#Lunar Festival 2019
vestaignis · 20 days
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Вот так цветёт дикая китайская слива - Мэйхуа. Мэйхуа - самый главный поэтический символ в Китае. Слива входит и в "4 благородных", и в "три друга зимы". Её цветение приходится на конец зимы-начало весны. В Китае слива мэйхуа была вестником весны, нередко её цветение совпадало с празднованием китайского Нового года — Праздника весны 春节 чунь-цзе, который отмечается в конце января-начале февраля по лунному календарю.
Родиной мэйхуа считается район реки Янцзы, откуда она широко распространилась по всей Восточной Азии, включая Японию, Корею, Тайвань, Вьетнам. Произрастает на каменистых склонах гор на высоте от 300 до 2500 метров над уровнем моря. Мэйхуа зацветает раньше других цветов и выдерживает морозы до -50°. Нежные цветы нередко покрывает снег, создавая удивительный контраст. Цветы сливы отличаются разнообразием: есть белые, розовые, красные.
В эпоху Тан (618-907) в китайской живописи появляется отдельное направление — живопись мэйхуа, которое окончательно оформилось в эпоху Сун (960-1279). 
This is how the wild Chinese plum, Meihua, blooms. Meihua is the most important poetic symbol in China. Plum is included in both the "4 noble ones" and the "three friends of winter". Its flowering occurs at the end of winter-the beginning of spring. In China, the Meihua plum was the herald of spring, often its flowering coincided with the celebration of the Chinese New Year — the Spring Festival 春节 Chun-tse, which is celebrated in late January-early February according to the lunar calendar.
The birthplace of Meihua is considered to be the Yangtze River region, from where it has spread widely throughout East Asia, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. It grows on rocky mountain slopes at an altitude of 300 to 2500 meters above sea level. Meihua blooms earlier than other flowers and withstands frosts up to -50 °. Delicate flowers are often covered with snow, creating an amazing contrast. Plum flowers are diverse: there are white, pink, red.
In the Tang era (618-907), a separate direction appeared in Chinese painting — Meihua painting, which finally took shape in the Song era (960-1279).
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Источник://anashina.com/sliva-meihua/, //russian.news.cn/importnews/2019-02/01/c_137791307_10.htm, //russian.people.com.cn/n3/2017/0130/c31516-9172556-5.html, /chainka.com/blog/simvolika/255-tsvetushchaya-sliva-mejkhua, bogachkova1957.livejournal.com/86338.html, /koryo-saram.site/glavnyj-simvol-nachinayushhejsya-vesny-i-zhizni-czvety-slivy-매화/, /dveimperii.ru/articles/tsvetuschaya-dikaya-sliva.
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sinnohlunarfestival · 8 months
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This is a dash event blog for the Sinnoh Lunar New Year Festival, which hosts the Sinnoh New Year's Race, where racers vie for the title of luckiest person in the world!
As stated, this event is dashboard only and while there will eventually be a Discord available to all festival goers all events and interactions will be done on Tumblr only.
Event run and designed by @moonkssd.
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Every year Sinnoh celebrates the bringing of a brand new year, each denoted by a Pokemon that calls Sinnoh home! Twelve Pokemon in all, for a cycle that continues on and on...
This year is the year of the Garchomp. The main event for the New Year's festivities is the New Year's Race! There will be small events centered around the race itself, yet the main event is the Applin of everyone's eyes! Sponsors clamor to be seen on the prospective racers, to show not only support of this age old heritage of Sinnoh, but to also push their own brands on the worldwide stage. Since 2019, the race has been televised internationally, drawing in so much more attention than in olden times.
Will you be among the racers? The spectators? Come one, come all -- the great race for the new year will soon begin!
More info to come later!
TAG: #sinnohlunarfestival2024
DATES: January 7 2024 - January 24, 2024
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thebleedingwoodland · 4 months
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^ Ignore the incorrect grammar on the graphic above, it supposedly says
恭賀新禧 (Gōnghè xīnxǐ) = Best Wishes for Happy New Year
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Lunar New Year Update 2019
Lunar New Year Update 2022
✨ There will be upcoming Chinese New Year held on 10 February 2024, which is Year of Wood Dragon. ✨
Recently I opened The Sims 4 game again on Steam --- Yes The Sims 4 Base game is free of purchase on Steam --- Finally I can see soothing and relieving representation of Chinese culture in-game unlike sore eyes disaster what The Sims 3 team had done on Shang Simla for The Sims 3.
Definitely there's something positive on this representation of Lunar New Year updates for 2019 and 2022 that I can give applause to EA👏 , that this company team finally made consultation to actual Chinese (and Korean) people.
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Lunar New Year is a celebration of the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new year on the lunisolar calendar. It is the most important holiday in China, and it is also widely celebrated in South Korea, Vietnam, and countries with a significant overseas Chinese population.
Commonly known as the Spring Festival in China, Lunar New Year is a fifteen-day celebration marked by many traditions.
Not just celebrated in China, Korea and Vietnam celebrate Lunar New Year. So yes, we celebrate New Year twice, Gregorian New Year (1 January) and Lunar New Year (10 February, China Year 2575) in 2024.
I can only review about the Chinese New Year stuff part. I can recognize easily there's steamed fish, noodles, and Nian Gao (年糕) . And the most important part of Chinese New Year is....
🧧 Red Envelope (紅包)🧧
🧧 Hóng Bāo in Mandarin Chinese language.
🧧 Ang Pao in Hokkien Chinese language.
Who doesn't love money? You Westerners like money, don't you? On Christmas Day, Westerners have tradition to give wrapped present gift to people.
In Chinese New Year, we're Chinese people have tradition of giving Red Envelope with money inside the envelope. The person who give Hong Bao at Chinese New Year event is from married person to unmarried family members.
Wrapping lucky money in red envelopes is expected to bestow more happiness and blessings on the receivers.
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There's addition of Round Table, Red Envelopes on Kumquat Tree and Orange fruit with Red Envelope on box. Yes Chinese culture is all about being prosperous and giving money gift in Red Envelope. I can tell you the representation is very good and authentic to us Chinese people that we can relate.
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I can tell you team who worked in this update made consultation to Chinese people, that there are Han Zi (Chinese writing). 無魚不成席 which translates as "No Feast Without Fish" . Fish makes important meal in Chinese dining.
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Here is more addition info:
Fish — an Increase in Prosperity
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In Chinese, "fish" (鱼 Yú /yoo/) sounds like 'surplus'. Fish is a traditional Chinese New Year dish on the Chinese New Year dinner menu. Chinese people always like to have a surplus at the end of the year, because they think if they have managed to save something at the end of the year, then they can make more in the next year.
Steamed fish is one of the most famous Chinese New Year recipes. What fish should be chosen for the New Year dinner is based on auspicious homophonics.
Crucian carp: As the first character of 'crucian carp' (鲫鱼 jìyú /jee-yoo/) sounds like the Chinese word 吉 (jí /jee/ 'good luck'), eating crucian carp is considered to bring good luck for the next year.
Chinese mud carp: The first part of the Chinese for "mud carp" (鲤鱼 lǐyú /lee-yoo/) is pronounced like the word for gifts (礼 lǐ /lee/). So Chinese people think eating mud carp during the Chinese New Year symbolizes wishing for good fortune.
Catfish: The Chinese for "catfish" (鲶鱼 niányú /nyen-yoo/) sounds like 年余 (nián yú) meaning 'year surplus'. So eating catfish is a wish for a surplus in the year.
Eating two fish, one on New Year's Eve and one on New Year's Day, (if written in a certain way) sounds like a wish for a surplus year-after-year.
If only one catfish is eaten, eating the upper part of the fish on New Year's Eve and the remainder on the first day of the new year can be spoken with the same homophonic meaning.
Fish is an auspicious Chinese New Year symbol.
Glutinous Rice Cake — a Higher Income or Position
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Chinese New Year cakes
Glutinous rice cake (年糕 Niángāo /nyen-gaoww/) is a lucky food eaten on Chinese New Year's Eve. In Chinese, glutinous rice cake sounds like it means "getting higher year-on- by year". In Chinese people's minds, this means the higher you are the more prosperous your business is a general improvement in life. The main ingredients of niangao are sticky rice, sugar, chestnuts, Chinese dates, and lotus leaves.
Longevity Noodles — Happiness and Longevity
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Longevity noodles (长寿面 Chángshòu Miàn /chung-show myen/) unsurprisingly symbolize a wish for longevity. Their length and unsevered preparation are also symbolic of the eater's life.
It is a lucky food eaten on Chinese New Year Day in North China. 
They are longer than normal noodles and uncut, either fried and served on a plate, or boiled and served in a bowl with their broth.
Good Fortune Fruit — Fullness and Wealth
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Certain fruits are eaten during the Chinese New Year period, such as tangerines and oranges, and pomeloes. They are selected as they are particularly round and "golden" in color, symbolizing fullness and wealth, but more obviously for the lucky sound they bring when spoken.
Eating and displaying tangerines and oranges is believed to bring good luck and fortune due to their pronunciation, and even writing. The Chinese for orange (and tangerine) is 橙 (chéng /chnng/), which sounds the same as the Chinese for 'success' (成). One of the ways of writing tangerine (桔 jú /jyoo/) contains the Chinese character for luck (吉 jí /jee/).
Chinese Dumplings — Wealth
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With a history of more than 1,800 years, dumpling (饺子 Jiǎozi /jyaoww-dzrr/) is a classic lucky food for new year, and a traditional dish eaten on Chinese New Year's Eve, widely popular in China, especially in North China.
Chinese dumplings can be made to look like Chinese silver ingots (which are not bars, but boat-shaped, oval, and turned up at the two ends). Legend has it that the more dumplings you eat during the New Year celebrations, the more money you can make in the New Year.
Source: LinkedIn by Manette Chen
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As for fashion... I'm not woman so I am not expert about women fashion, I can tell this clothing is not Chinese Qi Pao. My girlfriend and female family members do not wear that kind of Qi Pao. This is more like Ao Dai, Vietnamese traditional dress. There's skirt beneath dress. Source: Wikipedia
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The rest of clothing is typical modernized clothing, which is much more realistic because we Chinese when at Chinese New Year gathering we wear red coloured modern clothing and not dress like in ancient times. Usually kids who wear Qi Pao because they are very cute to dress like that.
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kemetic-dreams · 25 days
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Irreecha (also called Irreessa or Dhibaayyuu), is thanksgiving holiday celebrating the end of the winter in Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The Oromo people celebrate Irreecha to thank Waaqa (God) for the blessings and mercies they have received throughout the previous year. The Irreecha festival is celebrated every year at the beginning of Birraa (Spring), new season after the dark and rainy winter season. It is attended by hundreds of thousands people. The thanksgiving is celebrated at sacred lakes across Oromia Region like the Hora Finfinne and Hora Harsadi, Bishoftu, Oromia Region as a whole. Once at the lake, festival-goers immerse freshly cut green grass and the flowers they are carrying and sprinkle themselves and place in water.
In 2019, the festival was celebrated in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia and the regional state of Oromia, followed by Irreecha in Bishoftu. The 2020 Irreecha in Addis Ababa was celebrated by around 5,000 people due to political tension and the COVID-19 pandemic. Irreecha is also celebrated around the world where diaspora Oromos live especially in North America and Europe.
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Many people interpreted the Irrecha festival of the Oromo people as a festival of difficulty period between the month of June and September. But the reality is not as many as exaggerated today. But the Irrecha festival of the festival of welcoming the expected seeds and friutes of prosperity, and peace. The Oromo people also consider the winter rainy season of June to September is a time of difficulty for communications, with families, friends due to heavy rain which could cause swelling rivers and floods that may drown people, cattle, crop, and flood homes. Also, family relationships will suffer during winter rain as they can not visit each other because of swelling rivers. In addition, winter time could be a time of hunger for some because the previous harvest collected in January is running short and the new harvest is not ripe yet. Because of this, some families may endure food shortages during the winter. In Birraa (Spring in Oromoland), this shortage ends as many food crops especially maize is ripe and families can eat their fill. Other crops like potato, barley, etc. will also be ripe in Birraa. Some disease types like malaria also break out during rainy winter time. Because of this, the Oromos see winter as a difficult season. It does not mean the Oromo people hate rain or the winter season at all. Even when there is a shortage of rain, they pray to Waaqa (God) for rain.
The Oromo people celebrate Irreecha not only to thank Waaqa (God) but also to welcome the new season of plentiful harvests after the dark and rainy winter season associated with nature and creatures. At Irreecha festivals, friends, family, and relatives gather together and celebrate with joy and happiness. Irreecha festivals bring people closer to each other and make social bonds.
Moreover, the Oromo people celebrate this auspicious event to mark the end of the rainy season, known as Ganna, which was established by Oromo forefathers, in the time of Gadaa Melbaa in Mormor, Oromia. The auspicious day on which this last Mormor Day of Gadaa Melbaa - the Dark Time of starvation and hunger- was established on the Sunday of last week of September or the Sunday of the 1st week of October according to the Gadaa lunar calendar has been designated as National Thanksgiving Day by modern-day Oromo people
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
David Liu's gun shop looks unsuspecting from the outside. Nestled into the back of a quiet strip mall in Arcadia, near Los Angeles, Liu keeps the overhead sign of the sushi restaurant that once occupied his living-room-sized shop. He does this to remain discreet, saying the people who need to find him will seek him out. 
Liu posts fliers on his windows offering Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) license classes in Mandarin and English, pasted below his Trump 2020 flag, orchids and decorative fish.
Liu says roughly half of his customers are Asian — primarily Chinese — and conduct transactions in their native language.
Many of his customers at his shop are like friends — regulars who come by for multiple training sessions, paperwork, or to chat. Several of them are new gun owners driven by fears over rising levels of violence and hate crimes, which increased by over 330% between 2020 and 2021, according to a report by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism published in 2022.
Arcadia is a predominantly Asian area just a few minutes from Monterey Park, the site of a deadly mass shooting following a Lunar New Year Festival this year.
A growing demographic of gun owners
Asian Americans traditionally have the lowest rates of ownership than any other measured demographic in the US, but saw a 43% rise in ownership between 2019 and 2020, starting with the pandemic. The COVID-19 outbreak reportedly spurred public scapegoating of Asians in the US. Crimes such as robberies and home burglaries have also increased in recent years following the pandemic and a rapid rise in the cost of living.
Liu says that in the LA area, Chinese people are sometimes violently targeted both publicly and in their homes due to a stereotype of keeping large amounts of cash on hand.
"The situation is getting worse," says Ray Gong, 27, a customer of Liu's. "I just got out of the military recently, and hearing the news, my mind changed."
Gong arrived in the US in 2016 from Hangzhou, an eastern city in China just south of Shanghai. He purchased his first pistol in August and another two firearms in September, hoping to "be ready for anything." ____________________
The correct answer is, it's none of your business why people are exercising their constitutional right to bear arms.
He says that while he hasn't experienced violence related to his ethnicity, he was discriminated against in the military, where he was prevented from taking on higher roles due to being Chinese and was often handed the work that nobody else wanted.
He is also in the process of obtaining his CCW, which typically takes over six months in California. "I'm thinking about carrying it (a gun) all the time."
Gong is now a member of a nearby shooting range and says he works on target practice at least once a week.
In a Public Policy Institute of California survey last year, two-thirds of Californians saw crime as a serious problem.
"Everyone (not just Asian Americans) is buying more guns," says Liu. "People are scared."
Ricky Wong, 44, a legal administrator, says that in the last few years, he survived a violent attack with a baseball bat and two car thefts. The attack, he said, was carried out by other Asians. He was a gun owner before, but the attack and robberies validated his decision to be armed.
Calls for justice system to get tough on violence
One of the solutions to rising violent crimes in California, Wong and Liu say, is to get tough on crime again, citing multiple murderers who were released after what they see as much-too-brief stints in prison.
Chris Cheng, a sport shooter and founding member of the Asian Pacific American Gun Owners Association, echoed the sentiment that law enforcement is not effectively tackling violent crime.
"The lack of prosecution" by district attorneys in major cities, including Los Angeles and his home, San Francisco, against criminals perpetrating racist attacks against Asians decreased the community's confidence in the criminal justice system.
"Combine that with the increased civil unrest with the George Floyd riots and the January 6 insurrection, it should come as no surprise that many Asian Americans began to understand that law enforcement cannot protect them."
However, not everyone feels that firearms are not the answer to rising hate crimes. "The firearms industry and gun lobby are currently targeting minority communities in their marketing in response to long-term stagnation in the traditional gun market of white men," according to a report issued by the Washington-based Violence Policy Center.
"As a result of their increasing size and consumer power, Asian Americans are viewed as an untapped market by gunmakers," it said.
Liu sees the motivation of his customers not as a result of marketing but as a result of fear. "It's just so dangerous out there. A lot of people buying are victims already."
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greensparty · 4 months
Stuff I'm Looking Forward to in February
Can't believe we're now into the middle of the first quarter of 2024. In addition to Black History Month (2/1-2/29), Groundhog Day (2/2), Lunar New Year (2/10), Valentine's Day (2/14), Ash Wednesday (2/14), Presidents' Day (2/19), and Leap Day (2/20) here is what's on my radar this month:
Orion and the Dark
What got my attention about this animated feature is that it is written by Charlie Kaufman. Yes - the writer of Being John Malkovich and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind wrote this! Premieres on Netflix on 2/2.
Lisa Frankenstein 
This horror comedy from director Zelda Williams (yes - the daughter of a legend) and writer Diablo Cody looks promising. Opens 2/9 (review to come).
Madame Web 
The newest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is also the next installment of the Spider-Man Universe as this gets into multiple Spider-Women and they filmed in Boston too. Color me curious! Opens 2/14.
Kiss the Future
During the Zoo TV Tour in 1993, U2 shined a light on the crisis in Sarajevo in an effort to support the besieged Sarajevans. This documentary about their efforts was produced by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. After playing festivals last year, it is being released exclusively by AMC Theaters on 2/19.
Drive-Away Dolls
I was a huge fan of the Coen brothers, but after The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, they began working solo. After Joel Coen’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, I’m excited to see Ethan Coen’s solo feature, an action comedy about inept criminals, which is his wheelhouse. I first was looking forward to this in September 2023 and I still am. Opening 2/23.
Paul McCartney & Wings Band on the Run 50th Anniversary Edition
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Paul McCartney's greatest non-Beatles album, a new special edition is being released. The timing happens to be a few weeks after the passing of Wings guitarist Denny Laine as well. Re-release drops on 2/2.
J. Mascis What Do We Do Now
In addition to Dinosaur Jr., J. Mascis has done some great solo work. His last solo album Elastic Days had some bangers and I was lucky enough to see him do a live solo show in 2019. Looking forward to his newest solo album, which drops 2/2.
Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12 premiere
The 12th season of one of the most brilliant TV comedies of all time is going to be the final season (or so they say). Even though it's only at season 12, each season has been spaced out over the past 24 years. I named Season 11 my Best TV Show of 2021. Hopes are high for Larry David's social assassin going out on a high note! Season premiere on 2/4 on HBO.
Awards Season:
We're in the midst of awards season now! This month we have Grammy Awards (2/4), DGA Awards (2/10), SAG Awards (2/24), and Independent Spirit Awards (2/25). Not exactly an awards show, but the biggest competition of the year is the Super Bowl (2/11) as well.
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kj-bishop · 4 months
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Processional dragons at the Golden Dragon Museum in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia: 1. Loong; 2. Sun Loong, Loong's successor, now also retired; 3. Sun Loong (L) and the new dragon Dai Gum Loong (R); 4. Yar Loong, night dragon; 5. "Bendigo Easter Festival - 1979", painting of Sun Loong by Charles William Bush.
From the museum website (http://www.goldendragonmuseum.org/our-collection/#loong-conservation-project):
"Loong 龍
Loong is the oldest intact processional dragon in the world. He made his first processional appearance in 1901 and was the star attraction of Bendigo’s annual Easter parade until his retirement in 1970. He was created by the Sing Cheung 勝昌 workshop in the city of Foshan (Fatshan) on the Pearl River near Guangzhou (Canton) in southern China. Loong was constructed from silks, mirrors, bamboo, kingfisher feathers, and papier-mache. His name simply means ‘dragon’ but historically he was also referred to by the Chinese community as Gum Loong 金龙 (Golden Dragon) and Moo Loong 舞龍 (Dancing Dragon)
During his parading career Loong made several important appearances outside of Bendigo, most notably at the May 1901 procession in Melbourne to welcome m the Duke and Duchess of York who had come to open the first Australian parliament – a century later he also appeared in the Melbourne parade which marked the centenary of the achievement of Australian Federation.  In 2007 Loong was placed on Victoria Heritage register due to his historic and cultural significance.  Loong last paraded in the Easter parade of 2019 when he joined Sun Loong 新龍 (new Dragon) and Yar Loong 夜龍 (night Dragon) to welcome Dai Gum Loong 大金龍 (The Great Golden Dragon) to Bendigo.
Loong requires 22 carriers and is 29 meters long.  His head weighs 21kg"
Yar Loong: "Translucent, as though made from gossamer, this 80-year-old lantern dragon comes from Hong Kong’s famed Kum Yuk Lau workshop. Abandoned by a Sydney group, Yar Loong first appeared at the Bendigo Easter Parade in 1939. Severely damaged in a fire, he was furloughed and only rediscovered in the 1970s then restored in 1996; he is beloved." (Source: https://zolimacitymag.com/the-immigrant-dragons-part-iv-generations-united-in-bendigo/)
Ballarat has a slightly older but not fully intact Loong: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-21/ballarat-processional-dragon-loong-celebrated-lunar-new-year/101858398
and the See Yup temple in Melbourne has the head of the other dragon that paraded in the 1901 Federation celebrations: https://museumsvictoria.com.au/article/melbourne-mystery-dragon/
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antiresolution · 1 year
Li Wenhan's Future Questioned After Rare Public Interview
Culture China | 15:21, 25-Jan-2023
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The Li Corporation's Lunar New Year Gala has intertwined itself within Bejing’s annual festivities for over a decade now. Wu Ling Yu, mother of Li Wenhan and CEO of her own arts company, is inseparable from the charity’s continued success. Her children have been involved in the week-long event since they were old enough to walk across the stage of its grande venue. Yet, Wenhan’s future in the Li family’s growth has garnered scrutiny after the release of an interview clip went viral minutes into its live broadcast on January 24th.
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Performance of Wenhan recorded in 2019 (left) Main stage of theater still under construction (right)
The interview focused on Wenhan’s hopeful opening of a performance art theater early spring that will be based in Seoul, South Korea. This announcement was followed by shockwaves across social media after Wenhan admitted he will not pursue inheritance of Li Corporation and instead focus on business pursuits independent of his family in 2023. 
Li Corporation has not issued a public response. This interview and relevant clips have since been removed from its original source.
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amitabhabuddha · 1 month
Dates To Remember
- 1st Jan, lunar day 1, Mile
- 2nd Jan, DaHeiTian
- 10th Jan, ti zhu (1st)
- 15th Jan, Chap Go Meh
- 1st Feb, lunar day 1
- 8th Feb, Gautama Buddha chut ka. Consecration day / Mason Birthday.
- 10th Feb, ti zhu (2nd)
- 15th Feb, Sakyamuni Buddha Nibbana, lunar day 15
- 19th Feb, Kuanyin
- 21st Feb, Puxian
- 1st Mar, lunar day 1
- 10th Mar, ti zhu (3rd)
- 15th Mar, lunar day 15.
- 16th Mar, Cundi Pusa & XuKongZang Pusa
- 17th Mar, Shuyi Pusa 28th Apr 2021
- 25th Mar, Do Bao Ru Lai
- 1st Apr, lunar day 1
- 4th Apr, Manjushri Pusa (put 2 fart mun) mo ngo. Mo 2. Kun fart hung. Prajna.
- 8th Apr, actual Buddha birthday
- 10th Apr, ti zhu (4th)
- 15th Apr, Wesak day ( 8 days retreat )
- 19th Apr, Ven. Master FaXuan (2022)
- 1st May, lunar day 1
- 5th May, Dragon boat /rice dumpling festival.
- 10th May, ti zhu (5th)
- 15th May, lunar day 15
- 1st June, lunar day 1
- 15th June, lunar day 15
- 19th June, Kuanyin
- 28th June, Ven. Master ChinKung (2022)
- 1st July, lunar day 1
- 13th July, DaSerTze
- 21st July, BoNgam
- 15th July, lunar day 15, Buddha Happy Day
- 29th or 30th July, DiZhang
- 1st Aug, lunar day 1, Father
- 15th Aug, lunar day 15, Mid Autumn, YuetKong Pusa
- 22nd Aug, LanTern Ru Lai
- 24th Aug, Sai Grandma
- 26th Aug, Grandpa & Grandma
- 1st Sep, lunar day 1
- 15th Sep, lunar day 15
- 19th Sep, Kuanyin
- 29th or 30th Sep, Medicine Buddha (a.k.a. Shuyi Birthday)
- 1st Oct, lunar day 1
- 15th Oct, lunar day 15, Choseen
- 20th Oct, Manjushri chutka
- 1st Nov, lunar day 1
- 15th Nov, lunar day 15
- 17th Nov, Amitabha Buddha
- 19th Nov, YatKong Pusa
- 27th Nov, Uncle Chee Mun
- 1st Dec, lunar day 1
- 8th Dec, Sakyamuni Buddha achieve Enlightenment
- 15th Dec, lunar day 15
Other rites.
- Dorje Shugden, English Aug 24th no lunar date
Ancestors rites.
- Cheng Meng, English Apr 5th no lunar date
- Father, lunar August 1st, 2017 (English Sept 20th, 2017)
- Grandma (Sai), lunar August 24th, 2017 (English Oct 13th, 2017)
- Grandpa, lunar August 26th, 1997, (English Sept 27th, 1997)
- Ancestor Anniversary, lunar October 15th, 2014, (English Dec 6th, 2014).
- Uncle Chee Mun, lunar November 27th, 2018 (English Jan 2nd, 2019)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 3.21 (after 1940)
1943 – Wehrmacht officer Rudolf von Gersdorff plots to assassinate Adolf Hitler by using a suicide bomb, but the plan falls through; von Gersdorff is able to defuse the bomb in time and avoid suspicion. 1945 – World War II: British troops liberate Mandalay, Burma. 1945 – World War II: Operation Carthage: Royal Air Force planes bomb Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. They also accidentally hit a school, killing 125 civilians. 1945 – World War II: Bulgaria and the Soviet Union successfully complete their defense of the north bank of the Drava River as the Battle of the Transdanubian Hills concludes. 1946 – The Los Angeles Rams sign Kenny Washington, making him the first African American player in professional American football since 1933. 1952 – Alan Freed presents the Moondog Coronation Ball, the first rock and roll concert, in Cleveland, Ohio. 1960 – Apartheid: Sharpeville massacre, South Africa: Police open fire on a group of black South African demonstrators, killing 69 and wounding 180. 1963 – Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary closes. 1965 – Ranger program: NASA launches Ranger 9, the last in a series of uncrewed lunar space probes. 1965 – Martin Luther King Jr. leads 3,200 people on the start of the third and finally successful civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. 1968 – Battle of Karameh in Jordan between the Israel Defense Forces and the combined forces of the Jordanian Armed Forces and PLO. 1970 – The first Earth Day proclamation is issued by Joseph Alioto, Mayor of San Francisco. 1970 – San Diego Comic-Con, the largest pop and culture festival in the world, hosts its inaugural event. 1980 – Cold War: American President Jimmy Carter announces a United States boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the Soviet–Afghan War. 1983 – The first cases of the 1983 West Bank fainting epidemic begin; Israelis and Palestinians accuse each other of poison gas, but the cause is later determined mostly to be psychosomatic. 1986 – Debi Thomas became the first African American to win the World Figure Skating Championships 1989 – Transbrasil Flight 801 crashes into a slum near São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport, killing 25 people. 1990 – Namibia becomes independent after 75 years of South African rule. 1994 – The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change enters into force. 1999 – Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones become the first to circumnavigate the Earth in a hot air balloon. 2000 – Pope John Paul II makes his first ever pontifical visit to Israel. 2006 – The social media site X (former Twitter) is founded. 2019 – The 2019 Xiangshui chemical plant explosion occurs, killing at least 47 people and injuring 640 others. 2022 – China Eastern Airlines Flight 5735 crashes in Guangxi, China, killing 132 people.
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wikiuntamed · 3 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Monday, 18th March
Welcome, benvenuto, ようこそ (yōkoso), velkomin 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 18th March through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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18th March 2020 🗓️ : Death - Alfred Worden Alfred Worden, American test pilot, engineer and astronaut (b. 1932) "Alfred Merrill Worden (February 7, 1932 – March 18, 2020) was an American test pilot, engineer and NASA astronaut who was command module pilot for the Apollo 15 lunar mission in 1971. One of 24 people to have flown to the Moon, he orbited it 74 times in the command module (CM) Endeavour. Worden was..."
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Image by NASA, scanned by Kipp Teague
18th March 2019 🗓️ : Event - Syrian civil war Syrian civil war: The U.S. Air Force carried out an airstrike in al-Baghuz Fawqani, killing 64 civilians. "The Syrian civil war (Arabic: ٱلْحَرْبُ ٱلْأَهْلِيَّةُ ٱلسُّورِيَّةُ, romanized: al-ḥarb al-ʾahlīyah al-sūrīyah) is an ongoing multi-sided conflict in Syria involving various state-sponsored and non-state actors. In March 2011, popular discontent with the rule of Bashar al-Assad triggered..."
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Image by Mahmoud Bali (VOA)
18th March 2014 🗓️ : Event - Crimea The parliaments of Russia and Crimea sign an accession treaty. "Crimea ( kry-MEE-ə) is a peninsula in Eastern Europe, on the northern coast of the Black Sea, almost entirely surrounded by the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov. The Isthmus of Perekop connects the peninsula to Kherson Oblast in mainland Ukraine. To the east, the Crimean Bridge, constructed in..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa)
18th March 1974 🗓️ : Event - Güzel İstanbul Güzel İstanbul, a nude sculpture by Gürdal Duyar in Istanbul is torn down in the middle of the night. "Güzel İstanbul (Beautiful Istanbul) is a concrete public sculpture of a nude female figure by Gürdal Duyar that is located in Yıldız Park in Istanbul, Turkey. The sculpture was commissioned in 1973 as one of 20 sculptures installed in Istanbul as part of an initiative by the Istanbul Municipality to..."
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Image licensed under CC0? by Mirada
18th March 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Andy Granatelli Andy Granatelli, American race car driver and businessman (d. 2013) "Anthony "Andy" Granatelli (March 18, 1923 – December 29, 2013) was an American businessman, most prominent as the CEO of STP as well as a major figure in automobile racing events.Granatelli was born in Dallas, Texas. Along with his brothers Vince and Joe, he first worked as an auto mechanic and..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Doctorindy
18th March 1823 🗓️ : Birth - Antoine Chanzy Antoine Chanzy, French general (d. 1883) "Antoine Eugène Alfred Chanzy (French pronunciation: [ɑ̃twan øʒɛn alfʁɛd ʃɑ̃zi]; 18 March 1823 – 4 January 1883) was a French general, notable for his successes during the Franco-Prussian War and as a governor of Algeria...."
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Image by L. Baschet
18th March 🗓️ : Holiday - Sheelah's Day (Ireland, Canada, Australia) "Sheelah's Day, also known as Sheelagh's Day, (Ir. Lá 'le Síle) is an Irish cultural holiday celebrated on 18 March which coincides with St. Patrick's Day. While the holiday is no longer widely celebrated in Ireland, there are still associated festivities celebrated throughout the Irish diaspora in..."
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Image licensed under No restrictions? by National Library of Ireland on The Commons
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sapphirelords · 5 years
Holiday Greetings
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...just because I like to keep things organized 👉👈
New Year 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Spring Festival / Lunar New Year / Chinese New Year 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Valentine's Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
International Women's Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
White Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
St. Patrick's Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Spring 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Easter 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Earth Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 ·2023 · 2024
Labor Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 ·2023 · 2024
Mother's Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Father's Day 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Summer 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Mid-Autumn Festival 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Halloween 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Autumn 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Thanksgiving 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Christmas 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
Winter 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · 2023 · 2024
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 2.12
Borrowed Days begin (until 14th; Scotland)
Bra Day (Japan)
Common Knotgrass Day (French Republic)
Commonwealth Day (Gibraltar)
Darwin Day
Establishment Day (Michigan State University)
Flip Flop Day [also 3rd Friday in June]
Gamma Day (Illinois)
Georgia Day (US)
Hug Day
Immanuel Kant Remembrance Day
International Darwin Day
International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers
International Day of the Prevention of Violent Extremism As & When Conducive to Terrorism
International Day of Women’s Health
Janet Jackson Appreciation Day
Lady Jane Grey’s Ghost Appearance Day
Lincoln's Birthday
Lost Penny Day
Love a Mensch Day
Memorial Day of 1990 Dushanbe Riots (Tajikistan)
Moresdag (Mother’s Day; Norway)
Nancy Hanks Lincoln Memorial Day (Booneville, Indiana)
National Braydon Day
National Freedom to Marry Day
National Hump for a Day, Day
National Productivity Day (India)
National Women’s Day (Pakistan)
Oglethorpe Day (a.k.a. Georgia Day; US)
Paul Bunyan Day (Bangor, Maine) [also 8.10]
Peanut’s Remembrance Day
Pick A New Love Song Day
Red Hand Day (UN)
Rhapsody in Blue Day
Robinson Crusoe Rescue Day
Safety Pup Day
Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day (Canada)
Union Day (Burma/Myanmar)
World Cholangiocarcinoma Day
Youth Day (Venezuela)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Hot Tea Day
National Biscotti Day
National P.B. & J. Day
Plum Pudding Day
2nd Monday in February
Clean Out Your Computer Day [2nd Monday]
Evolution Sunday [Sunday closest to 2.12]
Family Day (British Columbia, Canada) [2nd Monday]
Go Green Week begins (UK) [2nd Monday]
International Epilepsy Day [2nd Monday]
Love May Make the World Go ‘Round, But Laughter Keeps Us From Getting Dizzy Week begins [2nd Monday]
Meal Monday [2nd Monday]
Meat-Free Monday (UK) [Monday of Go Green Week]
National African American Parent Involvement Day [2nd Monday]
Oatmeal Monday (Scotland) [2nd Monday]
St. Ives’ Hurling of the Silver Ball (Cornwall, UK) [Monday after Feast Day]
Shrove Monday [Monday before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Bolludagur (Bun Day; Iceland)
Carnival Monday [Monday before Ash Wednesday (a.k.a. …
Carnival / Carnaval (Caribbean and South America)
Carnaval (Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Venezuela)
Carnival (Andorra, Brazil)
Carnival Holiday (Angola, Curacao)
Carnival Monday (Aruba, Dominica, Panama, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, Trinidad and Tobago)
Carriacou and Petite Martinique (Grenada)
Clean Monday
Collop Monday
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fat Monday
Hall Monday
Jour Chômé d’Usage (French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique)
Jour Férié d’Usage (Luxembourg)
J’ouvert (Trinidad and Tobago)
Lundi Gras (Haiti)
Lunes de Carnaval (Argentina)
Luni Gras
Merry Monday
National Cream Puff Day
Old Mask Parade (Aruba)
Paisen Monday
Peasen Monday
Rose Monday
Rosenmontag (Germany)
Shrovetide (Day 2 of 3)
Super Bowl Monday [Monday after Super Bowl] (a.k.a. ... 
National Football Hangover Day
National Hangover Awareness Day
National Poop Day
Sick of Food Waste Day
Super Monday
Independence & Related Days
The Baillium Empire (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Chile (Declared from Spain, 1818)
Sexistan (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
New Year's Celebration, Day 3  [Lunar Calendar] (a.k.a. …
Chinese New Year Holiday, Day 2 (Bhutan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan)
Third Day of the lunar New Year (Hong Kong, Macau)
Tet Holiday continues (Vietnam)
Tsagaan Sar (Mongolia)
Festivals Beginning February 12, 2024
Carnival of Dominica (Roseau, Domenica) [thru 2.13]
Catersource (Austin, Texas) [thru 2.15]
Haitian Carnival (Port-au-Prince, Haiti9 [thru 2.14]
Uruguay Carnival (Uruguay)
Feast Days
Aesop (Positivist; Saint)
Anthony Cauleas, Patriarch of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Ariadne’s Labyrinth Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Benedict of Aniane (Christian; Saint)
Bruno (Muppetism)
Choes Day (Day of the Cups; Ancient Greece)
Damian of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Darwin Day (Pastafarian)
Diana’s Day (Ancient Rome)
Diana’s Day — Protection of Wildlife (Pagan)
Ethelwald of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint)
Eulalia (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Seven Founders of the Service Order
Feast of the Three Saints — Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian (Orthodox Christian)
Festival of Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt; Ancient Greece)
Festival of Pitooyage (God of gaming & chance; Oaxaca, Mexico)
High Confiscation of Property (Church of the SubGenius)
Judy Blume (Writerism)
Julian the Hospitaller (Christian; Saint) [travelers, innkeepers & circus performers]
Ludan (Christian; Saint)
Marina (Christian; Virgin)
Martyrs of Abitinae (Christian; Martyrs)
Max Beckman (Artology)
Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Sacrifice to Dionysos (Ancient Greece)
Storm-Days begin (Celtic Book of Days)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Thomas Moran (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 43 [14 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [11 of 57]
All in Fever Say Aye or The Emotion is Carried (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 204; 1963)
Animals, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1977)
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, by Richard Hofstadter (Non-Fiction Book; 1963)
Austrian Hymn, by Franz Haydn (Hymn; 1797)
Beanstalk Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Blast from the Past (Film; 1999)
Blow-Up and Other Stories, by Julio Cortázar (Short Stories; 1968)
The Blue Umbrella (Animated Pixar Short; 2013)
Boomerang Bowler or Boris Makes a Comeback (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 203; 1963)
Centennial, by James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1974)
Deadpool (Film; 2016)
English Settlement, by XTC (Album; 1982)
Groundhog Day (Film; 1993)
Hop On Pop, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1963)
The International (Film; 2009)
I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm, by Dick Powell and Alice Faye (Song; 1937)
Life Is Beautiful (Film; 1999)
The Map of Tiny Perfect Things (Film; 2021)
More Than You Know, recorded by Mildred Bailey (Song; 1942)
Moving Pictures, by Rush (Album; 1981)
On Golden Pond (Film; 1982)
On the Avenue (Film; 1937)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (Film; 2010)
Pink Pest Control (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1969)
Pluto’s Housewarming (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Rear Window, by Cornell Woolrich (Short Story f.k.a. It Had To Be Murder; 1942)
Rhapsody in Blue, by George Gershwin (Musical Composition; 1924)
Rhythm Lullaby and Bubbling Over, by Earl Hines & His Orchestra (Songs; 1935)
Robocop (Film; 2014)
Run to the Hills, by Iron Maiden (Song; 1982)
School Daze (Film; 1988)
The Shot Heard Round the World or The First National Bang (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 98; 1961)
Sign of the Unicorn, by Roger Zelazny (Novel; 1975) [The Chronicles of Amber, #3]
The Space Rat or Of Mice and Menace (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 97; 1961)
The Squaw Man (Film; 1914) [1st Film made in Hollywood]
Strictly Ballroom (Film; 1993)
Untamed Heart (Film; 1993)
We Give Pink Stamps (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Zoolander 2 (Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Benedikt, Eulalia, Gregor (Austria)
Zvonimir, Zvonko (Croatia)
Slavěna (Czech Republic)
Eulalia (Denmark)
Alma, Alme, Elma, Elme, Elmi (Estonia)
Elma, Elmi (Finland)
Félix (France)
Benedikt, Eulalia (Germany)
Meletios, Meletis, Plotinos (Greece)
Lídia, Lívia (Hungary)
Alessio, Eulalia, Pilerio (Italy)
Karlīna, Karline, Līna (Latvia)
Benediktas, Deimantė, Eulalija, Mantminas (Lithuania)
Randi, Randulf, Ronja (Norway)
Aleksy, Benedykt, Eulalia, Julian, Laurenty, Modest, Nora, Radzim, Trzebisława (Poland)
Meletie (Romania)
Perla (Slovakia)
Eulalia (Spain)
Evelina, Evy (Sweden)
Ulas (Ukraine)
Abra, Abraham, Abram, Bram, Darwin, Ibrahim (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 43 of 2024; 323 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 3 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 3 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 2 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 13 Grey; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 30 January 2024
Moon: 11%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 15 Homer (2nd Month) [Aesop)
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 54 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 22 of 28)
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daimonclub · 4 months
Chinese New Year
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New Year Chinese Festival 2019 Chinese New Year 2024 falls on Saturday, February 10th, 2024, and celebrations culminate with the Lantern Festival on February 24th, 2024. Celebrations last up to 16 days, but only the first 7 days are considered a public holiday (February 10th–February 16th, 2024). Chinese New Year marks the transition between zodiac signs: 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, following the year of the Rabbit 2023, and the year of the Tiger 2022. (Traditions, Activities, Celebrations, Decorations and so on). 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon. Dragon is the 5th animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac signs, coming after the Rabbit and before the Snake. Recent years of the Dragon include 2024 (this year), 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, and 1952, with the next Dragon year in 2036 (Year of the Fire Dragon). It is associated with the earthly branch symbol chen. Dragon is powerful, endlessly energetic and full of vitality, goal-oriented yet idealistic and romantic, and a visionary leader. They know exactly who they are and possess the keenest sense of self among the 12 zodiacs of Chinese astrology. Chinese New Year or 'Spring Festival' is a very important festivity for Chinese people everywhere, it is also China's most important festival and holiday time. Chinese New Year 2023 falls on Sunday, January 22nd, 2023, beginning a year of the Rabbit. Celebrations last up to 16 days, but only the first 7 days are considered a public holiday (January 22nd–January 29th, 2023). The exact date of the Chinese New Year changes from year to year, but is always between 21 January and 19 February. In recent decades, it has been the second day of a 7-day public holiday in Mainland China. In ancient China people used the moon to calculate time, and in the Chinese lunar calendar every month begins with the new moon. The festival has a history of over 3,000 years. Celebrations on lunar New Year's Day can be dated back to the ancient worship of heaven and earth. Over the centuries new traditions were added and celebrations became more entertainment-orientated. In 1967 food was rationed, and there was no money! Greetings were full of Communist fervor. Now people eat out for Chinese New Year, send e-money, and greet with instant messages on WeChat (the most popular app in China). Chinese New Year 2021 was the Year of the Ox. In popular Chinese astrology Chinese New Year is important... For Chinese people, years begin at Chinese New Year, rather than January 1! 2018: It's Dog year 2018 until February 4th 2019 (Chinese New Year's Eve). 2019: A year of the Pig will start on February 5th. 2020: A year of the Rat will start on January 25th. Every year of the Chinese Calendar has an animal's name. These animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake,horse, sheep, monkey, cockerel, dog and pig. The Chinese believe that a person born in a particular year has some of the characteristics of that animal.
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Chinese New Year Decorations Chinese families celebrate the new year for two weeks and their main activities include 1) putting up decorations, 2) eating reunion dinner with family on New Year's Eve, 3) firecrackers and fireworks, and 4) giving red envelopes and other gifts. Chinese New Year merchandise Red decorations, red wrapped gifts, and red clothes are everywhere at Chinese New Year. They decorate their houses, towns and villages with coloured lanterns, flowers and many other decorations. They carefully clean the house and throw away old things. This means they are throwing away the bad luck of the past year. In many Chinese cities, from New Year's Day, traditional performances can be seen: dragon dances, lion dances, and imperial performances like an emperor's wedding. A great variety of traditional Chinese products are on offer, and rarely seen Chinese snacks. City parks and temple fairs are the places to go for this. Every street, building, and house where Spring Festival is celebrated is decorated with red. Red is the main color for the festival, as red is believed to be an auspicious color. Red Chinese lanterns hang in streets; red couplets are pasted on doors; banks and official buildings are decorated with red New Year pictures depicting images of prosperity. Most public decoration is done a month before, but home decoration is traditionally done on Chinese New Year's Eve. As 2019 will be a year of the Pig, decorations related to pigs will be commonly seen. Look out for red pig dolls for children and New Year paintings with pigs on. The festive period is one of the best times of the year to interact with Chinese people, and experience the local culture. However, it is also the busiest time of the year on China's transportation network. So, you might want to avoid the transport stress or seek out China's New Year culture, or both... It is very important for the Chinese to be with their families on New Year's Eve. Wherever they are, people are expected to be home to celebrate the festival with their families. The New Year's Eve dinner is called 'reunion dinner', and is believed to be the most important meal of the year. On this occasion the family eats a big, delicious meal together with many meaningful dishes. Fish is always part of the dinner, along with rice, different meats and vegetables. Each food has a special meaning, and the Chinese believe these foods bring good luck. Fish means an increase in prosperity, Chinese dumplings signify great wealth, and a Glutinous rice cake means a higher income or position. During this holiday period is also very common to visit nearby friends or relatives.
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Chinese New Year 2019 Celebrations Like people waiting in New York Time Square to see the ball dropping, Chinese people have the custom of staying up late on Chinese New Year's Eve to welcome the new year's arrival. After reunion dinner, families normally sit together to watch the Spring Festival Gala, one of the most watched TV shows in China. At the same time, most people send WeChat red envelopes or short messages to acquaintances by phone. It has been a long Chinese tradition to set off firecrackers from the first minute of their new year. Fireworks have increasingly been added to the cacophony. From public displays in major cities to millions of private celebrations in China's rural areas, setting off firecrackers and fireworks is an indispensable festivity. On New Year's Day the Chinese wear new clothes to symbolyze the New Year. Red is a popular colour because the Chinese believe that it is lucky. Like at Christmas in other countries, people exchange gifts during the Spring Festival. In rural areas and for older people the New Year gift giving tradition is still strong, but increasingly younger people prefer just to receive red envelopes (by hand or electronically). The most common New Year gifts are red envelopes. Parents and family members give children the traditional New Year's gift called "Lai see" (lucky money), that is a red and gold envelope with some money inside. They are given also to retirees and customarily only employers give red envelopes to working adults. Businesses and public institutions in China take a 7-day Chinese New Year holiday, except those who need to have some staff on duty. However, most large malls, tourist attractions, public transport, hotels, and restaurants will open as usual, or even stay open longer! When the public holiday period ends, China prepares to go back to work. Life returns to normal and schools reopen on Feb. 27. In China people are becoming less superstitious, but Chinese people traditionally believe that the year's start affects the whole year, so the Chinese Spring Festival is a season of superstitions. It's believed that what something looks like (color, shape), and what its name sounds like, gives it auspicious or ill-fated properties. The Luckiest Things to Do at Chinese New Year are: giving money/gifts in lucky numbers and lucky red packaging with lucky greetings.
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Chinese New Year Traditions Eating lucky food like fish on New Year's Eve, especially carp or catfish with some left over for New Year's Day. Lighting lots of red firecrackers and fireworks to scare away evil and bring good luck. The Unlucky Things to Do at Chinese New Year are: having an accident, especially if it means hospital visits, crying, and breakages: all bad omens. Giving gifts with unlucky meanings, colors, words, or numbers, or even saying something inauspicious. Sweeping up on New Year's Day: don't "sweep all your luck away". There are a lot of big Chinese communities outside China. In many big cities such as London, New York and San Francisco there are areas called "Chinatown". In these areas there are many Chinese shops and restaurants. Chinese New Year is a big celebration both for the Chinese and the local people of these places, and there are a lot of colorful decorations in the streets of every Chinatown. In New York City, the new year begins with 600,000 firecrackers, a ritual believed to frighten away bad spirits. There is a grand parade through Manhattan's Chinatown, with elaborate floats, bands, lion and dragon dances, Chinese musicians and acrobats. One last thing to remember: sweeping up on New Year's Day is considered unlucky. Don't sweep all your luck away! A very important celebration is the parade on New Year's Day, when there are a lot of spectacular floats. The dragon is an important part of the parade because people believe it is noble and lucky. In the parade a dragon can sometimes be twenty-five metres long and can have about sixty men move under its body and tail! People often throw money at the dragon and the dragon tries to catch it in its big mouth. Sometimes there is more than one dragon in the parade. If so, there is a dancing competition between the dragons. Lion dancing is an ancient Chinese tradition, and lion dancers are always part of the parade. Two men usually move under each lion. It has a big head and a long body. Musicians play the drums and cymbals too during the lion dance. There are also noisy fireworks. The Chinese believe that the noise frightens evil spirits. During the parade children represent the twelve animals of the Chinese calendar. Chinese children like wearing the costume of their favorite animal during the parade. There are also acrobats and musicians in beautiful costumes. Most of the costumes and masks in the parade come from China. The Chinese zodiac gives each year an animal sign. Read the characteristics of your sign. Are they true? Why or why not?
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Chinese Zodiac Signs Say About Your Character Rat Years: 1960 1972 1984 1996 Character: happy, charming, ambitious Ox Years: 1961 1973 1985 1997 Character: works hard, patient, timid Tiger Years: 1962 1974 1986 1998 Character: strong personality, courageous, temperamental Rabbit Years: 1963 1975 1987 1999 Character: peaceful, sociable, secretive Dragon Years: 1964 1976 1988 2000 Character: energetic, honest, generous Snake Years: 1965 1977 1989 2001 Character: sensitive, responsible, careful with money Horse Years: 1966 1978 1990 2002 Character: popular, talkative, independent Sheep Years: 1967 1979 1991 2003 Character: gentle, intelligent, loves beautiful things Monkey Years: 1968 1980 1992 2004 Character: intelligent, creative, solve problems easily Cockerel Years: 1969 1981 1993 2005 Character: faithful, punctual, eccentric Dog Years: 1970 1982 1994 2006 Character: loyal, honest, good leader Pig Years: 1971 1983 1995 2007 Character: strong, kind, likes to learn
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Chinese new year wishes To welcome the year of the Rabbit , below is our collection of happy Chinese Lunar New Year quotes, wishes, and greetings, collected from a variety of sources. Wish you luck in the Year of the Rabbit. Good luck, good health, good cheer and pass an happy New Year. Hope the rising sun will bring with it bundles of joy, happiness and luck. Happy Chinese New Year! Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year. Here is wishing you a New Year that is abundant not only with wealth but also with wonderful memories. Just as you usher in lights, lanterns and other forms of illuminations to welcome the New Year, may the New Year usher in for you new hopes, dreams and aspirations. This New Year realize the fact that Lady Luck blesses only those who are cheerful and optimistic. Happy New Year, I wish you good health and lasting prosperity. May this New Year bring your way all that is the very best for you and your dear ones. Wishing you good fortune on the Chinese New Year. Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year and I hope you will continue to enjoy good health. May the new year bring in your life joys that never fade, hopes that never die, and strength that never weakens. Wishing you a very happy Chinese New Year. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year. This New Year, may prosperity and peace never abandon your home and hearth. As the new sun rises in a brand New Year may it bring you good luck, prosperity, joy and contentment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zMWji2EN_s Chinese New Year's Celebrations return to Chinatown If you are interested in Chinese culture you can also read: Wise proverbs from China Chinese wise proverbs Chinese language evolution Read the full article
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yoshyushi · 4 months
20231101 Global People
Yu Shi: It's more important who you are
Yu Shi - born 1996 in Liaoning, Lingyuan. Entered showbiz through his performance as Ji Fa in 《封神三部曲 Creation of the Gods Trilogy》 in 2019. In 2023, movies starring him 《长空之王 Born to Fly》 《封神第一部 Creation of the Gods I》 premiered consecutively, where the latter won 9 nominations in the 36th Golden Rooster Awards.
19th October 2023, Yu Shi was interviewed by this magazine's reporter in Shuzhou.
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In a coffee shop in Suzhou, Yu Shi arrives on time wearing a refreshing boyish smile. He greets the 《环球人物 Global People》 reporter, shakes his hand and puts on a Tang dynasty style top, folds his sleeves in a clean action, a smear of green is revealed, incidentally contrasting with the red backdrop behind him.
He sits on a chair, catches a glimpse of a guitar and strums on it while the crew sets up the lights. When he was eighteen, he who was passionate about music would learn and play to the songs he likes. But he never plays by the available sheet music - spontaneity is what he finds interesting about the arts.
"Is this guitar already tuned? It's tuned quite perfectly. I'll play with it again in a while," he sets down the guitar and the interview began.
Time retraces to the "First May release*", that was when many audiences' came to know Yu Shi. 《长空之王 Born to Fly》 was not his first movie but was his first movie to be screened. At that time, compared to the leading actors, Yu Shi was still "invisible".
(*T/N: the Chinese cinema have 3 key peak periods for movie releases that coincides with long national holidays and thus likely to garner higher box office sales: the Lunar New Year, First May labor/workers' day, Mid-Autumn Festival)
Two months later, his maiden movie made a belated arrival. During the 2023 scheduled release, 《封神第一部 Creation of the Gods I》 acclaims and box office sales went against the tide, even the "Zhi Zi Tuan*" became popular- great physiques, bright, testosterone oozing. Some have even commented that 《封神第一部 Creation of the Gods I》 had transformed the male standards in Chinese entertainment.
(*T/N: literally 'Hostage-son team', reference to the vassal state rulers who were forced to offer their sons as diplomatic hostages under the guise of serving the king in 《封神第一部 Creation of the Gods I》)
And thus, like a mainspring, life accelerated at neck breaking speed. Since the roadshow for 《封神第一部 Creation of the Gods I》 , Yu Shi nearly hasn't had a day of rest. No matter where he went, "fans" would gather. He says his most often spoken words now are "thank you" and "pay attention to safety". He persists in gym, there's always a gym equipment in his room. "If I end work late, I must train for a bit the next day before going for a swim."
In the face of sudden immense popularity, Yu Shi is relatively calm, as opposed to his parents who are worried. Each time before he ends his call, he must say "I will" to three things: "I will not be proud nor anxious, I will not forget my original intention, I will abide by the rules."
"They are worried I might become arrogant, but I will always assure them, I've grown up in these past years, I'm very clear about the person I wish to become, I won't lose myself because of these results."
The rebellious teen, the artistic youth
Speaking of his parents, Yu Shi spent 20 minutes speaking about his family: his mother had a gift for sports, his father a restrained cultured man, both exceptional aspects converged onto Yu Shi.
"My mother was amazing at running when she was young," Yu Shi said. "The provincial team had originally roped her in, but the elders in the family did not allow it." As for his father, Yu Shi used a single word to describe him, "poetic". His impression was that his father would always have a lamp lit in the study, "writing. His handwriting is really beautiful." There was a time his father was enamored with Xinjiang literature, and often talked about Liu Liang Cheng and Li Juan (T/N: Xinjiang authors) to Yu Shi. "At that time I was young and wasn't interested." After he grew older, Yu Shi opened up his father's bookshelf and gradually came to understand how wonderful these words were.
Such is the miracle of opportunity- at the end of last year (2022), Yu Shi received a script, and that was adapted from Li Juan's novel 《我的阿勒泰 My Altay》. He filmed the drama from March to May.
Yu Shi is similar to his mother, he displayed great abilities in sports from a young age, and is inherently rebellious. He was more daring than the others. When little, he was "the first in class" in all sorts of things, when he grew older, he left his hometown at age 13 to the city for provincial basketball. Just like how the elders had objected to his mother's entry into the provincial team, his father had also objected to Yu Shi learning sports. He first arranged for Yu Shi to join a summer camp, to overwhelm him. If he didn't do well he had to return home. "He wanted me to admit defeat this way." Unexpectedly, Yu Shi persisted for 5 years, from summer camp to youth training camp and became a second league national athlete, waking up at five thirty in the morning every day, with only half a day off each week where he could leave the training facility and could only go home once a year.
Yu Shi is also similar to his father, artistic on the inside. When he was young he liked watching Bruce Lee and Jet Li's movies, he loved re-enacting scenes from Hong Kong action movies. Besides basketball, his other passion is music, he listens to Zhou Yunpeng and Wan Xiaoli (T/N: folk musicians), learnt the guitar on his own, writing songs; he also liked reading and watching all sorts of books and videos, taking a delight in literature to general sciences, thinking that when it comes a time that these knowledge would come in handy if he has to perform any unique characters. Having filmed 《封神三部曲 Creation of the Gods Trilogy》, he fell in love with traditional culture from learning horseback riding and picked up 2 years' worth of mounted archery training and got himself shortlisted in the Asia region playoffs of the Archery World Cup. His habit now is to document and journal on his phone, but he would still do his serious writings and inspirations on pen and paper, like his father.
"When I was little shy of 20 years old I really liked music, and I got to know some people working in the music industry. And slowly people were telling me, why don't you try acting? That was when the thought was seeded in my mind," at that time, performing to Yu Shi was firstly, an interest that had yet to be uncovered and secondly, a potential means to make a living.
Starting from auditions, sets and sets of his profile and photographs were delivered. He went around to various sets and studios. The question he most often got was "are you a trained performer?" "No I'm not." And then, like a rock sinking to the bottom of the ocean.
With repeated dead ends, Yu Shi had also considered if he should just forget all about it, but he felt indignant. "It seems like everyone is particularly concerned with where I was trained in performing. Is it really not possible for someone to not have training?"
Finally, there was an opportunity for audition, it was a sports advertisement. "I felt it was pretty ok for my first time on camera." After the advertisement was broadcasted, 《封神三部曲 Creation of the Gods Trilogy》 production chanced upon it and invited him to enter their training camp. "They said they'll provide free acting training and courses, that really attracted me."
A list of 15,000 names, Yu Shi become 1 of 1400 who entered the auditions. The first round of auditions was to record a monologue in front of the camera, the content was a boy justifying his playfulness to his mother, making up an entire wondrous story. "Mom! I saw a spotted deer on the west side of Mount Yanting, I'll tell you, it was magical! Do you know that all of a sudden, it grew wings! I've never seen such a thing before, so I followed it and ran further and further away..." the lines were impromptu by Yu Shi, and after he was done he felt "really good", as if he had discovered a new world, "and this was the first time someone allowed me to speak (to have lines)".
2nd January 2018, after three rounds of auditions, Yu Shi became one of the 30 "backups" in the actors' training camp 《封神三部曲 Creation of the Gods Trilogy》, and thus the wheels of fate started to turn.
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Metamorphosis in the training camp
《封神三部曲 Creation of the Gods Trilogy》 is touted as the most successful "star production factory" in recent years. Not only did the movie re-propelled Kris Phillips (Fei Xiang) and other veteran actors, it also brought attention to many unknown actors. To a rookie actor, the 24-week camp was a grueling training from inside out.
"Creation of the Gods boot camp" had two secrets to its success: all-roundedness and suffering.
All-roundedness refers to the coverage of the course. The training arrangement for Yu Shi and the rest were largely as follows: a day off a week, seven in the morning till nine at night, every day there was at least 12 hours of closed-door courses: besides performing lessons, they had to learn "li (etiquette), yue (music), she (shooting), yu (riding), shu (books), shu (calculation)", the six arts of a gentleman as foundation through wushu (T/N: martial arts), horse riding, archery, body building, drums, zither and other training. The cultural training was equally important, on history pre-unification, etiquette, oracle bone script (T/N: ancient form of Chinese writing), archeology, movie appreciation and analysis all in cycles. Every Saturday the actors have to put up an interim performance, to display the results of the training.
Suffering refers to the difficulty of the training. "I was an athlete and I almost couldn't endure through it. For example exercise lessons, the entire lesson was training just a single movement, or we had to be in horse stance* for half an hour." Another example was horseback riding. Besides basic knowledge and mounting training, there's great amounts of strength training. The actors were brought to Zhangjiakou Fengning to undergo field training on the plains, riding on the horses continuously for 60 kilometers. They even had to take care of the horses themselves in order to build close relationships with their horses through spending time with them.
(*T/N: a foundational position in wushu that involves holding at a half squat position)
Yu Shi named his horse "Olympics". There's a fruit tree at the ranch and he would pluck fruits for his horse every day. Since then, when ever Yu Shi got onto its back, "Olympics" would turn unusually quiet and very cooperative.
"At that time the expectations I had of myself during training was if they ever put me in a battlefield, I would really be able to fight with a bow and arrow." In the movie, the scene of Yu Shi letting go of the reins, turning and shooting astounded people. Having to wear 40 jin (T/N: approximately 20 kilograms) worth of armor and complete the action while riding on a horse running at full speed requires training every day until it becomes muscle memory.
Cultural and arts lessons were like walking on thin ice. "First, it was my original desire to learn, second it was that the teacher would always say "于是" (T/N: meaning "and so..." which has the same pronunciation as Yu Shi), whenever I hear that there's an anxiety of being called upon, I'll keep my guard on at all times."
The ranking of the interim performances for each of the subjects was never announced, the actors were also unaware of their actual standing. It was only until this year's roadshow that the martial arts director secretly told Yu Shi that he was ranked first in every subject in the training camp.
A first place did not guarantee that the role was his, but what set Yu Shi apart was the deep harmony he had with the character. When the training camp was almost over, the director arranged for everyone to talk about their past experiences, and that was when Yu Shi and Ji Fa (T/N: his character in 《封神 Creation of the Gods》) started to connect. In the movie, Ji Fa resisted the path his father had planned for him, so he played his cards and went to Chao Ge to become a hostage-son. In reality, Yu Shi also went against his family's wishes to become a basketball athlete. In the director's eyes, Yu Shi and Ji Fa shared similarities as idealists with youthful righteousness.
Half a month before filming commenced, Yu Shi was arranged for a costume fitting, and that was when he realized he was chosen for the role of Ji Fa. He wrote an extremely long backstory for his role. "The prelude was written in great details, right from when he was born. I wrote about Ji Fa's dreams, for example how my father bestowed me with a sword, which was used by Yin Shou. He worshiped Yin Shou deeply since, and then I wrote about the reason and his emotional journey going to Chao Ge..."
He showed these writings to the director and received a "pretty good" comment. "Just like how newbies at work receiving recognition from their bosses, I discovered I was able to do this well and felt really happy."
Act and film well, the rest are a bonus
At the end of August 2018, filming for 《封神三部曲 Creation of the Gods Trilogy》 commenced. Yu Shi's first scene was Ji Fa riding on his horse as he rushed back to Xiqi. At that time Ji Fa was exhausted, so it required the actor to grasp his actions and strength, yet to appear fatigued. "I couldn't use my legs to control the direction nor was I able to look forwards, I lost my sense of direction."
The scene was shot at the break of day, the most suitable timing each day was only 5 minutes. Due to these 5 minutes, the production crew filmed in Xinjiang for 5 days, Yu Shi had to get his make up done, prepare, and arrive at the top of the hill to stand by four to five hours in advance. When the first ray of light stuck the fields, the director's command would come through from the receiver in his boots, "Three, two, one, action!"
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These words were like a magic spell, it makes Yu Shi forget about the filming set, forget about the equipment, forget himself, to relax and relax again, to get into the role and immerse in it. In that moment, he felt he had truly become Ji Fa- a boy who's about to become a man, a future king who's ideals have gradually awakened.
Thinking back on the year from the time of training camp to when filming wrapped up, Yu Shi confesses that the greatest takeaway has been finding the way of being an actor. "How to find my overall objective after receiving the role, how do I set my own sub-objectives in each scene, how to evoke his tone through the core mentality of the role, actions and other aspects that aligns with the character, and how to work with the entire team to present the best results."
These devices still influence Yu Shi's performance today. From 《长空之王 Born to Fly》 to 《我的阿勒泰 My Altay》 and also to 《欢迎来到我身边 Welcome to my Side》, he has followed through with it, relentlessly incorporating his personal perceptions.
"After getting famous, there are many people who are paying attention to your next role, does this create pressure in your performance?" the reporter asks.
"Actually, it really doesn't. I know that as an actor, shaping a character well will receive more attention, I won't forget my core work because of the attention. To perform and film well, to shape my character well, everything else is a bonus."
He's also awed at the wonders of fate. 3 years after 《封神三部曲 Creation of the Gods Trilogy》 wrapped up filming, he learnt horse back riding and read for enrichment and did work related to traditional culture. This was a process of dispelling his anxiety and was also a period of letting his emotions settle. He believed that all these preparations would come to good use one day.
"If it had premiered quickly back then, I may not have been able to cope with my situation now." 3 years of waiting was what his parents were referring to when they reminded him not to be proud nor anxious and to find his original intentions.
"I'm someone who's pretty good at psyching myself up. I'm not the kind to mull over things too much. The worries people have usually stem from comparison with others. At that time I was envious of people who could take on projects, but I knew instead of envy, I should be confident," Yu Shi says. "To improve isn't to compete with others but to be better than who I originally was."
Before 《封神第一部 Creation of the Gods I》 premiered, Yu Shi was filming 《我的阿勒泰 My Altay》 in Xinjiang, and played a Kazakh youth. He interacted often with the local nomads, got along with them, Kazakh language. Every sunset as the shepherds guide their flocks home, he would come forth to help. The evening skies of Xinjiang are almost like oil paintings, cows and sheep on the moving grass as the wind blows, time seems to stretch and he had more time and space to reflect on things on his own.
He recalled what Ji Chang (T/N: father of Ji Fa) told Ji Fa in 《封神第一部 Creation of the Gods I》 "It matters not whose son you are, more importantly it is who you are." This was a line that he loved the most, it had overwhelmed him when he filmed this scene with Li Xuejian (T/N: actor for Ji Chang).
"Life is long and yet is short," Yu Shi tells the reporter. "So we have to know who we are, who we want to become, to do our best in every task, not leave any regrets."
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jahidur369 · 5 months
Hema replacement test paper
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As a platform that competes He Tuber with Sam's, Hema chose to withdraw from the membership business when it went online in 2019. In the following years, the membership system has been adjusted many times, including price increases, equity changes, etc. However, starting in 2023, the membership system has conflicted with Hema's new low-price strategy. In this case, Hema chose "Tear down and start over."
Hema chose to “replace everything”.
As the 2024 Lunar New Year approaches, Hema’s “New Year’s Goods Festival” has begun with great fanfare, but many consumers have discovered that the Hema APP has been unable to activate or renew memberships. An official announcement from Hema stated that due to business adjustments, it will not support the activation or renewal of Hema X membership in the future. This means that its paid membership business launched in 2019 has completely come to an end.
Once upon a time, Hema CEO Hou Yi also publicly mentioned that Hema's warehouse-style X membership store was China's first project to compete with Costco and Sam's Club, and it implemented "copying, operating and surpassing" the two. , that is, learn the business model, learn the operating process, and finally surpass it.
It can be said that the membership system is not only a plan with high hopes in Hema's strategic plan, but also known as an important strategy for Hema to compete with foreign-funded super giants. Now, this business has been declared stranded after four years of implementation.
This makes people wonder why Hema suddenly stopped its membership system. Where will Hema go after giving up this business?
Hema changed a set of test papers for himself.
In the past, Hema had always targeted the "consumption upgrade" market and the urban middle class, and its brand impression in the minds of consumers was also very high-end. The cost of opening a Hema store in a first-tier city can easily reach 30 million yuan, and even the surrounding communities are nicknamed "Hema houses".
At that time, Hema's targets were always "high-quality selection" supermarket brands such as Sam's and Costco. Hema Xiansheng stocked a large number of fresh food, imported snacks and other products, allowing consumers to smell the "expensive" products as they walked by. Breath. In order to match its "high-end image", Hema also launched a membership system like Sam's.
In 2019, Hema's paid membership business was officially launched, with an annual fee of 218 yuan. Paying members can enjoy designated free vegetables, a 12.2% discount on the entire store every Tuesday or Wednesday throughout the year, and other services.
In the following years, Hema Xiansheng’s paid membership business underwent many adjustments, including the price increase to 258 yuan/year. In 2023, Hema adjusted the price and rights of X members, and launched diamond membership for the first time, priced at 658 yuan per year. It also retained members previously priced at 258 yuan, which is officially called gold membership.
Originally there was no problem with this business model, until Hema began to implement a low-price strategy in 2023, and the membership system began to "conflict" with the low-price strategy.
At the end of July 2023, Hema, which is positioned as a mid-to-high-end membership user, suddenly launched a "price war" with Sam's Club, launched "Yishan Price", and began to label itself as "low price". In Shanghai, Beijing, Thirteen cities including Hangzhou and Chengdu launched “Mountain-Moving Prices”; in October, Hema announced the launch of a “discount-based” reform, lowering the prices of more than 5,000 products in Hema Xiansheng offline stores.
But the effect was unsatisfactory. According to media reports, because offline exclusive prices and member discounts do not overlap, users complained that annual memberships have become "taken advantage of", and even the membership discount prices of some products are not as cheap as offline exclusive prices.
In this regard, Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center of the International Joint Business School of Zhejiang University, commented: “Hema’s discounts are not stacked, which detracts from the value of members, which shows that Hema’s pricing mechanism is not mature enough. "
But having said that, Hema's low-price strategy has to be adopted. In November last year, Hou Yi specifically emphasized at the New Retail Conference that Hema will comprehensively implement discount reforms in the future. He said that the current prices of China's retail industry are far from competitive. When competing with e-commerce at low prices, the physical retail industry has no power to fight back.
It can be seen that from "consumption upgrade" to "discount operation", Hema has become the path that Hema has to take.
As for the membership system, for Hema, it can only become the tears of history.
Hou Yi’s words are not an exaggeration. If starting a business is to sort out the inside first and then conquer the outside, Hema has only been able to completely sort out the inside nine years after it was founded.
Since its establishment, Hema has tried more than 10 business formats, including Hema F2, Hema mini, Hema Neighborhood, Hema X member store, Hema Outlet, Hema Premier and so on.
Trying means unknown results. According to public data, Hema lost about 3 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2021 alone. It was not until January 2023 that Hou Yi issued an all-staff letter, officially announcing that the main business Hema Xiansheng had achieved profitability; in April of the same year, He said in an interview with the media that Hema has achieved full profitability in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023.
If what Hou Yi said is true, it will be even more critical for Hema to hold on to this hard-won result. Especially in the face of severe competition, Hema needs to prove itself with sustained profits.
In May last year, Alibaba stated in its financial report that the Alibaba Group's board of directors approved the launch of Hema's listing process, which is expected to be completed within the next 6 to 12 months. But soon, news came out frequently that Hema's IPO might press the "pause button."
Alibaba said in its third-quarter financial report that Hema's initial public offering plan is on hold while the group is evaluating market conditions and other factors necessary to ensure successful project implementation and enhance shareholder value.
On the other hand, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in November 2023, the national consumer price dropped by 0.5% year-on-year; on average from January to November, the national consumer price increased by only 0.3% compared with the same period last year.
“Price reduction” has become the unified theme online and offline.
Online, JD.com and Taotian have both given up their positioning of focusing on the urban middle class/white-collar population and embarked on the path of low-price strategies; last year’s Double 11, major e-commerce platforms, MCN companies, and anchors also all aimed at “the lowest prices on the entire network.” The dispute over "price" was intense.
Offline, in the face of the explosive trend of Mixue Bingcheng stores with more than 20,000 stores, consumer brands such as Heytea and Nayuki's Tea have also launched low-priced beverage series.
Similarly, in the supermarket format, not only Hema and Sam's are engaged in a price war, supermarket chains such as Yonghui, Wal-Mart, and Carrefour have also lowered their product prices.
It can be said that Hema and many supermarket brands have also reached a time when they have to change.
Today's low-price strategy has the meaning of "a strong man cutting off his wrist" for Hema, and can even be called a "key move" for Hema. But can this move bring Hema back to life?
The low-price strategy has indeed attracted consumers' attention to Hema, but if Hema wants to achieve and maintain full profitability in the short term through "discount reform", how far is the journey ahead?
On the one hand, it will still take time for Hema to shift to a low-price strategy. Since Hema's discount reform was officially launched in October last year, its relationship with its suppliers has attracted widespread attention from the outside world. At the end of December last year, Wang Xiaolu announced that he would stop cooperating with the Hema system because he was dissatisfied with the discount reform. It is emphasized that "the price is the lifeline of the company and dealers, and selling in violation of the price is harmful to everyone's common interests."
Many other brands have also become dissatisfied with Hema, including mid-to-high-end tea consumer brand Chabiubiu. Its founder once issued a long article to denounce Hema, saying that since October 21 last year, Hema’s products have been removed from the shelves, and tens of thousands of boxes of goods have been required to be removed within a time limit; he then accused Hema of unilaterally removing inventory products. The price was reduced from 79 yuan/box to 39.98 yuan/box, causing many customers who had placed orders at high prices through other channels to ask for refunds.
On October 20, 2023, Gu Guojian, a professor at Shanghai Business School, published an article on the public account and revealed that because Hema’s low-price strategy has destroyed the market price system, big brands have begun to suspend and cut off the supply of Hema, and carry out a “strangling” style of encirclement and suppression. ".
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