#Lee Tae-gon
k-star-holic · 1 year
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Lee Tae-gon Ji Young-san, who starred in the lead role, Im Sung-han's Man'
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veoveoquever · 2 years
«Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)».
Título: 결혼작사 이혼작곡 / kyeolhonjaksa ihunjakgok
Título en inglés: Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)
También conocido como: Marriage Lyrics, Divorce Composition; Marriage Lyrics For Divorce Music; Marriage Lyrics and Divorce Music
Anteriormente conocido como: Marriage Story (결혼 이야기)
Género: Romance, Drama
Temporadas: 3, de 16 capítulos cada una, emitidas entre 2021 y 2022. Pendiente una cuarta temporada.
En Netflix (Argentina).
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Este drama es algo diferente a la mayoría de los que he visto. Tiene más de telenovela que el resto, en el sentido de que los personajes y sus historias se acercan un poco más a la realidad; sus reacciones y acciones, así como las consecuencias de las mismas, tienen más del melodrama que vemos en las historias turcas o latinoamericanas, aunque aún con el toque coreano, de personajes más naturales y situaciones menos forzadas.
Lo que le falta quizá de poesía o de sensibilidad estética y narrativa, le sobra en intensidad y cotidianeidad, la de una realidad más cercana a la mayoría de nosotros, que funciona como un espejo en el que las familias o la sociedad coreana en su conjunto —o cualquier otra— podría reflejarse tranquilamente. Es bueno encontrar un drama de este estilo en medio del oasis que representan las demás, enfocadas a veces en un ideal dejando de lado lo más oscuro y tóxico de los seres humanos.
En «Love…», la protagonista principal es la infidelidad. Es la historia de tres parejas que tienen como personajes principales a las mujeres, compañeras de trabajo; de diferentes edades y en diferentes etapas de su relación, pero que atravesarán por luchas y dolores similares.
Las tres trabajan en el mismo programa de radio, son amigas y se reúnen asiduamente en su tiempo libre, compartiendo sus vidas y dándose consejos sobre, por ejemplo, relaciones de pareja.
La mayor de ellas, Lee Si Eun, es la escritora del programa. Tiene unos cincuenta años y está casada desde su juventud con un profesor con quien tiene dos hijos, una chica que está por comenzar la universidad y un niño de unos trece años. Aunque todas las actuaciones son impecables, la de la actriz que interpreta a la hija es destacable y asombrosamente natural. Ella será una aliada importante de su madre cuando descubra la traición de su padre.
Sa Pi Young, de cuarenta años, es la productora del programa; parece tener una familia perfecta y feliz, con una hija mimada y un esposo psiquiatra cuya familia adinerada es dueña de un hospital y aparenta también no tener fallas. El exceso de perfección resulta hasta algo incómodo de ver. Pero claro que no todo lo que brilla es oro, y el hombre demostrará que no deja de ser como cualquier otro —hombre o ser humano—, egoísta, mentiroso, mundano y calculador. Es más inteligente que el profesor Park, al menos eso le concedo.
Finalmente está Bu Hye Ryung, la más joven y bonita, en sus treinta, famosa locutora que le da nombre al programa radial, casada desde hace apenas tres años con un abogado un año menor. En este caso, la perspectiva sobre su historia cambia cuando se nos presenta «la otra cara de la moneda»; Pan Sa Hyun, el abogado, va empujado por su esposa, que se queja constantemente y actúa de forma superficial y egoísta, a un gimnasio donde conoce a una mujer diez años mayor, pero en quien encuentra la atención que merece, el amor verdadero y el apoyo que no tiene de su esposa.
No existe ningún justificativo para la infidelidad, por supuesto, pero me gustó que se mostrara que no todas las historias de infidelidad son iguales, que no existe un patrón, que cada pareja es un mundo aparte del que la mirada ajena no tiene acceso más que a su superficie y por eso mismo no es correcto juzgar con liviandad, sea positiva o negativamente —o más bien, en absoluto— lo que suceda en ella, entre sus protagonistas. Bien se dice que «No todo es lo que parece».
Seré sincera, como siempre. De las tres temporadas que fueron emitidas (tengo entendido que harán una cuarta), las dos primeras fueron las mejores y si recomiendo verlas es porque creo que uno se engancha con la historia y, en definitiva, poniendo las temporadas en una balanza, vale la pena, al menos desde mi perspectiva personal. Lamentablemente algunos de los actores fueron reemplazados en la tercera temporada, lo cual le quita un poco de peso a sus personajes a los cuales uno llega a acostumbrarse (además de que dieron un pequeño giro fantástico inesperado que comienza en la segunda temporada, y que me pareció demasiado extraño e innecesario). Pero, como dije antes, el saldo es positivo y me gustó ver cómo se desarrollaban las historias que ya me habían atrapado.
La infidelidad es un tema interesante que fue el centro de nuestra discusión por días, con mi madre y hermana, después de esta serie. Creo que está bien planteado y que los personajes fueron bien construidos, te encariñas con ellos; aunque en el caso de algunos te dan ganas de entrar a pegarles una buena paliza.
De la tercera temporada rescato una historia que podía vislumbrarse apenas durante las temporadas anteriores pero que pasa desapercibida al inicio; creo que también por esa y otra pareja Inesperada vale la pena no abandonarla. Las historias paralelas, de los personajes secundarios (como los padres del abogado que llevan muchos años juntos y viven discutiendo), son graciosos, entretenidos, dignos de ver también.
Dale una oportunidad a «Amor (ft. Marriage and Divorce) y ¡no te divorcies de él en ninguna temporada! Que nadie es perfecto y es mejor ser pacientes, porque tiene algo bueno que ofrecer (¡al menos es entretenido!).
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1liv · 5 months
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prplocks · 5 months
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♡☆♡ the king: eternal monarch wallpaper
reblog if you save ▪︎
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coreancitizen · 11 months
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"If it's a problem that we look identical, we can solve it by eliminating one." Everybody looks at Jo Eun Sup. "What? Why are you all looking at me?"
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
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I could have you beheaded.
Try me.
The King: Eternal Monarch
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verademialove · 6 months
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“Your fate is determined by the choices you make. But, there are times when your fate chooses you.”
The King: Eternal Monarch (2020)
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hunterbloodknight · 1 year
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It’s the 3rd anniversary of King Eternal Monarch yall
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dreamingkdrama · 8 months
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The King: Eternal monarch
Genre: fantasy, romance
Episodes: 16
Starring: Lee Min-Ho, Woo Do-Hwan, Kim Go-Eun, Kim Kyung-Nam, Lee Jung-Jin
Synopsis: In 1994, the king of Kingdom of Corea is murdered by his brother Lee Lim, who seeks to possess a legendary flute that holds supernatural powers. King's 8 years old son (prince Lee Gon) tries to stop him and the flute is cut unto two pieces. Small prince in saved by a mysterious figure and Lee Lim slips away only with half of the broken flute. 25 years later, king Lee Gon is still haunted by what happened when he was a child and the mystery behind the police badge left by his savior. The police badge he held was issued on November 11, 2019 for Lieutenant Jeong Tae-Eul. Lee Gon discoveres the magical powers of the flute and travels to parallel world where he finally meets detective Jeong Tae-Eul.
Positives: I was little bit sceptical at the begining, it was kind of cheezy, rushed, the chemistry between the main romantic duo did not worked for me and I was confused by many scenes that seemingly did not conect with the plot. But it was jus a build up and in the midle of the series the story was a rolley coaster. I was surprised how the writers are able to manage all the time jumps, parallel worlds, all the side plots and characters. The cast was great, the main characters were great, but I would like to highlight Woo Do-Hwan and his dual role, because that was was a masterpiece. Also point's for the charismatic villain.
Negatives: It has slower start, and the plot with timetravelling and doppelgangers can be confusing. I would also appreciate more screentime for the antagonist, he was great, but I think he had much bigger potential.
Conclusion: It was really a fun drama. It has everything from funny momets to really sad scenes where I really cryied (Kang Sin-Jae, I am looking at you). The theme of parallel worlds is not original, but it's still interesting and I really liked how this trope was used in the story. At the beginning, I wasn't a big fan of Lee Min-Ho, but when the plot started to progress, he really showed some acting skills. Also, he is tall and handsome and he really looks very regal. They probably couldn't pick better actor for a king.
Action: 6/10 Romance: 8/10 Intriques: 8/10 Blood: 7/10 Whump: 7/10 Friendship: 8/10 Emotions: 8/10 Humor: 5/10
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k-star-holic · 9 months
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The Fishermen and the City' season5 Lee Tae-gon and Kim Joon-hyun get off...Lee Kyung-kyu and Lee Deok-hwa and Lee Soo-geun The Embarkation for Cythera
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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I want to say that this is not a post to hate absolutely anything or anyone, I love the show, I would just like to discuss and expose the directions I wish the story had taken…
I don´t like Lee Gon with Tae-Eul
I think romance is cute? Okay, but their personalities are so different that it doesn't feel right for them to be together… Opposites attract, but I don't think they work out well in the long run, even with Tae Eul showing her more vulnerable side… They are drastically different. Don't complement each other at all… But I'm not a fan of Lee Gon x Jo Yeong either, i will talk more about this later...
After we saw Tae-eul and Sin-Jae's backstory, it honestly didn't improve my view of the Lee Gon x Tae Eul dynamic at all, but it did a lot for me to like the strange companionship between the detective and Captain Jo…
Tae-eul never seems to reflect well on the things that happen around her, she's just reacting or is being impressed constantly (correct me if I missed a scene) she doesn't reflect on Lee Gon's actions, she only cares if they will seeing herself again, but with a magic flute and a boyfriend from another dimension who claimed to 'know' her before she even knew he existed…she doesn't ask Gon any of the questions that we would expect someone in her position to ask. .. it could even be the simplest, things like "Do you really like me for me now? or are you still hoping I'll save you from that night?" "What if I'm not the one you're looking for, and it's someone from a third world? Would you like me any less if that were the case?" you know… the basics
Back to the king and his unbreakable sword, He and Captain Jo are the epitome of what you would call platonic soulmates, it's wonderful that he's the one who walks in beside Gon on the NIGHT OF HIS TRAUMA, AS HE'S THE ONE WHO'S BEEN BY HIS SIDE HIS WHOLE LIFE. They don't need to be romantically involved to want and do the best for each other. Does it have potential? yes, but I can't see it like that. Honestly, I'd rather have Captain Jo with Detective Kang than the King
I WON'T LIE TO YOU, I didn't realize it was Lee Gon himself who saved his younger version until I looked it up on YouTube, it filled me with excitement and joy! I genuinely cried of happiness, it was such a beautiful gesture of self-love that was soon crushed by the persistent idea of the series trying to making us believe that the romantic love he cultivated with Tae Eul was something "magnificent" to the point that after all is over, he used the flute that started all his troubles going after the version he met of her in one of the many universes he now has access to * rolls eyes *
I don't care about spoilers, so I didn't contain myself and did some research, and one of them was the scene of him telling the little boy, son of the now Minister, his name, and it gave me almost the same feeling as when I found out that he himself had been saved. ..
But then they used the magic flute to travel between dimensions and… Ugh, it was kind of cute to see the scene showing the aging of the two, but as it was developed, it didn't make much sense for them being together as a couple.
How would I REWRITE: the child would actually be the son of someone present at the meeting, I don't know, some former classmate of Lee Gon, family member of someone from the court, whatever his parent, who would later become the romantic partner in life of our king, this with the passage of time shown in the final scenes… And yes, Lee Gon would pass his throne to this boy, I think it would be a good way to to make a repair parallel to the great envy and feeling of rejection that Lee Lim felt… I see this child's parent as someone from the "liberal arts" as Lee Gon so often uses the term to describe many around him, I think he would benefit from being with someone like this, since we met him, we know that he has a very sensitive side despite leaning heavily on science... I think it would be a more balanced relationship than with a police officer, due to his affinity with Einstein's theories and the quality of artists to express themselves to walk through what is abstract;
About his relationship with Tae Eul: the portals would be closed forever, but he would always remember her as his first girlfriend, and the person who helped him discover romantic feelings, being a dream for a while, after getting to know her closely. Although in love, and ignoring the factor of living in separate worlds, he would know that in the long run they would not work out.
The ending would have a Lee Gon who has overcome his trauma by learning to see opportunities to be happy in the life he has.
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radialarch · 1 year
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jeong tae-eul // jo yeong
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alettearesius · 2 years
"Wherever you go, you can't go alone, I'll go with you, no matter where it is, no matter what battlefield it is."
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coreancitizen · 7 months
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"I thought I wouldn't be fooled, but that face is my one weakness." "What do you mean?" "You have a look of anxiety. Something that Jeong Tae Eul doesn't have. You're not Jeong Tae Eul."
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elegantblazelady · 2 years
There’s an article out there about The King Eternal Monarch that’s pretty nice about the top 5 scenes for the author. All is good until the No. 1 spot which completely bungles the ending.
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“I love that instead of one partner having to give up their world and live in the other, they kept true to the live in the moment vibe throughout the whole KDrama and carried it in by having weekend dates in other worlds.”
That interpretation essentially trashes Gon’s whole storyline, takes away TaeEul’s agency and freezes the series arc at midway point by not allowing the characters to grow out of their initial misgivings. The author basically looked at the premise and said this is what happened instead of this is the beginning of the story.
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The frustrating part is the article keeps getting shared on this hellsite. You guys really didn’t understand what happened in TKEM, did you? This is why I can’t call it a masterpiece like other fans even though I have deep respect for the layers and details in the storytelling. Kim Eun Suk and the directors effed up the ending by making the marriage “understood” instead of showing it.
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Safe (세이프) (2013) Moon Byung-gon
January 6th 2023
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