#Impressive progress in electrification
greenthestral · 10 months
Breaking Barriers: The Challenge of Electrification in Remote Areas
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In today's rapidly evolving world, the importance of electrification cannot be overstated. Access to electricity is a cornerstone of modern living, enabling progress in education, healthcare, communication, and economic development. Over the past few decades, remarkable strides have been made in electrification efforts, but there remains a significant challenge in reaching the hardest-to-reach areas. This article explores the obstacles hindering impressive progress in electrification and sheds light on the efforts being made to overcome these challenges.
The Significance of Electrification
Electrification is a critical component of building sustainable and inclusive societies. It enhances the quality of life for people in both urban and rural areas, enabling them to access vital services and technologies. Electricity facilitates the functioning of schools, hospitals, industries, and communication networks, empowering communities to thrive and participate in the global economy. However, despite its transformative power, millions of people around the world still lack access to electricity.
The Impressive Progress
In recent years, electrification efforts have achieved remarkable progress. Governments, non-profit organizations, and private companies have collaborated to expand electricity access to remote and underserved regions. The adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, has played a significant role in bringing electricity to areas with limited infrastructure. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovative micro-grid systems have made it possible to overcome geographical barriers and provide energy solutions to previously inaccessible locations.
Challenges in Reaching the Hardest-to-Reach
While impressive progress has been made, electrification in remote areas faces formidable challenges. Some of the key obstacles include:
Geographical Barriers: Many remote regions are situated in rugged terrains, such as mountains, forests, or deserts. Building and maintaining traditional power infrastructure in these areas can be prohibitively expensive and logistically challenging.
Lack of Infrastructure: Remote regions often lack basic infrastructure like roads and transportation networks, making it difficult to transport materials and equipment needed for electrification projects.
Affordability: In impoverished regions, the cost of setting up and maintaining electricity infrastructure can be a burden for both the communities and the providers.
Political and Social Instability: In certain areas, political conflicts and social unrest can hinder progress in electrification efforts, discouraging potential investors and disrupt ongoing projects.
Environmental Concerns: Balancing the need for electrification with environmental conservation is crucial. Some remote areas are ecologically sensitive, and care must be taken to ensure sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions.
Solutions and Initiatives
Despite the challenges, numerous initiatives are actively working to bring electricity to the hardest-to-reach regions. These efforts include:
Off-Grid and Micro-Grid Systems: Off-grid solar systems and micro-grids provide localized and decentralized energy solutions, bypassing the need for extensive infrastructure. They can be tailored to suit the specific energy demands of a community.
Mobile Technology: Mobile technology has become a powerful tool in facilitating electrification. Mobile payment platforms and smart grids help manage energy distribution efficiently.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations between governments, non-governmental organizations, and private companies have proven effective in pooling resources and expertise to tackle electrification challenges.
Miniaturized Technologies: Technological advancements have led to the creation of compact and efficient energy solutions, such as portable solar panels and mini wind turbines, making them suitable for deployment in remote areas.
Community Engagement: Empowering local communities to take ownership of electrification projects fosters a sense of responsibility and sustainability.
Impressive progress in electrification has undoubtedly improved the lives of millions, but there is still much work to be done to reach those hardest-to-reach areas. The challenge of electrifying remote regions requires innovative solutions, collaborative efforts, and a commitment to sustainable development. As technology continues to advance and awareness grows, there is hope that the barriers hindering electrification will gradually crumble, lighting up the lives of those who have remained in the dark for far too long. It is essential for governments, organizations, and individuals to come together and invest in electrification as a means of driving positive change, fostering economic growth, and leaving no one behind in the pursuit of a brighter and sustainable future.
What's In It For Me? (WIIFM)
Are you curious about the state of electrification in remote areas and the challenges hindering its progress? Discover how impressive efforts to bring electricity to the hardest-to-reach regions impact global development, the environment, and the lives of millions. Learn about innovative solutions and initiatives that can transform the future of those in need, while contributing to a sustainable and inclusive world.
Join the Movement: Let's Light Up Lives Together!
Be a part of the electrification revolution! Help us overcome the challenges of reaching remote areas with electricity. Share this article to spread awareness and inspire others to support electrification efforts. Together, we can make a difference and empower communities worldwide. Click here to learn more about how you can get involved and contribute to this meaningful cause.
Blog Excerpt
The quest for electrification in remote and underserved areas has seen impressive strides, yet it faces significant challenges that slow its progress. Access to electricity is pivotal in shaping modern living, but millions of people still lack this essential resource. This article delves into the obstacles hindering electrification, including geographical barriers, lack of infrastructure, and affordability issues. We explore the solutions and initiatives driving change, such as off-grid and micro-grid systems, mobile technology, and community engagement. By addressing these challenges head-on, we can create a brighter and sustainable future for all.
Meta Description (320 characters)
Discover the challenges impeding impressive progress in electrification efforts to reach remote areas. Explore innovative solutions and initiatives, empowering communities and transforming lives worldwide.
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eebootcamp · 18 days
Navigating the Path to Energy Innovation: Canada's Strategic Approach to Smart Grid Transformation
Embarking on the journey towards sustainable energy solutions demands meticulous planning, innovative technologies, and collaborative efforts. In this era of unprecedented environmental challenges, Canada emerges as a trailblazer, spearheading the evolution of smart grid infrastructure. Delving deeper into the intricacies of Canada's strategic approach, we uncover a tapestry of initiatives aimed at revolutionizing the energy landscape.
Exploring Canada's Smart Grid Landscape: Canada's foray into smart grid technology traces back to its early adoption of smart metering systems. With an impressive smart meter penetration exceeding 80% nationwide, the country lays a robust foundation for transitioning to second-generation deployments. Greg Robart, the visionary CEO of Canada’s Smart Grid Innovation Network, provides invaluable insights into the nation's journey towards a smarter, greener future.
Harnessing Electricity for Decarbonization: At the heart of Canada's energy transition lies a profound commitment to leveraging electricity as a potent tool for decarbonization. Aligned with global imperatives such as the Paris Agreement, Canada charts a course towards a sustainable future powered by clean energy. Integral to this paradigm shift are ongoing regulatory reviews aimed at curbing reliance on fossil fuels, particularly natural gas.
Mitigating Grid Strain Through Technological Innovation: As the momentum towards decarbonization intensifies, the pressure on existing grid infrastructure mounts. Smart grid solutions emerge as the linchpin for effectively managing electricity demand while minimizing capital expenditures. Robart underscores the imperative of technological optimization in ensuring the resilience and efficiency of Canada's energy grid.
Unveiling the Potential of Intense Electrification: One of the most compelling narratives to emerge from Canada's energy landscape is the concept of intense electrification. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Robart champions the viability of heat pumps and fully electrified homes as viable alternatives to traditional heating methods. Through diverse regulatory frameworks and innovative solutions, Canada illuminates the path towards a future powered by sustainable electricity.
Forging Transatlantic Partnerships for Energy Innovation: In the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, Canada and Europe stand as natural allies, poised to exchange insights and best practices. Robart emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between regulatory diversity and technological innovation, underscoring the mutual benefits of collaboration. As both regions navigate the complexities of energy transition, cross-border partnerships offer a potent catalyst for driving meaningful progress.
If you want to learn more about smart grid concepts, check out the course "Electrical Power Grid Modernization: Smart Grid Concepts".
Dive into the future of grid innovation in this comprehensive video course. Crafted for professionals and newcomers in the energy industry, gain essential knowledge for a career in grid modernization. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this course provides a foundational understanding of smart grid concepts, offering an edge in the pursuit of sustainable power development. Start your fulfilling journey today and mark a crucial point in your phenomenal career!
Conclusion: As we navigate the labyrinthine terrain of energy innovation, Canada emerges as a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the path towards a sustainable future. Through strategic planning, technological ingenuity, and collaborative partnerships, the nation embarks on a transformative journey towards a smarter, greener energy landscape. Let us heed the lessons gleaned from Canada's experience and forge ahead with renewed vigor, united in our quest for a more sustainable tomorrow.
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shakibansar3 · 23 days
Rising to New Heights: The Impact of Advanced Crane Technology on Construction Efficiency
In the dynamic realm of construction, the towering presence of cranes symbolizes progress, innovation, and ambition. Over the years, advancements in crane technology have revolutionized the way we build, enabling us to reach new heights and undertake increasingly complex projects. This article delves into the transformative impact of advanced crane technology on construction efficiency, exploring how cutting-edge innovations are reshaping the industry and driving unprecedented levels of productivity and safety.
Evolution of Crane Technology:
The evolution of crane technology can be traced back centuries, from ancient civilizations' rudimentary lifting mechanisms to today's state-of-the-art hydraulic and tower cranes. Early cranes relied on basic pulley systems and human or animal power to lift heavy loads, limiting their capacity and range. However, technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution paved the way for more sophisticated designs, such as steam-powered cranes, which significantly enhanced lifting capabilities and efficiency.
Innovations in Crane Design:
In recent decades, rapid advancements in materials science, engineering, and automation have propelled crane technology to new heights. Today's cranes boast a myriad of innovative features designed to maximize efficiency, safety, and versatility. Hydraulic cranes, equipped with powerful hydraulic systems, offer precise control and manoeuvrability, making them ideal for navigating tight construction sites and lifting heavy loads with ease. Tower cranes, with their towering height and impressive lifting capacity, have become ubiquitous fixtures in urban skylines, facilitating the construction of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers.
Furthermore, the integration of digital technologies such as sensors, GPS, and telematics has transformed crane operations, enabling real-time monitoring, remote diagnostics, and predictive maintenance. These smart cranes can detect potential issues before they escalate, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. Additionally, advancements in crane automation and robotics have led to the development of self-erecting cranes and autonomous lifting systems, further streamlining construction processes and reducing reliance on manual labour.
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Enhancing Construction Efficiency:
The adoption of advanced crane technology has brought about a paradigm shift in construction efficiency, enabling projects to be completed faster, safer, and with greater precision. By minimizing downtime, optimizing load capacities, and enhancing manoeuvrability, modern cranes can significantly accelerate construction timelines and reduce overall project costs. Moreover, the integration of digital technologies allows for better coordination and communication among project stakeholders, facilitating seamless collaboration and minimizing errors.
Safety is another paramount consideration in construction, and advanced crane technology plays a crucial role in mitigating risks and ensuring the well-being of workers. Features such as collision avoidance systems, load moment indicators, and anti-sway technology help prevent accidents and injuries, creating a safer work environment for all involved. Furthermore, the use of remote-controlled and autonomous cranes reduces the need for workers to be in close proximity to hazardous construction activities, further enhancing safety protocols. Looking ahead, the future of crane technology holds immense promise, driven by a relentless pursuit of efficiency, sustainability, and innovation. Emerging trends such as electrification, renewable energy sources, and modular construction are poised to reshape crane operations and construction practices in profound ways.
Electric-powered cranes represent a significant advancement in sustainability, offering reduced emissions and operating costs compared to traditional diesel-powered models. By harnessing renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, these cranes can further minimize their environmental impact while maximizing efficiency. As the construction industry continues to prioritize sustainability, the adoption of electric-powered cranes is expected to accelerate, paving the way for greener and more eco-friendly construction practices.
Furthermore, advancements in materials science and additive manufacturing are poised to revolutionize crane design and fabrication processes. Additive manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing enable the production of intricate crane components with unparalleled precision and efficiency. This not only results in lighter and stronger structures but also allows for greater customization and scalability to meet specific project requirements. By leveraging additive manufacturing, crane manufacturers can drive innovation, reduce production costs, and accelerate time-to-market for new crane technologies.
Moreover, the integration of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors holds the potential to further enhance crane performance and reliability. Smart cranes equipped with advanced sensors and data analytics capabilities can provide real-time insights into crane operations, enabling proactive maintenance, optimizing energy consumption, and improving overall efficiency. Additionally, autonomous crane systems powered by AI algorithms can automate repetitive tasks, enhance safety, and reduce human error on construction sites, the future of crane technology is bright, with electrification, additive manufacturing, and digitalization driving unprecedented levels of efficiency, sustainability, and innovation. By embracing these emerging trends and technologies, the construction industry can unlock new opportunities for growth, resilience, and environmental stewardship. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, the evolution of crane technology will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of construction and infrastructure development on a global scale.
In conclusion, advanced crane technology stands as a cornerstone of modern construction, elevating efficiency, safety, and innovation across the industry. From hydraulic cranes to towering tower cranes, the evolution of crane technology has enabled us to undertake increasingly ambitious projects and conquer formidable engineering challenges. As we persist in pushing the boundaries of what is achievable, the pivotal role of advanced crane technology in shaping the future of construction cannot be overstated. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, we can fully leverage the potential of crane technology to erect a brighter, more resilient future for generations to come. Overhead cranes serve as indispensable tools in various industries, facilitating the lifting and movement of heavy loads with precision and efficiency. Their versatility and reliability make them essential assets in manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and construction sites, where they contribute to increased productivity and operational efficiency. As technology continues to advance, overhead cranes will continue to evolve, incorporating features such as automation, remote operation, and predictive maintenance to further enhance their performance and capabilities. Whether lifting machinery on a factory floor or transporting materials in a logistics centre, overhead cranes play a vital role in enabling seamless operations and driving economic growth.
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primetaylor77 · 1 month
Driving Forward: Exploring the Latest Innovations from Top Car Manufacturers
Driving Forward: Exploring the Latest Innovations from Top Car Manufacturers" delves into the cutting-edge developments shaping the automotive industry's trajectory. This comprehensive exploration surveys the advancements in electric vehicles (EVs), safety features, autonomous driving, and connected car technologies pioneered by leading manufacturers like Tesla, Volvo, Google's Waymo, and BMW. The article highlights the transformative impact of EVs, detailing their role in sustainable transportation solutions and the evolution of battery technology. Additionally, it examines the proliferation of safety technologies, including advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous emergency braking (AEB), aimed at enhancing road safety and reducing accidents. The narrative also explores the progress towards autonomous driving, showcasing semi-autonomous features and the industry's pursuit of fully autonomous vehicles. Furthermore, the article investigates the intersection of automotive and digital innovation, exploring connected car technologies and subscription-based services that redefine the driving experience. Through an in-depth analysis of these innovations, "Driving Forward" offers a glimpse into the future of mobility, where technology, sustainability, and safety converge to revolutionize transportation. In the fast-paced world of automotive innovation, leading car manufacturers are continuously pushing the boundaries of technology to redefine the driving experience. From groundbreaking electric vehicles to advanced safety features and autonomous driving capabilities, the latest innovations are revolutionizing how we interact with our vehicles and navigate the roads. Let's delve into some of the most exciting developments from these manufacturers, highlighting their efforts to drive the industry forward into a new era of mobility.
Electric Evolution:
One of the most significant trends shaping the automotive landscape is the rapid rise of electric vehicles (EVs). Major car manufacturers such as Tesla, Nissan, and Chevrolet have been at the forefront of this electric revolution, introducing a diverse range of EV models that offer zero-emission driving and impressive performance. These vehicles leverage advancements in battery technology to deliver extended ranges and faster charging times, making them increasingly viable options for consumers seeking greener and more sustainable transportation solutions. Moreover, the expansion of charging infrastructure, along with government incentives and subsidies, has further bolstered the adoption of EVs worldwide. As a result, electric vehicles are not only reducing carbon emissions but also redefining the concept of driving by offering smoother, quieter, and more efficient rides.
Safety Innovation:
In addition to electrification, car manufacturers are prioritizing safety innovation to enhance driver and passenger protection on the road. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) such as automatic emergency braking, lane-keeping assist, and adaptive cruise control are becoming standard features in many new vehicles, helping to prevent accidents and mitigate the severity of collisions. Furthermore, the development of autonomous driving technology holds the promise of further improving road safety by reducing human error, the leading cause of accidents. Companies like Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz are leading the way in integrating these safety features into their vehicles, demonstrating a commitment to advancing automotive safety standards and saving lives.
Autonomous Driving Advancements:
Another area of significant advancement is autonomous driving technology, which aims to transform the way we travel by enabling vehicles to operate without human intervention. Companies like Google's Waymo, Tesla, and General Motors' Cruise are investing heavily in developing autonomous driving systems capable of navigating complex traffic scenarios and diverse road conditions. While fully autonomous vehicles may still be in the testing phase, semi-autonomous features like advanced parking assistance and highway autopilot are already available in many new cars, offering a glimpse into the future of mobility. As these technologies continue to evolve and regulatory frameworks are established, autonomous vehicles have the potential to enhance road safety, reduce traffic congestion, and provide greater accessibility to transportation for all, the automotive industry is undergoing a profound transformation driven by innovation in electric vehicles, safety features, and autonomous driving technology. With leading car manufacturers pioneering these advancements, the future of mobility promises to be safer, more efficient, and more sustainable than ever before. As consumers embrace these new technologies and experiences, the way we think about transportation will continue to evolve, ushering in an exciting era of mobility innovation and discovery.
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Safety at the Forefront:
In recent years, advancements in safety features and technologies have been remarkable. From the integration of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to the implementation of autonomous emergency braking (AEB) and lane-keeping assistance, today's vehicles are equipped with a comprehensive array of safety features designed to prevent accidents and protect occupants. These features utilize cutting-edge sensors, cameras, and software algorithms to detect potential hazards and assist drivers in avoiding collisions. Manufacturers like Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz have been leading the charge in this domain, continuously innovating to enhance the safety of their vehicles. With a focus on reducing accidents on the road and ultimately saving lives, these companies are driving the industry towards a safer future.
Autonomous Ambitions:
While fully autonomous vehicles may still be a futuristic vision, significant progress has been made towards this goal. Companies such as Google's Waymo, General Motors' Cruise, and Tesla have been at the forefront of autonomous driving technology, investing heavily in research and development to bring self-driving cars to reality. These companies are developing sophisticated sensor arrays, powerful artificial intelligence systems, and advanced mapping technologies to enable vehicles to navigate roads autonomously. While fully autonomous cars are not yet widely available, semi-autonomous features like adaptive cruise control and self-parking capabilities are already making driving safer and more convenient for consumers. As the technology continues to evolve and regulatory hurdles are overcome, the vision of fully autonomous vehicles driving on our roads may soon become a reality.
Beyond the Vehicle:
In addition to improving safety and autonomy, car manufacturers are exploring new avenues to enhance the overall driving experience. Connected car technologies enable vehicles to communicate with smartphones, smart home devices, and other vehicles, providing drivers with real-time information and personalized services. Meanwhile, subscription-based services offer consumers flexible access to vehicles without the commitment of ownership, catering to changing mobility preferences. Companies like BMW, Audi, and Ford are leading the charge in this regard, leveraging digital innovation to transform the way we interact with cars. By embracing these advancements, car manufacturers are not only improving the driving experience but also shaping the future of transportation.
As we gaze into the horizon of automotive technology, one thing remains abundantly clear: the potential for innovation knows no bounds. With electric vehicles spearheading the charge towards sustainable transportation, advanced safety features ensuring unparalleled protection on the roads, autonomous driving capabilities revolutionizing the concept of mobility, and connected car technologies seamlessly integrating our vehicles with the digital world, leading manufacturers like Porsche are propelling the industry into a new era of mobility.
Porsche, with its relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to pushing the boundaries of automotive engineering, stands at the forefront of this transformative journey. Through their innovative electric vehicles, such as the Taycan and upcoming models, Porsche is reshaping the landscape of sustainable driving, offering thrilling performance without compromise. Moreover, Porsche's unwavering dedication to safety is evident in the advanced driver assistance systems and cutting-edge safety technologies integrated into their vehicles, ensuring peace of mind for drivers and passengers alike.
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globallaunchbaseindia · 4 months
The Rise of EV Globally
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Written By: Jagriti Shahi
In recent years, the global landscape of transportation has witnessed a paradigm shift with the growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). While much attention has been given to individual electric cars, there's a transformative trend that is reshaping the way businesses approach their transportation needs – the rise of electric fleets. Companies worldwide are increasingly recognizing the economic, environmental, and operational advantages of integrating electric vehicles into their fleet management strategies.
Rising of EV
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Figure: Global Growth of Electric Vehicles 2019-2023
Over the course of five years from 2019 to 2023, there has been a substantial evolution in the adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) within business fleets. In 2019, the count stood at 0.25 million EVs, a figure that saw a modest increase to 0.35 million in 2020. However, the momentum gained significant traction in 2021, with the number soaring to 0.75 million. The trend took a transformative leap in 2022, witnessing a remarkable surge to 1.5 million EVs integrated into business fleets. This positive trajectory continued into 2023, with a notable expansion, bringing the total to 2.4 million EVs. These escalating figures indicate a progressive shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly transportation solutions within corporate fleets, underscoring a growing commitment to reducing environmental impact and embracing cleaner mobility alternatives.
In recent years, the global landscape has witnessed a revolutionary shift towards sustainable practices, with a particular focus on the automotive industry. The transition from traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) has gained unprecedented momentum, signaling a new era for transportation. This article explores the speed of change in the electrification of vehicles, examining the factors driving this transition and the implications for the future of mobility.
Countries Transition to EV
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Figure: Global EV Growth
As we can see, Norway leads the pack in terms of EV adoption, with a staggering 80% share of new car sales in 2022. However, India is experiencing the fastest growth, with an impressive 82% increase in EV sales year-over-year. This is likely due to a number of factors, including government incentives, the rising popularity of electric two-wheelers, and the increasing availability of charging infrastructure.
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Norway: Norway has the highest EV market share in the world, with over 80% of new car sales being electric in 2022. The country has ambitious plans to phase out the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars by 2025.
Netherlands: The Netherlands has the second-highest EV market share in the world, with over 60% of new car sales being electric in 2022. The country has set a target of phasing out the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars by 2030.
Sweden: Sweden has a strong EV market, with over 50% of new car sales being electric in 2022. The country aims to have a fossil-fuel-free car fleet by 2040.
China: China is the world's largest EV market, with over 3 million EVs sold in 2022. The Chinese government has set ambitious targets for EV adoption, aiming for EVs to account for 20% of all new car sales by 2025.
United States: The United States is a growing EV market, with over 600,000 EVs sold in 2022. The US government has set a target of having 5 million EVs on the road by 2030.
India: India's EV market witnessed a significant surge in 2023, with sales growing by 82% compared to the previous year and 157% from FY2022 to FY2023. The electric two-wheeler market is currently the driving force, with over 1 lakh EVs sold every month in H2 FY2023.
Rapid Technological Advancements:
One of the primary drivers behind the swift transition to electric vehicles is the rapid advancement of technology. Breakthroughs in battery technology, energy storage, and electric drivetrain efficiency have significantly improved the performance and range of EVs. As a result, consumers are now presented with viable alternatives that not only match but often surpass the capabilities of traditional vehicles.
Government Initiatives and Policies:
Governments around the world have played a pivotal role in accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. Many countries have implemented stringent emission regulations, incentivized the production and purchase of electric vehicles, and invested in charging infrastructure. These policy measures create a favorable environment for both manufacturers and consumers, fostering the rapid integration of EVs into the mainstream market.
Changing Consumer Preferences:
Consumer attitudes towards electric vehicles have undergone a remarkable transformation. With increased awareness of environmental issues and a growing emphasis on sustainability, more consumers are actively seeking eco-friendly transportation options. The appeal of electric vehicles extends beyond environmental concerns, as drivers are drawn to the lower operating costs, reduced maintenance requirements, and a smoother driving experience.
Before and After EV
The advent of Electric Vehicles (EVs) has brought about a transformative shift in the automotive landscape, marking a clear distinction between the era before and after the widespread adoption of electric mobility. Several key differences characterize these two periods:
Propulsion Technology:
Before EVs: The automotive industry predominantly relied on internal combustion engines (ICEs) powered by fossil fuels, such as gasoline and diesel.
After EVs: Electric vehicles use electric motors and batteries for propulsion, reducing or eliminating reliance on traditional fossil fuels. This shift represents a move towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.
Environmental Impact:
Before EVs: Internal combustion engines produced emissions, contributing to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, with detrimental effects on the environment.
After EVs: Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, significantly reducing air pollution and contributing to efforts to combat climate change. The environmental benefits of EVs are a crucial factor driving their adoption.
Infrastructure Development:
Before EVs: The infrastructure primarily consisted of fuel stations for gasoline and diesel, with limited availability of charging stations for electric vehicles.
After EVs: The emergence of EVs has led to a rapid expansion of charging infrastructure, including public charging stations, home charging solutions, and fast-charging networks. This development addresses concerns about range anxiety and facilitates the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.
Government Policies and Incentives:
Before EVs: Government policies often focused on regulating emissions and fuel efficiency standards for internal combustion engine vehicles.
After EVs: Governments worldwide have introduced incentives and policies to promote the adoption of electric vehicles. These measures include tax credits, subsidies, and stricter emissions regulations to encourage a shift towards cleaner transportation.
Consumer Awareness and Perception:
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Figure: Global Rise in Electric Vehicle Manufacturing: 2019-2022
Before EVs: Consumer awareness of electric vehicles was relatively low, and there were misconceptions about issues like limited range, performance, and charging infrastructure.
After EVs: Increasing environmental awareness, advancements in technology, and positive experiences with electric vehicles have led to a shift in consumer perceptions. More consumers now view EVs as viable alternatives with benefits such as lower operating costs, reduced maintenance, and a positive impact on the environment.
Automaker Strategies:
Before EVs: Traditional automakers focused primarily on the production of vehicles with internal combustion engines, with limited investment in electric mobility.
After EVs: Automakers are increasingly investing in electric vehicle technology, developing dedicated EV platforms, and announcing plans to transition to fully electric fleets. The competition in the electric vehicle market has intensified, driving innovation and improvements in battery technology and vehicle design
Economic Considerations:
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Figure: Price Compression Over Time - 2019-2022
Before EVs: The economic landscape was heavily influenced by the fossil fuel industry, including oil extraction, refining, and distribution.
After EVs: The rise of electric vehicles has led to a shift in economic dynamics, impacting industries related to renewable energy, battery manufacturing, and electric vehicle production. This transition has implications for job markets, resource extraction, and economic sustainability.
Leading Emerging EV Companies
BYD Company Ltd. (China): BYD is a diversified company with a strong presence in the EV market. They produce a wide range of electric vehicles, including cars, buses, and trucks.
XPeng Inc. (China): Xpeng is a leading Chinese EV maker known for its premium sedans and SUVs. They have a strong presence in the Chinese market and are expanding into Europe.
Fisker Inc. (USA): Fisker is focused on designing and developing luxury electric vehicles with extended range and innovative features. Their first model, the Ocean SUV, is scheduled for production in late 2023.
Rivian Automotive (USA): Rivian is a manufacturer of electric trucks and SUVs. Their R1T pickup truck and R1S SUV are already in production and have received positive reviews for their performance and capabilities.
Canoo Technologies Inc. (USA): Canoo designs and develops electric vehicles for various applications, including delivery vans, passenger shuttles, and subscription-based personal vehicles. They have partnerships with Hyundai and Walmart, indicating their potential for future growth.
Polestar (Sweden): Polestar is a joint venture between Volvo Cars and Geely Holding Group. They offer high-performance electric vehicles and plan to launch new models in the coming years.
Euler Motors (India): Focuses on electric commercial vehicles, catering to the growing demand for clean and sustainable last-mile delivery solutions.
Ather Energy (India): Known for their high-performance and tech-integrated electric scooters, they have a strong presence in major Indian cities and are expanding their product range.
Tata Motors (India): This major player recently launched the Nexon EV, their first electric SUV, and plans to introduce more electric vehicles in the coming years.
The shift from the era before EVs to the current era reflects a broader global commitment to sustainability, technological innovation, and a transition towards a more environmentally conscious and energy-efficient transportation system.
About Global Launch Base:
Global Launch Base helps international startups expand in India. Our services include market research, validation through surveys, developing a network, building partnerships, fundraising, and strategy revenue growth. Get in touch to learn more about us.
Contact Info:
Website: www.globallaunchbase.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/globallaunchbase/
Organisation Mentioned: Byd Company Limited XPENG Fisker Rivian Canoo Polestar Euler Motors Ather Energy Tata Motors
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Unveiling the New Muscle Car Era: The Evolution of Power and Performance
the Difference Between Muscle Cars & Sports Cars Mike Savage
In the ever-evolving landscape of the automotive world, a new chapter has begun—the era of the new muscle car. This exciting phase embraces innovation, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to performance while staying true to the essence that has defined muscle cars for decades. As car enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the next generation of high-performance vehicles, the new muscle car era promises to push the boundaries of power, style, and driving exhilaration.
Embracing Modern Technology
The new muscle car era is characterized by the harmonious marriage of modern technology and traditional muscle car elements. Automakers are leveraging advancements in engineering, materials, and design to create vehicles that deliver unparalleled performance while meeting contemporary environmental standards.
Electrification has emerged as a significant theme in this new era. Electric and hybrid powertrains are being integrated into muscle cars, offering instantaneous torque, impressive acceleration, and reduced emissions. These innovations are redefining what it means to be a muscle car, showcasing that raw power can coexist with environmental responsibility.
Iconic Designs with a Modern Twist
While the new muscle car era embraces technological advancements, it also pays homage to the iconic designs that have defined the genre. Manufacturers are blending classic design cues with modern aesthetics, creating vehicles that are instantly recognizable as muscle cars while boasting contemporary flair.
Sleek, aggressive lines, bold front grilles, and signature body proportions remain essential elements of new muscle car designs. Whether it's a revitalized version of a classic model or an all-new creation, these cars evoke a sense of nostalgia while embracing the present and future of automotive design.
Performance Redefined
The heart and soul of a muscle car have always been its performance capabilities, and the new muscle car era is no exception. While electrification brings a new dimension to performance, traditional internal combustion engines continue to evolve, utilizing turbocharging, direct injection, and advanced tuning to maximize power output and efficiency.
In addition to raw power, new muscle cars are equipped with state-of-the-art suspension systems, adaptive dampers, and advanced traction control technology. These features ensure that the immense power generated by these vehicles can be harnessed effectively, providing a thrilling driving experience without compromising safety.
Cultural Resonance and Connectivity
Much like their predecessors, new muscle cars hold cultural significance, reflecting the values and aspirations of their time. They embody a sense of freedom, individuality, and the pursuit of excitement. However, in the new era, connectivity and infotainment play a pivotal role as well.
Advanced multimedia systems, smartphone integration, and driver assistance features ensure that new muscle cars cater to the demands of the modern driver. These vehicles seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology, enhancing the driving experience without diluting the essence of power and performance.
A Glimpse into the Future
As the new muscle car era gains momentum, it provides a glimpse into the future of the automotive industry as a whole. The integration of electrification, advanced materials, and evolving design philosophies showcases the industry's commitment to progress while staying grounded in the fundamentals that have captivated generations of enthusiasts.
While the landscape evolves, the spirit of the muscle car remains unchanged—a dedication to delivering adrenaline-pumping, heart-racing experiences behind the wheel. The new muscle car era embodies this spirit while embracing the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.
Conclusion: A Continuing Legacy
The new muscle car era heralds a thrilling chapter in the history of high-performance vehicles. It pays homage to its heritage while embracing the demands of the present and future. As automotive enthusiasts eagerly await the unveiling of new models and the roar of powerful engines, they can rest assured that the legacy of power, style, and driving exhilaration that defines muscle cars will continue to thrive in this exciting new era.  
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pageinextremis · 7 months
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Innovation in the Spotlight: The 2023 CLEPA Awards
The 2023 CLEPA Innovation Awards, a hallmark event in the automotive supply industry, marked the fourth consecutive collaboration between #Pageinextremis and CLEPA, underscoring a synergy that blends creative mastery with industrial expertise.
This edition, organised by Clepa and supported by Deloitte, celebrated for its focus on pioneering achievements in Europe's Green and Digital transition, has once again demonstrated the profound impact of automotive suppliers in driving forward mobility transformation. With an impressive €30 billion invested annually in R&D, the automotive supply industry is at the heart of this innovative journey.
The event's success is multifaceted, with winners and nominees gaining significant exposure through CLEPA's channels and across various media outlets and national associations. This exposure is instrumental in showcasing the latest advancements and connecting participants with key European players.
#Pageinextremis' integral contribution to the event is illuminated in their development of a lasting visual identity. This includes an iconic logo and a user-centric website design, coupled with their proficiency in producing compelling video content. Their collaborative efforts have articulated the story of automotive innovation, encapsulating its extensive possibilities. This achievement is a testament to the synergistic partnership with CLEPA's communications team, adeptly led by Filipa Rio, highlighting the power of united expertise in shaping a narrative of technological progress and future potential.
The awards celebrated advancements across several categories, including:
- Green Innovations: Emphasising sustainable mobility through developments in electrification, alternative powertrains, green services, and sustainable products.
- Digital Advancements: Highlighting the transformative role of digitalisation in the industry, focusing on connected and automated driving, user-centric experiences, and safety & security technologies.
- Safety: Recognising technologies to create a safer transportation ecosystem, with the ambitious goal of zero casualties by 2050.
- Cooperation: Celebrating collaborative efforts across various organisations and institutions that contribute to innovative mobility technology.
The top innovators of the 2023 edition, selected from a diverse array of organisations, including SMEs and startups, were unveiled during the special ceremony in Brussels on 18 October 2023. These innovators represent the breadth and depth of expertise in the industry.
The applications were rigorously assessed by an international jury of experts from various fields, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the innovations.
The 2023 CLEPA Innovation Awards, bolstered by #Pageinextremis' creative partnership, not only celebrated the industry's current achievements but also set the stage for future innovations. This event is a testament to the dynamic fusion of creativity and industry, driving the narrative of automotive innovation.
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pattywagon2go · 9 months
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Train Talk Tuesday time: These last few Train Talk Tuesdays have been a bit negative, so I figured it's time for some positivity.
As much as I tend to not like diesel locomotives because I feel electrification is a better solution overall, it's still nice to see how much progress there has been, and especially with how here in North America intercity rail companies like VIA Rail in Canada and Amtrak here in the States are picking up these fancy new locomotives instead of relying on an aging fleet of P42's and whatever old EMD locos that are still kicking around.
I remember watching RMTransit's video on the new Siemens trainsets VIA Rail ordered recently and I was quite impressed with what Siemens had put together, along with being quite happy with the Lincoln Service from St. Louis to Chicago hit it's max speed most of the route, along with getting brand new Charger locomotives to run the line. Baby steps are being made, and what these new trainsets can do shouldn't be understated imo. The nicer trains you have, the more people will see trains as a viable way to get around.
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monstrohard · 9 months
Powering the Future: Dubai's Top Electric Car Manufacturers
Monstro Hard Motors - Leading the Charge
When it comes to the best car dealership in Dubai, Monstro Hard Motors isn't just a name; it's a symbol of excellence. Now, they're venturing into the electric car market, proving once again why they're the top choice for automotive enthusiasts in Dubai.
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Tesla - Revolutionizing Electric Mobility
Tesla, the trailblazer of electric vehicles, has captured Dubai's imagination with its sleek designs and groundbreaking technology. Their Model S, Model 3, and Model X are redefining eco-friendly luxury.
Nissan - Affordable Electric Innovation
Nissan's commitment to affordability and sustainability shines in their electric lineup. The Nissan Leaf, with its impressive range and accessible pricing, is a popular choice among Dubai's environmentally conscious drivers.
BMW - Merging Performance and Sustainability
For those seeking a blend of performance and sustainability, BMW's electric offerings, such as the i3 and i4, deliver a thrilling driving experience while reducing your carbon footprint.
Jaguar - Luxury Meets Electrification
Jaguar's I-PACE represents the pinnacle of electric luxury. Its sleek design, cutting-edge features, and exceptional performance make it a standout choice for those who want both opulence and sustainability.
Hyundai - Driving Progress with the Kona Electric
Hyundai's Kona Electric combines affordability and range, making it an attractive option for eco-conscious individuals in Dubai. It's a testament to Hyundai's commitment to a greener future.
Audi - The e-Tron Evolution
Audi's e-Tron series showcases their dedication to electric innovation. With models like the e-Tron SUV, they're redefining what it means to drive electric in style.
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Dubai's transition towards a greener future is electrifying, and these top electric car manufacturers are leading the way. Whether you seek luxury, affordability, or performance, there's an electric vehicle for everyone. And when it comes to finding your dream electric car, Monstro Hard Motors remains the best car dealership in Dubai, offering a premium selection and exceptional service that sets them apart in this exciting era of electric mobility.
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viveksethsblog · 1 year
Why Does India Need Energy Storage Solutions?
India’s growth story isn’t a secret. Everyone has been witnessing the incredible growth and development that India has experienced over the years. However, In years of my experience, I know for a fact that progress comes with challenges, and one of the most pressing challenges India faces today is its energy needs. As a rapidly developing nation, it is crucial for India to address its energy demands and ensure a sustainable future. One of the most promising solutions to meet these requirements is energy storage. Come, let's dive deep into India’s needs for energy storage solutions and how to implement them.
The Last Mile Electrification
While we do have impressive numbers when it comes to progress, a significant portion of rural India still lacks access to electricity, which is also a reality. I believe real progress occurs when both the metros and the rural part go hand in hand in terms of development. To tackle this, off-grid and mini-grid systems powered by energy storage can provide decentralized electricity to remote communities, eliminating the need for expensive and extensive grid infrastructure.
Read more
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pcatechnologies · 2 years
Not Known Factual Statements About Nexans
Medium Voltage Cable Accessories The H900 soldering station package presents an entire Resolution for professionally terminating solder contacts to stranded or strong Main wire. Appropriate for terminating all MIL-5015 solder connectors.
The report includes an in-depth marketplace Investigation working with Porter's 5 forces product as well as Ansoff Matrix. Moreover, the impression of Covid-19 on the market can also be featured in the report.
It encompasses a water-proof wire sealing backshell that gives environmental sealing and strain reduction for wire terminations guiding the panel. The PMGE mounting gasket is recommended to seal the mounting area together with protective protect to keep up significant dependability.
For improved delivery of our new release, Remember to enable us undestand your desire Market and Frequency that you favor to obtain the new releases.
That’s the most important takeaway popping out of the accumulating of local weather improve, sustainability and Internet zero authorities in Toronto, who talked about Canada’s unsure foreseeable future In regards to renewable Vitality and electrification.
Residence or with the Place of work, Every person benefits from having an organized arrange. This established contains a slender structure that is nearly unnoticeable On the subject of concealing electrical wiring.
In addition, sector players are meticulously Functioning for technological development of medium voltage cable accessories leading to very low failure charges of cable accessories.
The report consists of the analysis with the regional and also world-wide medium voltage cable accessories market trends, important players, current market segments, software parts, and market development tactics.
The report includes the Examination in the regional together with global medium voltage cable accessories industry tendencies, important players, marketplace segments, software places, and market place development tactics.
AmerCable potential customers the marketplace in cable protection schooling - nobody else will come near to the added price we provide our customers! Produced in United states!
One among The only systems, heat-shrink, is used for cables with a voltage stage lessen than 35kV. The cable accessories are very first heated and expanded in this process and after that still left to cool in that condition. 
Nonetheless, substantial failure charge of medium voltage cable accessories restrains the industry progress. Then again, surge in the installation of underground cables and rise in the quantity of info facilities present new chances in the approaching years.
A much better concern may well actually be, ‘Where by aren’t they?’ Medium voltage cable accessories are required anywhere medium voltage cables are applied.
It'd come to feel tricky from time to time to connect the IRS Along with the concept of Excellent news, however, the changes for 2023 money tax brackets, the broadly-applied typical deduction, and approximately 60 other inflation-indexed tax provisions could possibly be one of those instances. Nexans
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theanimesideblog · 3 years
hey i love your writing! bakugou, denki, deku and kageyama with a s/o who's really flexible? like contortionist level flexible
Bakugou, Kaminari, Midoriya, Kageyama x Flexible!GN!Reader: Bending Backwards
TW: cursing (one f bomb)
A/N: tysm, anon!!! hope this is to your liking :)
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You better beLIEVE he’s going to ask you to teach him how to move like that
Being flexible opens up a new range of possibilities for combat
Whether you were born flexible or you trained for it, it doesn’t matter
Flexibility training usually takes a long time, so you two use it as a winding down exercise
Make sure you cheer him on!! It’s not easy and he hates someone being better than him. If you build him up instead of teasing him, he’ll be a great student and make substantial progress
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I’m sorry, he’s lowkey a fuckboy so instead of saying “that’s cool!” he says “oh??????? 👀👀👀👀👀👀”
There’s a part of him that thinks your flexibility is impressive, but he covers it up with dirty jokes and flirts
The first time he sees you do a contortionist level move, there’s no flirty remark just him with his mouth open
THATS when he’ll compliment you
His body is definitely extremely tense since his quirk is electrification. All that electricity in his body can’t be good for him
If you teach him some moves to release some tension, he will kiss up to you for a week per move
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Back at it with the notebook
Seriously. When you showed him your moves, he asked you to show him everything you could while he took notes
He definitely gets flustered with some of the moves you pull, so he’ll hide his reddening face with his notebook
He attempts some of your moves on your own to perfect his fighting style
He doesn’t ask for your help, but you can tell when you watch him in action
If you point this out, he’ll become flustered and compliment you
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He thinks it’s really cool, but doesn’t know how to say it
He’s awkward, but that usually melts away in the heat of competition. If he found out that you were super flexible while watching you in a match/game/etc. of some kind, he would know what to say. Otherwise he’s a flustered mess
He asks you a lot of questions about it, wanting to know more about you in every way
If you ask him if he would like to learn, he’ll get a little flustered but gladly accept it
He accepts that he doesn’t know much, so he’ll usually be a good student. Unless he gets frustrated with himself. Then, he’ll be pouty and angry
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itcars · 4 years
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First Look: The BMW Concept i4
The BMW Group is opening a new chapter in its history with the unveiling of a pure-electric Gran Coupe in Geneva. The BMW Concept i4 takes electric drive to the core of the BMW brand and heralds a new era in Sheer Driving Pleasure. The BMW Concept i4 represents a look ahead to the BMW i4, slated to enter production in 2021 as the BMW Group’s first all-electric model in the premium midsize class. It provides a whole new take on the dynamic excellence for which BMW is renowned and blends a modern, elegantly sporty design with the spaciousness and functionality of a four-door Gran Coupe – all while generating zero local emissions. Film composer Hans Zimmer provided the soundtrack to the world premiere in Geneva and used the press conference to present the unique electric drive sound for the BMW Concept i4.
“The BMW Concept i4 brings electrification to the core of the BMW brand,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group Design. “The design is dynamic, clean and elegant. In short: a perfect BMW that happens to be zero emission.” The drivetrain’s numbers include a range of 600 km (373 miles), output of up to 530hp, 0 – 100 km/h (62 mph) acceleration of approximately 4.0 seconds and a top speed in excess of 200 km/h (124 mph). However, the driving qualities of the BMW Concept i4 cannot be expressed in figures alone. The virtually silent delivery of power creates an entirely new sensation of dynamism.
“The design of the BMW Concept i4 shows fantastic proportions, a powerfully expressive character and, of course, a lot of attention to detail,” adds Domagoj Dukec, Head of BMW Design. “With the Curved Display, we have redefined BMW’s signature driver focus in an extremely elegant way. At the same time, the BMW Concept i4 transports a feeling of sustainable driving pleasure.” As part of the package, the Concept i4 includes several exterior and interior design elements which will make an appearance in both the BMW i4 and other electrically-powered production vehicles.
The exterior – electrifying aesthetics. The modern, elegant exterior represents a deliberate counterpoint to the dynamic flair of the driving experience. The perfectly resolved Gran Coupe proportions create an authentic, modern and confident appearance. The long wheelbase, fastback roofline and short overhangs form a basic profile brimming with elegance and dynamism. With its four doors, the BMW Concept i4 offers not only a high level of everyday usability and practicality, but also a much larger interior than the car’s modern and dynamic proportions would immediately suggest.
Clear surfaces and aerodynamic details. Crisp, smooth lines and taut volumes merge into a rich, smoothly contoured sculpture and create a clear surfacing language. The modern exterior paint shade Frozen Light Copper reprises a color nuance displayed by the BMW Vision iNEXT and showcases the interplay of surfaces to visually stunning effect. Blue elements in the front end, flanks and rear end point to the car’s BMW i origins. They shine a spotlight on the signature BMW i icons and bring the technology below the surface to the fore – for example, the kidneys in their role as an intelligence panel, the mouldings in the side skirts concealing the battery technology, and the diffuser elements in the rear end, which fill the design space vacated by exhaust tailpipes and enhance aerodynamic efficiency.
he front end – the eye-catching face of a new era. The front-end treatment of the BMW Concept i4 presents the familiar BMW icons in a new look, lending a visually powerful face to the electric age at BMW. The prominent, closed-off kidney grille provides a tangible connection between the past and future of BMW. The BMW icon also gains new functionality: With no combustion engine to require cooling, the grille now serves primarily as an “intelligence panel” housing various sensors. The grille teases the technology behind the scenes with a special design for this model. The headlights likewise provide a bridge between the past and the future; the classical four-eyed front end is reprised here with a very modern and pared-back interpretation. Two intricate, freestanding LED elements on either side integrate all of the requisite light functions. Clean surfaces and a small number of crisp lines around the grille create a contemporary front-end graphic with considerable visual impact. A BMW i-style blue accent in the grille surround sets the seal on the front-end styling.
Taking the first steps with the new BMW brand identity. BMW is unveiling the brand’s new look for the first time at the Geneva Motor Show. The new logo for communications also provides the basis for the badge on the BMW Concept i4. Its two-dimensional and transparent design ensures seamless integration and brings the special exterior color shade Frozen Light Copper to even greater prominence. The concept car not only has the task of looking ahead to the future in terms of aesthetics, technology and innovation, it also explores the design potential within our BMW trademark.
Striking rear end with aerodynamic features. The rear of the BMW Concept i4 sits low over the road and cuts a broad, horizontally emphasized figure. The surfaces progress across the rear in a smooth and luxuriant movement, and give it a very modern and calm appearance. The long, slim L-shaped rear lights continue the theme. Below the rear lights, the inward-angled surfaces form aerodynamics-enhancing lips and incorporate vertical air outlets. The verticality of the design here emphasizes the car’s sporting stance. Further down, the rear apron has a forceful presence and enhances aerodynamic efficiency. Where exhaust tailpipes would once have been found, diffuser elements in BMW i Blue indicate the presence of a pure-electric drive system and reference the design of the BMW i Vision Dynamics.
The interior – innovation meets minimalism. The interior of the BMW Concept i4 focuses on those times when the driver chooses to pilot the car themselves. To this end, every element in the front of the cabin is trained on the driver. The new Curved Display teams up with the steering wheel to reveal a new take on driver orientation and offers a look ahead to the display in the production versions of the BMW iNEXT and BMW i4. Here, the presentation surfaces of the information display and Control Display merge into a single unit inclined towards the driver. This screen grouping optimizes presentation of information and makes the display’s touch operation more intuitive. Advanced display tech with non-reflective glass also removes the need for a shroud to shade the displays and therefore contributes to an extremely uncluttered and airy cockpit.
The Curved Display encompasses a large proportion of the section in front of the driver and above the center stack, and gives the front area a very modern appearance. Its slim, borderless form exudes quality and sophistication. Almost all operating functions are integrated into the display as part of an overall approach centered on reducing the number of haptic controls to the minimum. Even the climate control system now works by touch control.
Focus on the essential. The front section of the interior around the Curved Display also majors on pared-back design. The understated use of different materials and the fundamental arrangement of controls creates a modern yet also luxurious ambience. With this in mind, elements such as air outlets are integrated almost invisibly into the overall geometry and concealed behind strong patterns. Accent strips in warm Gold Bronze blending to chrome lend the interior a high-class touch. The central control panel replaces a traditional gear lever with a toggle-type shifter. Elements such as the iDrive Controller and seat memory buttons in the doors are finished in a classy crystal glass. The cloth/leather combination for the seats – composed of microfiber with line graphics and natural leather tanned using olive leaf – sets a high-quality and sustainable seal on the interior. The overall result is a clearly structured, bright and airy cabin which brings across the tranquillity and authority of electric drive systems.
The technology as earmarked for the upcoming BMW i4. Fifth-generation BMW eDrive technology is a defining feature of the BMW i4 and therefore also of future electric mobility. The BMW iX3 due to go into production in 2020 will lead the way in the application of the new tech, which will be introduced in a number of electrically powered BMW vehicles – such as the BMW iNEXT and BMW i4. The electric motor, power electronics, charging unit and high-voltage battery using fifth-generation BMW eDrive technology are all-new developments enabling the BMW Group to take another significant step forward in the field of electrified drive systems. The electric motor developed for the BMW i4 generates maximum output of up to 390 kW/530 hp, which ranks it alongside a current BMW V8 combustion engine. Its instantaneous power delivery gives the BMW i4 standout performance attributes and exceptional efficiency.
The fifth generation of BMW eDrive also brings a newly designed high-voltage battery with the very latest battery cell technology. The version of the battery developed for the BMW i4 impresses with its extremely slim construction and optimized energy density. It weighs roughly 550 kilograms, has an energy content of around 80 kWh and achieves an operating range of up to 600 km (373 miles) in the WLTP cycle.
All in all, fifth-generation BMW eDrive technology sets new standards in terms of power density, efficiency and range in locally emission-free driving.
Production of the new i4. Series production of the new BMW i4 will begin in 2021 at the BMW Group’s main plant in Munich. This means that, in the future, combustion-engined vehicles, plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles will be manufactured on the same assembly line in Munich.
Integrating the BMW i4 into the existing production system represents a challenging task for Plant Munich. The body concept of the BMW i4 differs from the architectures of the vehicle models produced at the plant to date due to the need to accommodate its high-voltage battery. Approximately 90 per cent of the existing production equipment in the body shop can be incorporated into the process, i.e. adapted to manufacture of the i4. However, the remaining ten per cent – especially the machinery involved in building the rear structure – will need to be newly built.
A separate new piece of equipment will be fitted in the assembly halls for installation of the high-voltage battery, as the battery needs to be fitted in the car from below. A particular challenge in the conversion/installation process are the crowded structures of the assembly halls. Working within these tight confines, old machinery will have to be removed and new equipment installed and brought on stream within a six-week period. This requires long-term planning and precise implementation.
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Derek Taylor 2019: Keep Going
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Two words coupled by Harriet Tubman and coined into a credo essential for negotiating the human condition. It's also the title of and invocation to a sublime duo album by Joe McPhee and Hamid Drake released this year as rejoinder to their first recorded ten-years earlier. Taking stock of that decade is something we at Dusted did recently and as the New Year arrives it’s an exercise that feels all the more important, particularly in the extra-musical sense of recognizing the folly of where we’ve been as a world and where we really want to go moving forward. As always, music is both balm and adhesive in remembering that no matter how divisive and discouraging everything seems, we’re still all in it together.
Joe McPhee
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Seventy-nine-years young and still a human dynamo of energy, empathy, and optimism, the Powerhouse from Poughkeepsie’s been a constant of these retrospective essays for as long as I’ve been writing them. I haven’t done a hard count, but his horns grace at least a dozen releases this year. Duos with Mats Gustaffson (Brace for Impact), Fred Lonberg-Holm (No Time Left for Sadness), and Paal Nilssen-Love (Song for the Big Chief) join the dyad denoted above in delivering dialogues as personal as they are potent. Tree Dancing assembles the super-group of Lol Coxhill, Evan Parker, Chris Corsano, and McPhee collectively and in component combinations with bassist John Edwards on board for a culminating cut, while Six Situations realizes a dream of bassist Damon Smith in teaming him with McPhee’s tenor and now dearly departed drummer Alvin Fielder. The Fire Each Time bundles six concerts of McPhee in the company of the DKV Trio from a 2017 tour that took James Baldwin and John Coltrane as lodestones. Saving perhaps the best for last, Invitation to a Dream comingles McPhee’s pocket trumpet and soprano with pedal steel guitarist Susan Alcorn and old confrere Ken Vandermark in a tripart colloquy delivered in crystal clear sound.
 Peter Brötzmann
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A year younger and another fixture in my yearly firmament, Herr Brötz has always had ears attuned to the early pioneers of improvised music through the unabashed embrace of Sidney Bechet, Coleman Hawkins, and others. Those unerring affections erode some of the surprise from I Surrender Dear, an album of tenor-rendered jazz standards and originals, but also enhance the overall experience in how literally he makes good on the debt. It’s arguably his best solo album since 14 Love Poems and bolstered further by the focus on a single central member of his reed arsenal. Also of note, Fifty Years After commemorating the golden anniversary of Machine Gun with longtime confreres German pianist Alexander von Schlippenbach and Dutch drummer Han Bennink,
 Rob Franken Electrification — Functional Stereo Music (678 Records)
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Four-hours of Fender Rhodes heaven recorded in elite Dutch studios between 1972 and 1981 that puzzlingly never found commercial circulation until last year as a six-LP series. The 2019 edition transfers the archive to three-CDs and only rarely flags as Franken’s fonky keys front guitar, bass, drums and a revolving cast of fellow aces fielding other instruments. Economy is the informal edict as morsel-sized originals alternate with covers of tunes by Herbie Hancock, Stevie Wonder, Atilla Zoller, and even Steely Dan. The utilitarian intimations of the title aren’t just lip service. Franken originally envisioned the music as an homage to the muzak strains common to “shopping malls, hotels, elevators, department stores, and airports.” Much of it sounds far better aligned with the kinetic cop and detective pot-boilers that populated television and cinema of the decade.
 Brian Groder Trio – Luminous Arcs (Latham)
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Keeping a working improvising ensemble together is no minor accomplishment, yet Groder’s been able to maintain one in his name with bassist Michael Bisio and drummer Jay Rosen. This disc joins two previous albums in demonstrating both the depth of the musicians’ bonds and their shared zeal in exploring and capitalizing on them. Any novelty surrounding the particulars of a trumpet-led piano-less trio is fortunately long since lapsed. The precedence allows them to marshal their attention to shaping music that is simultaneously the sum and multiplication of the substantial parts.
 V/A — Pakistan: Folk and Pop Instrumentals 1966-1976 (Sublime Frequencies)
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Seattle-based Sublime Frequencies weathered a stretch where the “weirdness” quotient of their audio excavations appeared to outweigh accompanying scholarship and attention to edifying annotations. This scintillating compilation suffers no such skew in the balance of carefully sourced sounds and accompanying copy to shore up the context. Sixties rock, specifically surf, is a through-line in the preponderance of reverb-riddled guitars and buzzing Farfisa organ on many of the tracks, but indigenous melodies and rhythms are also frequent fodder for enthusiastic appropriation. Best of all, there’s a pervasive sense of fun to the sequencing that makes it a handy soundtrack for soirees of all sorts.
 Jaimie Branch — Fly or Die II (International Anthem)
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If her ascendant flight pattern is any indication, death, artistic or otherwise, isn’t even an option for Jaimie Branch. This follow-up to her meteoric (and long overdue) 2017 debut builds organically on previous cosmetic aspects (core quartet, cover art, etc.) while making progressive-pronged politics even more prominent. “Prayer for Amerikkka” doesn’t mince words in proffering a platform of resistance and the musical propellant to keep it confidently airborne. A robust touring schedule and well-earned media attention are only furthering Branch’s designs at getting the sounds into as many ears as possible.
 Sam Rivers
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The Sam Rivers Archive Series is the brainchild of producers Danas Mikailionis and Ed Hazell. A projected eight-volume celebration of the music of the eponymous composer/improviser/educator/doyen curated from a vast trove left in the care of Rivers’ daughter after his passing in 2011, it’s also probably the jazz news that most set my heart aflutter with anticipation this year. The initial pair of entries, Emanation and Zenith, certainly live up to the promise in presenting clean fidelity concerts by a high profile trio with bassist Cecil McBee and drummer Norman Conners (pre-disco) and a workshop quintet involving tubaist Joe Daley, bassist Dave Holland and the eight-limbed drums juggernaut of Barry Altschul and Charlie Persip. Both discs are essential.
 Jimi Hendrix — Songs for Groovy Children (Experience Hendrix)
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Not a long-lost Hendrix kids’ album despite what the jejune title might suggest. Instead, it’s four nearly complete concerts from the guitar deity’s iconic New Year’s Band of Gypsies engagement at the Fillmore East in 1969/70. Producer Eddie Kramer largely quashes his invasive impulses in mastering the tapes, leaving the only real minuses to manifest in the occasionally extra-loose interplay and Jimi’s decision to indulge Buddy Miles’ mic access to a regrettably arguable fault. Math done, there’s nothing stopping an instant trigger-pull for true believers, even folks who have it all already in bootleg form.
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Fingers remain collectively-crossed that Werner X. Uehlingher will one day decide to write an autobiography of his countless adventures as a stalwart producer of improvised music. Ezz-thetics is just the latest chapter in the future tome’s story arc that started with the founding of the Hat Hut label back in 1974. The new imprint, named after a classic George Russell composition, balances reissue and archival releases with new ones, packing them with branding that memorializes the old while consecrating the new. Discs by Jimmy Giuffre (Graz Live 1961), John Coltrane (Impressions Graz 1962), and Albert Ayler (Quartets 1964 Spirits to Ghosts Revisted) are the marquee name highlights, but the entirety of the imprint’s releases to-date have had their merits.
 Stephen Riley
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The tenorist is no longer my favorite under-forty plier on the instrument simply because he’s aged out of the bracket. Oleo builds on last year’s transparently veiled Sonny Rollins’ tribute Hold ‘Em Joe by adding the sturdy trumpet of Joe Magnarelli to the equation and turning the referential calendar forward to the saxophone colossus’ collaborations with Don Cherry. It’s a beaut from a brisk beginning sortie on “Ornithology” to lengthy slalom on the Ducal “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore.” Tangerine Rhapsody is technically under Dutch drummer Snorre Kirk’s leadership, but it wouldn’t be nearly the album it is absent Riley’s supple and sagacious involvement.
 Milt Buckner & Jo Jones — Buck & Jo (Fremeaux & Associates)
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Curious about what makes an individual improviser tick? Duo contexts are arguably the best aperture to gain edification and insight. Even better than solo or ensemble configurations, the dyad distills things down to solo and dialogue. This four-disc, four-hour-plus collection is a remarkable case in point and surprise that it even exists at all given its vintage let alone its scope. Thank French impresarios the Panassie Brothers who invited ur swing organist and ur swing drummer to indulge themselves with only the gentlest of producer-dictated strictures. The results are fascinating, whimsical, bombastic, and above all, endlessly entertaining. An epitome of intimately undertaken jazz tête-à-tête before it was anything resembling a regular thing.
 Del Shannon — Two Silhouettes (Bear Family)
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Preconceptions can prove obdurate edifices. Prior to my forty-eighth birthday this year I dismissed Del Shannon as one of the disposable princes of bubble gum pop on the rare occasions he entered my consciousness at all. “Runaway” remains an influential song, particularly in its use of musitron organ, but it’s hardly the makings of unassailable genius. Bear Family’s exhaustive single-disc survey levies a much more convincing appeal for the crooner’s embodiment of a nexus of odd congruencies as moonlighting jazzmen conspire with duck-tailed rockers and barbershop harmonists. Dennis Coffey and Hargus “Pig” Robbins show up as sidemen and there’s even an S&M-tinged canticle called “Torture” replete with whip cracks and a Greek chorus of moans, leaving one to wonder what Ward and June Cleaver made of it all?
 Sun Ra
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Cosmic Myth and Modern Harmonic continue to advance the mantle apparently abandoned by the Art Yard label in keeping Ra-related albums in circulation. The erstwhile Mr. Mystery employed numerous vocalists throughout his career, even contributing his own less-than-stellar (pun intended) pipes to the cause on occasion. None among that eclectic number could match June Tyson, who brought joie de vivre to the lyrical manifestations of Ra’s cosmic-afro-centrism that was at once wholly believable and infectious. Saturnian Queen of the Sun Ra Arkestra does right by her memory by culling an hour’s worth of highlights from a vast and varied recorded archive. Monorails & Satellites (now in three volumes!) and newly minted editions of Pathways to Unknown Worlds and When Angels Speak of Love were also welcome arrivals.
 Derek Bailey/Han Bennink/Evan Parker — Topographie Parisienne: Dunois, April 3rd, 1981 (Fou)
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The Topography of the Lungs trio in concert and at length with decent sound eleven-years after their initial seismic contributions to free improv. Bailey and Parker weren’t yet at irreconcilable loggerheads but there’s still a galvanizing and palpable tension that suffuses their interplay. Bennink can’t help being anything but Bennink, bashing away one moment and pattering at barely a whisper the next while keeping ears cocked with split-second focus to the contributions his compatriots. Duos combine with solos from Parker sweeten and season an already delicious aural pot.
 Fred Anderson Quartet — Live at the Velvet Lounge Volume V (FPE)
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Leftfield guest Toshinori Kondo and drummer Hamid Drake were one half of Peter Brötzmann’s Die Like a Dog outfit when this 1994 concert was committed to tape. That take-no-prisoners context allowed his plangent, frenetic, effects-saturated brass free and ferocious rein. Anderson’s outlets didn’t usually involve electronics and its instructive hearing the adaptations to the roiling controlled-chaos within his customary cerulean-hued improvisations. Drake and bassist Tastu Aoki maintain a stout terrestrial tether enlivened by a revolving array of undulating grooves. Extra points earned for incorporating the original Velvet Lounge wallpaper scheme into the production design. Bottom line: I miss Fred.
 V/A — Hillbillies in Hell: Tribulations: Country Music’s Tormented Testament (1952-1974) (The Omni Recording Corporation)
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Amusing alliterative appellation aside, this series has managed the no-meager-feat of avoiding diminishing returns while mining the same expanse of time over successive volumes. The fifth entry tilts the lens even more sharply toward the sort of fervent tent show revival circuit favored by fictional religious reprobates like Rev. Harry Powell and Elmer Gantry and comes up with a bonanza off-kilter cuts from names both famous (Hank Williams, Louvin Bros., Tex Ritter) and arcane (The Burton Family, Durwood Daily, The Sunshine Boys Quartet). Ernest Tubb’s “Saturday Satan, Sunday Saint” persuasively sums up the ecumenical ethos, but every song exudes its share of sinful charms.
  V/A — Sacred Sounds: Dave Hamilton’s Raw Detroit Gospel (Ace)
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As a both prolific and preternaturally talented producer, Dave Hamilton’s usual purview was left-of-center soul and funk. Urban (but not urbane) gospel offered a less-publicized commercial side outlet and he brought comparable emphasis on authenticity and creativity to the various acts he championed. This compilation comprises all-killer-no-filler assemblage that lives up to the unvarnished signifier in the title. It’s nearly eighty-minutes of jangly guitars, tambourines, and impassioned sanctifying and proselytizing of all sorts, as suited for Sunday morning as Friday or Saturday night depending on the preferred mood of your personal household. I’ve enjoyed equal fun plying it in both.
 Art Pepper — Promise Kept
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Laurie Pepper, like Sue Mingus and other jazz widows before her, remains a passionate arbiter and steward of her late husband’s recorded legacy. The title of this box set collecting a singular tributary of Art Pepper’s later career aspirations could just as easily serve as a signifier of that bond. In truth, it’s reflective of a pact the couple made with producer John Snyder and a string of studio sessions largely left unissued during the Pepper’s lifetime. Rivalries real and imagined are revealed across the recordings as the altoist wrestles with his insecurities and the realities of choices made and paid for as a consequence of his addictions and fictions. Straightforward and vital, the music avoids gestalt in remaining consistently strong and emotionally true.
 Paul Bley/Gary Peacock/Paul Motian — When Will the Blues Leave (ECM)
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The prevailing mystery behind this twenty-year-old concert rests on the reason(s) why the fine folks at ECM left it in the can for so long. I don’t have an answer but rather a simple expression of gratitude that they finally decided to rectify the error and get the sounds out into the world. Bley, Peacock and Motian were already three-decades deep in the periodic associations that quietly helped open chamber jazz to free improvisation when they took to the Swiss stage. The ensuing masterful performance manages to feel simultaneously like three old friends shooting the shit and a trio of improvisatory experts operating at peak collective capacity.
 Prince — 1999 (Warner)
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Residency in the Twin Cities for the better part of two decades has resulted in many boons, personal and vocational for this writer. As with any life lived, the red side of the ledger has entries, too. Folded among them is the frictional, frayed listening relationship I harbor with the region’s most famous musical export. Nearly three years after his premature passing Prince is still everywhere and everything here. That perpetual, and perpetually irksome, ubiquity is what makes this five-disc+DVD beyond-exhaustive box so refreshing to my patience-tested purview. It contains lots of impressive material from arguably his most creative and questing period. It also has plenty of songs that feel competent but quotidian by comparison. That blend of bliss and banality is as effective a corrective as I can think of to the cult of purple sainthood that persists around these parts.  
 And as is my habitual wont, 25 more in no hierarchical order… thank you for reading and Feliz Año Nuevo!  
Josh Abrams Natural Information Society (Eremite)
Michael Formanek’s Very Practical Trio – Even Better (Intakt)
Charles Gayle/John Edwards/Mark Sanders – Seasons Changing (Otokroku)
Dudu Pukwana/Han Bennink/Misha Mengelberg – Yi Yole (ICP/Corbett vs. Dempsey)
Nat King Cole – Hittin’ the Ramp: The Early Years (1936-1945) (Resonance)
Willem Breuker & Han Bennink – New Acoustic Swing Duo (ICP/Corbett vs. Dempsey)
Whit Dickey & Kirk Knuffke – Drone Dream (No Business)
Mark Turner & Gary Foster – Mark Turner Meets Gary Foster (Capri)
J.C. Heard & Bill Perkins Quintet – Live at the Lighthouse 1964 (Fresh Sound)
Stan Getz – Getz at the Gate: November 26, 1961 (Verve)
Rita Moss - Queen Moss 1951-1959 (Fresh Sound)
Bill Frisell & Thomas Morgan – Epistrophy (ECM)
Marion Brown & Dave Burrell – Live at the Black Musicians’ Conference, 1981 (No Business)
Jon Irabagon – Invisible Horizon (Irrabagast)
Tom Rainey Trio – Combobulated (Intakt)
Joe Lovano & Enrico Rava Quintet – Roma (ECM)
Tomeka Reid Quartet – Old New (Cuneiform)
Johnny Griffin & Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis – Ow: Live at the Penthouse (Reel to Reel)
Takahashi Miyasaka – Animals Garden (Kojima/BBE)
Tiger Trio (Joelle Leandre/Myra Melford/Nicole Mitchell) – Map of Liberation (Rogue Art)
V/A – Jambu: E Os Miticos Sons da Amazonia (Analog Africa)
V/A – Put the Whole Armour On: Female Black Gospel 1940s/1950s (Gospel Friend)
V/A –Alefa Madagascar: Salegy, Soukous, & Soul from the Red Island (Strut)
Horace Tapscott with the Pan Afrikan Peoples Arkestra and the Great Voice of UGMAA - Why Don’t You Listen? Live at LACMA 1998 (Dark Tree)
Duster – Capsule Losing Contact (Numero)
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watchilove · 2 years
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“AMG is reinventing itself. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there has been an amazing feeling of new beginnings here in Affalterbach for quite some time now. The course has been well and truly set for an electrified future, and we’ve set the bar high. That’s because our customers expect something very special from all-electric cars. We have already well and truly proven our expertise in this regard with the SLS AMG Electric Drive, our own E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology and the first Mercedes-EQ derivatives. With this study, we are now offering a first glimpse of how we are transferring the AMG DNA into the all‑electric future, starting in 2025. Gorden and his team are pointing the way from a visual perspective with this extraordinary design. At AMG, we have always stood for that extra shot of emotion, driving fun, handling, ingenious aerodynamic features and other innovative solutions. And that’s what we continue to stand for with our first BEV developed entirely in Affalterbach. We’re developing everything from scratch, from the dedicated AMG.EA platform to the revolutionary drivetrain technology with which we will take performance electric mobility to a whole new level,” says Philipp Schiemer, CEO of Mercedes-AMG GmbH. “The Vision AMG shows in spectacular style what electrification could look like at Mercedes-AMG, while staying true to the brand aesthetic. The study’s extreme proportions create fascination and passion for performance – that’s what AMG is all about. The Vision AMG is an impressive embodiment of the brand’s dual polarity – the interplay of beauty and the extraordinary. At the same time, elements from the future, such as the light signatures with the illuminated high-tech grille, underscore the progressive evolution of our design language of Sensual Purity,” says Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “With its contrasting modern surfacing and radical proportions, this car showcases the next design step, building on the VISION EQXX and moving further towards performance luxury. The seamless flow of beautifully formed surfaces and the monolithic sculpture complete the powerful aesthetic of the Vision AMG. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd2g8HUs79S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cooperhewitt · 6 years
Industrialization and Jewelry, Influences of the Machine
This very modern looking gold brooch dates to the 1870s. Its geometric form is comprised of cylindrical elements and tiny rivet-like bosses (round knobs, studs, or other protuberances). The symmetrical structure features a central shaft with two sets of ten small cylinders bundled around the center. Encircling these is a large beaded band at the center. Conical terminals are situated at each end of the central shaft with small beaded bands just inside. Together these elements give the impression of turbine parts or industrial machines, suggesting that mechanical designs and developments of the Second Industrial Revolution (about 1870 to 1914) filtered down to the world of jewelry design and through that, to the individual consumer.
The first Industrial Revolution, which occurred between 1760 and 1840, was a period of transformation evidenced by the evolution of new manufacturing processes, and the accompanying changes in production methods, especially as related to iron production, chemical manufacturing, and most importantly the increasing use of steam power, the development of machine tools and the rise of the factory system. The Second Industrial Revolution, followed this after an interval of about thirty years. This iteration was a period of rapid progress, primarily in Britain, Germany and the United States. Building on earlier mechanization, the Second Industrial Revolution greatly increased the use of steam power, focused on the development of the railroad systems, increased mass production of goods and greater large-scale production of iron and steel, as well as wide-spread use of manufacturing machinery, and the beginning of electrification. Looking at this brooch it is easy to envision the pistons and drive shafts of early engines.
The aesthetic of these Victorian age innovations remains pertinent in the 21st century, particularly to Steampunk culture, a subgenre of science fiction or fantasy that incorporates modern technology that is re-interpreted as 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Steampunk is often set in an alternative interpretation of the 19th-century’s British Victorian era or the American “Wild West,” in a future which has maintained mainstream usage of steam power. Recognizable within the Steampunk world are inventions as people in the 19th century would have envisioned them. This aesthetic also influences fashion, culture, and art. Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines but tends to blend modern styles with garments from the Victorian era.
An accessory like this brooch would be equally at home on the bodice of a 19th-century Victorian lady or that of a 21st-century Steampunk devotee. The machine-inspired aesthetic appealed to a Victorian woman who sought out the new or modern. In keeping with the allure of the mechanical, the brooch has transcended time and is relevant to the modern woman involved in the altered universe of Steampunk.
  Susan Teichman is a design historian specializing in the history of jewelry and synagogue architecture.
from Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum https://ift.tt/2KQj444 via IFTTT
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