maybealex · 1 year
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The convention (my first!) was super fun! 😃✨
I was Ritsuko Akagi from Evangelion, and my friend was Vash from Trigun. @teal-pen
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I bought a few cool things!
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From @mrquackersartistry, a very beautiful Eva Unit-13 print and a very lovely pocket mirror! A couple free stickers, and I forgot to grab a card qq ��
From @imkaet, the cutest most darling little acrylic rainbow trout keychain. Named him Evan…Evangillion. 🐟
And from the night market, which is like a many-yard-sales in the hallway, I found a little Mari figure for $5! In the day I was debating if I wanted to buy the only Eva figure available, which was a $40 Mari, but decided if I was going to spend that amount of money on an Eva figure I would rather get one I really really wanted, but then surprise! a $5 Mari! Perfect 👍🏻 She will stand next to my Eva Unit-08γ figure!
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Kazhaはめっちゃかっこよかった❣️🤘🏻Kazha was super cool! After the show I waited in line to get a pick signed, and when it was my turn, we talked completely in Japanese. It was very refreshing; everything I wanted to say I was able to and I understood them entirely. Bery fun and cool. *Soldier 76 voice* I still got that ESL fluency, babey! 😎 When you don't get to use your languages often, you definitely worry about what you might be losing, whew!
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cbirdsongphoto · 1 year
​Kazha is a rock band founded by a Japanese singer-songwriter Kazuha Oda (Kazha) and a guitarist Hideki Matsushige in 2009. 
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Have you gotten you tickets to #OkiCon yet? Head over to @okiconok to grab your passes • Come meet #ChainsawMan actors Ryan Colt Levy & Sarah Wiedenheft, the rock bad #Kazha, and many more • #anime #convention #newyearseve #denji #power https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQ-7axuMQ4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gacougnol · 1 year
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Kazha Imura
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eurovision-facts · 1 year
Eurovision Fact #291:
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Since their win in 2002, Lativia has only managed to reach the top five one other time. In 2005, Walter & Kazha's 'The War Is Not Over' placed 5th. The only other time Lativia broke top five was their inaugural performance in 2000, where they placed third.
Lativia, Eurovision.tv.
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lilclownstuff · 7 months
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My SiegeSmp vampire character Kazha <33 #siegesmp #vampire #kazha #minecraftlore
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urlocalreadermooni · 1 year
Kazhua x Reader
Female!Reader -------------------------------------------------
                                                                       Perfect for me.
You were just perfect for him. He was practically obsessed with you but got to see you every blue moon since he was always traveling. But despite all of that,  he came to see you. "(Name)? Are you home?" he said as he knocked on your door. You rushed to open the door, "Kazha!" you yelled and jumped on him and hugged him. "Hello dear, how are you!" he said while happily hugging you back, his heart racing. "I've been fine, just a bit busy with constant nagging since there's soooo many more commissions these days." he frowned, he didn't want you to be busy the few days he was here! " Are you able to decline them?" you laughed at his question. "Of course I can silly!" He was a bit relieved and sighs contently. "How about I make you some tea?" he said. "That would be lovely." you replied. He walked inside and headed to the kitchen to start brewing some tea. You sat down at the table and waited happily.
You loved when kazuha came over, he was always so nice!
Kazuha could say the same. He loved everything about you, and being close to you makes his heart race in excitement. He came back with some freshly brewed tea. You loved when he made tea, it was just so good! As he hands you the tea you tried to drink, it burns your tongue so you put the cup down. "hot hot hot hot-" Kazuha chuckled, "be careful." he said. You looked silly, yet so cute. He couldn't stop thinking of how you are so perfect, and he wanted to have you all to himself. But that would have to wait, he still has to bond with you more.
"what would you like to do dear?" 
You loved when he called you that, it had you having butterflies in minutes. You guys weren't dating but you wish you guys were. He was so perfect in so many ways! You loved him. "(Name)? Your zoning out. Are you okay?" that snapped you out of your thoughts and quickly apologized. "Sorry! I was lost in thought.." he smiled and said it was fine. “How about we go to the park tomorrow?” he asked. You happily said yes.
He came a bit early, waiting for you to arrive. You walked up to him in a vert beautiful dress and his heart nearly stopped from your beauty. (Everyone is beautiful!!!) "Wow.. (Name).. Your beautiful.." he would be lying if he said he didn't drool a bit. "Thank you! Took me a while to figure out what to wear." You said. In his eyes, you were perfect. He took your hand in his own and walked around the beautiful park with you. You were amazed at how beautiful it was. And halfway through the park he stopped. "Whats wrong Kazuha?" you asked a bit confused. "(Name).. Can I ask you something?" you nodded. "Will you be my girlfriend?" You were stunned by the question, but a few seconds later you were crying and hugging him. "Yes! Yes! Of course I will!" He smiled brightly and kissed you, “I love you (Name).. You are so perfect..” -------------------------------------------------
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malka-lisitsa · 5 months
Christmas night, as per tradition
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Its eight o'clock. The scooby gang is all at the Lockwood manor for Tyler's party. Katherine's all alone in the Salvatore mansion.
Two mugs are set on the counter as the vampire impatiently waits for the stupid kettle to boil it's damn water. Once the whistle sounds, she eagerly removes it from the heat and fills each mug up half way with the hot water. After which she carefully mixes in packet of 'premium' hot chocolate, and fills the rest with cream. Meticulously she adds whipped cream to the top and a pirouette chocolate wafer straw in each mug.
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Katherine has to pause for a moment, to let the wave of emotion pass like it does every year.
Carefully she collects both mugs and heads into the study where she sets one hot cocoa by her chair, and the other next to the empty chair beside hers. The vampire sits down, collects her mug and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she recaps the year in her head.
Finally Katherine opened her eyes to look at the roaring fire with a very soft smile.
"Vesela Koleda, mama. Imam tolkova mnogo da ti kazha tazi godina."
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"nyakolko neshta vsŭshtnost sa dobri"
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bisexualxiao · 7 months
show us your best builds
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some notes: - the xiao isnt really MINE because its on nika's account but i did farm the artifacts for him.... and im quite proud of it........ hes not done yet though... - hu tao, kazha, lyney, and freminet are on main. yoimiya and raiden are on my side account!!! - kazuha is a dps driver build!!! i run him with jean, yelan, and xiangling!! he also clears abyss faster with the dps build even when he is in a support role :-) - freminet is not physical nor shatter! he is a melt build! i run him with rosaria, benny, and xiangling!
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gcaitlin00 · 2 years
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maxed kazhas weapon today
and this artifact>>>>
kazuha better come home
(yes i have to get four more good artifacts ok that domain is trash)
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greeniemean1 · 2 months
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thyele · 1 year
ROLLY いとこの超大物ミュージシャンの赤ん坊時代とうつる写真公開 スタジオ「えーっ」ダウンタウンDX/芸能/デイリースポーツ online https://www.daily.co.jp/gossip/2023/05/12/0016344008.shtml ずっと前から言ってたけど
ZARD「揺れる想い」発売30周年記念、MVプレミア公開+SARD UNDERGROUNDによるカバーを配信限定リリース | BARKS https://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000233891
Testosteroneさん「許せない人を許そう。許せないなら記憶から抹消しよう。誰かを恨み続けると人生が前に進まなくなる。ストレスで心がボロボロになる。恨むのをやめないと過���に君を傷付けた人が君の未来も傷付け続ける。過去に君を傷付けた奴にいつまでも君の脳を占拠させるな。相手の為じゃない。自分の為に忘れよう。」 https://twitter.com/badassceo/status/1656791794791641095
BuzzFeed Japanさん「【情報漏洩】住民票のコンビニ交付トラブルで富士通Japanが謝罪。「別の人の住民票の写しが交付されてしまう」報告が相次いでいた マイナンバーカードを使った証明書のコンビニ交付サービスでトラブルが相次いでいる件を受け、富士通Japanが対応を発表しました」 https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedJapan/status/1656854773243723776
カンキョーダイナリーby大昭和紙工産業さん「/ #PetitBrabancon (@PetitBra_staff) ブラックティッシュがもらえる🐶🖤 \ コラボを望む声を受け、ついに誕生!メンバーがこだわり抜いた2デザインの #ブラックティッシュ を5名様にプレゼント🎁 応募方法はこの投稿をRTするだけ! フォローで当選確率がUPするかも!? ⏰5/23(火)12:00」 https://twitter.com/kankyodainari/status/1655769559943487488
King Gnuさん「✨㊗️✨ Spotify総再生回数10億回再生突破!! THX!!!!!!👑🐂 @Spotify @Spotifyjp」 https://twitter.com/KingGnu_JP/status/1656856734944600064
enon kawataniさん「ゲスの極み乙女結成11周年です。これからもたくさん良い曲作ります!!いつもありがとう。」 https://twitter.com/indigolaEnd/status/1656853405762220032 おめでとうございます!
櫻井・有吉THE夜会★木曜よる10時〜【公式】さん「ご視聴ありがとうございました🌻 来週の #THE夜会 は… 夜会ハウス🏠に #YOSHIKI さんが初登場👑✨ 謎すぎる私生活を初告白‼️ 全裸でプールに!? 100日連続でフグ🐟を食べた!? さらに、30年前の 激辛カレー事件の真相を本人が語る⁉️ 来週もお見逃しなく🎵 @YoshikiOfficial」 https://twitter.com/theyakai/status/1656672026881556484 YOSHIKI CHANNELさん「5/16(火)10:00~ YOSHIKI CHANNEL 放送決定 #YOSHIKI 米グラミーミュージアムでの世界規模の発表とライブパフォーマンスを特別に全編無料にて生中継決定! niconico(日本語) YouTube(2ヶ国語同時放送) @YoshikiOfficial」 https://twitter.com/YoshikiChannel/status/1656890498051878913
NёNe(ネネ)☀️さん「☀️NёNeが元気に歌ってみた#06☀️ 『新人類/まらしぃ×じん×堀江晶太(kemu)』 沢山の人にNёNeのウホ…じゃなかった 歌声を届けたい!🦍🔥 ⚡️500リツイート目標⚡️ 拡散応援よろしくお願いします! フルでも聴いてNё!▼ https://t.co/ZZUG6CAHWD #歌ってみた #NёNe #拡散希望 #いいなと思ったらRT https://t.co/GbCCh6vrtN」https://twitter.com/NeNe_nyao/status/1656960763507142663
蛙花景(あはなけい)さん「BOOTHからもダウンロード出来ますが、こちらにも歌詞載せておきます。 https://t.co/1DWrXxwTUl」https://twitter.com/ahana_k0212/status/1656301388425732096
Kazhaさん「If you live outside of Japan, you can now listen the replay of the radio show that featured Kazha ↓↓↓🤘🏻 https://t.co/BSBqut90Qk It’s in Japanese but you can probably practice your listening skills 😁🎧」https://twitter.com/KazhaOfficial/status/1657157012969463809
Gods of Decay (NEW SINGLE OUT NOW!!)さん「【NEWS】 ラジオ番組 "Blackout with Gods of Decay" 5/10放送のKazha特集アーカイブ特別公開! アメリカで大活躍の日本人バンドKazha @KazhaOfficial を特集した放送が海外から多数の要望がありラジオ川越の賛同を得てGods of Decay公式HPからアーカイブが公開されました! https://t.co/03N6VVauV4 https://t.co/7COsDWNhDy」https://twitter.com/gods_of_decay/status/1657150647110860800
KING OFFICIALさん「【TOMORROW】 2023.5.14 (日)青山RizM INTERAGE × トラケミスト pre. 『JACKASS Fes.東京編』 ACT:INTERAGE / トラケミスト / Yeti / 鳳 / KING / Days,near LAND / Project-0- OP15:30 / ST16:00   入場チケット ■A 受付中 https://t.co/Dl7TNbrKo5   ■B 各バンド予約 https://t.co/fVrWiN5YHk https://t.co/HXRPDww9fx」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1657225958762635265
RAZOR officialさん「RAZORアーティスト写真公開② Ba.IZA Dr.NIKKY https://t.co/DbuMc5aiOD」
RAZOR officialさん「RAZORアーティスト写真公開① Vocal.猟牙 Gt.剣 Gt.衍龍 https://t.co/K2m1Iog07V」https://twitter.com/RAZOR_official_/status/1657291055694512128
mitsuru matsuokaさん「ギャランドゥ 5月16日 天国の秀樹さんへ 感謝の祈りを 全力の詩声で叫びます #西城秀樹 #ギャランドゥ 5月16日(火)生放送「西城秀樹 特集」 総合 2023年5月16日(火)午後7:57~午後8:42 松岡充(SOPHIA)https://t.co/BP1TOBzAfF」https://twitter.com/mitsurumatsuoka/status/1657274587242188802
清春さん「https://t.co/yweAKLKcKe web store 先行発売 big t shirt XL size #清春 @mardigraslyrics https://t.co/nzvgB06mip」https://twitter.com/ki_spring/status/1657300878196613122
シド公式さん「現在ネギッピーが遊びに来ています♪ https://t.co/paqaz20JzR」https://twitter.com/sid_staff/status/1657264935150440450
MARDIGRASさん「【web store】 4/26 Zepp Shinjuku 5/7 柏PALOOZA OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE 一部アイテムを15:00より販売開始致します。 https://t.co/J1hwmoV7L9」https://twitter.com/mardigraslyrics/status/1657264454151852035
MUCCさん「MUCC 新アーティスト写真公開! #MUCC25th #MUCC_Timeless https://t.co/KcC2Zswokl」https://twitter.com/muccofficial/status/1657219117768638465
渋谷REXさん「★PickUp★ 8/16(水) DRUM☆GODS vol.29 篤人(eStrial,Nostalgic Cinema) HIROKI(D) 宏崇(R指定) Tohya(vistlip) Natsu(NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST) 風弥(DaizyStripper) S1TK(Ashmaze.) Johannes(Develop One's Faculties) OPEN/START 一部→16:00 / 16:30 二部→19:15 / 19:45 https://t.co/nHd4osoEB2」https://twitter.com/SHIBUYA_REX/status/1657014814097457157
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Infoさん「【後藤正文】7/31(月)〜8/13(日)に福島県・宮城県・茨城県内常磐線沿線 他で開催される「常磐線舞台芸術祭 2023」に出演します。 『ザ・レディオ・ミルキー・ウェイ ラジオ朗読劇「銀河鉄道の夜」舞台版』 『「二つの駅舎、ボイス・オン・ボイス」古川日出男×後藤正文』 https://t.co/K8nxS4TaaU https://t.co/SQD6nvM7gr」https://twitter.com/AKG_information/status/1656977525589827584
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Infoさん「明日は、富士山こどもの国で開催中の「FUJI&SUN '23」に出演🗻 後日、一部ライブ映像がWOWOWでオンエア決定! 7月放送&配信予定です。 詳細はイベントオフィシャルHPよりご確認ください💁‍♂️ https://t.co/h87X3gEJyq 明日は雨対策と暖かい格好でお越しください◎ #fjsn」https://twitter.com/AKG_information/status/1657309709798633473
ぶいにゃす😺🎀🍓さん「おはにゃ〜🍓 今日はDaizyStripper夕霧さんのお誕生日にゃん🎉 お誕生日おめでとうございますにゃ〜ん🎊 というわけで本日はDaizyStripper「ダンデライオン」の叩いてみたをアップにゃん🥁 #夕霧 #HappyBirthday https://t.co/3ALjmAUvRe」https://twitter.com/buinyasu/status/1657192015581396992
SuG Officialさん「SuG "39 DAYS LIMITED TOUR" チケット一般発売中 【7/29〜8/27公演】 ※岡山、神戸、大阪、埼玉は電子のみ ▼電子 https://t.co/D4BLQrVTyN ▼紙 https://t.co/GLzWFMU5hK 【9/1、9/2 FINAL公演】 ▼電子、紙 https://t.co/cvUm5ibei5 【ツアー特設サイト】 https://t.co/P4PCf72Tps #SuG https://t.co/yqTaJ6meYa」https://twitter.com/SuG_Official_39/status/1657191205044723712
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 全国6都市全18公演のワンマンツアー『HYDE LIVE 2023』のチケット一般発売が本日よりスタート! 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/x9rObTfsn3 #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #声出し解禁 #BEAUTYANDTHEBEAST #ワンマンツアー #TAKINGTHEMDOWN https://t.co/Q8fb7xKkbC」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1657188918868193280
私さん「文字起こし(間違えてるかも) "日村さん51歳 ���生日の歌" いつかライブで「万・万・万♪ 万引き犯♪」を合唱する時用 #bananamoon #星野源ANN https://t.co/gZY2Spv3VO」https://twitter.com/__January28/status/1657093054329929728
星野源 Gen Hoshinoさん「星野源がTBSラジオ「バナナムーンGOLD」に生出演! 今年もお誕生日のお祝い(?)に「日村さん51歳誕生日の歌」をお届けしました! 日村さん、お誕生日おめでとうございます🎉 ぜひ皆さんも一緒に歌ってくださいね! タイムフリーはこちら↓ https://t.co/46t7EEXiro #bananamoon #星野源ANN https://t.co/o5jZhcRb1x」https://twitter.com/gen_senden/status/1657094016369049601
吉藤オリィ@分身ロボットカフェ開発中さん「本日は27歳でALSになった盟友武藤主催 #MOVEFES2023 のリハーサル ALSの診断を受けて9年、ALSでもここまで出来ると進化を続けてきた。視線入力だけで全てのプロデュースとショーをこなす武藤をお楽しみに。私もテクノロジートークショーとして登壇します 6月18日 MOVEFES https://t.co/rJRx3sLmVz https://t.co/fYX0alRcMb」https://twitter.com/origamicat/status/1657043745454391297
The THIRTEENさん「明日(5/13)10:00より一般チケット販売開始!! 二万電圧 presents"激突" 6月28日(水) 東高円寺二万電圧 開場18:00 / 開演18:30 前売¥5,000-(D別) 出演:怪人二十面奏/The THIRTEEN ■購入ページURL https://t.co/BEhjOvfcYn https://t.co/S6WYYX8Ul9」https://twitter.com/The13_official/status/1656992633758023680
坂東 彦三郎さん「ガリストとして大変光栄な事に ニュウフルアルバム「16」の1曲目「切腹 -life is beautiful-」に参加させて頂きました!! @caligari_offici @kenjiro_murai 是非にお買い求め下さい。」https://twitter.com/otowayabando/status/1657004841737281538
メリーさん「────────── チケット一般発売中! ────────── メリー主催2マンイベント 「魑魅魍魎2」 6/4(日) HEAVEN'S ROCK 熊谷 VJ-1 客演:defspiral チケットはこちら https://t.co/hVbFW4GoCP #メリー #魑魅魍魎2 #defspiral https://t.co/dlJhHZ7g9i」https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/1656998093097938944
私が金子です。さん「最近よく美少女の方のお写真が話題のツイートとして流れてくるんですが、ほとんどの場合がAIで作り出した画像というので慄いています(๑°ㅁ°๑) しかし、それに対して美男子のAI画像ってあんまり流れてこないんですけど何で? いや。私は間に合ってますけど… https://t.co/dceDCzQ0YI」https://twitter.com/blue_sin_garden/status/1656962286823817217
浅井健一SexyStonesRecordsさん「SHERBETS ツアー 5/18(木)新潟 5/19(金)仙台 5/21(日)札幌 5/26(金)福岡 5/27(土)岡山 6/3(土)大阪6/4(日)名古屋 6/8(木)東京 6/17(土)沖縄 イープラス https://t.co/pJDshgQ8qo ぴあ https://t.co/IQWdUXq6F3 ローソン https://t.co/2uRiqPE35W https://t.co/HMo9jEOKXW」https://twitter.com/SSRstaff/status/1657087177015304192
休日課長さん「5月14日(日)あさ7:00~7:30 「ボクらの時代」 「あえて司会は介さずに多彩な話題についてナチュラルに深めていくトーク番組」という事で、公私共に仲良くさせていただいてる丸山隆平さん、ハマ・オカモトさんとたっぷり話してきました!是非!! https://t.co/pwOfSNzfOm」https://twitter.com/eninaranaiotoko/status/1656939512147378177
OKAMOTO'Sさん「🟢ハマ・オカモト🟢 ======= Fender Flagship Tokyo ======= 6/30のオープンに向けて、カウントダウン動画が公開されました! ハマ・オカモトも参加しています! 是非チェックしてください✨ 🎬フル動画はこちらから https://t.co/X0hc5wktZQ」https://twitter.com/OKAMOTOS_INFO/status/1657013996510236673
石川新太 / Arataさん「沢山のベーシストに届きますように。 皆さんにもこのオーディションが一つの楽しいコンテンツになるよう盛り上げていきます! よろしくお願いします!」https://twitter.com/Aratap811/status/1657000690009669632
Drum 篤人さん「【ライブ情報】 2023年8月16日(水) 渋谷REX ・タイトル DRUM☆GODS vol.29 ・詳細 https://t.co/XHjk9dhtDk 【vol.28の様子はこちら】 https://t.co/3QIa0cZjaJ https://t.co/fOAkZmzRyN」https://twitter.com/atsuto0107/status/1657008773016461312
hide officialさん「【 #hide #ぷりぬい 数量限定 大好評発売中📣】 バンダイナムコヌイ人気のぬいぐるみシリーズに登場した 『hide ぷりぬい ROCKET DIVE ver.』 / 販売は5/ 14(日)24時まで⚡️ \ お気に入りスポットで撮影したり、hideぬいぐるみと一緒にお出かけを楽しんでみては🎶 ▶︎https://t.co/3tAKquXRff https://t.co/JZAzg8DYWl」https://twitter.com/hideofficial_20/status/1656932232437563392
LIPHLICH(リフリッチ)さん「【新着公演情報】 7月19日(水)池袋手刀 「LOVELESS -HOLLOWGRAM vs LIPHLICH-」 OPEN 18:45 / START 19:15 前売  ¥5,050 / 当日 ¥5,500円(税込) 入場時ドリンク代別 【チケット情報】 ■イープラス一般  5月21日(日)12:00~ 購入ページURL    https://t.co/iVQ7XEo9At https://t.co/OVggsxZDiv」https://twitter.com/LIPHLICH/status/1656985110011580416
heidi_staffさん「【MEDIA】FM NACK5 『BEAT SHUFFLE』 義彦・ナオが出演します。 5月26日(金)19:10-20:30 出演時間19:25-19:55 大宮スタジオアルシェから公開生放送 ■スタジオ前の観覧スペースでゲストコーナーをご覧いただけます。 詳細→https://t.co/o8BmJzLosj #radiko でも聴取可能です。」https://twitter.com/heidi_staff/status/1656977518480457728
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faeyun · 2 years
dropping positive energy in your ask box bc you deserve every bit of it! Frick those anons😑
I love you my baby :(( omg lets square up together with boxing gloves and everything 😼
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jasperdarkfey · 1 year
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Day 2 of KamiCon Thank you Kazha for a rockin concert! I look forward to it every year! 🫶🏽 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (#/-\#) Hopefully I can kick this 12year on and off Japanese learnin block stick with it and not be shy with speaking it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoizSgJrLhS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Les Seraphim Kazha, cover of famous fashion magazines
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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atomicpaws95 · 5 years
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My second badge art. You all know that I dropped out of the contest. But I'll still share this with you. I wanted to give Kazha (lead singer of the band Kazha) another badge. She deserves it. I wanted to draw her and su metal from babymetal in a battle of the bands at saboten. I had alot of fun drawing this. I also forgot to sign my name when I posted it to my insta lol. But I'll fix it or post this one that has my name on it.
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