#In a state of trance
spicyraeman · 7 months
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its just their vibe
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chikokevo-music · 1 year
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down4acount · 9 months
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As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you, every thrill is gone, wasn’t too much fun at all - but I’ll be there for you - As the world falls down 🫶
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homo-house · 11 months
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someone told him his look wasn't dress code appropriate and he put wilson's coat on. based on this
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barabaisland · 10 months
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im so mad im absolutely enraged i'm furious i'm incensed i'm in hysterics i'm manic i just HAD to go and vacuum the new baki hanma season into my mouth and lay my awful awful filthy disgusting warped distorted rosy-lensed eyes on the ACTUAL PREHISTORIC CAVEMAN named after a SALTED VEGETABLE and then OH WHOOPS my hand slipped OOPS did it again GADZOOKS there it goes again . bye guys i'm going to go sink into the earth's mantle from shame
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suaracatacat · 2 years
God I love your Kakashi and Iruka drawings so much!! Do you ship them? 👀💕
Aaah, thank you! And I do, I think they have a funny dynamic.
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icecappen · 5 months
fake LoM game clip I made for funsies
dialogue from s1e6 (I think)
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samuelroukin · 6 months
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SAMUEL ROUKIN as Captain John Simcoe in TURN: WASHINGTON'S SPIES (2014—2017) Episode 2.09 "The Prodigal"
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gumjester · 10 days
i keep coming on here to make a post like '5 days left in the semester and all i want to do is write rir!!!!!!!' but the process of even conceptualising this instantly reminds me that i do, in fact, have 5 days left of my entire university career and so i should absolutely not be on tumblr making posts and should in fact be doing my Fucking Work !!!!!!!!! but here i am, making an even longer one just to explain my predicament which is funny at least. .. WELL! GOODYBE AGAIN <3
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short-wooloo · 2 months
The way people hype up pre-inhibitor chips order 66 is ridiculous, especially when they deem it better and more realistic and "nuanced"
You mean to tell me that in 3 years of fighting alongside each other, none of the MILLIONS of Clones told the Jedi about the entire series of contingency orders? Especially the "kill Jedi" one? That's silly
"Well the Jedi did know never thought it would be used against them-"
Shut up
That's still stupid
A "kill Jedi on sight" command would be a red flag on principle, but beyond that, it makes no sense for the Jedi to know of it (and it's pretty much impossible for all the MILLIONS of clones to know of it and the Jedi not to know) and not be against it, the Jedi always try to avoid killing as much as they can preferring to take people alive and such, they would definitely be horrified at the idea of an execution in the spot of one of their own, even if a Jedi did betray them
Oh, and the reason people give for why all of the clones comply with the order is silly too
It's always some variation of "they were trained to follow orders"
And how is that different from mind control/brainwashing/conditioning?
And lastly, I'll say this
Just because there was mind control doesn't mean there's no nuance
Aside from the trauma the clones may experience from having their minds hijacked, there's all manner of responses they may have
Some might try to cope by ignoring it
Some might not even realize something happened, genuinely believing order 66 was their own choice
And maybe the chips don't actually cause true mind control per say, maybe they just make sure the clones can't disobey, compelling those who resist to follow orders, with those who chose to follow orders being unaffected
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chikokevo-music · 1 year
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fieldworm · 3 months
Should I post the drawing I did of holt if he was hatsune miku (holtsune miku)
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steveyockey · 5 months
I have to say something. zac efron deserves a best actor nomination
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bloofbloofbloof · 28 days
So about how I got into hypnosis:
When I was growing up, I had a lot of anxiety, mood issues and depression I couldn't fully grasp at yet so to cope, I was fascinated with altered states, including sleep. I've always been sober which is probably a life saver for me because using stuff to self medicate is a very bad awful idea (wish most psychonauts would take a hint).
I was very much interested in whatever subsection fit into it. I would read psychology as a kid like Jung (too young and stupid to understand it) and Aldous Huxley (probably understood it better) and the 60s/70s hippie era.
I was actually interested in meditation as well as hypnosis but hypnosis never appealed to me cause I always felt too lazy to bed told to do something (I still am). I actually made a character that had hypnosis powers and that lead to me being interested in it.
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Felt hypnosis was less spiritual and since I wasn't particularly spiritual myself, was how I got into it. Yeah people think hypnotists are obsessed with control, I just picked it cause I'm an atheist...
TLDR I use hypnosis to reach an altered state of mind and is actually safe and healthy for your mental state! I no longer have bad anxiety and why I like telling others about it cause it can be amazing for stress.
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ayetei · 3 months
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You are in a whole different state now..... And this time, it's on purpose!!!! Congrats on tapping into the void last night!!! Look at you!! You knew you were going to do it and YOU DID!! I'm proud of you!!!! ♥️♥️♥️😘
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shamandrummer · 1 month
Facilitating a Group Shamanic Journey
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A group shamanic journey is a little different from an individual journey. The journey technique is similar, but ecstatic trance takes on an increased potency in a group. By journeying together, we deepen our individual connection to spirit and we also deepen our connections to each other. There's something magical about group sacred space, particularly when it's created with the intention to facilitate and support shamanic journeying. A group shamanic journey basically involves one person drumming a repetitive rhythm while the others relax and journey into the non-ordinary reality of the spirits. The journey itself may typically last fifteen to twenty minutes. A pre-agreed call back rhythm will signal that the group journey should end and the journeyers return to ordinary reality. I like to signal a call back with four strong beats, followed by a short period of slow heartbeat drumming to assist each journeyer in refocusing their awareness back to their physical body.
For your first group journey, I recommend traveling to the Lower World using the technique taught by the late Michael Harner. In his book, The Way of the Shaman, Harner suggests that you visualize an opening into the Earth that you remember from sometime in your life--from childhood, or yesterday. Any entry into the ground will do--an animal burrow, hollow tree stump, cave and so on. When the journey begins, you'll go down the hole and a tunnel will appear. Enter the tunnel and you will emerge into the Lower World--the realm of power animals, spirit guides and ancestral spirits. It is a beautiful, Earth-like dimension, where we can find lost power, retrieve lost souls and connect with animal and plant spirits.
The Journey Process
The basic steps for a group journey to the Lower World are as follows:
Smudge to create a purified space, and then open sacred space by calling in the benevolent powers of the seven directions: East, South, West, North, Up, Down and Within.
Having established sacred space, it is important to form the group's collective intention or objective for the journey. It is best to have only one inquiry or question per journey. It is important to focus on the issue that you want to know more about. Focusing on an issue develops a receptive state of mind and helps you clarify what it is you are truly seeking.
After clarifying the intended objective, a designated drummer should play a repetitive rhythm that begins slowly and then gradually builds in intensity to a steady tempo of three to four beats per second. As the drumming begins, each person should close their eyes and focus a moment on the inquiry free of any distractions, emotions or attachments that could distort the response.
Next, each person should clear their mind of everything. Focused intent, to be effective, should be followed by complete surrender and detachment. Focus your attention on the sound of the drum, thereby stilling the chatter in your mind. Allow the drum to empty you. Become one with the drum.
At this point, you may find it helpful to imagine with all your senses the entrance to a cave, an opening in the Earth, or a hollow tree trunk that you have seen or visited. Use an image that you are comfortable with and one that you can clearly visualize. Clear your mind of everything but this image.
Approach the entrance or opening and enter it. Typically, you will meet an entity here that will act as your spirit guide. It may appear to you as an animal, a person, a light, a voice, or have no discernible form at all. If you are uncomfortable or put off by whatever appears, ask it to take another form. It is important that you see, feel, hear, or in some way sense the presence of an ally that you trust and feel at ease with before proceeding with your first journey. If you do not, then return through the entrance and journey another time.
Pose your query to the guide. Your spirit guide may simply answer your question, but most likely will lead you on a journey. It may ask you to ride on its back or to accompany it. Follow your guide's instructions implicitly. If asked to leave, do so at once. Typically, you will proceed down a tunnel at a rapid pace. If you encounter an obstacle, just go around it or look for an opening through it.
When you emerge from the passage, you will find yourself in the Lower World. You may be led to a helping spirit that can answer your question. You may go through different landscapes and experience different situations. The possibilities are endless. Just go with the flow and observe whatever happens without trying to analyze or conceptualize the experience.
When you hear the pre-agreed call back signal, it is time to return. If for any reason you want to come back before the call back, just retrace your steps back. To achieve this simply do your journey in reverse. There is no need to rush and it is not critical that you retrace your route precisely. The reason for retracing your steps is to help you remember the route so that in subsequent journeys you will be able to travel to and from the Lower World with greater ease and efficiency. Upon your return to the entrance, thank your guide, emerge from the opening, and return to your body.
Once you have returned to ordinary reality, sit quietly for a few moments, refocusing your awareness back to your physical body. Take a deep breath, and then open your eyes.
Upon completion, bring everyone back to the present by letting everyone share their journey experience. It is not unusual for group journeyers to have similar trance experiences. These insights are shared without analysis, interpretation or judgment. Sharing our journeys allows us to see ourselves in other people, and to see that they are much like us. We begin to understand at a very deep level that we are all truly One.
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