#Kumano cafe
tofuist · 1 month
パフェ by パメラ Via Flickr: Parfait
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ganhosdoelefante · 5 months
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Kyoto - 16 de abril de Ano 3 - Segunda - Doc - 27 anos.
06:00 - Acordo e corro:
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07:00 - Volto, tomo banho e me arrumo. 07:40 - Saímos. 07:52 - Chegamos e tomamos café da manhã:
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08:20 - Trabalhamos.
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12:30 - Almoço: Daiichi-Asahi - Kumano
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13:30 - VOlto ao trabalho. 17:00 - Saio. 17:10 - Compro umas lembranças: 高台寺中谷本店
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17:30 - Tomo um café: Miyako Midori Cafe
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18:00 - Volto ao hotel, tomo banho e me arrumo para jantar. 18:45 - Tomo um drink com Pi para comemorar nosso encontro da vida:
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19:20 - Jantamos: Kyoyamato
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21:20 - Subimos e dormimos (L).
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Chinchoan, Cafe(Wakayama, Japan) 茶房珍重庵那智山店★★
I had Mehari sushi and Kumano Moude mochi at Chinchoan (^o^)
Mehari sushi is said to be a local dish of the Kumano region (^o^)v
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nyanribon · 9 months
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2023/3/21 parfait&cafe
Kumano san
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milehighdad · 5 years
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しそジュース。伏拝茶屋(ふしおがみちゃや)。疲れた体にしそジュースの甘酸っぱさが美味しかった。 Shiso mint juice. Fushiogami tea house cafe. 熊野古道中辺路。水呑王子→伏拝王子(ふしおがみ)。 Kumano Kodo Nakahechi Mizunomi Ouji - Fushiogami Ouji
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alaricstories · 4 years
He read it - ft. Todoroki
Request: Hi, may I request a little storytelling where the reader and Shoto broke it off because she fell out of love?
I tried ;) I don’t know if It’s good or not, hehe- This took me half a day, and it’s around 920 words I think.
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"Y/n, are you okay?" you looked over at your friend sitting over at the other side of the little cafe table. You pushed the breakfast away. With butterflies in your stomach and your head buzzing with possibilities, there was no way on Earth you'd swallow a bite, let alone a whole plateful.
"You know if you don't want to talk about-" before she could finish the sentence, you dropped your fork on your plate and stared at her in the face, "I'm happy (friends name). He read it."
"Read what?"
The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down your face. You feel the muscles of your chin tremble like a small child, and you look toward the window as if the light could soothe you. It was happy tears. He had visited you, he read it.
If love were a light, yours would be the brightest star. It would shine as bright as any sun and just as pure. Your friend, you know she seeks answers, a way to help you, to restore this person to something as magical as you are. But there's nothing wrong.
She thought that you were crying because of your heartache, tho she is not totally wrong, it wasn't the only reason. He had seen it.
You had been on several dates and had lovely movie nights at your apartment. And don't get you started on the beautiful hiking trip to the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Routes. It was paradise.
Everything had been butterflies and smiles as you both loved each other. What went wrong? Nothing really, just something that didn't work out.
You believe that meeting him was fate, being his friend; a choice. And falling in love was bound to happen for a reason. He was the one who painted your world, he was the one who kept you shielded, defended you from the brutality, and you still do.
Easily said; It was great while it lasted, great to be loved, the warmth of his cheek next to yours. His soft hand brushing your hair from your face, his little laugh in your ear... it was great to be loved, tho it didn't last, of course.
No-one did anything wrong, you know? Just an "I fell out of love." thing. Both of you had the time of your lives, but both of you know that these things take time to build up. Sometimes it just won't work, It's natural. He may have taken it way harder than you, you don't know.
Thank you for breaking me; isn't that a line from Sinead O'Connor? Your friend always liked that line.
You never understood it before. It used to sound like permission, albeit retroactive, to hurt someone. You get it now. Only a lover can wound so deep, cut to the very core. That level of heartbreak has to be an inside job.
Romance cannot be found in a store. Whatever is in the mall isn't what you're looking for. Romance is fuelled by self-love but dealt a mortal blow by selfishness. Romance is when we lose ourselves in a moment with another - a moment made sacred for just the two of you.
But he didn't seem like he wanted to let you go yet. It broke you. You walked around with the thought in your head after the break-up, worry filling your body about him. Todoroki was very mysterious, and you could hardly tell when he was in pain.
So you decided to make him feel seen one last time; a letter. You never told anyone you wrote it. It was just for him, no-one else. If you didn't get a response, it was fine. You just wanted to let him know that none of this was his fault. It was natural.
Shouto Todoroki, The past 2 years were nothing but loving, and I just wanted to let you know how of a beautiful person you are.
The word "Beautiful" from me to you is that spark in your eye, the one that says you're up for a hero role. "Beautiful" is your soul, the one that loves so deeply and cares so very much for the ones that make it into your heart. "Beautiful" is how you were born, and with your friends standing with you every step of the way... it is how you will stay for all of your days.
Tho we may have drifted apart; there are still people here who love you.
I think you are capable of caring for yourself; but right now, you just have to take extra special care that you stay in the range you can cope with. I hope you'll ask for help from the once around you to make it easier for you to deal with this.
It was time for me to walk away, and I wish you very well. Y/n.
Knock, knock, knock. It's early in the morning. A bandaged hand knocks against the outside door to your apartment. You pour water into your cup and set it beside your breakfast plate. 11.26 AM.
Knock, knock, knock. You walk to the other side of your apartment, and wipe your hands on your t-shirt. Drying your sweat.
You open the door to the hallway and sees a face just outside, in the middle of the opening, two-colored eyes. It's Shouto.
"Hi, Y/n," he says softly, light tears in his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something more but stops to look down. He doesn't smile, and only now do you notice the letter in his hand. "Thank you."
He had read it.
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shandinivascafe · 2 years
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「どこでもそら」のポップアップショップ。 4日(土)が最終日となります。 20年来の友人であるどこでもそら。 彼の作るお茶はやわらかく、すっきりと透明感のあるお茶。 人柄がでている優しい味です。 @dokodemosora_tea dokodemosora.com 当店でもオープン当初からお客様にご提供している人気の和紅茶。 雑味がなくすっきりとした味わいで、皆様に親しまれています。 どこでもそらのお茶は、農薬を一切使用せず育てた自然の恵みを味わうお茶です。 今回、期間限定でどこでもそらのお茶をお買い求めいただけます。 和紅茶、上焙じ茶、緑茶、その他数種類のブレンドティーなどをご用意しております。 パッケージも素敵なので、贈り物にも喜ばれるかと思います。 とにかくすごく美味しいお茶ですので是非おすすめです。 期間  11月23日(火)〜12月4日(土)迄 ご来店お待ちしております。 ______________ どこでもそらは、和歌山県熊野地方で農薬を使用せず、丁寧にお茶を栽培しています。 熊野地方はもともと在来のお茶が自生する、お茶の栽培に適した土地。自然豊かな山間部で育った貴重な「山のお茶」です。 どこでもそらの現場は、「茶畑」です。そこに、想いを馳せる全てがあります。 お届けする一杯が、日々、旅する皆さまの至福のひとときとなれば幸いです。 We at Dokodemosora grow agrochemical-free green tea with our tender care in Kumano, Wakayama, Japan. Kumano is a suitable place for tea farming where native green teas grow naturally. Our teas are precious “Mountain Green Teas” that comes from mountainous area with full of nature. Dokodemosora’s daily stage is “Tea plantation”. Everything is in there with our full of thoughts. We are happy to deliver a finest cup for you and hope it brings a blissful moment to all of you travelling everyday life. #shandinivascafe #indianfood #hokkaido#naganumacho #シャンディニヴァースカフェ #インドカレー #北海道#長沼町 #どこでもそら #どこでもそらのお茶 #ほんとに美味しい (Shandi Nivas Cafe') https://www.instagram.com/p/CW-w5czBIHw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iambenyyyy · 4 years
100年後 あなたもわたしもいない夜に
企画名はだいすきな歌集からもじりました いいタイトルでしょう
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今回の企画は「10年後、20年後も、永く人の心を動かし、シーンや時代がどう移ろいでいっても変わらず、多くの人から愛され、輝いていて欲しいと思う音楽」 を多くの人に届けたいというのと、海外に日本の音楽を広めるというわたしのやりたいこと二つを軸にしてた。
Why kumano(和歌山・紀伊勝浦)
Briller Nakazaki(大阪・中崎町)
Gunsthouse KAMOYA(大阪・中崎町)
LINDA HOSTEL 106(大阪・天六)
Ark HOSTEL & Cafe Dining(淀屋橋)
Hostel chill out(桜川)
STAY in the City AMEMURA(心斎橋)
Beehive Hostel Osaka(堺筋本町)
J-Hoppers osaka guesthouse(大阪・福島)
Tani9 Backpackers Osaka(谷六)
Hotel Mitsuwaya Osaka(松屋町)
Osaka.guest house HIVE(梅田)
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当日の朝、某サイトを通じて二人の応募があった。「まあ、二人のうち二人ともブッチする可能性、大いにあるな ま、たった一人でも来てくれたら万々歳!一人の方が手厚くコミュニケーション取れるし?!(ポジティブ)」とか思いながら、いざ雲州堂へ出陣。(といいつつ、諦めきれずリハ前にゲストハウスを回った。)
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said紹介文(NEW CITY GIANTS vol.3) https://www.facebook.com/newcitygiants/photos/a.242351826148039.1073741827.231297113920177/249987655384456/?type=3
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神社さんはツイッターで「縁の深い日」と言ってくださっていて…なんかこんな才能の塊みたいな人に恐れ多いし照れてしまうけど本当に何かと繋がる場面が多くて、多分今日お呼びする運びになったのも神様や縁みたいな何かのお陰だと思っている。神社さんの歌、っっっっちょーーーーーーーー好きなんですよね… いや、まじで聴いてみて、国宝だから…あの声… あと優しいし覚えててくれるし真面目だし優しいし背が高くて顔も小さくてかっこいいし…なんの話だ。いや、本当にね…普通にファンだったため、まともに話せんくらいコミュニケーションに難ありありだった。ちなみにアサヤケの記事を書いたことがある。これです。
asayake no atoライブレポート http://media.muevo.jp/articles/6051
「巧くいかない 日々が繫がって いっそ止めてみたら なおさら酷い こんな僕だって 朝を繫いでる 失敗しない 雨も降らない 人生なんて ない
遲刻でもいいから 行こうかな そんで 掃る時覚えてたら 君に貰った花を 買って掃ろう」
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開場。開演。(ちなみに会場プレイリスト、わこうしました https://music.apple.com/jp/playlist/bgm/pl.u-2aoq8ZDCVa5mxV)
あとよく聞かれたのが「どうして僕らは日本人より安く観れるの?」「君はどうしてこのイベントをしたの?どういう思いでこの企画をしたの?」ということ。ちゃんと答えられるように言い回しを調べておくべきだった… かっこいいこと言えんかったなあ。
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椅子が足りなくなった。海外が13名も来るとは想定外だった… 事前予約の4倍強よ…。(アメリカのほかカナダやドイツ、チリからのお客さんも。)
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年明けぐらいにさ、某バンドの人たちが星野源のPOP VIRUSみたいなPV撮りたいって言ってるって話ししてたやんか。でも、昨日、それが画面の中じゃなくて、もう目の前で起きてるじゃん!って思ったよ。 いろんな迷いがあったようだけど、ちゃんとひとつひとつと向き合って選んできたけいこさんが1番偉いです。」(本当に良い友達を持ったよ私は…。)
NYからのお客さん「Being here in Osaka you often don't know what is happening unless you live here. It was a great experience to have. I feel this is only the beginning of great things to come for you and everyone involved.」
ドイツからのお客さん「Thanks for the event, we all really liked it! If you have something like this planned or something else to do in the evening, just let me know, I would like to be there. 」
「The event was really great for me, because you had a direct point where you could go. I think without your event it would not have been possible for me to listen to live music in Osaka 」
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打ち上げ、みなさんほんとうに優しい人で、わたしはずっと感動していた… 神社さんに歌詞の作り方について聞かせてもらえたしCDの裏話まで教えてもらえて嬉しすぎたし池田さんはほんとうに面倒見がよく優しさが溢れる人だった オオクボさんはアボカドのフライを分けてくれたしマブダチになりたい〜!なんて言ってくださって久岡感涙だし粟子さんはわたしが力不足なところをたくさんアシストしてくださってとても助けられていました…
こんなマジで何処の馬の骨かもわからん人間のオファー受けてくれたりメール返してくれたミュージシャン様、イラストレーター hiroto records君、相談��ってくれたHOOK UP吉見さん・某バンドマネ田中万琴ちゃん・某バンドの方々、あと励ましてくれたかわいい友人たち ありがとうございます
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tripstations · 5 years
16 Japan experiences every traveler should enjoy
Editor’s Be aware — CNN Journey’s sequence usually carry sponsorship originating from the international locations and areas we profile. Nevertheless, CNN retains full editorial management over all of its stories. Learn the coverage.(CNN) — There is no scarcity of causes to fall in love with Japan. Whether or not you are searching down prime eats in Tokyo and Osaka or basking within the nation’s beautiful landscapes, it is not possible to take all of it in in a single go to.
However you will definitely have a superb time making an attempt.
We have constructed the final word cheat sheet of prime Japan experiences that will help you plan your subsequent go to. Additionally, remember to click on by way of the gallery on the highest of this story of lovely Japan locations for extra journey inspo.
Although Japan may be most well-known for its dazzlingly fashionable cities, you will need to spend a minimum of a number of days exploring its beautiful pure choices.
It is a nation that really has all of it, from rocky mountain peaks to white-sand seashores.
Listed here are few Japan experiences that may permit for each leisure and journey.
Winter sports activities
As winter storms rush although Japan’s Zao Mountain Vary, bushes are remodeled into unimaginable “snow monsters.”
Nagano, which hosted the Winter Olympics in 1998, has lengthy been a snowy escape for international vacationers. However in recent times, Niseko on the northern island of Hokkaido has turn into one other main vacation spot for powder hunters due to its contemporary, high quality snow and superb meals scene. Down on the island of Honshu, in the meantime, Zao Onsen in Yamagata prefecture affords snowboarding, onsen (extra on that later) and “snow monsters.” For one thing utterly completely different, the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, dubbed the ‘Roof of Japan,’ affords vacationers an opportunity to drive down a freeway framed by huge partitions of snow that tower as excessive as 17 meters over the street.
Seashore hopping
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It is easy to see why this beautiful Iwate prefecture seaside was named “Jodogahama,” or Pure Land.
Being an island nation, Japan’s seaside choices are simply as spectacular as its skyscrapers and bullet trains.
Within the north of Japan’s primary island, Jodogahama Seashore (Pure Land in English) is a tranquil hidden seaside with crystal-clear water and stark white rocks. If you happen to desire softer (and darker) sand, Ibusuki Seashore is your dream vacation spot. The subtropical seaside is famed for a novel exercise — sand bathing, or suna-mushi.
Onsen soaking
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Even macaques in Japan know the best way to take pleasure in an onsen.
Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Photos
For anybody who hasn’t been to a Japanese onsen, take be aware: Nudity is not simply the norm. It is the rule.
The phrase “onsen” refers to Japan’s pure sizzling springs but it surely can also signify amenities like spas and inns that pipe the waters into their very own bathing areas.
Although hundreds of onsen exist all through the nation, Beppu is Japan’s sizzling spring capital — and for good motive. It is house to greater than 2,500 sizzling springs and is the world’s second-largest supply of thermal spring water.
For vacationers with ink, nevertheless, stripping down at a Japanese onsen can get difficult as many ban tattoos, which have been related to yakuza gangs.
Thankfully, there’s Tattoo-Pleasant, a web site that includes properties that permit ink. Customers can slim down the search by selecting the kind of facility they need to go to — health club, pool, hotel-and-ryokan (inn) or sento (public baths).
Every listed property features a transient description of the place and its facilities, as effectively its particular insurance policies on tattoos.
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Each spring, Japanese have a good time cherry blossoms by gathering and picnicking at parks whereas admiring the pink blossoms.
Buddhika Weerasinghe/Getty Photos AsiaPac/Getty Photos
For only a few weeks each spring, Japan celebrates an annual ritual referred to as hanami: stopping to view and admire the attractive spring blossoms.
It is so common the Japan Climate Affiliation’s annual sakura (cherry blossom) forecast is broadcast stay on TV, whereas the Japan Nationwide Tourism Group has a usually up to date timetable of cherry blossoms predictions on their web site.
Mountain climbing
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A hike alongside the Kumano Kodo path is a Wakayama spotlight.
Pongpat Patumsuwon/CNN
Being a mountainous nation, trekking is a particularly common Japan exercise.
For a religious journey, attempt Kumano Kodo, a multiday pilgrimage throughout Wakayama prefecture — fueled by nice meals, cute rural villages and wealthy tradition alongside the way in which.Greater than a thousand years in the past, imperial leaders and aristocrats made their approach to the primary Kumano Kodo shrines by way of a community of hikes throughout the island. On the finish of the hike we advocate spending the evening at a temple within the mountaintop city of Koyasan, the middle of Shingon Buddhism.
Right here, historical cedar forests share area with historic pagodas, paved roads, eating places, colleges, cafes and memento outlets.
Japan excels at placing the appropriate steadiness between custom and modernity, main the way in which in technological advances whereas additionally embracing its previous, whether or not it is structure, artwork, vogue, meals or sports activities.
Listed here are a number of experiences that provides you with a style for Japan’s conventional facet.
Keep in a ryokan
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Nishimuraya Honkan is a seventh-generation ryokan in Hyogo prefecture.
Courtesy Nishimuraya
Searching for that traditional Japanese inn expertise, full with tatami flooring, onsen and sliding doorways?
Staying in a ryokan, a standard Japanese guesthouse, is the way in which to go. Catering to all budgets, they are often discovered all through Japan — mostly within the countryside outdoors of city facilities.
Friends are inspired to put on yukata (home kimonos) and socks, whereas conventional Japanese meals are ready in-house.
Tea ceremonies
CNN’s Paula Newton travels to Fukuoka and the encircling tea-rich lands to expertise the normal winter tea ceremony.
To make it, inexperienced tea leaves, grown within the shade, are dried and floor right into a superb powder. This permits the tea to retain its vitamins. Throughout the ceremony, which focuses on the rituals and psychological states achieved within the course of, the powder is whisked with sizzling water in a small bowl till a slight foam seems.
The highest place to expertise Japan’s matcha tea ceremony — or simply take pleasure in a number of cups of the valuable drink — is Kyoto. There are many tea making lessons and demonstrations obtainable in English and different languages.
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It might take as much as two years to make a high-end kimono.
Japan’s most stunning conventional apparel, kimonos are undeniably an costly memento to convey house. One motive for his or her hefty price ticket is the painstakingly detailed course of that goes into making them.
One other respected kimono-making firm is Okaju in Kyoto, based in 1855 and now helmed by the fourth technology Shigeo Okajima.
If you happen to’d merely wish to don one throughout your Japan go to, there are a selection of rental corporations all through Kyoto.
Favor to understand these stunning clothes from afar? Kyoto’s Gion district is the place vacationers can view swish geishas, conventional Japanese entertainers, strolling down the road of their kimonos.
Sumo watching
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Sumo wrestling dates again a minimum of 2,000 years.
AFP Contributor/AFP/AFP/Getty Photos
Sumo is as historical as it’s quintessentially Japanese. Historians agree that the game dates again a minimum of 2,000 years, and in its present type has remained largely unchanged for the reason that Edo interval.
However scoring a seat at one in all Japan’s six main sumo tournaments per yr would possibly as robust as entering into the ring and wrestling your self, although with slightly advance planning you may make it occur. Tickets can be found by way of Japan’s official sumo web site.
There are different methods to get near a sumo wrestler.
After they’re not competing, sumo wrestlers practice yr spherical in designated sumo stables, or beya.
These stables, that are principally primarily based in Tokyo’s Ryogoku neighborhood, are the place town’s wrestlers stay, eat, sleep and observe on a close to every day foundation. In recent times, it is turn into extra frequent for foreigners to go to the morning observe, which begins at about 5 a.m. and lasts three to 4 hours.
Learn extra about Japan’s sumo stables right here.
Japan is a culinary wonderland due to its distinctive heritage, a nationwide obsession with meals and an nearly spiritual embrace of freshness and ideal manufacturing.
Listed here are a number of of the nation’s must-try eating experiences. Been there, ate that? For a deeper dive into the nation’s culinary wonders, take a look at our record of 25 prime Japanese dishes.
Chances are high, sushi might be the very first thing that involves thoughts once you suppose “Japanese meals.”
Greater than only a slice of fish over vinegar rice — that is just one sort, referred to as nigiri — mastering the artwork of sushi can simply take a lifetime. Fortunately, there’s Sushi College, the place vacationers can be taught to differentiate nigiri from nori-maki.
Nearly poetic in its simplicity, good sushi depends on two issues: the freshness of the elements and the knife expertise of the chef.
Whether or not you want your uncooked fish draped over bite-sized balls of vinegared rice, rolled up in toasted nori seaweed or pressed into fats rectangular logs, scrumptious sushi could be present in each value vary.
If you happen to’re up for a splurge, Sushisho Masa (106-0031 Tokyo, Minato Metropolis,Nishiazabu, four Chome−1−15) in Tokyo’s Roppongi neighborhood is nothing wanting perfection.
After which in fact there’s Sukiyabashi Jiro, the fabled restaurant in Tokyo’s trendy Ginza district broadly considered the most effective sushi restaurant on this planet. Hidden in a basement hooked up to the Ginza Metro Station, Sukiyabashi Jiro earned international fame following the 2012 documentary “Jiro Desires of Sushi.”
Kobe beef
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Solely 3,000 cattle are categorized as Kobe grade every year.
Identified for its pervasive marbling and melt-on-your-tongue texture, Kobe beef is one in all Japan’s most prized meats.
A kind of Wagyu beef named after the area by which the cattle are raised, Kobe is comparatively uncommon — solely 3,000 cattle every year are licensed as Kobe grade.
This has prompted a good bit of confusion however here is a simple approach to keep in mind it. Wagyu (which accurately means “Japanese cow”) refers to particular breeds of cattle that come from a direct, traceable and pure bloodline.
The Kansai area, the place Osaka relies, produces the three “king” sorts of Wagyu: Matsusaka, Kobe and Ohmi. Nevertheless, beef from different areas could be equally tasty.
Discover out extra about Japan’s varied kinds of beef right here.
Desire a seat at Kyourakutei? You will have to attend in line. CNN meets up with the person behind this common Michelin-starred Tokyo soba restaurant.
Soba, or Japanese buckwheat noodles, are normally served chilly with dipping sauce (referred to as zaru soba) or served sizzling in dashi broth.
Triumphing over all of them is te-uchi, which suggests “handmade,” soba in Japanese. The hand-kneaded and lower soba affords the most effective firmness and, therefore, is extra a lot tastier than the mass-produced selection.For a very distinctive soba expertise, head to Iwate, a prefecture in Japan’s northeast the place you may take pleasure in a 400-year-old all-you-can-eat noodle custom referred to as “wanko soba.”
One wanko soba restaurant claims a diner ate 570 bowls in a single sitting.
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Probably the greatest causes to go to a pub in Japan? Yakitori, Japanese fashion rooster skewers.
A yakitori restaurant is the place you may pattern each a part of the rooster — from rooster breast to skins to gizzards — all introduced on skewers, Japanese fashion.
Tokyo’s Torikado is among the greatest locations to take pleasure in them. A high-end omakase yakitori restaurant, Torikado’s diners will go away it as much as the chef to determine what they eat.
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Kaiseki meals had been initially meant to be loved earlier than a tea ceremony.
Japan vacationers researching a visit to Kyoto will inevitably come throughout the phrase “kaiseki.”
To the outsider, it seems to easily be a multicourse Japanese dinner made up of superbly plated dishes. However there’s a lot extra to this meticulously ready, exquisitely served and, normally, very costly meal.
To practitioners of this haute delicacies, kaiseki is the embodiment of “omotenashi,” which suggests wholehearted hospitality.
Wanna know extra? We adopted chef Hisato Nakahigashi of Miyamasou, a two Michelin-starred restaurant and ryokan, to place collectively this newbie’s information to kaiseki meals.
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Ramen is the final word Japanese consolation meals.
©Hiroshima Prefecture/©JNTO
Nothing’s extra comforting than slurping again a bowl of ramen on a chilly wet day.
There are 4 fundamental types of the world-famous soup-based dish: Shoyu (soy sauce seasoning); shio (a lightweight soy sauce model of shoryu); miso (made with fermented soy beans); and tonkotsu (a creamy-white pork bone broth).
CNN Journey requested Brian Mac, founding father of the weblog Ramen Adventures, to share a few of his favourite ramen varieties in Tokyo and past, which embody Hokkaido’s miso ramen, Kyushu’s Kumamoto ramen and every kind of shoyu variations. Learn extra about them right here.
A one-minute tour of Japan’s northern Tohoku area, which produces a number of the nation’s greatest bottles of sake.
Japanese rice wine, sake has a long-standing historical past courting again to the third century.
It is produced everywhere in the nation — and lots of brewers are open to excursions — however Japan’s Tohoku area within the northeast is the place you will discover a number of the greatest bottles.
A part of what makes Tohoku’s sakes so completely different is geography: The winters are extreme with heavy snowfalls and traditionally, due to its remoteness, agriculture has been the mainstay in Tohoku.
For guests making the journey north, a number of breweries provide excursions in English, in addition to tastings — however you have to to guide upfront by way of their web sites.
Learn extra in regards to the Tohoku area’s well-known sake producers right here.
The post 16 Japan experiences every traveler should enjoy appeared first on Tripstations.
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insakuraland · 6 years
🌸 Sakura-viewing in Kyoto (pt. 1!)
Yes! I was back in Sakura Land 🌸 This time with my parents, as a celebration of their wedding anniversary :) The flowers bloomed early this year and we were lucky to catch them in full glory when we arrived in Kyoto on 2 April, but by the time we travelled up to Tokyo for the 2nd half of our 2-week trip, the petals had fallen with fresh greens starting to sprout. Stayed tuned, though, for my tips on sakura-chasing to make your own trip a fruitful one ;)
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「桜の楽園」原谷苑 Haradani-en
Our 1st stop--Haradani-en. I chanced upon dreamy pictures of this place on Instagram while I was doing up our itinerary, and decided that we had to go check it out for ourselves. It’s nicknamed a “Sakura Paradise”, and rightfully so:
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Even without the bokeh and glowy effects on Insta, this was literally a cherry blossom-filled ‘secret garden’ kind of place. The atmosphere was magical ❀
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At full bloom, the many weeping cherry blossom (枝垂れ桜) trees painted the background a beautiful shade of pink, while the other colours of spring coloured the foreground. There were seats scattered around the garden, and an area near a food stall (bottom left above) saw many visitors gathering for bento lunches. You could even reserve a special in-house bento lunch for dining in a hut in the garden (top).
Being a private garden slightly out of town, it was not extremely crowded and visitors looked to be mainly Japanese with the occasional few foreigners like us, who came in search of this gem during the limited period it was open to the public. I loved that you could easily take photos without anybody in the scene, at least before lunch time--not sure about the crowd in the afternoon, though.
Haradani-en was hands down my favourite part of the trip and I highly recommend it to anyone, even though it might not be the most convenient to get to. You have to see this before the rest of the tourist population discovers it!
Lunch and Philosopher’s Path
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We took a taxi to the Nanzen-ji (南禅寺) area for lunch. As we weren’t foodies, we just walked in to a restaurant along the road that looked nice, and ended up at Yachiyo (八千代) which served the tofu cuisine (湯豆腐) that the area was known for. The restaurant happens to be part of a Ryokan if you fancy staying there!
We had an alfresco seat outdoors next to the restaurant’s Japanese garden since the weather was fine, and ordered their tofu set meals that came with tempura vegetables and other small side dishes. We were served a large pot of boiled silken tofu for sharing, and each ate the tofu with seasonings/toppings according to our own preferences. As you can see, I was really greedy and had mine with soy sauce, bonito flakes, seaweed and spring onions...basically the full package (minus wasabi), haha :D
After lunch, we took a stroll along the famous Philosopher’s Path. At a leisurely pace which allowed us to take lots of photos, we finished the walk in about half an hour. Along the way, we were joined by a lot more tourist (as compared to Haradani-en) who were also there to admire the picturesque cherry blossom-lined path.
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Kyoto’s Philosopher’s Path actually reminds me of Tokyo’s Meguro River, albeit a tad less crowded and featuring more greenery (as seen above). Both have their own charms and it’s worth visiting both if you get the chance!
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Access: by car or taxi Location: Google Maps Notes:
Admission fees and dates the garden is open to the public varies--please check the website (Japanese only) or Google for English information around Spring
Tripods, pets, food from outside, wedding photoshoots are prohibited
Yachiyo Location: Google Maps
Philosopher’s Path Access: by car or taxi Location: 
You can choose to start from the southern end near Kumano Nyakuōji-jinja (熊野若王子神社) or the north side near Higashiyama Jisho-ji (東山慈照寺)
Budget at least 20 minutes for the walk (more if you walk slow or would like to stop for photos/coffee at the cafes along the way)
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heytaemin · 7 years
Things to do in Tokyo
hi everyone! i’ve decided to compile a list of things to do in Japan (specifically Tokyo/the surrounding Tokyo area) for anyone who’s travelling to Japan and is looking for ideas. for those who don’t know, i’ve been living in Tokyo for two months so far and will be here until august as an exchange student. 
hopefully this can help those who are thinking of coming to Tokyo find some things to do! this will be a compilation of articles as well as personal experiences traveling, so let’s get started!
(this is in no way a complete list (very far from it), as there’s so much to do and i’m sure i’ll leave out some important places, but this is just a jumping off point for people. feel free to add on anything i missed!)
sightseeing:  Shinjuku Metropolitan Government Building, Shinjuku many people flock to sightseeing places like Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Skytree, but these places tend to be pricey and also very crowded. the Shinjuku Metropolitan Government Building has free observation decks, one of which is open late. for those not looking to wait in long lines and wanting to spend their money elsewhere, this is a good option!  Sensoji, Asakusa  Sensoji in Asakusa is definitely a tourist hotspot, with tons of shops to find souvenirs and see the impressive Sensoji temple Harajuku/Yoyogi Park, Shibuya Harajuku is known for its youth fashion, usually on display on Takeshita Street. Takeshita street is lines with many shops with almost anything you can imagine. tip: the weekends are crazy busy, so it’s best to come during the week when most schools are in session Yoyogi park, located a few minutes’ walk from Harajuku station, often features many events and festivals.  also in the area is Meiji Shrine  Shibuya Crossing, Shibuya in front of Shibuya station is the ‘Shibuya Pedestrian Scramble’, where hundreds of people cross the street at a time. to get a good view of it, you can go to cafes surrounding the crossing for prime people-watching.   Ikebukuro Ikebukuro, like Akihabara, is considered a large center for anime in Japan. it’s home to the main Animate store, which features 7 levels of anime merch and a floor with special displays. other highlights of Ikebukuro are two large shopping centers, Seibu and Tobu, as well as Bic Camera, as well as many stores in Sunshine City
‘hidden gems’ of Tokyo: Jiyugaoka, Meguro for those looking for a place a little more laid-back, Jiyugaoka features many shops and boutiques, often called the ‘Little Europe’ of Tokyo. Jiyugaoka also features the 800 year old Kumano Shrine Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo Nezu Shrine is one of the oldest shrines in the Tokyo area, and features an annual azalea festival in the spring which brings in many visitors. a noteworthy feature of the shrine is its many torii gates, usually found in Kyoto.  things near Tokyo:  Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture (30 minutes from Central Tokyo) Kawagoe’s main draw is a street lined with buildings from the Edo period, making it known as ‘Little Edo’. these shops feature a ton of food and shopping, from clothing to gemstones to Studio Ghibli merchandise and traditional Japanese sweets. there are also many shrines and temples to visit
other recommendations:  Bukamura, Shibuya Ghibli Museum, Mitaka** (advanced ticket purchasing required and sold out very quickly) Character Street, Tokyo Station Nekobukuro, Ikebukuro  lists on things to do in Tokyo:  37 Cool and Unusual things in Tokyo 88 things to do in Tokyo 43 things to do in Tokyo Things to do in Tokyo-Tripadvisor Top 20 places in Tokyo chosen by travelers
helpful websites:  tokyocheapo timeout gaijinpot
for those looking for a place to start, here you are! there are a bunch of glaring places i’ve left out, but many of the links at the bottom explain these places if you’re looking for more information. i’ll add to this as i travel and explore more, but if anyone wants to add on their experiences and places to see, feel free! i’m always looking for suggestions
happy traveling!
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savetopnow · 6 years
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topfygad · 5 years
10 Unmissable Osaka Day Trips – Aussie on the Road
Often spoken of in the same breath as Kyoto and Tokyo, Osaka is one of Japan’s most popular tourist destinations for a reason.
Not only is it home to one of Japan’s largest international airports, but it’s also home to a whole range of fascinating attractions ranging from ancient castles to hands-on experiences to theme parks to some of the best food in Japan. Don’t believe me? Just check out Adventures Around Asia’s post on the most unique things to do in Osaka.
Another huge selling point for Osaka is how connected it is to the rest of Japan. From this dynamic city, it is possible to take a number of fascinating day trips to nearby landmarks and cities.
Once you’ve finished exploring Osaka, why not take one (or more) of these fascinating Osaka day trips to extend your exploration?
Meoto-Iwa’s wedded rocks are one of Ise’s most popular Shinto sites.
#10 – Ise
The starting point for the breathtaking Kumano Kodo Iseji, Ise City is home to one of Japan’s most beloved Shinto shrines in the form of the Ise Grand Shrine.
While Mie Prefecture is part of the greater Kansai region, Ise lies a long way from Osaka. Even so, it is possible to get there in a shade under 2 hours on the JR train. Set out bright and early for your chance to experience the serenity of Ise Grand Shrine in the early hours of the day.
If you’re pressed for time, skip Geku and focus your attention on the beauty of Naiku. When you’re done there, wander along Okage Yokocho to sample delicious street food and do a little souvenir shopping in an old-town themed street.
There’s more to see in Ise than the Geku and Naiku Shrines, of course, with the wedded rocks at Meoto-Iwa being a popular spot for young lovers wanting a little extra luck for their romance.
Lastly, Ise is famous for its delicious cuisine. There are plenty of places to eat in Ise, but I’m especially partial to the delicious Ise udon, which has more noodles and less broth. It’s perfect for a carb-o-holic like me!
Getting There: You can reach Ise from Osaka 2 hours and 20 minutes on the slow JR train (1,700 Yen/$17 USD) or in just under two hours on the express JR train (3,030 Yen/$30 USD).
See: Ise Grand Shrine and Meoto-Iwa.
Extend Your Stay: If you’re keen to tackle the Iseji Kumano Kodo, Ise is the starting point for my two-week Kumano Kodo itinerary.
Naoshima’s most iconic image. Image courtesy of saltowitz
#9 – Naoshima
You might not know the name, but you’ve probably seen the eye-catching photo of that iconic sculpture sitting out on the pier.
Sometimes known as ‘art island’, Naoshima is an idyllic little beach island that has been overrun with stunning works of art. Thanks largely to the Benesse Corporation, Naoshima is fast becoming one of Japan’s most popular tourist attractions.
Naoshima is a bit of a journey from Osaka, as you’ll need to take the JR train to Okayama and then transit on local lines to the ferry. It’s just 45-minutes from Osaka to Okayama.
Once you’ve taken the ferry (for the princely sum of 290 Yen/$2.90 USD), you’ll be able to wander Naoshima at your leisure to soak in its many art installations and its immense natural beauty.
Getting There: Take the JR train from Shin-Osaka Station to Okayama Station and then follow these instructions. It’s around 6,000 yen ($60 USD) on the JR line, or 3,020 Yen ($30 USD) on the slower local trains.
See: Wander the many art installations on the island.
Extend Your Stay: Spend a day or two exploring Okayama.
Making your own Japanese sweets is one of many hands-on activities in Sakai City. Image courtesy of Adventures Around Asia.
#8 – Sakai City
So close to Osaka that you would be forgiven for thinking that they’re the same city, Sakai City is the place to go for hands-on activities. Less than a half-hour’s travel from Osaka, it’s the perfect place to get a little off the beaten path and try something new.
Adventures Around Asia has already designed a fantastic girls day in Sakai, but there are plenty of man-friendly activities as well.
In the course of a single day in Sakai City, I tried my hand at honing my own sashimi knife, dyed yukata fabric, learned how to make Japanese candy, attended a tea ceremony, and soared high over the city’s ancient burial mounds in a VR experience.
As a relatively new tourism market, you’re going to want to email the Sakai Tourism Board ([email protected]) ahead of time to get some assistance in planning things, but it’s well worth the day-trip.
Getting There: It takes roughly 30-minutes to get to Sakai from Osaka or Kansai International Airport.
See: Visit the Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko for a traditional tea ceremony, make Japanese sweets at Machiya Cafe Sacay, and visit the city’s ancient burial mounds.
Extend Your Stay: Splash out on a night at the Agora Sakai Regency and explore the city by bicycle.
Himeji Castle is especially gorgeous during cherry blossom season. Image courtesy of Reginald Pentinio
#7 – Himeji
While Osaka has an impressive castle of its own in the form of Osaka Castle, Himeji Castle is hands-down the most famous castle in all of Japan.
Japan’s best-preserved feudal castle, Himeji-Jo is sometimes known as White Heron Castle due to its striking all-white exterior and the graceful curve of its eaves. It’s one of Japan’s most beautiful architectural achievements.
Insider tip? You can snap your photos of Himeji Castle without having to pay for admission, although the tour of the interior is informative and you’re obviously helping contribute to the upkeep of the historic site.
At just ninety-minutes on the JR train from Osaka, it’s totally possible to experience both Osaka Castle and Himeji Castle in a single day too!
Getting There: It takes ninety-minutes to reach Himeji from Osaka.
See: Himeji Castle is the obvious attraction in Himeji.
Extend Your Stay: While there might not be enough in Himeji to hold your attention for multiple days, you could pay a visit to the nearby Kokoen Gardens for just 40 Yen more with a combined Himeji Castle/Kokoen ticket.
The deer of Nara are just one of many attractions in a gorgeous city. Image courtesy of conifer conifer
#6 – Nara
Famous for its friendly population of deer, Nara is a city with far more to offer than just an up close and personal interaction with hungry deer.
Many flock to the city to wander Nara Park and feed the bowing deer, but to me, the real attractions are the many temples and shrines in the city. Todaiji and Horyuji are doubtlessly impressive, but my heart belongs to Shintoism and Kasuga Taisha is every bit as stunning as the shrines that dot the Kumano Kodo.
The city is home to a number of other temples and shrines, but is also a great place to tour Japanese gardens. Yoshikien is especially gorgeous.
Getting There: It takes a shade under an hour to reach Nara from Osaka.
See: Wild deer in Nara Park, Todaiji and Horyuji Temples, Kasuga Taisha Shrine, and Yoshikien gardens.
Extend Your Stay Stick around for dinner at Sakura Burger, where you can try delicious Japan-US fusion burgers.
Kobe is a green, gorgeous city that warrants an extended visit.
#5 – Kobe
Famed for its succulent Kobe beef, I discovered that Kobe is far more than just a place to grab a meal. If you’ve read my One Day in Kobe post, you’ll see there is a wealth of things to do in the port city.
From scenic hikes and the stunning Kobe Herb Gardens to the modern vibe of Meriken Park and the nearby shopping precinct to going on a boozy sake distillery tour, there’s just so much about green, modern Kobe to love.
Getting There: It takes 15-30 minutes to reach Kobe from Osaka.
See: Try Kobe beef, visit the Kobe Herb Gardens, go on a sake distillery tour, and visit Meriken Park.
Extend Your Stay: You can see a full day itinerary for Kobe outlined in my One Day in Kobe post, but this could easily be extended out to two days with a full-day to relax and enjoy the Kobe Herb Gardens.
Universal Studios Japan is a blast! Image courtesy of Andrea Hale.
#4 – Universal Studios Japan
While it technically lies within Osaka, a day trip to Universal Studios Japan is an adventure unto itself. With multiple ‘worlds’ to explore, an attached shopping/dining precinct, and rides & shows galore, USJ is a fantastic day out for the entire family.
Our visit just so happened to coincide with Christmas festivities, which meant an abundance of Minion madness as part of the park’s ‘Yellow Christmas’, but we also managed to sneak in a little time at the fantastic Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Our day at the park only scratched the surface of what there is to do, as we weren’t able to find time to explore attractions such as the Evangelion VR ride, the terrifying Hollywood Dream roller coaster, or the Jurassic Park ride.
We did, however, ride the Despicable Me Minion Mayhem and the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey rides, both of which were a blast!
We also saw two fun parades and the famous The Gift of Angels nightly performance, which is truly gorgeous to behold.
Getting There: It takes around 30-minutes to reach Universal Studios Japan from Osaka city.
See: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, live shows and parades, themed rides, and delicious food.
Extend Your Stay: It’s a big park, so why not book a hotel in the attached City Walk so you can spread your exploration out over two days?
The ‘floating’ Torii of Miyajima are one of the most popular attractions near Hiroshima. image courtesy of Michael Day.
#3 – Hiroshima and Miyajima
Famous for all of the wrong reasons, Hiroshima will forever live in infamy as the site of the first use of an atomic bomb against a civilian population.
Rebuilding from the ruins of that war-ending event, Hiroshima now stands as a tribute to the destructive capacity of war and the healing that had to be done after that fateful day.
Visitors to Hiroshima can learn more about the bombing of Hiroshima by visiting sites such as the A-Bomb Dome, the Peace Memorial Park, and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, but there is more to dynamic Hiroshima than its dark past.
Gorgeous gardens such as Shukkeien, historic sites such as Fukuyama Castle, and the World Heritage-listed Itsukushima Shrine are worth the trip in their own right.
The latter is on nearby Miyajima, which might mean you’ll want to spend a night in the area so you’re not rushing to fit both Hiroshima and Miyajima into a single day.
Getting There: It takes 2.5 hours to get from Osaka to Hiroshima, with Miyajima another hour from Hiroshima.
See: Visit memorials to the Hiroshima bombing, tour Shukkien gardens, and pay a visit to Miyajima.
Extend Your Stay: If you want to explore at a more relaxed pace, consider booking a hotel in Hiroshima or Miyajima so you can take your time.
Koyasan is also home to Japan’s largest (and most haunting) graveyard. image courtesy of DocChewbacca
#2 – Koyasan
One of the holiest locations in all of Japan, Koyasan (Mount Koya) is the center of Shingon Buddhism and a hugely popular tourist attraction with those wanting to immerse themselves in traditional Japanese culture.
As you would expect from a holy site, Koyasan is awash with temples, pilgrimage trails, and opportunities to get in touch with a little inner peace.
For those with a little more time, Koyasan is a fantastic place to overnight at a temple or even launch your own exploration of a longer pilgrimage trail such as the Kumano Kodo.
Getting There: It takes just over ninety-minutes to reach Koyasan from Osaka.
See: Buddhist temples and pilgrimage trails.
Extend Your Stay: Spend a night in a traditional temple to really immerse yourself in Buddhism.
Kyoto might be Japans’s most photogenic cities. Image courtesy of Terence Lim
#1 – Kyoto
I would be loathe to say Kyoto is just a day trip city. There’s enough in gorgeous Kyoto to warrant a full week of its own, but if time is pressing and you’re based in Osaka, it’s certainly possible to get a taste of Kyoto in a day.
The city wears its history on its sleeve, and you’ll be surrounded by gorgeous temples and shrines at every turn. It’s also the home of Japan’s fading geisha culture, so geisha-watching is a pastime of its own.
For mine, the real highlights for a day in Kyoto would be Fushimi Inari shrine (best seen at dawn), the Arashiyama bamboo grove, golden Kinkaku-ji, and the chance to spot geisha in Gion.
You’ll be dealing with crowds every step of the way, however, so keep that in mind when planning your day in Kyoto!
Getting There: Kyoto is an hour from Osaka.
See: Kinkaku-Ji, Arashiyama, Fushimi Inari, and spot geisha.
Extend Your Stay: Kyoto deserves more than one day. Consider spending at least three days in Kyoto to really do it justice.
As you can see, Osaka is not only a fantastic place to visit, it’s also a fantastic place to base yourself while you take day trips to nearby cities such as Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, and Himeji.
It really is the perfect combination: a hub for exploration and an attraction in its own right.
What are your favourite day trips from Osaka?
What about things to do in the city itself? How would you recommend a visitor spend their time in Osaka?
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voyagista · 5 years
Shimane est la deuxième province la moins peuplée du Japon : dans une des régions les plus reculées du Japon, on est loin des grandes métropoles de l’axe Tokyo-Osaka-Hiroshima. Mais ceci n’a pas toujours été le cas ! Du fait de sa position géographique avantageuse sur la mer de Chine et de ses mines d’argent, Shimane était il y quelques siècles, particulièrement dynamique. J’ai été étonné de découvrir à quel point Shimane est du coup un mélange entre traditions, nature et sites historiques majeurs.
J’ai vécu 7 ans au Japon, je connais du coup pas mal le pays, je parlote japonais et j’adore y retourner pour découvrir les coins peu touristiques. Après Shikoku, le pèlerinage de Kumano Kodo ou encore la région de Nagasaki, les iles Oki, voici aujourd’hui mon top 10 des endroits à visiter dans la province de Shimane
Le Jardin d’Adachi
Ce jardin est très connu au Japon et vu l’amour que j’ai pour les jardins japonais j’avais hâte! .
Ce jardin est un peu spécial: on ne peut pas s’y balader. Il est situé dans un musée et on l’observe donc depuis le musée comme l’œuvre d’art qu’il est. Enorme coup de cœur pour ce jardin magnifique, alors ok il est un peu au milieu de nulle part mais il vaut vraiment le détour. Bien prendre son temps et surtout faire une pause au salon de thé pour profiter de la vue au calme, un super souvenir ! Franchement ces japonais ils sont forts…
Infos sur Adachi 
Soit on y vient à la journée depuis Matsue, soit on peut en profiter pour dormir dans le ryokan Saginoyusou juste à côté (pour réserver c’est ici). Une superbe expérience, un peu cher certes, mais le ryokan vaut vraiment le coup. Si vous voulez réduire un peu la note vous pouvez diner «en ville » dans un petit izakaya mais attention cela veut dire 20 min de voiture, car Adachi c’est vraiment au milieu de nulle part… On est allé manger dans un izakaya à côté de la station de train la plus proche et c’était très bien…
La ville de Matsue
  Matsue est connue pour son beau château noir datant du XVII ème siècle et son quartier de Samourai situé juste à côté. Le château est l’un des 12 châteaux originaux au Japon et le 6ème plus vieux, comme d’habitude au Japon il est vide mais il a franchement de la gueule de l’extérieur. Malheureusement nous avons visité Matsue sous la pluie…cela donnait un petit air dramatique au château mais du coup nous n’avons pas trainé et nous sommes vite partis dormir dans notre joli petit temple dans les montagnes environnantes
Notre logement à l’extérieur de Matsue
Infos sur Matsue
Un super bon ramen à côté du château que je recommande absolument, il s’agit de MENYA HIBARI
Pour dormir, faites comme nous, sortez de Matsue et allez passer une nuit dans les jolis petits chalets du temple Ichibata (pour réserver c’est ici). Vous serez invité aux prières le matin (une superbe expérience à la Koya San) et le prêtre chef parle bien anglais (si il est là).
Le jardin de Yuushien
Outre le jardin d’Adachi, il existe un autre jardin très connu pour ses pivoines à ne surtout pas manquer: le jardin de Yuushien. Le jardin est situé juste à côté de l’aéroport de Matsue (pratique juste avant son vol) sur une petite ile. A la différence du jardin d’Adachi, on peut déambuler dans Yuushien mais tout comme à Adachi il ne faut pas manquer de faire une pause à la fin de la visite au salon de thé du jardin pour profiter des vues magnifiques. J’adore les jardins japonais ils sont tous tellement uniques !
Entrée à 700 Yen si on est un étranger. Toutes les infos sur leur site
Izumo et ses environs
Le phare Hinomisaki
La Bretagne au Japon
Depuis Ichibata Cottage (le petit temple dont je vous parlais plus haut) nous avons pris les chemins de traverse pour rejoindre Izumo et nous avons fait un stop au phare de Hinomisaki, un des plus hauts du Japon. La montée est rude mais la vue au sommet (en chaussette attention on est au Japon, chaussures interdites dans le phare) est superbe, on a plus l’impression d’être en Bretagne qu’au Japon !
Le sanctuaire d’Izumo
Izumo c’est le sanctuaire shinto, le plus vieux du pays. Contrairement à la plupart des temples au Japon, à Izumo, il est interdit de pénétrer dans le sanctuaire (ahhhh grosse déception…), vous pourrez en faire le tour tout en essayant de jeter un coup d’œil à l’intérieur mais surtout il faut se promener dans le complexe et ses charmants environs tout en observant les pèlerins et l’atmosphère du lieu.
    Le sanctuaire a dû être construit la première fois au VIIème siècle, le bâtiment actuel date du XVIII ème siècle et est, malgré sa taille impressionnante, beaucoup plus petit que le bâtiment original, difficile à imaginer 
La station de train Taisha Mae
Cette gare n’a pas vu de train circuler depuis plusieurs décennies mais le bâtiment de la gare a été conservé et se visite… il faut dire qu’il est vraiment superbe, de style traditionnel japonais et vaut le petit détour après la visite d’Izumo.
Iwami Ginzan
Les petites rue du village
Je suis sure que vous n’en avez jamais entendu parler mais Shimane compte un site inscrit au patrimoine mondial: les mines d’argent d’Iwami Ginza. Shimane était au XVI siècle une région très prospère grâce à ses mines d’argent de grande qualité renommé à l’époque dans le monde entier. Petit à petit la région est retombée dans l’oubli et même son inscription au patrimoine mondial n’a pas réussi à l’en faire sortir, nous étions presque seuls ! On ne va pas s’en plaindre, pour une fois qu’un site au patrimoine n’est pas bondé ! La mine (la galerie souterraine Ryûgenji, celle d’Okubo nécessite d’avoir un certain âge et d’être réservée en avance) se visite rapidement mais le village de Omori est super bien conservé et mérite de s’y attarder.
Visiter Iwami Ginzan
S’arrêter au centre d’information très intéressant avant de se rendre sur le siteOù manger ? Nous avons déjeuner au sympathique Cafe Juru, super bon dans une vieille maison, allez-y les yeux fermés.
Louer un vélo ?
On peut louer des vélos électriques pour se balader et se rendre à l’entrée de la mine, j’ai opté pour un vélo électrique et j’ai monté la côte pour aller à l’entrée de la mine tel un coureur du tour de France (700 Yen pour 2h en vélo électrique et 500 Yen pour vélo ordinaire pour 3h), j’adore les vélos électriques…
Où manger ?
Nous avons déjeuner au sympathique Cafe Juru, super bon dans une vieille maison, allez-y les yeux fermés.
Yunotsu : onsen et poterie
Yunotsu Onsen est un petit village de onsen (comme son nom l’indique) un peu endormi. A l’époque des mines d’argent, c’était un port important… mais de cette époque il reste de très beaux bâtiments dont certains onsens carrément imposants pour un si petit village et un grand four pour la poterie.
Bonnes Adresses à Yunotsu:
“Yakimono Kan” est un atelier de poterie traditionnel très sympa et idéal pour acheter un petit souvenir traditionnel. Ils proposent des cours de poterie. Le village est également connu pour son spectacle de Kagura qui a lieu tous les samedis à 20h, un spectacle à ne surtout pas manquer. Je vous conseille d’organiser votre voyage pour y être un samedi et assister à un spectacle de Kagura.
Un spectacle de Kagura
Kagura est un art de scène relativement peu connu et ce même des Japonais. Le spectacle relate des vieilles légendes, le sens exact des scènes est difficile à vraiment comprendre mais en gros vous voyez des guerriers essayer de tuer des dragons le tout en dansant avec des costumes magnifiques. Un superbe spectacle.
Nous ne pouvions pas aller voir le spectacle du Samedi de Yunotsu mais nous avons eu la chance d’assister à un spectacle privé organisé dans un petit village par une troupe d’enfants, un moment vraiment très spécial et une soirée conclue en beauté par un discours en japonais de mon Kiwi pour remercier du spectacle… il s’en est plutôt bien tiré et on a fini sur le journal local!
Outre le spectacle du samedi à Yunotsu, vous pouvez trouver les autres dates sur le site du l’office du tourisme.
Se retrouver dans des petites routes au milieu de nulle part
Shimane étant peu peuplée, on se retrouve très vite sur des jolies petites routes dans la campagne, certaines sont très étroites… entre Ichibata et le phare de Hinomisaki nous nous sommes retrouvés sur des anciens chemins qui avaient dû être goudronnés tellement c’était étroit mais nous avons découvert des petits villages de pêcheurs, des beaux paysages… Bref n’hésitez pas à vous perdre un peu, avec un gps ou arrive toujours à destination….
Comment organiser son séjour ?
La région possède un aéroport juste à côté de Matsue avec des vols depuis Hong Kong… nous avons donc volé direct à Yonago. Si vous êtes déjà au Japon, l’accès se fait soit par avion pour Yonago ou Izumo, soit par bus depuis Hiroshima (il y a un deal super pas cher pour 500 Yen ) . Pour les détenteurs du JR pass, tout est expliqué ici mais en gros il faut changer à Okayama (vous pouvez en profiter pour voir un autre jardin magnifique)
Louer une voiture
Louer une voiture est franchement indispensable pour profiter de la région sans trop perdre de temps. Pour ceux qui ont peur de conduire au Japon, pas de soucis à Shimane, il y a peu de trafic et le seul souci risque d’être l’étroitesse de certaines routes…
Prix des visites 
Shimane essaie d’attirer les touristes étrangers et du coup la plupart des attractions sont à moitié prix pour les étrangers, une superbe affaire (surtout vu les prix au Japon). Le jardin d’Adachi passe quand même de ¥2,300 à ¥1,150, le château de ¥670 a ¥330. Il suffit de montrer son passeport.
Les lieux où dormir font partie intégrante d’un voyage au Japon car ce sont des véritables expériences… et durant ce voyage à Shimane j’ai dégotté de super adresses toutes très différentes. Nous avons donc enchainé :
– Une nuit dans un beau ryokan avec un onsen à Adachi, le Saginoyousu
– Une nuit dans un petit chalet tout mignon situé dans un temple dans la montagne à Ichibata
– Une nuit dans une maison traditionnelle japonaise au milieu de la campagne non loin d’Izumo 
– Une nuit un peu rustique dans un temple à Jofukuji Private Hostel 
Trouver plus d’infos
Il y a très très peu d’informations intéressantes sur cette région. J’espère que cet article aura pallié à ce manque. Si vous lisez l’anglais ne manquez pas le superbe blog de Paul qui a sillonné la région et partage tous les détails dont des très bonnes idées de restaurants.
Sinon le site de l’office du tourisme de Shimane et de Matsue sont très bien faits. N’hésitez pas à leur envoyer un email si vous avez besoin d’un peu d’aide, ils sont très sympas.
Alors Shimane ça te tente ?
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Mon top 10 pour visiter Shimane : le Japon traditionnel Shimane est la deuxième province la moins peuplée du Japon : dans une des régions les plus reculées du Japon, on est loin des grandes métropoles de l’axe Tokyo-Osaka-Hiroshima.
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gallerycafe3-r · 6 years
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【Current Exhibition: 3rd Jul (tue)-16th Jul (sun) 】 “Let The Song Light on Your Foot Print” by KUMANO Hidenobu We invite you to the world of Hidenobu Kumano. The message from Mr.Kumano is very simple. “Stay as you are”, “Let things be as they are” It’s clear to anyone that what he means is not that so easy. Under the layers of vivid colors, you might take a glance at something hidden in deep dusk. *The Gallery Cafe3 has started recruiting for 2019. If you are interested, please refer to our web page for more detail. The terms of use is available in English. Gallery Café3 Open from 15:00- 22:00 By 20:00 on the last day of the exhibition Closed on every Monday and temporary holidays 3-45-9 Koenjiminami, Suginami ward, Tokyo, Japan Tel 03-3313-3688 URL http://3gallery.net/ #gallery #展示 #藝大 #武蔵美 #多摩美 #女子美 #美大通信 #個展 #作家 #デザイン #gallerytokyo #artsjapan #arts #galleryjapan #rentalspace #exhibitionintokyo #nakano #koenji #galleryrent #artfairtokyo #universityofarts #レンタルスペース #美術 #artists #expression #3 (Gallery Cafe 3)
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gary-luscombe · 7 years
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Taking a boat trip up the Kumano River and through Dorokyo Gorge in Wakayama Prefecture. This near 200km long river starts at Mt. Omine in Nara Prefecture and virtually matches the shared border between Wakayama and Mie Prefectures. It passes close to the beautiful Kumano Nachi Taisha and Kumano Hongu Taisha shinto shrines and is an important part of the Kii Peninsula UNESCO World Heritage Site. From where our tour began at the Kumano Kotsu Shiko Jet Boat Center on Highway 168, the river was shallow but relatively wide. It was flanked on both sides by shingle banks containing fishermen, picnickers and a smattering of small villages. Further up the river, as you get close to the Dorokyo Gorge, the flat shingle banks are replaced by steep, tree covered cliffs. Near the halfway point of the tour, the boat stopped on what looked like an isolated shingle bank containing a few small tents and some elderly folk selling souvenirs and refreshments. There is also an excellent cafe on the hillside, but it is best visited later by car. Further on from the rest stop, you start to come across unusual rock formations which look like giant mushrooms and a turtle. If you look carefully at the picture on the left, you can make out a red and white ribbon. This is wrapped around the neck of the most famous formation, the Komainu or Lion-dog who is looking off to the left. The whole trip takes about 2 hours and is a great distraction in a beautiful part of Japan. #japan #traveljapan #japantravel #instagramjapan #cooljapan #wakayama #visitjapan #insta_wakayama #wakayamagram #visitwakayama #discoverjapan #travelphotos #日本 #和歌山 (at Dorokyo Gorge)
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