#Leather and lace fic
romanarose · 2 years
Leather and Lace: Chapter 4
Santiago Garcia X OC
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Previous part here : Next part here
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While on the mission, Pope and the guys find a girl tied up in the basement of a drug lord. Through a few unforeseen circumstances, the girl and Pope get separated from Will, Frankie and Benny and have to find their way back in the woods. She doesn’t talk, is malnourished and traumatized, and Pope has the instinct to protect her at all costs.
(Pretend this is him leaning over a railing while talking to Fish okay)
WARNINGS!!!: for whole fic there’s gonna be violence, mentions of blood, mentions of sex trafficking, ptsd, sexual trauma (past), physical trauma, gunshots, eventual smut!! Don’t read just for the smut tho cuz it’s not smut focused.
Warnings: UUUHH maybe nothing really? Will being a dick? kissing? at worst? Kinda soft, lil angst then soft.
I wrote this,,,, SO TIRED. Not my best work tbh. I think I'm gonna keep updates to once a week until Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside is done bc between this, SSSB, Seattle, the han solo story ive been trying to finish for two years, and the one shots i wanna do AND taking 19 credits and working 4 days a week.... it's a lot. I want my work to remain as good as I know I'm capable of. Thank you for all for patience, and thank you for all your lovely encouragements! Fanfiction writing can be so thankless sometimes, it makes me so emo-tional to see your nice words. In the mean time, come read Sunshine! I've been told it's pretty bingeable if I do say so myself. I see a lot of people like it chapter by chapter and inhale it in a day or two. 27 chapters out of 33!
“Home sweet home” Santi opened his front door, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible, despite being exhausted from the flight. He let her in, holding the door as she wandered in, carrying her backpack. Lace had refused to let Santiago Garcia carry it. He was already carrying his bags plus one of Benny’s, and she already felt uncomfortable with her dependance on him. Benny’s friend had picked them up, dropping Santi and Laci off at his place. Frankie and Will had stayed behind for a few extra days to finish what they were supposed to all do in the days after they raided the house. Unfortunately, between Santi’s disappearance from the house and Benny’s gunshot wound, they had gotten side tracked. Will had a fucking fit about Santi leaving, which had turned into some choice words and a Frankie once again having to separate them before it got too far. Frankie, who was less than thrilled about Santiago leaving with Laci, agreed Santiago should go. Ben wanted to stay as well, but his shoulder was still out of commission. Frankie also thought it was a good idea to separate Will and his injured brother to allow Will space to calm down without constantly seeing his brother damaged
Laci took in the space. She wore pants and a long sleeve, covering the array of bruises she was still recovering from. She turned to him with a smile. ‘It’s nice’  The place wasn’t huge, but it was clean, it was safe, and it was his. After he had retrieved the money that was thrown in the canyon, Santi had split it with his 3 other friends. Most of them felt… wrong, having the money, so they all kept the money aside for emergencies, donated a lot, and made a few smart purchases. All of them had bought houses, no mortgage. At the very least, they’d always have a home. 
“It’s late, but we can go to the store tomorrow and get you set up with some more clothes, anything else you need.”
She turned to him, nervous and shaking her head. “It’s fine”
“No, Lace it’s okay, let me do this.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll get a job and get out of your hair” She dodged his eyes again. They had made a lot of progress, she was talking more freely, but she never held his eyes for long.
“Lace…” Pope wondered how he could make her see, make her believe that he just wanted to help her. He took her hands, careful not to startle her. “This… this is your home now. You can stay here as long as you need, I mean it. Don’t worry about working until you’re ready. Let’s get you set up with services, counseling, medical… Don’t even think about work yet.”
She leaned into him, holding tight on his hands but looking away. “Expensive.” She muttered.
He sighed. “Listen, it’s a lot to explain but… I came into some money recently. Don’t worry about that. Just…” He took her face in his hand, turning her face to him, and she finally looked at him. “Lace, let me take care of you” He kept her eye contact, watched her eyes searching his face. She was looking for a hint of a lie, of malicious intent. She found nothing but tenderness.
Before Santiago even had a moment to react, her lips were on his. He kissed back the moment their lips met, purely on instinct. When his brain caught up and realized it was her, it was her lips, chapped and hesitant, he kissed back with more fervor, wrapping his arms around his waist and she melted into his arms. Then, he realized what was happening. Santi pulled away, taking a few steps back and away from her, disgusted with himself.
“I’m sorry” He said all too quickly, as soon as he saw her distressed face. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
He expected her to cry or panic, he didn’t expect this response. Her face set into a nervous determination. She pointed at him and shook her head. Then she pointed at herself. ‘You didn’t do it, I did’
“I know,” He clarified. Here he was with a traumatized and vulnerable girl in his home, she probably felt obligated to sleep with him, she thought that's what he wanted… He scrubbed his face, then looked back at her. Laci’s face was red, looking at the floor. She was embarrassed. “Can we just… let's pretend this never happened, okay? Finish showing you around?”
She nodded, not talking. Santi fought the urge to sigh again. Two steps forward, one step back. “C’mon, I’ll show you the yard.” He wanted to just block out the last two minutes from their collective memories. He started walking toward the sliding glass doors, but stopped when he heard her footsteps stop. He turned around and saw her staring at his bookshelf, staring at the 5 porcelain dolls on the top shelf.
She cocked her eyebrow up at him with a teasing smile. ‘Yours?’
He smiled, happy the tension was gone. “My sister’s, actually.”
Laci grinned, still lookin at the pretty, well cared for dolls, but was slightly nervous. She pointed to the house in general “does she live here?”
Santi’s kind smile waved a tad. “She died. It’ll be two years next month. Overdose.”
She turned to him, but he remained focused on the shelves, so she turned back. After a moment, she spoke. “My brother. I was 20. He raised me after our parents died.” Another pause as Laci took a shaky breath. “Suicide.”
Santi took her hand.
A week later, Santi was parking his car on Frankie’s street. “You sure you’re okay? We can still turn around, Fish will understand.”
Laci had thought she was hiding her anxiety well, but somehow, Pope always knew what she was thinking. This was helpful, seeing as she still hardly spoke. It came and went in moments, he was never exactly sure what caused her to start or stop talking. If she was anxious or upset she shut down, but sometimes there didn’t seem to be a cause.
She looked at him with a little smile. ‘It’s fine. You want to go, so we’ll go.’ The two of them had gone everywhere together this week, every appointment and every meeting with a social worker or doctor. He wouldn’t leave her at the house alone, and he knew she would insist on going despite her reservations. She had asked who was coming. Pope knew that was code for ‘is Will coming’. The two of them had yet to interact. With Frankie, at least, he made an attempt to speak to her, dropping by when he got back to the states and asking yes/no questions to Laci so she didn’t feel left out. Will hadn’t been over, nor had be called. But she was fairly comfortable around Ben. Benny had been over a few times, and Laci even let Santi leave the room to go to the bathroom or get snacks, leaving her alone with Ben while they watched tv. Always Sunny in Philadelphia, of all things. It made him smile when he’d return to the room, watching her and Benny laughing out loud together. 
They hadn’t addressed the kiss and neither made a move, but the tension was palpable some days. Her first full day there, she had tried to make him dinner while Pope showered. When he heard a bunch of banging, he rushed out, only stopping to wrap a towel around his waist and ran to the kitchen. He found Laci  cleaning up a bunch of pans that had fallen on the floor. Looking up, her eyes widened as she stared at his shirtless torso. When her eyes flicked up to him, they stayed like that for a moment, Santi trying to read her face. He was good at it, he usually knew what she was saying or thinking… right then, she was unreadable.
She took his hand as Pope let himself in through the back gate and she took in the scene. It was a small gathering, Frankie had promised that it would just be the guys. Frankie usually held a cook out when everyone comes back from a mission, a way for everyone to decompress. Usually, it was a fucking party. Alcohol, lots of friends, family, and any random stranger Benny had met off the street that day. Today was small. Ever the peacekeeper, Frankie was hoping Will would warm up to Laci. Fish recognized, even if Pope was in denial, that Laci was going to be  part of things for a long time. On a phone call with Ben while he was still out of the country, Benny had told him he thought something was going on between the pair, that they were absolutely inseparable. Benny was the one that noticed Santi’s watch was missing on the flight, and relayed the story Pope told him to Frankie.
“Hey guys!” Benjamin Miller swaggered over, hugging Santi and putting his hand on Laci’s shoulder. “C’mon! I’m on grill duty” It was a warm day, and now that Laci got to pick out her clothes, he found she liked to wear a lot of flowers. Her dress today was pink and white floral and a flowy skirt.
“Oh god,” Pope muttered, following the blonde boy.
“Relax, Garcia. Fish is cooking, I’m just in charge of making sure the burgers don’t burn.” Benny, Laci and Santi stood on the deck for a few minutes before Will opened the screen door, and he felt Laci tense.
He was carrying pop, tossing one to Ben and one to Santi, one for himself. 
Santi called him out. “C’mon man, don’t be a dick.” He felt Laci’s hand on his arm, and turned to see her face. ‘Let it go’
Will rolled his eyes and cracked open his pop. Benny handed his to Laci “Here, I’m grabbing a beer” He walked into the house, grabbing Will with him and shutting the glass door, no doubt about to chew out Will.
Santiago turned to her “Sorry Lace, he’s being a dick.”
“You don’t have to… defend me or anything. I don’t want you guys to start fighting…” After learning about Santi’s sister’s death, and how most of his family is gone, she started to realize what these men meant to him. She didn’t want to be the one to cause any more problems than she already had.
Will and Benny returned, Will looking irritated but calmer. “Here” He handed Laci a snack pack of cheetos. A small gesture, but a gesture nonetheless. 
Laci kept looking at the floor, but touched her hand to her mouth, then moved it out. ‘Thank you’ in sign language. Ben had taught Laci several basic sign language phrases to prepare for the party. All the guys know passable sign language, and this way she could communicate a few things without having to talk or have Santi translate her facial expressions.
When the door opened, Will’s grumpy face lit up. “Here’s the woman of the hour!” And held out his arms to snatch the little girl from Frankies arms. The one year old practically dived into Will’s arms. It was strange for Laci to see Will not glowering. One by one, each of the guys held the tiny toddler, Laci was absolutely enthralled with the sight of Santi holding the adorable girl, blowing raspberries on her stomach.
“Laci?” Frankie spoke up. “Would you like to hold her?”
Laci nodded frantically, and held out nervous arms for Frankie’s daughter. The 18 month old was hesitant to leave her tio’s arms, but once she was in Laci’s around, she put her little hands on Laci’s face. It was an immidiet bond between the two.
“Rosie,” Frankie steps over to the two girls, tickling the toddlers neck. “Meet Laci. Laci, this is Fatima Rosa Maria Morales Ferndanez. Or Rosie, as we usually call her, when she’s not in trouble.”
Benny smiled at his friend and his niece. “Powerful name for a powerful little girl.” 
Frankie noticed Laci’s eyes welling up and her lip quivering. “You okay, Laci?” 
Santi kicked himself for not picking up on her discomfort, moving to take Rosie out of Laci’s arms, but Laci held on, looking at the little girl adoringly. She turned and whispered to Santiago, who then turned to his friend, smiling. “She said she’s beautiful, Frankie.” Frankie smiled back.
The evening had been delightful. Santi always enjoyed seeing the guys, especially after a particularly stressful mission. Even if Will was being a bit of a dick. It wasn’t bad, Will knew how to tow a line, that was for sure. Just enough where Santi didn’t feel it was worth making a scene, but enough where his irritation was growing. Laci was mostly oblivious, she had Rosie on her hip, even so much as straying away from her ever-attachment at Santi’s side to play with her in the grass. Santi leaned over the deck, beer in hand as he watched her. 
“I think Rosie has a friend.” Frankie joined him, looking at his daughter lovingly.
“Yeah.” Santi’s smile was huge. Frankie knew he was down bad.
“How’s she been adjusting?”
“She’s doing alright, considering. Therapy starts next week and she’s been to a few medical appointments, got her on meds, a diet to get back the nutrients she lost. Dentists gotta do some work, shit like that. She’ll have… she’ll have her moments. It’s hard to watch.”
Frankie nods. “What do you mean?”
“Sometimes I’ll find her asleep on the couch watching tv. She had to get on medicine for the nightmares, they seem to help, but she likes the light. She says the TV helps her focus. She watches Friends reruns. She doesn’t even like Friends, It’s just something else to think about, nothing serious, stupid sitcom.” He paused, unsure if he should say it, but if he could be honest with anyone, it was Fish. “She kissed me”
Frankie laughed. “Oh yeah. She kissed you.”
Pope turned to Frankie, finally looking at him “I’m serious!... I mean… I kissed back.”
“There it is.” Fish smirked.
Pope was defensive. “She did! Fish I would never want her to think she has to do anything just because I’m helping her.”
“But you wouldn’t mind if you and her… we’re together?.”
Pope rolled his eyes, “Well, she’s-” pretty he was about to say, turning back to Laci. She was on her back, legs up in the air with Rosie on her feet, playing superman. Laci’s skirt rode up, showing off the smooth curve of her ass. “Oh fuck” Santi and Frankie quickly turned out, but gave each other a side-eyed smile. 
An hour later, Frankie was putting Rosie to bed, and Laci was back to Santiago’s side. When Frankie came back, everyone was gathered on the porch. “Hey Santi, I think you forgot something.” He tossed the watch to his friend.
“Fish, what the shit? How did you…?” Santi hugged Fish tighty “Hermano, how did you know I lost it?”
“Benny can’t keep a secret for the life of him.” 
Benny meely shrugged, smiling.
Will, however, was confused. “Wait, is that Fatima’s watch?” He looked back and forth between Fish and Pope. “Why does Catfish have it?”
“I um…” Pope hesitated, his grin fading. “When we were in the forest, I sold it to get some food and water…”
“What the fuck Pope?” Will looked irrationally irritated.
Frankie put a hand on Will’s arm, trying to calm him. “Calm down.”
Will shrugged him up. “You sold Fatima’s watch because of her? Jesus Pope, what the hell?” 
Pope put himself in front of Laci instinctively. “Back the fuck off, Ironhead. Now.”
Will look at Santi condescendingly. “What is she doing to you man? She almost got you killed, now you’re just being her bitch”
Ben saw it coming before Santi even made a move, smacking Frankie, signaling him to move. Ben grabbed Pope, holding him back as he went to punch Will and luckily, Frankie caught Ben’s message and grabbed Will’s shirt, warning him not to do anything. Laci stepped backwards until her back hit the deck railing, and there she froze.
“What is your fucking problem Will?!” Santi shouted at the much taller man.
“Do you have ANY IDEA how close you came to dying, Pope? It’s a goddamn miracle you didn’t get your head blasted open! You and Ben could’ve died! Then what? Do we spit up the money again and give it to your non-existent family and pretend it’s okay? If Ben died, would you just give me a pat on the back and say ‘Oh, sorry!’ and move on?”
Santi was in too much of a blind fury to possess what Will was saying “None of that has ANYTHING to do with her!” Santi pointed to the scared girl in the corner of the deck, clutching onto the railing for dear life.
“I told you we needed to move, but you never fucking listen! You had to baby her, you had to play knight in shining armor and rescue the pretty girl, meanwhile Benny gets shot and you literally dodge a bullet!”
Benny mumbles something about not bringing him into this, but no one was listening. Benny knew he wasn’t getting anywhere. Santi and Will would hash this out, Frankie would stop them from killing each other. He looked over to see Laci scared as shit. Carefully, he walked over to her. Her eyes were shut tight, but she knew it was Ben, because she knew what Santi’s hand felt like.
“Enough!” Frankie shouted after a few more pointless back and forths. “You guys hear that?” Through the upstairs window, everyone could hear Rosie crying. “You guys woke up and probably scared the shit out of my baby, not to mention Laci.” Santi suddenly noticed she had left his side, and felt a tinge of guilt and jealousy to see her so scared, but also holding the handsome young man’s hand. “Santi, Will, go inside and fucking sort this out like adults.” He noticed Santi glance to Laci again. “She’ll be fine, man. Jesus, Ben will be here. I’m going to put my daughter to bed and I swear to god, if you wake her up again, we’re gonna have a problem.”
Will and Santi stormed off, and Frankie went upstairs to try and put his toddler back to bed. Benny and Laci stood in silence as Laci held his hand tightly. They couldn’t hear what Will and Santi were saying, but it sounded calmer. After a while, Will opened the door, looking embarrassed. “I need to talk to her” he told Ben.
 “No way man-”
“Okay.” The Miller brothers turned to Laci, eyes finally open and looking directly at Will for the first time.
Hesitantly, Benny let go of her hand, telling Will not to be an asshole, closing the screen door instead of the glass door. “Can I close the glass door? I don’t want them eavesdropping.” Laci nodded, and Will closed it. Much like Santi, Will scrubbed his face. “How much did Santi tell you about our history together.”
She held up her fingers together. ‘Very little’
“He tell you bout Tom?”
She shook her head.
Will sighed. “Last year, a mission went wrong. I got shot.” Despite how much of an ass he had been, he swore he saw a bit of pity on her face. “But we had another friend, his name was Tom. He got killed after things went very, very wrong and… I think I’ve always held onto a lot of anger and guilt over it. A lot of feelings I don’t know how to let out in a normal way. Seeing my brother get shot, and those few days where I thought Santi had been killed or taken, I think… Well I think maybe it brought a lot of feelings out. I don’t know if Santi told you, but Benn is my brother. My actual brother, I mean. I know we all refer to each other as brothers…” he trailed off, realizing he was rambling. “I thought I was going to watch him die…” He shuffled his feet, trying to figure out what he was trying to say.
Surprisingly, she spoke up, although barely audible ”I didn’t ask for any of this…”
God, that hurt. Of fucking course she didn’t. This poor girl had gone through hell, and here he was making her feel worse. “I know. And I’m really sorry. I’m not good at this kind of thing…” Despite his best efforts, his voice was just a little choked up. It was a high emotion week. “I don’t really have a good excuse, but I am sorry. I know you’re going to be around a while, maybe forever-” he cut himself off. He didn’t exactly know what Santi and her relationship was., and wasn’t sure if they knew either.“I don’t want to make an enemy out of you, and I don’t want to be the person who makes you feel worse.”
Laci thought for a second, then smiled a soft, nervous smile. She tentatively walked towards him. “It’s okay.”
He shook his head. “It’s not-”
She held up a hand. He didn’t need Santi to translate that. “I get… I get really angry sometimes. Sometimes I get angry at Santi and he did nothing wrong. He doesn’t know. I push it down. But sometimes I worry I won’t be able to stop it. It’s okay.” 
Will nodded. He felt like they had an understanding, at least.
She walked past him, going to find Santi. When Laci found him, he surprised her with a hug. “Are you okay, Lace?” He asked, rubbing her back.
“Yeah, I’m great. Take me home please?” She nestled her head into his chest, taking in his smell.
On the drive home, Laci asked about the watch.
“My sister gave it to me a few months before she died.” He took it off, handing it to her. “The inscription translates to ‘count all the stars and add one more’ it’s about how much the singer loves someone. It’s a song by Jesse and Joy and it features Luis Fonsi” Santi turned to her, smiling sadly “I couldn’t stand Luis Fonsi, but my sister loved him.” He turned back to the road. “Her name was Fatima. Frankie named his daughter after her. He and I grew up together. Anyway, she gave me this watch as a half joke since I hated the song. Now it’s one of my favorites. I think she knew she was dying.”
Laci put her hand on his shoulder. Usually, their touches were for Laci’s sake. This was for Santi’s. “That’s really sweet, Santi. And I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, Muñecita. For Will.”
“I think Will and I are going to get along fine.” She turned to him. “I like your friends a lot.”
Santi smiled. “Yeah, I do too.
THANK YOU FOR READING! Reblogs help a lot, comments mean the world! lmk if you'd like to be added to my tag list!
Since google doesn’t really translate it, Muñecita means little doll. Muñeca is doll, and adding -ita makes a name or object diminutive.
@littlenosoul @bensolosbluesaber @milkymoon2483 @gogh-with-the-flow @itspdameronthings
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whatthefishh · 1 year
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Me every time you send me horny Laci Santi thots
What do you mean I don’t do that *nervous laugh*
Sexy socks
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wizardlengthbeard · 1 month
you’re saying i’m fragile, i try not to be | G | wc: 720~
@subeddieweek prompt 6: non-sexual intimacy !
idk if this counts but i have steve looking after eddie <3
eddie felt a firm warm pressure stroking idly on the top of his head. it was a hand, a big hand that would card its fingers through eddie’s knotted strands of hair the further down his body it stroked.
eddie hummed happily. he’d always wanted to wake up like this, with someone looking after him. someone watching over him, making sure he was safe.
he nuzzled his nose further into the firm warmness. the soft worn cotton of a t-shirt met his nose and brushed the whiskers on his upper lip and the sides of his face. he breathed in the warmth, the smell of the t-shirt’s laundry detergent and a faint whiff of the night’s sweat.
as he came further into consciousness, he began to note the weight of two arms slung around his torso, the hand that wasn’t scratching his head was drawing shapes into his back.
it reminded him of when he was a kid. it reminded him of when he’d crawl into bed with wayne at night when he couldn’t sleep, which ended up being most nights, insomnia and various sleep problems hitting him at an early age. wayne would turn the tv on low, press a kiss to eddie’s forehead and settle down into the bed. then, he’d hum softly as he soothed circles into eddie’s back, until eddie wriggled, making it known that he was still awake and wayne would change tact.
“i draw a snake upon your back and which finger did i do it with.” wayne sang softly, tapping his finger on eddie’s back a few times so that he could guess.
nails scratched softly up and down eddie’s back as the hand stopped drawing its patterns. eddie found himself floating as he lost himself to the sensation, until a nail caught on a pimple on his shoulder and he hissed.
“sorry, baby.” steve hummed softly, craning his neck forward to kiss eddie’s head. “good morning.”
eddie smiled, finding he couldn’t speak in that moment, and puckered his lips to press a kiss against steve’s collarbone instead.
“you feeling okay, sunshine?” steve’s arms grew tighter around him, squeezing him tightly. and, oh, eddie loved him. “still feeling spacey?” he continued, pressing another kiss into his head.
eddie wiggled his toes over the soft of the blanket before he pressed them into steve’s calves, smoothing them up and down his leg hair. after a moment he nodded and peered up at steve to smile.
“yes to both?”
eddie nodded again and yawned, moving his face away from steve’s too late. steve chuckled, scrunching up his nose upon smelling eddie’s morning breath.
he could hear thumping in the kitchen; the coffee maker beginning to whir, whilst pots and pans clattered gently against each other.
“shit.” he heard wayne curse softly. and then, a crack, most likely an egg breaking as it hit the floor.
“i think wayne’s making breakfast,” steve started stroking eddie’s head again, carding his free hand through the bottoms of his curls and untangling them. “i might go and save him before he sets the trailer on fire.”
eddie loved that about steve. steve and wayne, really. how they’d only been together officially for a few months, but how steve and wayne had got on like a house if fire from the first day they’d met in the hospital. how he’d stumble into the living room, hungover, mouth tasting like last night’s joint, to hear wayne and steve whisper-yelling over the game on TV, steaming mugs of coffee clenched in their hands. how wayne had sat him and steve down and explained that he loved them both, dearly, but if he had to hear them one more time when he came in from work they’d have to come up with a sort of system, he could’ve done without knowing what eddie’s handcuffs were used for aside from being a belt.
“you want pancakes, sunshine?”
eddie hummed affirmatively, peppering kisses along steve’s neck.
“love you, i’ll bring them to you here. keep dozing.” steve smiled, drawing out of their embrace and pressing a final chaste kiss onto eddie’s lips before he crawled out of bed and stumbled out into the hallway.
eddie rolled over and hid his face in steve’s now empty pillow and breathed in the scent before feeling himself drift back off into a peaceful sleep.
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leathermouthproxies · 1 month
wait I'm rereading till the ground holds me in its arms bc I want to make sure I'm staying consistent and tell me why the first chapter literally starts like my immortal.
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thefreakymunson · 2 years
Leather and Lace, Chapter 1
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Taglist: @aysheashea @sidthedollface2 @fuckmeupeds @xcatnapsx @benztripp @eddiemunson95 A/N: Welcome to a new story! I'm very excited for this one, a lil nervous, too (reviews are welcome and appreciated!) As always, if you'd like to be added to the tag list, please let me know by shooting me a message! This will be a very sexy, fun, angsty story that will be updated once a week. I hope you enjoy!
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It was a cold February night. The kind of cold that made Eddie shiver despite the multiple layers of clothing he had on. Smoke billowed out from his mouth as he stomped his cigarette out on the sidewalk and glanced over at Gareth.
Today, Eddie turned 20. Old enough to get into a strip club, but still not old enough to drink their beer. Which was fine. He had done a little pregame before Gareth picked him up. As he looked up at the flashing neon sign that read "Girls, Live, Now", he felt a bit of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach.
Eddie had never been to a strip club before. He never found a reason to go. Hawkins didn't have one and the closest one, Lusty Ladies - which is where they were, was two towns over. He didn't know what to expect other than naked women and drunk men. He followed Gareth up to the queue and sighed when he saw the rest of the men standing in front of them.
Old, hairy, probably perverts. That's exactly what Eddie felt like.
“Eddie, shut up.  It’s your birthday and we’re both of age now, so I can get in here too.” Gareth glared at his friend over his shoulder, “How much pot have you lent me over the years, man?”
“Too much,” Eddie snorted.
“Exactly.  So let me treat you out for the evening, yeah?” Gareth stopped walking and clapped a hand over Eddie’s shoulder, “This is my birthday gift.”
They queued up in line and Eddie leaned back against the building, crossing his arms over his chest.  He wasn’t never big on strippers – he could admire a pretty girl any day, but strip joints weren’t usually his thing.  Gareth, on the other hand, used his birthday as an excuse to finally be able to HAVE an excuse to get into the only one within a twenty-mile radius.  Eddie was staring out at the parking lot when he noticed a familiar car – a small beat-up Pinto of a car.  It wasn’t the car itself that stood out.  It was much more the Hawkin’s High Chemistry textbook sitting in the passenger seat that peaked his interest.
“Do you know that car, Gareth?” Eddie nodded towards the car that was situated a few feet from where they were standing.
“Eddie, we’re about to see titties – real live titties and you’re worried about if I recognize a car?” Gareth snorted, “Jeez…and here I thought I was the only virgin of the two of us.”
Eddie shot him a glare that would’ve killed him if looks could kill.  Truth be told, Gareth WAS the only virgin between the two of them.  Eddie had lucked up with an older woman from the trailer park and a couple of girls who wanted to buy weed but didn’t have the funds.  A true tradesman if you will.  Gareth couldn’t catch a break let alone a girl.
“There’s a Hawkin’s textbook on the front seat,” Eddie nodded.
“Okay? And? I’m sure it’s just some dancers kid’s book.” Gareth shrugged, “Not a big deal.”
And Gareth was right.  It wasn’t a big deal but it certainly peaked his interest.  Was he getting ready to get a lap dance by someone’s mom that he knew? What the fuck was even Indianna at this point?
Once they were in through the doors, Eddie immediately felt uncomfortable.  It wasn’t the loud music or the darkened room or even the scantily clad women.  It was the fact that they were easily the youngest two people in here.  Men that looked like perverts flocked to the stage or to the booths.  The music thumped loud enough that he could feel the vibrations through the soles of his shoes as they walked further in.  He turned to tell Gareth something but when he turned around, he realized he was standing alone in the middle of the crowd.  Gareth was nowhere to be found. 
Being a twenty-year old man in the middle of a room with gorgeous women never felt so awkward. 
“This your friend?” He heard come from behind him and he turned around to see Gareth strolling up with two girls.  They were both tall, thanks to their six-inch heels, and he glanced at Gareth when the dark haired one stepped closer and gripped his hand.
“That’s him.  It’s his birthday.”  Gareth said with a sly grin.
“Birthday boy, hm?” The dancer smacked her gum as she walked closer.
She was hearing a pink half-bunny mask which had been bedazzled and sparkled in the lights that bounced off of the lights from the stage.  Her fingers curled around his large wrist and she smiled at him, dark red lips parting to reveal a beautiful smile.  She tugged him back towards the back of the building, her hips seeming to sway to the beat as she walked.  She pushed the beaded curtain aside and pulled him into her lounge before she shut the door and smiled at him.
“This your first time at a strip club?” She smirked.
“What gave me away?” Eddie laughed.
“The fact that you’re still standing and not spread out on the couch.” She laughed softly, “You’re cute, Eddie.  My name is Iz.”
“How do you know my name?”
“Your friend told me,”she said, trying to shrug it off nonchalantly, her heels clanking as she walked over to him.  The room suddenly felt too quiet and way too small as he got a good look at her in the brighter room. 
The corset she was wearing cinched her waist in tight, pushed her chest up high, and the panties left little to the imagination.  He could see two big green eyes behind the mask lined with a thick coat of black eyeliner.  From what he could make out, she was beautiful.
“Sit,” she said, pushing him backwards.  The chains on his pants rattled as he flopped down onto the oversized chair, “Loosen up, birthday boy.”
“So are there rules?” Eddie asked, watching as she pressed play on a stereo system in the corner of the room.
“Your friend paid well,” Iz said as she smacked her gum yet again, “Paid for our deluxe package, but I don’t do any happy endings.  If you get off, that’s on you, and on you to clean my chair up, too.  You don’t get to undress me…you’re really not supposed to touch me, but…I let the cute ones touch me sometimes.  It’s our little secret…just don’t touch in between my legs.”
“So your crotch?”
"Mmm, that’s such a sexy word,” she snorted as she looked over at Eddie, “But yes, exactly…and my mask stays on.”
“Got it,” Eddie nodded, “No crotch and the mask doesn’t come off.”
“Good boy,” she grinned at him, white teeth shining behind her dark lipstick.
The music started playing and Eddie sunk down further in the chair, watching as she walked closer to him.  Bon Jovi filled the room and he groaned in distaste. 
“Sorry, we don’t have any Dio on deck,” she said as she nodded to his vest that was thrown to the side of him on the chair, “We don’t have any of the good shit.”
“The good shit, hm?” Eddie smirked, holding a hand out to help her step up onto the small stage. 
“Yeah, the good shit.” Iz smiled, “No Ozzy, no Sabbath, no Metallica…just hair bands.”
“Hair bands aren’t bad,” he said, watching as she climbed up the pole on the stage and flipped upside down, “Just repetitive.”
“Eddie?” She asked softly.
“Do you always talk this much about music when someone’s trying to dance for you?” She laughed, reaching a hand out to playfully stroke his cheek.
“Well," he huffed out a laugh, "It's safe to say you’re the first person to ever dance for me, so I’m not up to date on stripper etiquette.” Eddie shrugged.
She slid down the pole and smiled softly as she made her way over to his seat, knocking his legs open wider.  She turned her back to him, sitting down on his lap as he watched, hands stuck to his sides, which she found adorable.  A soft laugh escaped her mouth as she reached down and gripped his hands, sliding them up and over her lap, the thick chunky rings leaving a run in her stockings as she moved his hands up over her legs.
When she leaned back against him, the scent of her perfume filled his nose.  She smelt like strawberries and vanilla and something else he wasn’t able to put his finger on.  It was intoxicating and he felt himself growing hard as she ground herself down against him, no matter how hard he tried to stop it.  She turned around to face him as she reached behind her and untied her top, letting it fall down her body and into his lap.  His eyes were glued to her tits, staring at her in disbelief. 
Her hands slid down over her body and his eyes caught a tattoo on the side of her wrist.  A tiny heart and a tiny star.  His hand reached out and his thumb ghosted over it, catching her off guard and she stopped grinding herself against him to turn and look at him.
“You’ve got a tattoo?” He nodded, “It’s cute.”
“Yeah,” She laughed softly, “I do.  It’s my only one so far…you’re hard to dance for.”
“Why?” He laughed, shaking his head slightly.
“Because you keep distracting me!” She laughed.
“My bad,” he gave her a small smile, “I’ll stop.  Continue.  Please dance for me.”
Thirty minutes later, she had finished her dance and was in the process of getting dressed when there was a knock on the door and a guard stuck his head in through the door, alerting them that time was up.
“Um..am I supposed to pay you or something?” Eddie chewed on his bottom lip.
“No,” she gave him a small smile, “Gareth paid and tipped nicely.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” She gave him a small smile.
“What’s your name?”
She thought for a second on if she should be truthful or not.  She knew him.  She had seen him around town plenty of times and at school when she showed up.  She could ruin her fun, let him in – it wasn’t like Eddie Munson had hundreds of friends to go blab that she was dancing two cities over. No one talked to him unless it was to buy drugs anyway.
“You can call me Iz,” she gave him a small smile.
“Is that your real name?”
“It’s real enough for you,” she patted his cheek before she walked over to the door and glanced back only once, “See ya around, Eddie. Happy birthday!”
On the drive home, Eddie was silent which was unusual.  Gareth cleared his throat and looked over at him sitting in the passenger side of the car.  He had his head resting on his hand that was propped up on the car door.
“You alright, man?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah.” Eddie nodded, “Hey, did you tell that dancer my name?”
“I didn’t tell her your name, man.” Gareth shrugged, “Just told her to call you the birthday boy.”
“Then how did she know my name?” Eddie sat up straight in the seat and glanced over at him in shock.
“I don’t know, man.  She could’ve just overheard me say it.” Gareth shrugged, “Did you at least have fun?”
“Yeah, I had fun.” Eddie nodded, “Thanks for the present.”
“Good…because it doesn’t look like you had fun.” Gareth laughed, “Jesus…you just had a gorgeous girl all over you and you look like someone just killed your dog. 
“She just seemed familiar, ya know?” Eddie shrugged, “Like I knew her from somewhere.”
When Gareth dropped him off that night, Eddie went in long enough to grab a beer and change into a bit more comfortable clothes before he walked out to the larger porch attached to his trailer and lit his cigarette, taking a long comforting drag.  He never done anything for his birthday.  His uncle tried to throw parties when he was younger, but it just left him feeling disappointed when no one would show up.  Now, he settled for a birthday dinner with his uncle and maybe one of his friends would come over to hang out. 
Eddie Munson wasn’t popular – that was for sure.  But the fact that “Iz” knew who he was meant something…it meant a lot, actually.  It made him feel seen when he often felt so very invisible.
The next morning, he was sitting in the cafeteria as the other kids ate their breakfast as fast as possible.  He was going over the newest plans for the newest campaign.  He had been working on this one for ages and he was excited to finally be able to start The Cult of Vecna.  He was being his usual theatrical self when he slipped backwards and bumped into a group of girls by accident.  He laughed it off, apologizing profusely and stepping back to usher them forward when he realized he hadn’t hurt anyone…until he the scent of a familiar perfume filled his senses and he stopped dead in his tracks.  There was four different girls in the group…but he would know that perfume from anywhere. 
He knew one of those girls was his “Iz.” 
“Eddie, are you even listening to me?” Gareth clapped loudly in front of him, snapping out of his gaze, “Jesus, who are you staring at like that?”
“No one,” Eddie shoved it off, “What did you say?”
“You sure you’re alright? That stripper didn’t fuck you up too bad last night, huh?” Gareth laughed.
“Stripper?” Dustin piped up, “You guys saw strippers?”
“Shut up,” Eddie glared at Dustin, “Jesus man, could you be any louder?”
The alarm sliced through the quiet trailer, causing her to groan as she reached an arm out and slapped it silent.  She hated everything about school – getting up early, having to go and be even more invisible in the crowd, and then she’d work the rest of the day. 
She would raise her hand when they called her name, Luna Fern Adams – which by far had to be the worst name in the entire school.  Her parents were certified hippies and she could vividly remember walking into school each morning with the stench of weed clinging to her like it was a second skin.  Often times, she was made to change clothes from something out of the lost and found bin in the office.  School life had been hell for her before she really even stood a chance.  She drifted into the background, blending in with the rowdy crowd as much as she could. 
First period was her favorite for more than one reason.  She got to sit behind the only guy that had ever truly been nice to her since she came to high school, but that was three years ago, and he was still there, taking his senior year for the third time which put them in all the same classes.
Ms. O’Donnell’s class was the hardest.  Chemistry wasn’t her strong suit, and apparently it wasn’t Eddie’s either.  He didn’t talk much, but neither did she, and it was a shared comfortable quietness when the teacher would force everyone into pairs.
After the bell had rang and the students were all accounted for, Eddie turned to face her for a moment and then just blurted the question out quietly.
“Can I borrow a pencil?” He asked slyly, “If I ask the fucking quack that’s teaching this class, we both know she’s going to chew my ass out.”
“Here,” Luna laughed softly as she slid one out of the pouch.
“Lifesaver,” he said, clutching the pencil to his chest as if he had just been handed the mightiest sword in all of the land, “I shall defend you in battle.”
“Mmm, if by battle you mean helping me pass the final, then I accept.” She snorted.
“Yeah, don’t count on me doll, you’d be fucked.” He said, squinting his nose up at her before he turned back around in his seat.
She admired the patches on the back of his vest.  Bands she knew of because of that vest, having spent nearly every day memorizing them.  To say she had a small crush wouldn’t be too far out of the picture.  There were times she wanted to flirt – ask him out on a date or even just to come over and study after school.  And she would if she wasn’t ashamed of her home life.
“All right, everybody.  Let’s split up into pairs and head down to the lab.” Ms. O’Donnel announced, causing everyone to groan.
Luna clutched her books to her chest as she followed everyone else down the hallway, keeping towards the back of the crowd as they walked.  Eddie was even further behind, bringing up the rear of everyone. 
He stared at her the entire way, wondering if he should just ask. It had been bugging him for the past two days now, rattling around in his brain, but he couldn’t get the words right to say it out loud.  Luna would think he was a freak for asking.  He cleared his throat and took three long strides to be in sync with her steps before he could stop himself.
“You’re friends with that new girl, right? Elizabeth?” Eddie asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
She looked up at him, a bit in shock, but nodded anyway, “Yeah.  Elizabeth’s cool.”
“Uh…is she single?” Eddie shrugged, “Seeing anybody?”
His words stung.  Luna clutched her books a bit tighter and nodded, trying to keep the crestfallen look off of her face as she spoke, “Yeah, I think she’s single.  We’re not best friends, but I haven’t heard her say anything about seeing anyone.”
“Cool,” Eddie nodded, “I’ve been trying to find the time and place to talk to her, but we never seem to cross paths.  I was wondering if you’d give her my number?”
“Sure,” she mumbled.
“Look at you being my lifesaver twice,” Eddie snorted, “Thank you.”
Lunchtime couldn’t come fast enough.  Eddie’s number scribbled on a torn piece of paper was burning a hole in her pocket and adding a thick layer of jealousy towards a newer friend. She walked into the cafeteria and straight to the table, slipping the folded paper in front of her.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“Eddie’s number,” Luna shrugged.
“Eddie Munson,” Luna said, scanning the cafeteria for the rowdy metalhead, “There.  With the jean vest on.”
“Why would I want his number?” Elizabeth laughed, “I’ve never even really talked to him.”
“He’s a nice guy,” Luna frowned, “You should give him a call.”
“Yeah, I’ll jump right on that right after work.” Elizabeth snorted.
“Don’t you get off at like 4 AM?  He’d prob- oh…you were being sarcastic.” Luna snorted.
“Exactly,” Elizabeth said as she patted her head and went back to her tray of food.
Luna wished she could be more like Elizabeth.  Easy going, carefree, and beautiful.  She was beautiful and all the guys in school were realizing that.  Soon the new girl would forget the small group of girls that took her in in the first place and she’d be in with the popular crowd.
The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day and Luna released a pent up sigh.  She sulked down the stairs and was rounding the corner to go out to her car when she was stopped by non other than Eddie himself.
“Did you give her my number?” Eddie asked, his eyes wide and curious.
“Yeah but she’s pretty busy today, so I wouldn’t sit by the phone waiting.” Luna shrugged, not wanting to let him down.
“Oh, I won’t. I’ve got plans anyway. Hey, we have a spot available at Hellfire tonight.  Do you want to play?” Eddie shrugged.
“I can’t tonight,” She bit back a frown, “Working a double shift.”
“Bummer.” Eddie sucked his teeth and sighed, “Thanks for being my wingman – er, woman…thank you, is what I’m trying to say.”
“No problem,” she offered a small smile and then was back on her way out to the parking lot. *-*-*-*-*
11PM came quicker than Iz thought.  She slid her mask down over her face, tightened her corset a bit tighter, and adjusted the garter on her thigh.  She bent forward and applied the lipstick that matched her pink bedazzled mask, her prized possession and the only slice of protection she had to keep her identity safe. 
She soothed the ripples in her leather boots as she stood up straight, checked herself over once, before turning and walking out on the stage.  She was the opening act tonight, her thirty minute set would be followed with a prebooked private session, and then she’d work the side stages for the rest of the night.  Luckily, opening acts garnered the most tips on Friday’s.
Ratt’s Round and Round started playing as she took the stage and immediately, she spotted him.  He was leaning back against the bar with his eyes glued to her.  Her playboy from the previous night.  Eddie.
A smile crept onto her face when she finished the dance and the workers raked her earnings in.  They’d put it back in her locker for her.  She still had cash to make and about twenty minutes to spare before the quiet room.
“Come back so soon?” She asked, leaning on her arms beside of him on the bar, “Did ya miss me?”
“I’m just curious,” he shrugged, “How do you know who I am?”
“Hmmm,” she shrugged, “We run in similar circles, I guess.”
“I know everyone in my circle and I don’t recognize you,” Eddie smirked as his eyes roved over her body, “I believe I’d recognize you.”
“Similar circles,” she repeated, popping a cherry into her mouth from the drink the bartender placed in front her.
“How old are you?”
“Nineteen,” she nodded.
“You walked by me the other day,” Eddie nodded, “Well, I bumped into you when you were walking past me.”
“Did I?” She smiled behind her mask, “How do you know?”
“Your perfume,” he nodded, “I’ve never smelt it before and then I got a hit of it when I bumped into that group of girls.”
“Did you apologize for bumping into them? That’s not very gentlemen like if you didn’t, Edward.” She glanced over at him, “Do you want a dance tonight?”
“No,” Eddie shook his head, “I just came to see if my mind was playing tricks on me or not.”
“What was your conclusion?”
“I don’t think it is,” Eddie shook his head, “I think it’s you trying to play games instead.”
“Games?” She laughed softly, “Eddie, I’m not playing a game.  I’m just protecting my identity.”
“As if I have a lot of people to blab to,” Eddie nodded, “You’re so right about that.”
“You’re so cute when you’re being passive aggressive.” Iz smiled and stood up, “If I can’t dance for you, what is it you need from me tonight?”
“Nothing,” Eddie shrugged, “Just thought we could be friends is all.”
“You’re in a strip club looking for a friend?” Iz snorted, “You’re not that hard up for friends, Eddie.  You have people clambering all over you all day, especially in the cafeteria and after school-“
“After school is different.”
“Because that’s when I sell.  You should know that if you know me so closely.” Eddie shrugged.
She leaned in close to his ear and smiled, “I’ve been one of your customers, Eddie…have a good night, handsome.  Come find me if you want a dance later.”
She left him there at the bar, even more confused then when he came in, completely speechless...just like the night before.
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mamaestapa · 5 months
do you have any idea when those fics are being posted 👀 ill have to mentally prepare myself for leather and lace + digital animal ahead of time
i thought digital animal would come first bc i have that one written the most out of all of them. (but honestly i might save that one for last because it’s soooo OMG. that’s all i’ll say🤭)
so leather and lace will probably come first now. i’ll post the fluff blurbs today, leather and lace thursday or friday, and digital animal friday or saturday!
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heavencasteel420 · 4 months
I blame Cold Case for making me associate "Leather and Lace" by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley with horrible 1980s teen violence. It's a nice song really!
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ominousunflower · 1 year
Lace or Leather (Author’s Note + Recap)
Howdy! As y’all know, it’s been a while since I updated my final Miraculous fic, so this post includes a recap of the story thus far. But first, I’d like to mention two important things about the fic. Specifically, 1) “canon” in the fic, and 2) the “incompleteness” of the Burgundy and Blush series.
Unfortunately, my explanation of those two things ended up being rather long-winded, so I’m linking to the full explanation here. I’ll include a TL;DR in this post—but if you have the chance, I’d appreciate if you read the full-length explanation! The TL;DR gives you the most essential info, but it doesn’t really properly explain everything.
And for your convenience: if you read that explanation post first, there’s a link at the end that links back to this recap post.
This fic was originally written early/mid-Season 3 and stays true to the canon at that time, which means that we’re operating under the “you must not reveal your identity or else you’ll lose your Miraculous” rule. Hopefully that contextualizes the characters’ perspectives in Chapter 19, along with some of their decisions moving forward! (Also, I have seen very little of Season 4 and nothing from Season 5, so those two seasons—along with a substantial portion of Season 3—have no relevance to this fic.)
There was originally supposed to be a third fic in this series. Lace or Leather is a standalone fic and does NOT end with a cliffhanger, so rest assured that this story will still feel complete! However, there is one “arc” that won’t be explored in the fic, and I’m sorry for anyone who would’ve liked to see that part. There really isn’t a feasible or satisfactory way for me to include that.
And now, the recap, up through Chapter 18!
(Note: I included specific summaries for Chapters 9-18, since a lot of this fic takes place over a short period of time. Feel free to skip to whichever point you find most helpful!)
The first several chapters of the story involve Marinette entering a design competition that’s being hosted by Gabriel. Adrien offers to be her model, and they meet up so that Marinette can watch him try on outfits for inspiration, since she’s struggling to come up with a design. Throughout these chapters, Marinette also spends more time with Chat Noir, who she’s gradually getting to know better. Marinette seems to have romantic feelings for him, but she fervently denies this and insists that she still wants to pursue Adrien.
In Chapter 9, Alya calls Marinette after she spent the day “playing dress-up” with Adrien, and reports that he seems to have a crush on Marinette. Marinette doesn’t believe Alya, but tells her that even if Adrien does like her, he should wait until after the competition to ask her out. Alya notes that Marinette seems surprisingly unenthusiastic.
After that phone call, Marinette realizes that she’s in love with Chat Noir and starts to panic. An akuma attack interrupts her breakdown, and when she runs into Chat as Ladybug, he talks her through an anxiety attack. Afterward, Ladybug wonders if Chat has fallen out of love with her. He notices that something is bothering her and urges her to talk to someone, even if it’s not him.
In Chapter 10, Marinette asks her parents for advice, explaining that she has feelings for two people. They reassure her that her feelings will make sense eventually; after all, she just realized her feelings for the second person earlier that morning. If she gives it time, she’ll eventually be in a better place to make a decision.
Later that night, Marinette is surprised to find Chat Noir on her balcony. He explains that it’s not the first time he’s visited without telling her—sometimes he needs to clear his head, but doesn’t want to bother her. They talk for a bit, and Marinette nearly kisses him, but the two of them end up knocking over a teacup before she can try. Since Marinette is worried about Chat, she offers to let him sleep over. They end up sharing the bed. Chat falls asleep first and seems have a nightmare, so Marinette wakes him up and assures him that he’s loved.
In Chapter 11, Marinette and Chat wake up together. Marinette is embarrassed about Chat seeing her first thing in the morning, but he thinks she’s cute. They talk some more, and Marinette reassures him that he he’s never imposing when he visits the Dupain-Chengs, and that he can consider himself part of the family.
While Marinette reheats some breakfast, she fishes for non-identifying personal details, such as what Chat’s room looks like. He admits that his room doesn’t really feel like it belongs to him. Somewhat concerningly, he notes that he’s probably due for a fight with his father, and mentions that the two of them hardly ever talk. Marinette offers him more reassurances and encouragement.
In Chapter 12, Adrien visits Marinette so that she can take his measurements. He has deviated from his usual style, and is wearing the leather jacket Marinette bought for him. The two of them are predictably flustered while Marinette measures Adrien, but they also banter and tease each other. Adrien opens up a bit about the issues he’s been having with his father.
He then tells Marinette about a photography project that he and Alya have been working on—as long as Adrien spends time constructively with his friends, his father allows them to hang out. (Apparently, though, Gabriel doesn’t like having Nino around; Nino is only allowed to wait in the foyer to walk Alya home.) Adrien shows Marinette some of his photos, and also tells her that he carries her lucky charm everywhere with him.
In Chapter 13, Marinette still can’t figure out a design, and she’s running out of time to submit one. As she’s talking to Tikki, she frets that she might end up rejecting Adrien if he confesses to her—but then she quickly backtracks, saying that she wouldn’t have a reason to reject him. Marinette decides the real problem is that Adrien isn’t opening up to other people quickly enough, which means that he’s not ready to be in a relationship with her. Before Tikki can dissuade her, Marinette transforms and travels to the Agreste mansion to speak with him as Ladybug.
Adrien doesn’t seem interested in discussing any of his insecurities, so the two agree to play video games instead. Ladybug unintentionally oversteps a boundary regarding the topic of Adrien’s father, and Adrien tells her that she’s out of line. Ladybug apologizes, and Adrien explains that while he’s aware his relationship with his father isn’t healthy—and that he tends to bottle things up until he explodes—he’s also allowed to keep things to himself.
Still, he says that he’d be happy if Ladybug checked in every now and then. She assures him that if he ever wants to talk, she’ll listen. It turns out that Adrien does want to talk about something: his crush on Marinette. Ladybug is stunned, but she manages to reassure him—although she ultimately suggests that Adrien should wait until the competition is over before pursuing Marinette.
In Chapter 14, Marinette and Adrien casually text each other, but now that Marinette knows he has romantic feelings for her, she keeps worrying about the tone of her texts. When Marinette mentions her conundrum to Tikki, Tikki says that she doesn’t see an issue with Marinette pursuing Chat; however, she refuses to recommend one boy over the other.
Later, Marinette meets with Alya for coffee. The two chat, and Alya says that Adrien made some interesting points about shipping Ladynoir—mainly, that it’s invasive, and that it forces the two superheroes to constantly dispel speculation about their relationship. Alya also notes that it seems like Ladybug and Chat Noir aren’t flirting as much lately, which Marinette takes as a sign that Chat really has stopped loving Ladybug. Marinette then mentions that she’s having trouble coming up with a design, and Alya offers some encouragement.
After an akuma attack, Ladybug tries to ask Chat Noir to grab coffee, but he tells her he’s busy. Ladybug points out that he’s stopped flirting with her, and asks if he’s ever going to flirt with her again. Chat notes, “It sounds like you’re asking a bigger question,” and Ladybug says that she might be. Chat asks for a raincheck on the conversation, since he needs to get back to an event before anyone notices that he’s gone.
In Chapter 15, Marinette has just finished sketching a very nice sleeve…and nothing else. Chat Noir shows up and detransforms so that he’s wearing pajamas and a masquerade mask. He vents that he had a frustrating day because his father forced him to go to an obnoxious party. He and Marinette end up joking about one of her celebrity crushes, but when Marinette jokes about Chat Noir’s “type” being “Ladybug”, he awkwardly admits that Ladybug isn’t the only girl he likes. Marinette wonders if he might have a crush on her civilian identity.
Once again, Marinette almost kisses him, but just barely resists the urge. She asks him if he wants to stay over again, and he says yes. Chat expresses regret that Marinette isn’t allowed to know his identity, since he’s tired of shutting people out. Then, changing the subject, he tells Marinette that he’s still waiting for her to make the lace shirt she “promised” him during a previous conversation.
Marinette confesses that she’s stumped on her contest design. Chat says that maybe she’s not feeling inspired, because “maybe you don’t want to design something for Adrien anymore.” He compares it to a song he once tried to write for a girl he loved, except his feelings changed halfway through it, and he wasn’t able to finish the song. Marinette realizes he must be talking about Ladybug. She protests and accuses Chat of “giving up” on Ladybug, which he objects to. He insists that he still has a valuable relationship with her, even if he’s not romantically interested.
Ultimately, Chat tells Marinette that she needs to design something she’s passionate about, and to stop worrying about whether the design “fits” Adrien as a person. When he jokingly complains that Adrien is getting a lace shirt instead of him, Marinette promises that she’ll make one for Chat, too. The two then go to bed. Marinette worries to herself that if she or Chat end up dating someone besides each other, they won’t remain close like they currently are.
In Chapter 16, Chat and Marinette wake up before school starts. Marinette fantasizes about a domestic life with him, and blurts out a question about how common Chat’s real first name is. He says that it’s pretty common (“definitely top fifty”), and Marinette asks if he can tell her, since it wouldn’t be identifying information. However, Chat says that it’s too risky. (“I guess you could look at a list and pick one to call me, but that’s no different than calling me Chat.”) Plagg shows up to tease the two lovebirds, and then Chat leaves so that Marinette can get ready for school.
At school, Alya and Nino ask about “Charles” (Chat Noir’s disguise at the masquerade dance in Burgundy and Blush). Alya then asks Adrien for his thoughts on Ladynoir, and Adrien says that he doesn’t support shipping real people. Nino is surprised, saying that Adrien used to be a huge fan of Ladynoir. Adrien then echoes Chat’s words about how the two superheroes can be close even if they’re not in a romantic relationship.
In Chapter 17, Marinette still can’t figure out a design. She meets up with Chat Noir as Ladybug and says she wants to continue their conversation from the day before. Ladybug expresses disappointment that he doesn’t love her anymore, which Chat disagrees with; he does love her, even if it’s not romantic. He asks why it matters, when she should be relieved—and Ladybug answers, “Because I’m in love with you.” She admits that she’s been anxious because she’s wondering why he stopped loving her.
Chat gets irritated and says that he hasn’t stopped loving her, and that he doesn’t love her less. He’s tired of everyone acting like platonic love is somehow inferior. He shares that he’s afraid to love people because his father always rejects him and forces him to buy his love, and because other people are constantly sticking their nose in his personal life. Ladybug says that he’s right, and that she was wrong to be dismissive; Chat says he’s sorry that she’s feeling hurt.
When Chat mentions an issue in his personal life, Ladybug offers to listen, but he says that he doesn’t want to ask her for advice about his romantic feelings for someone else. The two agree on a raincheck for the coffee date, and Ladybug ponders her feelings for Adrien and Chat Noir. She wonders if her bond with Adrien could ever be as strong as her bond with Chat, and whether she even has the patience to wait for that.
In Chapter 18, Marinette is still trying to finish her design for the competition; the deadline for her materials request form is in three days. She refuses to abandon her design for Adrien the way that Chat Noir abandoned his song for Ladybug.
Noticing Marinette’s art block, Tom tells her that he or Sabine will take her shopping for some fabric, so that Marinette can get work on a project that isn’t related to the contest. When Sabine takes her shopping, Marinette finds some gorgeous midnight blue lace that instantly reminds her of Chat Noir. After buying it, she immediately rushes home and creates an entire design for Chat’s shirt in one sitting. This success motivates Marinette to finish her design for Adrien as well.
Tikki notes that Marinette seems more excited about Chat’s design, but Marinette says that’s just because of burnout. Since she finished so close to the deadline, she goes to the Agreste mansion to submit the materials form in-person. She and Adrien chat for a bit, and Adrien admits that he begged his father to let him model for Marinette. Marinette thinks about how Adrien would say yes if she asked him out—and yet, it somehow feels like the wrong decision to ask him. She decides that it must be bad timing, since she’s stressed out from the contest. She then invites Adrien to visit over the weekend and play video games.
You can read Chapter 19 here!
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pls i need an eating jakes ass fic i need it
[post in reference]
maybe when I'm not so frail... writing it would take all I've got at this point, but it's probably inevitable.
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whatthefishh · 2 years
Leather and Lace Moodboard
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I was reading Leather and Lace by @romanarose​ at work and felt like making this. It’s such a cute story, check it out! Chapters still coming out.
Hope you like it :)
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direwombat · 1 year
can i get........ the kinky jake/syb fic.......
adlfkjadflkajdsf 🙈🙈🙈🙈 i mean, it's basically syb and jacob fuck nasty: the fic
i don't have much of it properly written, but under the cut is the first few lines and then kind of a rundown of what happens next
“You do realize what you’re asking, right, Jackrabbit?” Jacob had asked, his voice rough with desire, when Sybille had told him that she wanted him to force her. 
“Would I be asking, if I didn’t?” she had answered. She wasn’t an idiot. She knew that Jacob had certain…desires that he abstained from because he knew she would fight back in a way that wouldn’t get either of them off. But the thing is, she’s done so much fighting back recently that she’s just so goddamn sick and tired of it. [...]
“Jacob Seed, I want you to pull me from my head, and ruin me.”
what follows is essentially: the next time she's causing trouble in the whitetails, jacob kidnaps her, knocks her out, takes her to some bunker, and throws her into what looks like a prison cell with chains stuck into the wall and with nothing more than a thin mattress beneath her. and he comes in all menacing, playing it like how things were before they recognized the self in the other and started fucking.
she tries to make a break for it when he opens the door to the cell (because this is part of the game), and successfully muscles past him, but he catches her and hauls her back to the cage and chains her up. And i mean. what follows is essentially an intense bdsm scene where he pushes her body to the limits because 1) that's what she asked him to do, and 2) he can't deny his own curiosity.
technically it's bad bdsm etiquette because there's no safeword in place, but jacob has his own way of checking in with her periodically and they both know that if there was anything that syb really didn't like, she'd put a stop to it
anyway, this is how it ends:
There’s a beat of silence and then she just starts laughing. “You built me a sex dungeon,” she smiles. 
“The bunker already existed. I just…retrofitted it.”
“You built a me a sex dungeon,” she repeats.
“I built you a sex dungeon," he sighs.
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stxrrybee · 1 year
His Leather, Your Lace Masterlist
Main Fic Playlist
Reader's Mix
Sims 4 Build of Reader's House
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smol-and-grumpy · 2 years
Leather & Lace - Chapter 01
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester, owner, and editor-in-chief of Craze magazine is an enigma, even to his own employees. There are only a selected few from his industry who have had the luck of meeting him. Of course, being mysterious brings rumors. Ones such as drinking blood because he’s a vampire, or, that he went vegan because he believes it’s the key to everlasting life. When Y/N joins the company, however, the latest story circulating is that he’s living somewhere on a private island with his much younger boy toy, and five pet tigers. Crazy, right? Still, she believes it all — up until she meets him, because, in person, Dean Winchester is the bane of her existence.
Warnings: None for now... or is there?
Word Count: 2,574
Beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons <3
A/N: Finally this graces tumblr. I’m 11 chapters ahead on Patreon in case you can’t wait :)
Series Masterlist ~ General Masterlist
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The alarm goes off, it sounds shrill and blaring, causing Y/N to sit straight up in her bed. Her eyes are wide open while she blinks away the residue of her sleep as she frantically looks around herself and tries to remember where the fuck she is.
As soon as she realizes that she is, in fact, in her own bedroom that’s in her shabby one-bedroom apartment, she reaches out a hand to stop the shrieking sound coming from her phone vibrating on her nightstand.
She groans as soon as she notices the time. 5 AM. Fuck.
It’s still dark out, and there's not a trace of sunlight coming through her curtainless window. only a sliver of the streetlamp below.
Today is the first of the month, which happens to fall on her designated laundry day. The schedule is given by her landlord with a stern warning that she has to be mindful of her designated time. She really can’t miss it since she missed the last one, and she would prefer using the building’s accessible laundry facility rather than schlepping her clothes across three blocks in order to get them washed in the nearest laundromat.
But since today is the first day of the month, it also means that there’s going to be the mandatory monthly meeting where they get assigned new projects to work on. It’s always a big deal — at least that’s what her colleagues say. Y/N doesn’t really know since she’s never been. She only started as a Senior Editor two weeks ago after the move from another, smaller, insignificant fashion magazine.
Honestly, she doesn’t really know how she managed to secure the job, but she did, and now she’s here in the heart of New York City, working for the world’s most supreme fashion magazine in existence. She’s going to give it her best — even if it means getting up at 5 AM to get her laundry done before having to go to work.
Her colleagues have warned that she won’t get home early on the day of the meeting since Mr. Winchester always wants to have the concept drafts of their assigned projects mailed to him by 9 AM the next morning. She’s braced herself for a night of no sleep and more work.
So, even if getting up in the early hours kills her a little on the inside, she pulls the comforter back and gets out of the bed, yawning as she peels her t-shirt from her body and launches it onto the overstuffed duffel beside two weeks full of worn clothes.
Y/N throws on her bathrobe before shouldering her bag and making her way down to the first floor in order to get her items laundered. She already longs for coffee, but first thing’s first. Descending the stairs, she steers right for the laundry room. She needs to get the first load in before going up again to make coffee and take a shower in order to get herself to be more awake.
  “Shit, shit, shit!” She curses loudly while she tries to wipe the coffee stain off the only clean shirt she has. The others are still hanging wetly from the laundry rack. “Shit!”
Y/N should probably take the shirt off, maybe rinse it out under the water but she has no fucking time. If she doesn’t leave right now and get on the next train, she’ll never be able to make it to the meeting on time. So, she just slips into her blazer, hoping that the stain isn’t really visible with another item of clothing concealing her mishap.
Running out into the street right after, she shoulders past some pedestrians and almost stumbles over her own feet as she descends the stairs for the subway in a hurry.
Once she’s inside the train and riding towards her destination, she allows herself to sigh out loud. What a fucking morning. It can only get better, right?
  Y/N’s sprinting towards the building. Through the pouring rain.
What a morning indeed.
First, she spilled coffee all over herself, and then the subway stopped running because of an accident on the line. It feels a lot like the whole world wants to prevent her from reaching the office, because as soon as she gets back above ground, the floodgate opens, sending down fat drops of rain that quite literally drench her.
Still, she’s determined. She’s dead set on reaching her building because there’s quite literally nothing that could keep her away from attending her first important meeting, not even if lightning would strike her, or if she should fall down and die.
Running into the building, her ballerinas are making a splitter splatter sound on the marble floor. Reaching into her bag, she grabs her employee badge and waves it to security while ignoring his stupid smirk, before bolting for the elevators. There’s one about to close, so she puts more force into her steps, compelling her feet to take her there faster.
“Hold!” She calls out, hoping the person inside of the elevator would hear her and push the button on time. The door’s about to close, but thankfully, she gets there in time.
Reaching out, she sticks her hand through the doors to get them to open again. It’s very dumb since she never had to pry open an elevator door before, and doesn’t know if it will open again or just close with her arm in it, perhaps causing her to lose a limb. Okay, that’s a little dramatic, but seriously, she’d lose a limb if it meant that she’d get to the meeting on time.
There’s a man standing inside who looks at her as if he’s seen a ghost as she literally pries her way into the enclosed space. She scoffs and has half a mind to glare at him for not holding the elevator for her, but he’s not really worth her energy. Probably some executive who is silently cursing her for losing another two seconds of his precious time because she dared to hold up this fucking elevator.
“Twenty-Third floor, please,” Y/N says, ignoring the way he eyes her, but she feels his gaze traveling from the flat of her drenched hair to the puddle on the floor she’s dripping into.
He tears his eyes away from her then, grumbling something under his breath but doesn’t proceed to push the button for her. Only when she looks at the panel does she see that the “23” is already lighting up.
Oh, great. He’s someone from Craze. That’s just fucking fabulous.
During the ride up, he steals glances at her the whole time, and maybe it’s only her imagination, but he’s looking at her with… disdain.
When the man sighs, she checks him out from the corner of her eyes. He’s pretty, and quite young, maybe mid-thirties if she has to guess. The stranger is dressed in a tailored suit that has no right to fit on a man this tall and broad. The scent of his cologne wafts through the closed space; it’s pleasant, with a hint of bergamot and wood and it gets her heart to race a little. His face is freckled, there's a slight scruff on his chin and he has a perfect jawline. His hair is a little longer. The right length to grab when he’s going down on you, her mind supplies. Fuck.
The sound of him clearing his throat brings her out of her indecent thoughts.
“It’s something the matter?” She asks, sickly sweet, still being petty about him not holding the elevator up for her.
“You’re dripping,” he complains. His voice is deep, has an edge to it but smooth at the same time. Shit, she’s turned on by a voice. How is that possible?
When she doesn’t comment, he says it again, and grits through his teeth. “You’re dripping.”
She’s what? Did she think her x-rated thoughts aloud? Because, yeah, she did get a little wetter by the thought of having his face between her thighs, but he shouldn’t have known that! Oh god. She gapes at him.
The man nods. “Yeah, there’s a puddle in the elevator. It’s a hazard.”
“Well, excuse me for having to run four blocks in the pouring rain because there was no taxi in sight!” Y/N spits out.
“You could have called an Uber.”
She scoffs, “And miss the meeting while I wait for one to show up? Over my dead body!”
“You work for Craze?” He asks, eyebrows shooting up his forehead, as if he’s really shocked.
Well, maybe he has a right to be because she’s wearing a simple white shirt and jeans that don’t fit her too well because it’s her laundry day outfit. But at least her bright bra underneath is not visible through the blaz— she looks down on herself, and sure enough, the blazer’s button has popped during her run, and she’s literally standing in this elevator, dripping all over the fucking floor while wearing a coffee-stained white shirt that’s now see-through, with a visible red bra underneath. She can only imagine how her mascara looks now because of course, she didn’t use the waterproof one. No wonder the stranger was so shocked to know she was working for the best fashion magazine of the century. Fuck, again.
Instead of feeling small or giving in, her instincts tell her to square her shoulders and meet him head on.
“Well, it’s laundry day and I’m still waiting for my first paycheck to come through so I can afford to be as stylish as the others,” she snaps, nostrils flaring as she desperately bites back the comment that his suit is probably Tom Ford, and cost as much as two months rent for her, so even with the paycheck, there’s no way she can afford anything that he would think was adequate because he’s a rich asshole.
The elevator dings just then, and he scrambles to get out. It looks like he can’t wait to get out of there and away from her fast enough. Fuck him, seriously.
He hurries down the hallway, leaving her drenched and in an even more miserable mood than before the ride up.
  “Oh, look what the cat dragged in,” Jody, the other editor from across her cubicle muses as soon as Y/N reaches her desk.
Kevin, who’s her cubicle neighbor looks up and snorts, “Oh, a drenched street rat.”
“Fuck off, both of you. I had a morning from hell,” she grumbles while pulling out her laptop and is about to connect the device to the screen.
“Oh, no, don’t even think about it, we should be going.” Kevin stops her, getting out of his own chair with a notebook in his grip and a pen tucked behind his ear. “But don’t even think you won’t get to recount your morning from hell story, I’m curious why you thought it was a good idea to swim to work.”
Jody does her best not to chuckle, which doesn’t work very well. But when she walks around to stand beside Y/N, the woman eyes the shirt she’s wearing. “Yeah, uh, I’d change that before the meeting, big boss is in.” The woman gestures to a closet on the far end of the open space office, “We have a box in there with some lost and found items, I’m sure there’s something in there that fits you.”
She sighs, “Will you wait for me?”
“Of course,” Kevin nods in response, “Now go!”
Honesty, she’s thankful she found some great friends to work with. It’s never really dull with the two of them, and she is super thankful for their guidance of the inner works of Craze. She would have been lost without their help.
Y/N hurries into the closet and switches on the light. It goes on at first before something sparkles and the bulb fizzles out.
Great. This is just fucking dandy.
She’s seen the lost and found carboard box in the 2 milliseconds the light was still on, so she reaches blindly inside, grabbing at an item before darting out. She inspects the balled-up cloth right outside of the room, unfolds it, and breathes relief when she sees that it’s a clean, black shirt. It does have a picture of a face of a man on the front though. He’s clean-shaven and young, hair a little longer. The man in the picture has piercing green eyes and pouty lips. She thinks the male model looks vaguely familiar. It’s probably a model the magazine once worked with. That must be where she remembers him from because she’s been buying a copy since Freshman year in college.
Once she arrives at her desk, she throws her blazer off, followed by the shirt as the only people still left lingering in the office are her two friends. And as Kevin has seen plenty of naked models before, he doesn’t even bat an eye when he sees her in her bra. The air conditioning causes goosebumps to spread on her damp skin. Quickly, Y/N pulls the shirt over her head and knots it at her waist because it’s too big.
“Guys, are you—” The voice trails off, causing her to take a glance in the direction of the open doorway.
“Hi Sam,” she chirps innocently, hands blindly grabbing at the notebook and pen in her bag.
“Uh,” Sam Campbell, her executive editor huffs when he looks her up and down, “Is that your shirt?”
“Well, no, I— the rain, you know. I found this in the lost and found.”
“I see,” the tall man nods, “Well, this should be fun. C’mon, the meeting’s about to start.” He jerks his head and is off towards the meeting room.
“What was that all about?” Y/N hisses as she follows her boss in his long strides, squeezed between Kevin and Jody.
“I have no idea,” her Asian friend next to her shrugs.
“I’m wondering what Mr. Winchester looks like,” she muses as her heart picks up speed at finally being able to meet a living legend.
“Honestly,” Jody whispers, “we haven’t met him yet. He’s very private and I swear he’s hiding somewhere in the room every time.”
“You haven’t?” Astounded, she looks at Kevin. He shakes his head.
“Oh, shhh—” Jody bumps her shoulder against hers as she ushers her into the packed meeting room.
There must be at least eighty people in there. No wonder Jody couldn’t pick out Mr. Winchester. It’s damn near impossible.
They stand off to the side because the little table is occupied by the executives and people more important than her. Sam is chairing the meeting. Off to his left sits Rowena, Craze’s very own amazing creative director. Then Benny, the managing editor she heard transferred over from the French branch just a couple of weeks before she started.
Y/N can spot Jo, Sam’s assistant, standing in the crowd. She grins at the woman and the blonde replicates her smile. But then— her smile stays frozen when she notices someone staring right at her. The man from the elevator is about three heads behind Jo. His gaze is fixed on her face, his eyes intense. They travel down from Y/N’s features to her shirt and then back up again. His eyebrows are knitted together, a frown appearing on his forehead as he scowls.
What the fuck is the guy’s problem?
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Chapter 02
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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thefreakymunson · 2 years
Leather and Lace, Chapter 2
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taglist: @fuckmeupeds @xcatnapsx @aysheashea @benztripp @eddiemunson95 @micheledawn1975 @sidthedollface2 @sherrylyn628
CW: None so far, this is a pretty chill chapter lol
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Another Monday morning, another Chemistry class, another stupid headache.  Eddie was actually early to school, having to swing by and give Dustin a lift.  The only other person in the class was the quiet girl that sat behind him – Luna.  He leaned further back in his chair, rocking it on the two hind legs as he laid his head back on her desk and looked up at her skeptically upside down.
“Why are you here so early?” He questioned softly.
“I’m always here this early,” Luna said, pushing his hair to the side as she finished writing what she was scribbling down.
“Yeah, but why?” Eddie wrinkled his nose. 
“Why not? You get the good parking spaces when you get here earlier.” She nodded, making the mistake of looking into his big brown eyes.
“Holy shit,” Eddie said, sitting up and turning around to face her, “Are your eyes real?”
“I mean, like…they’re gorgeous.” Eddie shook his head in disbelief, “You’ve got killer eyes.”
“Thanks,” she said with a small smile, “Grew ‘em myself.”
He laughed at that, and then turned around to face the front of the desk.  He was quiet for a few minutes, watching as the other students walked in the room.  When he went to turn around, she held the pencil up and waited for him to take it.
“Thank you,” he gave her a small smile, “I owe you my life, yada yada.”
“Help me defeat the final, yada yada.” She said mockingly.
“I know I keep asking this,” he said,  leaning forward to rest his chin on his fist that was in the center of her desk, “But I think you’d like DnD if you’d just try it.”
“You always play when I’m working,” she shrugged as the teacher started talking.
“I think you can make time if you truly wanted to,” Eddie shrugged slightly, “Maybe we can hangout after you get off one night and I can teach you the ropes.”
“Munson! Eyes forward!” O’Donnel yelled at the two of you, causing Eddie to roll his eyes.
He placed two pointed fingers to his temple and sighed, “Today’s the day I’m finally going to do it.”
“Turn around,” Luna laughed.  And Eddie realized it was the first time he had actually seen her laugh, or hell even really smile at him.  It was a pretty sight.  Her cheeks puffed out, creating tiny lines at the edge of her eyes, her lips dipped to the left in an awkward smile.
“Mr. Munson-“
“All right, all right.” Eddie grumbled, forcing himself to turn around in his seat, “Happy?”
“Thank you.”
When Iz stepped out of the dressing room that night, she half-way expected to see Eddie at the bar.  Except he wasn’t anywhere in sight.  A bit disappointed, she made her way to the stage and performed the opening act, entertaining the guys as much as she could.  She wasn’t feeling it tonight, but the bills had to be paid, and the guys were tipping heavily. 
She was hanging upside down on the pole when her eyes caught the familiar head of hair.  She hadn’t seen him in months now, but she knew him from anywhere.  King Steve Harrington.  She saw him make his way to the bar, and then over to the stage, giving her a small wave to let her know he wanted to talk.  She watched out the corner of her eye as he sat a second glass down in front of him, a drink for her.  Always the gentleman.
Her playlist ended and she walked over, sitting down in the booth in front of him, offering a small smile as he leaned forward.
“It’s been awhile, King Steve.” Iz smiled over at him.
“Yeah, it has, hm?” Steve smirked, “I was wondering if you were still here.”
“Unfortunately,” she smiled despite the sadness in her voice, “How have you been?”
“Okay,” He shrugged, “Ya know, working and all that bullshit.  What about you?”
“Shouldn’t complain, I guess.” Iz shrugged, “You’re not here for a dance?”
“No,” Steve gave her a small smile, “I’m throwing a party in a few days and I was wondering if you’d want to make a few extra bucks? I’ll pay you and anything you make will be your own…looking for a couple of girls, actually.”
“Mmm, stripping in the Harrington mansion,” She grinned as she leaned forward, swirling her drink with her fingertip, “Sounds like a fun time.  When is it?”
“This Friday night,” Steve nodded, “If you can’t swing it, that’s okay.  I know you’ll probably make more money here, but I just want to help.  I know the shit you’re facing and I think you’ll have fun there.”
“I’ll be there,” Iz smiled at him, “Thanks for the invite, Steve.  Really.”
“Yeah, of course.” He gave her a small smile, “You been taking care of yourself?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “I have been.  School’s been rough, but ya know…I’m surviving.”
“Good,” Steve said, finishing his drink and then standing up, “I’ll see you Friday then?”
“Yeah.  Friday.” Iz smiled, watching as he tossed a tip on the bar, gave her one last look, and then walked out the door. 
If only things had been different, if only she felt safe enough to expose her true identity, she knew she would’ve had Steve wrapped around her fingers.
The next night,  Eddie’s head was swimming.  He couldn’t believe she had called him.  He was attempting the chemistry homework when his uncle yelled out the phone call was for him.  It had been three days since Eddie gave Luna his number to give to Elizabeth.  He leaned against the wall, shooing Wayne away when he felt the man was too close to him. Wayne held his hands up defensively and backed away, a knowing smirk playing on his face. 
Eddie had a call from a girl.
“Hello?” Eddie asked, trying to remain cool.
“Hiya,” Elizabeth’s voice rang in through the phone and he realized he was holding his breath.
“Yeah, silly.” Elizabeth laughed, “Who else would it be?”
“Mmm, I don’t know.” Eddie smirked, “Guess I was giving up hope that you would actually call.”
“Things have been a little crazy work wise, I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” Elizabeth laughed, “Late nights at the gas station is crazy, even in small town Hawkins.”
“Gas station?” Eddie cleared his throat, “Y-you work at a gas station?”
“Yeah.  The shell station down by the train tracks.” She nodded, “You should come see me sometime.  Make the night shift go by faster.”
“When are you working again?”
“Tonight.  I don’t work there every night, but it’s good money.” she said, twirling the phone cord around her phone as she moved to lay on her back in the center of her bed, “You know, I’m sort of surprised you had Luna give me your number.”
“Why’s that?”
“You never really talk to me in school,” She shrugged, “I get it, though...talking to a girl might ruin your bad boy image, hm?”
“Bad boy?” He laughed and leaned back against the wall, “That’s a new one.  Nicer than the alternative.”
“What’s the alternative?”
“Oh, you know what they call me in that fuckin’ school,” Eddie snorted.
“I think you forget I’m the new girl, Edward.” She said, a small laugh accompanying the sarcasm.
“They call me the freak,” he snorted, “I’ll take your nickname over that one.”
“I don’t think you’re a freak, Eddie.” Elizabeth said softly, “I think you’re pretty cool, actually.”
“Yeah?” He chewed on the inside of his cheek, the unfamiliar hot feeling rising to his cheeks, “I think you’re cool, too.”
“I’m getting ready to head to work,” Eddie could hear her smile through the phone, “You should come get some gas.”
“Yeah, I think I should, too.” Eddie grinned, “Apparently there’s some cool gas clerk there, too.  Guess I’ll come check her out as well.”
Elizabeth laughed at that and looked up at her ceiling, “I’ll see you in a bit.”
When Eddie pulled up to the Shell station, he was sure he was going to find that same pinto looking car sitting in the parking lot, but he didn’t.  There was a nice Mustang with a license plate that read “XOE-1986.”  Custom.  He felt a bit disappointed, but that was soon displaced when he saw the blonde headed girl waving him inside.
He took a deep breath and checked his reflection as nonchalantly as possible, and was rounding the corner, finally ready to spend some alone time with the girl that had alluded him for the past two weeks, when all of a sudden he seen a shorter head of long dark brown hair standing opposite of her.  So much for being alone with her, right?
“There he is!” Elizabeth’s voice rang from behind the counter, filling the station’s otherwise quiet space.
“Great,” Luna sighed, “I can finally leave.”
“Hey, Lun.” Eddie gave her a small smile.
“Ew, don’t call me that.” Luna wrinkled her nose up at him.
“Yeah, that sounded awful.” Eddie hung his head in slight embarrassment, watching out the corner of his eye as she slid down off the counter and hoisted her bookbag up over her shoulder.
“But hello.  And also goodbye.” Luna playfully saluted him, “I’ve got to get to work.”
“Jesus, you both work late shifts?” Eddie glanced between the two of them, watching as they shared a knowing look with a small nod.  If only he knew…
“Gotta make money somehow, Eds.” Luna said, patting his arm as she walked past him. 
The smooth transition of Luna leaving, Eddie leaned forward on the counter, and Elizabeth jumping up on the counter  to sit in front of him filled the air with that unmistakable perfume again. 
“God, you smell good.” Eddie snorted, “Always do.”
“You go around sniffing me a lot, Eddie?” She laughed, crossing her legs on the counter as she looked down at him.
“Perfume smells that good, I can’t help myself.” Eddie laughed softly.
“Yeah, Luna’s mom is like this hippie woman that makes her own scents and sells it.” Elizabeth shrugged, “We get free bottles all the time for helping pay her treatments.”
“Treatments?” Eddie shrugged, “That’s cool, I guess….whatever she does, I’ll make sure to keep you stocked in it.”
Elizabeth laughed softly and looked down at him, brushing the strands of hair back away from his face, “You’re cute, Eddie.”
“I think you’re pretty cute, too.” Eddie smirked, watching as she leaned down and pressed her lips to his.
A million thoughts flooded his mind.  He wanted to ask how long she had been stripping, if she was going to continue to work there – not that he had a issue with it.  He really liked her, though, and he really really liked kissing her.  He decided that the moment his lips touched hers. 
The sound of the door opening jolted them away from each other and Elizabeth turned to see Luna standing there, slightly shocked at what she had walked in on, but still had a quizzical look on her face. 
Luna felt the pang of jealousy hit harder.  She felt like such a idiot in their presence, wanting to escape as fast as she could, but needing to find what she had lost.  She couldn’t work without it.  She bowed her head and walked past the two of them, biting her tongue – Elizabeth wouldn’t have even knew who Eddie was if it wasn’t for her.  She felt the anger rise a little higher, knowing that it was just a show-off move.  Everything Elizabeth done was to show-off. 
“Sorry to bother you two,” Luna cleared her throat, “But I need my mask and I think it’s behind the counter.”
Elizabeth and Luna shared a look.  Elizabeth silently asking her to stop – be quiet, and please not ruin this.  Neither of them wanted to be outed.  Neither of them wanted to fess up to what they done for their money.  No one else needed to know in this tiny town.  They’d be the skanks of Hawkin’s High.
And Luna, letting her jealousy win for a moment, but knowing deep down, Elizabeth was right.
“There’s a spare one in the backseat.” Elizabeth cleared her throat, “Use that one for tonight.”
“I don’t want to use that one,” Luna shrugged slightly, “They know me by mine.”
Eddie glanced between the two of them, sensing the tension.  He wanted to ask if he needed to leave, or if he needed to help look for whatever it was she was looking for.  But mostly, he just wanted to offer so Luna would leave a bit faster. 
“Do you-“ Eddie started but was quickly shut up by Elizabeth’s fingers covering his mouth.
“No, she’s fine.  She’s using my car tonight since hers bit the dust and is in the shop, she can use the one in the backseat.” Elizabeth gave him a small smile, “Me and you can go to the back for a few minutes, yeah? I’m not tall enough to reach the top shelf and there’s no other help here tonight.”
Luna watched as Eddie nodded and Elizabeth slid off the counter, tangling her fingers in his as she lead the tall boy into the back storage room. 
Luna fumed the entire way to work after she grabbed her bunny mask from behind the counter.  She regretted giving Elizabeth his number.  She wouldn’t make him happy – she wouldn’t even remember his name within a week.  She’d suck the life out of him, use him for drugs, and then forget all about him within a months time. 
“Poor Eddie,” Luna sighed as she slid the pink bedazzled bunny mask down over her face before she stepped out of the car, “Doesn’t even know he’s got the wrong girl.”
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mamaestapa · 6 months
do we have a release timeline for the new fics 🥰 i have some family over for the holidays and need something to keep me busy otherwise ill be roped into holiday shopping (which with my family is a battle 😂)
I was hoping to get more out earlier this month...but life happens (life being college and finals week literally kicking my butt lol) so I wasn't able to do as much as i wanted. im going to have to move some updates around a bit, probably wont be doing Call It What You Want, I'll be pushing that one back a lil bit ;)
BUT right now, this is my current release schedule, it could definitely change though, you guys know how i am lol
-tonight: Jack Hughes blurb
-next week: Leather and Lace, Daddy Issues, & Devils Advocate EITHER: Icebreaker w/trevor zegras OR Surround Sound w/Jack Hughes & trevor zegras)
-12/24-12/31: NHL blurb night/thirsty Thursday, Daddy Issues &/OR Devils Advocate maybe one of my the neighbourhood/arctic monkeys imagines
like I said, this could definitely change but this what im hoping to get out in the next couple weeks! hopefully this will keep you busy love, good luck with your fam and with the holiday shopping if you do end up going!☺️🤍
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ao3feed-larry · 1 year
Leather Over Lace
by larry_hiatus
Harry wasn’t planning for his trousers to rip on stage. He also wasn’t planning for everyone to see his lace knickers when it happened. But what he really wasn’t planning on was his boyfriend punishing him for it.
Words: 4249, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Dom Louis Tomlinson, Sub Harry Styles, Dom Louis Tomlinson/Sub Harry Styles, Harry Styles in Panties, Anal Fingering, Spanking, Humiliation, Embarrassment, I think those are appropriate tags to add?, Louis Tomlinson Calls Harry Styles Pet Names, Harry Styles Calls Louis Tomlinson "Daddy", Daddy Kink, Canon Compliant, mostly - Freeform, I'm probably forgetting something, i am rubbish at tags
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/zK5fOUb
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