#Islam ☪️
xtruss · 10 months
Muslim Pilgrims Gather on Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia – In Pictures
Hundreds of thousands of Muslim pilgrims have crowded on to Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia. The ritual is the high point of the annual hajj pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam, which officials say could be the biggest on record after three years of Covid restrictions
— Tuesday June 27, 2023
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Pilgrims will spend hours praying and reciting the Qur’an on Arafat and in the surrounding area amid high temperatures. Thousands of health workers were on alert for cases of heat stroke and exhaustion. After sunset, pilgrims will travel the short distance to Muzdalifah, halfway between Arafat and Mina, to sleep in the open air. Photograph: Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images
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The ritual is the high point of the annual pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam, that officials say could be the biggest on record after three years of Covid restrictions. Photograph: Amr Nabil/AP
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Water mist is sprayed on pilgrims. Photograph: Amr Nabil/AP
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This year, a maximum age limit has also been removed, giving thousands of elderly people the chance to attend. Photograph: Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images
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So far, more than 1.8 million pilgrims from around the world have gathered in and around Mecca for the hajj, and the number was growing as more pilgrims from inside Saudi Arabia joined, said a spokesperson for the Saudi hajj ministry, Ayedh al-Ghweinim. Authorities have said they expect this year to approach pre-Covid levels of more than 2 million. Photograph: Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters
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In 2019, more than 2.4 million pilgrims participated in the hajj. In 2020, amid worldwide coronavirus lockdowns, Saudi Arabia limited the pilgrimage to a few thousand faithful and local people. Last year, just under 900,000 attended as Saudi Arabia allowed limited numbers of pilgrims from abroad. Photograph: Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images
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Pilgrims pray on the rocky hill. Photograph: Amr Nabil/AP
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As dawn broke, groups of worshippers recited verses from the Qur’an on the rocky rise, where the prophet Muhammad is believed to have given his final sermon. Photograph: Amr Nabil/AP
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Pilgrims arrive in Arafat for part of the five-day hajj pilgrimage in which an estimated 2 million Muslims will embark on a series of rituals around the desert city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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A pilgrim makes a video call from the mountain, also known as Jabal al-Rahmah or Mount of Mercy. Photograph: Amr Nabil/AP
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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imissanthonybourdain · 7 months
i cannot wait romance halsin i need him to throw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
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1978malikallah · 1 year
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frosted-plasma · 1 year
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Made an actual ref for once😳
Quil's name is Pacific and lull goes by they/lull/quil pronouns!!
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dasi-payal · 1 year
मुसलमान धर्म के पवित्र शास्त्र प्रमाणित करते हैं कि सर्व सृष्टी रचनहार सर्व पाप विनाशक, सर्व शक्तिमान, अविनाशी परमात्मा मानव सदृश शरीर में आकार में है तथा सत्यलोक में रहता है। उसका नाम अल्लाह कबीर है।
Allah Is Kabir
🏷️ अधिक जानकारी के लिए "ज्ञान गंगा" पुस्तक फ्री में ऑर्डर करे ⤵️
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cryptotheism · 11 months
Oh if we're doing that
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The star and crescent symbol on this Saddle Arabian diplomat's (blanket? I guess?) implies that there was a pony Ottoman Empire at some point.
The existence of Horse Islam implies the existence of Horse Catholicism and Horse Judaism.
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islamicmasculinity · 2 months
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anonimbeyy · 2 months
📌RAMAZAN'A DÂİR ☪️ 2024☪️
-Hazırlık aşaması:
°Herkes kendi mezhebine dair bir ilmihal kitâbından oruç bahsini baştan sona okuyacak. Bu kesinlikle ramazana bırakılmamalı. (Ömer Nasuhi bilmen tavsiyemizdir)
° Sosyal medya azaltılmalı. Uyku düzeni sağlanmalı vb hususlar.
° Bütün ibadetler kadir gecesine bırakılmamalı. Her gece kadir gecesi bilinmeli. Bayram temizliği uğruna son günler heba edilmemeli. (Son on gün miktar arttırılabilir.)
°Ramazana dair çizelge/planlar hazırlanacak. Okunacak kitaplar,hatimler, zikirler ve yapılacak ibadetler belirlenecek.
-Ramazanda neler yapılabilir:
📌1) Ramazan Kurân Ayıdır!
- kuran okumayı bilmeyenler elifbaya başlamalı. Camiilerden, kuran bilenlerden, YouTube derslerinden yardım alınmalı.
-kuran okumayı bilip tecvid ve yüzüne okuması eksik olanlar, tecvid eğitimi almalıdır. Yüzüne ise bol bol okuyup geliştirilmelidir. (Yardım alınacak yerler ilk maddeyle aynı)
-yüzüne güzel kurân okuyanlar okuyabilecekleri kadar kuran okumalı. Mukabelelere katılmalı. Not: mukabele ramazan ayında yapılır erken veya geç olmaz.
📌2) Kurânı anlamaya odaklan!
-Kurânın muhtevasına her müslümanın hakim olması gerekir. Kuranı tanımaya dair gayret etmeli. (Örn. Murat padak cüz cüz kuranı tanıyalım kitabından her gün bir cüzün içeriğine bakilabilir.)
-Günlük okunan kuranla birlikte meali de okunabilir. (Celaleyn,hasan basri Çantay tefsir meali tarzı bir eser bitirilebilir.)
-Ya da YouTube derslerinden bir sure belirlenip onun tefsiri dinlenip not alınabilir. (Safvetut tefasir dersi vb)
📌 3)Kur'an en güzel sünnetle anlaşılır:
-Ramazanda belirli sünnetler belirle ve onları uygulamaya çalış.
(Cemaatle namaz kılmak, gün içindeki nafileler vs.)
-Her güb bir veya daha fazla hadisi şerif oku ve uygula. (Riyasüz Salihin, hadislerle islam vb bir kitabı günlük düzenli olarak oku)
📌4) Namazsız mümin , Teravihsiz Ramazan olmaz:
-5 vakit namaz eksiksiz kılınmalı. (Namaz kılmayanlar namaza başlasın. Sünnetleri terkedenler sünnetlere riayet etsin. Kaza namazları olanlar çizelge yapıp kaza namazlarını bitirmeye gayret etsin.)
-Ramazanın coşkusu camiilerimizde yatsıdan sonra kılınan Teravihle yaşanır. Teravihi 30/30 yapmaya gayret et.
-Ramazan demek gece ibadeti demek, Bu ay sahurda Teheccüd namazına kalkarak adet hâline getirmeye çalış.
-kuşluk, evvabin , mescid , tesbih namazları gibi nafile ve sünnet namazları kılarak Ramazanı ihya et.
📌5) Ramazan Dua ve zikir ayıdır:
- Namazlardan sonra tesbihatını düzenli olarak yap ve hiç bir namazdan sonra duasız kalkma. Gazze dahil olmak üzere bütün mazlumlara hususen dua et.
-sunnette ve kuranda geçen zikirler ve dualara dilini alıştır. (İmam nevevinin el ezkarı okunabilir.)
-peygamber efendimize bol bol salavat getir, istiğfarı da unutma.
📌6) malınızla cihâd etmek ve sadaka, fıtre vs vermek:
-Ramazan diyince akla elbette fitre gelir. Fitreler ihmal edilmeyip ailecek daha evvel belirlenen ihtiyaç sahiplerine verilmeli.
-Ramazan kolisi hazırlanıp Ramazandan evvel ihtiyaç sahibi bir eve hediye edilebilir.
- Herkes 30 gün boyunca gücü yettiği kadar her gün sadaka çıkarabilir. (Örn. Günde 10 Tl ile 30 gün için 300 Tl sadaka vermek)
📌7) Ramazan nefsin tezkiyesi ayıdır:
-Kişi imkanı ölçüsünde itikafa girmeli, itikâfın manevi lezzetinden ve ecrinden faydalanmalıdır.
-Sosyal medya kullanımı azaltılmalı. Ömür sermayesi muhasebe edilmelidir.
-Ramazanda iftar sofrası hazırlayalım derken yemekler israf edilmemeli unutmayalım ki ramazan israfı mübah kılmaz!
- Ramazan sadece midenin aç bırakılması olmamalı. Göz, kulak haramdan, dil yalandan gıybetten arınmalı, bütün organlar için aynı hassasiyet gösterilmelidir.
-sılayı râhim çoğaltılmalı, küsler barışmalıdır.
-bir ayağımız her zaman ilim meclislerinde olmalıdır.
Not: Unuttuğumuz veya sürçi lisan ettiğimiz bir şey varsa hakkınızı helal ediniz. Fisebilillah hazırlanmış bir yazıdır. Umarım faydalı olur. Unutmayalım bu belkide son ramazanımızdır. Allah, Hayırla ramazana kavuşmayı ve Affolunmuş bir şekilde ayrılmayı hepimize nasip etsin.
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xtruss · 3 days
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adham10 · 6 months
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Do you want to spend the winter in the warm Egyptian atmosphere, wear Islamic and Egyptian clothes, and eat delicious Egyptian food? Msg me if u visit Egypt 🇪🇬☪️👍
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nickysfacts · 2 months
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The Hijab did not originate from Islam nor are they oppressive when women have the freedom to choose when they wear one.
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reverting-europe · 7 months
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London's changed since I visited last. But I don't care how many muslims move here or how popular you say these head scarfs, or whatever you call them, have become. I'm not gonna wear one!
Just look at those tattoos. You look like the average Brit revert to Islam.
We are not the enemies. We appreciate you, we cherish your masculinity. Find Islam, brother. Find brotherhood and manhood. Find Sharia.
Islam has so much to offer to men like you. Submit to Allah and you won’t have to submit to the sins of this earthly world and deviance.
“Ask not what Islam can do for your country – ask what you can do for Islam” ☪️
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irishabdullah · 13 days
☪️🌈💚LGBT muslim ask prompt💚🌈☪️
Ask prompt courtesy rules: be sure to send at least one to the person you reblog from! Spread the love!
How do your identities intersect? Does your gender/sexuality inform your faith, or vice versa?
Which prophet do you relate the most to personally? If none, which prophet's journey is your favorite?
Which ayah do you hold closest to your heart?
Do you veil? If you do, what does veiling mean to you?
Does marriage interest you? Do you want a traditional muslim marriage?
What is the most challenging aspect of living as a queer muslim?
How do you conceptualize gender as it relates to being muslim?
Who is your favorite woman in the Quran? What about her do you love?
What are your favorite names of Allah?
What ways do you utilize the wisdom of the Qur'an in your daily life?
Do you ever feel Allah's presence in your life?
What about Islam made you want to revert/stay?
Do you have any spiritual goals for the near future? What about long-term?
Have you made Hajj yet? Regardless of circumstance or limitations, would you like to if you haven't yet?
Do you have experiences with other religions? How does Islam differ for you?
Do you have a favorite Islamic text or author?
How does prayer affect you?
Do you hold any non-canonical beliefs about any Qur'anic figures?
What role does community play in your faith?
What is your favorite spiritual activity/task? Which do you struggle most with?
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marcelhoffmann86 · 6 months
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Die Zukunft ist der Islam ☪️
المستقبل هو الإسلام ☪️
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brightt-95 · 7 months
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mecca, islam ☪️
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