#the goid parts of this comic are good
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Anyway look at them <3
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comicteaparty · 5 years
September 18th-September 24th, 2019 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from September 18th, 2019 to September 24th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
What webcomic(s) have you created fanart/fanfiction for?  What inspired you to make it?
During last years inktober, I had a theme which was "quick fanarts" where every piece was a maximum 30 min drawing of a fanart. Did lots of fanart of webcomics, including 32'Kickup, Maiz, Jasper Gold. Just to name a few. I'm thinking of doing it again this year, since it was a lot of fun.
The Q
What a great idea! I definitely want to make more fanart of webcomics and niche podcasts!
Oh gosh I try to do fanart every once in a while and I've accumulated a lot!
Job Satisfaction https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/187511608156 Superpose https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/187365212571 O Sarilho https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/185824775876/spacerocketbunny-summer-witch-vibes Tiger Tiger https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/183426693926/spacerocketbunny-felt-like-drawing-some Never Satisfied https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/179577275446/spacerocketbunny-i-got-the-chance-to-do-guest Shaderunners https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/175472239131/spacerocketbunny-happy-third-anniversary TINF https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/127396963621/spacerocketbunny-j-ust-kiss-alre-adyyyyy-its Parallax/ Devil's Candy https://spacerocketbunnyart.tumblr.com/post/116639381141/spacerocketbunny-felt-like-drawing-some(edited)
And more for Devil's Candy, Awaken, Prague Race etc!
I'm always want to show love and support for the comics I read so there's always something I can draw from!
Now this is a topic I can sink my teeth into.
For Sluggy Freelance http://sluggy.com/ of course. This art's a bit old (I should make some new stuff) https://www.deviantart.com/fragraham/art/Bunbun-114266731
Gunnerkrigg Court http://gunnerkrigg.com/ https://www.deviantart.com/fragraham/art/Antimony-679410561
https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeRdLzh4rn/ Jack Legend
I've done several pieces for Da Pukas http://dapukas.com/ but this one is my personal favorite https://www.deviantart.com/fragraham/art/Let-s-Draw-Malo-734648837
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo1d6GEBUV5/ Maiz
https://www.instagram.com/p/BowTc50hLt0/ Paranatural
For Latchkey Kingdom http://latchkeykingdom.smackjeeves.com/ I did this one a while back https://www.deviantart.com/fragraham/art/Willa-Dragonfly-623180930
I've done three fanarts for 32'Kickup https://www.instagram.com/p/BooK-zrBswz/
http://www.32kickup.com/ http://jack-legend.com/ http://maizcomic.com/ http://www.paranatural.net/(edited)
And this one for Slightly Damned http://sdamned.com/ https://www.deviantart.com/fragraham/art/Buwaro-620491813 I especially like this one because I did it while streaming with the author. Very fun to draw alongside other creators. At least before picarto stopped even working for those of us stuck with DSL in the boonies.
And one for Two Kinds http://twokinds.keenspot.com/ https://www.deviantart.com/fragraham/art/Inktober-2016-Day-29-Two-Kinds-Keith-643156576
Anyway, I'll stop there, because if I included all the art I've done for various comics over the years, some of which sadly aren't around anymore I'd be flooding this chat all day.
I’ve done fanart for my friends’ comics. The main thing that inspired me to draw for them was that I wanted to see how their characters would look in my style, and I also just like making fanart for people X3 https://twitter.com/daeofthepast/status/992160815653507072?s=21 https://twitter.com/daeofthepast/status/985002172189310976?s=21
Erin/Leif & Thorn on Kickstarter
...I keep all mine in a Twitter thread, should probably just link the whole shebang: https://twitter.com/ErinPtah/status/1031561632357527552
Deo101 (Millennium)
I've made fanart for Super Galaxy knights http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/
And I did that because as soon as we met this character I just decided i loved his whole shebang. the look, the drama, the extreme confidence. love that
I've also made fanart for Court of Roses https://courtofroses.spiderforest.com/
cause similarly to the other one I just really like this guy. I don't make much fanart
The Q
Ummm love that Sven!
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I only ever drew fan-art the once, and it was for Zebra Girl, which wrapped up about a year ago I want to say, maybe more. I don't generally do fanart, and this was a good example why, because some design elements and anatomical features gave me a lot of trouble.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I'm on my phone but i know I've done fanart for @Deo101 (Millennium) 's Millennium
ive made a buncha fan art over the years uhhhhhh can't remember every comic. the comic ive made the most fan art for is prolly Super Duper Galaxy Knights Deluxe Extreme Mega Ultra R (http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/), for some reason that one's easy to think of stuff to draw for
Deo101 (Millennium)
Its cause of the its really good
one of the latest fan arts ive done is for queens (http://queens.thecomicseries.com/) of Amelia, because i love her shirt
One fan art that I'm still quite happy with is this Sunstrike and Bluemist (http://sunstrikeandbluemist.thecomicseries.com/) art that I made for the fanwork initiative. I like how cute both of them turned out
I have a whole webcomic fanart moment on my twitter-- I've been trying to do more fanart of indie stuff recently. http://www.ushalacomic.com/ https://bvbcomix.com/ https://sarilho.net/en/ http://www.peritale.com/ https://twitter.com/i/moments/1014897456566415360
Nutty (Court of Roses)
ok i'm home here's the art I did for @Deo101 (Millennium) 's Millennium https://millennium.spiderforest.com/
OH AND ALSO cuddles
Here's some weird fanart i did for A Ghost Story https://www.aghoststorycomic.com/
I unfortunately don't get to do as much fanart as I'd like. Drawing is difficult for me, and it's a lot of front-end time to 3D model a character who I'm not going to render that often. So... pretty much all the fanart I do is part of the #fanwork_initiative lol. What I essentially do for that is write down all the comics I'm interested in doing fanart for, and pick one that I think I could do something interesting with relating to the theme.
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Hi there, I just went through your entire comic and it's really good. Love how you drew it. Goid to see you're still doing, and hope you have a good day
Oh my gosh!I never expected so many wonderful messages in my inbox after returning again! ^^Thank you so much for reading my comic and thinking it’s good.Even though we haven’t reached the backstory part just yet.Thank you!Have a great day yourself!!! :D
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filmbuzz55-blog · 5 years
Layton's movie news blog 8/29/19
What's up! I hope you guys are having an awesome Thursday as we roll closer and closer to friday and the weekend! Today There isnt a whole lot going on. Im going to give you a quick headline breifing and then we talk about 1 main topic which is Marc Marons comments in the past days. As you can Imagine I have alot to say about this. So Lets start with some headlines!
Taikq Waititi is in talks to star in fellow Mcu director, James Gunns film Suicude Squad 2.
Anna Kendrick to star in upcoming crime thriller "Unsound" Directed by Bharat Nalluri.
"Angel has Fallen" is predicted to hit #1 second week in a row as box office professionals deem this summers box office "underwelming".
Thats all for today's headlines Now it's time for The Main Topic.
Marc Maron's contersial comments, the Backlash, and Marc Maron's backlash to the backlash:
So Marc Maron is a stand up comedian, Actor, and Podcaster who on Thursday was responding to Backlash for comments he made on the television series Conan. Heres what he had to say: “I have some issues with them (Superhero Films), and no, I generally don’t like them, because, you know, I don’t want to be bullied into seeing those — look, Conan, I’m a grown–up! I’m not 7,” "And I think those movies are for, for, you know, grown male nerdchilds." But it got worse as he got booed by the audience and then rampaged further: “Oh, really? Take the hit! You guys are in charge of culture! Now I gotta go travel 15, 20 minutes to a smaller movie theatre to see a grown-up movie with other grown-ups where we can all sit together and not understand ending? You know? “That’s part of the experience. Where you walk out, you’re like, ‘I don’t know, did the guy die? It’s not clear. It’s not clear.’ That’s the kind of movie I enjoy. I’m not gonna be bullied by grown nerd-men. So, no. I just don't go see 'em. I'm not interested.” And then as the Comic Book fan community hit back he tweeted on last statement reguards to his statement.: "Hey, Marvel movie fans! Stop acting like outraged religious fanatics defending their belief system. It’s okay if I don’t believe. Let it go. Also, I’m actually big fan of a lot of comic art. Try to relax your mainstream asses." After that the storm has sorta settled.
My thoughts:
Ok as a movie of all films his comments to me were ok, at first. Then his comments started to upset me a little bit and his tweet really infuriates me. I mean its ok If you don't like superhero movies but dont call the fans of those films " grown nerd men". I am a firm believer that ALL film is subjective and up to the viewer to decide if its goid or not and believe that person shouldnt be worried about being bullied over peoples opinion of films (looking at you Last Jedi Haters). Look I believe in Marcs opinion being protected BUT, he's the one that shot out his douche bag comments. His tweet says that, its ok if people dont agree, but he was the Jerk attacking fans of superhero films. This guy is a total hypocrit and by the way he's featured in octobers Joker movie which is double hypocrite. Im all for your opinion being protected but if you open your fat mouth like Marc Maron did and start calling people name and "not grown up" you loose my support.
What do you thing of Marc Marons comments? Have a headline or have a story that you would like me to react to email me at [email protected]. Thats going to do it for todays blog, Have a great day film fans. Good bye.
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