#Japanese curios
rotokyo · 5 months
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Found this absolute unit in Harajuku, during my last day rush. I honestly would have sprung for him, but he was from a 1:6 mystery box set and I refuse to gamble with my last few yen.
I'll always remember you, mystery box pallas cat.
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lesbicastagna · 2 years
saying that yaoi is "written by women to get off" has to be in the top 5 most ignorant things you can say. how much can you downplay an entire genre and movement that you clearly know nothing about but still say that with your whole chest? i'd be embarrassed considering wikipedia is just a click away
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
possibly the funniest thing I've found out this year is that genshin's story doesn't matter to anyone and people really do just play it for the hot anime boys/girls
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jpopstreaming · 7 months
🆕🎶 「 NOB FROM CURIO 」 new single by NOB FROM CURIO is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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hallucinogeniusvmjp · 10 months
Real lanternfly insect set on traditional Japanese artwork.
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korva-the-raven · 1 year
I found a beautiful Japanese tea box at a thrift store and transformed it into one of my corvid boxes. A corvid box, because it's made by a Raven, but it's ment for anyone who enjoys curio treasures.
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One of my biggest corvid boxes...
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The bottom of the box has been decorated too. I thought I was basically finished with this piece, but how many matchboxes I needed. I need to make 6 more look like this:
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Haven't decided if the other 6 matchbox sleaves will use sheet music or different paper...but I'm leaning towards variety...
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And some close up glamor shots...
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Everything is ment to picked up and interacted with...
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Shape, color, texture all play into the intention behind it's creation, and of course lots of shines...
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I had a different arrangement and assort of items at first, but took everything out to decorate the interior of the tea box. I think my second arrangement came out even better. 🖤🍄🐛
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greycaelum · 7 months
I’m curios to see what reader & satoru’s house would looks like in the kaleidoscope series🧐
I presume you mean their very own home and not the Gojo Estate
CTTO: Finestspace Studio [Sukhumvit 64 House]
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Gonna put it here for those who cannot access the link (just copy the link in chrome then delete the "https//:href.li/?")
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It's the closest one I could find that fits my imagination—(but the glass is reflective glass instead of the clear one in the pic)—for their home since city houses in Japan are often so close to the road. Still, it's mentioned in the story how the family has a backyard and front yard where the kids often play, and my favorite engawa. Remember that the family doesn't live in the city but in a suburb so they get a little more space than average (courtesy of Satoru wanting privacy). Here's the link (for interior and exterior) This is the renovated home they have after Satoru came home from being sealed and Saika's birth.
As for the villa in the back of Gojo Estate where Y/n and Kouki stayed while Satoru was sealed—
CTTO: Shinwa
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It's not the exact replica of their first home but the villa house they have in the Gojo Estate is quite similar to their first home but with the traditional touch before Satoru renovated it while Y/n was still pregnant with Saika and they were staying in the Gojo Estate, because... the elders and the preservation of culture etc. not that Satoru minds but he admits that Japanese style mixed with modern architecture is good. The link is here (for interior and exterior).
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archaiclumina · 2 months
日傘 モモ
I've been writing a scene in the blorbette's backstory with Momo over the past couple of evenings. Momo is great! She's not actually a person, she's a parasol. It's right there in her name! 日傘 Higasa (Parasol) モモ Momo (Peach).
I will probs never get to play Momo in the game, because one can't have too many alts you know? They take up a lot of time c': BUT. With the power of crimes I can still take screenshots of her!
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More about Momo under the cut for those interested c:
For those who don't know much about the Blorbette's backstory, aside from being trapped in a forever cycle of fixing and ruining each other, Ren and Oli are operatives of Zancefer's super secret organization. CARGO or the Curio and Relic Guardianship Operation. Essentially, Zan likes to keep tabs on powerful and interesting things that crop up in the game and generally, keep them out of Sharlayan hands so those old coots at the Forum don't just lock up all the cool shit. The Slanted Shelves is the sanctioned part of this organization. But, Zan has never really been one to ignore something just because it's unsactioned. So as a result, he gets Ren and Oli (and Cal and Leon) to poke their noses into all sorts of things they probably shouldn't be.
And that's how they met Momo! Momo is a living, breathing part of Uncle Zan's collection!
She's a character who features in a pretty large portion of the Blorbette's backstory. I based her on Japanese tsukumogami folkore. I extrapolated the idea of her from the Kutsutsura – the shoes which can take either a human form or an animal form. (In human form, they look like a court noble wearing a shoe as a hat. In animal form, they appear as a round, fuzzy thing with a fur boot for a nose.) Momo is, as her name suggests, a parasol. After her original owner was killed during the fall of Doma to the Garleans, Momo was abandoned to rot. However, thanks to her having been cared for by her former owners through generations, she acquired a spirit soon after the death of her mistress, whom she had loved dearly. Swearing vengeance, she made it her mission to murder as many Garlean soldiers as possible! And she was really good at it! (Especially if it was raining!)
Eventually, her existence became known to Zancefer. So, because he's a very busy man, he got Cyfrenne to look into it for him. This was what a large portion of her time in Othard was actually spent doing, and it's why she was living over there instead of going back to the Studium and studying for an Archonship like she was supposed to. Instead, she was trying to work out what the hell Momo was. But she did, eventually, and Ren, who has quite pale morals to begin with, became friends with the murderous parasol and somehow convinced her uncle to employ her as his retainer in Othard. The mystery of Momo was actually only solved shortly before Ren returned to Eorzea, currently, she lives in Ren's old apartment in Shirogane, and is strictly sworn off killing Garleans ( :c )
Momo is sweet, but not actually being human, she doesn’t have a very firm grasp on what’s right and wrong, and precious little care for social norms. As a result, she takes a lot of guidance from Ren and Oli on how she should behave, but she doesn't always pull it off. Anyway, I love her and I don't get to talk about the other characters that make up the Blorbette's backstory much, and I will probably be finished up with the arc she features prominently in soon, and I am sentimental about it lol. So please enjoy this random Momo lore c:
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I saw that your requests were open so I was wondering if you could do Asahi x reader? Maybe relationship headcannons? You can have creative liberty with everything else though.
Thank you ^^
ofc Anon, happy to help ya out! This is my first time writing for Asahi, but honestly it should be pretty easy, because I’m an asahi Kinnie. Love y’all sm, if you liked this, make sure to like, follow, and if you curios, just ask
warnings: Swearing, crack, fluff? Mentions of vagina? Has one section implying a AFAB reader, but is only one paragraph. If you aren’t a pussy owner, pretend it’s a papercut it literally the same results. I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible.
status: edited, but at like 3am so read at your own risk
💜Asahi Azumane💜
💜Boyfriend Headcannons💜
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First things first, Man is so freaking shy. Like goodness, he wouldn’t be able to talk to you when he has a crush on you. So, if you want results, you have to A) Be confident, and B) be in a place he’s comfortable interacting in. Like at volleyball practice (Gia- Joden shut your ass up, your AsaNoya is showing.) So, for this let’s just imagine you’re a second year, helping Kiyoko manage the team. Yeah that sounds a lil familiar but shhhhhhhhh, let me have this.
Once we get over the hurdle of him actually asking you out (AKA Tanaka bullying him into doing with some, if you don’t do it, I will,) Be gotta be the biggest sweetie ever. Like I’m used to writing for assholes, but I physically cannot with this man, this pure sweet chipotle bowl of a man. The most shit I can say is that he’s a pussy.
Please. For the love of God (Gia- You called?) Play with his hair. He will literally melt like butter into a blushy slushy mess it’s so freaking adorable.
The literal epitome of pit bull energy. Like so freaking terrifying on the outside but inside? Literally the softest thing since Japanese pancakes. And because of this, mfs be terrified to talk to you. Like even if he’s so polite, things don’t change. What he says- “Hi, I’m sure you didn’t know, but that’s my partner , and it looks like you’re making them very uncomfortable, could you please leave them alone.? Thank you! 🌸☺️🌸” What people hear- “Aye yo, what ya doing with my girl buddy? You tryna start something, I’ll fucking kick your ass *insert Tanaka face*”. Yeah, it’s a common occurrence for people to tell you to blink twice if you need help.
Even though he’s canonically not planning on going to college, he’s still above average in school work. Not really in terms of analysis and problem solving, so his best subjects are stuff he can just memorize like science or History. If you happen to be weak in either of those, he would be more than happy to help after practice or during weekends. He’s super patient with you and often suggests snack breaks and other things whenever it gets to much. (Because of that he’s also really good at helping you through panic attacks, more on that if I do a part 2.)
In terms of cringe, the cringiest thing y’all do would be like seriously basic couples costumes. And I ain’t talking joker and Harley Quinn type bs (that fr can be cute sometimes,) I’m talking moth and lamp type shit. I know it’s probably adorable to some of yall but it gives me the serious ick.
Speaking of the Ick, man uses the most horrendous nicknames unironocally. He doesn’t do it all the time (especially after Tanaka nearly pissed himself after hearing him trying to be tender.) like I can just hear him saying, “Hey muffin, can you grab my bag from the club room? I have to help clean up.” (Gia- joden ewwwwww stop it that’s literally so gross.)
reads you the Bible
Yall know that one comic where it’s like killer croc and his girlfriend walking around and she tells him how much she loves him and how safe he makes her feel? Yeah that’s literally yall and it’s so precious. Like just imagine walking anywhere and everywhere holding pinkies (my gay lol heart is melting) while he’s just being a blushy mess.
Noya is the main wingman, but still doesn’t know on how how you got together. His idea of friendly advice is, “QUICK BEING W PUSS AND ASK THEM OUT LIKE A MAN ASAHI😤.”
Regardless of if you are a titty owner or not, please don’t take your shirt off around him, he will literally malfunction.He will literally have an aneurysm. Like mans nosebleeds will rock him like a rocket. Like man will be in the morgue from blood loss. And we still need this man for cuddles, so no. Kill the spike not your boyfriend, can i get an amen 🙏?
He is the most precious fluffy boyfriend possible. Like he’s the sweetest of all beans. Like you could ask him to murder someone and he’lll just be like, “Yes Sweetie anything you say dear 🌸🥰🌸.” Kinda like Gojo in that one jjk scene (the I’ll murder you one)
he loves restaurant dates, but like don’t take him anywhere who only has spicy food. I love this man with all my might, but he is a serious pussy. Like my goodness has the gracious. And he won’t even say anything about it. My poor baby will just suffer in silence. So please don’t, he’s a poor baby.
This one’s for all my long hair honeys. One word. Hairties. Hairties Galore. He never has enough. And he always has them at the ready. But on the unlikely chance he doesn’t, he has no problem using your scrunchies during a game, and it’s seriously the softest marshmallow man move ever. I can not emphasize it enough.
ok this man if the favorite of all of his younger cousins. Like the little dudes love just climbing on them. He physically cannot say no to them. So, what’s something they force him to do? Watch Disney princess movies with them. He knows all their names trust. His top three definitely Jasmine, Belle and Cinderella, trust me on this.(Gia- fuck sukuna, Asahi x Cinderella for life lol) He gives the most insane Disney adult energy it’s insane. (Gia- joden, chill with the slander mate).
He is a living random fact generator. No I will not elaborate. He watches that kind of YouTube shorts. He’s so boring I swear to fuck.
(I had to Make Gia write this lol) This one is for all my pussy people. He gotta be the most worried individual on this side of the nuthouse whenever you’re bleeding. Like the second he hears your on the cycle it’s, “OMG ARE YOU OK, ARE YOU DYING? OMG MY GIRLFRIENDS DYING, HELP WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE DOCTORS! PLEASE DONT DIE ON ME BABY! DO YOU NEED PADS, HEATING PADS, IBUPROFEN, CHOCOLATE!?ILL GET YOU THAT, THE VERY BEST BEST QUALITY-” please shut him tf up. He’s gonna have a panic attack, please calm him down,
for us non pussy personas, just imagine you got a paper-cut. He literally acts the same way.
For my final big thing, ima just give ya’ll little addicts exactly what yall came here for: Crack. (Also yes a changed some lyrics, I ain’t about to whitewash no characters)
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
all- Sausage!
*Literally everyone is gay in this show so I’m not including this verse*
all- Sausage!
Asahi- hagsaggecgedhurdgiitg
all- Sausage!
Saiko- Big tits, and I’m thick so you know I take
all- Sausage!
Kuroo- Yeah I read but but they’re all about
All- Sausage! Sa-Sa-Sa-Sausage, Sausage
kiyoko- I like girls, can I still take sausage?
bro I ain’t gon lie, I had so much fun writing this, but I’m sorry I took so long Anon, I love all of yall so much, but I also am smack in the middle of exam season, and you’re boy needs his degree. If y’all love this, then feel free to ask for more, it’s free, and like and follow me. Love y’all lil freaks,
Joden (edited by Gia)
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sukunas-wife · 4 months
Hiiiii :D (first time interacting just wanted to say i love your works!)
This is not a request ofc but a small rumble and I'd like to know your thoughts on it.
So I see a lot of tropes with Heian era Sukuna like "village girl saved by the curse king", "arranged marriage that turns into love" ect. ect. , so around the fact that reader falls in love first when getting to know Suluna right? So I thought for a moment "a majority of Sukuna's fan are actualy occidental" and the heian era is around the 1000-1300s Japan where it was complitly isolated by other ethicities so Sukuna would have like NO idea humans could have complitly different trates from the asians ones.
In conclusions: occidental reader getting stranded on a land where there has been no records of such different humans and of course Sukuna getting either curios or fascinated by such traits and HIM falling in love first when reader shares their culture and such.
(So I have never like wrote a fan-fic before but this trope has been stuck in my head for WEEKS and I WILL make this real, hopefully...)
Oouuuu I LOVE THIS IDEA! I won’t lie I thought about it after seeing a few modern day fics of Sukuna x Black/African Reader, Sukuna x Indian/Brown reader
And I thought, sure that modern day Sukuna, BUT HOW would the four armed beast take it???
And I also thought, “If I were to ever bring sukuna home to my family, it would BE WILD!
I’m of Japanese/Hispanic descent, more Hispanic due to my mother basically up and leaving 😅 but the side of her family I do keep in contact with is nice.
And I was thinking, “If I could bring him home to my dad and his culture, he would be floored or entirely just blown away!”
If you do pull through tag me? 🥺🤍 I kinda wanna give it a go now tho if you don’t mind? 🥹
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'If you’ve ever read an interview with the Irish actor Cillian Murphy, you might think him shy, irritable, or even neurotic. Journalists love to write about how closed-off he is, that if you ask him anything too personal he’ll shut down and give one-line answers. This makes their job very hard, they say. But what those interviews don’t tell you, is that if you let Murphy talk about a subject that he actually wants to talk about – such as his epic new film about the father of the atomic bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer – he’ll go on for ages. And he’ll be very open and interesting while he’s doing it. He might even make a joke.
He does this when NME meets him at a posh hotel in Soho. We’ve just walked into the room. Murphy is sat down, wearing a black v-neck jumper over a white t-shirt, black trousers and a pair of very pointy Chelsea boots. He seems relaxed, and greets us with a cheery “hello!”. Then he recognises the thick paperback tucked under our arm as a copy of American Prometheus, the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography from which Oppenheimer is adapted. We’d intended to read a quote from the book later but Murphy cuts in on our explanation. “No, you brought it in here to be pretentious,” he grins. “Would you like me to sign it for you?”
There are people who would sell their grandmas for a mere glimpse of Murphy, let alone an autograph. He’s been dogged by screaming fans since the early days of his career – when he broke out as often-shirtless apocalypse survivor Jim in Danny Boyle’s 2002 horror hit 28 Days Later. Brummie gangster series Peaky Blinders made him a global star, but his most famous film roles are notable because they’ve often come from collaborations with the same director. Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi blockbuster Inception, war thriller Dunkirk and his Batman trilogy all featured Murphy as the supporting curio – a side character that pops up every so often to steal your attention from the main protagonist. But in Oppenheimer, the duo’s latest creative partnership, he finally is the main character.
And he’s a good one too. Oppenheimer was an American scientist who made vital discoveries in quantum physics during the 1920s and ‘30s, going on to oversee the creation of the atomic bomb for the US Government – two of which were dropped on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, killing an estimated 220,000 people. Oppenheimer spent the rest of his life campaigning for disarmament, appalled at the weapon (his preferred term was “gadget”) he had helped to give the world. He also drank heavily and had a reputation as a womaniser, despite being quiet and sometimes socially awkward. Murphy calls him “contradictory” and “complex”, which is like saying Suella Braverman doesn’t like immigrants. “I do think that he believed it would be the weapon to end all wars,” Murphy continues, attempting to explain how a left-leaning humanitarian could spend two years perfecting the ultimate killing machine. “He thought that [having the bomb] would motivate countries to form a sort of nuclear world governance.” Murphy pauses. “He was naive.”
Was that naivety a choice though? Oppenheimer had an explosive ego, once attempting to poison a university professor who chastised him when he was a student. Could his desire to achieve such as historic breakthrough have led him to ignore his own better judgement?
“That’s an interesting take,” says Murphy. He runs his hands through his hair, which is styled into wavy curtains. He does this a lot when thinking a question over. “Chris used this amazing phrase. We were talking about Oppenheimer’s arc and he said, ‘You know, he’s dancing between the raindrops morally.’ That unlocked something in my mind when I was preparing.”
To play the role of Oppenheimer, Murphy went very deep. He read the Bhagavad Gita – a 700-page Hindu religious text that the physicist famously quoted from (“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”) Then he started “skipping meals” in an effort to slim down to Oppenheimer’s rail-thin frame. During the actual shoot, Murphy smoked so many fake cigarettes that he worried it harmed his health. “They can’t be good for you,” he told The Guardian. Oppenheimer himself died of throat cancer in 1967.
On top of the physical strain, Murphy delved into some pretty dark emotional places. He had six months to research before filming began in February 2022, and during the 67-day production he often worked 18-hour days. War, genocide and the nuclear holocaust are unpleasant to think about at the best of times, never mind your every waking moment. It must have been brutal.
“You always have to take a holiday after a job,” he concedes, as though being a Hollywood actor is no different from plumbing toilets. “It’s not because… as some journalists like to think, you’re a method actor or whatever. It’s because you give so much time to the job and then suddenly you stop. You have all this displaced energy, you know, so you kind of don’t know what to do with yourself… But I’m a very easygoing sort of person. It doesn’t weigh me down.”
We suspect Murphy isn’t being entirely truthful here. Such is the intensity of his performance – all simmering discontent and wide-eyed panic attacks – that it’s difficult to believe he just shook the weight of global armageddon off each night before climbing into bed. Emily Blunt, who plays Oppenheimer’s wife Kitty in the film, has said Murphy regularly skipped cast dinners because of the “monumental” pressure he felt. “Of course he didn’t want to [eat] with us,” she told People magazine. Matt Damon, brilliant as mustachioed military boss General Groves, agreed: “His brain was just too full.” When we push Murphy on the subject, he reveals a little more. “I didn’t go out much. I didn’t socialise much, mainly because of the amount of work I had to do… I became so immersed in the role.”
To make the experience yet more profound, cameras rolled only “a couple of days” before Russia invaded Ukraine. The West united to impose stringent economic sanctions on Vladimir Putin and his people. The value of the Ruble plummeted, Russian billionaires were booted out of London and Moscow became a cultural ghost town with the likes of Green Day and Iron Maiden cancelling gigs. Putin’s response? To start lining up tactical nukes along his borders. Armageddon seemed closer than at any moment since the Cold War. Murphy (and his castmates) felt the heat. “It was everywhere, and we were fully aware of that,” he says. “The threat [of nuclear war] has escalated and receded over the years since 1945… and now it’s back. It’s always there, this Sword Of Damocles that is hanging over us.”
Murphy, 47, knows what it’s like to exist against the backdrop of conflict. He grew up during the Troubles in late 1970s and ‘80s Cork, Ireland, where reports of sectarian violence in the north often dominated the news. His mum was a French teacher and his dad worked for the civil service. As a teenager, he was obsessed with music. He read NME and loved Frank Zappa and The Beatles. To illustrate his fandom, he tells us about a trip he took to Liverpool, later in life, to see the legendary Cavern Club, where the mop tops first cut their teeth on stage. “I walked down to [the street where the Cavern Club is supposed to be],” he says, “and it wasn’t there. It was somewhere over there!” He gesticulates with his hands. “It’s not the real Cavern. It’s just a mock-up!”
Inspired by John, Paul, George and Ringo, Murphy and his brother formed a band: The Sons of Mr Green Genes, named after a Zappa tune from the avant garde groover’s 1969 album ‘Hot Rats’. The songs were similarly experimental, filled with “wacky lyrics and endless guitar solos”. Eventually, an indie label based in London, Acid Jazz, put a five-album deal on the table. He and his brother turned it down, citing reasons of artistic independence, but for a while rock and roll appeared more inviting than the movies.
Murphy is often disparaging about his songs to journalists, but they must have been doing something right. He’s also self-deprecating when we bring up the underrated 2002 short film Watchmen, which he co-wrote with BAFTA-winner Paloma Baeza – his only attempt at a screenplay. “I just never thought that I was good enough really,” he says. “It’s why I haven’t, you know, pursued the music either… I like to do one thing quite well.” He adds that it’s unlikely this will change in the future.
Murphy will be far too busy to write songs or screenplays for a while anyway. The first reviews for Oppenheimer are out, and some critics have him earmarked for an Oscar. He’ll charm his way through awards season no doubt, just as he does at the Paris premiere the night before our interview. Done up in a black suit with mustard shirt and matching oversized tie, he looks a bit like the handsome English teacher your best mate had a crush on. Walking the red carpet, he is happy to answer questions, speaking at length about Nolan’s genius and the “amazing” reaction to Oppenheimer so far. You can tell he’s enjoying himself.
Murphy’s not on duty tonight though, with London’s premiere scheduled for the day after our chat. Then he’ll be waiting to get on with his next gig, the dark indie drama Small Things Like These, adapted from Claire Keegan’s bestselling 2021 title, in which he’ll take the lead role. Following his breakthrough blockbuster with a low-key Irish drama is typically understated of Murphy, so not unexpected. More box office projects loom on the horizon – a standalone Peaky Blinders movie and the long-awaited horror threequel 28 Months Later – but he says he has “no new information” on either.
It’s difficult to say what Oppenheimer means for Murphy. He is a household name in the UK and Ireland, but less so in the States, where some still see him as a ‘TV actor’. In a recent interview to promote the film, Robert Downey Jr. talked of Murphy’s life “changing” after Oppenheimer, as if he’s a fresh actor on the scene. In a sense, Downey Jr. is right. This is Murphy’s first lead role in a sure-fire smash. And the parts he gets offered now may be a bit starrier. But don’t expect to see him in spandex on a Marvel soundstage anytime soon.
“I like unknowable, ambiguous, kind of enigmatic [characters],” he says. “To me that’s human life: the knotty, weird grey areas… A good man’s life is wholly uninteresting.”'
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demifiendrsa · 6 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth details Kalm and Under Junon characters, playable Red XIII, synergy abilities and skills, more
"The Story So Far" Recap trailer
■ New Art
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■ Regions of the World
The world is comprised of multiple regions, each boasting unique environments for players to explore and experience on their adventure.
A halcyon hamlet kept safe from the outside world by a sturdy stone wall. Though it lacks a reactor of its own, it thrives thanks to a steady supply of mako piped in from the metropolis of Midgar, which is visible from atop the town’s famous clock tower.
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Mythril Mine
A once-bustling mine that connects the grasslands with Junon. Though once prized for its rich mythril deposits, the quarry fell into disuse after Shinra developed a superior mineral of their own, and the miners that once worked its tunnels have been replaced with monsters.
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■ New Characters
Broden (voiced by Mick Lauer in English, Shinshu Fuji in Japanese)
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Owner and operator of the Inn at Kalm. He bears a grudge against Shinra, offering to help Cloud and friends escape their would-be corporate captors. His gaunt appearance may be due to his recent bout with an unknown illness.
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Rhonda (voiced by G.K. Bowes in English, Rei Igarashi in Japanese)
Mayor and sheriff of Under Junon. Her home, once a prosperous fishing village, fell into decline after Shinra constructed a military fortress overhead and a deep-sea mako reactor offshore. Despite Cloud and friends’ status as alleged terrorists, Rhonda still allows them to pass through her town.
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Priscilla (Voiced by Reese Warren in English, Rikako Oota in Japanese)
A cheerful young girl who lives in Under Junon, often seen swimming with the dolphin she trains. The offshore mako reactor has contaminated the surrounding waters, and Priscilla fears for the safety of her dolphin friend and other aquatic creatures.
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Billy (voiced by Paul Castro Jr. in English, Yuusuke Shirai in Japanese)
Grandson of Bill, owner of a chocobo ranch in the grasslands. Having lost his parents at a young age, he and his sister were raised by their grandfather. This young ranch hand kindly offers to teach Cloud and company the ropes of chocobo wrangling—on the condition that they patronize his sister’s shop.
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Chloe (voiced by Trinity Bliss in English, Hisui Kimura in Japanese)
Billy’s younger sister, she runs a shop on the ranch where she sells crafting materials and other curios. Warm and kindhearted, she engages politely with Cloud and company and is grateful for their patronage. At the same time, she is worried about her brother’s fixation on making money.
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■ Combat
—Basic Attacks
Red XIII slashes at foes with his sharp claws. Hold down the button to unleash a wide-range attack that helps build ATB quickly.
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Red XIII boasts a vast array of skills, from lightning-fast physical strikes to ranged magical attacks. Stardust Ray conjures an exploding orb of light that scorches all foes caught in the blast.
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—Vengeance Mode
Block incoming attacks to fill the vengeance gauge, and unleash that energy to enter vengeance mode, enhancing his physical attacks and his evasive prowess. Siphon Fang delivers a powerful blow while absorbing some of the enemy’s HP—all without expending ATB.
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—Unique Ability: Ward Shift
Aerith can instantaneously warp to any sigils she has created, allowing her to move about the field with ease and maximize the impact of her magic.
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New System: Synergy Abilities
Powerful attacks in which two characters team up to turn the tide of battle. More abilities will unlock as you increase the party level─ a numerical expression of how closely-knit your team is─and deepen the affinity between party members. Fill the synergy gauge by using abilities, then unleash a synchronized assault!
—Cloud / Tifa: Relentless Rush
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Cloud launches Tifa toward an enemy to attack in tandem.
—Barret / Red XIII: Overfang
Barret sends Red XIII flying toward an enemy at high velocity.
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New System: Synergy Skills
Two party members team up to activate useful abilities without consuming ATB. These commands can be executed while blocking, and provide a wide array of beneficial effects. Each pair has their own unique set of abilities; some deal damage, while others offer support.
—Cloud / Aerith: Spell Blade
Gather strength, then team up to unleash a charged magical attack.
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—Barret / Cloud: Mad Dash
Team up to charge forward while guarding against incoming attacks. Activate in sequence to trigger a three-hit combo.
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Setting summoning materia will grant access to the power of the gods. A conjured deity will follow the player’s lead and fight enemies automatically, but you can also instruct them to use special abilities. Before they depart the battlefield, summons will unleash one final attack that will wreak immense havoc.
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A bovine deity that charges around the battlefield wielding the power of fire, ice, and lightning. It throws foes with its enormous horns and unleashes magical attacks that strike even distant enemies’ weaknesses.
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—Kujata bounds towards foes with reckless abandon and manipulates its elemental affinities to deliver magical attacks. Blazing Horn launches a concentrated burst of fiery energy at an enemy, blasting them back.
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—Kujata unleashes Tri-Disaster just before leaving the battlefield, a powerful wide-range attack imbued with the powers of fire, ice, and lightning—sure to hit many foes right where it hurts and potentially wipe them out.
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■ World Intel
Chadley enlists your help with deepening his understanding of the world. As you explore the various regions, you will uncover new areas rich with treasures and natural wonders. Data points accumulated in your travels can then be spent to develop useful new materia.
Protorelics are artifacts of unknown origin that emit a unique energy signal. These elusive antiquities are hidden throughout the world─but with the aid of activated remnawave towers, Chadley should be able to point you in their direction. Be warned, however: they seem to alter space-time, and are known to cause strange phenomena.
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Materia Development
Assisting Chadley with his world-spanning research will allow you to accrue data points, which can then be spent to develop new materia. Some offer access to spells of multiple affinities, while others grant the use of unique abilities—all of which are sure to prove useful against even the most formidable foes.
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■ World: Customization
Chocobo ranches are also home to chocoboutiques, stalls at which you can freely customize and recolor your bird’s equipment from head to talon. Gear will impact its performance in chocobo races, so find an ensemble that suits your style and go for the gold!
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■ System: Combat Styles / Difficulty Levels
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth offers multiple combat styles and difficulty levels for players of all persuasions.
Combat Styles
“Active” mode offers players total control over their characters’ every move, allowing them to execute advanced strategies. “Classic” mode automates characters’ basic actions, giving players time to focus on specific command selection.
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Difficulty Levels
“Easy” difficulty allows people to focus on the story rather than battles, while “Normal” provides a reasonable challenge for most players. In the newly added “Dynamic” difficulty, enemies grow stronger as your characters do—perfect for players who crave constant challenge.
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second game in the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy, will launch for PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024.
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piffany666 · 1 month
Facts about denise i want out there before the game happens!
Denise was raised in brooklin
She's half Japanese (on her dad's side)
Her dad owned a huge company back in Japan so he wasn't around that often
One day her dad told her and her mum that he had been cheating on denise's mum and now had 2 kids back in Japan to take care of
He left when denise was 8
Denise's mum took this to mean denise wasnt good enough for him to stay and that his new kids where better then her
This is what caused denise's mum to have high expectations for denise
But denise was always a "difficult child" so she wasn't having any of her mum's bullshit even as a kid
I've talked about this before but denise always did the opposite of what her mum said even if it's somthing denise actually wanted to do
Eg. Mum: "dont go out wearing that!"
Denise: "F*k You!" ( didnt even like that dress)
(You get the idea)
The reason why denise always has her hair covering her eyes is because growing up her mum's friends always talked about how she "had her dad's eyes but still had really piercing bright blue eyes"
This always made denise uncomftrobel as a kid so she tried to hide her eyes as much as possible
Only when she got older did she realise that her mum's friends where kinda infantilising her
After her dad left her hair finally grew enough to cover her eyes
Her mum always talked about how much she wanted to "see her pretty eyes" so of course she grew her hair out even more
Eventually she just got used to it and it became her "thing" her "trademark" so she just kept it
Denise identified as bi-curios for a while (throught highschool and collage) but eventually identified as bisexual
Denise's favorate coulor is purple
Denise likes anime but like only the old-ish ones eg. Full metal alchemists (the og), soul eater, hellsing (the 2005 version), ouron high school, nana ect
Nana is denise's favorate anime
Denise wants to be an artist and a singer
Denise's favorate artist is Vivien Westwood
Denise's art looks a lil somthing like this
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(Pictures from my high school art exhibit)
It's mainly paint and fabric stapled to a canvas
(Thats all i got for now but if I come up more ill just re blog this)
@rustycopper4use @lunaritychuwolf @rozeliyawashereyall @ghostfrog28
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sneezemonster15 · 7 months
Hi! I enjoy your posts and sorry if my english is unclear but i was curios how the characters in naruto will have reacted if they knew about sasuke and naruto true relationship. And if kishi didn't have to pare them in couples to make money
Hi, don't worry about your English. It's cool. :)
Given Konoha is a heteronormative, and prejudiced society, it would have not have reacted positively to the union of Sasuke and Naruto. Hinata is a stereotypical female hentai bait character whose whole purpose in life is to get a husband of her choice. Her choice happens to be Naruto, and the idea that her love should be ideally reciprocated by her object of desire doesn't really occur to her. She is portrayed as a typical Japanese girl. In Japanese society, women are fairly traditional (not counting exceptions). They typically adhere to traditional gender roles and having an individual ambition or evolution is not at the top of their priorities. She portrays such a woman, whose only purpose in life is to secure a marriage with the guy she likes. In one of his interviews at the end, Kishi said about her character that she would be really pathetic if she didn't get rewarded at the end. What was her reward? Naruto. She was not the only character to get rewarded for doing absolutely nothing, or nothing good at least. She is shown as someone unintelligent and proportionately unskilled, who doesn't move a finger unless it is to show off to her object of desire. If Naruto ended up with Sasuke, her reaction would be the same as when Sakura hugs Naruto at the end of Pein arc.
Just - Naruto kun....
And then - .....
And nothing else. She would mope about and do nothing about it. Just like she didn't in Naruto the last movie. Except maybe knit a scarf. :/ Would it end in her character's resolution, some kind of realization? No. Kishi never showed her as having a capability to introspect and deduce calmly, she never thinks or even wonders about Naruto's feelings for her, she just thinks of her own.
Sakura? She already knows that Naruto and Sasuke's bond is special. But if they were officially united, it's pretty obvious that she would throw tantrums, like she does. She would get upset and angry, she would probably accuse Naruto of stealing Sasuke from her (yeah, she has very limited self awareness, also she is very good at repressing or dismissing stuff that doesn't benefit her objectives), she would probably abuse Naruto some more, she would whine and cry in front of Sasuke. Either that or she would outwardly show happiness for them but inner Sakura would be resentful, bitter, jealous and vengeful. Sakura is a malicious character, make no mistake. Her priority is her happiness, her pleasure, her ego. Like Hinata, she places her own ego satisfaction over the happiness of Sasuke, Sarada or her own long term happiness.
And these ladies had to be written this way to facilitate the Brokeback Mountainesque situation post Shippuden, two entitled and self centred women with very limited amounts of self awareness, who will be happy with their one sided love as long as their egos are satisfied, as long as they get to 'have' the men they like and want.
Where some characters show some awareness/knowledge of Naruto and Sasuke's special bond, such as Gaara, Itachi, Orochimaru, Kabuto, most others seem pretty heteronormative and consequently oblivious. Gaara loves Naruto but his happiness is in Naruto's happiness, so he will be happy to see Naruto happy. Neither does he disrespect Sasuke, like other characters do. Itachi suspected that there was more to Naruto's feelings for Sasuke. And he seems to know that Sasuke has feelings for Naruto as well. Itachi told Sasuke that Naruto will take care of everything, so I think Itachi will be happy to see Sasuke's happiness. Itachi does have a very twisted understanding of love and loyalty, but towards the end, he understands his brother and the world a little better.
Characters such as Kakashi, Shikamaru, Kiba, Sai, Suigetsu (who constantly push the characters of Naruto and Sasuke towards Sakura, Hinata or Karin irrespective of Sasuke's or Naruto's own disinterest or apathy) could never really tell whom Sasuke or Naruto loved, despite seeing how crazy and absolutely single mindedly obsessed Naruto was about Sasuke or that Sasuke would pro actively show concern for Naruto and Naruto only, especially in Shippuden. So characters like these would simply be surprised, and then blanch at Sasuke and Naruto getting together, and some would possibly show disapproval. Characters such as Jiraiya certainly would, who have a very narrow minded belief system about how men and women should be, and what their roles are in society.
Ino would cry and whine, but then accept the status quo. Her interest in Sasuke was also very fangirlish, she wouldn't suffer for long, and certainly get over it as soon as she manages to find another male romantic interest who is good looking.
Naruto's parents are also quite heteronormative, but I think they, at least Kushina will be eventually happy that her son is happy and thriving with Sasuke, that she who could not be there to provide a family to her only child, Sasuke took that role on and satisfied it. Minato would also follow suit. Doubtless, Naruto would be infinitely happy with Sasuke. Sasuke is his oxygen.
Oro and Kabuto would smirk, given they had always known it. Kakashi would probably introspect about how wrong he was about so many things, just like he was wrong about his father, Obito, shinobihood, and making Sakura false promises about Sasuke after the hospital fight.
Tsunade would be mildly surprised but won't have any malice or prejudice. The elders (and Danzo) would disapprove in a major way. Obviously. They represent the traditional and corrupt ways of the shinobi world.
Iruka would be genuinely happy (even if surprised) because his only condition is Naruto being happy. And Naruto will be happy with Sasuke. Tenten would say - Kawaai, and will continue playing with her weapons. Neji won't say anything, would probably just smile, and probably worry looking at Hinata's pathetic self, Neji knows she has feelings for Naruto.
Akatsuki members (except Itachi) won't give a shit. Hahahaha. They are non conformists, disillusioned, they don't care what society thinks. They very well know how hypocritical and unjust their world is.
Kurama would approve and be happy for Naruto, since he knows how much Naruto cares for Sasuke. Karin would also react dramatically, she'd be taken aback, get angry, then sad, but would eventually accept the status quo. Juugo wouldn't care as long as Sasuke is well. Hashirama and Madara would have a fleeting thought/regret about how Sasuke and Naruto achieved what they couldn't. The general population of Konoha would also disapprove, Naruto is their hero, as a hero, he serves their needs, and they won't be happy seeing Naruto breaking convention flagrantly. Also, they are wary of Sasuke, Sasuke's role in the war is not revealed to them, they think of him as a nukenin that Naruto forgave. They were seen approving Naruto and Hinata's union because Hinata is a princess heiress, and it's a fairytale wedding, and Naruto is a hero who eventually ends up with the princess. Typical heteronormative society.
Temari and Kankuro would be surprised, Temari would be subtle about it, Kankuro would be loud and perhaps a bit vulgar about it. In good humor though, I think he knows about Gaara's feelings for Naruto. But Temari and Kankuro would be pleased for Naruto's happiness but probably a bit sad for Gaara? Heheh.
Okay who else, who am I missing?
But yeah, that's how it would be.
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catsnuggler · 2 months
I was walking around today, when I noticed a yard sale. Curious, I walked toward it instead of around the local park, curious of what curios and deals I might run into.
There were lots of good things, but nothing I wanted to buy, except what appears to be a German Stein...
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Nice, isn't it? Could use some cleaning, but it's great. I wasn't even going to take it, though, even though it caught my interest. They offered it to me for free, though, and even thanked me for taking it off their hands!
...However, followers, I have deceived you. There's something I didn't mention - no, two things.
It isn't German; it's Japanese.
It isn't just a Stein; it's a music box that plays when the trigger at the bottom isn't held by some kind of flat surface or pressure below it.
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It still works, too!
It was a very neat find, and I kinda wish I'd actually bought something from the yard sale. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see.
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