toabastignika · 9 months
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Thundertron digibash from Lio Convoy I should've finished it before the reveal 😅 I'm happy they made a new mold for him
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fredhugesfan · 13 days
I know this is a bit late, but the entire Hopeless Peaches, Lio Convoy, and The Senate Server situation still infuriates me. These people are terrible. While I don’t fully grasp all the details, it’s clear that the way The Senate Server handled Rosa Rey Ramsey’s situation was a complete disaster. I’m not sure if Rosa has grounds to sue, but if she does, she should definitely pursue legal action against everyone involved.
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vexy-hexy · 1 month
I watched Lio's response video, and while he proved a good amount of stuff (mostly with Peaches being horrible), I have a lot of problems with it
I commented on his video with timestamps from the first 2 and half hours or so (my comment talking about after that was deleted before I could post it or save it, FML)
But, anyway, I figure I'll put my commemt with most of my issues here with the timestamps:
"While I absolutely acknowledge that Peaches is garbage and manipulative and I feel sorry for you for what you went through, I have to point out some strange things that I've noticed in this video. I'm commenting on this as I go through the video
17:03 that screenshot doesn’t say what you said it did
While Lumi DID say it's fun to fuck with people, the only thing they say about using slurs is that they have no issues with people using slurs they can reclaim and stating that is also what yhey do, before jokingly calling Peaches the f slur
I think you know this to, as, so far, any screenshots you KNOW prove your point have stayed on screen for a decent amount of time, whereas this screenshot was only there for about a second
I also find it odd that you have someone voicing the accusation document, you don’t have anyone voicing the screenshots you bring up
17:52 I disagree. Rosa being able to get mad over an opinion on Star Wars is not even in the same ballpark as removing a predator, who, may I add, was one of the highest tier mods in Rebeccah's server at the time
Also, if you find the anger you had with Rosa justified, where was that anger when you DID get Rebeccah in call? You know, not only the one with the actual power to remove N3koPan, but also the one who tried to move in with a 17 year old?
The Tek-no podcast happened BEFORE Rosa revealed she knew about N3koPan, and you came into that call already aggressive towards her because she suggested an internet horrors episode be made on your friend, a known harasser who sent people death threats for disagreeing with him, and someone that you only finally stopped white knighting for when he did something against you
23:34 that's not a sob story, that's Kumo explaining his side of things to you
Also, Peaches consistently says the Rosa call happened in 2022, but it happened in 2023. I don’t know why you haven't called that out, but that’s a pretty big oversight
38:43 but you HAVE lashed out at victims of abuse before for behavior that is normal in a victim, the Jibz call shows this
It's normal and even typical of victims to return to their abuser and, while Jibz WAS 100% in the wrong for giving their abuser the contact information of another minor (even if they weren't groomed), you yelled at him (?), sexualized him (calling him their abuser's fleshlight, among other gross things), and questioned his sexuality as a Lesbian because his abuser was a man
1:25:16 it IS vigilantism
Vigilantism isn't always putting on a cape and beating up punks for snatching a purse, it's getting involved in legal matters that you have no authority to get involved in
Cambridge defines it as:
"The practice of ordinary people in a place taking unofficial action to prevent crime or to CATCH and punish people believed to be criminals"
LSD law defines it as:
"Vigilantism is when individuals or groups take the law into their own hands and act as law enforcement without legal authority. This can include punishing people they believe have committed a crime or enforcing their own version of justice"
You have stated before that you are "barely qualified to do predator hunting", but you still get involved which could then make genuine attempts to take legal action difficult, if not, void
One could argue that pulling someone believed to be a predator into a call of multiple people berating them relentlessly is you punishing them without legal authority, or if a confession IS given during the call, they could easily argue it was coerced or given under duress, as you have stated you can find where someone lives by a picture (which can and has been taken as a threat)
1:28:16 proof of Jay encouraging negativity about your wife?
2:03:30 talking about you and Peaches fighting is giving context. Jordyn says outright that he misunderstood and thought you knew about what Peaches did. Why would he tell you something he thought you already knew? And Jordyn says they don't like Peaches, so why would they talk to or spend time with him or wish him a Happy Birthday if he didn't like Peaches?
2:04:35 that proves nothing, this conversation could've been before the mental issues, or could be him trying to focus on something he liked
2:07:07 why aren't you showing the screenshots Jordyn apparently provided in their video? That's incredibly suspicious
Several people in your own comment section have stated they haven't seen any of the videos by others intentionally. By not showing the supposed screenshots you're talking about, you are not providing the evidence you are "debunking", only saying what it supposedly says and arguing against that
Maybe Jordyn's screenshots DO show this stuff, but, because you didn't include them in your video, some people won't know since they refuse to listen to other sources
If anything, this makes it appear like you're hiding something
2:12:57 proof of Jordyn being in others streams?
2:18:57 that screenshot literally says CHROME decided to send the message to you, despite Jordyn telling them NOT to
2:22:01 it didn't make sense that someone who has shown game ending tendencies would look for weapons they could game end with...
2:28:21 she never said anything about being a MOD, she said she was Rebeccah's FRIEND
2:31:04 That doesn’t show Rosa was a mod for Rebeccah. It shows someone asking Rosa if she wants to join their staff TEMPORARILY and Rosa says "of course"
We don't know if "deleted user" is Rebeccah from this, and, again, it also says TEMPORARILY
I have many other issues with this video, including that you didn't prove that you apologized to Rosa, accused her of lying without evidence, and a bit more, but I lost that comment with my more detailed thoughts and timestamps
In conclusion, I thought that the video had a lot of problems, and it just solidified my opinion on Lio being manipulative and disingenuous further
The screenshots were weird, some being way too small to read unless you squinted, others being blurry, or them disappearing too fast, unless they showed what he was actually saying, which is, to say the least, suspicious as fuck
Also, I HAVE seen Harley's video on Peaches, and while I agree with most of their points and think they did a good job, I can't help but side eye them and Ponder (which sucks because I used to watch both of them). They were in this call that happened over a YEAR ago, so why is it that Harley is only talking about this NOW after it's been revealed to the public and Omnia made a video, and, aside from the interview Harley had with her in video to clarify things, Ponder has seemingly not yet said anything about the situation on her own platforms
Also, I don't remember seeing anyone give Peaches shit for covering the faults of Camilla Cuevas after she tried to hurt Peaches, so I don’t know why people are framing Omnia doing a similar thing regarding this whole situation with Peaches as them being petty and not letting things go
Also, after responding to a comment in a way that I believed was calm and civil, Lio told me to "Kick rocks", to which I commented back in, admittedly, a harsh way, while also trying to focus on the facts
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I've also had 2 separate people inform me that they can no longer see my comments to Lio on the video, so I assume they've been deleted, whether by Lio or YouTube, I'm unsure, but, if it was Lio, that pisses me off, especially since his comment telling me to "kick rocks" is still there, so I feel some people may think I look like a coward
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Once I learned my comments were apparently gone, I commented at him again with this:
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He had yet to respond again despite the fact I sent that 2 days ago
Needless to say, I am a little pissed at this whole situation, especially since (if I'm remembering correctly), he BARELY addressed the facts that he had the FCK screenshots for months and didn't do anything, and downplayed Peaches' inaction there himself by blaming his being groomed (actually being the first to both bring it up and insist upon it) and ignoring the fact that, in the call he himself showed as evidence in the Crystal Flame video, Peaches ACKNOWLEDGED that Slimurz would've been a minor and they would've known
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Cash App:
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fnozaidmagenta · 1 year
Did you like Lio Convoy's video about Map?
The parts where he rightfully dragged him for stalking a 17 yr old boy we're good but the rest were just severely downplaying his other actions, not to mention he was more mad about Zaid lying about not being on the spectrum then the actual bad things he's done - even though I don't like Zaid, lying about a disability is not wrong and it was kinda shitty to out him the way he did (I think it's ironic that afterwards Zaid would start using "autism" as an insult).
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ephrom · 2 years
Septy's Apology
Yeah, SeptyPaws released an apology video regarding their various recent actions--and I have some thoughts. The video can be watched here if anybody is curious, although I do plan to summarize the video in the post you're about to read.
The video specifically apologizes to Hopeless Peaches, LioConvoy, Just a Robot, CallMeNil, and Neko Koda. So far the reaction has been mixed, although two of the people Septy apologized to have left comments on their video. Nil congratulated Septy for apologizing and said that he accepts it, and Koda called it manipulative bullshit.
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Yeah, that's something that really rubbed me the wrong way. While talking about Neko Koda--who, again, she's supposed to be apologizing too--Septy talks about how close they were to Koda and how they saved Koda after her suicide attempt--as if that has any relevance to the issues at hand. It comes off like they're trying to say Koda threw them under the bus without actually saying if that makes sense--or maybe I'm looking for something that isn't there. I just get this really "after all I've done for you this is how you repay" vibe from it.
Mind you, this was part of a larger issue with the apology: Septy kept talking about how they felt and how they were effected and this and that--when a video like this should be about the people they're apologizing to, not them. 2jun recently posted a tweet that I personally think is very relevant here.
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Now, I'm not going to go as far as some people and say Septy only engaged in mindless excuse making--because that's far from the case. Septy did try and say the server that involved drawing NSFW of the OCs of various YouTubers was "showing appreciation" (which is an argument straight out of Carmen's playbook--by the way) and talked about how Neko Koda had no issue with the art of Carmen being gang raped at first. However, I'm at least willing to chalk the first one up to poor wording and the second on up to Septy's habit of including details that really don't matter--especially in regards to Neko Koda.
Also, they seem to be under the impression Lio has actually adopted Hopeless Peaches--that's just not true. Hopeless calls Lio an incredibly strong father figure in her life, and legally Lio is not in her custody nor recognized as a legal parent or guardian. Lio just does this with some people who he feels have especially bad role models or who he particularly cares about--fuck, the last time I talked to him about a year and a half ago he said something similar about Opal.
I'll say this: I'm at least willing to give Septy more of a benefit of the doubt than they probably deserve when it comes to this apology. If a year from now Septy really has shown improvement--I won't say I'd be surprised but I'd also say that I'd understand why others would be. This video just felt really performative for lack of a better word, and overly emotional if I'm being honest. I understand the second one, but I know that not everybody will and it can easily come off like Septy's trying to become the victim.
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childgolden · 6 days
The Spear Of Azzurra: A ThunderCats Thriller Raw Audiobook
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osean-kitty · 3 months
Lio Convoy Can't Stop Lying! | Liar Convoy
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myngxy-sue · 2 months
Yeah, the situation with the senate/fck server or whatever you like to call it is the very last straw for me. What Lio Convoy, Hopeless Peaches, and anyone else involved did was horrible, but it feels like a vicious cycle when I look at certain people calling them out since I'm seeing the exact same behavior. I wouldn’t be surprised if, similarly to Lio and Peaches, they get involved in something just as bad if not even worse and find themselves in a similar situation.
The commentary community just seems to be the perfect environment for toxic individuals to thrive, no different from the ranting community from back in the 2010s where people do things out of spite instead of doing the right thing and get so power hungry that anyone who dares to even suggest they do anything differently is against them and deserves to have their lives ruined.
Not to mention, fucked up priorities.
What solidifies this for me is the blatant transphobia I've been seeing. When you really think about it, it's a lot like the ableism we saw from certain people in the senate where they clearly don't know what they're talking about and use their limited knowledge as an excuse to be shitty to people.
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thek0ifish · 6 months
Bro internet vigilantism is fucking cringe and also stupid. Lio and peaches deserve to be mocked dead ass, also peaches " I'm your senior. " is not how you fucking push when accusations of grooming you fucking retard. All these internet vigilantes and the fucking creep catchers are all bullshit they don't bother sending predators to prison but instead use them for views and dumbasses will eat that shit up. Lioconvoy and peaches are scum, literal bottom of the barrel getting into drama that they shouldn't stick their noses into. commentary community is a fuckin' mistake.
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r0ttingsystem · 7 months
333 Dear winter . . .
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Status; active
[ basic information ]
> Rottingsystem / angelsystem / &&
> Winter / angel / Icarus / Canary / Lamb
> He/It/Cut/Gut/Rot/ae/Wing/333/error/user+
> transmasculine / transneutral afab / gendersomething /genderfaun
> gay hyperrose aroacespec
> minor
> white && greek
> RAMCOA victim, C-DID system of ???
> R0ttingang333lsys on simply plural (ADD US!!)
> borzoi puppy therian .. angelkin .. ghostkin .. dollkin .. corpsekin
> autism, BPD, HPD, C-PTSD, DPD, &&
> artist (art trades + nitro commissions open!)
> will automatically drop dead if I don't have enough attention teehee (/hj)
Nonneis : shy anon, library anon, .exe anon
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[ more detailed information ]
[ Boundaries ]
DMs open for everyone for every reason (same with ask box), venting okay, flirting okay, insults (/lh) okay,
If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask
endo apathetic, pro(at least partly)traumagenic mixed origins
[ honorable mentions ]
_Ian (Grian), host , he/it+, 4-14yrs, split introject (main sources : grian (Evo, hermitcraft, life series), randy jade, Noel (RTC))
__North, primary protector, she/her, 14-22yrs, Brainmade
___Lio, co host & secondary protector, he/him, 39yrs, LioConvoy introject
____Dani/daniel, tertiary protector, ask pronouns, 14-25yrs, Dani polarcub introject
//Singletsona(s), beware of dog! >
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//other accounts >
@r0tting-art - art blog
@r0ttingsystems-intros : intros account, outdated
@northtism : North's blog
@rodys-h333ll - rodys game hyperfix blog (mostly not used)
@babyang33lpup - system little and agere account (most not used)
&& more, most are outdated/unused
// tag dictionary
#[name].txt : to tell who posted what
#therian posting / #kin posting / #baby mode / #baby posting : posts about therianthropy, otherkin or agere
#!!! : stuff I deem important
#\Winter answers\ : asks :D
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Old pinned | userbox credit i ii iii
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lemonthepotato · 3 months
Reminder: What Peaches allegedly went through is horrible, if true, but that does not excuse him from what he did to Rosa. As an autistic person, his and Lio’s actions remind me of downright horrible bullies I’ve dealt with (I am not a victim of bullying, at least in the traditional sense, but it’s a long story.) and it’s deplorable the way they treated her.
Peaches has called people the r slur, and another derogatory term for an autistic person based on the word aspergers (I have my own issues with the term itself anyway) and clearly enjoyed what he did to Rosa. In some of the audio recordings he released, he did show remorse for what he did to Rosa, however, he went into those conversations with Lio with the intent of recording and publicising it to throw Lio under the bus. I was only vaguely aware of the Rosa call before, and Lio had given me weird vibes, but I always excuses his behaviour with “oh, well, they’re predators, who cares if he’s mean to predators?” But nope, turns out he just treats everyone like shit. And that’s the thing with these moral grandstanding people. They channel their anger into self-proclaimed righteousness to avoid being seen as the unhinged mf they are. Nah. Fuck ableists. Fuck this shit.
Deplorable behaviour. To think it took 3 hours for anyone to say anything. Everyone who was in that call should be ashamed of themselves, even if they were silent. You’re an enabler.
I hate these internet vigilantes. I actually give a shit about these topics, so here are some resources about topics I care deeply about.
Fuck ableists. Bye.
Here’s the video of these grown adults bullying a mentally handicapped woman for not having a job and needing a carer for three hours. Oh, and she’s not the predator in this case, she just didn’t ban the predator, and likely didn’t even KNOW there was one in the server, might’ve not even had permissions to kick them! I run a server, and unless someone is a very obvious troll, I don’t just let my mods ban who they want, most servers don’t. Seriously. This video is repulsive. Check tags.
Video #1 - Lio tries to act scary
Video #2 - Cowards in a VC harass a neurodivergent woman for 4 hours
Video #3 - A video of a cute dog unrelated to this ableist nonsense
Edit: btw the rosa call isn’t the only fucked up call these two participated in, but that wasn’t what my post was about so I didn’t mention it. u can google shit bou it. Might wanna look int2 the Jibz situation. There’s also niche situations like some ND dude called Robert who got bullied by senate for… not liking harassment, lol. Senate sure be a lovely bunch of people, ay? Oh, yeah, recently found out ‘ay’ is pronounced ‘I’ and not ae. Unrelated. Also talking about shit like this just pisses me off. Really fucking much.
Edit 2: I said I was “vaguely aware” of the rosa call before. Turns out I was pissed about it 8 months ago and completely forgot, cuz I liked two comments from back then on the original call (not the 4 hours one) criticising it. Btw, the comment section there is full of ableists. Have fun reading that.
Edit 3: LioConvoy released his video. While I haven’t finished it, I have mixed thoughts on it (like I’m skeptical of some things but generally the screenshots don’t make Peaches look good regardless) I just got to one part, and can I just say how fucking funny it is for Peaches to have a genuine fit over not getting imposter in among us? That’s all I wanted to say.
Edit 4: Not Lio trying to argue with a lawyer 😭 it’s so funny that he tried arguing with a lawyer. You know what getting pissy when someone doesn’t cower to you is? You know what kind of behaviour that is? Bullying behaviour. I’m not doing an argument by authority I’m just saying it’s very audacious to assume you’d know more than a lawyer. And why does this mf like saying “oh, but THIS person is also bad!” Yeah, a lot of people talking about this situation are pretty fucked up themselves. And??? How does that make you look good?? “Soapbox house of cards and glass so don't go tossin' your stones around.” E
Edit 5: I ain’t gonna ride anyone in this situation the only things I advocate are is A) animal rights B) myself. With that said, why is “this video covering the Rosa call is CATTY and MEAN” a criticism now lol? Like okay… and? They were being catty and mean in the call. You don’t have to take the assholes in the call seriously to take the situation seriously? What a strange criticism. I can’t see the likes/dislikes on the video, so idk the consensus, but yeah.
Addendum: Lioconvoy be like: The Rosa call was abhorrent (the language we used not the fact we were screaming at a mentally disabled woman) and it’s fair game (it was over a year ago though why are people bring it up) and it was not okay in the slightest (rosa is a deceitful, bad person) and I won’t make any excuses for my actions (rosa was still in the wrong) and I want to apologise for the ableist language I used (no I won’t show proof I apologised to rosa)
Like yeah rosa might’ve done something wrong (depending on which factors are true, which are false) but if you’re gonna apologise to someone, just apologise. “Sorry, but…” is not an apology. If you’re gonna double down, be blunt about it at least and don’t pretend you’re actually sorry. But pandering, am I right?
You know I remember criticising Mamamax and Lioconvoy once in my server, and someone said “well at least Lio gets people arrested.” No hate to that person, but knowing what I know now, couldn’t be further from the truth. 💀 I wouldn’t say it’s ironic, but there’s a word there somewhere for that.
No, I’m not saying you can’t be criticised if you have a disability. I’m saying the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. She was literally blackmailed into remaining in the call. That call was verbal beratement, blackmail and power-abuse; I’m not sugarcoating it.
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opinated-user · 7 months
Lilys video on toonkritic honestly makes me think she was trying so hard to be like Lioconvoy for the “I’m a good person” clout … only to completely fail to realise that Lio gets fucking hard evidence and reports predators to the police before making videos on them
Lily if you really cared about kritic’s victims and didn’t just want clout why didn’t you fucking report Toonkritic to the police
Brittany can confirm this, but i think she mentioned that during the time the toonkritic thing was happening people were starting to call her out for stockholm? if that were the case and my memory serves me right, then LO made that whole show purely to deflect from her own accusations of pedophilia after writing a blatantly pro pedophilia text.
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transformers-mosaic · 7 months
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Transformers: Mosaic #487 - "Beast Wars: Loose Ends"
Originally posted on May 28th, 2010
Story - Zac DeBoard Art - Roy Stiffey Letters - Franco Villa Edits - Juan Pablo Osorio Thanks to - Josh van Reyk
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005
Later revised and annotated for Transformers: The Lost Seasons
wada sez: This is a sequel to "Charge" by Josh van Reyk, hence the acknowledgement. Stiffey’s involvement and the inclusion of the character of Insecticon calls back to the otherwise-unrelated strip “Disturbing the Nest”. The strip serves to reintroduce Terrorsaur and Scorponok, who were unceremoniously killed off in “Aftermath”, the start of the show’s second season, to reallocate budget towards new characters and redesigns. As they fell into the lava, they were shown beginning to mutate under the effects of the quantum surge, so this strip follows up on that by using their toy-only Transmetal forms. It seems that the writer had only learned of Scorponok’s Transmetal form from the Beast Wars Sourcebook, unaware that it originated as a McDonalds Happy Meal toy. Iguanus is female here, at Villa’s suggestion: “That's my personal contribute to the plot :) I though that Iguanus was a "she" since IDW's first BW miniseries by Figueroa and Furman. Don't know why ^^”. The name “Iguaness” was slightly revised from Stiffey’s suggestion for the character, “Iguaniss”. Obviously, as she has no speaking role in the comic, the extent of the effect this has on the strip is that she appears with boobs and lipstick; you can check out all of Stiffey’s designs below. Zac DeBoard’s original script was slightly different to the finished product; I’ve also reproduced that below with his notes. Fair warning, we’re about to get a bunch of Franco Villa strips in a row; per a later comment of his on TFW2005: “I'm afraid I clogged the project and I'm very sorry for this: I made some timing mistakes in sending the pieces and I ended up piling them up in a very short time span. After this bulk, however, I slowed down everything, in order to give room back to other authors (as it must be).”
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Panel 1.
(A three fingered metallic clawed hand is digging through what looks like rock.)
CAPTION: It took us stellar cycles to dig our way out of the hardened magma.
Panel 2.
(another image of the hand, this time showing more of the arm.  This is transmetal Terrorsaur.  Nearby another arm, golden, and mechanical with a scorpion claw at the end is digging at another area.  This is transmetal Scorponok)
CAPTION: Chances are we've been presumed dead by Maximal and Predacon alike.
CAPTION: If that quantum surge hadn't hit the two of us before we fell into the lava, we would be.
Panel 3.
(Here there would be a flashback image of Terrorsaur and Scorponok falling into the lava as the Transwarp energy that created the Transmetals washes over them)
CAPTION: But now we have returned and both Primal and Megatron will suffer our wrath.
Panel 4.
Terrorsaur and Scorponok are free.  They are in the ruins of the Darksyde.  Terrorsaur has his hands up in the air as if he was claiming victory. Before he can act further, he and Scorponok find themselves surrounded by LioConvoy and the newest incarnation of the Pack (*see notes)
WASPINATOR: "Waspinator do good?"
LIOCONVOY:  "Your knowledge of the planet and your former comrades has been invaluable. Although I'm quite surprised to find these Preds functioning"
TERRORSAUR:  "What the Pit is this?"
LIOCONVOY: "The Beast Wars have been over for years.  We're just here to tidy up loose ends and preserve history. Surrender and come peacefully or fight and come in pieces."
Panel 5.
Terrorsaur and Scorponok raise there hands in surrender.  Terrorsaur sighs.
TERRORSAUR: I should've stayed in stasis lock..." This is the original version of the Beast Wars story I wanted to do for Mosaic. We are going in a slightly different direction with it, so, once I had permission, I thought I would post it and let you guys read it. Lemme know what you think.
This is written as it would be for an actual Mosaic, with Panel descriptions and what not. These are the original notes I wrote.
NOTES: Scorponok is based on his transmetal form from the Beast Wars Sourcebook although his head would be closer in looks to his original.
Maybe as the 2 Preds are coming out of the lava, Megatron's rubber duckie could be laying on the ground.
The Pack...since this takes place after Beast Machines they would all have the new Maximal badge
The new Pack would consist of original members Longrack, Break, Stampy, Mach Kick and LioConvoy (who would appear here in his Lio Prime form which is the Leobreaker mold with the Lioconvoy colors) also Grimlock and transmetal Waspinator who would also now have a maximal badge as well
I have this picture in my head of Stampy holding a huge weapon...like bigger than he is.
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r0ttingsystems-intros · 9 months
Lio convoy (🦁) (frequent fronter)
age : 30s-40s (sheesh)
  gender : : male. (Trans, I've been told I shouldn't lie on this)
      sexuality : some type of queer? Honestly I have no idea anymore
+ +    relationship : : TKN<3 by no one. Because no one loves me
   pronouns !!! : He/him + it/it's is okay
role : : main sexual protector + secondary main protector, insecurity holder, executive dysfunction holder ,some other stuff I'm sure
likes : my son, who Might or might not be a onceler introject in our(ex) partner system (I miss him I miss my son I miss him)+ my goblin of a daughter who's in our system (kys. -🍑)
  dislikes : : the fact that my source is so random, like I know *why* our brain picked me to form but COME ON
      music taste : I don't listen to music often
+ +    height innerworld !!! : 5'6? Idk short
         Source(s) : LioConvoy on YouTube
    Funfact : : my biggest fuckin fear is my source finding out about my existence
Faceclame :
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ephrom · 2 years
Why I Cut Off SeptyPaws
Those of you who follow my Twitter know that I cut off SeptyPaws--because I quite literally tweeted that last night.
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By the sounds of it, I'm far from the only one. Neko Koda--the person behind #SupportSeptySquad--made a post on TwitLonger regarding her decision to cut Septy off.
Meanwhile, a couple of days ago Kumo uploaded a call various people had with Septy--which began with LioConvoy grilling them over a situation I'll go into more detail about in a moment. However, I want to note just how angry and saddened Lio sounds during the call--coming from somebody who has known Lio for half a decade, I can safely say this is the most honestly upset I've ever heard him. To be honest, it actually made me tear up listening to how frustrated somebody who is usually calm and collected even in the face of the worst people was.
Coming from somebody who has known Lio for as long as I have, I know his critics commonly accuse him of being a hothead who goes off on everybody who even slightly wrongs him and will mindlessly scream at anybody who does not agree with whatever they believe. In truth, Lio is one of the most patient and easy to talk to people I have ever come across--it just so happens that the people who levy this accusations against him are not the people who talked to him with an honest conversation in mind. The reality has always been that the only things you need to do if you want to have a pleasant conversation with Lio are not get defensive, not get theatrical, and not lie to him. He is willing to talk basically anything out with the person in question on the condition that you keep your ego at the door and tell him honestly what's going on.
But this post is not about the various slaps Septy has gotten over the past couple of days, nor is it about the fact that he managed to put Lio in an emotional state I've honestly never seen him in before. Instead, I want to talk about what caused me to cut off Septy during this situation--because it's something I really don't feel is talked about enough.
I have two rules when it comes to people I talk to: I do not tolerate dishonesty nor do I tolerate special pleading. In my experience, Septy has engaged in both of these thing multiple times.
Regarding hypocrisy, I want to begin by talking about Septy's recent drawing of CarmenRider being gang raped by Prison Mate Luke and Kai Weiss. The tags for this image on the Rule 34 website include things like "handcuffed," "handcuffs," "non-consensual," "rape," "revenge sex," and "taped mouth."
Now Septy's a NSFW and has used the OCs of other people in the past. For example, at one point Septy made a piece of art of Neko Koda and CarmenRider's character Virgo giving a boob job to CarmenRider's OC. Neko Koda has said she's fine with porn being made of her OC as long as it's not rape porn, and Carmen has said she's fine with porn being made of her OC regardless of what it is, so I don't see an issue with this.
However, the choice to throw two totally random people into this drawing--including one who has basically left the internet because of the backlash they got--just seems uncalled for. Even ignoring my own thoughts on making porn of real people and people's OCs, I personally think the choice to add two people who Carmen has previously gone after--again, one of which was really only guilty of being an opportunistic liar and who basically left commentary all together after being called out--to be fucking terrible. This is especially hypocritical because Septy railed against Carmen using a picture of Neko Koda being raped as a thumbnail for one of her videos--when the picture of Koda, as tasteless and shitty as I thought it was, was both less explicit and didn't have anybody in it other than Koda.
Septy has had two excuses for this:
They were commissioned to make this art.
They made it to get back at Carmen for the thumbnail of Neko Koda being raped.
We'll ignore the fact that these two explanations are totally contradictory--was it made for revenge or to get money?--and instead go through them one by one. If it's the first one, then Lio had already told Septy that they have places to go and people they can talk to if they're ever in exactly this situation. The fact is, "I did it for the money," always an understandable reason for making the art, is not an excuse.
However, I want to break down the second one in a tad more detail because it was honestly the reason I cut Septy off. If Septy really made this piece of art to punish CarmenRider (which, I should note, wouldn't even work because she's made it very clear she is fine with all NSFW artwork of her OCs), then what they engaged in basically amounts to correctional rape through art.
For those unaware, correctional rape is the concept of using rape as a punishment for some crime they admitted--usually stepping out of line in a heavily patriarchal society. For example, a woman who is found to be in a lesbian relationship might be raped as some attempt to "teach her a lesson." It is one of the most evil things a civilization could possibly engage in. Here Septy is bringing back that same concept--and dragging two people into it--against a transgender woman with a girlfriend through art. That is far more tone death than what Carmen did to Neko Koda--which, I want to make it clear, was still terrible in every way.
In general, I've always known Septy to be a bit of a shady character and somebody who appeared to have a bias in their own favor. Outside of some light conversations in Carmen's server, the first real experience I had with them was the video on Kumo's channel with them, Definitely Board Oranges, Neko Koda, Ghetsis, and NazeNation where they all talked about CarmenRider.
I later commented on this video along with Fractured Light.
Outside of Koda commenting asking me for a live debate (which I'll get to in a minute), the only person from that video to comment on it was SeptyPaws, who said the following.
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First off, I just want to point out how they singled out our take on their segment as "awful" and "one-sided." One has to wonder if they thought the rest of my takes were fine, or if they were only paying attention to what I said about them.
I should also note that nothing we did--even according to Septy--would make either myself of Fractured Light hypocrites--that's just not what that word means. For that matter, we were judging the video, not Septy as a person, so asking for elaboration on points made in the video would totally miss the point of commentating on that video specifically. Obviously if I were making sweeping statements about Septy as a person I would ask them for more information, but I was simply judging how they came off in that video.
Anyway, this comment then got tore apart by Fractured Light, Toganium, and Renbo64.
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Meanwhile, Septy was ranting in my Discord DMs about basically the same thing they said in the comments. However, they also told me that everything wrong with the video was really the fault of Kumo, and how if only they had some more time the segment would have been perfect. Mind you, why they were taking my criticisms so personally when they also say the issues with their segment were totally outside their control was something Septy never explained. Nor did they explain, upon further reflection, why exactly any of this new information would disprove what Fractured and I said.
Most of you know what happened next, I had a live debate with Septy, Neko Koda, and Kumo.
At roughly 1:57:00, I asked Septy why they were no longer blaming Kumo for the flaws in their segment/the video more generally in front of Kumo despite doing that in private. The end result was Septy and Kumo going back and forth for a quarter of an hour--in a debate where all three of them were supposed to be fighting me.
Septy's habit of excuse making is also something that has been commented on elsewhere. However, this post is already long enough as it is so I think I'm going to wrap it up. To make it simply, I hope Septy gets better, and I stand by all my defenses of them during the situation with CarmenRider, but their own bad actions cannot be ignored.
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