cutup4ngels · 1 year
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obsessed w her
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mxbitters · 1 year
nothing like talking to that one lady who keeps saying she knew you as a kid about how much you’re feeling a bowl only to realize the next day that you were talking to your preschool teacher
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twelverriver · 2 years
Janet and Abbi Jacobson in a gay baseball show????? thank u for making my day this is amazing news <3
it's called a league of their own and it's on amazon prime and it's so!!!!! Good!!! abbi also wrote it and produces it I THINK. anyway it's so gay. it's so focused on queer women of any kind and so focused on women it s just sooooo <333
Everyone should watch it I'm Convinced. also making it my mission watch me
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joyofmissout · 2 years
Heat waves - glass animals!! <3
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vivstenius · 1 year
Fair, I don't really follow or like Lyon that much either, especially after the sbg thing, but I love the pic because of the implications (Barca losing the champions league final after Barca fans and journos and their mothers said they were the clear winners. A nice reality check ❤️)
You want to talk about women. Let's talk about Laura F 🤒
The only laura ik is the ween
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how to age two years in two minutes? don’t ask me why i want this ability
just grow up
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sailor-moon-rei · 1 month
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by Lauraaa
art republished with artist’s permission
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chrlvctius · 8 months
leahh with lauraaa 💗💗
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geniousbh · 11 days
lauraaa!!! como seria a reação dos meninos com a loba mandando uma mensagem toda safada pra ele no meio de algum evento publico, seja em algum almoço de família, resenha na casa de algum amigo, enfim, algum ambiente publico
discorra sobre isso por favoooor!
aaiiii i love this question! (to me distraindo da minha febre de 38.2 enquanto escrevo isto aqui) lets go
o enzo é um homem puto íntegro galera ele tem uma habilidade de se fazer de sonso muito grande - vcs viram ele desnecessariamente tirando foto de si mesmo pr corrigir o "riviera*" tipo? tá bom gostosão já entendemos✋🏻🙄 - você mandaria uma foto da calcinha ensopada e no máximo o que ele faria é dar um risinho porque te acha muito corajosa e petulante, logo responde "tô prestes a entrar numa entrevista, tem certeza que quer começar com isso?" e se você insistir - o que é exatamente o que ele quer - não vai ter resposta mais, você vai lidar com ele só mais tarde e vai ouvir que é uma vadia desesperada sim
o matías e o simón são uns filhos da puta, eles amam, eles gostam dessa guerra, você manda a primeira foto do decote e eles "só? tá fraquinha, mor", e isso belisca o teu ego porque você tava se sentindo muito gostosa, então a próxima é uma foto sem a parte de cima da lingerie - numa posição mega sugestiva e de linguinha de fora. com essa você arranca um arzinho frustrado deles - por não estarem contigo - mas tudo que recebe é um "😴🥱". a terceira foto você manda pra arrebentar a boca do balão - com o celular te pegando debaixo enquanto você arreda a calcinha pro lado - e ai sim vai receber um audio de trinta segundos deles detalhando como é que vão te fuder quando chegarem em casa, eles sussurrando claramente nervosos rs.
o esteban implora pra você não continuar, ele entra em desespero real porque é simplesmente impossível de não ficar duro - provavelmente vai DESLIGAR o celular porque você não para de mandar mensagem e dizer que quer o pau dele assim assim assado - e ai vai ficar num cantinho com as mãos na frente do corpo torcendo pra ngm notar a elevação no jeans dele. um coitado, vai chegar em casa e olhar pra você como se vc fosse um monstro "eres la peor, enserio"
o felipe e o fran se divertem, eles deixam você mandar porque sabem que você tá se sentindo bem - provavelmente vai ser depois de ter recebido a encomenda que eles te mandaram com alguns conjuntinhos de calcinha e sutiã e babydolls - "no seas mala, deixa eu ver mais pra baixo, vai" e ficam olhando pro celular descaradamente dando uma mordidinha no inferior, vão elogiar e dizer que você é uma putinha muito linda e sempreee sempre provocam dizendo "imagina se sua mãe descobre as coisas que você me manda?" - porque eles sempre tiveram validação familiar e sabem que você é do mesmo jeito e a ideia de ser rotulada como indecente te excita e te deixa receosa ao mesmo tempo😝
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nblovebik · 11 months
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Laura using the last of her voice for the enthusiastic sell for Yasha's shirt..... compelling.... but also nooooo Lauraaa
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jell0buss-37 · 2 years
ooh could i maybe get smth like laura and max did show up to camp and everything is normal and so laura is working in the nurse’s office and reader, a fellow counselor, keeps showing up with varying degrees of scrapes and bruises bc they’re just super clumsy and they also just really wanted excuses to see laura! Thank you!! and i really love your writing <3
Accident Prone (Laura Kearney x reader)
I feel that Laura is definitely the tough love type, but in the more "Always seems annoyed by you, but absolutely adores you to pieces" type, and she definitely has some softer moments with you. It's real short and sweet, hope you enjoy!!
"LAURAAA, (Y/N) FELL OUT OF THE TREE AGAIN!!!" Kayla, one of the campers that you were teaching Nature safety to, dragged you into the nurses office by your hand, your knee now scraped and shoulder sore.
Laura let's out a sigh, thanking Kayla for taking you to her, before sending her off to do more activities. "What's the damage this time?" she asks boredly.
You have a giant nervous grin on your face, as you take a seat on the table. You point to your knee, with a pout. "I uh, got jumped by a bunch of squirrels..." You joked, laughing slightly.
She bites back the small smile, playfully rolling her eyes. She gets the cotton balls and peroxide, dousing one, and lightly touching your knee.
"OW-uh-oh that's cold..." You wince, feeling the sting. "Oh stop, you're just fine. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, remember?" She smirks at you.
"What doesn't kill you means you have to live with the pain." You hiss out, as the sting dies down. She rubs Neosporin on the scrape, before bandaging it up. All the while nodding at your statement.
"Huh. Never thought of that. But then again I'm sure you know a lot more about pain, given the amount of times I have to put up with you." She says, pointing at the bandaid on your forearm, an injury you obtained yesterday.
Her words sting a little though, suddenly making you feel insecure. Did you annoy her? You become shy with the next sentence. "I'm sorry... I'll try to be more careful..."
She senses the hurt in your voice, and instantly whips around to look at you. "Hey, don't worry about it. I really don't mind, really! I-in fact it's really nice to have a regular, you know? And plus you can't help it!" She desperately tried to reassure you, flustered.
You smile more now, feeling better from seeing her adorable red cheeks. "Good... Because I also think I may have pulled something earlier when I fell." You roll your shoulder, wincing a bit at the tightness.
She laughs a bit, going to get you an ice pack. "You know, sometimes I think you only hurt yourself on purpose just to have an excuse to see me." She accused, raising her eyebrow at you, bright smile now on her face.
"What!? Noooo.... I'm just accident prone."
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Lauraaa, i’m so excited for this event and I have a request for you if that’s okay 🥰! May I request a Soda, Picnic, and Playing with Hair for YuNeva please 🥺?
Thank you and sending you lots of love 🥰🫂💕!
Hiya Lyra! ^^ Of course!!!! I love YuNeva and they deserve all the love in the world! Sending lots of love right back <3
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Pairing: YuNeva (Yuno x Neva) Fnafic type: Oneshot Prompt: Soda (fluff) on a picnic where he plays with her hair, and they talk about... life. About how they'll be alright in the grand scheme of things Length: ~1.4k
Blades of grass swayed in the wind along with the wild flowers of the field. Yellow, purple, and white.
Yellow, perhaps even gold, like his amber eyes that sparkled in the light of the sun.
Purple, like the jewels that were her amethyst eyes glittering like gems of the earth.
White, like the clouds that floated by high above in the clear blue sky.
A couple of birds flied through the scenery, carried by a breeze while making a few loops, higher and higher before taking a dive down and then back up again, as if without a care in the world. And maybe they didn’t. After all, the wind carried them. The ground supplied them with food and a place to land when they were tired. So, they were free to fly. They were free to play.
They were free, simple as that.
Perhaps that was why Yuno had gotten lost in thought while looking at them as he and Neva walked through the field. His feet kept moving forward, but his eyes looked at the birds. For something about them made him feel the faintest of senses of recollection. As if he had seen the birds, or a flight, just like that. Perhaps a memory of something in the past. He wasn’t sure.
And yet, he watched, imagining that he knew how the birds felt.
Which was a silly notion. He wasn’t a bird.
He might have been a wind mage, or, he might have been partly a wind mage, who enjoyed soaring high above in the sky, but he wasn’t a bird. He couldn’t fly off into the wide, wide world, just like that. But still, there was no envy in what he felt.
“What are you thinking?” Neva asked, through the silence.
“Hm?” He uttered, awakened from his thoughts.
“What are you thinking about?” She repeated while glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
“Nothing… in particular,” he added as his eyes flickered to her for a moment, but was followed a small shrug, because it wasn’t, really, anything particular that he was indeed thinking about.
She hummed and looked to the sky where the bird still danced.
“They look happy,” he said while stopping at their usual spot on the field, overlooking a valley, under an apple tree.
“Maybe they are,” she only commented, not thinking about it.
There was something about it, the whole situation that was … odd. Not the picnic. Not the day. The date. None of it. But the conversation must’ve sounded like idle talk. Small talk. Something, past of which they were.
It wasn’t silence that made either of the uncomfortable. There was no need for awkward words, just to fill the silence. And in a strange way, it was as if the words weren’t idle. There wasn’t anything awkward about the whole situation. But still, it was as if they were… onlookers to the whole moment, as if in a dream.
Maybe it was disbelief. Disbelief that they were there, after everything that had happened to them. As if against all odds.
Still, he hummed as a reply to her while placing the picnic basket down and spreading the blanket onto the ground with the aid of his wind magic.
One might’ve thought that it was a bit of showmanship, though she had seen him do things that would muck better have fit under the wording of ‘showmanship’, than that. But still the chance to note it to him, was far too sweet to pass.
“Showing off?” She asked with an amused smile that bore a hint of a smirk.
“Not really,” he smirked, as if to himself, but more to her words.
“Yeah, right,” she mused while sitting down and taking the drinks and snacks out of the basket as he stood there, looking into the distance. “But you are thinking about something,” she still continued.
And she wasn’t entirely wrong. He had to admit. But the thing was: he wasn’t entirely sure about what it was that he was thinking about either.
“Not sure,” he said while sitting down himself.
“What does that mean?” Neva asked with a curious look.
“I mean…” he had to think about it for a while, but instead he closed his eyes with a sigh, or perhaps a mere deep exhale, and laid down on the blanket on the ground. “A lot has happened.”
And she couldn’t argue against. They really had been through a lot. Not alone though. Everyone they knew, their friends and families, had been through a lot, but… it didn’t make it feel any less.
“Yeah…” she agreed with a silent tone, almost as if a thought that had come out with a sound, and laid down next to him.
The branches of the tree reached over them, but still sunlight flickered from amidst the foliage. The singing of the birds, the happy chirping, flowed through the air, carried by the wind.
And they did sound happy.
“Carefree,” Yuno said, with a muffled tone.
“Hm?” She hummed, looking at him, and saw his eyes close again, right before he rolled onto his stomach, closer to her.
His face was close to hers, so very close. His hair was almost touching her skin, and she could feel his breathing flowing over her forehead. It was enough to make her feel warmth rising to her cheeks.
Her eyes widened for a while, as his studied her face; wandering over her, complexion, her expression, as if trying to imprint it into his mind. A sacred treasure, like a jewel.
“Carefree,” he whispered.
Her eyes flickered, looking at him in return.
“The birds. They are so…” he swayed his head as his hand found its way to her hair, and twirled a lock around his finger. “Carefree. The birds are carefree. Happy.”
“And?” The word came out before she could think about it. It just flowed from her, but it was something she wanted to hear. After all, he was going somewhere with this.
“And…” he uttered, looking up to where the birds still flied, even if he couldn’t see them. “I think… I understand them.”
He wasn’t usually this talkative, so it must’ve been something that he had really been thinking about for some time.
“There have been times when… flying away, like those birds… Seemed nice. To be able to just soar to the sky and feel free,” it was nothing more than a quite thought, one that he was, perhaps, only now admitting to himself, too. “I wasn’t going to give up on becoming the Wizard King,” he added with a serious tone, glancing at her. “But sometimes I…”
“You just wanted to feel free. What it’d be like,” she spoke in his stead, because she understood it; the curiosity of what it’d feel like to be free. Truly free. Like going anywhere and doing anything, was an option, was like.
At the end of the day, neither of them would have seriously considered it, going away, or ‘flying away’, but the feeling was a curiosity.
“But I am… free,” he said. “Now, I am free.”
She frowned, not quite sure about what he meant with it as his fingers still played with her hair.
“I feel… free,” he admitted, as if a secret. “When I’m with you, Neva.”
“I…” she uttered, unsure of how to reply. But it didn’t mean that she wouldn’t have understood the feeling in her heart. So, that’s what her soul spoke in her mind’s stead. “I feel free with you too, Yuno. Carefree. Like everything will be alright.”
“Everything will be alright,” he told her, and he meant it. He was sure, that everything would be alright. It had been alright until then.
They were there, after all. Not because things had been easy, but because they had managed to get through it all.
“We’ll be alright,” he whispered before placing a kiss onto her forehead.
She closed her eyes, and took in the moment. The promise and the notion she knew to be true.
They’d be alright.
She knew it.
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alltheliars · 2 days
thank you for being so 'nice' (/pos) to me and funny aslkdkhlsj i love when you come on because then i know for a fact that im gonna laugh skjdh you actually have such a sense of humour and im not just saying that bc you know where i live and could show up to my house and murder me in my sleep!! i love youu <3 youre my favourite cat
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
The Possession (Sequel to Mystery of Laufey Manor)
Read chapter 2 here // Series Masterlist // Read MOLM here
Chapter 3
Summary : Loki tells you about the night he killed Steve.
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He read the message on the back of the door, it was clearly meant for him, as a warning. But loki isn't someone who would give up on you because an obsessed stalker ghost is trying to own you, he dealt with Maira and her ghost for 15 years, he can deal with Steve. He noticed your shaken form so he grabbed your arms and walked you out of the bedroom then he turned on all the lights in the living room as he made you sit down on the sofa
"Hey look at me, darling look at me" he whispered softly so you looked at him
"I ..uh..he's here isn't he? That's the proof of him being here, a physical proof, it's not in my head anymore or a hallucination, he's here" you lips quivered as you spoke so he pulled you in for a hug in a hope that his heartbeat would calm you down
"Calm down sweetheart, I promise you I'll find a solution to this problem..take a deep breath for me, you have me okay? You're not alone" he whispered as he caressed your head soothingly, you held onto him as tightly as you could, you don't even know how you would have reacted if Loki wasn't here right now.
"Don't leave me loki.. I'm so scared"
"I won't..I promise you have me okay? I love you..I love you" he whispered and cupped your cheeks to kiss your forehead
"I'll make tea for you okay, you want to come with me while I do that?" He asked you so you nodded, he linked his fingers with yours as you both went to the kitchen. You felt watched again and you had a feeling Steve was watching you. You sat down on the kitchen countertop and he kissed your forehead again then he moved away from you to put kettle on the stove to boil the water
"Why is he doing this? What is he trying to do?" You sobbed as you thought about the situation you were in and it broke his heart
"I think it's my fault, it's all my doing" his eyes teared up as he looked at you
"What do you mean?"
"If I didn't kill him he wouldn't be a ghost right now, I'd be alot easier to lock a man up who is alive"
"Why did you do that? I ..I need to know the whole story"
"Remember the night I came here with blood all over me and then told you much later that he stabbed me?" You nodded in response so he continued to speak
"I was walking home when I saw him arguing with Terry few blocks away from here, she was threatening to tell you about him, she found out that he was stalking you from years, he only got with her so he could keep tabs on you"
"Wait..so she wasn't pregnant? you lied to me about that too?" He looked at you then he ran his hand through his hair, he didn't have to say anything, his silence said everything
"I couldn't have told you about Steve's plan at the time, it would have.."
"Hindered your plan, right?" Your eyes teared up and you fought hard to keep them at bay but the dam broke, this is why you can't trust him, you don't even what is truth and what's a lie anymore
"I'm a horrible man y/n, and I have done horrible things in life, I killed Steve and I almost killed Laura .."
"You almost killed lauraaa? What is wrong with you?" You raised your voice and that made him raise his in return
"Everything, I'm fucked up, but she poisoned you, that's why you got sick. I know the pain it put you through.."
"You can't just kill everyone who is trying to harm you or me, there are other ways to deal with those fuckers.. there's law and..god loki" you put your head in your palms as you tried to process everything, he killed Steve and he has come back to bite you
"I couldn't have gotten the law involved at the time and I know what I'm going to say would probably make you hate me, but I won't hesitate to kill for you again if I have to and I had to kill him ..I had to..even if it wasn't for self defense I couldn't have left you alone here with him alive knowing that he'd try to hurt you"
"Why was he trying to hurt me now after all these years?"
"Because he knew I'd take you away, he noticed everything, he knew you would agree to go with me if I'd ask you and he felt threatened"
"How did..how did you kill him?"
"I saw him and Terry arguing, then he pushed her against the wall, she died on the spot, I wish I was quicker and I wish I could have saved her but I couldn't, I checked her pulse and I prayed for her to be alive but she was gone, he freaked out when he saw her dead then he tried to stab me because he was afraid I'd call the police, you learn to defend yourself when you have had four wives trying to murder you in several different ways" he turned the stove off and poured the tea in a cup then he handed it to you.
"She died for nothing, she didn't deserve to die like that, what was her fault in all this?"
"She fell in love with the wrong man, remind you of someone?" He walked out of the kitchen as he said that leaving you hurt and conflicted, you stepped down from the counter and followed him. What would you have done if someone was trying to kill you? Would you not defend yourself? You'd hurt other people for him too, you literally thought of murdering Victoria just few hours ago because she hurt him. However there's a difference between thinking about it in your head and then crossing the thin line between the imagination and reality. If the worst comes to worst would you cross that line?
You sat down next to him and passed him the cup of tea so he could sip on it as well
"You're not the wrong man, I have never felt so right the way I do when I'm with you..I love you so much loki but this is all just..I never thought I'd ever have to go something like this"
"I know darling, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I have complicated your life and I'm sorry that I have traumatized you and I wish I could take it all back because I would if I could"
"Well I wouldn't want you to, I wouldn't want to live your whole life being haunted by Maira and her curse, I'd do it all over again if I have to"
"Then why would you expect me to not save you? He would have hurt you sooner or later" You looked at him as he said that, you put your head down on his shoulder and linked your fingers with his
"He would have..I know that now, how did she end up in the waters?" You remembered that they found Terry's body in the lake
"I paid someone to do it to sell the narrative of steve being a serial killer"
"And where is his body?"
"In a burrow near the valley water" you took a deep breath as he said that. You wanted honesty and the truth right? He was giving it to you
"Did you kill your wives too? What happened to them?"
"I didn't, I just locked them up in the black room, they died of fear as they came face to face with Maira then she devoured their flesh"
"Well I'd die of fear too if you weren't there with me that night, she wasn't a pretty sight" he chuckled
"She smelled really horrible too" you looked at him at the remark, she did smell horrible
'Like sewers, yes..Is that why you used to shower all the time?"
"Yes and that's also the reason I got upset when you hugged me from behind the first time, she used to spook me like that and I hated it"
"She was haunting you for fifteen years"
"Just like Steve has stalked you for fifteen years" your eyes widened as he made the correlation between your situations. Both of them knew you both since you were children and both of them spend their lives forming an unhealthy one sided attachment. Maybe it was fate or the destiny that brought you two together
"They should date each other" he chuckled as you said that but then he looked at you and his eyes seemed so sad, so you pecked on his lips softly, you didn't want him to hurt anymore, he had been through hell and back and you wished you could have lived peacefully with him but you knew as long Steve was here he won't let you both breathe in peace
"No more lies Loki please"
"No more lies, I intended to tell you everything, but I have lied so much to hide my truth that it's all jumbled up in my head, but they're all in our past, I haven't lied to you about anything since that night and I don't want to either, do you believe me when I tell you that I love you?" He asked you so you looked at him
"I do..I absolutely do"
"That's the realest truth of my life, I do love you more than I have ever loved anyone. I promise you I won't let him hurt you, we will figure this out okay?" You wrapped your arms around his neck to comfort him, no matter what he said or did in the past, he did it for a reason and you can't keep punishing him for that but he had to know and understand that he can't treat you like that ever again
"I'm sorry you were all alone in your search for freedom and everything that has happened to you because of those women, you didn't deserve it, none of it"
"I'd go through it all over again if I get to have you at the end darling. Maybe that's how I was supposed to find you. I hated my life before I met you but I can't hate the path that led me to you, I'm grateful for it, for you, and for us"
You couldn't sleep all alone on the couch so you took the space next to him on the mattress, you both fidgeted on your spot and he tried so hard to not snuggle you but he gave up at the end. It started with him linking his fingers with yours and then he wrapped one of his arms around you, then you finally snuggled into him as closely as you could. That's when you were able to fall asleep.
When you woke up, you heard the sound coming from the kitchen so you got up and hugged him from behind, he didn't flinch this time, he turned around instead and pulled you in for a hug
"Good morning my angel love, did you sleep well?" You smiled as you heard his soft voice, you have missed him so much
"I did, did you?"
"Yes finally"
"I'll go shower and come right back" you told him but you stayed on your spot and didn't move as a thought kept bothering you
"Are you thinking about Steve watching you while you're in the bathroom?"
"Yesss and it is disgusting me"
"You know what darling, let's have breakfast and we can get a hotel, stay there for the time being"
"That's not going to solve our problem lo"
"I know..I read about this couple in the papers the last time I visited here, James Barnes and his wife Natasha barnes, she's apparently some sort of clairvoyant and they both investigate paranormal activities. I'd try and get in touch with them as soon as I could, it would be a start" you nodded and sighed. What is your life now, less than a year ago you were selling spices and eating stale pizza for dinner, other than the random spooky occurrences nothing crazy like this happened. Your life felt normal
"I'll go shower and come back" you pecked on his cheeks before you left. He hated the thought of Steve creeping on you but there was nothing much he could have done, he's not an exorcist, as much as he hoped now that he was. h
He hired a priest once in the beginning to get rid of Maira but he turned out to be useless.
You kept looking behind you in the shower, you turned around so your back would be facing the wall, you felt afraid to close your eyes even for a second, you were scared of seeing his face when you opened them. When you came out you tried to not stare at the message he left on the door, you put on a dress, did your makeup as quickly as you could and stepped out to the dining area. He had already set the table, smiling as he saw you approaching him. He pulled a chair out for you like a gentleman and that eased your heart a little bit
"Thank you my lord" you giggled and he sat down next to you "Thank you for doing this for me. Thank you for everything" you pressed a soft kiss on his shoulder and that made him smile. After eating, you both went to the shop to get it ready for the opening. You felt really nervous about the reopening, you feared that you won't have any customers now. It was irrational to feel that way but you couldn't help it.
"Hello yes I'm calling from Salt & Pepper, am I talking to Mr Roy?" you saw him talking on the phone, he had promised you that he'd fix things between your wholesalers and you. You kept your eyes on him all day, he went out and brought lunch, he made sure you stayed hydrated. He helped you set the whole thing up for the reopening, he moved the furniture to their right place and cleaned the dust off them, he didn't have to do all this but he was doing it for you. Less than a year ago your life may have felt normal than this but you wouldn't trade this and what you had now. You'd never trade him for anything.
"Darling are you listening?" You heard his voice and it pulled you out of your thoughts
"Sorry did you say something?"
"I found James's number in the phone directory, I called on it but someone else picked up, they're doing a seminar tomorrow in the solar theater..we should go" he told you and you nodded, you walked over to him and hugged him tightly.
"I am grateful for you as well loki, I wouldn't trade it for anything else" his eyes teared up as he heard you. You looked in his eyes then your eyes glanced over his lips and that was it you couldn't stop yourself, you had to kiss him. So you leaned forward and kissed him softly, as soon as he felt your soft lips rubbing against him, he grabbed a hold of your waist and pulled you even closer, then he pressed you against the counter as he kissed you as passionately as he could, he poured the months worth of love in that kiss.
When he finally pulled away, he watched your chest heaving up and down slowly, your eyes closed in anticipation, your face flushed, your lips swollen because of his ministrations, he missed seeing you so frazzled for him. When you finally opened your eyes you looked down and bit on your lips
"Kissing you with the beard is different" you giggled and you saw that rosy shimmer forming on his cheeks again
"Good different?" You nodded
"I have never been into men with beards, I might change my mind about you Mr Laufeyson" he chuckled as you walked away from him and after you were done with the day you both went back to the apartment early, you bought groceries on the way, you wanted to prepare a hearty meal for him after a long day.
However when you reached your apartment, something felt off and weird. And something smelled real bad. You quickly went to the kitchen and he followed you, you found one of his coats burning on the stove, you turned off the stove quickly and looked at him
"What's this nonsense now" Loki walked next to you, his brows furrowed in confusion
"I have never seen a ghost do that, they can't pick up objects"
"They can't? In movies they misplace things all the time"
You shrugged and he looked at you in surprise
"Maira could never do that, and she was as ghostly as one could get"
"Is Steve more dangerous than Maira?"
"I don't know..we should go to that seminar tomorrow"
He cleaned the mess his burning coat made, he wasn't letting it show but he was really scared by this warning or whatever Steve was trying to do here. While you were in the shower, he went to the bedroom upstairs, turned off all the lights and sat down on the bed
"I know you're lurking here you creepy bastard, so show yourself" he raised his voice but he didn't hear a noise or felt a presence "That message you left last night, it doesn't scare me. I have dealt with one of your kind for years, and y/n? I won't let you hurt her anymore, she's mine, she's my wife and she'll always be" he heard a growling noise coming from the corner of the room as he said that.
"That's the truth, she's all mine, I own her kindest heart and her luscious body" Loki spoke again to rile steve up
"I own her soul too you psychopathic maniac"
And that's when Steve leaped over him to attack him.
Taglist : @annoyingsweetsstranger @alycxx @daddylokisqueen @ddeadlystbbxx @elenaysusneuras @snigdha-14 @loki-s-wife @asgardianprincess1050 @nonsensicalobsessions @chaotics17 @catalina712 @rat-p1ss @dracofxckingluciusmalfoy @dopeqff @babymetaldoll @xorpsbane @jaspearl31 @mcufan72 @michelleleewise @christineblood @howdidurhammergrowchris @sharklover927 @kittycattoys @123forgottherest @soumya-13 @jadep2003 @misswimberly @nixymarvelkins @colifower
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mickstart · 4 months
lauraaa oh my god I'm sorry but happy (late) birthday
No it's fine nothing to be sorry for thank you so much!!! <3 <3 meow
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