#It's about time
seaspaghetti · 20 hours
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first farcille scribble evor <3
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imakemywings · 6 months
They took Dol Guldur, and Galadriel threw down its walls and laid bare its pits, and the forest was cleansed.
-- The destruction of Dol Guldur, Lord of the Rings (Appendix B)
Fuck 👏 yeah 👏
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kyymie · 2 months
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sage-nebula · 1 year
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Unbreakable Bond in the IDW Comics: 1/?
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soulcat9 · 4 months
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In the song "My nemesis", Doofenshmirtz was reading a book written by his mentor: Professor Destructicon! or Kevin to his friends.
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Ferb, I know what we’re going to do today! We’re going to draw a million blades of grass!
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several-ravens · 10 days
i've had enough of martin getting bullied for no reason and i'm happy that jonathan is too preoccupied by gertrude's laptop to do so
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firefly-party · 3 months
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| kei | 30s | she/her | introverted mess | self-taught hobby artist |
I draw fanart for my current hyperfixation (⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)
→ my Steddie/StrangerThings art tag ←
| Instagram | AO3 | Bluesky |
Do not follow if you're a minor! 🔞
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older fanarts → the Witcher | Assassin's Creed | Star Trek |
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I do not offer commissions
I do not have a shop
If you'd like to have a print, pls look out for my giveaways!!! I'm trying to do those regularly 💞
my Asks and DMs are always open! Feel free to hmu! ❤
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drawing tablet: Huion Kamvas Pro 24
Software: ClipStudioPaint2.0
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romancemedia · 1 year
Kensi and Deeks find out they are having a baby!!!! (14x21)
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miaisreadytorun · 4 months
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eclec-tech · 1 year
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Good soldiers go on posters.
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
It's About Time, pt. 3
Part One | Part Two
“Who trained you?”
It was a question, but Kanan made it clear that an answer wasn’t optional.
Ezra didn’t answer.
He sat still and silent with his legs crossed, his elbows on his knees, and his hands folded under his chin, just like any meditating Jedi. At his side, sitting in the cargo bay—leaning against his side, actually—was Sabine, doodling in her sketchbook, as casual as if her being near someone and being comfortable near someone wasn’t the weirdest personality flip Kanan had ever seen.
What those two did today… it still boggled Kanan’s mind.
He’d never seen a child so powerful. He’d never seen Sabine so… normal.
She and Ezra knew each other well.
She knew he was a… Force-wielder.
But he had also been part of the Empire, along with her.
And given what he said about specialized training… and that lightsaber of his… Kanan had questions.
“Kid,” he said.
Abruptly, sharply, Ezra answered the previous question. “Nobody you would know.”
“Try me.”
Ezra ignored him.
“If you’re going to be part of this crew, kid, I need to know I can trust you.”
Now he flinched, visibly, and opened his eyes.
Sabine answered for him. “It doesn’t matter who taught him. I was an Imperial Cadet, and you still trust me. Why should it be different for him?”
“I trust you because I’ve seen that you can be trusted,” Kanan shot back, crossing his arms.
“If you trust me, do you trust that I trust him?”
Ezra gave her the saddest look Kanan had ever seen on anyone. “Sabine…”
“You don’t have to prove anything,” she said firmly.
“I kind of do.”
Neither of them said anything for a moment. One of his hands reached out towards Sabine, almost instinctively, like he knew she would take it—and she did take it, lacing her fingers through his and holding on tightly.
“Kanan—have you ever—”
Ezra’s voice faltered, and Kanan saw Sabine’s grip on his hand get tighter.
“Ezra, you don’t have to do this.”
But the boy squared his shoulders, took a shaky breath, and met Kanan’s gaze.
“Have you ever heard of the Inquisitorius?”
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
2 - Possible Futures
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Part 3
It's About Time
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall l @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad
Rain was pouring against the windows of the Cooper house. Georgie and I were laying on his bed since I had finished my homework earlier so my parents let me go over to hang out with the oldest Cooper. Georgie was reading a magazine of women in bikinis and I was looking at one of Sheldon’s comic books from his room. “Georgie. Dad told me to help you study for the math test.”
“I don't need your help. Get lost.” Georgie grumbled eyeing his closed bedroom door.
His father George Sr hollered from the living room. “Georgie, let him help you!”
“Come in!” Georgie yelled and his younger brother came in seeing the dirty room floor. “What's your problem?”
Sheldon started picking things up by the end of his pencil. “No problem. I'll just...tidy while we talk. Before we start, I'd like to get a sense - of how much algebra you know. Do you understand solving and graphing - linear inequalities?”
Georgie flipped to another page. “Sure.”
“Explain it to me.” Sheldon challenged him.
Georgie paused before he answered. “Uh...first you solve 'em...and then you graph 'em.”
“And how do you do that?” Sheldon challenged him a second time.
“Uh, you know, carefully.” Georgie answered him before Sheldon left the room in a huff.
Rolling my eyes at my best friend I closed my book rolling over to hold myself up on my elbows. “You do realize if you fail the test you won’t play football anymore right?”
“Yeah I know. But I’ve got this.” He answered me closing his magazine.
I glared at him, eyeing his uniform hanging in the corner closest of his bedroom. “Just let him help you. Otherwise I’ll have to deploy my secret weapon.”
“Oh yeah and what’s that?” Georgie challenged me.
I smirked getting up in his face grabbing at some locks of his curly brown hair. “I’ll cut your hair.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” Georgie gasped sitting upright on the bed.
I sat upright getting in his face even more so where our noses were touching. The smirk didn’t drop from my face. “I bet I can run to the kitchen and get them faster than you could.”
“Don’t start a fight you won’t win.” Georgie got up from the bed and I scrambled to my feet too.
He narrowed his brown eyes at me. “Sounds like a bet to me, Cooper.” I bolted out of his bedroom door slamming the door in his face where he flung it open chasing after me down the short hallway.
The wooden floor underneath the carpet creaked until my feet hit the kitchen floor and I yanked open the drawer inches from grabbing the scissors. “Ah Georgie!” I screamed, feeling arms wrapping around my waist and we stumbled to the harsh tile.
“I won’t let ya cut my hair.” Georgie pinned me on the ground holding my wrists down with his hands.
I glared for a second before I busted out laughing. “I’m only messing with ya, Georgie. I love your hair.”
“I do too.” He smiles down at me releasing my wrists hearing someone coming in our direction.
Missy stopped in her tracks carrying her doll named Celeste. “Woah. We’re you two about to make out?”
“No.” I quickly answered her, blushing like a tomato.
Georgie snapped, waving her off and getting to his feet helping me up afterwards. “No we weren’t. Get out of here!” I tucked my hair behind my ear thinking back to our last year of middle school.
“Woo-hoo!” I giggled hanging off the tire swing that my dad had put in my family backyard of my house.
A bicycle skids to a stop in the driveway where I stopped swinging around super fast to see who it was. “Y/n, I finally know what I want to be when I grow up.” Georgie dropped his bike in the grass rushing over to me.
I kept slowly moving the tire swing around, holding tightly onto the rope to not fall off. “Oh yeah. What ya got?”
“You know the rich bad guy from Back to the Future who has the hot and skinny wife?” He asked me.
I replied back. “Yes.”
“I want to be like him.” He said back.
I leaned my body into the rope that I was holding onto. “So where am I in this future of yours?”
“If we're lucky my hot and skinny wife might have a hot brother you could marry.”
I snorted out a laugh. “Marriage and kids don't sound too bad.”
“With a hot and rich husband.” Georgie chuckles climbing up on the tire swing beginning to sway us around where we were pressed up against the other hoping to not fall off.
Lifting my gaze up to his I felt my face starting to turn red and it was in that moment I realized that I had my first ever crush on my best friend. “Right with a hot and rich husband…” I mean who would be foolish enough to turn him down.
“Hey, I got some matches and fireworks in the garage stored away. I was thinking we try'em out.” He jumped off the tire waiting for me to follow him. Getting off the swing I grabbed my bike and we rode back to his house.
Peddling my bike by his I got a little distracted thinking back on what he said about his future. If i was lucky maybe down the road in a few years he would feel the same. “I was thinking I might marry you when we get older.” We pulled into his driveway and that night we accidentally blew up one of the neighbors mailboxes which had to be the coolest thing ever.
The next evening after we had all passed the test Sheldon knocked on his door again. “Georgie? I need to ask a favor. It's private. Can I come in?”
“Come on. What do you want?” Georgie was reading another one of his magazines and I was just laying beside him. We had been chatting until he interrupted us.
Sheldon came to stand at the foot of the bed. “It occurs to me you have something in common with Captain Kirk.”
“We both have cool hair?” Georgie asked him.
Sheldon corrected his brother’s statement. “In order to succeed, you both play fast and loose with the rules.”
Georgie shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, I suppose we do.”
“When you cheated on the math test, what was your strategy?” The nine year old genesis asked.
I made a face at the younger boy. “You’re asking him for advice on how to lie. I thought I’d never see the day.”
“Me neither, Y/n.” His brother glanced at me thinking back on his plan. “Well, I guess the most important part was not stepping on anything wet before the test. And not getting an "A."
Sheldon knitted his brows. “Why wouldn't you want an "A"?”
“'Cause that would raise suspicions. Who would believe I got an "A"?” Georgie shakes his head at his ridiculous question.
Sheldon gasped. “Wow. Tell me more.”
“Okay, when you're telling a lie, it's important to throw in some details. Like, when I was wanted to spend the night at Ricky's house, and Mom asked me if his mom and dad were gonna be home, I said, not only are they be gonna be home, his dad was gonna teach us how to cook turkey legs in the smoker.” Georgie explained his story.
Sheldon responded, making me facepalm my face into my hands embarrassed. “I like turkey legs. Were they good?”
“There weren't any turkey legs, you dope. His parents were in Branson.” Georgie chuckles slightly annoyed at him.
Sheldon walked over to the door opening it to leave the room. “That's incredible. I totally believed you.”
“Now get out of here, I got to finish reading this.” Georgie opened his magazine once more when the door shut behind Sheldon. He could feel my gaze focused on him so he sat the magazine down in his lap. “What you gotta say?”
I shifted to lay back down against his pillows. “You know you teaching him to lie ain’t gonna end well for him.”
“I don’t care. He never gets in trouble for anything. If he gets caught maybe he won’t be such a pain.” He shakes his head, sending me a half smile.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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millerflintstone · 8 months
I had two meetings I had to attend at 8:45 am yesterday and today to meet the other folks on the team. I only attended for about 10 minutes with my mentor/guy I'll be replacing since it was just for introductions. I think I hit a nice niche in that the dept I'm supporting is not dedicated IT staff.
They need the reports I'll be producing to do their jobs but since it's a state government that we are working with, there are rare urgent things. People log off right at 5 or 5:30 pm. Weekends or overtime is not common at all, unless you decide to take on an extra project. There are only 4 meetings I have to attend that are with the state. There is no daily scrum.
Most folks have been here for at least a decade. They seem to have wonderful rapport. We'll see if I get any pointers /notes from my mentor.
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104-days-of-gifs · 1 year
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Another 104 Days of Phineas and Ferb GIFs: Day 15
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deva-arts · 2 months
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Panel sneak peek! Featuring: Sera in her natural state of being
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