#Kate Millens Hayes
480pfootage · 1 month
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sad kate :( glowing eyes like an animal :(
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deaths-inverted · 4 months
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Some doodles from last weekend
didnt care much for how it came out but eeeeehhh I'm tired of looking at it
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arkomaly · 4 months
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Has anyone noticed how fucking bright her eyes are
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broccwalker · 11 months
Mortal Kombat 1 guest line up if NetherRealm Studios weren't fucking stupid
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
ELSIE BESTIE I HAVE A QUESTION/ASK but i don't know if your asks are open and if they aren't then ignore this BUT OKAY
you said one of your favorite proxies to write about was kate, and i was wondering if you could tell us about your version/headcanons for her is you haven't already? only if you aren't busy though don't stress yourself out OKAY LOVE YOU BYE
Kate the Chaser Headcanons
sure can!! Lots of love to you <3 RIP to my other inbox there's like 4 of you left let me do this please
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Kate is a lesbian.
I'm so tired of seeing her with Hoodie, or Masky, sometimes even Toby she's a lesbian let her thrive.
She's such a cottagecore dream girl.
Loves frogs and moths, deer and flowers!
Kate is really, really good at herbology and botany! She learned from EJ.
Depending on how long she's at the temp house for, she'll actually start up a garden or tend to the garden that the previous owners had.
Kate is a natural magnet for wildlife. Deer, moths, stray cats, she will befriend them all.
Kate actually does like to go on runs early in the morning and late at night.
She has reading glasses. Does she wear them when she needs them? Only if she remembers to bring them!
She was once the runt of the group, but Masky and Hoodie warmed up to her really fast so she didn't go through the hazing process for NEAR as long as other proxies might.
Toby never participated in the hazing process because he genuinely liked her from the start. She's like his little sister.
Kate likes heavy metal and general grunge/emo music.
Kate generally gets along with everyone, she has no beef because she doesn't start it, end it, or participate in it.
If someone messes with her group that's a different story. She's pretty protective over her group.
Honestly she's like a little sister to all three of the proxies in her group, Masky, Hoodie and especially Toby.
She's actively trying to stop Masky from smoking!
She and Hoodie go on lots of drives together.
Toby will go to the lake with her or weird places in the towns they're staying in and they'll talk about anything and everything. They like exploring the places they're in. Abandoned places, places with people, just anything and everything.
Kate is actually the most stable and secure driver but her three companions say she's the worst.
Kate has some really dry humor.
She likes to braid her hair but enjoys it even more when Jane gets around to it. EJ also likes to braid it as well.
The Operator is actually surprisingly gentle with Kate. He's accidentally called her "my dear one" despite her actively not liking the Operator and being one of the strongest to fight against him.
She's an ambivert that leans towards introversion.
She was an outdoorsy kid and is an outdoorsy adult. She's not very graceful lmfao.
Likes to dance, especially when she has her earbuds in!
Kate is probably a witch. Does she always keep up with her craft? No, but she tries her best.
Literally go off about the natural world she loves that. She knows so many rock facts-
She's honestly a bit of a farm gal as well.
Kate almost rivals Masky in being a caretaker for their group.
She likes working out.
I like to think that proxies always have one mentor that's an independent. It was a tradition started centuries ago that when proxies are new, they are not only taken in by their group, but an independent. The independent becomes their mentor on things proxies don't teach and are like their gateway to the society that proxies can't explain as well as an independent can.
Kate's mentor was Jeff.
The friendship she has with Jeff is absolutely unmatched, and he calls her 'Katydid' as a show of how much he loves her.
Speaking of, Jeff hasn't taken on a protégé in a while. Kate was his first in a long time and his most beloved.
She actually likes being in the city. Seeing all the sights and sounds, just having a fun time, getting lost in the lights? It's gorgeous in her opinion.
Kate reminisces about her before becoming a proxy with slight fondness and sadness.
She misses CR.
She misses Lauren something fierce.
She's actually not always feral. It's just a front she puts up to freak her victims out. She's in compete control of herself, but when she puts on her mask, she jus changes a bit.
She has photosensitivity, but it's not THAT severe. She just gets really annoyed by it and often has to wear sunglasses when she's out during the day.
Kate's favorite season is Fall.
Honestly don't disrespect her she will fight you.
She's kind of quiet, but she's not shy.
Kate is medically smart too. When EJ's not around or Hoodie doesn't want to handle it, she's got her group.
She's the shortest of her group at 5'5.
I usually write her with dark eyes.
She's a lot more elusive than people give her credit for.
One of the most human and respectful proxies.
She's probably the best one out of them.
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tenaclty · 5 years
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i just want them to be happy........
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pixiechann · 4 years
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another kate 
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felidthing · 7 years
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koby!! koby!!!!!
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480pfootage · 8 months
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Gotta put the best girls together.... you get what I mean.. I love you kate and mandy....
Maybe I will make this a series maybe not.. I have 8 others planned but i do not have the motivation to draw them before hallowenn... (wahhh this was gonna be my halloween posts that i didn't do goretober for... m just not good with planned things)
xtra doodle:
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480pfootage · 8 months
I feel like there could be so much more content for Kate (the Chaser) rather than just being a "plus one" for the proxy boys, but I do not have the vocabulary or brain capacity to express it..
My Kate personally has escaped from Slender once as a kid, but just the indoctrination (???) that was pushed into her head during her time under Slender's rule just made her think lesser of humans I guess... She deems them interesting, like lab rats to experiment on because that's what Slender thinks of humans as.. just food and rats............ urghhh I wish i could draw more comparisons but i can't...
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480pfootage · 2 months
some screenshot from today's date with kate!
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i find it very cute how she runs away after she lunges at you the first time and she pays you no attention even when you follow her
her shoes pitter patter against the floor in a very cute way and with minimal growling from her also
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something i found interesting was this loading screen text (sorry for shoddy screenshot i'm not using the right screen ratio on my laptop..) usually it's a piece of lore that goes alongside the setting on STA and though it technically is I feel like it alludes more to Kate
I'm not sure if you can flash Charlie (I don't think you can!!) but either way you only really use your flashlight to stun when it comes to Kate.. it's comparing Kate to an animal almost..
I'm a sucker for characters losing their humanity and ahh that text really made my heart flutter... my poor distraught girl...........
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480pfootage · 2 months
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the radio tower blooms will you be there
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wasn't feeling well the entire night hm it's like my heart is going to beat out of my chest or my blood is boiling... ah i guess that's what not taking my meds does to me but i do feel better than when I was taking them
either way! I miss kate a lot lots... glad i could draw her again... and whateever she spiraled into
kate's sense of guilt is always something that piques my intestr
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
On Your Bedroom Floor with Her By Your Side (Kate the Chaser X F!Reader)
On Your Bedroom Floor with Her By Your Side
[Kate the Chaser/Kate Milens-Hayes X F!Reader]
[Warnings: slight language, minor violence, none really]
[AN: I started my oneshot book on quotev because I loved Kate that much]
You weren’t supposed to even know she existed. In fact, the way she found you was entirely an accident over winter break your freshman year of college.
Your parents had been out on a well needed vacation and left you home to handle the house. That was fine, you needed the time off and wanted to relax as much as you could before getting back into the swing of school in January. You spent most of your time moving about, pleased that you had the space to branch out and do what you pleased. This included listening to your music without headphones and generally, being weird without anyone to judge you.
A few days into your well needed alone time, you had laid in your bed watching videos on your phone. The house was dark and quiet, easily giving off the appearance that no one was home. On your own, you were naturally pretty silent when night fell over the land.
That’s what led Kate to make her first mistake.
Somehow, she had gotten separated from her group. It was supposed to be a simple clearing, a one and done it kind of deal, but they were essentially ambushed. Masky got shot pretty bad, so Toby’s priority was getting the group leader out and to safety. Hoodie stayed behind with Kate to finish the clearing, but they were swarmed. They had to abandon the operation and return to it later, or perhaps, another group would take it over. Hoodie yelled for Kate to scatter and that he’d get them off her trail. What a selfless guy, always watching out for the proxies in his group. And she obeyed him because he was Masky’s right hand. On her way out, she’d gotten shot. From what she could feel, it wasn’t fatal, but it still hurt like hell.
She stumbled while sprinting through the woods and found her sense of direction totally shot. This was a relatively new area to her and her group; she hadn’t committed it to memory just yet. No matter, she could return to them in the morning. She was probably too far to send out any mental notes to her comrades, but she attempted anyway just so they wouldn’t stay up worrying about her. Kate eventually stumbled upon this empty looking house and quickly deduced that the owners must’ve fled this cold place for somewhere warmer for the winter. Perfect! She’d spend the night there, fix herself, and leave without a trace.
Kate grit her teeth as she trudged through the snow and eventually, dragged herself to the back door. The wound on her side felt like ice, and the freezing temperature was not helping her feel any better. With a slight grimace, she pulled her coat sleeve over her fist and punched through the glass of the door. It shattered surprisingly easily and that alone made her raise her brows. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Kate opened the back door and threw most of her caution to the wind as she shut the door behind her. There were no neighbors, so she could turn on the lights and no one would care. Kate flicked on the kitchen lights and began working her ‘in real life magick’ after she shed her coat haphazardly on the counter.
Upstairs, you heard quite a commotion going on downstairs. Immediately alarm bells rang in your head. Your parents weren’t due to come back until much, much later. There was an intruder. You slipped out of bed, phone in hand and began to creep out of your room. From where you stood at the top of the stairs, you could see the lights turned on and someone’s shadow dancing across the floor followed by pained muttering.
You took a tentative step down and immediately panicked when it creaked. Time seemed to slow.
“Shit,” you heard your intruder mumble.
A tense second later and you heard they were running towards your direction. You screeched in surprise when you finally caught a glimpse of them and high tailed it back up the stairs, the image of their mask burned into your skull. After all, there was no way a human looked like that.
They chased you up the stairs when you narrowly made it back to your room, accidentally dropping your phone in the process right when you slammed your bedroom door shut as it acted as the only barrier between you and the intruder.
“What the fuck do you want from me?” You cried out as you locked the door, then quickly worked on piling various things in your room against it.
They didn’t pound on your door, nor did they try to violently enter the room, but the doorknob did jiggle a tad too much for your comfort. “Look,” the feminine voice said. “I’m in a lot of pain right now. I don’t have the time to deal with you. If you stay in there and don’t try running or telling anyone about me, I’ll do what I have to and be out of your hair before the morning.” You heard her tap at the door a few times. “Besides, where are you gonna go in a snowstorm like this? Your phone is out here with me, and as far as I can see, no one is coming for you any time soon. Even if you did have your phone, authorities wouldn’t be able to reach you,” she said as she tried to reason with you. “Don’t do anything stupud, and I’ll be gone before you know it.”
“Don’t even think about taking anything-” you began, eyebrows furrowing in rage. You balled your fists and glared at the door while you attempted to control your breathing.
“There’s nothing here I want but medical supplies,” she waved off, clearly exhausted. “I got shot, princess.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “You got shot?”
“I’m not explaining this to you; I don’t have the time,” she sighed in an exasperated tone. You heard her pad away from your door and to the direction of the upstairs bathroom. “You got first aid in here?” You heard her ask.
You wonder if you should answer her or not-
“Never mind,” she said, effectively cutting you from your thoughts.
An awkward silence falls between the two of you for about half an hour as she works on herself. You’re almost certain she’s ready to leave when you hear your phone ring. You instinctively glanced down at your hand only to remember she still has it.
“It’s your mom,” she said, voice on the other side of your door. “Do you uh, want to answer it or not?”
Of course you wanted to answer it.
“Look, I’m not gonna hurt you or anything. You can literally just stick your arm out and I’ll hand you the phone.”
You find yourself more than apprehensive.
“Tell you what,” she said, verbally looking down at the ringing device. “I give you the phone and you let me leave and I won’t hurt you so long as you don’t tell anyone about me.”
Hesitantly, you found yourself cracking the door open to get a good look at the woman who broke into your house. She’s still wearing that mask, but her eyes are so dark it’s like looking in the recesses of the universe and getting pulled into them. She’s not terribly tall, but she’s still taller than you. She looks tired - her body sags slightly. The shot must’ve taken it out of her.
“Give it to me,” you mumbled.
Without any words, she handed you the device, momentarily stopping you before you answered it. “I’ll be back soon to ensure you’re not talking about me. Have fun talking to your mom,” she nonchalantly stated, then nodded for you to answer it.
You shot her a more than confused look before finally answering your mother’s call.
And that was the start of your very strange relationship with the woman you came to know as Kate the Chaser. Though, she preferred you just called her Kate. Kate was a very odd woman, and she was only like, a year or so older than you. The second time she visited, she still had a mask on - something about privacy. You wondered often why she wore it, but she always claimed she had a reason, just could never tell you.
It was odd to admit how you had grown used to her visits. After the first few rocky visits, the two of you had established a schedule. Kate would only visit on the weekends, and your parents could never know she was here. That was fine - she often climbed up to your bedroom window anyways. Sometimes, the two of you would sit on the roof and star gaze. It became all too apparent that Kate enjoyed spending time with you. And slowly, you found yourself enjoying your time with her as well.
The two of you grew to like each other’s time so much that right at the eve of your graduation, she was the first person to wish you congratulations.
She had come into your room like she normally did, by climbing and knocking on your window with a special knock before you let her in. Truthfully, she could have just lifted the thing herself, but she felt it rude and an invasion of privacy (which you found ironic.) After hoisting herself into your room, she took her spot on your bedroom floor, thankful you had a mug of warm tea waiting for her.
“I graduate tomorrow,” you say with a small smile, plucking your mug up from your desk. “I’d kinda like if you were there.”
“I’d love to be, you know that,” Kate replies before taking an appreciative sip of the liquid. “I… I don’t think my boss or my coworkers would be pleased, though. Besides, I’m kinda nocturnal,” she chuckles, making you giggle in response.
In the back of your mind, you wondered why she couldn’t do so many things with you. Everything had been chalked up to her boss, her coworkers, herself. And any time you tried to pry it out of her, she went tight lipped, like she was afraid of telling you anything relating to her. Still, you knew enough of her. She was sarcastic, had a smile like the stars in the sky. And was incredibly knowledgeable on topics you’d never even thought to consider in your daily life. You knew her work, that much was apparent just by looking at her, but you wondered what type of work it was to keep her from you when the sun was out. You knew it was shady, but in order to keep her, you had to resist pushing. “It would be so much better if you were,” you continue, throwing your best puppy dog eyes.
Kate playfully rolls her eyes before ruffling your hair. “Not this time, princess.”
“I legitimately only graduate once,” you reply with a smirk painting itself onto your lips.
“It’s why I came tonight,” she continues as she gestures to the two of you on the floor. “Thought I’d bring you some little gifts to celebrate.” She slings the backpack off her back and opens the biggest pocket. Her hands rummage for a moment before she procures a medium sized leather book. “Here’s the first thing,” she places it in the space between you. “And the next.” out pops a set of high grade art supplies. “This,” now there’s a small little gift basket full of treats you enjoy. “And this thing.” It is a plush giraffe and is donned with a graduation cap.
You smile widely and look over the objects with fascination, gently holding them. The leather journal fascinates you the most. “Where did you get these?” You ask with that same smile.
“Here and there,” Kate answers, her eyes looking over the things she’s gotten for you.
“Thank you so much,” you say in a grateful tone, closing the gap between you and Kate with a hug.
She quietly giggles and hugs you back, her lips pressing to the side of your head. “I’m proud of you, y’know that?”
The two of you chat for a bit more before finally turning to a streaming service. Your parents thankfully, haven’t heard either of you over the sound of some anime playing on the screen, so you’re able to cuddle next to her on the floor and giggle about the world and its happenings as she holds you in her arms. You stay like this until her gaze goes blank, like she’s getting a message only she can hear.
“Have to go,” she says softly. It’s nearing 4 am.
“So soon?” You whisper back, hand holding hers like she’s the only thing grounding you.
“Yeah, work,” she mumbles, quietly standing up to not make too much noise in the quiet house (save for that anime that’s still playing in the background). “I’ll be back before you know it.” She tries to reassure you, her hand gently cupping your cheek.
Your hand meets hers and gently squeezes before she reluctantly leaves your side, heading towards the window. You stand and pad over to her, arms wrapping around her waist and face burying into her back. She smells like the forest. “No,” you mumble.
“His word is law,” she sighs while attempting to turn around to hold you properly. When she can’t get free of your iron grip, she tries something else. “Hey, first thing, you need to rest before the graduation ceremony and, second, just remembered I wanted to give you this.”
You look up from her chest and see she’s unclasping the necklace that’s captivated your attention since you first met her. Your eyes widen slightly when you realize she’s putting it on you. Your hands instinctively reach to look at the pendant, and with it, she’s able to move.
“Promise I’ll be back, so, take good care of it for me,” Another kiss to the top of your head and she’s out the window faster than you can even look up.
You rush to the windowsill to see her running towards the forest with three figures waiting at its edge for her.
She momentarily turns around, waves to you, then disappears into the woods with them.
You feel a slight pang in your heart, but holding the pendant between your fingertips quells it until she returns.
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pixiechann · 5 years
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it’s she
click for better quality 
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