#LORE i guess for cassius
porta-decumana · 2 years
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Astraeus -  In Greek mythology, Astraeus (/əˈstriːəs/) or Astraios (Ancient Greek: Ἀστραῖος means "starry") was an astrological deity. Some also associate him with the winds, as he is the father of the four Anemoi (wind deities), by his wife, Eos.
I officially designed Cassius’s Unsundered self, Astraeus, who is nonbinary.  They use any pronouns but I typically refer to them as they/them.  Astraeus was known for being a shameless flirt and for having magic that resembled starlight.  They were extremely fond of Hades and the two had a fairly obvious relationship, though Hades tended to keep silent about it.  It’s said when the Final Days came to Amaurot, Astraeus was on the front lines alongside their lover, trying to keep the hordes of beasts at bay while others could flee.  Astraeus favored felines and would often make cutesy kitten familiars that would attack Hades’s feet.
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monoxology · 2 months
Ok since y’all liked creatures weird eyes I GUESS I have to explain some lore oh this is such a tradgedy….😈😈😈
Ok so basically
Az likes to use a certain special neurotoxin like drug on his closer workers that is kind of based off devil’s breath where in smaller doses it basically makes them do anything he wants them to and they have barely any recollection of what happened. He only uses this on his verrrry special workers when he either doesn’t want them to remember what happened and claims he did it to ‘protect them’ from what he does which in some cases (cough creature cough) is actually true but in majority of other cases he just does it because he knows they will probably refuse to do what he asks and he can’t afford to risk that.
In larger doses it does what the small does does however it also triggers the fight or flight response which most of the time ends up being fight bc that’s how most monster brains are hardwired which comes in very handy in the ring if you’ve placed a lot of money on a fighter and want them to win lol
However if too much is used it triggers too much of a survival response and the sheer amount of adrenaline that’s produced just stops the heart so u gotta be rlly careful
Long time use of the smaller dosage has a damaging effect on the cardiovascular system as well as the central nervous system and can cause shitty stuff like hallucinations and seizures and blindness cause the drug either completely dilates the pupils or shrinks them depending on what sort of monster it’s used on. It can also cause something the dealers call a ‘void eye ’ where basically the pupil dilates so much it exploded and the whole eye turns black and usually turns the user blind and causes immense pain whenever the eye is moved so in most cases of this happening the void eye is removed
Ik that’s not realistic and would never happen but idrc bc it’s cool and also it’s fantasy 😋
It also causes the eyes to change colour due to damage to the veins in the eyes cause of excess dilation/ shrinkage which is why creature’s eyes look like that. He also has problems with depth perception and colour blindness occasionally
Creatures eyes are very similar to Cas’s eyes because she used to be a fighter Az worked with for a while. Her nickname used to be Ms Meathooks bc honestly look at the absolute gutters she has
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She also has problems with her sight but some of them are just caused by old age lol
Anyways yeah that’s why their eyes are so funky but feel free to ask if u wanna know something else 😋😋😋😋🫶🫶🫶🫶
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filipinosamflynn · 8 months
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Below is my review of book 1, I'll go into spoilers. After this, I'm either gonna move onto a different book or try to find golden son. Not sure which one will happen.
But yeah, great book, 4 stars, or 8/10! Definitely just set up for things to come in the trilogy, but also a really good setup & story.
PREFACE: This is from the perspective from somebody who DOESN'T read books for fun too often. Red Rising was the first book in a long while I chose to read for fun since Harry Potter in 1st year high school (I didn't even finish the series, I stopped at the start of Half Blood Prince). So you're dealing with one of the most casual guys who went into the series. Another thing: I came into the series thinking it would be similar to Nimona (2023) or Sylas's story from League, since I brought up these two things when I first asked for book recs, so my expectations were HORRIBLY wrong (kind of, sylas's lore is pretty similar and the only difference is that sylas gets STRAIGHT into action but also his characterization sucks). So my perspective is strange, is what I'm saying, and I am far from the most valid person to be seriously reviewing this book. I'm just sharing this for fun lmao :P
I'm just writing the first few things that come to my mind, so stick with me people! These are messy, unfiltered thoughts.
This book is rough, really whumpy at the start of the book, but it's good whump. It's just setting up and establishing what's to come and to make all the payoffs feel better by showing us the insane suffering Darrow goes through. But also? Damn. That was rough. it felt like grimdark (this is coming from the perspective of a guy who actively avoids all things grimdark - with the exception of whump fanfics on ao3).
And then we get into the institution, and I just went, "oh. This is hunger games harry potter." I was a bit disappointed to be honest, I know the book is called "red rising" and it literally means "the slow rise of a red" so he still needs to prepare himself for what's to come, but also... eh?????? Someone in Reddit called this segment "pierce brown kidnapping fans of the hunger games when it was at the peak of its popularity", which ✨️iconic behavior✨️ but I was a bit confused as we took this academy stuff seriously. But slowly, I grew into it when the characters started interacting. I liked it when Darrow was interacting with others since the first half of the book felt so isolating. I liked every single scene Sevro shows up since he brings so much chaos and fun to a story that had so much downtrodden underlying sadness. The chapter 9 reveal is still hitting me, like "damn FUCK THESE GUYS BRO, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS PLANET HAS ALREADY BEEN TERRAFORMED???" Also because sevro's fucking awesome, but that's besides the point. The same goes for Darrow's scenes with Virginia and pre-sword fight Cassius, but they aren't as iconic as Sevro.
Darrow is a super compelling protagonist for the story he's in. Making him this power fantasy fulfillment guy makes things feel all the more liberating when he beats the shit out of a guy, it's sort of like a shonen anime protagonist, I guess (i don't watch anime btw). Bro talks about Eo a bit too much though 💀 it got to the point where it got a bit funny, but some moments do hit... before virginia came into the picture as the better love interest since she's girlboss and eo is seraphine from league of legends.
Most of the characters are well written or awesome! The proctors are real loveably hateable pieces of shit I wanted 200 feet below the dirt, and I loved seeing them get beat up. Except you Fitchner, you are iconic, and you gave us Sevro. I love you. Antonia, Cassius & Jackal are just set up here, and it's mildly disappointing? I am super happy the finale ended up being "FUCK THE PROCTORS" but also that stole time away from finishing off the inter-student conflicts. Yeah those will 100% be explored in the rest of the books with more time to do so, but damn :/ the last time we see Antonia, I think she just stands there at a castle to remind us she exists??? Whatever, watching the proctors get shit on was exactly what I needed to want to see more out of this series.
I was a bit disappointed when Darrow ended up being the only red we explore in this book. I was kind of disappointed when Darrow just speaks with a gold accent the entire time, I hope later in the series he speaks like a red again because I have a red bias and hate fancy ass shit. From a book called "red rising", there aren't too many reds after part 2 which I found odd for a revolution story about a red taking control over the system. Titus? Ohoh! FUCK HIM! why did they write him to be this rapist guy, and he just exists to let darrow know he isn't the only fake gold at the institute. I was mildly hoping we would get to see another red-turned-gold team up with darrow as a 100% trustworthy ally since I felt like we needed it after all the loneliness Darrow goes through, but sadly no :(
OH AND THE ACTION SCENES HELL YEAH!!! Reddit wasn't kidding when they talked about how bloodydamn GOOD the fight scenes are. I got spoiled that "Clang! Clang! Clang! Confess!" means something, and I don't even know who is fighting who, but I want to read the whole series just to get to that point because it sounds badass.
But uhhh this series came to me at a rough point in my life. It was hard to read some parts of it and I took a few breaks. Yeah, I read the whole thing in 2 weeks, but also just to fill myself with some sort of closure when I felt sad. I felt good coming out of it, but during? UHHHHHH-
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These disorganized thoughts are getting messy, if you have any questions about specific things, comment them for me to answer. I might. 🥰
Story: 7/10, just set up but good set up
Characters: 9/10, bloodydamn good, almost all of them. I can tell, despite my initial disappointment for some of them since I know this is a book SERIES, so we will be seeing more of them soon.
Personal Enjoyment: ????/10, felt too sad at some points, absolutely adored this book in others.
Quality: 9/10, amazing writing, I want to buy all the books JUST to support Pierce Brown, I'm not even sure if I will be reading them, I just feel like throwing money at him.
Overall Score: 8/10, scared to continue, but damn I want to continue.
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eeldritchblast · 10 months
sorry, i don't know the lore of bg very much, but wasn't there sth about spawn becoming a full fledged vampire if they drink blood of their master? is this not an option with astarion and tav? or it only involve killing the master vampire? i always kinda assumed that there would be an option to become a full vampire yourself in the game. still, i love cassius and astarion, they're so messed up, i'd love to read more about them, if you feel like writing more fics!
My current understanding, based on what is said in game and what I've read, is that the master vampire must let the spawn drink their blood and through this consensually pass it on. It's not enough to just simply drink from the master, otherwise they could just take a nibble and be done with it; the master vampire has to willfully grant it via magic bond or some shit I guess?
Because there's this dialogue after Tav has been changed:
Player: Will you still drink my blood?
Astarion: Of course I will, and you'll drink mine. I can't wait to taste your lips after you've tasted me.
(Sidenote: *SCREAMING*)
Re: Cassius and Astarion - oh, you know I'm too much of a drama addict not to write more with them. I absolutely will! Hell, I may even turn that idea of their future into a story at some point. But first, I'd like to finish something a bit sweeter between them I'm working on, to balance things out.
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dragoncookies · 11 months
(foreword) This is a series where I go through each chapter of Stellarlune and dissect it for y’all. I bring up things you might have missed, the importance of what is said and what happens in each chapter, how it might relate to the book as a whole or how it might relate to the series as a whole. This book might seem boring and useless, but when you look at it, it’s really just a book that steps back and reflects on the whole series. It’s like the series is taking a refreshing deep breath and putting everything from the past together, so it can go and deliver a WILDLY  wonderful ending. All I can say is that the book gets way sweeter on the second read, and it might be too early to say, but my guess is that it’ll age finer than wine.
(excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes)
Chapters 3-5:
I’ll be honest, these chapters were a little sluggish, but at the same time...it was interesting to read about Gisela and Cassius lore. I’ll say why later in this post, but It was dark and creepy and tense; well written. There’s also a bunch of notable tid-bits in these scenes from Cassius’s memory and just what he has to say. He’s not a useless character or a 2d character, that’s for sure. Lets dive in, shall we?
(because I forget too)
Ch 3 summary: Sophie shows up at Cassius’s house and they banter for a bit after Sophie tells him that Keefe ran away. Sophie originally went there to get Cassius’s pathfinder so she could look for Keefe in the Forbidden cities, but Cassius tells her he’s working on another assignment from the Black Swan that has to do with the trollish treaty and such after what happened at Everglen (in flashback). He also has a memory he recovered that Lady Gisela tried to wipe from his mind, so Sophie agreed to watch it. 
Ch 4 summary: Sophie and Cassius watching the memory
Ch 5 summary: Sophie and Cassius banter about the following→ Cassius’s parenting, whether or not Sophie should keep looking for Keefe (she shouldn’t) or if letting Gisela finish the final step of Stellarlune on Keefe is a good idea.
Ch 3:
Sophie REALLY hates Cassius. Like, the Cassius slander is HEAVY throughout this chapter. She just gotta quip at his behavior for every reason. 
One thing that is made strikingly clear by Sophie’s conversations with Cassius is how emotionally driven she is, especially when compared to Cassius’s almost purely objective approach to things. They’re almost foils of each other, in this sense.
Also, the dialogue in the first few pages of this chapter is lowkey entertaining, even from Ro. 
“’If Keefe had come home with me-’
‘he would’ve run off even faster,’ Ro finished for him. ‘Probably would’ve left a Keefe shaped hole in one of these walls.’” (page 36). 
Haha funny for no reason. Anyways.
Ro is REALLY given an actual purpose (as are a shocking majority of the characters) as I continue to reread through stellarlune. As much as I cannot stand how nosy and obnoxious Ro can be, her background has a whole chunk of the dialogue in this chapter. I will have far more to say on Ro’s character when we get to the part where she actually leaves later on so stay tuned for that.
Now, with Lord Cassius here, we have been shown an important revelation on the current state of political affairs in the Lost Cities, and a reminder that the Black Swan is a little bigger than we thought. It makes me curious as to what other things go on behind the scenes in the Black Swan. 
Also: Sophie said she really does hate secrets. Why did sophie say she hates secrets when her wanting privacy is literally the whole point of conflict between her and Fitz for the entire previous book and the rest of Stellarlune???? Smh.
The troll treaty negotiations are stalled at the moment!!!! Empress Pernille has closed the borders and doesn’t want the elves messing with them atm, basically. This means there MIGHT be more mutant trolls. Wild. The trolls want to be isolated from everyone…which is kind of what the neverseen wants if we’re being honest…scary. 
One question: Why does the black swan want to protect the councilors from being overthrown if there’s so much emphasis on how the councilors are flawed? What is the point? 
This is where I notice things really start to get interesting in this book. 
I love when Shannon describes telepathy. Like all the “swooping and spinning” and “sinking into warmth” and describing the mind like a room makes me imagine Sophie and everyone else as little glowing people in the mind, navigating the endless maze. She describes it so vividly, its so fun to imagine being Sophie when she gets blasted by wind or goes on a rollercoaster-esc loop, or goes somewhere small and quiet, or just somewhere blue. Like that is so cool, who goes ahead describes a mind like that? And every mind in the series is different too. It's just so cool. Anyways. Back to Gisela and Cassius lore. 
This chapter really makes you think about Cassius’s and Gisela’s relationship. Its important to understand, since Gisela is like a main villain giving her character depth (like what her relationship with Cassius was exactly like) makes her feel like a REAL person, more like us. Which makes her scarier. 
This scene is where Gisela throws away her act of just wanting Keefe to be strong to make her and Cassius look good. 
Man, from the first read, it really seems like Shannon is trying to redeem Cassius with this memory. “gosh Shannon, please don’t redeem Cassius…please stop trying to redeem him”, but it’s less “poor Cassius” and more we just get to understand Cassius, because what I get out of this is that Cassius really loved Gisela, and Gisela was just using him to have a strong baby (which is sort of like the entire flaw of matchmaking…hmmm…). Like when Gisela starts explaining all these wack things she’s doing, he’s just completely shocked. Like she really flat out told him that his role was done, and he’d already provided his DNA so she didn’t need him anymore. No wonder Cassius said the memory was personal, I would be HEARTBROKEN. He’s not the best, but maybe there’s a reason he’s so cold…
If you hadn’t before, you REALLY start to see how creepy Gisela is, too. At the end of this chapter, Gisela just drugs him, and as his world slowly fades to black she whispers “don't fight it, it’ll all be over soon enough” (paraphrasing page 57). Damn she's creepy. Just, her carelessly messing with Cassius’s heart for her own gain, and doing painful horrible things to herself, to Cassius and to their relationship...she’s so sick omg. She really built Cassius the whole illusion of a happy marriage. What if Cassius was actually a happy surfer guy before Gisela? Maybe thats why his getaway is on the beach. Who knows? Maybe Gisela ruined an avid beach-boys listener and a regular cowabunger. Its all so messed up, but the theme of the importance of family is strengthened through all of this. 
What I start to wonder as I read through this chapter is…why? Why does Gisela want Keefe to be super powerful? WHY does she want to rule the world? 
She mentions she wants to harness all the elements because she believes it will make her ultra-powerful, but for WHAT? 
Gisela talking about the elements also reminds me how elemental elves are. They really are such nature-y beings. Little hippies. Talking to plants. Never killing animals. Using scrolls. No technology and A LOT of living with nature’s cycles. They see so much power in elements that Gisela is convinced she can be all-powerful if she uses all them. I ought to start seeing the elven world in a more woodsy aesthetic lmao. Alas, Shannon’s world-building never ends. 
The most important thing we learn in this chapter is that Keefe needs to go through one last step to really finish his transformation of his abilities. Yay!
Cassius’s mind was really messy after the memory, so he definitely did love her and he’s definitely messed up by that. Even Shannon’s most hateable characters get backstory and understanding, so you don't have to like what they did but it makes the story she’s telling so enriching. 
This chapter highlights how stubborn or blindsighted by emotions Sophie can be, but at least she can be persuaded. She neglects that Cassius has an OBJECTIVE approach and thinks he has a COLD HEARTED approach, and struggles to wrap her brain around the concept that Cassius could actually, in fact, be right in his suggestion that Keefe needs to finish the process of his new abilities to function properly. The fact that she sees “cold hearted” and “objective” as synonymous proves that she’s just a very emotionally driven person, which is important to understand, considering the entire series is from her point of view and if we really want to understand the story we have to understand how Sophie might tell the story. 
Also, Sophie JUST NOW realizes how she probably should have read through the archetype before she burned it. Nice one girly. I’m sorry I bag on her so much during these first few chapters, it gets better later I promise.  AND WHAT WAS THIS SHANNON:
“Lord Cassius couldn’t be right...
...could he?” (page 62). 
TAKE AWAY HER ENTER BUTTON. Made me chortle a little but like Shannon what. 
Not much else to say about this chapter. The last page was a masterpiece, though. 
“Let him take care of himself, he’s been doing it his whole life” (page 66). 
I’m not all about the endless Keefe sob story we get throughout the series, but the way it's told on page 66 is quite sad and impactful. Like oof, the self-actualization from Cassius and the cold hard truth…ouch Shannon. That hurt. Chefs kiss to the writing but yeowch. 
Overall, these few chapters are pretty satisfying because both Cassius and Sophie change a little. Cassius starts off presented as his usual hateable self, but by the end of these chapters you feel a little heavier, a little older and a little colder because of him. He just gets deeper as a character. Sophie changes her mind about finding Keefe and actually listens to Cassius’s reasoning, which is important because it changes the trajectory of this section of the book. It would have been ooc for her to just not care or decide on her own not to find Keefe because she cares about Keefe ALOT (a lil too much sometimes I’ll be honest), but it did take 5 chapters to get to this point. She also could have gone on a mission to look for Keefe, but thank goodness she decided not to, for the sake of the plot and the other characters. Victory!
She really does talk to herself a lot. 
Anyways, stay tuned for more!
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julymarte · 11 months
Y'know what... Since Twitter is continuing to self destruct
Guess I'm looking for granblue fantasy mutuals in here gnfhdjdjdk since most of my Twitter fandom activity orbited around granblue
(this is an alt account so you'd get followed back by a weird inactive roleplay account...eh...yeah)
But ye I'm more of a society Stan than an angelfucker but I'm weak for the dragons plotline too
I'm a super casual player and legit play for the plot, I really do like the lore ngl
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Accurate depiction of me after a plot relevant event
My top5 fave characters are Cassius, Siegfried , Orologia , Beatrix and Lamorak
I OCCASIONALLY do fanart but it's not a constant stream (you may know me from the Lu woh I'm an healer but meme that went around Twitter for a while)
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elllteo · 9 months
12, 18, 27, & 44
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot:
Do I Even Need To Say It....
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Sylvia is my wife's oc and they're extremely funny and the coolest little weirdo on the block. I love them and their tortured existence (burdened with knowing both sides of Matteo + Ellis' romance and unable to break the news bc its not their business) (but by fucking god they want the madness to end PLEASE)...also I think they should smooch vance a lot :) thank u
18. Any OC crackships? Oh god there's a lot that could be terrible here, UH HMM.
Matteo and Cassius is one - Cassius is a villain that gets detained for a number of Super Awful Crimes and he and Matteo HATE each other with a passion. There could be a weird little one-sided obsession thing going on there if you squinted so hard you went blind. Also I filled out this enemies meme for them one time so here's that :)
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Ellis and Vance? ? ?? - Vance likes Ellis a lot he's his scrunkly (see this image) but it's not quite a romantic thing, so much as he likes to Observe him the way one observes a neighborhood cat who wont let you get close enough to pet, but will let you feed it....Ellis doesn't have much of an opinion of vance beyond "I respect him" and "He's very good at what he does" and "Jesus christ that man is tall."
27. Any OC's that were inspired by a song?
Not really any I've done any actual lore with!! I've done a few scattered designs here or there but their development fizzles out quickly. Usually I make a character first to fit a story/plot hole, and then apply songs to them from there :3
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
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That they are so....me!!!!!
Not to be too sentimental I guess but I have become the person I am today by projecting the ideal person I wanted to be onto Matteo. I related more to the kind of soft and silly sarcastic little scruffy gender? ?? ? identity of him than of the person I thought I should be - some brooding "cool" persona. He gave me something to learn from and aspire to - and from there I have learned to be more kind and gentle and accepting of myself and others by exploring gender and identity and emotions and crisis and trauma through not only Matteo, but every other oc I have. (And a handful of my wifes ocs, thank u @peanutbudder-princess <333)
My ocs are the way I process the world, myself, the way I connect to others and express complex or nuanced emotions or dynamics that I can't normally / won't have a chance to otherwise. It's a very cathartic way to process things and I love them very much for that!! :3
TY for asking questions, these were lots of fun!!!! >:]c
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quietly-by-myself · 2 years
From the fanfic writer asks!
B - Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Absolutely. Whump, for me, is a sort of therapy that helps me cope with some of my personal experiences. I think a lot of people in the community could say that, but it's also true for me.
I - Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
None in particular? I guess just really cheesy stories can be a bit of a guilty pleasure. I pride myself on pushing the boundaries on what's possible in my writing (ex. all of the Smoke, Salt, and Asbestos lore) and thinking outside the box, so writing something kind of cheesy or reading something like that is definitely a bit of a guilty pleasure.
J - Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
I'll go with The Dark Side of the Sun.
“What I wanted to say to you, Hakon, is have a good life. Don’t worry too much about me.” Cassius smiled back at him, now a few paces ahead on the path to the village. “I know you will. I don’t deserve your worry. I don’t need it, either.” Hakon looked on as Cassius walked away, towards the village he would call home until the alchemists came for him. There was always something he wanted to say to Cassius, but had never found the strength to before that day. "Rot in hell, Cassius." Cassius chuckled, but said nothing. Hakon had the final word. After all those years, he had the final word. Yet, as he went home to Alfie and King Myndill who'd already found out that Hakon had taken his toy away, Hakon felt empty. Even as King Myndill praised his decision, he felt unhappy and empty. Getting the last word didn't matter, did it? It was a useless victory. A useless victory - just like all the ones Cassius had over the years Hakon had spent with him. That night, when he was alone, Hakon broke out in a fit of laughter. Cassius was as sad and pathetic as Hakon suspected he was.
X - A character you enjoy making suffer.
Cassius, LOL
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tvranny · 6 years
Do you ever make a particular character or topic in a series your. Brand and everyone thinks you know about that character but you soon realize yourself you know jack shit and like everything else you do in the whole damn world you just blabber on aimlessly in hopes of hitting the mark of something finally fucking coherent
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
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Full list (X beside are the finished ones) blade of woe gets its own post, too much lore already
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Full page, close up and explanation time
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Akmirra is Breyth’s main weapon. one the guard/hilt sits a blood diamond, identical to the amulet of kings. Akmirra was forged with the express purpose of fulfilling the dragonborn prophecy. Only those baring the soul of a dovah can even lift her.
Akmirra is a dragon bone sword with the enchantments of chaos damage and absorb health.
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The shattered remains of the amulet of kings, collected and reformed by Sheogorath, now sit on a silver chain round the neck of the last dragonborn, final heir to the broken dynasty.
A teardrop blood diamond set in silver. Acts as a focus for channel Brey’s magic/thu’um as well as quick change for armour and weapons. (no I don’t know how it works, please don’t ask.)
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The staff of Mania, given to Breyth upon receiving the title of Duke by his step-father. On the chains attached to the bottom are two Septims, a little nod by Cassius to his beloved son and late husband.
Atop the black staff, haloed by a gold ring, sits a large gemstone, which sparkles and shines with all conceivable colours. Around the stone’s base are tied seven ribbons, one in each colour of the rainbow. Similar to the Wabbajack, the staff of Mania has some additional spells specific to the domain of mania. (Spells to be decided)
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Yolos iisk, flame fang in the mortal tongue, was gifted by the young dragonborn to his faithful companion, Teldryn Sero, during their original travels. After the loop occurs, the blade remains with Teldryn, as do his memories. But that’s a take for later, isn’t it?
A falchion made of ebony, the fang like prongs on the guard inspired its name. As did its fire damage enchantment.
(Blood Lotus also gets her own post bc she’s a gift to another dear friend. Feel free to guess who.)
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
Truth in the Tales Minisode: the Ides of March
Does this even fucking count as a Truths post? It isn't related to Tales at all. It's just... I'm tired of seeing so much cc!Brutus slander on my timeline...
So let me use my funny little historian brain to really settle this rp debate or not.
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(Image: The Assassination of Julius Caesar.)
(Note: Most of this information comes from my own brain. Anybody who's anybody knows Caesar lore.)
Now I hate Caesar as much as any other respectable senator, and I really can't fucking stand the ancient Romans. I'm sick of them. Sick, I say! That being said, Caesar was a very important guy.
Very important.
In fact, he had himself declared "Dictator for life" in 44 B.C.E., and it wasn't an entirely unexpected move. He was popular among the Roman people as a whole, having greatly expanded the Republic through the Gallic Wars. The problems started, though, with the Gallic Wars. See, he wasn't in charge yet. The Senate was, and the Senate told him to disband his army upon the ending of the war and return to Rome as a citizen. It was illegal on so many accounts to cross the Rubicon River with an army or weaponry, so guess what Caesar did?
Well, Caesar's Civil War lasted from 49 B.C.E. to 44 B.C.E., when he eliminated the last of his opposition and became dictator perpetuo. And then he pissed off the senators even more by refusing their gifts and just acting like a complete jackass in general. The common people did like him, though, to a certain degree. Some called him rex, or king, which really peeved the Senate off. Rome wasn't an empire yet, it was a republic not completely unlike the United States.
In the end, the Senate had decided to assassinate Caesar because they were scared he was going to declare himself king. Unfortunately for them, the guy that came after Caesar would be a goddamn emperor, but enough about that guy.
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(Image: Woodcut illustration, 1474)
So Brutus was absolutely not the only person to plan the whole thing. Saying he was is absolutely cancel culture, and that will not be stood for on this blog. No, it was him and a bunch of other guys. We've got Marcus Brutus, of course, but also Cassius Longinus, Pacuvius Labeo, Decimus Brutus, and Pontius Aquila. You absolutely cannot ignore the fact that so many people were in on this that it caused a series of civil wars. Outside of Senate members, other conspirators included soldiers, offiicers, civilians, anybody that had a bone to pick with Caesar for one reason or another.
But back to the murder.
So we all know about the Ides of March, and I won't get into that because I'd like for this to remain a relatively short post. What I will say is that Caesar almost didn't go to the Senate meeting because of Bad Vibes (the Ides were a pretty religious day for the Romans, so any vibe checks on that day were super important to pay attention to.) Eventually he was dragged there, though. On the way, he reportedly passed a soothsayer. This conversation was heavily dramatized by that old bastard Shakespeare in his play, but fuck him.
So at the Senate meeting, proceedings continued as they normally would.
And then Casca pulled a knife. Caesar caught his arm, though, and asked, according to Plutarch, "Casca, you villain, what are you doing!"
Upon hearing that, the rest of the conspirators decided to man up and kill the dude.
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(Image: L'assassinio de Caesar)
Caesar died after just one attempted escape that failed miserably due to the blood in his eyes. He was stabbed 23 times, including after his death as the conspirators just went fucking ham on the guy.
Caesar's last words are not known. There's the "Casca, you villain...!", or there's "Why, this is violence!" That's what Plutarch said, at least. Other contemporary-ish historians reported that Caesar cried something along the lines of "You too, child?" when looking at the scapegoat Marcus Brutus. That was later adapted by Richard Edes in Caesar Inerfectus, and then borrowed by Shakespeare to make the famous line "Et tu, Brute?"
In all honesty, I don't think Caesar said anything after getting stabbed for the first time. I think he probably screamed and stuff, probably cried, but I don't think you can really say words after being stabbed in the lung. Just a feeling, though.
In the end, I don't think that it's fair to blame cc!Brutus for bad rp etiquette when he wasn't the only one guilty of it. Cc!Caesar was equally as guilty, honestly, completely changing the setting and story without the input of his fellow statesmen. And then there's the Senate Boys, who should be held just as accountable for bad rp etiquette. Caesar was stabbed 23 times, after all, Brutus couldn't have done that alone. Just admit your favoritism, jeez.
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astxlphe · 4 years
Soooo first book done. I’m guessing the other 2 — Godsgrave and Darkdawn ? — will each deal with one of the targets Mia has left. Duomo and Scaeva, in order.
Overall, pretty good! I enjoyed myself! Left a few questions unanswered, but hopefully it’ll be resolved in the next books. To be fair, I'm not sure how big the book is since I have a digital copy, so maybe there wasn't enough room
I still think the other acolytes felt a bit like cardboard cutouts, and I can’t exactly bring myself to care much about the ones who died. Except maybe Carlotta, a little?
I feel kinda bad about that too, because Tric was a genuinely good guy who deserved better but I just. don’t care about him.
I didn’t see Ash and Osrik betrayal coming, honestly, it was a great plot twist I think 
Kinda bummed Cassius died, but we can’t make things too easy for the protagonist, uh? The 2 dialogues they had once he loosened up a bit, during the fight at the end makes me think they had the potential to have a fun dynamics but well, we’ll never now.
That book she found is intriguing too. 
In the book, Cleo ate all other darkin, and Cassius mentioned all he felt around Mia was hunger, while she (and Mister Kindly) were afraid — he was way more powerful and more practiced than her in wielding shadows and they could feel it, so Mister Kindly was probably instinctively afraid of being eaten.
Cassius also called her little sister, either out of kinship as they’re both darkin, or because there is a blood relation, however distant, and all darkins have a common ancestor (Cleo? If she ate everyone else, then she might have been the last darkin? until her child was born and may have inherited the power?)
At face value, the Moon seems to be some kind of god — the one who fell, and in whose bones Godsgrave was built. But I’m not going to try to read to much into it, I don’t know enough about the mythology yet. 
So far, darkin lore is one of the thing I look forward the most in the next few books.
Speaking of siblings.
Jonnen might be alive? Which is. Something. Alinne seemed pretty sure he was gone while in prison, and she had most of her mind - except for the fact that she thought Mia was a ghost, but well, how else would you rationalise your apparently 4 years dead daughter showing up in your prison, uh?
If she thought Mia was dead, I supposed she might have had the same idea about Jonnen, who would then be. out there. somewhere. We will see.
While we are on Alinne I’m literally begging for more Alinne and Scaeva scenes. Please. Their one (1) conversation hinted at a common history and even maybe at a relationship and they’re in the top 3 sexiest characters I have a need.
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bravemercutio · 5 years
What are some of your fave vampire headcanons?
Hmmm okay so I'm not sure by this if you mean like, my ideal vampire lore or hc about my favorite vampires. Both are great but Imma guess the first.
- So, I'm into the modern trend that IF a faith artucke can hurt a vampire, it has to be an article of faith the vampire believes in. It's both more inclusive and imaginative, and more tragic if something once dear and significant hurts to touch now. - I'm a sucker for the hc where their bite feels good while their mouth is on you. Though I'd like a version where after their spell/saliva isn't there, the wound kinda smarts. A tell tale after effect, a little too late. - I'm not of the opinion that vampirism changes your mindset beyond "if changing was a traumatic experience for you, or you have endured a lot in your long life, your perspective is changed." I kinda like the demeanor differences to be organic products of experience - I like some degree of mystery about the origins of vampires in a mythos! Have a vague idea, a nebulous origin without a lot of filling, or some theories. But an exhaustive explanation takes away from it. - I desperately want a vamp story where people who were enemies on their mortal lives hundreds of years ago are forced to put up with each other now. Like. Picture. Vamoire hunters are a problem, its 1490 CE. Cassius and Antony are both vampires and have to admit their dislike of each other from a thousand years ago is less important than not getting killed. UNLIKELY TEAMUP GO.
and don't get me started on my own experimental theory of how I would write vampires if I were a writer
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denu-rising · 7 years
1!! 2, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 30, 31, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 47, 49 (im so sorry whenever i send these i always send a billion numbers)
Oh my gosh,so many questions! Don’t apologise, this is awesome! Thank you so much!! =D
1:Who is your clan leader(s)? What are they like?
Myclan leader is Nana. ^^ She’s an absolute sweetheart, soft spoken andshy, who just wants to see the whole world smile. She doesn’t run theClan by herself, but with her trusted council and closest friends,Hobo and Cookie. Hobo’s more of an honorary clan leader, sincepersonality and behaviour-wise he very much resembles an excitedpupper. He has a pure heart and would follow Nana through anything.Cookie’s a lot more help thanks to her empathic ability, which allowsher to pick up on any troubles that may arise in the Clan.
2:Who’s in charge of food? Do you have dragons in charge of thedifferent factions (hunting/fishing/insect catching/harvesting)?
Idefinitely plan to have dragons assigned to these roles, yes! So far,Scarlet is the only one who does any of these, and she always comeshome with her bags full of food and her clothes full of mud (much tothe annoyance of her stylist boyfriend). Guava and Lychee sometimesbring back food from their many adventures. Sunflower is my gardener,and the main dragon in charge of the gardens and crops. She’sassisted by her husband, Watermelon, who functions as a walkingencyclopedia for all things Plant, as well as a pack mule. =P
8:Does your clan have any occultists?
Wehave magic users galore, but when it comes to finding new forms andmethods of magic, right now there’s only Fantasia (plus whoever endsup being her permamate). She’s my dream sorceress, practicing the‘dream magic’ that she discovered and continues to experiment with.You can read a bit about it in her bio, but I should really write somemore about it! To put it vaguely, dream magic is about bringing outsubconscious or hidden knowledge and making it visible.
9:Storytellers or librarians?
Doscribes counts? Because I do have those! Planned, at least. At themoment, Galaxia is my only scribe. She records Dom efforts andcollects badges. I haven’t really kept this up to date, though, andhave been considering dropping this, but she’ll still be a badgecollector with awesome stories to tell about her badges. Just not allbadges. The two other scribes I want will record (previous) clanmembers and notable events that happened, like clan renovations orMarva visiting each year.  And I need a fiction writer too. Thescribes also function as librarians and storytellers. ^^
13:What about musicians?
Alsoonly one so far! I have this nameless lady who’s quite the excellenttrumpet player. Can’t believe I forgot to add musicians to my list ofneeded clan roles, so thank you for the reminder, hehe. =P
14:Dragons involved in other arts? (Theatre, fine art, ect.)
Fiesta!This bright baby is my dancer. He looooves dancing! He teaches aweekly dance class at the familiar spa, and loves performing for themany celebrations my clan throws. When there’s no party planned ordance routine to learn, Fiesta’s often out visiting other Clans tomeet other dancers and dance with them. And Cassius will get upset ifI don’t mention him here, but he’s my pretty stylist and he’s supervain.
16:Who’s in charge of maintaining law and order? Any dragons that takeup the mantle of policing?
Toa degree, everyone is. If they witness something illegal or immoral,they’ll be sure to inform Nana, Hobo and Cookie. Any actual issuesare handled by those three, though they’ll call a clan meeting if thesituation calls for it. Overall, though, this Utopian little bunchdoesn’t have much need for actual police dragons. (They do have asort of prison hidden away in the garden, just in case, though.)There are at all times a couple dragons ‘policing’ the borders of thefloating islands, but that’s just to make sure no one and nothingfalls off and visitors are properly welcomed.
20:Which dragon has the oddest job in your lair?
Ina sense, I’d say Hobo, but that’s because he’s such an oddballhimself that being on the council is a very odd position for him. Imean, he very rarely speaks in full (short) sentences, struggles toget out words at all, and the others can have a hard timeunderstanding him. Fantasia has the oddest job in the sense that herdream magic involves a lot of tinctures and potions made from specialmushrooms and hallucinations. She’s high as a kite most of the time,because that’s her job. She loves her job.
22:Who, in your lore, is the oldest dragon in your lair? What about theyoungest?
It’sa toss-up between Cookie and Luna. Cookie is the actual oldestdragon, both date-of-birth and lore-wise. I tend to mostly followactual dragon birthdays to determine who’s oldest. Luna, however, isa ghost, and who knows how long she’s been dead before Fantasia foundher. She might be older than Cookie, she might even be ancient. Lunadied at a young age, though, so I don’t know. Is she old? Is sheyoung? Youngest would have to be the last hatchie to pop out of anegg, but since I don’t keep those, I suppose this lady’s the youngestaddition to the Clan right now, and I still have no clue as to whather personality or clan role will be. ^^;
30:Do you have siblings that live together in your lair?
YES!I love siblings so much. I had more at one point, but right now, Istill have Guava and Lychee (the first sibling pair I got). They doEVERYTHING together. They even share their boyfriends, taking turnsnesting with them. It’s a bit weird, but whatever floats their boat.^^ Then there’s Skittle and Jellybean. I don’t have any lore for themyet, but I love them. Lamia and her unnamed brother. Might actuallynot keep the brother, but Lamia’s my Shadow ambassador. Sprinkle andSmiley, from my very first dream dragon breeding project. (I got twogirls, because more genes came out and now I’m stuck deciding, so whynot both? Still waiting for the second male, who’ll be the brother ofthe first, to complete the two pairs.)
31:Any physically disabled or mentally ill dragons?
… Doesbeing dead count? 'Cause Luna’s dead, and it’s definitely a physicalstruggle when you can only materialise with a special, hard to makeelixer from Fantasia. But then, there’s also plenty of advantages tobeing dead, like never stubbing your toe or having to sleep, so Iguess it evens out. Guava and Lychee most definitely have ADHD, andwho even knows what the heck is wrong with Hobo… Overall, mentalillness, if present, isn’t something that’ll be clearly stated, like'this dragon has autism’. I struggle enough with my own mentalillnesses that I don’t want to explicitly mention it, though I candraw characteristics and personality traits from them. Also, I’d beway too anxious about accidentally upsetting or offending people. ^^;I have no objections to people giving any labels to my dragons,though! =P
36:Flight reps?
Yes,please! I have Lamia, my Shadow ambassador, and Spring is my Windpriest. I have Rose put down as a potential Ice ambassador andSunflare for Earth, but that’s it, really. I want Flight reps foreach Flight, but it’s super hard to think of what they should looklike if they have to match my lair theme. What would a Flightrepresentative look like if they needed to be XYZ with all colours in adifferent range?
39:Do you still have the first dragon you’ve ever bought?
Idon’t have the first dragon I ever bought anymore, but I do stillhave the first dragon I ever got. I got Cookie as a gift from mybrother. The week leading up to the reg window, he’d been showing meall sorts of dragons and I really loved Cookie, so I got her as agift. In a way, I’ve had her longer than my progens, even. =P
41:Who has the most tragic backstory?
Luna!I mean, she literally died and spent who knows how long all alonewandering Sornieth, unable to find any sort of peace or happiness.That said, backstories are the only real place I can add tragedy, sothere might be more tragic backstories popping up in the future. Likethe story of how Hobo became Hobo, which I’m still eternally mullingover.
42:Who is your edgiest dragon?
Idon’t have one, I think, but I want one! It’ll either be Lamia or myfuture Plague ambassador, because enforcing stereotypes, yeah! =P Ilove Shadow and Plague, but I don’t have much room in my lore foractual Shadow/Plague themes, so whatever edgy little runt thoseFlights can produce, they can just punt on over this way. That’llprobably be the backstory, anyway. =P
43:Do you have any dragons that broke the clan’s rules? What was thepunishment for that?
Well,hatchies can be quite a handful and they don’t always listen yet,but… No, not really, nothing major. Well, Cassius, greedy and vainas he can be, will sometimes steal pretty fabrics or shiny jewels,but that’s just because he’s too impatient to wait to sign anythingfor taking them. He’s had a slap on the wrist a couple times, but nowthey just let him, because he needs that stuff anyway for hisoutfits. Cassius gets a visit once a week to take stock of the stuffhe’s taken.
47:Professor/teacher dragons?
Alsostill unassigned. Yeah, I know, I need to work on my lore more. =PFiesta teaches a weekly dance class, and anyone can learn from anyoneduring the many arts-and-crafts sessions. I still need an officialhatchling caretaker/teacher. Bunnyfly supervises hatchling trips tothe familiar spa and teaches the young ones about familiars and howto maintain positive relations with familiars and beastclans.
49:Orphan dragons?
Nana,my progen. She just sort of came into being, no family or anything.Also my precious little Bunnyfly. He was found as an egg and taken inby a clan of buttersnakes, before his buttersnake mentor/fatherfigure/best friend decided to take him to Denutena’s Candyclan,because the other buttersnakes were getting increasingly anxiousabout living with a dragon, even one that looks like a bigger versionof them, and the buttersnake (he still needs a name) thought it wouldbe better for Bunnyfly to be around his own kind. They now run thefamiliar spa together. ^^
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losebetter · 7 years
asexualshepard said: 4, 8, 15, & 28 for the writers' ask meme?? :D Anonymous said: For the "get to know your author" meme, 10, 16 and 22 please? ;o;
sure thing, guys!! :D thanks for sending some in - and sorry in advance that i’m apparently feeling super chatty tonight, haha.
4) favorite character you’ve written
ahh man. it definitely fluctuates with fandom, but i have memorable favorites for sure. maccready (fo4) is definitely up there (i was going to say “which should surprise no one,” then i realized most of my rookcready fic is rotting on my hard drive, oops). i really get a kick out of writing tiziana (masquerada) and ignis (ffxv). i favor emotionally honest characters in general... it’s hard to say one for sure!
8) favorite genre to write
hmmm... well, asiding that fanfic is kind of its own genre, i don’t think i have one! i love experimenting with different styles and settings, which is part of why i love fanfic so much. i will say that masquerada falls into my wheelhouse pretty well, though - as much as i love more modern jives, i love testing the limits of... sort of “prim high fantasy,” i guess? i think there’s so much nuance you can pack into a story with such laser focuses like that, and it’s a fun challenge for me to really think everything out to the letter. it’s why that kalden WIP has turned into such an untamable thing, there’s just no limit to how deep into the lore you can go.
(which is honestly a little bizarre, because when i’m reading i almost always prefer sci-fi/modern takes. huh.)
also, erotica is king for me regardless of setting, i can’t get enough of writing it and i think it (particularly queer erotica) is just so important for us to celebrate and be open about. does that count?
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
all of the above, actually! i can think of instances for every one of those, there is just no rhyme or reason to the things i do. i’d say i’m most productive with music on and by myself, though.
15) why did you start writing?
i started writing - fanfic, that is - about a decade ago, specifically because i was involved in a holiday exchange, struggling to pinch-hit, completely out of energy for visual art, and had always wanted to give it a go. i think i wrote 6,000 words in one night because no one ever taught me how to stop.
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
oooohh, what an interesting question! i don’t want to sound like... you know, that guy, but i think i’ve put in enough hours learning to act for stage in my life that characters rarely “haunt” me, i don’t think - or, at least not to such a degree, especially once i’ve told the story i want to tell. unfinished stories haunt me, but characters tend to stay where i need them. (they occasionally push limits, depending on the subject matter, but in general, once the words are out, it’s okay again.) 
it was important for me to learn to establish those boundaries when i was acting, because there are immediate consequences to not doing that, mental health and otherwise. i did some playwriting and directing as well, which really hammered it home because i was looking out for other people.
(actually, there’s a character who does sort of haunt me from my acting days? cassius, from julius caesar. GOD, what a fuckin’ mess that guy is. NEVER AGAIN, by which i mean i will basically always accept that role if i have the opportunity because it’s the only way to get any catharsis about it.)
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
yeah, for sure - more than there used to be. ): bluntly, i just can’t handle writing medical talk anymore. doctor’s offices to trauma to surgeries, any of it. freaks me out just to read about it, even the basic stuff.
more generally... i don’t like writing sad endings? i don’t like helpless cases, and i don’t like irredeemable characters, though i know that’s subjective. i just don’t have the heart to bum myself out so badly (or anyone else, ha).
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
AAHA, oh my god where do i even start. :,D i’ll leave off some of the more unsightly stuff, but here’s a quick list of (not really that obscure) things i know too much about firsthand:
survivalist tactics
frenetic city living
band geek culture
working in an industrial kitchen at all hours
theatre nerd culture
cross country running
...and there are always more. seriously, that first one includes shit like “how to survive in the snow in an emergency,” and “what does a rattlesnake taste like” and “what does the desert sound like in the middle of the night,” there’s just. a lot. there are a lot of little things, too...!
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