#Kale E.
spotaus · 3 months
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New Doppletale doodle(s)!
@oodlesndoodles inspired me yesterday during a Magma and I ended up giving Pretender!Sans a lil more backstory than I meant to lmao--
Warning for eyestrain, unsettling imagery(?) and eye-contact/scopophobia(?) Below the cut!
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Bro couldn't help himself. Ate a human, didn't mean to, now he's afraid he'll lose focus and do it again (specifically to Kindness this time! Which he does NOT want to do!!!)
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foodfuck · 4 months
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spaghetti aglio e olio · love and lemons
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dolokhoded · 1 year
my one season 4 complaint is Where The Fuck Was Aneesa
#never have i ever#i really wish her and fabiola had stayed together them not working out didn't rlly serve any purpose to the plot for the new season#fabiola's new relationship was barely rlaborated upon. as expected.#and aneesa was basically written out she was barely even part of the group#plus that scene of them at the staircase talking about fab's robotics team. they still have so much chemistry and they were literally just#talking about robotics#i understand she's not a major character and she can't have a separate plotline to herself but she wasn't even involved in anyone else's#her and fabiola were cute together and she would've at least been part of the plot if they were still dating#allison was barely a character what was the point of writing some random new partner for fabiola when she already had a perfectly good#love interest#it just doesn't make sense to me. whi decided it would be a good idea for them to break up#was it just an opportunity to shove in a nonbinary character who had no personality and was just there as someone's s/o and call it#representation#cause there are Many better ways to have nonbinary rep than this#but ofc mindy kaling wouldn't give a shit about this.#n e ways for this support my nonbinary aneesa hc . it's real.#fabiola torres#aneesa qureshi#OR AT THE VERY LEAST SHE SHOULD'VE GOTTEN WITH PAXTON. SHE HAD THAT NICE HOT JOCK LINE AT THE END OF SEASON 3#im fabneesa 4 life but i would honestly be haply with her dating paxton. they're both cool and they'd be fun together. and she deserves a#nice hot jock boyfriend.
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morethansalad · 3 months
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Herby Pasta e Fagioli (Vegan)
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soupsnakessss · 1 month
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plaguebirds · 2 months
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don't you get lost in your heart of darkness
your love, my god, there goes my monster
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mirkkuz · 1 year
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My Cha Cha Cha flowerpots
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oodlesndoodles · 3 months
* that’s not your neighbor
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finished and all that jazzz
dopple tale is made by -> @spotaus or @spotlightstudios
Kale N Estrella is designed by me!!
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Sexism? Implicit homophobia? Double standards? IN MY FAMILY?? 🙃🙃🙃
Bro 1 either got really drunk and stayed over at his friends (likely) or is MISSING (unlikely), but he didn't even send a text and didn't come home overnight and my mother is FLIPPING OUT and like low-key it's a little funny bc he's 23 and she's been letting him come home at all hours since highschool, I'm talking like, hes regularly crawling in when I'm getting up to leave for work, and sure he can do whatever he wants idgaf he no longer takes even a modicum of advice from others (tho it's super annoying when he wakes me up coming in at 4am since we're the only two in the basement)
HOWEVER, like, do u think he's gonna get any flack for this? Absolutely not. If I'm 30 min late coming home from work IN BROAD DAYLIGHT AT AGED 26 I get in SO MUCH SHIT. God forbid I fall asleep on the bus and forget to text that I'm running late. Or walking home from my Nonna's at night (less than 1 block) I have to text to say I lived, but none of my male cousins or brothers do, despite some of them being MINORS. Or like. I can't even take the subway at night without my mother constantly texting and begging me to let her pick me up like a child (aka tmg concert getting out at midnight but I very specifically stayed sober since I was alone) but nooo my brother can go bar hopping at all hours and she'll just. Go to bed and let him leave.
He can just do whatever the fuck he wants because he's a BOY and he's also our mother's FAVOURITE (the rest of the siblings all agree on that one, me and bro 2 are like 🤝 least loved & most criticized children solidarity), and he's also capable of SUCH anger, he's largely apathetic to the general world and highly selfish, but when he gets mad he he's MAD tbh I fear that anger a bit and so now no one will criticize him at all? He gets away with EVERYTHING and I can't even leave stuff out in the house where I LIVE WITHOUT GETTING SHIT
Also like he was living with his gf and not going to church and all that, and I literally Do Not Care At All, that's his business, but again the hypocrisy of it all from the parents, when theyre supportive of him - literally bought and moved their shared bed - even tho he's "going against their professed values" or however my father wants to phrase it, but god forbid I just EXIST as a queer person, even if I'm single. Like. HELLO???? I can never be out ever
Like yes I'm glad they're not assholes to him but also WHY DO I GET SO MUCH SHIT FOR LITERALLY MY BENIGN EXISTENCE
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maddiemuu · 4 months
i think i'm gonna make pasta for dinner tonight !
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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we are united in a common cause on this ✨#blessed✨ day
#hi bots why do you keep liking my lxl posts lmaooooo they aren’t even good mans#n o t that any of my posts are even good to begin with but… my lxl posts are the worst of the worst o k#i mean. they’re p much bot bait at this point.. well! at least the bots like ‘em fruity too~~~~~#though. speaking of this hellsite.. does anyone else get annoyed when the dumb app makes you follow people you’ve never heard of?#like i can never tell if someone i’m following has changed their url or if they’re someone the ‘site possessed my account to follow#like… well… backstory time: i originally made this account to browse the ship tags for a c e r t a i n ship from a c e r t a i n fandom#back when the year was still somewhere in the 2010s i think.. then i lost interest in the ship and the fandom (rip 狛 x 日 y’all the ogs)#and then i deleted the app without having ever followed any accounts. but when i next logged in a few years later. m a n.#i was following some account that i’d never even heard of lmao. like whoaaaaa who you#the account seemed to have been abandoned though.. but they made some really pretty non-fandom art i think…#idk i just thought about it bc i keep seeing accounts i don’t recognise on my dash and i m just like w h o y o u 👁️🫦👁️#i feel kinda bad when i see posts from the accounts that use this site like an actual blog y’know..#like there you are; using the site like it was probably meant to be used.#while im just here making shitposts and the occasional tl for a small-ish fandom#hm. i think i could make t h e most boring blog ever if i ever tried to be a blogger lmao#like i once made a w o r d p r e s s jokeblog that had nothing but a post about kale chips on it… i think#i wonder if that site is still up though… can’t rem if i deleted it or something… o h w e l l#o h c o w. what point was i trying to make again? i forgor—#though. speaking of cows. ‘cow’ (in a c e r t a i n c h i n e s e d i a l e c t) was allegedly my brother’s first word as a kid#and yeah. it was directed at yours truly. (sadge) to think that my bro learned how to talk just to insult me..#brothers amirite? (truly sadge……..)#it is suiyoubi my dudes
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spotaus · 3 months
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A few references! (A wip because I got distracted lmao--)
I snatched a few of these from a magma with @oodlesndoodles (I took out Kale if only because I *was* planning on rendering before my distraction) but this doodle features Pretender!Sans, Paps, Gaster, Alphys, and Grillby in their monster forms!
(More rambles under the cut)
Design Choices!:
Sans: He's been underground for a long time but used to live on the surface. I imagine he *does* have the iconic Sans outfit somewhere, but right now he wears robes like the King and Queen used to. (He recieved them when he was appointed Judge by Asgore, but no one really knows their significance because only the Guard and Asgore know of his work.)
Paps: Chose his outfit mostly to match Pretender amd the Guard. His shoulder-pads are like old crystal ball props, and his cape had the same sparke affect as Pretender's hood/robes. Around his waist he wears one of the old lab coats Sans leaves around the house. (<- It belonged to one of Sans' favorite people, the one Paps tries to mimic, so he wears it now instead.) Paps has the markings on his face same as Gaster because Sans has a lot of photos from over the years hung on the walls in his room, and Paps used to see them a lot.
Gaster: He's deceased, so the current plot doesn't see him (he can't interact with K, unfortunately. I think they would've been friends if they'd met in Gaster's prime) but I still wanted to doodle him. This was how he looked towards the end of his life, when most of the lab team had passed and he was starting to fall down. He wore cardigans and sweaters, focusing mostly on comfort rather than safety (he was always cold, but especially so towards the end).
Alphys: Went a bit crazy after Gaster passed. She hadn't been eating for a long time, and she couldn't bring herself to leave the lab, even after Sans retired his studies and moved to Snowdin. She still wears her old lab coat, stained and ripped, and she's worse-off for it. Most who see her think she's a rabid animal that has taken a spot in the labs, cameras abandoned and traps scattered in the lab waiting for prey to fall into them. It's an unsafe zone. Any humans who manage to pass Undyne *always* fall to Alphys.
Grillby: Back to fun times!!! He's a short king (at least coming in at around 5'6" which is small compared to other boss monsters, but big compared to merchants) and still runs his restaurant in Snowdin. Though, it's usually empty these days since he doesn't exactly have much food to serve. And water? He doesn't touch the stuff. Sans goes there often just to keep Grillby company. Most monsters, even if they do see a human enter, won't bother attacking because they know Grillby gets first dibs. Grillby would rather not get blood on his nice counters, though. He wears a vest and button-up with symbols like Pretender's, but otherwise is fairly unchanged from canon.
Extra Notes:
-Alphys and Sans aren't on speaking terms any longer. After Sans gave up the project, Alphys became manic and fell into despair, deciding that she'd do everything herself. Sans tried to see her a few times after that before be realized she'd gone off the deep-end and he only dared to be nearby when Asgore needed him.
-I now believe that MTT would be a positive force for humans. A ghost-monster who wanted to look human, to see if they could pass the barrier. Alphys was in charge of the project before Gaster passed, and constructed a surprisingly sturdy human-like body. It was never tested against the barrier. Now MTT tries to stay by Alphys, even in her madness. He tries to help people by reminding them how humans look, act, and talk, with his show. He helps people who get caught by Alphys' traps. (Gotta talk to Ood, but I'm thinking that Pretender wasn't fast enough to help K on her first time through the lab. It was actually MTT who moved her out of immediate danger before stalling Alphys? Unsure.)
-Grillby likes the taste of human, but there are certain unspoken rules he works by, like other shopkeeps. For him, as long as you pay your bill and follow his one rule (no water (tears do not count as water)) then you're free from his harvest. If a human came in looking for shelter, he'd leave them be.
-Gaster was a brilliant mind, and Pretender took a lot of influences from him over the years. Despite his death, his image and memory lives on in the mannerisms and knowledge of those who knew him. In the grief left in his shadow. In the young skeleton who imitates him partially every day because he made his brother happy a long time ago.
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kaletalecowboy · 2 years
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hello tumbly have shitty notebook doodle barbischl
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dreamlogic · 1 year
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series of texts w/ my QPP after my hysterectomy when i was extremely doped up & nauseous while she patiently coordinated logistics.
"whko tf is that" does not begin to convey the utter TERROR i felt when, after apparently accidentally sending that sticker, i opened my phone a minute later to see a cartoon white guy i'd never seen before in my life winking at me smugly from cyberspace. i was fully convinced he was there to kill me before i remembered the vague concept of smoothies & was overcome w/ joy
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queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
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150 mini meatballs bc i have such a longing for minestra con polpettine 🍲
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nocontextmindy · 2 years
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