#Kali is like those people that are overly supportive
sevi-fuk · 2 years
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Kali being a good mom to Yang 
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greenxscarves · 5 years
boarding school au!! :>c
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
The only time either of them went home for the holidays was for the summer holiday. This didn’t mean they always stayed at the dorms. Sometimes they went home with other students and stayed at their places. One such friend turned out to be the niece of someone Emily and Genji would know later in life- Kalyana. Finding that out in their early thirties was hilarious to the point it’s still told about today over dinner and drinks. Usually with Kalyana letting out  derisive snort and going on a rant about those hooligans that introduced her niece to debauchery (they didn’t but Kaly still likes to tease them). 
Vince has little to no role in Emily’s life in this AU, and Emily meets Kalyana much later in life. All the skills Emily learned in the blog canon are now being taught to her by Genji. Well, those skills and then some. This is probably the only verse where Emily’s klutziness is not genuine. Overall, Genji is a much more positive influence than Vince ever was. 
Emily and Genji most certainly came up with elaborate ways to cheat. They have never gotten caught, mostly because they rarely used these plans. They did, however, sell some of this knowledge. It funded several of their more illicit adventures out into the world. These trips tended to be day trips, as anything over a day or couldn’t be done with cash attracted attention. Mostly from Genji’s brother and after that one incident, they really didn’t want him crashing any more of their holidays. 
The drama that prompted Emily being sent away to boarding school came back full force once she and Genji graduated secondary and, being older, a bit more clever and much more bold than she had been at fifteen, Emily stood her ground. The argument that, in blog canon, ended up with Emily running away at fifteen is revisited and a very similar outcome occurs. Genji, unfortunately, is too far away to be of an immediate help to Emily, although he does help the best he can through text, messaging and a lot of phone calls. It’s enough until Emily’s mother realizes that Emily won’t return home if she has any support so she cancels the phone. It takes Emily all of a month to get a new one. It was a rough month for both of them. Emily stops talking to her family after this final argument. Needless to say, she relies a lot on Genji for emotional and moral support. 
Post reuniting after the murder-incident, Genji and Emily spend a lot of time catching up. A lot. And Genji spends a LOT of time telling Lena all sorts of stories from their boarding school days. Lena is thrilled, of course. She’s heard sanitized versions of these or hasn’t heard them at all. Emily is mortified, but gives as good as she gets and Lena is just drowning in hilarious teenage stories. She has some trouble reconciling this with the grumpy man she met in Overwatch however. Emily’s a little sad that she doesn’t get similar stories from Lena, but she does understand that they didn’t exactly work in the same ‘departments’. 
Emily and Genji don’t immediately resume their overly affectionate/tactile behavior overnight, but it is quick enough that people who knew Genji during Overwatch are surprised. Lena gets pulled into this resumed casual affection as well, so there are puppy piles all over the place. These puppy piles grow, because come on, Emily is involved they will always turn into giant cuddle-fests. 
The pranks they used to pull in secondary probably resume when Overwatch is recalled and they’re left alone for more than an hour and are unoccupied with something (like when the kitchen is empty and Emily can’t bake). 
Emily isn’t nearly as good a cook/baker in this universe, so there’s a lot more unedible experiments. She does how ever bake just as much, as she’s trying to teach herself how to cook better. 
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RWBY: The Rise of Sienna Khan (Headcanon)
This catalogs the White Fang during their time as a diplomatic organization and their evolution into a para-military force under the leadership of Sienna Khan, as well as the details of what brought about these changes.
After the Faunus Rights Revolution came to a close and the White Fang was formed, those who had distinguished themselves were offered new ranks and roles in the fledgling order.
Some, like Kali Belladonna, exhausted from combat and high level politics, turned the offers down to rest and recover falling into less charged supportive roles. 
Others, such as Sienna and Ghira, took to their roles with passion.
The first High Leader of the White Fang (Unnamed) was an elder and a Holy One, revered for their knowledge of ancient Faunus culture and wise council during the revolution. The elder had been integral in negotiating a ceasefire and being popular and respected on most sides was a natural choice as leader. 
They chose Ghira to be one of their diplomatic seconds, while asking Sienna to be the new head of the White Fang’s security, a position she accepted gratefully.
Over the course of the next few years Sienna spent her time training and organizing the White Fang’s security forces. Even going so far as to create a hidden class of ‘watchers’, Faunus who could escape notice or pass for human who disguised themselves and kept watch on the streets to report back suspicious activity or jump in to protect isolated Faunus under attack.
She also began more casual self defense programs, feeling no Faunus should be unable to defend themselves. While not popular with some of the more peaceful members, the voluntary nature of the program allowed it to continue.
It was not many years before the White Fang's leader stepped down however, promoting Ghira as their replacement. (The current High Leader was aging and tired of politicking) There was a brief election but no real challenger stepped up.
Thing continued along there well known path for several years, in that time, one Blake Belladonna was born, Ilia would find herself orphaned and taken into the White Fang and Adam Taurus would catch several security force members eyes for his talent in combat.
However, threats were everywhere.
Three overt threats stood in the way of the White Fang’s mission and Faunus equality.
1. Indifference. With each year that passed, the number of politicians, councilor, new programs ETC that bothered to meet with the White Fang, let alone offer funding, vanished to the point of near non existence. Leaving the organization dependent on grass roots fund raising. The media narrative quickly stopped viewing the White Fang as a diplomatic organization and instead as 'rabble-rousers’ just one of many groups of Faunus that could be dismissed as a 'noise makers’ and 'thugs’.
2. Human supremacy groups. Where most humans were content to ignore Faunus or passively benefit from their disenfranchisement, for these groups that was not enough. They loathed how the last war turned out, hated that Faunus walked “their” streets and worked 'their" jobs in “Their” kingdoms, (The irony that Faunus built said Kingdoms was lost on them) These groups were organized thanks to the CCT, often had friends in the police, militia and hunting communities often proving extremely violent.
3. The SDC and other large companies found ways around the Faunus’s 'on paper’ legal equality. Utilizing faulty contracts, biased work assignments (Sending Faunus to poorly equipped and dangerous mines) and going so far as to create debt programs where they made basic supplies at their mines so expensive the workers would either starve of go into debt just to stay alive and be forced to work unfair hours just to break even. (They often needed to do this slowly to avoid immediate emotional backlash luring in the Grimm, but once instituted the exhaustion would stop any overly large masses of Grimm from affecting the mines,)
As mine accidents, tales of families torn apart and abuse revelations spread through the kingdoms the White Fang pushed for recognition and aid, but were ignored.
Many police and hunter abused their power and struck down innocent Faunus, but when the White Fang asked for justice, they were ignored.
When Human Supremacy organization burnt stores and attacked Faunus, Faunus were blamed or the humans found innocent of all wrong doing.
Calls for unity, respect and common decency made in passionate speeches and chanted in streets were never broadcast or met by tear gas and riot police. Faunus defending themselves and others were blamed for starting the conflicts by the media 
Into this, the previous High Leader stepped in and with their carefully cultivated connections began to arrange for some improvements. However, their life was threatened by human supremacy groups.
Sienna Khan asked, nay pleaded, to allow her to assign a full escort to ensure their safety, but she was argued down.
“Show you expect the worst and that is what people will often give you. But show hope and openness and you may just be surprised” the former leader and Ghira argued.
Sienna held the opposite view. Feeling preparing for the worst would better let one meet it and cow those who would be too fearful to act should they know they would be met by resistance.
However she was only able to assigned a small group of Watchers to the former High Leader.
Within a week, Human Supremacy members, in hand with 'rogue’ police, raided their house and killed the retired High Leader. The Watchers too few and reinforcements too far to act.
Grief, gripped the White Fang and Faunus communities. The scene of Kali, Ghira and Sienna standing in the former High Leaders room, before their body were burnt into people’s memories; the sobs and growls that filled the house forever burned into the memory of every Faunus present. As was the horrendous abuse their former High Leader had suffered in death.
Despite evidence and Gira’s demands, the police showed little interest in investigating (Sienna did not even bother asking, merely having a human passing Faunus bail her watchers out of prison). The former High Leaders allies, disappeared like puffs of smoke.
Upon returning to base, tensions were high and the grief was thick. Arguments and accusations flew before exhaustion and grim acceptance claimed even the leadership.
It was time for change.
Without warning, Sienna Khan declared a challenge before Ghira and the White Fang’s core membership as others gathered for mourning or guidance.
The humans have met the Faunus with fire and hatred since the dawn of time and have only ever listened to reason when it was accompanied by force. A noble advocate for peace and friendship was butchered in their own home, how long before they are all next? How long must their kin toil in the mines with none to offer them salvation? Because morality alone will not make the humans listen. How long must the Faunus live in fear?
Sienna Khan declared no more.
She promised not to just speak for their people but to fight for them as well. To meet those who would take their lives, their homes and their freedom with fangs and claws bared and to those with the strength and will to do so, she asked them to stand with her. Those without, she asked they stand behind her, so she might shield them and be buoyed by their support.
Ghira accepted the challenge and lost by an over 65 percent margin. After a respectful exchange of rank and power, Sienna Khan delivered a brief speech, before declaring the time for words had truly passed.
It was time to get to work.
Watchers were posted, security teams and volunteers organized and on that very night they struck at the heart of a large interconnected meeting of human supremacy organization. 
The humans celebrated the death of the High Leader and plotted next the death of other high ranking White Fang, whether for their rank, Ghira, power, Sienna, or seeming vulnerability, Kali. All with the intent of beginning a new Faunus war.
They got the battle they were seeking.
The power was cut and only the Scrolls connecting the other meeting members in the crammed stdio apartment shone.
Then, a new light glowed, a furious, churning red as Sienna revealed herself and struck, followed by her soldiers.
The battle was over within minutes, and to those watching, she had but one message: Human kind had not listened to reason, so they would know fear.
What followed was at first treated like a gang war, then riots, then a burgeoning revolution.
Stores that served as human supremacy bases or supporters or that denied Faunus were burnt. High ranking Human Supremacy members found themselves cut down and even the mighty SDC was not safe as mine overseers and those that oversaw the deaths of debt slavery of thousands of Faunus were found dead.
Sienna was careful though, she had accrued this information over years of long work as a byproduct of her duties as head of security. When she and her forces struck it was quickly efficiently and always on specific targets, with their motives and reasons laid out clearly when needed to minimize collateral damage to civilians and to avoid undermining their cause. 
As the violence rose, Ghira and Kali Belladonna returned to Menagerie but left their daughter who refused to join them under Sienna Khan’s aegis.  
Then, before a true war could break out, the White Fang scattered, went to ground  and snuck out of the kingdoms, coming to recollect at Fort Castle.
From this fort, mine liberation were organized, supply trains raided and their underground units within the kingdoms funneled their soldiers back in and new recruits joined in earnest, while Sienna Khan reached out to Faunus communities deep in the wilds to offer the White Fang’s aid.
The Shadow War of the White Fang had begun.
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lolsmurfaccounts · 6 years
Funniest League of Legends Jokes on the Internet
When it comes to jokes, there are plenty of then out there, but they are even funnier when they are about our favorite games League of Legends is no different, and the bright and witty minds of the internet have come together to compile one of the largest collection of jokes about a fandom that is currently out there Just do a quick search for “League of Legends” jokes and you will find plenty of websites that feature them.
Dig a little deeper by hanging out on LOL forums and talking to people in-game and you’ll come across many more jokes But you don’t have to do all that work to get the biggest chuckle from LOL jokes, because we’ve scoured the internet and found the best League of Legends jokes out there, and then used super-secret-sciency formulas to rank and categorize them and have listed them here You don’t have to hang out LOLNexus and wait for the perfect joke to come along All you have to do is read below Here’s one to get you started:
Q: Why does Teemo live in a small house?
A: He doesn’t need mushroom
Best Q & A League of Legend Jokes
Q & A jokes are the most popular of the jokes out there for League of Legends players. Plus, these funny League of Legends jokes are all about characters in the game.
That seems to be the most creative outlet when it comes to creating these jokes. Lot os these funniest LOL jokes are the same ones that you will have made with your friends, but the Q & A section is definitely the biggest here. We have saved some of the best worst Q & A jokes for a lower section, but you should be able to get a laugh out of most of these.
There were a lot more jokes out there than just these, but we had to skip a few of them because the touched on racial or overly sensitive topics, or were simply sexual in nature (and in bad taste as well). Here are the very best of the Q & A jokes that we were able to find.
Q: Why didn’t Sivir win the spelling bee?
A: Because she could only spell shield
Q: Why did Fzz fall off his trident?
A: Because he’s unbalanced!
Q: What do you call Malphite getting a double kill against Azir and Anivia?
A: Killing two birds with one stone
Q: Why did Fiddlestick get promoted?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field
Q: Why do chefs love cooking for Ekko?
A: Because he always goes back 4 seconds
Q: Why is Yasuo the best roommate?
A; Because he always HASAKEY
Q: What’s the Yordles’ most hated phone carrier?
A: Teemobile
Q: What’s Vayne’s favourite site?
A: Tumblr
Q: What do you call a Blitzcrank with 6 Triforces?
A: A really expensive hooker
Q: Why is Tf an illegal immigrant?
A: Because he doesn’t have a green card
Q: Who is the most academically successful female champion?
A: Jinx She got A’s while the rest of them got D’s
Q: Why can’t Olaf find a handicapped parking spot?
A: He can’t be disabled
Q: Why did the manaless Syndra run from the teamfight?
A: She didn’t have the balls
Q: What do you call a game-winning laser?
A: Viktor-E
Q: How does Janna shield her allies?
A: With Ease (With E’s)
Q: When is a door not a door?
A: When it’s a Jarvan
Q: Why is Zilean the master of time?
A: Because he’s got a Zilean clocks!
Q: What do you call an AFK Shyvana?
A: A statikk Shyv!
Q: What is a marksman’s least favorite plant?
A: A-kali Flower!
Q: What do you call a Renekton support?
A: Gatoraide!
Q: What do you call a Camille that’s stealthed?
A: A Camille-eon
Q: Why did Nami fail her final year at school?
A: All her grades were under C!
Q: What did Aurelion Sol say when he bumped his leg on a wall?
A: Ao, my shin!
Q: What do you call a Warwick that’s MIA?
A: A wherewolf!
Q: What is the secret League of Legends religion that every player follows?
A: Siontology!
Q: What do Rammus and Malphite listen to?
A: Rock ‘n’ Roll! Ok
Q: Why can’t Gangplank play cards?
A: Because he’s always standing on the deck!
Q: Did you know that Alistar is dyslexic?
A: He always goes oom!
Q: What do you do to a toxic Zyra?
A: Repot them!
Q: How long does it take to save up enough money for a Locket?
A: Aegis
Q: What do you call Renekton wearing a vest?
A: An In-vest-igator!
Q: What’s Lee Sin’s favorite game mode?
A: Blind pick!
Q: Where does Fiora water her plants?
A: En garden!
Q: How does Sona charge her phone?
A: With a Power Chord!
Q: What do you call Kennen when he is stunned in Lightning Rush?
A: Static Electricity
Q: How many bronze players does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Who knows – They can’t climb the ladder
Q: Why is Yasuo never locked out of his house?
A: Because he always Hasaki!
Q: Why was Caitlyn pulled over on the highway?
A: She was going AD miles per hour
Q: Why did Riot take off LeBlanc’s silence?
A: So she can hear the screams of her enemy as she one shots them
Best One-Liner League Jokes
Some of the best jokes out there from League of Legends players came as one-liner jokes. These have been pulled from around a dozen different sources, including the official game forums. It is impossible to know who to credit these jokes to, as they are repeated and passed around so many times until the originator of the joke is impossible to discern. Plus, some of these are pretty obvious, and were probably thought up by more than one LOL player at once. Check out these hilarious one-liner jokes straight from other players.
Lee Sin walks into a bar and into a chair, and into a table
Brand got banned for flaming
At the start of the game, Blitz said “Let’s go invade!” Then he ran very fast using his ‘W’ skill
Sometimes Volibear tells me jokes, but I just can’t bear them
Yorick walks into a bar, there is no counter
100 people followed Singed on Twitter They all died
You know Zilean is having a bad day when he asks you for the time
Katarinas dark secret is that she’s prone to getting dizzy
Trundle never ceases to be amazed about how everyone on the internet knows he’s a troll
Mordekaiser really hates airport security
Shacos darkest secret is that he’s afraid of children
Sometimes Karthus picks up a sword and pretends that he’s Arthas
Amumus favorite emote is /cry
Heimerdinger has a gadget for every occasion, but his friends think he went too far during the attack of a mariachi band of penguins dressed up as clowns
Once Evelynn almost choked to death, but nobody could tell
Evelynn is constantly being bothered by an old man named Gargamel
When Katarina got into the assassination business she made a killing
For some reason Alistar suffers from headaches
Soraka hates the saying “when you hear hoof beats, think horses”
Teemo is a big player in the underground drug market
Ryze’s big secret is a real shocker!
When Malphite and Rammus hang out they like to Rock n’ Roll!
When Udyr masturbates, is it considered bestiality?
Maplphite once took swimming lessons. He doesn’t like to talk about it
Warwick used to do a lot of huffing and puffing, and there were three talking pigs involved. So, don’t do drugs, kids.
Cassiopeia always knows how much she weighs thanks to all her scales.
Singed made a potion so strong it made him see double! Turns out it was just Shaco playing a prank!
Taric’s mother thinks he’s a real gem!
Vladimir really loves Bloody Mary! She’s his girlfriend!
Everyone stared when Lux asked if anyone’s got a light?
Once Kog’maw had a cold, but no one could tell.
Tristana is disappointed that it’s never a rocket in your pocket.
Sometimes, to mess with people Kayle and Morgana switch clothes.
You know what happened when Blitzcrank went on a date with katarina? He knocked her up!
Did you see Annie dance last night? She was on fire!
We would tell you a Pantheon joke but there are over 300 of them…
Noc Noc? Who’s There? Daaaaaaaaaarrknesssss
Best “Yo’Momma” LOL Jokes
One of the categories that seems to be severely lacking in the League of Legends joke world is the “Yo Momma” joke. These are a staple of any comedy gathering, and other games have tons of Yo Momma” jokes about them. But we were only able to find a few. Maybe you can come up with some of your own jokes in this category and add them to the game forums and other places where players congregate. In the meantime, check out these jokes, and remember, we are certain that YOUR momma is a very nice person and that none of these jokes actually apply to her personally.
Yo momma is so fat, Cho’gath feasted on her and gained full stacks
Yo momma so ugly she feared Nocturne!
Yo momma so fat, Fiddlesticks drained her and got diabetes!
Your mum is so fat she has to recall twice to get back to base.
Yo momma so fat, when Singed tried to Fling her, he broke his back
Best Worst Jokes about League of Legends
As we sifted through thousands of jokes to make this compilation, one thing became very clear: there were lots of jokes out there that really should just have been drug out into the street and shot. But some of those terrible jokes were so terrible that they were actually funny. Those are the ones that we felt compelled to include here. If you laugh at these, then you probably need to get some better jokes in your life. If you groan…well..don’t blame us. We didn’t write them. We wouldn’t admit it if we did.
Q: What does Mordekaiser hate the most?
A: Airport Security
Q: What do you call a Lucian that goes AFK?
A: A Black Leaver
Q: How do you beat Orianna?
A: Ochris Brown
Q: What car does Garen drive?
Q: Why is Riven such a broken champion?
A: Because a sword mirrors its owner
Q:How many platinum 1 players do you need to replace a light bulb ?
A: None, they would break the ladder and blame everyone for it
Olaf: Hey Elise do you know what counters Vi the most?
Elise: No what?
Olaf: Me, because I’m a VI-king
A family was driving along on a road trip
Little kid: Ahri there yet? Ahri there yet? Ahri we there yet? Ahri there yet?
Q: Why does Viktor make a great friend?
A: Because he always has a spare helping hand!
Q: Why does Viktor always win his lane?
A: Because he always has the upper hand!
Q: Why couldn’t the potato play ADC?
A: Because no one would peel for him
Q: How do you troll players in League of Legends?
A: Yorick roll them!
Q: Why is Master Yi’s Q so buggy?
A: Because it’s “alpha” strike!
Teemo walks into a bar. “I’ll have a glass of water, please!”
(2 seconds later)
Bartender: “Here’s your wat… wait, where’d he go?”
Best League of Legends Pick-Up Lines
One of the League of Legends humor categories that was simply stuffed was the pick-up line category. Now, only a girl (or a guy) who actually played LOL would get these jokes. Anyone else would simply look at you as if you were crazy. There were hundreds and hundreds of jokes in this category, but we didn’t have the room for all of them, so we pared them down to some of the ones that made us chuckle. Remember, you use these jokes at your own risk. If you don’t have a significant other, you probably won’t after you use these pick-up lines either. If you already do have a partner, then you might be without one if you use these lines on them too. Let’s take a look at some of the best League of Legends pick-up lines.
Damn, if being sexy was a crime, I’d have to call Sheriff Caitlyn because you’re guilty as charged.
You know, if Ezreal saw you, he’d need a map. He’d get lost in your eyes.
Girl, is your name Ashe? Because your beauty stunned me from a distance!
Is your name Janna? Because you blow me away.
Hey girl, wanna come back to my base and check out my Needlessly Large Rod?
Are you an AD carry? Because I’m fired up and ready to serve.
Are you Cassiopeia? Because when I stare at you I get hard.
Are you Orianna? Because you can play with my balls.
Can I invade your jungle?
Can I put my doran blade in your doran ring?
Can I tap your dark spheres?
Did I mention its mating season?
Do you main Ahri? Because I find you charming.
Even if you were Singed I would still chase after you.
Girl you’re like draven – spinning me around town.
The League of Legends URF/NURF April Fool’s Joke
One of the jokes that we found to be the funniest didn’t actually come from the players. Many players will remember the URF and NURF April Fool’s jokes that Riot trolled everyone with if they have been playing LOL for any length of time. If you are new to the game, or for some reason, you haven’t heard about these, then allow us to enlighten you, because this was really a great prank, and the fact that Riot was able to change it and do it again – and fool everyone again – made it even better.
Okay, so the story starts with URF – a new game mode that the company claimed was going to be introduced temporarily to see how it worked out. The developer called it URF, which stood for Ultra Rapid Fire. It was supposed to make everything thousands of times faster, including attack speed, movement, crit damage and even gold was supposed to increase. Mana costs and cooldown times were also supposed to have gone up. Of course, the company made this announcement just before April 1st, and it turned out to be an April Fool’s Joke.
But then, they brought it back once again, this time calling it NURF (for New Ultra Rapid Fire) and it had the following specifications:
+100% mana and energy cost on all abilities
+200% cooldown inflation on abilities, items and summoner spells
+225 movement speed reduction
+200% delay between basic attacks
Critical strikes deal 50% of base AD
Units critically strike on 150% of attacks
Of course, that was exactly the opposite of “URF” and this one wasn’t real either. It was just another April Fool’s joke that fooled people..again.
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faunusrights · 6 years
Headcanon: Succession
I am unsure if this fits within Submission guidelines, sorry!  ssh no more apologising only good posts
After the Faunus Rights Revolution came to a close and the White Fang was formed, those who had distinguished themselves found themselves being offered new ranks and roles. 
Some, like Kali Belladonna, exhausted from combat and high level politics, turned the offers down to rest and recover. 
Others, such as Sienna and Ghira, took to their roles with rigor. 
The first High Leader of the White Fang (Unnamed) had been a high ranking leader, though not quite general during the war and had been integral in negotiating a ceasefire. They chose Ghira to be one of their diplomatic seconds, while asking Sienna to be the new head of the White Fang’s security, a position she accepted gratefully. 
Over the course of the next few years Sienna spent her time training and organizing the White Fang’s security forces. Even going so far as to create a hidden class of ‘watchers’, Faunus who could escape notice or pass for human who disguised themselves and kept watch on the streets to report back suspicious activity or jump in to protect isolated Faunus under attack. 
She also began a youth training program, feeling no Faunus should be unable to defend themselves. While not popular with some of the more peaceful members, the voluntary nature of the program allowed it to continue. 
It was not many years before the White Fang;s leader stepped down however, promoting Ghira as their replacement. (The current High Leader was aging and wary of politicking) There was a brief election but no real challenger stepped up. 
Thing continued along there well know path for several years, in that time, one Blake Belladonna was born, Ilia would find herself orphaned and taken into the White Fang and Adam Taurus would catch several security force members eyes for his talent in combat. 
However, threats and pot holes were everywhere. 
Three overt threats stood in the way of the White Fang;s mission and Faunus equality. 
1. Indifference. With each year that passed, the number of politicians, councilor, new programs ETC that bothered to meet with the White Fang, let alone offer funding, vanished to the point of near non existence. Leaving the organization dependent on grass roots fund raising. The media narrative quickly stopped viewing the White Fang as a diplomatic organization and instead as ‘rabble-rousers’ just one of many groups of Faunus that could be dismissed as a ‘noise makers’ and 'thugs’. 
2. Human supremacy groups. Where most humans were content to ignore Faunus or passively benefit, for these groups that was not enough. They loathed how the last war turned out, hated that Faunus walked “their” streets and worked 'their" jobs in “Their” kingdoms, (The irony that Faunus built said Kingdoms was lost on them) These groups were organized thanks to the CCT, often had friends in the police, militia and hunting communities and would often prove extremely violent. 
3. The SDC and other large companies found ways around the Faunus’s 'on paper’ legal equality. Utilizing faulty contracts, biased work assignments (Sending Faunus to poorly equipped and dangerous mines) and going so far as to create debt slavery programs where they made basic supplies at their mines so expensive the workers would either starve of go into debt just to stay alive and be forced to work unfair hours just to break even.  (They often needed to do this slowly to avoid immediate emotional backlash luring in the Grimm, but once instituted the exhaustion would stop any overly large masses of Grimm from affecting the mines,) 
As mine accidents, tales of families torn apart and abuse revelations trickled into the kingdoms the White Fang pushed for recognition and aid, and were ignored. 
As police and hunter abused their power and struck down innocent Faunus, the White Fang asked for justice, and were ignored. 
When Human Supremacy organization burnt stores and attacked Faunus, Faunus were blamed or the humans found innocent of all wrong doing. 
Calls for unity, respect and common decency made in passionate speeches and chanted in streets were never broadcast or met by tear gas and riot police. 
Into this, the previous High Leader stepped in and with their carefully cultivated connection did, almost. seem to be helping arrange for some improvements. However, their life was threatened by human supremacy groups. 
Sienna Khan asked, nay pleaded, to allow her to assign a full escort to ensure their safety, but she was argued down. 
“Show you expect the worst and that is what people will often give you. But show hope and openness and you may just be surprised” the former leader and Ghira argued. 
Sienna held the opposite view. Feeling preparing for the worst would better let one meet it and cow those who would be too fearful to act should they know they would be met by resistance. 
However she was only able to assigned a small group of Watchers to the former High Leader. 
Within a week, Human Supremacy members, in hand with 'rogue’ police, raided their house and killed the retired High Leader. The Watchers too few and reinforcements too far to act. 
Grief, gripped the White Fang and the Faunus. The scene of Kali, Ghira and Sienna standing in the former High Leaders room and before their body, the sob and growls that filled the house forever burned into every Faunus presents memory. As was the horrendous abuse their former High Leader had suffered in death. 
Despite evidence and Gira’s demands, the police showed little interest in investigating (Sienna did not even bother asking, merely having a human passing Faunus bail her watchers out of prison). The former High Leaders allies, disappeared like puffs of smoke. returning to their base. 
Upon returning to base, tensions were high and the grief was thick. Arguments and accusations flew before exhaustion and grim acceptance claimed even the leadership. 
It was time for change. 
Without warning, Sienna Khan declared a challenge before Ghira and the White Fang’s core membership and so many others gathered for mourning or guidance. 
The humans have met the Faunus with fire and hatred since the dawn of time and have only ever listened to reason when it was accompanied by force. A noble advocate for peace and friendship was butchered in their own home, how long before they are all next? How long must their kin toil in the mines with none to offer them salvation, because morality alone will not make them listen? How long must the Faunus live in fear? 
Sienna Khan declared no more. 
She promised not to just speak for their people but to fight for them as well. To meet those who would take their lives, their homes and their freedom with fangs and claws bared and to those with the strength and will to do so, she asked them to stand with her. Those without, she asked they stand behind her, so she might shield them and be buoyed by their support. 
Ghira accepted the challenge and lost by an over 65 percent margin. After a respectful exchange of rank and power, Sienna Khan delivered a brief speech, before declaring the time for word had truly passed. 
It was time to get to work. 
Watcher were posted, security teams and volunteers organized and on that very night they struck at the heart of a large interconnected meeting of human supremacy organization. The humans celebrated the death of the High Leader and plotted next the death of other high ranking White Fang, whether for their rank, Ghira, power, Sienna, or seeming vulnerability, Kali. All with the intent of beginning a new Faunus war. 
They got the battle they were seeking. 
The power was cut and only the Scrolls connecting the other meeting members in the crammed warehouse shone. 
Then, a new light glowed, a furious, churning red as Sienna revealed herself and struck, followed by her soldiers. 
The battle was over within minutes, and to those watching, she had but one message: Human kind had not listened to reason, so they would know fear.
What followed was at first treated like a gang war, then riots, then a burgeoning revolution. 
Stores that served as human supremacy bases or supporters or that denied Faunus were burnt. High ranking Human Supremacy members found themselves cut down and even the mighty SDC was not safe as mine overseers and those that oversaw the deaths of debt slavery of thousands of Faunus were found dead. 
Sienna was careful though, she had accrued this information over years of long work as a byproduct of her duties as head of security. When she and her forces struck it was quickly efficiently and always on their specific targets and alone, with their motives and reasons laid out clearly when needed. 
As the violence rose, Ghira and Kali Belladonna returned to Menagerie but left their daughter who refused to join them under Sienna Khan’s aegis.  
Then, before a true war could break out, the White Fang scattered, went to ground  and snuck out of the kingdoms, coming to recollect at Fort Castle. From this fort mine liberation were organized, supply trains raided and their underground units within the kingdoms funneled their soldiers back in and new recruited joined in earnest, while Sienna Khan reached out to Faunus communities deep in the wilds and offer the White Fang’s aid. 
The Shadow War of the White Fang had begun. 
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renaroo · 7 years
Any thoughts on Venus de Milo(tmnt)?
I wonder if this is related at all to MovieBob’s recent video about her being the worst female character ever because the moment I watched it I wondered if anyone would be asking me about her. 
So. Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation is... a thing that in itself is almost too difficult to explain outside of “you had to be there”, but I’m going to do my best. Because I was there. Oh, man. Was I there. 
While I had VHS tapes of the original ‘80s TMNT cartoon I grew up with and watched religiously, the show stopped airing new episodes before I was born, and stopped resyndication by the time I was four. So while I definitely grew up with them and loved them and read the Archie comics religiously as a kid and watched the original live action movies pretty much every weekend we rented movies from the down the road movie rental store (anyone remember those?), my actual first memories of watching any TMNT show as it aired was the 1998 flop show, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. 
In fact, I distinctly remember getting the chicken pox that year and part of the only good thing that came from it was I got to watch episodes of NT:TNM without impediment from my then-one year old sister because they kept her away from me as if I had the plague. 
Which I kinda did, but regardless. 
It was actually just 4 years later, in 2001, that I’d come to build an online presence with TERRIBLE Pokemon, Inuyasha, and Star Fox fanfics that I first started looking up geocities communities for various fandoms and one of those was TMNT. 
If anyone remembers geocities or pre-ff.net fandom lore in the Ninja Turtles circle, here’s how old I am: I, personally, used to talk to the likes of Kali Gargoyle, Azure the Turtle, Kat, Sakan (FREAKfreak), Ame Musashi, Buslady, and Machias -- a statement that I can almost guarantee means absolutely NOTHING to 99.9999% of you.
Now, an interesting thing about the fandom culture just before the 2003 cartoon aired was that there was actually a large contingent of the fandom that were defensive of Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation and thought of it as being only as bad as the current Power Rangers season of the time (which was the one right before Dino Thunder, so I can’t remember which one it was). In fact, people were so on the bandwagon for it, that the geocities community started an online petition -- which at the time was a difficult thing to do because it meant everyone sending a single email chain around and around so everyone can sign it with their online names and then email it to Saban, who owned the rights. The petition was to allow the show to have another season and tie up its loose ends with the (most likely misinformed) opinion that Next Mutation had had better viewership than the Power Rangers season it ran side-by-side with. 
Did it deserve it? With my nostalgia goggles off, having bought the DVDs of the series and watched it within the last four years, can I say Next Mutation and Venus de Milo deserved that type of fandom swelling in support?
Um. Noooooo?
Okay, my extensive fandom history aside, I cannot defend The Next Mutation because... it was really bad. Like, made the Shredder a good guy in the pilot and got rid of the most iconic villains for the rest of the series bad. Instead we had the Dragon Lord (eh) and Wick (his servant, again eh), Silver the Gorilla... gangster whose gang came straight out of the (also flop) Dick Tracey movie, and... 
Vam Mi. Who was probably the first indication my parents had that I was into girls. Because. Well shit. I mean. 
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A Chinese vampire obsessed with the female of the show and wore tight leather and heeellllooooooooo
Vam Mi is actually the thing I remember the best about the show and I could probably write an essay on defending the storyline “Unchain My Heart” which goddamn if we’d had episodes like that throughout the show and a villain like Vam Mi throughout the show, well it probably would’ve gotten that mythical second sense that would have made sense of the other garbage. 
But I’ve obviously gotten away from your question. Which is about Venus herself. Or, as I prefer to call her (for reason we’ll get into) Mei Peih Chi. 
The reason I’ve had all this build up and quandering about the show itself is because Mei herself is such a product of this series that removing them from each other leaves out how things went so wrong with an idea that came from such an obviously positive place. “Hey, little girls deserve to want to be Ninja Turtles, too!”
Best intentions. Worst executions. 
If you read a lot of my meta, you know that I actually despise the concept of “Mary Sues” and how female characters are carelessly cast aside by people for basically having attributes of any main character. But. Well. Let’s just look at Mei’s character in its context: 
Mei is a fifth turtle who was in the same bowl that fell into the sewers and was mutated along with the turtles (aka, does not have her own unique origin story and was there from the beginning but WE’RE JUST LEARNING ABOUT IT), she was found by a Chinese monk (Chinese, not Japanese which is the ethnicity of the Hamato family of the turtles and Yoshi, sort of glazing over the cultures as being interchangeable), was raised as his daughter in the monastery back in China even though... he seemed to somehow know about the others Turtles and Splinter and inform her where to go after his death in the pilot?, and she -- in a series called Ninja Turtles, was not a ninja but a Shinobi priestess with psychic abilities. 
Oh, and throughout the show they keep bringing up the fact that none of them are blood-related, despite the turtles being brothers being a cornerstone to the franchise since the 80s comics, for the sole purpose of having a love triangle between Raph, Venus, and Leo without it being incest. 
(This hilariously backfired and became the justification for the ever growing T-Cest fandom that shipped the boys together for years afterward by the by)
She is a fish out of water, has zero fun throughout the series, is not as physically strong in a fight as the boys, and is basically the plot equivalent of Deus Ex Machina in the end because Magic > Ninjitsu in a franchise that is completely dependent on the physicality and Ninja-ness of the characters. 
Also. Despite Mei growing up in China, still learning English and Western culture, and having an obvious struggle with mourning the loss of her home in China and her Chinese father, in the goddamn pilot the main guys rename her “Venus de Milo” because she knocked the arms off a statue and they thought it was funny. Because while the guys are named after Renaissance artists, Mei is renamed and for all purposes “Anglicanized” for an art object. Like. It’s difficult to understand who okayed any of this. 
Like. Were they thinking?
Mei, from the start, was kind of a broken character with a gross costume design (turtle boobs turtle boobs what’re you gonna do there’s a turtle with fucking boobs) that still forces girls to see themselves as thin and demure even if they’re bulky, shell having turtles. BECAUSE WE GOTTA HAVE THEM HIPS AND CURVES i guess. 
She’s so loathed by Peter Laird (co-creator of the TMNT) that he made the overly drastic declaration that he’ll never allow there to be female turtles in the franchise again, period. Which I kinda... find extreme. 
As bad as she is. As problematic as she was. 
.... When I was six, I loved her. 
How could I not love her? She and Vam Mi were the only girls on the whole damn show! (April and Casey didn’t even get cameos). The face value of representation for a long time made me defensive of Mei and of the show because of how it made me feel as a kid.
It’s that Maya Angelou quote personified: “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.“
I didn’t remember how bad the props and puppetry was until I rewatched the show. I didn’t remember how annoying Venus’ “spot” in the team was as immediate den mother and object to be fought over (like Raph and Leo needed more to fight over really). I didn’t even remember that the show kept pushing for the Turtles to not be a family. 
I remembered having a lot of affection for seeing a female ninja turtle along with the characters I had grown up loving. I mean, seriously, do I have to post that picture again of me as a baby in the scariest Ninja Turtle themed grocery store ride in the history of ever?
So she’s bad. And there needs to be more effort in being progressive and being more inclusive, especially for old properties trying to adapt to the changing times. 
And I’m someone who believes wholeheartedly that any idea can be done well. 
.... Venus was not done well.
But she had her part in making me a lifetime Ninja Turtle fan. A complicated, twisted, only could happen in the late part of the Clinton administration way. 
So I will criticize the hell out of Mei, out of the series, but I’ll always be mindful of how it made a six-year-old Rena excited every Saturday. 
I’ll remember that and the hot vampire in leather. 
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Gaju (Part-1)
In our Unknown town, there are some small number of shops. Since it’s only a town not a city, the expectations of the mango people (’aam admi’) is a little bit low from that of the cities. So the number of shops which are in our Unknown, are small compared to any town or city. 
Gaju was my bosom buddy and when he told me that he was gonna open a shop to earn his daily bread, I was too astonished to stop him. Well if you unfortunately put a step in our Unknown, you’ll surely understand that we don’t need much to maintain our standard of daily life. So if you open a shop, then do at your own risk. As far as I know, Gaju was not among the risk takers. His father was an wealthy merchant though. But his business was all centered outside of the Unknown mainly. Being from an wealthy family, Gaju’s life was full of fun. Although it was my own opinion. My father was a clerk in the post office. The huge economical difference between us made me a little envious. Without uttering a word Gaju got something which I didn’t get by pursuing my dad for a long time and after getting the thing Gaju gave it to me without any conditions. Since we both are in a way lonesome fellows, we felt a tie between our own hearts.
Gaju’s father was a merchant. He was a polished trickster. In our unknown everyone despised him for his trickery. But no one said him or showed him the detest they had in their heart for him. Well you must understand one thing, if you have a huge amount of either black or white or both of those sort of economy, you must be detested by the people around you, but no one will tell that they detest you to gain some personal benefit or some other terms from you. But alas! Six sins of our Hindu mythology (i.e. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Mada, Moha, Matsarjya or ‘sara ripu’) are so strongly implanted in our ‘susumna’ that we can’t escape from those. Although the people showed no such despise towards Gaju’s father, they showed their inward hatred to Gaju. During infancy Gaju lost his mother. So he was all alone in his life. Being a busy merchant Gaju’s father didn’t give him the time he needs. 
My story was a little bit different though. I’ve already said my father was economically poor one. But his ambition was so high that he behaved like a king of some sort. He didn’t show any respect towards the people of our Unknown. He didn’t care about them in any manner. Being in a dream of becoming a king or flourished businessman one day, he spent at least 85% of his income in scientific inventions of low quality. He always said that the science will rule the world within the next 20 years. Yes it’s ruling now. But my poor father is not here to see that his dream came true. I’ve also lost my mother during my infancy. People of Unknown also detested my father. But since we hadn’t plenty of money then, they showed their hatred directly. When they showed such things, my father became so outrageous that once he got stroke. Being a poor or rich fellow’s son we both were despised by the people of our Unknown. Perhaps this was the key to bind our heart together for the next 15 years of our life. 
Gaju wasn’t among the risk takers. He several times showed me this sort of attitude. But, when he told me about his idea to open a shop for everything -‘Harekmal’, I was speechless. Being a small town, a very small town, Unknown didn’t need any new kind of shop, in our native Unknown language ‘Jhamela’. After collecting myself from the shock of Gaju’s proposal, I tried in several ways to stop him, or to destroy his idea. I knew the people’s attitude towards Gaju. And now if he open a shop, he would be doomed. I was certain about his mental destruction. But Gaju was so overly confident in his approach that he didn’t hear my anti-logic. After losing a battle of wit with him, I said him that, he got totally an illusion-’Bheemrati’. After that Gaju rented a way-faced room for 1500 rupees per month, and started his shop of ‘harekmal’. Being totally irritated, I hadn’t even ask him from where he got the funding to open his shop.
After a bitter one and half months had passed. My bitterness towards his idea was ultimately fading away. I decided to go to his shop and to apologize to him for expressing my rudeness to him. We were bosom buddies. So it was a tough job for me to remain this sort of conservative. Deciding this, I went for his shop. 
In our Unknown the roads run simply. The north-south road, cuts the east-west one in a ninety degree angle. The galis meet either north-south one, or the east-west one, and in the corner of 420 street, there is a cut towards east direction. After taking the direction you’ll have to walk or ride ‘tuktuk’ for at least either 10 or 7 minutes and you will reach the ‘zone’ or ‘para’. The zone has its own history. The corner of 420 street from where the east faced cut starts, Gaju rented his shop. From my house it takes at least 30 to 35 minutes if one walks. When I reached the corner, sawed Gaju was standing in front of the shop. He had also seen me. He rushed towards me with a joyous expression and shook my hand like a mad ox shook his head. It was a painful experience for me. Yet I remained silent. 
After a long and powerful handshake, he left my hand and hug me. He was crying. Not like the old days, but his eyes were full of tears. My eyes were also. But we stopped it anyhow from flowing. After a moment pause, Gaju asked me, while hugging me in his brace strongly, ‘Abbe, where have you been all this time?’ I wasn’t in a shape of answering his question. I remained silent. After one and half months of not facing each other, perhaps we both understood, we were made for each other. It was suffocating me, in his brace. I said him,’Abbe leave me alive Bandhu’. His hug became light. 
I stayed there for two hours. Meantime we discussed the inflation of market, monetary losses or gains in a business etc. But never saw a single person to come to his shop for their daily ‘kharid’. It made me sad. I came to his shop so that I could prove myself wrong, but I was proven right. I wanted to be wrong, I prayed to ‘Kali Maa’ to be wrong. But no one appeared in the shop. After two hours of discussing I left the bench and bade goodbye to Gaju. When I took my umbrella from the strap, Gaju suddenly asked me, “Bandhu, please come tonight. We’ll celebrate the opening of my small shop.” It was hard for me. Today he didn’t earn a penny yet he invited me. Contradictory consciences came in my mind, but I agreed with him and to support him I made a condition with him. The ‘liquor’ would be sponsored by me. He understood that, I didn’t want to be his burden. So he agreed with me. After making the condition, I took my way to home.
(to be continued)
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