#Idw2 spoilers
quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
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Optimus is like "I will let you fucking win, just let us go" and Megatron is like "BUT WHAT'S THE POINT IF YOU'RE NOT HERE"
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starscream7799 · 2 years
Starscream had one line in the end of IDW2, but IM JUST GLAD HE DIDNT DIE JSKSJJS
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optimistpax · 1 year
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[ID: a panel from the transformers 2019 vol. 6: war’s end comic. In the foreground smokescreen and novastar stand with their backs to the viewer watching an explosion. The panel is in the shape of the word “BWAAM”. End ID]
YEEEAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!! This is what I’m talking about!!!!! Don’t get shit like this in any other medium!!!!!!!! I love comics!!!!!
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suranet · 2 years
idw2 spoilers under the cut
me, a while back:
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me now:
the two biggest items on my wishlist for the last issues were 1.) all the Combaticons survive 2.) Cos/Off resolution.
which was what was delivered! nice!
i would have been bummed if Blast Off had gotten a romance in canon twice and both times its arc got cut in half and ended sadly due to outside factors... so i'm glad Blast Off was allowed by Ruckley to have a happy ending w/ Cosmos here.
i was also worried the Combaticons would die once it became clear they didn't have their usual Bruticus plot armor in this timeline but... they all lived! what a relief. ;_;
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korloniumcrystals · 2 years
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bumblebeem · 2 years
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screaming, crying, throwing up
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xant1um · 2 years
Congratulations to Impactor surviving his first continuity 🤝
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devilart2199-aibi · 28 days
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The mtmte "Shadow play" story is SO GOOD AHHH now I see what happened to Shockwave (;;__;;) 💔 I'll rant about it more once I finish this volume but UGH
Funnily enough for my little tf au, before reading any comics, besides IDW2, I had 3 characters that I wanted to run a somewhat shifty clinic, since Knockout always gave me cosmetic surgeon vibes 😂 It'd be ran by three bots, these being; Knockout, Spoiler and Primer (two ocs). They would do superficial body modifications while also patching up Decepticons thanks to Spoilers being in debt to some of them bc of his obsession with mods. Then after reading the first collection, I changed the clinic to being a front for Spoilers own research on banned procedures that happened during one of the wars and where he would modify other Decepticons with weapons. BUT BOY AFTER READING THIS ONE-!! SUPER SHIFTY SPOOKY CLINICS!! My sillies are just having fun lol and aren't nearly as bad as the Institution 👍
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
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"and the only time we've held hands is when i threw a punch and you caught it"
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majachee · 2 years
What is YOUR personal favorite thing you've done/change you've made with Ides of Cybertron?
Not in a "I dunno lol" kind of way but in a "I HAVE A LOT OF FAVES" kind of way!
So first of all; Earth!
Now, I don't hate human characters in TF or hate it when the silly robots go to Earth. In fact, I find myself loving most of the human characters in Transformers, and the different takes on how they'd fit into Earth's culture! I also think it's annoying whenever people complain about there being humans in TF media like... cmon, the humans are there to better explain the world building for one. The humans are meant to be the characters we project onto and ask the questioms for us. "What's Vector Prime?" "What are the Decepticons doing on Earth?" "Why is X like X?" They're meant to add exposition cuz every continuity is different... also children. Kiddies who are just getting into Transformers will know NOTHING about the lore.
But anyway! In the early drafts of IoC, they end up on Earth because I really wanted something similar to the aesthetic of Hearts of Steel - showcasing different eras of technology! But then I realized... I had no reason for them... to go onto Earth... and it was causing me more stress than necessary, so I scrapped it! Which... allowed me to focus more on the world building and aesthetics of Cybertron itself, incorporating aesthetics I'd want to see in a Transformers continuity and Cybertronian world building based on prior concepts! I shifted my history hyperfixation away from the history of vehicles/machinery in warfare and towards ancient politics and religion!
And that, my friends, is how scrapping the Earth plotline lead to the story running more smoothly (imo), but also heavy world building that yall barely even gotten a TASTE of yet.
Second favorite thing I've changed; I made Swinlock canon. Hasbro wont do it so I did, because I'm not a coward.
Third!!! Bringing back Sunstorm!
Sunstorm is a fascinating character, in my opinion, but he isn't really... used anymore. I've heard he has a role in IDW2, but I'm not caught up with the comics yet.
The weird thing about Sunstorm is that almost everybody knows what his gig is (being radioactive and a religious fanatic in... One continuity.) But nobody knows where that came from.
No seriously, look me in the eyes and tell me how many people knos that Religious Sunstorm came from Dreamwave, not IDW1. In IDW1 he's nothing more than a background character who (SPOILERS!) kicks the bucket. And is never mentioned again.
The fandom has done my boy dirty, by not knowing which continuity his religious fanaticism came from, so I'm making him a super important character in my continuity (a main antagonist in the later chapters).
I've made him empathetic yet unnerving, I feel. He uses religion as an unhealthy coping mechanism, which causes him to fall into a cultish crowd.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
The thing about TFA is that I think it’s a pretty good Transformers cartoon, it’s fun and has interesting spins on the usual premises of TF. But I honestly don’t think it’s as deep as a lot of the fandom likes to act as it is.
Like, sure, in the show we have a few glimpses of Cybertron under Autobot rule and get inklings that this isn’t a pure and wholesome society. Except we literally don’t get anything besides that-- glimpses. All of the backstory that actually reveals the ~problematic~ and ~revolutionary~ things of the TFA continuity takes place solely in extra materials. And even if you could convince me that this is a valid way of telling a story (spoilers: NO because I shouldn’t have to buy multiple separate pieces of merchandise, half of which is shown via Word of God/meta texts and not actual story content, to be able to understand a single story), it honestly doesn’t make a difference. None of the extra material that shows the dark/gritty parts of TFA shows up in the cartoon itself.
It doesn’t matter that the flying twins were experimented on while on the verge of death because they sure don’t act like it matters. It doesn’t matter that the Decepticons apparently used to be enslaved as war machines, because the show sure as hell doesn’t give them any deeper characterization than “we’re gonna take over Cybertron because we’re the Decepticons raaaaawwwwrrr!” And it doesn’t even matter that Optimus Prime, one of the main characters of the show, is literally a high-ranking military officer of a regime that brainwashes/experiments on civilians, because as far as the story is concerned his biggest problems are 1. Trying to get his crew to listen to him 2. Fighting Decepticons 3. Putting up with his annoying superiors after he got kicked out of the Elite Guard. (Note that just because he didn’t make it in the Elite Guard doesn’t mean he’s not still important: Prime is one of the highest ranks the military has, and Optimus was given freaking Omega Supreme, a top secret war weapon/artifact, as his ship.)
The story is trying to pose itself as something deeper and more serious, but ultimately fails because those deeper/serious things are barely covered in the show or delegated to side materials.
Am I saying TFA is a terrible show that has no good ideas at all? Am I saying that people who like TFA are dumb and should watch another show? Not at all. I’m just saying that I think the fandom opinions of TFA as a show honestly overhypes it compared to the actual content of the show itself. Forget about the dark and gritty backstory, the vast majority of TFA is spent on human villains and random skirmishes on Earth instead of the actual interesting part, the Autobot/Decepticon war and the state of Cybertron!
If you want a TF continuity that has great lore (and doesn’t require you to watch a cartoon, read a book, find a bunch of old interviews, read a comic, and listen to a script reading at a con), IDW1 and IDW2 are both right there waiting for you. Especially IDW2, which is written as a single continuous story and not as the chaotic decade-and-a-half long mess that is IDW1.
#squiggposting#also another reason i dont really like fanon views of tfa is that like#the content for MOP and especially OP himself is so meh#people seem to think OP is like a crybaby twink who's the victim of constant bullying#and M is the one who swoops in like a romantic novel love interest to save him#in other words not even the content made by people who like the characters/ship#is something i'm interested in at all#nor is it really in character for that matter#it just seems to me like the reason people like TFA is because the material is scattered enough that they can just#cobble together whatever headcanons they want and create the story that they want in their head#and the cartoon itself doesn't contradict them because the cartoon is just a simplistic good guys vs bad guys#with some hints at something deeper that never get explored#i know some people like the 'sandbox of headcanons' or whatever but like#if a piece of media doesn't have substance on its own#and isnt well crafted or coherent on my own#then why would i care about it enough to be interested#the cartoon can't even tell a story standing on its own so why should i have to do all the work of making the story work#there's a difference between leaving things to the imagination vs straight up leaving things out of the story#the difference between making inferences and theories that enrich the already existing story#versus the story itself being fragmented incomplete and tbh a little boring and you having to rewrite it in your mind to make it interesting#anyways that's my spiel for the day
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starscream7799 · 2 years
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Starscream is adorable | Transformers: War’s End Issue #2
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ritterschaf · 3 years
Shattered Glass #2 showed the relationship between Megatron and Starscream and. AAAH.
Like, they still seem so much like their regular counterparts and are completely different at the same time.
Starscream is still a little, snarky shit...
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...but not the spiteful little gremlin we know and love. His words have a certain sting, but it feels playful and Megatron does seem, at most, slightly bothered instead of angry. Like banter between old friends, instead of a steady buildup to beating each other up once again.
And Megatron is still stern, but caring.
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(yeah of course you don't, big guy. Sure.)
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(he continues by wiping Starscream's wings for god's sake. Whoever thought that up, you deserve a raise. Damn.)
They're both unafraid to give each other a piece of their minds, but do so in a "tough love" way, instead of them continually saying "fuck you" to each other without actually saying it.
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(calls Starscream out on romanticizing the memory but smiles while he does. Like. That's so sweet.)
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(you gotta love when the snarky little scholar gets serious. And here, Megatron actually listens and thinks that he really wants to believe him, more than anything.)
Also, this:
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Honestly, I love this. These characters actually feel like Starscream and Megatron and interact in a way one could see both of them interact - but the baseline, the feeling behind it is totally different. There's trust, there's banter, there are clear indicators that they actually like each other, despite their constant snarking.
I mean, yeah, that's what Shattered Glass is about. But this is just plain awesome. And boy I can't wait to read more of that.
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quadrilioquy · 3 years
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i’m literally in love with him
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Anyway look at them <3
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With every issue, she grows more buffer. And honestly, I'm behind that movement
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