#Irving Azoff
thestylesindependent · 7 months
Yeah, I knew Bono. And if you told me to pick any three people that you want your company to represent in the whole management business everywhere, I’d say three of the top three for me would be Harry Styles, the Eagles and U2. So I’ve died and gone to heaven with this. I’m really proud of what Jeffrey and his team have accomplished with Harry. Watching that has been incredible. And Jeffrey and I are doing U2 together, so it’s really been fun.
Irving Azoff via Hits Daily Double
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twopoppies · 22 days
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Ladera Golf Club. Irving's latest venture. It is an "L" which is a little bit funny. But it's also the usual Harry Styles as a walking billboard.
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fallingsunflower · 1 year
This is worth a read, in my opinion. I sway a bit on whether or not I like Jeff. Recently, I’m inclined to lean away from him.
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goongiveusnothing · 22 days
Greedy men hang together. https://x.com/hldfashion/status/1778575396847394992?s=46&t=Cn8wZIijBvCuuQZcGBnNog
oh my god lmao
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of course he's doing promo for his cartoon villain zionist buddy's demonic water wasting ecological wasteland golf courses
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awesomefringey · 1 year
I want Harry to stay away from the Azoffs so bad dailymail-co-uk/news/article-11864971/amp/Wife-Irving-Azoff-allegedly-subjected-female-housekeeper-sadistic-sexual-assault-campaign
TW: sexual harassment
Ewww wtf… I agree, to know Harry is surrounded by these kind of people makes me so worried for him. 😟
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thefakejeffreyazoff · 7 months
You must be pretty excited about your kids’ careers so far.
My kids’ careers are in great shape. Cameron is at Beats at Apple. When you go to work at Apple, you take a code of secrecy, so I couldn’t tell you what he’s working on, but it seems to be going really well. And Allison’s branding business is going great, and she shares a lot of clients with the Full Stop guys. Harry just finished touring, and Jeffrey and I are up to our elbows in U2 at the Sphere, which has been just so fucking exciting.
Irving Azoff for Hits Daily Double
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Anne ready to go with the 1D post. So true - planned in advance.
Harry has had a tough year from a publicity standpoint. He had huge huge sales and his music was everywhere (thanks payola) but the Olivia Wilde-DWD shit hurt his image, the RS King of Pop angered a lot of people, his insensitive comments about queer cinema was a no-no, his acting skills were poor, and the Grammy performance and speech a mess. Seeing him win all the big Brit awards and then thanking his bandmates for the 1st time in 8 years was 100% calculated as were all the other PR fixes in his speech. Shore up support from a large 1D fandom that continues to buy all he’s selling and to give context for his humble 1D roots for his Grammy foot in mouth. It really pisses me off as a louie, however, given the fact Louis’ career is literally shut down because of Harry the “true 1D star.” Louis didn’t piss off radio managers at every single UK radio station. His music isn’t played b/c Sony says so. His career accomplishments are ignored by media. His album isn’t reviewed. That’s his 1D and Harry Styles legacy while Harry gets drunk next to Rob Stringer. Also Louis is stuck with a large % of his fandom supporting him to maintain their fantasies about Harry. Harry kisses James Corden, Nick Kroll, and Lewis Capaldi ON CAMERA for attention and laughs and it’s interpreted as some truth-telling sincere expression of queerness by his fans furthering the larrie hysteria. Louis isn’t kissing men on camera for shits and giggles. The Euphoria scene which clearly took Louis by surprise and frustrated him was deemed a “pride shout-out” from Harry according to the producer. It’s a tough pill to swallow that nepotism, payola, industry power and investment favors one member of 1D and so directly works against my favorite member and to watch the media and fans celebrate Harry for saying say Louis’ name for the first time in 8 years when he’s ambitiously pursued industry favoritism, has been essentially insured to be too big to fail, and shown no loyalty to or kindness towards his former bandmates in almost a decade. Side boob, choke her with a sea view ... give me an f*ing break.
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daisiesonafield-blog · 11 months
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saintqueer · 2 years
irving azoff and his dynamic pricing is making pop music concerts exclusive to the upper class
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zot3-flopped · 2 months
I find it really ironic that Larries and PRs act like Jeff is this evil overlord controlling every move Harry makes as if he isn’t the reason Harry has the control over his life and his career now that he didn’t have in the band. Jeff shoving him into some closet and forcing him to “date” women but then letting him prance around on stage in glittering outfit with pride flags is so laughable. The Azoffs are known for their artist advocacy and doing literally anything for their clients. It’s just so delusional to think that they aren’t some of the most supportive people in his life.
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dearly · 2 years
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Ticket masters: The rise of the concert industry and how the public got scalped
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so-idialed-9 · 2 years
The perfect convergence - John Oliver comes HARD at Irving Azoff, Ticketmaster, and Live Nation, and declares his love for 1Dans says Niall is his favorite- YouTube
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twopoppies · 3 months
I see lists like that Billboard Power List and I wonder why fans are confused that Harry sticks with unpleasant people like Stringer and the Azoffs. As much as I love Harry and think he's an amazing artist and person and he deserves everything in the world and more, so much of what he has been able to do and accomplish since 1D is down to the powerful people he has standing behind him. I don't necessarily like that this is the nature of the industry, but it's true. We get amazing albums and huge tours and fantastic Harry content because he's willing to maintain good working relationships with terrible people like Stringer and Azoff. Fans love to complain about them but you don't get to have it both ways. And frankly, I'd rather have those industry people supporting Harry than working against him. Harry is, honestly, kind of lucky to have powerful people willing to work on behalf of him rather than him having to struggle for every opportunity. It's an unpleasant truth, but I do think it's true.
I can’t say I disagree with any of that. Do I wish his team were all socially conscious, philanthropic activists working for change within the music industry and around the world? Yeah, of course I do. Sadly, it’s unrealistic to think you’re going to find that within the music industry—probably at any level, but definitely not at the top.
The thing is, coming out of 1D the only way Harry had a chance of becoming as successful as he has been and been able to wrestle back some control over his art, his image and presumably, his legacy, was to have powerful people invested in making that happen for him. And not a single one of them is going to do it out of the goodness of their heart.
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maybeweshould · 1 year
Lovely family. Jeff on the Oscars viral video with the Jenner sisters and Hailay Bieber and a Daily Mail headline about Shelli Azoff.
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goongiveusnothing · 7 months
I am laughing at the outrage from Harries on Twitter over Anne’s IG post. They are crying and throwing up that Harry’s mom supports Israel…who wants to tell them that Harry 10000% has the same views?? The thing is, he’s smart enough to post NOTHING on social media but there’s not a chance in hell he doesn’t support Israel. Considering how people are losing their minds over all the crap celebrities are posting this week, I truly wonder what would happen if his actual beliefs came out. Would they actually unstan? Or would they make excuses for him? Honestly Anne’s post is very low on the level of offensiveness IMO and she probably just wants to say she’s for peace all around. So many celebs have posted way worse (Justin Beiber 😵‍💫) I have no idea why or how people think he would be fully and unequivocally pro-Palestine. There’s no way in hell he would ever speak out in full favor of them without also supporting Israel. He’s a white British man with a TON of Jewish friends. I would cackle with glee if the swarm of Harries who think he can do no wrong and that’s he’s the worlds greatest ally for all causes actually showed them who he was. This is one instance where his silence is really helping him stay in good graces.
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every single person around him hasn't just been pro israel, but ferociously pro israel. ben winston is now sharing photos of himself at the western wall in jerusalem even as his country massacres thousands of people. not a word about that. just avid support.
i think in the future if an israeli flag is thrown onstage he will prance about with it more loudly. if a palestinian flag is thrown that man will react like a cartoon character escaping gunfire.
there is not a chance in HELL this man supports palestine and would say so clearly.
irving azoff even signed a disgusting outlet to show their support for israel while at the same time claiming that within these days iran would be starting propaganda to make israel look bad and we all needed to ignore it. how disgusting is that. they want us to ignore what we can hear and see for ourselves. that israel is an apartheid occupying state and that they're keeping a starved water deprived group of 2.2 million people hostage in what's essentially an extermination camp, with mothers and children and fathers crying every day about their family dying. and they want us to ignore that as "iranian propaganda". the azoffs, harry, winston, his mother, can all get fucked.
notice how they all started with their big "i stand with israel" shit and were updating constantly because they thought for the first time the world would agree, but now that israel has brutalised and massacred thousands of bloodied people every single day. bombing hospitals, schools, animal shelters, people escaping on "safe" routes they told them to escape on, threatening to bomb aid entering the country. they go silent. ben winston won't say a peep. because they all support it because they're sick racist fucks.
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Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, Jeff Bezos & Kris Jenner • Harry Styles Palm Springs show • 31.01.2023
There is so much to unpack here but lets just remind the following for the moment:
My Policeman distributed by Amazon Studios
Kourtney Kardashian “not knowing who Jeff Bezos is” while Khloe make obvious he attended their last family christmas party.
Katy Perry’s residency starts in 15 days at Vegas. I am including a “*” just in case I need to add something else
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