#It's a process that can take over a year in the USA and 3 years in Japan if the defendant still claims innocence without proof of guilt
askaceattorney · 18 days
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Dear Goldysays,
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I do agree with you on the first half. Even I almost found myself out of a job because of those overseeing the Justice System. Just as the PIC seems to have corrupt individuals in the inside, I have no doubt the same applies to the Bar Association.
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As for the second half, Mr. Gavin wasn't in prison at the time. He was in the County Jail in the process of being tried for the murder of Shadi Smith. Under such circumstances, he is allowed to wear comfortable clothes until he is tried properly, and even in prison, prisoners are sometimes given normal clothes for visitation hours.
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Believe me, my former mentor is given the very same treatment and it is because of wealth. Wealth can determine how well a person is treated before trial, but once imprisoned, they're treated no better than their mates
- Miles Edgeworth
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mysticdoodles · 9 months
hi i saw a post about the fish playing with the human child and even though your addition to that post is 3 years old by now i would love to hear more about ftm sheephead fish :3 (no pressure btw!)
Fish curiosity, in my inbox?? It's more likely than I think, apparently! xD
First off, there's actually multiple fish dubbed 'sheephead'! There's the sheepshead- note the extra S in there- and they look like this:
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And yes those are their teeth. Horrifying tbh, but they're very good at what they do- crushing invertebrates and other shelled snacks! They're an Atlantic species that sticks to temperate and warmer waters, and they max out at about half a meter in length.
That's not the fish we're talking about today. The focus of today is the California sheephead wrasse- note the lack of a second S- also known as the 'sheephead' for short. Not confusing at all! We definitely don't bash our heads into walls over the naming conventions and lack of record-keeping of our scientist predecessors.
THIS is the sheephead wrasse, the species of the lovely and now Tumblr-famous Red! :D With a length of up to a FULL meter, they're a whole different size class of fish! They can be found along the west coast USA from the Baja Peninsula all the way up to Monterey, and dwell almost exclusively in kelp forests and nearby environments. I will use one of Red's pics as an example of female coloration-
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The lighting isn't great but you can see how her body is streamlined, and besides the white underside of the jaw, has a salmon-pink coloration! Females can be pink or a dull silver-beige. And much like other large marine wrasse, MALES have a drastically different appearance.
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This thing is built like a damn tank!! Sheephead are a species of wrasse that shift colors to gain those striking black scales and physically bulk up when becoming males- because guess what? ALL OF THEM ARE BORN FEMALE! By default, all male California Sheephead are FTM trans :) They use that bulky head and extremely tough set of jaws to not only hunt their preferred prey- mollusks, gastropods, and bivalves, etc- but also to bash and chomp down on rival males. This one has won many battles, look at that scarred up muzzle!
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The sex change is determined by several factors, as it's not guaranteed all sheephead will eventually become males. Because sheephead school in a harem system- many females to very few males- in order to maximize pressure of stronger offspring, the biggest and healthiest sheephead male will drive out competition from the school. Naturally, a sheephead that lives longer and gains a greater size will have a much higher chance of shifting from a female to a male, if the conditions are right. Stress induced from competition can suppress the hormones that stimulate this transition in females, so they're less likely to gain size and shift from female to male if there's already strong competition taking place. However, in the event there are too few males to mate with the females, or no males present at all, the biggest female will start transitioning to fill the empty slot! It's a long process that can take as few as a couple months, or up to years, depending on resources available.
Conversely, if there are TOO MANY males, they can revert back into females! This process also takes a long time, and is a lot more rare to witness, especially because right now male California sheephead in particular are being spear-fished into becoming an Endangered species :c Sheephead adult males in good condition are considered a trophy animal in spear-fishing and similar marine trophy hunting off the West coast, and because males in particular are being targeted, the gene pool is being reduced when it wrecks the harem structure of schools.
As a fun fact- they're also an incredibly smart fish, and can form relationships with humans, as demonstrated with me and sweetiepie Red cx There's many documented cases of large marine wrasses forming long-term friendships with divers! Here's a humphead wrasse that made friends with a diver she learned would crack snails open for her with a hammer:
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I don't work at the facility with Red anymore, but I currently work with two unnamed adult male sheephead, and once again they both like me and seem to despise all my coworkers, even if I never had the opportunity to train them like I did with little Red xD They pick favorites I guess? Now if only I could make friends with the garibaldi...
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netherworldpost · 17 days
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Early in Evil Supply Co.'s history I had the idea, because Friday 13th was coming up, "...we should sell something for $0.13. This will be hilarious."
And we did that Friday 13th!
And every Friday 13th we were in business afterwards!
And it is A LOT of fun!
Most people bought a few, some bought a handful, a few tricksters said "I'll buy dozens" and once in awhile someone will come along and buy 100 or so.
To be clear: This is not a problem, and I am endlessly amused by it, I love it. I cackle every time I see the giant number roll in.
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The trade off of course is you don't know what the card looks like until you get it.
When Evil Supply Co. officially became Netherworld Post Office in March 2024, I was thinking: "HMMM well we were closed for several years, maybe we'll sell a few dozen."
It wasn't anywhere close to Friday 13th, but it felt a great time to revive this mischief sale, in celebration of launch.
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Here is where we stand:
Our carefully laid plans to get orders out the door in a timely fashion have been overwrought with orders.
We are working hard to get them out as quickly as possible.
The promotion ends on Sumday, April 14, 2024, at midnight Central USA.
I have been cackling about this for several days.
It has completely overwhelmed everything I thought I remembered how to get orders out the door in a timely manner. A very temporary problem. The sale ends on Sunday, the last batch of orders goes to the printer on Monday, we receive them and then start scrambling to clear the deck.
I'm very grateful for everyone's patience.
And mischief.
I am sorry that orders have not been sent out in a "first in, first out" basis, we have been awash with organizing everything and this is our biggest fall-down area. The logistics of our set up require specific setups and combinations of things and
[music plays over what is a long, complicated, boring explanation]
If you wish to join in, you have about a day and a half as of this writing. We are answering customer service emails and getting things out the door as quickly as we can.
I am so grateful for this all.
I've said that above.
Gotta say it again.
And now to take a 3 hour nap before the next truck gets here and start up the process again.
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welcometololaland · 8 months
Lola, since it is not currently Saturday for me, I will be saving most of my nice ask day asks for tomorrow...but since it IS Saturday for you, I suppose it would only make sense for me to send you one now!
We both have the law in common! I have a law degree and I am technically an attorney (though I don't actually practice law but instead work as a law clerk/research assistant for judges at a courthouse). I went to law school and passed the bar in Michigan. I have no idea what that whole process is like in Australia, but I assume it's probably at least fairly similar? What was it all like for you/what made you want to get into it? (in as general terms as you want, of course, I don't mean to pry into personal stuff!)
hey anne! wow I never knew this about you! thank you for sharing 💜 I would love to hear more about your job working in the courts, that sounds very interesting and RESEARCH? my beloved. is it case law mostly?
the process for becoming an admitted solicitor (aka. a licensed attorney) in Australia is quite different to the USA. from my understanding, the US system requires a student to complete their undergraduate degree, sit the LSAT, do their law degree as a post graduate degree and then take the bar? I know there are potentially variations to this (looking at you Kim Kardashian) but if I'm wrong about this general process please let me know!
in my state in Australia (can't speak for other states!) you can do law as either a postgraduate degree OR a 4 or 5 year undergraduate degree. I did a double undergraduate degree in law and (liberal) arts (which I like to refer to as my bachelor of laws and my bachelor of fun). after you graduate law, you have to either do a 6 month (full-time) practical legal training course OR you can do 12 months of supervised legal training in a firm. it's better to do either the supervised legal training or be working in a firm that puts you through practical legal training because the course is like 10k on top of all your student debt 😂 I was lucky enough to get a graduate job so I did the supervised legal training and then, after I finished that, I was admitted to the profession.
I never set out to be a lawyer - truthfully, my parents thought I was going to fail school because I had a very tumultuous time from ages 16-18. I got involved in some shady stuff, had very poor mental health, didn't live at home for a lot of the time, and had a bad relationship with my family. I basically crammed my entire IB course into 3 months, and somehow, i got really good marks. so my parents told me to do law, since I (surprisingly) could.
truthfully I didn't like studying law much which was a bad sign...now I'm like 6 years into working in a firm and I think it's time for me to go and do something else. the culture in private practice corporate law can be really demanding on your life and damaging to your sanity. the glorification of overworking and the expectation to put everything in your life on hold to make your billable hours is next level. my firm is pretty good, but the industry in general is quite toxic sometimes. I respect anyone that can do it long term, but I don't think that person is me. I'm very much a work-to-live person and not a live-to-work person.
I've had a bit of a crisis over the past few months, trying to work out what I want to do. I'm still not sure but I hope I'll work it out soon 😂
Thanks for the ask and sorry for the essay!
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cereusblue · 7 months
A minor piece of advice from a Healthcare worker, listen to the reviews on emergency rooms before you ever have to go to one.
As someone who just went to the ER today, I'm glad I knew what I was getting into. The big hospital in town has been known to make people wait for over 24 hours before even moved to Triage, which for those who don't know? Is the first stage after being checked in. This is where they take your vitals/urine sample/and ask you basic questions on what's been going on. Literally the one I went to today? 15 minutes till triage. We were there a total of like 2.5 hours. People who very nice. The other hospital? A family member had to go to via ambulance. Took us 4 hours just for a nurse to look in his room and tell us he could be seen. And this is before greed took over and they fired their good nurses. And I'm talking a shit ton. Like 30% of their nurses. (Maybe not that much, I'm kinda outta it right now and I'm not looking up statistics for privacy.)
Next thing is my pcp is apart of the same organization as the ER I went to. So I didn't have to do the shitty intake stuff too. So that was nice. They also had all my previous x rays.
In short, you will eventually have to go to an ER in your area *eventually.* Please, please do your research and weigh your options. Also, always, always when you move somewhere establish a new primary care doctor. Because when things happen, they are a much cheaper option (in USA) to follow up with rather than the ER. They will also help refer you to the places you need to go. When you get hurt, having places to turn to that you know you can rely on is so, so important and makes the process so much easier. When you're hurt, you're going to be exhausted. Having the quickest path to recovery/diagnosis is so important. Because there are many things the ER cannot diagnose you for. Viruses and the like, broken bones, easy as pie for them. But deeper problems? Not so much. Make sure you have a support system ready just in case.
Also if you live in the US, your specialists/pcp NEED to see you within 3 years to keep you considered an active patient. So if you can't afford two times a year or even once a year? Go back every two years for them to check in on you. This will keep you active and not have to go through the new patient process again (because insurance sucks.) Re-establishing care after those 3 years means they have to consider you a new patient and the appointment can take months to get to. The best option I had when I established my pcp when I moved here was 3 months out. The next best was 9 months. No I'm not kidding. Every, and i mean *every* other pcp in town were at capacity and couldn't take new patients. Set up your pcp because you never know what the area around you is experiencing.
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wannabedjs · 2 months
2003 was an eventful year...Went on a reality tv show ("Anything for Love") which never aired, studies abroad in Guadalajara Mexico, visted Mexico City, and Cuba . A key new chapter in my life. Fairly quickly after starting my job at UCH in 1998 it became quite evident that there was a disconnect between the providers/staff who only spoke English and the sizable patient population that only spoke Spanish. The sole translator was Dr. Michel Choncol, a renal fellow from Venezuela. I've always felt that the monolingual culture of the USA was a disadvantage. Having only taken a couple Spanish classes in high school, I had near zero Spanish skills. I decided to start the process to learn spanish. Taking classes a couple times a week at Colorado Free University and then enrolling at CU Denver into classess for no credit. Over a period of 3-4 years I advanced my spanish vocabulary to hold simple conversations. I knew if I wanted to accelerate my learning I needed to have a dedicated period of immersion. I'd been talking about this plan for a number of months, so when I proposed the idea of taking a 2 month immersive 'sabbatical' in Mexico to my boss and coworker, it was received with support. As a student at CU Denver I was able to enroll in an study abroad program down to Guadalajara, Mexico. Guadalajara is the LA of Mexico (Mexico city being the NYC) and is located in the state of Jalisco (home of tequila, puerto vallarta, mariachi music, and dozens of large scale murals). I lived with a family that had 2 other 'renters" in their central Gudalajara home. One of the other renters was a Japanese guy who didn't speak English and worked as a sushi chef and was a lucha libre on the side.
Wonderful experience as I learned more in 6 weeks of class than I did in the previous 3-4 years of classroom studies in Denver. (The key was not hanging out with the other native English speakers, most of whom were from England. The movie, Y tu mama tambien, had a sizable impact on most of them wanting to learn Spanish). I regularly hung out with the family's young 20ish old daughter and her boyfriend, Diego, who I was pretty sure was part of the cartel. He owned a couple "bars" which were just fields of land where they served cheap beer and had hip hop music. He even had a young dog named "Sixty" (for 69..yep. no lie).
Weekend trips included a memorable evening in a cemetery in Michoacan for noche de muertos. Straight out of Coco.
I had 2 weeks at the end open for travel and full immersion traveling to Spanish speaking cities. Half way thru my time in Guadalajara, I started planning an excursion to Mexico City then Cuba. Mexico City was as lively as advertised and my prep for Cuba seemed rather simple. No US banks in Cuba and they accepted cold hard cash from the USA.
So entering Havana with enough cash to make it for a week vacation in Havana and the beach town Varadero. Loved Havana and a highlight was walking up to the Interior Ministry government building thinking it was maybe some fancy hotel. It has a massive Che Guevera face on the outside with the tag line "Hasta Victoria Siempre." Now I should have researched the area where I was at, but looking over at the building I thought it said "Hotel Victoria Siempre.'....common mistake...one that you realize quickly as you begin walking toward it and fully armed military guards start walking towards you telling you to leave. I was like "Bet!" and high tailed it for some mojitos and grub far away from the plaza.
Varadero is the old Copa Cabana area. Like Vegas, but frozen in the 1960s. Massive hotels (previously casinos) just vacant. I was staying at an all inclusive type hotel with beautiful beaches with many european tourists. Most were topless which made it very difficult to read on the beach. One of the nights the hotel arranged for everyone to go to a nightclub which was all you can drink (For like 20 bucks) and had a full on cuban band with dancers. Kind of like an old supper club, but without food. It was fantastic, the 10+ piece band threw down cuban salsa/conga for hours. Towards the end of the show they invited the crown onto the large stage to dance. So here we are just getting down on the stage (the Italian gals with tops on just didn't look the same..hahaha) and they show ends at like 10ish. Within minutes of them stopping the place goes straight US hip hop club. With the 1st song being "In Da Club"...a very current song at the time.
If that wasn't memorable enough, I had everything planned. for the last 24 hours of my trip. Bus trip to the airport in Havana was scheduled and and I decided to spend the rest of the cash I had on gifts. Cigars, t shirts, foods, random wooden statues, etc. So I get to the airport and check in my bags with plenty of time before take off. As I approach the customs check point, I see that there is a $25 departure fee to leave the country. Again cash only. Problem was I only had like 5 bucks. Now I like to believe I'm relatively calm and collected when it comes to stressful situations. I find it rare that you end up in situation without a solution. Well, this was one of those situations . I had a moment where I was like "Fuck, I don't have a clue how I can make this work?" Then the master plan hit. The Cuban embargo that has kept the country frozen in time circa 1960 also has kept technology away. Common electronics are extremely expensive. SOOOO. I take out my yellow sony-disc man and walk around the airport waving it saying "se vende! Se Vende!" It took a good 30 min, but a dude came up with $20 and I sold him the discman...which got me out of the country. I still have the flight ticket with the PAGO $25 stamp on it.
2003 - peak meet me in the basement rock n roll
The comeback after the post grunge rock-rap (see Woodstock 99) boy band era. Was it all post 9/11?
Elefante, white stripes, broken social scene, strokes, TV on the radio
But also an electro-rock-punk scene w the rapture
No need to listen to- GREATS
OutKast: Speakerboxxx/The Love Below (Arista)
The White Stripes: Elephant (V2)
Radiohead: Hail to the Thief (Capitol) - saw at red rocks
BSS- you forgot it in people
Basement Jaxx: Kish Kash
Postal service- give up
Yo la tango
Belle and sebastian -dear catastrophe
RH factor - hard groove
Erykah badu - world wide
50 cent - get rich or die trying
Sandra Collins - march essential mix w pete tong from Miami winter music fest
Revisits and new finds
Four tet - rounds
- his debut (?) and maybe my fav. Less Asian/Indian influenced
Caribou- up In Flames.
early release with few great tracks.
Elefante - loved them back it 03 and still solid 2000 era rock n roll
Strokes - room on fire. Just the same music as this is it..but who cares? It’s great!
Rapture- Echos. an early release of the budding electro-punk-rock-dance scene (mainly from NYC). 2-3 banging tracks
Tv on the radio- young liars EP 1st
Audio bullys- ego war. Can’t believe this didn’t get on best of lists. A blend of house, punk, British hip hop, and beats. We Don’t Care is one of best tracks of the year.
Decemberists - her majesty. Still catchy and an enjoyable listen. Very 03-y
M83 - really out there with full synths, but a couple tracks which lead to his take off w “Dreaming” almost a decade later
Pernice brothers- these guys! Discovery of the week. Indie/folk/country rocky with a coolness and sincerity . Lyrically stellar
Massive attack 100th window
Death cab- transatlanticism
- was a late comer to DCFC and really didn’t listen to this record til 08ish. Can see why they have a large loyal fan base. My question, ya think they’ve made more money off tv shows and movies that have their music than off their records? Last song end like the 1st begins . So can start anywhere and the album flows if on repeat
New Pornographers: Electric Version (Matador)- catchy pop-indie rock. I probably would have been really into them had I given this record a couple listens back in 03
Massive attack - 100th Window. The OGs of trip hop! F/u to mezzanine from 98’. That alone made this a must listen to. Still their signature sound that resonates through me the same as in 03’. A truly night record. Not many of those in 03
Wrens - pitchfork #1. Not good
Jeff Buckley - live at sin e rerelease as 2 CD set. He will always be a part of my musical journey. Maybe the largest part w regards to memories over years and stories
- NYC house of neon(?) during interview for job at montefore
- house sitting for Bud Carlsen (a subconscious influence to me going to CO). and making late night pancakes listening to his music
- late night music!
- heading to Memphis to search for his body with Angela Angstman and Allison
Lots of great music I didn’t get to…
Bad plus
Arab stap
Mad lib invaded blue note
British sea power
Ted Leo and pharmacists
Jay z black album
The neptunes - clones
My morning jacket
Kings of Leon
Mogwai- happy songs for happy peeps
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Fever to Tell (Interscope)
The Shins: Chutes Too Narrow (Sub Pop)
Lefty deceiver
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cuppa-chai-chatter · 1 year
AAAAA okay these films WHACKED the mini-hyperfixation button!!! here we go
SO Cecelia Condit (the director of both Possibly In Michigan AND Beneath The Skin) based both short films off her real life experiences??? I watched an interview with her and went wiki diving and WOWZA
uhhh TW for like. murder? and a suicide attempt.
so from what I can find online, Cecelia dated a guy for about four years. His name was Ira Einhorn, but in her video Beneath The Skin she calls him Ike. Before she dated him, he had an ex girlfriend named Holly Maddux. They had split it off not long before Ike got with Cecelia, but in her video she says it was pretty mutual. So Ike and Cecelia date for about two years, at which point Ike tells Holly that if she doesn't come get her things from his house he'll throw them out. So Holly comes from New York to get her things and isn't seen after that. Ike is investigated for obvious reasons, but police don't have enough evidence to search further.
Two years later, an investigator hired by Holly's family finds out the people living under Ike's apartment have been complaining about a "rotting smell coming from the closet ceiling". Presumably he brings this to the police, because not long after that Ike's house is searched and they find a trunk in his closet that has the decapitated and partially mummified remains of Holly. Cecelia says that the head was shoved so far down into the chest cavity that it was originally thought to be missing.
Cecelia says in an interview that her art projects (in particular PIM) really helped her heal and move on from things, which makes me think the scenes of Sharon dreaming of being a corpse is probably a representation of survivor's guilt (though that's just my personal, non-professional thoughts) because Cecelia goes into how she wasn't mad about Ike killing Holly, but how she was mad about what Ike did or didn't do to her. Even though I've never personally experienced survivor's guilt, my long term SPIN about psychology has given me enough information that it's awful and takes a long time to heal.
Anyway, Ike (aka the Unicorn Killer because Einhorn means unicorn in German) skipped bail and was a fugitive for 17 years. He lived in Europe, married, and was finally extradited to the USA in 2001 after a lengthy and complicated extradition process. He tried to kill himself at one point to avoid jail. He just recently died in jail in 2020.
Cecelia says in her video how the blankets that Ike would give her when she'd stay over laid on the chest that Holly's body was in. The only reason she couldn't smell the corpse was because she was on medications at the time that took away her sense of smell.
Despite that all being extremely fucked up, it puts Possibly in Michigan in a whole new light. A lot of the strange symbolism suddenly makes a lot more sense and I'm glad Cecelia has found healing through her films.
Also, some more light hearted funfacts.
Cecelia only got permission to film in the mall before opening time by sitting in the mall office and refusing to leave before she got permission.
The guy who plays the Prince Charming was a friend of one of the actresses. Cecelia mentioned they'd need a knife and he pulled one out of his boot. Cecelia jokingly said "oh, do you have a gun too?". He did.
According to one comment on YouTube, Cecelia is down with the idea of Sharon and Janice being in a wlw relationship. I haven't checked this for myself because there's a bajillion comments and it's 3:30 AM.
Cecelia named Arthur that because it sounds like "Art Her" and she wanted to represent that art is sometimes used against women to put them down. She is also the person who wears the creepy mask in the mall scenes!
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mahmudulhasan46 · 29 days
Coinz App Review - Generate Bitcoin & Ethereum On Autopilot (Seyi Adeleke)
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Coinz App Review – Generate Bitcoin & Ethereum On Autopilot
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See my other reviews: AcquireWeb AI Review, InFlux AI Review, And Comet App Review.
Thanks for reading my Coinz App Review till the end and I hope it will help you to make your purchase decision.
Source: Coinz App Review - Generate Bitcoin & Ethereum On Autopilot (Seyi Adeleke)
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death-munchkin · 6 months
Everyone should remember the story of the Radium Girls.
Haven't heard of it? Let me give you the short version. Early 1900s Radium has been discovered and the dangers of radioactivity was rapidly being discovered and understood as well. A handful of greedy men realize they can make radioactive paint that glows in the dark, and use it for (among other things) painting clock faces to make glow in the dark clocks. So, they start up 3 factories where radium gets ground into a powder and mixed into a paint solution called "undark". This process is done by men wearing thick lead lined aprons and gloves, not even allowed to touch the radium with their hands and instead instructed to handle it with tongs.
The paint then gets handed over to hundreds, thousands of women and girls, who are only told that they are hired to paint the clock faces on clocks and watches. These innocent, unsuspecting, uninformed women and girls as young as fifteen are instructed to paint with "undark". First, they are instructed to dip a fine tipped paint bush in water. Then, they are instructed to form the tip into a fine point with their lips, putting the still paint stained brush directly in their mouth. Then they are instructed to dip the brush in the paint, and paint a stroke. And then repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Hundreds of strokes a day. Thousands of strokes a week. Each time consuming a little bit more. And a little bit more.
Some time into production, they even take away the water, as to not "waste" any of the paint, because why not shave a few cents off production?
Some of the women worked there for mere days. Others months. Some for years.
All the while the company was fully aware of the theoretical risk posed to the women. All the while they never told them.
Eventually, when the women started getting sick and dying off one by one, the company blamed it on STIs, which I assume most of you are aware what stigma that implies.
And even when five brave women came together to sue their employer, now that they were ill and dying, the company tried to avoid responsibility by delaying the process month by month, year by year, hoping that the women would die before they could sue.
And finally, finally, when the women decided to settle out of court to see even a pittance of reimbursement before they inevitably die, the company blamed it on its (not direct quote) "Over abundance of kindness", saying it hired people who are "poor, sickly and (c-slur)" and that it's now that "kindness" coming back to bite it. This happened in the USA, less than 100 years ago.
This is why we should remember the radium girls. Not only because of how they were treated. Not only because of how they were killed for money and power. Not only because how their names were smeared even as they were suffering horrible ailments and death due to malpractice. But also because around the world similar things are happening every single day. Yes, in your country too. Everywhere there is a rich person, there is someone they're willing to destroy to stay that way and gain even more power.
The rich do not care about you. They do not care about your children. About your life, about your health. They only care about what you can give them with your blood and sweat and tears. They will put chemicals in your system which burns holes in your bones and eats away at your muscles if it saved them a penny on the dollar.
But please, continue to tell me how more money for Elon Musk means a better future for me.
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goldenfreddys · 3 months
[archived thread, 2004: chucky takes to the web for answers]
Engineeringforums.net > Engineering Disciplines > Software Engineering > Robotics Software Troubleshooting??
imnotarobotstopasking Junior Member
Registered: Nov 2003 Location: USA Posts: 3
Hello all, This is probably such a stupid question, but I’m a maintenance technician at an entertainment facility and I’ve been running into some issues figuring out how to safely deactivate some of our obsolete/older machinery. As far as hardware goes, I’ve done everything I can think of: disconnecting the power modules, disabling central processing units, etc. but somehow, one of my coworkers insists that he’s seen them up and running, mostly overnight. The only thing I can think of is a software problem, which I’m not as well-versed in. If anyone could direct me to some troubleshooting resources, that would be great… Or if you wanna give a crack at it yourself, I can give specific model numbers over PM if you need.
Jgh7934 Member
Registered: Feb 2002 Location: San Francisco, CA Posts: 14
If its running on any kind of software it still needs a power source. You said you disabled that ? Might help if you specify what kind of machinery. Are we talking roller coasters or something else
imnotarobotstopasking Junior Member
Registered: Nov 2003 Location: USA Posts: 3
They’re animatronics, but they run on older tech so I thought there might be some kind of backdoor power source I don’t know about. I probably could’ve asked the guy who made them, but unfortunately I haven’t really been in contact for years, and I’m not sure how I’d even get a hold of him at this point. My dad engineered most of their mechanical stuff, but as far as the software interfaces, he’s got no clue and keeps dismissing this as something we don’t have the budget to fix, right now. It’s really frustrating. Something happened the other day. I think the guy on overnight security had an accident related to these older models leaving the service area after hours, and nobody is telling me anything.
Jgh7934 Member
Registered: Feb 2002 Location: San Francisco, CA Posts: 14
Ok its starting to sound like theirs bigger fish to fry here than software bugs. Your dad is also a technician. So he should really know to take these things seriously especially if his kid is working with this potentially dangerous faulty machinery IDK if im qualified to solve the problem of criminal endangerment but I can try to help you with troubleshooting the software. Can I PM you ?
imnotarobotstopasking Junior Member
Registered: Nov 2003 Location: USA Posts: 3
Sure. I probably shouldn’t have shared all that irrelevant personal stuff, sorry. I don’t get much of a chance to talk to people outside of work so there’s been a lot on my chest about this. Thank you!!
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rxin3akamallory · 7 months
(So I wrote this as soon as I thought about Rocket and Lylla reuniting in Vol. 3 again. I thought, what if Magril had a similar experience? This takes place before the films, only a couple years after Magril escapes Halfworld and becomes a ravager.
Read this post for more context.
And PLEASE keep the TWs in mind before reading, ty ♡)
TW: Implied Attempted
Su!c!d3/S3lf H@rm
Hotline Numbers:
USA: 988
Canada: (833) 456-4566
Other regins
White took over Magril’s vision when she woke up. She couldn’t quite pinpoint where exactly she was, but the surrounding cages made the place feel.. familiar? But Magril’s environment wasn’t the only thing that made this situation strangely nostalgic to her. In the distance she could hear two voices laughing. One was high pitched and one was deep and gentle.
Magril: Those voices..
Before Magril could process who the voices belonged to, she could hear someone approaching from behind. She turns around, a brown female otter who was slightly taller than her and sporting two mechanical arms slowly walked her way.
Lylla: Friend… What are you doing here?
Magril: *gasp* Ly.. Lylla..?
Lylla gave Magril the same kind and warm smile she’d always have. Although, it fades when she notices the wounds that harshly ran across Magril’s arms.
Lylla: My dear friend, what’s happened?
Magril: *sniffle* I’m.. still a friend to you?
Lylla: Of course you’re my friend, Magril.
Magril: B-But, that night! I-I.. *choke* I said horrible things to you. I was so selfish! *sniffle* Why would you possibly want a friend like me?
Lylla: Selfish doesn’t always mean bad. Selfless and selfish are balanced. You were scared, that isn’t selfish. We all experience fear.
Magril: Yeah, and look where mine’s gotten you.
Lylla: Magril… Why are we here? What drove you to do this to yourself?
Magril: I couldn’t bring myself to tell you what was going on. If I had just said something… I’d be here right now instead of you.
Lylla: Magril, that’s already done. You can’t do anything to change what happened to us. But you can change what happens to you.
Magril: Why should I? There’s no reason a coward like me should stay. Why spare me? What did I do other than lead you to your graves!? You, *choke* and Floor, and Teefs, *sniffle* and Rocket…
As she named each of her friends, she realized one was missing. Rocket. The raccoon who shared a cage with Floor.
Magril: Wait.. Where’s Rocket?
Lylla’s smile returns once Magril puts two and two together.
Magril: Wait.. did he..?
Lylla’s nod was the only answer Magril needed. Relief washed over her features. Rocket survived, he’s alive and still out there.
Lylla: I know you see no reason to keep going, but you still have a purpose here. Don’t give up yet.
Lylla gently embraced Magril, who started to cry again.
Magril: *sniffle* I’m sorry, Lylla..
Lylla only shook her head in response.
Lylla: You can do it. You’re so strong, much stronger than you realize. I know you’ll make it through this. And then one day, you and Rocket can come flying with us.
Tears form in Magril’s eyes.
Magril: Into the forever and beautiful sky…
Magril suddenly feels herself falling then a split second later she finds herself in the med bay onboard the ravager ship. Kraglin and Quill were over her, tears staining their faces.
Quill: Magril? Magril!
Kraglin: Magril! Thank god!
Magril: Nrgh.. Guys..?
The two pull Magril into a hug as she was still trying to process what just happened.
Kraglin: Are you okay!? We found you bleeding!
Quill: There was a knife next to you and we thought someone attacked you!
Kraglin: And you didn’t have a pulse for around ten minutes, we were worried sick!
Magril’s heart sank to the pit of her stomach. The amount of pain she put her own brothers through broke her heart. She tightly embraced them as tears streamed down her cheeks.
Magril: *sobs* I’m so sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. *choke* I’m so sorry. *sniffle* I love you so much, I’m so sorry.
Quill: It’s okay. We love you too, Magril.
Kraglin: We’re just glad you’re okay.
Here are the numbers again if you wish to seek help.
USA: 988
Canada: (833) 456-4566
Other regions
If no one has reminded you, then I will. You are loved, you are wanted, NEEDED. And most importantly, you matter. ♡
☆彡 @raccoonfallsharder | @twigglestblog | @bakaotakulife
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aspd-culture · 1 year
hiya, do you have any blanket advice for those looking to do some solid research into self-diagnosis, especially as an autistic? good sources, common mistakes, etc? would appreciate anything because I’ve just had a long few hours of mentally spiralling into the depths of hell over trying to figure out what empathy and remorse actually are
I have posts I will link at the end of this defining remorse that hopefully should help.
Empathy exists in 2 or 3 types, depending on who you ask. Most commonly, you will see 2 types of empathy being spoken about.
Affective empathy (the type people mean when they just say empathy): The ability to recognize other's emotions subconsciously without thinking about it/trying to, and having those emotions mirrored in your own. So (for pwAffective Empathy) if someone is angry, you will feel angry (not at them). If someone is crying, you may want to cry or start crying. If someone is smiling genuinely, you will feel happy. There isn't a qualifier on this. You don't have to know the person at all, let alone care about them, for this to happen if you have affective empathy, but afaik it is stronger in those you're bonded with.
Cognitive Empathy: Being able to intentionally think about "putting yourself in their shoes" and figuring out, based on what you would be feeling/others in previous situations felt, what the person is feeling. This is something that takes some amount of effort and is usually what pwLow/No Empathy learn to do to mask empathy.
The third, that is less talked about as a type of empathy:
Empathic Concern aka Compassion: Seeing someone in a tough situation or going through something that is upsetting (either to them or something generally considered upsetting like de*th) and feeling bad for them (also can include an urge to help them in some way or feeling bad you can't help them).
As for resources, I would say reading the DSM entries is always my first step in the long process of researching a disorder I think I may have. The DSM is thorough, if stigmatizing towards ASPD in some ways, and is the standard to which professionals are held in their diagnoses in the USA.
I also firmly recommend looking into anecdotal experience on tumblr, tiktok, etc etc (besides twitter which imo does not allow enough characters for nuanced discussion of mental health) to see if you relate to how the disorder tends to present. It's especially helpful to try and find pw any comorbid disorders you have talking about their experience. For example, I am AuDHD and have ASPD, which means my experience will be much different than someone with ASPD who does not have autism and/or ADHD. People try and discredit social media representation of mental health, to which I say "screw you, you just don't like that people with mental health disorders don't need to feel isolated and alone and shamed anymore". Obviously, take these as anecdotes, not guarantees on what the disorder looks like, but when you read enough of it, you'll get the vibe of what is controversial vs what most of the community with the disorder experiences.
Common mistakes: beware the loud minority/elitist assholes. There are people who are thoroughly convinced that no one with this disorder is allowed to look different than anyone else with it (Similar to people who say "you can't be autistic bc you don't act like my high support needs 5 year old autistic cousin"). There are people still using the word sociopath in an unironic way (and aren't just reclaiming it). These people will have you believe very ableist things they internalized. Notice them, block them, and move on from it.
Another common mistake is not reading into discourse about the disorder. Discourse can be stressful to read, but if you're looking into if you do or don't have a disorder, it can be very useful to see what is important enough to pw the disorder to be arguing about. You don't have to and maybe shouldn't pick a side while you're still questioning if you have it, but there is info to be gained in respectful discourse posts.
Maybe the most important: reading about stigma and ableism as tagged by people with the disorder. This will help you avoid falling into any internalized ableism and avoid getting blocked by informational accounts that could be beneficial to you learning. Do this before you post (or post again) about the disorder. Learn what is considered harmful, hurtful, ableist, and/or stigmatizing as far as the community of pw the disorder is concerned and keep it in mind in any future posts and irl discussions about the disorder.
Aside from that, I know a great post (not specific to ASPD at all) about the process of self diagnosis that I will link for you under the links to my posts about empathy and remorse. Linking specifically to a reblog with an important addition I touched on here.
I hope this helps!
It's worth noting that in this last link, OP (not Mental Illness Bingo) repeatedly remarks on it being annoying and/or inappropriate to ask blogs "do you think I might have this", and I personally disagree. That's just a me thing though. I cannot diagnose anyone as I am just a person with a (maybe somewhat worrying) amount of professionally diagnosed mental health conditions, not a professional. Even if I was one, I would not be able to diagnose you bc I am not your professional. I don't mind helping point people in the right direction if they feel I could be helpful though! I do agree that friends may be biased, and I know many other blogs have policies against answering that sort of ask, so know your audience if you ask. Just wanted to make that note here so no one things I'm vagueing them by linking that post. If I am uncomfortable with a certain type of ask, I'll make sure you guys know and probably add it to my pinned post.
Plain text below the cut:
I have posts I will link at the end of this defining remorse that hopefully should help.
Empathy exists in 2 or 3 types, depending on who you ask. Most commonly, you will see 2 types of empathy being spoken about.
Affective empathy (the type people mean when they just say empathy): The ability to recognize other's emotions subconsciously without thinking about it/trying to, and having those emotions mirrored in your own. So (for pwAffective Empathy) if someone is angry, you will feel angry (not at them). If someone is crying, you may want to cry or start crying. If someone is smiling genuinely, you will feel happy. There isn't a qualifier on this. You don't have to know the person at all, let alone care about them, for this to happen if you have affective empathy, but afaik it is stronger in those you're bonded with.
Cognitive Empathy: Being able to intentionally think about "putting yourself in their shoes" and figuring out, based on what you would be feeling/others in previous situations felt, what the person is feeling. This is something that takes some amount of effort and is usually what pwLow/No Empathy learn to do to mask empathy.
The third, that is less talked about as a type of empathy:
Empathic Concern aka Compassion: Seeing someone in a tough situation or going through something that is upsetting (either to them or something generally considered upsetting like de*th) and feeling bad for them (also can include an urge to help them in some way or feeling bad you can't help them).
As for resources, I would say reading the DSM entries is always my first step in the long process of researching a disorder I think I may have. The DSM is thorough, if stigmatizing towards ASPD in some ways, and is the standard to which professionals are held in their diagnoses in the USA.
I also firmly recommend looking into anecdotal experience on tumblr, tiktok, etc etc (besides twitter which imo does not allow enough characters for nuanced discussion of mental health) to see if you relate to how the disorder tends to present. It's especially helpful to try and find pw any comorbid disorders you have talking about their experience. For example, I am AuDHD and have ASPD, which means my experience will be much different than someone with ASPD who does not have autism and/or ADHD. People try and discredit social media representation of mental health, to which I say "screw you, you just don't like that people with mental health disorders don't need to feel isolated and alone and shamed anymore". Obviously, take these as anecdotes, not guarantees on what the disorder looks like, but when you read enough of it, you'll get the vibe of what is controversial vs what most of the community with the disorder experiences.
Common mistakes: beware the loud minority/elitist assholes. There are people who are thoroughly convinced that no one with this disorder is allowed to look different than anyone else with it (Similar to people who say "you can't be autistic bc you don't act like my high support needs 5 year old autistic cousin"). There are people still using the word sociopath in an unironic way (and aren't just reclaiming it). These people will have you believe very ableist things they internalized. Notice them, block them, and move on from it.
Another common mistake is not reading into discourse about the disorder. Discourse can be stressful to read, but if you're looking into if you do or don't have a disorder, it can be very useful to see what is important enough to pw the disorder to be arguing about. You don't have to and maybe shouldn't pick a side while you're still questioning if you have it, but there is info to be gained in respectful discourse posts.
Maybe the most important: reading about stigma and ableism as tagged by people with the disorder. This will help you avoid falling into any internalized ableism and avoid getting blocked by informational accounts that could be beneficial to you learning. Do this before you post (or post again) about the disorder. Learn what is considered harmful, hurtful, ableist, and/or stigmatizing as far as the community of pw the disorder is concerned and keep it in mind in any future posts and irl discussions about the disorder.
Aside from that, I know a great post (not specific to ASPD at all) about the process of self diagnosis that I will link for you under the links to my posts about empathy and remorse. Linking specifically to a reblog with an important addition I touched on here.
I hope this helps!
Links are above, and I have added plain texts to the ones that are mine as well.
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nat-20s · 2 years
Exes to lovers Jonmartin from the ask game?
oooo hohohoho this one is gonna be SO juicy if i ever FUCKING FINISH WRITING IT
basically yeah so post 200 a few months in martin breaks up with jon because he thinks they're fundamentally broken and bad for each other and also fears that jon straight up resents him and he's not gonna deal with "someone you love hates you because of past events" 2.0 but also he still very much loves jon so in order to deal with it he makes a full break. Fucks off to america without telling him and blocks jon's number and is a bit shitty about it tbh. like doesn't even really give jon time to process the break up bc jon's inital reaction was wide eyed devastation followed immediately by a pissed off fine but no emotional processing happened that day.
smash cut to five years later jon happens to be in the usa for a work conference AND GUESS WHO'S AT THIS DINER WHOA
Martin is sitting there like oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck and jon immedatily comes over and sits down across from him and martins like OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK [BASS BOOSTED] and long story short jon's like im still in love with you and i think we should try again and martin's like that's a terrible idea we broke up for a reason or several to be honest and jons like YOU broke up with ME and then didn't even give me a second to try and sort things out!! and also it's been five years and honestly in my heart of hearts i just. don't really give a shit if we disagree about our choices during the apocalypse. and martins like hmmmmmmmm i do deeply miss having you in my life unfortunately this conversation has reminded me your my favorite person in the entirety of two different worlds but like. maybe. we can be friends. very slowly. possibly. a little. and jons like yeah ill take it
and then they go back to martin's place and almost immediately make out on the couch
the next morning jons DEEPLY smug like >:3 and martins like fuuuuucccckkkk but yeah it all works out and there's a lot of heartfelt conversations and a bit of crying and OUGH im SUCH a sucker for the "oh fuck im still in love with them" moment it's so GOOD
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aflockofbees · 1 year
Tagged by my beloved @ebiemidnightlibrarian, thanks!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not that I know of. My father will tell you I was tangentially named after a horrible grandmother, but both of us would dispute that connection.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I'm not sure. It's been awhile.
3. Do you have kids?
Absolutely not. I'm not cut out to be a parent.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I'm trying to cut back. I find that I'm a bit too hard to read, and it leads to mixed messages. Not great when you manage people.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I am the most uncoordinated creature on earth; sports lead to injuries. I played soccer and baseball as a kid, but never had any real interest.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Their 'gesture,' or general shape/body language. Years of life drawing will do that to you.
7. What's your eye colour?
Sort of an olive green with a dark grey outline.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like happy endings, but they need to be earned. A scary movie with an ambiguously happy ending is the sweet spot.
9. Any special talents?
I can usually pick up just about any art material or craft and do something with it. I never burn popcorn. I'm a decent parallel parker.
10. Where were you born?
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing/Painting my special old men, finding speakeasies, crafting creepy packages and letters to send anonymously to friends, building costumes for Halloween parties/Renaissance Faires/Concerts, and listening to podcasts and audiobooks
12. Do you have any pets?
Three of the most polite cats who ever lived: Solo, Zebes, and Thorin Oakenkitten.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Art, obviously, but I also loved history. Especially once I got to college and could take niche special interest classes.
15. Dream job?
When I was a kid I would have said Archaeologist, but I learned that spiders like to live among the sorts of things Archaeologists are looking for. As a teen I would have said Medical Illustrator, but I'd rather draw bones and muscles than cells and processes. The job I have now (Creative Director) is not a 'dream job' by any means, but the people are good and it allows me to live in a way that makes me happy. That said, if I could spend my life creating haunted-looking artifacts for some fabulously wealthy patron who over-pays for everything i make....
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Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I go about ordering a letter?
The process is very simple! All you have to do is purchase a letter from my Etsy shop—either a digital or physical letter—and then fill out the Google form that you receive upon the purchase itself. Once that form is submitted I will begin processing and creating your letter order!
Please note that I am only offering physical letters to those within the United States, as I live there and am very unfamiliar with shipping requirements for other countries. Until I can offer shipping elsewhere, those outside the USA are encouraged to check out the option for a digital letter!
Physical letters can take up to 2-3 weeks, while digital letters can take 1-2 weeks. This time includes processing the letter itself alongside any extra trinkets—such as notes, poems, playlists, charms, ect—and however long delivery time itself may be (digital letters of course are received instantly once processed and created).
Who can I purchase a letter for?
A letter can be purchased and addressed to a variety of people: yourself, a self-insert persona, an original character, or even sent as a gift to another person or their self-insert/OC!
This is specified via the google form mentioned above when a purchase is made!
What characters and universes are available?
Too many for me to name on this page, but you can check out the full list here!
Please know I will not impersonate or write any letter coming from a non-fictional entity, such as historical figures or celebrities. If you are looking to get a letter from a character inspired by mythological or historical settings, then I am happy to create a fictional character that will match what you’re looking for with your letter purchase!
Can I write a reply to a letter I’ve purchased and received?
Anyone is welcome and encouraged to write a reply, especially if you plan to purchase a follow-up letter! This allows for a lot more personalization and organic content from the character you chose to receive a letter from, and can be especially therapeutic in general to have a pen-pal! If you choose to reply to a letter you've purchased, please make sure to include the unique ID # that is included with the letter you are replying to--this ensures I am able to keep track of the conversation properly. If you are having a hard time finding that ID #, please send an email to [email protected]!
Please know that I am not a licensed medical provider and cannot offer any counseling nor similar services, but I do believe having a creative outlet (such as writing letters) can offer a lot of benefits for someone’s mental health and wellness. If you are dealing with severe emotional issues, please reach out to the proper medical authorities to receive the proper care!
With that said, you are not required in any form to write a reply, even if you purchase multiple letters from the same setting and character.
Can a letter or reply include any NSFW content?
Due to the nature of the product and the fact that there is no easy or secure way for me to verify a purchaser’s age, I will not be including or allowing any explicit content in my products. Romantic and suggestive content may be allowed, but the purchaser will be required to agree that they and/or the receiver of the letter (if it is a gift) is over the age of 18 years old.
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krabbewillard65 · 1 year
Ppt Sap Easy Finance Training With Industrial Consultants Sap S4 Hana Powerpoint Presentation Id:8148583
And this coaching made me higher in understanding java code and in creating it too. It additionally covers html, css, jquery, ajax and javascript in the superior java part. I received positioned because of the institute's advice. I joined plsql under Narendra sir coaching ....sir is excellent in instructing has excellent information...i joined fr the aim of getting job and that i got the job whereas plsql course was happening ... Highly really helpful courses ...lots of sensible teaching which helped me to get good command on sql . “Did my SAP BI course with Wizcore and the assistance and help obtained by everyone has been nothing less than exemplary. SAP S/4 HANA represents the subsequent technology and the most recent evolution of SAP’s core application platforms. The Simple Finance mannequin uses a simplified consumer interface by way of SAP Fiori to provide real-time insights. SAP S4 HANA Finance is all-inclusive of Financial Accounting and Management topics based on cloud know-how. This contains in-memory know-how, Universal Journal , Extension Ledger, Business Partner, concepts of SAP Central Finance and more. sap mm course london consists of Management Accounting subjects like Product Costing, Profitability Analysis, New Asset Accounting and other key topics of SAP S4 HANA Controlling.
Other essential components are coaching charges, offline follow assist, research materials, training videos, and so forth. Skillstek delivers practical oriented training which allows you to work as an SAP S4HANA Finance consultant. Since SAP consultants are most in-demand, you'll be able to beg a good job in this domain. You can confidently work for SAP initiatives on its practical part and can even handle S/4HANA Finance configuration. With good follow and continuous efforts, you probably can successfully work on implementation tasks. SAP simple finance carries some add-on options on EHP 7 whereas SAP S4 HANA is a complete Finance Business solution.
Sap Easy Finance Coaching
SAP S/4HANA, managed cloud edition is meant to leverage the identical scope. SAP S/4HANA, public cloud edition is planned to concentrate on a particular scope of SAP Simple Finance in alignment with the key requirements in finance. The Best thing about the SAP S/4HANA Finance training is the educating methodology adopted, process-customization-business case -result-backend tables- stories. 2 global complete implementation life cycles and a pair of small scale implementation life cycles. Excellent communication and inter personal expertise. Proven capacity to work independently and team environments. Over 8 years of experience together with 6 plus years as SAP R/3 FI/CO marketing consultant. We have this firm coverage of charging UPFRONT for the training. We do work with TN Visa holder who're dwelling in USA.
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This contains superior business processes like all New GL options, New Asset Accounting, Product Costing, Margin Analysis, Material Ledger and full Controlling. We present the essential data to organize you to pass the exam and obtain your certification. For all SAP programs, examination takes place directly with SAP who charge £350 for useful and technical examinations. One of the most effective coaching establishment for java courses. 100% sensible based training surroundings with expert corporate trainers. As promised earlier they helped me to get positioned in good organization and eventually I received positioned from QuickXpert Infotech in Java J2EE.
Sap S/4hana Finance Coaching Faqs
The clients are given a possibility the place they can tailor the period after all according to their requirements and the coaching can be delivered in house/ at your location of choice or online. Contractors can anticipate to earn between £300 and £500 per day relying on the expertise. Permanent roles on common provide a salary of between £30 and £60k each year, once more depending on the experience required for the job. Permanent Lead roles requiring substantial expertise can supply across the £100k per annum mark.
Touch device users, discover by contact or with swipe gestures.
The FIS/edc answer provides you a lot advantages from automated doc recognition and processing of invoices, order confirmations and so on.
We discovered the training classes very useful and interactive.
All SAP consultants ought to continuously improve and replace their technological abilities by attending various workshops and classes at local faculties or universities and studying related journals.
Self-Paced Video Training – Self-paced video training program is designed to be taught at your own tempo. Students are given a access to the LMS system and learn thru pre-recorded session videos. They access the assignments and supplies thru the LMS system. We have been collaborating with some of the greatest companies within the UK. Since we're a Consulting company, we generate income if you do get positioned by us so we choose that you just get placed as early as possible. But normally we start our marketing and placement process during your “After the training” Phase. Yes, you'll be engaged on the case-studies/project which lets you implement the gained skills and information practically in course of the tip of the training workshop.
We help you in making ready your self with the assistance of Mock Interviews to grasp tips on how to take up an interview call however we don't take interviews in your behalf. We will make certain you will face interviews as skilled consultant with confidence by providing finest role-based coaching. We will just remember to don’t require a proxy interview. Once the session is full, all of the session videos might be uploaded on the weblog.
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