#Like I get why
kingtuna · 4 months
ever since I knew of the existence of the aurebesh "alphabet" I've found it so funny that the letters have actual different names, but they don't use them
for example when saying CC or CT they say cee-cee and cee-tee and not cresh-cresh and cresh-trill
like bby gurl that doesn't exist but go for it
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sapphire600 · 8 months
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(Like, I get it. It’s serious time and the TVA is in danger but if you yell at Mobius like that again-)
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figsbass · 8 months
brian murphy is obviously uploading the episode late so as to not distract me because i have two midterms tomorrow. and for that i thank him 😌
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saurophaganax · 1 year
I think the greatest disservice ever done to prehistoric animals, specifically dinosaurs, is to equate primitive = not intelligent or not as "advanced".
Like, it bothers me that most people have this unchecked thought process towards prehistoric animals to think they're underdeveloped in some way just because they lived millions of years ago, or that evolution hadn't "figured it out".
Dinosaurs were no more or less advanced than any of us and it's a telling assumption to believe that this time currently is the end result to millions of years of evolution, when we are still in the midst of change and life.
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foolofatook001 · 1 year
She’s not stupid, okay. She knows that no one trusts the Traveler—Artagan, whatever— no matter how much they all say We’re with you, Jester. She’s seen them in their little worried huddles off to the side, Beau and Fjord and Caduceus, and she knows when they’ve been talking about her and the Traveler because they all have That Expression on their face. That pursed-lips Mmmm I don’t like this but I am keeping my mouth shut right now expression. That Mmmm my god is a real god and a lot better than Jester’s fake god expression. (And of course the Traveler is still basically a real, almost-god, even if he doesn’t want to be as much of a god anymore! Jester just knows that that’s kind of what they’re thinking when they have That Look on their faces.) 
And they’re her friends, and Jester loves them, and she knows they love her and they want her to be safe. 
But. But. The Traveler was Jester’s first friend, and her best friend, and for a long time her only friend, so it hurts that the rest of Jester’s friends don’t… see that.
And Fjord’s one to talk, too— wasn’t he doing stupid things for Uk’otoa (Uk’otoa) not too long ago? But he follows the Wildmother, so obviously he knows everything now!
All right, Jester knows that’s a little mean. She remembers him promising her Mama that he would protect her. He just wants to keep her safe, and he’s said as much; he’s been burned by his own experiences and he doesn’t want her to get hurt the same way. 
(And she has been hurt. Is hurt. There are a few things that she’s never going to draw out in her sketchbook, the kind of things that she just wants to cry out while curled up in her Mama’s lap like she’s little again. The kind of things that she can’t even tell the Traveler, because right now he needs her help, so he needs her to be strong and he needs her to be happy.)
But even so, she KNOWS the Traveler, knows him better than Fjord ever knew his stupid snea snake, even if she didn’t know him as well as she thought she did. He may be tricksy, but she still trusts him, because he’s promised time and again that she is his first, his favorite, and he will not leave her, not forever. And none of her friends seem to believe her when she tells them this!
“I’d like to be there to help you walk the path you’re on, and…keep things from getting out of hand,” says Caduceus’s slow, deep voice.
“Sure, Jester,” says Beau, “but you know you’re the one who does all the amazing stuff, right? Not him.” 
“Arch means evil, doesn’t it?” Nott’s worried, reedy voice says. “It’s only used in bad things!”
The silence from everybody but Caleb after the Traveler says, “As long as you have her around, you’ll have me around,” speaks volumes and volumes. A whole Cobalt Soul library. 
And that hurts just as much. 
If Artagan told her, right this second, that he was going to go off to travel through the planes and he wanted her to come with him… 
She isn’t sure she would tell him no.
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ambrosethedarling · 2 years
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I’ve figured out my Jason design,, he is my special boy
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digiweed · 3 months
To his credit. Harry Styled might have started as a celebrity appearance on law and order, where it 20 years ago. But there's nothing like being cast opposite to one of the most talented actors in the world, to show how fucking bad someone is at acting.
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thoughtlesssadness · 7 months
Ya’ll have no faith Taylor (not that one).
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jiamekare · 2 years
Things I hadn’t really noticed in my man previous readings of Dracula:
Van Helsing goes “trust me, bro” a whole lot
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sexyman-sentral · 7 months
Listen I love The Amazing Digital Circus as much as the next person but like can someone please explain to me how Pomni of all people is on Sexypedia
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rei-does-stuff · 22 days
The first batch of SaH are so difficult to watch because EVERYONE LOOKS THE EXACT SAME
I legit thought Juldarami was Geumsaegi for a while because I couldn’t the difference between them, thank god they got more distinguishing characteristics between them bc I would have struggled so much
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strawberryblackcrown · 9 months
no hatchi? no moomoo? no johnny and yosaku to give zoro the extra swords he needs? aw :(
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thisgalliz · 3 months
Like this is such a minor thing but after the bridgemen were freed in tWoK rock just... burned a blanket??? Like they don't have automation that's like, a difficult thing to get and you just throw it on the fire???
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hopeless-knight · 6 months
if undertale wanted to make me feel bad about playing the evil route, they shouldn't have put the best music and fights on that route and i'm only half-joking with that.
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queen-scribbles · 9 months
Not thrilled about the change to "Complete two flashpoints from list" for the FP objective in the next galactic season. :\ Farewell to my beloved double up on Korriban Incursion trick, and the playing NC far enough to kill the Hands before actually doing Battle of Rishi etc.
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