#Keri rambles a lot huh.
thegodthief · 5 months
A bit random, but do you happen to have any personal particular feelings about railroads and trains, particularly in a magical sense? I am living in a train town now and wondering what to make of it like spiritually and energetically
For a while, I worked in an active rail yard. My answer prior to that employment would be drastically different than after.
At the time, I was trying not to be wooish at all. But now, looking back? Rail yards are wooish as fuck and are not only an ecosystem unto themselves, but have a personhood that I will fight anyone that claims otherwise.
I wasn't a conductor nor an engineer. Just a clerk. A "gopher". Go fer this, go fer that, take this crew, deliver these goods. But it meant I drove, walked, and sometimes crawled all over that yard. I knew where it was safe to drive and where that barely concealed well hole was. I always had a sense of which engines were moving and where were the safe spaces when the runaway car alarm sounded (spoiler: nowhere in the fucking yard, that's for sure).
When I had a new clerk shadowing me for training, after going over what the book said, I would tell them what I've learned the hard way. Which tracks were never safe to walk and why you never park your car under that particular tree in the parking lot no matter how much shade it gives. What kind of sounds you expect to hear at 2am in the rail yard and which sounds should not only have you moving quickly to a safe area but also calling the yardmaster because there might be a bigger problem than anticipated.
Certain trains had certain personalities. I'm sure the engines did for sure, but I didn't work in the roundhouse so I was never acquainted with any particular engine. But there were certain dedicated routes from one city to another, cross-country, and certain trains always had certain problems regardless of the crew or engine. My job involved getting the crew's paperwork for those trains so I saw certain patterns after a while. I'm sure each observation could be explained individually, and when I was working there, I accepted the mundane explanations at face value.
But as for the rail yard itself?
And because of the trauma that happened to even make the rail yard and the way it can and will devour the careless: Feral.
Looking back, I can see that the rail yard accepted me as part of the ecosystem within it. Moments that went better for me than expected and a certain sense of... presence... during those times when I was the only person within the literal mile. By the time I left that employment, it had given me gifts that I still keep with me. Especially now that I know what they mean.
But that's my story.
You have a different perspective.
I would advise you to treat the rail yard itself as a person. The tracks are its arteries and the yard crew are its blood cells. The roundhouse is its liver and stomach while the main tower is its brain.
Respect it. Don't go climbing past the fences and ducking under chains. Once you become accustomed to the sounds of an active rail yard, it is very easy for a train engine to bear down on you with little warning.
You likely won't get timetables of which trains are traveling through on which routes, but you can sit a safe distance away and just... listen. Feel. Trains don't want to sit in one spot, they want to move.
Commuter/passenger trains want to be looked at as they pass. Freight trains just want you to get out of the damn way. The feeder trains that carry stuff to and from the local industries tend to have more character to them.
When it's night, listen for the trains. Not just their horns, but the sound of their wheels on the tracks. When it's cold and damp, that sound will eerily carry over miles and miles. The trains will sing, sometimes to each other in greeting and sometimes to themselves. Sit long enough and you'll hear the difference between a train singing because it's required to sound off at a crossing, and a train singing because the acoustics are just right and not all howling comes from wolves.
If you decide to leave offerings, don't leave anything that would be a mess for a yard crew to clean up. The yard crew is an extension of the rail yard after all, and annoying them will set the yard itself against you.
Greet the trains when they cross the road in front of you. Listen to how they sound in the wake of their passing. The rail yard will teach you its language.
And if you go for a walk one day and happen to come across a railroad spike in an area no spike should be, that's not happenstance, that's a gift. If you take it, you're part of that rail yard's ecosystem now, even if your role is that of spectator and observer. Hold it and let the song of the rails rumble through you. It might lead you to something else.
Take care.
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rocksandrobots · 2 years
Phantoms of the Past Chapter 13 - Reunions and Relatives Part 1
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Tadashi slowly opened his eyes and was met with the bright, white light of the hospital's fluorescent bulbs.
The second thing he noticed, as his eyes adjusted to the light, was that his throat was itchy and dry. Then he noticed the cold oxygen being pumped through the ventilator.
The final thing he noticed was his brother sitting beside him. His young face was full of worry. The robot that Tadashi had built, Baymax, was sitting behind him.
"Hey." He horsley whispered with a small smile, and Hiro broke down in tears and flung his arms around him. Tadashi patted his back in reassurance. 
Tadashi then looked towards the rest of their friends who were also gathered near the bedside. They looked back at him with a mixture of sadness and relief. All except for one kid that Tadashi didn't recognize. He had big blue eyes, a mess of black hair with a blue streak in it, and he wore a pair of goggles on top of his head. The younger teen stood sheepishly in the corner of the room, trying to look as small as possible.
"W-what happened?" Tadashi asked, clearly disoriented. His voice was muffled behind the ventilator.
Before anybody could answer, the nurse walked in.
She gave Tadashi a wide smile as Hiro sniffled and moved out of the way.
"Ah, you're up! How are you feeling?" She sweetly asked as she read the readout on the machines and adjusted his IV.
"Uh.. fine.." Tadashi replied, as the nurse shined a pin light into his eyes to check his pupils. He blinked rapidly when she was done.
"Well, your readings looked fine. Heartbeat is norm-"
"Heartbeat is 75 BPM" Baymax interrupted.
Tadashi gave the robot a smug smile. He had built Baymax well. The nurse was not as amused.
"Uh-huh... and your breathing is steady." She slipped back into her cheerful cantor. "Do you think you would be good if we take off this oxygen mask?"
Tadashi nodded and the nurse removed the ventilator. He worked his now freed jaw on reflex.
"There? Better?... Good. The Doctor will be along shortly to check on you. In the meantime if you need anything the buzzer is there beside you."
As she left, realization hit Tadashi…."T-the fire! Is Professor Callahan alright?"
His friends looked at him solemnly.
"Yeah. He's fine." Came Wasabi's terse reply.
Tadashi titled his head in confusion as he eyed each of his friends. Something was definitely not fine. "Well.. is he hurt? Should we go check up o--"
"He's in jail." Hiro growled darkly.
Tadashi leaned back and gave Hiro a surprised look. He had never seen his brother so angry before.
Gogo walked over to the other side of the bed and placed a gentle hand upon Tadashi's shoulder. "Callaghan was the one who started the fire." She slowly explained.
Tadashi could only stare blankly back at this newest revelation. Professor Callaghan? His mentor, one of the kindest and inspirational men he had ever met, had purposely set a building on fire?
He looked to the rest of his friends to refute such slander, but none did. 
"No… no... "He shook his head, "Why would he do that?"
"Because he wanted to steal Hiro's microbots, in order to take out his revenge on Krei. He blamed the millionaire for his daughter's disappearance, see? Fortunately though, we rescued both her and Keri from the portal. All because we're mega awesome superheroes now!" Fred finished this over-excited rant and Tadashi could only stare at him with a skeptically raised eyebrow. Then he slowly leaned his head towards Gogo; never fully taking his eyes off his best friend.
"Okay, normally I'm able to follow Fred's ramblings just fine, buuut I'm going to need help on this one. What is he talking about?"
Gogo sighed, "There's a lot that you've missed out on since ... since...."
She left the word unsaid as she began to choke up and Tadashi's heart dropped. Gogo never cried. Just how long had he been under? Just how close had he been to dying?
He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against her own. She blinked rapidly, startled by the sudden touch.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm okay. See?"
She looked back at him. Seeing him again, with his kind brown eyes staring into her own, that dorky smile on his face, having him near once more, everything finally became so very real. She gave a small laugh and smiled even as fresh tears fell anew. She returned the forehead press, only to be interrupted when Honey Lemon burst into happy tears of her own.
She flung herself towards them and wrapped them both into a tight hug.
"Oh man," Wasabi also sobbed, "It's so wonderful... let me in on this hug action."
Wasabi added himself to the group hug and Fred followed after. Which was awkward given how Tadashi was still sitting in the hospital bed. He was swallowed up by the hug and could barely poke head up over his friends.
He managed to just about see over the top of Wasabi's dreads and he spotted Hiro struggling to contain his own giggles at the sight.
The moment didn't last long though, as Honey Lemon just as suddenly let out a screech. 
"Arrrgah... What were you thinking; running into a fire!" She yelled and everyone backed away from her quickly.
All except for Tadashi, that is, who was still unfortunately in the bed. "I-"
"No, no-no-no-no-no. You do not get to talk your way out of this one. You've any idea what we've all been through this past year? No! You don't. Because you ran into a fire! ¡De todas las cosas estúpidas, miopes y demente que hacer! ¿Que eres? Un tonto!? I swear you people are enough to drive a person loco sometimes, but I love you all anyways!"
She had begun to pace in her ranting and everyone exchanged pointed glances at one another, conveniently avoiding eye contact less they also be subjected to Honey Lemon's wrath.
Then she stopped, turned back around and grabbed Tadashi by his hospital gown with both hands.
"Don't you ever, ever, ever dare do that again! Ever !"
"I promise okay, I-I promise. That was a dumb thing to do." Tadashi admitted. "I'm sorry.. alright? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry everyone." Then he paused as Honey Lemon's words really sunk in. "Wait. What do you mean 'this past year'?"
Honey Lemon quickly let go of him at the question and backed away with a disquieted frown on her face.
That was somehow even more worrying than her yelling at him.
He looked at his other friends. They all held the same worried expression.
Fred, once again, was the one to offer up an explanation.
"You've been kind of dead for a year and we brought you back using time travel."
He didn't jump up and down with his usual excitement when said this, but stated it calmly as if it was a simple fact.
Tadashi gave a nervous laugh, "Ha... ha... good joke. You almost got me. Wasabi, what really happened?"
Wasabi gave Fred an irritated look, sighed, and then said "You've been dead for a year and we brought you back to life using time travel."
Tadashi narrowed his eyes at him. It wasn't like Wasabi to lie, but still...
He turned to Gogo next. "Gogo, you're always real with me. What happened?"
Gogo gave a small smile. "You were dead for one year and we recused you using time travel."
Now Tadashi was beginning to panic. Gogo never lied; about anything. He turned to Honey Lemon.
She sheepishly nodded. "It's true."
He looked back to Hiro and Baymax. Hiro shrugged. "We invented time travel."
" You .. invented time travel?" Tadashi shook his head. "Hiro you're smart, but not that smart.... Baymax, what's today's date?"
"It is Friday, September the 23rd. Year 2015."
Tadashi frowned. "You changed his internal clock clearly." He accused his brother. "Very funny Hiro. Ha. Ha. The joke's gone on long enough."
Everyone exchanged worried glances, but no one came clean about lying.  Tadashi looked around frantically. 
Then he spotted the new kid in the corner. "You! What's your name?"
The poor guy looked like he wanted to disappear.
"V-varian..." He stumbled out.
"Varian?.. Okay, Varian. We... what? Have uh, computer programming together or something?"
Varian shook his head no, but Tadashi ignored this.
"Well it doesn't matter, the point is, you're not with these guys right? You wouldn't prank someone in a hospital bed, surely? Tell me the truth. What happened?"
Varian cast a questioning look at the rest of the teens before stuttering out. "Y-you've been gone for over a year, and we rescued you using a time machine that Hiro and I built, using portal technology as a base."
Tadashi stared at him in confused horror. "Portal tech?"
"Yeah, like the kind Callaghan built for Krei." Fred interjected. "See it all comes together."
Tadashi only blinked back at him in disbelief.
That's when the doctor arrived.
"Ah, the nurse said you were awake." The man kindly smiled." How are we feeling today?"
"Oh, doctor, thank goodness. What happened?" Tadashi begged, relieved to finally talk to a sane person.
"Well, there seems to have been some kind of accident at the Tech Institute; a fire. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured. As for you my boy, you breathed in a bit of the smoke and needed to be hooked up to the ventilator for a little while, but you seem to be breathing fine on your own now. You have a minor burn on your left arm. We'll give you a  salve for that. However, you should be free to go home today. Your aunt has been called and is on her way to pick you up."
"Okay, good, but how long have I been out?"
The doctor pouted in thought, "Oh, I'd say for about an hour and a half... maybe two."
Tadashi sighed with relief and gave Hiro a smug grin. He was sure his brother was behind this dumb prank.
Hiro returned it with a small smile of his own. "Ask him what day it is," he whispered to him.
Tadashi rolled his eyes. "Uh, hey, doc... maybe you can settle something for us. My brother here reprogramed my robot's internal clock. Could you give me the date and time so that I can reset it, please?"
The doctor nodded and looked at his watch. "It's 3:45 PM western time, and the date is September the 23rd, 2015. Today's a Friday I believe... I need to fill out some forms before I leave for the weekend."
As the man casually decimated Tadashi's world view, the doctor shrugged and made to leave. "Well if you need anything more just single for the nurse."
He then went out the door leaving a poor Tadashi to only stare blankly ahead in shock.
Hiro however wasn't enthused about being right at all.
"Hear that? Aunt Cass is on her way. Quick! We gotta think of a way to explain how Tadashi is alive."
"Why not just tell her the truth?" Gogo asked
"Haha... very funny Gogo." Hiro shot back.
Wasabi brought a hand up to rub his temples. "Hiro, you can't keep hiding the fact that you're moonlighting as a superhero; and you certainly can't hide this ." He gestured towards Tadashi who was still reeling over the news about time travel being real.
"Superhero?" He squeaked.
Fred came up and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Yup, yup, yup, ever since we stopped Professor Callahan's evil schemes, we've become a superhero team. They call us Big Hero Six!"
Tadashi eyed Fred warily but didn't say anything. Normally he would dismiss Fred's delusions of grandeur, but nothing about today was normal.
"We could come clean," Hiro continued, "ooooor we could say Tadashi escaped the fire but had amnesia this entire time. That's why he didn't come and find us, because he was taken in by the kindly pizza place owners down the street. He gained a new identity as Jose the Pizza Guy. Only for him to get accidentally… ah.. wacked on the head a second time…. While delivering pizza to us at the school. Yeah, that's it!" 
Hiro spread his arms wide, with a nervous grin on his face, looking for agreement from his peers, but his friends only looked at him with concern. 
"Jose the Pizza Guy?" Wasabi asked, after an awkward pause.  
"Yeeeaaah, that doesn't sound any more realistic, Hiro." Honey Lemon timidly pointed out. 
"Oh, what? What would you rather us say then?" Hiro shot back.
"The truth?" Gogo offered up. 
"The truth? Suuuure. Let's just tell Aunt that after her losing one kid to a fire, her second child decided to become a superhero alongside all his friends, and together they've been sneaking behind her back for a year fighting dangerous criminals with superpowers; facing near death situations on the regular. And while fighting one of those deadly supervillains, we got caught in an explosion; which opened up an interdimensional rift that deposited the teenager that she's currently foster parenting into this world. Who's been experimenting with portal technology ever since because he wants to return to his war riddled country in order save his injured dad. Where there's no doubt plenty of people waiting on the other side who want to kill him. Only there's also apparently other people in this world that want him dead too because he's associated with us, and so he accidentally discovered time travel while battling the murderous lunch lady, who is also a ninja, while she attacked the school with her army of robots. Whereupon, afterwards we decided to travel back in time to save my long lost brother by running straight into the deadly fire that killed him in the first place….
You want to tell her that !?" 
There was another pause as no one had an answer. 
"We also jumped out of a window." Baymax helpfully pointed out.
"Yes, Baymax. Thank you." Hiro tightly said. 
"S-so, how long have I had amnesia again?" Tadashi asked, still processing Hiro's rant. 
Then a phone rang. 
Varian fished it out of his pocket, even as it stopped and several texts dinged instead. "Well, you better think of something fast because Aunt Cass is on her way." 
The phone rang a second time, and Hiro ran to Varian and grabbed his hand that held the phone. "Don't answer that!" 
"Hiro, she's worried sick. We have to tell her something." He hissed back. 
"Aaand we will, just… not over the phone." Hiro said. 
Varian didn't argue back, but the phone continued to ring nonetheless.
Aunt Cass hurried up the flight of hospital stairs in a panic. Not again. Not again. This couldn't be happening again. She told herself over and over.
She had gotten the call from the college first. She hardly listened to the head professor as she ran to her car; barely remembering to flip the CLOSED sign on the door as she left. All she heard was that there was an accident and that the ambulance had carried her nephew to hospital. She couldn't even remember which child Granville had said was injured; and neither boy was answering their phones.
She ran to the front counter, heart pounding with dread. "Hi-Hello, I got a call from the school saying that my child was admitted here about an hour ago."
"Name?" Asked the nurse. 
"Cass, uh, Cassidy Templeton."
"I'm sorry I'm not seeing a 'Templeton' in here-" She said as she scrolled through the computer. 
"Oh no, neither of my boys have my last name; look under Hamada or Quirinson."
The lady at the front desk went back to the computer, "I have a  Hamada here, he's in room 106. He should- Hey... wait."
Aunt Cass didn't hear her, or rather chose not to, as she ran past the double doors and into the hallway.
"Thanks, I'll find it." She called back absently.
It didn't take her long to find the room, and there was Varian standing outside in the hallway on his phone.
"Varian! Oh thank goodness you're alright. What happened? How's Hiro?" She called as she wrapped him into a hug.
"He's fine." Varian stuttered out. "I- I was about to text you-"
He was interrupted by Hiro slipping out into the hallway. He shut the door quickly behind him, as if he didn't want Aunt Cass to see what was in there.
She raised an eyebrow. "Hiro? What are you doing out of bed? Did the doctors give you permission to get up?"
"I-I'm fine Aunt Cass. Everything is fine... more than fine, even, and I'm not the one who needed a doctor." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he admitted this. 
"But… but I just got a call from Professor Granville saying an ambulance picked you up. What's happening? Don't tell me I had to close shop because you pulled off some dumb scheme and needed stitches." 
"No, no. I'm okay. Everyone is safe. It's just… well I have some big news… uh… and it-its good news! But it… might come as a shock." 
Aunt Cass frowned. What was Hiro up to this time? 
"What are you hiding?" She asked, before pushing past him. 
"No, wait!" Hiro called out as she turned the door knob and opened the door. 
Her heart stopped. 
"Hi, Aunt Cass." Her eldest nephew sheepishly waved at her from the hospital bed. 
Aunt Cass could barely stand. She felt her knees go weak and suddenly her two other children were beside her holding her up. 
"B-but… but … how?" She whispered. 
"That's what I was trying to explain to you." Hiro softly admitted. "The ambulance was for Tadashi, not me, but he… he's okay now! See!?" 
Aunt Cass did see, but she couldn't believe it. 
"You know what this reminds me of?" Tadashi said, in his familiar cheeky way, "That time we tried to surprise you for your birthday by making you a cake, but Hiro and I were only five and nine, and we didn't know how to bake anything, so we trashed the kitchen while doing it. Man, we were scrapping cake batter off the ceiling for days." 
Then he laughed, just like he always did. It was his father's laugh. Oh, how she had missed it. 
She cried and ran over to hug him. 
"Oh, Tadashi, it is you." She let go and cupped his face in her hands, just as she would do when he was small. "You're back… I can't believe your back! It's a miracle. How, how did you escape the fire? Where have you been this whole time? Everyone's been so worried about you! We- we thought you dead. We had a funeral !" 
She stared off into the middle distance as she processed the past year. 
"Am I going to have to call the graveyard now and have the headstone removed? Do you get a despot back on that if it turns out the person didn't die? Oh, and I have to call your grandmother now! And Tracy, and Diego, and Alistair…. Everyone needs to know." 
"Who?" Tadashi asked. 
"Her ex boyfriend." Hiro explained, clearly annoyed. 
Aunt Cass barely listened as she fished out her phone. 
"You're not calling Baba right now, surely." Tadashi pressed. "It's gotta be close to midnight where she's at." 
Aunt Cass paused. "Y-you're right. We'll call her in the morning, and we'll have to get tickets for her to fly out here." 
"You didn't tell me we have a grandma." Varian whispered to Hiro. 
"That's 'cause she lives in Japan." Hiro whispered back.
"Ooooooh." Varian nodded his head. 
He had spoken softly but Aunt Cass heard them anyway; the sound of which broke her out of her frenzy and brought her back to task. 
"Wait. You two knew… What's going on?" She demanded. 
"That's what I was trying to tell you earlier we found Tadashi… she he… he had amnes- what mean to say is… well, there was this pizza guy and- we, well we…" 
"I did it." Varian softly said, interrupting Hiro.
All eyes turned towards him in surprise. Varian ignored their stares and pressed on. 
"You know that 'new mode of transportation' that I've been working on?" 
"The portal?" Aunt Cass clarified. 
"Uh… yeah." Varian's eyes went wide. 
"How did you know?" Hiro asked. 
"Your teachers told me. You don't think I don't know what you get up to at school?" Aunt Cass admonished. 
Varian and Hiro exchanged worried glances, but their Aunt carried on anyway. 
"I know you built a short range teleportation device, but I don't know what that has to do with this ?" She gestured at Tadashi who looked uncomfortable at being put on the spot. Hiro meanwhile, was only relieved that she hadn't discovered the extent of Varian's experiments…. Until, Varian decided to open his mouth again that is. 
"Weeeelll, uh, I uh, may have accidentally invented time travel while experimenting with a portal technology?" 
"Time travel?" Aunt Cass asked deadpan. 
"Mhmm" Varian nodded his head and shuffled backwards; as if he feared being reprimanded for breaking the laws of the universe. 
Aunt Cass blinked and then looked back at Tadashi. Who threw his hands up in the air, "Hey, don't look at me. I didn't believe it either at first. All I know is I ran into a building that was on fire and then next thing I know it's been a year later." He shrugged his shoulders. "Hiro had a good story about amnesia, he was going to give ya, I guess that works too." 
Aunt Cass only proceeded to look even more dumbfounded. She turned to the other teenagers in the room, looking for reassurance that she wasn't crazy. 
They all sheepishly stared back at her. 
"It's true, Aunt Cass." Wasabi was the first to admit. 
"Yeah, we were there." Honey Lemon said. 
"Uh-huh and we braved the fire to rescue him!" Fred shouted, before Gogo elbowed him in the ribs to stop him from giving any more away. 
"Listen, Aunt Cass, I know it's hard to accept, but Varian and Hiro have been working on a time travel device for a while now, specifically to rescue Tadashi." Gogo explained. "None of us told you about it because we didn't want to get your hopes up…. But it worked. It actually worked !" 
Gogo couldn't stop the smile from widening on her face as she said that last part, and she uncharacteristically grinned from ear to ear. 
Aunt Cass turned back to Varian, "You did this?" She whispered and Varian backpedaled once more as she came near. 
"Well you, see, uh, well, everyone was so upset, and I just wanted to help, and I knew if I tweaked the controls somewhat I could theoretically bypass the laws of time using an energy signature in order to interconnect a wormhole and enlarge it thereb-" 
He stopped mid-ramble as Aunt Cass wrapped him up into a tight hug. 
He looked at her in surprise as she pulled away. 
"I… am so proud of you." She sobbed. 
"Y-you are?" Now it was Varian's turn to choke back tears as she cupped his face, the same as she had done for Tadashi earlier. 
"Uh-huh. You and Hiro; Ooooooh my brilliant, brilliant boys invented time travel! Oh, come here, all three of you!"
She dragged both Varian and Hiro over to Tadashi's bedside, before scooping all three of them into a big group hug. 
"I have all of my children together again! I'm never letting any of you go. Never, never, never. Oooh! I'm the luckiest Aunt in the world!" 
As she held them she looked up and saw Baymax and the rest of teens looking on.
"Well don't just stand there," she exclaimed. "Get in here!" 
They didn't have to be told twice. 
"We love you too, Aunt Cass." Honey Lemon said. 
"Yeah, what she said." Gogo agreed. 
"You're the best aunt ever!" Fred proclaimed, "Even though you're not actually our aunt." 
"Freed, stop ruining the moment." Wasabi groaned, which sent both Hiro and Aunt Cass into a fit of giggles. 
Only ones who didn't laugh with them were Varian and Tadashi, who gave each other awkward smiles at being forced so close together. 
"Oh just wait till I get you home! Pancakes for everybody!" Aunt Cass shouted, and joyous whoops and hollers were made by the rest of teens. 
Both Varian and Tadashi side-eyed each other before joining in with their friends' cheers.
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alitaimagines · 4 years
character: possesive! takami keigo (Hawks) - my hero academia - NSFW
song recommendation: the way I are - Timbaland ft Keri Hilson
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you had been under a lot of stress for what felt like a million reasons. school. work. familial issues. it felt like everyones issues were on your shoulders and all you wanted to do was get drunk, fuck someone, and feel like you weren’t on the verge of screaming or crying at every second. 
you woke up Friday morning with the birds chirping unusually loud. you bent over to check to see a plethora of text messages from your group chat. sighing, you opened it to see that all of your friends wanted to go out for the night. 
“I can’t, I have work piled up and I need to get it done.” 
you put your phone down before hearing the Facetime sound going off. you knew your friends wouldn’t let you deny them so bluntly. 
“NO, YOU’RE GOING OUT TONIGHT, YOU OF ALL PEOPLE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE,” your friend Ami screamed as you sighed, “I can’t! work and papers need to get done!” you replied as you made your way to brush your teeth. 
Ami gave you a look, “sorry, we don’t take criticism, love you, bye!” Ami screamed as you tried to deny again but before you could even finish spitting out the water, she hung up. 
you sighed before thinking of the time and realizing that if you started working on some of your things now, you could have a bit of free time for the night. 
you were still in university however, you were planning on becoming a teacher and a lot of your student teaching job went to correcting and grading papers. you felt like a lot of your job went to the things that your boss didn’t want to do but you couldn’t complain. you were a student teacher at U.A. and that internship alone would work wonders on your resume. 
after grabbing the load of student papers, you piled them on the table and made a cup a coffee for yourself to get you through the first half of the pile. 
“God, this is gonna suck,” you groaned as you slammed your head on the table. 
for what felt like hours, you continued grading and correcting papers before hearing a knock on your door. you put your pen down thinking it was Ami but you were quite surprised. 
“Hawks?” you said a little to loudly, “holy shit, I have the number #2 hero at my door,” you managed to say over your quivering voice. 
“hey, pretty lady, you wouldn’t mind if I asked you a few questions, would you?” he asked walking into your apartment, “not at all! I apologize for the mess, I’m grading papers,” you rambled as you piled all the papers into a huge mess and moved them aside. 
Hawks remained silent as he watched you clean up the mess, “teacher life, huh? shouldn’t you be teaching at this hour?” he asked simply. 
you laughed, “I’m a student teacher. I’m still in university but getting my teaching hours in with U.A,” you explained as you sat down, “wow, U.A? such a pretentious school to be student teaching at,” he said jokingly. 
you shrugged as you gave him a look, “are you here about the murder that happened to the class B hero a few days ago?” you asked realizing why he was here now. 
“bingo! you wouldn’t have happened to hear or see anything, right?” he asked tapping his chin, “I’m sorry but I didn’t. I worked late that night and came home to see a bunch of heroes and first responders,” you explained as you noticed your phone ringing. 
you flipped your phone the other way to indicate that you weren’t planning on answering it, “however, I always seen him entering an apartment building a few doors down,” you mentioned as he nodded. 
you heard the Facetime sound going off again as you growled, “oh my god, Ami, what?” you basically yelled as she laughed, “what has you so upset today? we’re going to Señor Frogs tonight!” she said happily, “okay, awesome, fun! talk to you later!” you exclaimed before quickly hanging up. 
Hawks couldn’t help but start laughing, “you’re quite a busy woman I see,” he joked as your face went warm, “I am so sorry. I haven’t been out to a party or club in months so they’re excited that I finally agreed to come out but enough of that, that’s about all I know about the hero,” you said trying to change the subject. 
he shook his head before giving you a small card, “if you happen to see anything suspicious, this is my number, give it a call,” Hawks said giving you a card. 
you nodded getting up and walking him to the door, “thank you so much, stay safe,” you replied as Hawks gave you wink before leaving.
as you shut the door, you looked down at the card and realized that he didn’t give you his professional number, it was his actual cell number. the number was basically scribble writing but you felt odd. you didn’t want to just text him so you put the number on the fridge and went back to grading papers. 
once the afternoon came in and you realized that you needed to start getting ready, you put all of papers away and went to the shower. 
you decided to put on a short jean skirt with a white v-neck and decent black high heels. you didn’t put too much thought into your hair but your makeup was a little more bolder than usual. 
you had finished just as your friends called you that they were here to pick you up. you grabbed your small bag and phone before quickly locking the door and running out of your apartment building. 
“( your name )!” they all screamed as you waved at them a bit embarrassed, “evening ladies,” you replied as you jumped into the front seat. 
the entire way to the club was filled with all of you talking the entire time. you noticed that your friend had a bottle of New Amsterdam Pink Whitney in her hand. 
“you know the rules, three shots before we go in,” she said handing out the shot glasses to all of you, “bottoms up!” you screamed as all of you downed the first shot before quickly pouring two and three. 
“I forgot how good Pink Whitney was,” you mentioned as Ami laughed, “buy a bottle of it tonight! you of all people have the monetary necessities to buy the biggest bottle they have,” Ami said laughing as you rolled your eyes. 
all of you got your I.D.s  scanned as the music blared through the speakers. you couldn’t help but get chills. you hadn’t been out in so long that you felt yourself get excited. 
“find us a table, I’ll buy us a bottle!” you screamed to Ami as she nodded. 
you went over to the bar and ordered the biggest bottle of Pink Whitney they had along with a bottle of Tito’s Vodka and Orange juice. you knew that the alcohol alone would rack you up a bill but like Ami mentioned, U.A. did pay you a great amount for your internship so it wouldn’t make your pockets hurt too bad. 
“are you planning on blacking out?” Ami yelled as she seen all the bottles you were holding, “I’ve been working for MONTHS! I deserve to get blacked out!” you explained making everyone laugh. 
you poured the vodka into everyones glass as all of you cheered before chugging them down. for a while, all of you drank and sat at the table talking before hearing a few people gasp. 
“what’s going on?” you asked Ami as she stood on a chair to see, “holy shit! the number #2 hero is here!” she screamed as your eyes widened, “Hawks is here!”  
Hawks was here? you hated to think it but he must’ve came knowing you would’ve been here. 
you poured yourself another glass of Pink Whitney as Ami explained that he was sitting in the back of the club to himself, “what’s wrong with you? do you have a crush on Hawks or something?” Ami taunted as you rolled your eyes. 
“fuck off,” you murmured as you heard one of your current favorite songs start to play, “come on, let’s dance,” you suggested as they all nodded. 
all of you went to the dance floor as you started dancing up against Ami. you watched as a few guys stared at you as you were basically grinding up against Ami. 
as you looked back up, you noticed Hawks from his seat as the bar give you a wink before waving you over to him. you watched as your friends started to dance with the guys around you so you realized that you had nothing to lose. 
“hey!” you screamed through the music as he flashed you a smile, “evening, ( your name ), funny finding you here,” he joked as you managed to laugh. 
“funny you’re here knowing I would be,” you replied as he motioned for you to sit next to him, “would you like a drink? I tend to get them for free,” Hawks offered as you thought for a moment, “I’ve been downing a few shots of Pink Whitney,” you told him as he waved a bartender down. 
the bartender ran to him as he ordered the same bottle you had bought a few hours prior. the bartender immediately ran back to grab the bottle with the shot glasses. 
“so what made you come here?” you asked Hawks as he shrugged, “wanted to get out. might’ve wanted to talk to you again,” he said as straight forward as possible. 
your eyes widened as his confession, “me? you could’ve stayed at my apartment if you wanted to talk more,” you joked. Hawks poured the two of you shots before looking at the pink vodka, “how good is this?” he asked, “I’m not a drinker,” he added. 
you smiled before downing the shot, “it’s amazing,” you replied as Hawks downed the shots. he thought the liquor would be sweet considering the pink color but as soon as it his throat, Hawks felt himself choke a bit.
“oh come on, you’re the #2 hero, you can handle a little vodka,” you said playfully. Hawks poured himself another shot before chugging it, “maybe you’re the one who can’t handle it,” he retorted as you gave him a challenging look. 
“I’m going to get another drink, I’ll be back,” you told Hawks as you got up from your seat, “don’t worry about it,” Hawks said sitting you back down as he waved the bartender back again, “what would you like?” Hawks asked. 
you gulped as you thought for a moment, “can I get a jack and coke? how much will it be?” you asked again as you took your card out, “put it on my bill,” Hawks interjected as you tried to deny him that, “Hawks, no! I can pay for it,” you pleaded. 
Hawks stared the bartender as a way to tell him to forget what you said. the bartender left as you gave Hawks a pout, “I’m going to pay you back,” you told Hawks as he chuckled, “yeah right,” he replied. 
the drink finally arrived as you grabbed an extra straw, “share it with me?” you asked as you felt the liquid courage in you build up, “don’t mind if I do,” was all Hawks said before the two of you started to share the drink. 
one drink turned into three before the both of you felt the very drunk sensation hit the both of you. you grabbed Hawks by the hand before dragging him out to dance floor. 
you got a few envious looks from surrounding people as you couldn’t help but give them a confident smirk. you had arguably the hottest hero in Japan dancing with you but you had God honestly never thought you’d get this far. 
“I’d never think that I would ever be dancing with the one called Hawks,” you whispered into his ear, “you’re the only one who gets the chance,” he replied into your ear as started to grind against him.
as you took a sip of your drink, you felt his hands roam up and down your body. you interlocked your hands with his as he chuckled lowly, “I don’t know what you’ve heard about me but I hope you know this ain’t the last time you’ll be with me,” he whispered in your ear, “I’m not here to play around with you.” 
you turned around and tiptoed to reach his ear, “and I’m not letting any other person touch you,” you replied as Hawks tightened his arm around you, “you got some confidence in you,” Hawks mentioned as you gave him a wink. 
it didn’t take too long until Hawks suggested you come back to his place to continue the party. you drunkenly texted your friends that you were leaving before Hawks scooped you up in his arms. 
you had no idea how Hawks managed to fly the both of you back to his place in his state of mind but eventually, the two of you got to his very nice looking apartment. 
“my apartment must’ve been hell for you, huh?” you slurred as Hawks shook his head no, “not at all,” he replied.
Hawks dragged you to his bed and shoved whatever was on it onto the floor before slamming you down on it. you dragged him down on top of you and brought him into a heated kiss. 
“fuck, Hawks,” you moaned as he cut you off, “call me Keigo,” he murmured as his mouth went to attack your neck with kisses. your fingers found a home in his ash blond hair. 
he went lower as his kisses went to leave you bite marks on your stomach, “I’m gonna fuck you up a wall,” he groaned as his mouth went to your panties, “you’re soaking baby,” he chuckled softly as ripped your panties to give him access to your pussy. 
Keigo’s tongue licked your clit softly as you let out a growling moan, “K-Keigo, come on,” you pleaded, “are you sure you’re ready for it? you gotta beg,” he moaned as he teased your clit again. 
you begged like your life depended on it so once Keigo got enough of your begging, instead of giving you his tongue, he realized he didn’t want to wait anymore and gave you his dick instead. 
“come on, be a good girl and release those moan,” Keigo whispered as he rammed into you, “oh God Keigo, please,” you moaned as you gripped the sheet. 
Keigo got to a steady pace as you let out moans that rivaled a porn star, “do you like my dick? how it rearranges your guts?” you moaned in response as his hand squeezed your throat slightly, “you’re mine now. I’m the only one who can touch you this way,” he groaned as his thumb went to your clit. 
“Keigo, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned as you felt your peak coming, “cum, scream my name,” he threatened as you finally let out his name. 
he knew his end was coming as you laid back to let him finish, “I’m gonna cum inside you,” he groaned as his pace got quicker. Keigo held onto the head board as you moaned his name to get him to finish quicker, “fuck ( your name ), you feel so good. there is not one person in this world who can get me like this aside of yourself,” he moaned as he finally came. 
the two of you stayed that way for a moment as Keigo stayed on top of you to catch his breath. you put small kisses on his shoulder as Keigo finally got off you and put you in a cuddling position. 
“Keigo, I need to get my retainer,” you whispered as you tried to get up, “where is it, I’ll grab it,” he said getting up. 
you bit your lip as you took in his naked frame, “in my purse in the small pocket on the side,” you whispered as you covered yourself with the thin bedsheet. 
Keigo walked to your purse and grabbed the box where your retainer was before seeing your phone light up. he knew it would be up against his moral judgement to check your phone but he looked up at the name to see who it was. 
his eye twitched at the male name but knew not to say anything. once he got back to the bedroom, you were picked at your nails. 
“thank you Keigo,” you whispered. you grabbed the retainer from the box and put it in your mouth, “I know, my hotness level got knocked down a few levels,” you joked as you got comfortable in his arms, “maybe you got even hotter,” he whispered as you felt your face warm up. 
as soon as you felt the sleepiness come over you, you cuddled into Keigo before letting the sleep come over you. 
the morning came as your eyes fluttered open to see Keigo already up and looking at you, “morning,” he said lowly as you gave him a sleepy smile, “morning Hawks,” you replied as he gave you another look, “what did I tell you to call me?” he asked as realized you called him by his professional name, “sorry Keigo,” you said. 
you stood up and wrapped the thinner blanket sheet around you, “I should get going, I wouldn’t want to intrude any longer,” you said as you tried to look for your clothes. 
Keigo shot up from his side and grabbed your wrist, “don’t, stay,” he exclaimed as you gave him a look, “you sure? I chalked you up as the type of guy who usually wants his one night stand to leave first thing in the morning,” you inquired. 
he pulled you on top of him as he shook his head, “didn’t I tell you? you’re mine now,” he reminded you as your eyes widened, “how bold of you,” you replied as you got comfortable in his arms again. 
it had a been a few weeks since your night with Keigo. he tried to see you as much as possible but with your work and school schedule and Keigo’s hero work, it seemed almost impossible. 
as you were getting out of U.A. one day, you had stopped to talk to one of the other male student teacher interns. he worked with the hero department but you had met him in the internship orientation and talked to him every so often. 
“Rin, how have your hero kids been?” you asked as he shook his head, “one of them nearly killed another one by accident the other day,” he said laughing. 
you started laughing yourself as you watched Rin’s eyes widened, “uh, ( your name ), there’s someone behind you,” he stuttered as you quickly turned around. 
“oh, Hawks!” you said as Rin gave you a surprised look, “you’re friends with Hawks?” he asked in befuddlement. 
Hawks laughed, “more than friends, isn’t that right ( your name )?” he asked as you nodded a bit embarrassed, “we’re kind of dating,” you told Rin as he stared at you in surprise without saying a weird. 
“yep, this princess happens to be taken by the #2 hero,” Hawks gloated as you tried to kick him with the nickname, “oh wow, congrats,” Rin stuttered as you gave him a small smile. 
“I’m going to take you out to dinner so let’s get going,” Hawks said as he ushered you to the very luxurious car that was parked on the street, “bye Rin, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you quickly told him.
once the both of you were out of faculty and students ear shot, Keigo nearly shoved you inside of the car and got on top of you. 
“didn’t I tell you belonged to me?” Keigo whispered as you nodded, “maybe I should remind you,” Keigo continued as he ripped your blouse open, “remind you that every time you talk to another man, you should be thinking of me.”
you gulped as you soon realized what Keigo was implying towards. you knew the dinner he planned on taking you would be put on the back burner, at least for now. 
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frecklystars · 4 years
I'm sorry about the weird anon you're getting, like yikes omg 😬 you and Plankton are a very valid couple!! 💕 If you want, you can gush about him rn 😤👊 (only if you want to though 💕)
Anon I love you and I love your taste in emojis, please, take all of my sparkle hearts: 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you for the kind message, the sweet compliments, and for the GUSH PASS AAAAAAAAA OKAY SO,,, SO I’m gonna gush about Tour!Plankton for a second because I recently listened to the audio boot for the tour and TRISTAN MCINTYRE WAS SO GOOD.
A lot of people told me “Keri you’ll love Tour!Plankton because he sounds like Nick Blaemire and acts like Wesley Taylor” and I was like “oh huh” and altho the boot didn’t have video so I have no idea how he walked/moved/danced or what his mannerisms were, I definitely heard his voice and wow. WOW. He really does sound a bit like Blaemire!! His voice acting for Plankton is AMAZING. He makes his voice very low and he sort of slurs his words, like he’s dripping with charm. He’s suave. He’s mysterious. He’s like Chicago!Plankton, except I feel like he kicks up the charm to EXTREME levels. He’s also incredibly emotional!! He doesn’t hide the fear in his voice, the nervousness! Chicago!Plankton took things in stride in the beginning of the musical, then freaked out by the end. Broadway!Plankton was fidgety and nervous in the beginning, then laid-back and chill in the end. Tour!Plankton did NOT hide the fact that he was anxious, not even a bit!
And his bits with Karen!! Oh my God, his bits with Karen. I feel like the way a Plankton treats their Karen is how I interpret their personality the most. Chicago!Plankton was so soft around Karen- every time she complimented him, he’d place a hand over his chest and mutter “do you really mean that?” a lot of his excitement around Karen was like “I can’t believe you’re really starting to fall in love with me again!” Bway!Plankton was very forward, very passionate. He’d get physically close with Karen and bare his teeth and growl in her ear. He was flirty. The one time he was nervous was when he’d fidget w/ his hands and ask her to call him Big Guy. When she called him the nickname, he just grew more excited!
Tour!Plankton. However. HOOOO. He was SO SOFT around Karen. He could MELT. I thought Chicago!Plankton was soft, but holy shit, Tour!Plankton is such a wild mixture of Soft and Bad Bitch Thotty…….. during the Big Guy scene, when he (VERY nervously) asks Karen to call him Big Guy, there’s a pause, and Karen asks “Big… Guy??” And he WHISPERS “YES. SAY IT AGAIN.” Like he’s afraid to speak too loud, or the love spell they’re under will be broken!! He’s so precious. 
HIS LAUGH!!! IS SO CUTE!!! I assumed Tristan would mimic Wesley’s laugh, since the tour is for the Broadway musical- BUT instead of going “MUAHAHAHA” like Chicago!Plankton or “HA. HA. HAAA” like Bway!Plankton, he made it entirely his own! He goes “HEH! HEH! HEHHH-” like he’s MOCKING everyone. This man is not only dripping with charm but he’s dripping with ARROGANCE. Chicago and Bway both had confidence, but that’s not the word I’d use to describe Tour!Plankton. He acted as if the town was already in the palm of his hand. He acted like he was already the king of the world. God, it was so good! HE’S SO GOOD!! 
Thank you for letting me gush, aaaa… I’m done now. I didn’t mean to ramble so much but I needed to pour my heart out!!
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