#Jane and Beard ending was awful
mitskijamie · 2 months
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veliseraptor · 16 days
April Reading Recap
Stars of Chaos vol. 2 by Priest. I'm not quite grabbed by this one yet. I'm not not enjoying it, but the main relationship doesn't quite have me compelled, and the politics aren't quite sharp enough to get me either. I'm not totally sure I'll keep buying the published volumes, at least not at this time, and just read the rest online to see how I end up feeling about it as a whole before making the financial commitment.
Medea by Eilish Quin. Listen, I'm a Medea apologist, but I'm a Medea apologist who is very much of the "she absolutely did all the awful things she's accused of and she is valid" and the author here is going "she did all the awful things she's accused of but it's not as bad as you thought it was because she didn't mean it!" and I'm just. I'm not mad, just disappointed (again). I was so hoping for a book that would do something interesting with a Medea retelling but I probably should've known better than to think it'd be this one. Why, you may ask, do I keep reading myth retellings about my problematic faves when all I do is complain about them? Hope springs eternal, I guess.
She Who Became the Sun and He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan. Exceptional. Might be my favorite books I read in April. I'd already read She Who Became the Sun back when it was first published and knew I'd enjoyed it (was rereading to refresh my memory for the sequel), but I felt like I enjoyed it more the second time around, and I might've liked He Who Drowned the World even more than its predecessor. If you're looking for works of just-barely fantasy with delightfully fucked up queer characters, come get 'em here. I won't say most of them are happy (they're not) or that things end well (they don't), but boy is it good reading.
The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling. Decent horror but not particularly outstanding, in my opinion. I liked The Luminous Dead more.
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee. I continue to struggle with novellas. This was a perfectly good novella but it felt like it could've been a stronger short story, which I guess is better than the other way I usually come out of novellas, which is "this was a fine novella but it should've been a novel."
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler. I really liked this. It has more of a thriller-ish edge than I expected, but for all that I think it's a thoughtful book with some interesting things to say, and I feel like it's one I want more people to read so I can talk to them about it. It's set in a sort-of spooky, near-future dystopia, but a lot of it is about, like, the nature of thought and consciousness. Anyway, I found myself compelled.
Islands of Abandonment: Nation Rebounding in the Post-Human Landscape by Cal Flyn. I found myself reading this thinking a lot about The World Without Us, a book I read many years ago and would kind of like to reread, and which I think I liked more than this (at least in my memory). I was hoping for more analysis than I got from this book, which was beautifully written but more nature/travel writing than science. One thing I did appreciate was the attention paid to the human cost of the "abandoned" places examined in this book - the pain that abandonment often signifies, and the trauma it indicates, in spite of the beauty that may come after.
Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World by Mary Beard. I really liked the way that Beard chose to do this one - namely, taking it by theme rather than by emperor, and breaking down different areas of the emperor's life over time rather than trying to tell a linear narrative. It also let her do some of the better "skeptical" reading of sources that I've read in a popular book on ancient history, where she was actually digging into the "rather than what this says about what this person may or may not have actually done, what does it say about expectations, beliefs, and tropes that people had" kind of reading. And after some of the other popular histories of Rome I've read, thank god for that.
Metamorphoses by Ovid, trans. Stephanie McCarter. Continuing on with my "reading new translations (by women!) of classical epics" run (started with The Odyssey, The Iliad is on my list). It was fun to reread Ovid! As usual one of my favorite parts of this was reading the translator's note and introduction, and I wanted about 500% more of that through the text (tell me about the assonance you're preserving in the Latin!) but did get some of (thanks for the information on the penis/pubic hair puns!). Overall would recommend as a good translation of Ovid that very much does not flinch away from - and makes/keeps appropriately uncomfortable - the sexual assault.
Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat. Slightly more YA than I usually like, but I enjoyed it! I was a little :\ about it for a while, very much feeling the YA cliches of it all, but the late hour twist got me interested again, and I will be picking up the sequel. Did miss the full balls-to-the-wall iddy joy of Captive Prince, though, since I probably wouldn't have picked this book up without the author recognition.
Subversive Sequels in the Bible: How Biblical Stories Mine and Undermine Each Other by Judy Klitsner. I really liked this one, particularly for its commentary comparing and contrasting Eve, and the other women of Genesis, with later Biblical narratives. I don't know how much I buy all of her arguments when it comes to intentionality of all of the comparisons she's drawing, but it certainly makes interesting food for thought, and a good sampler for me of what literary-based Biblical scholarship can look like (and an indication that I'm interested in trying more of it).
Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks. I read most of my way through this book continuing to really appreciate what Banks does with the Culture novels and planning to continue on reading the next one, but not enjoying this specific one as much as I did The Player of Games in particular, and then I got to the very end of it and went "hang on what the fuck???" but in a decidedly good way. And I'm still kind of thinking about That even though it's been a while, which I think is a positive. Anyway, I don't think I'd recommend this as a starting place for anyone to read the Culture novels, or as a must read, but it was on the upper end of a three star rating.
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid. I wanted this to be more gothic horror and less romance and it ended up being more romance and less gothic horror, was my feeling. Not necessarily the book's fault, but if anyone else is eyeing it wondering...now you know.
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. I really enjoyed this one! I was kind of skeptical going in - I'm not a big magic school person, as a rule, and the more I feel like something is hyped to me the more I tend to drag my heels about it - but Naomi Novik is really good at what she does and she clearly had a lot of fun here. It's tropey for sure, but I enjoy the narrative voice (very important, in a first person narration), and the action moves along with what I felt was pretty good momentum. The other thing I was worried about - that it'd feel too much like this was just ~commentary on/against Harry Potter~ without saying anything for itself - didn't materialize for me. I'm looking forward to reading the next ones.
The Monster Theory Reader ed. by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock. I'm so rusty on my academic/theory reading and I felt it reading this collection, some of which was definitely better than others. Kristeva's essay on abjection was particularly rough as far as "I'm reading words and I know all the words but something about the order they're going in is just not making sense to me." Overall...it was a decent primer? There were a few very interesting essays in there; my favorite might've been the one on tanuki in modernizing Japan's folklore, but there were a couple on "monstrous" bodies that made me wish I had someone to discuss them with. That's probably my main problem reading academic works these days: I want a seminar to dissect them afterwards and I just don't have that.
The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel. I'm trying to read something Jewish on Shabbat now and finally getting around to reading some Heschel after years of meaning to. I thought "oh, I'll start easy with something nice and short" - yeah, no, Heschel's got a very particular style of writing and there's a lot of theological depth packed into a very short volume. I'm looking forward to reading The Prophets, though.
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun vol. 5 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou. I think we're juuuuust about caught up now with the official translation to where I started reading the machine translation, so I'm very excited for (a) things I don't remember as well (b) reading it not in machine translation. Also looking forward to everything about what happened with Nangong Liu and Nangong Xu making more sense this time around, on account of not reading it machine translated, because I didn't follow it so well on my first read and I feel like I'm already doing better. (Though that could also be because it's a reread, no matter how different an experience of one.) Still feel real bad for Ye Wangxi, on so many levels. Mark that one down for 'characters I'd love to know more about what they're thinking.'
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang. I really enjoyed S.L. Huang's other work with the Cas Russell series, and I liked this book a little less than those. It felt like an almost winner, for me. Certainly I read through it quickly enough, and I can say I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I'd give it an enthusiastic recommendation. It falls somewhere in the middle between "a fun action/adventure story" and "something I can sink my teeth into" in a way that didn't quite satisfy either itch. Still, it did make me curious about the source material, which is one of the Chinese classics (Water Margin) and I might go and find a place to read that, if I can; if I'd had that background going in I wonder if my experience of this work would've been more edifying.
I'm currently rereading A Memory Called Empire so I can (finally) read the sequel (A Desolation Called Peace); I also checked out from the library the next two Scholomance books so I'll be reading those. I'm going to try to throw some nonfiction somewhere in there (maybe The Genius of Birds by Jennifer Ackerman, which I also have out from the library, but maybe something else), but I've still got the sequel to The First Sister sitting on my shelf (also from the library).
Outside of that I've got no big reading plans - I'm working my way through some of the unreads on my own shelf (despite what it may look like, about the library books) and eyeing The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky or a reread of Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett so I can continue that series.
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tomlinfonda · 1 year
There are some inconsistencies that bug me a lot.
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At the beginning of the episode, Beard reveals that Jane shredded his passport to keep him trapped with her. That's blatant abuse. I truly expected the show to leave Beard in a better place than this. Bringing this up at this point seemed like a way to acknowledge her abusive behavior for real.
And yet, this is the last shot of Beard. In the entire show.
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This cringe, ugly shot of him tying himself to Jane. Til death do them apart. Regardless of this probably being Ted's dream, it is an awful, awful place to leave him. It's a nightmare scenario, for this to be the last shot we ever see of him.
And they didn't even give us any hints that Jane might have become a better person (not that this would have excused it). No. Up until the last mention of her name before the wedding, the show never wavers in showing her to be toxic and abusive, even if the characters themselves brush it off.
With other characters like Jamie's father, the writers gave us hints that he was working on himself (which, for the record, doesn't mean that he should have a right to even be in the same room as his son, after what he did). My point with this is that if they wanted us, for some reason, to take this wedding as Beard's "happily ever after", the show about people changing and becoming better could have shown Jane change and get better. But they didn't.
The second inconsistency I wanna talk about has to do with Trent.
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"You're part of the squad now". That's awesome, and he has actually been shown growing closer to the group and becoming a member of the team throughout the season. From being shunned in Episode 2, to being part of the squad now.
And yet in his last two scenes, he is alone? No one from the squad with him?
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He isn't at the Higgins' party, he isn't at the wedding. There's no indication that he stays at Richmond. EDIT: Actually, his desk is empty in that shot of him in the office. So yeah. He doesn't stay at Richmond.
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The show leaves him, once again, alone and disconnected from the team, from the community he's found.
What gives, showrunners? Why do these parts of the montage directly contradict things that have been shown and pointed out in this very episode?
Is this a case of sloppiness? Was the ending suddenly changed for some reason, maybe to make room for season 4? Was it supposed to be a different ending, consistent with what the show has been telling us for 11 episodes? Did things suddenly change behind the scenes? Or is this a case of bad editing? Or is it intentional? For some reason, it doesn't feel like it's intentional. It seems really weird that they would have written the passport scene and "You're part of the squad now" AND the wedding and Trent being alone in the same draft of the script. It's weird, and it feels harsh and forced and out of left field.
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inthebentley · 1 year
the other day i asked for ted/trent prompts and y'all came through! this ficlet ended up being a combo of three different prompts, so it's dedicated to the anon who requested kissing in the rain, the anon who suggested that trent share some info about his book, and @casismybestfriend who wanted to see them baking together.
ao3 link
It was as if Ted blinked and suddenly had one week left in England. He'd announced his imminent departure a month ago; first to Rebecca and his coaching staff, then to the team, and finally to the press.
But now, standing in his kitchen and unpacking what he needed from the boxes stacked in the corner, it felt real.
A final week, a final match, a final batch of biscuits for the boss.
He could feel the panic clawing its way from his head to his heart to his hands. He looked down at them and tried to think of Henry. God, but he missed his son. To get back to seeing him on the daily would be a relief.
How could he weigh that against all he would be leaving behind?
A knock at the door disrupted his spiraling thoughts.
He couldn't fathom who would come a callin' at this late hour. Beard, who had yet to give Ted an answer on whether he was coming back to Kansas with him, was bound to be out with Jane. It was rare to have any other visitor to his apartment. Flat. He hadn't… connected with Sassy in weeks.
Taking a deep breath he went to open the door.
"Oh," he said in surprise. "Hey, there Trent." The confusion that washed over him was just enough to curb his building anxiety.
"Ted," Trent said with a small smile, ducking his head against the rain.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Ted asked, opening the door wide to welcome him in.
Trent stepped inside and turned slowly, clearly taking in the moving boxes and the general empty feeling of the flat. "I won't take up much of your time," he said. "You must be busy." His eyes flicked down to Ted's Kiss the Cook apron. "I only wanted to deliver this."
Ted looked at the dark blue folder in Trent's hand. "Aw, shucks." He grinned. "And here I didn't get you anything."
Trent's face was serious. "It's not a going-away gift, Ted. In fact, I'm hopeful it will have the opposite effect."
Ted's confusion only grew, but if there was one thing he didn't want to think about right now it was his impending departure. "Well I'd hate for you to come all this way and leave empty handed. I was just whipping up some biscuits and there'll be plenty to go around if you've got some time to spare."
He didn't take the folder, but Trent followed him to the kitchen and placed it on the counter.
"So," Ted said lightly, "how's your little dependent?"
Trent smiled. "Very excited to begin her summer holiday next week."
"Mm," Ted agreed, "that's the great thing about being a kid, isn't it? Getting all those long breaks to recharge your brain and get up to mischief."
Henry had been excited to come spend half the summer in London, but Ted had promised they'd find something just as exciting to do in the States. He still hadn't figured out what that would be.
"I can't imagine you getting up to much mischief in your youth," Trent teased.
Ted shrugged. "Not much to be found in Kansas. Do me a favor and fill that measuring cup there with flour." Ted held the mixing bowl cradled to his body and began whipping the butter and sugar together with a wooden spoon. The physical exertion felt good. Calmed the buzzing in his mind.
"Do you need me to add some in?" Trent asked, holding the flour.
"Nah, salt and vanilla first." Ted nodded his head toward the small measuring spoon he had laid out next to the ingredients. "Only fill it about halfway for the salt, and then the whole thing with vanilla."
Trent followed his instructions with the serious determination of one defusing a bomb.
He stepped close to upturn the measuring spoon over Ted's bowl and returned a few moments later to dispense the vanilla extract.
"We'll make a baker of you yet," Ted said with a smile.
"Oh, I highly doubt that." Trent leaned against the counter and waited, having traded the measuring spoon for the cup full of flour. "No, I take that back. If anyone could, it would certainly be you." He smiled at Ted.
The compliment pleased Ted right down to his toes, but he was embarrassed to feel the heat of a blush across his face. "I, uh, could use some flour now," he said hastily.
Trent obliged, tipping half of the flour into his bowl.
"My mom taught me this recipe," Ted found himself saying. "First one she ever taught me. We used to bake together a lot after, uh, when I was a teenager."
Trent hummed. "Is this something you do with Henry then?"
"Naw, he's latched onto my love of sports instead." He tries not to think of when he called Henry to tell him he was coming home.
('You're not gonna coach football anymore?' Henry had asked, looking disappointed.
'Well I thought I'd come back home and coach some American football instead,' Ted replied, though he really hadn't been thinking that at all. He didn't have a plan.
Henry had grumbled that football was better and had tried to get Ted to book him a flight so he could cheer on Richmond one last time. Ted and Michelle had agreed that it would be too much school missed at the crucial end of the year. He hoped Henry would stop giving him the cold shoulder when he got back to Kansas.)
Instead he focused on bringing the dough together, and asked Trent to add the last of the flour.
When the dough was perfect and crumbly, Ted scooped it into the waiting pan, pressed it evenly, and got it chilling in the fridge. Trent watched the process silently, and Ted convinced himself that he was imagining the tension building between them.
"I may take a raincheck on the biscuits," Trent said. "I really only came to bring this," he rested a hand on the folder, "and to… explain."
The anxiety Ted had been fighting rose to the surface again. He wished he had something to do with his hands.
He cleared his throat. "What is it?" He stared at Trent’s hand, barely seeing the folder beneath.
There was a long pause before Trent answered. "It's full of letters." He picked up the folder and held it out until Ted finally took it. "The players, Roy and Beard, Rebecca, even Will… each wrote you a letter that they've asked me to include in the book. I didn't think you should wait that long to read them." Trent hesitated. "There's not a letter from me in there."
Ted glanced at him, desperate to lighten the mood. "You sayin' you're not gonna miss me, Trent?" He grinned but his heart wasn't in it. The folder felt heavy in his hands.
"I prefer to deliver my message in person," Trent said, and his steady gaze was suddenly holding Ted in place.
There was the smallest of pauses, in which Ted's heart began beating faster than a hummingbird's wings.
"It's a sentiment shared by everyone here," Trent reached out to tap the folder, "but I hope you'll take my full meaning when I say… I love you. I fell in love with you nearly from our very first encounter, and more so with every meeting since."
Ted watched as Trent let out a breath and his whole body seemed to relax with it. He found it impossible to look away from those warm brown eyes.
He also found it impossible to speak.
Trent smiled sadly. "I couldn't let you leave without telling you."
And still Ted's words failed him.
Trent loved him. Trent loved him. Trent loved him.
The words swirled around his head, moving memories around like puzzle pieces.
Trent loved him. Trent scraping the food from his plate onto Ted's as both their mouths burned. Trent loved him. Trent delivering a homemade thank you card from his daughter for her birthday biscuits. Trent loved him. Trent ending his career to search for new passion and parroting back Ted's own "love our chats". Trent loved him. Trent's quiet and sincere presence at Richmond, the increasing frequency of their talks, his enthusiasm and encouragement.
And Ted knew, didn't he? He'd recognized the flirtations and responded in kind, hadn't he?
"Good night, Ted," Trent said very quietly, slipping out the flat before Ted knew what was what.
Because if he was honest with himself- more honest than he usually liked to be- it was obvious.
Ted loved him.
It wasn't a revelation as much as it was an admission of the feeling he'd been hiding in his heart all this time.
Ted stood there, frozen in the silence.
His hands tightened on the folder. It was full of love and gratitude from all the lives he had touched here. Yet he'd guarded his own heart from being touched, always kept himself just far enough removed from feeling it so it would hurt less when they inevitably parted. And he hadn't even realized.
Now that he had taken a good look at his heart, he found that it was breaking.
He made a desperate effort to follow Trent through the door. "Trent!" Ted called, relieved to see he hadn't gotten far down the street. But then his words seemed to die in his throat when Trent turned back to him. "I… aren't you going to kiss the cook?" he asked stupidly, gesturing to his apron.
Trent blinked once at him before his face broke into a wide smile that scrunched his nose. Without another word, he took several quick steps into Ted's space and touched his jaw with the tips of his fingers. Ted's eyes fluttered shut.
The press of Trent's lips against his was soft and sweet and made his stomach flip in a way it hadn't done in years.
Ted wrapped his arms around Trent and pulled him close, pressing the folder full of letters flat against his back, and despite the rain coming down around them Ted couldn't help but feel like he was basking in sunshine.
He could make this work, somehow. He would make this work. Only a fool would turn away from so much love. And despite what many people thought, Ted wasn't a fool.
Except maybe a fool in love, he thought giddily. But he was a-okay with that.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
thank you for acknowledging how messed up the jane/beard ending is. as an abuse survivor it's been pretty bad seeing the controlling relationship he's in be treated like a joke (and then apparently it's true love? the finale was a let down in many many ways) especially when Keeley's arc with Jack controlling her this season was (rightfully) played straight? it's just the larger trend of "abuse is bad but it's funny when it happens to a man" and i wish ted lasso had been better than that
Same, same, same, anon -- and I'm so sorry to hear you've had personal experience with that. But it's reassuring to likewise hear that that's in your past.
I got a comment on one of my posts (which I bring up because the author has already blocked me and it's proving to be a useful example for a lot of things I want to talk about) basically rolling their eyes and saying that Beard and Jane aren't real people, so it doesn't matter. Besides, he's the comic relief!
Meanwhile I'm like:
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Yes, it's hilarious that Beard is committing himself to an abusive relationship, unable to break away despite recognizing at times precisely how harmful this is (and yes, I'm being sarcastic). I'd actually be less frustrated by this if Ted Lasso had treated it as a joke across the whole show because as awful as that is, at least it's a common and understandable (from an ignorance perspective) trend in media. But the number of times we had the text overtly commenting on how horrible Jane is tells us that the writers are well aware that they're writing an abusive relationship and that commentary likewise tells us that they wanted to do something with it, like Keeley got. They just inexplicably... didn't. Beard does not leave Jane, Jane does not undergo self-improvement and become a better person -- the route I would expect a show like Ted Lasso to take, especially with Season 3 throwing out curve balls like Jamie forgiving his dad -- and their marriage is not treated as the mistake it was, settling simply on a realistic tragedy. Even if that montage was just a dream Ted was having, the fact that he's likewise well aware of how bad they are for each other just maintains the strangeness of that choice. I could buy a picture perfect wedding fantasy from a character who doesn't know either of them well and assumes they're just quirky, but Ted knows precisely what Jane has been doing to Beard, he knows Beard's history of self-destructive behavior (better than anyone), and he's consistently been shown to be uncomfortable with their relationship, yet unwilling to speak up about it. That's another bit of tragedy to add to the pile: not allowing Ted to undergo the growth needed to speak up on his best friend's behalf. Beard has consistently called Ted out on his flaws across the show -- sometimes in a rather cruel manner -- and I had hoped that they'd reach a point where the roles were switched and Ted could provide Beard with some tough love in turn.
My best guess at the moment is that the writers realized how little time they had compared to how much there still was to cover -- despite the claims that this would always be a three season show -- and they changed course as a result. There's no time to take them on one of the above journeys, so just play the relationship straight. Which, given my experience with some fandoms and their unwillingness to take into account anything but the most recent episode, Ted Lasso indeed might have been able to skate by on faulty memories/willful ignorance... if they hadn't tossed in another 'She tore up my passport! Isn't she a peach? :)' joke half an hour before we watched them get married.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
I am thinking a lot about how the montage of the rest of the Richmond folks' happy endings is implied to be just Ted's dream; that is, none of that has happened yet, or may not ever happen. Given how fantastical the aesthetics of Beard's wedding are (something that should not imo be a point of joy; yes Beard loved Jane but she was awful to him, and how much worse will she be with a child in the picture? Nightmare scenario) and given the allusions to Wizard of Oz, my brain has seized upon the idea that it was all a dream. And given our final view of Ted, the implications of that are not hopeful, for me; there's something so mournful about the last shot of Ted. He is alone and isolated from the community he built and if he doesn't know what became of them I have to wonder if he ever connected with them again at all.
And it leaves me wondering, too, if perhaps the entire show was just Ted's dream. If he woke up on that plane, at the end of a trip to somewhere - perhaps to London, where he didn't actually get the job - and came home to a crumbling marriage and all the same problems he ran from intially, and none of it was real. Just a dream, to comfort himself on a long flight. There's no Dr Jake at the house when he gets there, Michelle is alone in the stands (tho Dr Jake was like. Not a good fit for her and he may just have been kicked to the curb), and Ted looks sad.
Ted is Mary Poppins, of course, appearing, changing everyone's lives for the better, leaving when they've grown enough to stand on their own, but it makes me ask questions I've never asked before.
Was Mary Poppins happy? Did she find fulfillment? Did she grieve knowing that it was her calling to love people and watch them abandon her over and over? Did she have a home, did she belong anywhere? What does it mean that we idolize her, we praise her, but we will not let her rest with us? Isn't it lovely, that she is so selfless, so that the rest of us don't have to be? Isn't it lovely, that there's one person who does all the dirty work while everyone else is happy? What about her? What about her.
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nerdy-girlramblings · 7 months
My thoughts on Stranger Things S2 (E2-9)
I'm combining several posts from my drafts into one. After I would watch an episode or two, I would record my thoughts, which is why there's some predictions.
My heart! My girl Nancy is suffering and the things she said to Steve at the party! I was so mad when that idiot left her alone, drunk at the party, thank goodness Jonathan was there (I ship them so much)
and poor El, being shut up and wanting connection with other people but Hopper is too scared to let her out. I totally understand both of them, its so sad
My reaction to Dart, Dustin's new "pet": "No no no!! It's from the Upside Down! Kill it!"
When Dustin turned off the heat lamp because it was too hot. "No, no, no, burn the fricker! Kill it! Go get Will, he'll recognize it!!"
The scene when Dustin took the library books was hilarious."I need my paddles!" I died
Poor Will! The shadow thing attacked him, what's it doing to him?
Why is Dustin being so defensive about Dart, something that is clearly evil??
And poor El, seeing Mike with Max and getting jealous. I understand why she hurt her but I didn't like that she did it.
I have a suspicion about Bob. I don't trust him. I have a feeling that he told Will to stand his ground against the shadow monster in the Upside Down so it could possess him. Also he works with radios and tech so maybe he's connected to the lab?
Dart is terrifying. It killed the cat and now its clearly a demogorgon.
Max's brother, Billy, scared me. They clearly have something going on in their family and I hated how he grabbed Max's wrist. Based on her reaction, maybe this isn't the first time someone has hurt her like that?
Why does Billy want Max to stay away from Lucas?
The fight Hopper and El had was awful and heartbreaking
I'm glad Hopper is okay after going in the tunnel
When El reunited with her mom, and seeing her memories, that was so heartbreaking.
And when Will fell on the ground and started screaming because people from the lab were burning the tunnel, my heart broke.
I'm curious about what's going to happen with Steve and Dustin, that's a very chaotic duo.
Where did the other demogragons come from??
Steve telling Dustin how to get girls was frickin hilarious, top tier comedy right there
So was the guy in the black beard, the conspiracy theorist reading Nancy and Jonathan like a book (I'm so glad they're a couple now)
I love Steve with the kids, its so funny and awesome to see him be so protective
Kali (008) and her crew where interesting
I'm glad El / Jane is going back to the Hawkins
Overall, this wasn't my favorite episode
I absolutely hate how that shadow monster is using Will. He's stripping him of his being and using him to trick the other characters and its horrifying.
I'm glad Will was still able to communicate with them
Bob's death I had been spoiled for but I wasn't expecting it to be so brutal and bloody and poor Joyce!
El's rescue at the end so cool!!
The scene when they burn the monster out of Will was awful to watch. Seeing Joyce's determination to kill the thing that took Bob no matter what in contrast with Jonathan seeing only his brother being tortured was heart-breaking.
Seeing Billy's father explains a lot about his abusive behavior
The fight between Billy and Steve was epic and I loved it
I absolutely love Steve being with the kids and failing to try to stop them with their crazy plans. I hope this happens again in later seasons.
I loved when El closed the gate with Hopper, that was great
And the Snow Ball, I loved it, so wholesome and sweet!!
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trollprincess · 1 year
Just me mentioning a few little things I loved about the Ted Lasso finale:
Michelle’s house has a little free library! Because of course it does.
Beard’s first name is Willis. WILLIS. Considering how Ted gave him a life back, I find the fact he’s referred to him as Coach and nothing else for three years just incredibly respectful.
Keeley brought Barbara to the final match! Barb, who likes rugby better because it’s bloodier! I adore her.
I know Jamie going to reconnect with his dad in rehab is divisive, but I don’t care. Jamie gets to make the decision to forgive, and he’s grown into a man who can. And his dad’s looking much better. I hope it stays that way, but it doesn’t he’s got a great mom and stepdad and Roy and Keeley to fall back on.
Henry wearing Jamie’s number at the end! Aw, bless.
The fact the boys at the pub all went in one single share, because of course they did.
Nike is a sponsor at the end! Good job, guys!
(And yes, I know it’s Ted’s dream sequence, but it’s perfect for me so I’m treating it as real. Aside from Beard marrying Jane. Sheesh.)
Keeley’s new office setup being so close compared to how spread out and isolated like it was before. That’s MUCH better.
Trent’s “Stay Golden” shirt. I love that man.
Roy going to Dr. Sharon. He’s needed that since day one. Good for him for taking that step.
Colin kissing Michael in front of God and everyone is *exactly* what I needed right before Pride Month.
Beard’s “edit” of the book was both terrifying and had me wishing he hired out as a beta. I could take it … I think.
EDIT: I ALMOST FORGOT “SO LONG, FAREWELL”! As soon as I realized what the team was doing, I was on the FLOOR.
OTHER EDIT: Michael getting his ticket under the name Wynonna Judd. Ted left him that ticket, didn’t he? 🥰
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coachbeards · 29 days
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
i don't know what would constitute as popular or serious, since i've done a pretty decent job keeping a distance from a lot of the fandom..............................
a theory i didn't like is that michelle was...abusive towards ted? i'm not entirely sure how popular that was here, but i saw it a few times on twitter. and i know it stemmed from hannah one time calling michelle "toxic", but i honestly...didn't see any toxicity? at least prior to season 3 (but even then i think of michelle as a Victim of dr. jacob. yes, she should've told ted, obviously, but the amount of people wishing death on michelle or acting like she's the worst human in the entire series like please be serious right now). like she fell out of love......she was willing to force herself to keep trying.....yes, she pressed ted about the divorce papers, but i mean...it's ted. there's a good chance he was dragging his feet on it, which makes sense, because it's really hard for him to process the fact that the marriage is over. but michelle wanting to get divorced isn't? toxic or abusive in my eyes? idk. i saw people wanting that to be true to further ted/rebecca parallels which i think were a bit,,,, weird.
michelle and ted weren't perfect for each other, nor were they what each other wanted or needed towards the end. but that doesn't make michelle an abuser or a toxic, awful woman.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
okay again like...i'm not sure who constitutes as "major" but.........jane payne. count your days. i would remove her INSTANTLY. or at least heavily alter her character in a way that i would...........like her. i do think that the jane we see in 1x04 is actually pretty good! and i mean that in the way that...they really were just on a date, and she Understandably left because beard was more willing to play chess than be with her. like i get the common theory that jane ended the game right before beard would've won, and i agree with that, but i would've liked it better if she ended it because,,, of beard. and his relationship issues. you know? idk if that makes sense. 1x04 jane was good!!! but i would definitely remove her as a character, since i think they only really introduced her to separate beard from ted, allowing ted space to develop with other characters. (namely at the gala, 1x09 when beard left with jane so ted ran into roy, the christmas episode that i still don't agree with lmao....etc)
but major character? i mean this with so much love in my heart but. i guess beard? AND I MEAN THAT AS A BEARD STAN because i just think they really underdeveloped him as a character at various points. he really doesn't have a lot of development with other characters, we don't really see him coach, we don't see him talk to like half of the main characters, etc. i choose beard because if you remove him........all that really changes is that ted knows less about football. you know?
also i guess zava because like. i can see what he did for jamie's arc, i just felt like he as a character was...................pointless to the overall narrative.
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praecurokat · 1 year
Ted Lasso Finale Thoughts- So Long, Farewell... (I do not know what to think!)
this episode being an hour and 15 minutes..after being released at midnight... that's just cruel.. my brain cannot operate properly under such conditions..
congrats Tedbecca shippers! oop watched more.. sorry Tedbecca shippers...
most normal Beard and Jane appearance in the series at Rebecca’s house in the beginning
writers were bringing the dramatic flair in this episode! first that thing with Isaac dressed as a judge in the beginning, and then a musical number! idk how i feel about that..
speaking of the musical number, i must regretfully inform the masses that idk what the song is from.. pls lmk in the comments.. i see that it relates to the episode title
ah yes Jane acting totally normal by shredding Beard's passport.. total ✨ marriage material ✨
Trent's shirt says sat 17 may.. could this be significant?? everything in this show is..
"You know, that might be a tasty little treat for the diamond dogs.” “No. No. No. No!”-Roy, soon to become a Diamond Dog in a moment of desperation
wait did Trent name his manuscript the lasso way awww
“I only got into this to ruin Rupert's life, and he seems to be doing a pretty good job of that himself.”- Rebecca
So. Many. Throwbacks. Keeley saying “Is everybody decent?”, Jamie using lots of axe body spray like S1, the cleaner walking in on everyone, and way more i can’t think of
the complicated web that is royjamiekeeley is still being spun.. in the last episode..
“Must be awful for them, lying awake at night, haunted by how fucking easy they’ve had it!”- Mae, to Rebecca’s mom
Trent watching Ted read his book.. heart eyes emoji
the way Ted looks at him.. i meannn is this even subtext anymore?
“So you do laugh, but you don't do it until page.. 43?! And it wasn't even a big laugh!”- Trent, while Ted is reading his manuscript
"Whatever happens on Sunday, I want you to know I’m proud of you. All the work you’ve put in this year."- Roy to Jamie, before proceeding to fistfight with him later
Both Roy and Jamie seem very contemplative this ep. What are they thinking??
i am so concerned about the current royjamie feud over Keeley... what is gonna happen here???
“Would you please stay?” and “I know, I just had to try.”- Rebecca, about Ted
lmao Keeley kicking both Roy and Jamie out after they asked her to choose
“You stay put, Trenthouse magazine. You’re part of the squad now.”- Ted, to Trent
“Yeah. Someone better. Can people change?”- Roy, also this is a central tenet of this damn show
“I don’t think we change per se, as much as we just learn to accept who we’ve always been, you know?” -Trent’s most beautiful quote thus far
aww Nate finally got his diamond dogs reaction to Jade
George being Rupert’s coach sent me.. like you Really couldn’t find anyone else?
I hate Rupert but I love his dramatic slay coat swish moments.. again reminds me of Uther’s drama queen antics
“I prefer rugby, there’s just more grown men throwing other grown men into the air like children. And blood. Which is nice." - Barbara
Bloodthirsty and mysterious? Barbara is a serial killer or vampire confirmed.
“Never forget, I am always inside you.” -Zava’s note, which also came with a giant avocado
Zorro has truly entered his superhero arc and Dani Rojas is his genius creator
the fourth thing has to be 'Believe'.. aand it was? Right?
AFC Richmond Women’s club.. i sense a spinoff show opportunity…. or they could just do a show about Trent
George has begun a redemption arc!! (Telling Rupert to fuck off)
Rupert's desperation and misery at the end is not entirely unreminiscent of Rebecca at the start of S1
yesss Colin got his kiss on the pitch!!
haha the same? person from S1E1 taking pics w Ted in the airport
damn so Beard’s going home too, thought Jane would've locked him away in a safe or smth… nvm
omg Amsterdam man has a child.. hmmm Rebecca’s prophecy may still be fulfilled
Roy becoming manager feels natural
Ofc Trent renamed his book ‘The Richmond Way’… never let them know your next move
that montage at the end…so much to process....
beardjane wedding marking the end of the series.. good or bad omen for the future? i think bad
seems very fitting the series ending the opposite of how it began.. Rupert's life ruined, Rebecca in love and not owner of the club, Roy and Jamie healing and bonding w others around them, and Ted back in America with family.
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strawberry-peach · 1 year
Ok I think im gonna dump all my feelings in here because i just dont have anyone to talk to and as much as the finale itself made me sad and a little bit upset, ive also seen comments that added to that and i just need to let this out somehow. if you happen to read this and dont agree... ok, fair, but just let me be please.
so yeah, by now i can admit that the finale was not great but also not awful. at first i accepted it and forced myself to be ok with it but then i just got angry and that doesnt feel good either. The thing is, i thought the beginning going thru Ted just glossing over his impending leaving with flat reactions and little to no talk about it felt strange, and i truly truly believed it meant he was either doubting his decision of something was up. As the ep progressed i started believeng more and more that he really didnt want to leave, and this is where i stand now. I really think he didnt want to leave all behind, and for a moment i thought they would do somethign about it, or maybe just imply a change of heart or the possibility of a turn around, doubts back in Kansas, the oportunity to go back to take his boy, anything. But he just left and that was it.
In the end, and as we know, Henry comes first. He always did. And I knew this and I actually love this, you know that I do. Ted and Henry's relationship was a priority for me too. So I fully understood his need to go back to his boy, his need to be with him, to be more present in the way he felt they both needed. The idea of his kid feeling left behind or abandoned probably haunted him as much as the idea of his kid leaving him. And both those things probably felt exponentially more likely with him living thousands of miles away.
The thing is that it broke my heart that he thought he had to leave everything else behind to fix that, that all the alternative options aviable to him, to them, the offer Rebecca made him for fucks sake, all of that was not worth trying. That him trying to keep some of all that happiness he had found was not worth it if it meant demanding a possible sacrifice from Henry's (and/or Michelle's) part. His new home was not worth keeping in the face of threatening the stability of Henry's.
I felt, in the end, that all of his flat reactions, his disconnectedness, his detachment, his emotional absence, his disregard of other's pleadings, his un-Tedness, whatever you want to call it, it all came down to him shutting his doors down in order to get through it. He went to the opposite of his usual coping mechanism. Because he felt he had to go back to Henry, no in-betweens, and he couldn't afford to be swayed to do anything but. He dropped everything, his newfound call, his success, his potential, his place of belonging, his friends, his new family, Beard himself ffs. All of it, there was nothing he wouldn't let go of if he had to in order to go back to his kid. Maybe he thought everyone would get over him soon enough, maybe he thought his job was done and that was enough for everyone, maybe he didn't allow himself to think of it or he would realize his decision could hurt people who cared for him. Thing is his own happiness outside of Henry was not worth it enough for him to ask for a middle ground, apparently. And that sucks.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but you know me, I love my faves more than I should and I love Ted with all my heart. So what the fuck do I know really?
Outside my heartache over Ted's finale, there are other things that I did not vibe with. For instance Beard staying with Jane. I was really really hoping that wouldn't be the case. But you know what, that weird ass cgi wedding looking like a fever dream gives me hope. It never happened.
Also Dutch guy? Of all the weird sloppy endings they could have given Rebecca, this one took the cake. What the actual fuck man? And the fact that she bumps into him like a fairytale meetcute right after she's wrecked by saying good bye to Ted? Just like that? Missed me with that. She deserved better than that. Do I mean Ted? Not necessarily, no, even though of all the options we had through the show, Ted was absolutely the best for her. But it just felt so taped on, like a last minute fix.
I also really wish we could have had more of Nate and Ted talking things out. I just think both of them deserved to let things out and reach proper closure. The things that went between them were important, they were worth being properly adressed. The pain they both went through because they care a lot for each other... Man. I appreciate that Nate made Ted listen to his apology at least, even if it was just that. Because I felt he was being his checked out self then and both Ted and Nate deserved to have that said out loud, so thank you Nate for that.
The weird Roy and Jamie thing? Yeah... I guess it was supposed to be a moment of levity? I don't know. I understand that it was a moment of regression for both of them, a step back of the work they had done through the season, it just felt a bit too close to the end, you know? Like had this had happened before we could have had a sense of it being worked out again, but now? It leaves me with the feeling that we are still very much in a volatile area. Especially after last ep? Idk, weird.
And finally, why was Jake still in the picture? That guy should have been gone long ago. I mean don't even get me started on all that crap, there are so many nos in that line of story. I just want him gone. Appreciate Henry's nonexistent rapport with him, love that he was so clearly done with the dude. That's my boy.
I think that's all the bad I can think of. It sounds like a lot and not that much at the same time. Like it's what five, six things, but some feel so so off. I loved the rest, as rushed as it felt for me, it was nice. Loved the match, loved the BELIEVE sign moment, loved Ted doing his little dance, loved Trent sharing his work and being so eager for feedback, loved Roy stepping into the Diamond Dogs and trying therapy, loved Keeley growing his bussines again, loved the callbacks (us-ie guy!), Isaac's penalty goal, Colling getting to kiss his fella, Thierry being Zorro, Nate and his box omg, the newly fixed BELIEVE sign! So so many things to love, but so much unfairness and bitterness too.
Anyway, I'll stop the ranting. I'm probably forgeting to mention something or missing a point here or there. This is just feelings vomit. And just saying that the last part, where so much of the what-the-fuck-ness is condensed, felt so fucking weird and out of left field, I am waiting for them to announce it was a joke, or a s4 or spinoff or special ep or that it was all Ted's dream in the plane... I'm waiting.
Do you hear me Jason&co? I am waiting.
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tea-with--honey · 1 year
The Ted Lasso Finale has left me EMPTY. like man I knew they were gonna be kind of realistic about and it stuff but a lot of it just didnt feel like an ending to me? Do I think its probably what would happen if the show was completely realistic? Yes. Do I think it made ANY sense narratively? NO.
Like I'm actually very happy about what they've done with Roy and Colin and maybe maybe maybe Nate but thats it. Nate on paper worked okay for me but I just felt like he didnt have his big moment? That could have been intentional though.
I may ship Tedbecca/Tedpendent but I would have been fine without it if they didnt??? Do them so dirty like that???? Like they did NOT need to tease us like that throughout the entire episode that was just plain mean. Like hello????? the scene in Rebecca's house?? The 'you go, I go?' Ted actually saying that Rebecca pulled a rom-com moment on him? Hell Rebecca getting a first-class seat and Coach Beard leaving the seat next to Ted open? Its like they loaded MULTIPLE Chekov's guns that didnt fire. i would have been fine okay and THEN they pulled up with Boat guy coming back. What. Even. I hated that so bad.
And guys Trent not even getting a moment to really say goodbye to the man who he got fired over was so??? AHHAHSHSJDDGSB
AND IM MAD ABOUT COACH BEARD AND JANE. Especially after so many scenes that indicated that the better choice for Beard was to break it off. And also jane was just, incredibly toxic.
Also I would have hoped that they spent a better part of the season establishing that Ted needed to go home? Idk it just felt like I was waiting for Ted to reveal that he stayed in London the entire time. Henry is obviously a very important part of his life but we didnt even get to see Ted being fulfilled and being there for the reason he went back home in the first place!!! At least give us some scenes where Ted doesnt look like hes about to have another panic attack back in Kansas and he's actually spending time with his little boy.
Okay im just gonna put all the other things that bothered me in a list because im sleepy but I gotta get this all out
The way we have 0 idea what rebecca found out from the doctor
The green matchbox thingy not being addressed
The lack of Bex and the Rupert's ex assistant girlie in the episode. I know them going into Rebecca's house served as a plot point but I wish we still got to see them yknow
Not getting to see Sam's restaurant again
We literally dont even get to hear what Trent wrote in 'The Lasso/Richmond Way' I had hoped there would be at least a reading of it played over some 'future' scenes
Also that Ted looks so unhappy at the end and he just as always steps aside. WHERE DID HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT GO
Also how OOC Ted seemed this episode, I thought they were setting up him revealing to be just really upset hence the behavior but nope nothing nada
Lack of Jade
Doctor Sharon's reaction scenes feeling shoehorned in
While I do love her getting her own official position in the team I wish they just saved showing her character for that scene specifically. Idk the rest of her cheering scenes just didnt really add much
the lack of discussion on mr awful therapist
Ted seemingly still living in the same house as his ex wife who is currently dating his ex marriage counselor
Theres more I just cant think about it anymore
Anyways they did the Diamond Dogs and the Sound of Music routine so right but thats really it for me. Would love to rant about the ending with anybody so DMs are always open
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sundayinthcpark · 1 year
ted lasso finale felt like it was written by someone who hadn’t seen the show. who didn’t understand the characters. i am do do glad for sam’s being on the nigerian team and for jamie’s mending his relationship with his dad and everyone having pieces of the believe sign. those were my favourite moments, except that brief moment when i thought ted and rebecca had gotten together. i liked ted’s note on trent’s draft, and i’m happy nate for back in with the group. but as far as ted, rebecca, keeley, jamie, and roy go? i hated that. ted left his found family to go back to a woman who didn’t want him anymore, even when rebecca offered a solution and asked him to stay. actually asked him. you don’t get that very often, and the fact he turned it down hurt me. and then rebecca going off with fucking amsterdam guy?? what was that?? and the way we see zero contact between ted and any of the team. we see the team all having a barbecue together, we see beard’s wedding, and ted is nowhere to be found. he picked up these people and built a family just to abandon them. and i know that’s what he felt like he did to his son, but so many solutions that would’ve let him be with both his families were available to him and instead he left them all to go back to the states. there was just… so much that i didn’t enjoy, and it felt like an awful ending for ted and rebecca specifically. and then the roy/keeley/jamie thing what was still left relatively unresolved? and like. do you really think ted dropped all contact with all of them?? why did beard marry jane? why was ted not there????? god i hated it. anyway.
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While I am dissatisfied with some parts of the ending, I think I'm more disappointed they kept Beard with Jane than I am about any ship that didn't get together. She's genuinely abusive
Okay, yes, absolutely. Jane is awful.
I’m convinced the wedding scene was Ted dreaming on the plane there though because in what universe does Beard not have Ted at his wedding?
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bambi-kinos · 2 years
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Not that person but if I were building a defense of such a position then I'd say that it's a case of two dumb young people, one who is in the middle of her first serious relationship and another who is playing a tower defense game against his own sexuality because he can't cope with accepting his own truth. Paul did care about Jane but I think he would have cared about any woman who he could use to his own purposes, like moving into her house to get a Mommy replacement, having "proof" on hand that he was hetero, and free access to a lifestyle where he could trick himself into thinking that he was part of the Smart Set.
Most of the misery that we see in the photos of Jane and Paul together comes from Paul's end I think. His history of deluding himself arguably begins with Jane. He wanted a barrier to delude himself about John and she provided it. He wanted to delude himself into thinking that he was on the cutting edge of visual arts and she provided that too. He wanted to delude himself into thinking his homosexual feelings had an escape hatch and there's nothing better for that than a beard. And Jane was inexperienced with relationships (which Paul, knowingly or not, leveraged against her to avoid being thrown out on his ear) so it took her years to decide to leave him (in addition to those other factors you mentioned.)
But we still see in many photos, like the ones from his 21st birthday, that Paul is sullen and grumpy despite being with a chick that he's supposed to like:
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This is also clearly before John rang Bob Wooler's bell for trying to get John arrested and killed for his vacation with Brian because Ringo is happily eating a piece of cake while feeding off Paul's unhappiness lol. So we can reasonably assume that this was simply The State of Things.
That's not to say Paul and Jane didn't have good times together, there are definitely images of them chilling out and enjoying each other's company, and clearly they didn't find each other too awful. But the entire relationship was built on a lie from the start -- Paul wanted Jane and her world to fix all the things about himself that he didn't like. And even as early as 21, you can see how unhappy he is because he knows that it isn't working.
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koschei-the-ginger · 1 year
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to re-take the exam in January so here are 2 sentence reviews of the terrible movies I watched last night instead of studying
Edison force (2005) - I hate to agree with Kevin Spacey since I was avoiding scenes with him like my life depended on it but he was right, this was an awful movie. I watched maybe 15 minutes in total.
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Neo Ned (2005) - this one actually made me mad. A movie about a neo nazi falling in love with a suicidal black girl shouldn't have been any good. But the ending was superb, the girl overcame her trauma, the nazi went to jail and the pedo got his brains blown out 🥳 Cary was in it too for the paycheck idek he didn't do anything
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National lampoon's pucked (2005) - nothing much to say other than every single thing about this mess of a movie aged like milk in the sun. Every funny line in the entire movie is on this list.
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Factory girl (2006) - Cary was doing his usual obnoxious old-money homosexual, this time with the most horrendous fake beard I've ever seen. I'm 100% there was a naked John Mulaney riding a tricycle at some point. Didn't watch it past that part.
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Walk the talk (2007) - I didn't find this one :/
Georgia Rule (2007) - I do remember seeing my mum watch this movie one Saturday afternoon like 12 years ago and pointing out to her that that was actually Cary Elwes. And then she told me he was a pedo so I left. Yeah, I don't think you should make a "dramedy" about child sexual abuse (*cough* danish cinema) and I don't think dating a Mormon is the best idea if you have severe trust issues either. The highlight was Jane Fonda beating the stepfather with a baseball bat.
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The Alphabet Killer (2008) - This movie seriously had no redeeming quality to it whatsoever.
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