#Joey Branning
jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
Christmas With... The BUTCHERS! 🎄 EastEnders
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avvail-whumps · 10 months
‘guns for hire’ — the little duckling #23
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content warnings: mentioned multiple whumpers, intimate whumper, whumper caretaking, past stab wound, past character death, recovery, manipulation, glass wounds, blood
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Recovery wasn’t as bad as Leo had been expecting. With the critical wound in his side still healing, he’d been bedridden for a long while. He had meals delivered to him, easing his stomach back to its usual habits, and he often found he was strong enough to keep them down when it wasn’t solid foods. 
Only Roy and Joey ever entered his room. It made him feel much more at ease when he heard his door clicking open, knowing he didn’t have to expect anybody that was going to grab him by the hair and drag him outside. He sometimes grew a little wary at night, becoming restless at the thought of somebody sneaking in, but he was certain that Roy was sneaking little sleeping pills into his food and drink that made him sleep peacefully. 
His eyes had been on the violin case by the windowsill. It had been sitting there since Roy pulled it out for him, and he’d wanted nothing more than to get up and start playing. The mercenary had made it clear that until he had the strength to stand around and cook, then the violin was staying there. 
“Where’s my jacket?” Roy hummed, playing with a knife in his hands. Leo blinked out of his daze, glancing at him in confusion. His eyes squinted softly. 
“I don’t know,” he croaked softly, seeming a little heartbroken at the prospect. “It was taken off of me.” 
Probably by Bran, he thought bitterly to himself, but he wasn’t willing to test fate by displaying his clear hatred for the big man. Roy cocked a brow, and Leo wasn’t quite sure if he saw a hint of annoyance in his eyes. They were focused so intently on the dagger, like he was contemplating something deeply. 
“Don’t worry, lion,” he drawled, offering him a light smile. “I’ll get it back for you.” 
Several days later, he dumped the familiar fabric into his lap. Leo could have cried from the sheer happiness he felt, bundling the jacket tightly into his arms and holding it close. It still smelled faintly of him, too, and Leo didn’t let go of it at all during his bedridden recovery. 
Once he was finally able to get back onto his feet, he knew he had to see the other mercenaries again. Roy had insisted he come downstairs for some food, rather than sit in bed and eat it by himself. The thought had struck him with a horrible terror in his heart, but he told himself as long as he stuck by Roy, then the other mercenaries wouldn’t be able to hurt him so easily. 
The first thing he noticed was how different the atmosphere was between them all. 
Beard was usually quiet, keeping much to himself, but it was seeing Bran hardly utter a word in the kitchen that struck the whole situation as odd. He chalked it down to the fact that Finger had been murdered, since that must have been enough to downplay the mood between them. He sat quietly at the kitchen table, keeping his eyes solely trained on the empty plate, hands clapped in his lap. Joey was taking the brunt of the cooking, but everybody seemed to pitch in occasionally. 
It made him recall the time he’d attempted to cook. The bolognese that had been so easily tossed in the bin by Bran without a care — now he seemed to be shutting up and taking what he was given. Leo himself also ate quietly. His heart was heavy in his chest just from being in the same room as them all. 
When Roy finished and promptly left the room, Leo watched him go with frightened eyes. A shock zapped up his spine, the despair of being left alone with the other mercenaries making a sickening wave of nausea smack into him mercilessly. His eyes darted back to their faces frantically. Joey offered him a brief glance, but Leo was already pushing away his half eaten plate of food, and swiftly scurrying after Roy. 
His eyes instantly found him as he exited the suffocating kitchen, and he turned around as if he’d been expecting him. “Want to go for a walk, lion?” 
Leo had liked the fresh air. Roy kept an arm draped around his shoulder, gently keeping him tucked into his side, but the secretary found he didn’t mind it. There was a part of his brain that was telling him he was getting too smitten. But it was quiet. 
Being stuck to Roy was to keep himself safe from the other mercenaries, but he also found that he just didn’t want to be alone. If it meant shuffling after the man wherever he went, then Leo did it. If he ate in the kitchen, then so did Leo. If he decided he wanted to sit and watch some television, then Leo would too. The mercenary hadn’t at all seemed to care. If anything, the little encouraging touches reassured him.
He wasn’t interested in what he was watching on the screen, but Leo didn’t care. As long as he was away from the others, and he wasn’t sitting alone, then he was relatively happy. The television was only on low, and so it was easy for him to hear Roy’s sudden question, startling him from the depths of his own thoughts. 
“Tell me about yourself, lion.” 
His eyes fluttered open wide, and he spared him a confused glance. “What?” 
Roy met his gaze. “Tell me about yourself.” 
About himself? Leo wondered where this sudden line of questioning was coming from. He hadn’t ever asked much about him, and he hadn’t thought he ever would. The only time he’d told him personal information was when he had the collar coiled around his throat, sending seizing shocks through his body. He involuntarily shuddered at the very thought. 
He didn’t want that to happen again. 
“What do you want to know?” He asked softly, his voice hesitant. He was trying to decipher whether this was some sort of trick. One thing he hadn’t missed about Roy were the subtle mind games, wondering whether he was being put to the test. The mercenary shifted, throwing one leg over the other with a sigh. 
“Anything,” he shrugged, eyes flicking back onto the TV. “Tell me what you like. What you don’t like.” 
Leo blinked slowly. His fingers fumbled in his lap, wringing anxiously. 
“Okay,” he breathed. “Um.” 
He tried wracking his brain. Under the silent pressure, he wasn’t even sure he knew what to answer the question with. His first thought jumped to the violin, but Roy already knew that. The question was so inexplicably normal that he felt like he’d forgotten everything simple about his life. He swallowed, releasing a shuddering breath. 
“I…like cats,” he finally whispered. He glanced over at Roy to see a smirk quirking at the corner of his lips. 
“How fitting,” he drawled, and Leo’s brows pinched in a frown. “Carry on.” 
He pressed his lips together. “I like looking at really old paintings.”
“You’re telling me you stand around in museums and art galleries?” 
Leo frowned. “Yes?” 
“Boring,” Roy sang, shaking his head playfully. There was a teasing lilt to his words, but he still couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. “Come on, keep going, lion.” 
Leo had the strength to send him a small glare out of the corner of his eyes. Roy’s gaze had been stripped from the screen, and now he seemed to pin his full attention on the secretary. He tried not to squirm under his intense stare, desperately thinking of something else. 
“Hot chocolate,” he answered absentmindedly. “But only the Galaxy mix. With cream and marshmallows.” 
“Sweet tooth?” Roy crooned. 
Leo nodded his head in embarrassment. The man tilted his head to the side, almost in curiosity. He was shocked by the normality of their conversation. It made everything seem almost normal. It made him feel normal. How long had it been since everything had been so simple? Leo found himself relaxing completely. His eyes stayed trained on the mercenary’s face, feeling sucked in.
“But...I also like salty stuff.”
Roy hummed. “That so?”
Leo fiddled with his fingers as a thought crossed his mind. He wasn’t confident he was even allowed to ask, but he found himself doing it anyway.
“What about you?” He whispered hesitantly. “Can you...tell me about yourself?”
Roy’s expression didn’t give anything away, but his chest seemed to rise and fall with a subtle sigh. His eyes shifted away, shaking his head slowly.
“Not today, lion,” he hummed under his breath, and Leo bit the inside of his cheek in disappointment.
They both went back to watching the television in silence. Leo’s eyes would occasionally dart towards the kitchen door when somebody would leave or enter, but he eventually managed to keep himself still. He wanted to ask Roy how long they would be staying here for; he hoped it wasn’t permanent. The brief thought of escape stirred back within his brain, but he pushed it down. With everybody here, there was hardly a point.
Leo glanced at the window out of the corner of his eye. It was starting to get dark, and he could feel his head start to swim. Joey had left some aspirin in his room in case this started happening, and so he was eager to swallow it down and rest for the night.
As he retreated back up to his room on the second floor, he just caught the glimpse of a big shadow looming over him. His eyes darted upwards to meet with the snarling face of Bran, glowering down at him. The man didn’t bother to make room, simply shoving Leo abruptly out of the way like a rag doll.
“Move,” he snapped angrily, seemingly uncaring as Leo smacked into the wall painfully. His shoulder clipped a frame on the wall, and he heard it clatter off it’s hinges. It tipped forward, and landed face first onto the ground. The horrible, ear piercing shattering of glass cut through the silence, and Leo’s hands clasped over his mouth in shock.
His wide eyes darted towards Bran, who was staring at him with a deep scowl.
Not a moment later, Roy appeared at the top of the stairs. His gaze instantly landed on the frame and the little shards of glass on the ground, before his arms crossed over his chest.
Leo could feel his heart pounding in his ribs.
“What happened?” He asked, his voice and neutral expression leaving nothing to pick from. Bran kissed his teeth, almost rolling his eyes, as if he found the entire situation completely absurd.
“Your pet doesn’t know how to walk properly,” he snarled, and Leo finally uncovered his mouth with shaking hands.
“No,” he whispered, his voice wobbling from the sheer panic. “No, no, I...”
The words died instantly in his throat when he felt Bran’s intense, terrifying glare burn into his head. He tried to open his mouth to explain something, to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but he couldn’t.
Roy’s brow cocked, before he redirected his stoney gaze towards Bran.
“Pick it up.”
The man scowled. “Excuse me?”
Even though Roy wasn’t as tall as Bran, he still took a firm step forward. His eyes didn’t leave his, hardening with a terrying vigour he had never seen before.
“Are you deaf?” Roy spoke harshly. “I said pick it up.”
“Fuck,” Bran hissed. Leo skittered backwards when the big man surged towards the broken painting, his face twisted in frustration. Roy’s words seemed to leave no room for complaints, but Leo was still trying to swallow down the bile that had built up in the back of his throat.
The moment the man crouched down to angrily pick up the glass, Roy’s boot violently slammed down on his hand. The sickening squelch of glass jaggedly piercing through flesh cut through the air, and Bran let out a deep, pained yell as the mercenary squashed his hand into the floorboards.
“Fuck!” He groaned, other hand bracing against the wall for support. “You fucking—fuck!”
Roy’s boot dug harder into the flesh, his eyes dark. “What was that?” He murmured lowly, his voice laced with disdain. “Say it again.”
Bran’s jaw clenched, a shuddery breath escaping him from the initial shock of pain. “Fuck you,” he growled, dripping with pained animosity. Blood pooled from under his palm. “Fuckin’ crazy as your—”
Roy pressed down harder, and Bran’s words were instantly cut off.
“Keep it up and Joey’ll be burying you out back beside Rafi,” he gritted out slowly. He sounded as though he was thoroughly restraining himself, and Leo’s stomach churned as he stayed far back. “That’s if I’m feeling nice.”
He lifted his boot, and turned away from Bran with a curt sigh. Leo pressed himself close to the wall as he passed him, his head darting back and forth when he realised he was heading into his room.
Without a second thought, Leo scurried after him.
tag list – @unorganisedalienrubbish @d-cs @rabidrabidme @sordayciega @burningkittypoet @whumpawink @mannerofwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @whatwasmyprevioususername @crilex29 @firefly017 @dutifullykrispyland @wibbly-wobbly-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @anonintrovert @justawhumpjunkie @whumptastic-world @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @whumpterful-beeeeee @anonymous1235 @sonder35 @unforgiven235 @whumpasaurus101 @mj-or-say10
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Baby name ideas for the Empires Crew
Cause apparently yall need some now?
Theme: colors
Ash (associated with gray)
Beryl (a pale green stone)
Bianca (means white)
Carmine (crimson red)
Fawn (light brown)
Theme: Sun
Citrine (light callback to s1 cause citrine is a stone formed when amethyst experiences intense heat)
Alba (means Dawn)
Soleil (French sun name)
Theme: gods/holy/Greek
Theo (means ‘gift of god’)
Eudora (Greek name meaning ‘generous gift’)
Ouranos (Greek spelling of Uranus, father of the Titans and also a word meaning “the heavens”
Theme: dichotomy of glimmer grove/strength/beauty
Janus (words with contradictory meaning are sometimes called “Janus words”)
Hecate (goddess of witchcraft)
Farris (‘strong as iron’ according to the website I’m looking at)
Valentine (both a romantic association as well as having ‘strong’ as an earlier meaning)
Sterling (steel)
Theme: music/independence
Theme: strength/common western names
Barrett (mighty as a bear)
Cash (last name if a famous singer)
Wynona (first name of a famous singer and a personal favorite of mine)
Colton (I know so many yeehaw boys named Colton it’s an epidemic)
Theme: animals
Ursula (from ‘Ursa’ meaning bear + light callback to season 1)
Mariposa (butterfly)
Theme: peace/safety/protection/rabbits
Jack (jackrabbit)
Peter (Peter cottontail)
Olive/Olivia (olive bran em has symbol of peace)
Alexis/Alexander/Alexa etc. (All meaning protector of mankind)
Anthea (goddess/flowers)
Crysanthos (golden flower, name of a Saint)
Theme: history, ancient stuff, stones, memory (amendment: I couldn’t find many good names so I just found a bunch of really old names)
Sophia (lover of wisdom/knowledge)
Beowulf (both a name meaning ‘intelligent wolf’ and the oldest known work of Anglo-Saxon literature)
Alareiks (gothic name meaning ‘ruler of all’ modernized as Alaric but I think Pix would use the older version)
Áleifir (old Norse form of Olaf and that is such a downgrade on spelling why did we ever stop using the original spelling????? Also means ancestor’s legacy which is PERFECT)
Caecelia (original Latin spelling of Cecelia, means both “blind” and is the name of an ancient religious martyr)
Cúán (“little wolf” in Old Irish and I think that’s just cute)
Demophon (literally “the people’s voice” in Ancient Greek)
Ingo (an old name and also a reference to a character who accidentally travels back in time in Pokémon: Legends Arceus) (I’m running out of ideas can you tell?)
Theme: water, treasure
Diamond (it’s not that weird I went to high school with a girl named diamond)
Cordelia (apparently means daughter of the sea)
Hudson (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Caspian (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Jasper (a personal favorite + matching initials)
Theme: names with negative meanings, more stones (no I didn’t use them all on Joey’s list actually)
Deidre (sorrowful)
Kennedy (misshapen head)
Cain (I don’t think I need to explain this one. It’s also a favorite name of mine)
Cameron (crooked nose)
Lorelei (literal translation is ambush Cliff, but colloquially the meaning is ‘a woman who leads a man to his death’ which is metal as fuck)
theme: herbs/witchy stuff/creepy stuff
Desdemona (Ill-fated one)
Rosemary (both an herb and a character in a classic horror film)
Belladonna (comes with the literal translation of ‘beautiful woman’ as well)
Morrigan (literally ‘phantom queen’ and a figure in Irish mythology)
FALSE (if she ever logs in to participate)
Theme: obnoxiously British as befitting a steampunk theme
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freddieslater · 11 months
Fandoms + Ships (for Prompt Purposes)
As I like to reblog prompts a lot but have the annoying little habit of jumping ship on a fandom fast than a pirate invasion, I decided it is finally time I make an official list, which will be constantly updated as I develop new interests! If there’s a ship you want to request but it isn’t here, just ask and I’ll let you know where I stand with it!
In The Flesh
• Kieren x Rick
• Kieren x Simon
The Hunger Games
• Everlark (Katniss/Peeta)
• Finnick/Annie
• Haymitch/Effie
• Katniss/Madge
Future Man
• Josh Futturman x Reader
• Billy x Reader
• Caswen (Ricky/EJ)
• Portwell (EJ/Gina)
• Mashlynn (Maddox/Ashlynn)
• Ricky/Jet
The Vampire Diaries
• Stelena (Stefan/Elena)
• Mattlena (Matt/Elena)
• Tylena (Tyler/Elena)
• Elenijah (Elijah/Elena)
• Barolena (Bonnie/Caroline/Elena)
• Stexi (Stefan/Lexi)
• Denzo (Damon/Enzo)
• Forwood (Tyler/Caroline)
• Maroline (Matt/Caroline)
• Bamon (Bonnie/Damon)
• Bamenzo (Bonnie/Damon/Enzo)
• Carenzo (Caroline/Enzo)
• Dalijah (Damon/Elijah)
• Parkwood (Tyler/Liv)
• Klayley (Klaus/Hayley)
• Handon (Hope/Landon)
• Jandon (Josie/Landon)
• Henelope (Hope/Penelope)
• Hizzie (Hope/Lizzie)
• Kizzie (Kaleb/Lizzie)
• Methan (MG/Ethan)
• Ked (Kaleb/Jed)
• Dark!Jobastian (Dark!Josie/Sebastian)
• Landizzie (Landon/Lizzie)
Teen Wolf
• Sciles (Scott/Stiles)
• Scydia (Scott/Lydia)
• Mccallinski (Lydia/Scott/Stiles)
• Stalia (Stiles/Malia)
• Malydia (Malia/Lydia)
• Stira (Stiles/Kira)
• Scira (Scott/Kira)
• Liason (Liam/Mason)
• Allydia (Allison/Lydia)
• Allerica (Allison/Erica)
• Berica (Boyd/Erica)
• Malisaac (Malia/Isaac)
• Lydora (Lydia/Cora)
• Allora (Allison/Cora)
• Scanny (Scott/Danny)
• Malira (Malia/Kira)
The Witcher
• Yennskier (Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Geraskerer (Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Raskier (Radovid/Jaskier)
• Trennefer (Triss/Yennefer)
• Geralt/Triss
• Frobby (Bobby/Freddie)
• Chryed (Christian/Syed)
• Ballum (Ben/Callum)
• Sukeve (Suki/Eve)
• Ben Mitchell/Kheerat Panesar
• Jack Branning/Michael Moon
• Whitney Dean/Chelsea Fox
• Lauren Branning/Peter Beale
• Lauren Branning/Lucy Beale
• Peter Beale/Fatboy
• Zack Hudson/Martin Fowler
• Zack Hudson/Felix Baker
• Anna Knight/Bernie Taylor
• Stacey Slater/Danielle Jones
• Peter Beale/Tamwar Masood
• Darren Miller/Tamwar Masood
• Masood Ahmed/Jane Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale/Freddie Slater
• Linda Carter/Alfie Moon
• McHay (Ste/John Paul)
• McShepherd (John Paul/Carter)
• Stendan (Ste/Brendan)
• Brendan/Walker
• Joel/Theresa
• Brendan/Warren
• Brendan & Mitzeee (platonic)
• Brendan & Joel (platonic)
• Amy/Michaela
• Roey (Rachel/Joey)
• Chanoey (Chandler/Joey)
Stranger Things
• Elmax (El/Max)
• Elumax (El/Lucas/Max)
• Byclair (Lucas/Will)
• Byler (Will/Mike)
• Ronance (Robin/Nancy)
• Steddie (Steve/Eddie)
• Blam (Blaine/Sam)
• St. Hudson (Finn/Jesse)
• Tike (Tina/Mike)
• Quinntana (Quinn/Santana)
• Pezberry (Santana/Rachel)
• Quinncedes (Quinn/Mercedes)
• Sike (Sam/Mike)
• Jarley (Jake/Marley)
• Kurtbastian (Kurt/Sebastian)
The Flash
• Barrisco (Barry/Cisco)
• Snowbarrisco (Caitlin/Barry/Cisco)
• WestStein (Joe/Martin)
• Superflash (Barry/Kara)
• Thallen (Barry/Eddie)
•Westthallen (Iris/Barry/Eddie)
• Westhawne (Iris/Eddie)
• Jamie/John
• John/Brianna
• Brianna/Roger
• Lizzie/Josiah/Kezzie
• William/Denzell
• Lucifella (Ella/Lucifer)
• Douchifella (Lucifer/Dan/Ella)
• Mazifer (Maze/Lucifer)
• Douchifer (Dan/Lucifer)
• Chlaze (Chloe/Maze)
• Jasico (Jason/Nico)
• Jercy (Jason/Percy)
• Perachel (Percy/Rachel)
• Rachabeth (Rachel/Annabeth)
• Pipabeth (Piper/Annabeth)
• Merthur (Merlin/Arthur)
• Mercelot (Merlin/Lancelot)
•Merwaine (Merlin/Gwaine)
• Morgwen (Morgana/Gwen)
The Dumping Ground
• Elektra/Faith
• Elektra/Carmen
• Carmen/Lily
• Tyler/Jody
• Jody/Sasha
• Tyler/Ryan
• Chloe/Candi-Rose
• Candi-Rose/Bird
• Candi-Rose/Jay
The Story of Tracy Beaker
• Tracy/Crash
• Tracy/Ben
• Tracy/Lol
• Lol/Wolfie
• Crash/Rio
• Justine/Rebecca
Life With Derek
• Dasey (Derek/Casey)
• Derek/Sam
• Derek/Trevor
• Casey/Sally
Boy Meets World
• Shory (Shawn/Cory)
• Jeric (Jack/Eric)
• Eric/Jason
• Shawngela (Shawn/Angela)
• Shawpanga (Shawn/Topanga)
Girl Meets World
• Rilaya (Riley/Maya)
• Riley/Zay
• Riarkle (Riley/Farkle)
• Lucaya (Lucas/Maya)
• Maya/Zay
• Riley/Maya/Zay
• Jal (Jay/Mal)
• Jaylos (Jay/Carlos)
• Mevie (Mal/Evie)
• Hevie (Harry/Evie)
• Buma (Ben/Uma)
• Umaudrey (Uma/Audrey)
• Haudrey (Harry/Audrey)
• Humaudrey (Harry/Uma/Audrey)
• Bevie (Ben/Evie)
• Creddie (Carly/Freddie)
• Carly/Sam
• Carper (Carly/Harper)
• Sparper (Spencer/Harper)
• Tandre (Tori/Andre)
• Jori (Jade/Tori)
Zoey 101
• Quogan (Quinn/Logan)
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boltupbitches · 6 months
I love Joey, I really do but...
I could hear the chewing through my screen 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀
I think it's a jaw thing or tooth alignment. My daughter is the same way. She has since had braces, so it's not so bad now, but when she had a slight underbite (which it looks like Joey did too based on his lower jaw structure), she was really bad at chewing with her mouth open in a super obnoxious way.
But yeah, I could def see someone being like "close your damn mouth when chewing!!" 😂 Joey was probably thinking, "I'm in this suite alone and eating cereal, let me kick back and not give a shit."
The announcers and the internet: "Here is Joey Bosa eating some Raisin Bran"
Joey: "Fuck..."
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thenightling · 10 days
The clues about Abigail's father (Abigail movie)
I watched Abigail for a second time. Originally I thought there were only twp hints that she's Dracula's daughter. Now I realize there were more. The Invitation (2022) was much more obvious with its many blatant clues that DeVille was Dracula. (Note: Deville happens to be an alias Dracula used in the original Dracula novel.) Here are the Abigail clues that her father is not merely a vampire but Count Dracula himself. 1. Abigail's father is a crime lord. If you read the novel Dracula you will notice that Dracula speaks a LOT like the leader of an organized crime syndicate with careful wording and phrases. 2. It's implied (you don't see it happen but it's heavily suggested) that Abigail is the rat running around the house fairly early on in the movie. Dracula is probably the most famous vampire with animal shape-shifting powers. 3. Though Abigail does burn in the sun (in the novel Dracula was able to walk around by day, he was just weaker by day) she regenerates lost limbs like a fast version of Deadpool. This is a pretty advanced power and suggests she is of some high status in most vampire lore.
4. Abigail is far stronger than most fictional vampires. Also suggesting at some high status in the vampire world. 5. The mural in the house resembles Poenari castle, AKA The real Castle Dracula. Bran Castle is used for tourism since it's pretty and easy to access but Poenari Castle is the actual castle that Vlad the Impaler is supposed to have resided in. 6. The mural of what looks like Poenari castle has bat winged creatures flying around it. 7. Abigail implies that her mind control / ghoul creating powers (Sammy) come from years of practice and obviously a newbie vampire can't do that.
8. Early on in the film before the kidnapping, Abigail's bedroom mirror is covered. This suggests that like the traditional depiction of Dracula she does NOT cast a reflection. In The Invitation the bedroom mirror is completely missing and "out for repairs." The Invitation goes more out of its way to point out the missing mirror while the covered mirror in Abigail is more subtle. 9. The gate in the foyer has a family crest that resembles the sigil of The Order of the Dragon. It depictions a dragon. The family of the dragon = Dracul. 10. When Abigail's father shows up at the end he says he has had many names over the centuries. A similar line is said by DeVille in The Invitation but he's more blunt about it in saying that his favorite alias was one that means "Son of the Dragon." (Dracula). 11. Abigail's father looks and dresses like a classic depiction of Count Dracula. 12. The opening song (and apparently Abigail's favorite song) is Swan Lake. On the Phillip Glass soundtrack inserted version of the 1931 Dracula movie, the opening song is also Swan Lake. 13. All of Abigail's father's teeth are pointed, much like Nicolas Cage's depiction of Dracula for the movie Renfield that came out just last year. 14. Abigail can fly, another power Dracula usually has, along with the agility she needs for her ballerina moves. 15. Much like with the novel Dracula, to become a full vampire, you have to be drained, and then fed a vampire's blood. 16. Abigail's father kisses the back of Joey's hand, much like cliche depictions of Count Dracula, and is imitated by Jerry Dandridge in the original 1985 Fright Night. 17. Abigail's father is referred to as the anti-Christ. Dracula translates to Son of the Dragon in the original fifteenth century language but in modern Romanian it has a secondary translation. "Son of The Devil." (Note: Dracula is not literally the son of any devil. His surname come from his father's membership to The Order of The Dragon.) Bonus: Abby / Abigail is the name of the child vampire in the Hammer film "Let me In" which is a very loose (and kind of dumbed down) remake of the Swiss vampire film, Let the Right One In where the child vampire (actually a eunuch boy passing as a girl) is named Eli.
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winterrose527 · 1 year
Oh hey. hi how are you. Incredible anyway so
1. Lose two stark kids
2. Lose two track 5s
3. Lose two friends
Less intense (I’ll come up with more lmao we lmaooo)
4. Lose a GoT episode/season
5. What do you think the most underrated TSwift song/album is
6. What’s your favourite spiral of ours?
7. Do you have a favourite thing to do with your nieces?
wow, woooowwwwww how the turn tables
I feel like this is too easy for me... RUTHLESS I AM
Bran & Arya, I will not be taking questions at this time.
ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS STAY -- NO I WILL NOT STAY AND LISTEN TO THIS. And we're going to go with White Horse, as you know I think there are other contenders but looking at them within her discography I think of all of them this adds the least to it? Like there is not really any new information we're getting, that other songs I don't necessarily enjoy listening to DO give.
I think probably Ross & Joey. Like I love me some Joey but the only other contender was Phoebe and I quote her all the time. Also the lowercase nature of this made it seem like I was choosing from IRL people in a very funny way.
This is HIGHLY controversial as I feel like it is generally regarded as the best ep of season 8, but I'm going to go Ep 2 of S8. And the reason I say this is that I think it really was when I was like... oh, I don't think this is going to end how I want it to. There were a lot of beautiful moments but I think it predicted a lot of the rest of the season and so I have to say that. I'm going to go S5 if only because I think that's when things went off the rails and if that had been handled differently the rest of the show might have improved. I know these are kind of copouts.
I think probably Evermore? It's always sort of discussed as Folklore's step-sister, and while on the WHOLE it isn't my favorite, it has some of her most fucked up songs of all time.
Okay all the ones you said are top tier obviously, but there is a special place in my heart for our like very cheesy holiday movie-esque 'Robb and Sansa run an inn' AU because just every time we discuss new joy is sparked. And also a shout out to the 'Did I groom him' universe, but really just for that.
It's different with both of them, with the older one I love just sitting next to her at dinner. She's such tremendously good company. The little one is ALL activity so I love having dance parties with her because she's so silly and confident and it just makes her the loveliest loveliest person. Also honorary mention to ganging up on my older brother with them. We are ruthless. [also this is making me realize I didn't read your last answer I turned into a track 5 goblin and went straight to the DMs]
Look I feel like I was decisive but not concise and if we're being honest with ourselves, isn't that what we expected?
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my 'random characters' masterlist
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☆ phoebe buffay
☆ gregory house
☆ phil wenneck
☆ reginald kray (tom hardy)
☆ elvis presley (austin butler)
☆ rafe cameron
☆ negan smith
☆ bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
☆ gloria pritchett
☆ aaron hotchner
☆ tangerine (bullet train)
☆ emily fields
☆ joey tribbiani
☆ anakin skywalker
☆ jack branning (eastenders)
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queenofcats17 · 1 year
What is your OC’s opinion of school?  What kind of student was s/he?
I don't think any of my oc's had a particularly good time at school. Roy probably had the best time due to his social butterfly persona, but I don't think he super enjoyed it either. I don't think he was incredibly focused on schoolwork, but he probably maintained at least B's and C's.
Cordelia I've mentioned was bullied a lot in school, so she definitely didn't enjoy school. I think she was a pretty good student, something that got her bullied even more.
Esther and Joey I think went to some kind of fancy private school because their family was rather wealthy.
I think Esther was a very good student. Top of her class probably. In general, I think she had a fairly ambivalent view of her school life. I think she probably got lectured a lot about being more ladylike, which she did not enjoy.
Joey...I think struggled a lot. I don't think the way his brain works was well suited for the school system or the expectations placed on him. He was also a small, sickly child who was more interested in art than he was in sports, so that definitely got him bullied.
Bran was just...painfully shy and kind of isolated. He wanted to make friends but didn't know how to approach people. So I think he felt really lonely and didn't like being in school. I think he was generally a pretty good student. Not the best, but not bad. Just sort of a solid A's and B's type student.
Am I projecting my own bad experiences with school onto my characters? ...Yes. Probably.
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Hardly the Bungle Brothers' sort of joke
GEORGE BUNGLE: Joey, can you tell me where I can get some decent coffee in Coffeyville?
JOEY BUNGLE: So where's the bran in Branson?
[Rimshot, followed by snarky laughter]
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jackbatchelor3 · 3 years
Janine And Michael Marry! EastEnders
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avvail-whumps · 10 months
‘guns for hire’ — twenty minutes #29
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content warnings: multiple whumpers, punishments, gags, past whipping wounds/scars, broken bones (fingers), graphic violence, mention of slurs, blood, strangulation, passing out, stockholm syndrome
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Twenty minutes. 
That’s how long he was going to have with each mercenary. Bran, Joey and Beard, whatever his real name was. They were allowed to do whatever they wanted, Roy had told him. He assumed those sordid rules of his would be in place, most likely of the “no killing” sort. 
He was tucked in the corner of the room, trying to ignore the pulsing pain from his fingers. Now that he was by himself again, it wasn’t as easy to push it to the back of his mind. Roy had left after the kiss, leaving him alone and miserable again. He couldn’t stop thinking about exactly what had happened, how much of a mistake he might have made. This twisted part of him was yearning for it, though — everything Roy was willing to give him, every little affectionate gesture and words. He hadn’t felt so strongly about the man since he came back from his contract, the echoing words of “wait for me” heavy on his mind. 
It was horrible waiting. He didn’t know when to expect them to appear, who was going to be first, or what horror they would inflict upon him when they had their chance. He sniffled softly, immedietly wanting Roy to come back. He needed someone to tell him it was going to be okay. 
The door clunked open. His eyes darted upwards, breath hitching in anticipation as to who it would be. His stomach sank to his feet when he realised it was Beard. The man looked grim as he entered, eyes flicking instantly towards Leo, before glancing around the rest of the basement.
He tried not to let his breathing pick up. Being the basement was bad in of itself, but now that he was trapped in such a tiny space with nowhere to go? It was so much worse. Much more daunting.
Beard shuffled on his feet, taking a look at the chair, and then the tools on the wall.
He didn’t look too happy.
Beard had only ever liked hurting him when the others were watching. He would have to endure their taunts and heckling laughter, all while taking the torturous pain he’d inflict on him. Some part of Leo hoped that whatever pleasure he got from hurting people with an audience, might put him off from doing too much damage. From the irriated look in his eyes, he wasn’t sure if that was the case, or if Beard was going to take this frustration out on him mercilessly.
He swallowed uneasily, head filled with cotton. He just wanted this to be over already.
The man tapped his foot impatiently, reaching for his own pocket instead. He pulled out a cigerrate and lighter, pressing it between his lips with a drawn out sigh, and flicking it on. Leo feverishly counted the seconds, praying that by some miracle, the twenty minutes would be over by the time he decided to make use of him. Obviously, there was no such luck. The man plucked up a long cloth, before finally making his way over to him. 
His boots thumped against the ground, matching the racing of Leo’s own heart. He attempted to press himself closer to the wall, but Beard’s hand shot out to grab his shirt before he could make any kind of feeble escape. 
He suppressed a quiet whimper as he was dragged forward, and shoved roughly into the ground. His eyes burned with tears as he landed on his hands, biting down so hard on his lip that it drew blood. The copper taste lingered on his tongue, squirming when a hand fisted into his hair, yanking his head back. A pained cry tore from his throat, but it was cut off when the rag was stuffed roughly into his mouth. He choked, vision splitting when his head was released, thumping against the concrete. 
Beard tutted. “Just shut up. I want to get it over and done with.” 
Leo squirmed, but the sweltering pain in his fingers was making his stomach heave, threatening to empty itself across the floor. He felt the heavy man on top of him, flicking the lighter on with a quiet scowl. The back of his shirt was yanked up, and Leo tried to resist the urge to press his hands into the ground to steady himself. He considered kicking and squirming his way out from under him, but those thoughts were swiftly squashed. 
There was nothing he could do but endure this. When it did, it would all be over. It was his fault this was happening in the first place. If he hadn’t ran away, then Roy wouldn’t have been so mad, and he wouldn’t be in this position right now. He ground his teeth against the gag, feeling the lick of the lighter against his shoulder blades. He tensed, a clammy sweat beading across his forehead. His mind drifted to the whip. 
He didn’t even want to imagine what his back looked like with so many terrible scars and wounds. He was suddenly frightened the flame would brush against the sensitive skin, and it made his whole body shiver in anticpation. A sharp, bright pain seared against his skin, and he jerked, a muffled whine echoing through the basement. Beard scoffed, his weight pressing uncomfortably in his ribs. 
“Stop squirming,” he snapped, voice low. He could smell the putrid tobacco from his cigarette invading his senses and stinging his eyes. Leo scrunched them shut, and even though the lighter only covered a fraction of his skin, it still burned wildfire. It felt like the flames were digging under his skin, setting the nerves alight with agony. His body jerked and squirmed under each flame, no matter how much Beard threatened him to stay still. The gag dried his mouth out uncomfortably, making it difficult to even suck in a single, needed breath to relieve his aching lungs. Hot tears tracked down his face, though they felt icy compared to the sting of the lighter. 
Beard seemed to grow bored by the time Leo was sweating and panting, choked sobs muffled by the uncomfortable gag. It seemed that without an audience, he didn’t find much purpose in what he was doing. He finally stepped off of him, but not without sending a sharp kick to his stomach as he went. Leo’s eyes bulged, a strained wheeze catching in his throat as he desperately curled in on himself to push the pain away. He couldn’t even reach up to pull the gag out of his mouth. 
He desperately wanted to sooth the painful itch spreading along his back, his shaking breaths puffing against the disgusting rag stuffed between his teeth. A crippling pain was still gripping his stomach by the time Beard lazily tossed his cigarette on the ground, and left the room. 
The loud bang of the metal door forced Leo’s eyes open, a miserable groan tearing from his lips. 
The silence returned, and Leo could barely even find the strength to move from his curled up position. He pressed his head into the ground, fighting the cotton returning back to his head, bloating against the back of his eyes. He tried not to look at the door. He tried not to let the panic of another mercenary wandering inside cloud his judgement, otherwise he would start hyperventilating against the gag. It was hard enough to breathe through his nose at the moment.
Another horrible wait stretched by. 
His mind tossed the last two in his mind. Bran or Joey. Joey or Bran. 
God, Bran was going to be so pissed. He already seemed to blame him for Finger’s, or Rafi’s, death, and no doubt he was going to make him pay for the bad mouthing and vase cracking against his head. He remembered the flash of red blood he’d seen under his hair and—
Leo bit down hard on the gag. 
He was shaking. 
His fingers were throbbing and his head was swimming with nausea. His thoughts were chanting in his mind, too loud in the all-too quiet room, rocking through his skull like alarm bells. He wanted to slam his hands over his ears to block it out, but he couldn’t. He just wanted to come out of the basement, and he just wanted Roy back. 
The familiar screeching of metal ripped him from his mind. Panic instantly set in when he squinted at the familiar figure, who was probably the last person he wanted to see right now. Bran was staring at him with this narrowed, furious look in his beady eyes, but his lip was twisted into a sadistic grin. 
Leo let out a terrified whine, waiting for the inevitable twenty minutes of torture he was going to inflict on him. Bran didn’t waste a second tucking in. 
His meaty fingers yanked him up by the front of his shirt, jarring his neck uncomfortably from the sheer force. His fist smacked into the side of his face, and before Leo could even register the explosion of pain, he drove his knuckles back down into his jaw for a second time.
Then a third.
And then a fourth.
Leo’s ragged screams were muffled by the gag, feeling the skin tear from the impact, birthing a new set of dark bruises along his pale skin. The man shoved him back down onto the ground, the back of his skull bouncing against the concrete. He couldn’t even move to protect himself before a kick swung into his stomach, and Leo was gagging. 
Bran was relentless, somehow worse than he had ever been. His beating didn’t let up for even a second, only pausing to spit derogatory slurs or mock him for crying and snivveling. The blood in Leo’s head was swimming, the pain bright and crippling along his body. It was hard to blink back the spots on his vision, and so his mind eventually shut itself off halfway inbetween. It was only when the man was done with him, cursing under his breath, that he let what was happening barrel back into him. 
“Twenty minutes ain’t enough with your sorry ass,” the man hissed under his breath, giving Leo one final parting kick that cracked against his nose. A broken whimper tore from his throat, lying in a panting, tangled heap of blood, splattered across the ground. His left eye was already swelling, feeling it ache uncomfortably every time he blinked. 
The harsh slamming made him twitch, but it was all he could manage. Everything was going fuzzy and dark, the gag discarded and his dry mouth wheezing for air. A numbness throbbed across his face, briefly fearing the stitches would have become ruined from his never-ending assault. 
It wasn’t long before Joey came in next. 
Leo couldn’t even move, his body wracked with aching pains and exhaustion, even as he approached him with a somewhat grim expression on his face. He just seemed to observe him for a long while.
Leo didn’t really care. He needed a moment. He just needed a second to breathe, to collect himself before he inevitably crumbled again. He was so tired of all of this. 
“I’m not interested in hurting you, Leo,” he murmured under his breath, causing Leo to pry his stinging eyes open. There was a subtle change in his breathing, but if Joey noticed, he didn’t say anything. He instead slowly reached for the gag, uncaring for the blood on it, and unravelled it. It was a long piece like that. “But I have to. So I’ll make it as easy as possible.” 
Leo didn’t really understand what he meant by that, but an arm was suddenly around his shoulder, helping him sit up. It pressed uncomfortably against the lighter burns on his back, causing him to suck in a sharp hiss. It rattled his ribs as he went, and Joey seemed to adjust his grasp on the cloth. 
It was suddenly being looped around his neck, and Leo choked on a delayed gasp as it cut off the air from his lungs. Joey twisted his wrist, the material wrapping around the joint, jerking him back forcefully. His mind was suddenly kicked into overdrive, instinctively reaching up to pry the sharp cloth from his neck, but Joey seized his wrists, pulling him closer. 
“You’ll just make them worse,” he murmured under his breath, and Leo frantically struggled against his hold. The spots were consuming his vision now, cotton building in his brain, no matter how much he kicked and thrashed through the crippling pain. A small, choked wheeze was the last thing he heard from himself, before his eyes were rolling to the back of his head, and he slumped still. 
tag list – @unorganisedalienrubbish @d-cs @rabidrabidme @sordayciega @burningkittypoet @whumpawink @mannerofwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @whatwasmyprevioususername @crilex29 @firefly017 @dutifullykrispyland @wibbly-wobbly-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @anonintrovert @justawhumpjunkie @whumptastic-world @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @whumpterful-beeeeee @anonymous1235 @sonder35 @unforgiven235 @whumpasaurus101 @mj-or-say10 @professional-idiocy @seaweed-is-cool @theelvishcowgirl @atomicsandwichprince @sunshiline-writes @peasandpotatos
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letschateastenders · 5 years
The Branning Family
2006 to 2019
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merchfreak-yb · 4 years
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The loser in hat? It’s his birthday today! We don’t have many pics with Bran because he’s usually behind the camera for BTE but I managed to find one or two! I love the guy! I hope he enjoys his day!
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Whitney, Whitney, Whitney, All she's ever wanted is someone to love her and a family of her own 💗 Who did you like her with? Billie (R.I.P)? Peter? Fatboy (R.I.P)? Tyler? Joey? Her husband Lee? Mick even? (I've missed out Tony and Rob for obvious reasons, can't remember any others?)
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hilarychuff · 3 years
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obvious child au in my asoiaf au graphic series
Sansa thought she’d finally figured the whole dating thing out when she started seeing Harry Hardyng. He didn’t yell at her like her last boyfriend, didn’t throw household objects or temper tantrums, always kept a cool head — so when he dumps her out of the blue after one of her poetry readings, revealing that he’s dating one of their mutual friends instead, well, it wouldn’t exactly be a stretch to say she spirals. It doesn’t help that her uncle Benjen has decided to sell the bookstore he owns, which means she’s losing her day job, too. It feels like her whole life is falling apart around her, and all she wants to do is hide under the covers and sleep for the next year and a half.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), her little sister Arya isn’t about to let her wallow in her own self-pity for long, and when her little brother Bran suggests she try and channel everything she’s feeling into her writing, she figures it’s at least worth a shot. It had helped her before, writing — but when she gets up on stage at the next open mic night Bran organizes, she bombs hard with some angry, impromptu slam poetry and then promptly bursts into tears at the first rhyme in the sonnet she actually prepared ahead of time. The night is a mess, a total loss, and the only thing left to do is to get absolutely trashed and go home with the sweet guy named Jon who wandered in an hour after the show and who offered to buy her a drink when she caught him staring.
In the morning, though, it doesn’t make her feel any better, and she sneaks away while he’s still sleeping. Lately, it feels like everything she touches turns to shit, and she’s not about to drag some innocent bystander down with her — and then she finds out she’s pregnant. Pregnant, and it’s not Harry’s, because they hadn’t had sex in months even before she found out the reason why. She spent one stupid night with Jon, and she still managed to ruin his life in that time, not to mention how ill-prepared her own life is to cater to a baby when she can’t even take care of herself. 
It’s not a question of if she’ll get an abortion. It’s a question of how she’ll afford one without having to tell her parents — and it’s also a question of when. It just figures that the only day the clinic has an open appointment slot is Valentine’s Day. But that’s fine. She knows her romantic life is shit. She just doesn’t want to destroy anyone else’s, which is why she sends Jon away when he swings by her work to ask her out, why she blows him off after he actually shows up at the poetry reading she only sort of invited him to, but when she spends the rest of the week thinking about how he warmed her butter between his palms, cupping his hands around the packet until it spread perfectly across a slice of bread, she can’t stop herself from calling him one last time, leaving a voicemail about where to find her. 
She doesn’t know if he’ll show. She doesn’t know how she’ll tell him. She just — she doesn’t want him to disappear. She doesn’t want to never see him again. She doesn’t know how to unfuck this up, how to explain why exactly she fucked it up in the first place. And then, somewhere on stage between her first poem and her second, she sees him slip into the back of the room, and all she can think is that if she doesn’t say something now, say something while the spotlight is shining and all the faces in the room are turned towards her, she’ll never find the courage to do it at all. 
ft. sansa stark as donna, jon snow as max, arya stark as nellie, bran stark as joey, catelyn stark as nancy, ned stark as jacob, harry hardyng as ryan, benjen stark as gene, theon greyjoy as sam
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