#Lil Vent
kraken-pint · 10 months
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iguessimfished · 9 days
Another vent thing 😭
Is it normal for your parent to sometimes tell you you're useless/a shame to the family?
Or tell you how they can understand why other parents have killed their kids before?-
I think my parent is just stressed (I think) but a lot of the things they say kinda hurts- idk, i feel like i've just been overdramatic about it.
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scene-royaltylolz · 7 months
(TW: Mini vent not too bad tho)
I've always wanted a certain body type. When I was younger I though skinny = beautiful but my mom showed me these beautiful amazing thick women and so I thought any body shape was wonderful! But then I started to realize these thick women were perfectly curvy and I wasn't thick and curvy, just thick. I started to feel insecure again. My awesome mom tried to help me out again and said "It's either you accept and love your body for what it is or keep chasing things you want and never be fulfilled" and that's when I looked in the mirror more and told myself "damn bitch you smexy!" "You look cute today, slay!" "Thick, fat and perfect!" Now I'm perfectly proud and able to sit up and say I'm chubby and the only curve I got are my back rolls! I love the way I look, you should try it too, you'll finally love yourself for you. I don't know what you look like but I bet you're amazing... I love you <3 /p
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flutteredvoid · 1 year
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troolyart · 4 months
I wanna apologize for the lack of...well, anything lately. Demotivation is hitting me hard in the creative area and life is just getting very busy and expensive rn.
I'll try to post doodles here and there, but completely finished and polished art takes time that I don't have.
Love you guys.
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having. a lot of trouble feeling confident in art...
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cheesysocsandart · 5 months
The anxiety I'm having atm
I mentioned this on my twitter, and well I noticed how much my account has grown here because of TGAMM content I make and im like wow people actually like the junk I make and I made many new friend again. But then I have that anxiety that once I lose my interest in tgamm once "the end" comes out depending if the show is over or not regardless I want work on my oc stuff again & im anxious about losing the friends I made and that all the stuff I make will go down (I dun really pay attain to followers really all that stuff) but you get where im coming from
Speaking of ocs. Me and my friend Jack @jaspiidoodles are working on our own series. I dun wanna say much, but it was a revamped thing of our OCs we had for tgamm. (Gen Cheesy foghorn) Maybe we'll talk about it at some stage, but for now, just a heads up is all, haha.
sry that this is a long post with a lil bit of venting But I do hope people give my new drawings a chance and doc's it's still a silly lil thing. I probably will doodle tgamm ever so often, im not leaving it forever haha
thank you for reading :3
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teddie-laundrybear · 7 months
feeling kinda icky tonight, not sick just not doing great in my lil brain space :(
hoping some avantris and avantrisfam will help but still just not doing that great ,_,
anyway love yall!
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shorukarts · 7 months
Academic validation and practical uni DO NOT get along well I'm dying 🥲🥲🥲
Anyways some belated birthday gifts are on the way starting from October till recent bdays
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iguessimfished · 10 days
Lil vent thing
does anyone else feel like your friends secretly hate you and you're being selfish by making them stay around but you know you're just overthinking it and everything's actually fine because they said so?
I've been just laying in bed and overthinking about speaking to them so I've just been really quiet
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scene-royaltylolz · 4 months
Ngl, I've been scared to make my He/Him pronouns offical cuz I don't wanna seem sensitive or over reacting over pronouns but now idc! If I can't find someone who respects my pronouns, they're out of my life! Idc if I'm "emotional over pronouns!" It's what makes me comfortable and makes me happy! It's He/Him +neos from now on! >:3 Sorry 4 da lil random vent btw XD
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lovelydollparis · 1 year
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I’ve taken to doodling these as a lower effort creative outlet. 
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marchsfreakshow · 4 months
I am truly stuck on all my wips :/
Dunno when I'll come back to them but I'm just not gonna force myself to write anything for now. They'll sound terrible if I force myself to write. :(
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leeeeeeeeech · 7 days
gettin war flashbacks today, might write something on it. For therapy reasons whoooooo
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blot-squisher · 9 months
After a seemingly never ending series of bullshit and unexpected obstacles, I’m finally home. It is 2am my time, I’ve been up since 3am yesterday, and I’m going to sleep. I’ll get to asks when I revive 😆 It’s been a trip y’all. Thank fuck it’s over for now.
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chimkin-samich · 1 year
You know it’s okay to chill right? Don’t listen to anyone who keeps trying to force you to make art. Just chill. Do whatever you want. You got this.
Can I just say that these asks always make us smile and relax a bit, it’s just sweet of y’all who are willing to send an ask and ask us how we’re doing and it’s ok to chill 😭✨
We get a bunch of comments and asks that we end up deleting here and on TikTok cuz it’s just fustrating to see how many ppl continue asking us when we’re gonna post the next act of nebulas
Especially after we specified that we have a lot going on IRL both cuz we’re moving and other issues, like you guys we appreciate how much your into our stuff but honestly the more you ask and pressure it’s just gonna make us wanna block you cuz it’s very infuriating and exhausting
And honestly going forward I think we’re just gonna block ppl cuz it’s very tiring to keep seeing those asks
But to the rest of y’all who ask how we’re doing and are patient, we really appreciate you guys that remember we’re human with our own lives and problems
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