#Lord M'Baku
hjbirthdaywishes · 7 months
November 15, 2023
Happy 37 Birthday to Winston Duke.
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griots-tales · 1 year
Remember in the first scene of BP 1 when N'Jobu specifically says that the meteorite struck Africa and affected the PLANT life?
It's a weirdly specific thing, but since M'Baku mainly eats vegetables, unlike lowlanders (who are shown to eat meat) he's huge and super strong..... because vibranium is mainly present in plants.
Because see... the other appreciably huge thing in there is a rhino... which is a herbivore. I think most Wakandans can't be superpowered unless they either have the heart shaped herb or are exclusively vegetarian.
So that leads me to another question....
What about the Elephants round there...? The African elephant is the biggest terrestrial animal so if they are herbivorous.... on vibranium plants.....
Also the goats??? Did they give them to Bucky because they're secretly gigachad??
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discodraws · 2 years
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M'Baku for the soul, because I am so in love with him and can't wait for more of him in Wakanda Forever!
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blankdblank · 2 years
The White Dove Pt 22 - Wakanda
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The White Dove Masterlist
The newest chapter. Took me a few tries to get through this edit due to its size. Hope you guys like it and let me know what you think. Got the trip to Wakanda, there will be a second later for what I will realize I missed adding to their first trip to the hidden kingdom. So if you have any ideas you might like to see for the second trip on bonding with other characters let me know. :)
“Okay, here’s the plan,” Eddie said. Making you grin over a weekend lunch months prior after his having bought a VW van for cheap you would fix up. Together with his mechanic friends at their shop the entire interior and mechanics of it was stripped. To be given a safer means of travel through possibly harsher locations on vehicles than another jeep.
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Around a kinetic engine to swap out the combustion engine, that would have you at the mercy of remaining between gas stations with more rugged axels, supports and tires. Now you had the freedom to drive or park out however long you wanted. New parts would guarantee lesser chance of being stranded in rougher surroundings that had no mechanics. While the cubbies, kitchenette and built in bed atop a storage system would let you not be reliant on hotels or tents like you had the summer before. Same as an overhaul on his bike to have the same reliability and durability, that the last summer trip had his bike requiring a few roadside repairs to show necessity for them. He had been to Africa before to travel the harshest parts even before Venom, and with you there he didn’t want any risk at all against your safety. Parts of the continent that had already had daily lives harsh, to say the least, had been affected even worse since the blip, and he knew there were extra precautions required.
Maps had been consulted. As well as books on the languages, natural foliage and animals to the areas you planned to visit. All to gain more knowledge and be prepared ahead of time, certain countries were still blocked off entirely due to the political troubles while they repaired their infrastructure, otherwise there was a good deal of the continent to see. One of the most secretive being Wakanda, that was notoriously secluded from the world. Word through other contacts Luke Cage had sent word to King T’Chaka Misique was planning on heading to Africa this summer. That offer when you were 14 was authentic, and they would treasure a visit from you and Venom. And with your permission, your number he got in touch with you for trouble, was shared with the King to warn when you would be close.
Summer again was looked forward to. However today, you had sat for a series of exams at Midtown. Prior to the hassle filled trip to Columbia for your exams on campus there, you were seated in the base of a staircase. Folded forward, with your face on the books rested atop your lap, “You okay, Pluto?” Morita asked in his pass of the hall you were hiding in.
Off your books your head lifted, to catch his gaze and nod, “Just, um, two exams on campus after this after seven checkpoints.” He smirked, able to sense a tension in you as you ruffled your hand into your hair in frustration.
“Is it the checkpoints or the exams?”
“If I could fly I would. As if half an hour back and forth several times a day wasn’t bad enough now lines and,” you sighed and said, “They can’t lock it down forever while they hunt down that stupid Orca box.”
“I think by fall things should change. Do you have any plans for summer?”
“Ya,” emphasized with a nod, you said, “On a vaccine schedule to prep for Africa.”
“Wow,” he said, smiling at you in recollection of his past trips there, “Been there, vaccines don’t help with energy but it is worth it. All over again, like last summer?”
“We hope so, bought a VW bus and we’ve been turning it into a camper for the trip so we don’t have to bring tents. Even made a kinetic engine for the bus and his bike so we don’t have to worry about gas or getting stranded or things like that. Plus the remodel has kept my mind off the soldiers.”
The admission had a momentary shift of his expression for the weight of what it meant, “Have they been bothering you?”
“It,” you sighed, and drew in a breath to say, “Back in Russia I was under constant surveillance. I couldn’t even go to get my hair done alone or talk to the stylist when I was there. Just old memories I have to push through. They’re doing their job,” you said. He nodded, remaining silent as you paused to wet your lower lip, in thought of how to finish that statement. “Therapy and Eddie have been helping. Have to test those scars eventually to know if you’ve moved past them or not, right?”
He nodded, “Within reason, yes. I truly do wish there is more I could do to assist you.”
“I know,” you said. The bell rang, soon flooding the hall with bodies parting the both of with a trade of kind goodbyes.
The break alone was enough to get you with a grin. And back to the Columbia campus. Beyond seven checkpoints and seven soldiers you wanted to punch through their pleasantries to get out of your way.
For all of the worries in gaining friendships when your prior year at Midtown had began, now that you were about to lose a majority of them to distant campuses, every time you had to return after classes at Columbia in time for Color Guard rehearsals it almost didn’t seem worth it. Not if they wouldn’t be in the marching band waiting for chances to slip away after for movies or trips to shops. Sure Ricky would still be here; and his list of friends greatly clouded yours, so you could only sit and ponder if this was more a surge of fear or jealousy creeping upon you. You’d never wish them ill, you wanted all of them to succeed, but having been in the Red Room being pitted against your friends and sisters to murder any in hand to hand duels this was painful. It hurt, no other way to say it. You wouldn’t end their lives, but still they wouldn’t be there next year.
It couldn’t just be Bucky and Eddie to be left alive after being irrevocably bonded to you. One as a brother in arms, and the other as an actual brother who would protect you from anything or anyone; all these checkpoints had those days creeping into your dreams nightly ,and fear with it that one by one your relationships after gaining freedom were doomed to fail. All you could really cling to was the once given hissed assurance from Venom that once a Symbiote had bonded they would never abandon their family. That was your hope, in the end the phantom Bucky had grown to be and Eddie with Venom attached were in your life for good.
There wasn’t the slightest clue on what you thought of your former teacher, who seemed even in his mental haze fixated on you, often seeming to increase lessons to not be away for too long. A fact that became harder to grasp after your loop back in time. Perhaps glimmers of memories from that encounter had him clinging to someone familiar prior to his hell he still was trapped in. You were glad it was just dancing and what you imagined to be thinly veiled flirting on his part, either intentional or not, to not complicate the muddle of thoughts on how to deal with him if the Avengers ever did find him. All the more reason to worry on if you should help smoke him out or to let them eventually stumble across the sights of his guns.
All through your lessons, until you were able to match him, he seemed to almost regret what he was forced to do. At least to you compared to others who interfered with your lessons or on your first few missions together. And when you had first knocked him on his back, showing you could bring him down, that double sided reluctance grew, out of order more than anything. He was not permitted to kill you, and you were not permitted to kill him. They had to save their top two assets. So dancing together, pretending to be cordial in given roles in public on missions, his lessons with contact involved, none of that was beyond what you were comfortable with. Only that time you gave yourself the mission orders, and he was merely a side piece to the plot. How that dynamic would change when he was free was up in the air. If he would jeopardize your freedom, or hunt you down out of his own trauma where you would have to issue that death blow to keep all you had built.
For now that would have to be compartmentalized. Focus shifted for you to take up the usual seat on the long table of tiered seating in your first exam. Everyone honed in on the packet the Professor gave permission for it to be broken open to get started. Two more exams later, and somehow earlier than you were meant to be after changing you sat blankly on the side of the practice field with a box of raisins you were snacking on. Not particularly focused on anything; at least until a particularly bold raven came to land in front of you, sounding out into the silence to make you focus on it. It took a hopeful hop closer share some of your food. “Do you like raisins?” you asked. Offering it a few, that one by one it lifted to vanish between its open beak. Shaken and empty the box was accepted by the grateful bird who flew off to make use of it somehow.
“You’re early Pluto,” the Coach said. The sudden voice lured a reflexive grin across your lips and eyes to fall upon them.
“Ya, not sure how I did that, sort of blinked at Columbia and I was back here. Just exam nerves I guess,” you said. To get your blood pumping back into your legs you climbed up onto your feet.
“Still a bit jet lagged after the decathlon in DC?” they asked with a chuckle, out of the corner of their eye watching you bend a leg back to begin stretching them while they set their chair. After which they set the folded table up they’d carried out, same as always.
“Think it’s more so vaccines, have a whole slew to get ready for our summer travels.”
“Oh that’s the worst,” they replied, making you giggle. “Did a whole tour through Africa and Asia in my gap year and I was sick as a dog. It will pass. Unless you are waiting on your yellow fever shot, then you might need to make use of that in flight sick bag.”
“We’re hitching a ride on a carrier actually. A friend of his is flying out with preventative fire gear for a summer spot for a fire crew on the Savannah around reserves.”
“Oh,” they said, with brows raised in asking, “Is that, cheaper?”
And you let out another giggle. Beginning to stretch your arms behind and beside you after releasing your second foot, “We fixed up a VW bus to drive in. It’s cheaper to fly that out on it.”
“Oh that makes so much more sense. Then, yes. By all means, if you get all of you over in one go, do that then. I do hope you find a Titan free continent to roam, there are still a few up and about the news said on their daily updates.”
“Now where would be the fun in that?” you asked, making them smirk and turn away in notice of the arrival of the rest of the team.
“Johannesburg here we come,” Eddie chuckled. Driving the fully loaded bus you had designed onto to the airstrip that had an open bellied plane just waiting for it to be loaded inside. Strongly hands were clasped when the Symbiotes inside Eddie and Phage’s Other demanded control of their hands as their rivalry lingered on even as father and son. “Right on time,” he said and gave you a grin, and a softer handshake once their grip had released. “Head on in, we’ve got your bus, get it bolted down by code.”
Nodding at the order, you took a shared first step to the open ramp. Unconsciously shifting a bit closer to Eddie’s side, “What are we doing first?”
“Eat,” he joked, and slung his arm around your back, “Then we hit up the classic museums there and the Maropeng and Sterkfontein caves, and the exhibits, full slew of reservations for all of it. Then the reserves after that, no tickets for that,” he said with a smirk, “But I can imagine we can find a way to explore the wild on our own.”
“You know what, I think we can.” You replied with a giggle.
“Just 15 hours away,” his eyes over your head moved to the other volunteer fire crew; their group midway to the seats lining the square of passenger seating near to the cockpit. Well after sunset, at least for the flight you could get the sleep you were missing out on and just imagine how many emails and messages you would wake up to from your friends.
Shutting your phone off, you closed out of the image of a group photo from the mock prom thrown to see the end of high school era for those who weren’t going to be coming back next year. Having shared the target of this summer’s vacation, everyone was excited to follow along like the year before on your social feed that had comments racking up to a single posted snap of a book on Africa, captioned simply ‘Three guesses where we’re headed.’ Only of course bringing up the question of if Misique and Venom were going with you, and from nature reserves clear pleas to set some poacher proof barriers with social pages were posted and gaining traction.
Once buckled in, leaned together you and Eddie both dropped off to sleep. At least until Phage’s Other threw a bagged lunch at Eddie’s chest, waking the both of you to the in flight meal, yours of which was handed to you to enjoy. Phage’s Other sat down across from you and made sure you kept your grin through their teasing conversation that began then filled the rest of the time to landing.
Passports were stamped, and out of the airstrip, the bus you had both climbed into the front seat of, was fired up and driven off onto the main road. Where there were soldiers everywhere back in NY, this area of the country at least seemed free of that suffocating sea of bodies to pass by daily. “Another Symbiote has shared the best place to eat within this territory,” Venom said, and guided the way to a small place.
There, while dressed casually in light jeans, a tank top and open flannel with bolero hat to keep the sun off your face, pairing well with Eddie’s t shirt, jeans and boots matching your own to be ready for the caves later, the bus and mannerisms had you supposing you stuck out like sore thumbs. All the same, the food was savored, and fueled the drive through town to the Maropeng exhibit you would be seeing first.
Every turn and stretch of road had Eddie smiling wider seeing how excited you were getting to the new museums and intellectual stops; just the beginning of a long trek through rough countries, all leading to the mysterious country of Wakanda. The mystery of which would surely build in stress for you until you were there.
A car length beyond a lifting bar barrier a final stretch of road curved to reveal the parking lot that only had a few cars in the lot. The emptiness making you look his way. “Won’t be crowded,” he said excitedly once parked, and ticked his head to the side grabbing his ball cap he pulled on when on his feet. Outside of the bus the locks sealed, and to his side you walked, looping a finger with his so you could look around and not get lost on the way while taking in the dry but noisy brown and green surrounding open space.
Cobbled copper colored pathways fed into a courtyard that held the gift shop. A familiar symbol had you say, “Ooh, bathroom.” Softly he chuckled and made his own stop to the men’s room, watching your trot across the empty space between you to the even more eerie bathroom echoing the nothingness that fought the sounds you made until you were outside again and had hold of his finger again to follow the pathway.
Noise of strangers calmed you at least a little bit, to discover a group of fellow travelers willing to risk encountering a Titan from around the world. While not near the numbers the caves were used to, any amount of group was welcome and prized, so in this group of ten others you took up the back for a full slew of tours others had voiced they would be joining everyone else there as well to give all the guides a good run of their routes today.
One of said guards smiled in accepting the first of your sets of tickets, then exclaimed, “Everyone is here, now we can begin the tour!” He waved his hand to usher you all onwards.
Along the way to the building, a plaque lined few set of stops were shared on, to be followed by a five minute release of you all inside a lobby filled with displays you all could look over. Just awed by it all, even if you had read it before, you went from one to the next, lining up on cue for the tour to move onwards. Down a series of steps the group moved to a hall lined with timelines of discovered fossils and evolution you looked over to sound of a warning from the guide that talk online of monsters on the boat ride ahead were false.
More an orange round metal raft than a boat, in groups of four, you split to ride through a dark water drip echoing hall lit on the walls by figures and neon images of Earth’s past between flashes of thunder audio sound bites. Just a few minutes later on the other side you came out in a new hall of displays on evolution of continents ended in a room focused on DNA and fossils.
Sterkfontein after everyone was through browsing, a second guide called for the tour ahead, and out again to the courtyard you went to follow a path lined with more plaques. Louder the nearer you got, noises of the creatures around you muffled the rules for inside the cave by the second guide.
A staircase next fed to a lift to take you in groups of three, including the operator, to the next staircase to 40 meters under the earth. And while he might have assumed it to be as quiet for you as it was him, Eddie heard your whispered confirmation that you could hear numerous creatures inside these limestone caves. Taller endless caverns gave way to a path you had to crouch to pass underneath to get to a bit where they showed the conditions of old miners by shutting off the lights for a minute. Then far too early for your liking it seemed to be over, and still at the back the next interior exhibit tour guide came to fetch you to begin his leg.
“I hope they have a rock plushie,” Eddie said at the table assigned to you in the restaurant inside, that seemed overly eager for all of you to partake from their services as well, having heard of a decent sized tour today.
“I’m sure they have something equally as adorable if they don’t,” you replied with a smile to prove you were still buzzing with excitement.
“Better to have something nice to take away before the depressing drop of the evening. We don’t have to go, you know. The apartheid museum will keep for another trip. They were remodeling last time I came to town.”
“It’s fine, plus it will fill the gap to cover the slip to sunset. So we can park and slip away.” Orders were given, and a tiny bit amusingly question of where you were from arose when your accent had them a bit puzzled, especially when they had heard you translate a few things for Eddie on the tour not in English. “I do think it’s nice they added Sekhmet and Mokele-Mbembe to the second exhibit. Be nice to see how the Titans blend in to future exhibits.”
“Bet they’ll make them be plushies soon enough,” he teased, and joined you in thanking the waiter for the drinks.
“Where are you headed next?” one of the guys at the table beside yours asked, having recognized Eddie when you’d both removed your hats to sit down and eat.
“Nambia,” Eddie answered, “Gonna try to zig zag through what we can.”
“We heard they shut down Nambia transport last week,” the man replied.
“Ah, we’ll go over our notes then over dinner.” Eddie answered with a grin your way, assuming they wanted a leg up on where Misique might be as the woman beside him poorly stole a picture on her phone to go with a warning on where he was.
Another nearly empty lot surrounded the ghostly museum, that as you timed it had you exiting the grim reminder of the past of this country right at sunset. While the press here was circling a message from President Mandela himself concerning his thoughts on Misique possibly visiting the country and continent, under cover of nightfall atop the backs of two sizeable eagles over the nearest nature preserve your hair and eyes ignited when you jumped off their backs. Right in the center of the white rhino exhibit your feet met the ground.
Beams of light from guards on watch fell upon you mere moments until a country wide glittering yellow mushroom cloud exploded out of your tiny body, tripling the natural foliage to the area and numbers of wild animals and insects, aside from flies and mosquitoes. Borders of the nature preserve were laid out so that tours could still be held but no animals could be harmed under the watch of bee drones or taken outside of these lands to protect them.
A lot had been chosen earlier when you had shopped at a local market, to cook inside the van, and set up camp for the evening as the world settled to this regrowth, that to those in Egypt and Sudan, took note of the Titans who reacted to it. While distantly still the change had them turn to look in that direction and seem to be excited at said change the presumed tiny Titan was setting off.
Back into its hidden cubby you hid your mask, lighter armor of your own metal and thin long sleeved shirt and gold heavily pocketed vest were hidden to Eddie’s fetch of the notebooks of plans. “Okay, rehash of the plans,” he said, checking online for the latest allowances of tourism to adjust the road path ahead.
“We don’t have to do each country like last time,” you said while dicing some peppers to mix with the cooking ground beef sizzling in a pan on the small oven.
“I just don’t think if we’re land locked we can do anything but Hot Wheels it over the ocean to get around. And that would only tire you out more.” A pathway however was settled, and after eating you were off to bed.
An early morning found you eating again, to fuel a brief trip around the buzzing country, on the way to the next safe border to cross.
Border after border popped up, sealing in a now flourishing series of wild habitats flooding the world with formerly near extinct creatures and those forgotten about the Earth reminded you once dwelled here. Let loose into the ocean your mechanical jellyfish got to healing the reefs and reducing waste humans had dumped to improve quality of oceanic homes for the aquatic life as well.
For two days however, when you reached Sudan, a hotel room had to be found after your largest blast yet that unexpectedly enveloped the lower half of the Sahara Dessert. While it didn’t reverse the entire dessert, it did an impossible amount of difference on satellite images as trees and patches of green spurred on sudden rainstorms to fill voids with pools of water with wild creatures there to maintain the change. All the way across the upper half of the continent your blast had spread, ignoring country borders split by shifting sand, the effects of which left you bored and stuck in bed unable to wander around like you wished until you had recuperated.
Mokole- Mbembe. The Titan with massive snake-like tail, four thick legs, a curved horn on its head pulsing with a very faint green light, a head that looks something like an earless elephant, except that its tusks turned down, rather than up, and a mouth that opens like a crocodile's, revealing thousands of teeth, seemed to enjoy it most of all. Found to be scurrying around the changed environment closer to what it knew the last time it was awake over ten thousand years prior.
Even Sekhmet, the Sphynx shaped Titan, had taken a visiting day trip before returning to Egypt. Satisfied at seeing what it had with hope to be back to be home when Misique would arrive there to follow the clear glowing path on satellite images now placing her somewhere in Northern Africa.
As soon as you were up though explorations were back on, freeing you to hear from the elated people, and seedier side of this continent, that the barriers were holding to protect the new wetter green lands attracting rain. Mines and dumps alike now were flourishing with life and with help of your jellyfish the water levels were improving.
Yellow and black homemade or drawn masks seemed to beat you to the cities ahead on or displayed people who hadn’t caught sight or sound, except for when the blast would go off. Though Egypt was the most amusing to tour, with historians lining the streets and all possible social pages to send out plans to recreate the majestic lush cities that lined the Nile. Images, that to the best of your ability, around the downright wiggling Titan, through the country you had toured as a desert was fresh to be toured again in jovial new light flooded with green and colorful blasts of wild flowers and fruit giving trees and bushes. Tours filled with colorful birds and insects to flood the air with their songs above, and animals down below, the curious people around you admired all that had been returned to the beloved country.
Tourism had hit the locals hard here, on still sparse food shortages, and a surplus of freshly grown food and livestock would change that. Sekhmet took to inspecting each body who came close enough for the secretive tiny Titan hiding amongst the humans. Footage however would be replayed on the news for days to come of an image of Misique atop the side of a pyramid beside Venom, by a news chopper casually checking on what Sekhmet was up to, that filmed you speaking to her as you had Mokole-Mbembe in Sudan. A time to sleep, when the talk of their pleasure in the changes of their territory had been shared, was named by the pair of them who returned to their dwellings for an overlapping week of naps to wake to the sounds of the newly settled foliage.
Halfway through Chad on the single safe road permitting tourists under heavy guarded lanes of highway your communicator sounded off, and you had to smirk at the latest message from Wakanda. Their message had you both instructed of a stretch of wild savannah to leave your vehicle in, with coordinates to follow with packs, only to hike blindly to a pickup point to be taken to the capitol city.
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Just a simple border without any guards concealed a series of hidden scanners that, against the shield the bus engine let off, could not get a good look at distantly caused concern on what might be hidden inside. All the same to the coordinates of an empty circle of dirt ending the dirt road you drove, already masked, while Eddie in the back readied the bus to be left behind for however long you were allowed to stay or a quick getaway if you had to rush an escape if things took a wrong turn.
Parked alone in the open space you let out a breath and turned to ease into the back. The sides of your hair were woven back, in spiraling braids a cluster of your bees latched onto to keep near to you. The top strip of hair was brushed back to join the ends of the sides of your braided sections you might tie into a ponytail later. Armor was left simple, a honeycomb patterned chest and back plate, with arm braces for your biceps, were strapped into place before a bright yellow button down shirt was settled back on covering the figure obscuring layers of protection.
“Ready?” Eddie asked, looking you over once his pack was secured at the top.
“As I’ll ever be, fingers crossed this isn’t a trap.” You said, making him chuckle as you removed your necklace and rings to seal in the cubby with your armored pants, and he drew in a breath to Venom’s ripple over his body. He opened the door and out you both stepped to seal it behind you, hoisting your packs onto your backs to begin the walk ahead. “About an hour towards that hill looks like,” you said eyeing the navigator rested on your palm.
“Nice,” Eddie said, then joked, “Trying to wear us down with a long walk.”
“Certainly underestimate our love of hikes,” you joked back.
And for an hour you walked closer to the first sights of a mud and grass hut filled city in the far distance, beyond another hill and a herd of sheep closer under watch of a Shepard, who nodded his head to the pair of you. Clearly warned of visitors his eyes, and those of a farther group of horseback men off to the road ahead, seemed to be taking note of your progress, the only pause being noted by another set of men working a path of land who stopped to follow the same trumpeting you had heard.
Distressed around a hidden hole a band of adult elephants turned at the sight of you and Venom, while not known by them, like other people they hoped you would help and split to let you peer down at the toddler elephant trapped far below down in a hidden cave 30 feet trumpeting from obscuring shadows.
“Just a moment,” you said. Dropping your bag to jump through the hole to all but vanish from sight. Down in the darkness, the scared toddler standing taller than you, rocked on its feet and looked you over where you had landed a few feet away. “I know you’re scared,” you said. In its try to back up, to shouts of the men above you recognized the language it must be accustomed to, and spoke those words again to the toddler who stilled, understanding you now. “Let’s get you out of this cave, hmm?” curiously it trumpeted softer. Turning its head to your move closer to its side, and timidly it let you pat its side and smooth your hands across it to let it see you weren’t there to hurt it.
Above, its family sounded again to a sudden trumpet from the toddler when you hoisted it in your arms. Their sounds only grew louder when you leapt up out of the opening of the cave. Up between the group heads raised to watch you and the toddler arch into a soft landing a good ten feet away.
From the opening in a rush the adults flocked, to check on the toddler who melted back into its family unit, gladly accepting their contact as you stepped away back to Venom’s side. From his grip you took hold of your pack and simply turned to continue on to the city. The men in relieved chuckles at the family’s evident glee returned to their work. But even they had to smile wider when the elephants turned to hurry after you and Venom to thank you thoroughly and memorize you both. Especially your glowing self, who could speak to them unlike other humans. Afterwards they turned themselves off to continue a search for food.
“We like these elephants,” Venom said and began sharing on creatures from Klyntar who were similar to them, one of the few parts of his home planet he could come close to missing. Beyond the second hill in sight of the city of huts you stopped, causing the Dora Milaje inside of the shielded ship awaiting your approach, to draw in a breath, worried for a moment if you had caught hint of them. All the same down to a crouch they watched you lower a hand to touch an otherwise unimportant spot to their eyes, making them wonder all the more at the surge of brighter light to ripple through your hair and eyes.
“A root, Yggdrasil says something old fell here, and they’re shielding it.” Up onto your feet you rose adding, “Rainforest isn’t as dense as they let on.” Venom chuckled and joined you in continuing on the path.
“Misique!” a child in the village called out luring more over to the clearly bright yellow glowing stranger they recognized.
Before you could reach their waving selves the shield on the ship dropped as a staircase did, revealing the first of the three guards in dark blue wraps covering dark armor and clothes, “Take it they are our ride,” Eddie said lowly as you and Venom stopped to watch them come closer.
“Misique,” the man in front stated with a nod of his head, “And Venom, King T’Chaka has ordered us to escort you to our capital city.”
“I like your ship, reminds me of an old fish I read about. Gives off a nice hum,”
His brow ticked up, “Our ships are silent.”
“To you perhaps, the world is far louder than you know.”
His eyes swept over you, and he said, “Our King is waiting for you.” To the ship they led you, divided they surrounded you and Venom. Once inside he gestured to one of the bench seats along the wall, “Sit there.”
Brushing off the clear tone, showing they had an impression of intimidation over the both of you, was made to seem valid by your choice to sit down to simply see where this ship was going. Silence filled the ship that even Venom could hear the engines that worked off magnetic pulses far louder than your kinetic engines. Even from the back, clear view of the lush plains and cliffs showed to be filled with herds and wild animals seen below right to the rainforest. Smirks rippled over the faces of the guards who watched the fake trees ripple away when the ship passed through to the advanced city beyond it, that pulsed with a hum all its own you recognized but hadn’t heard this loud.
Down on a ledge the ship landed, across from a parallel lined group of guards, split by gender and colors of armor, up to the King and his family who waited to greet you. “Our King is waiting,” the guard spoke again, stealing another sweep of his eyes over the chest plate visible more-so when you stood in the beam of sunlight that shone through the open windshield.
Out of the ship you walked down the steps to pass between the lines of guards whose hands subtly shifted their grips on their weapons. Ignoring that, calmly you walked to stop in front of King T’Chaka, who smiled and stepped closer, “Misique, our people welcome you to Wakanda. I see you have grown.”
“Half a foot,” you said with a giggle, “Glad for it too, now only tall cupboards can best me,” you joked making him chuckle. At his side you took notice of Prince T’Challa’s brief smirk. “Quite beautiful, Yggdrasil was not kidding when they said something old fell here. Whole kingdom is echoing with the hum of Vibranium.” You said parting his lips.
“Who is this, who told you of our Vibranium?” he asked softly making the guards tense up, readying to attack if ordered.
“Yggdrasil, the tree that connects the Nine Realms.” You said lifting a hand. When your palm began to glow, created a small hologram of the Nine Realms and the great tree connecting them, each of the realms you named for them. “Yggdrasil speaks to those who listen.” And in a point to a spot beside the stairs on your right, that cut off a pattern of planted small figures along the platform, showing signs of being dug out before that had begun to sprout grass again, “Ever wonder why that particular spot refuses anything buried there?” Eyes shifted subtly to the spot and back to you, “There is a root there. Other kingdoms try to dig through the roots too, none have succeeded, only my people have managed to gain favor by the Norns to link to them through the gods.”
“No tree gods dwell here,” the main guard from the ship retorted, making King T’Chaka look at him pointedly.
“Wakabi,” he said, gaining a nod from the guard, then the King looked to you. “This god,”
“Yggdrasil is not a god, but a mediator between the heavens and the living. I mean no offense, Yggdrasil is alive, yes, and far beyond possible our capabilities to dream of harming, it dwells peacefully linking all the realms and has woven itself throughout the planet’s surface connecting all continents.”
Princess Shuri asked, “And who are the Norns you mentioned?”
“For my people they are female beings who create and control fate, including the gods, binding us all to our destinies.” You answered. “I am certain you recall Prince Thor of Asgard who landed in America last summer, he falls prey to their will. Gods for the gods.”
“You are of the Norse faith then,” King T’Chaka said with a simple chuckle, “That would explain the axes.” His hand gestured to the side, “Come inside, let us share with you our faith and you can share more of the song our kingdom sings to you through this great tree.”
Outside the opening double doors a tapestry topped table sat, two guards on either side, both of the Dora Milaje, the taller who stated, “You will leave your weapons and packs here.” The packs were simple to remove, and while the Royal family passed through the doors the guards following them all turned their heads to see the first of a series of weapons you began to remove while Venom waited.
Daggers from pockets, waistband, under the hem of your shirt and between your shoulder blades first had the two women beginning to fight smirks that broke free at the twin axes you pulled from above your hips on your back. Then joined by a pair of curved blades that once your outer shirt was removed were pulled from the openings on your back plate behind your shoulders. Again you added your shirt and removed the lightning and freeze guns from two of the pocket holsters on your thighs, with pouches of stun darts, before you nodded and with Venom turned to head inside. When you had passed through at the impressive hoard of weapons the shorter of the women snickered to herself only to fall silent and look back at you in your trot back to the table to settle down the grapler chord holsters and another set of daggers, muttering, “Forgot those,” then hastily trot back.
Aloud more of the Dora Milaje let chuckles and hushed comments free in amusement and wonder on where you had hidden those after seeing the amount of weapons that took eight of them to hoist the tapestry up to take down to the lab for inspection. And when you returned to Venom’s side you heard the King continuing to name things special to their people along the way to the throne room where other Elders had gathered to welcome you all stood to greet the King and then look to you.
The Border Tribe’s leader Wakabi was the youngest in blue, he stood beside the woman in darker blue leading the Merchant Tribe. Both across from the man in a lime green suit and lip cup to match leading the River Tribe who was on the left of a woman leading the Mining tribe in red with hair wraps to match ended in what you took to be brown feathers to match other accents to her jewelry.
All of them were named, alongside the King’s own Queen Ramonda and daughter Shuri, then he said to them, “These are Misique and her brother, Venom. Misique saved my life and that of my son.” He turned to speak to you again, “And all of us wish to show you the very best of our kingdom to help you rest after doing so much to restore this continent to its greater glory.”
The leader of the River Tribe asked, “Your family must be proud of your growing legend.”
“Venom is my family,” you answered.
And the Symbiote with a pat on your back stated, “And we are very proud of our sister.”
Ramonda asked, “You, the two of you, that is all that is left of your bloodline?”
“Well my parents were killed when I was six, and shortly after I met the King and Prince here Venom adopted me as his sister. He has several relations on the planet, but they are not a family, so to speak. My parents’ other relations are not able, or willing to care for a child.”
Wakabi asked in shock, “Your parents were killed? How?”
After a glance at him you answered, “I was seen by Leviathan agents using my powers, they came, murdered my parents, burned our house down and stole me away. Eight years later I escaped and went to New York, where it all sort of built to where we are now.”
“How did you escape?” the Merchant Tribe Elder asked.
“I killed everyone who stood in my way. Not my initial plan but I heard they planned to steal my ovaries and end my bloodline,” your head ticked to the side, “So I moved onto plan b.”
“How old are you?” Queen Ramonda asked, evident pain in her voice.
“Sixteen,” you said, instinctually her body moved to place a hand on her daughter’s back who was the same age as you. “I’m not a spy by any means, I do still have a sword on me,” you said making the guards behind you snap their eyes to you, “But it’s Asgardian, it sort of followed me home from a museum. It’s named Eir-Gram and no matter where I leave it the sword just follows me until it hops back into my boot. An exiled Beserker says it must just be bored after centuries of being buried then being on display. Which if you think about it the blade was forged by the God of Mischief Loki, so it is fitting.”
By the end of the ramble grins began to split onto people’s faces. The King spoke again, “So, you are of the Norse faith, may we know from where you were stolen and where you Venom, hail from?”
“I was born in Sweden,” you said parting Shuri’s lips.
And she said, “Maybe you can translate a text we found.”
“Sure,” you answered.
Venom answered next, “We are from Klyntar, our Other is from New York.”
“Other?” The Mining Tribe’s Elder asked. “What Other?”
And you explained, “Venom is a Symbiote, a race from another planet named Klyntar in another galaxy, he and more like him, landed here on a meteor and found hosts to survive. Far nicer than it sounds.”
The awed Princess gawked at him while her father said, “For now, we shall give you a tour of our city.” Outside through a side hall leading to another side of the palace you listened to all that was shared.
Until your arrival inside in an open field, a duo of young rhinos, who broke into a debate after you’d mentally complimented them on their size, had you giggle and interrupt Wakabi in his share of the area for their war rhino pens.
His brow arched up and all eyes turned to you making you say between giggles you lacked the ability to stop, “Sorry, they’re arguing over location of a hole a guard got stuck in last month for half a day.” He and the others looked at the rhinos who cried out, calling their older brother who trotted a bit closer then ran to the hole not far away and he called back, making you giggle again to chortles from others from the Border Tribe guards. Each who recalled the scene as you said, “Found the hole.”
Shuri closer to you moved with a curious glance at your glimmering curls asking, “You speak to animals?”
“And plants, insects, Titans on occasion, I can also hear frequencies metals and explosives give off.”
Shuri asked, intrigued, “Frequencies? Could you share more on that? I can test the metals we have in my lab,” she looked to her father, “Baba, can we go to my lab?”
“Tour, then we eat, and you can show off your lab after,” he said with a chuckle and she kept close as Wakabi continued to share on his leg of the tour.
The markets were next. A nice chance for you to delve into their varied fashion avenues to take, allowing excuse to ask some amongst the group of significance of patterns, materials or designs. More and more for this short stop the group warmed up to the considerate curious guests out to admire and honor the culture of new friends unlike others who had focused on simply more valuable resources.
A brief glimpse at the River Tribe homes in the distance was granted on the walk back to the Palace. A long table of food was settled, and performers were ready to share a greater history of their people through the meal, that for your spot did not have foods with the allergies you warned about.
Curious on taste and ingredients the Prince beside you named each dish and tried to not be amused as others seemed to be at each required tilt of the bottom of your mask to eat the spread of options usually eaten by hand atop a new sort of bread you’d be trying to remake later when returned home.
When the show ended talk of locations you had stopped at already in Africa and planned stops ahead were shared. Right up to the empty of drinks and plates that signaled Shuri and Prince T’Challa amongst an armed group of Dora Milaje to escort you both to her lab. “I don’t need a guard,” Shuri whispered in their native tongue only to be reminded you were both strangers.
Though their heads turned when Venom asked, “Sister, what does this say?” at a sign posted on a mannequin with a cloth draped over it that you translated.
“You speak our language?” One of the Dora Milaje asked turning your head to her.
“I learned a majority of the languages in Africa for our trip. I like to be prepared and tend to find people in danger when I stumble into traps. And the occasional elephant too.”
Shuri asked, “Multi lingual, able to project holograms, Baba says you are strong, fast.” Gently on your arm plate her finger tapped, “By the armor, not bullet proof, I was told you were shot when you met Baba and my brother.”
“I tend to get shot a lot. Would have brought my Kevlar but it’s a bit too bulky to carry around, and this breathes more.” With her subtle gesture you walked more into the lab onto a seemingly normal panel on the floor that gave off a subtle glow at your body weight.
The secretive scale gave off a glowing readout that had Shuri state, “You are 85lbs, hmm.” With a smirk you stepped off the scale that Venom stepped over as she asked, “What metal did you choose for your armor?”
“Metal my bees can create. Still thinking of a name, Venom does agree ‘Impozzibee’ would be rather adorable. I know I want a good bee pun in there. Not fully as resilient as Vibranium, but it matches Kevlar for what I need while traveling.”
A table not far away was noticed by you, all your weapons laid across it; a dagger from which Shuri lifted to ask, “Same metal as this?”
“We tested it, and it seems to have something inside of the metal and is topped with a honey based colored coating.” She stated.
“Cheaper than paint,” you said with a shrug.
“The substance in the metal?” The Prince asked.
“Bee DNA,” you said parting their lips, “My bees make it, they leave a sort of, touch spreading DNA like saliva or skin cells while shaping it.”
“Those must be special bees, who can create metal,” the Prince said, “Where did you find them?”
“I make them. When I was first taken I was beaten and locked in a makeshift sensory deprivation cell,” you said, stunning the guards and the siblings, “After, my head felt like it was splitting. Yggdrasil showed me how to make my bees to calm the pain the process kicked off when they chained me to my bed again.” You said lifting a finger to lure attention to the bees still resting in your braids.
“Those are not weapons are they?” a guard asked, you shook your head.
“They’re a part of my hive, help me with tasks and to keep monitored on a few things across the globe while I focus on keeping my daily life together.”
“You used those for barriers,” T’Challa stated.
“Not exactly, these have metal body casings, I create electro magnetic bees for barriers, they can fade away after use, these remain constant with their bodies but can fade on will when trapped or injured so I can make them a new body.”
“And where do they go when they fade?” Shuri asked, having fetched a scanner that she lifted. You nodded, signaling one of the bees to wake up and fly to your raised finger to land and be scanned.
“Back to my head,” you said, making them all look at you again. “Bit complicated, but I make them and as they grow in my head I get to know them and create them bodies to join the rest of the hive.”
Like lightning the bee sparked up and she said, “There are no mechanisms, pure energy within the casing. What do you use them for?”
“Well this is Chester, he likes to help me with my basic notifications and projections on the go,” over his back his screen popped up, to play a clip of a panda video you had been watching earlier, spreading grins before he shut it off and flew back to latch onto your hair. “Also keeps me linked back to my hive back in New  York ensuring everything goes on schedule while we’re away. As well as any new panda videos posted online.”
“What schedule?” one of the guards asked.
“Water schedule, for my garden.” You said gaining a few chuckles.
“My brother says you are strong,” Shuri said, “How strong are you? We have our own footage of what you have been filmed doing back in New York. Up until you caught a building we capped your possible strength at five tons.” She said signaling with a tap of her finger on her bead bracelet to show on the screen hidden in the wall on your right of a few of your best strength defining clips.
“Well, I can catch 500 tons,” you said gaining a few stunned scoffs, “But I can lift more. they just ran out of things to throw at me, quite literally, to see how strong I really am. I’ve caught buildings mid collapse before, but with my size usually the force of the fall goes against me in reducing damage done.”
She pointed to a clip of you punching Iron Man before, “Then he would be dead.”
“I never said I wasn’t pulling my punches. Not a pleasant feeling to liquefy a person’s heart in one blow, and I can do that, but I usually end up fracturing my arms or hands afterwards when I let my strength slip out fully and stop myself from punching through people. Which sounds a bit ridiculous, but it just happens.”
“Do you have super healing?” she asked next apparently building your skills biography.
“Yes, part of why Hydra started testing on me. Started with daily stabbings and worked up to a monthly gunshot wound they’d send me to bed with, removing patches of my skin, acid, fire, toxins both airborne and ingested, ending with them trapping me in enforced bunkers and setting off warheads to see what I could heal from.” That had jaws drop and you said, “Have to say the drowning tests weren’t all that pleasant either. And thanks to the serum they gave me I can’t eat nuts, mushrooms, bananas or lavender, which is also a bit ridiculous as well but at least I came up with my own allergy attack compounds to help when I do have a reaction to avoid hospitals.”
“That makes no sense,” the Prince said, “How can you withstand a bomb but not a peanut butter cookie?”
You shrugged and said, “Something about the introduction of the Vibranium based serum they use to make Super Soldiers into human dna to an exposure of gamma radiation. And we don’t even die, we swell up to the cusp of death and it’s a slow painful recovery to normal for two weeks after the attack if we aren’t treated.”
“Super Soldier,” another guard said, then asked, “Then Captain America is also allergic to things?”
“Rogers, or?”
“We are aware of Isaiah Bradley’s record,” the Prince said, “We have invited him here several times after he was free. That is odd you both share the same weaknesses to the same foods and flower.”
“The translation!” Shuri exclaimed, making you smirk as they led you to a formerly excavated artifact coated in Old Norse Runes and a mixture of Danish and Swedish you read, and with a notepad given to you was translated around a series of underlined names mentioned within the text.
Noise however sounded and announced the arrival of the Jabari tribe. Curiosity from the group had you and Venom shown outside, to watch their chanting walk up onto the platform behind their gorilla mask wearing leader. Who raised his knot ended staff, designed for clubbing people, to aim at you and Venom. King T’Chaka stated, “Lord M’Baku, what is the meaning of this?”
“You dare to bring outsiders into Wakanda?!” Back and forth they argued until he stormed past the King, triggering the Dora Milaje to aim their spears at him, and the Border Tribe to draw their scoop shaped swords.
Just an aim of the club within a foot of you and angrily Venom hissed, expanding his body with jagged spiked tentacles, ready to attack the now wide eyed Lord who was debating lowering his club. “You are not welcome here,” he repeated.
“There a reason you don’t like me or is it just that you don’t know me?” you asked plainly only to have him shout back at you.
“You do not speak here colonizer!”
“My people are warriors!” you shouted back making his mouth fall open at your lack of fear, “My ancestors fought side by side with the greatest Kings and Shieldmaidens of Norse history, men fell to silence when females of my line were merely whispered of and I will speak when I see fit! King T’Chaka has invited myself and Venom here, I don’t recall your name upon the invitation, Lord M’Baku.”
His head turned to the King to mutter in their native tongue, “This impertinent creature, you invited her here?”
And in their same language you replied for the King, “That is what I just said.” Angrily he glared at you, “You have an issue with me, speak your piece, air your grievances and learn otherwise or state a way to calm your ignorance driven fear.” If the guards weren’t already growing fond of your tiny feisty self they were starting to be now at this challenge.
“You earn the right to speak,” he issued a challenge, and onto the grass you walked, to be inside a matching pair of lines of his fur wearing guards and Dora Milaje.
“Is this a ‘to the death’ fight or a ‘till he yields’?” you asked the Prince, who smirked back at you to Venom’s unamused huff at his side.
“Until he yields,” Prince T’Challa replied. Zuri, a man in purple robes stood as an apparent referee of the match, and standing still peering up at the loudly huffing Lord across from you, building his ego to chants from his group to egg him on.
Rushing forward with club straight out he charged at you. The crowd curious as to why you hadn’t moved while he imagined fear had you frozen. To the side your body suddenly eased to grab the side of the staff in a leap up to loop a leg around his arm. Hard and fast in a tumbling mess his body flew, casting up dust while you landed from the flip you did to send his body in a flip of its own. One handedly twirling the staff right side up to stab it into the earth to watch the sore and stunned M’Baku scramble to his feet.
Right back at you unarmed he charged, hunched forward as if to tackle you, only to feel your hand latch onto the back of his armored shirt. Dropping jaws at the breathless lift of him straight up over your head as he let out a stunned shout. Back onto your backs, before he could move or think you fell hard, releasing the hold of his shirt to catch yourself to be in a handstand, enabling you to drop your legs and stand on his chest. Up at you he peered, releasing a painful whine as his lungs struggled to fill with air whilst your glimmering hair fall around your masked face and torso at its own whims.
“Fair warning, I can catch 500 tons and hold more. I don’t know you but I don’t particularly want to spend the next half hour knocking you into the dirt, I will if you want me to, unless you accept you’ve made your point and we can start over from here.”
“I could last much longer than that,” he rasped and patted his hand on the side of your knee. “I yield.” And in a hop you were off his chest and had hold of that hand to have him pulled off his back, blinking a bit unsteady on his feet to cough a few times to fill his lungs fully. To the King he looked and said, “These two, these two are welcome here.” Making the King smirk at your move back to Venom’s side. “When is the feast?”
Supper came next with the ruling family for a smoother meal that had you all growing a bit closer to friends. Them sharing more of their own people after you had stunned M’Baku again at naming the source of the pelt draped over his shoulders and back. Culture, that guests rarely were invited to, was to be shown during the stay to prove a budding friendship.
A bedroom with a good view of the star lit sky was assigned to you and Venom with a large enough pair of beds to make the both of you feel a bit ridiculous on using both of them. Once changed you both laid down, to sleep under watch of your bees to get ample rest for what was possibly coming the next day after the group breakfast with the ruling family.
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The barriers around your bodies on the beds sparkled in the sunlight that shone through the uncovered windows for the pair of women sent to wake you. Both who smirked seeing the pair of you with blankets and pillows over your heads; though mainly for you curiously with black hair in a wild braid instead of your glittering curls. Sharply you inhaled and turned over, igniting your hair at the warning of company. In a battle against returning to sleep to squint at the women you moved the blanket and pillow away, which proved you slept with your mask on. “Breakfast is being prepared, we are here to ready you for a tour of the River Tribe today.”
“Oh,” you said. Post trip to relieve your bladder and brush of your teeth, the pair were there still holding the bright yellow and black one shouldered midriff bearing dress they had been ordered to help you with.
“This will go over your swimming suit.”
“Okay,” you said, and went to your bag to bring out the one piece suit that you went to the bathroom to change into and return in the black based suit, with green leaves and flamingoes on the patterned material, lined with black strips giving the illusion of being like a corseted top.
Over your chest they wound the base of the top, that up over one shoulder was knotted with a bow. The skirt material folded in half was looped around your waist then angled down over one thigh, unfolded to loop around the first layer to feed out around the other thigh for a skirt that would end up open in overlaying layers in the front and hung to cover your backside and most of your thighs fully. Sandals to match when the dress was finished were slipped on.
Venom, now at your side, joined you. With hold of a tube of sunscreen he used their distraction on the path to slide the white layer over your upper back and arms, while you took the spare bit to cover your chest and front of your neck. Awkward slips of your hands over your legs for coatings on them behind the women were managed and back into Eddie’s hidden pocket the tube was hidden to be used again later to avoid burns.
“Quite lovely on you,” Queen Romanoda stated when you approached the table. “Are those, flamingoes?”
“Yes, there was one with colorful fish but it had an opening that kept moving and would slip off my chest when I moved in the dressing room. Mostly they only had see through or tiny thong based suits and those were a no go.” She chuckled. You settled into the chair assigned to you. There you waited to listen to the full tour lined up for today.
At your side Shuri, who after yesterday and this morning in brainstorming talks had more than a few guessing you might possibly be Mates. Having blended so seamlessly into brainstorming talks on possible inventions or ways to improve on things she was stuck on, she walked with you to the hover cart that would carry you the distance. And when you got in sights of a certain teen in wait for you all, she explained, “That is Nakia, she is training to be one of our spies, every time my brother sees her he freezes.” Making you giggle to yourself. His argument lasted until he did just that in front of her, which had Shuri bump her arm into yours to free a giggle from the pair of you when she joked, “Oh no, not like an antelope at all.”
The Water Tribe elder broke the silence between the awkward pair of teens to begin a tour of the city. To give his people more time to ready for the series of games that kicked off for an amusing morning that ended with curious kids to lead you to the water to play. Laughter from the adults echoed from the apparent music filled party they entertained themselves with, while you and Venom were focused on the kids and teens in the water with you. The littlest of them all stealing their chances to clamber onto your back or sides to get a closer look at your glowing hair and eyes.
By lunch warming on the banks of the river talk of waning marine plant life and fish, filter feeders especially to help keep the water cleaner, was brought up by an elder in response to new illegal mining efforts in the country near to the mouth of the river feeding through Wakanda.
A thinly veiled ask for help, but one for which you finished off your final bite of food to dive back into the water. Luring all eyes to the surface, soon rippling with an explosive wave of glittering mist, that upon your surfacing revealed the change of the watery depths below. One request, that for the next couple days you were asked to stay, had small favors of people and animals alike to have their own keep sake of sorts from the new friend of Wakanda. Until the final breakfast before your flight back to where you were picked up with a promise, to let them know when you received your Mate box and to keep in touch, while they would do the same.
“Oh I can feel air on my elbows,” Eddie now free of Venom said. Making you giggle in the climb back into the bus he had cranked the ac back on to air out the heat trapped inside. “Niger ahead, what’s in the notes on them again?” he asked, seeing you unload the bag of supplies and things you had bought and were gifted in the marketplace the day before.
“Droughts, high mortality rate on babies, not a lot of seniors.”
“Ah,” he said, turning around to reach better for the water bottle you offered him. “Looks like they need a forest then.”
“Yup, plus maybe we can handle that illegal Uranium mine they mentioned a few days back.”
“Definitely,” he said and watched you close the doors now there was a decent temperature inside to remove your armor and mask. Changed into less conspicuous clothes your locket was rested on top of again to the seal of the secret cubby. “Then off to Algeria to see those paintings and we meet our plane in Morocco. Then we can drive around the US a bit to fill the rest of the summer, last year we had the whole continent to explore, feel bad.”
That had you giggle, “You didn’t shut down the world over Titans, and we can head home. Besides, I think I might be able to rack up some serious cash now that I’m on the floor at the candle shop and you can get back at that new guy trying to inch into your space,” making him chuckle as you sat on the passenger seat.
“And who knows what your Seal guy is up to this time.”
And you giggled again as he shifted gears to take the loop in the road to head back to the border, “They locked him in Rikers apparently.” That had him chortle at how badly that would go, “That’s gonna go well, they don’t even have a roof on Rikers.”
“Apparently they’ve tapped Stark for that,” following the directions given to take the right break in the road to reach Niger’s border, the imagination on how badly this could go lasted to the gate with surprised guards there.
The stunned trio who were close to prolonging the encounter to simply have something to talk about later on in what has to be one of the most boring posts they had been put on, with rare if any travelers to let through and stamp passports for. And beyond that, and the next two countries, an open ferry to Spain had Eddie content that a much more relaxed end to your summer trip for two weeks of explorations filled the time to when the flight home had been delayed to.
Pt 23
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess​, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​, @fizzyxcustard​
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​
13 notes · View notes
giodoodless · 2 years
my god i couldn't be more bi 'cause all i do is spend my time thinking about Shuri, Namor and Okoye and Nakia and M'baku and– [bisexual noises]
77 notes · View notes
brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
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15 notes · View notes
tomshiddles · 1 year
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Winston Duke as Lord M'Baku Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), dir. Ryan Coogler
3K notes · View notes
foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Lord of the Mountains
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M'Baku x F!Reader
2.2k words
Summary: After Namor's attack on the Golden City, you are sent to Jabari for safety. You're not sure if you could ever feel safe again after what you endured a few days ago, until you finally meet the kind eyes of the Jabari Tribe's leader...
Warnings: Reader is claustrophobic, has an episode, mentions of nightmares, almost drowning, loss of loved ones, spoilers for Wakanda Forever.
Water. There was water everywhere.
Flooding the streets, tidal waves taking people out left and right.
It barreled down each and every pathway, racing toward you as you desperately tried to run towards safety, the splashing sounds taunting you from behind.
The water bit at your heels before crashing over you-
You woke with a gasp, body covered in sweat, crawling along your skin.
Even though you knew you had just woken up from a nightmare, you couldn’t manage to even out your breathing.
Because it wasn’t totally a nightmare.
It was a memory. From just a few days ago when Wakanda was attacked.
You looked around at all of the sleeping bodies around you, their mats covering nearly every inch of the floor. There was no empty space. Nowhere to breathe. 
The walls of the small refuge created in the caves of the Jabari Tribe headquarters began to close in on you, and the space suddenly became too crowded.
And then you were drowning all over again, chest constricting, air refusing to reach your lungs.
Without thinking, you jumped out of your mat, maneuvering around all of the sleeping Wakandan refugees, black spots forming in your vision as the panic continued to rise in you.
Why did it feel like the path out of this room went on for miles and miles? Why was there no end in sight?
Finally, you made it through the sea of people and toward the dim hallway.
Before you could let out a sigh of relief, you heard it.
The splashing. The devastating waves.
They had found you once again.
You turned to look over your shoulder as you picked up your pace, sprinting down the hall to run away from the phantom tidal wave that chased you in your mind-
Until you crashed into something.
Something large, sturdy.
Someone, you gathered - as massive hands wrapped around your arms to keep you from stumbling to the ground. 
You looked up, eyes fighting the black spots to focus on the concerned brown eyes staring down at you.
A small voice in the back of your brain screamed to you that this man was important, a person of great respect, someone who deserved a bow or some sort of recognition.
Lord M’Baku, leader of the Jabari Tribe, the Great Gorilla. One of the fiercest warriors in all of Wakanda.
But the larger part of your mind was still breaking down, so for right now, he was someone you could cling to for support.
“Outside,” you gasped, your head growing dizzy. You needed to be out in the open fast or else you were going to pass out. “I need to get outside.”
He didn’t say anything, just nodded. His hands held onto you a little tighter as your legs grew wobbly beneath you.
“Can you walk?” he asked, low voice echoing through the hallway and deep inside your chest. 
You nodded, unable to speak, and it was all he needed. He shifted his hold to grab the small of your back and led you down the hall, holding you closely to his side to make sure you didn’t fall over.
“This way,” he murmured, veering off the main path and down a smaller corridor, and you almost protested being in the more confining space, but something told you to trust the man fighting to keep you upright.
A few seconds later, he was opening a large stone door built into the wall of the mountain. As you felt the cool night air hit your face, your body sagged further into him in relief before running out of his hold and toward the balcony ahead. 
It took a handful of heaving gulps before you managed to put enough air in your lungs to get rid of the black spots. You looked up from the stone below your hands and toward the view in front of you and let out a small gasp.
You must have been close to the peak of the mountain for a view like this, to see the entirety of Jabari, the neighboring mountains glittering with snow, the full moon illuminating every surface with a mesmerizing glow, millions of stars twinkling above.
The sounds of water were gone from your mind, and you were met with the peaceful silence of night.
Even though you had just gotten air back into your lungs, the scene before you momentarily took your breath away again once more, but in a much less terrifying way.
“Here,” M’Baku’s low voice came from behind. You turned around to see a glass of water held out in front of you. Looking up to meet those comforting brown eyes, you nodded a quick thanks and took the glass, knocking half of it back in one go.
When you looked back, you saw two large, empty hands fiddling together in front of the giant warrior, as if anxious.
“What else can I do?” he asked, desperate to help in any way.
Something in the protective tone in his voice put knots in your stomach and you shook your head. “I-I’m f-f-f-fine,” you replied, the shivers escaping from you exposing the fact that your sweat-covered body was now open to the freezing cold air and you were not, in fact, fine.
The lord of the mountain shook his head, a light huff escaping his chest as he took the fur off his back.
“No, n-no, you don’t have to-” you tried to protest, but before you could say another word the wrap was over your shoulders, and the sudden warmth radiating through your body was so  intoxicating that it brought a small smile to your face.
 M’Baku let out a grizzly laugh that brought even more warmth to your insides. “There it is,” he said.
Your brows furrowed. “There what is?”
“I was not going to find an ounce of rest this night if I did not get you to smile,” he replied.
You let out a small laugh, taking more of him in now that your nerves had settled.
Though he now stood a couple of feet away from you, you still needed to crane your neck back in order to look at his face. The man completely towered over you, his presence commanding the entire space.
And yet, you didn’t feel any fear around him, or like you were being looked down on by someone of high status in these lands.
You felt comforted, protected, safe, which had not been the case in the days since Namor attacked the Golden City. Since then, all you had known was fear.
His dark skin glowed under the moonlight, making his features even more breathtaking. Without the cover of his fur, you could see the bulging muscles from his bare shoulders all the way down his arms.
There had been many times during your time in Wakanda that you heard whispers of the lord of the mountains, and how M’Baku’s strength could only be met with that of the Black Panther themself.
You imagined him lifting your body into the air with complete ease, a thought you never inherently had with any other man you had encountered. 
“How are you not cold right now, Your Lordship?” you asked, shivering at the thought of him being so exposed in such cold weather. 
He tsk’ed, taking a step forward and extending his arm out. “I am the heart of these mountains, my lady. There is a fire in my veins that no cold can put out.”
You rested a hand on his large bicep, the warmth radiating from it sending a shiver down your spine. Had you been able to focus on anything other than the feeling of his smooth, muscled skin, you would have heard the small hitch in his breath from your touch.
“M’Baku,” he said softly, and you looked back up at him. “Call me M’Baku.”
How could you say no to such a request, with the way his eyes bore into yours?
You gave him your name, and he mouthed it to himself, feeling the string of letters along his lips.
“You are not from Wakanda,” he said after a beat. A statement rather than a question.
“I am not,” you still responded.
“You chose a terrible time to visit.” The joking tone in his voice made you laugh.
“I suppose not,” you said, finally noticing that your hand was still on his arm. You forced yourself to remove it. “I’ve been here for a few years, actually. Used to work for Shield as a scientist, and was assigned here by Steve Rogers for a few months to work with the Wakandan scientists and Bucky Barnes. After everything with…Thanos, I was officially out of a job. Bruce Banner pulled a few strings with Shuri and allowed me to continue working here.”
“I wish our paths had crossed sooner.”
Your throat constricted, tears welling in your eyes and you nodded. “Me, too.”
Concern returned to his expression and he rested a hand on your cheek. “What is wrong?”
A scoff escaped from your lips before you could remind yourself that you were speaking with practically royalty. 
“I’m sorry.” Your bottom lip began quivering. “I mean, what isn’t wrong right now? Wakanda is under attack, and I lost friends who have been my family these last few years. I also don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep without having nightmares of almost drowning ever again-”
Strong arms wrapped around you, cutting off your rambling as they completely consumed you in warmth and security as you cried into the chest of the great leader.
Some unknown number of minutes passed before he pulled away, your composure returning. His hand went back to your cheek, thumb wiping away a tear.
“I know things appear grim right now, but I swear on Hanuman himself that I will do everything in my power to protect Wakanda and its people…” his serious expression turned sly and he winked, “especially its visitors with the most radiant of smiles.”
Your smile returned, and so did your laugh.
“Thank you, M’Baku.”
With a nod, he lowered his hand to grab yours. “Come. Let’s get you to bed.”
Panic arose in you once more at the thought of being in the small room with so many other people. “I think I’d rather stay out here-”
“Nonsense. I have a private room in my chambers where you can rest.” He waved his free hand behind him to show off the giant glass window, behind it a cozy bedroom.
“Oh no, I don’t want to intrude.”
He rolled his eyes. “Y/n, the whole of Wakanda is intruding on my lands this evening. Now, please stop trying to argue with the Great Gorilla before I show you how I got that name.”
Your feet slowed, stomach dropping at the threat. But when he turned around, there was a mischievous look on his face, and a grin from ear to ear. He winked at you again and you found yourself laughing at the powerful warrior before you.
“My apologies, Mr. Great Gorilla,” you retorted, pulling a low, rumbly laugh from him.
He escorted you into the room, remaining at the doorway, his back turned away from you as you sat on the bed.
“I will leave you to rest,” he said, hand going to the door.
“Wait-” you called, unable to stop yourself. His hand paused. “This is definitely too much to ask, and I’m sure you have a million other things to take care of…but is there any chance you could stay?”
M’Baku turned back to you, and you immediately opened your mouth to try and take back your request.
But the look in those kind eyes halted your words, and without hesitation he nodded.
“Anything you need.”
All I need is you, you thought. 
You swallowed. “Thank you.”
He walked over, sitting on the bed next to you, your backs pressed against the headboard, gazes toward the wall in front of you.
The two of you sat there in silence for a few moments, your thumbs twiddling on your lap as a newfound awkwardness slowly ate at you.
M’Baku cleared his throat, clearly in the same state of discomfort as you were.
“So,” you finally said, “how did you earn the title of Great Gorilla?”
His lips curved upward as he looked over at you. “I am so glad you asked. It all started when…”
The two of you stayed awake for hours, sharing stories and asking each other questions.
Finally, as your lids grew heavier and heavier, gravity pulled your head to the muscular shoulder next to you as sleep pulled you under.
When you awoke, the sun was shining, and you felt rested for the first time in days.
You also felt a familiar sturdiness underneath your cheek, as well as a large arm wrapped around your waist.
Looking up, you found M’Baku staring down on you, a serious - almost nervous - look on his face.
He smiled. “Good morning, Y/n. How did you sleep?”
Thank you so much for reading! Feedback is always appreciated. :)
If you'd like to read more of my works, check out my Masterlist! <3
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Imagine being noticeably distracted by M'Baku's good looks during a diplomatic meeting.
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The bright blue sky with only a hint of clouds, the sun making everything glow - it did a LOT for M’Baku, shining on just the right spots, shadows in the right places, just damn. It was impossible to look away from him when he took the floor, speaking to everyone in that deep voice of his. Your hands were clasping at your knees, holding on tight, almost white-knuckling while imagining what it would be like to run your hands along his impressive biceps. To taste what his neck is like underneath that fur cape that he wore despite the warm temperatures. And dear God those thighs - Shuri nudged your arm, getting your attention. When you turned to her, she rolled her eyes and then motioned her head over to one of the elders who was speaking now. You hadn’t even noticed that M’Baku now had his mouth closed, though the corners were turned up slightly. You had definitely been caught staring now. You really did attempt to keep your eyes on the elder, to listen to what he was saying. It was most likely important, considering it was a diplomatic meeting and what had happened here today could dictate the future of Wakanda. But like a moth to a flame, your eyes did eventually go back to M’Baku. Good lord that man was fine, his eyes dark and sexy, his facial hair creating a natural contour that did wonders for his face. “You’re drooling,” Shuri whispered to you, making you sit up ramrod straight, and bring your thumb to your bottom lip. When you saw that it was dry, Shuri was silently laughing next to you, her shoulders shaking. “Rude,” You muttered. “If you stopped staring, drooling wouldn’t be a concern,” She shot back. When the meeting ended, you only had a vague idea of what had happened. You’d get the notes from Shuri or Nakia later, but right now - you were intending on following M’Baku out and trying to get a glimpse of what his ass looked like beneath the armor.
Requested by: Anonymous
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Masterlist - 2023
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓤𝓹𝓵𝓸𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓲𝓬𝓼:
Fanfic Friday 4/28/23
A Rose By Any Other Name - George Weasley X Female (Slytherin/Sirius Black Daughter) Reader; fluff, slight angst
Vet Bills - John Wick X Female (Vet) Reader; fluff, mini angst
Party Games - Steve Rogers X Loki Odinson; fluff, slight angst, Pocky Challenge
Chocolate Surprise - Loki Odinson X Thranduil; fluff
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Alphabetical List -- Updated on 4/28/23 (newly added George Weasley, John Wick, Steve X Loki, and Loki X Thranduil Fics above and below)
Italics = I have already made fanfics on this character if you wanna read them
↑ My Fanfic Masterlist is located on my page, or click here "X Reader Masterlist" Or click on the fandom titles below for the specific Masterlist and/or Character
For Requesting Rules, click here "Request Rules" You may request as many times as you like, as long as you stay along the lines of the said rules above
(Here is a list of songs for characters that inspire me! "Songs"
(Requests Are Open!)
DC | Gotham - Bane (Hardy), Bruce Wayne (Bale), Bruce Wayne (Keaton), Bruce Wayne (Pattinson), Bruce Wayne (Val), Edward Nygma (Carrey), Jack (Heath) Joker, Jason Todd, Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch (Gotham), Jonathan Crane (Gotham), Jonathan Crane (Murphy), Klarion Bleak, Maxwell Lord, Richard Grayson, Roman Sionis, Victor Zsasz
CR | Disney - Christopher Robin, Cruella de Vil, Ella (Cinderella 2015), Gaston LeGume (Beauty And The Beast 2017), Jasper Badun
Harry Potter - Cedric Diggory, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Kingsman - Eggsy Unwin, Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Harry Hart, Jack Daniels
Marvel | X-Men - Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Charles Xavier, Eddie/Venom, Erik Killmonger, Everett Ross, Harry Osborn (TASM), Heimdall, Helmut Zemo, John Allerdyce, Johnny Storm, Kurt Wagner, Logan Howlett, Loki Odinson (Not the Series), M'Baku, Natasha Romanoff, Otto Octavius, Peter Maximoff, Peter Parker (Andrew), Peter Parker (Tobey), Peter Parker (Tom), Pietro Maximoff, Quentin Beck, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Shang-Chi, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Vision, Wade Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Wenwu
Star Wars | The Mandalorian - Anakin Skywalker, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Din Djarin, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey
Stranger Things - Alexei Smirnoff, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckey, Jim Hopper, Steve Harrington
The Hobbit / The Lord Of The Rings - Aragorn, Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Dwalin, Elrond, Faramir, Fili, Kili, Haldir, Legolas Greenleaf, Pippin Took, Samwise Gamgee, Thorin Oakenshield, Thranduil
Pedro Pascal -
(Pedro Pascal Characters Masterlist) (Let me know if I should add any more)
Kingsman - Jack Daniels - Included/Merge Mansion - Tim Rockford/The Last Of Us - Joel Miller - Included/The Mandalorian - Din Djarin - Included/Wonder Woman 1984 - Maxwell Lord
Miscellaneous -
Assassin's Creed - Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Brothers Grimm - Jakob Grimm
BBC & Enola - Sherlock Holmes
Hell Boy - Red (Hellboy), Abe Sapien, and Agent John Myers
Encino Man - Linkavitch "Link" Chomofsky
George Of The Jungle - George
Ghostbusters (2016) - Jillian Holtzmann, Kevin Beckman
Indiana Jones - Indiana Jones
John Wick - John Wick
Jurassic Park - Ian Malcolm
Scooby Doo (2002) - Shaggy Rogers
The Last Of Us - Joel Miller
The Pirates Of The Caribbean - James Norrington, Hector Barbossa
The Phantom Of The Opera - Erik Destler
Uncharted 4 - Sam Drake, Rafe Adler
X-Files - Fox Mulder
(If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know!)
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rayrayvan · 1 year
The great war II
Pairing: Shuri x fem!reader Warning: Spoilers, angst, mentions of drowning
part one
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"Shuri stop this" The Queen begged her daughter to stop whatever she was planning to do "Safely escort the Queen back to Jabariland" Was all Shuri could say, ignoring her mother entirely. Two Jabari soldiers and Dora Milage escorted the Queen to an aircraft carrier. Despite her protest, Shuri could only mouth "I'm sorry mother" as Queen Ramonda disappear inside the aircraft.
Shuri fidgets a necklace you gave to her. She kissed the necklace and turned around to walk toward the lab. Nakia and Riri were trailing behind her. She was trying to recreate the heart-shaped herb. "She treated me like a sister, even if we only met yesterday, she treated me like family" Riri gently spoke once they were inside the lab. Shuri turned around to face her and smiled sadly. "She has always been that way," Shuri said and patted Riri's shoulder.
"Let us begin" Shuri announced and just like clockwork, the two of them returned to what they were previously doing.
Shuri can't help but think if this was right but for you, she was willing to kill anybody who tried to hurt you.
When Shuri finally took the herb, she thought it wasn't working. "Who did you see?" Nakia asked. Shuri was far too angry to answer and then punched the nearest mannequin. It went straight to the wall and made a dent.
The three of them were shocked that Riri uttered "Can I get some of that?" This made Shuri and Nakia look at her and back at each other. Nakia slowly approached Shuri and hugged her tightly. 'The Black Panther lives' was all she thought.
Shuri began to make her suit, adding improvements to her past designs.
When she lifted the Black Panther helmet she whispered "All this for you, my Y/N" and tried activating her suit.
The council was discussing possible strategies for the upcoming war. Suddenly an aircraft was hovering above them. It opened and released the Black Panther. Shuri gracefully landed at the center and then finally revealed herself.
She showed everyone who she's become and Queen Ramonda slowly approached her daughter. "My Shuri," She said and placed both her hands on either side of her daughter's cheek, caressing them softly then she hugged her tightly, remembering her son. "Show them who you are" The Queen whispered and Shuri nodded slowly.
M'baku approached her and stood in front of her, head held high. She does the same and they began to arm wrestle.
M'baku was defeated by the challenge. He clasps her hand and raises it high shouting"The Black Panther lives!" And the council chanted in celebration at their new protector.
"Namor thinks Wakanda is in a weak state, our queen almost getting killed and with our capital destroyed. He believes we have no protector, but now. Now is the time we strike" Shuri said to the elders.
An elder asked, "How, when we don't even know how to find him."
"we'll bring Namor to us" Shuri answered. Her mother wasn't interfering anymore, confident that her daughter could speak for herself.
"Here again?" asked the leader of the water tribe
“no”, Shuri answered "But a distant location in the sea"
Alright, M'baku said "Let's say this does work"He paused "assuming we can kill this guy, who can fly and is as strong as Hulk" HE added.
he looked around before continuing "Is murdering this guy the right solution?"
"You are calling for his death when his only crime was intimidation, "The leader of the water tribe said
"What has changed, Lord M'Baku?" Asked the leader of the mining tribe asked
"His soldiers, do not call him General or King, they call him Ku'kul'kan," M'baku said
"What is that?" Asked the water tribe leader again
"Feather serpent God" M'Baku replied which made the elder scratch his forehead "What?" M'Baku begins "You think because we live in the mountains we do not have access to books?" M'Baku asked again
"Elders" Shuri said "With your permission, I would like to talk to Lord M'baku alone," Shuri asked and all the elders, including the Queen, agreed. The Queen was the last one to exit and when she reached her daughter, she gave her a tight squeeze on her hand, a way of saying "Do what you need to do" And walked out to maybe retire in her temporary quarters.
"Namor's not finished," Shuri said "He promised to destroy the surface world. Now is our opportunity to take him, What are you afraid of?" Shuri asked angrily
"War" M'baku said "If Namor is indeed a God to his people, killing him will risk eternal war," M'baku explained
"And so what?" Shuri asked, "Wasn't my wife's life deserving of eternal war?" She added
"Of it was," M'baku wavered "Of course. she. was" And he continued. You were a big help in Wakanda. For a girl who's been through a lot, you still found it in your heart to help others. "But it is not what she have wanted for you" M'baku and Shuri held their gazes "It is not what I want for my people," M'baku said.
Shuri stood there and was deep in her thought., perhaps, rethinking about initiating war. But she recalled how both you and her mother suffered from the attack.
"You speak of my wife as if she's still here," Shuri said which cause M'baku's face to morph with confusion "Of what she wanted for me." The image of you smiling appeared in her mind "Her hopes and her dreams" And she paused. She winced about the thought of seeing you being saved by Nakia, not breathing replaying in her mind "But she's fighting for her life. In that bed, laying and fighting for her life!" Shuri shouted "Namor drowned her right in front of me" Shuri cried out. M'baku's face was saddened again "So her dreams, her goals, her hopes for me" Shuri paused to keep her emotions controlled "It doesn't exist, it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is what I want and what I want is Namor dead" She pointed at him "And you are going to help me get it" She continued and M'baku only hummed in agreement. "Good we leave in the morning" Shuri walked away, leaving M'Baku deep in his thought.
Shuri was walking to where her mother was staying. When she located it, she knocked and opened the door. Her mother was sitting beside you. She has been taking care of you since Shuri couldn’t.
You were in a coma since you received the toughest blow from the attack. Shuri and her team did everything that they could to save you, but here you are, laying and fighting for your life. Shuri approached you and leaned to kiss you on your forehead. You were stable for now, no one knows when you'll wake up. "Sthandwa I'm here now" Shuri whispered "I'm the Black Panther now" She proudly said in your ear.
Her mother could only watch her daughter long for someone she truly love. She stayed beside you and caress your hand, just enough to feel you. "Are you sure about this?" Queen Ramonda asked. Shuri looked up and said " For her, for you, for all of Wakanda, I will fight for it," Shuri said. Queen Ramonda couldn't help but reach out for her daughter and embrace her "Be careful, Show them who we are" She reminded her and Shuri nodded.
When Shuri and the others departure to fight and lure Namor into their trap. Back in Jabariland, people were managing you while the Queen said her goodbyes to her daughter. When a Jabari Woman cleaned your arm you moved and clasp her hand, which made the woman scream. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you but where are we?" You asked while looking around at your surroundings "We are at Jabariland my lady" She replied.
'Why are we at Jaba- That's right Namor attacked the capital' You thought while remembering the events. When you were about to get up, the Queen arrived.
As she opened the door, she saw you sitting upward and when you saw her, you smiled genuinely. She ran to you and hugged you tight "Thank Bast your back" She said. You hugged her back. When you look around, you couldn’t find your wife so you had to ask where she is "Where is Shuri, my Queen?" And when she pulled away, she downcast her head and explained to you that Shuri was at war, fighting against Namor.
You were shocked at how Shuri handled the situation. "How long was I out?" You asked the Queen "Four days" The Queen replied. You nodded. However, your mind couldn't help but spiral into a whirlwind of bad images of Shuri getting hurt or even worse, her dying. You winced at the image of her death and when the Queen saw you visibly winced, she assured you everything would be fine and all they could do is wait for their safe return, hopefully.
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Summertime Magic XIII
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A/N: WHAAAAT?!?!?! Another chapter of your FAV fanfic with Mr. N'Jadaka Udaku.
To Catch Up, Press Here. 
Warning: Nothing really but there is a discussion about ... uhn uhn no spoilers sorry
Word Count: 4182
Song Recommendation: All Mine - Brent Faiyaz
“So what you wanna talk about? If this is about M’Baku, I apologize.  He's wild as fuck I swear. Do you mind if I grab an apple?” She washed one off and handed it to him with a smile. He nodded as he bit into at how delicious it was heard:
“Ndiyazi ukuba ungubani kanye kanye ... iNkosana N'Jadaka (I know who you really are... Prince N'Jadaka),” Leslie said, causing him to cough from the shock and looked up; noticing her brow raise, folded arms and slight grin, hips leaning against the counter.
N’Jadaka looked up at Leslie and said “I can explain everything, Leslie. Wait, does she-“.
“Nope. She doesn't know anything. Y’know I was a little skeptical when we first met then I started to see you more and when Y/N told me about your trips to Wakanda, I just thought ‘hmmm, just another person from Wakanda. But then low and behold the freaking king and lord of Wakanda are in your house. You don’t know how to hide it, don’t you?”, Leslie asked before she took a sip of red wine. The prince looked down at his hands and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry but you have to keep this between us. She can't know right now”
“Why? So, my best friend doesn’t know she is gonna be one of your wives?”
“One of my wives? Leslie, where the hell did you hear that from?” Leslie poured another glass and said, “my grandma told me when she was back home, the kings and princes had multiple wives. Look, I ain’t tryna talk shit about our own culture but Y/N is too good to be one of your wives. I ain’t with that shit and neither would she.” N’Jadaka laughed and said “with all due respect, she must have not been there for decades because we stopped that shit when my unc became king. Queen Mother wasn't with that shit at all either so I get you. I care about Baby Girl too damn"
Leslie leaned forward on her hand as she asked "then why can't she know? I mean you love her and what not so why keep her in the dark?" N'Jadaka took a deep breath and started to explain why. "Well, I feel like if she finds out she may leave me, use me, or just whatever the fuck she wants. I had to basically stop my friends from mentioning people around me. I have to keep a very low profile at all times or someone will run and ask for my autograph like I'm Beyonce or something."
"With all due respect my prince, you will never be Beyonce. And do you really think sissy is like that", she asked in a monotone voice, left brow rose and arms extra folded. N'Jadaka sat up and looked her in the face before saying “no. To be honest, I just wanna protect my baby. She really does mean a lot to me but I just know a lot of folks will come after her. I promise I will tell her.”
"When", said Leslie when she rolled her eyes, not believing him. N'Jadaka kept her eyes on her as he dug in his pocket and slid a velvet box towards her. “N’Jadaka…is that what I think it is?” Leslie looked to him before grabbing the box and once she opened it, all she can say was:
"Yeah, been holding on since we made it official."
"N'Jadaka, this is beautiful. But wait, why buy a ring but not tell her about you being royality?"
"It may seem foolish but it was M'Baku's idea. He said it would be more suspenseful, dramatic but mostly I did it because I want to take her on a trip to Wakanda in a few months and tell her." Leslie couldn’t stop looking at the ring; a 2 1/4 ct tw Emerald-cut 14K White Gold but the band looked like it was a polished vibranium finish. Leslie felt teary eyed just looking at it, just imagining how her best friend would react and how beautiful of a bride she would be. “Wow, this is really nice and beautiful and sweet. I’m sorry that I’m so dramatic. I am just so happy for y’all.” He walked over to her and hugged her tight as he chuckled. “Well, I’m happy you love it. I can’t wait to see my baby’s reaction.” 
They heard footsteps and had to be inconspicuous; N’Jadaka let go of Leslie and started caressing the fridge while Leslie wiped her face clean of tears and sipped her wine clean, they saw the ring and its box; he grabbed and hid it in his pocket. Y/N waltzed in with her nephew on her like a koala. “Hey, Monte. They in here and for some reason, babe is making love to y’all new fridge.”
“If he gets my fridge pregnant, he will pay child support”, Monte said as he walked behind her. Soon, everyone made their way to the backyard where it was a whole barbeque feast along with pot roast, baked mac and cheese and multiple side dishes. “So, JD. How is the OutReach center going, man? Sis been tellin’ me about some of programs already?”
“Oh yeah. You know we have the whole nine yards but I think the kids are going to be more into the science and art programs though. We also got the sports coming in too so the kids are gonna love it.” Monte nodded and asked “So JD, when are you and sis gonna make me an uncle?” Y/N coughed on her white wine and fanned herself to breathe again; Izaiah patted her back to make sure she was okay. Leslie told Monte “baby, don’t tryna sound like pops please. They will have kids one day.”
“Leslie baby, I know. I’m just talking trash, that's all.” Leslie cut into her pot roast as she glared at him and said “well, ya better stop or your butt is gonna be talking to that couch.” Monte looked at her and glared at her back but went back to his food then asked “so, baby sis, when y’all getting married”; this made Leslie choke like Y/N and she quickly drank her water while everyone watched. N’Jadaka sat there with wide eyes eating his food then relaxed them once she felt Y/N’s hand on his thigh. She looked to her good friend and said “when the time comes, Monte. I don’t want to rush into anything, you know what I mean but even if he never asks me to be his wife; it doesn't matter to me. I will always love him.” N’Jadaka looked at her and smirked as she winked and went back to his food. 
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Once they finished dessert, Monte, N’Jadaka and Izaiah were playing with a huge yoga ball in the backyard. Leslie grabbed her vape, added a cream pineapple flavor and took a small puff, making sure to blow the smoke out where Y/N wasn’t sitting. “I can’t believe Monte asked that”, Y/N said before pouring her fourth glass of white wine. Leslie took another hit and asked “which one”?
“About me having a kid with him. He know that is a touchy ass subject so why ask?” Leslie took a deep breath sipping her red wine and said “I’m sorry, Y/N/N. I feel bad now.” Y/N looked to her then looked at the three boys and watched as N’Jadaka played with her godson. He looked so happy as he played with the small child; it warmed her heart so much but then she felt a tear drop and her heart shattered. She excused herself and went straight to the bathroom. Once she did, she saw her mascara running down her cheeks. “Great, there goes my makeup.” She grabbed one of Leslie’s makeup wipes and tapped her running mascara marks away. She then dug into her purse to grab her setting powder, her travel powder brush and started to cover what was missing from her makeup. Y/N closed her eyes, took a deep breath and told herself “I am beautiful. I am powerful. I am strong. I am loved and I matter.” She opened her eyes to see Monte standing behind her with a concerned face that made her heart fall to her kneecaps. “What the fuck, Monte?! When the Hell did you get in here?!”
“Uh, when you started chanting like Angela Bassett praying like Tina Turner”; she rolled her eyes and he looked at her reflection. “Bae told me where you were and also cussed me the fuck out so yeah.” She looked at him as she reapplied her eyeliner then her mascara. Monte bent down to place his head on her shoulder, pouting as he looked in the mirror. “Sissy, you ain’t mad at me are you?”
“I’m chillin’, Monte.”
“You sit on a throne of lies, madam. I’ve known you since middle school and I know how you are, missy. You get that look in ya like you wanna shank someone in the knee cap then ya nostrils start flaring up.” Y/N looked up to him which made him point at her and stand up straight. “See, there it is”; she turned to him which made him yelp and slam his back into the door. She poked into his chest as she said the following words:
“Why the hell would you mention children knowing what I've been through?” Monte relaxed his shoulders a tad and took a deep breath; he hung his head in defeat and replied: “I am sorry, sis. I feel really bad. I meant no harm by it.” Y/N looked at him with folded arms before he asked, “he doesn’t know, does he”; she stood in silence which he took as an answer. “You gonna have to tell him one day right, sis? You can’t hide it from him forever.” Y/N stood there, feeling as if she was disappointed in herself. She loves N’Jadaka dearly but what if her secret would make him leave for good. 
Once it was time to go, Y/N placed her god baby in his bed and tucked him while JD watched. He grinned thinking of how great of a mom she would be. He thought about what he was asked at dinner and just couldn’t stop imagining him and Y/N as parents. He felt like she he was a chunky baby, their child would also be a chunky one as well. He didn't care if they had a boy or girl first; the only thing that mattered was the health and well being of the child or, as he would like in the future, children. When he was growing up in Oakland, California, he only really had his father up until he was eight sadly. Once his father passed away and his family took him to Wakanda, Mother Ramonda and Father T’Chaka were his parental figures. At fourteen years old, his family decided to explain his mother’s death; she passed away two days after giving birth to him. This became a fear for him especially if he and Y/N decide to make their own family.
The ride home was honestly so quiet which wasn’t their typical quiet, there was some tension that you can cut with a knife.When they got to N’Jadaka’s home, she hopped in the shower as he was checking his phone and getting undressed. Y/N stood looking in the mirror after she hopped out, she had to come clean about her secret. To her, communication was key and she knew that if she kept this hidden then it would keep eating at her. In bed, her in a huge shirt and him in just sweat pants, they just lied there looking at the ceiling; and that’s how they dosed off.
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Y/N woke up to the smell of breakfast so she stood, stretched her limbs and headed to do her morning routine before leaving the bathroom. N’Jadaka stood at the counter as she walked out, listening to Brent Faiyaz and setting the waiting area. He poured some OJ in tall curved glasses and followed half the cup with champagne. On their plates were fluffy omlettes with spinach, peppers and cheese, wheat toast, turkey sausage links, bacon and a side of hashbrowns. She sat at the counter and took a small sigh before saying “good morning” with a small smile and buttering her toast. N’Jadaka can tell something was troubling her and said “y’know? My unc always said ‘you can always feel if something is troubling someone you care for.’ You have something on your mind. I can feel it”. 
“I just been thinking about what Monte said at dinner”, she said after showing and finishing a slice of toast. N’Jadaka looked up at her while he sipped his mimosa. Once he placed his cup back down and moved his food next to her as he sat. N’Jadaka sat ext to her and leaned into her saying “baby, we already talked about this. We don’t have to get married anytime soon, love. We-”.
“I can’t have kids, N’Jadaka”, she said as she poked at her food. N’Jadaka was taken back honestly mentally. He had no idea what to say in the situation. He couldn’t imagine what was going on through her mind. But all he can do was stand as ahe looked down at her plate and hugged her from behind. He rested his chin on her head and as the hug went on, he heard little sniffs and felt her rub his arm slowly; the sound of her crying broke his heart. He kissed her head to comfort her and said “it’s okay, Y/N.” 
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“It’s not. I just-” ; she stopped and continued. “What if you wanted kids one of these days and I can’t give them to you. I just- I just don’t want you to regret being with me...” He looked over her head, took a deep, holding her tighter before he letting go and went to sit back down. “Y/N, I will never regret being with you. I love you way too much to say that is a deal breaker. We don’t have to have kids right now and when the time comes, we can just try and do our research. And even if we still have a baby, I can’t see myself with anyone but you.”
“Really”, she said as she look up at him while tearing up a bit. N’Jadaka wiped her tears with his thumbs as he told her “of course, beautiful. I would never call it quits because of that. We will make it work. Aight?” She nodded and he leaned into her lips and kissed them softly. “Now, eat ya food, shower, get dolled up, alright? You been working a lot, you may got a little burn out and stress going on so I’m take you to get ya nails and feet done. Maybe, a deep ass massage, a little shopping trip for you and not for your shop. Okay?”
Y/N sat there in her feelings but they weren’t bad feelings. She felt love, she felt safe and never felt this way with any man before and she was okay with that. After they ate and got ready, they headed out and spent the day together. He would steal some looks of her. Watching her with pineapple hair, black shades, tye dye body con dress with red slides to match, she was beautiful not even trying. As they walked the street of Rodeo, he would pull her and wrap his arms around showing her a warm embrace. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. Even just watching her get nails and feet done, he still loved being around her and in her presence. As she talked and got pampered, he watched as she smiled and everytime she did, there was light that just shined and made everyone smile from ear to ear; he couldn’t wait to make her Mrs. Udaku and treat her like royalty the rest of their lives.
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The following week, both of their schedules were hectic as heck. From the Outreach Center to the grand opening of her salon, they have been overly busy with everything. When ever they were together, they were always working but they always made sure that made time for one another. On the next off day for N’Jadaka, he sat at his place bored and laying in bed. All of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door and got up to answer; it was Jerald and Sheila. The couple wore a matching Nike sweatsuit and had bags in their hands. “Hey, man. Where baby girl at”, Sheila asked. He told her “working on the shop, S. She’ll be home in a few hours.” 
Jerald places the bags on his counter and said “my moms made you grip of food, bruh. Cornbread, greens, pot roast, all that.” N’Jadaka rubbed his hands together feeling his inner fat boy jumping for joy. “Awe shiet. Ma Dukes threw down, huh?”
“You know she did. How ya fam doing by the way? I know the finna all be down here soon for the grandopening in like a month, huh?”
“Yeah, but between me and you, they just wanna meet Y/N. M’Baku and T already did and B’s big ass try to talk to Leslie.” Jerald and Sheila now sat on the couch as Jerald said “Leslie got a whole ass child and man though right.” While she rubbed Jerald’s back, she told the guys “please that aint stopping nothing for M’Baku. Remember her tried to get at me when I was a few months pregnant?” N’Jadaka chuckled and said “oh yeah and he was trying to challenge him on the mountain. Nah, that was funny as fuck.” 
“Man, I still got PTSD from being on that damn mountain being butt ass naked.” N’Jadaka passed them some drinks like water and apples juice before sitting. “So, JD, did you do it yet”, Jerald asked and N’Jadaka replied “nah, not yet man. I want it to be special though and y’all got be apart of it.” 
“I’m sorry but what are y’all talking about?”
“N’Jadaka is proposing to Y/N”. N’Jadaka said “NIGGUH! Now, you know S can’t keep a damn secret.” She stood and said “am not. At least I aint tell the baby you a whole ass Prince of Wakanda. Did I, hmmm?” Jerald looked at N’Jadaka and said “bae, you kinda told the last girl he hooked up with though.” She looked at him and seemed as if a ray of heat hit the back of his head because his eye twitched once before he said “she looking at me is she?” He avoided her glance as his friend chuckled before saying “Sheila, please don’t tell my girl anything. But my plan is to tell her that I got a surprise vacation planned, she won’t need anything just her and her phone, right? Ima get Dora Milaje to dress up and up on the aircraft then on the plane I will tell her we in Wakanda and all that but then once, we getting greeted by all the tribes. Ima make her feel like royalty the whole night you know after I tell her. Then Auntie talking about a welcoming feast and party but after that, Ima take her to the garden then BOOM candles every where, flowers falling, the purple night sky and my hands in hers as I get on one knee and then this.” He even got on his right knee as he showed the ring. Jerald stood and looked at the ring. “This shiet is sick as fuck, bruh.”
“Is that a vibranium band, JD?” The prince looked at the ring as he stood and said “yeah, it is. Because just like vibranium, our love can withstand anything and last for generations to come.” He heard sniffles as he looked up and saw not only Sheila crying but also Jerald. “That’s so beautiful, nigga. Got my crying and shiet.” Sheila looked to him and pushed him out the way to get to JD. “I promise I won’t saying anything. I am so happy for y’all, baby brother. EEEEK, I can’t wait.”
“Hey, y’all. Can’t wait for Sheila?” They shock to see Y/N standing there with black plastic bags of food. She wore some distressed jeans, a white tee and matching Converse; her hair was in a low bun. Sheila looked at the box in N’Jadaka’s hand and stood in front so he can hide the ring in his pocket and said “the grand opening of the salon, sis. Y’know what? That reminds me, girl. We actually got to get our fits ready. The event is in two days, right?” She pulled Jerald up and pushed him to door as she got her answer and walking; they said their byes with some hugs and left. Y/N turned to her man and said, with a confused expression as she walked to him, placed the bags on the coffee, “was J crying?”
“Yeah, we watching a sad ass movie, Sheila made us watched.” She giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck to kiss his lips once; he growled in pleasure and wrapped his arms around her waist, deeply kissing her. She moaned as her lips and tongue make love to his. She began to hold the back of neck getting deeper into the kiss until she smelt the food. She tried to pull away from the kiss but he didn’t want to stop. 
“Baby, the food is gonna cold.”
“Fuck that food. I wanna eat you instead.”
“Baby, I’m hungry.”
“You can eat later after I eat.”  With that, he picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist and made their way to the bedroom. He threw her gently on the bed and started crawling up her body. “You gonna feed me, baby girl, or do I gotta unwrap my food myself.” She looked up at him while on her elbows before unzipping and slipped out her jeans. He began kissing her inner thighs before slipping her panties to the side. Slipping his thick digits inside her made her grip them instant as he did a curling motion as he sucked her clit. She moaned at the feeling and felt all her stress from the work week. She looked down at him to see his gentle orbs looked right at her. 
He loved making eye contact whether it was missionary.
“I love you so much”.
From the side.
“Damn, this pussy good as fuck, baby girl.”
And especially from the back. God, bless that mirror.
“Look at you taking all this dick. Mmmm fuck. Don’t you look beautiful taking this dick.”
“I look so good taking this dick, daddy.” After they made love, he stood from the bed still nude and said “aight, baby. You wanna eat?” All the answer he got was when he heard little snores behind him; he just chuckled and laughed.
It was the night of the grand opening and they were ready. N’Jadaka looked in the mirror of the bedroom and knew he looked good in his attire with his coat wide open and gold fangs glistening. Y/N came out in her amazing dress and he was taken aback. He kissed her cheek and they were off. They saw the news trucks, her family, friends, and supporters as they pulled up. Y/N got local black businesses to cater the event, and she had something to say before she opened the doors. 
“Hey, everyone. If you do not know who I am, I’m Y/N Y/L/N . I have been doing hair since very young young and been saving for this moment. This may sound cliche but I honestly am very thankful for y’all support and just being here. It was a very long road to travel down but it was all so worth it. I appreciate you all from friends and family for having my back for years but I also want to thank a man who has showed me so much love in the year and few we have dated and that man is Mr. N’Jadaka Udaku, who without him, I wouldn’t be standing here now.”  She held out her hand to signal him to come and as everyone cheered, clapped and took photos, he stood behind her, hugging her from the back and just being so proud of her but they didn’t know what was happening a few feet behind the crowd. 
There was a couple leaning in a silver Nissan Altima, wearing all black hiding in the night. “So, what you got planned to fuck them over,” said the man who was still upset N’Jadaka has his ex now. He looked towards the woman and said “just know, you inspired this plan… a lot.”  The woman was about to do something to ruin what a good thing the couple had, but she didn’t care and was willing to do anything to let Y/N know she made a huge mistake.
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Um....who in the raggedy hell plotting on Y/N and the Prince and HOW do you think Y/N will feel when she finds out N'Jadaka is a whole Prince? Find out in the next chapter. *evil cackle*
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heavenboy09 · 7 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Tobagonian - Rwandan🇹🇹🇷🇼🌍 & Wakandan Actor Of The MCU In Wakanda.
The Lord Of The Jabari Clan
The 1 & Only
MR. WINSTON DUKE🇹🇹🇷🇼🖤 AKA M'BAKU OF WAKANDA 🌍🖤🙅🏿‍♂️ #WinstonDuke #BlackPanther #BlackPantherWakandaForever #MBaku #WakandaForever
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carbo-ships · 10 months
"f/o" is a title i dont give out very often so here's just about every character i have ever crushed on since i was like 5 years old (that I can think of at least)
Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown
Ferb from Phineas & Ferb
Pai from Tokyo Mew Mew
Skye from Harveset Moon
Ray from My Sims
Mr. Tumnus from Narnia
Blood Dupre from Alice in the Country of Hearts
J.A.R.V.I.S. from Marvel (yes, the AI, shut up)
Heimdal from Marvel
Loki from Marvel
M'Baku from Marvel
Tony Stark from Marvel
Vision from Marvel
Snufkin from Moomin
Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist
Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist
Medic from Team Fortress 2
Doc Scratch from Homestuck
Cronus from Homestuck
Robert Small from Dream Daddy
Professor Sycamore from Pokemon
Boromir from Lord of the Rings
Samwise from Lord of the Rings
Jack Kearns from The Monstrumologist
Pellinore Warthrope from The Monstrumologist
Clopin from Hunchback of Notre Dame
Jesse McCree from Overwatch
Professor Layton from Professor Layton
Descole from Professor Layton
Jim the Cyber Doctor from EpicASMR
Aniketos from Songs of Aalveir
Karl Heisenberg from Resident Evil
Papa Emeritus IV from Ghost
Papa Emeritus III from Ghost
Swiss from Ghost
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wellsayhelloaagin · 2 years
Spoiler free Black panther: Wakanda Forever review in one word:
Spoiler riddled, incoherent and chaotic brain thoughts about the movie under the cut. Read at your own discretion:
Okay, my brain is still a big old jumble from seeing the movie so I'll try and organise this as best I can.
First of all, that post credit scene was not on my bingo card. Baby T'Challa was not expected but oh lord the audible gasp I let out in the middle of the cinema was loud. I'm so glad I went into this blind because I think that's one of the biggest "holy shit" moments I've ever had in a Marvel movie.
Second, that marvel logo scene at the start. Talk about poignant. Holy cow. The collection of scenes from his time in Marvel almost had me sobbing in front of strangers. The cinema was dead silent and it was honestly such a touching moment.
Adding to the not on my bingo card moments, we have the Queens death. So not what I saw coming. I can understand why it was necessary in terms of the plot but damn it did hurt (even if she kind sucked in the movie but I mean we all process grief in our own way so she is totally forgiven). Her UN moment was so fucking boss. The way that scene was cut together had me frothing. Ugh, love love love.
The end with Shuri burning the outfit and remembering her brother. The way it all kind of built up to that moment and again the silence was just a great piece of cinema. Kudos to the editors for that one.
I gotta say, the Black Panther movies really have a way of making me love the villians. It's the way you can understand their motives and why they are doing what they are doing. Like you know that they have taken it too far and are proving their point the wrong way but you can sympathise with their cause. I really cant wait to see Namor again (and him being gorgeous is just a bonus)
I love that the movie still kept some of its humour from the first one, its why I love this franchise so much. It is so impactful and has such deep messages and conveys meaning so well but it's also light-hearted and fun and just a joy to watch.
Seeing Val was great. I like how we keep getting snippets of her as it builds to the Thunderbolts. She's a complex one and sneaky as hell but damn she is smart and knows how to get what she wants. It was good to see Ross again, even if he was reduced to a bit of a pawn. Adding their marriage to things that were not on my bingo card as well.
Also, M'Baku. That's it really. He really is just a fantastic addition to the movie and I fucking love his character so damn much.
I think overall the movie was fantastic. Held up to the original and honestly, in my opinion it may have surpassed it. The pacing was good, the storyline complex enough to hold your interest but still easy to follow. It showed the characters in a new light and once again, grief was the real villain. It let the characters be human and process their emotions in ways that aren't always healthy. It felt true to life in that sense.
The visuals in this film were sublime, honestly, it felt like marvel at it's best. The score really added depth to the story telling and it just felt like a true cinema experience. I loved it from start to finish and I know it's going to become one of those films I watch over and over and find new things to love each time.
10/10 flawless. I can't recommend it enough. If you're a fan of the first film you should enjoy this one.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
@uxanduva   {{xx}} Her entire face quivers as she holds back that shy smile of hers, the one that only gives a hint of her sharp little teeth, a glimpse often hidden behind her hand, and a quick glance around tells her that they are alone, and so he can only be talking to her. On one hand, it’s a marvel that he would know the custom, infamous across shopping malls and department stores all over America. On the other, it’s a veiled offer she cannot resist. So in her own way she turns up on his lap, taking up so very little space, and carefully winds her arms around his neck, despite the clear shyness. She has long considered him a dear friend, one she would and has dropped everything else to support. Her voice is warm with that almost obvious affection and respect she holds for him.  “And if I say dis, here, is enough a gift? What den?”
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