
I can’t see why he wouldn’t be a good babysitter in all honesty. He has a personality kids would be drawn to, and literally nothing would be able to harm your kid when they’re with Monkey King. And he lives in such a cool place! I refuse to believe your kid would be bored with all the animals and hidden temple stuff. My only complaints are about the transportation and food situation… how do you plan to drop off or pick up your kid? I mean I’m sure you could find some work arounds, but it sounds like such a hassle. And we’ve only ever seen Wukong eat peaches and peach flavored chips while on the island, which leads me to believe there isn’t much else there to eat. But you could argue we only see him eating the same type of food because he’s a picky eater, and that there’s other type of food elsewhere on the island, so I’m not deducting too many points for that. Overall he’s getting a 8.6/10!
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I’ve been doing some research on the lmk characters recently, mainly the celestial beings, to understand the Journey to the West better. While digging around I learned that in China it’s commonly believed that Nezha was a patron god to children and teenagers. No wonder he’s so patient with MK! I think it’s safe to say he knows how to deal with kids
You won’t have to worry about Nezha slacking off, if anything he’d take his job SUPER seriously. 
Though, I can see this being a problem for some kids considering children usually hate serious adults.
He’ll have to take your kid out to town since taking kids to heaven to hang out is probably a no go. 
I’m not sure how well versed Nezha is in the modern world, so he might need some help figuring out certain things. Which, let’s all be honest, would make for a hilarious comic! Wouldn’t you agree Tumblr Artists? Hint hint wink wink 
Based on his mythology, I can totally see him having a soft spot for kids. Nezha would probably give even the most rebellious kids the benefit of the doubt because, in his eyes, they still have a lot of growing up to do. 
If they’re fans of Monkey King he’s going to be so mad XD 
He probably won’t have much of a plan for the babysitting session, and will rely on your kid to decide what they want to do (though, their options might be limited if you don’t give Nezha some money)
If Nezha is in a good mood, and if your kid is convincing enough, he might even show off his awesome fire wheels. Don’t worry, he’ll be sure to take them a safe distance away from the city
Nezha is amazing, and he totally has this in the bag! He’s got his mythology, patience, and powers working in his favor. He might be a bit out of touch with the modern human world, and some kids might hate him for being super serious, but both of these things are fairly navigable. As long as you give them enough money for lunch, everything will be fine. That being said, because of his limited knowledge and his unlikeliness to his powers if he deems it too risky, most kids might find him a bit boring… I’m going to have to deduct some points for that sadly TvT. 8.6/10! 🩷 
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I feel like Chang’e would be SUPER excited to babysit, but I’m just guessing based off of her overall cheerful attitude.
Unlike Nezha and Wukong, Chang’e would be able to babysit your kid at her place or out on the town. This is because she probably knows at least a little about mortal customs considering she has a phone (which is good considering not many people can go to the FLIPPING MOON)
If she babysat at her place she could teach your kid some new recipes, show them her bunny robots, and so much more!
Because she has a phone an a TV show, I’d say she’s fairly adapt with how the human world works. She’d have no trouble fitting in with mortals if you’d prefer her babysitting on earth
Chang’e totally packed homemade lunches that are both nutritious and delicious. She’d also bring at least one sweet snack for later on as a reward of sorts.
Chang’e has shown that she’s willing to hear people despite misunderstandings or previous mistakes, which is an incredibly useful talent when dealing with kids.
Honestly? She hasn’t been in enough episodes for there to be any MAJOR negatives I can call out. In fact, she seems perfect! Unlike the others on this list, she can be flexible with where she babysits. And she has a naturally cheerful demeanor, which most kids would absolutely adore. Also there’s no way your kid is going hungry! Because of this I am happy to say that Chang’e, the underrated queen, is the second character in this series to get a 10/10! WOOOHOOO 👑🍜
[Wow that took way longer than expected. Sorry for the wait! But while I still have you here, who should I rate next? The spider gang or the demon bull family?]
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solar-argo · 8 months
I'm going on a road trip with my mom tomorrow tho, which means! A lot of time to draw! So i will try my bestest to do a few days LMAO
Anyway to tide yall over, have my lego monkie kid oc!! I love her with all of my heart.
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I have edited her design a little, and given her a backstory!! I also finished the show. Giggles autistically. CW for below, season 3 spoilers for Lego Monkie Kid! As well as minor character death, but that's not a show spoiler
So, she has a little sister, Fēn, and she loves her little sister. Her parents are. Distant at best, so Qiu was kinda eldest daughter syndrome-ed by their parents. During the Lady Bone Demon attack, her house collapsed while her sister was at school (Qiu is in university, taking classes at night, and working part time to afford a babysitter for Fēn when their parents arent around, which is often).
Qiu wakes up in a pocket of rubble and is able to wiggle her way out, and stays at a hospital thats taking in displaced people while tracking down her sister. When she finally finds her, about a week later, she tells Fēn that she couldn't find their parents, but when people offer to try to help finding them, Qiu politely declines, and never does bother to put in effort to find them.
Considering Qiu is now the SOLE provider for her little sister, she drops out of her evening classes and searches for a full-time job that will take her despite her lack of degree. Her search takes her to Pigsy's noodles, where she's once again told that there aren't any openings. However, she is desperate for a job, and begs Pigsy to consider her. So, he hesitantly offers her a job in the kitchen; doing prep work for him, grocery runs when they run out of an ingredient, etc. She thanks him, and the next day she sends Fēn off to school, and goes to Pigsy's noodles.
Every weekday she leaves early to pick up her sister, and then comes right back, plonking her sister in a chair at the counter to do her homework. Eventually, Tang and Mei offer to do it, and trade off picking Fēn up from school. While she's at the shop, Tang and Mei usually keep her company, and, when it's not busy, so will MK.
Eventually, they find out that Qiu dropped out of school, and when they ask why, she shrugs and responds 'I couldn't afford a house, food, AND a babysitter while in school, so I had to sacrifice something.' They all feel bad, despite the fact that Qiu shrugs it off, saying that it was a part of life. So, MK, Mei, and Tang all band together and tell Qiu that they'll watch Fēn for free while she is in classes. Qiu cries, thanks them, and applies to uni again for the new school year.
Problems arise, however, during the first set of exams. Qiu needs to be at school in the morning, and everyone is busy in the morning; MK doing training, Mei training as well (I headcanon that after the arc was finished, Mei kept training to use the samadhi fire with Red Son), and Tang usually shopping with Pigsy.
So, on MK's day with Fēn, she's brought the flower fruit mountain, and gets to meet Sun Wukong. They get along... alright; Sun Wukong is a little awkward around her, considering she's a lot younger than MK, and he's not quite sure how to talk to her. They spend the day painting rocks while MK does chores around the mountain; Qiu didn't want them to work on fighting with a 6 year old right there.
On Mei's day, she takes Fēn to see Red Son, who has Mei work on her focus and control over the fire. Red Son, who has a MUCH easier time talking to her than Wukong, ends up sitting next to Fēn and playing various games with her while Mei trains.
On Tang's day, she gets dropped off with Sandy, who ends up having a several hour long tea party with her and Mo, complete with a comically small tiara for Sandy, and a pink ballgown for Mo. And of course, Fēn dresses up in her own blue gown, and doesn't ask Sandy why or how he had her favorite color ballgown. (He asked Qiu what Fēn's size was, and made a gown for her, just in case she ever came over)
And on the last day of exams, MK had training again; this time, with Macaque. Macaque was, to most people's surprise, very soft with Fēn. When MK arrived to his dojo, visibly frazzled with an excited 6 year old, he'd blinked, stared for a moment. He'd sighed, canceling training, and left the dojo, locking it behind him, before bending down to talk to Fēn, introducing himself, and asking what she wanted to do. And so, the 3 of them went to an arcade, MK and Fēn playing while Macaque kept an eye out. By the end of the day, Fēn was referring to Macaque as "uncle M"
That's all I got for now, and I did not mean for it to be so damn LONG?? Jesus christ- TLDR lbd attacks, oc becomes mom to her little sister, works at Pigsy's, goes to college, and The Gang babysits her little sister for her.
Mayhaps I should make a fic out of this. (I will never make a fic out of this, I do NOT have the motivation to write. Like, ever)
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kitkat1003 · 3 years
If you want another Spirit prompt, maybe #1 "Don't give me that look." With Spirit and Pigsy?
1. Don't give me that look
Quick Warning for disturbing imagery and blood
Have fun! :)
It was all because Spirit got the mail.
That was the long and short of it.  Spirit went to get the mail, pulling out a crystal ball that had exploded in their hand, and when Pigsy, Tang and MK ran out to see what the commotion was about they found a child where the Spirit that was familiar used to be.
This child goes by Yin.
This child has four eyes.
This child smiles, and there’s nothing sad in their eyes when they do.
A conference with Monkey King and some studying of the residue left by the exploding object proves that it was likely meant to stall MK by temporarily turning him into a child.  The prime suspects are Yin and Jin-they seem like the two to have such a hair brained scheme. 
Monkey King and MK head off to see just what MK was supposed to be kept from stopping, leaving Pigsy and Tang with the 8 year old.
“Where’s mom?” They ask.
Pigsy sighs.
The day goes on mostly as normal.  Tang and Mei entertain Spirit with phone games and medicinal texts.  It seems Spirit’s love of medical knowledge has not changed with age, and they sit in Tang’s lap and follow his finger as he reads out what plants can be ground up into a healing balm for wounds.
They were told that their mom was out on a trip to get medicine, and left them with Pigsy and Tang as babysitters.  They seem to believe that.
Red Son sneaks in to see them when he hears about the incident from Mei, and Spirit is entranced by his hair, reaching up with wide eyes.
“It’s pretty!” They shout, giggling when Red Son picks them up so they can card their fingers through the flamey strands.  “You’re really pretty!”
They bump their forehead against Red Son and smile, and Red Son looks...
He looks a lot younger than he is, staring at them as if lost in another time.
He doesn’t stay for long.  He lets Spirit play with his hair and shows them that he can melt metal with his fire if he tries, but eventually he stalks away with a terse, if kind, farewell.  There’s a quiet look of discomfort on his face, and Pigsy wonders if Red Son ever knew Spirit before they were scarred.
By the shock on his face when he’d seen Spirit’s four eyes, Pigsy doubts it..
They’re far more trusting than Pigsy has known them to be.  He feels like he could tell them the sky is actually purple and they’d believe it.  They talk a lot, too, chattering with questions and comments about anything and everything.  Pigsy and Tang had worked hard, to get the Spirit they know to be comfortable enough to ask any questions at all.  They’re very inquisitive, regardless of age, but the eight year old isn’t afraid.  They ask, without hesitation, and drink in every answer.
Pigsy makes them lunch, placing a bowl of noodles in front of them.  He reaches over and ruffles their hair, and
Spirit doesn’t flinch.  They don’t freeze, for a split moment, as they register that the motion is a kind one and not an attack.  They don’t awkwardly let the touch happen, pulling away because they feel like they have to.
Pigsy knows they like to be pet.  They like contact.  But contact has been marred by centuries of it being used as a weapon and so they still treat hands reaching to them for comfort as if they were blades.
This Spirit doesn’t see it that way.  This Spirit leans into the touch and giggles, bouncing in their seat.  Their tail wags, their hands flutter, their feet kick out beneath the counter.
Pigsy has seen them stim before.  It’s rare.  Typicaly, they’ll let their hands shake with the energy that wants to be released, too nervous to flap their hands like MK does.  Tang and Pigsy have been coaxing that out of them, too.
It’s terribly sad and wonderful to see that they used to do it with no fear at all.
They slurp up he bowl of noodles with a gusto he doesn’t recognize, messy and unfocused and silly in a way only a child can be.
“You’re a really good cook!” Spirit says, grinning with all their teeth, wide and unburdened.
Pigsy smiles back.
It’s when Spirit sprints off to the restroom that Tang levies his eyes onto Pigsy, raising a brow.  There’s something knowing in his gaze, and Pigsy knows what he means when he stares at Pigsy with pity and reproach.
“Don't give me that look,” he grouches, turning away.  He knows what Tang is going to say.  He knows.
“They’re not going to stay like this forever,” Tang, predictably, reminds Pigsy.  He says it gently, though it still stings, but Pigsy knows Tang doesn’t mean it to be cruel, voice as soft and sad as Pigsy feels.
And Pigsy wants to rage.  He wants to punch a wall and scream, because he sees that child and he sees Spirit centries later, blades in hand on a death mission because it was the only way out, in their eyes.  He sees wide smiles and childish innocence and sees Spirit limp, tired, and empty on his couch, with nothing left in them to give.
But that’s for later.  When Spirit is grown and gone to bed Pigsy will mourn what no one else before had thought to, the person Spirit used to be and could have kept if not for a world far crueler than it should be.  Pigsy knows, now, and knowledge is not always kind.
“I know,” he responds, quietly, just as Spirit comes skipping back to their seat, leaning over the counter to watch Pigsy cook.
“How does that work?” They point to the stove, curiosity painted on their face.
Pigsy turns around with a blank slate plastered on his face, and explains it with a smile as Spirit stares at him as if he knows everything.
Mei pops in from time to time, helping with deliveries and bringing Spirit random candies that they munch on.  She’s taken to ruffling their hair, and has turned their tiny ponytail into a mini braid.  Spirit spins around to try and catch a glimpse of it, stopping only when after a full minute they get so dizzy they fall to the floor.
Mei takes a video of it.  For later.  She also takes a picture of the braid so Spirit can see.
“That looks so cool!” Spirit bounces on their feet.  “Mom always has her hair up in a bun, but I don’t have eough fur for that.  I can’t wait to show her this though!”
They all tense, at the reminder.
“When’s she’s coming to get me?” Spirit asks.
Mei fumbles, looking off to the side as she tries to find an acceptable answer.
“Sometime tonight,” Pigsy replies.  “It’s a long journey, though, so you might have to sleep over if she can’t come this evening.”
Spirit nods, taking the answer as truth.
The lie sits like a stone in Pigsy’s stomach, and he doesn’t look at the kid in the eye for at least an hour after.
As the sun begins to set, traces of light peeking between the large buildings that block the view, Pigsy begins to close up the shop.  Tang headed upstairs a few minutes before, both to see what quick meal they can make for a child in their kitchen and to set up a bed on the couch should Spirit have to stay the night.
Spirit watches him clean up the shop kitchen, tail swishing back and forth from their seat.  They seem endlessly fascinated by the mundane.  It’s endearing, and almost familiar.  The Spirit Pigsy knows found cooking very interesting, once Pigsy introduced them to it.
The sun disappears behind the horizon, and gold turns to blue as Pigsy finishes wiping the stove down.
“Where’s mom?” Spirit’s voice is quiet, and sends a shiver up Pigsy’s spine.
“She’s out right now, getting medicine,” He replies.  “I told you earlier, remember?  It might be an overnight trip, but we have a bed for you to sleep in if that’s the-”
He turns around, and freezes.
“Where’s mom?” Spirit repeats, tiny hands gripping the counter.
They’ve grown a little bit, he notes.  They’re growing up.
Their eye.  One of them, the top left, is melting.  It drips from the top of the socket in strands, slowly pulling away from bone and collapsing in on itself like a deflating balloon, revealing the void behind it.
Whatever the eye melted into disappears, and as streaks of blood drip down Spirit’s face, Pigsy is suddenly reminded of how four becomes three.
He thinks he’s going to be sick.
He rushes out of the kitchen, as Spirit drops out of their seat and stands, dazed, in the middle of the dining room.
“Kid, look at me,” Pigsy grips them by the shoulders, turning them to him.  
Spirit looks so confused, as blood continues to pour down one side of their face.
“Where’s mom?” They ask again.  “She’s supposed to be here.  She can fix it.  She-she fixes it, and then she...,” They trail off staring into some far off place, and Pigsy grips them tight enough to bruise because he’s terrfied they’re goining to melt out of his grip.
Spirit starts to cry.
“I’m sorry,” They sob.  “Mom’s gone.  She got hurt.  She helped me and she got hurt, and she was cold-and-and,” They shake, tail curled around their leg in a familiar motion that makes his heart jump in his throat.
He wants to pull them back.  He wants them to be 8 again.
A small, dark part of him wonders how long Spirit had to wait, bleeding and broken, before their mom found them and made it right.
“It’s not your fault,” he breathes, even though he knows the words won’t stick.  “It’s not because of you, Sprite.”
But Spirit isnt listening, because he watches the empty eye socket and the full one beneath it begin to merge.  He watches them grit their teeth and shake as their skull shifts, as it changes, as two becomes one.  The eye swirls and grows to take its new shape, and then finally settles into something heartbreakingly familiar.
The blood disappears, as does the tears.  Spirit grows a little more.
With every passing minute they get a little bigger, and Pigsy wishes they didn’t.  Every passing minute he watches a new wound and then scar appear.  He watches the light in their eyes get duller and duller and he watches them get taller and hunch lower, trying to disappear.
They whisper things too, like ‘Sorry, Red’ and ‘Yes Sir’ and “I miss you, Mom’ and all sorts of awful secrets that add weights to their stance.
By the time they’re familiar, wearing the company shirt with their magenta pants, Pigsy can hardly breathe.
“Pigsy?” They finally say, voice small and uncertain.  “Are you okay?  You look really upset.”
Pigsy stares at the familiar, and wishes with all his heart that the Spirit he knew wasn’t.
In the end, they tell Spirit that they were hit with an artifact meant for MK, and that they were different for a day.  Spirit remembers nothing of it, which is a blessing and a curse, and no one has the strength to explain the truth.
Spirit doesn’t know.  That’s for the best.
Things go back to normal, with Spirit helping out in the kitchen.  Pigsy finds his movements slower than normal, and he can tell Spirit notices, but they don’t ask anything.
They’re too nervous to ask those questions, now.  They would before.
They keep rubbing at their one eye, today, as they help with the cooking.
“You alright?” Pigsy asked.
“Oh!” Spirit jumps a little, dropping their hand with a nervous grin.  “Sorry, uh, my eye is a little itchy today.  It happens sometimes.”
Their tail loops around their leg.
“It does?” Pigsy turns back to the broth, so Spirit won’t feel so scrutinized.
“Yeah,” Spirit replies.  “I, uh, I can still feel the spaces.  You know, where the two used to be.”
Pigsy freezes.  He glances to the side, and watches Spirit trace the two eyes on their face, quietly.  They trace it with pinpoint precision.
“I, uh, I read some stuff on it,” Spirit continues.  “It’s kind of like phantom limb pain?  My brain knows there’s supposed to be four, but there isn’t, so,” They shrug.
Pigsy is reminded, again, of how four becomes three.  How two became one.
He feels vaguely sick.
“Sorry,” Spirit says again.
“I’m sorry.  Mom’s gone.  She got hurt.  She helped me and she got hurt, and she was cold-and-and,”
“Don’t be,” Pigsy waves a hand, and wishes he could take the part of Spirit that thinks they need to say sorry because they are and shake it out of them.  “You’ve got nothin’ to apologize for.”
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randomfandomasks · 3 years
Mafiaswap General Headcanons
I headcanon that Mafiaswap and Mafiafell are actually clones that were created by a Mafia Group. This Mafia group wanted to use the clones to defeat the Mafiatale Family, but instead they create the most friendly Mafia group, and the most dangerous Mafia group. The Mafiafell clones killed them.
This Mafia family is the friendliest Mafia Group that you'll ever meet.
While they are still a criminal Organization, and they do commit crimes.
They are the only Mafia Group that works very close together with the Police.
The Mafiaswap Family gives them information  about the other Mafia Groups, and the police close their eyes at their crimes.
This Mafia Family protects their protecting areas, even heavier than the Mafiatale Family. They are willing to give  a bodyguard to everyone who lives or works in those areas.
They are stealing from the rich, and give to the people in need. But they only steal from people that are greedy with their money. They steal their money and donate it for charitable foundations.
They also hack the charitable foundations to check if the donations get where they should go. If they do then they protect those foundations, and even donate themselves. But if they don´t, then they steal the money, and make sure that it does arrive where it should arrive. And they also make sure that the public knows that.
They do deal with Monster food, medicine, chemicals, and Monster drugs, but only weed, and only to those that really need them because of their medical conditions. ( Monster drugs, alcohol and Cigarettes work different than human drugs does. They are less harmful for their health.) But they do not deal with weapons or ammo since they do not really need them. No one in the family uses guns, most of them either use magic or knives. 
While they are very friendly, and do not like violence at all. Do not underestimate them if you hurt their family members you are going down. But it is rare for them to use violence usually their only threaten (or warn) someone. Killing or hurting others is their last option.
Lady Toriel is the boss of this Family. She and Asogre are not divorced here. They live happily together with their four children. (Asriel, Frisk, Chara and Monster Kid). While Lady Toriel is a very gentle and kind soul, she takes her job very serious, and she is very stern if someone is unnecessarily violent. She is also very hardworking, and she often overworks herself. Since she is so busy she often doesn´t have time to hang out with her family or friends, but once in a while she gives herself a few free days when she takes her time to hang out with her family, her friends and to bake a Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie. Usually she wears a black dress, she only wears her black, white suit at formal meetings with other Mafia Gangs/Families.
Asgore loves gardening he grows flowers, vegetables, herbs and weed...but he doesn´t smoke. He also helps Toriel with her paperwork and finances, so that she doesn´t overwork herself. Besides that he mostly takes care of his garden and the house. He hangs out with their children, he cooks, he cleans the house (sometimes together with one of his kids). His cooking is not as good as Toriels, but it is still good. But his tea, and his coffee are fantastic. He often brings Toriel lunch when she´s really busy. He is a great dad and husband.
Asriel is a real gentleman...gentlegoat...gentlemangoat. He is charming, friendly and very sweet. He is this kind of person that is too late for school or work, but he would still help an old grandma to cross the street or save a kitten from the tree. Every time he brings food, clothes, medicine and so on to the Orphanage, retirement home, hospitals and so on (together with either his siblings or Papyrus), every single time people are happy to see him. Especially the old people like him. He also helps his dad a lot.
Chara prefers to work in the back scene. They are helping with the food, and since they love drawing themselves they buy and donate pens, paper and so on. They are the one that help their dad the most, they help him with the garden (sometimes they steal some weed), cooking and cleaning the house. Sometimes they go together with Frisk or Papyrus to pick some supplies from Muffet or Grillby.
Frisk on the other is also more or less at the front line when it comes to help people. They are also the one that goes to a meeting together with Toriel. They are very diplomatic, and very strong with words. Since they are also slightly intimidating they often threaten people when it is needed. Also, they and MK are the ones that love training with Alphys. They also quicker to use violence than the others...especially if someone talks dirt about her adoptive family or her friends they do not hesitate to use violence, which is why they are not allowed to go anywhere alone. It is not because the family is worried about them, the family is actually more worried about the other Mafia families or other thugs. While they are very friendly they are also very protective of the people they love and care about. And they are very stoic which does makes a lot of people feel uneasy.They are also one of the reason why the other Mafia Groups are actually afraid of them, otherwise there would be probably a lot more random fights/wars between them and the other Mafias. 
MK (Monster Kid) is the youngest of them all. They are still a teenager and haven´t finished school yet. Toriel usually does not allow them to help the family in any way, but recently she let them go together with Asriel and Frisk. They are trying their best at school, and they actually want to go study chemistry or science because they are a big fan of Undyne.  Besides that they also enjoy training with Alphys, and playing with the kids at the Orphanage. 
Undyne is the scientist, and she makes the medicine and the chemicals. She also works together with Napstaton, they are the hackers that to a lot of work. Undyne loves her job, and she works a lot. She still takes a few breaks to watch Anime. 
Alphys works together with Papyrus, Napstaton, Sans and sometimes Asriel and/or Grillby joins them as bodyguards and the fighters. Technically they are more of the squad that intimidates other thugs. But they are also the ones that are protecting the ones that are getting threaten by other Mafia groups. But Alphys herself also trains new recruits (And Frisk and MK too). She also is often the that has to keep an eye on Frisk, and the one that protects Lady Toriel (and Frisk) at the meetings. She is very observant, and has quick reflexes. But she is also surprisingly kind, and she sometimes also helps Asriel to bring stuff to orphanages, the kids also love her. Although she is more of an Animal magnet.
Napstaton helps Undyne with the hacking jobs, is a bodyguard, a fighter, and he intimidates thugs. He does a lot of work, but he enjoys it. He also loves music, and makes his own. His music is very loved, and he also sells them. He has his own clubs where he plays his music, and sells it. He also organizes a lot of events like parties. Napstaton lives together with Mettablook.
Mettablook is a singer, and he sings at every club that belongs to Napstaton (and him). But he also collects information it is much easier for him being a ghost and a celebrity at once. 
Sans is the one that works together with the police. He is their working partner. He and his brother are the robbers, but they are very wholesome robbers. When they steal from the rich they only steal money, maybe some earrings or necklaces. It often depends on the person that they steal from, and how greedy this person is. Sans is very fast and not only in a fight.
Papyrus is very hardworking. He basically double-checks any information that they get from Mettablook, Napstaton and Undyne. Sometimes he doesn´t sleep for a few days. He and Sans also have to pick up a lot of things from Grillby and Muffet. He is also somewhat of a babysitter for the kids. Sometimes he makes sure that MK arrives safely at their school and back home, he often works together with Asriel and sometimes Frisk, and if he also is Chara bodyguard.
Gaster is not a scientist here. He is a driver (he basically switches with River person). But he is a damn good driver. Every time they either have to flew from their enemies or the police he is the strongest. He is more of an engineer and car mechanics. And the best thing is that he actually has the time now to hang out with his sons more.
Grillby and Muffet don´t really change much. Grillby does join them in a fight, and he goes on a few jobs with Sans and Papyrus. And Muffet does not poison people. 
And also the clothes change a bit more. I´d say that this family is way more casual they usually only wear their beautiful black, white suits at formal meetings.
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yamagucji · 3 years
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for: she/her, bi, infj-t, scorpio, yachi kinnie
note: sorry nonnie i went BONKERS in this matchup. i hope,,,, it fits ur taste gkdjdh
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I matched you with...
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Tendou Satori!
had actually met you at a merch store, specifically when you were struggling to reach for a poster that was unnecessarily placed on a high shelf
tendou peeked from behind you. “need any help?” you’re surprised you didn’t jump from the sudden intrusion
“yes... please,” you sighed defeatedly. “oh — i only need one.”
he takes two, giving you one while he kept the other. turns out he also had interest in the anime you liked !
somehow, tendou wounded up to be your “anime buddy.” he’d go out with you to the merch store for new releases, giggling a little at the sight of you tippy toeing before finally going to help you
other times it’d be late night calls or texts about the release of a new episodes
until, “anime bonding” became movie night dates at each others houses
“my place at 5?” tendou spoke over the phone, pushing the shopping cart as he walked through the snack aisle
“will there be snacks? i’m not going if there’s none,” you teased him. a small giggle could be heard on the other side of the line, followed by the sound of plastic bag
“hm... you’re only there for the snacks, huh?” tendou quipped
this gradually turned into something more; you hadn’t meant to fall asleep on his shoulders, during a movie night at his house might i add
but you did, and after lots of debate, tendou decided to let you sleep for the night
he huffed a soft laugh, pulled away some stray strands of hair away from your close-lidded eyes. “cute,” and it was the first time he had said it out loud
from strangers to anime buddies, tendou had become your boyfriend after much time <3
he introduced you to ushijima a little after the two of you became official — and surprise, tendou seemingly talks so much about you
“ah, it’s finally nice to meet you,” ushijima smiled warmly, nodding his head a little as a form of greeting. “tendou has been telling me about you for quite a while now.”
PLEASE why does it seem like you’re meeting tendous parents or something😫😭
tendou is aware of your conditions, and had asked a lot of questions when you told him you had adhd, depression, and anxiety
“what is it like?” “do you take medications?” and “is there anything i can do, or you’d like me to do?”
he really wants to make sure your boundaries and access needs are met :’)
so if you’re having trouble socializing or in a situation with other people around, he won’t hesitate to take lead
“wanna leave soon?” he whispered to you, reaching for your hands with his own hold of comfort
tendou also loves that you can do the same for him
like that time when the two of you volunteered at a day care. one of the little kids was afraid of tendou because of his looks, but you made an effort to coax them into getting comfy with your partner
“see? isn’t he cute? his red hair is like strawberry,” to which the little boy, now hugging tendou by his neck, agreed. “yeah!”
goodness the amount of love and warmth he felt at that moment🥺
when you’re not out volunteering with tendou, the two of you are either at home cuddling, playing genshin, doing hobbies, OR
outside visiting local and cultural museums
tendou likes sneaking up on you when you’re busy sketching and making digital art. most likely with a little peck on your check or a snack in hand
“princess,” he dragged the name, “take a break soon, mk?”
and if you ignored him, he’d simply plant a dozen kisses on your neck and cheek
there will be nights where tendou will patiently wait for you on the bed. he’d be reading manga to pass the time, waiting for the moment when you’ll plop onto him with a big hug
and when you do, he’s putty in your hands
“satori — !” you nearly jumped on him, ducking beneath the manga he was holding and embracing his neck. “hm... i missed you.”
he laughed softly. “you’re such a baby, you know that?”
“says you!” you retorted back
the manga is set on his nightstand to free his arms so he could hug you back. “baby,” he mumbles again, this time calling for your attention
“i love you,” it slips off his mouth without a thought, a form of sincerity he keeps reserved
tendou has the need to say i love you a lot, especially during a moment that feels endearing
like when you’re busy mixing batter
you felt a pair of warm lips again the nape of your neck, tendous big arms embracing you
“love? what are you baking this time?”
and you’d turn your head to the side only to find him peeking at you with the cute :3 expression🥺🤲
goodness, he loves your baking so much
tendou always returns the favor by bringing you his own set of chocolates — made and tailored just for you
your future with tendou would be very spontaneous, full of adventure, but not so much that you’re both still able to pursue your dreams
tendou would become a chocolatier, while you a diplomat
sometimes matching each other’s schedules is hard, but every once in a while the two of you are able to set vacation at the same time
“where to this time?” he spoke. tendou was currently sitting behind you, legs around your figure and arms on your torso.
pspsps the two of you get a PET SNAKE
he loves them so much please😫
tendou calls the two of you “snake parents” and now has another topic to rant about to ushijima
“snake parents?” you could hear ushijima’s confusion from your lovers phone speaker. “sorry, i don’t understand.”
so when you’re off somewhere far for vacation, tendou stresses that you have the best snake babysitter <3
he’d probably love to explore other parts of asia with you and learn about their cultures as well
“no, no — ” tendou said, moving his camera to get the right angles for you
meanwhile, you were stuck on a silly pose underneath the scorching sun, trying to get the perfect shot of you ‘holding’ a statue
“yeah, just a little higher, petal. there —!”
back home, there’d be a world map hung up somewhere with tacks stuck in the places the two of you have visited together
and polaroid pictures all over the map :’)
“i want to grow old with you,” tendou said one day when the two of you went out to watch the sunrise. “if you’ll let me?”
*tendou’s such a best man please,, imagine being the one to get to see his hair down everyday and be able to wear his hoodies which smells like vanilla and cocoa beans, and a hint of caramel. tiniest bit of a wooden/forest scent if you smell hard enough
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the-river-person · 3 years
Goner and Guard
Gaster looked somewhat relieved when Papyrus and Alphys arrived, pushing through the lines to reach the platform above the lower area of the cave. The lines of waiting monsters trailed up the stairs from the ship and out the doors of the cave, stretching all the way back through the tunnels of Waterfall. Monsters were being hastily boarded onto the ship by the Royal Guards posted there, but there were hundreds upon hundreds of Monsters in the Underground waiting to be let on. Evan had found his husband, Seamus, and had decided his place was comfortably seated on the now blushing Seamus’s lap as the Cat-Monster continued to announce the evacuation message. Surely every Monster had heard it by now, but they had kept at it anyway, determined to do it for as long as they had the strength to keep going. But the strain was clearly beginning to wear on them. Even Mettaton, with his fabulous robotic body and perpetually energetic attitude, was beginning to take a little more time to rest between each airing, a little more each time. Goner was sitting on the safety rail at the edge of the platform, the one overlooking the ship below. He was doing this mostly because it made Gaster nervous. A slight grin might have been seen at the corners of his mouth, though any who saw it might have just been imagining things. He looked up as Papyrus entered, watching the skeletal and proud Captain of the Royal Guard. Over his shoulder Papyrus was carrying another monster, one that Goner had noticed possessed characteristics similar to himself. MK, the lieutenant in the Guard. Was he injured? Asleep? No... he appeared to be awake, but crying. Sobbing even, though very quietly. Alphys too had the red eyes reminiscent of someone who had cried very recently. The Captain himself appeared slightly subdued, but not enough to be noticeable on its own. “DOCTOR GASTER!” Even the skeleton’s tone was far more grim than usual, business like, no nonsense. Entirely unlike his usual cheerful self. It was quite chilling. Goner jumped down from the safety rail in order to get closer, he ended standing a little behind and to the left of Gaster, who had come over. “GASTER,” continued Papyrus. “THEY... THEY’VE FALLEN DOWN. THERE WAS NOTHING TO BE DONE.” They? Who was they? Goner edged closer, as unobtrusive as he possibly could be. Gaster looked stricken. “Isa? No, they...” he took a deep breath and appeared to be forcing himself to calm. “It seems that Mortality has caught up with all of us sooner than we thought. We must proceed with the evacuation as planned, as swiftly as possible. Have you seen their Majesties? The King? Queen? And the Prince?”
Very quickly Goner’s interest in the conversation was waning as he thought about the implications of what he’d already heard. The being of Living Determination, gone. Fallen down. How curious. No more Resets for their world. Once that might have been wonderful news, but with everything they’d built, it meant only devastation. Of course they’d already planned to leave, but not like this. “EXCUSE ME.” Goner jumped in surprise as Papyrus’ was suddenly standing above him and looking down. How did someone so big get so sneaky? Not even Doctor Gaster could sneak up on him like that, not that the Doctor would try, it would be beneath him. Papyrus set Monster Kid down on his feet, and steadied him as he swayed a little and hiccuped. The Monster’s eyes were still watery and Goner was fairly certain he wasn’t really paying attention to anything that was going on. Poor thing, must have been really close to... Isa. They did spent a lot of time together. “YOUR NAME IS GONER, RIGHT?” Goner nodded. It wasn’t as if he left the labs often, and even then he didn’t interact much. Other monsters were wary of him. He didn’t care, but it made it hard for people to remember him much. Papyrus at least knew his name. That was something. “GOOD GOOD,” continued the Captain. “CAN YOU MAKE CERTAIN THEY GET ON BOARD SAFELY? KEEP AN EYE ON THEM UNTIL WE DEPART, WON’T YOU?” Ah. So they wanted him to play babysitter. He could do that. Nodding again seemed to satisfy the skeleton who turned back to Gaster. The other one, Doctor Alphys, had excused herself, saying that she had to go find Undyne. Nudging MK with his head to get him moving, neither of them had arms and it was severely inconvenient when trying to get another person to walk somewhere on their own, Goner led the way down the ramps and stairs past the lines of Monsters. Some of the monsters they passed complained that they shouldn’t cut the lines, but most didn’t seem to care if the two monsters went first, some being too unnerved by Goner, and others respectful to MK as a Lieutenant. The ship was humming with life as they boarded, the dog guard in charge of boarding passengers simply letting them by with a wave of his paw when he saw who they were. Primus was inputting the command codes for the ship’s startup sequence, he blinked at them but didn’t ask. There was no sign of Secundus or Tertia. “What are you doing?” MK asked Primus, his voice still hoarse and raw. Primus turned to look at him, expressionless except for the twitching of his cat-like tail which Goner knew meant he was pleased at being asked. Show off. “To travel through the void, the ship must have its command codes.” he said. “Instructions to tell it what to do with the data it has, how to react in any programmed situation. For instance, if there was a cataclysmic event of great magnitude, the ship is designed to immediately force open a Rift below itself so that the safety of the passengers is guaranteed. Or if one of the Souls faltered or was unable to power its functions for some reason, the ship has subroutines that are supposed to reroute functions and execute them automatically, or allow crew members to complete the tasks manually if the former option isn’t feasible.” Oh he could go on for hours whenever he got on a topic he could sink his teeth into. Not that you could see his teeth, as they were hidden in the same perpetual shadow that hid his face. But Goner knew he had them, he had a faint flash of memory, a wide smile, an amused glint in the eye, and the twitch of his nose and ears at the same moment. All gone now, or hidden, or forgotten. Mostly forgotten. Footsteps caused them all to turn around. Papyrus had entered the ship. For some reason he looked angry, but he softened a little when he saw them, no... When he saw MK. He cared about his little friend. Primus saluted. Had he possessed arms, Goner might have done the same. As Captain of the Royal Guard, Papyrus could automatically assume the position of the vessel’s Captain as well, at least according to the old laws of the Kingdom of Monsters. Gaster wouldn’t like it, but he didn’t have a lot of choice unless he wanted to petition the King. There wouldn’t be time for it now. A cell phone rang, and Papyrus, who had opened his mouth, presumably to say something to Primus in response to the salute, instead dug into the pocket of his uniform and pulled out a cell phone, which he answered. With a sigh, Goner sat down on a chair attached to one of the computers. After a moment of hesitation, Monster Kid did the same. It seemed they would be in for a bit of a wait if Papyrus meant them to stay here for the rest of the Evacuation.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 6 years
I doubt anyone remembers this, but I had an XaV AU ages ago where Xray and Vav are two five-year-olds in costumes, and Mad King is their babysitter.
And while he’s still a supervillain in the AU, he has a reputation to uphold as the CEO of Monarch labs (his supervillain identity is a lot more secret so he had to put on a nice facade) he can’t just...well, you know...get rid of them. Questions would arise, people would grow suspicious, the list goes on. Also while he is a villain and isn’t necessarily opposed to being an asshole to children, being nice to them and babysitting them is good PR. Which he desperately needs after certain rumors about him started to arise. So he tolerates the brats, despite their.....troublesome nature.
Xray’s a rowdy little asshole, always kicking and yelling and insisting that he’s a superhero who’s going to beat up MK. But he’s five so he does about as much damage as a puppy. Vav is a bit more well-behaved, but he has his moments where he’s a handful and cries a lot when things are too overwhelming and scary.
Needless to say, MK’s plans are still always foiled by these two little stinkers and he ends up having to play babysitter until Rusty or Flynt (their adopted fathers) came to take them home for the day.
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