shufflesnyc · 20 days
With experience of years, Shuffles NYC delivers well-rounded dance education for young movers.  It is our mission to consciously create a healthy environment for Childrens Dance NYC where our dancers are encouraged to truly connect, both socially and artistically. Our experts help cultivate confidence, positive self-image, and a happy work ethic.
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
hands down the best part of newsies dance wise is the tap break in carrying the banner that they would perform at events and showcases promoting the musical and i will tell you why
first, carrying the banner is not a tap number in the musical, its the first big dance number and general introduction of what the fuck is happening (skrunkly little newsboy orphans and poor kids selling newspapers in 1899 nyc for the new york world). but! there is a big tap dance number at the top of act 2 (king of new york). and sometimes they would do king of new york to promote the show (as it is a more well known song) (and i think they did it in the thanksgiving parade in like...2013? maybe) however!! it is very hard to tap dancing live and in front of large crowds in unconventional spaces without a stage and the use of mics to amplify the tap sounds (cause thats what they do in the stage version) so they usually do carrying the banner cause its got a good number of fun and funky jumps, basically the whole cast and is a good time.
towards the end of carrying the banner they inserted a Very Small tap break that was strictly used for promotion purposes and was never done on the stage (generally disney events). since the ensemble has Dancing Boots and Tap Dancing Boots, theyre not going to change shoes halfway through the number. so! they just overlayed a pre recorded tap track into carrying the banner and they do the tap dance in their normal Dancing Boots.
as in, their feet are not making noise. there are no taps on their shoes. this is very risky (as you would know if you saw paula abdul perform in the 2022 thanksgiving parade) because sometimes the track does not line up with the feet and looks bad
and its not easy tap dancing either. wont get technical but like. its hard. and they !! just do it !! it lines up perfectly !! unless youre a dancer who knows about tap shoes youd never know that theyre not really tap dancing!!
here is the break, for reference (starts at 1:58):
this is the original broadway cast and the quality is shit but liKE LOOK AT THEM
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sugarcoated-lame · 4 months
get to know me tag 🌻
@emeraldmoth 🧡 thank you so much for the tag (on my main acc @its-dee-lovely I just did it over here hehe) 🥰🧡
1. were you named after anyone?
yes! so kricket is just a nickname (gasp 😱 i know) but my mom chose my real name after an actor in a soap opera that she really loved
2. when was the last time you cried?
a few nights ago re-watching Me Before You, that movie makes me sob every time 🥺
3. do you have kids?
no kids, but i do have a fur baby 🥹
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
does dance count as a sport?? i took ballet and tap for a few years in elementary school lol, but aside from that no sports
5. do you use sarcasm?
me??? sarcastic? never 👀 (yes, i think sarcasm is hard-wired into all capricorns’ brains lmao)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
eyes and smiles 🥹
7. what’s your eye color?
brown with little bits of hazel
8. scary movies or happy endings?
both? but i guess if i had to choose, happy endings bc i’m such a sap 🥹
9. any talents?
i can sing, but like the previous person said i also will not prove it lol 🙈, not sure if this counts as a talent, but i’ve been told i’m really good at giving advice — I’m the therapist of my friend group haha. and baking — I’ve been vegan for the past 7 years, so I’ve been doing all vegan baking since then and i think i could probably veganize any recipe at this point and make it delicious!
10. where were you born?
NYC 🗽 !!
11. what are your hobbies?
writing fics, songwriting, poetry, reading, watching movies, singing, baking, thrifting, playing video games (currently playing the last of us), drawing although it’s been a while
12. do you have any pets?
yes!! i have a calico kitty named patches (the most unoriginal name for a calico i know, i didn’t name her lol)
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AND i temporarily have my sister’s cat, Chai, living with me for the next few months!
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13. how tall are you?
5’5 and a half-ish ?
14. favorite subject in school?
people always think i’m insane for this, but my favorite subject was math.. also really loved forensics and psychology!!
15. dream job?
probably a singer or an actor… or both? as a kid i really wanted to be on broadway 🥺 would also love to be an author or a photographer!
no pressure tags: @sebsxphia @sunlightmurdock @hangmanssunnies @just-in-case-iloveyou @joelsgreys @joels-shitty-puns @pascalpvnk @ryebecca @floydsmuse @gracieheartspedro @itsthevelvetline @fairyheart @sio-ina-bottle @vee-bees-blog I’m a little late to this so sorry if you’ve already done it 🧡
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povofjustme · 1 year
A New Start - Obie Bergman imagine {OC} GGReboot
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Title: A new start
Pairing: Obie Bergman x Black Reader
Author's Note: I don’t know where this is going but hope you like. I didn’t read this through because I wanted to post it
Full Name: Charlotte Jean
Nickname: CJ, Char, Jeans, Lotts
Birthday: August 23, 2005 - 17
Born: New York
Occupation(s): Student, Dancer, Model, Actor
Residence: Upper East Side
Instagram: @CharlotteJeans (300k follower)
Family: Nicolas Jean (father) Jasmine Jean (mother) Frances Jean (Twin Brother)
Romance: Obie Bergman (boyfriend)
Friends: Max Wolfe (best friend) Audrey Hope, Aki Menzie, Luna La, Zoya Lott
Enemies: Julien Calloway (frenemy)
——————————————————————————————This story is about Charlotte
- Charlotte grow up as a dancer
- Her mom and dad wanted there kids to grow up being big
- So when they kids both could walk and talk they got them right in
- Char learned a lot to the point where her name was big in the dancing world. To ballroom, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, tap to jazz and ice skating when she had time
- And there for her twin brother, music and sports
- When she was ten years old, her family had moved to france
- 7 years later, they moved back to NY, but there family had a big name to live up too
- But at the same time, she kept herself to who she truly was. She was a loving person who will buy anyone before her own.
- Since then, she loves to give back to people and animals. Will go out to the protest and talk to the people
- Moving back to new york after the summer of her sophomore year. She met up with her old time best friend ‘Max Wolfes’
- The Wolves and The Jeans were very close friends
- Godien Wolfes is the twins' godfather, so Max and The Twin grow up together. The trio
- So when the twin came back to the upper east side, they knew who to go to.
- The first day there, all eyes on them, but CJ went straight to the table up first to call out Max’s name.
- He saw he and gave her a big hug
“Hey I want you to meet my beautiful things here Charlotte, Charlotte Jeans and Frances Jeans”
“It CJ, call me CJ”
Introducing them to the group, and one person couldn't keep - their eyes off of her.
“And this is Obie”
- Then the bell was ringing and max took you in his hands to take
- Later on, the group knew a lot about CJ, but it was more of Fracces things
- They were all on the stares when Monet asked her
“Hey CJ, when going out tonight for a little get together, we knew Frances in. How about you?”
“Sorry guys, but am volunteering and the NYC animal shelter tonight-”
“Wait tonight at 8” Obie asked
“Yes, actionaly” CJ said laughing it off
“Am was actually looking at that the other night, maybe we could go together?”
“Sure why not”
- That night, they got to know each other very well, Yes Obie that she was just like any other new york girl but he was liking her for then he thought
- After that night of feeding food to the animals and cleaning them and more, they became closer
- Obie would do anything to hang out with her
- They sometimes walked to school together and have study “Date”
- At school they would eat together and just become friends
- He would even show up at Max house when he knew she was going to be over there
- Frances help him out as will
- After a long study “date”, Obie asked her on a real date
- They would go out to more events which catch the media's attentions in a good way and bad
- CJ posted pictures of them and events (with obie permission) her fans thought it was cute but Julies and GG fans didn't like it so much
- They were cute couple
- Obie met CJ parents and loved him
- CJ met Obie mom, She said she loves her already
- They would go to big events together
- Obie would take her to different places in NY
- CJ would give him dance lesson and when it came to any of her dance competitions, he would be there sitting next her family with a handful of flowers
- Sometimes they would have study dates at each others house but Obie likes it better over her because it feels more like home
- They did everything together, and it made them seem like they were in love
- Since she was around Obie more, she was around Aki and Audrey and Max more. Frances would be around alot, made the self a little group
- Around new york, Obie invited you and your brother to the Quaint weekend house
- The whole weekend, Obie and CJ shared the same room
- When the twins walked in, everyone was just getting there
- It was a fun and relaxing
- Everyone got along and had fun, Frances was flirting with Luna and Obie had you mostly to himself
- Julien felt some way but wanted him to be happy. But not with you
- CJ helped around the house, had the grow make cookies and spend time together, Obie was falling more and more in love
- And on new year, they were each other new year kiss
- After that, everyone loved them. Obie was happy
- GG would post things on IG
*It pictures of CJ and Obie*
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Well Well Well, It looks like there's a new couple in town. @Charlotte Jeans and @Obie Bregaens have been hitting off pretty well. Them out on the town helping others and dogs. Let's see where this goes. Charlotte or should I say CJ is the new girl and all around famous dancers with big money to her money. Lets see if Obie will love Julien or CJ? Tell me who you're rooting for?
#Team Julien s or #Team CJ
- CJ didn't really care but it seem to get to Julies head
- Julien was upset that Obie was getting over her and with CJ now
- So she did what she did best, try to break you down
- Julien, Monet ended up finding something and sent it to GG to hurt CJ
- Found out the CJ and Frances are adopted twins
- When GG posted it, It really didn't hurt the twins. Just hated it now that people knew their business more then the should
- Julien didn't like how CJ reacted so she wanted to hurt her more
- But what the found out was not about CJ, but about her twin
- Frances was a Drug addict
- Once GG posted it, know saw the twins for over 3 to 4 weeks
- CJ and Frances were close, not like Grace closes but they were best friends
- Once France was ready to come back to school, So was CJ.
- And CJ had a bad feeling about the group, had a feeling that someone was out for her
“On look who made it back” Monets
“What is that supposed to mean” CJ questioned
“CJ, it meant nothing, after all we just wanted to-” Julien couldn't even finish it all when they all got a ding on there phone
- It was post from GG about all the people who sent thing to GG
- The first things CJ saw was a sent in dm from Julien and Monet about CJ and Her twin
“You sent this about my brother?”
“I- I-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” At this point everyone was looking at everyone in the group.
- Know one CJ this mad before. She was always the loving and smiling person
“You sent that in for what? First the adopted and then my brother's addictions. You have to be out of your fucking mind. You have no respect for know but yourself, and it shows”
- Julien couldn't say anything
“This is about Obie” Max spock up
“About a fucking boy, Really!” Getting in Julien face
“ You are a disgusting fucking person”
- CJ walked away pushing the crowd away, Frances, Max, Aki, Audrey and Obie right behind her
Part 2?
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welcometololaland · 1 year
15 Questions
I believe I was tagged by @chaotictarlos @kiloskywalker @bine-nr9 @firstprince-history-huh to do this and i'm sorry for how long it took me.
Nickname: Lolarae / Raelola (with @rmd-writes), Anlora (with @rmd-writes and @paper-storm), 'trash goblin' (by myself), 'my sweet sweet fool' (@clottedcreamfudge, probably), 'tap dancing on my last nerve' (my boss, also probably), 'absolute pest' (most other people).
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches (aka. 'perfectly average' - source: Alexander Claremont-Diaz).
Last thing I googled: "Jeremy Irons voice" - listen to any YouTube video of him, you'll agree with my choice. Alternatively, watch the Lion King.
Song stuck in my head currently: Pony, Ginuwine for reasons.
Number of followers: I don't have followers only internet friends that I love and cherish and want to give a forehead kiss to (with consent).
Amount of sleep: Not enough (does anyone remember that game Snowboard Kids on Nintendo 64? Say it with me).
Dream Job: not my current job.
Wearing: a hoodie, an oversized t-shirt, sports shorts, socks and undergarments, because i'm not a heathen.
Movie/Book that summaries you: A Series of Unfortunate Events (not actually, just the title).
Favourite Song currently: Don't ask me this you know my music taste sucks.
Favourite Book Author/s: I love CMQ, obviously. RWRB is my comfort read, always. Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life is the book that has stuck with me the most. I never recommend this to anyone because it's DARK, but I've never been so emotionally affected by a book before. It's stunning.
Random Fact: I once met Gabriel Macht on the streets of Soho, NYC, which was the same day I found out that I get cripplingly star struck.
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madisonmcarthy · 2 years
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becca The year was 2008. I was a musical theatre actress fan-kicking and tap dancing my way around NYC auditioning for my next exciting gig. In between said gigs, I had MANY odd jobs (babysitter, shoe model, break dancer at the Walmart shareholders meeting 🤣, etc) But…this one in particular makes me really giggle: Sexy apron “model.” ⭐️⭐️⭐️Dream big, kids.
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motownfiction · 2 years
elenore and will
we love asks with o'connors in them. i believe in o'connor family supremacy.
for ✨elenore✨
1. their favourite disney/pixar movie: sleeping beauty (i know)
2. their go-to style of clothing: colorful. if it has glitter, she's there.
3. their favourite vacation memory: going on a road trip to MI from NYC and teaching veronica about "gas station rock" and other fictional micro-genres of music that sam made up
4. their favourite fairy tale: also "sleeping beauty" lol
5. one hidden talent of theirs: elenore knows all of the essential tap dances, like the boogie, the waltz clog, the charleston, the time step, and the triple buck.
6. one thing they’ve kept since childhood days: her first princess leia action figure
7. their favourite holiday memory: veronica's first christmas. she was just so cute, so excited, so in love with all the lights. christmas had been shitty for elenore since 2002, but veronica made it OK to like christmas again.
8. their first crush: ... charlie.
9. something they would never admit to anybody: there are nights when she stays up too late and wishes that veronica was her husband sean's daughter instead of charlie's. she knows she's not supposed to say that, and in reality, she doesn't even really mean it. veronica wouldn't be veronica if she were anyone else's child. but sometimes, she wishes she had a kid with sean instead.
10. their favourite wild animal: elenore is one of these people who loves cartoon llamas.
for ✨will✨
1. their favourite disney/pixar movie: i think when he was growing up, he liked the jungle book, but when he took emma (then age seven) to see lilo and stitch, he loved it.
2. their go-to style of clothing: god, i hate to say this, but as a young person (and kind of as he gets older, too), will is trying really hard to look like matt dillon. failing, a little. but trying.
3. their favourite vacation memory: climbing the sleeping bear dunes with lucy and the girls in the late 00s, a little while after veronica was born. it was tough, but they had a good time.
4. their favourite fairy tale: will likes "cinderella." this is where the hypothetical (and incorrect) will/sadie shippers would freak out.
5. one hidden talent of theirs: will taught himself how to say the alphabet backwards. not because he thought he'd ever need it in a drunk driving incident. but just to say he could.
6. one thing they’ve kept since childhood days: the tin cans that he once used to communicate with lucy from her house next door.
7. their favourite holiday memory: playing with toy lightsabers on christmas in 2015 with elenore, emma, and veronica while lucy filmed and took pictures on her phone. will had never felt so much love in one place before. christmas had, of course, been shitty since 2002. but this was like a sign that it was ok to move on -- to associate christmas with things other than sam.
8. their first crush: marcia brady on the brady bunch. but then lucy, lol
9. something they would never admit to anybody: he's admitted this to a therapist, but never to anyone in his day-to-day life: he knows that sam had a crush on him when they were very young.
10. their favourite wild animal: will likes tigers.
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Our local national park
Hannah and I (and her cousin and aunt) went to the local National Park in Paterson NJ today! It's not the Grand Canyon or Niagra Falls, but we have a pretty impressive waterfalls right in our backyard. It was a fun adventure after music class. And then after dinner we went back to the library for another latin music performance - this time it was latin jazz, so not as amazing as Monday's performance. Hannah was the only kid under 10, and the only dancer, and she got to see someone tap dancing for the first time! I'm sure if we lived in NYC I'd have a million more things to take her to see but living here we still have some great things to do and it's a lot less overwhelming when you don't have to pick and choose...
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taiwan3000 · 1 year
Maps Billy Woods Kenny Segal (FaceTime, Year Zero, Hangman, NYC Tapwater)
Heavy Heavy Young Fathers (I Saw, Tell Somebody, Ululation)
Radical Romantics Fever Ray (Tapping Fingers, Even It Out, Shiver)
The Infinite Spine Lauren Auder (730kingfisher, 118-madonna, hawthorne81, we2assume2many2roles)
Erotic Probiotic 2 Nourished by Time (The Fields, Soap Party, Quantum Suicide)
Wallsocket underscores (Cops and robbers; Locals (Girls like us); Geez louise)
Javelin Sufjan Stevens (Goodbye Evergreen, Will Anybody Ever Love Me?, So You Are Tired)
10,000 Gecs 100 Gecs (Hollywood Baby, I Got My Tooth Removed, Mememe, Frog on the Floor)
Love in a Vicious Way Mother Tongues (Worm Day, Dance in the Dark)
Hellmode Jeff Rosenstock
Cartwheel Hotline TNT
After the Magic Parannoul
The Comeback Kid Marnie Stern
Aperture Hannah Jadagu
Live At Bush Hall Black Country, New Road (Dancers)
trip9love...??? Tirzah
Raven Kelela
Sundial Noname
The Ones Ahead Beverly Glenn-Copeland
12 Ryuichi Sakamoto
All of This Will End Indigo De Souza
Strong; Enjoy Your Life; Loveher; She's on my Mind Romy
Pink Lemonade Blockhead RXK Nephew
Mindful Solutionism; Pigeonometry Aesop Rock
I See Myself; Mysterious Love Geese
Pet Rock L'Rain
It Must Change; Scapegoat ANOHNI and the Johnsons
Avalanche of Love WITCH
I've Got Me Joanna Sternberg
Can I Talk My Shit? Vagabon
Workin' on a World Iris DeMent
Vampire Empire Big Thief
Paint the Town Red Doja Cat
Oral Bjork + Rosalia
Mama's Eyes Mette
With the Other Hand Lost Girls
Scaring the Hoes Danny Brown + JPEGMAFIA
Squid Pangaea
Halo Flip Vegyn Lauren Auder
Dickhead Blues Kara Jackson
Sandrail Silhouette Avalon Emerson
So Hard to Tell Debby Friday
We Gon Eat Living Legends
Found Fucked Up
Make U 3 Me Alice Longyu Gao
What We Were That What Wept for the Sea Colin Stetson
Andy in Stereo Hand Habits
Blackbox Life Recorder 21f Aphex Twin
Quiet Moves Che Noir
Crumbs Rebecca Black
Lo Siento Princess Nokia
Djennaration Liturgy
Adrianne Lenker Ruined (music video)
***All Light, Everywhere
***American Factory
Arrested Development S4
The Bear S2 E6, E7, E10
The Beautiful Colors of Jeremy Sicile-Kira (short)
***Beef (TV)
Big Fish
***Black Mirror S3 E4 San Junipero
Bourne Ultimatum
***The Boy and the Heron
***Chewing Gum S1 & S2
***Colossal Youth
The Cow Who Sang a Song into the Future
***Creamerie S1 & S2
A Dangerous Method
***Decision to Leave
***I Didn't See You There
Disintegration 93-96 (short)
Enjoy Your Life MV Romy
***The Entire History of the Louisiana Purchase
***An Epistemological Analysis of RXK Nephew's "American Tterroristt" (YouTube)
Free Chol Soo Lee
Groundhog Day
***Hail Satan?
Harm Reduction Center Chapter 5 (YouTube)
***The Hole
***Horse Money
***How to Blow Up a Pipeline
***I May Destroy You
I Think You Should Leave S1-3
I Was a Simple Man
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S16 E8
John Wick 4
Joy Ride
Killers of the Flower Moon
Last Week with John Oliver: Israel-Hamas War
Liquor Store Dreams
Live at Bush Hall by Black Country, New Road
Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart at the River Styx
Malni: Towards the Ocean, Towards the Shore
Nettles (short)
No Reservations S8 E5 Lisbon
October Country
Parts Unknown S9 S8 Porto
***Perfumed Nightmare
Puparia (short)
Sheng Wang: Sweet and Juicy
Somebody Feed Phil
Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse
The Square
Star Trek
Starfuckers (short)
***Survivor Australia S10 E7
Talk to Me
A Thousand and One
Three of Us (short)
TomDNYC (YouTube)
***Triangle of Sadness
Tuesday (short)
***underscores Wallsocket (album video)
Untold Story of Keetley Valley (short)
When You Left Me on that Boulevard (short)
WHOKILLEDXIX 9mm (music video)
A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here (short)
***The Wire
***Wisdom Gone Wild
The Worst Person in the World
You've Never Been Completely Honest (short)
Yox_Rick (IG)
***Billy Woods Kenny Segal
Hiss Golden Messenger
***Kristina Wong, Sweatshop Overlord
***Peter Pan Goes Wrong
***Sloppy Jane
Cecily Brown
Luna Luna
Closing Doors
***Coming Out Simulator 2014
I Had Another Dream About You Last Night
Opossum Country
Six Cats Under
Super Jacked Up Tomato Face Johnson
That Lonesome Valley
***Time Is Solid Here
Why Do I Get All the Kisses?
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shufflesnyc · 23 days
Children’s Tap Dance NYC
Make sure that a child not just gets the chance to do what they appreciate but also get the chance to experience these activities that will widen their insight and aptitudes in territories that will help them in near future. You can consider to enroll them in the Children’s Tap Dance NYC. If you are looking for the right academy can consider to join "Shuffles NYC".
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trascapades · 2 years
☀️#ArtIsAWeapon @harlemweek × @riseupnycconcerts today and tomorrow, Aug. 20-21!
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Reposted from @harlemweek “Summer In The City,” our second-largest day of events, offers a full day of activities. With performances from local, national, and international artists, Harlem Broadway Row (Day 1), the highly anticipated adult urban fashion show, health testing stations, hundreds of food vendors, arts & crafts, music, jewelry, hats, sculptors, corporate exhibitors, and games.
Scheduled performances beginning at 1 PM include*
Performances from Broadway Shows
Back To School Children’s Fashion Show
Adult Urban Fashion Show
The Jeff Foxx Band
Rise Up NYC Concert
Freddie Jackson
Donnell Jones
Funkmaster Flex
Wyclef Jean
…more artists to be added
Lineup and performers subject to change
Kids between ages 5 to 12 years and their family members enjoy storytelling, children’s entertainment (performances showcasing tap dancers, dance troupes, step shows, hip hop, theater, poetry, vocalists, etc.), arts & crafts, double dutch competitions, face painting, technology information, information on health services, and more.
For more info and livestream, visit www.HARLEMWEEK.com
#harlem #harlemweek #riseupnycconcerts #harlemmusicfestival #culture #community #blackexcellence #harlembusiness #impact #legacy #nyc #nycfestival #harlemlegends #blackhistory #blackculture #TraScapades
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belovedindierock · 2 years
Doves - The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - June 13, 2005
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Anticipation was high for this show, since The Doves had had to postpone the first half of their tour due to singer/bassist Jimi Goodwin's throat problems. Thankfully, he was back in fine voice tonight, and for me the delay helped me get over my rabid obsession with the new Some Cities album and put it into perspective against the band's other fine work.
I was a little disappointed by openers Longwave; I'd liked their shoegazy pop on albums Endsongs and The Strangest Things and was looking forward to seeing them reproduce rawer versions, but most of the set was given over to songs from their upcoming third album, which frankly didn't sound like much to look forward to compared to the older stuff. A muddy sound didn't help either, with singer Steve Schlitz's voice all but hidden. Still, there were enough appealing tunes and guitar textures that I haven't written Longwave off just yet.
The Doves seem have managed to tap into a certain serious-music-nerd psyche that will likely sustain their record sales for years and hopefully put them on a similar pedestal to the likes of Radiohead, and so the Fillmore was packed by the time The Doves took the stage. Still, the band seems to attract a diverse audience, with high school kids jumping up and down in anticipation just as much as the twenty- and thirty-something fans (plus a good smattering of the older music lovers that make San Francisco such a laid back, inclusive place to see music).
With The Doves it's very much about the music rather than star power - the group (Goodwin, guitarist Jez Williams, drummer Andy Williams and touring keyboardist Martin Rebelski) are content to let pulsating lights and flickering images provide the visuals for most of the show. The band shambled on unassumingly and launched into the hypnotic atmospherics of "Where We're Calling From", then directly into a powerful "NYC".
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It would be well nigh impossible to reproduce the lush, autumnal sound of The Doves' albums with only four players, so the band didn't try, instead stripping down the arrangements and turning up the guitar effects. It was a treat to see the three permanent members swapping vocals and instruments throughout the show. Jimi would regularly exchange his bass for an acoustic guitar with Jez taking over bass duties (although his aggressive playing made it look as if he was still bashing out the 6 string chords), and for "Here It Comes", Andy came out front to sing and play harmonica while Jimi took over the drums.
I'm enough of a Doves obsessive that pretty much every song was a highlight, but some particular standouts included the piano-driven, soul-inflected latest single "Black And White Town" (which, as others have mentioned before, evokes the late great The Jam's "A Town Called Malice"), heart rending versions of "Snowden" and "Satellites" that sounded even more evocative without choir or orchestration, and the aforementioned "Here It Comes", which was accompanied by manic dance footage from Northern England's legendary Wigan Casino.
The Doves' tour is drawing to a close now, but grab the chance to see them in a medium sized venue if you can - if there's any justice, they'll be filling Coldplay's stadium shoes next time they play here.
-Gareth Bowles
The Doves / Longwave The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA June 13, 2005
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stilldani24 · 3 years
I Am Here
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corpse husband x reader oneshot
words: 1233
request: “Corpse x reader where they’re married and no one knows and they’re a Broadway actor/actress and they come home and surprises him when he’s streaming” from anonymous
a/n: the title of this oneshot is a song title from the musical Come From Away, and if you haven’t listened to the soundtrack yet, you definitely need to. Also look for the documentary You Are Here: A Come From Away Story for an amazing dive into the real events and creation of the musical. 
You picked an unconventional career from the get-go. From the instant you told your parents what you wanted to do and where you were moving, they were skeptical but supportive. At eighteen, you moved to America to attend school for musical theatre. Not only were you out on your own for the first time, you were in a completely new country with no friends. Well, no. That was a lie. You had made many friends all across the country. Alex in Virginia, Rachel in New Jersey, Jade in Michigan, and a kid named Corpse in California you had met on Reddit. 
You learned his real name soon after you both developed feelings for each other and began a long distance relationship, but you were more keen in calling him Corpse. 
It suited him better. 
Even after you had officially met, you moved across the country for him, and had gotten married after three years of dating and one year of engagement. You still called him Corpse, especially since his YouTube career took off and that’s all anyone called him. You didn’t want to be caught saying his real name while he was streaming. 
None of his new friends he met playing Among Us knew he was married, or even in a relationship for that matter. He wasn’t at that point with these people yet, they only knew him for his voice and impressive impostor skills. He had gained a following over the years for his Reddit reading videos, so his fans already knew his voice and new fans immediately simped. You found it absolutely adorable, but it was even more reason to keep you a secret. Despite being married, you didn’t mind. 
While his YouTube following was increasing, your career was steadily climbing. Broadway had just been reopened following the pandemic and thus a new wave of auditions. You had since graduated and had an agent, and she sent you every audition that fit you. And surprisingly, you were cast in Come From Away, a musical about Operation: Yellow Ribbon following the 9/11 attacks. The cast only consisted of twelve actors, no ensemble, so you were front and centre every night. It was a dream come true, and you had a blast. You hated being away from your husband, but he understood completely and wanted you to chase every opportunity life gave you. 
After six consecutive weeks in New York City, you were granted a full month off from the show so you could go home and be with your husband. It was rumoured that Come From Away would be opening in Los Angeles so you were hopeful you would be able to transfer from Broadway to LA. But until then, you had a month off and were excited to go home before having to return back to your NYC studio apartment. 
You slowly opened the door to your shared apartment in San Diego, your huge suitcase of luggage behind you as you moved through the apartment. You didn’t call out for your husband, wanting to surprise him completely wherever he was. You were certain he wasn’t streaming, as he wasn’t talking or anything, so you looked around the apartment. When you deduced he was in his gaming room, you thought he was deep in the zone of editing something.
You swung open the door excitedly. “Honey, I’m home!”
Corpse was definitely streaming, just in the lobby as everyone was afk probably grabbing food or using the bathroom. He jumped in his seat, eyes wide as he made eye contact with you. You were frozen as you noticed he was streaming. He was probably speaking the entire time, just quietly so you didn’t hear him, and you had just revealed this huge secret.
Corpse didn’t care.
He threw his headset aside, a huge grin on his face, as he ran to you and scooped you up in his arms as best as he could. “Holy shit, you’re home! Holy fuck!”
You laughed as you hugged him tightly, burying your face into his neck as you just took in his warmth. You didn’t care about the fact that he was streaming anymore. “Hi, baby,” you murmured to him lovingly, then grabbing his face in your hands and planting a fat, juicy kiss on his lips. 
“Why didn’t you call me or text me, I could’ve picked you up at the airport!” he laughed, just holding your face in his hands and looking at you. 
“I didn’t think you’d be streaming today, so I wanted to surprise you,” you replied, laughing now as he gave you soft kisses on your forehead and cheeks. “Sorry, uh, I ruined our secret.”
“I don’t give a fuck, not a single one, you’re home,” he gushed happily, before looking back to his set up. He let out a low chuckle as he watched the chat scroll by quickly. “Come on.”
He led you to his set up, sitting down in his chair before pulling you down onto his lap. He placed his headset back on, one hand on his mouse while the other arm wrapped around your waist with his hand resting on your thigh.
“Chat, this is my spouse, Y/N. They, uh, they’ve been in New York on Broadway for a month and a half and I’ve missed them so much. Say hi, babe,” he smiled at you now.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you replied shyly, thankful there wasn’t a facecam so they couldn’t see how flustered you were. Or how fucking beat you looked after your long flight. 
“Woah, Corpse, you’re married?!” Sean’s excited voice sounded from Corpse’s headset, making you giggle. “Dude, why didn’t you tell us?”
“Jesus, Corpse, you had me here really thinking I had a chance,” Sykkuno then said, making the both of you laugh now. 
“It never came up, sorry, guys,” Corpse replied, giving you a slight squeeze. “Yeah, we’ve been together for four years, and we got married last year.”
“Don’t worry, you can still simp over my husband. But if you dare think of actually stealing him from me, I’ll tap dance all over you,” you warned. 
“Wait, Corpse said that you came back from Broadway? What show?” Rae then asked. Corpse had moved one of the ears off of his own and turned up the volume so you could actually hear. 
“Oh, uh, Come From Away. I’ve only been there since Broadway reopened, but I kinda got lucky getting cast,” you replied sheepishly, curling into Corpse a little bit more. 
“That’s bullshit, you have a gorgeous voice,” Corpse replied, pinching your thigh slightly.
“Sing, sing, sing!” his friends began chanting, making you blush heavily and bury your face into his neck. You could perform for hundreds eight times a week but as soon as you were in front of his close friends and over two hundred thousand viewers on his stream, you got incredibly flustered. 
“Alright, guys, relax, they just got home and probably need to rest,” Corpse came to your defence, kissing your cheek softly before letting you get up. “Before you leave, babe. I love you.”
“Awww, I love you too,” you cooed softly, leaning down and giving him a soft kiss. You heard his friends taunting him from his headset, making you giggle softly and leave the room as Corpse turned back to his computer to continue his stream.
“Shut the fuck up, guys.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
Use All Of Me (P.3)
Title: Use All Of Me (Part Three) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Steve Rogers. The Avengers are heroes saving the world but in this AU, they are also permitted by the powers in charge to have less than favorable business underneath their guise of mere superheroes. Steve and Tony are at the helm, keeping their empire’s wealth in check, both devious and perilous if crossed. Steve takes a liking to the reader at a party and it may be her undoing to her autonomy choosing to go home with him. Words: 2,382 Warnings: Dark AF, angst, emotional/mental abuse, smut, breeding, death Author’s Notes: This relationship is going to go ~downhill~ from healthy really quick. Please do not read if that is going to offend you.
If anyone is interested in a playlist I am using for this while I write...
Part Two || Part Four || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Sweating, you brushed the sweat from your brow. Even though you had changed out of your original dress and swapped it for shorts and a tank, you were still hot. The club was packed considering it was a live music night, with Every Time I Die headlining in their home state. Thankfully the show had not been sold out entirely when you had shown up. You doubted it had stayed that way since the main set had started and it was after 10pm.
Keith yelled into the mic, encouraging people to come up on stage with them for the next song.
The shape of your data got me astral projecting But I think you and I, we need to talk
The room was alive, people crowding the stage as people began to find their way up there, headbanging around the artists before diving off the stage to welcome arms.
“I wanna do that!” you yelled over the music to Yua. The pair of you were further into the crowd than Natalie and your other couple friends. You were sure they were still standing by one of the tables up the stairs.
“Are you serious, Y/N?” she laughed, looking jubilant.
“You should!” the guy, Joseph, that had attached himself to yours and Yua’s side during the show encouraged you. He was cute enough, was not handsy – a huge plus especially in a huge crowd where people had been drinking or doing drugs.
You teased, “You just want to be one of the people holding us.”
He let out a laugh and said over the music, “If you think so lowly of me, maybe I need to prove myself a little harder!”
Yes, he certainly was cute. You beamed at him. Maybe you would not end up alone tonight.
“Here! Let’s go up!” Yua said, tugging on your arm. “Just make sure you don’t get punched in the face if you get too close to the mosh pit.”
The two of you shoved your way through the crowd towards the stage.
<> <> <>
Natalie craned her neck to look over the crowd to where Yua and Y/N had been. They were no longer there and she sighed. She hoped they were not getting themselves into trouble, mainly the mosh pit. Yua and Y/N both had suffered bruises before and still went back. They insisted it was fun; she saw nothing fun about it, she rather enjoyed watching the show from afar where she could enjoy it in more relative peace.
“What’s wrong?” Ada asked her over the music.
“I can’t find Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.”
Miriam asked what she said from across the table and Natalie repeated herself.
“They’re fine. They can handle themselves,” Miriam reassured her. “We’ve been in worse places with a far rougher crowd and they’ve managed.”
“Too true,” Natalie agreed.
Over the heads of the crowd, Natalie’s eyes came to rest on a familiar face. Her stomach dropped seeing Steve, who looked entirely displeased. He was searching the crowd and she had a great idea of who he was looking for.
“Shit,” she said out loud. She looked back over the crowd desperately. It was not going to look good if Y/N was still flirting with that other random guy. She was worried for that potential mess with someone like Steve.
“What?” Ada asked confused, following her line of sight. She of course did not recognize what Natalie did because she did not know who Steve was yet.
Leaning in closer to the pair, she explained, “Y/N’s date from tonight, yeah? The one that stood her up? He’s here.”
“What?” Miriam gasped, standing up trying to figure out who it was in the general direction Natalie had been looking.
“Found ‘em,” Ada feebly said, pointing out across the crowd towards the stage.
Natalie and Miriam looked to the stage and Natalie wanted to scream in frustration. Both Yua and Y/N were on the stage, dancing close to the edge of the stage. Y/N dove off the stage into the crowd, Natalie tracking the spot where she had fallen onto. Her stomach flipped seeing Steve was already on his way, the crowd easily parting for someone his size. She would not make it to Y/N before he did.
She just had to let that unfold, feeling a rock sinking in her stomach.
<> <> <>
A group of people helped you slide to the ground so you could land on your feet, even if you were a little unsteady.
Joseph was there. He held up his hands and said, “No touchy. I was just here to make sure you got down okay.”
“How gentlemen like of you!” you smiled at him, tapping him on the nose.
You let out a laugh and turned back towards the stage. You could not spot Yua, you thought she would jump in the same direction as you. You stood on your tiptoes still to no avail.
Suddenly you saw her and you moved to where she was, greeting her as she came down.
“See, I told you it would be fun!” you yelled to her and she nodded in agreement. She had a wide smile planted on her face as she tried to fix her hair. You slid off an extra hair tie and handed it to her as the song ended. “Let’s go back to the table! I want another drink!”
Turning to Joseph, you grabbed his arm. “You can come with us! It’s on me!”
He looked pleased, nodding. “Alright, cool.”
His arm intertwined with yours in turn to your grasp and the two of you turned. But just like that, your smile melted away.
Steve was there blocking your way, a vexed look painted on his face. His gaze dropped down to where you and Joseph’s arms were interlinked; you could see his jaw clench at the sight.
“Steve,” you said breathlessly. “What… what are you doing here?”
Joseph seemed to catch the situation and dropped your arm, uncomfortably taking a step back. Yua came to his side instead of you. He was staring at Steve in awe, no doubt recognizing him.
“Come on,” Steve ordered you sternly, grabbing your hand and beginning to lead you through the crowd away from the stage without waiting for you to respond. You shot a look over your shoulder at Yua, seeing the worried expression on her face. Joseph leaned in to speak to her and you were sure he was asking what was going on.
He did not stop until the two of you were outside, you struggling to keep up with his stride, even with people around. They seemed to move out of his way, which did not help slow down his pace.
“Steve?” you tried as the two of you began walking down the sidewalk past the crowd outside.
He ignored you.
Away from the line, halfway down the block, he came to a sudden stop and let go of your hand roughly.
“That was foolish, Y/N.”
He was scolding you? He was the one that had stood you up.
Defensively, you told him, “It was just a bit of fun. I’m not hurt.”
“You could have been. And who was the kid?”
Kid? Joseph was most certainly in his late twenties, early thirties. Although, you were sure with how old Steve was, anyone could seem like a kid.
“Just some guy that was in the crowd,” you shrugged, trying to play it off. “He made friends with us. We were about to go have some more drinks with him. He’s cool.”
“’Cool’,” Steve drawled. You nodded, not knowing what he wanted you to say. “Looked like you were getting quite close. Like it might lead to going home.”
Cocking your head, you challenged, “You don’t get to scold me because I was hanging out with him. You’re the one who ditched me.”
Steve’s tone was laced with annoyance, “I tried to call you. Multiple times. And you didn’t answer me.”
“My phone is in my purse.”
“Well, if you would have had it on you, you would have seen that.”
Frustrated, you exasperated, “You didn’t show up!”
“I know! And I’m sorry about that. I got caught up in work.”
“And you couldn’t even send me a text?”
“There was no service.”
You scoffed and Steve’s jaw tightened. “What? That’s such a bullshit excuse. Where is there not service in NYC?”
“Underground,” Steve told you as a matter of fact.
You opened your mouth to ask what he was doing underground but he anticipated it, “I can’t talk to you about that. You know that or you should.” You closed your mouth. He took a step closer, peering down his nose at you, a dangerous glint in his eye. “So, let me ask you again… were you planning on going home with him? If it came to that?”
There were a few moments of uncomfortable silence, you knowing he knew the answer already, but he wanted you to say it out loud.
Shrugging, you said, “Yeah, sure.” Steve gave a dry laugh and you told him firmly, “I thought you were done with me. So, excuse me.”
“Yes, excuse you. What the hell were you thinking? It was the same damn night you had a date with me, Y/N!” Steve snapped.
You recoiled a bit and he sighed loudly, putting his hands on his hips. He closed his eyes, swallowing sharply, taking a few moments. “Look, I’m sorry. I was just worried about you and I’m a little high strung.”
“Worried about me?” you asked disbelieving.
“Yeah, I drove by your place and it was dark. Seemed a little odd it being so early. And with you not answering your phone… So, I checked your location to see where you were. I did not know what this place was, so I came down here to check it out. To make sure nothing had happened to you. And if you were alright, I just wanted to tell you face to face that I was sorry for not being able to get a hold of you to let you know I was going to be late. I owe you that much for missing our date. I was looking forward to it.”
He sounded sincere and the anger melted a bit at his words. He was waiting for you to say something.
“So,” you started, licking your lip. The tension was waning on you and you wanted to move on from it, salvage what you could. A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth. “Can I call you my boyfriend now? Since you’re so worried about me and all?”
Steve visibly relaxed, the tension leaving his jaw.
“Look, I’ll keep it in mind in the future you might be on some secret mission,” you told him, closing the space between the two of you, Your hand rested on his chest, playing with the edge of his leather jacket. “And I’ll keep my legs closed until I know for sure otherwise.”
“That’s a crude way to put it,” Steve responded.
“Fine. I’ll stay at home, waiting by the window, pining for you to return. Is that better?”
This drew a small smile out of him at least. He reached up to hold the side of your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. “I quite like the idea of you pining. It paints such a pretty picture.”
“Of course you do. It’s an ego booster.” You tossed a look over your shoulder and if you were not mistaken, Steve’s grip on your neck tightened ever so slightly. “The bouncer should let us back in.”
Steve forced you to look back at him. “Not my scene.”
“Is it classical then?”
“I do enjoy that, but it’s not just that.”
Suddenly curious, you asked, “How did you get in anyway? I thought it would have been sold out.”
“It was. I spoke to the bouncer.”
“So, he’s a Captain America fan, then?”
“Something like that.”
There was something hanging in the air with that statement, but something deep down told you to leave it alone.
“Regardless, I do need to get my purse…”
“Right,” Steve said, his hand dropping to come to hold you around your waist, turning you around to walk back down the sidewalk to the door. When you got there, the bouncer saw it was Steve and nodded him through.
Instead of letting you go in alone, Steve went with you. He stood a few paces away as you grabbed your purse, assuring your friends that you were alright. You let them know you were going home with Steve and to not wait up for you. When you got back to his side, he leaned down, giving you a kiss on your forehead. His hand gripped your wrist, leading you back outside, leaving your friends behind.
<> <> <>
Steve’s house was enormous compared to your apartment. He had insisted you go home with him, promising you breakfast in bed. How could you say no to that?
You had been enthralled with the pool room – after you insisted he show you around the place. Steve had not been deterred when you suggested skinny dipping, ushering you along out of the room to continue the tour. When he brushed behind you in the process of doing this, you already could feel him through his slacks. No wonder he had been in such a hurry.
Steve moaned beneath you, his eyes hooded with lust as he watched you towering over him as you rode him. His hands gripped your ass, helping to guide you with more force. Panting loudly, your fingers dug into his chest. Steve lifted his head up to suck and bite at your breasts, adding to your sensation. Your lips crashed into his desperately as you felt the peak quickly incoming.
You cried out against his lips, convulsing around him.
“That’s it,” Steve rasped out in praise.
He increased his speed, pushing himself over the edge. You felt him empty himself as he gasped out broken praises for you and you alone.
Tucked into his embrace, your back to him, you relaxed.
As you slipped off to sleep, you felt Steve’s arm wrap around you, his hand caressing your abdomen.
Tags: @imsonick, @alexakeyloveloki, @kvzctam, @ironlady1993, @taintedgenre
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carmodance · 3 years
Hi there, just curious from a non-American (I live in New Zealand), how come there are no elite dance teams in NYC? I would have thought they’d have the population and typical demographic that elite dance would do well there!
the east coast is lot more geared towards broadway. so while they do have lots of dance studios you'll see more tap, musical theatre, singing etc and less comp studios.
some cities just tend to become hubs of comp dance and those are often cities where theres a lot of middle-upper class families with multiple kids. and nyc isnt necessarily that demographic
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star-spangledstud · 4 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x (female!)reader
Summary: You knew exactly how to push Steve’s buttons.
Word Count: 4000-ish. 
Warnings: +18 SMUT (don’t read if you’re a minor), dom!Steve, slight daddy!kink if you squint, rough intercourse, no protection (wrap it before you tap it), reckless driving (don’t do it, kids.), cursing
A/N: I’ve been posting a lot of content. We’ll see how long I’m able to keep the creative juices flowing. Quarantine’s got me all fucked up, but at least it’s given me time to waste on Tumblr. Enjoy :)
Tumblr media
Steve was angry. He was fucking pissed off, to be exact and it was all because of you. You knew it, felt the way his eyes drilled holes in your back all night. You could practically sense him fuming from across the club, even though the darkness as a result of the smoke machine near the spinning table engulfed you and the 150 other people in the room. 
Of course, it was Tony’s idea to rent one of the fanciest clubs in NYC for the night. You’d completed a very big mission just a few weeks ago, and after everyone had time to heal in the medical bay and file the appropriate paperwork, the case was closed at last, and he insisted on a celebration unlike any other. 
Bottles of champagne flowed across the dancefloor. Sweaty bodies of special agents, paper pushers from the lowest possible level and Avengers alike, all pressed up against each other in the room hotter than what you imagined hell to be like. You didn’t even fucking feel like going when Tony first proposed the idea, but everybody knew you couldn’t say no to him. Nobody could say no to him and his lavish parties. Not to mention the fact that you never wanted to go and yet you always managed to be the last to leave. You blamed the alcohol. 
He’d hired the best DJ in town. His tunes kept you on your feet despite the fact that they were starting to get sore, hips swaying sensually to the music in between Natasha and some random level 3 agent whose name you couldn’t remember for the life of you. He was just as tall as you in your patent leather Louboutins, his hair swept carelessly to one side. He clearly hadn’t changed after work, because he still had his SHIELD pin mended to his breast pocket. You’d just pulled his tie to drag him closer to you, which earned another hard glare from Steve. Everybody in the fucking room knew you were his, they didn’t even dare to come close to you, but this guy was clearly wasted and you’d initiated it. 
You could feel level 3′s dick through his pants while he continued to grind against your ass, just as you did to Natasha. You smiled, bopping your head along to the song, your curly hair bouncing lusciously up and down. A quick glance towards the bar made you snicker soundlessly, afraid he’d be able to hear you despite the loud music and people singing along. The thought of him being able to smell the perfume on your skin, his favorite, from all the way over there made your heart flutter and your stomach tighten.
He looked fucking good. Hair slicked back, deep red button-down loosened at the top tucked tightly into dark denim. He hadn’t shaved, he knew damn well how much you liked that, and his eyes weren’t so blue anymore in the strobe lights that illuminated him every twenty seconds. They looked black as if his pupils had bled into his irises.
You’d put effort into your appearance too, he could tell in an instant. Your lipgloss sparkled the same as the diamond necklace he had given you that hung around your neck. He remembered buying it for you, eyes nearly rolling out of his fucking skull when the guy that helped him pick it out told him the price. Your dress, black and short, had a split so high he was certain he could see your pussy if you made a wrong move, meaning level 3 could see it too. 
He downed another glass of scotch, slamming it down on the bar with a growl so low only Bucky could hear it. He shook his head at his friend, who also refused to get on the dancefloor. The way 21st-century people danced was unlike anything they were used to seeing back in their day. He couldn’t get drunk, but Steve could taste the alcohol on his tongue and the warmth of it in the back of his throat when he gulped another glass down. He hadn’t even noticed Bucky left him for Bruce, who also wasn’t dancing. Didn’t give a fuck, either way. All he had eyes for was you, showing off his money like it was yours, to begin with. 
You didn’t do that often. You were humble, wore jeans and a t-shirt on most days, didn’t indulge much. You tried to live sustainably where possible through recycling and cruelty-free beauty products. Hell, Steve had only actually seen you wear the necklace a handful of times, including your aunt’s wedding just to piss her off and make her jealous. He knew you had money too, it was a perk of being an Avenger, but spending money on yourself wasn’t the same as lavish gifts from your handsome as fuck boyfriend. Besides, you donated a lot of it to animal shelters and safe houses for women. 
“The party’s out there, you know?”
You gulped, skin-crawling in fear when Steve appeared out of the bathroom stall without warning. How long he’d been hiding the bathroom you didn’t know, but he knew it was you the second you pushed open the door and stepped inside. 
He could smell that guy on you as you stood in front of him, cheeks red from dancing and stray hairs sticking out from the sea of curls. It made his fists curl, his brow crease. He was mad as hell. 
“You scared me,” you said exasperatedly, blood rushing to your cheeks when he stepped out of the shadows and into view.
He didn’t smile back to you, which told you exactly how the night was going to go down. 
“You havin’ fun?” He asked, walking around you in a circle after you stepped away from the dirty mirror. 
He wanted to drink you in, take in your appearance while you still looked put together. Soon enough, the charade would be over and he’d have your make up smeared, clothes on the floor and your hair a mess. 
“Yeah,” you smirked, “you?”
“Not yet,” he growled in your ear, “but I will.”
He’d disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared, leaving you leaning against the dusty sink, breathing deeply in and out through your nose. When you trusted in your ability to stand up without tripping over your own feet, you grabbed your lipgloss from your purse, along with your perfume, of which you added two more spritzes. You didn’t want him to know how easily he was able to get to you, how easily he was able to make you shake. 
He had a plan, concocted it while drinking expensive scotch at the bar. Steve came up with it while he was watching you grind on another man. He knew why you did it, you wanted to get a rise out of him, and getting a rise out of him was exactly what you did. Of course, he could do the same to you, which is why he left you stumbling in the bathroom with nothing but a promise he intended to keep.
You returned to the floor after getting another vodka sprite from the other end of the bar. He noticed how empty your wrist was and told himself he’d buy you a diamond bracelet to match the necklace. You’d like that. He’d fuck you raw and stupid after giving it to you, just like he did when he gave you the necklace. 
Even when you were starting to get a buzz, you could still feel his fucking eyes on you, never leaving your swaying hips, bouncing tits and shaking ass. For a moment, the two of you made eye contact. Instantly, you knew you were screwed. You could read him like a book. 
“Steve,” you gasped when his hands tightly gripped your waist suddenly, “you’re dancing.”
He was on the dancefloor, yeah, but the man was hardly dancing. The only thing he was moving was his hips against your ass. He didn’t need to tell Level 3′s sorry ass to fuck off, the look on his face had the young man scrambling away in fear immediately. Natasha had left minutes before, busying herself with the hottest bartender in the club while he poured her a dirty martini with five olives.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He whispered in your ear, lips pushing against soft flesh. His beard scratched your throat, sending delicious tingles down your entire spine.
“What do you mean?” You asked, pretending to be oblivious, “I’m not doing anything.”  
Steve’s hand caressed your hip, snaking around the front to touch your barely clothed pussy. Your cheeks reddened, eyes frantically searching for anyone who might be watching but finding none. Everyone around you was either drunk or making out. 
“What are you doing Steve?!” You hissed, biting your tongue, “Someone might see us.” 
“I don’t care. This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” he asked, kissing the side of your face and neck, “it is, I know it.”
He dragged you out of the club and into his BMW, harshly securing your seatbelt before getting behind the wheel. His knuckles were white against the steering wheel the entire drive, and you could see him straining against his pants. You didn’t say anything, the only sound audible being the angrily revving engine of his car. He was flooring it the whole way there, ignoring red lights and swerving around every car on the road that was in his way. 
“See how it feels when you tease me,” he mumbled, “you’re gonna be fucking sorry real soon.”
“No,” you stammered, “please.”
He sat down on the bed, grabbing your wrists and yanking you down over his lap. You kicked your heels in the air in an attempt to get free from his iron grasp, but he only needed one hand to restrain you while the other traveled up the back of your legs so slowly it made you want to cry. His hand disappeared under your dress and found no panties, just as he expected. He knew you too well. 
“You’re real bad, aren’t you?” He asked, retrieving his hand back so he could pull the dress up to expose your naked pussy, “did you think I was gonna let you get away with what you just did to me?” 
“I didn’t do anything!” you mewled, “I swear.” 
“Grinding up on that guy all night? Letting him touch you in front of me? How dare you?”
He caressed your ass, tracing his fingers over your lips before smacking both cheeks without warning. You squirmed, wiggling on top of him. You’d seen him angry before but only on rare occasions; either when he was chasing after bad guys, or when you’d pissed him off and this time, you’d pissed him off real good. Just like you wanted to do. 
“Don’t you dare move against my dick,” he said with a tug on your hair, “or you don’t get to cum.”
He plunged three fingers into your mouth, silently ordering you to suck on them while he continued to keep your wrists bound. You already knew what was going to happen and it took every ounce of strength for you not to move. He chuckled when you nibbled on his fingers, coating each and every one of the three with your saliva. 
He plunged them into you without warning. You cried out, unable to stop yourself from trying to break from his grip on you. You were already wet, probably didn’t even need the saliva, but it helped his fingers glide in so easily it made him want to laugh. You were putty in his hands and he knew it. How the hell had he gone from being little, insecure, baby Steve to this man, this unrelenting, unforgiving force of a man? 
“Shut up,” he growled, picking up the pace, “did I tell you you could make noise?”
“N-no,” you stammered, “no Steve.” 
His fingers left your cunt before you could properly enjoy it. You knew why he did it; he was getting you ready for his cock. You’d had it countless times in places you couldn’t even recall, had it gently and so hard you couldn’t talk after, but you always needed time to adjust.
He grabbed ahold of your legs with his slick-coated fingers and picked you up, effortlessly tossing you onto the bed like a ragdoll. You heaved, hair already beginning to stick to your forehead while you watched him slowly unbutton his shirt.
“What do I keep telling you about pissing me off, huh?” He taunted, slipping the shirt over his broad shoulders.
“I told you not to do that,” his pants were next, falling limply at his feet after he unzipped and unbuttoned them, “but you don’t listen. You don’t listen because you like what happens when I’m mad, don’t you?” 
“No, I’m sorry,” you breathed, gazing up at him through fake eyelashes, “I didn’t mean to-”
You weren’t sorry. You enjoyed this, this side of Steve. Loved it even, how sometimes, he was able to let go of his own righteousness and give in to his darkness. It had taken almost a year of being in a vanilla relationship for him to show you this side of him, and you’d ached for it ever since. You did it on purpose, grinding with other people, dressing up in clothing inappropriate for the occasion. Short skirts, tight blouses, and fuck, those sheer black stockings with the black stripe running along the back of your heel to your panties. Short shorts and cropped tops in the summer, so short they nearly showed off your fucking tits. He hated it because men worldwide couldn’t help but look at you even though you were his and his alone. You were his prized possession. 
“Don’t lie to me.”
“You know,” you answered smugly, “I could feel his erection on my ass the whole time.” 
Steve growled, pushing your back into the mattress before starting towards you.   
“I told you what happens when you make me angry,” he said, lowering himself onto the bed until he was straddling you, one leg on each side of your trembling hips, “you know what happens, don’t you?” 
“Yes, Steve,” you moaned, rocking your hips up against him. 
You gripped his bicep, but once again, he used his hand to bind your wrists, this time holding them above your head, “You gonna be good for me and apologize?” 
“Yes,” you cried out, “I’m sorry!” 
You still weren’t. In fact, you had to fight the urge to grin. You had him right where you wanted him, despite his hold on you. You wanted him to fuck you until you couldn’t see straight and he was going to give it to you either way. 
He let go of you, hands traveling across the diamonds around your neck. He ripped the necklace from your throat in one single motion, earning a gasp and a loud ‘what the fuck?!’ from you when it snapped in half. He tossed it to the ground as if it was trash, discarding it like it hadn’t cost him the price of a house. 
“Daddy’s gonna buy you a whole lot more diamonds if you’re good,” he whispered, “Is that what gets your little pussy dripping? Me spending my hard-earned money on you? Answer me!”
“Fuck yes,” you replied, “shoes, too. And a car.” 
He laughed, taking your clothed tits and rubbing them before ripping the silk dress in half with his bare hands.
“What do you need a car for? You don’t even drive. I do. I’m like your fucking private chauffeur, always driving you around.” He was right about that.  
You smirked, “want you to fuck me in it.”
Steve began to grow tired of your mind games. His dick was hard as granite, as were his bulging muscles, and he needed a release fast. He’d go back to being sweet old Steve after he got what he wanted, but for now, he was a man in heat, needing to take what was rightfully his. One of the busted diamonds pierced the skin on your ass when you found yourself laying on it, but you didn’t care. You welcomed the sting.
Steve rolled you over until you were on your stomach. With one arm around your throat in a chokehold, he lifted up your body, taking you in a position that could almost be classified as Doggystyle. He lined himself up with your entrance, enjoying the lovely sight and the sweet smell of your pussy dripping just for him. Your love for him was like a fucking disease and unfortunately, it turned out to be terminal. You ached with anticipation while he dragged the head of his cock along your entrance, back and forth between your pussy lips. 
The air was taken from your lungs when he shoved himself inside you, not wasting any time with pleasantries and soft-spoken words. He bit down on your shoulder, earning a loud moan to escape your lips. He wasn’t gentle, this wasn’t making love, but it was what you both desired and he was more than happy to give it to you. 
You whined breathlessly, pussy clenching around the length of his cock as he drove into you.
“Could’ve just told me you wanted me to fuck you,” he groaned, “’stead of makin’ me all mad at Tony’s party.”
You wanted to tell him off and if you would, he’d probably have to tell you you were right because he never did this unless he had a reason, but your mouth remained shut instead. Steve was a softy at all times, sweet and gentle and a true gentleman, except for when you brought out the beast in him. 
He grabbed your hair, yanking it so your body stood flush against his. You could feel him, every inch of his marvelous abs expanding and contracting and his hips, slapping against your ass with each thrust. You arched your back into him, exposing your neck to his lips. He began to suck on your skin immediately, leaving marks that would last for days on your beautifully soft skin. This pulled another sinful moan from your glossy lips. 
You turned your head, forcing his head towards your face with your free hand while the other grasped the one on your hip. You kissed him hard, lips and teeth and tongues crashing together. You could taste the scotch on his breath and he caught a whiff of your strawberry lip gloss. You smiled into his mouth, taking his bottom lip between your teeth and biting down on his skin. They’d see the bruise in the morning, although come afternoon, the serum would’ve taken care of it. You hoped somebody would see. 
“Goddamnit,” he cursed after tasting blood, hand around your hair loosening before sliding down the length of your body in search of your clit, “gonna make you cum so hard you can only say my name.”
He wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand and slapped your ass with it before resting it on your hip so he could get a better grip. 
You whimpered when his fingers made contact, another moan drawn from you when he began to rub the sensitive bud forcefully. You couldn’t hold on much longer. 
“Want you to say it,” he ordered, “say my name. Say it right now.”
“Steve,” you cried out so loud you were sure whoever had the room next to his could hear, “oh, fuck Steve!”
“Don’t stop,” he rubbed faster, “keep saying it. Gonna fuck my name from your brain, fuck it right out.” 
“Steve,” you squeaked, “Steve, Steve, Steve.” 
You grabbed the wrist of the hand on your clit and dug your nails into his skin, whining his name over and over until you couldn’t stand the tightening of your stomach any longer.
“Don’t stop saying it,” he commanded, “I didn’t give you permission to stop.” 
 You did as told while he continued to ram his cock deep into you, grunts escaping from his lips while he pounded into you at an unforgiving pace. Your throat would be sore in the morning, but you didn’t stop, chanting his name over and over like a prayer.  
“You gonna cum all over my dick, huh?” He throbbed inside of you, panting harshly against your lips.
“Want you to cum inside me, Steve,” you dug your nails into him, “give me your fucking cum right now.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, “I’m gonna give you my fucking cum.”
You loved drawing profanities from a man who didn’t curse. It was like a game to you, seeing how many curses you could squeeze out of America’s golden boy before he’d collapse on top of you. You loved how dirty he could be behind closed doors, loved the contrast between the sweet and gentle Steve that held your hand in public and this monster of a man who bought you expensive things and fucked you senseless with his thick cock afterward. He loved it too, didn’t even know it until you pissed him off for real one time and it just happened out of the blue, but after that, he hadn’t looked back. It came so naturally, he was afraid of himself sometimes, but then he’d see that blissful sheen, that fucked out look on your face and the smile you wore just for him and he was instantly reminded of why he did it. 
Because it felt good. 
You already knew you’d be bruised when you’d wake up next to him in the morning from the way his fingers grasped you tightly, but you loved it, knowing you carried his markings under your clothing and you were sure he loved it too. 
He didn’t stop, not even when you’re moaning his name so loud it’s almost deafening. He didn’t stop when your pussy clenched painfully around his dick, didn’t stop when you began to tremble and shake so hard he thought you were having a fucking fit. You started moving away from him in an attempt to ease the overbearing sensation of his fingers still forcefully rubbing on your clit, but he simply yanked you back against him, sweat-covered biceps flexing while his thrusts became so sloppy he could hardly stay upright. You gripped the headboard so tight you thought it would splinter. 
His cum shot up into you in hot spurts, coating your walls in it while he rode out his orgasm. His hand finally left your pussy, allowing you to breathe in what felt like ages.
“Jesus,” the drawl of his voice sounded like music to your ears, “you’re gonna be the death of me.” 
Smiling sweetly at the man beside you, you pressed your lips softly to his burning cheek. Then, you rested your head on his shoulder, allowing his arm to engulf you and pull you flush to his heaving body. You sure managed to cause Captain America to work up a sweat. 
He inspected the purple spots on your neck and looked down, eyes scanning the dark red marks on your hips that were there to stay for at least a few days. He’d learned to accept them, to love them, but he hated the idea of hurting you at first. You had to remind him each time that you were completely okay with it, that it didn’t actually hurt in a bad way. 
“I’m sorry about the diamonds,” he offered, looking at the discarded Cartier on the floor, “and the dress.” 
“Should be,” you mumbled, eyes closing at the sound of his heartbeat in your ear, “those weren’t cheap.” 
It wasn’t even your money that just went to waste. Hell, they could probably fix it up at the store, but that wasn’t a part of the game. It wasn’t good enough.
“I’ll buy you new ones,” he kissed your forehead, “I told you I would.”
The next day, he did indeed buy you a new diamond necklace. And a diamond bracelet. And earrings. 
Now, all you needed was a ring to match. 
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