#John Hunt Morgan
lazypapers · 6 months
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Blooding Rite
Like Hosea had done with young Arthur, he did the same for little John on his first kill.  At least John didn't use a shotgun to obliterate a rabbit. 
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arthursfuckinghat · 6 days
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It was there, but I could not see.
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pasta-pardner · 11 months
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arthur and john at the top of mount shann
rdr2 companion mod
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eclaire-went-bam · 16 days
bro wtf i loaded rdr2 & while in big valley, got attacked by a cougar. fair, i was in cougar territory. killed it. started heading up to the nearby trapper to sell the hide & carcass. on the way there, got mauled by a grizzly bear.
thought that was weird, bcs i thought the bear only spawned if the cougar wasn't there. shrugged it off. killed it. started going to trapper again.
sold cougar, went back to bear to skin it, BUT ANOTHER BEAR SPAWNED IN THE SAME PLACE & MAULED ME. oh btw both times my bolt action turned into a varmint after it mauled me ??
anyways i sell them. leave. IMMEDIATELY WHEN I GET ON THE PATH A PACK OF WOLVES SURROUND ME and right before i fire my first bullet BOUNTY HUNTERS SPAWN & THEY HEAR. i run, shoot the wolves, the bounty hunters try killing me so i kill them — MORE SPAWN IN THE SAME AREA ? and in the middle of it, my horse just fucking Levitated Straight Into The Air & Died Mid-Air before we both fell
finish off the hunters & revive my horse
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garashir · 26 days
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Charles and Arthur in The Aftermath of Genesis
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Stop this is so true, I’m always like “damn why can’t I find anything”
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pryce0 · 1 year
A Modern Stranger - Chapter 7
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gif by; unknown
word count; 1,371
a/n: HI!! i’m back, but unfortunately this chapter is filled more than anything. i’m desperately trying to crawl myself out of writers block and i needed to write something. i will be trying to write more. im so sorry!!
NEXT: here
I’m not so sure what’s making me feel off about Dutch, but I plan on addressing that at a later time. His whole entire being just makes me so damn uneasy. The way his eyes glint, the way the corners of his lips curl up into a smirk.. I can’t stand it.
Anyway, right now Charles and Arthur are leadin’ me into a woodsy area. I was real concerned about bears, but they said we would have to move more up north to find them. I glance between the two men; I first look at Charles. His hair is partially tied back and it reaches his mid-back. He carries a bow on his shoulder with a pack of arrows on his other, as well as a hunting rifle. I glance at Arthur, whose face is partially obscured by his obnoxiously big hat. He also has a hunting rifle. I hum quietly to myself as barely any words are exchanged. What am I even supposed to say in this situation? I’m still processing everything that I’ve been through so far- going through. My boots crunch the leaves scattered across the grass and I look around. I watch little squirrels scatter around, some going up trees or going behind rocks. It’s so odd to watch little creatures that exist in the past and your own present behave the same way. You almost expect them to be different, look different or act different. That’s what happened with certain dog breeds, right? Like with pugs, they were taller and longer, with longer snouts. Their faces weren’t smushed in as if Rapunzel hit them with her fryi-
“[Name]??” Arthur’s gruff voice suddenly pulls me back to reality, the sounds of nature quickly returning which I never even realized left my hearing. I blink and look at him, a nervous laugh escaping my chest. “Sorry,” I murmur. “I left reality for a second.”
“Clearly.” He snorts, although his tone doesn’t hold any anger. “This is a perfect place to hunt deer.” Charles interjects. “Although it’s an important skill to be able to hunt, it’s also important to use every part of the animal. Even if the pelt is poor in quality, you can use it or you can sell it for profit.”
I nod in acknowledgment. Right, it’s a big Native American practice to respect animals. I solemnly think to myself that Charles would be furious at the world if he came to my present.
…Should I be considering this my present instead of my past now? Have I hit that point yet? I can’t help but allow my eyes to linger on Arthur. He almost doesn’t seem real, like I’m in virtual reality or stuck in a really detailed lucid dream. The light howling of the wind and chirping of birds being masked by Charles’ low voice reminds me that this is all real, though. I can see every imperfection on Arthur’s face and neck, I see he's tucking his hair behind his ear but it’s slowly falling out of place. I see the brown strands of hair falling from his hat, how he hasn’t shaved in a bit. How his nose is red from the sun, God, I can even see the lines in his forehead, the small bump on his nose.
He’s real pretty, huh?
“I have some.. herbivore bait here.” Arthur grumbles, opening his satchel and taking out a small tin of bait that’s tied shut with a few pieces of rope, clearly opened before. “You’ll also want some cover scent lotion. Luckily, I already had some in my bag.” Charles remarks as he takes out a small tin. This tin looks like hair pomade tins you’d find at salons. “Ah.. So, we bait the animal and we wear the scent lotion thing so it doesn’t smell us? Got it.” I mutter as Arthur walks ahead of us into a more open area, untying the ropes on the bait tin and opening it. The lid is seemingly damaged. I drag my eyes over to Charles who approaches me, cover lotion in hand. His lips part slightly, hesitancy clear in his stance and his voice when he finally speaks. “I, uh.. Is it alright if I help you out with the lotion? It takes a while to get a hang of the correct areas on yourself.” He asks, pausing between his sentences. I laugh a bit, but honestly it’s to get rid of my nervousness. I don’t know Charles like that, but I don’t think I have much of a choice. “Sure, Charles.” I respond, tilting my head up. “Go ahead.” I glance at Arthur who is behind Charles, shaking the tin to allow a few pieces to fall onto the ground into a situated pile. I nervously glance back at Charles who is biting his lip ever so slightly, his fingers covered in a layer of the lotion. It’s a white substance, but consistency is more like sunscreen lotion. He glances at my eyes in a nervous way before his hands reach my neck, pressing the lotion into the sides of my neck. I freeze for a moment as his hands are large and they’re warm, fingertips callused. I refuse to shiver even though I want to so badly. His touch is so gentle as he rubs the lotion into my neck, making sure to get every inch of skin he has to touch. Charles clears his throat after a good 30 seconds, offering the tin to me. “You can do your wrists yourself, it’s much easier on your wrists than your neck.”
I wordlessly swipe my fingers in the tin and quickly—but thoroughly— rub the lotion into my wrists. I shiver from the blow of wind against my neck. “Thanks, Charles.” I smile softly at the man, hoping to put the man at ease. He looks like he’s about to keel over and die, or somethin’. So tense he could be a statue. He only nods, and he seems just so out of character. Did I make him uncomfortable?
“I got the bait sorted out.” Arthur huffs as he shoves the tin into his satchel. Arthur grabs the tin from Charles and wordlessly applies it to his neck so rough like; smacking his hands against his neck and vigorously applying it. I chuckle to myself. I guess men aren’t so different, even in different time periods. I’ve seen my male friends apply lotion and sunscreen like that countless times. I let out a big and quiet sigh before I turn and go to a big rock nearby. Soon, both Charles and Arthur join me. I don’t hear their conversation, but I hear Arthur’s quiet snort as if a joke was made. “So, are we doing this now?” I ask, crouching down right after they do the same. Charles nods, taking the bow off from his shoulder. “There are several different types of arrows, the main ones that you’ll need to have on hand are small game arrows, normal arrows, and poison arrows. We’ll focus on small game arrows for today. Arthur here will show you how to work a rifle, and after that I'll show you how to use the bow with small game arrows.” Charles says softly, pulling the string back on his bow, the frame of the bow creaking slightly under the pressure. The string definitely looks like it’ll fuck up your fingers, makes sense why his hands are so callused. I glance at Arthur who has an unreadable expression and once we make eye contact, he quickly grabs his rifle, standing it up by putting the butt end of the rifle on the leaves below, his hand gripping the forestock. “Do y’know anythin’ about guns?” Arthur gruffs out and at first it sounds super fucking rude, but I take a deep breath and remind myself that seems like just how he is. “Yeah.. Very basic stuff, but I know.” He hums quietly and gets closer to me, one knee on the ground, his other foot planted firmly. Arthur picks up the gun and nods to the rifle, which prompts me to grab the rifle.
“Y’better learn quick, or Charles will hafta to take over. Got it?”
..Someone’s grumpy today.
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drinkinggblood · 10 months
I made a list of all the huntable/studyable animals for anyone attempting to 100% complete the game :] !! It's mainly just so you can check the animals off the list and you've studied, killed and skinned/just to have somewhere to put down what you've done
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sentanixiv · 2 years
Always Something [AO3] [T] John and Arthur debate whether it was worth it, killing one bounty to secure three others. Cost, cause, and consequence; and then a hint of Morston, because this is me we’re talking about. Inspired by bounty hunting in RDO, wherein we tried real hard to lasso that fourth bounty. Turns out the bullet is mightier than the rope.
Dust settles, blood congeals, and the world carries on. There’s no care to the lives and losses of its denizens, nor tribute to the sacrifices made to make ends meet. Little more than the tip of a hat, nary a ‘thank you, sir’ before the next demand sweeps away the success of the last.
Toil and tedium that ain’t unfamiliar, the days long and the work unending when there’re nearer twenty mouths needing feeding. That ain’t cheap and might be the reality of it’s why Arthur huffs out a breath as he counts the bills from this nobody town’s sheriff. Payout for turning in four of the county’s more notorious criminals, but ain’t quite the windfall he’d aimed for when riding out.
John sits astride his mare, rubbing blood from his gloves to smear on his pants as he nods towards the meagre jail building. “Three outta four ain’t bad,” he remarks. Pulls his hat to wipe the sweat from his brow, the day’s heat heavy on them after three hours of hard riding, running, and shooting – to the lessening of their reward.
“Four outta four’s better,” Arthur drawls. He nods towards the rear of the building, where a pair of boots lie – owner still attached, lifeless from the bullet through his chest. Dead costs ‘em on bounties, always has.
Silence is golden, and lasts about four beats before John sighs. “It’s always something with you,” he mutters with a shake of his head.
Arthur tucks the bundle of bills into his satchel, resettles his weight in the saddle, and looks out past the town’s boundaries. “I ain’t the one what got trigger happy and killed the fourth,” he replies easily, irritation fraying the worn patchwork of his patience.
“He was runnin’, what else was I s’pposed to do?”
“You got this thing, John. It’s called a rope and y’use it to hogtie ‘em so’s we can bring them in alive.”
The way Arthur says it, slow and simple like John is, well, slow and simple? Grates his nerves and shortens his temper. “I weren’t leaving you to run ‘im down and mess with that,” he grumbles, brushing uselessly at the blood on his pant leg.
“I had it handled.”
“You had shit”!
The accusation comes with an angry gesture to the blood on Arthur’s sleeve, where two separate bullets carved a line into his jacket, shirt, and through his skin. He flexes that hand and it moves, proof that this wound won’t kill him any more than the dozens before it have. “They was hardly hittin’ me,” he replies, flat. His tone brokers no argument.
Oh, but of course John Marston does broker one, fool as he is determined to be. “There were five guys, three of ‘em bounties!” he snaps, agitated. “You was about to become holier than the damn church if I ain’t been there to cover you.”
“I had it handled, Marston!”
Arthur reins his horse about, reaches over to haul John with a fistful of his shirt, leaves the man balanced precarious between his mount, Arthur’s hand, and the ground. “You ain’t so good with doin’ what yer told,” he snarls, them threads of patience snapped. “I told you to run that feller down and now we got shorted ten damn dollars because you wanted to play hero!”
“Ten dollars don’t mean nothing if yer dead!”
Something in them words kills Arthur’s anger, silences him, and loosens his hold long enough that John pushes back from him, pulls himself back centre in the saddle. Tugs down his shirt to smooth it, muttering under his breath. “Yer damn stupid some days, Morgan.”
Arthur catches his senses where they was scattered to the winds, fingers flexing in the emptied space here he’d dragged John. Realizes it and drops his hand with a scowl, pulls his hat down low. The way his head tucks, the way it pulls shadows over his face, says there ain’t more worth talking ‘bout here if John values his life.
John considers it, thinks real long, then lets out a sigh and starts down the main road. “C’mon, sunshine,” he calls back when Arthur doesn’t move to follow. “I’ll buy you a drink, maybe it’ll rinse off that sour look.”
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glitchbirds · 1 year
the more i play red dead redemption 2 the more i lament (and/or am grateful for) the fact that it did not exist when i was a child obsessed with warrior cats because i would have gone entirely off the deep end then and there crafting terrible little aus
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art-h · 9 months
We have been very lucky in Falmouth since the 17th June - The Falmouth Art Gallery on the Moor has hosted an amazing exhibition:
The Legend of King Arthur: A Pre-Raphaelite Love Story
I have been a fan of Pre-Raphaelite art for years, even going so far as to organise a tour of art galleries across the UK in 2011 to see famous pieces by Millais, Holman-Hunt, Maddox-Brown and Rossetti among others. I was elated when I discovered that this exhibition was occurring so close to home, especially since it ties in my love for Arthurian myth and legend also.
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Possibly my favourite Pre-Raphaelite piece is the Scapegoat by Holman-Hunt, which hangs in the Lady Lever Art gallery in Port Sunlight, Liverpool. I smiled in my soul when I saw the above piece by the entrance, a surprisingly small landscape by Holman-Hunt. I was very surprised to discover that he had visited Cornwall at all, let alone painted somewhere I had visited and been familiar with. I enjoy Holman-Hunt's highly detailed, yet somehow simple pieces, with careful attention paid to the minutiae of the rock formations and portrayal of the damp and dry sand on the shore. A lovely piece.
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The main draw of the whole exhibition was "The Lady of Shallot" by Waterhouse. I had not seen this piece in the flesh as it were before, but was taken aback by its actual size, I had surmised it was smaller. It certainly draws the attention like no other painting in the room. I sat and sketched this in the gallery and drew the attention of some of the other patrons, one man, a pastel artist in his spare time, called me brave for being able to sit and sketch. This struck me as something I had not thought of before about my character. Does it require bravery to be a creative? To want to capture something you see without regard of the thoughts of others who might watch you do so? I pondered this while I drew, but was inspired to work on something similar to the Lady of Shallot in the future maybe. It really is a remarkable piece.
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Speaking of pastels, I was blown away when I closely inspected this piece by Evelyn De Morgan. On first glance, this is a sketch in pastel of a suit of armour, plaing silver/grey in appearance. If you pay close attention to the work, neither grey nor silver are used in the composition! I will leave it to mystery as to what actually makes it up, but rather than ponder the meanings of the work this sketch informed, I was totally taken away by her material use and technique. Something which, as time passes, is deeply informing my thinking.
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Last but most certainly not least, I adored being able to see some work by Elizabeth Siddal. Her story is very familiar to me as part of the wider Pre-Raphaelite canon story, but in all my travels to see Pre-Raphaelite work, I had not come across her work in this manner before. Being largely untutored in art before meeting her future husband, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, she displayed some talent, enough to pique the interest of John Ruskin, renowned enough that I need not explain who he is. I immediately fell in love with the simplicity of these pieces. It made me wonder; does drawing have to be significantly complex or break new ground to be considered worthy of entering the canon of art? Do we have to have a tragic story in order for our work to be considered posthumously? On the whole - why can't we all be remembered for our creations? No matter how simple they may be?
In short, if you are in Falmouth, please stop by this wonderful exhibition and spend as much time as you can soaking in these wonderful pieces and more! You have until 30th September!
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trannydean-moved · 1 year
here's a big long thing i already had typed out on another platform. it's for the hunter!jaime au.
i want to think that jaime never went on a hunt with john and his boys because of several reasons;
1) jaime's parents forbade him from going on hunts until he was 16 (which he turned after his parents died and he ran away, so he never would've gotten to go on a hunt while his parents were alive).
2) dean would never agree to jaime's pleads on helping him sneak himself on a hunt with sam, dean, and john, because dean doesn't want jaime around john anymore than he has to be. he doesn't want his dad corrupting the most important person in his life other than sam. he doesn't have it exactly in his head like that, but he sort of knows that everything his dad touches, he corrupts, and dean doesn't want that to happen to jaime.
BUT listen. i'm thinking one time somewhere between 1993-1996. sam and dean have been acquainted with jaime and jackie for a few years now. jaime's and jackie's parents have started letting them stay at bobby's some of the time, to give jackie's parents a break from babysitting the two cousins when jaime's parents are on hunts. sometimes the winchester boys are there at the same time as jaime and jackie, and bobby complains that he isn't running a daycare, but he loves all those kids like they're his own, so he doesn't actually mind.
this takes place one of the times all four kids are at bobby's. dean and jaime have yet another argument about jaime hunting. or, jaime trying to convince dean to sneak him along during a hunt with john and the boys. they get a bit more hot under the collar than usual, and sam and jackie end up butting in to break up the fight.
then john drops by unannounced to bring the boys on a hunt. jaime gets the idea to smuggle himself along, and while everyone else is distracted, jaime gets in the trunk and crams himself in the back, praying that john doesn't open it before they leave.
he doesn't. jaime doesn't get discovered until they get to the location of the case--i'm thinking around tallahassee, florida, because florida is pretty far away and that's the first place in florida i came up with.
john first stops to interview the latest victim's family of some sorta monster (idk what yet, idk if it matters to this or not) and jaime is starting to get tired of being in the trunk. it's stuffy, he's been in there for over a day of him in the same confined place. he's hungry, hungrier than he's ever been in his entire life, and he's getting grumpy. he bangs his fist against the back of the trunk.
the startled scream from dean on the other side of the trunk is almost worth all the time jaime spent getting jostled around and starved in the trunk. jaime pounds on the back of the trunk again and yells for the boys to let him out.
he hears the back doors open and shut, and a moment later, the trunk opens. sam and dean stand there shocked for a minute while jaime gets out of the trunk, shuts it, and complains about being hungry.
dean sputters "how did--i told you that you can't ever come with us!" "too late now," jaime grins in return. "you are going to be in so much trouble," dean hisses, just as john is coming back. sam and dean spin around guiltily as they hear john bark their names.
john demands to know why the hell jaime is here. jaime replies that he sneaked into the trunk to come along on a hunt, because he'd been really wanting to go on a hunt for a while and his parents wouldn't allow him to.
john huffs, and dean suggests quietly that they should take jaime back home before they continue the case. jaime, feeling betrayed, glares at him, while john says they can't do that, because denver is half a continent away, and they can't just drive back as soon as they got to the location of the next hunt. "no, i'll call [his] parents and tell them where [he] is, and then we'll continue the hunt. jaime will just have to join us."
jaime is shocked about john actually letting him be on the hunt, but excited. dean is definitely uneasy about this. he knows jaime is several years older than dean was the first time he went on a hunt, and jaime has been trained by his parents + has gotten some pointers from bobby, so it wasn't like jaime was walking in blind. but still, he'd never been on a hunt before, and it scared dean to think of all the different things that could happen to jaime.
john drives the kids to the cheapest motel, rents a room, and drops them off to go interview more families of recent victims. as soon as he's gone, dean blows up on jaime, telling him how much danger he could be in for coming along. jaime scoffs, saying that just because he's younger than dean, doesn't mean that he is helpless. he then points out that sam is younger than him, and sam comes along on hunts too. dean replies that sam sits in the car while dean and their father do the hunting, so he's not in any real danger. jaime says "if you think i'm sitting the car throughout this, then you're thinking wrong, asshole."
meanwhile, bobby and jackie have obviously noticed jaime is gone, and at first bobby thinks that jaime just went to hide in the junkyard after his fight with dean, which jackie had informed bobby about. but after a couple hours, the two began to get worried, and they had searched the entire salvage yard top and bottom, finding no sign of him.
they then search the house, because maybe jaime had been in there the whole time and not actually in the yard. when they don't find him there, bobby begins to get genuinely worried. he doesn't call jaime's parents for another few hours, after he had searched the woods around his place and still couldn't find any sign of jaime. jaime's parents are in the middle of a hunt and can't come themselves, but jackie's parents are able to (since they don't hunt).
by the time john calls jaime's parents to tell them where he is, it's the next day, jackie's parents have made the 9hr drive from denver to sioux falls, and nobody has slept a wink the entire time. jaime's parents are horrified to learn their kid is on a hunt in florida over twenty hours from their current location, with about the worst person they could think of their child being under the care of.
they demand for john to bring jaime back to bobby's place. john scoffs, and tells them no, he's going to finish this hunt before taking jaime anywhere. jaime's mom threatens that if jaime gets hurt before he is brought home, she will send john's ass to hell. john rolls his eyes, grumbles that there isn't any way he can make any promises, "and you know that", and hangs up. jaime's parents are flabbergasted over the fact that john had the balls to hang up on them, but decide to call bobby to let him and jackie's parents know where jaime is so they can stop worrying and looking fruitlessly.
jaime's parents debate on whether they should head to florida to pick up jaime, but ultimately decide that by the time they'd wrapped up their hunt and got to florida, john would probably have finished his hunt and could've been on the way back to sioux falls already. they just have to hope jaime has enough common sense to keep himself safe.
now, back in tallahassee. john had come back to the motel with grub for the kids, and jaime was scarfing it down, because he hadn't eaten for over twenty-four hours by now. dean warns him to eat slower, but jaime ignores him, and ends up throwing everything back up because he ate too fast. john grunts "you got warned", and jaime is just burning with shame and embarrassment, while sam offers jaime a sympathetic look, and sneaks jaime some of his own food. dean does, too, careful to make sure john doesn't notice--he would've told them not to give jaime any of their food, because they needed it to be able to concentrate on the hunt.
while they eat, john tells them their next move, what they're going to be doing on this hunt. he asks jaime if he has any experience with firearms, which jaime replies "uh, yeah, of course i do". dean gives jaime a warning look, while john mutters "at least your parents are doing something right". it's a big argument between john and jaime's parents with how they are raising jaime.
idk the hunt goes on, john tests jaime to see how well he is with a firearm. as in he puts jaime in a compromised position where jaime has to defend himself against the creature/s they are after. dean is absolutely horrified at this, but jaime is able to hold his own and slow down the creature/s enough for john and dean to come in and finish the job. john offers jaime a "that wasn't too bad, kid", which makes dean feel awful because he himself hardly gets compliments like that from his dad, and jaime feels sick to his stomach from the combination of the blood and gore of the hunt and the fact he knows john almost never compliments dean like that.
later, dean quietly asks john how he knew jaime would've been able to hold his own until he and john could get to him. to dean's horror, john replies that he didn't; "i figured if the kid had good enough instincts and was smart enough, [he] would've been able to take care of [himself]. and apparently [he] is". dean swallows, then whispered, "but what if [he] hadn't been?" john looks at dean and says, "you know what would've happened. there probably wouldn't be enough of [him] left to burn".
after they clean up the body/ies of the monsters, they all head back to bobby's place. during the drive, jaime (who is sitting in the middle seat between sam and dean) falls asleep on dean's shoulder, and dean covers jaime up with his own jacket. john watches this through the rearview mirror. dean notices and meets john's eyes through the reflection for a moment before dean looks away.
they make it to bobby's the next day. jaime's parents are there waiting, and jaime is met with instant fierce scolding about sneaking into the impala to go on a hunt. jaime argues that he was fine, he did good on the hunt, and "it's not as bad as you say it is". john puts in that jaime wasn't too bad on the hunt, and though jaime hates this man more than anyone else in existence, he can't help but feel a little appreciative of his "support". joseph snaps at john, saying "this isn't the time", and orders jaime to go wait in the car. jaime mumbles goodbyes to everyone outside of his parents and john, and then does as he's told.
john tells sam and dean to wait in the impala, while jackie's parents take jackie inside. bobby lingers for a moment, looking between john and jaime's parents, before going inside, as well. he stays close to a window, though, to keep an eye on them in case he needed to intervene.
jaime's parents and john have a long discussion (read: argument) about the events of the past couple of days. jaime's parents say he "shouldn't have encouraged jaime's want to go on a hunt", while john argues he had nothing to do with it, and he never wanted "another kid to worry about" while on the hunt. he also says that "the kid's a natural, [he] should be able to utilize the skills [he] has". jacqueline responds fiercely that no, jaime should not be out in the field, because he's too young and not mature enough to truly handle himself against monsters. john replies that he already has, "and [he] did a damn good job at it". jaime hears this, and again feels guilty about it. sam and dean hear it, too, and sam whispers to a dejected dean that he did a great job on this hunt, too. dean doesn't respond.
jacqueline reveals that the real reason she doesn't want jaime on hunts at his age is because she and benjamin lost their sister bethany during a hunt when they were kids, because their father forced his three children on hunts when they were too young for it, too. "i don't want to lose my only baby the way my father lost one of his". she says this quietly enough so that jaime can't hear, but the impala is parked closer, and dean had discreetly rolled his window down enough so that he could hear anything the adults were saying. he was shocked to hear about this, as jaime had never told him about this (jaime didn't know).
jacqueline storms off to the car and gets in the passenger seat; she's too pissed of to drive. joseph glares at john for a moment before following after his wife, getting in the driver's seat, and pulling away. the whole way back is silent, besides the music over the radio playing softly. jaime falls asleep on the way there, and once they get back, it's dark, and he's still asleep. joseph carries him to bed.
jaime gets grounded, and doesn't get to see sam and dean as part of the punishment. he still gets to see jackie, because joseph and jacqueline still go out on hunts and benjamin and marilyn have to come over with jackie to watch jaime. jackie tries to offer words of assurance to jaime, as do benjamin and marilyn, but jaime ignores them, only coming out of his room for dinner.
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
I know the gang cares about Arthur and they knew his sickness was serious and it's part of the narrative and whatnot, but really would it have killed them to just offer the occasional "is there anything you need Arthur?" or "anything we can do to help?" or even "how are you feeling today?" - I'm sure Arthur would rather be pestered slightly than have his rapid illness get straight up ignored yknow?
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hoodiedmenace · 4 months
Reasons Why Charles Smith and Arthur Morgan are Gay (an almost essay)
Reason 1: from a game play standpoint, you only get a few optional missions. Those missions are helping Mary when she asks (who is Arthur's like, old girlfriend/ex/situationship/it's complicated) and CHARLES when he asks Arthur to help with the local Native American tribe
Reason 2: Charles is super introverted, and doesn't talk to other gang members much at all. However, when Charles goes bison hunting, despite it being a sacred thing that he holds really close, he invites Arthur along
Reason 3: John, Arthur's sort of brother, gets SHOT and MAULED BY WOLVES and Arthur makes fun of him and doesn't treat it seriously. But when Charles burns his hand, Arthur is super doting on him
Reason 4: Arthur doesn't hug people very often, and when he does its always because another person initiates it. He doesn't go in for the hug himself. EXCEPT. With CHARLES. And they hug not once but twice. Once when Arthur finds out that Charles isn't dead, and again when Charles leaves the gang
Reason 4.5: when they hug the last time, you can see them hold hands for about two seconds once the hug has finished, as if they don't want to let go yet. (Which they probably don't because Charles knows that this is probably the last time that he'll see Arthur)
Reason 5: when Mary (again, Arthur's weird ex girlfriend/it's complicated) asks Arthur to run away from the gang and live with her, he says he can't because the gang is his family and he has to stay loyal to Dutch (who is Arthur's father figure/leader of the gang) but when Charles says he's staying to help the Native Americans, Arthur is immediately like "Okay I'll stay too" ............ yeah okay buddy those are totally straight tendencies
Reason 6: Charles is one of the few people that actually shows compassion, care, and offers Arthur a sort of solution when he tells Charles that he's dying. He also says "Oh Arthur" and it's the most devastating thing ever
Reason 7: Charles doesn't make fun of Arthur like. Ever. everyone else calls him stupid and not worth much else than basically a work horse. There are two times when Charles does say it but the first time is when Arthur makes a joke and he goes "you simple minded fool" but like. In a silly way. And the other time Arthur is being Problematic and Charles goes "I know you're not as tough and dense as all that"
Reason 8: Charles goes back for Arthur, finds his body, and buries him. And his grave isn't just the regular tombstone that anyone else's is. It's hand carved wood, on a mountain overlooking the morning sun because "That's what he would have wanted". And there's also flowers purposefully grown there as well
Reason 9: Arthur isn't often given a choice in who he gets to take on missions but when he does, it's always Charles.
Reason 10: Arthur is weirdly submissive towards Charles? Not in a sexual way, but he won't take orders from anyone else besides Dutch and Hosea, and then also Charles.
Reason 11: At the beginning Arthur doesn't just ride anyone's horse, he rides CHARLES'S horse. And also when he dies, Taima takes him to his final resting place
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How they react when you first join the Van Der Linde gang
How does the gang react when you first join them at Horseshoe Overlook (Fluff)  Featuring: Arthur, John, Dutch, Javier, Charles, Sean, and Sadie  Warnings: None 
AN: First time posting headcanons in a really long time, forgive me if I’m rusty  ---> Requests open! Check out the guidelines if you have any questions
Arthur Morgan:
Arthur is really wary of you at first, but honestly was probably the one that found you and brought you to the gang
He trusted you just enough to show you to their hideout, but not enough to take his eyes off you for more than about two seconds while you were there
Kind of like what happened with Kieran, once you do something to save his hide he trusts you much easier and can settle down a little bit
He still finds himself constantly watching you, maybe for a different reason this time though
He is a little standoffish with you for a while as you get settled - he’s so busy running errands for everyone else that he doesn’t have much time to sit down and really get to know you
There is one night, though, when he’s actually back at camp and sitting around the campfire with the group and you
He sees you joking around with Lenny and singing with Karen and he gets a warm fluttery feeling in his chest. He’s suddenly really happy that you joined them and even happier that you seem to belong
After that night, he finds every opportunity he can to involve you in his own little tasks for the camp. He’ll take you on his fishing trips, little bounty hunts, and whenever he’s going to another town on “business”
He likes it when you’re around and starts doing more chores close to camp so he can see you more often
John Marston:
John did not care at all when you joined
Like, didn’t even notice you until almost a week later
He sits down next to you at the table one morning, you let out a quiet ‘mornin’ and he grunts in response. It took him a moment but he did a double take and realized you were not an original member of the group
He sputters and coughs, panicking as he looks around to see if anyone else is reacting to your being there
Miss Grimshaw walks by and smiles at you, “Good Morning!” And suddenly he feels like the biggest idiot in the world
You’d think that as an outlaw he would be way more observant of the people he surrounds himself with, but half the time that man is just drifting through the days
He runs away from you after that, and avoids you for a few more days. He’s more embarrassed than anything - he tries to ask Arthur about you, but Arthur starts teasing him for not noticing sooner
He starts keeping tabs on you from a distance. Not in a creepy way, but he’s trying to figure out when the best time to reintroduce himself is. First impressions and all that
After a few more days of sulking, he’ll come over and hold out his hand: “John Marston, nice to meet you.”
You laugh, it makes him blush a little since he feels foolish still, but you take his hand and shake it. A spark shoots up his arm at the contact which makes him blush harder
He warms up to you eventually and a crush blossoms as he does
Dutch Van Der Linde:
When he first meets you, all he sees is potential. Whether you’re charismatic, sneaky, or strong he has a use for you and that’s all he cares about
He immediately sends you off on some little mission with one of his men to see how it goes. He basically throws you to the wolves and if you have any questions or concerns he’ll convince you that it’s just that he trusts you so much he knows you can do it without someone holding your hand
You eat it up
He praises you every time he sees you walking by in camp, but his compliments don’t really hold any weight at first. He doesn’t know you well enough to pull on the heart strings that matter, he’s just charismatic
One day he notices you hanging around his tent more often than usual, pacing around and glancing over at him every now and then. He eventually calls you over to ask what’s on your mind
You tell him you got wind of a man coming through town who’s known for scamming. You tell him you had a plan to scam him back and get whatever money he had been gathering from weeks on the road
It’s like he sees you in a new light. He declares that you’re his new favorite gang member and offers to move your cot into his tent with him - just to keep your clever mind safe with all those plans and all
Whether you take him up on it or not is up to you, but after that day he is constantly chatting you up every chance he gets
The man is easily wooed by a get rich quick scheme
Javier Escuella:
Javier was probably the first one to introduce himself when you were brought to camp. I feel like he is definitely the one who gets along with new people the fastest in the group
He offers to help you unpack your things (if you brought any, if not you just kind of look around like “what things, sir?”) and set up your own little space to sleep. You have the option of bunking with someone else in the group - like him, for example - or making your own space
Your laugh is the best thing he’s ever heard in the entire world, and suddenly his knees are jelly and his stomach feels hot. Javier is as charismatic as Dutch for sure, but cares about the people around him way more which makes him act a little nervous sometimes
You make him nervous
But in that good I’ve-got-a-crush kind of way that’s really a nice comforting anxiety
He is at your beck and call at any given moment. 3am and you heard a coyote and got nervous? He is checking the perimeter to make sure those nasty beasts don’t get anywhere near you, even if he isn’t the one on watch
If you have sub par survival skills because you haven’t lived off the land like he and the gang have, he is there to teach you. Or really do everything for you so you don’t have to lift a pretty little finger
Dutch had to have a talk with him about spoiling you after a week or two living with the group. He simply told Dutch he was making sure you felt welcome and safe with them
Charles Smith:
Charles is kind of assigned to keeping an eye on you by Dutch. He is a little reluctant, he’s used to being able to go where he wants when he wants without having a shadow comping around after him. He gets used to you after a while, but when you get a little too noisy when he’s hunting or trying to sneak around he gets a little frustrated
He feels like he’s babysitting at first
You’re just so new and don’t understand everything immediately. He’s a great teacher, don’t get me wrong, but he isn’t always in the mood to tutor someone in every little thing he does. Sometimes he just wants to do what he does best without explaining every step along the way
One day he begs Miss Grimshaw to tell you that she needs your help doing chores around camp just so he can have a moment without you asking a million questions over his shoulder
The first hour is nice, serene even, but then it gets lonely. It’s too quiet without you. Charles got used to you being behind him and he even finds himself missing your chattering
At one point he sees these two birds fighting over a herring on the shore of the river and while they’re distracted a little rat comes by, scoops it up, and scurries away before the birds notice. His first instinct is to turn and ask you if you saw that and laugh about it, but you aren’t there
He’s so lonely without you that he cuts his solitude trip short and comes back to camp with two rabbits and a fish as spoils. It’s so unlike him that Pearson asks what’s up with the light load, but Charles ignores him and goes searching for you - he has so much more he needs to teach you if you’re going to stay with them at the camp
Sean MacGuire:
Depending when you come around, you’re either there right before he gets back to the group or right after being held in Blackwater
Either way doesn’t really matter, he has a quick reunion with this friends from before and when he gets to you he has a whole “hold up” moment. A new attractive face in the group is very interesting news to him
He is all over you at first asking a thousand questions a minute. Are you an outlaw? Are you running away from something or someone? Who’s your dad, does he want a son-in-law? All sorts of questions out of this guy’s mouth
Arthur practically drags him away by the collar of his shirt and warns him to behave
He approaches you while you’re sitting around the fire later that night and offers you some whiskey. If you take it, he’ll teach you some drinking game he is making up on the spot just to impress you and get you to loosen up a bit
After a few days, he notices you starting to sulk a little when it gets later in the day. During the times you aren’t actively doing a task, there’s a bit of a frown etched onto the side of your face and he asks you if you’re doing okay
You tell him you’re homesick and he’s able to relate to you immediately - even though he ran away from home there are times when it’s all he can think about and how things might be different if he had stayed. Ultimately, though, all you can do is remember the past and focus on the present
He tells you as much, and lets you go on and on about your home while occasionally interjecting a joke here and there to get you to smile again
He successfully lifts your mood and it becomes routine to sit by the fire and swap stories back and forth into late night as you get to know each other
Sadie Adler:
Sadie is the newest member of the group before you, so she knows exactly what you’re feeling. Does she do anything about it at first? Nah
She relates, but feels like the best thing for her to do is let you work through your issues on your own. She did. I mean sure she had Abigail to lean on for a little bit and Arthur was really patient with her, but you would be fine
Thinking about it, maybe it would be better if she talked to you about what you were feeling and all that sort of stuff
Sadie is weird with emotions, especially after what happened with her husband. She just kind of feels like they can get too intense and tries to stay out of other people’s business if she can
She does take some pity on you though as you struggle to connect with some of the other members. They’ve known each other for years, how were you supposed to relate to them
She starts off having short quick conversations with you at first. Then slowly she’ll start learning things about you and what your story is. She’s drawn to your personality (once she starts seeing it) because she loves how strong you are after everything you’ve gone through and she even finds herself laughing at your jokes every now and then
Eventually the two of you are like two peas in a pod - Thelma and Louise, Bonnie and Clyde. You are partners in crime
It gets to the point where Dutch will see one of you and ask “Where’s the other one?” Which, of course, the other one is never far behind. It’s endearing and also a little annoying for him. He’ll try to send you somewhere, tell you it’s a one man job, and still every time without fail you’ll find a reason to bring Sadie along with you
“I needed someone to watch my horse while I was working in town!”
Yea okay, he doesn’t even bother arguing anymore
Thanks for reading! I’ll get better the more I write I promise
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