cristinabcn · 3 months
Festival de Jerez: Pinceladas
Jerez Festival: Pinceladas TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Periodista, Escritora. Directora Gral. Cultura Flamenca de LaAMdP. Prensa Especializada Muchos días. Muchos eventos. Poco tiempo para escribir una crónica larga de cada uno de ellos. Así que me atengo al certero refrán de “Una imagen vale más que mil palabras”. Aquí pondremos pocas palabras y muchas imágenes; los vimeos oficiales del…
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Mediterráneo TAC! Festival
This project pays tribute to the Mediterranean climate by recognizing the role of blinds as an architectural element that historically enabled people to adapt to challenging weather conditions. Blinds have brought shade and character to countless streets across southern Europe. However, modern mechanical systems, driven by high energy consumption, have replaced them, posing environmental risks. Using regenerative, bio-based, and locally sourced materials, the project features long wooden blinds suspended from a catenary canopy suspended from two triangular wooden porticos that support 400 sqm of traditional blinds. The vibrant green shade produced by the blinds transforms the site into a lively public space for the local community. Additionally, a circular opening illuminates a small garden that regulates temperatures during late summer. Stones integrated into the design serve as both counterweights and furniture. Over the course of the festival,  community members are invited to explore and reactivate this space. The material palette echoes diverse landscapes located within 300 km from the site, such as the pine plantations of Soria, the blind factories of Sax (Alicante), and the stone quarries of Teruel. After dismantling, the materials were recirculated and donated, leaving a temporary footprint in the city.
Author: Manuel Bouzas
Structural Design: Juan F. De la Torre
Photographer: Luis Diaz
Client: TAC! Festival,
Organizers: MITMA Spanish Government, Arquia Foundation, Valencia City Council, Las Naves
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mundillotaurino · 10 months
Calasparra dévoile les cartels de sa Féria du Riz 2023, féria de novilladas !
L’empresa Chipé Production représentée par Pedro Pérez “Chicote” a dévoilé les cartels de la Féria du Riz 2023 de Calasparra. La célèbre féria de novilladas espagnole se déroulera du 3 au 8 septembre avec 6 novilladas. Grande variété d’encastes puisque puisque sur 6 novilladas, ont retrouve 5 encastes différents. Les novilleros Lalo de Maria, Clemente Jaume et Tristan Barroso seront les deux…
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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The royal wedding of Felipe, the Prince of Asturias and Letizia Ortiz ♡
The wedding of Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz was held on May 22nd 2004, in the Santa María la Real de La Almudena Cathedral at the Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain. The couple’s engagement was announced on November 1st, 2003.
The wedding was the first state wedding in Spain for more than 50 years, and the first royal wedding in almost a century to be held in the Spanish capital. More than 1200 guests attended the wedding, including from 36 royal houses and almost every head of state from Latin America.
Letizia wore the Prussian Tiara, also worn by Queen Sofia at her wedding. The wedding dress, designed by Manuel Pertegaz, was white, tight around the waist, with long sleeves, a neckline in the shape of a corolla, a wide skirt and a 4.5-meter long train embroidered with heraldic motifs. The bride's gown was woven with Valencia silk and embroidered with silver and gold threads. The nuptial veil was a gift from the Prince to Letizia; with a triangular shape, three meters long by two wide, of natural silk tulle in ivory white with scrolls and hand-embroidered wreaths, which mixed the fleur-de-lis and the spike. The shoes were made by the illicitana designer Pura López. Felipe wore the Great Tag suit of the Army.
Upon the wedding, Letizia received all constitutional titles recognized to the Prince as heir to the Spanish throne, such as: The Prince and Princess of Asturias, the title of the heir of the Crown of Castile; The Prince and Princess of Gerona, the title of the heir of the Crown of Aragón; The Prince and Princess of Viana, the title of the heir of the Kingdom of Navarre; The Duke and Duchess of Montblanch; The Count and Countess of Cervera; The Lord and Lady of Balaguer.
The royal wedding was broadcast by Spanish public television, reaching a national record as the most-watched television program ever with 25.1 million viewers in Spain alone. Approximately 5,600 media outlets from around the world covered the wedding with a potential audience of between 1.2 and 2 billion.
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realmadridfamily · 29 days
We did it again! 🤍🤍🤍 I'm so happy but also furious that controversy covered our win 🤬 And of course it's our fault again. What is your opinion about this mistake? I must admit that I like your answers ❤️
And that's what pisses me off the most. It's not Real Madrid's fault that the referee made a mistake (quick whistle), so I don't understand these insinuations about buying referees. This is already boring. If the referees wanted to "help us", they wouldn't have canceled our first goal (correct decision, Nacho shouldn't have behaved like that! And EVEN IF Kimmich added something from himself, he had the right to do so - only a fool wouldn't do it), or VAR wouldn't have had to intervene on Joselu's second goal, which was disallowed due to potential offside. And most importantly, because people don't understand the situation with this mistake at all - the mistake was a QUICK WHISTLE, not a lack of offside (we don't know if it was or wasn't because a f**king VAR couldn't be used). A whistle (BEFORE the goal) of which Lunin did NOTHING to defend the shot - because he HEARD that the referee had ENDED the action. How do people even know that this goal would have been scored? Maybe Lunin would have saved this shot?! Yes, referee Marciniak should wait until the action ends (regardless of whether his assistant signaled an offside position or not), just as referee Jesus Gil Manzano should wait until the action ends before ending the match between Real Madrid and Valencia. These are the REFEREES' mistakes. It's not the fault of imaginary corruption, buying judges, Negreira, Winnie the Pooh or whoever else people want! So what, we also paid Manuel Neuer (big respect for this man, who is a beast in his position, but also just a human being) for his 'mistake'?! We are sorry (or not) that Real Madrid has such a mentality and always fights until the end, but we have no influence on the mistakes of others, which we experience ourselves! Of course I understand the anger and frustration because it's understandable (what is not understandable is that Cules are the most furious and it's they who carry the narrative of "corruption and buying referees", not Bayern Munich fans) because, as I said, the referee should have allowed this action to be completed, but I don't understand this wave of hatred towards my club because it wasn't Florentino Perez who whistled! We don't deserve anything again, we were the worst again, blah, blah, blah. Antimadridismo it's a sick obsession, which is very sad.
But at the end of the day... I don't care. Against the whole world again? Only with Madridistas :)
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prying-pandora666 · 5 months
I Just Need To Vent
So I’m a writer and storyteller who also sings and sews. I know this is a strange place for this but I NEED to vent about the most insane choir practice I’ve EVER experienced!
Let me introduce you to the choir members in this story because it is WILD.
First we have the actual choir director. Let’s call him… Boss.
Secondly, the students. This isn’t all of them, but at least the ones I can remember. The names have been changed etc etc.
Manuel - Top of the class. Total teacher’s pet. The kinda guy who follows all the rules to the letter, even when it’s annoying. He really loved his pet birds and was all around a fair and likeable guy though, despite being kinda naive and easily fooled.
Good thing he had his gf.
Valencia - Manuel’s gf. Super smart, both book-wise and street-wise. You couldn’t fool her. She was also really athletic and SUPER GORGEOUS. Anytime she entered a room, she lit it up. She was that radiant. This one guy Micheal was down bad for her, but we’ll get to him later.
Aaron - You know that guy that’s really good with his hands? That was Aaron. He could fix things, make things, build things. I’d later see these incredible figurines he made and painted. Guy was an artisan. But he was also the kinda guy to bend the rules when he got too excited.
Ulrich - Besties with Manuel. I didn’t know him well. He was kind of a loner, unlike Manuel who was so outgoing. But he seemed chill! He was super into the ocean and marine life. He usually was pretty nice but if you got on his bad side? He had a hella temper.
Yasmin - Aaron’s gf. She was the hippy girl that is super into nature and the environment. She was always planting things. That kind of lady. Surprisingly, she wasn’t too overbearing about it? I only really ever saw her argue about it with Aaron and—ugh—Michael. Friggin Michael.
Tyler - An MMA fighter. Total meathead. He wasn’t a bully exactly? But he was always ready to throw down at a moment’s notice. That kind of energy.
Owen - Had a podcast about surviving in the wild and was super into camping and hunting and horseback riding. Made his own leather.
Vanessa - I think she might’ve dated Owen? I don’t remember. But I know she was Yasmin’s little sister and also kind of an animal loving hippy.
Ester - She was a nurse. Really caring and looked after everyone.
Then there were these three siblings, Manfred, Natalie, and Lanz.
Manfred - A lawyer. Really serious. No nonsense. Kind of a killjoy but fair minded.
Natalie - Grief counselor. She took on so much emotional labor for EVERYONE.
Lanz - Suffered from epilepsy which made him have some wild hallucinations sometimes. He needed a lot of care.
Oh wait! I almost forgot one before we get to MICHAEL.
Noelle - I think she was dating Owen? NGL I remember her the least. She was also a dancer and had incredible body control. But outside of her admittedly very impressive dancing, I can’t recall anything more about her.
And finally MICHAEL.
Friggin MICHAEL.
Look I don’t even know how to describe Michael. But fair to say he is both the protagonist and the antagonist of this story. Here is my best attempt to capture that magnificent jerk-off as best as I possibly can in my own words.
Michael - The most beautiful man you will ever see. Talented at everything. Anything anyone else in this choir group he could do? He could at least replicate at a passable level if not outright master. Give him an evening to learn a subject and he’d be proficient if not an expert
Michael HATED Manuel. A feeling Manuel didn’t return, and often tried to be friendly with Michael only for Michael to pull a fast one on Manuel.
Did I mention these two were BROTHERS!?
Yeah. Imagine what that family home must’ve been like. Yikes.
Okay so on to the story.
So one day, BOSS calls us all in to record this song he’s been working on.
Now you have to understand, this was a musically gifted group. To say they were beyond average skill level is an understatement.
We all knew this was going to be LIT.
So everyone already knows the song. I don’t know if they’d gotten the sheet music earlier or what, but basically everyone was already 100% familiar with how it goes.
But Boss was the kind of music teacher who really wanted his adult students to express themselves creatively.
As such, he basically gave everyone free rein to rehearse the song however they wanted.
Yasmin wants folk rock? Done.
Ulrich is feeling more metal? Sure.
Valencia wants rhythm and Tyler takes that an excuse to SMASH DRUMS while he sings his part? As long as it’s on beat.
You’d think this would create a horrible cacophony! But surprisingly, no. Boss had everyone so well trained that it was like they all locked in and even as they added their own flair and unique flavors, it all sorta… came together?
It was incredible. A mash-up of genres and styles performed by a team of some of the most talented singers in the entire world, as I knew it! I’d never heard anything like it. I was speechless. I couldn’t look away for a moment. Boss was a genius.
There was just one problem.
Friggin Michael.
So here’s the thing. Michael was the best singer.
I won’t pretend that’s not true. Even in a group of god-tier choir singers, Michael was on another level. The guy was a stand-out among stand-outs and Boss knew it.
But so did Michael.
And he NEEDED to prove it.
Anyone who has ever been involved in the arts has probably encountered a Michael. That person who is ungodly talented but a so insecure and narcissistic that they just have to constantly PROVE IT? Even at the cost of whatever you’re trying to perform?
Yeah. That’s exactly it.
So Michael chimes in and starts singing OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD. Trying to drown out literally EVERYONE ELSE.
Boss notices but like a patient teacher trying to sculpt Michael’s talents, he just signals to some of the others to pipe up their harmonies more to support Michael.
But a well supported solo isn’t enough for Michael. Oh no. Not content to simply be the star for a section of the song, Michael starts singing IN THE WRONG KEY.
Look, I’m no expert in music, but even I could hear what he was doing. His gorgeous, powerful voice, singing so well. BUT IN THE COMPLETELY WRONG KEY!
I looked at Boss and he seemed to sigh. But instead of stopping, he tweaked a few things, signaled to the others to change their parts they were signing (it all went above my head so sorry if I’m not being very detailed), to work in Michael.
Soon Michael’s discordance actually worked! The song was a little more crunchy rather than perfectly harmonious, but the slight dissonance actually made it all the more haunting and beautiful. In a way it was even better than before.
Like I said, Boss was a genius.
Which only pissed Michael off more.
And so, clearly desperate for attention and pushed to his limit, Michael jumped so far out of line that the line was left in the dust.
He went CRAZY. If Boss’ song went high? Michael sung bass. If the song went low? Michael sung soprano.
It was like a musical battle except Michael was the only one fighting.
If someone else tried to contribute a neat little flourish or solo? Michael RAN UP TO THEM and drowned them out with his bullshit! I’m serious!
I thought for sure Boss was going to stop the song, but no.
Boss was starting to lose his patience. That much I could tell. But still he persevered, trying to just get to the end of the piece at the very least!
Soon some of the other choir members started dropping out. Michael was ruining it for everyone.
As I remember:
Valencia stopped, rolled her eyes, and refused to engage any further. She sat down and waited for the piece to end.
Vanessa broke into tears which got Yasmin to stop and glare at Michael.
Several of the others either lowered their voices or stopped altogether.
But not Manuel.
Goodie two-shoes Manuel had just tuned out the class and was only looking at Boss for instruction. Singing the song exactly as he was supposed to.
Nothing made Manuel miss a single note or beat. He was in the zone. No matter how chaotic or awful Michael’s disruptions got.
This only served to piss off Michael more, who started singing at the top of his lungs RIGHT at Manuel.
But Manuel didn’t even flinch. It was like he had Michael on IRL server mute.
So Ulrich, who had sat out with Valencia, sees this go down. He realizes this is getting to Michael.
Remember how I said Ulrich was usually chill but had a temper if you got on his bad side? And how he was besties with Manuel?
Yeah, Ulrich also couldn’t stand Michael.
So Ulrich gets up and decides he’s gonna be Manuel’s ride or die. Ulrich starts singing again. Louder.
The more mad and crazy Michael gets, the more Ulrich backs up Manuel on the part they’re SUPPOSED to be singing.
Michael notices he’s been challenged and just goes HARDER. But Ulrich is in it to win it and won’t back down.
This gets Aaron’s attention. Never one to say no to a chance to try something new, especially if he gets to bend the rules a little bit, Aaron gets hyped and stands by Ulrich, joining him in his crusade. Now it’s Aaron and Ulrich backing up Manuel while Michael rages and sings furiously at all three of them.
This whole time? Manuel obliviously just keeps singing.
So Tyler, who at this point is only half-assedly doing a note here and there, realizes this has turned into a fight.
So HE squares up and starts copying Ulrich and Aaron. He just wants to be a part of the conflict. Classic Tyler. 🙄
Natalie thinks Tyler might lose control so she gets up to chime in and temper him a bit.
Manfred won’t leave his sister to herself so he tells Lanz to rest with Ester and joins in to back up his sister in the good fight. Manfred always liked order.
Owen at this point decides, yeah okay whatever, let’s do this. Noelle hasn’t stopped dancing so she just starts singing again.
Soon most of them are back in it now, all of them backing up Manuel who has just been oblivious to the resistance movement he has accidentally started. He just wanted to sing the song real good and make Boss proud.
But everyone else knows what’s up, especially Valencia, who rallies the stragglers.
Michael is LOSING HIS MIND at this point. I’m not even sure he’s singing. He’s practically just screaming. Even Boss can’t work with this anymore.
Still, Boss expertly conducts so that Michael’s strongest and most triumphant notes still fit into the wider song. It’s a war zone.
FINALLY, with great frustration and a giant crescendo, Boss at last ends the song.
Everyone stops, winded, catching their breaths and surveying the room in confusion. No one says a word.
Michael stares right at Boss. Unblinking. Daring him to say something.
Boss reveals he’s been recording this entire time.
He pulls out his computer and plays it all back for us to see what we have created.
And with great authority, he looks right at Michael and says that he chose every single one of them for a reason.
That their talents he has fostered in them for so long are exactly the ingredients he needed to complete his magnum opus.
And that INCLUDES Michael’s shenanigans.
Every sour note.
Every crunchy bit of dissonance.
Boss wanted it all in there. It’s his masterpiece. And it’s just the way he wanted it.
Michael, predictably, throws a tantrum and storms off to the corner like a child. But everyone else is awed with the result. For a first draft, it’s phenomenal. Unlike anything anyone’s ever made before. They can’t wait to start workshopping it to get the finished product.
Anyway that’s all. Thanks for listening, you guys.
This is Vera, storyteller and weaver, signing off.
If you’ve followed the story thus far, I am ready to reveal to you that this isn’t a real life event.
This is the Lord of the Rings creation myth. I just tricked you into reading the beginning of The Silmarillion.
And if you’re dying to know what happened next?
The book is widely available and written with language so beautiful it will make you cry.
So check it out and find out what happens to that asshole Michael aka Melkor.
Because Sauron ain’t got a THING on him!
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solcattus · 10 months
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The Lady of Elche, 4th century BC
The sculpture was found accidentally in Valencia in 1897 by Manuel Campello Esclapez. The bust was later sold to France, but in 1941 Lady of Elche returned to Spain and is currently on display at the National Archeological Museum in Madrid.
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smunalianzaliberal · 4 days
El Diario Independiente
Election Candidates Confirmed!
25 July 1950
Following candidacy bids by both Cabinets, below is the complete list of candidates running for a seat.
Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
Boyaca – Nicolas Mendoza Ortega – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Cundinamarca - Alberto Lleras Camargo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Laureano Gomez - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Guainia - Diego Esteban Rodriguez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Huila - Jacobo Prias Alape - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
La Guajira - Dario Enchandio - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance La Guajira – Guillermo Leon Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Magdalena - Gerardo Loaiza - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Norte De Santander – Mateo Alejandro Gonzalez – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Tolima - Juan de La Cruz Varela - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Tolima - Teofilo Rojas Varon - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Valle del Cauca - Miguel Pérez Moreno - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
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idkanymoretbf · 6 months
is this valencia goalie manuel neuer or what
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cristinabcn · 1 year
Festival de Jerez 2023: Premios Revelación, Guitarra con alma y Composición original
Teresa Fenandez Herrera – Prensa Especializada Pues con estos premios completamos la lista de galardonados del pasado Festival de Jerez. Como de costumbre habrá que esperar al próximo festival para asistir a su entrega, junto a los que ya reseñamos de Público y Crítica. Dos premiados ex – aequo en Revelación: Iván Orellana (Ubrique, Cádiz) por su trabajo Inherente, y para el malagueño de…
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 months
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,264/∞) 7 November 2018 | King Felipe VI of Spain attends 'Rey Jaime I Awards' at Lonja de los Mercaderes in Valencia, Spain. (Photo by Manuel Queimadelos Alonso/Getty Images)
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felipeandletizia · 6 months
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: December 14th
2003: Weekend in London.
2004: Audience to the Junta Directiva del Club de Encuentros “Manuel Broseta” (the alicantin lawyer who was killed by ETA in 1992); Inauguration of the newspaper office of “Las Provincias Multimedia” in Valencia & 16th King Jaime I awards
2005: Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Institute of International and Strategic Studies
2007: Attended the musical “Beauty and the Beast” in benefit the Children’s Oncology Residence of the Spanish Association against Cancer
2009: Lunch offered to the president of Vietnam Nguyen Minh Triet; Meeting with Presidents of Communities and Autonomous Cities attending the 4th Conference of Presidents & Gala dinner offered to the president of Vietnam Nguyen Minh Triet
2011: Prince of Girona Foundation presentation in Barcelona
2012: Audiences at la Zarzuela
2014: Lunch with her team at a restaurant near la Zarzuela
2015: 13th meeting of the patronages of the Princess of Girona Foundation
2016: Meeting of Princess of Girona Foundation at the Royal Palace in Madrid.
2017: Visited Village Pilote initiative for kids of the streets in Dakar, Senegal as part of her four-day cooperation trip to the west African country; Visited Ala 46 (Group 82) of the air force in Las Palmas & Lunch for the 5th International Forum of Tourism, Maspalomas Costa Canaria
2020: Visited military facilities of the Spanish Air Force & Arrived in Honduras for a cooperation trip
2021: Lunch celebrating the 15th anniversary of the newspaper “elEconomista”
2022: Inaugurated the exhibition “De Territorios 5x50”, one of the events in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the UNED & Delivered the 19th edition of the Annual Awards of the Victims of Terrorism Foundation
F&L Through the Years: 1099/??
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manuelhmompo · 1 year
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MANUEL HERNÁNDEZ MOMPÓ (Valencia, 1927 – Madrid, 1992). Sin título, de la serie “Mallorca”, 1985. Serigrafía, ejemplar 70/100. Firmado, fechado y justificado a mano. Medidas: 75 x 55 cm; 76,5 x 56,5 cm (marco).
Editor Sala Pelaires, Mallorca 
Setdart Lote 35331753 Valor estimado: 800 - 900 € Final de subasta: 07 Jun 2023
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Louis-Michel van Loo (French, 1707 - 1771) Aparece este cuadro en el catálogo de 1830, que dice: “Retrato del 3er Duque de Liria, en más de medio cuerpo, vestido de azul, con un negro a su espalda y señalando el mar.” (This painting appears in the 1830 catalogue, which says: "Portrait of the 3rd Duke of Liria, in more than half length, dressed in blue, with a black man behind him and pointing to the sea), ca. 1725 - 50 Colección de la Fundación Casa de Alba
Jacobo Francisco Eduardo Fitz-James Stuart y Colón de Portugal, 3rd Duke of Berwick, 3rd Duke of Liria and Jérica, 9th Duke of Veragua, 9th Duke of la Vega (28 December 1718 – Valencia, 30 September 1785) was a Spanish Jacobite. On the death of his father, James Fitz-James Stuart, in 1738, he inherited his titles of Duke of Berwick and Duke of Liria and Xerica. (He also possessed many other titles in both Spain and England.) His mother was Spanish, and on her side he was a direct descendant of explorer Christopher Columbus. On 26 July 1738, in Alba de Tormes, he married Maria Teresa de Silva y Alvarez de Toledo (6 May 1716 – 5 May 1790), daughter of Manuel Maria de Silva y Mendoza, (born 18 October 1677), 9th Conde de Galve, 7th son of the 5th Duke of Pastrana and Estremera and of the outstandingly wealthy Maria Teresa Alvarez de Toledo, (18 September 1691 – 1755), 11th Duquesa de Alba de Tormes, 8th duquesa de Huéscar, 4th Duquesa de Montoro, 6th Duquesa de Olivares, 7th Duquesa de Galisteo, Grandee of Spain, and a number of lesser Spanish noble titles (such as Marquessats, Earldoms, Baronetages, Viscountships and Lordships). Their only son to survive to adulthood was Carlos Bernardo Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva, (Liria, Valencia, 25 March 1752 – Madrid, 7 September 1787).  Titles: 3rd Duke of Berwick, 3rd Duke of Liria and Xérica, Grandee of Spain 1st Class, 10th Duke of Veragua, 10th Duke of la Vega, 3rd Earl of Tinmouth, 9th Count of Gelves, 3rd Baron Bosworth.
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colorfulprincewombat · 7 months
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circa 1900-1907:
1. Cases Esteve Parera, 1907.
2. Viladomat.
3. Casa Manuel Felip 1901.
4. Casa Comalat, architect Salvador Valeri i Pupurull, 1906 to 1911.
5. Pharmacy door in Sant Antoni;
6. València.
7. Valencia, Casa Martí Lloreng, 1906, Architect: Antoni Alabern i Pomar;
8. Consell de Cent.
9. Casa R. Capellades 1905 Architect: Jeroni F. Granell i Manresa, Bailèn.
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fucktalunyafucktugal · 9 months
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Buscando en el baúl de los recuerdos, uhúhu... 🎵🎵
(Va de lenguas nazionalistas)
¿Por qué no encontramos hasta 1.510 ninguna Academia de las letras, o de la lengua Catalana? ¿Será que dicha lengua no existía?
Antoni Elías i Rubert, en 1817, como secretario de la “Academia de las Bones LLetres de Barcelona”, pidió a todos los miembros componentes de dicha Academia, si le podían conseguir una Gramática antigua de la lengua catalana. No pudiendo conseguir ninguna, encargó a Pere Pau Ballot que redactara una gramática de la llenga Catalana.
¿Por qué será que todos los miembros y el secretario de La Academia de las Bonas Lletras de Barcelona, no pudiera encontrar una sola gramática de la llengo catalana, en 1817? ¿Será por que no habían tenido ninguna gramática hasta esta fecha?
Antoni de Bofarull y Mariano Flotats (catedráticos de la Universidad de Barcelona y archiveros de la corona de Aragón) en 1848, tradujeron al castellano y editaron “la Historia de la Vida del Monarca don Jaime I de Aragón, el Conquistador”. Como hacen constar partiendo de la escrita por el mismo monarca en lemosín.
Pompeu Fabra, en 1.913, editó el “Diccionari de la Llenga catalana”. (Diccionario que había robado a mossen Antonio Mª Alcover y Sureda, representante de las diócesis de Baleares y al representante de las diócesis de Valencia padre jesuita Luis Fullana Mira). Diccionario, que tenía que haber editado el propio Pompeu Fabra, como diccionario de las Lenguas Valenciana-Catalana-Balear, que habían patrocinado las Diócesis de Valencia, Cataluña y Baleares.
¿Por qué lo tenían que denominar valenciano, catalán, balear, si todo era un mismo idioma, el catalán?
Manuel Azaña, presidente de la república española, el 21 de noviembre de 1936, ordenó la creación de la cátedra de la lengua Valenciana. ¿Porque no ordenó la de la lengua catalana?
¿Por qué será que tantos escritores en tantos escritos, gramáticas y diccionarios dicen y afirman ser de las lenguas lemosina, Valenciana, Mallorquina, o Menorquina, y tan poquísimos lo dicen, o afirman de la catalana?
Lo que no puede ser, no puede ser, y además es imposible.
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