#Kewl Breeze
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heiratemich333 · 2 months
hopefully when i die i just wake up in an obviously 1970s bedroom and some super corny 70s song is playing on vinyl (like right down the line or then came the last days of may) and my window is open and a warm summer breeze is caressing my cheek and im like huh. it was all just a bad dream. and then i get up and look at myself in the mirror and i dont despise what i see so i go out without a worry in the world, i just grab my keys and put on some shoes. the afternoon sun is setting but its still bright and warm outside.. and i walk to my nearest convenience store and buy a soda or strawberries or whatever and go to a park to eat them and look at the pretty cars and pretty people passing by. and listen to the birds go chirp chirp chirp.. i think that would be pretty kewl
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historyhermann · 2 years
From glitches to plain terror: the library as a battlefield...in animation
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Let's hope you never get threatened in a library like this! You don't want the Cass lesbian squad on your case! Haha. I just liked this screenshot from the Tangled episode, "Islands Apart," and I really had to include it, as I think it's relevant, well, sorta, I guess.
There are a number of series where libraries become a battleground. This post will cover animated series, specifically Glitch Techs, The Owl House, Mysticons, Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths, and Legends, and Zevo-3. There are other animations, but they are not talked about in this post. [1]
In the new series, Glitch Techs, which is, admittedly, a bit of an acquired taste. In the episode "Castle Crawl," High-Five (Five) and Miko, the show's protagonists, are thrown into a disorganized library, even worse than the "inner library" in She-Ra: Princess of Power!  This happens while they are fighting a glitch that turned a house into a game. Some skeltons use the book to turn into monsters known as skeltones. That makes this library a virtual library like the ones in Bravest Warriors and Solaris that I talked about last week.
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Miko and Five in the disorganized library
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Five fights a Skelton in the library
Another new series, The Owl House, features libraries too! In the episode "Lost in Language," Luz goes to the library to return Eda's stack of books. She meets the librarian, who is annoyed that most of the books are overdue, and shushes Luz, as do others in the library, making it clear this is a place of study. Later, Luz sees Amity reading in the library to children and is impressed. She talks to Amity about this, who brushes her off, but she then is taken in by Amity's annoying siblings, who convince Luz to break into the library that night, causing a monster to spring from the pages. She is about to work with Amity to fight off the book monster, return it to its normal form, and reconcile with Amity, who is coming around to liking her. Libraries appear in two other episodes in the series, but there aren't battles in the library. [2]
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Mysticons has an episode ("Happily Never After") where there is a fight in the library. The Mysticons are inside the library, trying to stop Proxima from getting starfire ink. [3] While the librarian is curmudgeonly and smug (two big stereotypes), he ultimately helps them and saves them from being trapped in a book world which he had created for them. Sadly, the library is partially destroyed during the battle with Proxima, but most books are left untouched. It is worth noting that the library is only accessible with specific permission, a bit archivy, as it is a "special library," which I've talked about on this blog before. Another episode of the series also mentions a library, but it is a minor mention. [4]
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Mysticons in the library
Oh, and there is a fight in the dimly-lit library between the protagonist, Nick Logan, and a monster in the Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths, and Legends episode, "Peacemaker." So, it becomes a battlefield, for sure! I counted, and the scene in the library is about a minute long. It includes the alien shooting rockets at Nick, and Nick pushing over bookcases in an attempt to kill the alien. Nick, who rides into the room on a carpet, is able to push one alien out of the room by pushing a chair toward them and causing them to crash out the window. Nick fails to defeat the other alien, even after trying to push him down and throw a globe at him. In the process, Nick basically destroys the library, just like the fight between Diana Prince/Wonder Woman and Katana in an episode of DC Super Hero Girls.
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Library before the battle
The saddest is the old female librarian, at the school library, in the first episode of Zevo-3 who is arrested for illegal acts she didn't commit! And the protagonist (Matt Martin/Kewl Breeze), the brother of Ellie Martin/Elastika, doesn't care at all about her! What a jerk! Ultimately this series is ok, but the fact he does this in the show's first episode put a really bad taste in my mouth and it does not set a good role model! Also, the librarian is old and doddering, yet another stereotype.
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Old female librarian arrested; the librarian is voiced by Tara Strong
Someone needs to strike back at that jerk kid… I think that the Cass lesbian squad needs to come back, ha. That kid needs a lesson in how to treat people right.
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That's all for this post.
© 2020 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] I'm not talking, in this episode, about the Neo Yokio episode, "O, The Helenists," where protagonist Kaz Khan chases a demon, which possessed an object through the library in his alma mater, or the first episode of Abraca, titled "The Kiss of the Frog," where the witch uses the library, as both are minor mentions of libraries. I'm also not talking about Futurama here, as I wrote about that previously, or the fight during an episode of DC Super Hero Girls in the library itself. There are also fights in three Kampfer episodes ("Destiny ~The Chosen Ones~," "Glow ~The Fight of Death Starts~," and "Lily ~~The Secret Flower Garden~") within the library as well, but due to the mature content of the anime, and the fact that I'm ambivalent about it, I don't think I'll post about it here.
[2] In the episode "Sense and Insensitivity," there is a party for King's book, Ruler's Reach, at the public library, Bonesborough Library, which Luz and others attend. Later the publisher comes to Luz, walking through the library stacks, to offer her a chance to be a writer. Also, in the episode "Witches Before Wizards," Luz and the tiny dragon, "King," travel to a castle, where they deliver a package and they meet a wizard who is within a huge library with many volumes. No librarian per say is seen, but if Atacus, the wizard is the de facto librarian, he is white, has a long beard, and glasses. Eda and King later go to the castle and find it destroyed, with all sorts of scrolls saying the "chosen one"; later it turns out the wizard is a fraud and is not a wizard at all.
[3] The IMDB description of the episode makes the role of the library very apparent: "the Mysticons must stop Proxima from acquiring star-fire ink from a legendary library, but find themselves trapped in the librarian's magical tome."
[4] In the episode "Eternal Starshine of the Mage's Mind," the Mysticons travel through Proxima's dreams, including entering The Library of the Eternal Equinox, which astromancers have access to.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Library Review and Wayback Machine
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mlgneverdies · 3 years
I have decided to lead the "Zevo-3 for Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl" campaign since no one else will
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Feel free to join me
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eezyseven · 5 years
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[COMMISSION] Kewl Breeze Lori
Commissioned by Whotoonhouse75.
This was commissioned to me by a friend of mine on Deviantart. I think this came out well. I especially like how I drew normal Lori here.
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almightyhamslice · 3 years
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Just like I do every month, I made this as an art trade with a friend of mine!
She asked me to draw Cortex and her OC, Pytho, working on a new weapon... I was really pumped to draw Pytho bc I like his design a lot, he’s pretty kewl. Plus I liked drawing his funny little dragon head hands. The background was pretty experimental on my part, I tried out a few atypical brushes to paint it and limited my color palette to not use green or turquoise in the piece, other than the lime green present as small accents. 
All in all, I had a good time. Coloring is always the best part of any trade, and I breezed through it because I enjoyed it so much! 
This piece is intended to be a parallel to this artwork, from back in April. It is a little smaller, but I feel like this piece is more refined. I’m not sure.
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janghoefett · 3 years
💗 - fav artists?
This is hard, I’m scared! I’m all over the place but I enjoy a lot of the artists I see here on Tumblr like you (💗) and  @professordekuiper (nsfw boba art has saved my life)... @aesnawan has a lot of amazing stuff. I know for a FACT I can’t think of everyone right now ahhh 😤😤😤 ahhh @samrubio and @lilhawkeye3 of course!
⚡️ - fav weather?
There is no in between for me, I like it when it’s dry and hot like the desert or when it's kewl and CRISP. Like warm desert nights when the sun isn’t out, but it’s still warm and maybe there’s a breeze? Perfection.
☁️ - last dream you remember?
Omg i’m scared cause i told my friends about this and if they find my blog they’ll know, but Pedro Pascal owned a pizzeria and he was like a really innovative restaurateur. So embarrassing. So out of character for me. (Remarkably, it’s the only dream I’ve had related whatsoever to The Mandalorian)
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oneschneepr · 5 years
(Might be bombarding you with too many questions) Can I make my own divergenttale character? Or do you have to have some specific traits? I absolutely loooove the idea~
No problem go ahead! Spill out your creativity ùwú
At least you get the point of “their spirit differences”.
Note: Imagine that casual doesn’t exactly exist in this realm (cloth). So we stuck to a theme that may look kewl ;v but you got the freedom to design how ya want your so to be no worries.
Danger Negative
99% negative, no excuses. 1% good. (Get away from Ashe type xD)
- 90% negative, Incredibly weak when feeling something positive (it’s gotta be mild) 10%
Neutral Negative
- 70% negative and 30% positive, if too much from positive it can be fatal.
-(these are super rare, it takes something special to make someone neutral)
Neutral positive 
-70% positive and 30% negative, if too much from negative it can be fatal.
- 90% positive, Incredibly weak when feeling something negative (it’s gotta be mild) 10%
Healthy Positive
99% positive beans. 1% bad. (Like Breeze!)
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josefmojica · 5 years
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It's been a while since I uploaded anything Loud House related. This is a commission done of Leni with a superhero version of her called Kewl Breeze Leni. If you want a commission done from me, just DM me and we'll iron out the details. #jfmart #theloudhouse #loudhouse #leniloud #commission https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zSXxCHQvw/?igshid=ts9p5y0itur7
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chewie-redbird · 4 years
Country Love : Part 1 “Home Again”
Author : chewie-redbird
Word Count : 2,397
Warnings : none
Summary : Havana ‘H’ West returns to her hometown of Spence’s Bridge, the home she avoided since her mom’s death two years before. Havana comes back for a much needed vacay, her family’s 39th Annual Weekend Business Break. Back to Ruth’s Inn and Bar, which is run by her family’s friends, the Daniels. Back to where she left her heart, back to the one who is her whole world. Back to him, back to Alex Daniels, back to her ex and his family. The family she cut all ties with after her mom and then her breakup with Alex. Havana is nervous as it will be the first time she will see him since he left her in Kamloops.
Characters : all OC characters (Havana ‘H’ West, Alexander ‘Alex’ Daniels, Ashley ‘Ash’ Daniels, Ruth Daniels, Geogre Daniels, Magnolia Bree, Sam Keller, Heath James, Talia Knight, Angel West, Marisa Yamelst, Tom Yamelst, Ray Yamelst, Hannah Yamelst, Faye Roberts, Ethan Garcia & Aaron Hansen)
A/N : Uh this was a dream I had and thought it be a kewl (cool) story and decided to share it, so hope y’all enjoy it!!!
I haven’t been home in forever…
I miss it…
As I drive by the familiar Fruit Stand on the side of the highway that soon overlooks the small town. I can see my Grandpa Tom’s place on the other side of the river on the rez. My home where I grew up, where my heart is and where I never ever want to leave again after coming here.
As I drive up to the turn off that leads to the middle of this small town called Spence’s Bridge. Nothing big, just a small town where people pass by as the highway runs along the side. You can see the whole town from the highway, it spread into three parts.
The Yamelst Rez is the rez my family lives on, it’s the first part you see when you come into Spence’s Bridge. Its located on the other side of the Thompson River and its where the Thompson and Nicola rivers connect. My grandpa’s house is visible from the highway, the only blue house in the front line of the rez. Up top is my Aunty Barb and Uncle Cliff’s place, with some family spread in between.
The “downtown” area is just the Baits Motel where a scene was shot there for the movie An Unfinished Life. Some homes, the Log Cabin biker bar and then the main attraction, Ruth’s Inn & Bar. The bridge the town’s known for connects the downtown with the other side. A road before the bridge goes down to the post office that used to be the old school.
On the other side of the bridge towards the south is the other rez, simply the South Rez. Here is the Spence’s Bridge Inn, the Community Hall, a thrift shop run by my Aunty Vera. Further down, is the rez part, home to my Aunty Vera’s house and some other homes. Another little thrift shop is here, also a common playground, the old church and a community place.
Ruth’s Inn & Bar was two buildings, a three story inn consisting of twenty rooms; five of which were the presidential suites on the top floor. The Daniel’s bought the land from the Cook’s Ferry Band a long time ago, like seven generations ago. The band office was here but it moved to where the old post office was that also hosts the baseball field. Ruth’s Inn expanded into where people’s homes were, buying them out about four generations ago. Then the bar was built, becoming a separate building itself out back, with a balcony walkway connecting the two buildings. The driveway was connected to the main road, which it went down and snaked back along the bottom of the hill the road was on. Which then leads to a small parking lot, I pulled up to a spot I claimed for myself when I was a teenager. That was located towards the hill near the highway in the far southeast corner.
I parked my beautiful sparkly black with bright red interior 1963 Mercury Comet Convertible. God, I love this car, my Mom bought me this when she went down to Vancouver before my 16th birthday. I have been taken care of it ever since…. Wow... that was like five years ago. A lot has changed since then, my Mom died of sickness two years ago, and I lost the one person I thought was gonna be there for me forever a month after.
I grab my wine red purse I bought my Mom when she was in the hospital, I’ve claimed as to keep her near me. Even though I have her rings on my necklace I bought off the internet, a replica of The Vampire Diaries necklace Elena had. I also got a gold version too, but the chain broke so I keep it at home among the other jewelry. I grab the red and black suitcases that were my Moms, and wheel them into the lobby.
I look around, memories flying at me as I walk through the beautiful sky blue front doors. I look around drinking in the familiar feeling of being here again, it’s been a while. I barely notice when this person comes up to me asking something,
“What? I’m sorry, I was distracted by looking around. My name is Havana West, I have a reservation” I say reaching my hand out to shake theirs,
“Oh you’re Havana! I’ve heard so much about you already, my name is Magnolia Bree. I started to work here a year ago, when my family moved here. Here are your keys, you have three of the presidential suites booked. Everyone is ablazed with talk of the infamous Havana West returning to Ruth’s” Magnolia tells me, with a kind smile as her shoulder length sunshine wavy blonde hair moves every time she does. Her sapphire blue eyes sparkled even inside the lobby. She's wearing a yellow crop top, a size-to-big black and white plaid shirt open over it with white jean shorts. Complete with simple brown boots, a cute gold star necklace and a beautiful small sapphire ring.
“Um, not to seem rude and all, but can you please not call me Havana, it’s the name my Mom had gavin’ me and it’s just...” I simply say with my eyes glossing over, as it was the first time someone called me that since my Mom herself,
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry! I completely forgot what happened! Please forgive me, I just got so excited to meet you I ended up putting my foot in my mouth” Magnolia apologises while smiling sadly as her shoulders tense up,
“It’s okay. You didn’t know, it’s all good, just call me H” I tell her as she seems to relax again.
I smile back at her, seeing as I turn to start to walk up stairs when I hear Magnolia say,
“Sam! Come get H’s bags for her will ya!” she smiles when someone comes into her view, I’ve known that smile,
I’m about to protest when this tall as hell teenager came running up wearing a white tank top, dark wash jeans and cowboy boots. He is sharing her smile as well and it’s clear there is a connection. He’s dark brown hair long enough to cover his hazel eyes messy and all over like he didn’t care.
“No need, I can take my bags up Sam” I try to tell him,
“No, it’s my job ma’am” Sam says grabbing my suitcases as keep Magnolia’s stare,
“Thanks and don’t call me ma’am, I'm only twenty-one” I say laughing walking up the stairs as I hear him fallow,
“Yes ma’am” he says laughing following me up the stairs.
We make it to the little lobby area right above the lobby, meant for the presidential suites. I walk in the middle looking around, seeing the country feel mixed perfectly with the elite taste of a New Yorker.
“Here” I say turning to Sam handing him a twenty dollar bill,
“Thanks H” Sam says smiling, as he turns to head downstairs,
“Hey Sam, take care of her,” I say to him as he looked confused, then understanding what I meant,
“How? And I will” Sam says as he looks at me,
“The smile, I’ve known that smile,” I say as he returns downstairs, leaving me to look around.
Oh yeah I guess I should explain myself abit, my name is Havana West but everyone calls me H, I never felt like an Ava or Ana. I got my name from Cuba’s capital, cause my Mom loved Dirty Dancing : Havana Nights and was apparently conceived from her late B-Day vacay. I was an only child of Angel West, we were very close, everyone says we were more like sisters than mother and daughter. So it devastated me when she got sick and the horrible moment where I had to pull the plug and let her go. Now before you get judgy on me, just know it was a promise I made to my Mom, she told me if it ever came to the point if she lived on a machine or was let go, to let her go because she didn’t want to live on a machine.
I look at the golden keys, we had rooms 3, 4 and 5 to me and my family. I look at them all, rooms 3 and 4 were okay, but room 5 took my breath away. The room was like a dream come true, it was filled with an amazing red with gold and silver highlights throughout the room.
The room leads to a large queen sized bed, covered in a red silk sheet, with gold-sheer curtains over head. Near the door, was the door that lead to the big bathroom, fit for a queen. It had red and gold marble flooring, the counter was the same. The sink was a deep wine red same with the toilet. The towels were red with gold fleur de lis and silver leaves and vines wrapping around them. I look as the walk-in shower’s tiles were red, with silver speckle and big enough to fit five people. Even came with a seat attached to the wall…..huh…..wonder what stories this shower would say if it could.
I leave the bathroom, walking to the middle of the room, seeing the cherry red-stained-wood dressers next to the bed. They had gold handles with silver fleur de lis on the drawers. I start to unpack as I look around, see the wine red couch in front of a big screen TV attached to the wall. A beautiful gold chandelier was above the room making it look classy and elegant.
There was a double doors that lead to a small balcony, the curtains were sheer deep-red with gold fleur de lis and silver leaves and vines wrapping around them. I opened the door, and walked out, looking around as a breeze sent my shoulder-length dark brown roots and platinum-light blonde hair and the curtains to blow around like in a music video. I smile as memories were coming at me like fans when outside a concert of their favourite singer.
I turn to go back in, deciding on walking around for a bit before letting the family who owns this place know I'm here. I leave my room and head downstairs, seeing Magnolia and Sam flirting back and forth. Ah, to be a teen in love again, I know it wasn’t so long since I have been there. But it feels like eons past since I seen him, or even talked with him. It feels weird to no to talk with him... even being this close to him after what happened.
But I shake my head, he’s not the reason I came home, it was my family’s annual get together. But sadly a lot of them can’t make it due to obligations to the family company, W&Y Industries. So it just be my Grandpa Tom, Aunty Marisa, Uncle Stephan, Grandma Darlene, Uncle Raymond and Aunty Hannah. My little cousins Peyton, Ramsey and baby Julia are being taken cared by my assistant Klare at my Grandpa’s for the night. It’s only a five minute drive from here, so it is not bad, they need a night away.
I left the lobby area, it's really this long hallway from the front doors pointing east, towards the back doors that lead to a walk. It was a balcony/cover walkway, with the balcony/cover that lead to the little lobby upstairs for the presidential suites. The balcony/cover walkway leads to the bar out back, I spent many nights here back in highschool. It was the only bar that let sixteen and over, since the other bar, The Log Cabin, was strictly eighteen and over.
But before I went in, I walked the perimeter, a huge field basically of soft grass fenced off. There were flowers and trees all over, my favourite was the willow trees and roses. Rose bushes were lined along the buildings with lavender planted every now and then. Towards the south, there was my favourite spot, it was a fake-natural pool, with two willow trees on the right and left. It wasn’t huge, but not small either, but it was big enough for thirty people to use it…..don’t ask me how I know.
I went to sit at the edge, took off my brown boots, rolled up my jeans and dipped my feet in the warm water. Ahhhh, I haven’t done this since, basically two years ago, after my Mom died. I have been busy with schooling, attending Thompson Rivers University, a business diploma program, which was hard work. But I may have thrown myself into it after my Mom, making me lose touch with everyone. Even the one I didn’t mean to cut out, the one I wanted to be near me.
After sitting there for a while, listening to Shania Twain, I got up, shook my legs, rolling down my jeans and put on my boots. I walked into the bar, looking around as memories flooded my mind again. The dance floor was basically the whole floor, with red booths along the walls, big corner booths, a small stage a little ways to the left across from the front door. The bar was still the cherry-red-stained wood, the stools a bright red with silver legs. I see the red door down south from the front door, that lead to the kitchen in the back toward the east.
I look over to the right, see the red stairs that lead up to the VIP section up top. There were two big rooms above the kitchen for groups of people, me and my friends used them for celebrations. Upstairs was also a door that lead to the balcony/walkway that lead outside and connected the Inn with the Bar. Along the room with the dance floor, it was lined with red couches facing the dance floor. With some small gold side tables on the ends of the couches so people could place their drinks or food. I just looked around, still the same old black paint, covered in memories from years uses.
I was lost in thought when I heard a loud scream, a loud thud and then this person comes running and almost tackled me to the ground…..
masterlist : @daydreamingfairy @mummybear @bilesbilinskix @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @obrosey-af @hayley-noelle-salvatore19 @seashellrosekitty uh if you want just ask to be added!!
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eagc1995 · 5 years
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(Commission) Kewl Breeze Lori and Leni 
Commissioned by Whotoonhouse75
Art by me
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“What?” Disbelief made Jace feel slightly dizzy. “I thought you came down right on the side of go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars. ‘The Law is the Law, Isabelle.’ What was all that you were spouting?” Alec looked astonished. “You can’t have thought I meant that. I just wanted the Inquisitor to trust me so she wouldn’t be watching me all the time like she’s watching Izzy and Max. She knows they’re on your side.” “And you? Are you on my side?” Jace could hear the roughness in his own question and was almost overwhelmed by how much the answer meant to him. “I’m with you,” Alec said, “always.”
“I am.” Jace took a bite of the apple; juice ran down his hands and sizzled in the blue flames that cuffed his wrists. “Did you text Clary?” “No. Isabelle won’t let me into her room. She just throws things against the door and screams. She said if I came in she’d jump out the window. She’d do it too.” “Probably.” “I get the feeling,” Alec said, and smiled, “she hasn’t forgiven me for betraying you, as she sees it.” “Good girl,” said Jace with appreciation. “I didn’t betray you, idiot.” “It’s the thought that counts.”
“Isabelle!” Alec pounded on his sister’s door. “Isabelle, open the door. I know you’re in there.” The door opened a crack. Alec tried to peer through it, but no one appeared to be on the other side. “She doesn’t want to talk to you,” said a well-known voice. Alec glanced down and saw gray eyes glaring at him from behind a bent pair of spectacles. “Max,” he said. “Come on, little brother, let me in.” “I don’t want to talk to you either.” Max started to push the door shut, but Alec, quick as a flick of Isabelle’s whip, wedged his foot into the gap. “Don’t make me knock you over, Max.” “You wouldn’t.” Max pushed back with all his might. “No, but I might go get our parents, and I have a feeling Isabelle doesn’t want that. Do you, Izzy?” he demanded, pitching his voice loud enough for his sister, inside the room, to hear. “Oh, for God’s sake.” Isabelle sounded furious. “All right, Max. Let him in.” Max stepped away and Alec pushed his way in, letting the door swing half-shut behind him. Isabelle was kneeling in the embrasure of the window beside her bed, her gold whip coiled around her left arm. She was wearing her hunting gear, the tough black trousers and skintight shirt with their silvery, near-invisible design of runes. Her boots were buckled up to her knees and her black hair whipped in the breeze from the open window. She glared at him, reminding him for a moment of nothing more than Hugo, Hodge’s black raven. “What the hell are you doing? Trying to get yourself killed?” he demanded, striding furiously across the room toward his sister. Her whip snaked out, coiling around his ankles. Alec stopped dead, knowing that with a single flick of her wrist Isabelle could jerk him off his feet and land him in a trussed bundle on the hardwood floor. “Don’t come any closer to me, Alexander Lightwood,” she said in her angriest voice. “I’m not feeling very charitable toward you at the moment.” “Isabelle—” “How could you just turn on Jace like that? After all he’s been through? And you swore that oath to watch out for each other too—” “Not,” he reminded her, “if it meant breaking the Law.” “The Law!” Isabelle snapped in disgust. “There’s a higher law than the Clave, Alec. The law of family. Jace is your family.” “The law of family? I’ve never heard of that before,” Alec said, nettled. He knew he ought to be defending himself, but it was hard not to be distracted by the lifelong habit of correcting one’s younger siblings when they were wrong. “Could that be because you just made it up?” Isabelle flicked her wrist. Alec felt his feet go out from under him and twisted to absorb the impact of falling with his hands and wrists. He landed, rolled onto his back, and looked up to see Isabelle looming over him. Max was beside her. “What should we do with him, Maxwell?” Isabelle asked. “Leave him tied up here for the parents to find?” Alec had had enough. He whipped a blade from the sheath at his wrist, twisted, and slashed it through the whip around his ankles. The electrum wire parted with a snap and he sprang to his feet as Isabelle drew her arm back, the wire hissing around her. A low chuckle broke the tension. “All right, all right, you’ve tortured him enough. I’m here.” Isabelle’s eyes flew wide. “Jace!” “The same.” Jace ducked into Isabelle’s room, shutting the door behind him. “No need for the two of you to fight—” He winced as Max careened into him, yelping his name. “Careful there,” he said, gently disentangling the boy. “I’m not in the best shape right now.” “I can see that,” Isabelle said, her eyes raking him anxiously. His wrists were bloody, his fair hair was plastered sweatily to his neck and forehead, and his face and hands were stained with dirt and ichor. “Did the Inquisitor hurt you?” “Not too badly.” Jace’s eyes met Alec’s across the room. “She just locked me up in the weapons gallery. Alec helped me get out.” The whip drooped in Isabelle’s hand like a flower. “Alec, is that true?” “Yes.” Alec brushed dust from the floor off his clothes with deliberate ostentation. He couldn’t resist adding: “So there.” “Well, you should have said.” “And you should have had some faith in me—” “Enough. There’s no time for bickering,” Jace said. “Isabelle, what kind of weapons do you have in here? And bandages, any bandages?” “Bandages?” Isabelle set her whip down and took her stele out of a drawer. “I can fix you up with an iratze—” Jace raised his wrists. “An iratze would be good for my bruises, but it won’t help these. These are rune burns.” They looked even worse in the bright light of Isabelle’s room—the circular scars were black and cracked in places, oozing blood and clear fluid. He lowered his hands as Isabelle paled. “And I’ll need some weapons, too, before I—” “Bandages first. Weapons later.” She set her stele down on top of the dresser and herded Jace into the bathroom with a basketful of ointments, gauze pads, and bandage strips. Alec watched them through the half-open door, Jace leaning against the sink as his adoptive sister sponged his wrists and wrapped them in white gauze. “Okay, now take your shirt off.” “I knew there was something in this for you.” Jace slid off his jacket and drew his T-shirt over his head, wincing. His skin was pale gold, layered over hard muscle. Black ink Marks twined his slim arms. A mundane might have thought the white scars that snowflaked Jace’s skin, remnants of old runes, made him less than perfect, but Alec didn’t. They all had those scars; they were badges of honor, not flaws. Jace, seeing Alec watching him through the half-open door, said, “Alec, can you get the phone?” “It’s on the dresser.” Isabelle didn’t look up. She and Jace were conversing in low tones; Alec couldn’t hear them, but suspected this was because they were trying not to scare Max. Alec looked. “It’s not on the dresser.” Isabelle, tracing an iratze on Jace’s back, swore in annoyance. “Oh, hell. I left my phone in the kitchen. Crap. I don’t want to go looking for it in case the Inquisitor’s around.” “I’ll get it,” Max offered. “She doesn’t care about me, I’m too young.” “I suppose.” Isabelle sounded reluctant. “What do you need the phone for, Alec?” “We just need it,” Alec said impatiently. “Izzy—” “If you’re texting Magnus to say ‘I think u r kewl,’ I’m going to kill you.” “Who’s Magnus?” Max inquired. “He’s a warlock,” said Alec. “A sexy, sexy warlock,” Isabelle told Max, ignoring Alec’s look of total fury. “But warlocks are bad,” protested Max, looking baffled. “Exactly,” said Isabelle. “I don’t understand,” said Max. “But I’m going to get the phone. I’ll be right back.” He slipped out the door as Jace pulled his shirt and jacket back on and came back into the bedroom, where he commenced looking for weapons in the piles of Isabelle’s belongings that were strewn around the floor. Isabelle followed him, shaking her head. “What’s the plan now? Are we all leaving? The Inquisitor’s going to freak when she finds out you’re not there anymore.” “Not as much as she’ll freak when Valentine turns her down.” Tersely, Jace outlined the Inquisitor’s plan. “The only problem is, he’ll never go for it.” “The—the only problem?” Isabelle was so furious she was almost stuttering, something she hadn’t done since she was six. “She can’t do that! She can’t just trade you away to a psychopath! You’re a member of the Clave! You’re our brother!” “The Inquisitor doesn’t think so.” “I don’t care what she thinks. She’s a hideous bitch and she has got to be stopped.” “Once she finds out her plan is seriously flawed, she might be able to be talked down,” Jace observed. “But I’m not sticking around to find out. I’m getting out of here.” “It’s not going to be easy,” Alec said. “The Inquisitor’s got this place locked up tighter than a pentagram. You know there are guards downstairs? She’s called in half the Conclave.” “She must think highly of me,” said Jace, tossing aside a pile of magazines. “Maybe she’s not wrong.” Isabelle looked at him thoughtfully. “Did you seriously jump thirty feet out of a Malachi Configuration? Did he, Alec?” “He did,” Alec confirmed. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” “I’ve never seen anything like this.” Jace lifted a ten-inch dagger from the floor. One of Isabelle’s pink brassieres was speared on the wickedly sharp tip. Isabelle snatched it off, scowling. “That’s not the point. How did you do it? Do you know?” “I jumped.” Jace pulled two razor-edged spinning disks out from under the bed. They were covered in gray cat hair. He blew on them, scattering fur. “Chakhrams. Cool. Especially if I meet any demons with serious dander allergies.” Isabelle thwacked him with the bra. “You’re not answering me!” “Because I don’t know, Izzy.” Jace scrambled to his feet. “Maybe the Seelie Queen was right. Maybe I have powers I don’t even know about because I’ve never tested them. Clary certainly does.” Isabelle wrinkled her forehead. “She does?” Alec’s eyes widened suddenly. “Jace—is that vampire cycle of yours still up on the roof?” “Possibly. But it’s daylight, so it’s not much use.” “Besides,” Isabelle pointed out, “we can’t all fit on it.” Jace slid the chakhrams onto his belt, along with the ten-inch dagger. Several angel blades went into his jacket pockets. “That doesn’t matter,” he said. “You’re not coming with me.” Isabelle spluttered. “What do you mean, we’re not—” She broke off as Max returned, out of breath and clutching her battered pink phone. “Max, you’re a hero.” She snatched the phone from him, shooting a glare at Jace. “I’ll get back to you in a minute. Meanwhile, who are we calling? Clary?” “I’ll call her—,” Alec began. “No.” Isabelle batted his hand away. “She likes me better.” She was already dialing; she stuck her tongue out as she held the phone up to her ear. “Clary? It’s Isabelle. I—What?” The color in her face vanished as if it had been wiped away, leaving her gray and staring. “How is that possible? But why—” “How is what possible?” Jace was at her side in two strides. “Isabelle, what’s happened? Is Clary—” Isabelle drew the phone away from her ear, her knuckles white. “It’s Valentine. He’s taken Simon and Maia. He’s going to use them to perform the Ritual.” In one smooth motion, Jace reached over and plucked the phone out of Isabelle’s hand. He put it to his ear. “Drive to the Institute,” he said. “Don’t come in. Wait for me. I’ll meet you outside.” He snapped the phone shut and handed it to Alec. “Call Magnus,” he said. “Tell him to meet us down by the waterfront in Brooklyn. He can pick the place, but it should be somewhere deserted. We’re going to need his help getting to Valentine’s ship.” “We?” Isabelle perked up visibly. “Magnus, Luke, and myself,” Jace clarified. “You two are staying here and dealing with the Inquisitor for me. When Valentine doesn’t come through with his part of her deal, you’re the ones who are going to have to convince her to send all the backup the Conclave has got after Valentine.” “I don’t get it,” Alec said. “How do you plan to get out of here in the first place?” Jace grinned. “Watch,” he said, and jumped up onto Isabelle’s windowsill. Isabelle cried out, but Jace was already ducking through the window opening. He balanced for a moment on the sill outside—and then he was gone. Alec raced to the window and stared out in horror, but there was nothing to see: just the garden of the Institute far below, brown and empty, and the narrow path that led up to the front door. There were no screaming pedestrians on Ninety-sixth Street, no cars pulled over at the sight of a falling body. It was as if Jace had vanished into thin air.
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gainsayer · 5 years
Royal Botanic Kew Gardens Are Royally Kewl
Royal Botanic Kew Gardens Are Royally Kewl
Autumn possesses an uncanny magic, through its vibrant colours, suave light and gentle breezes. Reconnecting with nature is a core trait of this season, as the falling leaves form fragrant carpets that epitomise this time of year. If you happen to be in London, one of the most mesmeric experiences, is to visit the Royal Botanic Kew Gardens, a World Heritage Site founded in 1840 — which used to be…
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