#Electrification projects in challenging terrains
avnnetwork · 3 months
Empowering Connectivity: Exploring Power Line Traverses for Enhanced Infrastructure
In today's interconnected world, the reliability and efficiency of infrastructure play a crucial role in driving economic growth and societal development. Among the critical components of infrastructure, power lines stand out as lifelines, delivering electricity to communities and industries alike. However, beyond their primary function of electricity transmission, power line traverses offer untapped potential for enhancing infrastructure in diverse ways.
Power line traverses refer to the paths that overhead power lines take across landscapes, spanning vast distances and often traversing challenging terrains. These traverses serve as conduits for electricity, enabling its efficient transmission from power plants to end-users. Yet, their significance extends beyond mere energy delivery. The strategic placement and construction of power line traverses can significantly influence the development and connectivity of regions, fostering economic activity and improving the quality of life for residents. Visit https://www.zavodsz.ru/catalog/metallokonstrukczii-dlya-energetiki/traversy/ where you can check траверсы ЛЭП.
One of the key benefits of power line traverses lies in their potential to support the expansion of telecommunications networks. In remote or underserved areas where traditional infrastructure is lacking, power line traverses can serve as ideal pathways for laying fiber optic cables. By leveraging existing infrastructure, such as power poles and towers, telecom companies can extend their network reach at a fraction of the cost compared to ground-level installations. This synergy between power line traverses and telecommunications not only facilitates greater connectivity but also opens up opportunities for digital inclusion and economic development in previously marginalized regions.
Moreover, power line traverses offer opportunities for the integration of renewable energy systems, contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape. By co-locating solar panels or wind turbines along power line routes, renewable energy developers can capitalize on existing infrastructure to streamline project implementation. This approach minimizes the need for additional land acquisition and reduces environmental impact, making renewable energy deployment more feasible and cost-effective. Additionally, coupling renewable energy generation with power line traverses enhances grid resilience and facilitates the integration of intermittent energy sources into the broader electricity network.
The inherent versatility of power line traverses also makes them conducive to supporting various transportation initiatives. In urban environments, these traverses can accommodate the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, promoting the adoption of clean transportation options. Along highway corridors, power line rights-of-way can be repurposed for the development of electric vehicle charging corridors, providing motorists with convenient access to charging infrastructure during their journeys. By leveraging power line traverses for transportation electrification, stakeholders can accelerate the transition towards sustainable mobility and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Furthermore, the deployment of advanced technologies, such as drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), can enhance the monitoring and maintenance of power line traverses. Equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors, drones can conduct aerial inspections of power lines, identifying potential faults or vegetation encroachments with greater precision and efficiency than traditional methods. This proactive approach to maintenance not only improves the reliability of electricity transmission but also enhances worker safety by minimizing the need for manual inspections in hazardous environments. Additionally, UAVs can be employed for emergency response purposes, swiftly assessing damage to power line traverses in the aftermath of natural disasters or severe weather events, thereby expediting restoration efforts and mitigating downtime.
In conclusion, power line traverses represent more than just conduits for electricity transmission; they embody opportunities for innovation and collaboration across various sectors. From expanding telecommunications networks to integrating renewable energy systems and supporting transportation electrification, power line traverses play a pivotal role in enhancing infrastructure and fostering sustainable development. By leveraging the inherent synergies and versatility of power line traverses, stakeholders can unlock new pathways towards a more connected, resilient, and sustainable future.
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anikaarickshaw · 8 months
Anikaa EV : The Role of E-Rickshaws in Rural Electrification
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As the world grapples with the pressing need for sustainable and eco-friendly transportation solutions, E-rickshaws have emerged as a game-changer, particularly in rural areas. Anikaa EV, a pioneering company, is at the forefront of this revolution with its innovative electric rickshaws, contributing significantly to rural electrification through the adoption of E-mobility.
Anikaa EV: Driving the Change
Anikaa EV is a forward-thinking enterprise that has made a name for itself in the field of electric rickshaws. Founded with a vision to provide clean, affordable, and efficient transportation solutions, Anikaa EV has taken the E-mobility sector by storm. With a wide range of E-rickshaws designed for different purposes, they have effectively addressed the rural electrification challenge in India and beyond.
E-Rickshaws: Bridging the Rural Electrification Gap
In many rural areas, a lack of reliable transportation infrastructure and access to electricity has been a major hindrance to development. E-rickshaws are filling this gap by providing a means of transportation while promoting electrification in rural communities. Anikaa EV's E-rickshaws play a pivotal role in this transformation.
1. Environmentally Friendly E-mobility
Anikaa EV's electric rickshaws are powered by clean and sustainable electric energy, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in rural areas. The shift from conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles to E-rickshaws is a significant step towards achieving a sustainable and eco-friendly mode of transportation.
2. Accessibility to Remote Areas
Many remote villages have limited access to public transportation due to the lack of proper road infrastructure. Anikaa E-rickshaws are specially designed to navigate challenging terrains, ensuring that even the most isolated communities can enjoy reliable transportation services.
3. Generating Employment Opportunities
The deployment of E-rickshaws in rural areas not only enhances mobility but also creates job opportunities for local residents. Anikaa EV's E-rickshaws are easy to operate and maintain, making it possible for individuals in rural areas to become E-rickshaw drivers and improve their livelihoods.
4. Promoting Sustainable Electrification
Anikaa EV's E-rickshaws are equipped with advanced battery technology that can be charged from renewable energy sources, such as solar power. This innovative approach contributes to rural electrification, as E-rickshaw owners and operators often become micro-entrepreneurs generating income while supporting local electrification initiatives.
Challenges and Solutions
While the role of E-rickshaws in rural electrification is undeniable, some challenges need to be addressed. Anikaa EV, as a leader in the field, is actively working to provide solutions to these challenges.
1. Battery Technology
Battery technology is a critical component of E-rickshaws. Anikaa EV is continuously researching and developing advanced battery solutions to extend the range and lifespan of their electric rickshaws. This innovation not only benefits E-rickshaw owners but also ensures a consistent power supply for rural electrification projects.
2. Charging Infrastructure
Access to charging infrastructure remains a concern, especially in remote areas. Anikaa EV is actively collaborating with local governments and organizations to establish a network of charging stations, making it easier for E-rickshaw owners to recharge their vehicles conveniently.
3. Education and Training
To ensure the smooth adoption of E-rickshaws, Anikaa EV is providing training and support to E-rickshaw drivers and operators. This empowers local communities to take full advantage of the opportunities that E-mobility brings.
The Future of Rural Electrification and E-Mobility
As rural electrification becomes a global imperative, the role of E-rickshaws, particularly those offered by Anikaa EV, is poised to grow exponentially. The synergy between E-mobility and rural electrification not only addresses transportation needs but also supports sustainable development and economic growth in rural communities.
Anikaa EV efforts to lead the way in this sector will pave the path for other companies to follow suit, driving forward the vision of a cleaner, greener, and more connected rural world.
The convergence of rural electrification and E-mobility is a transformative force that is reshaping rural landscapes. Anikaa EV, with its innovative electric rickshaws, is playing a pivotal role in this revolution. By providing eco-friendly transportation, generating employment opportunities, and supporting local electrification initiatives, Anikaa EV's E-rickshaws are proving to be a driving force for change in rural areas.
As rural electrification takes center stage in global development agendas, Anikaa EV's commitment to pioneering E-mobility in rural areas showcases a sustainable and forward-thinking approach that is setting a new benchmark for the future. The road ahead is electrifying, and Anikaa EV is leading the way.
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greenthestral · 10 months
Breaking Barriers: The Challenge of Electrification in Remote Areas
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In today's rapidly evolving world, the importance of electrification cannot be overstated. Access to electricity is a cornerstone of modern living, enabling progress in education, healthcare, communication, and economic development. Over the past few decades, remarkable strides have been made in electrification efforts, but there remains a significant challenge in reaching the hardest-to-reach areas. This article explores the obstacles hindering impressive progress in electrification and sheds light on the efforts being made to overcome these challenges.
The Significance of Electrification
Electrification is a critical component of building sustainable and inclusive societies. It enhances the quality of life for people in both urban and rural areas, enabling them to access vital services and technologies. Electricity facilitates the functioning of schools, hospitals, industries, and communication networks, empowering communities to thrive and participate in the global economy. However, despite its transformative power, millions of people around the world still lack access to electricity.
The Impressive Progress
In recent years, electrification efforts have achieved remarkable progress. Governments, non-profit organizations, and private companies have collaborated to expand electricity access to remote and underserved regions. The adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, has played a significant role in bringing electricity to areas with limited infrastructure. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovative micro-grid systems have made it possible to overcome geographical barriers and provide energy solutions to previously inaccessible locations.
Challenges in Reaching the Hardest-to-Reach
While impressive progress has been made, electrification in remote areas faces formidable challenges. Some of the key obstacles include:
Geographical Barriers: Many remote regions are situated in rugged terrains, such as mountains, forests, or deserts. Building and maintaining traditional power infrastructure in these areas can be prohibitively expensive and logistically challenging.
Lack of Infrastructure: Remote regions often lack basic infrastructure like roads and transportation networks, making it difficult to transport materials and equipment needed for electrification projects.
Affordability: In impoverished regions, the cost of setting up and maintaining electricity infrastructure can be a burden for both the communities and the providers.
Political and Social Instability: In certain areas, political conflicts and social unrest can hinder progress in electrification efforts, discouraging potential investors and disrupt ongoing projects.
Environmental Concerns: Balancing the need for electrification with environmental conservation is crucial. Some remote areas are ecologically sensitive, and care must be taken to ensure sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions.
Solutions and Initiatives
Despite the challenges, numerous initiatives are actively working to bring electricity to the hardest-to-reach regions. These efforts include:
Off-Grid and Micro-Grid Systems: Off-grid solar systems and micro-grids provide localized and decentralized energy solutions, bypassing the need for extensive infrastructure. They can be tailored to suit the specific energy demands of a community.
Mobile Technology: Mobile technology has become a powerful tool in facilitating electrification. Mobile payment platforms and smart grids help manage energy distribution efficiently.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations between governments, non-governmental organizations, and private companies have proven effective in pooling resources and expertise to tackle electrification challenges.
Miniaturized Technologies: Technological advancements have led to the creation of compact and efficient energy solutions, such as portable solar panels and mini wind turbines, making them suitable for deployment in remote areas.
Community Engagement: Empowering local communities to take ownership of electrification projects fosters a sense of responsibility and sustainability.
Impressive progress in electrification has undoubtedly improved the lives of millions, but there is still much work to be done to reach those hardest-to-reach areas. The challenge of electrifying remote regions requires innovative solutions, collaborative efforts, and a commitment to sustainable development. As technology continues to advance and awareness grows, there is hope that the barriers hindering electrification will gradually crumble, lighting up the lives of those who have remained in the dark for far too long. It is essential for governments, organizations, and individuals to come together and invest in electrification as a means of driving positive change, fostering economic growth, and leaving no one behind in the pursuit of a brighter and sustainable future.
What's In It For Me? (WIIFM)
Are you curious about the state of electrification in remote areas and the challenges hindering its progress? Discover how impressive efforts to bring electricity to the hardest-to-reach regions impact global development, the environment, and the lives of millions. Learn about innovative solutions and initiatives that can transform the future of those in need, while contributing to a sustainable and inclusive world.
Join the Movement: Let's Light Up Lives Together!
Be a part of the electrification revolution! Help us overcome the challenges of reaching remote areas with electricity. Share this article to spread awareness and inspire others to support electrification efforts. Together, we can make a difference and empower communities worldwide. Click here to learn more about how you can get involved and contribute to this meaningful cause.
Blog Excerpt
The quest for electrification in remote and underserved areas has seen impressive strides, yet it faces significant challenges that slow its progress. Access to electricity is pivotal in shaping modern living, but millions of people still lack this essential resource. This article delves into the obstacles hindering electrification, including geographical barriers, lack of infrastructure, and affordability issues. We explore the solutions and initiatives driving change, such as off-grid and micro-grid systems, mobile technology, and community engagement. By addressing these challenges head-on, we can create a brighter and sustainable future for all.
Meta Description (320 characters)
Discover the challenges impeding impressive progress in electrification efforts to reach remote areas. Explore innovative solutions and initiatives, empowering communities and transforming lives worldwide.
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Military Truck Market Projected To Witness Vigorous Expansion By 2027
The report "Military Truck Market by Application (Cargo/logistics, Troop, Utility), Axle (4x4, 6x6, 8x8), propulsion (Electric, Gasoline, Diesel), Truck (Light, Medium, Heavy), Transmission (Automatic, Semi-Automatic, Manual), and Region - Global Forecast to 2027" The global military truck market is projected to grow from 15,677 units in 2019 to 20,171 units by 2027, at a CAGR of 3.2%. The growth of the military truck market is driven by the rising number of army manpower, continuous increase in the defense budget, government focus on securing cross borders, and procurement of military equipment.
Cargo/logistics is expected to be the largest segment of the market
The cargo/logistics segment is expected to be the largest market during the forecast period. Military cargo/logistic trucks are designed for all heavy terrains. The advantage of these trucks is efficiency in the off-road environment.
Cargo box storage area of military trucks depends on the demand of axle configurations and manufacturer standards. For instance, M813A1 6x6 5-ton military cargo truck manufactured by AM General has a cargo bed of 14 feet long with fold down sides for easy loading and unloading, M985 Oshkosh HEMTT cargo truck is 16.5 feet long, M927 6X6 cargo truck by Oshkosh is 20 feet long. These trucks have a powerful drivetrain, advanced suspension systems, and anti-lock braking systems that allow them to travel over even the most challenging terrains which increases the overall demand for these trucks for military applications.
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4x4 axle configuration is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the military truck market  
4x4 wheeled military trucks include armored jeeps, LCVs, and other small heavy tactical vehicles. These chassis are designed for heavy terrain. They can carry 4 to 8 personnel at a time. 4x4 military trucks are best suited for logistic and administrative support under tough terrain conditions. These have superior driveability in difficult terrain, heavy armored protection on top of the chassis, and low life-cycle costs.
Also, reliability and efficiency in the off-road environment is an advantage given by 4x4 chassis military trucks. 4x4 trucks in defense are mostly preferred for logistic and administrative support. These are in demand also due to the superior driveability in difficult terrain and low life cycle cost.
North America is expected to be the fastest-growing market during the forecast period
The North America region is the fastest-growing market for military trucks. The increased investments in North America for the development of advanced military trucks are also fuelling the growth of the market in the region.
The US is considered as one of the most lucrative markets for military trucks as it has always been the prime focus of all major companies to start their businesses. The country is determined to renovate its defense trucks into advanced feature to support army strengthening. For instance, cargo/logistics carrier trucks are projected to increase in the US due to occurrence of army contracts recently. For instance, Oshkosh Defense LLC received a contract of worth 23.5 USD million to recapitalize U.S. Army trucks in 2019 as per the Defense Department of the US.
The growth of the market in Canada can be attributed to the military modernization programs being carried out in the country. For example, the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada on behalf of the Department of National Defense selected Mack Defense to deliver 1,500 8x8 trucks to the country’s army.
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Key Market Players:
The global military truck market is dominated by major players such as Oshkosh Corporation (US), Rheinmetall AG (Germany), IVECO S.p.A., (Italy), TATRA TRUCKS A.S., (Czech Republic), Arquus (France), Textron Inc., (US), General Dynamics (US), and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan), and many others. These companies have strong distribution networks at a global level. Besides, these companies offer a wide range of military trucks in the market. The key strategies adopted by these companies to sustain their market position are new product developments, collaborations, and contracts & agreements.
Critical Questions:
How will customization of truck impact the growth of     military truck?
What is the impact of electrification on the market?
What are the upcoming trends in the military truck     market? What impact would they make post-2022?
What are the key strategies adopted by the top     players to increase their revenue?
How will the change of transmission impact the growth     of military truck?
To speak to our analyst for a discussion on the above findings, click Speak to Analyst
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top-market-research · 4 years
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The Global Drive by Wire Market report, published by Reports and Data unravels a wide spectrum of significant factors impacting the performance of the sector. It uses the historical analysis of the market from 2017 to 2018 to provide the reader with an accurate understanding of the current market scenario and offer concise market estimations for the forecast period of 2019 to 2027. The latest market intelligence report extensively studies the ongoing growth trends, emerging market segments, and growth prospects over the projected timeframe. It further sheds light on the ever-changing patterns, dominant facets, and infrastructural properties.
The report lists down some critically important parameters that help the market bolster its global foothold and contribute substantially to future revenue generation. Additionally, the report includes specific details related to the Drive by Wire industry, such as product offerings, sales and revenue estimates, leading regions, key market contenders, and technological upgradation.
The latest report is the most recent one offering full coverage of the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on the global Drive by Wire business vertical. The outbreak has extensively affected the global economic landscape. The report examines the current scenario of the ever-evolving business setting and the aftereffects of COVID-19 on the market. The global health crisis has brought massive changes to the market, revolutionizing the global economic scenario. Besides drastically affecting the Drive by Wire Market, the pandemic has led to severe disruptions to supply chains and caused volatility in prices and demands. However, the market is expected to regain momentum in a post-COVID-19 scenario, according to our market analysts. Further, experts assessed the essential facts and figures relevant to this market using several industry-wide prominent analytical tools, such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/2451
Competitive Terrain:
A precise summary of the intensely competitive landscape of the global Drive by Wire Market has been included in the latest report, with the systematic listing of the company profiles of the leading market players. This section of the report studies the strategic initiatives undertaken by these market rivals for business expansion. In addition, it highlights the key developments and financial positions of these companies to explain the overall market scenario. The company profiles of both established and new players have been assessed using effective analytical tools like SWOT analysis.
The following are the leading market players:
Robert Bosch Gmbh (Germany), Nexteer (U.S.), Continental AG (Germany), ZF (Germany), CTS (U.S.), Ficosa (Spain),  Kongsberg (Switzerland), Hitachi Automotive (Japan), Curtiss-wright (U.S.), and Infeneon (Germany).
Regional Overview:
The latest research report entails an in-depth analysis of the current growth opportunities for various regions of the Drive by Wire Market, gauging their revenue share over the forecast timeline. Furthermore, the report analyzes the year-on-year growth rate of these regions over the forecast duration. The leading geographic regions encompassed in the report include:
·         North America
·         Europe
·         Asia Pacific
·         Latin America
·         Middle East & Africa
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Other significant market segments highlighted in the report are:
Product Type Outlook:
Brake pedal sensor
Hand wheel angle sensor
Gear shift position sensor
Pinion angle sensor
Park sensor
Throttle Pedal sensor
Throttle position sensor
Application Outlook:
Brake by wire
Park by wire
Shift by wire
Steer by wire
Throttle by wire
The report considers the following timeline for market estimations:
·         Historical Years: 2017-2018
·         Base Year: 2019
·         Estimated Year: 2027
·         Forecast Period: 2020-2027
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/drive-by-wire-market
Highlights of the TOC:
1.      Global Drive by Wire Market Report Overview: Research Scope Key Drive by Wire Market  segments Major players Market analysis by product Market analysis by application Report timeline
2.      Global Growth Trends Global Drive by Wire Market size Latest trends of the Drive by Wire Market  by region Key growth trends
3.      Global Drive by Wire Market by Product Global Drive by Wire  Sales by Product Global Drive by Wire  by Product Revenue
Key takeaways of the Global Drive by Wire Market report:
·         The report enumerates the most vital market drivers, restraints, opportunities, threats, and challenges.
·         The report reviews the regulatory framework for creating new opportunities in various regions of the market and focuses on the new revenue streams for the players in the emerging markets.
·         It elaborates on the new, promising arenas in the leading market regions.
·         The report studies the recent research & development projects, along with the technological innovations in the key regional segments.
·         The report highlights the potentially market-disrupting technological advancements and business models that are poised to take the market to an all-new level of growth.
·         It offers details in the rising revenue share and size of the leading product segments of the market during the forecast period.
Key queries addressed in the report are as follows:
·         Which product segments have witnessed new, profitable application areas over recent years?
·         Which business models are projected to fast-track the expansion of the key regional markets over the forecast timeframe?
·         Which strategic initiatives adopted by the market rivals are expected to fortify their already established presence in the Automotive Lubricants industry?
·         Which technologies prevailing in the market are expected to witness the highest research investments in the near future?
·         What will be the significant sources of funding for start-ups and new entrants in the industry?
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
U.S. transit agencies cautious on electric buses despite bold forecasts
An electric bus sits under a charging station in Pomona, California U.S. November 16, 2017. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
December 12, 2017
By Nichola Groom
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Communities across the United States are looking to replace their dirty diesel buses, ushering in what some analysts predict will be a boom in electric fleets.
But transit agencies doing the buying are moving cautiously, an analysis by Reuters shows. Out of more than 65,000 public buses plying U.S. roads today, just 300 are electric. Among the challenges: EVs are expensive, have limited range and are unproven on a mass scale.
A typical 40-foot electric bus costs around $750,000, compared with about $435,000 for a diesel bus. Cheaper fuel and maintenance expenses can lower the overall costs over the 12-year life of the vehicles. But those costs can widely depending on utility rates, terrain and weather.
The technology is still a gamble for many cities at a time when bus ridership is falling nationwide and officials are trying to keep a lid on fares, says Chris Stoddart, an executive at Canadian bus maker New Flyer Industries Inc. A top supplier of conventional buses to the U.S. market, the company has just a handful of pure battery electrics in service.
“People worry about being an early adopter. Remember 20 years ago someone paid $20,000 for a plasma TV and then 10 years later it was $900 at Best Buy,” said Stoddart, senior vice president of engineering and customer service for New Flyer. “People just don’t want a science project.”
Rival electric bus manufacturers expect dramatic growth; the most ambitious forecasts call for all bus purchases to be electric by 2030.
But even green-energy advocates are skeptical of such rosy predictions. CALSTART, a California-based nonprofit that promotes clean transportation, figures 50 percent to 60 percent of new buses will be zero emissions by 2030. Market research firm Navigant Research expects electric buses to make up 27 percent of new U.S. bus sales by 2027.
Transit agencies have found EV performance lags in extreme conditions. In environmentally friendly San Francisco, officials have resisted electrics over concerns about the city’s famously steep hills. “The technology isn’t quite there yet,” Erica Kato, a spokeswoman for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, said in a statement.
Weather is also a major challenge.
An electric bus tested last year near Phoenix wilted in the summer heat due to the strains of running the air conditioning. The vehicle never achieved more than 89.9 miles on a charge, less than two-thirds of its advertised range, according to a report by the Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority.
In Massachusetts, two agencies running small numbers of electric buses – the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority in Springfield and Worcester’s Regional Transit Authority – say the vehicles weaken in extreme cold and snow. They have no plans to acquire additional EVs, officials at those agencies said.
Even places with successful pilots have downplayed expectations. Seattle’s King County Metro transit agency soon will be operating more than a dozen vehicles by three manufacturers, according to Pete Melin, director of zero emission fleet technologies. The agency likes what it has seen so far.
Still, Melin said, high electricity rates from the local utility at peak demand periods are a concern. And the lack of a uniform charging system among bus makers has complicated Seattle’s goal of running an all-electric fleet by 2034.
“We have caveats to becoming zero emissions,” Melin said in an interview.
Another worry is government funding. Federal money for bus purchases is about 25 percent lower than it was five years ago, according to Rob Healy, vice president of government affairs for the American Public Transportation Association.
An Obama-era program that sets aside $55 million a year in grants to help transit agencies purchase clean buses will expire in 2020 if not renewed by Congress.
In addition to New Flyer, the fledgling U.S. electric bus industry has two other major players: Chinese automaker BYD, which is backed by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc; and Silicon Valley startup Proterra Inc.
BYD and Proterra began selling electric buses into the U.S. market several years ago, and have 165 and 126 vehicles on the road today, respectively.
Both are ramping up U.S. manufacturing on expectations that EVs will account for nearly all new bus sales in a little over a decade. BYD has a plant in Lancaster, California, while Proterra has manufacturing facilities in City of Industry, California and Greenville, South Carolina.
Buffett paid $230 million for a 10 percent stake in BYD in 2008. Today the company has a market capitalization of $25 billion, thanks mainly to China’s aggressive move to electrify transportation. More than 15 percent of the 608,600 buses in China are pure electric, according to government data. Proterra investors include venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and the venture capital arm of General Motors Co. Proterra, based in Burlingame, California, is planning an initial public offering, but would not give a timeline for the debut.
Chief Executive Ryan Popple said range is improving quickly. The company is currently shipping models with up to 350 miles of range, but new battery technology is expected to boost that by nearly 30 percent.
“We’re starting to outstrip the market requirement in terms of what city buses actually do,” Popple said. “It opens up new markets for us.”
Notably, Proterra’s growth should also lift the fortunes of U.S. wind blade maker TPI Composites Inc, which struck a deal to build up to 3,350 lightweight bus bodies for the EV bus maker over the next five years. Raymond James analyst Pavel Molchanov estimated the deal could account for 12 percent of Scottsdale, Arizona-based TPI’s revenue in 2019.
Winnipeg-based New Flyer, meanwhile, has won some big orders, including a deal to supply up to 100 electric buses to Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Still, company executives view electrification as a gradual transformation.
“It’s going to be a slow, methodical rather than an absolute disruption type environment,” CEO Paul Soubry said on a conference call with analysts last month.
Despite the technology’s limitations, some U.S. transit agencies are hitting the accelerator on their electric conversions. IndyGo, which serves greater Indianapolis, has struck a deal with BYD to purchase 31 electric buses, with the option to add dozens more, in addition to the 21 already in its fleet, according to an IndyGo board of directors meeting report from July. Agency spokesman Bryan Luellen said the EVs have reduced fuel and maintenance costs by up to half compared to conventional buses.
Foothill Transit, in Southern California, has been operating Proterra buses since 2010. It now has 17 in its fleet, with 13 more scheduled to arrive before the end of the year, according to spokeswoman Felicia Friesema.
Still, both agencies acknowledged trade-offs due to the limited range of these vehicles. Foothill has mainly confined its electric buses to a short 16-mile route. The Indianapolis EVs run primarily during the morning and evening rush hours, not all day long like the diesel workhorses that remain the mainstay of the fleet.
Still, IndyGo’s Luellen figures the best is yet to come.
“With battery technology evolving rapidly we think it’s a big opportunity for us to maximize our budget and do more,” he said.
(Reporting by Nichola Groom; Editing by Sue Horton and Marla Dickerson)
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from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/u-s-transit-agencies-cautious-on-electric-buses-despite-bold-forecasts/
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
Audi Prepares Its Lunar Quattro to Make a Giant Leap for Four-Wheeled Kind
On July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind by walking on the moon. It was quite the feat but a small step nonetheless because traversing the surface proved more difficult than predicted. To move around efficiently and effectively, astronauts needed something with four wheels. So NASA and Boeing improvised the development of a collapsible, all-electric two-seater called the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) to accompany astronauts on the final three Apollo launches. In December 1972, the last men on the moon parked one of the three original LRVs and left it some 740 feet from their landing site, where it sits today.
We don’t need roads Astronaut David Scott in the original LRV during the Apollo 15 mission’s visit to the moon in 1971.
How much fun it must’ve been, skipping along at 11 mph on a rock with one-sixth the gravity of our planet—in complete silence. Since the final Apollo mission, however, no human has set foot on the moon, let alone driven on it. We were beginning to lose hope that we’d ever see another vehicle—manned or unmanned—kick up lunar dust. That’s about to change, though, thanks in part to Audi.
The German automaker has teamed up with Berlin-based engineering company Part-Time Scientists (PTS) to send two Lunar Quattro rovers to the moon in 2018. The mission’s goal is to return to the Apollo 17 landing site in the Taurus-Littrow Valley to see what shape the abandoned LRV is in.
“This mission is a great challenge. And to solve this challenge, the most important technical competencies of Audi are needed: lightweight design, electrification, and digit-alization,” says Alexander Schmidt, one of Audi AG’s lead development engineers for the effort. “There is no repair shop that the rover can drive into for a service, so it needs to work without a hitch throughout the whole mission.” PTS first launched the project about eight years ago in an effort to chase down Google’s Lunar XPrize, which offers $20 million to $30 million to the first privately funded team to operate a lunar rover on the moon. But when Audi became a sponsor and engineering partner in 2015, priorities shifted and the prize money was no longer the impetus.
The ALINA —Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module—is PTS’s first private spacecraft.
“The main commercial objective of the mission with Audi is to demonstrate that it’s possible to privately develop technology for space purposes and showcase that you can land them on the moon,” says Robert Böhme, CEO of Part-Time Scientists. “The scientific goal is to analyze Apollo 17 artifacts, specifically the LRV, which has been sitting on the surface of the moon unsheltered for 45 years. It’s actually very interesting be-cause a lot of people want to send long-term infrastructure to the moon—a city on the surface of the moon—and the best way of powering it would be solar power. If the LRV is completely covered in lunar dust, you would need to hire somebody to clean solar panels regularly.”
Even before Audi became part of this 239,000-mile trip to the moon, PTS had developed a landing shuttle dubbed ALINA as well as prototype versions of rovers that are millennia more advanced than the Apollo LRV model, which was more of an afterthought than a deliberate automotive design. “There was an empty pie-shaped cargo volume on the underside of the lunar lander, and someone had the brilliant idea of designing and building a rover that could be folded up and stuffed into that space,” says Peter Visscher, vice president of space, robotics, and defense engineering for Argo, which is working with the Canadian Space Agency to launch lunar rovers of its own. The quickly constructed LRV weighed 462 pounds (or 76 pounds on the moon), could haul several hundred pounds of bagged scientific samples, and could climb and descend grades up to 25 degrees. It wears materials from the ’60s that would never make it on a modern lunar rover, including nylon, plastic, and even duct tape.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9, which will carry the Lunar Quattros to the moon, is fueled by super-chilled liquid oxygen and rocket-grade kerosene.
“Originally we were using standard industrial hard aluminum until Audi introduced us to its 3D-printed aluminum,” says Böhme as he describes the Lunar Quattro rover’s construction. “You’re taking aluminum powder that you can blend with other materials to create your own flavor of material. We created a very special brand of aluminum and started building new structures. Eighty percent of the rover’s parts are now 3D-printed, aluminum-based parts. They worked really, really well in tests and didn’t break at all, which was a really big surprise for us.” Schmidt says Audi engineers were able to make the rovers bigger and stronger but also lighter,” shaving some 25 pounds from the Lunar Quattro’s initial PTS design.
The Lunar Quattro’s lithium-ion batteries are well protected inside the rover, insulated by the swiveling solar panel. It has three cameras: two stereo cameras that acquire 3D images and a third high-resolution camera that generates extremely detailed panoramic images. The only similarity between the Lunar Quattro rovers and the LRV is electric propulsion, necessitated by the fact that combustion engines won’t work on the atmosphere-free moon. PTS turned to Audi for its e-tron electrical expertise and Quattro know-how in order to improve the rover drivetrains, which use small motors mounted in each funky-looking aluminum wheel. Each wheel moves independently of one another—essential when you’re very slowly crossing cratered terrain that has been barraged by meteorites for some 4.5 billion years.
Say hello to one “science fair project” that actually will get the chance to prove what it can do outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
Audi deferred to PTS when it came time to fit the drivetrain with seals to keep out lunar dust, also known as regolith. “It’s 1,000 times finer than the finest grain of sand that you can find here on Earth. And it is very, very sharp,” Böhme says. “When Apollo astronauts took off their suits, they realized that lunar dust had gotten into their air-tight suits. And not just their suits but also under their skin, which really freaked them out. If the regolith gets into our rover’s gear subsystem, the gears will go down in only a few seconds.” PTS uses a specialized seal with specific opening and exit paths, allowing dust to enter one end of the seal before being tumbled around and shooed back out the other end—or at least that’s the hope. Even after testing in a bed filled with simulated regolith, Audi and PTS won’t be unquestionably sure everything will function without fault until the Lunar Quattro rovers reach the moon. “It isn’t practical or even possible to completely reproduce the lunar environment on Earth, so we can only perform limited testing,” Visscher says. It’s an ever-evolving learning experience for both Audi and PTS. Even now, as engineering development winds down and planning for the upcoming launch intensifies, the two companies continue to teach one another.
An original rover unfolds from a landing capsule. The new Lunar Quattro is notably more compact.
For example, PTS explained to Audi the rovers would need a special coating of PSBN, the white, nonconductive silicate paint you’ve seen on just about every spacecraft ever. Although cars on Earth are designed and tested to operate at minus 40 to up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, temperature swings on the moon can be much more severe, with 575-degree fluctuations that occur almost instantaneously. In theory, the rover could heat up to 275 degrees and cool down to minus 180 degrees in just a few seconds. “PSBN has tiny mirrors in it,” Böhme says. “It has a very high UV reflectance, reflecting 95 percent of invisible light, which is important for us because then the sun doesn’t heat the spacecraft up so much. After explaining this to Audi engineers, they actually realized this could be an incredible thing for street cars as well.”
You’re taking aluminum powder that you can blend with other materials to create your own flavor of material. … Eighty percent of the rover’s parts are now 3D-printed, aluminum-based parts.
Even though we love the idea of an RS 7 painted in PSBN, we’re left wondering what real, long-term effects this trip to the moon will have on Audi. What happens after the pair of Lunar Quattro rovers is packed into the detachable nose of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, lifted into orbit around the moon, and directed through a hopefully carefree mission? “In the future we have to think beyond our current frontiers,” Schmidt says.
Could there be some starry-eyed future in which we drive Audis on the moon? “The question really isn’t if these things will happen but when,” Visscher says.“It is very likely we will see multiple robotic vehicles driving on the moon by the mid-2020s and manned vehicles by the mid-2030s. Of course, these will be driven by professionally trained rover operators and astronauts. But there are plans being discussed among international space agencies to develop a lunar village where humans from several countries will live and work, and one of the key elements of this concept will be vehicles. Compared to the LRV, the next generation of manned rovers will be considerably larger. Expect a multiwheeled vehicle that bears some resemblance to an RV and has six or eight wheels, not four. A pressurized cabin will allow the occupants to remove their space suits, and the rover will have to carry life-support systems, radiation protection, and power systems.”
This rendering imagines the scene when the Lunar Quattro rolls up on its predecessor, which might not be nearly as tidy as seen here.
As space travel becomes more routine and entities in both the private and public sectors look to stake their claim on the moon, there will likely be opportunities for tourists to visit Earth’s sole natural satellite. It won’t happen in the next few years, and it would cost a small fortune, but it’s possible that one day you won’t need to be a professional astronaut to stand (or drive) on the surface. Audi’s connection with Part-Time Scientists shows a keen interest in advanced technologies and interstellar exploration. So is it possible the automaker could one day build manned vehicles to be driven on the moon? Perhaps the Lunar Quattro rovers are only one small step for Audi as it looks to take one seriously giant leap.
The post Audi Prepares Its Lunar Quattro to Make a Giant Leap for Four-Wheeled Kind appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2xYG75T via IFTTT
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jesusvasser · 7 years
Audi Prepares Its Lunar Quattro to Make a Giant Leap for Four-Wheeled Kind
On July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind by walking on the moon. It was quite the feat but a small step nonetheless because traversing the surface proved more difficult than predicted. To move around efficiently and effectively, astronauts needed something with four wheels. So NASA and Boeing improvised the development of a collapsible, all-electric two-seater called the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) to accompany astronauts on the final three Apollo launches. In December 1972, the last men on the moon parked one of the three original LRVs and left it some 740 feet from their landing site, where it sits today.
We don’t need roads Astronaut David Scott in the original LRV during the Apollo 15 mission’s visit to the moon in 1971.
How much fun it must’ve been, skipping along at 11 mph on a rock with one-sixth the gravity of our planet—in complete silence. Since the final Apollo mission, however, no human has set foot on the moon, let alone driven on it. We were beginning to lose hope that we’d ever see another vehicle—manned or unmanned—kick up lunar dust. That’s about to change, though, thanks in part to Audi.
The German automaker has teamed up with Berlin-based engineering company Part-Time Scientists (PTS) to send two Lunar Quattro rovers to the moon in 2018. The mission’s goal is to return to the Apollo 17 landing site in the Taurus-Littrow Valley to see what shape the abandoned LRV is in.
“This mission is a great challenge. And to solve this challenge, the most important technical competencies of Audi are needed: lightweight design, electrification, and digit-alization,” says Alexander Schmidt, one of Audi AG’s lead development engineers for the effort. “There is no repair shop that the rover can drive into for a service, so it needs to work without a hitch throughout the whole mission.” PTS first launched the project about eight years ago in an effort to chase down Google’s Lunar XPrize, which offers $20 million to $30 million to the first privately funded team to operate a lunar rover on the moon. But when Audi became a sponsor and engineering partner in 2015, priorities shifted and the prize money was no longer the impetus.
The ALINA —Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module—is PTS’s first private spacecraft.
“The main commercial objective of the mission with Audi is to demonstrate that it’s possible to privately develop technology for space purposes and showcase that you can land them on the moon,” says Robert Böhme, CEO of Part-Time Scientists. “The scientific goal is to analyze Apollo 17 artifacts, specifically the LRV, which has been sitting on the surface of the moon unsheltered for 45 years. It’s actually very interesting be-cause a lot of people want to send long-term infrastructure to the moon—a city on the surface of the moon—and the best way of powering it would be solar power. If the LRV is completely covered in lunar dust, you would need to hire somebody to clean solar panels regularly.”
Even before Audi became part of this 239,000-mile trip to the moon, PTS had developed a landing shuttle dubbed ALINA as well as prototype versions of rovers that are millennia more advanced than the Apollo LRV model, which was more of an afterthought than a deliberate automotive design. “There was an empty pie-shaped cargo volume on the underside of the lunar lander, and someone had the brilliant idea of designing and building a rover that could be folded up and stuffed into that space,” says Peter Visscher, vice president of space, robotics, and defense engineering for Argo, which is working with the Canadian Space Agency to launch lunar rovers of its own. The quickly constructed LRV weighed 462 pounds (or 76 pounds on the moon), could haul several hundred pounds of bagged scientific samples, and could climb and descend grades up to 25 degrees. It wears materials from the ’60s that would never make it on a modern lunar rover, including nylon, plastic, and even duct tape.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9, which will carry the Lunar Quattros to the moon, is fueled by super-chilled liquid oxygen and rocket-grade kerosene.
“Originally we were using standard industrial hard aluminum until Audi introduced us to its 3D-printed aluminum,” says Böhme as he describes the Lunar Quattro rover’s construction. “You’re taking aluminum powder that you can blend with other materials to create your own flavor of material. We created a very special brand of aluminum and started building new structures. Eighty percent of the rover’s parts are now 3D-printed, aluminum-based parts. They worked really, really well in tests and didn’t break at all, which was a really big surprise for us.” Schmidt says Audi engineers were able to make the rovers bigger and stronger but also lighter,” shaving some 25 pounds from the Lunar Quattro’s initial PTS design.
The Lunar Quattro’s lithium-ion batteries are well protected inside the rover, insulated by the swiveling solar panel. It has three cameras: two stereo cameras that acquire 3D images and a third high-resolution camera that generates extremely detailed panoramic images. The only similarity between the Lunar Quattro rovers and the LRV is electric propulsion, necessitated by the fact that combustion engines won’t work on the atmosphere-free moon. PTS turned to Audi for its e-tron electrical expertise and Quattro know-how in order to improve the rover drivetrains, which use small motors mounted in each funky-looking aluminum wheel. Each wheel moves independently of one another—essential when you’re very slowly crossing cratered terrain that has been barraged by meteorites for some 4.5 billion years.
Say hello to one “science fair project” that actually will get the chance to prove what it can do outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
Audi deferred to PTS when it came time to fit the drivetrain with seals to keep out lunar dust, also known as regolith. “It’s 1,000 times finer than the finest grain of sand that you can find here on Earth. And it is very, very sharp,” Böhme says. “When Apollo astronauts took off their suits, they realized that lunar dust had gotten into their air-tight suits. And not just their suits but also under their skin, which really freaked them out. If the regolith gets into our rover’s gear subsystem, the gears will go down in only a few seconds.” PTS uses a specialized seal with specific opening and exit paths, allowing dust to enter one end of the seal before being tumbled around and shooed back out the other end—or at least that’s the hope. Even after testing in a bed filled with simulated regolith, Audi and PTS won’t be unquestionably sure everything will function without fault until the Lunar Quattro rovers reach the moon. “It isn’t practical or even possible to completely reproduce the lunar environment on Earth, so we can only perform limited testing,” Visscher says. It’s an ever-evolving learning experience for both Audi and PTS. Even now, as engineering development winds down and planning for the upcoming launch intensifies, the two companies continue to teach one another.
An original rover unfolds from a landing capsule. The new Lunar Quattro is notably more compact.
For example, PTS explained to Audi the rovers would need a special coating of PSBN, the white, nonconductive silicate paint you’ve seen on just about every spacecraft ever. Although cars on Earth are designed and tested to operate at minus 40 to up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, temperature swings on the moon can be much more severe, with 575-degree fluctuations that occur almost instantaneously. In theory, the rover could heat up to 275 degrees and cool down to minus 180 degrees in just a few seconds. “PSBN has tiny mirrors in it,” Böhme says. “It has a very high UV reflectance, reflecting 95 percent of invisible light, which is important for us because then the sun doesn’t heat the spacecraft up so much. After explaining this to Audi engineers, they actually realized this could be an incredible thing for street cars as well.”
You’re taking aluminum powder that you can blend with other materials to create your own flavor of material. … Eighty percent of the rover’s parts are now 3D-printed, aluminum-based parts.
Even though we love the idea of an RS 7 painted in PSBN, we’re left wondering what real, long-term effects this trip to the moon will have on Audi. What happens after the pair of Lunar Quattro rovers is packed into the detachable nose of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, lifted into orbit around the moon, and directed through a hopefully carefree mission? “In the future we have to think beyond our current frontiers,” Schmidt says.
Could there be some starry-eyed future in which we drive Audis on the moon? “The question really isn’t if these things will happen but when,” Visscher says.“It is very likely we will see multiple robotic vehicles driving on the moon by the mid-2020s and manned vehicles by the mid-2030s. Of course, these will be driven by professionally trained rover operators and astronauts. But there are plans being discussed among international space agencies to develop a lunar village where humans from several countries will live and work, and one of the key elements of this concept will be vehicles. Compared to the LRV, the next generation of manned rovers will be considerably larger. Expect a multiwheeled vehicle that bears some resemblance to an RV and has six or eight wheels, not four. A pressurized cabin will allow the occupants to remove their space suits, and the rover will have to carry life-support systems, radiation protection, and power systems.”
This rendering imagines the scene when the Lunar Quattro rolls up on its predecessor, which might not be nearly as tidy as seen here.
As space travel becomes more routine and entities in both the private and public sectors look to stake their claim on the moon, there will likely be opportunities for tourists to visit Earth’s sole natural satellite. It won’t happen in the next few years, and it would cost a small fortune, but it’s possible that one day you won’t need to be a professional astronaut to stand (or drive) on the surface. Audi’s connection with Part-Time Scientists shows a keen interest in advanced technologies and interstellar exploration. So is it possible the automaker could one day build manned vehicles to be driven on the moon? Perhaps the Lunar Quattro rovers are only one small step for Audi as it looks to take one seriously giant leap.
The post Audi Prepares Its Lunar Quattro to Make a Giant Leap for Four-Wheeled Kind appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2xYG75T via IFTTT
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
Audi Prepares Its Lunar Quattro to Make a Giant Leap for Four-Wheeled Kind
On July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind by walking on the moon. It was quite the feat but a small step nonetheless because traversing the surface proved more difficult than predicted. To move around efficiently and effectively, astronauts needed something with four wheels. So NASA and Boeing improvised the development of a collapsible, all-electric two-seater called the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) to accompany astronauts on the final three Apollo launches. In December 1972, the last men on the moon parked one of the three original LRVs and left it some 740 feet from their landing site, where it sits today.
We don’t need roads Astronaut David Scott in the original LRV during the Apollo 15 mission’s visit to the moon in 1971.
How much fun it must’ve been, skipping along at 11 mph on a rock with one-sixth the gravity of our planet—in complete silence. Since the final Apollo mission, however, no human has set foot on the moon, let alone driven on it. We were beginning to lose hope that we’d ever see another vehicle—manned or unmanned—kick up lunar dust. That’s about to change, though, thanks in part to Audi.
The German automaker has teamed up with Berlin-based engineering company Part-Time Scientists (PTS) to send two Lunar Quattro rovers to the moon in 2018. The mission’s goal is to return to the Apollo 17 landing site in the Taurus-Littrow Valley to see what shape the abandoned LRV is in.
“This mission is a great challenge. And to solve this challenge, the most important technical competencies of Audi are needed: lightweight design, electrification, and digit-alization,” says Alexander Schmidt, one of Audi AG’s lead development engineers for the effort. “There is no repair shop that the rover can drive into for a service, so it needs to work without a hitch throughout the whole mission.” PTS first launched the project about eight years ago in an effort to chase down Google’s Lunar XPrize, which offers $20 million to $30 million to the first privately funded team to operate a lunar rover on the moon. But when Audi became a sponsor and engineering partner in 2015, priorities shifted and the prize money was no longer the impetus.
The ALINA —Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module—is PTS’s first private spacecraft.
“The main commercial objective of the mission with Audi is to demonstrate that it’s possible to privately develop technology for space purposes and showcase that you can land them on the moon,” says Robert Böhme, CEO of Part-Time Scientists. “The scientific goal is to analyze Apollo 17 artifacts, specifically the LRV, which has been sitting on the surface of the moon unsheltered for 45 years. It’s actually very interesting be-cause a lot of people want to send long-term infrastructure to the moon—a city on the surface of the moon—and the best way of powering it would be solar power. If the LRV is completely covered in lunar dust, you would need to hire somebody to clean solar panels regularly.”
Even before Audi became part of this 239,000-mile trip to the moon, PTS had developed a landing shuttle dubbed ALINA as well as prototype versions of rovers that are millennia more advanced than the Apollo LRV model, which was more of an afterthought than a deliberate automotive design. “There was an empty pie-shaped cargo volume on the underside of the lunar lander, and someone had the brilliant idea of designing and building a rover that could be folded up and stuffed into that space,” says Peter Visscher, vice president of space, robotics, and defense engineering for Argo, which is working with the Canadian Space Agency to launch lunar rovers of its own. The quickly constructed LRV weighed 462 pounds (or 76 pounds on the moon), could haul several hundred pounds of bagged scientific samples, and could climb and descend grades up to 25 degrees. It wears materials from the ’60s that would never make it on a modern lunar rover, including nylon, plastic, and even duct tape.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9, which will carry the Lunar Quattros to the moon, is fueled by super-chilled liquid oxygen and rocket-grade kerosene.
“Originally we were using standard industrial hard aluminum until Audi introduced us to its 3D-printed aluminum,” says Böhme as he describes the Lunar Quattro rover’s construction. “You’re taking aluminum powder that you can blend with other materials to create your own flavor of material. We created a very special brand of aluminum and started building new structures. Eighty percent of the rover’s parts are now 3D-printed, aluminum-based parts. They worked really, really well in tests and didn’t break at all, which was a really big surprise for us.” Schmidt says Audi engineers were able to make the rovers bigger and stronger but also lighter,” shaving some 25 pounds from the Lunar Quattro’s initial PTS design.
The Lunar Quattro’s lithium-ion batteries are well protected inside the rover, insulated by the swiveling solar panel. It has three cameras: two stereo cameras that acquire 3D images and a third high-resolution camera that generates extremely detailed panoramic images. The only similarity between the Lunar Quattro rovers and the LRV is electric propulsion, necessitated by the fact that combustion engines won’t work on the atmosphere-free moon. PTS turned to Audi for its e-tron electrical expertise and Quattro know-how in order to improve the rover drivetrains, which use small motors mounted in each funky-looking aluminum wheel. Each wheel moves independently of one another—essential when you’re very slowly crossing cratered terrain that has been barraged by meteorites for some 4.5 billion years.
Say hello to one “science fair project” that actually will get the chance to prove what it can do outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
Audi deferred to PTS when it came time to fit the drivetrain with seals to keep out lunar dust, also known as regolith. “It’s 1,000 times finer than the finest grain of sand that you can find here on Earth. And it is very, very sharp,” Böhme says. “When Apollo astronauts took off their suits, they realized that lunar dust had gotten into their air-tight suits. And not just their suits but also under their skin, which really freaked them out. If the regolith gets into our rover’s gear subsystem, the gears will go down in only a few seconds.” PTS uses a specialized seal with specific opening and exit paths, allowing dust to enter one end of the seal before being tumbled around and shooed back out the other end—or at least that’s the hope. Even after testing in a bed filled with simulated regolith, Audi and PTS won’t be unquestionably sure everything will function without fault until the Lunar Quattro rovers reach the moon. “It isn’t practical or even possible to completely reproduce the lunar environment on Earth, so we can only perform limited testing,” Visscher says. It’s an ever-evolving learning experience for both Audi and PTS. Even now, as engineering development winds down and planning for the upcoming launch intensifies, the two companies continue to teach one another.
An original rover unfolds from a landing capsule. The new Lunar Quattro is notably more compact.
For example, PTS explained to Audi the rovers would need a special coating of PSBN, the white, nonconductive silicate paint you’ve seen on just about every spacecraft ever. Although cars on Earth are designed and tested to operate at minus 40 to up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, temperature swings on the moon can be much more severe, with 575-degree fluctuations that occur almost instantaneously. In theory, the rover could heat up to 275 degrees and cool down to minus 180 degrees in just a few seconds. “PSBN has tiny mirrors in it,” Böhme says. “It has a very high UV reflectance, reflecting 95 percent of invisible light, which is important for us because then the sun doesn’t heat the spacecraft up so much. After explaining this to Audi engineers, they actually realized this could be an incredible thing for street cars as well.”
You’re taking aluminum powder that you can blend with other materials to create your own flavor of material. … Eighty percent of the rover’s parts are now 3D-printed, aluminum-based parts.
Even though we love the idea of an RS 7 painted in PSBN, we’re left wondering what real, long-term effects this trip to the moon will have on Audi. What happens after the pair of Lunar Quattro rovers is packed into the detachable nose of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, lifted into orbit around the moon, and directed through a hopefully carefree mission? “In the future we have to think beyond our current frontiers,” Schmidt says.
Could there be some starry-eyed future in which we drive Audis on the moon? “The question really isn’t if these things will happen but when,” Visscher says.“It is very likely we will see multiple robotic vehicles driving on the moon by the mid-2020s and manned vehicles by the mid-2030s. Of course, these will be driven by professionally trained rover operators and astronauts. But there are plans being discussed among international space agencies to develop a lunar village where humans from several countries will live and work, and one of the key elements of this concept will be vehicles. Compared to the LRV, the next generation of manned rovers will be considerably larger. Expect a multiwheeled vehicle that bears some resemblance to an RV and has six or eight wheels, not four. A pressurized cabin will allow the occupants to remove their space suits, and the rover will have to carry life-support systems, radiation protection, and power systems.”
This rendering imagines the scene when the Lunar Quattro rolls up on its predecessor, which might not be nearly as tidy as seen here.
As space travel becomes more routine and entities in both the private and public sectors look to stake their claim on the moon, there will likely be opportunities for tourists to visit Earth’s sole natural satellite. It won’t happen in the next few years, and it would cost a small fortune, but it’s possible that one day you won’t need to be a professional astronaut to stand (or drive) on the surface. Audi’s connection with Part-Time Scientists shows a keen interest in advanced technologies and interstellar exploration. So is it possible the automaker could one day build manned vehicles to be driven on the moon? Perhaps the Lunar Quattro rovers are only one small step for Audi as it looks to take one seriously giant leap.
The post Audi Prepares Its Lunar Quattro to Make a Giant Leap for Four-Wheeled Kind appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 http://ift.tt/2xYG75T via IFTTT
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glenmenlow · 7 years
Jaguar Land Rover’s Electrifying 2020 Vision
Land Rover is the world’s leading manufacturer of premium all-wheel-drive vehicles, owned by British multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover. And owner Jaguar Land Rover is running over barriers like a big SUV barreling through a woods.
The UK-based, Indian-owned, iconic luxury car maker is achieving new levels of global growth. Without losing its essential British-ness, Jaguar Land Rover is taking the rest of the world by storm while restoring pride in the UK’s automotive capabilities. For the first time, Jaguar Land Rover sold more than a half-million vehicle in its last financial year.
In the US, for instance, the brand has narrowed the gap with Porsche in the luxury sales derby behind a fully overhauled product line capitalized by Tata Motors which bought Jaguar Land Rover from Ford in 2008. Sales in August for both brands increased by 1 percent over a year earlier, and year-to-date totals were up by 13 percent.
“We are pleased” with that performance “in the face of a challenging marketplace,” Joe Eberhardt, president and CEO of Jaguar Land Rover North America, said in a press release.
JLR’s Jaguar is projecting increased demand for its ever-widening model lineup. There’s the award-winning Jaguar F-PACE, the top-selling US vehicle. Jaguar also unveiled its five-seat compact SUV, the E-PACE, in August. And last year it launched another vehicle: the Jaguar XE compact luxury sedan.
For its Land Rover brand, the unceasing rise in interest in luxury SUVs has played right into the brand’s strategy. Its US sales in August broke records for the brand that month, with the Range Rover flagship leading the way. The new Range Rover Velar has added incremental sales.
Land Rover also has been buffing its off-road chops in its marketing lately, including an off-road competition to give consumers a chance to drive the new Land Rover Discovery in an extreme expedition through Peru. Fans at Land Rover Experience Centers in the US competed to take the trip to Peru.
In an increased commitment to sustainability (witness JLR’s recycled “Waste to Wave” surfboard—part of a bigger extension into other products), Jaguar Land Rover finally decided in 2014 to chase Tesla—and, as it turns out, German premium brand rivals—with its own electric vehicle program.
As highlighted at JLR’s 2017 Tech Fest in London and at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor Show, all Jaguar Land Rover cars will get an electrified variant starting in 2020. (The automaker is also increasing its use of recycled aluminum in its car bodies.)
As JLR CEO Dr. Ralf Speth stated:
The technology we are developing on the track allows us to deliver thrilling electric vehicles to our customers. The pace of change is exhilarating and we want to go above and beyond for our customers. From 2020 every new Jaguar Land Rover vehicle will be electrified. Customers will be able to choose from battery electric, plug-in hybrid and mild hybrid power as well as ultra-clean petrol and diesel engines. Future mobility will not be boring. Our products will have passion and emotion as well as being distinctive, desirable and capable as they have always been and will stand out from the crowd.
The new Land Rover Discovery SVX – “the most adventurous member of the Discovery family” – made its global debut at the Frankfurt show.
As noted in a press release, “Land Rover’s most extreme and capable production vehicle has increased ground clearance, a specially tuned terrain response system for hardcore off-road capability and is powered by a 5.0-litre supercharged V8 petrol engine. The SVX will be hand-assembled by Jaguar Land Rover’s Special Vehicle Operations division and will be available for customers in 2018.”
It was one of six Jaguar Land Rover vehicles making their show debuts at Frankfurt along with the new Jaguar ‘cub’, the E-PACE compact performance SUV,  sibling of the Jaguar F-PACE; the Jaguar XE Project 8, the most powerful Jaguar ever built with 600bhp for supercar performance; the Jaguar XJR575, the fastest-ever version of the flagship XJ saloon; the I-PACE electric racecar and Jaguar XF Sportbrake.
In addition to the reveal of SVX, a range of product updates were announced for Discovery. Land Rover’s premium SUV is now available with Jaguar Land Rover’s efficient 300PS four-cylinder Ingenium petrol engine. The advanced powerplant uses Continuously Variable Valve Lift (CVVL) technology to optimise efficiency and a twin-scroll turbocharger with ceramic bearings for smooth responses and reduced friction. The new engine produces 400Nm of torque and CO2 emissions from 219g/km.
In addition, Discovery gains new technologies including a 12.3-inch Interactive Driver Display TFT instrument cluster. The state-of-the-art high-resolution panel provides contemporary graphics that create the impression of 3D surfaces with exceptional clarity and allow the driver to personalise the visual display around the two main dials.
All versions of the latest Discovery also feature Touch Pro infotainment with Jaguar Land Rover’s state-of-the-art 10-inch touchscreen interface on the centre console. Digital connectivity is enhanced with the introduction of 4G Wi-Fi, providing superior connection speeds for up to eight mobile devices on the move.
Jaguar had previewed the first fruits of its all-electric development efforts, the I-PACE, at the Shanghai auto show. It’s scheduled to debut next year,  in plenty of time to join the still-developing race for widespread adoption of electric vehicles in the premium market.
Jaguar Land Rover is also making sure that its Range Rover brand is ready for electrification. The marque’s flagship offering will release a plug-in hybrid model in March, accompanied by a PHEV version of the Range Rover Sport. JLR chief Ralf Speth announced the range expansion at the 2017 Frankfurt Auto Show.
As noted by The Drive, “Unlike the current Range Rover Hybrid, which uses a diesel engine, the new Range Rover will be powered by an electric powertrain paired to the brand’s Ingenium 2.0-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine. This, Land Rover says, will be enough to propel the plug-in model to 30 miles of electric-only power, not to mention significant gains in fuel economy.”
The post Jaguar Land Rover’s Electrifying 2020 Vision appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/jaguar-land-rovers-electrifying-2020-vision/ via IFTTT
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top-market-research · 4 years
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The Global Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market report, published by Reports and Data, unravels a wide spectrum of significant factors impacting the performance of the sector. It uses the historical analysis of the market from 2017 to 2018 to provide the reader with an accurate understanding of the current market scenario and offer concise market estimations for the forecast period of 2019 to 2027. The latest market intelligence report extensively studies the ongoing growth trends, emerging market segments, and growth prospects over the projected timeframe. It further sheds light on the ever-changing patterns, dominant facets, and infrastructural properties.
The report lists down some critically important parameters that help the market bolster its global foothold and contribute substantially to future revenue generation. Additionally, the report includes specific details related to the Remote Vehicle Shutdown industry, such as product offerings, sales and revenue estimates, leading regions, key market contenders, and technological upgradation.
The latest report is the most recent one offering full coverage of the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on the global Remote Vehicle Shutdown business vertical. The outbreak has extensively affected the global economic landscape. The report examines the current scenario of the ever-evolving business setting and the aftereffects of COVID-19 on the market. The global health crisis has brought massive changes to the market, revolutionizing the global economic scenario. Besides drastically affecting the Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market, the pandemic has led to severe disruptions to supply chains and caused volatility in prices and demands. However, the market is expected to regain momentum in a post-COVID-19 scenario, according to our market analysts. Further, experts assessed the essential facts and figures relevant to this market using several industry-wide prominent analytical tools, such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/2285
 Competitive Terrain:
A precise summary of the intensely competitive landscape of the global Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market has been included in the latest report, with the systematic listing of the company profiles of the leading market players. This section of the report studies the strategic initiatives undertaken by these market rivals for business expansion. In addition, it highlights the key developments and financial positions of these companies to explain the overall market scenario. The company profiles of both established and new players have been assessed using effective analytical tools like SWOT analysis.
The following are the leading market players:
PassTime (U.S.), Onstar Corp. (U.S.), Cobra Car Tech. Ltd. (U.K.), Sonic Electronix Inc. (U.S.), LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System (U.S.), EMCO Software (Iceland), Frotcom International (Portugal), The Tracker (South Africa), Fleetsmart (U.K.), TracknStop (Ireland), and Scania (Sweden).
Regional Overview:
The latest research report entails an in-depth analysis of the current growth opportunities for various regions of the Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market, gauging their revenue share over the forecast timeline. Furthermore, the report analyzes the year-on-year growth rate of these regions over the forecast duration. The leading geographic regions encompassed in the report include:
·         North America
·         Europe
·         Asia Pacific
·         Latin America
·         Middle East & Africa
 Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/2285
 Other significant market segments highlighted in the report are:
Product Type Outlook:
Application Outlook:
·         Electric
·         Petrol
·         Diesel
The report considers the following timeline for market estimations:
·         Historical Years: 2017-2018
·         Base Year: 2019
·         Estimated Year: 2027
·         Forecast Period: 2020-2027
 To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/remote-vehicle-shutdown-market
Highlights of the TOC: 
1.      Global Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market Report Overview:  Research Scope Key Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market   segments Major players Market analysis by product Market analysis by application Report timeline
2.      Global Growth Trends  Global Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market size Latest trends of the Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market   by region Key growth trends
3.      Global Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market by Product Global Remote Vehicle Shutdown  Sales by Product Global Remote Vehicle Shutdown  by Product Revenue
Key takeaways of the Global Remote Vehicle Shutdown Market report:
·         The report enumerates the most vital market drivers, restraints, opportunities, threats, and challenges.
·         The report reviews the regulatory framework for creating new opportunities in various regions of the market and focuses on the new revenue streams for the players in the emerging markets.
·         It elaborates on the new, promising arenas in the leading market regions.
·         The report studies the recent research & development projects, along with the technological innovations in the key regional segments.
·         The report highlights the potentially market-disrupting technological advancements and business models that are poised to take the market to an all-new level of growth.
·         It offers details in the rising revenue share and size of the leading product segments of the market during the forecast period.
Key queries addressed in the report are as follows:
·         Which product segments have witnessed new, profitable application areas over recent years?
·         Which business models are projected to fast-track the expansion of the key regional markets over the forecast timeframe?
·         Which strategic initiatives adopted by the market rivals are expected to fortify their already established presence in the Automotive Lubricants industry?
·         Which technologies prevailing in the market are expected to witness the highest research investments in the near future?
·         What will be the significant sources of funding for start-ups and new entrants in the industry?
Request customization of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/request-customization-form/2285
 Browse Related Reports –
·         Automotive Hydrogen Sensors Market@
·         Vehicle Electrification Market @
  Thank you for reading our report. For further inquiries, please get in touch with us. Our team will ensure your report is designed as per your needs.
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markjsousa · 7 years
Jaguar Land Rover’s Electrifying 2020 Vision
Land Rover is the world’s leading manufacturer of premium all-wheel-drive vehicles, owned by British multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover. And owner Jaguar Land Rover is running over barriers like a big SUV barreling through a woods.
The UK-based, Indian-owned, iconic luxury car maker is achieving new levels of global growth. Without losing its essential British-ness, Jaguar Land Rover is taking the rest of the world by storm while restoring pride in the UK’s automotive capabilities. For the first time, Jaguar Land Rover sold more than a half-million vehicle in its last financial year.
In the US, for instance, the brand has narrowed the gap with Porsche in the luxury sales derby behind a fully overhauled product line capitalized by Tata Motors which bought Jaguar Land Rover from Ford in 2008. Sales in August for both brands increased by 1 percent over a year earlier, and year-to-date totals were up by 13 percent.
“We are pleased” with that performance “in the face of a challenging marketplace,” Joe Eberhardt, president and CEO of Jaguar Land Rover North America, said in a press release.
JLR’s Jaguar is projecting increased demand for its ever-widening model lineup. There’s the award-winning Jaguar F-PACE, the top-selling US vehicle. Jaguar also unveiled its five-seat compact SUV, the E-PACE, in August. And last year it launched another vehicle: the Jaguar XE compact luxury sedan.
For its Land Rover brand, the unceasing rise in interest in luxury SUVs has played right into the brand’s strategy. Its US sales in August broke records for the brand that month, with the Range Rover flagship leading the way. The new Range Rover Velar has added incremental sales.
Land Rover also has been buffing its off-road chops in its marketing lately, including an off-road competition to give consumers a chance to drive the new Land Rover Discovery in an extreme expedition through Peru. Fans at Land Rover Experience Centers in the US competed to take the trip to Peru.
In an increased commitment to sustainability (witness JLR’s recycled “Waste to Wave” surfboard—part of a bigger extension into other products), Jaguar Land Rover finally decided in 2014 to chase Tesla—and, as it turns out, German premium brand rivals—with its own electric vehicle program.
As highlighted at JLR’s 2017 Tech Fest in London and at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor Show, all Jaguar Land Rover cars will get an electrified variant starting in 2020. (The automaker is also increasing its use of recycled aluminum in its car bodies.)
As JLR CEO Dr. Ralf Speth stated:
The technology we are developing on the track allows us to deliver thrilling electric vehicles to our customers. The pace of change is exhilarating and we want to go above and beyond for our customers. From 2020 every new Jaguar Land Rover vehicle will be electrified. Customers will be able to choose from battery electric, plug-in hybrid and mild hybrid power as well as ultra-clean petrol and diesel engines. Future mobility will not be boring. Our products will have passion and emotion as well as being distinctive, desirable and capable as they have always been and will stand out from the crowd.
The new Land Rover Discovery SVX – “the most adventurous member of the Discovery family” – made its global debut at the Frankfurt show.
As noted in a press release, “Land Rover’s most extreme and capable production vehicle has increased ground clearance, a specially tuned terrain response system for hardcore off-road capability and is powered by a 5.0-litre supercharged V8 petrol engine. The SVX will be hand-assembled by Jaguar Land Rover’s Special Vehicle Operations division and will be available for customers in 2018.”
It was one of six Jaguar Land Rover vehicles making their show debuts at Frankfurt along with the new Jaguar ‘cub’, the E-PACE compact performance SUV,  sibling of the Jaguar F-PACE; the Jaguar XE Project 8, the most powerful Jaguar ever built with 600bhp for supercar performance; the Jaguar XJR575, the fastest-ever version of the flagship XJ saloon; the I-PACE electric racecar and Jaguar XF Sportbrake.
In addition to the reveal of SVX, a range of product updates were announced for Discovery. Land Rover’s premium SUV is now available with Jaguar Land Rover’s efficient 300PS four-cylinder Ingenium petrol engine. The advanced powerplant uses Continuously Variable Valve Lift (CVVL) technology to optimise efficiency and a twin-scroll turbocharger with ceramic bearings for smooth responses and reduced friction. The new engine produces 400Nm of torque and CO2 emissions from 219g/km.
In addition, Discovery gains new technologies including a 12.3-inch Interactive Driver Display TFT instrument cluster. The state-of-the-art high-resolution panel provides contemporary graphics that create the impression of 3D surfaces with exceptional clarity and allow the driver to personalise the visual display around the two main dials.
All versions of the latest Discovery also feature Touch Pro infotainment with Jaguar Land Rover’s state-of-the-art 10-inch touchscreen interface on the centre console. Digital connectivity is enhanced with the introduction of 4G Wi-Fi, providing superior connection speeds for up to eight mobile devices on the move.
Jaguar had previewed the first fruits of its all-electric development efforts, the I-PACE, at the Shanghai auto show. It’s scheduled to debut next year,  in plenty of time to join the still-developing race for widespread adoption of electric vehicles in the premium market.
Jaguar Land Rover is also making sure that its Range Rover brand is ready for electrification. The marque’s flagship offering will release a plug-in hybrid model in March, accompanied by a PHEV version of the Range Rover Sport. JLR chief Ralf Speth announced the range expansion at the 2017 Frankfurt Auto Show.
As noted by The Drive, “Unlike the current Range Rover Hybrid, which uses a diesel engine, the new Range Rover will be powered by an electric powertrain paired to the brand’s Ingenium 2.0-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine. This, Land Rover says, will be enough to propel the plug-in model to 30 miles of electric-only power, not to mention significant gains in fuel economy.”
The post Jaguar Land Rover’s Electrifying 2020 Vision appeared first on brandchannel:.
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joejstrickl · 7 years
Jaguar Land Rover’s Electrifying 2020 Vision
Land Rover is the world’s leading manufacturer of premium all-wheel-drive vehicles, owned by British multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover. And owner Jaguar Land Rover is running over barriers like a big SUV barreling through a woods.
The UK-based, Indian-owned, iconic luxury car maker is achieving new levels of global growth. Without losing its essential British-ness, Jaguar Land Rover is taking the rest of the world by storm while restoring pride in the UK’s automotive capabilities. For the first time, Jaguar Land Rover sold more than a half-million vehicle in its last financial year.
In the US, for instance, the brand has narrowed the gap with Porsche in the luxury sales derby behind a fully overhauled product line capitalized by Tata Motors which bought Jaguar Land Rover from Ford in 2008. Sales in August for both brands increased by 1 percent over a year earlier, and year-to-date totals were up by 13 percent.
“We are pleased” with that performance “in the face of a challenging marketplace,” Joe Eberhardt, president and CEO of Jaguar Land Rover North America, said in a press release.
JLR’s Jaguar is projecting increased demand for its ever-widening model lineup. There’s the award-winning Jaguar F-PACE, the top-selling US vehicle. Jaguar also unveiled its five-seat compact SUV, the E-PACE, in August. And last year it launched another vehicle: the Jaguar XE compact luxury sedan.
For its Land Rover brand, the unceasing rise in interest in luxury SUVs has played right into the brand’s strategy. Its US sales in August broke records for the brand that month, with the Range Rover flagship leading the way. The new Range Rover Velar has added incremental sales.
Land Rover also has been buffing its off-road chops in its marketing lately, including an off-road competition to give consumers a chance to drive the new Land Rover Discovery in an extreme expedition through Peru. Fans at Land Rover Experience Centers in the US competed to take the trip to Peru.
In an increased commitment to sustainability (witness JLR’s recycled “Waste to Wave” surfboard—part of a bigger extension into other products), Jaguar Land Rover finally decided in 2014 to chase Tesla—and, as it turns out, German premium brand rivals—with its own electric vehicle program.
As highlighted at JLR’s 2017 Tech Fest in London and at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor Show, all Jaguar Land Rover cars will get an electrified variant starting in 2020. (The automaker is also increasing its use of recycled aluminum in its car bodies.)
As JLR CEO Dr. Ralf Speth stated:
The technology we are developing on the track allows us to deliver thrilling electric vehicles to our customers. The pace of change is exhilarating and we want to go above and beyond for our customers. From 2020 every new Jaguar Land Rover vehicle will be electrified. Customers will be able to choose from battery electric, plug-in hybrid and mild hybrid power as well as ultra-clean petrol and diesel engines. Future mobility will not be boring. Our products will have passion and emotion as well as being distinctive, desirable and capable as they have always been and will stand out from the crowd.
The new Land Rover Discovery SVX – “the most adventurous member of the Discovery family” – made its global debut at the Frankfurt show.
As noted in a press release, “Land Rover’s most extreme and capable production vehicle has increased ground clearance, a specially tuned terrain response system for hardcore off-road capability and is powered by a 5.0-litre supercharged V8 petrol engine. The SVX will be hand-assembled by Jaguar Land Rover’s Special Vehicle Operations division and will be available for customers in 2018.”
It was one of six Jaguar Land Rover vehicles making their show debuts at Frankfurt along with the new Jaguar ‘cub’, the E-PACE compact performance SUV,  sibling of the Jaguar F-PACE; the Jaguar XE Project 8, the most powerful Jaguar ever built with 600bhp for supercar performance; the Jaguar XJR575, the fastest-ever version of the flagship XJ saloon; the I-PACE electric racecar and Jaguar XF Sportbrake.
In addition to the reveal of SVX, a range of product updates were announced for Discovery. Land Rover’s premium SUV is now available with Jaguar Land Rover’s efficient 300PS four-cylinder Ingenium petrol engine. The advanced powerplant uses Continuously Variable Valve Lift (CVVL) technology to optimise efficiency and a twin-scroll turbocharger with ceramic bearings for smooth responses and reduced friction. The new engine produces 400Nm of torque and CO2 emissions from 219g/km.
In addition, Discovery gains new technologies including a 12.3-inch Interactive Driver Display TFT instrument cluster. The state-of-the-art high-resolution panel provides contemporary graphics that create the impression of 3D surfaces with exceptional clarity and allow the driver to personalise the visual display around the two main dials.
All versions of the latest Discovery also feature Touch Pro infotainment with Jaguar Land Rover’s state-of-the-art 10-inch touchscreen interface on the centre console. Digital connectivity is enhanced with the introduction of 4G Wi-Fi, providing superior connection speeds for up to eight mobile devices on the move.
Jaguar had previewed the first fruits of its all-electric development efforts, the I-PACE, at the Shanghai auto show. It’s scheduled to debut next year,  in plenty of time to join the still-developing race for widespread adoption of electric vehicles in the premium market.
Jaguar Land Rover is also making sure that its Range Rover brand is ready for electrification. The marque’s flagship offering will release a plug-in hybrid model in March, accompanied by a PHEV version of the Range Rover Sport. JLR chief Ralf Speth announced the range expansion at the 2017 Frankfurt Auto Show.
As noted by The Drive, “Unlike the current Range Rover Hybrid, which uses a diesel engine, the new Range Rover will be powered by an electric powertrain paired to the brand’s Ingenium 2.0-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine. This, Land Rover says, will be enough to propel the plug-in model to 30 miles of electric-only power, not to mention significant gains in fuel economy.”
The post Jaguar Land Rover’s Electrifying 2020 Vision appeared first on brandchannel:.
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top-market-research · 4 years
Tumblr media
The Global Vehicle Access Control Market report, published by Reports and Data, unravels a wide spectrum of significant factors impacting the performance of the sector. It uses the historical analysis of the market from 2017 to 2018 to provide the reader with an accurate understanding of the current market scenario and offer concise market estimations for the forecast period of 2019 to 2027. The latest market intelligence report extensively studies the ongoing growth trends, emerging market segments, and growth prospects over the projected timeframe. It further sheds light on the ever-changing patterns, dominant facets, and infrastructural properties.
The report lists down some critically important parameters that help the market bolster its global foothold and contribute substantially to future revenue generation. Additionally, the report includes specific details related to the Vehicle Access Control industry, such as product offerings, sales and revenue estimates, leading regions, key market contenders, and technological upgradation.
The latest report is the most recent one offering full coverage of the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on the global Vehicle Access Control business vertical. The outbreak has extensively affected the global economic landscape. The report examines the current scenario of the ever-evolving business setting and the aftereffects of COVID-19 on the market. The global health crisis has brought massive changes to the market, revolutionizing the global economic scenario. Besides drastically affecting the Vehicle Access Control Market , the pandemic has led to severe disruptions to supply chains and caused volatility in prices and demands. However, the market is expected to regain momentum in a post-COVID-19 scenario, according to our market analysts. Further, experts assessed the essential facts and figures relevant to this market using several industry-wide prominent analytical tools, such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/1503
 Competitive Terrain:
A precise summary of the intensely competitive landscape of the global Vehicle Access Control Market has been included in the latest report, with the systematic listing of the company profiles of the leading market players. This section of the report studies the strategic initiatives undertaken by these market rivals for business expansion. In addition, it highlights the key developments and financial positions of these companies to explain the overall market scenario. The company profiles of both established and new players have been assessed using effective analytical tools like SWOT analysis.
The following are the leading market players:
Johnson Electric, Valeo, Synaptics Incorporated, Voxx International, Denso Corporation, Robert Bosch, Methode Electronics, Mitsubishi Electronic, Fingerprint Cards Ab, and Continental AG.
Regional Overview:
The latest research report entails an in-depth analysis of the current growth opportunities for various regions of the Vehicle Access Control Market, gauging their revenue share over the forecast timeline. Furthermore, the report analyzes the year-on-year growth rate of these regions over the forecast duration. The leading geographic regions encompassed in the report include:
·         North America
·         Europe
·         Asia Pacific
·         Latin America
·         Middle East & Africa
 Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/1503
 Other significant market segments highlighted in the report are:
Vehicle Type Outlook:
Passenger Cars
Light Commercial Vehicles
Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Application Outlook:
Traffic management
Sensitive     sites/Facilities/Zones
Toll Ways
Commercial Buildings
Residential Buildings
The report considers the following timeline for market estimations:
·         Historical Years: 2017-2018
·         Base Year: 2019
·         Estimated Year: 2027
·         Forecast Period: 2020-2027
 To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/vehicle-access-control-market
Highlights of the TOC: 
1.      Global Vehicle Access Control Market   Report Overview:  Research Scope Key Vehicle Access Control Market   segments Major players Market analysis by product Market analysis by application Report timeline
2.      Global Growth Trends  Global Vehicle Access Control Market   size Latest trends of the Vehicle Access Control Market   by region Key growth trends
3.      Global Vehicle Access Control Market   by Product Global Vehicle Access Control Sales by Product Global Vehicle Access Control by Product Revenue
Key takeaways of the Global Vehicle Access Control Market report:
·         The report enumerates the most vital market drivers, restraints, opportunities, threats, and challenges.
·         The report reviews the regulatory framework for creating new opportunities in various regions of the market and focuses on the new revenue streams for the players in the emerging markets.
·         It elaborates on the new, promising arenas in the leading market regions.
·         The report studies the recent research & development projects, along with the technological innovations in the key regional segments.
·         The report highlights the potentially market-disrupting technological advancements and business models that are poised to take the market to an all-new level of growth.
·         It offers details in the rising revenue share and size of the leading product segments of the market during the forecast period.
Key queries addressed in the report are as follows:
·         Which product segments have witnessed new, profitable application areas over recent years?
·         Which business models are projected to fast-track the expansion of the key regional markets over the forecast timeframe?
·         Which strategic initiatives adopted by the market rivals are expected to fortify their already established presence in the Automotive Lubricants industry?
·         Which technologies prevailing in the market are expected to witness the highest research investments in the near future?
·         What will be the significant sources of funding for start-ups and new entrants in the industry?
Request customization of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/request-customization-form/1503
Browse Related Reports –
1.     Automotive Hydrogen Sensors Market@
2.     Vehicle Electrification Market@
  Thank you for reading our report. For further inquiries, please get in touch with us. Our team will ensure your report is designed as per your needs.
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