#Love Kush Hotel
lovekushhotel · 7 months
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yashikaresort · 9 months
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Looking for a Hotel to stay in Pushkar? Look no further than Yashika Resort! Enjoy the tranquility of nature and experience unique activities at our resort. Come stay with us and let us show you why Yashika Resort is the perfect place for a memorable getaway.
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stucknthemiddleff · 29 days
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Kings 1.14
Stuck N The Middle
With my arms crossed over my chest I leaned my head back on the car head rest. Looking out into the black early morning hour of Queens, NY through my window. My nigga Hector who picked me up from the airport, drove his sleek all black tinted window Corvette through the busy streets, towards our destination. My mind and body felt like it hadn't rested in days and running on full adrenaline, yet it was only hours since I had been in Miami. Until I finished out what I had started I wouldn't rest. No matter how long it took I would be in Dana's arms again. It was silent moments like these, where I could let my mind drift off to the only person I wanted to be up under right now. What she was doing right at this exact moment, and trying not to let my imagination run wild on who was with her. Last night with Dawn, hadn't gone how I had planned it to. The weird thing is I hadn't gotten a call from Zeus, or nothing. What was I supposed to tell him anyways? Your daughter tried to put my dick inside her and I rejected her ass? I had love for Dawn, but if that's where my mind was that's where I would be. I just hoped she didn't hate me, and if it had to come down to getting in touch with another supplier for hardware I would. For now I had another piece of the puzzle to put in place. Switching the negativity off my mind, I slipped my spliff from the crease of my right ear, going into my pocket I pulled out my all black mini bic lighter. Flicking the small flame on the end of the spliff, my lips wrapped around it inhaling my purple kush, my mind began to relax as I passed it over to Hector. Taking it he parked on the curb in front of a hotel I've never been to before.
Taking a pull he passed it back to me, "Ready?"
Pinching the blunt as I took it back, I put it out in the middle of the palm of my hand, "Let's get this shit over with."
Opening my car door as Hector did, I felt raindrops on my head making me pull my hood over. Hearing Hector chirp his car we walked up some stairs heading through the door way. A figure of almost past seven feet stood down the barely lit hall with an assault rifle. Not saying a word he let us pass as I opened up another door going down some stairs as Hector followed. With a bar to the right a female served drinks behind it with a head count of at least fifteen people inside mingling around. Flashbacks came to my mind in seeing some familiar faces.
In all black my nigga Robbie approached me, "Que pasa hermano?"
"Nada, nada. How you been nigga?" I smiled at him, not thinking a time like this would be when I would see him again. There was one error that Erin had made in her research on me. I wasn't a blood and neither was Cooper, we were both cut from another cloth. Never once did I try to correct her either. My affiliation in the Latina community was deep only because of my mother. The Latin Kings took me in at only eighteen with Zeus being deeply connected with them. Bottom line they were ready to kill for me, and I needed it. The room became silent in the bar as I walked up to the couch seeing my old friend Lupe in a cut off sleeved shirt. An L, tattooed on the back of his left arm, and K on the right. Turning around as he stood up a smile spread across his face upon seeing me.
Taking a pull from the blunt in his hand he began to walk around the couch with open arms, "Calen you ugly son of a bitch, get the fuck over here and give me some love!"
"What's up L?" I smiled embracing him, he gripped my torso tight. This nigga been working out for real. Going on five years I've known this dude, my brother for life and he still was wild as hell. After years he was finally a head leader of the LK, and if I had his support I had all the support I needed.
"I'm doing good man, ain't dead so can't complain." He nodded his head blowing smoke from his lips.
"I appreciate you being here Lupe." I told him, he took another pull from his blunt.
Patting my right shoulder as everyone looked at us, he looked around the room, "Well Calen, I'm sure I speak for everyone with wanting to know why we are all here."
I nodded at him looking around the room slowly at all the faces, anticipating what I would say.
"There's a threat against my family, that I don't even know how huge it really is." I explained making Lupe move his hand from my shoulder.
He scoffed at me, "What the fuck?"
"I got info from one of my spotters that the leader, will be at a convention I have to attend tonight." I continued.
"Blow that shit Ese." Someone yelled making me nod.
"Just tell us when and where Calen, they fuckin' with your family they fuckin' with ours." Lupe told me and that started a cheer in the room letting me know nothing else needed to be said. Only thing now is, getting the hardware and that was still a question mark at the moment. Lupe made everyone start to clear out the room leaving only my nigga Robbie and Hector at the bar.
"So what you know about this so called leader, where the fuck he from?" Lupe asked while Robbie and Hector sipped from their drinks eyes on me.
"Well, he is actually a she." I told him, he scoffed again taking a pull from his blunt.
"A fuckin' broad hermano?" He asked with a disbelieving tone.
"Yeah." I replied to him.
"You know we been meaning to ask you yo, what was up with you running in only your underwear last night out of Dawns house." Hector spoke making Robbie snicker. Clenching my jaw, I had forgotten that I had Enrique and Robbie being my lookouts while in Miami.
"Nothing man, I got in and out." I replied shrugging.
"Nigga you serious, you fucked Dawn?" Robbie asked, "She been feeling your ass for the longest nigga."
"Nah, man I didn't." I told them, shocked expressions came upon their faces.
"Nigga what?!" They yelled.
"Yall dumb as fuck." Lupe commented shaking his head with a chuckle.
"Hector, stop fucking worrying about who I don't and do put my dick in alright?" I snarled at him and Robbie started laughing.
"Know where we getting our heat from?" Lupe asked me changing the subject.
"I'll work something out." I nodded at him, even though I honestly didn't have a clue.
The ring of my phone woke me out of my slumber, sitting up in the bed of my hotel room I grabbed my phone. Zeus name was on my phone screen making me instantly sit all the way up. It was nine in the morning telling me I had been sleep for a good two hours. Also that I had eleven hours approximately before having a set plan for the mafia on taking down Erin, and a very important convention dinner with the board of my company.
Clearing my throat I answered groggily, "Hello?"
"Your shipment should be in New York in a few hours Calen, pleasure doing business." He told me leaving me in shock not sure if I was hearing him right, "Oh yeah, you tell your mother ASAP about what the fuck is going on. Last thing I need is Cassie coming for my head over your life being in jeopardy."
"Thank you Zeus, I appreciate it man and I definitely will." I replied gratefully, I was still surprised. Hanging up with him, I immediately called Dawns phone. I needed what the hell was going on and what she told Zeus. After two rings she answered.
"Hello?" Her calm voice spoke in my ear.
"Dawn, it's me Calen." I told her laying back down on my bed, "Wassup."
"Wow, you're actually calling me." Dawn sarcastically replied, I smiled at her silly self and that she wasn't mad from getting a call from me.
"I just want to say thank you, and I'm sorry about running out like that on you." I sighed.
"Calen, I only told Zeus about our date, anything after was my doing." She laughed making me laugh too.
"Yeah, well I ain't want you to be upset with me." I confessed.
"Honestly, being able to hold your dick finally was an upgrade for me, I just was kind of surprised that you were bigger than what I expected." She told me, my face got hot in realizing she had my ass blushing.
"You're such a freak girl." I chuckled lowly.
"Only for you." She told me, I had to take a deep breath by her words, "You know where to come when you want it."
"I'm confident you're going to find someone Dawn, better than me." I told her and she scoffed.
"I only want you Calen." She spoke without hesitation. Was it wrong that I wanted to hear Dana saying this to me?
"Yeah, I know. You just love flattering me don't ya?" I asked with a smile.
"If I think you're sexy as fuck I'm going to tell you, not to mention we've known each other going on five years nigga." She spoke sweetly making me smile. It was true, I knew back then she had a thing for me but I never saw her that way. Mostly because she was Cassie's niece, it just felt weird.
"I totally understand." I chuckled at her words, rubbing the side of my head.
Dawn laughed a little, "But I have one more thing to ask you before we hang up."
"What's that?" I asked her and the line became silent.
"Tell me what made you want to love her." She finally spoke, making my heart speed up. I've never actually told anyone how I felt about Dana, only her, and after two months of not seeing her letting those feelings come to the surface burned my soul.
"Dawn you serious?" I asked, not seeing how this would benefit her.
"Yes, I need to know so I can move on from liking you Calen, besides last night you froze up when I even mentioned her. I want to know." She told me, and I did a deep sigh.
"But Dawn-"
"Do you want to have a good report from me with Zeus or not?" She asked cutting me off. This woman was stubborn I swear.
"Okay, " I muttered looking up at the ceiling, "I'll tell you."
With there being some rustling in the background on her end, she slyly spoke, "I'm listening."
"Um, when I met her, she wasn't all head over heels for me like how women usually treat me." I started, my heart ached in thinking about my feelings growing for Dana in a week. It was all over of making some other person jealous, that shit sparked something in me I never felt before.
"Just hurt my feelings." Dawn muttered softly.
"Ay, you wanted to know the truth so I'm telling you." I replied scrunching my eyebrows.
"Okay, sorry. Continue." She spoke with a playful tone.
"I could tell by getting to know her though, she had been through a lot with getting hurt by her previous relationship." I admitted, making Dawn do a big 'Awe' in my ear.
"Can you not." I chuckled once making her join in.
"So you're basically trying to show her that she doesn't have to give up on love." Dawn said trying to figure out my feelings for Dana.
"Something like that." I replied. Even though I knew to this day, she was still hurting as much as I was. I missed my baby so much.
"Well I'll take your advice and not give up Calen, and you don't either." Dawn advised me, oblivious to why I was working with her stepfather in the first place.
"Alright Dawn." I chuckled, "See you around."
"See ya Calen." She kissed into the phone, I hung up shaking my head at that girl. Never would be Dana.
"Um, where the hell are you going?" I heard Cari asked walking into my room. When we got back from the grocery store she stayed silent, noticing I was still mad by her questions of those damn flowers.
Zipping up my suitcase after I finished packing I looked up into her light green eyes, "Going to New York."
"To visit your mom? Dana I thought we agreed you weren't leaving, not you leaving over a question about the damn flowers?!" Cari yelled at me, and I just shook my head at her to calm down raising my hands towards her.
"I'm just going to see her for a bit Cari, I promise I'm coming back." I told her, and she did a huge huff at me leaning against my closed bedroom door.
Telling her that I was leaving with Erin wouldn't be a good idea. Only because she would try to talk me out of it, but I had made my mind up.
Everything that happened between Calen and I, it was toxic and all by my doing. If I never had kissed him, I wouldn't have gotten hurt. Waiting for Erin, is what I should've done.
If he and I were meant to be, we would be together but he just left me high and dry. Still he had a piece of me and, until I felt that piece no longer belonged to him I wouldn't take off his chain. Starting with this trip to New York.
Thanks For Reading!😍
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rose-garden-of-muses · 4 months
Name: Eric Peterson Age: Early-30s Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Nature Demon/Spirit Pronouns: He/Him Cause of death: Forest Fire Location: Hotel, Tending to a garden behind said hotel. Business/occupation: Gardener Powers: Nature related abilities, Size of Plant = More energy to make it. Personality: Energetic and flexible, He's a lonely fellow who likes running around a lot. A little impatient too. He's a bit clingy, eager to make friends and keep them. Bit of a mess around guys and women he finds attractive. Loves attention, but he has his moments of quiet and mellowness. Affection is his forte, be it platonic, romantic or otherwise. History: College dropout, liked to smoke that good Kush and mess around with buddies. Messing around consisting of either camping trips and fuckin around in the woods or getting high as a kite in either one’s apartment and play videogames. He did have a job, namely as a cashier at a Kmart. Growing up He was a big softie towards animals, had no problem getting along with most folks. Kind of spiralled as he got older though, friend-groups getting smaller and smaller. It was fine though, He managed. That is till a series of very unfortunate events ended up with him becoming a nature demon. A few years living in a forest, then a forest fire, leaving him dead and in hell with burns mostly on his torso, He died from smoke inhalation.
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Note about shipping: I do Eric x OC and Eric X Alastor (Queer Platonic relationship or just platonic) Eric X Striker. Focused more-so on close friendships rather than romance. (At some point I may redraw him and make another ref of where said burn scarring is)
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elliotsblunt · 2 years
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↻ ◁ II ▷
✧ summary — the reader is new to all things sexual, so her best friend elliot decides to help her out with that.
✧ pairings — best friend!elliot x fem!reader
✧ warnings — doing sum kush,loving sex ew,oral sex (f) recieving,fingering,dirty talk,shits and giggles in between LOL,motel sex,i think that covers it
✧ authors note — this chap was cute, ngl. im kinda sad it’s ending soon, only two more parts i believe. this series is what got me more known, so im thankful for you all being on this journey with me. i love you guys !!
✧ word count — 4.4K
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“What’s that?” You asked, pointing to the second screen that was plugged into Elliot’s laptop.
You had invited over Kat and Ethan to help record Elliots’ music video, learning from your friend that her boyfriend was really good when it came to tech stuff. He had equipment that consisted of RED Komodo, Zeiss Lenses, Aputure Lights, SmallHD Monitors, and Gimbals Stabilizers—all in his words. His father was a pretty well off guy, buying his son whatever he wanted, and at the time, Ethan had a phase in freshman year where he loved film making. It was the perfect opportunity to finally put this stuff back into use. He even offered to help record the entire video, confusing Elliot, since they never really spoke to each other in their lives’. And yeah, he was a bit iffy about it at first, but you convinced him that it was better than your shaky hands missing all his best angles.
That made him agree to it.
The three of you—Kat, Elliot, and you—watched with confused looks, mouths hung open, as Ethan took out all the tools from his bag, “That, Y/N, is one of the smallHD monitors,” he replied with an excited smile, then pulled out a black long thingy, making Elliot snicker,
“That looks like a big ass spider.”
You sent him a pointed look, silently warning him to not make fun of Ethans’ things. His eyes rounded, making his smile fade, clearing his throat as he sniffled, wiping his nose before furrowing his brows to hide his embarrassment, “Anyways, uh, what does it do?”
“It’s a tripod. I’ll put the camera on it so it’ll have a more stable foundation to record,” he mumbled, before pulling out a few more stuff. You tilted your head in pure confusion as all the things you were going to used were laid out onto the floor, then Ethan looked over at Ethan, “You already have your song downloaded to you laptop, right?”
Elliot nodded, pushing himself up onto his feet with a small sigh, stalking over to his laptop. Bending over slightly, his back slumped as he unlocked it. Typing away with his nimble fingers, a grey screen popped up with a file on it. He took a seat in his chair before leaning back, raising his brow at the boy that nodded, “Alright, cool. So now, we’ll play that while you lip sync, and just act natural. What type of vibe is it?”
The bleached blonde shrugged, his voice blunt.
“Sex at a motel.”
Your eyes widened at his words, a smirk quirking onto his lips as his hooded eyes flashed over to you. Rolling your eyes at his smug expression, Ethan nodded with an awkward look, “Okayyy,” he drawled, “So—how about we rent a hotel room and film there? It’ll match the theme.”
“Fosho, sounds dope,” Elliot agreed, and the rest of you nodded in silent agreement. Kat offered to go help Ethan book a room, leaving the room for a moment, leaning you two alone. You giggled as you stood up, making your way over to him, his hands flying to your ass to push your chest against his. You yelped, a stupidly big grin on your lips, as he swung your legs over his, hands trailing up to your waist. Your heart flared as he tilted his head, puppy dog eyes twinkling, “He’s a fucking nerd, Y/N. Is this necessary?”
Slapping his arm, your voice was scolding, “He’s really nice,” you pointed a finger into his chest, causing him to jut his lips out and fake a pout, “—and he’s helping you for free. So stop being a dick and be thankful.”
His big hands went back down to your ass, slapping it hard, making a gasp tear from your parted lips. He leaned his face closer to yours, nose touching, as his voice was gruff, “I thought you liked my dick, hm? Especially when you play with it it,” he purred, nipping at the smooth flesh of your neck. Your core began to grow warm as he swiped his tongue over the area he sunk his teeth into, cool air making you hiss, “How about we—“
You placed your hands on his chest, firmly pushing him back, “No. You need to submit the video before Friday,” you told him pointedly, getting off his lap. He protested, reaching for you, but you shook your head with a growing smirk, “And until then, this,” you pointed to your sensitive area, raising a brow,
“—is off limits. Okay?”
He responded with his middle finger, your words dampening his mood. Kat and Ethan walked back into the room, the girl raising her brows at you two, “You kiddos ready?”
“Hold on,” Elliot grumbled, sending you a slight glare, before grabbing a small red pouch from his drawer. Kat rose a brow at him as he took out some joint paper, holding it to Ethan,
“You smoke pot, twinkle toes?”
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It wasn’t working out.
Elliot was too stiff. His whole posture was awkward, he looked uncomfortable, and kept missing his cues. He kept getting frustrated easily after repeatedly messing up his own lyrics, causing Ethan to release a slightly irritated breath. This whole thing had been falling apart as you watched, nibbling on your thumb nail with angst at the situation. Kat mumbled beneath her breath a few curses, cringing when Elliot sat at the edge of the motel bed, trying to appear swaggy as he spat out his verses. But he just ended up being this frozen, stuttering mess, who’s eyes kept averting all over the room instead of the camera.
You could tell he was nervous, especially with two new people listening to his music. But this was purely business. A pained look spread across your face as Ethan told him to shift to the left, then he did the opposite, sitting to the right—the dimly lit led lights making his face emit a faint red glare. Ethan put down the tripod, with a slightly aggressive undertone, mumbling something beneath his breath that wasn’t audible. Elliot, who never held his tongue, instantly stood up onto his feet, “What was that, bro?”
Your eyes rounded as Ethan visibly gulped, taking a step back, “Nothing, man—“
He hummed, “Right, because that sure sounded like fuckin’ some—“
Springing to your feet from your seat at one of the chairs, you walked in between the two, Kat watching with narrowed eyes as she looked as if she was about to step in. Your hands flew to Elliot’s jaw, holding his face, forcing him to look at you. The muscles beneath his flesh was tense and rigid, his eyes hostile and cold, features on his face strict and firm. You tried to make your voice calming as his nostrils flared, “How about—we try something different? Hm? You trust me, right?”
His jaw tightened, eyes slightly softening when they fell into yours,
You smiled, “Okay,” you breathed, happy that you stopped from him pounding in the skull of the geeky boy behind you. A few ideas flickered into your mind, and with a deep breath, you pushed him back onto the bed. His brows rose, glancing to the two people behind you, as your lips dipped to his neck, “Sing the lyrics,” you muttered, small hands running through his curls.
He cleared his throat, whispering in your ear, “I think I’m hard, dude.”
Flicking his forehead with an annoyed look, he sighed before nodding, and you turned to face Ethan, “Start rolling,” you commanded—and rolling he did. It was like magic. Elliot began to become more languid with his verses, confidence radiating through his sharp facial features, as he used his hands to seal up the lyrical aspect as they left his lips. And you staid on top of him, acting as one of his props, before shifting positions,
“Three nights at the motel, under streetlights
In the city of palms—
Call me what you want, when you want, if you want
And you can call me names if you call me up.”
Changing it up, Elliot flipped you over, making you giggle as he looked down at you for a moment. His eyes glossed over with an unknown emotion, smiling faintly to himself, before looking to the side so the camera could see him, then he continued lip syncing for a few more seconds. Then, you slipped away from him, making a shocked look cross his features before pulling him out the bed, leading him to the area beside the bed.
There, your hands flew to his shoulders, initiating a slow dance. His nose rubbed against yours as his big hands squeezed your waist, “Just like I taught you,” he smirked slightly, spinning you around. Memories of him teaching you how to dance like this, in the middle of the night within his room, flashed through your mind. Your chest hit his as you continued to sway to the beat, hands holding onto each other, “I’m a great teacher, aren’t I? Taught you lots of things.”
Your cheeks blushed, grinning as Ethan’s voice rung in the air, “Hold it. Elliot, keep looking at her like that for a few seconds. I’m gonna do a freeze frame.”
But it was as if Elliot didn’t hear him, his eyes glueing too yours anyways. One of his hands rose to your cheeks, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear, as he observed you with hazy eyes. His smile actually reached his eyes when he leered down at you, the time around you suddenly coming to a stop. The room was a vibrant red, your two friends’ bodies vanishing into the floor, as his music echoed in your head in swirling symphonies. Adornment glowing from his figure, he lightly tapped on your nose, making you scrunch it, “Hey, cutie.”
His palm rubbed your cheek, causing your eyes to flutter, as your voice was quiet, “Hey, yourself.”
Kat chuckled from behind the scenes, sipping on her arizona green tea. The both of you looked at her, a shy smile growing onto your pink cheeks, as she cocked her hip, “I would say get a room, but, you already have one,” she teased, taking another sip. Elliot cleared his throat, sending you a tight look, before his hand fell from your cheek—using it to rub his chin instead.
“Hardy har har,” he barked, readjusting his maroon color red button up, which had the first few buttons open. His chiseled chest peeked out, gold chain shining beneath the colorful lights as he nodded towards Ethan, “Ight, let’s finish this shit.”
After that, Elliot began to find his groove. You shot a few scenes of him walking out the hotel, a close-up of his face while doing a few lyrics, before he slid down the ramp with an edge. Then you all climbed into his car, Ethan getting a few shots of riding past the streets. Kat was the driver, Ethan in the passenger seat recording, while Elliot and you sat in the back. Ethan instructed you two to act all romantic and touchy feely.
Elliot had no problem with that, resting his head onto your shoulder, pecking your jawline a few times. The window had been rolled down, your hair flying all over the place, before capturing his lips into a kiss. Your hands held his face as he leaned into your touch, giggling like little kids, as you struggled to have a make out session with your friends in the car. And when Kat whooped from the front, you threw your head back, letting out a cackle as Elliot rubbed his eyes, embarassed.
Resting his elbows onto his knees, he rapped a few more lyrics, looking into the camera with a boyish smirk,
“So I get lost in modern music watching movies
Talking to the walls in my room,” he raised his finger to his head, twisting it into his temple,
“Walking through the halls in my head
Just tryna make sure it all makes sense.”
You bit your lip, watching him at work. You were so proud of him, but you had to admit, you were getting a bit excited down there. There was just something about him leaking self confidence, that smug look on his face, as he drowned in his own lyrical genius. After a few more car shots, you all got out, heading back to the motel room. It had been sunset by the time you were finished filming everything, your back falling against the mattress as Elliot rolled another joint by the table, eyes focused and strained. Ethan began to carry his equipment back to his car. The bed dipped beside you, weary eyes snapping over to Kat, who took a hit of her vape, “There’s a party tonight somewhere downtown. You coming?”
You let out a yawn, stretching your arms as your back arched, “Hm, maybe. I’ll see what Ellie wants to do.”
She glanced at the boy, who didn’t know he was being watched, sprinkling shreds of weed into the wrapping paper with furrowed brows. Nodding, she glanced back over at you, “Well—I hope you come. It’ll be a good reward since we shot all day,” she encouraged, patting your arm, “I’m gonna go get ready. Text me if you’re gonna make it, babe.”
You sent her a faint smile, “Kay.”
“Love ya,” she sent you a kiss, before raising a brow at Elliot. He looked up at her, joint between his lips, unlit as she pursed her lips. Placing her hand on her hips, her eyes thinned, “I didn’t like you, but you’re growing on me—stoner dude. But that doesn’t mean I do like you, so watch it. I literally won’t hesitate to tie you down and pluck every single hair off your body with tweezers.”
He blinked at her, confused, as she walked out the room and shut the door. Shrugging, he took a hit of his joint, before standing up and walking over to you. He handed the stick towards your laying figure, ending with you accepting it graciously, plucking it into your mouth. He towered over you, before plopping down beside you, both of you laying on the motels’ bed sheets while staring up at the ceiling. His voice was barely audible, “Your friend’s a nutcase.”
A breathless laugh left you, a cloud of smoke surrounding the both of you, “She’s protective. You weren’t exactly the nicest to me before, y’know.”
He rolled over, brushing your hair away from your face, looking down at you with kind eyes, “Yeah, I know,” he murmered, eyes sparkling. It was different when you two were alone—he was less guarded; more affectionate. You sighed happily as he took the joint out of your mouth, taking one last hit, and then leaning over you to toss it onto the table while squishing down the fiery embers. You looked at him with burning eyes, biting your lower lip, causing him to chuckle from his chest.
Running his thumb across your lower lip, the heavy smell of marijuana and cologne wafted up your nostrils, “Stop biting that lip,” he muttered, eyes drawn to your mouth, “I told you to stop, didn’t I?”
You hummed, dazed from the bud, “Hm, sorry.”
Your chest bloomed as he smirked slightly, dipping his head down to connect his lips to yours. Your fingers lightly scratched at his back, which was covered by his thin button up. His hips rolled into yours, making you whimper, making his lips curve into a smile against you. Your small fingers sped to the bottom of his shirt, tugging at the fabric, signaling that you wanted it off of him. He chuckled before lifting himself off of you, your chest heaving up and down as you looked up at him with hooded eyes, “What? You want me to fuck you, baby?”
The nickname made you bit your lip, blushing as you covered your face with your hands shyly. He chuckled before grabbing your wrists, pinning them against the bed, as your eyes rounded towards his torso. His waist was slim, his happy trail dipping beneath the waistband of his jeans, sculpted muscles accentuating his v-line. Skin tan and smooth, you wanted to run your hands all over it. Your mouth watered as your felt a rush of heat pool at your core, eyes trailing back up to his, which were narrowed,
“Did you just check me out?” He mused, faking a gasp as he widened his eyes mockingly, “I’m not an object, Y/N. That’s incredibly rude.”
You rolled your eyes, shifting your body, “Are you gonna fuck me or not, Elliot?”
He snickered at your eagerness, removing his grip on your wrists as his hair fell over his eyes. You blinked up at him as his nimble fingers tugged your shirt over your head, before tossing it behind him on the ground. You snorted, “Great. Now it’s gonna be wrinkl—“
“Bite me,” he teased, smiling with his teeth. His nose brushed against yours as you giggled, causing him to do the same, before your own hands began to work the zipper of his jeans. He shot you a brow as you struggled to get the zipper fully undone, since it had been stuck, “You need help there, sweetheart?”
You nodded, pouting in a faux manner, making him chuckle—before nodding. He stepped out of his jeans, leaving him in his boxers, before quickly doing the same to your own jeans. Once you were both left in your undergarments, he flipped you over to you side, “Turn for me for a second, baby,” he mumbled, cheeks turning hot again at the name. You wouldn’t never get used to it. Following his words, in a few seconds, he unclipped it before letting the garment join the rest of your clothes.
Laying back down onto your back, his eyes found your breasts, the cold air hitting your nipples causing them to harden. You a soft moan left you as his fingers pinched at the buds, “So fuckin’ perfect,” he complimented, admiration swirling within his eyes—mixed with lust. He leaned downwards, capturing one of them with his warm mouth, before lightly nipping at them, “Every part of you taste so good.”
Your fingers tugged at his soft curls, “Thank you,” you breathed, leading him to laugh against you. The vibrations rang throughout your chest.
“Only you would say thank you to that, Y/N.”
Tipping your head back, you laughed out loud, the weed making it seem funnier than it was. But then it died out into another moan, his tongue rubbing over the sensitive tips of your nipples, before sucking. He did the same to the other one, pinching the left out one with his fingers, making you wiggle your hips against his. He got the message, leaving kisses down your abdomen, dark hues on yours as he pressed a single peck to each of your hip bones. Your hands fell to his cheekbones, holding his face in your hands, as he smiled gently up at you.
“Hey pretty girl.”
You twisted your face, “Stop.”
He furrowed his brows, eyes glinting.
“I can’t. You’re so pretty.”
Covering your face with your hands again, you heard him chuckle at your shyness, before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties—and dragged them down your legs. Afterwards, he gripped both of your thighs, and spread them apart. Your hands fell to the sheets as you looked down at him, breathing heavier, his eyes never leaving yours before pressing a single kiss to the area above your pearl. Your hips jolted, making him smirk, “What do you want?”
You gulped, “Kiss me.”
His eyes flickered.
“I am, baby.”
You let out a huff, growing frustrated. You wanted him to go down on you; but he knew you were to afraid to say it out loud. Pushing your hips upwards, he held them down with his palm pressing on your abdomen, tilting his head, “Come on. Use your words, Y/N. Don’t be such a baby.”
“Kiss me down there,” you whimpered, eyes stinging with tears at how horny you were. Especially when you smoked—your lust was always on overdrive. His smirk grew at the desperate pleas you gave him, “Come on, Ellie. Wanna feel good for you, only you. Want you to—“
“You want me to eat your pussy?”
Your words got caught in your throat, stuttering as he chuckled with his teeth, before nodding, “Say it.”
His eyes hardened, “Say it or I won’t.”
You knew he was serious, especially with how his smile had slightly faded. Your chest rose, breasts bouncing, as you decided that your pride wasn’t important anyways, “Eat my pussy, please.”
“Okay,” he muttered, not wasting anymore time, but you didn’t miss the smug look on his face before he bent his head downwards, licking a flat stripe up your slit. Your juices gathered on his tongue, which he then pointed, circling around your clit before closing his lips around it. Shaky breaths left you as his lips became glossed with your cum, him humming as your taste coated his tongue. He used his fingers to spread your folds apart, before flicking at your clit repeatedly, the wet muscle making your lips fall open into a loud moan.
Holy fuck, that felt really good. He didn’t do that before.
Your back arched as your toes curled in pleasure, hot flashes of white floating behind your eyelids as you shook under his tongue, “Oh my god,” you cried out when his tongue slipped into your wet hole, nose hitting your clit, as he began to thrust it between your pulsing walls. He wiggled it in there, before pulling it back out, using his finger instead. Your walls burned at the stretch, his thumb rubbing at your bud, as he looked up at you. Your juices covered his chin, “Feels so fucking good, hmph—“
“Yeah? You like when I lick your pussy?” He cooed, kissing the inside of your thigh, making your eyes good in pleasure. The chord within you was beginning to explode, feet digging into his shoulder blades as you rode his fingers slightly, “My pretty girl looks close. Are you? Gonna show me how much you wanted me?”
Your hands flew to your breasts, holding them, as you let out a shout. His lips flew back to your clit, sucking crudely, causing the knot to break in your tummy. Your eyes squeezed shut as you came onto his tongue, trying to get away from it, but he kept following your hips. His name kept leaving you as you convulsed, then when it began to slow down, he pulled his finger out—slurping on it loudly. Your closed your legs, chest stuttering, as you tried to ground yourself again.
“Hm,” he hummed, running his finger up your slit, making you jolt, and licking more of your cum, “My favorite meal.”
Your hands flew to his face, pulling him up, and crashed your lips against his. You tasted the bitter, tangy sweetness of your juices on his lips, turning you on even more. His hands removed his boxers, but you pushed them away, wrapping your tiny hand around his big cock before he pulled away—eyes flying over to his cock in your grasp, “Go ahead, it’s all yours,” he muttered, watching with intent eyes as you rubbed the head over you slit, “Put it in. Take your time though, I am big, remember?”
Giggling, he chuckled at your reaction, before you both gasped at the same time—his head slipping in between your gushing folds. Both of his hands fell on either side of you, your eyes glossy from his size, as his half-lidded eyes looked down at you, “Give me—a second,” you muttered, and he nodded, kissing the tip of your nose. His length stretched you all over again, leaving an ache in your cervix, and waited a moment. Then, you nodded, “Okay. Go head.”
His hips rolled against yours, making you let out a cry, pleasure spiking into your pussy. His big hands roamed your body, never staying in one place, as his lips connected to your neck. Nipping at your sweet spot, his teeth sunk into the flesh, pain going straight to your core. Your walls fluttered around him as the aftermath, making him groan into your skin, “I’m gonna ruin you,” he rasped, “No one else is going to fuck you like I can, baby.”
You agree.
“C’mere and kiss me properly,” he muttered, joining your lips bag together. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he fucked into you—but kept the pace slow and sensual. You felt so full. Elliot was familiar, which made all this feel natural. You were so in sync with one another, colors flying around you as time stopped for this event. Violins played in your ears as you gave all your love to him, leaving your with nothing but your soul and body. Your skin heated up against his sweaty flesh, inner thighs becoming sore from how much you tensed up, only for him.
Each thrust he gave you, it was love. He didn’t have to say it—you felt it. Warm energy surrounding you, making your head dizzy, as he groaned against your mouth. His fingers slid down your stomach and reached your clit, rubbing the slick pearl, “Ellie,” you cried out against his lips, “I’m gonna cum—!”
“Come for me baby, been so good for me.”
“I love you—!”
The world shattered. You had never cum this hard before. Feeling all his love, his emotions, it was too much for you. He held you against him, lips massaging yours, as your core tightened your grip on his cock. He rubbed your cheek as you went through your high, but he let out a choked groan, getting close to his, “Please,” you whispered, wanting him to feel good too. “Come, Ellie. I have you.”
He pulled out, pulling himself quickly, before his nose dug into the crook of your neck, “Holy shit,” he gasped before coming, white liquid spilling onto your lower stomach. He shook as your hands rubbed his back up and down, soothingly, as he came back down. His hot breath shaking, fanning your skin, he pulled his head up to look down at you. You smiled up at him as he responded to your declaration of love you had announced when you came,
“—till the end of time, Y/N.”
Your chest turned hot. He pressed a peck to your lips as your fingers flew to your neck, eyes rounding, before pushing him off of you.
“You gave me hicke—Elliot!”
Lessons taglist ☻ @mikasasgfs @borapsycho @joy-soul-gallery @darkens-trash @icedcold @christianzior @maneatercore @sluttytears @1blissfuleuphoria @joooap @ncllyreads @gayhorrorpt22 @letmebeyoureuphoria a @whore4dominic @cherricola66 @iheartcatss @hessafeelsfordayss s @glizzymcguirex @squidish i @beepbopboodeedee @cosmicmoonie @visiondaddy @mavis @maylaysia109 @volatile-violet @onlyangel-444 @myaestheticwonderland @skyesthebomb @tpwkstiles @alascaxq @vintagebitc @megatqistina @leiiyu @janieisamarauder @nadetowee @hoe-4-sebstan @mattheosbeloved @alinycarey
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cannibalism-lab-rat · 2 years
Trying this for the third time lol
Trollge incorrect quotes.
Smiler: You're not my friend anymore.
Legion: I was your friend?
Stairway: Look, Derpy! It's the good Kush!
Derpy: It's the dollar store, how good can it be?
Legion: I am not a whore, and, not that I’ve done the math, but, if I were, I’d be the super classy kind that gets flown to Dubai to stay in an underwater hotel.
Smiler: Kill me nowwwww.
JJ: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.
Legion: Damn, the power went out.
Stairway: Don’t worry, I got this.
Stairway: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Legion: What-?
Stairway: I swallowed a glow stick!
Legion, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Derpy: I’m this close to falling in love with Stairway.
Smiler: Your fingertips are touching.
Derpy: Exactly.
Legion: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
Exalted: Do you want some tea?
Smiler: What are the options?
Exalted: Yes or no.
Stairway: Derpy is too tall for me to kiss him on the face. What should I do?
Smiler: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when they double over in pain, kiss them.
Exalted: Tackle him!
Legion: Dump him.
JJ: Kick him in the shin!
Derpy: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!!
Smiler: And now for a gay update with Stairway and Derpy.
Exalted : Getting gayer.
Smiler: Thank you, Exalted .
JJ: Honk.
Legion: WHAT.
JJ: Honk.
Smiler: That's ridiculous, Legion doesn't have a crush on me.
Stairway: Yes they do.
Derpy: Yes they do.
Legion: Yes I do.
(It was not reciprocated)
Legion: Where are my fucking keys?
Exalted: Legion, JJ is around, can you say it a little nicer?
Legion: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
Derpy walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Stairway, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Stairway, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Stairway: Smiler got into a fight.
Legion: That’s bad.
Legion: Did they win?
Legion: How many children do you have?
Smiler: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
Stairway: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Legion: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego.
Legion: My facebook photo is a landscape.
Stairway: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Derpy: What's wrong with you??
Stairway: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce??
Legion: No, he meant other than that.
Stairway: Ohhhhhh.
Stairway: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Derpy: I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.
Legion: Did you miss me while I was gone?
JJ: You were gone?
Exalted: Dumbest scar stories, go!
JJ: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Legion: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned.
Derpy: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Stairway: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Smiler: I... I have emotional scars.
Stairway: I desire the moisture.
Smiler: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.
Exalted: Would you like something to drink? *They open the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper-
Stairway: Spiders?
Exalted: Spiders it is then.
Stairway: No, that wasn’t-
*But he was already pouring it a brimming glass of spiders…*
Derpy: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer.
Stairway: Why are we so fucking awesome?
Derpy: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Stairway: I need to dye my hair.
Smiler: ...
Stairway: Or get another tattoo.
Smiler: ...
Stairway: Or a new piercing.
Smiler: Why?
Stairway: To, you know, appease the mental breakdown gods.
Legion: Is the plural of milf/dilf milfs/dilfs or milves/dilves?
Smiler: Milfs.
Exalted: Milf/dilf is an acronym, you can't change the spelling to milves/dilves.
Legion: Wait, they're acronyms? What do they stand for???
Stairway: Mom in late forties, dad in late fourties.
Stairway: I learned that from the movie called M.I.L.F that I saw the trailer of in theaters probably 5 to 7 years ago.
Exalted: Mom/dad I'd Love to Fuck.
Stairway: Oh, is it not mom in late fouries?
Smiler: What? No! It isn't!
Exalted: Stairway...
Exalted: I am entirely unsurprised that this is coming from you.
Legion: The word milf has been ruined for me.
Exalted: Y'all are dumbasses.
Derpy: I reserve the right to judge a movie based on when it was made, thank you very much.
Smiler: You consider anything made before 2000 old and bad.
Derpy: And I reserve that right! After all....
Derpy: I bet you wouldn’t like the average movie made in 1879!
Smiler: There were no movies made in 1879.
Derpy: *slams table* WRONG! There was ONE movie made in 1879! The first movie! A zoopraxioscope of a horse galloping!
Stairway: Oooh! Let’s go ask Legion if they saw it in theatres!
Stairway: How did you even get in here?
Legion: Derpy's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Legion's door"!
Derpy: I’m closing the window.
Legion: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
Legion: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Derpy: *sees someone doing something stupid*
Derpy: What an idiot.
Derpy: *realizes it's Stairway*
Derpy: Wait, that's MY idiot!
Derpy: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Legion: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
JJ: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Smiler: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Exalted: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Stairway: Mental stability, my old friend!
Derpy: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Minors DNI, Some pictures, Angst, Pining, drinking, explicit language, oral sex (female/male receiving), love fluff. All errors my own.
A/N: This an ask from @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​ from the 100 smut prompts ask list. I got caught up with this one because I went back to the Show Runner AU.  I kinda love these two.  Hope you enjoy. Read Show Runner.
This press tour was going to be all work. No play. 
Those were the strict rules that you were given.
This was the premiere film and television festival and January in Park City could be a fun, wild place and time, but you were on the clock. 
There would be no open flirting, touching, or even covert fucking while the cast was there. 
You listened to the lecture and smiled and nodded when appropriate.
Truth be told, you really weren’t paying attention, just waiting on your knees, naked and wet, to suck the shit out of his dick. 
When he gave you permission to of course.
You were determined to suck all those stupid ideas out of his brain along with all his cum when he gave you the chance. 
And Rafael was, indeed, without much coherent thought when you were done.
That conversation was of no consequence to you four days later when you landed in Park City. 
Daveed and Rafa had been there for two days and the rest of the cast was trickling in. 
You gathered your bag while answering a few questions from the paps and headed to your hotel alone, following the driver who held your name up outside baggage claim to a luxury suv.
You texted Rafael that you had landed, to which he just replied, “Good.”
No, ‘how was your flight,’ nothing. 
You sighed, assuming he was busy. 
He had been texting you nonstop for the past three days and now he wanted to play you. 
That was cool.
You relaxed as you took in the snowy scenery of snowy Park City. 
You were taken to a stunning tiny little chalet at the edge of the city and halfway up the mountain. 
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The views were spectacular, the cute cozy kitchen fully stocked, and the fireplace was bomb.
As you took in all the antler decor, you texted Rafa again, hyped at the accommodations.
This is dope!
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You made sure your cleavage was right in your v-neck sweater and took a selfie of you from above in the bedroom. 
I can’t wait to be on my knees for you later.
You saw the thought bubbles, but no response.
Cool cool cool. 
If that’s what he wanted. That’s what he would get. Ice.
You shook your head and looked in the refrigerator for water. You also found your favorite snacks. 
Production thought of everything. You’d thank Gwen later.
You relaxed on the couch until it was time to get ready for the mixer. 
The car was ready to go at 6:45, in time to get you fashionably late to the Television mixer at the Waldorf Astoria at 7.
Because of all the traffic, you didn’t arrive until 7:30, but you were chilling. You spotted your crew immediately, partly because they were the loudest. 
You loved this new family you made.
“Ayyyy! What’s cracking! We thought you’d never make it. Late flight? You want a drink?”
You laughed at Daveed, seeing that he was on his way to getting lit.
“I’ll have what you’re having.” 
He raised his cute ass eyebrow at you. “This grown folks shit. You sure?”
“Yes. I’m grown. I need to catch up to you! I misjudged the time to leave my chalet. What time did you all leave yours?”
“Ummmm. I walked downstairs like 20 minutes ago. The whole cast is staying here. You’re the only one staying on the other side of town.”
You didn’t know what to say as Daveed turned to go get your drink.
You looked around and saw a lot of actors you’d love to work with, some you already had, and some you knew to stay away from.
You spotted Rafa’s golden hair on the other side of the room. 
You weren’t going to go after him, and you didn’t need to, because some of your cast mates enveloped you and Daveed brought you a drink.
You were having too good a time to worry about Mr. Artistic Integrity.
You two circled the room, never really ending up in the same place. You finally saw him with Gwen and got a chance to talk. Rafa saw you approach. He nodded.
“Hey, Long time no see. You make it in ok ?”
You looked at Rafael for an extra beat. He’d seen you up close and personal three days ago when you’d ridden his face. 
But you were an actor. You could play this game.
“Hey Casal. Yeah, I got a few hours ago.” 
You turned to the logistics producer. 
“Gwen! My chalet is so dope!”
She raised her eyebrow at you. 
“That’s great! So, you wanted peace and quiet and away from the rest of us, ay?” Gwen laughed as you and Rafa smiled politely. You were seething. 
“Trying to avoid all the parties. I get it now, although I thought it was weird that you declined accommodations.”
“You know our girl, always a loner.”
Rafael took a sip of his drink, looking at you over it. Your blood boiled but you turned and smiled at Gwen.
“Yeah. On my INFJ shit. What’s the lineup for tomorrow?”  
You made small talk to avoid cussing Rafael the fuck out. He stood there for a minute, listening and being an adorable muthafukin asshole. 
Other people came up and you didn’t even notice Rafa step away. But you spotted him, in a corner with that little twat Ava with the tight little body. Just his type.
He saw you stalking out of the mixer as he chatted her up.
Two hours later, you were cozy in the hot tub, smoking some kush to relax, scrolling your phone. 
A TMZ post from your explore page caught your eye. 
There was a picture of Daveed, next to Rafa and Ava, who looked pretty close and fucking beautiful together. 
The gossip site gushed over the picture of the Bay Boys, noting the ‘adorable couple’ and their mingling at the mixer and somehow sneaking in a not so subtle hint that they were staying at the same hotel.
That was the final straw. You saw it all. Rafa wanted you far away from him while he fucked this little miniature Bratz doll. Bet.
It was only midnight. You were going to get your own plastic action figure for the night.
The next morning, you met up with the crew at the suite which was set up for the series press day. 
You went straight to Chelsea who was set up in the bedroom of the suite.
You gave her a hug and took off your sunglasses. Your eyes were puffy.
“Damn girl. You did have fun last night. I got just the thing for those circles.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and let her work her magic.
You emerged ten minutes later and went and got something to eat and a bottle of water from the catering station set up in the kitchen. You watched D and Rafa charm the interviewer. 
You took a deep breath. You could do this.
Ten minutes after that, you find yourself sitting in a chair with the cast lined up, somehow seated next to Rafael.
As the first interviewer was setting up, you got comfortable in your chair. Being a professional.
“I see you had fun last night.”
You looked over at Rafael as if surprised to see him there.
“I’m sorry?”
He smirked at you.
“I said it looks like you had fun with Michael last night.”
He held up his phone and you squinted at a post of you and your new friend, a highly sought after actor who had been in one of Rafa’s favorite movies. 
The pic was from after you went back out to the club last night. You were hugged up close.
You looked in his eyes and saw that he felt some kinda way. He had some fucking nerve.
You smirked. 
“Yeah. He’s really truly a dope person. Not just beauty, but brains too. I love an intelligent man. We… talked all night.” 
Rafa’s smile slipped. You sat back and put on a megawatt smile for the reporter.
The entire day was filled with your secret shots and animosity toward Rafa. 
You couldn’t wait to talk to him in private and tell him not to call your cell phone ever again.
Reporter: “This show has many complex relationships, and you are at the center of two of them that are just developing as the series begins. What do you do to ease into a new relationship?”
You leaned back and crossed your legs.
“That is a great question. Let’s just take an example of, say, meeting someone at... a club?”
Daveed leaned in front of Rafa and said, “This is not a true story from last night by the way.”
“Of course not,” you quickly replied and winked. Everyone laughed, everyone but Rafa.
“What I’ve found recently that works wonders is: ‘Oh my god you’re so much better than the last person I was with.’”
Everyone was dying laughing.
Rafa choked on his water. You leaned over and patted him on the back. “You good?”
He just glared at you. You shrugged and kept it moving.
“No, but really. You should start off in a relationship where you can be open and honest. There’s really no relationship if you can’t have that.”
Rafael cleared his throat, but you refused to look at him.
The press day continued.
After eight hours of interviews, you were ready to get out of there, so while Rafa and D were playing host, you managed to get out and to the car. 
You were exhausted of the tension.
On your way to the chalet, Rafa texted you.
‘We need to talk.’
You huffed. Now he wanted to talk. 
Well, tough shit. 
You blocked his number. 
You couldn’t function like this right now. You and him could break it off next week in LA. He was right, you were on the clock.
That night at the Midnight showing, you sat with Michael. 
Might as well try to have some fun. The paparazzi were snapping lots of pictures with you two.
While Mike took a quick interview, you made your way to the bar alone.
“You’ve not answered any of my texts. Or my calls.” 
You rolled your eyes at Rafael.
“You’ve texted and called?” 
You shrugged and took a drink.
“Look. We can do all that back in Cali next week. Gotta keep it professional here, isn’t that the deal?”
You downed your drink and walked back over to Michael, Rafael boring a hole in your back. 
He left you alone after that.
The next day and night were much the same, a cast interview and screening of two episodes during the day and another industry party at night. 
Rafa being so busy made it easy to stay away from each other.
You got back to your place with a bottle of tequila about midnight. 
You were flying out the next day and you should have some fun, even if it was not what you’d envisioned before you arrived in Park City. 
You hated Rafael Casal. 
But you refused to cry. Again.
An hour later, you looked up from your drunken haze to see Rafa standing over you. 
He looked so damn good in this dream.
“You shouldn’t drink a whole bottle of tequila in a hot tub, especially alone.”
“What the fuck do you care? You’re probably fucking Ava ten ways from Sunday right now.”
Dream Rafa raised his eyebrow at you and shook his head.
“Why would I want to fuck Ava?”
“Right? Especially when you could have all this.”
You stood up, almost falling and showing off your wet, naked body.  You giggled as he appreciated you, his eyes sweeping down your body.
Dream Rafa moved closer to you and grabbed your hand as you wobbled. 
“Let’s get out and get you some water.”
He helped you out and wrapped you in one of the huge white fluffy robes that you’d found in the closet.
He led you to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
You drank, your head clearing, but just a bit.
You kept staring at Dream Rafa, who was regarding you steadily, a weird look on his face.
When you finished, he walked you to the bedroom and watched as you lay down. You looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 1:30 am.
You opened your robe and turned to see Dream Rafa in bed with you.
“How convenient. I’m so so horny Dream Boy. Haven’t had any dick since last week.” 
You untied the robe and grabbed your breasts, squeezing them and rolling your nipples, arching your back.
Rafael watched you hungrily.  
“Help me to get off. Fuck me, Dream lover. The real Rafa doesn’t want me anymore…”
You moved your hand down to your core and started playing in it, moaning and watching Rafa watch you.
As he licked his lips, you brought your hand up and let him taste the wetness on your fingers. He hummed, then took your hand in his.
“Not like this. I want you. Fully present and clear headed. But I want you. And we need to talk.”
He kissed the palm of your hand and covered you with the robe again.
You groaned and turned away from him.
“Even the Rafael of my dreams reject me? I can’t believe I’m in love with such a jackass.”
You didn’t feel Rafa pull you close as you started shoring.
You woke up alone, mad at the sunlight. Your head was pounding. 
Your mouth was parched, but you found a bottle of water on the bedside table. 
You grabbed it, grateful that you got it on the way to the bedroom last night. 
As you sat up and drank, you groaned as you thought back to your dream. 
You had to get him out of your system.
You got up and went to the kitchen, halfway expecting to see him there. 
You sighed with something that must have been relief when he wasn’t there. 
You took your water and some grapes to the little kitchen bar and sat there, eating and drinking slowly with your head in your hand.
You jumped when you heard a key in the front door and stared when Rafa let himself in. 
“Look who’s up. Bet you’ve got a doozy of a headache.” 
You just continued to gape as he put his bags down on the counter. He handed you a bottle of aspirin.
“You’ll need these.” He put some pedialyte in front of you. “And this.”
“Wait. Did you just let yourself in? With a key?”
“Yeah. This is my chalet. I own it.”
Your mouth dropped open. 
“I thought you had a hotel room.”
“I do. This is business so production put the cast up there. D and I decided to join.”
Your heart clenched at the fact he did not want you there too. What was this reality? Then you thought about the dream.
“Wait. Were you really here last night?” 
You were confusion.
Rafa smiled at you. 
“You want something to eat? Gotta get something in your stomach besides tequila and grapes.” 
You groaned and held your head at the realization that last night was not a dream.
“Fuck. Did I say all that? Did I do all that? Out loud?” 
You peeked at him through your fingers.
That smile. “Yeah.” 
You were mad. He looked to fucking happy. 
“Well, don’t take it personal. I was zooted. When I’m sober, I hate you Rafael.”
He frowned. “Are you sober now?”
You opened the bottle of aspirin and drank some pedialyte. 
“Unfortunately, yes. Very sober.”
Rafa moved next to you.
“I’m going to come closer so I don’t have to yell.”
He tipped your chin up with two fingers.
“I can’t believe I’m in love with a fucking brat.”
You were ready to fight.
“I’m a brat? I’m a BRAT?” 
You leaned back, your hands on the counter behind you to get some space from the electricity bouncing between you.
“You ignore me as soon as I land in the same city as you, and then you put me out here in this secret hideaway so you can fuck with that Ava chick.” 
You closed your eyes because you’d be damned if you cried right now. 
“I thought we agreed that we’d talk to each other before we tired of each other and got with other people?”
Rafa leaned close to you, caging you in with his arms on the counter beside yours. 
You could barely breathe, the emotions were getting the better of you. You just wanted to kiss him.
“Who told you that I fucked Ava?” 
This time you raised your chin on your own.
“No one had to tell me. I saw the pictures of you two together. I can read, Rafa.”
“Not very well in this situation, I’m afraid.”
Rafa shook his head and looked down. Then looked back up at you with those damn eyes.
“You also don’t listen. Did you even hear what I said? I just said I love you.”
You just stared at him.
“Wait… what?”
Rafa brought his hips closer to yours, standing up tall. You wanted them on you.
“I love you, you fucking brat. Why would I want Ava when the woman I love has all this.”
And he reached for you, opening the tie on your robe. He sighed as he moved his hands on your brown skin. He was home.
“I want you to listen. Listen before you jump ahead and try to argue.”
You were about to say something and clamped your mouth shut at his warning glance.
“I told you, this was work. And we agreed not to go public with our relationship yet.”  
He saw you wanting to protest.
“We agreed.” 
His hands spread against your stomach, thumbs on your warm nipples.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, I was controlling myself. I wanted to meet you at the airport, but the paps are swarming.”
Rafael's blue eyes were now dark.
“And I didn’t stash you away because I wanted to fuck Ava, but because this is my home and I wanted you in it.” 
Rafa finally kissed you, and you took his tongue in your mouth, wanting to own a part of him.  Your moan while you kissed was getting him even harder.
“And when you sent me that picture of you in the bedroom, I wanted to run over here and take you in every room,  but I couldn’t. Still working. Just had to jack off when I could. To that picture.”
You moaned as his words made you drip down your thigh.
He pressed his pelvis to you and you could feel how hard he was. You took a ragged breath and forced your hands to remain on the counter. 
But you looked up into those burning blue eyes. You were wet and ready.
“It was killing me knowing that you were so close, sleeping in my bed without me, naked in my hot tub without me, and that I couldn’t touch you, hold you. Fuck the shit out of you. Hear you scream my name.”
“Tire of you? God, I wish I could get tired of you. I want you all the time, I can hardly function when you’re not around.”
He kissed across your collarbone to the other side of your neck. You were definitely weak.
“I was coming over that first night, but I saw you going out. To the club. Where it seems you hooked up with Mike.” 
Rafa bit down on your pulse point.
“Rafa, I…”
Rafa licked the spot he just bit. 
“Shhh. I know you didn’t get with him, but you were a bit of a bitch at the Q and A day. And then you took him to the midnight screening.”
Rafa was appraising your body possessively now.
“You tried to make me think that you were with him; that he was touching you like this.”
Rafa grabbed your breasts and squeezed your nipples between your fingers. You arched into his hands.
“It was like you were teasing me.” 
His hands moved down your torso and around to your ass, squeezing and pulling your cheeks apart and ghosting your intimate parts with his fingers.
“You know I don’t like to be teased.”
He released you and took two steps back, leaving you feeling bereft.
You were panting in the middle of his kitchen. You felt what it was like to be teased.
“Rafa, I’m sorry. Please…”
Rafa was two steps ahead of you. He was pulling his Oaklandish hoodie over his head. Then he shook his head at you.
He bent his head to your breast as he lifted it roughly to meet his lips. He drew your hard bud between his lips and grazed it with his teeth. 
Rafa nipped and sucked your flesh roughly as he licked the fingers in his other hand and reached between your legs.
“Did you want Mike to touch your cunt like this?”
“No...only you Cash…”
He traced his fingers between your wet lips, causing you to shudder and moan. Then he started to tease your clit.
“Tell me what I want to hear. Tell me you love me.”
“I..I…” You didn’t know when it happened, but it did. “Fuck it. I love you Rafael.” 
You sigh in relief and with desire as he pushed his fingers deeper into you.
He moaned softly in your ear as he pressed you back against the island.
“Good girl. Now tell me more. Tell me you love what I’m doing to you right now. Tell me you love this shit.”
“I love it so fucking much,” you squeaked, holding on to his shoulders for dear life, your nails digging in.
As he pumped his fingers, you wriggled and started to grind against his hand. As you wriggled more, he cursed under his breath.
“Fuck! Stay still.”  
His tongue licked up and down your neck as his hand went faster and faster, playing you like an instrument.
You were getting so close, and Rafa could feel it. So he stopped and stepped back again, panting while he tasted his fingers and leaving you quivering and emotional.
You refused to beg, but he knew what you needed.
“I want to punish you for not listening to me and your heart, but I can't because I’d be punishing myself.”
He walked toward you again, put his hands on you and slid down your body as he knelt before you.
Rafa looking up at you like that made you fall in love all over again. 
He leaned forward and kissed your lower lips oh so tenderly. Then, he licked them, and you had to hold on to the counter again. Then he started talking.
“I’ve been hard for you ever since you texted me that you touched down.” 
He kissed each of your thighs and lifted one up and rested it on his shoulder. You were not ready.
“I was so pissed off all day. Until I saw you that night.”
Rafa lightly licked a long stripe between your legs.
He pulled back and looked at your pussy, as if entranced.
“But, I stayed away from you at the mixer because I knew I would drag you to a bathroom and bend you over the sink…”
Rafa slowly rolled his tongue over your slit. You held your hand over your mouth as you watched him.
He looked up at you and chuckled. 
“No close neighbors. Let me hear you.” 
He sighed as he looked at you again. 
“I wanted to take you in the bedroom at the suite during the press day and put your ankles around your ears to dig out that attitude.”  
Rafa licked you again, making you tremble and moan loudly.
“I decided to come and give you an ultimatum last night, but I get here and you were so cute and drunk and said that you loved me.”  
He graced you with a smile. You smile back and brush his hair out of his eyes.
“I know you said that I don’t own you. But you own me. Body and soul. I’m starving for you.”
And then he dove in, making you gasp as he eagerly parted your lips with his tongue and started to flick it back and forth over your clit, grasping your ass and your leg to support you and keep you in place.
This time he didn’t stop. He licked and sucked and swiped, his head moving back and forth as he ate. He did it until your eyes rolled back into your head and you were screaming his name. He increased his pace and intensity until you were a quivering, moaning mess. 
You come on Rafa’s face in the middle of a ski chalet in Park City, Utah.
You were still quivering as you watched him stand up, take off his shirt and wipe his face with it.
“So, you can take your flight back to LA in a couple of hours, or you can stay until Monday and we can be seen together tonight. In public.”
Your face lit up as he led you to the bathroom. You were catching on.
“And we will be ‘good friends’ for a few weeks until we let on.”
“Now, you’re listening.” Rafa was smiling wide now.
“Wait, does Diggs know about us?” Rafa started taking off his pants. You needed what was inside.
“Nevermind. I know the answer, Jackass.”  
You ignored Rafa’s laugh as you began to make up for lost time.
Read the next part, Scene Stealer Tagging: 
@theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @curtainremote @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @peaches-and-mangoes​​​ @delaber @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @einfachniemand​
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lovekushhotel · 9 months
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Experience opulence like never before at our luxury hotel in Kishangarh. Immerse yourself in elegance, world-class amenities, and impeccable service. From lavish suites to exquisite dining, your stay with us promises an unforgettable escape. Discover the pinnacle of luxury in Kishangarh. ✨🏨
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vapour2smoke · 2 years
Survival Handbook for Greece
I traveled to Greece for vacation and wanted to get vape kits, e-cigarettes, Shisha, hookah, CBD juice, and cigars. My buddies and I planned to throw a wild party in Mykonos, and we knew we'd need a lot of "nice things" to pull it off. Regrettably, we had no idea who to approach in order to meet our requirements. Let's face it: as a visitor, you have no idea where to look for "the good things." Tourists can be duped, especially when purchasing smoking accessories such as cigars, pipes, Shisha bongs, and legal marijuana. It's worth noting that recreational cannabis use is outlawed in Greece. As a result, the only "Legal cannabis" that is accessible contains a high amount of CBD but no TSH. I found the highest level of CBD in legal pot in Greece, which was 35 percent, on WWW.Vapour2smoke.gr. Visit https://vapour2smoke.gr/cbd.html?cat=485 for more information.
I felt a little goofy while smoking this, but it was quite relaxing. Anyway, to cut a long tale short, I inquired about legal cannabis with the hotel receptionist. They were completely unaware. Then I inquired of a hotel guest, who was adamant about not discussing anything with us. In Greece, "legal weed" is still quite taboo, which makes it difficult to find a place to satisfy your smoking cravings. Anyway, I decided to go out on my own and hunt for legal marijuana, which I found in four different stores. I went to Omonia but was unsuccessful. Omonia, for those who don't know, is the heart of Athens, where you can find almost anything. Unfortunately, I searched the entire square for CBD goods or a smoking shop without success. Despite the fact that I was inclined to ask folks standing on corners where I could find legal marijuana. The only thing that kept me from going was the fact that I didn't know Greek. Anyway, after walking around Omonia square a few times and staring at people in the hopes of finding someone who could assist me, I decided to take an older woman's advice and go to Kolonaki, which is also in the heart of Athens. Kolonaki is located in the heart of Athens, however it is regarded as a more affluent neighborhood. I got a taxi to the location.
The trip was brief, and I could have easily walked there, so if you decide to travel the same route, you won't need to use a cab. I was walking down Academias Street when I came across a nice boutique that seemed quite interesting. Vapour2smoke and CBD living had a very good sign that said "cash-and-carry." I could read everything on the business sign because it was written in English. "CBD items," "Shisha/hookah," "electronic cigarette," and "tobacco accessories" were all included on the vapour2smoke sign. I was overjoyed to have discovered such a lovely shop. When I entered the business, I noticed how clean it was and that the person who wished to assist me spoke English. I could find almost whatever I needed in the store. Electronic Shishah bongs, liquids, and kits in a rainbow of colors. Vape devices with a fashionable external lining, as well as "legal cannabis." "Finally, legal cannabis," I thought to myself. I came across "legal weed pollen" as well as Lebanon Kush. I also found Cohiba cigars and outstanding fruit tobacco for all of my party guests. Because the costs at vapour2smoke were so low, I was able to buy a lot more for my money. &, K is the exact location of the shop. 10671, as well as an online store at www.vapour2smoke.gr It goes without saying that my Mykonos party was a success after shopping from vapour2smoke. People were extremely calm while smoking "legal pot," and I was ecstatic that I could be such an excellent host. Thank you for visiting www.vapour2smoke.gr. Thank you for accommodating all of my visitors' smoking requirements at a price that I could afford.
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
And what was Jirayas(?) reaction to that snippet? Way to rip out my heart btw.
Jiraiya starts heading back to the hotel the next night, a full 24 hours since he last saw Naruto, with a guilt he can’t completely suppress bubbling in his chest.
Naruto is, he knows, going to be pissed that he’s been gone so long.
Jiraiya’s not sure what’ll be worse really, the kid’s outright fury or the quieter, softer sort of hurt that occasionally shines through when Naruto thinks he isn’t watching.
Jiraiya would rather not deal with either but, if given the choice, he’d much prefer the brat’s loud and mouthy explosions over anything else.
Those are easier to move on from, to shake off.
The other? Not so much.
Not when it feels so much like getting stared at by Min-
Jiraiya would just rather deal with the screaming.
But, either way, he’s sure he can buy the kid’s good humor somehow.  Maybe something about Kush-, about seals.  Or maybe something about how to use the fox’s chakra better.
Just … there’ll be something.
And whatever it may be, Jiraiya will figure it out in the morning.
Only no, no he won’t.
Because when he makes it back to the hotel, back to a empty room that smells like fried squid and sea salt, there won’t be anyone waiting for him.
Just a forgotten snack.
A note.
And the ringing emptiness of his own failure.
Jiraiya reads the note once.
A third time.
Half way through the fourth re-read he puts his fist through the closest wall.
Once. Twice. Three times.
A trio of holes punched right through the plaster in a tight little cluster of violence and shame.
His other hand clenches tight around the note for a split second before he forces himself to loosen his grip.
To take a deep breath.
To read it through again.
‘It’s okay that you don’t love want me,’ Naruto’s messy scrawl spells out, the kanji just beginning to take on the absent sort of embellishments he remembers Kushina used to use.  The ones that made her handwriting look like so much art.  ‘And thanks for teaching me Minato Dad his jutsu.  But Baa-chan gave us 3 years and I want to use them and I know you’re busy, got better things to do then deal with me. Maybe we’ll run into each other but if not I’ll be back in Konoha when the time comes if you want to see me again. Be Care- Stay Saf- Love  
Jiraiya traces a fingertip over the words that have been marked out.  The ones he can still read just fine after so many years at spy craft.
Each one is like a kunai to the gut.  Sharp and painful.
“Fuck,” he breathes, fingers lingering over those two instances where Naruto couldn’t bring himself to write love.  “Naruto.  Kid.  Goddamn it.”
He really is a cowardly old pervert, just like Tsunade-hime has always said.
He let his ghosts, let the echos of all he’d lost, all he’d failed to protect and cherish as he should when he had the chance, drive away the one person he should have been holding tight and close and safe all of these years.
He has, Jiraiya knows, broken something special.
And, once again, he’s not sure if he’ll be able to fix it.
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sweetgardener · 4 years
Eric Peterson (Hazbin Hotel)
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Name: Eric Peterson
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sexuality (optional): Bisexual
Species: Nature Demon/Spirit
Pronouns: He/Him
Cause of death (optional): Fire. Lots of it
Location: Hotel, Tending to a garden behind said hotel.
Business/occupation: Gardener
Powers: Nature related abilities, Size of Plant = More energy to make it.
Personality: Energetic and flexible, He's a lonely fellow who likes running around a lot. A little impatient too. He's a bit clingy,eager to make friends and keep them. Bit of a mess around guys and women he finds hot. Loves attention, headpats and such. Hit him and he will cry.
History: Shit, where to start? Uh. College dropout, liked to smoke that good kush and mess around with buddies. Messing around consisting of either camping trips and fuckin around in the woods or getting high as a kite in either one’s apartment and play videogames. He did have a job, namely as a cashier at a Kmart. Growing up He was a big softie towards animals, had no problem getting along with most folks. Kinda spiraled as he got older though, friendgroups getting smaller and smaller. It was fine though, He managed. That is till he got cursed by a very pissed of Nature Spirit to become the same thing as it before buggering off to leave Eric to look after the woods the last spirit was looking after.
RP Sample: Love. Been a while since he felt that, a soft beating in his chest he struggled to silence time and time again. He was sure it was love, even when the one he loved looked at him with disdain at times. Just his luck to fall head over heels with one of the most powerful demons of hell, the titular Radio Demon. Granted, said Radio Demon was terrifying..but in a way, that just made him more alluring. More attractive.Eric stopped to bend down by some whilting roses, frowning at their sorry state before giving them a little pick-me-up with a simple touch. Moving onto the strawberry bush, He was thrilled to find it was still doing well, healthy red fruit hanging off of wonderfully green stems.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"Anyone'd Think You Ain't Pleased To See Me!"
Monday 21st September 2020
Hello again folks! I've decided, seeing as I've had a lot of catching up to do, I'll do last night's episode tonight and tonight's episode tomorrow. That way I should be all updated for Thursday and Friday! The previous episode was such a hard hitting one, very powerful and the performances from all the cast were phenomenal!
Of course, this episode is going to focus on the aftermath of the events of Chantelle's death. I am once again feeling excited yet nervous to see what's in store. So let's get straight to it! The episode opens up with soft music being played, the imagery is all blurry as we can flashing blue lights. As the image becomes clear, the camera approaches the Atkins household which appears to have blue police tape all around it. The camera moves to left as Kheerat exits his house and sees all the commotion on the Square. He clearly has no idea what has happened the night before, as he sees a body bag being wheeled out of the Atkins home, he is clearly shaken and visibly devastated by what he has seen. He knows deep down that is Chantelle's body they're moving from the crime scene.
Meanwhile Gray at the police station, has he been arrested? We can see him changing his clothes as his personal belongings have been bagged by the police. While he's there, his home being photographed, the crime scene is being investigated. The investigators are taking pictures the glass of water on the counter, the dishwasher door, the children's toys (which we know were placed by Gray!) The children are being looked after by Whitney, of course to keep them from seeing the scary police men investigating their home, she has taken them to the cafe! Mia can be seen drawing, Whitney asks what it is, the little girl holds her drawing up "Just Curly Queen!" - are the children aware of what's happened to their Mum? They must be, obviously they wont know the full details, everyone will do everything they can to keep them from finding out that Daddy killed Mummy.
In Ruby's club, Ruby is still having problems with her money. Someone or something is clearly taking money from her account, she insists that it's not her who is doing these big transactions. She's shouting down the phone when Martin enters the room, he asks if there's a problem and if there's anything he can do to help. Ruby once again lies to him, keeping him from the fact that she is slowly going skint! She instead tells him the issue has to do with one of her suppliers. Martin falls for the story, and suggests that he and Ruby take Arthur out for the day. Ruby at first is unsure, of course due to her money worries, but Martin insists that it'll be his treat.
Meanwhile, in the Mitchell house hold, Callum receives a message from his boss, asking whether he had made his mind up about bringing in Phil Mitchell to him or not. Of course, Callum doesn't want to turn his boyfriend's Dad in. Suddenly Phil can be heard entering the house from the back, he and Ritchie enter the kitchen, you can make out that instantly Phil is worried about his boy. He's worried whether he'll be charged for his involvement in the robbery. Ritchie explains that clearly Ben was thinking that it was either Danny Hardcastle or him, Phil is distraught to hear that Ben didn't follow his advice. But the next thing that Ritchie says really does surprise me, "How much do you trust the boyfriend?!" - Instantly I am thinking that that is the most ridiculous statement to make, Callum has said over and over again how much he loves Ben, of course he doesn't want to see his boyfriend banged up. But in all seriousness, has Phil even gotten to know Callum properly? Not really, so of course because Callum has now joined the police, he's going to put two and two together and think it was all a plan, perhaps Callum pretended to love Ben just so he could get him arrested? Us as viewers know of course that that's not the situation at all, but who knows what's going through Phil's mind right now?!
Back at the police station, Gray is being questioned by the police. As far as I can tell he's only told the police that he and his wife have come back from a family holiday in Southend. Suddenly as he's explaining to the police, it dawns on him that none of the Taylor family have been told. The next thing we see is Karen and Mitch arriving back to the Square, Karen exits the car holding a huge big bunny teddy bear. The first thing she claps her eyes on is the police tape round the Atkins house and all the flowers and tributes left for Chantelle outside the house. She knows instantly that something has happened, she drops the teddy and suddenly every noise around her goes all muffled. Gray can be heard giving his events of the night, explaining he went out to get milk for her hot chocolate. While Karen is slowly making her way towards the house, you can see the figure of Billy approaching her in the background, he's clearly calling out to her but she doesn't seem to hear a word he says.
As Karen gets closer and closer to the scene of the crime, her bottom lip begins to quiver, she shakes her head in disbelief as we hear Gray lie to Police and say that when he got back to the house, she was already dead. Karen makes her way under the police tape and notices a drawing of Chantelle from one of her children on the railings, it becomes clear to her what has happened and she whimpers as she slowly sobs. Gray also sobs to the Detective, "My beautiful girl - dead!"
Back at the club, Ruby is joined by Martin, Kat is working away, cleaning in the background. Ruby has been struggling with money the past few weeks and it's only now Martin has clocked on that something isn't right. He asks her straight out whether she is having a problem with money, it's then she comes clean to her boyfriend that someone is stealing her money. Someone somewhere has made an account in Ruby's name and is stealing money from her, and the only way they can steal big amounts of money from her is knowing her personal details. While Ruby is explaining this to Martin, Kat's ears prick up and she listens in to their conversation. Does she know who could potentially be taking Ruby's money? As Martin as hearing the news his girlfriend is revealing to him, he clearly thinks that she is blaming him, she admits that the thought had crossed her mind, leaving Martin hurt.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!! SHE'S BACK!!!!!! The next scene we see Stacey, the Queen herself - she's holding up a piece of jewellery and she claims she thinks ruby's are tacky, but she'll take the necklace anyway, she hands over the card and assistant says "Thank you Miss. Allen!" - It's Stacey who's nicking Ruby's money! First thing I'm wondering is how and why?! Of course they're friends, but clearly news must have gotten back to her that Ruby has moved in on her ex-husband Martin. I am so delighted to see Stacey back, it's been a long time coming!!!
In the cafe, Callum is talking with Jack about Chantelle, he asks how Denise has taken the news. Jack reveals that Denise is in bits, she's devastated for the children also. Callum can't even begin to get his head round it, it looks as if no one can, Jack is visibly devastated as he mentions Denise. Callum asks Jack one of the most important questions next to Jack, "How do cope though, with someone you love that much, just dropping out of your life like that?" - Jack takes a sigh and responds "You learn to live with it!" - as viewers will know, he lost the love of his life, Ronnie, on their wedding day. Ronnie sadly drowned trying to save her sister, Roxy, from drowning in a hotel spa swimming pool. Ronnie jumped in the pool in her wedding dress, but the dress and veil was so big and heavy she got dragged down and drowned along side her sister. As far as I'm aware, Callum never knew Ronnie, so Jack can fully understand how the Taylor's are feeling, perhaps in his mind, Gray also. The conversation then changes to Jack asking whether he had spoken to Ben, Callum reveals he hasn't. Jack then advises him to keep it that way, he explains to him the less that he's involved the better, otherwise it could jeopardize his whole career. Callum tries his best to explain that he can't just turn his back on his boyfriend, Jack seems to come to the conclusion that Callum is free to do whatever he chooses to do, but he does warn him to be prepared.
Oooo a place we've no seen for a while, in the Slater's household Kat is seen on the phone to Stacey. Kat knows it was Stacey who was nicking Ruby's money. She's shouting at her down the phone, trying to persuade her not to carry on, because it looks as if Ruby might get the police involved, but Stacey doesn't care. Stacey hangs up the phone. While Kat and Stacey have been having this conversation, Kush has been overheard some slight bit of information. He asks Kat straight out why Ruby would have the police after Stacey. Kat can no longer hide, she needs to come clean. She reveals to him that Stacey just borrowed a little bit to begin with, but then Kat informed her about Ruby and Martin and suggested she'd take revenge. So Stacey started nicking larger amounts from Ruby's account. While Kat is giving Kush this information, little Arthur can be seen making his way down the stairs, as all little children do, they hear things they shouldn't really hear. Kat also drops the bombshell on Kush that the money used for pay the rent on his stall was also money used from Ruby's account. Kush instantly instructs Kat to phone Stacey back and tell her to come back to Walford, because the situation needs to be resolved now before it gets any worse!
In the Square, Callum finally bumps into Phil. This is the moment I think Callum respects Phil, he explains that Callum should've stopped him from going ahead with his plan, but Callum is ready to defend himself and reveals to Phil that he suggested to Ben he'd speak to him first. I think Phil realises that Callum does have Ben's interests at heart, he's trying to be the decent boyfriend and stand by him. Callum throws the blame on Phil, if Ben hadn't have wanted to prove himself the big man to his Dad then he wouldn't be caught up in all this mess. Phil sighs and admits to Callum that he has made some mistakes with Ben in the past. He explains that Ben was very young the first time he was sent to prison, he feels sad for his son that he might've missed out on some of the best years of his life, but there's nothing he can do that can change the past but all he will do is hope that he doesn't make the same mistakes.
Back at the Taylors, all the family members are absolutely devastated to learn about the passing of Chantelle. Bernie is seeing tearfully cradling the big teddy bear. Karen is on the phone to police wondering why the Police have kept Gray in for questioning, wanting to know whether he's going to be charged. Keegan is in his room down the hall from his Mum, Mitch enters his room to check if he's okay, he explains he's going to go and see Bailey so he can tell her face to face, and then he'll pick up Chantelle's children so they can all be together as they grieve. Keegan's voice breaks as he explains to his Dad that because they all left so quickly, he never got a chance to say goodbye to his sister. That moment, I found really heart-breaking. Chantelle was always caring for her younger brother, looking out for him and making sure he was okay. Keegan would obviously be absolutely broken by the lost of his big sister.
While the Taylors are grieving on one side of the Square, Kheerat is also struck with grief as he repeats the voice message from Chantelle on his phone, over and over again. Suki walks in on him listening to the voice message, she tries her best to console her son, explaining that he needs to stop listening to the message and try and move on. Kheerat knows he can't back away from this, he knows something isn't right - he can tell be the stress in her voice, he knows that Gray made her make that call. Suki is in shock and she seems to realise that her son is suggesting that Gray might've killed her. Kheerat is sobbing as he explains to his Mum that he had fallen in love with Chantelle, that their plan was to run away together. I love how Kheerat is explains it all, he's right - it can't be a coincidence that the night he sneaks into the Atkins house to grab a memory box for her, for then to be sent a voice message from her and then for her to pass away so suddenly, for all those events to have happened in the same night, something just doesn't make sense. I really do hope that Kheerat will be the one to expose Gray, he will find out what's happened and he will do everything in his power to get justice for Chantelle.
Back at the club, Martin is spending some time with little Arthur, Ruby walks in and gives him daggers as she makes her way behind the bar. Martin pretty much demands an apology from Ruby. He explains to her that the only money he gets from her is his wages he'd paid at the end of the month and that's it! But Ruby instantly mentions the day out he has planned, she questions him on how he'll be able to afford it. To prove he's being honest with her, he pulls out a load of vouchers from his back pocket and plonks them on the counter in front of her, she instantly feels guilty for even thinking it could be him. She apologises and Martin explains that if someone was stealing her money she should go straight to the police. It's only then little Arthur speaks and reveals what he has overheard "Mummy does! Mummy stole your money!" ..... Okay, as cute as that was, part of me kind of thinks, a child of Arthur's age, how would he know? If you were in that situation, wouldn't you sit them down quietly and try and get them to explain what they mean? It's a big accusation to make, but of course, Arthur doesn't understand what he's just said, he's just repeating words that he's heard. Martin and Ruby look in shock as they realise there could be some truth in what the little boy is saying.
On the Square, a police car is pulling up with Gray in the backseat. Have the police let him go, for now? Mitch watches from a distance as Gray leaves the car and looks at the scenery around the house. On the other side of the Square, Kheerat turns the corner and watches as Gray turns around and they both stare at each other. Mitch watches on and looks in the direction of where Gray is looking and clocks Kheerat, again both men share a look from across the Square as they watch as Karen falls into Gray's arms and they both sob.
Next, Callum is seen leaving the police station, his boss calls after him as he walks away from the building. At first the conversation focuses on the death of Chantelle, Callum informs the Detective that he didn't know Gray or Chantelle that well but knows that they are both very likeable people. His boss then turns the conversation to his offer. Callum admits to his boss that he can't do what he's asking, it would tear Ben apart if he was to grass his Dad up to the police. His boss then warns Callum, "Have you got any idea what they do to grasses in prison? I'll charge him tomorrow morning, you've got until then!" Callum really doesn't know what to do for the best, part of me hopes he doesn't grass up Phil! It's going to be the worse thing he could do for all involved if he does!
The last scene of the episode, we're back in the middle of the Square, Ruby is making her way through the street as Kat is watching her, Ruby approaches her and Kat mocks that she's not walking up to give her bonus. Ruby then reveals to her that she knows, she knows exactly who's been stealing from her. She wants to know exactly where she is, of course Kat plays dumb and asks "Who?" As this conversation goes on, in the background we see a call pull up, a ladies foot is exposed as someone leaves the car. Ruby is determined to get information out of Kat, suddenly, Stacey makes herself known - walking up to them both like a model on a cat walk! All glammed and looking absolutely fabulous! Ruby watches in shock as her ex-friend makes herself know, Kat watches with the most tiniest little grin on her face. Stacey is back with an almighty bang!!
I'm really excited to see what's going to go down between Ruby and Stacey, they were once the best of friends and now they look like they can't seem the bare the sight of each other. As I've explained, I will follow up tonight's episode tomorrow, and I will do Thursday's episode on Friday as unfortunately, I am back in work. I will do my absolute best and keep up to date for the rest of the week. Enjoy folks and I'll be back very soon! xXx
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kusholofer · 4 years
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Photo by Haley Black from Pexels
Romantic | Short Story
kush o lofer
I have been in the cafe for the past half an hour, waiting for her. No she is not late, I was too soon. 16 o’clock, she said yesterday, I looked at the phone, there was still five minutes. 
As the time was approaching, my heart was beating faster and my breath deepened. I am among those boys who never talked to a girl in school, even in college. Nay not lame, :D  but never been on a date, so, yes, i am nervous.
I looked out of the glass window, I am in an entirely different world. This country is contrasting India, its people, its sparse crowd, its culture, unspoiled roads, quiet streets, its atmosphere, and its vicinity to nature. I like everything, everything except the weather. It was a bit too cold for me. It was just September and it was almost as cold as Delhi, in  December.
The door belled. I turned to the sound, it’s her. For a second, I thought to tuck under the table, that nervous I am,  idiot. I grinned on my gracelessness. I could feel every heartbeat, my heart was running like wild horses, and my breath... I tried to control my breath.
I stood and waved for her, she looked at me, she smiled, I am already smiling, almost grinning, idiot, at the same time trying not to look like an idiot.
The first thing I noticed were her lips, painted dark maroon. I stared at her lips till she was standing across the table. I blink and again to break my gaze.
‘Hi’, she said with curling up the corner of her maroon lips, a  smile.
‘Hi’ I conveyed the same, Controlling my breath not my heart.
She pulled her chair and we sat.
“You are a surprise”, she said.
“Pleasant, I assume” I commented.
Her smile widened.
“You are looking beautiful, elegant”, I emphasized the last word.
Now i notice, she was wearing a frock and  a shrug. A dark reddish-grey cowl on top of it, matching her lips, eh, her lips. With minimal touch-ups like dark mascara eyes and the bloodied lips. No accessories.
Simple, except the lips. Simple because I am on the opposite end of the spectrum.
“Thanks. And you are rather…” she paused, “different”, she said, tentatively.
“Oh!”, I raised my brows unable to understand, whether it is a compliment or contrary, ‘okay’.
“I mean in a good way”, she snapped.
“Ah! thank you”, i tilted my head as a bow.
She ordered a cappuccino and I ordered a latte.
“Actually, I was thinking the same thing. Our fashion sense is worlds apart. I am a bit of a poser in my dressing”.
She nodded, “you were right, you have that vibe”.
I raised my brows asking, “what vibe”.
“Boho! As you told me over a chat” she said, looking at my wrist.
I was wearing a thicket of  colorful threads on my left wrist and a few bracelets were dangling on my both wrists, left and right. Couple of beaded rosaries peeked out of my muffler, which was looped around my neck. And the two metal beads hanging from my beard. 
“On the other hand you are simple and so graceful”, i appreciated.
“Accessories encumber me, I like it simple”, she said.
“With a few highlights”, I added, trying to stare at her lips.
She smiled to concur, her smile widened, and grinned.
Then I realized that my index finger was rubbing my lower lip. I flinched, O dear!
She chuckled.
I didn’t do it consciously, it just happened. I am not a Romeo type, nor it was a sensual gesture or something. “Sorry”, I concisely shy away. I looked outside the window, I didn’t know what to say. I can sense her gaze on me, I turned back to her. She swiftly moved my gaze away from me and then back to me. We made eye contact for a second then we both shy away.
We stay silent for a few moments. Not making eye contact.
Breaking the awkward silence she spoke up, “can i ask you something”
“why you disappeared and then, here you are, suddenly reappeared”, she enquired.
“I am sorry, the first thing I should have done is to apologize for doing such a thing”.
She nodded, “You must have a reason, I understand. You can tell me” she said, but there is an assertion in her voice. 
I waited for her to say something more but she waited too, for my answer. “I can’t tell you, I am sorry”.
She nodded, “alright, then I am not accepting your apology”, she affirmed yet there is a mild smile on her face.
“Leila, I am not saying that I will not tell you it is just, tut, I can’t tell you right now but I will tell you.”
She shrugged, like saying, so be it that way, no problem.
We both silenced. Here is a problem, I know she is shy, so I am. We both waited for the other one to break the silence.
At last, after a minute or so, again she was the one who broke the silence. ‘What brings you here to Romania. Dracula, or something else.’
I almost chuckled and almost threw up my coffee but I resisted. “Yeah, a Dracula with dark eyes and bloodied lips who is ready to suck her coffee”.
She laughed, understanding my joke, that’s a relief. ‘“So, are you one of those minorities who don’t like Dracula”.
“Possibly. I would say, I like Vlad the impaler more than the Dracula”
“Then in a way you like Dracul” she stated
I nodded like I agreed but i didn’t even understand what she meant, so I asked, “how is that?”
“Why did you say, I like Dracula?”
“You just said you like Vlad” 
“Yes, Vlad the Impaler, not Vlad, the Dracula’, I clarified my point.
“Vlad’s last name was Dracula, from the House of Draculesti” she said, like it was so obvious.
Obviously not for me, not everyone is a student of history. “So you are saying Vlad the impaler is Vlad... Dracula”
“You don’t know that”, she sounded a little surprised. “Yes, his name was Vlad Dracula” she added.
‘So does Dracula mean vampire or...’, I asked, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“Dracula meant dragon in Romanian”.
“Ah!” I exclaimed, I don't know what to say next.
Another wall of silence. And again she was the one who broke it.
“Do you like to walk”
“I will love to”.
I called the waiter for the bill
“Sorry, I didn't ask if you are hungry”.
“No, I am okay”. “Split the bill” she said to the waiter, and then looked at me, maybe reading my reaction.
“No, no give me the bill”. I paid. “I hate splitting”, I paused, “I mean, can’t you, I, I mean I, sorry, I mean I. Can’t I pay your bill. I don’t split, even with friends.
“I agree”. She nodded.
“Yet you asked to split”, I shook, “even with my friends, either they pay the bill or I do”. I paused “And we are more than friends” I said, a bit hesitant, looking at her expression.
She blushed a little, or maybe I am just imagining things. “We are?” she asked as a question, jestiing or serious, I don't know.
“You know, my intentions. Since the first week”
“Do you know my?”
“No.” We both laughed.
We walked out of the cafe and strolled on the streets silently for a couple of minutes. I was still in awe of being in east Europe, Romania, Brasov.
The city is on par with modern technology, with a presence of medieval essence. The Dracula-themed hotels, restaurants, museums, and other structures are present here and there, all over the city and in its vicinity. As told by the locals, the whole Transylvania had a Dracula influence.
“Do you intend to remain quiet”, she shaded her eyes from the sunlight with her hands.
“Huh, I am just admiring the view and the walk with you,
The sun on your skin, you are glittering in,
Your open brunette hairs waving to your waist”,
I paused, and looked at her pair of lips,
“And, I loved your garnet lips”, I sighed “your lips, I want to caress them with my finger tips”.
She coy away with a smile. I sighed, I didn’t believe I said that. After a few breaths she turned to me, “that was beautiful, so you do poetry”.
“It flares, when I fall high”. Obviously I am not very poetic but as I said, high.
“And right now you are high on”, she asked.
“Someone”, I almost grinned.
“Flamboyant” she uttered softly. “Isn't a right advective”, she said, turning toward move forward.
Understanding her notion, still, I asked, “for”.
She looked at me, “someone”.
We wander on the street of Brasov, conversing in silence. I spoke my mind to her in silence, she spoke her mind to me in silence.
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theblackboysclub · 4 years
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space cadet
behind barz
baby are you home
blinding lights
follow god
xanny family
day ‘n’ night
jet lag
night shift
krispy kush (remix)
know better
like me
off the rip
my collection
beetle juice
a moment
thought I knew you
floor seats
cash race
u say
you was right
hotel (interlude)
neva miss a lost
before the vomit
story of us
borrowed love
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lovekushhotel · 9 months
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