sebastianbenbenek · 7 months
Rozkosze złego smaku
Czyli jak błagamy, żeby zrobić z nas idiotów, po czym klaszczemy i jak głupcy się cieszymy. Continue reading Untitled
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ankakonkel · 1 year
Większość dotyczyła interesów, ale wśród nich znalazłem także SMS od Anny: „Jestem mokra, potrzebuję kary”. Mój penis poruszył się w spodniach, a ja z westchnieniem poprawiłem go i mocno ścisnąłem.
Blanka Lipińska, „365 dni”
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rotkinshock · 1 year
Why you guys forget about the sweetest side character in Goncharov, Ida?
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Her role as a exchange student from Poland working at a coffee shop almost  all the time, having little time for her studies, earning money just for her family, and yet still hold a sweet smile and hand to help others, despite her situation, is just tearing and heart warming. 
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importantkidspyfarm · 2 years
The Next 365 Days (2022)
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This series has been a rollercoaster. And this final installment has been a series of those slanting turns that feel like they will turn into loops but never do. That said I will miss this.
This is no real order. Just my brain processing what I'm watching.
Spoilers. Duh!
Massimo be threatening anybody.
So how long do you stay after the decree is handed down? Until either party can't handle the awkwardness?
Massimo won't bang her because she got shot, but had no problem banging her for hours when she had a heart condition.
Plot, actual plot!
Not shoes on the bed. oh no no no no!
Laura is dedicated to these Fiacchi drawers.
Shower in the same space as the master suite seems sexy, until Aunt Irma comes to visit and you've got a clot coming out.
What's the NDA like for house staff?
Be quiet? Sir they were behind a thin curtin in a metal tube, 20,000 feet in the air, listening to you get a very aggressive blow job from a random flight attendant. Trust and believe sex with your wife is the most normal thing they could hear.
Also there is an employee orgy in this movie.
I love the intimacy of Laura and Olga's friendship.
Once again, every pair of sunglasses is fire.
The music is better.
The Torricelli's are in the business of Drugs, clubs(dance, strip, & both), restaurants, gambling, blackmail, and wine. Diversify.
Labels restaurant bad, proceeds to show delicious looking food, attentive service and nice atmosphere.
No Domenico sexiness? Really no Domenico. Instead we get a bunch more Tommy. Who the fuck even is that? It's bull shit.
We should've seen Laura and Massimo dance together.
We never see them happy and domestic together.
That whispered "My fault". Whew.
Him carrying her to bed. Aww.
Smart houses. Bad idea. When the wifi goes out the house is done for.
Him in them low sitting black track pants go straight the vagina every time.
Mass: Leave.
Laura: Stay.
Me as the stripper:
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Should've done a handy at the club. Also the song is good.
Not her happy and smiling in the Nacho fantasy. Uh oh.
Wake up head. The best.
No marmalade for you.
Who is Giuseppe and how is he still alive if he keeps fucking up?
Massimo in the shower. Give me more.
He tossed that band and them glasses down like a toddler.
What man thought having business meeting in strip clubs was cool? He needs to be on a list. That's weirdo behavior.
Someone get Olga a brush. Three movies and not once have they combed her hair.
They really said let's make Laura and her new business partner look exactly alike. I was so confused.
So much Domenico and Olga wedding planning only to see no wedding.
This was very light on the ho antics.
Why is Domenico not the guy at the tennis court. Tommy is a little too fresh with Massimo for me.
Since when did Olga start calling her Lari? 2 whole movies not once all of a sudden she never says Laura. Same for Olo.
Not this heffa shoulder checking my man. He has the right to be upset. He didn't cheat on you and you ran off with another man.
What the fuck is this coked up sex orgy? Are you all not coworkers. What's Monday like? *avoiding eyes because you're sure watching your colleague get his ass are made your dick just a little harder*
Blowhole tits gimp.
Tommy left so quick. He said, "I have a wife and a new born at home. Y'all be easy."
I love Massimo resisting temptation as he has flashbacks to the night at the club with Laura.
I'll hide you with my body. Proceeds to scream and draw attention to self.
Olga is not they type of friend you take everywhere.
I thought the designer was banging Nacho.
He was cute.
Why is Olga getting the fashion expo invitation. Why not the designer and why is she not going? What is Laura's position here?
The designer hates Laura. Why did she sell a portion of the business if she wasn't interested? Was it blackmail? Was she desperate for the money?
I'm genuinely upset that she cheated. On the verge of tears. I need to go touch grass
Thought that was Laura and Mass having make up sex. Very disappointed it was not.
The state of this hotel room. Clean it up.
Marcello! I thought his name was Ignacio hence Nacho. Maybe it's his middle name.
That's not his sister! They were necking.
I thought Domenico was going to show up with a sexy surprise for Olga. At least catch her flirting with other guys and fuck it out of her.
Three indecipherable accents. Polish, Italian, and Spanish.
Dream Nacho be putting it down.
That white dress was so boring.
The fashion show clothes were good.
Weren't they in Lagos for a business meeting?
Shadow of a man. He spent two weeks with her.
Finds out "brother" kidnapped and plotted to kill woman. Not speaking for a week is punishment enough.
Nacho keep him a job. Gardener, now cabbie.
Pacing! The lack of it is irritating.
They made Olga very annoying this movie.
Since when was Laura a motorcycle chick.
Her parents house is nice.
I'm not the only one who thought she was going to get in the fountain at Nachos house, right?
Real Nacho put it down.
This beach scene is giving the boat scene a run for its money.
"I'm not like him, I won't force you to do something". You got him there Nacho. Get your girl.
Did Mass see them fucking at the beach?
Ooh, mad Mass is kinda hot.
How is she mad at him? Not only did he not cheat on you, he also found out you were pregnant and lost the baby. Then finds out you're falling in love with someone else and he killed his twin brother. He is going through a lot. And still not once has she asked him how he's doing.
For a mafia dons wife she loves having him not know where she is. Idk about you but after two kidnappings and two murder attempts I'd want my husband to be able to find me.
That hotel stationery was nice.
Her crying after he leaves is a really good moment.
Where is the heart problem!?!?
Nacho describing how he fell in love with her. I'm crying.
Nacho risking all out war for this broad just to get that heart broke. Suck his dick from the back.
Why can't she have both? Let this woman live!
If you think your friends husband is going to kill her why are you letting her go back to the house?
Nacho is finna drive them off a cliff!
Not him getting out the cab. Oh he messy
I need Nacho to have a love interest outside of Laura and his sister.
Have the mom make pierogi. A callback.
They really cut the brat x daddy kink out after the first one. Which is weird because that’s what draws people to the series. Sure it’s not my thing (Laura get out the fountain, you’re an adult) but I’ll risk the kink occasionally. And sneaking out to go to dinners doesn’t count .
Mom is right, women should be a little selfish in relationships.
Are they about to kiss? OMG OMG OMG! Laura, you selfish bitch! Go back to sleep.
I for sure thought she was about to get kidnapped at lunch with her dad. By the nosy nuns.
Is Laura famous in Poland? Them nuns was staring hard. I know that one was Blanka.
Did Laura tell her parents the whole story or did she leave out both kidnappings? And the murders.
I know that's not how this ends. Where is their final sex scene?
I know the credits not about to roll.
Not with a bang but with an, "Are you back, Baby Girl?".
Massimo and Laura only have sex twice! And one fake out. That's bull shit. I didn't need to see the nameless designer bang fake Nacho.
When does that English translation of the third book come out because, baby, I need these plot holes filled.
I'm going to miss this series so much. Thank the gods for rewatching.
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neutron669 · 1 year
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Blanka Lipińska - photographer unknown
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jamnickowa · 1 year
O co (nie) chodzi?
Byłam w mieście. Wróciłam. Około dwóch godzin robiłam porządek w ogrodzie. Trzeba było, zarosło. Koszenie trawy i tak dalej. Nie przypominam sobie, by cokolwiek się w tym czasie wydarzyło. Uderzenie, uraz. Bardzo mnie boli duży palec u lewej stopy. Spuchł. Kuśtykam. I część stopy też puchnie. A w międzyczasie Blanka Lipińska przeszła do finału Eurowizji. Tego jeszcze nie grali. To znaczy grali. Plagiat. I nie mogłam pomagać jako wolontariuszka. Na miejsce dojechałam. Przeziębienie trzyma. Powiedzieli, że wszystko okej, mam wrócić do domu i się kurować. Drobne zakupy a następnie zajęcie się ogrodem. Jak pisałam: trzeba było. W specjalnej masce pracowałam. Boli jak cholera, stopę mi rozrywa. Trzy koszmar(ki)y w jednym. 😖
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adamostrogoth · 1 year
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maepolzine · 2 years
Popular Books that Started out as FanFiction
Sharing popular books that started out as fanfiction
Photo by Min An on Pexels.com FanFiction is a popular hobby among many people who have devoted fan bases. If you’ve been living under a rock or are unaware of what this is, fanfictions are works of literature written by someone other than the original author. It could simply feature similar characters with different twists, universes, relationship pairings, and other elements. Some of those…
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lorei-writes · 11 months
Heya Lorei!
For the reading meme questions, how about B2, B8, C10?
Hello there!
Thanks for dropping by >:3
B2. What’s the best time of day for reading fic? Why?
2AM, because everybody else is asleep and, for as long as you remain quiet, you can be as unhinged as you wish to.
With the added benefit of nobody poking you to see whether you'll respond, only to see that you will, in fact, not respond and to move to more drastic measures, like attempting to push you off the chair (to see that you will, truly, not respond & to franticly prevent you from falling).
B8. Is there a show or a book that you gave up on that you went back to later? Why did you come back to it?
I can't think of any show or a book, but I did just that with IkeSen and IkePri.
Sen I went back to over a year after first playing it, because a friend of mine was really into PC otome (Hakuoki in particular), and I've remembered Sen's existence. (And then I fell down the rabbit hole).
Pri, because @venulus recommended it, and I trusted her enough to give it another try. (And then I fell down the rabbit hole; I didn't necessarily dislike Pri at first, it just didn't capture my interest and I was sufficiently busy at the time).
C10. What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?
Nad Niemnem The Sorrows of Young Werter 365 Days (or, anything by Bianka Lipińska) Likely anything by Katarzyna Michalak 50 Shades of... anything Popular science books written with too much popular and too little science. Percy Jackson series The Hunger Games (sorta... My friend really loved it, so I've powered through the books for her. Luckily, they were rather short, so it wasn't really all that bad -- I just remained neutral... Can't say the same thing about what little Twilight I've made it through, as that was another friend's favourite at the time...)
Overall, I'd say I'm a bit of a reading goat.
Reader Asks
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
My thoughts: Sorry but Colleen Hoover, Anna Todd, El James, Blanka Lipińska, Audrey Niffenegger, Sara Shepard, I. Marlene King, Gillian Flynn, and Vc Andrews are good writers. You guys are just mean. Because god forbid if a female writer adds some drama, toxicity, horror, problematic spice to her writing to make it more interesting.
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(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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reymontowka · 22 days
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Eliminacje Powiatowe 40. Konkursu Recytatorskiego dla dzieci im. Kornela Makuszyńskiego (galeria zdjęć poniżej wyników)
W dniach 18 i 19 kwietnia 2024 r. w Gminnym Ośrodku Kultury w Siedlcach z/s w Ostrówku odbyły się Eliminacje Powiatowe 40. Konkursu Recytatorskiego dla dzieci im. Kornela Makuszyńskiego zorganizowane przez Dom Pracy Twórczej „Reymontówka” w Chlewiskach. Skład komisji konkursowej: 18 kwietnia 2024 r.: 1. Krzysztof Tomaszewski – przewodniczący 2. Wiktoria Sadowiak 3. Anna Kaźmierczak-Sołoducha 19 kwietnia 2024 r.: 1. Krzysztof Tomaszewski – przewodniczący 2. Barbara Maksymiuk 3. Anna Kaźmierczak-Sołoducha Po wysłuchaniu 86 uczniów z 29 szkół z terenu Powiatu Siedleckiego komisja konkursowa zdecydowała o przyznaniu następujących nagród i wyróżnień:
Kategoria I (klasy I-III):
Miejsce I: Aleksandra Dąbrowska (Szkoła Podstawowa w Dąbrówce Stany) Miejsce II: Gabriel Karwowski (Zespół Oświatowy w Stoku Lackim) Miejsce III: Hanna Zamyłko (Szkoła Podstawowa w Zbuczynie) Wyróżnienia: Julia Bierdzińska (Zespół Oświatowy w Krynicy) Jakub Susfał (Szkoła Podstawowa w Grali-Dąbrowiźnie) Zuzanna Koszałko (Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Hołubli) Aleksander Redosz (Szkoła Podstawowa w Wodyniach) Amelia Możdżonek (Szkoła Podstawowa w Mokobodach
Kategoria II (klasy IV-VI):
Miejsce I: Lena Chromińska (SP w Radomyśli) Miejsce II: Lena Frankowska (SP w Strzale) Miejsce III Szymon Lański (SP w Borkach-Kosach) Wyróżnienia: Anna Zakrzewska (SP w Dąbrówce-Stany) Aleksandra Sobiczewska (NSP w Izdebkach-Kosnach) Barbara Popłońska (ZO w Mordach) Maja Makaruk (ZO w Krynicy) Gabriela Seroczyńska (SP w Pruszynie)
Kategoria III (klasy VII-VIII):
Miejsce I: Agnieszka Lipińska (ZO w Mordach) Miejsce II: Alan Krasnodębski (ZO w Krynicy) Miejsce III: Zofia Sadowska (ZS-P w Hołubli) Wyróżnienia: Natalia Leoniak (ZS-P w Niwiskach) Damian Ługowski (SP w Strzale) Gabriela Lipińska (ZO w Golicach) Paulina Wierzejska (SP w Czuryłach) Maja Jastrzębska (SP w Dąbrówce Stany) Laureatom serdecznie gratulujemy i życzymy powodzenia podczas Finału, który odbędzie się 30 kwietnia 2024 r. o godz. 10:00 w Sali Białej Miejskiego Ośrodka Kultury w Siedlcach.
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emzeciorrr · 2 months
We Shall Live Together (Będziemy mieszkać razem) - trailer EN from TVP Sales on Vimeo.
When the war in Ukraine broke out, Poland was swept by an extraordinary wave of solidarity. Polish people were eager to help the refugees in any possible way they could. The series tells the story of Basia and Tadeusz, a Polish couple in crisis, who live in the huge, wealthy house of Magda Lipińska, an authoritative and strong-willed mother-in-law. Thanks to Basia and Tadeusz two refugees from Ukraine arrive at the in-laws’ house - Anna and little Varya. Unwillingly, but to keep up appearances, Magda lets them stay in her house. This unexpected situation creates numerous comedic but also heartwarming moments. The arrival of refugees initially deepens the marriage crisis of the young couple, but it ultimately saves their relationship. The series talks about people warmly. Although it does not explicitly show the brutality of war, it focuses on its consequences in ordinary people’s lives.
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movienized-com · 3 months
Uwierz w Mikołaja
Uwierz w Mikołaja (2023) #AnnaWieczur #AgnieszkaWiedlocha #AntoniPawlicki #AleksandraGrabowska #GrzegorzDaukszewicz #DorotaKolak Mehr auf:
Believe in Santa ClausJahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Comedy / Drama / Familienfilm Regie: Anna Wieczur Hauptrollen: Agnieszka Więdłocha, Antoni Pawlicki, Aleksandra Grabowska, Grzegorz Daukszewicz, Dorota Kolak, Cezary Żak, Mateusz Janicki, Teresa Lipowska, Ewa Szykulska, Dorota Stalińska, Maciej Damięcki, Bohdan Łazuka, Krystyna Tkacz, Marta Lipińska, Elżbieta Starostecka, Wiktoria Nowak…
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importantkidspyfarm · 2 years
365 Days is. . .
I didn't watch the original in preparation of This Day, weeks later I've decided to go back and um. . .dare I say it's. . good.
Not great. The plot is thin, but it's there and things still don't make sense but overall not the worst and it's got stakes. Real stakes.
The biggest shocker is just how much of a personality Massimo has outside of brooding tough guy. He smiles, jokes, he acts like a typical boyfriend when they go shopping and he has feelings. He reacts with remorse, curiosity, and adoration when he's around Laura.
Same goes for Laura. In This Day she's very passive and whiny. In 365 she has gusto and isn't just taking it. She has desires and goals. She expresses herself. She plays the game with Massimo.
I'm so disappointed they leaned into the spectacle when it came to making This Day, that is so unfortunate.
The sex scenes relate to the plot. (Not that I need them to. It's their honeymoon of course they banging to bang) also the scenes are mixed with natural sounds and music that needs to be brought back for the third movie. Bad.
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nsabuzz · 6 months
Watch All 365 Days Movies In Chronological Order
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Netflix's 365 Days is a Polish erotic thriller movie franchise, based on a bestselling novel series by Blanka Lipińska and if you going to watch this you need to know where to start so, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of the plot and the evolution of the characters.
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adamostrogoth · 2 years
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