suotea · 2 years
@soleilnomoon AN AMAZING HUMAN BEING 🥺
@zorokinniemoment 🥴😍🙃😭😏🙄✨
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bookshelfpassageway · 3 months
Webcomic rec of the day
The Skybox.
Just... The Skybox.
Do you want to read a webcomic that feels like watching a forgotten cult classic animated film? And occasionally everything comes together in this perfect moment that has you spellbound? Do yourself a favor. It's a completed story formatted like a storyboard animatic.
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littledollll · 1 year
Hiya! Love your writing and I've been Bing reading all of your stuff!I was wondering if yiu would write Brienne x Femme reader? I love the idea of the reader having like a pre existing relationship with brienne and she confides in brienne about being frustrated she can't find men attractive and Brienne asks her if she's ever found anyone attractive and the reader gets shy and they eventually end up being all fluffy and maybe smut? Brienne in a strap?
Brienne of Tarth x reader
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A/n: lowkey think I want my Brienne fics to exist in the same universe (being “Only you”) so ima do that unless it’s requested otherwise
Warnings: really just fluff and love confessions, smut, strap ons, oral (R receiving)
You were waiting for Brienne to get back from the bathhouse in her quarters, mindlessly looking through her stuff just trying to pass time when she came in, hair slightly damp and messy, comfortable clothes and towel around her neck, gods she looked so good- “what on earth are you doing?” Her voice interrupted your thinking as she caught you standing over her desk looking through her things. “Uhh obviously making sure your room is up to code, kings orders!”
“Oh yeah? You wouldn’t happen to be snooping around my personal belongings” her tone was teasing, as she closed the door behind her, crossing her arms. Her voice drove you mad. You played it off though. “Snooping? Me? Neverrr” “looking for something you need?” A genuine question now. “No, really I was just curious and passing time, just waiting for you.” You answered truthfully, before throwing yourself on her bed and turning to look at her.
Brienne tilted her head. “What’s on your mind?” “I can’t believe you said the word ‘snooping’” you laughed. She rolled her eyes at you, also making her way to her bed before sitting down, you laid opposite directions, you fully on laying on the bed while Brienne’s back was against the footboard. “I apologize for my informality, princess.” She joked but looked at your serious again. “Now tell me what you’re actually thinking about” you groan and roll over hiding your face in her pillow “24 years, Bri, I’ve been dating men 24 years, and I’m starting questioning if I’m even attracted to them“ did you causally just come out to her?
“You’re not, I thought we knew this” She replied, You threw the pillow at her. “Don’t be mean! Also what do you mean..” she caught the pillow and placed it back on the bed. “Well none of your relationships have worked with them, you’ve never had a sexual encounter you’ve enjoyed-“ you hid your face again. “how can you say that so casually!” She grinned. “That’s what I used to think when you came to me to talk about it, we’ve come full circle”
“I was going to apologize but I’m not that sorry.” You said, meeting her eyes, after a beat she spoke up again. “So what do you find attractive?” Was she going for a record on how many times she can make you blush or something? “I don’t wanna talk about that, Bri-“ she interrupted you. “It’s me. If not with me then who else are you going to talk to, I need names incase I’m being replaced.” You exaggerated a gasp acting offended. “I would never! How dare you think so low of me.”
“Tell me then.” Brienne grabbed the pillow she previously put down and put it on the footboard, leaning her head back and humming. “I really don’t think I should-“ she sighed in fake annoyance. “By gods, if you don’t just spit it out already-“ you sat up in preparation and took a breath. “okay fine it’s you! You and your stupid messy hair, your voice, who you are compared to me versus the rest of the world, how protective you are, how I have to tilt my head to look at you, the tone you use whenever we have playful banter and the way you just- exist. It’s you. I like you. Actually I love you.”
“Dammit that feels great to say out loud actually!- And I know, I know you’re my guard and friend and it’s so inappropriate and you probably don’t feel the same way-” one minute you were rambling and the next her lips were on yours, pulling you into a bruising kiss, to which you eagerly responded, wishing to get closer, you moved into her lap, arms wrapping around her neck. When you pulled away you were both panting, Brienne looked at you with pure adoration before speaking. “I hope that clears any doubts you might have had about my feelings towards you?”
You rested your forehead against hers, smiling. “I don’t know Bri, might need a little more reassurance..” She hummed, pushing you to lay on the bed before she walked off, opening one of her drawers she pulled out a strap-on, the visible surprise on your face made her chuckle. “Undress.” Of course you complied, she undressed along with you and put the toy on, crawling over you on the bed, she made you feel extremely small, you loved it.
“I’ll guess you didn’t have much time to pry around my room that well, princess.” Not waiting for you to reply, she gave you a quick peck before moving down your body. “m- no I didn’t-“ once she reached your center she looked up at you, silently asking for permission, you gave her a nod. Brienne wasted no time, immediately her lips were sucking your clit making you whimper and grind against her. She snuck two fingers into your entrance, stretching you out, she pumped into you a few times before adding a third, making you scream.
She allowed you to ride her face as you got close and closer to your release but she pulled away just in time to prevent it. “No no no please-! Bri I was so close!” She kissed your navel, crawling up to meet you, her hand smoothed over your cheek as she kissed you again. You moaned as you tasted yourself on her tongue, needy hips grinding against the strap that was resting between your legs. “So needy.. I’ll make you scream, princess.”
Her arms rested on either side of your head as she aligned herself and slowly pushed into you, you sighed as she bottomed out. Briennes head rested between your neck, marking your shoulder and collarbone as she started pounding harder and faster into you. Your nails scratched her back at her reckless pounding, making her moan, you could hear the bed bump against the wall and almost screamed when one of her hands started rubbing your clit.
“Please oh- please let me cum please I need it-“ she complied, speeding up her thrusts until she felt your thighs clench around her, she kissed you, muffling your scream as she slowly came to a stop with you shaking beneath her. She pulled out and took off the strap before laying beside you and pulling you to lay on top of her, hand soothing your back as you recovered from your orgasm. She kissed your head when you nuzzled further into her neck. The silence was comforting, you were falling asleep when you heard her speak. “I love you too, my love.”
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genericpuff · 8 months
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I get asks like these a lot asking for my opinion about other webtoons outside of LO and Let's Play and ima be honest with y'all, if I haven't talked about it on this blog already, I probably don't read it. It's not for any lack of wanting to read comics, but it's sort of the nature of the beast - once you start making the medium you consume, you wind up with a lot less time to actually consume it. I don't keep up on nearly as many webtoons/webcomics as I used to, and it's partially because 1.) I'm too busy making them, 2.) the current oversaturation of the market means I'm not gonna really be compelled to try and read things unless it's something I'm really interested in, and 3.) I have ADHD so I already have a hard time starting new stories as it is, I often prefer just keeping up on comfort series that I know I like even if there are only a few of them LOL I know that means I'm likely missing out on a lot of great stories out there, but I can only keep up on so much stuff :')
Most of the comics I read nowadays aren't even on the WT app, it's stuff like Tale of Two Lovers, Alfie, Tamberlane, and Awkward Zombie. And whatever I DO read that's on the app, it's stuff that's being made by friends or stuff that fits a special interest that I've been following for a while. So webcomics like Time and Time Again, City of Blank, SHE MAKES HUNGRY, Growing Up Gerudo, Loving Reaper, and Zelda's Lullaby.
I'm frankly a bit old school so a lot of the stuff I read tends to be stuff that has its own independent site OR completely outside of the realm of webtoons and more into traditional publishing like manga.
That said, I do try to stay up to date on webtoons and newer series as much as I can as it's good for me to stay updated on what's going on in the industry and it means I'm exposing myself to new ideas and techniques, but I struggle with just picking up a webtoon and bingeing it for 10-20 episodes to see if I like it. So many of them now tend to just be the same thing with slightly different coats of paint. And I'm definitely not gonna pick up a webtoon just because people want my opinion of it, sorry but that's just not how this works LMAO Especially if it's a webtoon that people are expecting me to be critical of because it's written poorly, like why would I subject myself to reading something that I know right off the bat probably isn't gonna be enjoyable? Sure, if it's something REALLY bad I'll check them out to see what people are going off about or so I can form my own opinion, but I also don't want to be regularly subjecting myself to garbage that pisses me off when I could be reading stuff that brings me joy, I spend enough time being pissed off at LO and Let's Play as it is. I know, that's likely wild coming from me of all people, but I do like to enjoy things LOL It's not like I went into comics like LO and Let's Play hating them right off the bat, I actually used to really like those comics, until they either fell off or I spent more time reflecting on them and I realized how poorly written and drawn they were.
So no, sorry, but I don't have an opinion about webtoons like Unordinary or I Love Yoo or whatever have you and I can't guarantee I'll ever get around to reading them. If I do have an opinion about a webtoon, believe me, I'll post about them unprovoked, you won't need to ask me for them LMAO
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jigensnacks · 7 months
okay okay hear me out
ima put this under a read more because i know there are people around who are generally uncomfortable with content relating to alcohol
but! I had a revelation about Jigen and his alcohol preferences.
Disclaimer, I am mildly tipsy as I am writing this. I may or may not get lost in my own thoughts, so please bear with me here, alright?
Content warnings: alcohol (of course), alcohol abuse, maybe more. I dunno at the moment.
Okay. Jigen's alcohol preferences.
At first I couldn't wrap my head around Jigen's appreciation of wine, like that guy's a borderline alcoholic with the way he drinks (which I extend into full-blown alcoholism in my writing, I'll get to this later on), he cannot possibly like wine, wine is weak, why would he even like the stuff?
I came at the issue from the point of view of someone who prefers liquor. Stuff like vodka, whiskey, borovička. You know, the heavy artillery. Poisons that dull the mind and destroy the liver.
But I've tried wine recently. Got the explanation of the ritual of wine-drinking.
And then it suddenly clicked.
Wine has its purpose in Jigen's toolkit of escapism. You have the cigarettes, a way to remind himself that he's not in danger, that he's out of the fight and just vibing, passing time, relaxing. Then there's scotch, the first-aid kit, when everything is too much and he's antsy and nervous and he needs to dull the edge. It's the painkiller, in a way. The glue to mend those invisible wounds, the cause and solution of all of world's problems.
And then there is wine.
It's not to be wielded like a sledgehamer known as liquor. Wine is a delicate tool, when liquor is too much, when he wants to relax, but he doesn't want to dull his senses too much. There aren't any demons to suffocate, he doesn't want to get drunk, his only intention is just to sit down, lean back, have a moment to himself.
To Jigen, wine is like classical music. It's not something to binge, but to immerse himself in, soak in it, have slow, ginger sips. Relish in the taste, the warmth. There's a reason the ancient Romans and Greeks had a god of wine.
Now, how does this tie to my 'Jigen is a barely functional alcoholic' headcanon?
It's the antithesis of liquor. Liquor is the main poison, Jigen pours it into himself to drown out the noise in his head, the lingering pains, to keep his limbs heavy and limp to keep himself from doing something worse. It's his salvation and his downfall, it frees the demons lurking in his mind, yet it keeps them docile, harmless. It allows his mind to swim along, face his fears, it frees his feelings... but it's also a pathway to destruction. With his thoughts and feelings freed comes a different danger - self-destruction. Liquor becomes not only the tool of healing, but one of destruction too. When a heist goes off the rails and they make it home, when the crushing weight of failure sets in and Lupin looks at him with a gaze full of apologies, that's when Jigen grabs his poison of choice and takes his anger out on himself. While Goemon subjects himself to gruelling training to make sure he doesn't fail again, Jigen instead drinks himself mute, lies on the ground staring emptily at the ceiling, reliving every past mistake. That's the start of the cycle, he falls into the drink, struggles to get out of it for months on end. Until his body starts showing the withdrawal symptoms when he's sobering up, the headaches, the feeling of a thousand ants marching all over his skin, the shadow people staring at him, the music plaing from the walls, the muffled conversations from other rooms that never happened, the way his hands shake...
Wine is a way for him to pace himself. His philosophy around wine is basically if someone drinks wine like liquor, there ain't no use hanging around them. Jigen doesn't want wine to become just another tool of thorough self-annihilation. Jigen sees wine as a way to regain control again. It's much weaker than liquor (if we ignore port wine, but I suspect he wouldn't like such wines), and, unlike the heavy artillery he relies on, wine has personality. While liquor is the path of scorched earth, wine is so much calmer. It has a soul, personality, it evolves like classical music. It has elaborate constructions, just swap the musical tones for taste ones.
He reaches for the wine when he doesn't want to fall into that horrible spiral.
Wine - along with food - marks the line between functionality and destruction.
Wine isn't something he can drink quickly. He tried, and found out it only makes him sick.
So he grabs a bottle of a four-year-old italian merlot. Pours himself a glass. Takes a sip. Feels the slight sourness at the back of his tongue. The woody tones playing at the rest of it. The sweetness at the very tip.
He stares down the beast. Sleeping, yet aware. And while he stays with the wine, it'll remain asleep.
I don't know where I was going with this. I blame the wine.
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mortau · 5 months
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II. FAVOURITE FLAVOURS: ive been into mangos lately
III. FAVOURITE GENRES: i like. Horror. Scifantasy. Drama.
IV. FAVOURITE MUSIC: depends on my mood tbh it changes all the time. A month ago it was will wood rn its epic the musical
V. FAVOURITE MOVIES: uhhhh fuck idk, labyrinth???? madoka rebellion???
VII. LAST SONG: Antinous (Hold Him Down) - Epic the Musical
IX. LAST MOVIE: ima be real bro my mom and i have been binging so much stuff since she got out of the hospital i cant remember a single thing we've actually watched
X. CURRENTLY READING: does fgo count as reading i just recently finished the epilogue where (spoilers) the wandering sea gets nuked by the foreign god and i am quietly awaiting lostbelt 7
XI. CURRENTLY WATCHING: epic the musical animatics
XII. CURRENTLY WORKING ON:  This dash game. I feel like I did this dash game a few weeks ago
Tagged by: @pvremichigan
Tagging: fuck idk
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starshineprincess03 · 2 months
April 5th Stats
Steps: 3149 (1.86km)
Calories burned: 74 (but again we were packing and stuff and I didn’t have my phone in my pocket all day so I probably burnt more)
Calories eaten: 1000
Didn’t really do any kind of fasting today. I had a bag of pop chips at like 2am because my partner was eating pizza. Had some Slimfast cheese bites and a little chocolate bunny at lunch. And my girlfriend ordered Indian so I had some sag aloo and rice. So my calorie count might be off, the restaurant didn’t provide any calorie info. I just googled some estimates and rounded it up a little to be safe.
I feel bad for not sticking to my fast until dinner but I am proud that I didn’t fall into a binge, there were plenty of times that I could have just given up and kept stuffing my fat face but I didn’t. I’m actually really proud of myself so far that I haven’t like just eaten that whole box of chocolate bunnies in one because previously I would have.
I’m hoping that maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to get out for at least a short walk. I think we’re mostly packed now so there’s not much left to do in that regard. I don’t think we’re technically moving in moving in for a few days.
So yeh Ima go try that tea before I go to bed, see if it taste any good. I don’t always go for peppermint flavors.
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still working on a thing and ima try and throw up another concept or hc later today tomorrow~now ima answer some asks < 3
tw: n'sfw subjects, kink talks, pregnancy(-related) mentions
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What blogs and writers(ones that do dark romance stuff) do you recommend? —anonymous
i get this question a lot tbh, i should think about adding to faq, but uhhhhh, depends on what you're looking for. original or fandom? most of my mutuals, friends, and writers i liked/found write genshin, jojo, and other popular fandoms.
if original works only, i haven't found many, no, and tumblr ain't great with their rec feed (99% time they're fandom only).
@dear-yandere (she's not active, but i love her works sm) made a post you can look through! linky link
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Favorite kinks to write in your opinion? —anonymous
uhm, i'm sure you can tell with most of my works lol but ig i can explain why i like a certain few. rest tho, i just like them lol
pregnancy / pregnancy sex / oviposition, im actually a touch tokophobic irl, but in writing, its not so much on for children (they're cute though) but because it's the near-total loss of control over one's body, if that makes sense. as its my thing to write the darling losing control to their possessive spouse, pregnancy is one of my go to.
monster dick(s), because we could use some variety in our d's lol human d's is good too though ofc
stomach bulge / cumflation, p similar to pregnancy in some ways, the darling loses the sense of losing their body to the other. (pseudo?) body destruction, really.
size differences, because i want to be picked up and be carried sometimes
yeah, most of the kinks i listed here had to do with the loss of control.
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YES I CAN U BACK DEAR 💕💕💕💕 —anonymous
that was painful;; so glad to be back!! 💕
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Yoo have you seen the movie called the descent? If you have, what do u think of the monsters!! —anonymous
uhmmmm, the name didn't ring a bell...google time!
oh waittttt, i vaguely remembered this one. this was based on dante's inferno, wasnt it? after checking the monsters, yes hi.
i prefer they'd bathe first though lol but i'd be down for them! pretty simplistic in design, reminded me of buffy the vampire slayer's vampires, actually! think buffy was one of the earliest monsters i can remember really liking as a wee lad.
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So, have you read the Neonomicon? I saw it on one of your posts. I actually read the thing online and I immediately fell in love with the Deep One too despite the noncon. Is that weird? —anonymous
are you referring to the one i did where the darling had to watch the world burn in the palm of cthulhu?
thats the only one i can recall of ever doing, but on reading the neonomicon, no! you're talking about the comic series one? i don't generally read american comics because of how weird they organized their issues, but if its not long and good, then i'll be happy to check it out!
and nah, not weird at all imo. humans are drawn to things we simply don't understand, and as long as you are not harming yourself or anyone else, its fine to indulge. we all find appeals in certain things others don't and that's perfectly normal. most of the monsters i liked as a kid were actually violent and murderous so.....yeah. im literally one of the last people who should judge you , dear nonnie.
just know that youre far from being alone though! heck you'll find many n'sfw artworks and other contents of the deep ones and other monsters if you know where to look.
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Dude I've been binging all your pyramid head works and I love them sm!! Would u be writing more for him in the future? —anonymous
mmmaybe? like i do have a couple of ideas, but nothing too concrete. one idea involved the reader being, well, the mother of monsters and the butcher would probably become more monstrous over time because of the silent hill related plot reasons. thing is, the reader wouldn't know there were changes at all, being too addicted to the butcher's to pay attention. I'm being very vague on this one because...idk how to communicate the story yet, if at all.
the other one might involve incest though, because of the monsters the reader birthed cooperating with the butcher, under the god's order. this one is just...a concept more than anything though because tentacles are fun.
otherwise, its just straight pron with the butcher. I'm glad you liked him tho! &lt;3
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now to work on things...inbox is always open tho~!
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puddingseikkx · 8 months
ive been stuck in a binge cycle recently and im slowly recovering from it but its still a work in progress and hopefully tmmr goes as planned and i can go to the store and get stuff for my meals i have planned and new dishware cause i hate using the same dishes as people and hopefully my mom/brothers doesnt be stupid and use my stuff i reallly need a mug too i also need a new rice cooker but that can wait bc its expensive but i have a list for things i need and the hardest thing is getting people to not use my ingredients it is mostly vegetables but the fruits ik theyre gonna eat them too so problem there. i hate how my brothers think they can just grab and eat whatever i bought for me especially since they mostly eat junk food like take out and frozen/instant food like stop taking my food go eat your pizza rolls, chips, and ranch leave me and my lean meats, vegetables, soups, and low cal items. this is another reason i wanna move out asap so im saving money but i need another job since i just moved here but my brother is already having trouble getting one so thats making me nervous and i cant drive nor am 18 quite yet so i need to get my permit at least within the next year so i can drive alone by 18 and get a car and everything id say im most worried abt where im gonna live hopefully i can make some good friends already here and we can be roommates for a bit or ig college just so i can live in the student housing at least idk yet but hopefully ill figure it all out soon but i gained abt maybe 11-15kg bc the binge cycle i look like the old me and i hate it ima try implementing a routine
wake up, drink water, bathroom, brush teeth wash face, drink green tea, stretch, do some yoga (not everyday) do wtv i ned to do until lunch, workout, do whatever i need to do, shower before making dinner, brush teeth, stretch and free time and when im fasting similar schedule just try to sleep when i can and stay busy too hopefully i can get everything i need tmmmr
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13beachesxx · 10 months
i really am proud of myself and the way i’m building over my bad habits with good ones, bit by bit. it started with a goal of not binging anymore, and now i’ve mastered that, i’ve moved on to not eating super late, and i’ve almost pretty much mastered that too. by 12 or 1am i am done with dinner completely, and that’s not anything i could say for myself ever before. hell, i remember the 8am binges now, and the 6am ones, and of course all the many and myriad 2-4am ones, my old binge window of choice. it all feels so alien to me now. what’s more, even if i feel like nipping down to the kitchen, not for a binge but just a nibble of something or an ice cream and it’s super after hours, it’s just real easy to convince myself not to do it anymore. i don’t have that heroin addict’s do or die pull towards that stuff anymore, it’s not life or death urgency in the back of my brain and that’s just. magical. i didn’t know i could live without this voice in the back of my head. feels nice. real nice. 
food in general is no longer a source of ultimate comfort or emotional regulation and that's incredible, borderline unbelievable to me. i still find myself eating out of boredom every now and then or some mealtime window where 10 minutes have passed and i've just shoved a bunch of stuff down my gullet without consciously considering it because i was too distracted by my phone instead — but who doesn't do that. who isn't human from time to time. Intuitive eating isn't being perfect all of the time, but listening to your body, knowing balance, and wanting to feed yourself from a kind and nourishing place. i still have "!!!" moments about food every now and then, like on wednesday when by some magical sleight of hand a Cinnabon opened at the central mall. once i have more money i'm gonna buy like, 5 of them, but i won't eat them all in one night. ima savor and enjoy that shit (and share with the rest of the fam ofc). i still have my indulgences and overeat and whatnot, but again, it's all about the practice of getting better every day, not being perfect.
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camazofenwa · 1 year
I have finished The Owl House. I burden you with my thoughts.
Pretty much binged all of Owl House last week. I knew it was probably something good when it kept breaking into my orbit when it was airing, and I was super not disappointed. Fuck an actual review though, Ima talk about the characters. Also spoilers rampant.
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Adorable weird child. Optimistic without being insufferable, eccentric without being annoying. One of the most likable MCs I've seen in a minute. Loved seeing her whole journey, felt believable the whole time and I was rarely, if ever, questioning why she was doing something. The absolute worst thing I could say about her is that her palisman reveal was... I mean, I'm willing to admit that if they ever mentioned a snake shifter before that moment, I forgot. But even still, the whole "be anything you want to be" idea was kind of already communicated with the fact that it was an egg. It doesn't really really matter all that much, the thing's only around for like 10 minutes maybe, it just stuck out.
Outside of that, love Luz. Stuff with her mom, her being critically gay with Amity, fun character. One of the best things about her is that she doesn't have to be a part of every single plot for the show to carry on. The cast and setting is strong enough to survive without Luz's involvement, and it gets stronger as the show goes. Great character.
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Never have I seen squalor and hobo-esque behavior look so appealing. I don't think it's making waves to say she's the best character in the show. If "fuck it, we ball" was a person, they'd be shaped like Eda. I think it's sometimes hard for writers to make a character who's pretty much got it all while still being sympathetic, but they hit it out of the park with Eda. Strong, funny, likable, all wrapped up in a blanket of painful regret and an uncontrollable condition. That's why I wanna be when I leave my 20s and finally grow up.
I'll leave certain parts of her deal for another character later, but Eda just consistently gets the best stuff in the show. Her background, her VA, her character design ESPECIALLY Harpy Eda, aces. The only thing she's really outdone in is her romance subplot, and that's just because I actually got to see Luz and Amity's evolve. Love me some Eda.
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There are two characters in this show that I predicted I would not care about in the slightest and would groan whenever they were on screen, only to grow to love them and enjoy their presence. This is the first.
King's deal about being small and cute while wanting to be big and bad inevitably gets old, but luckily the show knows that and pivots enough away from that at a certain point to keep in line with his own development. He has an ego and can be a dick, but it never feels like he's an irredeemable dick. I can tell he loves his family, and not knowing what or who he is becomes a very sympathetic plotline for him. Bro just wants a padre. Plus, he does have some other good comedic bits. There's hardly anything too bad to say about King, even if the big ego schtick isn't for you.
Him, Luz, and Eda all having their own unique but connected stories throughout the show helped me endear them to me a lot. Incredibly fleshed out characters that have arcs that go beyond just having emotional trauma or something like that. Great trio of main characters. Well. "Trio."
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This is the second.
Fuckin' hated Hooty at first. Even if he was meant to be annoying, that didn't stop me from not wanting him on screen. I think him being this eldritch abomination canonically, combined with him being like an actually competent character helped to move him away from unlovable to me. Love me a dumb idiot who's good at their job, and damn if Hooty isn't a great owl house.
I think another thing that helped him out was his friendship with Lilith. They play off of each other fantastically, and you get to see a lot more of Hooty when he's paired with someone who appreciates him than you do just when he's a nuisance. Love a Hooty.
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It's the biggest bitch in the uuuuniveeerrrrse!
Okay not really. Lilith in S1 was definitely on the top of the shit list for the whole "curse mah sister" deal, and I was of the opinion she couldn't fall far enough. But the show treats what she did with an appropriate amount of weight and she puts in the work to make up for what she did, even at several costs to herself. Whether or not that makes up for 30 years of suffering she caused Eda is... ya know, up for debate. She tries, though.
Once S2 kicks in and we get lame dork Lilith, I was all in. She's such a fuckin' nerd, it's almost impossible not to love her. Her dynamic with Eda is also a treat, one of the best duos in the show. Her being Hooty's best friend also does a hell of a lot to kick her into the good graces.
The worst thing that happens to Lulu is the fact that fucking what, four or five episodes into S2 they put her on a bus?! Like, okay, go spend time with your mom I guess, but we barely get any Lilith! Why are we forcing THIS one out of the house, she's wonderful! It kind of stays that way for the rest of the series, too. She doesn't get a lot of play near the end, and is definitely a character that says lines in S3.
Ah well. Still a treat.
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Loving her ima have to binge more of her stuff. Too good for them
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buddysunns · 1 year
Retcon post based on wiki stuff or missed things :
This post is also a wip since i gotta at least read the wiki until i can either buy or find the manga somewhere, and rewatch ace and take notes cuz wiki im using has legit stubs for info
(time to bust out the link i saved where the mangas sold or hunt ebay)
- Aibo academy (that got destroyed apparently?) Got a replica rebuilt at some point and is the sister school of WBA . It covers the earliest days of school (even has a day care) to middle school while WBA covers the rest
-ima assume that whatever time shenanigans that happened in the manga/side story eventually went back to normal and if it doesnt , my story will make it happen a la main character magic .
-I can redesign miko into a actual decent design now. Ill still post the og concept art and story , ive just now decided ill instead do somthing else , which youll see soon , since Ill be posting the og story for em still in case i decide otherwise or because some aspects are gonna be similar
only characters from manga ill actually need to account for at this time :
hikaru (sejis a model now and i have aspiring model in my next gen lineup too ! most of my ace cast is in the industry as well so hed prolly know seji as a rival ally , or w/e..... in typing this i might have him be who discovered seji ,along with {redacted } and have him be their mentor? )
kei : still runs the WBA as the headmaster.
New descriptions:
Miko Mikono [Now owns the cafe . Under heavy watch at times by dan and her GF due to a S/H attempt]
Eden [She bounced around a bit, started in nursing school and finished it even, but pursued a passion for business instead. Shes a certified accountant now , currently in business school . Shes working up thru the ranks and is dajis right hand man]
(This pairs gonna have like three grade school kids with one that was adopted in thats around the crews age , her kid with dans the oldest and is the cafe heir)
Haru Mikado [ that one cool uncle in his prime ,babysat for the ranga kid when he was little and visits at times.. either in college or just got out, and is studying abroad. hints toward a GF whod likely be a original character or generic brown hair lady thing they do for insert games]
characters thatll need a ace binge for me to decide their relevance to the story :
note (have a faint idea involving dan/seji but ill do a binge first) , kanesada, kazuma/sayaka
theres a meiru here and if hes in ace i may pair em with note? ( or may do it anywho imagine the edge on that kid?? lmao)
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cloudeling · 2 years
my hands hate me and i am typing to spite them!!!!! how are you doing. i am going through amazon while also watching stranger things. i need to make a watch list ima try and binge stuff before school yes yes.
anyway look at this
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mens womans t-shirt like this is funny also not that funny at all. it was a jem and the holograms t shirt. i think i remember watching that as a kid, cuz my mom also watched it
anywho how do you do?
hiiii why do your hands hate you do i need 2 fight them for you /j hope ur having fun with the watchlist my watchlist is So full istg. its so much.
mens womens tshirt thats so sillyfunny someone was having fun labelling that one. or maybe it was a conputer idk
im good im good !!!! trying 2 decide what to draw or maybe ill actually clean my desk because well. its been a mess for A While. idk
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snowbebbie · 2 months
ngl i know this looks like a ed account but i feel like im not super struggling with that right now (god bless) IDK THOUGH like my brain is occupied by other things (my ex) so it's not hard for me to go the day without eating. but tbh im eating almost the same amount in my ed days (only meals with family) and working out a lot more. so technically its worse? i cannot tell.
i do overeat sometimes but there's no binging so ill take it. ill take overeating over a god damn binge anyday.
i like working out cause its fun and learning how to better do routines and hitting personal bests is serotonin inducing. also it feels the most like me.
growing up i was the tomboy who wanted to keep the chairs when the teacher said "can i have some strong guys to help me with this?" so it feels right for me to be lifting weights and stuff.
plus my body type allows for muscle growth more than being skinny. i come from a family of athletes so i think its in my genetics.
and i actually dont mind not being skinny?? it bothers me at times but i kinda like my body?? skinny girls are sooo pretty and they pull off clothes so well :(( and their faces are so slim and ughhh if my face was thin i wouldn't be doing all this istg. but after getting older i think there's more of a sexual appeal in thicker girls and hey, ive never had an issue finding a partner. i got thick thighs, decent ass, kinda flat stomach, some boobs, hourglass-ish figure so honesty what more do i have to ask for LMAOO
yeah it sucks i can't pull off the big hoodie and look small and dainty in it but idgf anymore if i feel cute in it ima wear it. plus im short with a fucking baby face so guys will think im cute anyways.
btw having a baby face sucks as a bi female cause i also want a girlfriend and i want to be the protective one (i was with my first ex) and having that sort of face hinders me so fucking much cause i dont look badass.
anyways yeah. never thought i'd live to see the day i can live in my body without wanting to kill myself. there are things i'd love to change of course. i can point out each and every one, and ill try and change it. but sending myself into a full blown disorder again just isn't worth it.
the hardest thing to get rid of was the automatic calorie counter in my head and how id HAVE to get the lowest calorie option even if i didn't want it and then have a meltdown when i start overthinking that maybe its not the lowest.
yeah that? i dont miss that.
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monmuses · 3 months
Munday This or That: 6 and 12~!
Munday This or That - currently accepting! 6. Robots or dinosaurs? 12. Netflix or Hulu?
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aw man, i can't pick... i really like both. if ima be honest? dinosaurs. they're sick as fuck. i love big lizard monsters!!
and Hulu. been super disappointed in Netflix recently since my family used to watch their stuff, but i like Hulu. binged on half of Daria at one point thru them!
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